The Journey - March 2012

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march 2012

a newsletter from brandy ingle

But Jesus said to [his disciples] again, Children, how dicult it is to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God. And they were exceedingly astonished, and said to him, Then who can be saved? Jesus looked at them and said, With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God. Mark 10:24-27 ESV We have learned that Papua New Guineas have tradi4on very ingrained in their world view. Even when a new idea is introduced (whether it deals with religion, business, rela4onships, etc) and adopted into their way of living, tradi4on wins in many cases. I probably shouldnt generalize this to all Papua New Guineans, so Ill say that many of them do what their parents/ grandparents/ancestors did simply because its what you do. There is no other op4on. For example, one might say that he is a believer in God but because its what you do, they will not stop gh4ng their neighbors (seeking revenge, killing, going to war on behalf of their allies). So then the ques4on was asked from a fellow POC par4cipant, Then how can any of them be truly saved?
Ready to go on one of our weekly hikes

I immediately thought of what the disciples asked in Mark 10: Then who can be saved? And Jesus answer: With man it is impossible, but not with God. With God all things are possible. Theres no way these people can be saved actually, theres no way any of us can be saved apart from the work of the Holy Spirit. We may look at our situa4ons and think, Its impossible. And its true- for man. But not with God. Pray for the impossible!

Contact Information Skype: brandyingle

Temporary address: Brandy Ingle Summer Institute of Linguistics PO Box 1 Ukarumpa EHP 444 Papua New Guinea

This is my local wasfemili (host family). While at the POC campus, I spent ;me with them each week, prac;cing my Tok Pisin, sharing a meal with them, learning cultural things, and developing a rela;onship with them. I have loved that ;me with them.

To Donate: Wycliffe Bible Translators P.O. Box 628200 Orlando, FL 32862-8200 *Include a note: Brandy Ingle #227294

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the journey : march Life in PNG

Well, I made it! Ive ocially been in Papua New Guinea (PNG) for 8 weeks. I cant believe it. My 4me here so far has been rich, challenging, rewarding, and a huge learning experience. The biggest part of this training is being completely engrossed in the language (Tok Pisin) and culture of PNG. Weve had many language lessons, from classroom se^ng, to small groups with PNG na4onals, to staying overnight in a village where we can only speak in Tok Pisin! Weve Participants and staff of my Pacic Orientation Course learned things about living as a Papua New Guinean, like how to build a re to cook (or bake) over. And weve had plenty of physical condi4oning, like hiking and swimming. Ive discovered that I really love swimming, but I hate hiking! On March 23, Ill move to a village where Ill live the next 5 weeks. Ill focus on learning the language, learning the culture, and building rela4onships with my wasfemili (host family) and other people in the village. Life will be challenging, most denitely. Ill cook over a re, bath and wash clothes in a river, purify all my water, and only be able to communicate in a language I barely understand. But Im so blessed that Ive been allocated to a village that is right on the ocean!
Packing food for 5 weeks of village living

Ill return to the Pacic Orienta4on Course campus on April 26 to prepare to move to Ukarumpa. And Ill head to Ukarumpa on May 1! For a look into my village assignment and detailed prayer requests, please see my blog at

A taste of PNG food


Ways to Pray
Village living (March 23April 26): pray for boldness, wisdom, safety, health, spiritual growth After village (April 26May 1): rest and repacking in preparation to go to Ukarumpa After May 1: settling in to life in Ukarumpa

y Brand

Sunset from POC campus Celebrating my 30th!

This is the house where Ill live for my 5 weeks in the village! So you can imagine me here while you pray.

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