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School Subject Class / Sem Skill (focus) Topic Meeting Time alocation : SMA N 1 Sleman : English :X/2 : Listening : News Item :3 : 1 x 20 minutes

A. Competence Standard To communicate by using English in novice level. B. Basic Competence To comprehend and respon a monolog text using oral style accurately. C. Indicator : Students are able to identiying the meaning news item text through answering the question after listening the audio correctly Students are able to fulfill the incomplete sentences using correct words based on the speakers say correctly. D. Learning Objective Students are able to identifying the words and meaning of the text after listening the audio. E. Learning Material Audio mp3 Script of listening material

Words in the News from : Japan Remembers Nagasaki (65th anniversary of atomic bombing in Japan) A choir of survivors of the nuclear attack performed a song as the ceremony began, called Never Again. And at two minutes past 11 a bell tolled, to mark the moment the bomb fell on Nagasaki 65 years ago. The crowd stood in silence.

Among the survivors and the families of the dead were the representatives of more than thirty countries. They heard Nagasaki's mayor call for the elimination of nuclear weapons. Last week the United States sent its Ambassador to Japan, John Roos, to the ceremony at Hiroshima for the first time. But he did not attend the memorial in Nagasaki.The bombing in 1945 killed more than 70,000 people in the city.Within a week Japan surrendered, bringing an end to the war in the Pacific. Vocabulary and definition : Choir: a group of people who sing together, usually in church Ceremony: formal event to mark a special occasion Tolled: rang slowly and repeatedly Bomb: exploding weapon (in this case, one with the power to destroy a city) Survivors: people who have lived through an event where they came close to death Representatives: people acting officially for other groups Mayor: the elected leader of a town or city Elimination: removal Memorial: event or statue to remember the people who have died in this case it is an event Surrendered: stopped fighting and admitted defeat


A. Listen to the audio and complete the missing words.

A (1)_______of survivors of the nuclear attack performed a song as the (2)__________began, called Never Again. And at two minutes past 11 a bell (3) ________, to mark the moment the (4) ______ fell on Nagasaki 65 years ago. The crowd stood in silence. Among the (5)_________ and the families of the dead were the (6)_______________of more than thirty countries. They heard Nagasaki's (7) ________call for the (8) ____________ of nuclear weapons. Last week the United States sent its Ambassador to Japan, John Roos, to the ceremony at Hiroshima for the first time. But he did not attend the (9)__________ in Nagasaki. The bombing in 1945 killed more than 70,000 people in the city. Within a week Japan (10) ___________, bringing an end to the war in the Pacific. B. Answer the following question! 1. At what time was the bell tolled to mark the moment of bombing? 2. Who was sent by the United States to the ceremony at Hiroshima? 3. Did he attend the memorial in Nagasaki? 4. How many people were killed in the atomic bombing in 1945? 5. What did the atomic bombing imply to the pacific war?

F. Teaching Method 1. Listening the audio 2. Do the task 3. Discussing G. Teaching and learning activity Preparation before teaching and learning activity: Teacher prepares a listening material (audio and script) Teacher provides worksheets Teacher activities Pre-activity Greet the students. Reply their teachers greeting. Slide 3 Students activities Time allocation Media

Review last topic Listen and respond to

by asking the students what we have learnt last meeting

Ask the students

the teacher.

Listen and respond to the teacher.

how to write the words(related to

news items text)spoken by

the speaker in the audio Main activity Distribute the articles and worksheet Take the article and worksheet Listen and respon the teacher 1 sheet

Give instruction

Respond the teacher


Activity 1 Ask the student to begin doing task 1 ask the students to stop doing task 1 Activity 2 ask the students to do activity 2 discuss the answer Correct the answer Post activity review the material
The teacher ends 5

Do the task

Stop doing

3 Do the task

Respon the teacher

the class. H. Media audio, LCD worksheet

I. Assessments Tecnique Form Instrument : Listening > students listen the audio > do the worksheet Scoring : No. Scored object 1. 2. Activity 1 Activity 2 Score 50% 50% 100% : test : do the task (fill blank space and answer the question)

Total score

J. Learning Sources Look a head book 1 an English course for Senior High School Students year X, published by Erlangga.
Title Source : Japan Remembers Nagasaki (65th anniversary of atomic bombing in Japan) :

Yogyakarta, May 7, 2012 Practicant

Risvita Rahayu NIM. 09004458 Approved by : English Teacher

Rima Wardiana, M. Pd., B.I. NIP./NPP: 2185

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