Graphics and Multimedia

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November /December 2O11(

PART A 5each
Q:- Define pixel, resolution and aspect ratio A:- Pixel (Picture Element) are small little dot what make up the images on computer displays. Any image that is displayed on the monitor is made up of thousands of such small pixels. Image resolution Refers to the sharpness and clarity of an image. As the pixel spacing i.e the distance from
one pixcel to the next pixcel.
An aspect ratio is simply a figure that represents the width-to-height ratio of an image. The aspect ratio of the image is the ratio of the number of the number of X-pixels to the numbers of Y-pixcels. The standerd aspect ratio PCs is 4:3 and some use 5:4.

Q) Mention different input and output devices. Used in graphics applications. A:Q) With the help of illustration explain how initgraph ( ) function works. A:- This function is used to initiaze the graphics system to load the appropriate specified graphics driver and vedio mode. Used by the graphics functions whenever any graphicsfig has to be drawn this initgaraph() function should be used to initize. The graphics mode an the video. After executing this statement. Mode Value Resulation CGACO 0 320*200 CGACI 1 320*200 CGAC2 2 320*200 The computer hardware ismade ready to run and exetute any graphics functions. For example:Int gd,gm; gd = 1; gm = 4; initgraph (&gd,&gm,c:\\tc\\bgi); Q) What is animation? List the functions that are used for the animation. A:- Any webpage graphics element, which has movement such as blinking and text motion or curdlevideo generally called animation. getimage(in x1, int y1, intx2, int y2, buf); imagesize(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); put image(int x, int y, buf, int op); delay(int x); cleardevice( ); etc. Q) How many colors are possible in RGB color model If 24 bits are used to represent a pixel. One byte for each color.

Q:- Briefly narrate the history of graphics hardware technology.

Q:-With the help of an example explain the following 'C' functions : i) textcolour( ) ii) delline ()
Q:- Explain the following formats :

BMP, Photoshop HPS, EPS TIFF or EPS PICT Preview, Filmstrip, CompuServe, GIF, IFF, JPEG, PCX, PDF, Pixel Paint, PNG, RaW, Scitex CT, Targa, TIFF. A:- (page 97 of book)
Q) List the computer languages that support graphics.

10 Marks Q:- a) Explain Raster scan display technique with a neat diagram. A:Raster Scaning Technique:- The electron beam is swept across the screen, one row at a time from top to bottom.The picture defenition is stored in a memory area called refresh buffer or frame buffer. Each point on the screens is called pixel. On a black and white system with one bit per pixel, the frame buffer is called bitmap. Fig is on page 12 of book. 5 Marksb) What are pointing devices? Explain one pointing device with diagram. A:10 Marks Q:- a) What is Multimedia? What are the main components of Multimedia? Give different applications of multimedia. A:- Simply multimedia means using more than one kind of medium. It includes text, spoken audio, music, image, animationand video. The main components are: Text, Graphics, Sounds, and Animation. Different applications of multimedia:- Multimedia is user friendly and interactive mode of operation. Multimedia finds application in the fiels of entertainment, marketing broascasting advertisind publishing telecommunications, training collaborative engineering and design manfacturing process. For example mulitimedia is being used in the supervision of highly automated industrial plants, power stations manufacturing unints , etc. bt way of integrating online electronic documentation facility with the process control system and the other video controlled operations. Theis hepls in ensuring safe and economic operation and ease in failure detection. 5 Marksb) Write a note on Multimedia packages. Q) a) What is animation? Explain the cell animation technique. 9 Marks A:- Any webpage graphics element, which has movement such as blinking and text motion or curdlevideo generally called animation. Frame animation or Cell Animation:- Frame animation is made up of different frames or screens; they are rapidly displayed to simulate motions. Frame or cell animation makes it possible

to appear to bend together, creating the effect of motion. 2D and 3D animation are fun, and add interest to a multimedia programme. The 3D animation adds the dimension of depth and reality. Another form of animation is MORPHING (Metamorphosing). Morphing involves a transition between two objects over a given number of frames. (i.e.) The first object appears to turn into the second object. Animation is truly fun component in Multimedia. b) Explain the following : i) Morphing ii) Rendering iii) Warping. 6 Marks
A:- Morphing:- It is a special effects in motion picture. It change one iage into another through dreamless transition. It is used to depict one person turning into another through same magical or techonlogical means or as a part of a fantasy. Transition morphing that transforms one scene into different one. Warping Certain parts of the image could be marked for a change and made to change to different one. For examples, the eyes of the owl had to morph into the eyes of cat, the eyes can alone be marked and warped. Rendering The process of converting your designed objects with texturing and animation into an image or a series of images is called rendering. Here various parameters are available like resolution, colors type of render, etc. Q) Write a note on the following: 15 Marks i) Lasso tool ii) Painting tool iii) Editing tool. A:Q) a) What is file format? Mention different file formats and explain any two. 8 Marks A:- Ffile format:- A file format is a particular way that information is encoded for storage in a computer file. Any list of file formats would contain both proprietary and open source. Since a disk drive, or indeed
any computer storage, can store only bits the computer must have some way of converting information to 0s and 1s and vice-versa. There are different kinds of formats for different kinds of information.

Eg of different file formats: BMP, Photoshop HPS, EPS TIFF or EPS PICT Preview, Filmstrip, CompuServe, GIF, IFF, JPEG, PCX, PDF, Pixel Paint, PNG, RaW, Scitex CT, Targa, TIFF.

JPEG or GIF (page 97 of book)

For online display, such as on the World Wide Web, JPEG images give you the best color and the smallest file size. If your image contains line art or needs to have transparent areas, use the GIF89a Export command. To keep file size to a minimum, choose Image> Mode> Indexed Color, and use the fewest number of colors that still give good results

BMP is the standard Windows bitmap image format on DOS and Windows-compatible computers. When saving an image in this format, you can specify either Microsoft Windows or OS/2 format and a 1bit to 24-bit depth for the image. For 4-bit and 8-bit images, you can also choose to use Run-LengthEncoding (RLE) compression; this compression scheme is loss less, that is, it does not discard detail from the image.
Q) What is layer? Explain any two layered approaches. 7 Marks A:-

Q) Write a C - Program to draw a fish and give an animation effect. 15 Marks A:-#include<graphics.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<alloc.h> #include<math.h> #include<dos.h> Const pi=3.14; void mani() { Int gd=DETECT, gm,i,x,y; int size; void*buf; initgraph(&gd,&gm.c:\tc\\bgi); ellipse(240,210,0,160,90,45); circle(170,195,3); ellipse(100,230,10,400,100,80); ellipse(232,201,8,365,100,150); arc(265,170,0,160,15); arc(225,233,180,350,20); arc(265,233,180,380,10); size=imagesize(150,150,350,350); buf=(char*)malloc9size); getimage(150,150,350,350,bus); for (i=0;i<=360;i+=2) { delay(10); cleardevice(;x=150*cos(i*pi/180); y=150*sin(i*pi/180); putimage(200+x,100+ybuf,0); }getch(); Restrecrtmode(); } Q) Write a note on the following. 15 Marks i) CRT ii) Entering and sampling iii) 3-D animation A:- (1-page 15) (2-page) (3-page 61)

Q) a) Explain the support of various operating system for graphics application. 7 A:- (page 4 of book) b) Compare Raster graphics system with random scanning system. 8 A:- Raster Scaning Technique:- The electron beam is swept across the screen, one row at a time from top to bottom.The picture defenition is stored in a memory area called refresh buffer or frame buffer. Each point on the screens is called pixel. On a black and white system with one bit per pixel, the frame buffer is called bitmap. Fig is on page 12 of book.
Random Scanning technique:- The electorn beam directed only to the parts of the screen where a picture is to be drawn. It draws a picture one line at a time and for this reason

they are reffered to as vector display. Apen plotter operates in a similar way and is an example of a randonm-scan, hand-copy device.

Q) a) With the help of a diagram explain the working of shadow masking CRT. 8 A:- The shadow mask CRT, instead of using one electron gun, uses 3 different guns placed one by theside of the other to form a triangle or a Delta. Each pixel point on the screen is also made up of 3 types of phosphors to produce red, blue and green colors. (fid of page 18). The phosphor screen is a metal screen, called a shadow mask. This plate has holes placed
strategically, so that when the beams from the three electron. guns are focused on a particular pixel, they get focused on particular color producing pixel only. When focused on to a different pixel, the red beam again focuses on to the red phosphor and so on. Three beams are to be focused; the role of the Shadow mask becomes critical. If the focusing is not achieved properly, the results tend to be poor. Instead of one pixel point in a monochrome CRT now each pixel ismade up of 3 points the resolution of the CRT for a givenscreen size reduces.

b) How many colors are possible if we use following bits for representation ? 7 i) One bit ii) 8 bits iii) 8 bits for each primary colors

Q) a) Explain various graphical input interactive techniques. 7 A:- (page 26) b) Explain the following 'C' function with the help of an example. 8 i) getimage () ii) itoa () A:- (page 42 all those are important) Q) a) Develop a 'C' program to create the structure offish figure and animate the same. 7 A:- (chapter 3) b) Explain how malloc () function works and give its importance in graphics programming.8
Malloc() function is used to allocate memory space for any system defined data type or any user defined datatype. The starting address of that memory space is returned by this malloc() function which address can be stored in any datatype of pointer (default is char*) after casting.e.g.: int *P;P=(int*) malloc(size of(int)); char*ptr; ptr=(char*)malloc(size of(int));


Q) a) What is digital imaging ? List the various choices for creating digital images. 7 A:- Graphics is one of the most popular components of multimedia graphics in photograph
attracts more response from people than words. A picture is worth a thousands words. All commercials and fine art

start with one thing the picture. Traditionally, the picture may be drawn sketched, painted or photographed. However, in digital imaging, there are three choices. 1. A film less camera may capture the image electronically. 2. The image may be created within the computer using various paint and illustration programs, or 3. The image may be created traditionally and then scanned into digital form.

b) What is animation ? Explain various animation techniques.8 A:- :- Any webpage graphics element, which has movement such as blinking and text
motion or curdlevideo generally called animation.

Various animation techniques:Rendering The process of converting your designed objects with texturing and animation into an image or a series of images is called rendering. Here various parameters are available like resolution, colors type of render, ect. Image Processing and Special Effects:- technology by which we will be able to modify and work with an image or a series of images so that we will be able to create different illusions of surrealism. As the word refers we work with images that a really photographed, videographed and create some different effects such as morphing, composites and warping. Layering:- layering is similar to that of compositing as we make the different layers by keying out the uniform color and making it transparent so that layer beneath becomes visible. In case of future modifications we will be able to work with individual layers and need not work with the image as a whole. Filters:- Filters are custom written programs by which you will be able to produce effects like glow, ripples of water, create hot spots or lights, create lights, control the different colour of the image, etc,. These filters are available in the softwares. Morphing:-The best example would be the Kawasaki advertisement, where the motorbike changes into a cheetah, the muscle of MRF to a real muscle etc.. Morphing is making an image change into another by identifying key points so that the key points displacement, etc. are taken into consideration for the change. Warping:-Certain parts of the image could be marked for a change and made to change to different one. For examples, the eyes of the owl had to morph into the eyes of cat, the eyes can alone be marked and warped. Q) a) What is photoshop ? What is the meaning of gamut in photoshop ? 7 A:- Photoshop provides efficient, professional workingenvironment that is the standard by
which other productsa r e j u d g e d . I t h a s w i d e v a r i e t y o f t o o l s e t s f o r i m a g e editing.
Gamut is the range of colors that are displayed in RGB or HSB (red, green, blue and hue, saturation and brightness) on your screen. There are also LAB colors which have the largest gamut or range of color. And those colors that can be printed into CMYK, cyan, magenta, yellow and key(black). But may need some adjustments. Some colors that are out of gamut in photoshop are brought back into gamut to the closet color so that your printer can easily recognize before printing. Photoshop will do this for you if you convert your image from RGB or HSB to a CMYK file. Also the human eye can see more of the color spectrum than what is represented in photoshop and what you see on the screen is not necessarily what you will see on print.

b) Name various selection tools in photoshop and explain any one in detail. 8 A:- (page 75).

Q) List the various applications of computer graphics 8

A:- Computer graphics is used in every field. Some of the major application areas
are:Building Design and Construction: C/gs are very usefultool for generating architects drawings and visualizingstructures. The architect can Walk through building,looking at images on the computer Electronics Design: electronic equipments like radio,television and computers are made up of many small electronic devices and components. These parts aremounted on PCBs (printed circuit board) and interconnected by copper tracks on boards. Mechanical Design: machines are simply complex arrangement of mechanical parts. Constructive solidgeometry technique (CSG) is used to design different parts on computer. Entertainment and Animation: Computers are used inmaking cartoon animation films. It requirestedious calculation for which computers are ideallysuited. Cartography: Computer graphics is used to produceaccurate and schematic representation of geographicaland other natural phenomena from measurement data. A r t a n d C o m m e r c e : C o m p u t e r g r a p h i c s i s u s e d t o produce pictures that express a messageand attract attention. Slide production for commercial,scientific, or educational presentations isanother cost-effective use of graphics. Etc.

Q) a) List the steps used for image printing in photoshop. 7 A:b) What is layering in photoshop ? Explain how it helps in photoshop software. 8 A:Q) Write a short notes on ; (5x3=15) i) Sampling ii) Marquee tool iii) DVST.
Q) Explain why C programming language is popular in graphics 8 Q)Explain the working principle of Light Pen with the help of a diagram. 8 Q) Write a C program to animate a circle with the help of suitable C functions Q) Explain in detail focus tool with the help of a diagram in photoshop. 8 Q) Briefly narrate the history of graphics hardware technology. 7 Q) What is graphics processor ? Why it is needed ? List some of the graphics processor. 8 Q) What are positioning devices ? Explain anyone positioning device. 8

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