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40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator(6-10) Xuefeng

6The moon is the guarantee of LIFE on earth

Seek Truth from Facts, and Tell Truth

First lets look at some moon-related figures: the moon is 380,000 kilometers away from the earth, the mass of the moon is approximately one eighty-first of the earths mass. The moon completes a circle around the earth every 25 hours. It takes 27.3 days for the moon to go along its orbit as well as autorotation for one circle. The time interval between the first full moon and the next is 29.5 days. It tilts at five degrees in relation to the ecliptic. The orbit of the moon is oval. The moon moves westward. The above data are the warranty for life on earth, and even the slightest changes will pose catastrophe to life on earth. Some people have whimsically thought of blasting the moon. Others objected to the idea, arguing, The moon should not be blasted, because without moon man will lose some sentiment. Actually the matter is not so simple. Without the gravitation of the moon, there would be no ebb and flow in the ocean and no wind, cloud, rain and snow, and thunder and lightning on the earth. And accordingly, no life would exist. Do we need to bother with such a simple reasoning? Someone may agure, There may be no life on land, yet there would still be life in the oceans. The answer is negtive. Is it possible for an absolutely still sea to breed life? Moreover, without moon, it is impossible for us to have inspirations like: So bright a gleam on the foot of my bed--Could there have been a frost already? Lifting my head to look, I found that it was moonlight.

Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of home. Without the moon, no life could survive on earth. Therefore, the moon is specially set up there, for the life on the earth, or we might say especially for man. Then who has set up the moon? Our ancestors? Dinosaurs? Who but The Greatest Creator can have such power and capacity to hang the moon in the sky? 7 The distance between the moon and the earth allows for no deviation The distance between the earth and the moon is 384,400 kilometers. If the distance is shorter than this, the earth will be ravished by raging gusts and torrential rains. If the distance is farther than this, there would be only gentle breezes, occasional drizzles on earth, and there would no longer be great storms, typhoons, and thunder and lightning. In another word, the life on earth will suffer bad weathers and harsh environments. Just imagine what may happen if a jet plane skims one meter above our heads? Not to mention the impact of the infrasonic waves and shock waves generated by the fast flying plane, even the whirls of air current brought about by the flight will carry us off our feet. The tiles on the roofs will certainly be blown away, and a course of water gully and water wall will be formed when the plane skims over the water. Suppose the volume of the plane is as three football pitches, what will happen when it flies past the surface of the earth?

Seek Truth from Facts, and Tell Truth

The consequence will be catastrophic. In the area it passes by, there will be scenes of general turmoil and mess, with animals scampering for dear life, men and horses thrown off their feet, walls tumbling, wind roaring and waves billowing. The ships on the sea will be wrecked, and the coastal areas will be frequently pestered by sudden pours of storms. If this situation continues every 25 hours, the survival of life on earth will be unimaginable. What would happen if this plane were the moon? Not to mention the effect of other harsh elements on life, one flight of such a plane would bring one third of the ocean's water to the land. If it flew around the globe for one time, the resultant hurricane would cause downpours to descend from sky and all the continents would be transformed into an ocean. Then will life survive? Therefore, the distance between the earth and the moon cannot allow the slightest deviation. Then who has designed so appropriate a distance? Undoubtedly, the design has been made with accurate calculation by superior life more intelligent than human being. 8Great storms, typhoon, and thunder and lightning are deliberately choreographed The occurrence of the great storms, typhoon, and thunder and lightning is due to the existence of the moon. Without gales, the convection of hot and cold airs on earth will be

impossible. The chilly and sweltering weathers will continue for longer spells. The clouds over the ocean will not drift toward the land, and there will be no rain or snow. Without billows, there would be no gales. Without typhoon, the vapors over the ocean can not be carried to the plains and the plateaus. Without thunder and lightning, the missing ozonosphere will not be replenished in a timely manner. As a result ultraviolet radiation and other cosmic rays will shine directly on man. Everyone will suffer skin cancer. Without thunder and lightning, the air cannot be cleaned, and countless viral bacteria will multiply uncontrolled. Man will no longer multiply and the earth today will see no footprints of man.

9The whole solar system has been set up especially for man We can see, as mentioned above, the distances between the celestial bodies, the sizes of different celestial bodies, and their speeds of movement have all been accurately and meticulously designed and arranged in strict accordance with the scientific laws of the survival and development of matter, with not an iota of coincidence. Some people may argue, The sun and the earth are extremely important to mankind, but the other celestial bodies in the solar system are just dispensable. Actually this is not the case. Mercury, Venus, Mars, asteroid clusters, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are all set up to protect the earth. They are the additional bodies of the earth, and obviously have been set up and arranged for man. A riddance of any heavenly bodies or a change to any factor will alter the orbit of the earth and man will not survive on earth.

Seek Truth from Facts, and Tell Truth

Life only exists on earth in the entire solar system, and there is absolutely no life on other planets, because they are appurtenances of the earth. To discover the secrets of the universe, astronomers have created countless space telescopes to observe the space all days and nights. This is too tiring a task. Actually if only we are capable of calculating and thinking, we can calculate, starting from mans basic necessities for survival, the masses of the earth, the moon, and other celestial bodies, the distances between them, their orbits and speed. Without looking up into the sky, we can know what is there beyond Pluto and whether Uranus has satellites. When we come to know that there are superior life spaces apart from human society, we can infer the size and structure of the entire universe. When we are aware of this, we will discover that there are no superfluous galaxies and celestial bodies in the universe and that each has its function and position. Suppose we are in a highly democratic and developed country, we can infer from the clean and tidy streets that the country has a highly efficient urban sanitation management. From the size of the city and its population, and the living standard and other factors, we can work out the number of dustmen in this city without counting them one by one from each street to lane. If the actual figure is one more than our calculation, it is for temporary replacement in case of the absence of one of the dustmen. 10The earths skinaerosphere The aerosphere occupies the space from the sea level to 1000 kilometers

above. 99% of the atmosphere is concentrated within a space of 40 kilometers from the surface of the earth and above. The aerosphere is divided into troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, ionosphere, and exosphere according to the different chemical components within various altitude ranges. The range about 18 kilometers above sea level belongs to the troposphere. 99% of the troposphere consists of vapor. The climatic changes and natural phenomena of thunder and lightning, wind and rain, drifting clouds, evening or morning glow, and rainbows all occur in the troposphere. The atmosphere consists of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% of other gases (such as carbon dioxide, argon, and ozone). The aerosphere is the skin of earth without which, the earth would be as bleak and desolate as the moon, the Mars, and other celestial bodies. There would be no life on earth. Then how did the earths skin come into being? Some may say the aerosphere only occurs naturally. Then why is there no aerosphere on the moon and Mars? The proportions of different gases in the atmosphere are just right. The increase or decrease of the proportions of any gases would be catastrophic to life on earth. For example, oxygen accounts for only 21% of the atmosphere, the absence of oxygen will mean the instant death of man and animals, and the reduced amount of oxygen will hinder the normal activities of man and animals. It is impossible to carry out normal

Seek Truth from Facts, and Tell Truth

activities on the summit of the Everest in Himalayas, because of the scarcity of oxygen. The spacecraft must be equipped with adequate oxygen for astronauts to carry out normal explorative activities. If oxygen in the atmosphere accounts for more than 21%, the people and animals in the low-latitude regions may suffer poisoning and the inflammables in the nature will be liable to spontaneous combustion. An iota of spark may trigger many things ablaze. Apart from moisture, sunlight, and carbon dioxide, plants also need a large amount of nitrogen oxide for their growth. If the content of nitrogen is less than 78%, no matter how often or on what scales thunder and lightning may occur, there wont be enough nitrogen oxide created for the absorption of plants on the surface of the earth. The amount of carbon dioxide accounts for less than one percent of the atmosphere. The small amount of carbon dioxide is the core factor of greenhouse effect, which maintains the global temperature between -21 degrees and 14 degrees Celsius. Without carbon dioxide, the ocean will be frozen up, and the plants will die out. However, with too much carbon dioxide, man and animals may die of poisoning and the temperature of the earth may rise dramatically. We may ask: how did atmosphere and the accurate proportions within the atmosphere come about? We can not always attribute the inexplicable phenomena to Naturally formed as a matter of course, can we? Without the careful attention of the parents, can a person grow up naturally after he was born? Is the lighting electricity we use generated naturally? Does the plane, weighing dozens of tons fly naturally in the sky? Can we naturally reap a bumper harvest by simply throwing some seeds on the

ground without hoeing the weeds, fertilization, and watering? There is absolutely nothing involuntary in the universe and everything is managed and manipulated by someone" or some kind of wisdom. What are you suspicious about then?

Related Reading: Foreword

40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator(11-15)

Einstein on God The Eight Logical Inferences that Prove the Existence of the Greatest Creator
"The more I study science the more I believe in God"--Einstein

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