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Feast of Diana Ritual, August 2010 By: Kat ( Moriaria ), and Athauliz Dragon's Eye Firestorm.

A RITUAL TO DIANA Statue of Diana and Lugh - consecrated with water and salt, air and fire prior to the beginning of the ritual. THE ALTAR WILL BE SET UP IN THE CENTER: Altar Set-up: Spirit Bowls Contain North = Sand and small rocks East = Burning Incense and/or A Bell South = A red votive candle and/or A Volcanic Rock West = Purified Water ( with Sea Salt ) RITUAL PREPARATION AND GATHERING: ?????? will lead a procession through the camp and gather participants to the circle. DRUM BEAT: As Participants enter through the Northeast gate they will be smudged and anointed with water and salt. SONG: Get Together will begin when most people have entered the circle. ( Optional group chant. ) PRIESTESS: Welcome to our celebration of Feast of Diana. We chose the Strega Tradition because it is an intense, emotionally charged tradition. It's OK to laugh and cry and be expressive. It's OK to feel! PRIEST: We will welcome The Goddess, Diana, and the God, Lugh, into our circle this day. That all may be blessed and continue to receive the blessings of this wonderful season. Lets Begin. CASTING THE CIRCLE: PRIEST / PRIESTESS: ( Light the spirit bowl or Cauldron ) Awaken now, Spirit of the Old Ways. We call you to light our way as we walk the path of our ancestors. PRIEST: ( Place the Spirit Blade into the Spirit Flame, mentally drawing out the blue flame. Beginning in the north, walk the circle while visualizing the blue flame) In the names of Diana and Lugh I cast this circle. May it protect us and contain the power raised within that we may do the work of building community and our land.

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TO THE EAST: Alpena (al-pay-nah), Elusive Watcher of Air. Bring your calm and gently-blowing Winds and watch over our rite. Please Be with us now. Hail and Welcome! TO THE SOUTH: Settrano (say-trah-no), Watcher of the Dancing Flame. Watch over our rite and bring your transforming Fires to aid our work. Please Be with us now. Hail and Welcome! TO THE WEST: Meana (may-ah-nah), Gentle Watcher of the West. Come to us with your Calm and Healing Waters and watch over our rite. Please Be with us now. Hail and Welcome! TO THE NORTH: Tago (tah-go), Steady, solid Watcher of Earth. Watch over our rite and keep us grounded. Please Be with us now. Hail and Welcome!

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PRIESTESS: Beautiful Diana, Goddess of the Moon and Beyond, Soul of the Flame, Think, even for a moment, Huntress of the Wild, On we who gather in your name. Hail and Welcome! (Lights the Silver Candle) PRIEST: Lugh, God of the Sun and Beyond, Teacher of Enchantments and Skill, Honored and Noble Warrior, Think, even for a moment, On we who gather in your name. Hail and Welcome! ( Lights the Gold Candle)
BRIEF INTRODUCTION AND STORIES/LEGENDS OF THE DEITIES: PRIEST: We will now read the stories/legends of Diana and Lugh.


( On the next page. )

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PRIESTESS: We will now read the Prayer for Healing of the Earth. PRIEST AND PRIESTESS: We join with the Earth and each other. PRIEST: To bring new life to the land To restore the waters To refresh the air GROUP: We join with the Earth and with each other. PRIESTESS: To renew the forests To care for the plants To protect the creatures GROUP: We join with the Earth and with each other. PRIEST: To celebrate the seas To rejoice in the sunlight To sing the song of the stars GROUP: We join with the Earth and with each other. PRIESTESS: To recreate the human community To promote justice and peace To remember our children GROUP: We join with the Earth and with each other. GROUP: We join together as many and diverse expressions, Of one loving mystery for the healing of the, Earth and the renewal of all life. So Mote It Be!
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FEAST OF CAKES AND WINE: PRIEST AND PRIESTESS: ( Blessing of cakes and wine ).

BREADS AND CAKES ( Priest ): We thank Thee for this Bountiful Harvest of Grains, That it may feed all in need, That we hunger not, but for Knowledge and Wisdom, So Mote It Be! DRINKS AND REFRESHMENTS ( Priestess ): We thank Thee for this Bountiful Harvest of Fruits, That it may refresh all in need, That we thirst not, but for Knowledge and Wisdom, So Mote It Be!
( Then to pass around the Cakes and Drinks to the group. ) BIDDING THANKS AND FAREWELL TO THE DEITIES:

PRIEST: Lugh, God of the Sun and Beyond. We thank you for your presence at our rite, With your strength through knowledge and skill. You have honored us by your presence. May You Return to your realm as we bid you, Hail and farewell. (Extinguishes the Gold Candle) PRIESTESS: Diana, Goddess of the Moon and Beyond. We thank you for your presence at our rite, With your Wisdom and your gifts. You have honored us by your presence. May You Return to your realm as we bid you, Hail and farewell. (Extinguishes the Silver Candle)
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TO THE NORTH: Tago ( Tah-go ), Steady, solid Watcher of Earth. Thank you for your presence at our rite. May You Return to your realm as we bid you, Hail and farewell. TO THE WEST: Meana (may-ah-nah), Gentle Watcher of the West. Thank you for your presence at our rite. May You Return to your realm as we bid you, Hail and farewell. TO THE SOUTH: Settrano (say-trah-no), Watcher of the Dancing Flame. Thank you for your presence at our rite. May You Return to your realm as we bid you, Hail and farewell. TO THE EAST: Alpena (al-pay-nah), Elusive Watcher of Air. Thank you for your presence at our rite. May You Return to your realm as we bid you, Hail and farewell.

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COLLAPSING THE SPIRIT CIRCLE: PRIEST: Point the spirit blade down toward the circle and beginning in the north, walk counterclockwise around the circle, mentally drawing the blue flame back into the blade. Return to the altar and place the tip of the blade into the spirit flame.

PRIEST AND PRIESTESS: Extinguish the spirit flame while saying: Sleep, Spirit of the old ways. We thank you for lighting our way on this journey. Sleep soundly until we come again to wake you. PRIEST: The circle is open, yet unbroken. May the peace of the Goddess, Diana, be ever in our hearts. Merry Meet, and Merry Part, until We Merry Meet Again!

PRIESTESS: Kat (Moriaria) )O( 3rd Degree, Dianic Priestess, and Tri-Council of the Magickal Arts, Associate..

PRIEST: Dragon's Eye >>:=)==== The Dragon of Dark Moons

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