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How to manage an event, school program, corporate function, get-together, culturals, wedding. Organizing a Successfully Event requires lot of planning and coordination

Steps Planning
1. Good team members with different skills are a necessity. They can help with everything from preparing schedules and budgets, to making invites and posters. They can help you get things done. 2. Make sure to gather volunteers. If they have good connections, the job of finding important guests is easier. 3. Prepare a Budget. All possible expenses, incomes, sponsors, and contingent expenses should be included. 4. Prepare a draft poster. The draft should include the tentative date, time, venue (place), chief guest, name of the event, and a theme or tag-line for the event. 5. Prepare a draft schedule of the activities in the event. 6. Prepare a time line (with deadlines) for each activity. 7. Make sure to keep team members and supervisors 'up to speed' with your plans. Collaboration can make your job easier.

1. Fix the date, venue, (chief guest), name of the event and tag-line. 2. Get approval for your budget, schedule, and etc. from team members as well as supervisors. 3. Once again, meet with team members and volunteers to brain storm any problems that might arise. This is also the perfect time to create an action plan. 4. Delegate work to different people and let an experienced person coordinate all activities. If the event is a mega-event, let different people coordinate different activities, under the supervision of one person. The team leader should be trusted by the team members. 5. Make sure to update any websites connected to the event. 6. Collect sponsors and other sources of money from delegates. 7. Market the event. Prepare brochure, release advertisement, inform the media, send mailings, make phone calls, send messages to e-groups, and visit potential participants or sponsors. 8. It is important to make sure administrative actions are being taken care of as well. Things like poor accounting, and lack of correspondence can create problems for any event. 9. Make sure the team does not have any internal problems. Stay in touch with all team leaders as well as team members and volunteers. 10. Gather items needed for the event. These items might include medals, games, mementos, prizes, or certificates. 11. Make arrangements for Photos, videos etc.

12. Make arrangements for food and refreshments. This is also a good time to prepare for special accommodation such as for those who have disabilities etc. Check participants who are vegetarian or halal food eater. 13. Make arrangements for chairs, tables, backdrops, microphones, speakers, computers, LCD projectors, podiums to be set up at the venue. 14. Prepare a list with all relevant mobile, phone numbers, emails ids of team members. Also, make a similar contact list for VIP, and supplier of any goods or services. 15. Visit the venue with your team members, look around the place including parking, toilets, green rooms, contact person, arrangements, various entrances and exits. Look for nearby places where you can take photocopy, make phone calls, buy any things in case of emergency. 16. Give proper instructions to the team members on how to handle every situation. 17. Make sure you communicate with every one on how to reach the venue and the time.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Check whether all invitations have been sent and responded to. Create a list of invitees. Remind VIPs about the events. Check whether all activities are going on schedule. Check travel arrangements/maps/directions for participants. Go to the venue and check whether all things are ready. Collect enough money/cash for the event expenses from concerned persons. Check whether participants kit is ready. This kit might include a bottle of water, snack bar, note paper, pen, brochure and any information they may need. It is also a good idea to include small mementos. 8. Prepare minute to minute agenda for important activities. 9. Make a checklist of the things to be taken to the venue. 10. Check whether enough people are there for the event, otherwise make sure you get some more people to help you.


1. Arrive early to the venue with your team members and volunteers. Check for the electric reading and that all electronic equipment is in working order. 2. Make sure the organisers are wearing a distinct badge or some other noticeable implement so that participants can find help if needed. 3. Put the Welcome Banners and other info in front of the building. 4. Make a reception and registration counter. 5. Inform the sponsors on where to put the stalls. (Make allocation of space earlier). 6. Keep the microphones, and speakers ready. Put on music for an informal event. 7. Make sure the host speaker has the schedule and resume of the chief guest ready. He/She should be well prepared. Make sure the host/anchor/Master of Ceremony is aware of the purpose of the event as well as the people who are organising it. 8. Make sure that speakers are aware of any time constraints. 9. Welcome the delegates and others. 10. Take care of any special requests, especially those of the outstations and chief guest. 11. Have a separate person to look after the needs of General Delegates (Non-VIPs) and for PR (Public Relations). 12. Give directions to those who need them.

13. Take photos of all important things especially sponsors banners, your banner, entrance, receptions etc. 14. Ensure all resources (food, water etc) are sufficient, otherwise work out your contingency plan. 15. Thank the delegates after the event. 16. Take the feedback from participants. 17. Clean up the place, check the electric meter etc, remove the banners, Place bold text heretables, etc. Check to make sure nothing valuable has been left behind, and then, leave the venue.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Thank the all team members, especially sponsors and volunteers. Finalize and settle the accounts. Have a Thank You party for those who helped. Distribute any souvenirs or other publications to relevant people. Deliver the receipts to sponsors and others. Distribute the photos to those who require it (after developing the photos) and post the photos in your event website. 7. Evaluate the feedback forms (or feedback from your website) 8. Have a post-review meeting to perform better next time.

1. Before the event have person/committee -in-charge of


o Sponsors o Local Participants o Chief Guest, Speakers, o Designing, Printing, Collection of Articles and evaluation the same o Prizes, Mementos, Gifts, Banners, Certificates, Souvenirs o Transportation, Caterers, Venue Arrangement, Decorations, Backdrop, Parking o Media, PR, Marketing On the Day of Event have person(s) in charge of o Overall Coordination o Green Room o Food o On Stage Activities o Master of Ceremony o Computer, LCD projector, o Photographer o Reception o Crowd Management and PR with Crowd o Parking Area o Security

Distribution of Various things (Gifts, Certificates to selected people as well as all the Participants)

1. List of Documents (etc) to be prepared

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Budget Event Schedule (Timing of each program in the Event) Invitations List of people to be invited Action Plan Time-line (Work completion schedule) Materials for Press Conference Speech Participants List Comparing Notes (along with Resume of Speakers) Agenda Minute to Minute Schedule Networking List (Mobile numbers of organisers) Checklist of Things to be Taken Checklist of Work to be Done Report of the Event (for media and others)

1. Factors to be considered while selecting a venue and negotiating the price

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Capacity of the Hall (No. of Delegates --excluding floating delegates) Provision for Food (if meals are served) Timing (When does the event can start and end at the venue) Lighting arrangement (in case for night events) Air-conditioned or not Required Equipment are provided (Mikes, Speakers, etc) Furniture for dais (Tables, Chairs, Table Clothes) Whether Music, Entertainment is allowed or not (for informal programs) Power Backup Accessibility -- whether the venue is center of city (Whether Delegates can arrive without any difficulty) Special Rooms for Organizers, Dressing up etc Total Cost

1. Factors to be considered while deciding the date

Whether the Chief Guest and other VIPs are available on the particular date(s)

1. Some instructions for working in a team successfully

"There is not limit what a team can do, if no one care who gets the credit"


Do not criticize anyone, unless you have a suggestion or Do not criticize anyone, unless you have a suggestion or solution. Do not sub-delegate the work and responsibilities given to you at any time. Be punctual in all your work. If you are late, give prompt proper info to the person you report to. Smile a lot. Have courtesy for everyone, in and out of your team. When someone offer help (including money), respond immediately, and thank them sincerely. When there is a problem, do not blame others neither put it on your head and create tension but try to solve it... Do not panic/get tensed. A cool mind will produce better results at the right time. If you borrow anything, take responsibility to return it at the said time. Do not repeat any mistakes. Planning is necessary. Planning what to do (important things) is done in team meetings. Stick to it. But planning in smaller groups how to do, how it should be done etc., is also equally important. Proper Implementation is critical for an idea, Plan to be successful till the last... Be slow and steady. Do not make haste while communicating. It would only waste time. Always have a good morale & positive attitude with everyone. Please do not beg to anyone. Be responsible for your work. Report back voluntarily to the person, who had given you the task, whether the task is successful or not. But at the said time.

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Instructions (given to team members especially to first time volunteers or young people) for work to be done before the event.

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Also, try to be in formals and behave professionally Keep a scribing pad and a pen always besides/with you. Be firm in what you speak. Maintain eye contact with everyone you see. Be self-confident. Ensure the receipts are delivered on time Keep proper/correct record of all things that you handle, including cheques, banners, bills,


expenses etc., o After the program, thank everyone, including individual sponsors and the participants General Instructions to given for the Event. o One(Two) organizer(s) will be coordinating the Event for the day. o Co-operate with him/her. No announcements should be made without his/her knowledge. o Have Good formal & informal Interaction with the crowd (when ever possible) o Note Down all important details. 1.

Follow the exact instructions given by the coordinator(s)

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Be in full formals for the full day, especially at inauguration and valediction. Be responsible for your work. Do not sit with the audience or your friends in the hall. Lots of work will be pending... Be ready to do any type of work[Be it picking up papers on floor or sitting on the dais with the chief guest] Take initiative, walk around and find pending jobs that can be done by you, complete it on seeing it. Do not delegate to others Be very cheerful, especially when you are amongst the crowd. Do not leave the counter/seat where you are seated/assigned. Last but not the least, ENJOY THE SHOW.

Other Tips

Decide which things should be outsourced and which work should be done by team member. Outsourcing depends on Budget, Time, Quality, Importance of job etc. Different work for organizing is like various functions. Budget and accounts is like Finance, informing the delegates and making them participate is like Marketing Job, Team Management is Like HR, transportation is like logistics, Event is like Operations, having good relations with media and others is like PR.

Edit Warnings

Be prepared for any situation. Sometimes, things go out of control. If you are a team member don't get angry if someone shouts at you, (the person may be tense). If you are a coordinator, do not get tense or panic. Do things coolly. Try to figure out what situation will happen, and what you can do when it happened.

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