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- THESA (: HA IUU RlTJI REl; l;}l

~COT()H [,I.









PREFACE. I.-INTRODUCTORY MATTER, pp. xi-xiv. II.-ITINERARY OF THE KING DURING THE PERIOD DlBBACIID IN THE ACCOUNTS, pp. xiv-xxxviii. Ill-THE NAVY, pp. xxxviii-Ixili. (1) THE ROYAL DOCKYARDS, pp. xlvi-Ii (2) THE GREAT MICHAEL, (3) THE MARINERS, pp. lviii-lix. (4) PROVISIONS, pp. lx-Ix~. IV.-ABTILLERY, pp. lxiii-Ixxxi. V.-MISCELLANEOUS, pp. lxxxi-Ixxxviii. ACCOUNTS OF THE LORD HIGH TREASURER. I.-ACCOUNT BY JAMES BEATON, ABBOT OF DUNFERMLINE, of his receipts and expenses from 6th September 1507 to 8th August 1508. CHARGE.-Receipts from sheriffs; Compositions at justice-ayres, and for charters, escheats, etc.; rents of lands in the hands of the King, 1-13. DISCHABGE.-Wardrobe accounts of the King, 13 ; of the Queen, 28; of the Prince, 83; Alms and offerings of the King, 34; Buildings and repairs (fabrica), 44; Servants' liveries, 49; Pensions, 67; Miscellaneous expenditure (Bursa Regis), 71.


CONTENTS. n.-ACCOUNT BY ANDREW STEWART, BISHOP OF CAI'l'HNBSS, of his receipts and expell8eB from 6th August 1511 to 30th August 1512. CHARGE.-Receipts from sheriffs; Sums due from last account; Compositions of remissions, escheats, charters, etc., 143-173. DISCHARGE.- Alms and offeriDgs of the King, 174; Wardrobe accounts of the King, 191; of the Queen, 207; of the Prince, 218; of ladies of the Court, 219; Liveries to the King's henchmen and other servants, 233; of the Queen's servants, 255; PensioDs, 267; Payment to "pinours," etc., 278; Buildings and repairs, 275; The Navy and shipbuilding, 284; Accounts with James Samson, 300; Stable accounts, 307; Miscellaneous expenses, 309. lII.-AcpoUNT BY ANDREW STEWART, BISHOP OF CAITHNBSS, of his receipts and expenses from 14th August 1512 to 29th October 1512. CHARGE.-Contributions from various ecclesiastical dioceses, 360; Receipts from sheriffs, 355. DISCHARGE.-Wardrobe accounts of the King, 366 j of the Queen, 367; Henchmen's clothing, 368 j Embroidere!'S' expenses, 369;' Ships, 369: Servants' liveries, 369; Miscellaneous expenses, 370. IV.-AcCOUNT BY Mr. CUTHBERT BAILLIE of his receipts and expenses from 29th October 1512 to 8th August 1513. CHARGE.-Receipts from sheriffs, 384; Arrears from last account, 384; Compositions of



charters, ward, relief, marriage, etc., 385; rents of lanus, 390; contributionB from the dioceses,


expenditure, 396; Wardrobe accounts of the King, 420; of the Queen, 423; Servants' liveries, 427; Alms and offerings of the King, 437 ; Wages, 439; Works, Navy, etc., 444.

ApPENDIX I.-Shipbuilding Accounts, 451. APPENDIX II.-Accounts for Artillery and Arms, 508. ApPENDIX III.-Works a.t Royal Palaces, etc., 523. ApPENDIX IV.-Detached entries.




P. xl line 11./or Thomu Crichton nICId Thomas Haok8l'lton. P. 113 line 24./or far nICId for. P. 207 line 22, for two read three. P. !aSS line 'JJJ,/or Trile read Kite. Pp. _ . 296.303, 301, margiD,jor A.D. 1611 MUI



P. P. P. P.

368 line 29./ur 1ynyng read lymnyng. 378 Jine 84., for payntiB read poyntia. 478 line "./ur fot read for. 519'7 liM 14./ur BromhUl read B1'O\UIhill.

NOTL-The DalD8B of the Shipwrights aud Mariners at. the eDd of A.ppendix I. are put in alphabetical order and are Dot inoluded iD the Index.


THE first of the accounts contained in this volume embraces the period from the 6th September 1501, the date on which the last account closed, to the 8th of August 1508. The Treasurer who is responsible for it was the same James Beaton who had. been appointed to that office in 1505, and a of whose career was given in the Preface to the last volume. 1 After he demitted office, on his appointment to the Archbishopric of Glasgow in 1509, he was succeeded by George Hepburn, Abbot of Arbroath and Bishop of the Isles; he was a son of Hepburn of Hailes and uncle of the first Earl of Bothwell of that name. He got the Treasurership and his Bishopric in the same year, but almost immediately resigned the former, as he only held the appointment up to some time between the 23rd August and the 1st October 1510. 1 He ultimately fell with the King at Flodden in 1513. No accounts of his have come down to us, so that there is a blank in the record from the last entry of his predecessor till the first of his successor. On his resignation his place was filled by Andrew Stewart,
'Vol. iii., p. 2.

tTreu. AcotL, vol. i., p. xxxiii.


Bishop of Caithness, Commendator of the Abbeys of Kelso and Fern. He was, according to Craufurd, 1 a natural son of the House of Innermeath, entered the Church-a common destination for illegitimate sons in the days with which we are dealing-and became distinguished, even in a time when such practices were thought little of, by the number of offices which he held.! There are two accounts of his in the present volume-the first covering the period from 25th August 1511 to 14th August in the following year, and the second from the last-mentioned date to the 29th October 1512. There are, however, entries in the former account as early as the 7th August. It is a fairly full and well arranged statement of the income and expenses of the Court, but the second account, which only extends over a few weeks, has been done in a very slovenly way; and at the date on which it comes to an end the Treasurer either resigned office or was dismissed from it. There is some ground for supposing that he did not give satisfaction. His last account contains . the "singular and suspicious entry," as Dr. Burnett observes,S "that the amount was fixed 'ad mstimationem,' according to an estimate, an expression which has not been elsewhere obseryed,
10flicera of State, p. 369. 'Por an acoount of this BiBhop, Bee Exchequer Rolla, xiii., p.

IExch. Rolla, tit svpra.




and even this estimate is only arrived at by his taking credit for a payment of 3,333 6s. 8d. to the King, an equally singular entry which does not occur in the account of any other Treasurer." The Bishop did not fall, though he fought, at Flodden; perhaps it would have been better for his memory if he had; he lived till 1518, when he died, practically in a state of bankruptcy, and was buried in the choir of the Cathedral of Domoch. IDs successor was Cuthbert Baillie, a cadet of the Lamington family of that name. He was Rector of Sanquhar and Commendator of the Abbey of Glenluce. His only account in this volume is for the short period of a little more than nine months, being audited on the 8th of August 1513. He held office, however, till his death in the following yearo The principal feature in the present accounts is the large number of entries relating to the Navy, in the formation of which the King took such a pride. Not only in the body of the accounts themselves is there much information given concerning it, but in the Appendices at the end of the volume there will be found the detailed accounts of the Master of the Works, who had charge of the shipping, with much interesting matter relating to the building and outfit of the ships, the names and wages of the wrights, seamen, and gunners, the manner in which the vessels were provisioned, and many items regarding the supply of artillery both



to the Royal navy and to the army which followed the King to Flodden. Many of these small and comparatively unimportant particulars given in the Appendices bring before us the manner of living and the general condition of the country at the beginning of the 16th century even more vividly than the necessarily mere general references in the main body of the Accounts themselves.

When we left the King at the close of the last volume of the Accounts he was on his return home after a hasty journey to the North. He was at Perth on the evening of the 5th September 1501, and in the present volume we find him making his usual offering in the Church of Restalrig on the 9th; the following day he worshipped in the Rood Chapel, an edifice which stood almost halfway between Edinburgh and Leith, but of which no trace now remains. He seems to have been a good deal about this locality at the period, as only three days afterwards there is an entry of five shillings given to four men that rowed in a boat in the loch of Restalrig "to affray fowles," or, in o~her words, to set up the water-fowl from the surface of the loch in order that they might become the prey of the King's hawks on the land. This Restalrig loch was probably what is now



known as Lochend. 1 On the 21st September the Court moved from Edinburgh to Stirling, I and from that point short excursions in the neighbouring district were frequently made. On the 22nd and 23rd the King was at Doune, and on the 29th he was worshipping in the chapel at Bannockburn. a In the beginning of October there is some discrepancy in the accounts: the account for the Royal alms indicates that at the beginning of the month the King was at the oil well at Liberton and also at Peebles, but it is possible that his alms at these places were bestowed by deputy, as in the general expense account it is clear that he was at Stirling on the 8th and probably for some days later. Ii It is likely that he returned to Edinburgh by the middle of the month, for he was at Whitekirk on the 16th and 17th. On the 19th he was at Hailes Castle, the seat of the Earl of Bothwell, whose death must have taken place not long after the date of the Royal visit to his house. On the same evening James was in Dunbar, and on the following day he left that town and went to Cranshaws on a hawking expedition; one of his hawks was lost, but was returned to him some weeks afterwards. 6 On the 23rd he was in Edinburgh, but on the next day we find him at Stirling, and (notwithstanding an entry of an
IP. '72.

'pp. 36, 75. 'pp. 35, 76.


P.78. P.81.



offering to a priest's first mass in St. Giles, Edinburgh, which was probably done by deputy) he seems to have stayed here for some time, though he must have paid a flying visit to Haddington and the Capital itself from the 15th or 16th to the 19th of the month. 1 On the 20th he was back in Stirling, but on the 21th again in Edinburgh, where he remained till the 13th of December, when he left once more for Stirling. We have no certain knowledge of his movements immediately thereafter, but it is probable that Yule was as usual spent in Edinburgh with the customary festivities. About the 9th of January 1501-8 the Court made one of its many migrations from Edinburgh to Stirling, and there the remainder of that month was passed in quiet enough fashion, from all that we can gather from the accounts: there was hunting and hawking in the adjacent district: once the loch at Inchaffray appears to have been visited, as there is a payment of three shillings to men for raising herons to hawks from the loch. I Fishing does not seem to have been a sport in which James ever indulged. Many presents of fish were brought to him, but these were probably caught by professional fishermen: he himself was not the sort of person to whom "the contemplative man's recreation" would naturally appeal. The inclement winter days, when outdoor sports were at a discount, were

Pp. 38, 84, 85.



probably employed in chemical experiments with that arch-impostor the Abbot of Tongland. We read of two great caldrons being provided at this time for "quinta assentia," together with two pipes, which may have been retorts, saltpetre, and other chemicals. 1 The long January nights were devoted as usual to cards, song, and listening to the tales and quips of jesters. The King was back in Edinburgh by the beginning of February. He developed at this time a practical interest in artillery, and, under the guidance of Hans, his master gunner, practised shooting with a culverin; but this pastime of the King will be more fully dealt with later on. On the 19th of February James left Edinburgh and proceeded to Stirling, where, however, he only remained till some time during the first week ill March. 1I He then visited Edinburgh, but only for a few days, as he was in Stirling again on the 16th. On the 21st we find him at Biggar en r0ut8 for Whithom, but without the Queen.' He was at the lattex: place by the 23rd, but left the same day and proceeded to Kenmure, where he was the guest of Sir John Gordon of Lochinvar; on the 25th he returned by Drumlanrig to Biggar and was home in Edinburgh on the following day. While at Whithorn he presented to the. Priory a reliquary costing 11 Is. 1\ By the 9th of April
1Pp. 39, lOG.



'Pp. 39, 107. IPp. 39, 108.



he was in Stirling once more, and stayed there over a fortnight, going on the 29th to Dunfermline and on the 30th to St. Andrews. From there he ran over to Falkland, where he was on the 2nd of May, and then returned by way of Tillicoultry to Stirling. On the 12th of that month he returned to Edinburgh to welcome the great Lord of Aubigny, who had come to Scotland, having arrived in London on the 21st of March. He was attended by a large retinue, and brought a present of six horses for the King.l James was not to be outdone in generosity, and he gave in return to his distinguished guest seven horses with French saddles. I A great tournament was given in his honour; he dined at the same table with the King; but a sad ending to all these functions was at hand. D'Aubigny suddenly took ill, and expired at Corstorphine about the 15th of June in his 61st year. His retinue took their departure by sea towards the end of the month. On the 27th June the King went to Pittenweem on board the ship Lion, and the following day he was at Crail and Kilrenny, proceeding from there to St. Andrews. On the 30th of June he paid a visit to the Isle of May to shoot sea-fowl with his culverin, though it is hardly likely that the Royal
1 VoL

iii, pp. zlv., zlvi. tp.118.

Pp. ~ 128. Diet. of Nat. Biography. Lady Elizabeth Cust'... Stewarts of Au.y."



sportsman shot his birds flying. On the 1st of July the King left the May and proceeded by Pittenween and St. Monance to Kinghorn, where he dined. From there he went to Aberdour, and took a boat to Inchcolm, then a centre of ecclesiastical influence and possessing one of the most interesting abbeys in Scotland. Founded by .Alexander 1, and richly endowed by pious donors, it had gone through many vicissitudes, but its buildings still bore evidence of its former greatness, though the day was very shortly coming when as a religious house it would be a thing of the past. After spending a night at the abbey the King took boat and crossed the Firth to Leith, and within a very fewdayswefind him settling down, so far as such a restless person could settle down, in Stirling; here he remained for some weeks without taking any long expedition. Some incidents of his daily life are not, however, without a certain amount of interest as showing how he spent his time. On the 4th of July he rode over to Kinneil, an ancient possession of the Hamilton family (still held by its original owners), ~hich had been bestowed on them by King Robert the Bruce. The object of the King's visit was to see the stud of the Earl of Arran: James was, as we have had frequently occasion to note in the course of these Accounts, a great lover of horses, and DO doubt his visit was a congenial one: we hear of it in these



pages from the fact that his gratuity to the studgroom was five shillings. 1 On the 5th there is an entry of 28s. to an Almayne-a Flemish or German artist "that suld make the Kingis lair in Cambuskenneth in marbill." We have previouslyseen that David Frat and his masons were at work in the Abbey building a tomb, apparently constructed of coloured masonwork :. 2 the present entry seems to indicate that a more costly addition was being made to the mausoleum. Perhaps the original work was an architectural canopy, and now it was designed to place a marble altar tomb beneath it. Dr. Laing is of opinion 8 that this monument was intended to be erected not in honour of his parents but as a final resting-place for the King himself; but, though the entries in the accounts style it "the King's lair," it is doubtful whether this expressIOn does not refer to James m. Considering how the death of his father weighed on James's conscience all his life, it would not be surprising to find him doing all he could to do honour to the memory of his predecessor on the throne. If, however, it was for himself that he meant it, his intentions were frustrated by his fate, as he lies far from his native soil;' and of the sepulchre so carefully prepared not a trace remains in our day.
IP. 131. '. &He was buried in the Abbey -Vol. of Sheen or Richmond. Proceedings Soc. Ant., vi., p. 28.



We have indications that during the course of the month the King was hunting in the forest of Glenartney. This was probably towards the end of the month, as the Queen gave birth to a 'daughter on the 15th July. The child, however, did not long survive her baptism, but it is rather curious that the occurrence of such an event should have left no trace whatever in these accounts. It is unlikely that James would have been absent from home on s~ch an interesting occasion, and we may suppose that he did not leave his wife till she was on the fair road to recovery. Having satisfied himself that things were going well, he went off on his hunting expedition. He must have been attended by a large retinue, as we read of 5 2s. being distributed among three hundred and six men who were with him at the hunting. As this pay hardly amounted to a shilling each, it may be presumed that they were employed as beaters, or in some such subordinate capacity. Music, without which the King could not get on, was supplied by Lord Fleming's taubronar, who got 148. for his fee. 1 In the beginning of August James was in Edinburgh arranging for the sending of the young Earl of Moray to join his half-brother, the Bishop of St. Andrews, at the University of Padua,!! and



after this the accOlmt for this period comes to a close with the usual payments to the officials. It is unfortunate that there is a gap in the accounts at this period, and we cannot take up from this source the story of the King's movements until the month of August 1516. The general history of the period can be briefly stated, and we learn some details as to doings of the Royal household from the Exchequer Rolls. We have seen that he was in Edinburgh in the beginning of August 1508. There are charters dated at Brechin on the 8th of that month, and at Perth on the 28th and 30th,! which may point to his having undertaken one of his northern pilgrimages to St. Duthus about this time, probably to return thanks for the Queen's recovery. In September he was in Edinburgh; on the 7th November there is a charter dated at the Priory of Whithom; on the 4th of December he was at Jedburgh, holding a circuit court, and from there he proceeded to Melrose for the same purpose. It is probable that he then went to Falkland, and Christmas this year was kept at St. Andrews. About the 16th January 1508-9 the King returned to Edinburgh, but went back to St. Andrews on the 9th of February; I on the 8th of March he attended the Parliament in

Beg. Mag. Sig.

IActa ParL Scot., ii., P. 267.


Edinburgh.1 It is posaible he may have visited Whithorn later in the month, as there is a charter dated at Kirkcudbright on the 17th.1 It must have been some weeks after the lastmentioned visit that news came to Scotland of the death of James's father-in-law, Henry VII. of England, which took place at Richmond on the 21st April 1509. The event was an unfortunate one for James, for, as Mr. Tytler remarks, Henry's "caution, command of temper, and earnest desire of peace were excellent checks to the inconsiderate impetuosity of his son-in-law." The King spent the few following months at Edinburgh and Stirling, but appears to have gone to Darnaway, Inverness, and Tain in the course of the summer. 8 On the 20th October Prince Arthur was bom, and after a short stay at Stirling the King kept Christmas, as was his usual custom, in Edinburgh. Thereafter he alternated between the Capital and Stirling till after Easter, when he rode with the Queen to St. Duthus by way of Elgin. On the 14th of July 1510 the young Prince died at Edinburgh, and in November the King went to Jedburgh to hold a circuit ayre, at which he dealt out condign punishment to many unruly Borderers, and succeeded in taming the turbulence of that part of the country for some time. t
'Ibid.. p. 333. Ezch. Rolla, mi., p.m. tRego Mag. Sig. Mag. Big 25th Nov. IGIO. 'lh:ch. Rolla, xiii pp. 203, 209, 288.




We have very little information about James's movements for some time after this. From the testimony of the charters he would seem, as usual, to have alternated between Edinburgh and Stirling during the whole of the winter; but as the season advanced he made one of his pilgrimages to Tain, where a charter is dated on the 27th May 1511. The 25th day of August in that year is. the nominal date on which the next series of accounts begin, though there are entries in them as early as the 7th of that month. We find the King then in Edinburgh visiting the ship Margatet at Newhaven and bestowing a gratuity on a blind fiddler who was on board. He paid more than one visit to his ships at this time, as there are entries relating to the purchase of plums and "hony peris" at Newhaven in September. 1 On the 28th he went to Stirling by Cambuskenneth. 2 This was only allying visit, as we find him at Newhaven again on the 3rd October; on the 5th he made an offering in the Chapel of St. Mungo at CuIross, and another to St. Serfs "fertur" or reliquary. St. Mungo is said by tradition to have been born on the shore of the Forth at Culross and to have been educated and trained by St. Serf, although the story is disbelieved by Dr. Skene. 8 Still, these entries show that the belief is an ancient
1 Pp.


IPp. 175,311.

IMacGibbon & Roas', Ecclesiastical Architecture of Scotland, ii., 232.



one. The King probably sailed up the Forth on this visit in the ship Ma''9a''et, and continued his way to Stirling: the Queen returned in her to Edinburgh, 1 but whether James accompanied her is not clear. He was certainly at Inchcolm on the 10th October' and may have gone out with the fishermen dredging for oysters, as 1s. is paid for those dainties" to fischeraris on the say, quhen the King was" in their boit." 8 October was spent in Edinburgh and saw the launching of the Great Michael. On one of his walks the King had to pay forfeit to a bride of Leith who met him on the way "and wold have kissit hyrne," though one can hardly understand how a man of James's proclivities should have refused 80 tender a greeting. On the 8th November he went to Stirling for a few days, but passed through Linlithgow on his return on the 13th, giving a gratuity to the masons who were working at the Palace. ' The remainder of the year, and Christmas and Yule, were spent at Edinburgh. On the 8th of January 1511-12 a present was given to Rouge Croix Pursuivant, who had come from England with a message from Henry and was now about to set out OIl his return: with him was sent the Scottish !slay Herald, who got 18 4s. for his expenses. r; Rouge Croix was Thomas Hawley, afterwards

P. 176.

I 4pp.

178, 316.

P. 32.'1.



Carlisle Herald and Clarenceux King of Arms. The name of the Scottish Herald is not so certain: it may have been Peter Thomson; 1 but, whoever he was, he was destined in a very few years to have still further dealings with Rouge Croix, both of them being professionally employed by their respective sovereigns immediately before the battle of Flodden. 2 On the 19th of January we find the French ambassador from Louis receiving a handsome present of silver plate, costing 114, previous to his departure for Denmark, whither he was sent in a ship commanded by William Mure of Leith, accompanied by Nicholas, one of James's master guntlers, and the King's Chaplain, Sir Andrew Brounhill,8 A curious entry occurs, too, about this time: a woman of the Blackford, who, as appears from the accounts, was in the habit of supplying the King with poultry and other farm produce for his table, brought four fat capons, for which she received the sum of 28s. ; but she evidently thought she was underpaid, and on her complaint to this effect she got as much again. In February the King was taking much interest in his ships, and on the 22nd of that
'See Scottish Antiquary, viii., I "Horaldry in relation to 14, where the name is giVED ae Scottish Historyand Art," by the "Petrus ThomlOn, aliae Hay," present editor, p. 94; Webber's t.he latter being in all probabilit.y, "FlOOden," App. 338. aeAlbany Herald is namedimmediP. 328. atolyafter, a misprint for Hay. P. 324.



month had supper in the Great Michael; 1 A few days afterwards he was turning his attention to surgery, for which he had always a great predilection, and drew two teeth from Kinnaird, his barber, an operation which we should have expected to have been reversed, as the extraction of teeth fell at that period within the province of the barber-surgeon. I On the 21st of March De Is Motte, the French ambassador, who had been at the Scottish Court since the 12th, took his departure,.receiving a present of 180, the expense of entertaining himself and his retinue during that time amounting to 17 15s. 5d. ; an ambassador from the Court of Spain, who left at the same time, got 95, together with a purse which cost 3s., and an English Herald who went with him received a gratuity of 18. The Frenchmen seem to have sailed-or ought to have sailed, for it' is not clear whether they actually did do so-from Dumbarton, and the King was certainly there on the 23rd to see them off. They were probably detained some days, as James visited the ship on the 25th, on which day she was towed out by two boats and then got under way. 8 The King was in Edinburgh before the end of the month, and on the 31st was at Corstorphine and Kirkliston. Easter was spent at Linlithgow, and on Easter Eve, the 10th of
'P.332. P.332.

I P.33i.



April (though the fact is not directly recorded in the accounts) the Queen gave birth to a son, who was ere long to succeed' his father as James V. of Scotland. 1 An indirect allusion to the Prince's birth, however, is made in an entry on the 14th of April, in which is recorded the dismissal of a nurse "to Brounfeildis wyff that suld have been nurice to the Prince, because scho got her leifl' by the Kingis command . . . vij. Ii. "; and on the 19th John Watson, a "surregeane," got 3 16s. for certain" confections," which were probably for the use of the Queen. 2 At this time also messengers were received with letters from the Pope and the King of France, and Marchmont and !slay Heralds were despatched, the one to the last-mentioned sovereign, and the other to the Court of England. James made his headquarters at Linlithgow for some time, though he paid short visits to Newhaven to superintend his shipbuilding. Towards the end of the month he made an expedition to Ayr and Ailsa, six horses being required to carry his baggage, which included crossbows and gunpowder. a Whether thi~ expedition was of a warlike nature, perhaps connected with an attack by the cruisers of the
1 Authoritillll dilfer &8 to the enct date of the Prince'. birth. but Easter Eve - . the moat probable. See Donb&r'. Sootti.b Kinp, p. 219, note tl.

tp. 340.

P. 343.


English King on a French vessel which ran in for protection to an anchorage off the coast of Ayr,l or whether it was merely a sporting excursion to shoot sea-fowl on Ailsa Craig, is not clear. Perhaps it was not of either character, but connected with some communication to the Duke of Albany, as on the 30th of April" Monsieur de Albanies Secretar" was given 36 "as his passage to France." This took place on the coast of Ayr, as we read of a payment to the men of Irvine that brought the King in a boat to \and. 2 The baggage was probably sent on before the King, as on the very day on which we learn of his having been in a boat at Irvine he was also at Hamilton, where he gave 3s. to the bell-ringers, and at Ayr and the Lady Kirk of Kile. On the 3rd of Mayan excursion was taken by boat to St. Mary Isle, which may have been that islet now called Lady Isle, lying 21 miles south-west of Troon. Though there is an entry of drinksilver on the 4th of May to the Abbot of Paisley's masons, the King remained in Ayr for some days after that date. He purchased a cloak and a plaid there. He also paid a visit to Ailsa Craig, though for what purpose we do not know, though he must have gone with & considerable retinue, as 42s. was paid for the boat which took him there and conveyed" his fockis"
ITytler'B BiBt. of Scotland, iT., liP. M4. P. 58. I P. 203.



home again. Altogether, his visit seems to have extended over eleven days, and it is interesting to note his expenses while in Ayr, chiefly paid through the Master Cook, an official of some importance in the household. The" gudman" of the King's lodgings got 4 4s. for the time specified, a door-keeper got 3s., and" uther poor servitouris" got 5s. for drink and to "help thair horse." The assistant cooks and maidservants received 78. between them, and when the Court got back to Linlithgow, on the 11th of May, the Master Cook was paid the sum of 4 14s. 4d. "for present silvir and rewardis," which he had probab~y disbursed during the King's stay in the west. James remained at Linlithgow till Whitsunday, when he cam~ to Edinburgh. There he received ambassadors from England in the persons of Lord Dacre and Dr. West, the Dean of Windsor, who had been appointed to treat with the King for settling differences. 1 At their departure on the 12th of June they received a very handsome present of silver plate of the value of 121 lOs. Z Rouge Croix Pursuivant at the same time got 7. Besides the English envoys, De la Motte, the French ambassador, was also in the country endeavouring, and with success, to prevail on James to renew the ancient league with France. Seven shillings was paid for his "herbry," or lodging, in
1Rymer's FCBdera, xiii., p. 333. I

'P. MIl.



Linlithgow, and some time after ., Gelis Fercharis wyff" got 20 2s. 7d. for her expenses in entertaining De la Motte and his servants for the space"of twenty three days anda half, the Frenchmen leaving the Scottish coasts on the 7th of July.1 In all the anxiety and warlike preparations of the period, it is interesting to note that other matters were not entirely lost sight of. Some French sheep seem to have been imported in 1511, and we find a shepherd paid for his la hour in keeping them together with the other Royal flocks. I But the dominant note in the accounts at this period is undoubtedly war. Not to speak of the energy with which the building and preparation of ships was carried on, which will be more fully alluded to hereafter, we find messengers sent to various parts of the country with orders for the holding of wappinshaws, or gatherings, for the practice of arms, a and two emissaries were despatched to the coast--one to Fast Castle and the other to Fifeto "see for Inglis schippis." This was no idle errand, as Robert Barton, the brother of Andrew, who had been slain in an encounter at sea the year before with the English admiral, brought in thirteen English prizes during this month, so that from this, and from the fact that disturbances were occurring on the Border, it may be seen that

a'Pp. Mt, l4IiO.



the relations betweep. the two countries were already considerably strained. The two months and a half between 14th August and 24th October 1512 are dealt with in a separate account by the Treasurer, Andrew Stewart, the Bishop of Caithness. This account is not 80 carefully divided into headings as the others are: the items principally relate to payments to mariners, gunners, and workmen in connection with the repairs of the Royal palaces : there is an interesting entry relating to the working of the lead mines at Wanlockhea.d in Lanarkshire. 1 The last account in this volume is that of Treasurer Cuthbert Baillie, Commendator of Glenluce, whose statement begins on 24th October 1512, and comes down to 8th August 1518. Though the state of the country was becoming more and more perilous as time ~ent on, we hardly find any re1lection of this in the accounts of the Treasurer. On the 18th November and subsequent dates we find payments being made to "the Knycht of Spanze that beria the croce on his breste," I probably one of the many envoys that came to the Scottish Court at this time. The croBB on his breast was probably the emblem of an Order: the Knights of the Orders of Alcantara, Calatrava, and St. Dominic all wore crosses of
lP. 378.



some sort in their breast. Another envoy is more distinctly mentioned in the person of Octavian Olearius, whom the Pope had sent to James in a vain endeavour to persuade him to desert his ancient ally of' France. H Octavian only came to Scotland in November, it is singular to find him disembarking 80 far north as Aberdeen,l but as he remained in the country for several months "this may only have been an excursion to that town in order to visit the good old Bishop Elphinstone, who was not destined long to survive his King. Octavian was at all events in Edinburgh by Christmas time, as he got twenty French crowns from the King as a New-Year gift, and he stayed on in the country, hoping against hope that he might yet prevail upon James to fall in with the wishes of the Pope, till the beginning of August, when war between England and Scotland had actually broken out. Not till then have we news of his departure, when he received a present of 90. 1 De Ia Motte, the French ambassador, who, as we have seen, left Scotland in July, returned in November with a ship laden with munitions of war and a quantity of wine. 8 In December his servants danced two Morris dances before the King, ' and there is evidence in the accounts that
lLelie'. Riat. of Scot. p. 85. 6Pp. _ . tOO.



even at this inclement period of the year De la Motte himself accompanied the King on a pilgrimage to Whithorn. 1 The Frenchmen in Scotland at this time did not only include the members of the ambassador's suite, but others as well. Not to mention shipwrights and mariners who came to assist the King in the fitting-out of his fleet, we read of at least two goldsmiths of that nationality. Michael, goldsmith, Frenchman, got the sum of 35 8s. paid him for work done during the period of a former accoUllt, 2 and 9 were paid to another goldsmith called Jehan la Irossy, who retumed to France in January. B Native talent in this line was, however, by no means neglected, for we find 12 18s. paid to John Aitkin, a goldsmith in Stirling, for eight rings, which were bestowed as New-Year gifts on the ladies of the Queen's Chamber.' Little domestic matters like these bulk more largely in the accounts at this time than might have been expected. Nothing could be gathered from them that the times were 80 critical and that a blow was hanging over the kingdom which would shake it to its foundation. Life went on in the King's household very much as it always did. We read of a nurse being dismissed on the 12th of December, and a payment to another, an Irish woman, who tended the young
IP.400. P. 398.

P. 401.



Prince during some infantile illness. 1 The search for the Elixir of Life went on as before under the auspices of the notorious Abbot of Tongland: singers were feed, stray hawks were sought for, and the Royal wardrobes were replenished very mucb as they had been before. In February 1512-13 a payment of 220 was made to the captain of the French ambassador's ship which had br,)ught the cargo of wine previously mentioned: we are left in doubt whether this large sum was given as a gratuity to the captain or whether it was meant to be in payment for the wine. It seems too large a sum for the former, and yet it was more likely that the envoy would have brought the wine as a present to secure the favour of James than as a mere article of merchandise. This was not, however, the only import of French wines for the King's cellar that was made at this time, for in the November previous a ship had been despatched to Rochelle under the command of William Stirling, and we hear of her arrival with her freight of twenty-one tuns of wine in April: the cost of this quantity, calculating the tun at 252 gallons, would be a little over four shillings a gallon, or about 4:d. a pint: in Queen Mary's time prices had risen a little, and Parliament fixed the price of Rochelle wine at 6d. a p~t if imported by tbe western ports, and 2d. more if imported by any eastern port.
lPP. 400, 403.



In March there appears at the Scottish Court amid the throng of other ambassadors a messenger bearing letters from O'Donnel, Prince of Connal, probably with reference to a league which was to be entered into with the purpose of creating a diversion in Ireland which might occupy the attention of the English King. It is said, indeed, that O'Donnel himself came to Scotland in person and took the oath of homage to James,l and we catch a glimpse of his visit in the accounts; his harper "quhilk past away with him" got a gratuity of 7, and the Earl of Argyll received 50 6s. 8d. for O'Donnel's entertainment while he was in Scotland. 2 On the 28th of March Forman, the Bishop of Moray, was despatched with Unicorn Herald to France to report the state of affairs, which he did with more ingenuity than honesty. The English ambassadors left in the beginning of April, having failed to come to any amicable understanding with the Scottish Court. In May De 1& Motte again flashes into Scotland, a bearing that turquoise ring which the French Queen Anne of Brittany sent to James, with a present of thirteen thousand French crowns, calling him "hir lufe," and. praying him that" he wald recompence hir again with sum of his knyghtlie support in hir necessa~ie, that is to say, that he wald raise his airme and come three fute on
1Tytler'lI iv., P. 61.




tp. 415.
P. 411.



Inglis ground for hir sake." 1 This appeal to the chivalry of James turned the balance, and from that moment the chance of peace 'was but slight, though on the 24th of May James made one more eft"ort to ward oft" the hostilities which appeared almost inevitable. In June there was a gathering together of mariners to man the ships, and by the end of the month Henry had invaded France and all hope of peace was gone. In July messengers are sent to various countries "for the congregatioun of our Soverane Lordis legis at Ellem," a rendezvous which was subsequently altered to the Boroughmuir of Edinburgh. We hear almost nothing of the despatch of the fleet under Arran, which made a very inglorious campaign owing to the incompetency of its commander. Towards the end. of the month we hear of an importation of twelve cartsful of "harnes" from Denmark. On the 26th the Lyon was despatched to France bearing a message to Henry which rendered war inevitable. I On the 6th of August the Queen went to Linlithgow, and it is not improbable that James accompanied her, and that it was here that he had the mysterious interview in the Church with the blue-gowned and yellow-haired apparition of which Pitscottie tells us, who Solemnly warned the King against his proposed expedition. Sir David Lindsay, afterwards Lyon, who told the

Pit.cottie, Scot. Text Soc.. i..

p. . .



story himself to Buchanan, 1 and J OM Inglis, the Marshal, made an attempt to seize the figure, but he "wanischit away and could in no wayis be sen ilOr comprehendit, bot wanischit away as he had bene ane blink of the sone or ane quhife of the whirlewind, and could no more be seine." James was "a fey man," and sought refuge from worry and anxiety by a last pilgrimage to the shrine of St. Duthus. I That is the last we hear in the accounts of the doings of the King before the great tragedy of Flodden unrolled itself, and this part of the Treasurer's books abruptly closes on the 7th of August with the commonplace entry of 15 for the payment of the blacksmith's account for shoeing the King's horses. What followed belongs to history and need not be entered on here. The great fleet so carefully prepared and so fully equipped vanishes we know not whither: the great army sets out for England with the King at its head never to return, and Scotland's cup of sorrow is filled to the brim.

As in the second volume of the Treasurer's Accounts the King's marriage was the predominating feature, so in this the preparation of his fleet stands out as the principal object of

Hist., ziii.., P. 31.

I P. '11.



expenditure. In the last volume we had details about the building of the Margaret and the TreatflJrer; in this the entries chiefly deal with the construction of what was termed "the great ship" par e:cceUence, and subsequently known as The Great Michael. At what exact time it was actually begun is not clear, but the building must have been well in progress in 1507. Pitscottie says it took "a year and a day," but this must only be taken as a general term denoting a long time. In that portion of the accounts which includes the period from 8th September 1507 to 21st July 1508,1 Sir William Melville, the Master of Works for the ships, 'receives for the expenses of construction upwards of 3000. At the same time we read of timber being brought from Darnaway in the ship Raven at a cost of 143; and Robert Barton imported the same commodity from France at a cost of upwards of 500. Quantities of iron were also purchased from various persons, but largely from a Spanish merchant, amounting in all to the value of nearly 350. From Spain also seem to ha-ye come two anchors, which were bought for 93 15s., II and sundry other material was supplied, which brought the total of the account up to 727'9, most of which was for shipbuilding, though in this account the work in the Palaces and other buildings is also included.
I pp.48, 127.



In the general accounts of this period we get

some interesting notices regarding Scottish shipping. In September 1507 a ship that came from Denmark with the French Herald Montjoy, took the opportunity of laying in a cargo of coal as freight for her return voyage. 1 During the same month the TreatJ'Urer, under command of John Barton, was put in commission to convey Alexander Stewart, the young Archbishop of St. Andrews, abroad for his studies-the Provost of the Collegiate Church of Crichton, Thomas Crichton, getting 188 to defray his expenses.! In October a barque which was built at Dumbarton was laden with a cargo of herring, which were probably salted for export.8 The Margaret at this time appears to have been laid up at the Pool of Erth, where the King visited her il'l February 1507-8;' and a quantity of "barnes It_a term which seems to indicate equipment of various sorts and is not confined to mere defensive armour or trappings-was taken from her in March; II and the hundred spear-heads which were made by the smith at Cambuskenneth were probably designed as part of her outfit. The armourer was also at work preparing a lot of axes, halberts, steel bows, and other arms, which were put on board her in June.1I On the 18th of June the TreatJ'Urer was commissioned to France - - - - ---------------'P.72. P.72. P.78.


'pp. 119, 1510.



with Gavin Dunbar, the Archdeacon of St. Andrews, together with certain Frenchmen, and thirty-six horses. This was an expensive freight; John Barton the captain got 113, and the cost of victualling the ship amounted to 204, while 88 was paid for" boat hires" for the horses, which may imply that they were carried by other ships than the Trea8Uf'er. That vessel does not appear to have actually sailed till nearly the end of the month, as we find her lying in Leith Roads on the 27th. 1 At the same time a French ship left with the servants of the Lord of Aubigny on board, but the cost of their provisioning was not nearly so great. Owing to the break in the accounts, we lose sight of the ships for some time. It is not till September 1511 that we meet with them again: we then :find much activity reigning at the Pool of Erth. Three docks were in process of construction, together with stabling for fifty horses, probably used for the carriage of material and victuals to the ships. In June 1512 the ship Larlc was docked there, and the barque Jame8, which had been . purchased for 65, had a new mast put in her the following month. I The whole expenses for the ships during this period ending in August 1512 amounted to the large sum of 14,327. Part of this sum represents the wages of the mariners, shipwrights, gunners, and other workmen employed about the ships, of which fuller details are given
'P. 128.

I .pp. 280, 281.



in the account book of the Master of Works which has been discovered, and which will be found in Appendix No. 1. The amount also includes a vast quantity of material supplied for the shipbuilding, and also the cost of conveying the French ambassadors to and from their country. Some special items are interesting as showing the energy displayed in bringing the articles requisite from foreign countries. In 1511 the Pansy brought sixty-three copper 1 pulleys with blocks for the same out of Denmark at a cost of 93. The carting for the year from September 1511. to August 1512 amounted to 135. From Denmark, - too, came in April 1512, by the ship Clofara, wood, pitch, and tar; and a large importation of timber was made at the same time from Norway ill a ship commanded by Thomas Bannatyne. In May we read of a "galay" being constructed at Glasgow, and in July another ship of the same sort was in process of building at Ay.1I A ship also appears to have been bought in France and was sent home laden with planks: 8 Whether this was the Trinity mentioned afterwards, which was bought in France at a cost of 525 francs,' is not clear: in the first entry the ship is said to have cost 883 francs, but this may include her freight

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- .These are called copper in the 'P.292/293.

Accounts, but were probably brau, &II copper iB too soft for the purpoae [Pr., cuiwejllum]. P. 294. 'Po 299.



of planks as well as the vessel herself. " Masts " (meaning large trees) were brought from Lochness, Ross-shire, and Denmark. The rigging for the ships was largely bought in Flanders by James Simpson, a merchant there, who also purchased canvas and other materials on behalf of the King. Some other items of expenses on the ships will also be found in the last set of accounts included in this volume,l including a payment ~ the Master of the Works of 940. From the detailed accounts in the Appendix already alluded to we get some information about the names of the ships which constituted the Royal Navy and the number of mariners in each. The principal of these was, of course, The Great Michael: in October 1512 her mariners' wages for the month amounted to the sum of 137 lOs.; but if we are to believe the description given of her by Pitscottie this cannot have represented anything like her full complement of men. He tells us she had three hundred mariners to sail her,and as their wages averaged about 30s. a month the wage list of the ship when fully manned would have amounted to 450 a month. In addition to the "blue-jackets," we are told.that she had six score of gunners and a thousand men of war, besides her captains, skippers, and quartermasters.' The
'Pp. 447497. "Pitecottie i., 2lil; hiB aocount of the ship is probably exaggerated in almoat every detail, though it mUlt, on the other hand, be kept
in view that Pitaoottie must have OOIlveraed with many penona who

had witnessed the building of the





Accounts provide for 40 mariners in the Margaret and 30 in the Jam68. The " little bark called The Gabriel" was manned by Frenchmen, having ten men and a boy, and was commanded by one Perynot. This was the ship that carried De la Motte, the French ambassador, in his journeys to and from Scotland. It is not clear whether she actually belonged to the Scottish King, but at all events her mariners were paid by him. There was a "little English prize," sometimes called" the each," with a captain, four men, and a boy: the great boat manned by a skipper, two men, and a boy: the little boat with a similar complement of men; the Spanish Ship, the history of which is uncertain: the little barque of Balyardis' : the baric of Abbeyjield 1: Chalmer's barq:ue, under the command of Peter Foularton, which had sixty men on board, though these were mostly fighting men and not sailors. We also read, in connection with their victualling, of the barque Mytoune, Captain James Douglas, with 130 men; the Mary, Captain George Lyle; -and the Crone, under the command of Thomas Ober. Other ships are mentioned in connection with voya~es or shipments of material, but which may not have been used for fighting: such as an English ship sent to Norway, probably for timber, which rejoiced in the name of the Merrybuttoclc8; and the Swallow, which was laden with iron. In addition

Perhaps built at Abbeville on the Seine.



to these, many ships are referred to under their skipper's name, such as John Barron's barque, and Brounhill's ship, which may possibly refer to vessels already mentioned under their" own name. If, as we are told, James's Navy at itS best consisted of sixteen large ships and ten small ones, 1 it is clear that we have not the names of all of them in these Accounts: Dacre, in writing to Henry VIII. in February 1513, mentions that there are at Leith thirteen great ships of three tops, ten small ships, and the "Ship of Lynn," and at Newhaven two great ships, the Margaret and the James. John Carslow, Governor of Norham Castle, in a letter to the Bishop of Durham in September 1512, gives the number of ships with tops at sixteen.! But West, the English ambassador, in writing to Henry on 13th April 1513, says that he saw at Leith only nine or ten small topmen, and none of these fully equipped for war except one little topman of about sixty tons: at Newhaven the Margaret was being fitted out with a maintop, and being caulked and tallowed. A galley about fifty feet long was upon the stocks, in which it was said the King was to journey to and from Stirling. a But Leith and Newhaven did not exhaust the places at which ships were built or laid up: we have seen that ship-building was
IHume Brown'. Hi.t. of Scot., "Gregory Smith'. Daya of Jamea i., :M4,. IV., 138. 'Ellia'. Original !.etten, i., 67.



carried on at Glasgow, Dumbarton, and Ayr in the West, and in the East men-of-war _rode at anchor at the Queensferry, or were laid up and fitted out, if not actually built, still further up the the river Forth at what is variously called in the Accounts the Pool or Pow of Erth, or more shortly the Polertht. It is necessary to consider briefly the places where the ships were constructed. The Royal Doclcyarda.-We so often read in the Accounts of the Pool of Erth that it may not be out of place to discuss the locality of a place from which almost all tradition of shipping has passed completely away. Airth is a parish of small extent in the east ofStirlingshire, the village of the name lying eight miles south-east of Stirling; it has a coast-line of six miles along the right bank of the river Forth, which is here about nine furlongs in width. The Pow-a common name in Scotland for any small water, from the Celtic Poll and the Cymric Pwl signifying a pool, ditch, or stagnating stream-is an insignificant rivulet which rises near Bannockburn and falls into the Forth opposite the present town of Kincardine. While of no account to-day, it is possible that its outlet at all events was of more considerable dimensions in the early part of the 16th century. It is indeed certain that at that time the tidal influence of the Forth was felt much farther inland than it now is, much fertile land having been reclaimed from the water since then. About a hundred years ago an anchor



was dug up in the lauds of Dunmore (formerly Airthbeg), and going back to still earlier times, we are told that" Erthe or Airth was a stronghold in Wallace's day surrounded by 'draw dykes,' the tide probably washing the rock on which the Castle stands, although it is now nearly a mile from the Forth." 1 The lands of the "Powis of Airth" and the Barony of the same name are frequently mentioned in Royal Charters, and on 18th January 1580-1 a grant was made to Alexander Bruce of Airth of a certain bovate of land in Pownaif, with the salmon fishings in the rivers Forth and the Pow of Airth " near that piece of land there called the DokkiB."z In a later charter of 24th December 1597 the Docks are again mentioned with an aliaB of "The Cruikis," referring in all probability to the windings of the river. That there was salmon fisbing with the net ez adV6f"BO of the Dokkis in the Pow of Airth shows that the tide must have come up to and beyond this point. In another charter of 14 th February 1607 there is mention made of "the lands between the head of the mill-lade called Patrick Hagings' damhead and the Pow, as it comes to the site of the old mill of th~ said Patrick, called Milnholm." This damhead may be the place marked Higginsneuk in the maps, and
ll'amlly :Recorda of the Bmoea and the Comyua by Jrfra. E. CummiDg-Bnace, P. 313.

-Reg. Mag. Sig.



probably the Docks lay in a line between it and the old mill. There is also allusion in the last quoted charter to the port, "the Pow, her brie, and hevin" of Airth, which shows that even at that period there was still accommodation of a sort for ships at the mouth of the Pow of Airth. 1 A personal visit to Airth revealed the fact that traces of the old docks are still in existence, and that fishing boats were built in them within the last hundred years. Owing to the extensive reclamation of land from the Forth, however, the place where these docks were is now at a considerable distance from the river, and a very shallow ditch is all that remains of the Pow at this place -the mouth of the present stream of that name entering the Forth about half-a-mile farther east. The Polerth docks being within easy reach of Stirling, it was natural that their oversight should be entrusted to some one at that place; and accordingly we find that the Constable of Stirlin~ Castle was placed in charge of the ships there. In September 1511 he got payment of 60 as a final instalment of 240 for the construction of three docks and the ~rection of stabling for fifty horses. These docksmust have been dug out of the alluvial soil at the river side: cross timbers and blocks must then have been laid on the ground on to which the ship which was to be repaired
11 am indebted to Mr. W. B. I rnation on t.hia subject. Cook of Stirling for much infor I



was floated at high water. The. entry must then have been closed with puddle: there are several entrieS relating to "clay barges," 1 which were probably used. for carrying the clay to the docks, and the "hadder" or heather mentioned in connection with them may have been for the purpose of rendering. the clay stiffer and easier to work. The dock having been sealed up with the clay it was kept dry by t~e use of" scowpis" for bailing out the water. I Of course, when the ship was again ready for sea the only way to get her out was by "castin" the dock again-that is, by digging away the dam of clay and giving the water admittance. This class of dock is used in China to this day for the building and repairing of junks: there they drive in piles to close the entrance, and put puddle inside to make it watertight. In 1512 Callander is paid sums amounting to upwards of 145 for providing meat, drink, coals, candles, and carriage for the workmen in the docks, 8 and in the Exchequer Rolls there occurs a payment to him of 40 in July 1512 for his expenses incurred at the Pow of Erth "circa custodium navium domini regis ibidem existentium," and a similar payment the next year.' In 1512, too, the Treasurer's accounts contain an entry for the payment to him of a sum of 37 for work in the ship

I 'pp. Rolli, xiii., 403, 505. Exoh.

280, 281.


Jame8 "when she lay in the Powis of Arth:' In March 1512-13 Robert Callander and his wife got a lease of nine bovates of land in the HaIls of Airth which had been previously let to Alexander Elphinston with consent of the latter. We also learn that he received 10 in part payment of 20 for the construction of a dock to the great ship, but if he contracted for this work to be done at Airth it must only have been for the fitting out of the Great Michael, as we know that she was built at Newhavell. Newhaven.-It was, in fact, at Newhaven that the great bulk of the shipbuilding was carried on. Its proximity to Edinburgh and the consequent convenience of being able to get stores from the town and artillery from the Castle put easily on board made it a most suitable place for a Royal Dockyard. The depth of water also at the sbore formed an important consideration in its selection. There does not seem to have been a harbour or even a village of any sort near the place until it was fixed upon as the site of -his shipbuilding docks by James. We have already seen' that so far back as 1504 the construction of the Haven was being proceeded with, and that the building of a Chapel dedicated to the Vugin and
'P. '"" ! Airth ill \he cbe TiciDity ~ the ''.l1aen ia Itill family of \he! old docb. - - of cu-Jar naideDt a& I avoL ii, ~, bcaiv_



St. James was going on in 1505 1 ; this Chapel was completed by the beginning of 1507. 1 In 1510 the City of Edinburgh, fearing, we are told,8 that this new port might prove prejudicial to their own at Leith, got a grant of it from the King: the charter, which is dated at Stirling of March 151011, describes it as "the new Haven lately constructed by the King on the sea shore between the Chapel of St. Nicholas in the north part of the town of Leith and the lands of Wardie." The possession of it by the town of Edinburgh did not, however, interfere with its use as a place for the construction of the King's vessels: and the docks excavated for this purpose must have been of considerable extent, as the Great Michael was built there, and its size must have required a dock of very considerable dimensions. The Great Michael.-Much has been written about this great eft'ort of James's naval constructor, who was probably that Frenchman Jacques Terrel about whom we read so much in the accounts. The most detailed description we get of her is from Pitsc!lttie, who tells us that she "tuck so mekill timber that scho wastet all the wodes in Fyfe except Falkland wode; by all the tymmer that was gotten out of Norway.'" We learn from the accounts that this is rather understated than
'VoL iii., fr1. 'Ibid. 288.


'MaitJaod'. HiBt. of EdiDburgh,

PitBcottie L. ~l.



otherwise, for timber was requisitioned from all parts of Scotland, besides being largely imported from France and other parts of the Continent. If it is the fact that her sides were made of oak ten feet thick it is evidently impossible that Fife, or indeed any other part of Scotland, could have supplied 80 much of that slow-growing wood, which did not flourish very abundantly in the Scottish Kingdom. It is probable, however, that the old annalist is ~ore graphic than correct in his description of the ship. If her sides were ten feet thick they would have materially interfered with the proper working of her artillery: but there can be little doubt that they were very thick. Nineteen "dakir" of hides were provided" to keip her fra fireing" 1; this implies that the muzzles of the guns did not project beyond the outer line of the port-holes, and that therefore there was a risk of the woodwork being singed when they were discharged: to obviate this the sides of the portholes were lined with leather. No doubt the cannon were not very long, but even allowing for this, the walls must have been of considerable thickness. If we are to take the wage lists given in Appendix 1. as representing her full complement of men she calmot have been anything like so huge as Pitscottie would have us believe. She is said to have been, according to him, 240 feet long by 35 in breadth, and according to the chronicler whom we are following bore six guns on each side



and three "basilisks" or large cannon, two at her stern and one in her bows: she had 300 pieces of smaller artillery, including, apparently, cross-bows and long-bows. We get a great deal of detail as to her outfit in the accounts.l Much material was brought from the Continent: copper, or rather brass pulleys, besides wood, were imported from Denmark; big guns were got from Flanders; some of the rigging came from France, and some from the Low Countries. It is curious to note that both copper and Cornwall tin were brought to Scotland by way of Antwerp: both of these must have been for use in the gun foundry in Edinburgh Castle, and it is worthy of notice that the tin, weighing 608 Ibs., was sent in two pieces; now-a-days it would be in ten or twelve. No less than 49 were paid on "crangilt" or crane dues,-.the price paid for the hire of a crane to load this heavy freight at Antwerp.1 In May 1512 we find more copper being imported. James Sympson conducts the purchase, lays the copper in the "sellar "-i.e., puts it in store-to await the ships, pays the hire of the. store (" sellar maill") and the wages of the workmen for putting it in, defrays the customs duty and the cost of putting the material on board. 8 The whole items of this shipment, together with the ".gunstanis" and tar which formed part of it, are stated with
s pp.

289.307. 'P.302.

I P.302.



all the charges in it as clearly ~ allY shipbroker could do to-day. . Attention may also be directed to an interesting journey made at this time (May 1512) by George Paterson to Middleburg to procure compasses for the ships. It is impossible to go into all the details regarding the stores and tackle which were furnished for the Great Michael and the other ships, but one or two other interesting items may be briefly mentioned. When the (}lojfas went to Denmark for tar she was ballasted with salt from Dysart, which probably had a ready sale at her port of destination. The great ship, whatever her actual size may have been, must have made an imposing show with all her Hags Hying. They must have been very large and fine Hags: there is a detailed account . of the material used in them on p. 477. Asittook twenty-two ells of cloth to make the St. Andrew's Cross alone on one of them, it must have been of an immense size. On the Margaret, on the other hand, we find the same Cross took 2f ells only.1 The main standard of the great ship (that probably with the Royal Arms on it) consumed 33 ells of lining, and all the Hags seem to have been decorated with fringes round their edges. The total cost of the standards for the Great Michael amounted to upwards of 72. Some of the standards were certainly painted, as Andrew



Chalmers, the painter, was employed in connection with them; and we have accounts for gold colours, oil, and varnish for them. l It is not very clear when the Great Michael was. actually launched, but if we are to understand the expression "the out-putting of the King's great ship" as referring to that incident, it must have occurred on the 12th October 1511, three Scottish trumpeters getting a gratuity of 14s. on the occasion I: on the 24th of the same month the taubronar of the Incorporation of Bakers received 3s. for playing at the "drawing" of the great ship; and on the 7th of February following we have an entry of 14s. ~ the workmen of the Newhaven "for drawan furtht of ane tree fra the cradill of the gret schip," which indicate that even then she was not out of the hands of her builders. She got certain "treis" from Culross on the 13th of that month, and on the same day an accident .. happened to one of the workmen on board which shows that there was still work proceeding on her. On the .18th, 28s. were given to the men that rowed out the great ship, probably meaning that she was towed out to mid-stream. The King at this time {)kid her frequent visits, and on the 21st February supped on board. Shortly thereafter she sailed up to Queensferry, the King being rowed from her to Blackness on the 20th March, and fish and other provisions were taken on board her at
'P.295. JP.313.



the former place on the 22nd.1 She may indeed have gone further up the Firth, as a pilot was despatched " to seik the depis and passage to the Polertht "-that is, to explore the channel and see if there were depth enough for the passage of 80 great a vessel. If she did not get quite up to Polerth she must have got near it, as on the 2nd of June there is a payment for the hire of a boat which carried the King to the great ship from Bo'ness and down again, clearly implying that he went up the Firth to visit her. He goes" doun" again from the ship to Queensferry on the 30th of June, and a boat goes to her on the 24th of July from the water of Carron, near the present town of Grangemouth. On the 3rd of August the Queen had supper on board her. Subsequent to the launching of the great ship a good deal of work was done for her, the detail of which will be found in Appendix No. I. Apart from her supply of stores and provisions, we find that so late as March 1513 she was put into dock to have her bottom cleaned. It was probably in the first place blazed with heather to dry it, then the tar was put on with "moppatis," and then a coat of tallow was applied-four barrels were used for the Great Michael at this time-to prevent the adherence of barnacles or the attacks of worm, and perhaps with the idea that it made it sail more easily through the water. It is interesting
'P. ;taO.



to note that at this period when the great ship was getting its overhaul there was much activity and bustle in the dockyards. Men were working night and day, or at all events were doing a great deal of" overtime," as may be gathered from the fact that 7d. was spent for" candell in the nycht to them that wrocht." 1 It will be observed that before the ship could get into the dock" stanys" or ballast had to be taken out of her" forschip" in order to trim her to an even keel. One of the last notices we get of the Great Michael is in July 1513, when she lay with all her guns and equipment complete, but still taking in provisions, "behind the Inche,"-that is, in the lee of Inchkeith. I The entries relating to her close with the fact that on "the_ day sche salit " she took on board a quantity of fresh meat. 8. Of her subsequent history little need be Said, and indeed not much is known. It is mi.tter of history that the Heet was sent out under Arran, a most incompetent naval commander. After a foolish attack on the town of Carrickfergus he was superseded by a real sailor, Sir Andrew Wood. But Wood, as Mr. Lang says, came too late, "and the Heet vanishes into fairyland." TJle Great Michael was, along with the Margaret and James, sent to France, and was purchased by Louis Xll. on 2nd



April 1514 for 40,000 livres,l and Buchanan asserts that she ultimately rotted in the harbour of Brest. The Mariners, etc.-It is somewhat difficult to arrive at any satisfactory conclusion as to the number of seamen employed on board the fleet. We have, no doubt, many items showing the amount of wages paid in the different months, but these may apply to what may be called the permanent staff. Before the vessels were actually fitted out on a war-footing many more men must have been employed, and we find that so late as June 1518 messengers were sent to Fife, Galloway, Stirlingshire, Clydesdale, East Lothian, and the West and North of Scotland for the purpose of engaging seamen for the ships.1I From &ptember 1511 to July 1512 the weekly wages paid amounted to sums varying from 126 to 175. The monthly wages for September 1511 came to 178, and other entries for the same length of time range from 176 to 255. When we look at the wage-lists themselves, we find upwards of 800 names entered as mariners of the great ship, but it does not necessarily follow that these were all on board her at one time, for the same names are in many cases found as belonging to the James or Margaret. The probability is that the men were shifted about
I Epiat. Regum Scot., i., 214./ .pp. 412, 413. Gregory Smith'. Days of James .pp. 287, 288. IV., 118. .



from sbip to ship as was found convenient, and that the full complement was ultimately made up from the men who, as above mentioned, were summoned from all parts of Scotland. The majority of the seamen appear to have been Scotsmen, as might have been expected, and we meet with many familiar names, as Anderson, Bisset, Campbell, Forbes, Gardener, Irvine, Kennedy, Lang, Law, Maitland, Nicholson, Robertson, Sinclair, Thomson, and the like. Some names are not 80 well known: Radder may be intended for Adair, and John Ringan probably owed his name to St. Ninian: but Twizocht, Utiler, and Woguhelm are not represented by any modem family. There were several foreigners; Pernot Bawbyn or Babyn, who came to Scotland in June 1513, was a Frenchman; there were several Spaniards, and the gunners, such as Henrich " cutlug" were probably Dutch. But the whole names in the wage-lists given at the end of Appendix No. I. present an interesting study to the student of Scottish personal names. In the lists of the crews it will be observed that neither the spiritual nor physical comfort of the men were unattended to. On board the great ship there were at least two priests, bes~des the "Prior of St. Andrews," and there i~ mention in the ;.Vargaret of "the Barber," who corresponded to the ship's surgeon of more modern times. Music was provided by the inevitable "taubroner," e



while we may probably understand the" Maister Compter" to represent the purser. Provi8iona.-The ships appear to have been fairly well catered for in the way of rations. As a specimen, we may take Sunday, the 17th day of July, ,,!:hen the Great i.llichael was lying in Leith Roads with 200 men aboard. On that day she got two fresh marts or oxen, and 600 loaves of fresh bread which were provided by a Dunfermline baker; on Monday !ilie got a mart and a half, and the following day two marts; on Wednesday, which may have been a fast day, 400 fish were sent on board at 40d. a hundred; on Thursday, two marts were supplied; and on Friday, which would be the usual fast day, 400 fish; on Saturday there was a similar supply of fish, and on Sunday, when she sailed out to lie in the lee of Inchkeith, no less ~han eight marts were put on board, besides six sheep. For liquor to the crew during the week above mentioned there was laid in one last of fresh ale. A last was twelve barrels, each barrel containing twelve gallons. The price of the ale was 2Od. per gallon, and the casks in which it was put (or "treis" as they are termed in the accounts) were chiefly new salmon barrels and cost about 26s. a dozen. Of course, when the Great Michael was fully commissioned and ready for sea the quantity of provisions taken on board was much larger, but as we are not told how long they were supposed



to last, it is not possible to calculate how many men she had on board. Not only was the quantity of food greater, but there was considerable variety. Of ale there was no lack, 289 barrels being taken on board: in addition to this, there were 174 barrels of beer: this proves the inaccuracy of the popular notion that beer was not introduced into this country till the Reformation; as a matter of fact. beer was known in the 15th century if not earlier. 1 It was originally imported from Germany, and" beir of Hamburgh" is mentioned in the Exchequer Rolls in 1461; I any made in this country was probably brewed by foreigners. In addition to this ale and beer the Great Michael stowed away 29 tuns of wine. If we calculate the tun at 25~ gallons this would make 7,250 gallons, which would be an ample supply for a very considerable time. The wine was brought from France, and we have previously seen that a ship was sent to Rochelle for the purpose of its importation, and a large amount was brought by De la Motte, the French Ambassador, probably as a present for the King. For eatables there was put on board a large quantity of biscuits packed in barrels and covered with canvas. Those biscuits were made of half wheat and half rye, and the same ingredients went to the making of a comestible called "sour breid," though this is generally
'See "On Boote lhink," by W.,. tExch. Ro1lll, vii., 60. Cramond, LL. D., p. 6.; Treasurer's Accounts, i. p. ccxii.



supposed to have been made of oatmeaP The crew, however, did not altogether depend on biscuits or "sour breid," for there is no doubt baking was done on board, 14s. being provided to the bakers of the ship for clay to make an oven. Some finer victual was also supplied, but not to any great extent, as we read of only three barrels of flour being got, and even this appears to have been an afterthought, as it was "brocht in haist." Six and a half chalders of oatmeal completed the provisioning in the way of breadstufi's. With regard to meat, 200 salt marts and 40 fresh were provided, and four butchers took two days to slay and salt them. Forty" reistit swine," or, as we should say, salt pork, gave a variety to the menu. For fish there were 1,000 "con keling" or dried cod, "gevin be my IlOrd Secretar;" 5,300 stock fish "resavit fra the Franchman," besides thirteen barrels salmon, and five lasts of herring. Six hundred eggs were purveyed, 916 "cabbokes" or cheeses, making in all 200 stone of cheese. Fortytwo stone of butter in barrels were put on board, and a barrel of honey. There is a curious item of one barrel" pellok," which was probably salted porpoise and esteemed a dainty. It is difficult to know what use was made of half 110 pound of saftron which cost the large sum of 22s. 6d.; while four pounds of pepper does not seem as if condiments were greatly in demand. For all this victual there
'Of. Jamieson'. Diet.

'.11. Sour.



were provided sixteen pipes and twenty-four puncheons of fresh water, which we may presume was used more for cooking than drinking. Such was the provision for the creature comforts of the great ship and her crew: the smaller vessels were similarly furnished in proportion to their size, and from all that we learn from these lists it is tolerably certain that a seaman on board one of His Majesty's ships in the year 1513 was fairly well catered for. There are many details relating to the equipment of the ships in other respects, but for these reference must be made to the Appendix.

Along with the interest which he displayed in the construction of an efficient Navy, James devoted much attention to the production of pieces of heavy ordnance. We have already seen that he himself practised shooting with a hand culverin on several occasions. One was brought home to him by John Barton in 1507,1 and we read of the King getting horns for gunpowder,S one of these being made of silver and gilt.' Besides this, however, there must have. been pieces of greater calibre, as we read of great guns being shot in the Abbey close, when 28s. were given to the gunners. These gunners were chiefly foreigners. one at
1 For aD accouut of the early Scottish Artillery see Treaaurer'a Accounts, i. pp. ccxvi.-(IOXxiii.

9 P. 97. pp. 102, 103. P. 107.



least was French; " the French gunner" gets particoloured taffety,I and payments to him are elsewhere mentioned.! His wages were 3 lOs. per month, which was not quite so much as the Flemish gunners got, but more than the Scotsmen in the same service. 8 As his name is never mentioned, it is not certain whether the person who is styled "the French gunner" is identical with "the Franchman that suld mak the gunnis," to whom a payment of 56s. was made in May 1508. The majority of the foreign gunners were, however, to judge from their names, natives of the Low Countries. Hans, Henryk "Cutlug," Wolf, and perhaps others, came from those districts, and trained a staff of Scottish artillerymen, such as Seton, Nicolson, Baillie, Ormiston, &c.,' under them. Cannon, though in use for nearly two hundred years previous to the period with which we are now dealing, had only just begun to be cast in iron, but it is doubtful whether any of the guns mentioned in these accounts were made of that metal unalloyed. It was on the 10th March 1501-8 that Alexander Bow, a potter in Edinburgh, got 5 to buy metal to cast the first gun. It is not clear whether this is intended to refer to a mere hand culverin, with the use of which the King was quite infatuated about this time, or to a piece of heavy ordnance. Certainly big guns were before long proceeded with.




Before dealing with the home product, however, it may be noted that guns of considerable calibre were already in use, as we read of the King himself shooting the guns at Newhaven under the direction of "George the Almane gunner." 1 These guns may have been imported, as others certainly were later,' from Flanders. In 150S, as above stated, the manufacture of guns appears to have been started at two places, Edinburgh and Stirling. On 10th March 1507-S, Alexander Bow, a potter in Edinburgh, got 5 to buy metal "to cast the first gun with," and between that date and the 28th of the following month he got no less than 65 additional. On the 5th of April a man that made "the form for the gun in the Abbey" got 14s. in drinksilver, and there are frequent entries relating to the manufacture of gunpowder, though this was probably for the King's own culverin, in the practice of which he was at this time much, engaged. But we do not have many details of the making of guns in Edinburgh at this period, though later, as we shall see, there was a regular gun foundry in the Castle. It was in Stirling that their manufacture was chiefly carried on. On thts 11th of April 150S a stone of tallow was purchased "to lay on the muld of the gun," 8 and a few days after a gun was carried from Stirling Castle to the
IP. lot.
Ipp.286, 301.




potters, probably in order to enable the workmen to fashion a correct mould. On the 28th April we read of wire to bind the mould, and on the same date "the man that makes the gun in Stirling" was given 14s., and large quantities of metal were purchased for the making, amounting to a total value of 11 6s. 8d. As the metal was bought at different rates it is probable that there were different kinds of metal, which points to the guns being made of some kind of bronze alloy. Two guns were made at this casting, and 31s. was paid for iron bands to bind them with. In May there were purchases of wax, rosin, wire, copper, iron, and tallow for the guns, while a man was sent to Dunblane to get a stone of ., Hollis" or cloth with the nap raised for smoothing the moulds. All did not go well sometimes in the native effort to cast guns, as 42s. was at one time paid to the potter of Stirling for the mould of a gun" that made na stede," from which we may presume that the mould had been faulty, and that the casting was a failure. 1 Foreign aid had to be called in, and on the 20th June "George the Almane gunner " goes to Stirling with two horses for himself and his gear "to the werk for the guns casting." On the 9th of July Alan Cochran, the annourer, was sent from Stirling to Edinburgh to purchase tin for the guns casting: it arrived thre~ days afterwards, 80 that Alan had lost no

1 P.


lip. 127.



time on his errand. The work was proceeded with without delay, 148. being given to the man that made the furnace to melt the metal in, and a similar sum to the Cambuskenneth smith who assisted in the nui.nufacture. We hear nothing more of the Stirling guns, and owing to the gap in the accounts it is some years before we can again take up the tale of the formation of James's Scottish artillery. Before coming to that, however, it is interesting to see how the King devoted himself to shooting with the culverin, with all a child's enthusiasm for a new toy. Not only was he, as we have seen, frequently engaged in shooting matches, but he had several guns made for him, and those evidently of very fine quality, at least 80 far as outward adornment went. The first culverin arrived almost certainly from abroad, as it was brought by a man of John Barton in January 1507-8-its price was high, 14 being paid on 1st of February to Barton for" ane gun to the King."l His Majesty was not long in experimenting with his new acquisition, for on the 4th Febrnary he is shooting with it in the hall of Holyrood house, Hans the gunnel' being present to instruct him in the due conduct of the gun. Next day he is able to go outside, and evidently has a match in the garden of Sir George Newton, who was possibly a canon attached to the Abbey of Holyrood-at

Ix viii


all events, we meet with a Sir George Newton who was rector of Bedrule in 1504,1 and he may have got preferment at a later date, if indeed he did not always have his residence in Edinburgh, as the charter in which his name occurs as a witness is dated from that city. In this his first shooting match with the culverin the King lost 110 less than 4 18s., as was 110 doubt to be expected, owing to his want of proficiency in the weapon: the next time he indulged in the recreation at the same place, only a few days after, his losses came down to 28s., but they rise again to 3 lOs. in his next match, which was with William Douglas, perhaps that Sir William who married the heiress of Glenbervie, alld whose descendants ultimately succeeded to the Earldom of Angus. On 15th February the King aspired to greater feats in the way of firearms, and three of his artillerymen - Hans, Herwort, and Pierson-superintended affairs while their &yal master shot the great guns in the Abbey Close; whether they were loaded with ball and at what range they were fired we are not informe<l About this time we have several notices of gunpow~er being made, and Herwort makes "pellokis" for the King's culverin. The word is usually employed to denote cannon balls of about 20 lbs. weight, but ill this instance they must mean much smaller ammunition. On 28th 1 Reg. Mat. Sig., Ultb June, 1504.



February 288. is given for "ane blawing horn to be ane powder horn," a large sum for very common affair, and in the evening no doubt it was used to load the culverin with which James shot a match against his absurd clerical friend the Abbot of Tongland, when he, as usual, lost. There are notices of several other matches on which we need not dwell, but the King was evidently very proud of his culverin for which he had paid 80 much. On the 9th of March Selkyrk the cutler gets 28s. for gilding it, and the owner is waxing keen in the new pastime, as 011 the 18th a great black bag and a great belt are furnished in order to carry the King's gunpowder; on the 18th a silver gilt powder horn is purchased costing in all 2 9s. 2<1., a large expenditure, seeing that neither the onlinary "blawing horn" nor the great black bag can have been worn out, if indeed they had been worn at all. The next time the King shot the big gullS was at Newhaven in the beginning of April 1508, where he would have better scope for practice than in the Abbey Close. This did not detract from his devotion to his culverin, however, and he appears to have tried one of native manufactUre, as on the 27th April Sir James Pettigrew was paid 10 for making a culverin to the King; this was rather cheaper than the foreign one he had previously purchased. We get an instructive glimpse of the conditions under which the King's shooting matches were conducted by an entry on 28th



April for six ells of-canvas" quhilk the King schot gunnis at," that is to say, the firing evidently took place at canvas targets. But after a very few months' practice James felt that he could do something better than merely shoot at a mark for a wager, and accordingly we find him out with his keeper at Falkland early in May "to stalk ane cleir with the culveryn." It is tantalising that we are not informed of the result of this stalk; nor are we in any better position as regards another occasion when James made one of a merry party embarked in rowing boats oft' the Isle of May "to schuit at fowlis with the culveryn." This expedi- . tion did not take place till the end of June, when the stormy waters of the Forth were probably on their best behaviour for the sporting occupants of the" row botes." 1 Although we have no account of the total bag on either of these occasions, the King does not appear to have been dissatisfied with the performance of his gun, as in the beginning of July he ordered two new culverins. 2 These made at least five which had been got since the beginning of February. The first had cost 14, the second 10, the third, which was got on the 4th of J Ulle, and which occurs in a list of arIDS got for the tournament, only cost 4, but perhaps it was that "lang culveryn" on which 42s. more was expended in varnishing it and gilding the endthe butt end presumably, and the" twich plaith,"

I P. 132.



which is said to have been half a foot long.I This gun must have been fired from a portable stand, as is seen in many old pictures of military subjects. Within a month two more culverins were purchased I at a little higher price than the last, the pair costing 9 16s. All these guns meant a corresponding supply of gunpowder; there are many notices of its manufacture, and later on a regular powder mill was set up in Edinburgh. Meanwhile the manufacture does not seem to have been on a large scale, and the powder for the culverins seems to have cost something to make, as Hans charged 228. 6d. for 4t lbs. s There is a curious entry on the 4th July 1508, when Currour the goldsmith seems to have supplied a gun to the King; perhaps this was the silver gun of which we read. on the 28th of July, when a " mesure" for regulating the charge of powder was supplied to it. t Whether the King lost conceit of culverin shooting as time went on we do not know, but in the later series of accounts there is little or no mention of it. The King certainly continued to shoot, but it was with the more primitive weapons of bows and arrows. Firearms were destined for more serious purposes than mere amusement. It was in 1511 that gun-making on a large scale was commenced in the Castle of Edinburgh. Native talent was found not to be s1l;fficient, and
IP.I222P. ]32.

'Po 12".?
P. 137.



artificers had to be imported. We read of Gervase, gunner, and John Garnere, Steven Davenneis and Jacat, "melters," besides other assistants, including a wright and a smith.1 Jacat, we know, came from Tours, and all of them were brought from France, as they got payment for extra expenses incurred by them while waiting for a ship and a fair wind at the port of Dieppe. Jacob and Hans, the Flemings, were already in Scotland. Large quantities of iron and other metal were purchased in France and Flanders, and delivered at the Castle. The result was the casting of "ane gret cannoun callit the Necar," in the making of which 1,819 lbs. of brass were used. I! One hundred and forty-four" gun stanis" were imported,s and later on a powder mill arrived at Dundee, and was carried from there to Edinburgh.' Six" bemys culveringis" were brought from Campvere to Leith, and 3,018 " pellokis " or cannon balls weighing about 20 lbs. apiece were purchased for upwards of 63. 6 There were other purchases of a similar kind; 4,023 "gun stanis" of iron of the largest size, each weighing 331Ibs., were got, and 263 smaller ones of 15 lbs. A little later, in June 1512, -there was a further importation of 436 iron balls, each weighing 36 lbs., and 203 "pellokis" for the
IP.276. 'P.278. 'P.288.

P.292. I P. 301.



large culverins of 16 Ibs. 1 There was, indeed, no stint of expenditure on ammunition and metal for guns. The next month William Brounhill brings home 816 stones of gun metal, 2i tons of copper, and 9 tons of cannon balls.! Meanwhile the casting of guns went on apace in Edinburgh Castle under the superintendence of Robert Borthwick, "master meltar." On the last day of January 1511-12 the King paid a visit to the foundry, and gave 4 4s. in" propines It to the Dutch smiths, Scots smiths, masons, wrights, gunners, powder men. and other workmen in the Castle.' In June 1512 another visit was paid, Gervase" and his marrowis gunnares" getting 28s. in drinksilver, while we learn that they had some assistance in ,the form of unskilled labour, 14s. being given at the same time to" pure bodeis that helpit to melt." On the 20th June some Leith carters were sent with ten carts to the Castle of Threave to bring back two great guns; it is evident that all the available artillery was to be concentrated in Edinburgh in case of its being wanted for an expedition into England. There is not much further reference to the guns in the main text of the accounts. In November 1512 we find Thomas Kincaid, the Constable of Edinburgh Castle, getting 80 for the purchase of copper, and we meet with a Wol(Urnebrig who gets a
IP.303. P. SOG.




monthly wage of 4 4s. for manufacturing gunpowder.1 But when we tum to the Appendices containing the more detailed Accounts of the Master of the Works, which were afterwards summarised in the Accounts of the Treasurer, we find many most interesting items relating to the artillery. By August 1512 some of the guns with which the artificers in the Castle had been so busy were ready, so we find three great guns being taken from the Castle to Leith, ready to be put on board the Great Michael, or some of the other ships which were there waiting for their equipment. It may be noted that each gun required six carts to bear it.1I In December, 26s. were spent on iron to make handspikes or "gavelokis" for them. On the 19th of the same month two more guns were shipped "in haste." 8 Meanwhile the cannon foundry in the Castle was doing good work. In March 1513 there were ten men working under Borthwick at the melting of the metal besides four smiths, two men being under a Scottish smith and one under a Flemish. Long poles of fir wood were purchased to stir the molten metal with, and the furnaces were, of course, kept going night and day.4 It is not necessary to allude in detail to the various purchases of different kinds of metal for the guns and other necessary appliances. These

P. 440.

~P. ~l.

'P.460. P.508.



will all be found set forth very carefully in the accounts. One iron gun at least was taken in hand by the Scottish smith.1 The others were a8 usual cast in bronze. While the" mel tars " worked at the guns, Wolf was no less busy in his department of the powder mill, and an array of carpenters were engaged in making the ammunition waggons which were to accompany the guns when they were ready to set out. Barcar, the smith, put iron tyres on twenty pairs of great wheels for them, and was also responsible for the making of spades, shovels, handspikes, and such like articles to accompany the guns on their journey, not so much probably for entrenching purposes as to enable the roads over which they were to be taken to be made passable for such heavy and cumbrous machines. Harness of all kinds, both for oxen and horses, was prepared, and tallow and grease to facilitate the free working of the axles were not forgotten. It was, indeed, a very fully equipped park of artillery that proceeded to set out on Wednesday the 17th of August 1513 on their fateful expedition. Pitscottie tells us that the number of men to be marched to Flodden under command of the King amounted to 100,000; and that the arti~ery consisted of thirty large guns and as many field pieces. We may safely put down all these numbers as much exaggerated. In the accounts now before



us there is only a record of seventeen guns in all-five big cannon, two "gros culverins," four "culverins pikmoyane," and six "culverins moyane." They were all under the direction of Robert Borthwick, who had so much to do with their manufacture. The old historian above mentioned tells us that Borthwick had cast seven cannon in Edinburgh Castle, and that they were called the seven sisters, presumably from their being all alike in shape and size; but the accounts, unfortunately, are against this picturesque touch. Borthwick did no doubt cast many guns, and went to England in charge of them. If they had been used as he wished, as he implored the King, we are told, on his bended knees to do,l the fate of the day might have been di1l'erent. But James's infatuated obstinacy threw away that chance as it did others. Let us see meanwhile in detail what the number and equipment of these guns really were. The army, as we know, assembled on the Borough Muir, but the artillery does not appear to have gone there. On the day above mentioned five cannon were" put on gait" and drawn by men to the Nether Bow in St. Mary's Wynd, where they remained all night watched by twelve men.1 On the morrow they started on their journey south. The first cannon must have been smaller than the others; it had a team of oxen provided

Tytler, iv., 77.

I tp.515.



by the Captain of the Castle, with eight drivers, and as each man drove four oxen this would only make thirty-two oxen in all; the other two cannon were each drawn by thirty-six oxen with nine drivers, the teams being furnished by beasts partly provided by the King himself and partly by private individuals, among whom may be mentioned" the laird of Dunnys," the Prior of Whithom, and the Provost of Coldstream. They had ropes attached before and behind to keep them" at upwith and dounewith," that is, to help the oxen going up a hill or to put a drag on when going down hill. Each gun was accompanied by a corps of twenty men, with spades, shovels, and picks to level the road in di1l'erent places and generally to assist their progress; they may possibly also have been intended to make entrenchments when the time came. Each man-both drivers and pioneersgot a shilling a day while in Scotland and sixteenpence while in England; fourteen days' wages were paid them at the former rate and eight at the latter. On the 19th August the remaining guns got under weigh. There were two "gros culveringis," the first drawn by thirty-six oxen and with a similar body of men at the cannon; the second gun of the same type had only thirty-two oxen. There were four culverins "pikmoyane," each drawn by sixteen oxen, with four drivers and ten pioneers. There were six smaller pieces, each with eight oxen and a horse and six pioneers. A



crane was taken, probably for the purpose of slinging the guns when required., and there were four score of" foir oxen," or fore oxen, which may have been used for assisting the regular teams in any specially difficult place. The" gun stanis" were carried in creels or baskets on the backs of twenty-eight horses, but some were taken in cart8.1 There were at least a dozen carts with gunpowder, and the" burneledaris" of Edinburgh, probably persons who dug the ditches and drains or sunk the wells in connection with the primitive water supply of the town, furnished two cartfuls of spades, shovels, picks, ~d mattocks. Robert Borthwick had twenty-six men under his more immediate command in connection with the working of the guns; and Barcar and several . other smiths took their tools, together with iron and coals and probably anvils, to execute any work that might be found necessary on the guns. . The smiths appear to have got two shillings a day, a much higher rate of pay than the usual. The difficulties of transporting such an amount of artillery and ammunition so far south as England must have been considerable. The route taken was probably over Soutra Hill to Coldstream, a distance of forty-eight miles . . James, we are told,2 entered England on the 2211d August, but as the last of the guns did not leave Edinburgh before the 20th, the King with

Tytler, iv., 72.



characteristic impatience must have pushed on considerably in advance of the heavier portion of his army. This indeed is reflected in the accounts, from which we see that he did not even wait for his standards to be ready, a man having to wait on their completion and bring them aft~r the King cc in haist, that nycht that the Kingis Grace departit furth of Edinburgh." 1 Even so late as the 19th of August we find the purchase of a stand of harness for the King noted; it was bought from Sir David Guthrie, who only got an obligation for the payment of it-ready money was not, we may suppose, very accessible at the time. But the gUllS, or some of them at least, must have come up with commendable quickness, as they were probably employed in the reduction of the Castles of Etal and Wark and Norham-the siege of the latter occupied five days, and it surrendered on the 29th August. One incident in the journey of the guns is narrated in the accounts, which is not without interest. At Dalkeith an ox which formed part of one of the teams had the misfortune to break its neck b)1 being run over by one of the cannon. Anothel was bought in its place at the cost of 32s., and the deceased ox was given to the men to eat--a part of the commissariat which was doubtless duly enjoyed. Before closing these remarks on the preparations

P. 521.



for Flodden it may be noted that there are many other interesting details concerning them in the accounts. We have, for instance, the charges for making the tents, some of leather, others of canvas, and a body of forty men were employed to pitch and strike them. The banners and standard were made at the last moment. There were two banners of St. Andrew and St. Margaret, each made of four ells of blue taffety, while the King's standard was of red taffety and three ells in length, which is shorter than might have been sup~sed, as a King's standard to be borne in war is said by the old writers to be nine yards long. AJlthese Bags were heavily fringed,and for the convenience of carriage were inclosed in leather catles. 1 There is a curious incident recorded in the Appendix in relation to the Irish Chieftain O'Donell. We have seen that he was in Scotland in July 1513, the Earl of Argyll getting 50 for his expenses. 2 There was some idea of creating a diversion in Ireland which might occupy the attention of the English King. The chief was hospitably entertained on his visit. The sum paid to Argyll must have been for the expenses of his journey. We now find that he himself got 40 "in plakkis" for his costs while in Edinburgh, and a present, when he took his departure, of 160. But more was done: a big gun and a
IP.621. 'P.416.

'P. rRl.



culverin, with proportionate ammunition, was sent, as far as Glasgow, probably with the intention of being shipped to Ireland. With them went seven quarriers" for the undermyning of wallis," which speaks of a projected siege. In addition to all this cavalcade there were sixteen "tume" or empty carts sent, which were destined to bring home wine expected to be landed on the west coast from France. What hitch occurred we do not know: perhaps it was felt that the guns could not be spared at such a critical time. But certain it is that the guns never got to Ireland, as on the 14th of August more carts were dispatched to Glasgow to bring them home again, and .we are told that they took ten days to come home, so that they would not arrive in Edinburgh till the 24th, probably too late to be of assistance to the army, which had by that time started for England. 1

The volume of accounts is necessarily of 80 large a size that space forbids more than a very few subjects being touched upon in the Preface. The student of history and manners will find much to interest him in the various items detailed in the following pages. One or two can only be briefly referred to. Life at Court went on very much as it had done in previous years, but many little



details are new. For the first time in the accounts we have information of the King's winnings at cards-all the former entries referred to his losses. We are told, however, that he once won twentysix ducats; but with characteristic generosity they were incontinently given away to a Spaniard whose ship had been captured by Macleod, who no doubt was always on the look-out for such sendings of Providence in the Western Isles. Another testimony, if any were wanted, to the King's kindness of heart is found in an entry on 30th April 150S, when three shillings were given "to ane pure bame that tuke the King' by the hand." May we see in this the Royal power of touching for scrofula P The superstition widely obtained for centuries. Laurentius, physician to Henry IV. of France, claims that the power commenced with Clovis I., while others say that it was of English growth, commencing with Edward the Confessor and descending only to such foreign sovereigns as could show an alliance with the Royal family of England. However this may be, it is a most graphic incident to meet with in the midst of a series of accounts; and even if we dismiss the idea of its having the medical significance to which allusion has been made, it shows the accessibility and kindliness which made access to the Scottish Sovereign open to a poor Scottish child. We have not so many notices .as previously of



the King's pets, but the marmoset from Calicut was a new addition to the Royal menagerie,I and there is a notice of a " must" (probably an animal of a similar kind to the "must cat" mentioned in previous volumes) being brought to the King by a friar of Ferrara, for which he got the large sum of 70.' The King's table during the period of these accounts was augmented by some handsome plate both of silver and gold, details of which will be found in pp. 321 and 532; in the latter page it is mentioned that for the " bostering" of two gold trenchers there was delivered to the goldsmith the silver of the greatest broken" beriall pig." It is difficult to say what this means: a "pig" is usually an earthenware, not a metal vessel; but it may be permitted to hazard a guess that the "beriall pig" may have been a receptacle for ashes or other relics of a deceatled person. The tournament alluded to ~s having taken place at the end of May 1508 8 was given when the Lord of Aubigny came to Scotland. It was very much a repetition of the one given in 1507', but rather on a grander scale. Pitscottie gives a long account of it, and says it lasted for forty days, which is probably a gross exaggeration. He says also that at the end there were ., bancats" given at Holyrood for three days, and at each banquet a farce or play was acted, together with

I P.I19.



conjuring tricks. In the more trustworthy, if less amusing, accounts we only read of" the bancat," "the play," "the dans," which points to only one entertainment having been given. It was no doubt done in very good style, but there is no hint to corroborate Pitscottie's marvellous story about "ane clwdd" which descended from the roof of the Hall and" cleikkit up the blak lady."l In accordance with a rather absurd custom of the time the housings of the horses of the knights in the tournament and their own servants seem to have been ornamented with letters, which probably had some significance, as we find Piers the painter getting no less than 5 12s. 6d. for cutting them out of velvet. It must be left for the diligent student of the accounts to cull for himself the items which most interest him. We must now take leave of the Accounts of the Treasurers of James IV., which have filled three volumes of the present series. One cannot read them without feeling that the Scottish nation was full of life and vigour in those days. It was not so poor as it afterwards became; the country was on the whole perfectly safe to travel through, and the roads must have been quite fairly good, certainly sufficiently 80 for the needs of the inhabitants. The population, from the glimpses we get of it, seem to have lived in

Pitacottie, Scot.- Text Ed.,





tolerable comfort, probably more comfortably than they did in later times. The turbulent members of society were kept in order, and the King's writ ran in most parts, at all events, of his dominions, and when there was any difficulty about it the King's strong hand was sure to be felt ere long. The nobles, whose internecine quarrels worked more to the detriment of Scotland than anything .else in her history, were kept wonderfully quiet. during James's reign. A brilliant and gay Court, if it did not elevate the moral tone of the commons, must at least have raised the standard of taste and the appreciation of art in the kingdom, while literature and science-so far as the latter was understood - received Royal recognition and encouragement. Through all the period the commanding personality of the King stands out conspicuous. A man with many faults, which were to be bitterly expiated, but also with many virtues; brave and chivalrous to a degree, he won the hearts of his people by his condescension and amiability, while his position in relation to the politics of Europe caused him to be courted by foreign Powers in a way which no Scottish Sovereign had previously experienced. Personany, he must have been a charming man; he had the " Byronic" note in him, but with all the romance and waywardness which formed such integral parts of his character, he did not neglect the more practical issues of life, as is shown by



the enthusiasm and energy with which he threw himself into the work of fitting out his navy and raising the efficiency of the military service of his kingdom. His features have been preserved to us on the canvas of Holbein,l though the picture has been so repainted as to convey very little impression of its original execution. The face is rather a sad one, with large and lustrous eyes, high cheek bones, and a large but firm mouth, the cheeks clean shaved. In his haud, large, slender, and sinewy, he holds a flower, apparently a Marguerite, an allusion to his Queen. The dress is dark, and not particularly becoming. There is another and more interesting portrait by Mytens in Keir House; in this the King is attired more as one would expect he would be. He wears a soft black cap with a gold brooch in front; a white shirt adorned at the throat with a a border of gems appears at the breast and wrists; the doublet and robe are of scarlet slashed with cloth of gold, the latter being trimmed with brown fur at the breast and sleeves; on the left fist of the King is perched a peregrine falcon with a leash attached to the jesses turned round three of the fingers, while the right hand holds, pressed against the side, a lilac hawk's rest or" block," decorated with dark green fillets. The face, seen in the three-quarters to the left, is exceedingly individual in features and expreBBion, the cheeks
1In the po8IIIlII8iOD of the Marquees of Lothian at Newb&ttJe Abbey.



shaven, the protruding upper lip showing the slight stubble of a dark moustache, the eyes greyish hazel, the eyebrows dark brown, and the brown hair falling in large thick masses over the shoulders.1 I have thought it not inappropriate to close the' series of Prefaces dealing with the accounts of this monarch, with a description of his personal appearance as it has been preserved to us. I take leave of him with regret as I would part with an intimate personal friend. It only remains for me to acknowledge with grateful thanks the assistance which haH been rendered me by several persons in the preparation of this volume. Especially do lowe a debt of gratitude to Mr. John Scott, C.B., whose intimate knowledge of everything relating to shipbuilding and ships both ancient and modem has enabled me to throw light on many an expression which would otherwise have remained obscure. He has been most kind in reading the proofs of the accounts which relate to the naval preparations. It is, perhaps, superfluous to mention the name of Mr. Maitland Thomson, Curator of the Historical Department, as one to whom due acknowledgment should be made for much kindly help; no person who has trodden the thorny

The descript.ion of the Keir picture is taken from an account by th" late J. M.:

Gray, Curator of the Scottish National Portrait. Gallery.



paths of Records can have failed to profit by his guidance. To the Rev. John Anderson, the Assistant Curator, is due more than a mere formal word of thanks. He is ever full of suggestion . and resource, and ever ready to place them at the disposal of the importunate editor. My assistant, Mr. P. J. H. Mackenzie, has been most painstaking in all the work which has devolved on him, and Mr. Joseph Davidson, of the Advocates' Library, is responsible for the Index, not the least valuable and necessary part of a book like the present. J.B. P.







COMPOTUM Jacobi Abbatis de Dunfermling Thesaurarii anno infrascripto.

Compotum venerabilis in Cristo patris Jacobi Abbatis de Dunferm[ling The]saurarii Domini Regis redditum apud Edinburgh octavo die mensis Augusti anno Domini millesi[mo] quingentesimo octavo de omnibus receptis suis et exp6nais de universis et singulis pecuniarum s[um]mis wardis releviis, maritagiis, eschaetis, finibua, compoeitionibua, remissionibus et allis accident[ibua] quibuscunque a die 8exto mensis Septembris anni Domini millesimi quingentesimi septimi usque in diem hujua compoti inclusive coram auditoribus Bubscriptis, videlicet, reverendiB in Cristo patribuB Willelmo, Andrea et David, Abirdonenai,Moraviensi et Lismorensi Episcopis, nobilibua et prepotentibua Dominis Archibaldo Comite de Ergill, Domino Campbell et Lorn, Matheo Comite de Levinax Domino Dernlie. venerabilibua in Cristo patribuB, Johanne Priore Ecclesie Metropolitane Sanctiandree, Jacobo Abbate de Scona, Henrico Abbate de Jedburgh, Jacobo Reidheuch, compotorum Rotulatore Johanne RamA




say de Traren:5eane milite et Roberto Col vile de Hiltoun Directore Cancellarie et J ohanne Quhite Rectore de Petcokkis per commiseionem Domini Regia specialiter deputatis. Item, onerat Be de ixmiijoxj It. xv it vj ct. obolo per arreragia ultimi compoti sui ut patet in pede ejusdem. Summa arreragii patet.


in anna predicto.

Item, idem onerat se de xilij It. receptis a vicecomite de Bervik in Sca.ccario anna quingentesimo octavo i et de lxxxxviij It. a vicecomite de Fife i et de lxx It. xiij R. ilij ct. 1\ vicecomite de Banff i et de xxxvj It. a senescallo de Straitheme i et de vt'lxxxij Ii. viij R. a vicecomite de Forfair; et de jOxlj It. vj ill. viij d. a senescallo Vallis Annandie; et de xx It a vicecomite de Selkirk; et de xlv It. ix II. a viCecomite de Kincardin; et de lxviij If. a vicecomite de Edinburgh i et de lij lt~ x d. obolo a vicecomite de Linlithqw i et de ijClxxxvj It. v R. ilij ct. a vicecomite de Perth; et de Iv It. a vicecomite de Lanark; et de Ix It. xiiij R. viij d. a vicecomite de Peblis; et de vjCxxxvj It. vj R. viij ct a vicecomite de Striveling ; et de viij It. xij R. a vicecomite de Wigtoun; et de xv It. a vicecomite de Edinburgh infra constabulariam de Hathintoun; et de jClxxilij It. xiij l. iiij ct. a vicecomite de Dumfreis; et de ix It. a seneecallo de Menteith; et de jClxxix It. xv R. ij ct. a vicecomite de Dun bretane ; et de jCXij It. ilij l. v ct. a senescallo de Kirkcudbrytht ; et de ilij It. a vicecomite de Elgin; et de xx It. a vicecomite de Roxburth eodem anna in Scaccario. Summa hujus onerationis ijlllvjClxxxix It. ix R. ilij ct. oOOlus. TENET A.



tenti per tempus A.D. 1507.

compoti Item, idem onerat se de iiijClxxxxiij It. xvj . viij ct, in partem solutionis noningintarum sex librarum compositionum remissionum factarum in itinere justiciarie de Dunde, tanto in mense Maroii anna yO septimo; et sic restant iiijOXij It. iij . iiij d, onerande ut supra.


extra itinera per tempus

compoti. Item, idem onerat Be de jCX !t., in partem solutionis tricentarum Bexaginta quatuor librarum compositionual remissionum extra itinera per tempus compQti; et sic restant ijoliiij It, onerande ut supra.


infra hoc compotum.

Item, idem onerat se de lxvj It xiij . iij ct, pro carta Alexandri Stratoun de eodem de duabus nonis partibus terrarum. de Inverbervy que recognite fuerunt. Et de vj Ii. xiij . iiij ct., pro carta Willelmi Gordoune, filii Patricii Gordoun, de terris de Johnnsleys. Et de lix It vj . viij d, pro carta feodifirme Andree de Pettindreich de terris de uvir et nethir Pettindreich, Cragmidarte, cum molendino de Pettindrech et piscaria in aqua de Dovarn, per resignationem Abbatis de Deir, sui fratris. Et de xl Ii., pro carta Tristrami Gorthy de eadem de terris de Gorthy cum molendino et medietate de Dalpatrik, unitis in liberam baroniam. Et de viij It, pro carta confirmationis J ohannis Scheves de terris de Burnacbelis. Et de xx It, in partem solutionis compositionis quadraginta librarum pro carta Walteri Cullace de




dimedietate terrarum et baronie de Menmure; et restant xx It, onerande ut supra. 1<~t de x It., pro compositione carte Roberti Innes de Illvermarky de viginti duabus mercatis terrarum dominicalium de Innes. Et de xx It., pro carta Alexandri Gadderare, burgensis de Elgin, super duabus cartis sibi factis per Alexandrum Innes de eodem de terris de Corsky. Et de ijCxlvj It., in partem solutionis qllingintarum librarum pro compositione carte Willelmi Douglas de Drumlanrig pro tems et baronia de Hawik, et Dominus Rex remisit viginti libras de principali summa Georgeo Chesholme de eodem per literas sub signeto et subscriptione; et sic restant ijCxxxiiij It., onerande ut supra. Non onerat Be de xl 11., pro compositione carte Jacobi Lummisdene, filii et heredis apparentis Thome Lummisdane de Condolanc, de terris de Condolane. Item, idem onerat Be de xxiiij 11., pro carta Ade Scott de Tuschelaw de terris de Tuschelau cum pertinentiis. Et de xxiiij It., pro carta Walteri Scot de Houpaslot de loco et telTia de Laudhoip. Et de x It., pro carta confirmationis Thome Fentoun de Ougill de terris de Beuforte. Et de xxiiij H., pro carta feodifirme Johannis Scott de loco de Hanyng in warda de Ettrik, infra forestam ejusdem. Non onerat Be nec onerabitur in futurum de lxvj It. xiij ~. iiij d., pro compositione carte Archibaldi Napar de Merchainestoun de dimedietate telTarum de Rusky et aliis terris in dicta carta contentis, quia Dominus Rex remisit dictam summam Johanni Ramsay, militi, per suas literas. Item, idem onerat Be de xlvj It. xiij ~. iiij ct., in partem solutionis centum mercarum compositionis carte Walteri Inn('s .le terris de Towchis et Petfour que rccognite fuerunt; et restant xx 11., onerande ut supra. Et de iijCxxxiij H. vj it viij d., in partem solutionis


quadringintarum librarwn pro carta. conjuncte infeo- A.D. 1507. dationis Willelmi Oliphant de terris et baronia de Strabrok que fuerunt Georgei Oliphant; et sic restant solvende lxvj It xiij it iiij d., onerande ut supra. Et de xx It, pro compositione carte Jacobi Dunbar de Westfeilde, de eisdem terris in conjuncta infeodatione. Non onerat Be de xv 11., carte Johannis Lokart de terris de Bar, onerandis ut supra. Item, idem onerat Be de j~lvj It xiij it iiij d., pro carta Johannis Pennicuke de ec.dem, militis, de terris et baronia de Penicuke et advocatione ecclesie que recognite fuerunt. Et de x 11., pro compositione carte Patrlcii Sleich et J onete, sponse sue, de terris de Cumleich. Nee onerat Be de I 11., compositionis carte Magistri Willelmi Ogilvy de terris de Baldavy et certis allis terris in dicta carta. contentis. Item, idem onerat se de iij 11., pro carta conjuncte infeodationis Roberti Carlile de terris de Glenturk et Carsley. Et de xxv 11., in partem solutionis quinquaginta librarum. pro carta. Theme Corre de Keldwode de terris de Thomastoun et molendino et allis terrls; et sic restant xxv It, onerande ut supra. Et de vj 11. xiij it iiij d., pro ca.rta confirma.tionis Johannis Ogilvy super quarta parte terrarum de Arde. Et de xiij 11. vj s. viij ct, pro carta. confirmationis Jacobi Arbuthnot de eodem de duabus nonis partibus de Inverbervy. Et de I It, in partem solutionis centum librarum. compositionis carte Cuthberti Comitis de Glencarne de terris et baronia de Hiltoun; et sic restant 1 11., onerande ut supra. Et de lxvj 11. xiij A. iiij ct, pro carta Roberti Lauder de Bas de dimedietate terrarum de Bas et Newton. Et de jC Ii., pro carta Johannis Murray de Cokpull de terris de Cokpule.



Et de x H., carte coufirmatiouis Johauuis Durahame de terris de Innenee. Et de iijCUj H. vij fl., in partem solutionis sexingintarum nonaginta octo librarum tresdecim solidorum quatuor denariorum compositionis carte Jacobi Dunbar de Westfeild de terris et baronia de Cumnok; et sic restant iijClxxxxv It vj fl. iiij d. Et de vj It xiij !. iiij ct, pro carta conjuncte infeodationis David Skrimgeour de Fardill et sue sponse de quarta parte terrarum de Fardill. Et de jClxxxviij H. viij !. iiij d., in partem solutionis quadringintarum sexaginta sex librarum tresdecim solidorum iiij denariorum comp08itionis carte Roberti Bertoun de terris de Bemtoun; et sic restant ijClxxviij Ii. v R. j d. Et de jCxxxiij H. vj R. viij ct, in partem solutionis tricentarum librarum carte Georgei M:.tri Angusie de terris et dominio de Selkirk; et sic restant jClxvj H. xiij R. iiij d'., onerande ut supra. Et de lxvj It xiij fl. iiij d., in partem solutionis centum triginta trium librarum sex solidorum octo denariorum compositionis carte Roberti Erskin, militia, de terris de Sintoun et suis tenandrlls; et sic restant lxvj H. xiij !. iiij d., onerande ut supra. Et de vjOxj It xv d'., in partem solutionis mille Vicentarum triginta trium librarum sex solidorum octo denariorum compositionis carte J ohannis Domini Somirvell de terris et baronia de Camveth que recognite fuerunt; et sic restant vijnij H. v !. V ct., onerande ut supra. Et de vj It xiij R. iiij ct, in p{Iortem solutionis viginti mercarum compositionis carte Thome Lowis de terris de Brigland que recognite fuerunt; et sic reetant vj H. xiij 11. iiij ct, onerande ut supra. Et de iij H., in partem solutionis compositionis carte confirmationis CrletineBroune, filie et heredis quondam J ohannis Broune, extendentia ad quatuor libras de quarta parte terrarum de Cullace; et reetant xx II.


Et de viij It xix B., carte confirmationis Johannia A.D. 1507. Kennedy de Blarquhan de uno -annuo in baronia de Alway jacente infra vicecomitatum de Aire. Et de vllxvj It xiij B. iiij ct, in partem solutionis octingintarum librarum carte Alexandri Comitia de Huntlie de terris et foresta de Cabrauch ; et sic restant jCxxxiij It vj B. viij ct., onerande. Et de xvj It, pro carta confirmationis Walteri Cargill de Kinlouch super terris de Logy Estel' et Westir et aliis in dicta carta specificatis. Et de iij It vj s. viij d., pro carta confirmationis Duncani Campbell de terris de Finlaarde. Non onerat Be de viij It., pro carta confirmationis Walteri Ruvane de Lownan pro terris de Walliston. Item, idem onerat se de xx It., pro carta Alexandri Malvill de terris de Hervistoun. Et non onerat se de xx It., carte confirmationis Duncani Campbell, militia, de terris de Schear, Ballouch et a1iis terris. Item, idem onerat Be de xx It., pro carta J ohannis Montigomory, militia, de terris de Cragle que recognite fuerunt. Non onerat Be de xl H.,pro carta confirmationia Alexandri Borthuik in conjuncta infeodatione de terria de Gordounehall et Lany. Item, idem onerat se de v It. vj B. viij ct., pro carta confirmationia Willelmi Menteith et sue sponse de octo mercatia terrarum de Westir Alway. Et de xiij It vj !. viij ct, pro carta J ohannis Gledstania vel Ade Peblis de una. mercata terre de Akofeild recognita. Et de iiij It, pro carta confirmationis Alexandri Mowa.te de terris de Estir Dryni et a1iis in carta contentia. Et de xxviij It. xiij s. iiij ct, in partem solutionis carte fiende Johanni Nesbet de Dalzell de dimedietate terrarum de Dalzell i et restant de dicta compositione ijCxiiij It. xiij B. iiij ct.




infra hoc compotum.


Item, idem onerat se de t Ii., in partem solutionis ducentarum quinquaginta librarum pro litera Domini Regis concessa Roberto Gordoune de Glen admittente eundem Robertum ad terms de Glenskirburne et aliia terris (sic) in mambus Regis pro tempore exiatentes; et sic restant jOl It, onerande ut supra. Et de vj Ii. xiij S. iiij d., pro warda certarum terrarum in Cleisch per mortem quondam Cristiane Prestoun, sponse Roberti Levingstoun, vendita Roberto Colvill. Et de jCxx Ii., in partem solutionis centum sexaginta librarum pro maritagio Johannis Barde, nepotis et heredis quondam Gilberti Barde, unacum nonintroitu Sancti Martini ultimi vendito David Craufurde de Kers; et sic restant xl It, onerande ut supra. Et de iiijOlxvj It. xiij S. iiij d., pro maritagio Andree Ker, nepotis et heredia quondam W &lteri Ker de Cesfurde, vendito Patricio Creichtoune de Cranstoun, militi Et de jCxxv It., in partem solutionis sexingintarum sexaginta sex librarum tresdecim 8Olidorum quatuor denariorum pro maritagio et warda quondam Ade Cunynghaim de Caprintoun, venditia Comiti de Glenool'n et Andree Cunynghaim de Drumquhassill et aliia; et restant vCxlj It. xiij S. iiij d., onerande ut ~pra. . Et de jCxxxiij Ii. vj S. viij d., in plenam solutionem compositionis nonintroituum xl ta mercatarum terra.rum in villa de Edname, venditorum Patricio Hume de Fastcastell. Et de lxvj It xiij S. iiij d., pro compositione maritagii Alexandri Narne de Sandfurde, venditi Magistro J ohanni Narne et suis assignatis. Non onerat Be de ijc Ii., pro warda et maritagio heredis quondam Johannis Edingtoun de eodem, venditis Thome Hume de Langschau, militi.


Item. idem onerat Be de VO It... in partem solutionis A.D. 11107. sexingintaram seuginta sex librarum. tresdecim eolidorom quatuor denariorum compositionis warde et maritagii quondam Ade Mure de Caldwell, militis, venditarom M:atheo Comiti de Levinax; et sic restant lbtvj It. xiij I. iiij ct. onerande ut supra. Et de I It, pro warda et Jijaritagio heredis quondam. Johannis Forestar de Gamilschelis. Et de lxvj It xiij I. iiij ct., pro nonintroitu terrarum de Lethinturkis vendito Wille1mo Forbes. Et de lxxxxiij It vj I. viij ct. in partem solutionis warde et maritagii heredis quondam. de Syplaunde . venditarum Patricio Sinclare; et restant Et de xxxiij It. vj I. viij ct., in partem solutionis maritagii Johannis Munereif de Litill Muncreif venditi Willelmo Chalmer de Dromlouchy; et restant xxxiij It. vj I. viij ct. Et de x It. pro warda quinque mercatarum terrarum antiqui extentus de Drumour et Closchelais vendita Gilberto Makalexandere.


per tempus


Item, idem onerat Be [de] x It., pro eschaeta bonorum Donaldi Brisban, ad cornu Regis existentis, vendita Johanni Brisbane. Et de xiij It. vj I. viij d., in partem solutionis xlta mercarum compositionis eschaete Johannis ChancelIair de Quodquen et J ohannis Pumlray convictorum pro errore; et sic restant xiij It. vj B. viij ct Et non onerat se de xxvj It xiij I. iiij ct., de eschaetis Andree Gakye, Joh$nnis Michelsoun, et Jacobi Michelsoun, ad cornu Regis positorum, venditis Johanni Cranstoun de Harlau. Item, idem onerat Be de xvj It xiij I. iiij ct., pro eschaeta Thome Tumour, fugitivi pro interfectione Johannis




Loury, vendita Magistro Johanni Murrayet Cuthberto MCDowall. Et de xxxvj H. xiij s. iiij 4., pro eschaeta Domini de Terriglis, ad comu et extra regnum.


tempus compoti. Item, idem onerat se de lix It. vj iJ. viij 4., de tinnis terrarum de Louchoreschire et aliarum terrarum in manibus Regis existentium ratione warde de tennino Sancti Martini hujus compoti spectantium Roberto Wemys de Drumry et dictus Robertus recuperavit sasinam dictarum terrarum ante tenninum Penthecostes ultimum; et compotans non onerat Be de novemdecim !ibris sex solidis octo denariis de firmis tenandrie de Petcame in dominio de Louchorschire, nec de xiij il. iiij ct, de dictis terris de Louchorschire de dicto tennino, quia compotans negligenter oneravit Be cum dictis tinnis in ultimo compoto suo; nec de viginti !ibris tirmantm termrum de Gorgy spectantium dicto Roberto de eodem tennino Sancti Martini quia compotans oneratur cum eisdem in rotulis in compoto vicecomitis de Edinburgh. Et de !xxx It., de tinnis baronie de Inverkethin, in manibus Regis existentis de terminis !'enthecoeteB et Sancti Martini anni quingentesimi Beptimi. Et de liij H. vj s. viij ct, de tinnis terrarum de Dalswntaun, in warda existentium, in plenam solutionem termini Penthecoetes et in partem solutionis termini Sancti Martini anni quingentesimi sexti; et restant solvende de dictis tinnis de tenninis elapsis ijCIiij H. vj A. viij ct, onerande ut supro. Et de lxxxvj It. iij A. iij 4., de tinnia terrarum de Glenbervy, Barres, et dimidietatis dEl Kemnay de terminis compoti ultra decimum denarium debitum Episcopo Brechinensi et unum annuum redditum exeuntem de



eisdem de termino Penthecostes heredibus quondam ..a..D. 15CrT. Willelmi Bonare. Et de lxvj 11, pro venditione duodecim celdrarum sex bollarum victualium de terris de Glen bervy de croppo anni quingenteeimi sexti ultra decimum denarium ut supra. Et de xiij H. xj A. ix d. oholo, de firmie alterius dimedietatis de Kemnay receptis a Willelmo Forbes per tempus compoti preter decimum denarium debitum Episcopo Abirdonensi. Et de j1xix H. v iJ. iiij ct, de firmis terrarum constabularie de Dunde in plenam 8OIutionem terminorum Penthecostes et Martini anni quingentesimi septimi, et in partem 801utionem termini Penthecostes ultimi; de dicto ultimo termino viij H. xiiij iJ. viij ct., onerande ut supra. Et de viij H. xiiij A. viij ct., de resta firmarum dictarum terrarum immediate prescriptarum. Et de xxv 11 xvj ct., de firmis terrarum de Oanterlande de terminis compoti in warda existentium. Et de Ij H. xiij iJ. iiij 4., de firmis tenandrlarum de Oaveris receptis a vicecomite de Roxburgh et & domino de Or&D.8toun de terminis compoti. Et de oj 11 vj iJ. viij ct., de finnis de Oxnaim a Roberto Rynde et Andrea Ker termini Penthecostes infra hoc compotum. Et de xxxij 11, a Domino Creichtoun de Sanquhar et Roberto Colvill de firmis baronie de Uchiltre, Symontoun, et Bemvele termini Penthecostes ultimi in manibus Regis existentis. Et de viij 11, de firmie baronie de Oaveris receptis a Domino t"ranstoune de termino Penthecoetes ultimo. Item, idem onerat Be de xl H. a Magistro Patricio Middiltoune, granitario Sanctiandree pro tempore. Et de jCXl H., receptie ab Archidiacono Sanctiandree de confirmationib1l8 magnorum testamentorum per tempus compoti. Et de iijCXxj H. xiij iJ. iiij d, a David Lermonth,




Camerario Sanetiandree, de firmis terrarum et ecclesiarum dieti Archiepiscopatus. Et de vjC It, a dicto David de eisdem firmis. Et de vjclxxix H. v fl. viij ct., a Magistro Georgeo Lermonth de procurationibus sinoalibus et eonfirmationibus minorum testamentorum per dictum tempu8. Et de xxxv tl. a Domino GeOl'geo Newtoun de subsidio. Et de I 11., in plenam solutionem comp08itionis carte conjuncte infeodationis domini de Kinumquhat sibi facte per Archiepiscopum Sanctiandree. Et de iijCxlv Ii. J.C.ij fl. v d., 11. Comite de Errole in partam solutionis quingintarum ootuaginta sex librarum treadecim solidorum et quatuor denariorum pro relevio et nonintroitu terrarum dicti Comitis; et sic restant ijCxlj Ii. xj ct., onerande ut supra. Et de iiijCxxxiij Ii. vj fl. viij ct., a Georgeo Domino Setoun in partem solutionis noningintarum librarum composition is relevii terrarum dieti Domini; et sic reatant iiijClxvj Ii. xiij IJ. iiij d., onerande. Et de lix Ii., de reata feodi Magni Sigilli ultimi compoti compotantis. Et de jCxxv It. ix II., feodi Magni Sigilli per tempus compoti. Non onerat se de lxxxiij H. vj IJ. viij d., reate compositionis amerciamenti Petri Houstoun de ~odem, militis, amerciati in itinere de Edinburgh tento anna yO sexto et indentati cum vicecomite de Renfreu, ut patet in rotulo anni quingentesimi septimi. Item, idem onerat se de ijmjcJxxxxix Ii. v fl. ij d., provenientibus ex lucro quadringintarum qua[draginta] quatuor librarum duodecim unciarulll trunci gr0880rum ponderis le6 trones wecht argenti emptaruDl, [omni]bus oneribus et expensis deductis conetatnnlm per tempus compoti. Et de ijDIxxxviij Ii. xviij IJ. vij d, provenientibl1s ex lucro sexdecim librarum trium unciarum cum dimedia auri conetatarum per tempus compoti.



Et de xlij It, de cathena olim pertinente Domino A.D. 1507. Simple, ponderante septem uncias dimedia et conetata in summa ponderis auri predicti, que cathena scribitur in pede compoti quondam Roberti Lundy de &]gony tunc Thesaurarii et Regi pro summa predicta deliberata. Item, idem onerat se de xxx It, a Domino de Louatt de extractu itineris justiciarie de Invemes. Et de vj It xiij ill. iiij d., a Willelmo Chesholm de dicto extractu. Et de liij It vj it viij d., a J ohanne Makenze de Kintaill de eodem extractu. Summa totalis onerationis preter arreragia, xxmlxxxiij It. iij S. obolus. Summa totalis onerationis cum arreragiis, xxixmiijlxxxxiiij It xviij s. vij do



Item, the ix day of September, for vij'" elne Paris blak, to be ane goun to the King; ilk elne I S.; summa . , . xviij It xv S. Item, fpr xij elne taft'ety to Iyne the samyn; ilk elne viij It. ix S. xiij S.; summa Item, for iiij e1ne iij quarteris wellus to be ane half cote to half ane cote of satin crammesy; ilk elne x It. ix S. xliiij S.; summa Item, for vj elne taft'ety to lyne the said cote; ilk elne . iij It. xviij II. xiij S.; summa Item, for iiij elne qubit to it Ira the waist doun for to put betuix it and the lynyng; ilk elne xviij do; summa . vj II. Item, for iiij'" elne Rislis blak, to be ane cote to the vj It King; ilk elne xxvj S. viij d.; summa Item, the xv day of September, for ane hors to the King, bocht at Gibbe Cameron, xj Franch crownis; summa . vij It. xiiij S.




Item. for iiij elne iij quartaris we1lus to half ane cote for ane other half cote of cloth of gold; ilk elne xliiij it; summa x It ix iI. Item, the xx day of September. for ane scarlet hat to the King. xij iI. Item. for tua tepatis to the King contenand iij elne taft'ety, . . u:ij iI. Item, for iij unce ribanes to be pointis to the King, xv I. Item, for ix unce sewing silk deliverit to the broustair to be oordis and pointis to the King; ilk unce iij I.; summa . xxvij iI. Item, for xviij hankie gold to him ; ilk hank v it; summa iiij It x iI. Item, for xxiiij elne Holland claith to be ane pair of echetis to the King; ilk elne v iI. vj 4.; summa vj It x:ij iI. Item, the x day of October, for xv elne Holland clath to be thre sarkis to the King; ilk elne xii.; summa vij It x I. Item, for xx elne Holland clath to be othir foare sark; ilk elne vij it vj ct.; summa vij It x iI. Item, for x elne blak carsay to be ane cote to the King; ilk elne iiij it vj ct.; summa xlv I. Item, for vij quartaris quhit to be ane pair of harnes hoe to the King; the elne iij I. vj 4.; summa vj it j ct obolU& Item. for ane elne Melan fustian to covir the samyn, ij iI. viij ct Item. for iij quarteris cammes to thaim, . xv ct Item. for wellus to thaim, v I. Item. for iij elne iij quartaris Melan fustian to ana barnes doublat, . viij I. viij ct Item. for ane elne cammes to it, xx ct Item, for iij ~ elne lynyng fustian toO it ; ilk elne xx ct; summa . v I. x ct Item, the xxiiij day of October. for iij ~ elne satin crammesy to be ane doublat to the King; ilk elne Uj It.; summa , I xli~ ii,



Item, for iij elne satin to be ane doublat to the King; A.D. lG07. ilk eIne xxv a.; summa iij 11 xv a. Item, for vj elne fustian to covir ane cote abone harnes to the King j ilk elne ij it viij ct. j summa xvj I. Item, for ane hat to the King, xij a. Item, for ane tepnt to the King, contenand vj quarteris, xj I. Item, payit to George Hakirstoun for xij lang barnes pointis hornyt with gold, tua sma1lar hornyt with gold, tua ta.rgetis for bonetis hornyt with gold for bonetis, five Me1ane bonetis, thre spere hedis and fren~es of gold and silk he brocht hame, be the Kingis command, xxxij 11 xiij a. iiij c1 Item, for vj eIne Scottis blak to be ane cote to the King; ilk elne xiij I. iiij d j summa . iiij It Item, the vj day of November, for iiij elne Holland clath quhilk wes wippes to the Kingis arm that wes hurt; the elne v a. vj d; summa. xxij a. Item, for iij elne j quartar dames to eik the Kingis liar; ilk elne xxiiij I. j summa. .' . iij It xviij a. Item, for translating of the said liar, v I. Item, the xv day of November, for xvj'" elne wellus to be ane cote to the King; ilk elne xliiij I.; summa xxxvj 11 vj I. Item, for xx fyne buge skinnis to it; ilk pace ix I. ; summa.

Item,.for j'" bred buge to it; the bred v It. j summa. vij It xl., Item, for ij elne Rislis bla,k to be hoa to the King, liij I. iiij c1 Item, for wellus to bordour thaim, . x it Item, for ane hors to the King quhilk wee booht in Dunbar, . v It. xij I. Item, to Riche BaiJ6e for ane hors to the King, x It. Item, for ane bors to the King, bocht a.tWilliam Spicehous, vij It Item, to Johne Davidson for schone, butis, and pantoni8 . Ira Lammes bipast to Alhallo day, vij It. iij I. viij c1

.... D.lli07.


Item, the secund day of December, for ij steikis thre quartaris steik cbamlot to be ane goun to the King; the steik v It.; summa . xiij It. xv I. Item, for lynyng of [it] with toddis, x It. Item, the vj day of December, fol' ix eIne j quartar blak satin to be ane steikit cote to the King; ilk e1ne xxiiij it; summa xj It. ij B. Item, for vj ~ elne cammes to steik it on; ilk eIne xx ct.; summa . . . x I. x ct. Item, for ix ~ elne satin crammesy to be ane cote to the King; ilk eIne iij It.; summa xxviij 11. x I Item, for iiij elne iij qllartaris quhit; ilk elne xx ct.; summa . vij B. xj ct. Item, for j bred. buge and xv skinnia to it to Iyn it, vj It. x I. Item, for ane pund small Birge threid to sew the Kingis jak with, ilij I. Item, for tua bonetis to the King, . xxiii.i iii. Item, for ane tepat to the collar of the Kingis cloke, vjB. ltern, for iij eIne iij quartaris satin to be ane doublat to the King; ilk elne xxiiij iiI.j summa iiij 11. x I. Item, the xij day of December, for xvij ~ elne gray satin to be ane goun to the King; ilk elne xxxij B.j summa . xxviij It. Item, for vj quartaris wellus to bordour the samyn, iij 11. vj A. Item, for v fyne buge skinnis to the collar of it; ilk pace ix I.; summa . xlv I. Item, for Ix Romany buge to it ; ilk pece vij it; summa xxj It. Item, for ane bred buge to it, . vj It. Item, for xvj ~ eIne tanne wellus to be ane other goun to the King; ilk eIne lvj B.j summa . xlvj 11. iiij B. Item, for xx buge skinnis to the collar and fentis of it; ilk pace ix I.; summa ix 11. nem, fOf xxxvj Romany buge to it ; ilk pece vj s.; summa . ~ 11. xvj II.



Item, for ane cote half quhit half blak, cuttit in pecis AD lli07. bocht in Strivelin, iij It. xij II. vj 4. Item, for ane elne wellus to be schone and pantonis to the King, xliiij II. Item, for iij quartaris satin to be schone to the King, xviij II. Item, for xvj elne Holland clath to be sma! fut schetis ; ilk elne iij II.; summa xlviij II. Item, for thre hattis tane to the King, xxxvj II. Item, for thre bonetis tane fra Thomas Hopringill be the King himself, . xlij II. Item, for ane tepat to the King contenand vj quartaris, . xj . Item, for v uru:e sewing silk deliverit to the capit.ane of Edinburghis wil, xv II. Item, the xvj day of December, for ane elne Rislis hlak to be hOB to the King, xxvj fl. viij 4. Item, for othir thre bonetis to the King; ilk pece xij II.; summa . xxxvj II. Item, the tlnid day of J anuar, for vij elne Rislis hlak to A.D. 15078. be ane gret riding cote; ilk elne xxvj it ; summa ix It. ij II. Item, for cordis silk to it, iij II. Item, for ane riding honet to the King, xij S. Item, for ane riding hat to the King, xij S. Item, for vij ~ elne wellus to be ane cote to the King; ilk elne xl v II.; summa . xvj It. xvij . vj 4. Item, payit to Robert Selkyrk, cultellar, for viij gilt dagaris tane to the King sen the Assumptioun day of Our Lady, . . viij It. Item, for ane ungilt dagar, vij fl. Item, for ane pair (If gret standand kerving knyffis, iij It. Item, for gilting of ane pair of kerving knyffia, .. xl fl. Item, for ane lang tepat taffetj to the King, . xj II. Item, the x day of Januar, for iij elne satin crammesy to be ane doublaL to the King; ilk elne iij It.; summa ix It.



Item, the xxvj day of Januar, for ane black cote made in Strivelin, iij 11. v S. iij c1 Item, the xxvij day of Januar, for ane othir blak cote maid in Strivelin Iynyt with quhit, iiij 11 xj II. iij c1 Item, the penult day of Januar, for ane hors to the King bocht at Gibbe Cameroun, . . Ivj S. Item, the secund day of Februar, for iij elne blak satin to be ane doublat to the King; ilk elne xxv S.; summa . iij 11. xv S. Item, for half ane mantill fUD2ieis to ane gown quhilk wes translatit, . . I S. Item, for ij elne scarlet to be hoa to the King, v 11 Item, the' x day of Februar, for x elne wellus to be ane cote to the King; ilk elne xlv S.; summa xxij It. xli. Item, for leopardis that wantit to the said cote; iij It. Item, to Johne Davidson for schone, butis, pantonis to the King sen Alhallo day bipast, . vj 11. Item, the xxiiij day of Februar, for tua steik and thre elne chamlot to be ane goUD. to the King; ilk steik iiij 11. x S. and ilk elne x S,; summa x 11. x IL Item, for ane Iynyng of toddis to it, x 11. Item, for xij elne fyne chamlot to be ane cote to the King; ilk elne x iJ.; summa vj It. Item, for ane tepat taffetj to the King, xj S. Item, for viij elne braid ribanee to the King, vij R. Item, for iij ~ elne wellus to be ane doublat to the King; the elne xlv S.; summa vij 11. xvij S. vj c1 Item, the xx day of Febnlar, to ane cote of satin quhilk wee translatit, Ix quhit skinnis to Iyne it new; ilk pace vj d.; summa . xxx S. Item, payit to Alexander, furrour, for furnessing of the Iynyng of the Kingis goun quhilk wes lynyt with lesardis in the :5eir bipast quhen the said Alexander wes in Ingland, xx iJ. Item, payit to the said Alexander for dichting and wirking of the said lesartis extending to xxxiiij pece, and for mantilling of thaim, v 11. viij a. Item, for ane bonet to the King, . .xij S.



Item, for ane tepat to the King, xj I. u.15078. Item, the vij day of March, for viij elne Franch gray to be ane goun to the King; ilk elne x S.; summa ilij It. Item, for iiij ~ elne Scottis to be ane cote to the King; ilk elne viij R.; summa . xxxvj I. Item, for lynyng of it with quhit lam skinnis, xxxv R. Item, for ilij elne gray to be ane cloke to the King, xx it Item, the ix day of March, for vij elne Franch gray to be ane cote to the King; ilk elne x II.; summa , iij 11. x II. Item, for ij elne Rislis blak to be tua pair hos to the liij lI.. iiij ct King, . Item, the xvj day of March, for vij elne Franch gray to be ane othir cote to the King; ilk elne x S.; summa iij 11. x S. Item, to Johne Francis for four stand barnes to the King, deliverit to him at divers tymes, . lxxx 11. Item, for iij elne iij quartaris satin to be ane doublat to the King; ilk eIne xxiij R.; summa iiij 11. x II. Item, for vij ~ elne weUus to be ane cote to the King; ilk elne xlv IJ.; summa' xvij 11. xvij R. vj d. Item, to Robert Selkyrk, cultellar, for vj gilt dagaris tane to the King sen dule bipast, vj It. Item, for xvj elne j quartar gray satin to be ane goun to the King; ilk eIne xxx II.; summa xxiiij 11. vij A. vj. Item, for vj fyne skillnis to the collar of it; ilk pece ix II.; summa . . liiij II. Item, for I Romany skinnis to the samyn; ilk pece x It. ilij R.; summa. . Item, for ane bred Flandrez huge to it, v 11. Item, for ane blak cote contenyng v elne clath and lynyt with quhit, maid in Strivelin, quhilk cost iij 11. xv II. Item, for xviij elne tanne satin to be ane goun to the King; ilk elne xxvj iI.; summa xxiij 11. viij S.

A.D. 111078.



Item, for vij skinnis to the collar of it j ilk pece vij II.; summa . . xlix II. Item. for 1 Romany skinnis to it j ilk pece iiij II.j summa xli Item, for thre bonetis to the King, xxxvj II. Item. for ane cote blak claith maid in Strivelin, iij 11. xiij II. vj d Item. for iij elne blak satin to be ane doublat to the King j ilk elne xxiiij it j summa iij Ii.. xij II. Item. the xvj day of Aprile. for ij elne Rislis blak to be hos to the King, lij II. Item, iij elne iij quartaris weUus to be ane doublat to the King j ilk elne xlv II. j summa viij It. viij II. ix ct. Item, for ane elne Rislis blak to be hOB to the King, . xxvj II. Item. for ane hors to the King quhilk wes bocht quhen .. viij It. viij II. the King wes at Quhithirn, Item, for ane quhit cote bocht to the King in Strive1in. xxxviij II. viij d Item, for iij elne Inglis grene to covir the altar in the Kingis closet j ilk elne xviij II. j summa. liiij II. Item, for iij unce ribanes to the King for his cotis and othir claithis. . xv II. Item, for tua tepatis to the King, . xxij II. Item, for vj elne Scottis russet to be ane goun to the King j ilk elne viij A. j summa xlviij II. Item. xviij elne fyne clath of gold to ane goun, send hame be Jerome Friscobald, and the n>manent of the said steik giffin to the Quene. Item, put in the samyn sevin score of mertrikis of the Kingis and pairt of sabilles. Item, for lxxx mertrikis quhilk wantit to the said goun ; ilk pece viij II.; summa xxxij 11. Item, for ix elne Bertane clath to be ane sark to the said goun j ilk elne ij" II. ij d; summa. xix !I. vj ct. Item, the xxviij day of Aprile, for ij elne Rislis blak to be hOB to the King; ilk elne xxvj II. viij ct.; summa liij !I. iiij d



Item, the Kingis gret cheD6e wes maid new, and giffin A.D. 1608. to it to mak the last link of it equivalent to the laif, tueH ridaris of gold, . . xiij H. xvj R. Item, for xiij elne Kentdale to ~ ane cote to the King; ilk elne iiij 8. ; summa lij . Item, for xj elne braid ribanes to the King, xj iI. Item, for iij eIne small ribane to ane cote, . xij Item, the last day of Aprile, in Dunfermlyn, for ane callit Mure for ane hora quhilk ran up the staris of the cors, . xxvj H. xiij . iiij d. Item, the ferd day of Maij, for iij elne satin crammesy to ane doublat to the King; ilk elne iij H.; summa ix H. Item, for j quartar wellus to the collar and cuffis of it, xj R. iij ct Item, for vij ~ quartaris satin crammesy to be cerviling to the K.ingis harnes; ilk eIne iij H.; summa v H. xij R. vj d. Item, the vij day of Maij, for thre elne Melane fustian to be ane barnes jacat to the King; ilk eIne . viij R. ij tl viij d.; summa . Item, for ane pund caddes to it, iij iI. Item, for vj quartaris Melan fustia.n to be ha.rnes brekis to the King, iiij iI. Item, for ane eIne wellus to be schone, . xlv iii. Item, the viij day of Maij, for x.i elne satin to be ane pointit cote .to the King; ilk elne xxiiij iI.; summa . xiij H. iiij iii. Item, for vij eIne iij quartaris welllls to be pointis to the samyn; ilk eIne xlv a., . xvij H. viij R. ix 4. Item, for x eIne Holland to be bede schetis to I iI. the King; ilk eIne v R.; summa Item, for xlj elne Bertane to be fut schetis; ilk eIne ij .; summa iiij H. ij iI. Item, for tua bonetis to the King, tane at Johne Irland, xxviij iii. Item, for ane bevir hat to the King, . iij R. Item, for iiij hankie gold send to Dunfermlyn to sew the Kingis sarkis, xx iii.

~.D. 1508.


Item, to Johne Davidson, cordonar, for schone, butis, and pantonis to the King fra Candilmes to the v It xvj A. vj ct first day of Maij, Item, for xvij hankis gold deliverit to the capitane of Edinburghes wif to lllak purses to the King; ilk hank v !l.; sun1ma iiij It. v II. Item, for vj quartaris quhit dames to be foure sto~ois for hors housouris; ilk elne viij A.; summa. xlij!l. Item, to Pieris payntour for to cut out letteres for cotis and bardis for hors hosouns, ij '" elne welIus; v It. xij II. vj 4. the elne xl v !l.; sUlUma Item, v'" quartaris clath of gold to the samyn, of ane steik send hame be Jerome Friscobald. loom, the x day of Maij, j'" quartar clath of gold forsaid to ane suord belt and ane scawbert for ane suord. quartaris.i nail of the samyn clath of gold Item, to covir the Kingis scheild and scheild ledderis. Item, for vj quartar well us to the tothir half of the samyn, iij It. vij !l. vj 4. Item, for xviij unce sewing silk to be fren6eis to the Kingis bardis; ilk unce iij !l.; summa. . liiij II. Item, for xxvj hankis gold to the samyn fren6eis; ilk hank v D.; summa vj H. x A. Hem, for vj hattis to the King of sindry hewis; ilk pace v il.; summa . xxx !l. Item, for iij double honetia. rede, blak, and violet, xxxvj!l. Item, for ane tepat to the King, deliverit to Johne Forman, vj II. viij ct Item, for ane bevir hat to the King, . iij !l. Item, to Thomas BosuelI at divers tymes, five elne quhit tafJ'etj to draw throw the Kingis hattis; ilk elne xvj II.; summa . . iiij It. Item, for xvj elne taffetj to the courtingis of the Kingis pai16oun, rede and quhit; ilk elne xiiij D.; summa xj It. iiij it Item, for rede ribanes to the samyn, vj S. ltAm. for xvij'" elne tafi'et.i, rede and quhit, to the




courtingis and ruf in the chapell of the barres; ilk. A.D. 1508. el~e xiiij A.; summa . xij Ii v A. Item, for x elne gray and broun tatfetj to the samyn; ilk elne xv A.; summa . vij Ii Jf A. Item, ix elne of the Kingis auin tatfetj quhilk remanit
our 6eir.

Item, for braid worsait ribanes to thaim, . ij A. Item, for making of the said courting bath for pail60un and chapell, . xiiij A. Item, for iiij elne ;;allo tatfetj to covir the Kingis Ivj it sadilles; ilk elne xiiij A.; summa Item, for iiij elne taffetj, rede, quhit, grene, 6Bllo, deliverit to the Franch gunnar be Schir Johne Ramsayis command agane the bancat, Ivj A. Item, the xiiij day of Maij, for v elne satin to covir the Kingis hors half housour of clath of gold; ilk elne xxiiij it; summa vj It. Item, for iiij elne j quartar wellus to be ane half cote . to the King fra the waist doun; ilk elne xlv it; summa . ix Ii xj A. iij a. Item, iij elne iij J4 quartaris clath of gold of the steik, [send] hame be Jerome Friscobaid. Item, vj quartaris of the said claith of gold. Item, for iij J4 elne cordis silk to it, iiij 11. j a. Item, for j J4 unce ane quartar unce ribanes to the King; the unce v 11.; summa viij fl. ix ct. Item, for ane elne scarlet to be hos to the King; the elne,

I A.
Item, for iij J4 quartaris wellus to breke the said hoa, xxxix 11. iiij a. 0b. Item, for iij elne quartaris gray satin to be hos to the v It. xij 11. vj d:. King; the elne xxx 11.; summa. Item, for xJ4 elne wellus to be ane pointit cote to the King; ilk elne xlv it; summa . xxiij It. xij 11. vj a. Item, v J4 elne clath of gold to poynt the samyn of the said steik. Item, for vij elne satin to be ane cote to the King; ilk eine xxiiij A.; summa . viij Ii viij A.




Item, for v ~ elne 6&110 carsay to Iyne the samyn; ilk elne iiij EI. vj d.; summa . xxiiij EI. ix ct Item, the v day of J unij, for iij elne iij quartaris satin to be ane doublat to the King; ilk elne xxiiij EI.; summa. . iiij It x l. Item, for viij ~ elne weUus to be an~ cote to the King half chekkirit with claith of gold; ilk elne xlv EI.; summa . xix It. ij iI. vj d. Item, ix quartaris half quartar clath of gold of the said steik to the chekkeris of it. Item, for viij elne iij quartaris ballo carsay to lyne it; ilk elne iiij EI. vj ct.; summa . xxxiiij EI. x ct. ob. Item, for iij elne j quartar satin crll.wmesy to be ane doublat. to the Kiog; ilk eloe iij It.; summa ix It xv l. Item, j ~ quartar clath of gold to it of the said s1;t>ik to chekker it.. Item, the xij day of Junij, for tua bevir hattis to the vj EI. King, Item, for tua tepatis to him, . xxij l. Item, for vij ~ elne braid ribanes to the King, vij EI. vj d:. Item, the xx day of Junij, for vj elne Inglis grene to be ane cote to the King; ilk elne xvj EI.; summa iiij It. xvj EI. Item, the xxj day of J unij, for ij elne Rislis to be hoe to the King, . liij EI. iiij ct. Item, for vj elne 6allO carsay to Iyne ane cote of the Kingis, half clath gold, half wellus; ilk elne iiij EI. vj d; summa . . xxix iJ. iij ct Item, the xxvij day of Junij, in Pettinweme, for ane hors to the King, . iiij It Item, the vij day of Julij, for vij elne Paris blak to be ane goun to the King; ilk elne iij It; summa xxj It. Item, for vj quartaris cammes to turs the samyn to Strivelin in, . xviij d Item, for xj elne satin to be ane cote to the King; ilk . xiij It. iiij II. elne xxiiij S.; summa



Item, the viij day of Julij, for ane maid blair cote in A.D. 1508. Strivelin, iij It. xij a. vj d. Item, for vj quartaris fustian to the Kingis mali, iiij a. Item, for x eIne wellus to be ane cote to the King; ilk xxij It x B. elne xlv B.; summa . Memorandum: It wee Iyoyt with the Kingis 1eopardis. Item, thaireftir for vj elne 6Iillo ca.rsay to Iyne it; the xxvij a. eIne iiij R. vj d; summa Item, the ix day of J ulij, tua eloe scarlet to be hOB to the King, v 11. Item, the x day of Julij, for xj elne satin to be ane pointit cote to the King; ilk eIne xxiiij B.; summa xiij It. iiij B. Item, for iij eIne iij quartaris satin to be ane doublat to iiij It. x a. the King; the elne xxiiij a.; summa. Item, for ane quhit cote to the King maid in Strivelin, xxix B. viij d. Item, the xj day of Julij, for xviij elne wellus to be ane goun to the King; ilk elne xlv It; summa xl It. x B. Item, the xv day of Juiij, fer viij elne Franch gmy to iiij It. be ane gawbert; ilk elne x a.; summa Item, for viij eIne sad Franch tanne to be anc gawbert; v It. xij a. ilk elne xii\j B.; summa Item, for iiij skinois of blak sentys leddir to be ane doublat to the King; ilk peee xij a., ane of thaim to be ane paitlat; summa xlviij a . . Item, for v quartaris satin to be ane paitlat to the King, xxx B. Item, the xv day of Julij for v elne }'ranch gray to be I B. ane cote to the King; ilk elne x a.; summa Item, the xviij day of Julij for v elne Fmnch tanne to be ane cote to the King; ilk elne xiij a. iiij d j summa iij It. vj B. viij d Item, for ane hatto the King, xij a. Item, fQr vj quartaris taffety to ane tepat, xj a. Item, to Robert, cultellar, for vij gilt dagaris, tane to . vij It. the King at divers tymes, . Item, for ane crukit baslar of the Turk fasoun with . iiij It. hilt, pomelt, and chaip all gilt,




Item, the xxiiij day of Julij, for iij"" steik chamlot to be ane goun to the King and ane cote; ilk steik iiij 11.; summa xiiij 11 Item, the xxix day of Julij, for iij rede skinnia of leddir to be ane doublat to the King; ilk pece xxx R. Summa totaliB, jmvcxxx 11. vij R. ix do

[During this period the King had thirteen gowns-two of Paris black, three of camlet, two of grey satin, one of tan satin, two of velvet, one of French grey, Scots russet, and cloth of gold; twenty-eight coatsfive of velvet, four of Scots black, three of French .grey and the same number of black, two of white, two of satin, and single coats of RiBBiliB black, black kersey, crimson satin, camlet, Scots rUBSet, Kentdale, English green, French tan and velvet chequered with cloth of gold; four half or parti-coloured coats; three " pointed .. coats, two being of satin and one of velvet; a black satin "steikit" coat; a riding coat of RiBBilis black; sixteen doublets-five of satin, four of criD;lSOn satin, two of black satin, two of velvet, and three others which were probably worn with armour; thirteen tippets, five being of taffety; a French grey gaw bert and another of French tan; a satin paitlat; a jacket and breeches of Milan fustian for wearing with armour; a grey cloak; eighteen hats, three being of beaver; the same number of bonnets, three being in red; black, and violet; eleven pairs of hose, chiefly of Rissilis black; besides shirts, sheets, etc.] .



Item, giffen to James Redheuch, Comptrollar to our AD l 508. Soverane Lord, to the fumessing of the hous sen the last compt, quhilk WeB the vj day of September the beir of God ane thousand five hundl'eth and sevin beris, deliverit to him at divers and sindry tymes, as is comptit with the said Comptrollar, vmijclxxxj It. x it iiij d. Item, to Schir Duncane Forestar of Garden, Knicht, Comptrollar to the Quene, to the fumessing of hir hous sen bule bipast, as WeB comptit with the said Schir Duncane, and deliverit to him at divers tymes, Imvcxxiij It. viij !l. Item, pay it to Jerome Friscoba.ld in Flandrez for ane steik clath of gold send hame to the King, contenand xxxij ~ elne Flemys; ilk elne x It. gret; summa. iijCxxv It. gret; and for ilk It. gret giffin liij R. iiij d. Scottis; summa ,,;ijClxvj It. xiij R. iiij ct. Item, payit to the said Jerome for ane steik of claith of gold, contenand xxv elne j quartar Flemys; ilk Flemys elne 1 R. gret; summa lxiij 11. ij 11. vj d. gret j and giffin for ilk pund gret liij R. iiij d. j summa IClxviij It. vj 11. viij d. Item, payit to the said Jerome, quhilk he "laid doun to Lioun herald quhen he passit in Denmark x It. gret j and for ilk It. gret liij it iiij d.; summa xxvj n. xiij Il. iiij d. Item, payit to the said Jerome quhilk he laid doun in Span6e to George Makesonis factouris for ankiris cumin hame iiijC ducaits of wecht; ilk ducat vj R. viij d. gret; summa ICxxxiij It. vi R. viiij d.; and for caryiug of- the lettrez of change for the said ducatis iiij Il. gret; ilk It. gret maid in Dunde and Sanctandrois iij It. Scottis, .. . iiijC It. xij R. Item, payit to Jerome Friscoba.ld for colourls and uncoetis of thaim bocht in F1a.ndrez and send hame x It. ix Il. x d. gret; and for ilk It. gret iij It. Scottis ; summa . . xxxj It. ix R. vj d. Item, payit to the said Jerome he laid doun for mending



of the arres clathis that wer brynt xiiij H. gret; ilk 11. gret iij 11.; summa xlij H. Item, payit to the said Jerome for Schir James Catis expens passand throu Ingland to Flandrez and fra Flandrez to France for my Lord of Sanctandrois erandis and remanand in Flandrez on the Kingis erandis sen the Chekker xxv H. gret; and for ilk H. gret iij 11.; summa lxxv H. Item, payit to the said Jerome Friscobald for ducatis 1arg in Venys deliverit to my Lord of Sanctandrois; for ilk ducat vj It viij 4. gret; summa iijCxxxii H. vj It viij 4. gret; and for ilk 11. grel of ijc H. Hj H. Scottis, and for the remanent ilk H. gret liij B. iiij 4.; summa in Scottis monee ixclv 11. xj it j d. ob. Summa huius folij, ixmiijDlxxj 11. iiij B. iij 4. ob. TENET A.




Item, the xv day of September, for five quartaris we1lus to the Quene; ilk elne xliiij it; summa Iv it Item, the xviij day of Sept.ember, payit to the Quene in hir pensioun, quhilk restit of terme of Paschbypast, iijC 11., qubilk wes payit at dyvers tymes. Item, the second day of October, for xxiiij hankie gold deliverit to the Quene; ilk hank v it; summa vj H. Item, the xx day of October, for ij elne j qWl.rtar Rislis blak to be hOB to the Quene; the elne xxvj So viij 4.; sunuua iij 11. Item, payit to William We1sch, tail6our, for making of ane goun of tanne wellus to the Quene, quhilk wes bocht and enterit before the Chekker, . xx it Item, to the said William for making of gOUD to the Quene of bla.k we1lus enterit sic like, xx B.



Item, to him for making of ane kirtill of tanne dames A.D. 1607. enterit sic like before the last Chekker, ix g. Item, the xxvj day of October, for xiiij eiDe wellus to be ane goun to the Quene; ilk eIne xliiij R.; summa xxx 11. xvj R. Item, for ane tymyr of ermyngis to eik the purfell of the said goun, . iiij 11. Item, for iije powderingis to it; ilk e iij R.; summa ix R. Item, for mynever to eik the Iynyng of the said goun xiiij R. within, . . Item, the viij day of "December, to John Davidson, cordonar, for vj pair corkit schone, ij pair double solit schone, j pair pantpnis, j PortugaU skin for the Quene, xxxvij g. Item, the x day of December, giffin for lj eIne small Bertane claith to be schetis for the Quenes chamir, of quhilk xxvij elne cost ilk elne ij it vj d, and xxiiij eIne ilk eIne ij g. iiij d:.; summa vj 11. iij R. vj 4. Item, for thre elne wellus" to the Quene for hir hudis; ilk e1ne xlv .; summa vj H. xv R. Item, for x hanki! gold to the Quene, I R. Item, the xxij day of December, for v quartaris weUus to the Quene; the elne xlv R.; summa. lvj g. iij d Item,payit to the Quenes Grace, hir pensiounof Michelmes bipast, at divers tymes Payit, yC H. Item, the last day of December, payit to Hal'Y Roper, of the Quenes wardrob, for iij spoungis, iije hukis, mending of ane chair, mending of brases for clath sakkis, viij haggis poudir violet, wesching of the wardrob stuf, , mending of the Quenes liar, pak threid and quhit Iv R. iiij d threid of sindry prices, Item, the first day of Januar, for xij .elne satin to the A.D. 1607Quene; ilk elne xxiiij a.; summa xiiij 11. viij R. Item, the v day of Januar, to Robert Selkirk, cultel1l.r, for ane pair of gret kerving knyffis to the Quene, iij 11. Item, the ix day of Januar, for iiij'" elne wellus to the Quene; ilk elne xlv g.; summa x H. ij g. vj 4.




Item, the xiiij day of Januar, giffin for ix~ elne blew tra~e to be ane couch to the Quene; ilk elne iiij iI.; summa . xxxviij a.. Item, for tua stane ane half stane woll to it, xxx iI. Item, for making of it, . . . vij I. Item, the xxviij day of Januar, for xvj elne tanne satin to be ane goun to the Quene; ilk elne 'Xxx S.; summa . xxiiij H. Item, for vj elne taft'eti of Florence to lyne the samyn; ilk elne xv I.; summa iiij H. x I. Item, for vj elne Birge satin, deliverit to the Quene; ilk elne x I.; summa iij H. Item, for iiij ~ elne bukrp,m, deliverit sic like; ilk elne ij I.; summa ix lJ. Item, the xv day of Februar, for vij elne satin to be ane kirtill to the Quene; ilk elne xxv I.; summa viij It. xv I. Item, for vj quartaris blo.k wellus to the Quene, iij It. vij lJ. vj d Item, the xx day of Februar, deliverit to Johne Forman for the Quene xxx hankis gold; ilk pace v I.; summa v:ij It. x I. Item, for xvj elne wellus to be ane goun to the Quene; xl H. x I. ilk elne xlv iI.; summa Item, the xxviij day of Feb~r, for v elne Paris blak to be ane goun to the Quene; ilk elne I iI.; summa xij It. x I. Item, for x tymir vij skinnis of greis to lyne ane goun to the Quene, ilk tymir contennnd xl skinnis; ilk pace xj d; summa . . xviij It xiij iI. j ct. Item, thaireftir for vj skinnis of greis to the collar of it quhen it WeB brint at the fire; ilk pece xi.1 d; summa vj I. Item, for mantilling of the said skinnis and lynyng of the goun, xx I. Item, payit to Lance10t Fere, furrour to the Quene, for Iynyng of ane goun to the Quene with pampiliolln of hir aun stuf, x I.



Item, the ferd day of March, for vj quartaris weUus to A.D. 111078. the Quene, iij H. vij it vj ct. Item, the vj day of March, for vj elne Paris blak to be ane goun to the Quene; ilk eIne I it; summa xv It. Item, for ij elne 6allO taifeti to the Quene; ilk eIne xvj it;" summa xxxij II. Item, the x day of March for xj elne fine tanne chamlot to the Quene; ilk elne x II.; summa v It. x it Item, for v quartaris wellus to hirj the elne xlv II. ; summa lvj II. iij d'. Item, for iij ~ elne Rislis broun to the Quene deliverit to Hary Roper; ilk eIne xxvj II. viij d'.; summa iiij It. xiij II. iiij d'. Item, the xiiij day of March, for xiiij elne we1lus to be ane goun to the Quene; ilk elne xlv it; summa xxxj It. x II. Item, the said goun purffellit with ermyngis. Item, for xij ~ elne satin to be ane goun to the Quene ; ilk elne xxviij II.; summa xvij It. x iI. Item, for vj ~ quartaris scarlet to covir ane chair of stait for the Quene; the elne I it; summa iiij 11. xv d'. Item, for xij unce sowing silk to be fren6eis to it; ilk unce iij it; summa . xxxvj iI. Item, for tua unce blak ribainis to it, . x it Item, for half an unce rede ribennis and half ane unce bla.k to the SBmyn, v it Item, for thre basan skinnis to it, vj iI. Item, for making of the freD6eis to it, . ij iI. Item, for covering of the said chair, xl iI. Item, the x day of Aprile, deliverit to the Quene, vj eIne A.D. 1508. of fyne clath of gold of the steik of quhilk the Kingis goun wes maid, send hame be Jerome Friscobald.

Item, the secund day of Maij, for xx eIne gray satin to the Quene, bocht at James Bassindanej ilk e1ne xxx iI.; summa xxx It. Item, the x day of Maij, for ij ~ eIne wellus to the "Quene; the elne xlv iI.; summa . v H. xij iI. vj d'.




Item, for vj quartaris satin crammesy to hir; the elne iij 11; summa . ilij It x R. Item, for iiij e1ne taft'eti quhit to hi!'; ilk elne xvj R.;
~ma ~11~~

Item, for ix quartaris gray satin to the Quene, deliverit to hir at diveN tymes; the elne xxxij A.; summa

Item, for v quartariB wellus to mend the QueniB sadilles, Ivj R. iij ct Item, to the Quene, hit' pensioun of the Pasch terme bipast, deliverit at divers tymes sen 3ule bipast, vCIt. Item, the viij day of Julij, for v quar.taris wellus to the Quene, Ivj R. iij ct Item, payit to Hary Roper of the Quenis wardrob, for mending of ane fut of the Quenis chair of stait, vij EI. Item, for iiil hukis xiij A. iiij ct, four spowingis ~ R. viij d, iij elne blak gray iij Ill. vj ct, vj haggis powder violet iiij !II.; summa . xxviij A. vj d Item, the viij day of J ulij, to the said Hary Roper for wesching of the QueniB wardrob stuf this half 6eir bipast, . xxvj R. Item, to him for quhit threid, and pak threid iij ~ iiij d Item, for xxiiij fllwdom small- cord, . iiij R. Item, payit to Johne Davidson, cordonair, for viij pair corkit schone to the Quene sen dule bipast; ilk pair iij it; summa . xxiiij R. Item, for bukkilles to the said schone, ij R. vj ct Item, payit to I..ancelot Ferrye, furrour to the Quene, for ane tymir of ermyngis quhilk ekit the purphell of the Quenis goun, and for the fen tis and cuffis of the goun, iiij It. Item, for iijC powderingis to the samyn j ilk C iij R.; summa . . ix R. Rumma totalis, jm vijClxxxxj H. vj ct ob.






Item, the xx day of October, for xij elne Holland clath .&.D. lW7. for the Prince; ilk elne vj A.; summa. iij It. xij S. Item, for' iij elne small Bertane clath for the Prince; ilk elne ij S. iiij c1; summa vij R. Item, for ane unce quhit silk to the Princis clathis, iij S. Item, for half ane pund small Birge threid to the samyn, ij S. Item, for worsait to be hOB to the Prince,. iiij S. Item, the thrid day of November, for half ane e1ne half ane quartar scarlet to be ane litilI cote to the Prince, . xxxj S. iij 4. Item, for v quartaris dames to be ane cusching to the . Prince; ilk elne xxiiij S.; summa . xxx S. Item, for fedderis to stuff it, . v S. Item, xx. day of November, for vj unce worsait to the Princ~ hos, xviij c1 Item, for iij J4 .elne wellus to be ane cote to the Prince; ilk e1ne xliiij R.; summa . vij It. xilij S. Item, the ix day of December, for ane pair of kerving iij It. . byffis for the Prince, Item, the xvij day of Januar, for sex elne small BertaneA.D. lli078. clath for the Prince; ilk elne ij S. vj 4.; summa xv S. Item, for xxij elne Bertane clath to be schet~ to the rokkaris; ilk elne ij S.; summa . xliiij S. Item, the xiij day of. Februar, for half ane elne scarlet to be ane litill cote for the Prince, xxv R. Item, for iij ~ quartaris scarlet to the Prince hurle stule, xliij S. ix d. Item, for ane unce grene ribanes to it, vs. Item, for covering of it, . xiiij R. Item, for paynting of the roUis of it; iiij R. . xxvij It. ij c1 Summa huius folij,





Item, the ix day of September, to the Kingia oft'erand in Leatalrlg, . xiiij It [And thirty-two similar entries.] Item, the x day of September, to the Kingia oft'erand in the Rude Chapell, betuix Leatalrig and Leith, xiiij I. Item, the xij day of September, to the Kingis oft'erand in Halyrudhous, . xiiij I. [And two similar entries.] I~m, to Schir Andro Makbrek to the pur folkis beginnand this day for viij owkis to cum, niiij It. [And six similar payments.] Memd : Sa payit to Sonday the vij day of November. Item, the xiiij day of September, the Rude day, to the Kingia oft'erand, xiiij I. [And twenty-five similar entries.] xiiij I. Item, to the freris of Edinburgh, [And four similar entries.] Item, to the freris of the Ferree, xiiij I. [And five similar entries.] Item, payit to Matho Auchlek for ane relique quhilk wes maid to Sanct Monanes, and syne wes oft'erit be the King to Sanct Niniane, quhilk weyit vj unce; ilk unce xv I.; summa iiij It. x I. Item, for gilting of the samyn, . xlvj I. vj d Item, to the said Matho for making of tua candilstekis of silvir to the chapell, weyand lxiiij ~ unce; for ilk unce ij So; summa . vj It. xiij I. Item, the xix day of September, to the freris of Lufnois, xiiij I. [And three similar entries.] Item, the xxj day of September, to Schir Andro Makbrek to dispone, iij It. [And fifty-six similar entries of sums from j to v It.]



Item, to the preist of Banct Ninianes chapell of A.D. 11i07. Linlithqw, mij I. Item, to the freris of Linlithqw, xilij I. [And five similar entries.] Item, the xxiiij day of September, to the Kingis offerand in the chapell of Bannokburn, xilij I. Item, to the freris of Strivelin, xiiij R. [And eight similar entries.] Item, the xxvij day of September, to the freris of Strivelin that brocht peris and plowmis, xiiij I. Item, to the Kingis offerand in .Banct Ninianes chapell of Strivelin, %iiij I. [And two similar entries.] Item, to the preistis of Linlithqw, . xlij I. [And seventeen similar entries.]

Item, the first day of October, to the Kingis offerand at the Olyewell, xilij R. [And two similar entries.] Item, to the Kingis offerand at the Holy eros of Peblis, xiiiji. Item, to the preistis thair, xl R. Item, the xvij day of October, to Schir Andro Makbrek to dispone at the Quhit Kirk, . iij It. Item, to the Kingis offerandis on the bred and to the altair thare, ~viij R. Item, the xviij day of October, to Maister William Presto1.m to the Princis almOUB for vij owkis to cum j ilk owk x R.; summa iij It. % I. [And two similar entries.] And sa payit to Sonday the fift day of December. Item, the xx day of October, in Dunbar, to Schir Andro Yakbrek to dispone, . iij It. Item, to the preistis of Cranschawis, xx I.

.a..D. 11107.


the xxij day of October, to the freris of Tulylum, xiiij R . [And.two similar entries.] Item, the xxiij day of October, to the Kingis offerand . xiiij IJ. . to Sanct Crispine and Crispinianes lycht, Item, t4e xxilij day of October, to the Gray Freris of . Striv~ling, uviij II. Item, to the Kingis offerand to ane preistis first mes in the Rude Kirk of Strivelin, xxviij I. Item, t4e last day of October, to the Kingis offerand at Maister Robert Hammiltonis first mea, lvj R.


NoVEMBBR. Item, the first day of November, to the Kingis offerand on the bred, xiiij II. Item, to the Kingis offerand to ane preistis first mea in Sanct Gelis Kirk, xiiij R. Item, to the freris of Inverkethin, xilij II. LAnd four similar entries.] Item, the seeund day of November, Commemoratio Animarum, to Sehir Andro Makbrek to dispone, iij It. ~tem, the vj day of November, in Linlithqw, to Schir Andro Makbrek to dispone, . iij It. Item, the vij day of November, in Strivelin, to ane Irland frere, xiiij II. Item, the xij day of November, for xvj elne iij quartaris fustian to lyne the antependis abone and undir the Hie Altar, maid of the Kingis cIath of gold; ilk elne ij iI. ij c1; summa xxxvj II. iij c1 ob. Item, the xiij day of November, to Schir Andro MObrek in Linlithqw, to dispone, . xl iI. Item, to the preist of the toun end of Linlithqw, xiiij R. ~tem, the xvj day of November, in Hadingtoun, to Sehir . Andro to dispone, xl II. Item, the xxj day of November, to the Kingis offerand in Striveling, . . xiiij IJ.


Item, to the preist of Sanct Ninianes chapell to theke it, A.D. 1507. xiiij It Item, to the Kingis offerand to Sanct Androis lycht,

Item, the fil'Bt day of December, to the KingiB offerand to Sanct Eloyis lycht, . x[iiij] Item, to the Kingis oft'erand to Sanct Barbarais lycht, xiiij II. Item, the xv day of December to the preistis in Strivelin, fijtt [And another Bimilar entry.] Item, the xvj day of December, in Linlithqw, to Schir xlII. Andro Makbrek to dispone, Item, the xxj day of December, to the Kingis offerand in Strivelin, . xifij!. Item, the xxv day of December,3ule day, to the Kingis xiiij B. offerand at the first meB, . Item, to the Kingis offerand at the Hie MeB, xlij iii. Item, to the Irland frem, . xiiij B. [And another similar entry.]

Item, the vj day of Januar, to ane frere, . xfiij B. A.D. 15078, Item, the x day of Januar, in Lin[li]thqw, to Schir Andro Makbrek to dispone in Linlithqw, . . xlij iii. Item, the xxviij day of Januar, in Strivelin, to Sehir Andro Makbrek to dispone, v It. Item, the xxix day of J anuar, to Schir Andro Makbrek to ger do dirige and Baule mes for the Beschop of Gallaway, v tt Item, to the AuguBtin frer, v tt Item, in Linlithqw. to Schir Andro Makbrek to dispone, xlII.




Item, the penult day of Januar, to the Kingis offerand at the Beschop of Gallawayis saule mes, . xiiij a. Item, for half ane elne satin crammesy to eik ane frontell for ane altar, . xxx a. Item, for vij unce silk to be freDbeis to it, . xxj i. Item, for xiiij hankis gold to the said freDbeis; ilk hank. v I.; summa iij tt x a. Item, for making of the said fren:5eis, iij I. Item, for half ane elne fustian to lyne the eikis of the said frontell, . . xiiij ct Item,payit to Thomas Ed:5air for eking of the said frontell and for making of the antependis of clath of gold before writin, x a.

Item, the first day of Februar, to the Kingis oft'erand to Sanct Brides lycht, . . xiiij a. Item, the secund day of Februar, Candilmes da.y, to the Kingis offerand in his candill and at the mes v Franch iij tt x R. crounis; summa Item, to the Kingis offerand to Banct Blais lycht, xiiij R. Item, the ix day of Februar, to the Kingis oft'erand at the Quene of Inglandis saule mes, . xiiij R. Item, to the Kingis offerand in Sanct Anthones chapell in the Crag, Ix R. [And three similar entries.] Item, the xiij day of Februar, to the Kingis offerand in &net Leonardis chapell, . xiiij R. Item, the xvj day of Februar, payit to Matho Auchlek for making of the Cors of Peblis, weyand vij ~ unoo, iij tt x I. Item, for ane fut of silvir to the said Cors of Peblis, weyand iiij unoo j quartar; ilk unce maid xiij R.; summa Iv I. iij ct. Item, to the Provest of Methuen to gif to the freria of Sanet J ohnstoun, iij tt Item, the xxv day of Februar, to the Kingis offerand to &nct Fe1anis lyeht at Down, in Menteth, xiiij a.



Item., the viij day of March, to the Kingis oflerand to A.D. lG07-8. Sanct Duthois Iycht, . mij I. Item, in Linlithqw, to Sehir Andro Makbrek to dispone, xiI. Item, to the Kingis offerand in Sanct Nicholas chapell, beside Leith, . ix I. [And four similar entries.] Item., the xxiij day of March, in Quhithirn, to the Kingis oft'erand in the utir kirk, xv I. vj Item, to the Kingis offerandis at the reliques, th~ Hie Altar, the Lady Altar, and Rude Altar iiij Franch . Ivj I. crounis; summa Item., to the King quhilk he offerit for the Quene in Quhithirn, . xxviij I. Item., to the preistis thare, . . vj It Item., to the Kingis offerand in the chapell on the xiiij I. hill, Item, the xxv day of March, Annunciatio Marie, in A.D. 1508. Bigar, to the Kingis offerand, . xiiij I. Item, the xxvij day of March, to the Kingis offerand in the Kirk of Feild, . . xiiij I. Item, payit to Maister David Abircrumby, subdene of the chapel, that he laid doun for ane claith abone ix I. the altar, Item, for ane relique quhilk the King offerit in Quhithirn, . xvij It xij

Item, the xiij day of Aprile, in Strivelin, to Sehir Andro Makbrek to dispone, . . . . . iij It Item., for j ~ pund quhit Birge threid to be beltis for the kirk, . iiij I. vj Item, for making of the samyn, ij I.


Item, for xj eloe elath to' lay betuix offrez of capes and xj it ehesebis, . Item, for cordis to the Lenterane elathis, mending of the said elathis, ca.rying of capes and for palmes, ixltxd. Item, for translating of the kirk elathis of dames, iij It Item, for iiij pund Birge threid, rede and quhit, to be freD6eis to the said elathis, xviij It viij 4. Item, for making of the said freD6eis, . xiiij It Item, for viij unce fyne silvir to Sanet Duthois relique to mak out Ij unoe j quartar unoe; ilk unoe xij A. viij 4.; summa .' v It xvj 4. Item, for making of the samyn j ilk unoe iiij It; summa . x It. v II. Item, for gilting of it, . 111. Item, the xx day of Aprile, Cena Domini, for xxj dosan ten elne quhit elath to be almous elathis to xxxvj pure men for the King and xix pure women for the Quene j ilk elne ij It vj 4. j summa' xxxij It xv II. Item, for litting of the samyn blew; ilk elne x 4.; summa x It xviij II. [And the usual Skire Thursday alms.] Item, the xxiij day of Aprile, Pasch day, to the Kingis offeraodis at the first mes and hye mes, xxxij II. Item, to ane frere of Sanetandrois, . . xiiij II. Item, the xxviij day of Aprile, in Strivelin, to Schir Andro Makbrek. to dispone, iij It Item, the xxix day of Aprile, in Duofermlyn, to the Kingis the re1iq\, '. . xiiij II. Item, the last day of Aprile, to the Kingis offerand to the reliques in Sanetandrois, . xiiij It

Item, the first day of Maij, in Sanctandrois, to Schir Andro Makbrek to dispone, . iij It Item, to the freris ~f Sanetandrois, '. . xiiij II. l~, the second day of Maij, payit to Robert Bertoun,



quhilk he laid doun for ane schip of silvir weyand .&..1508. xxxj ~ unce, quhilk he oft'erit for the King in Banct James in Span6e, in the 6eir of grace; for ilk unce xlij sons; summa lxvj frank is iij sons; and for ilk frank x I.; summa . xxxiij It. xviij ct Item, to the said Robert, quhilk [he gave] to preistis tbare, be the Kingis command, viij ducatis of wecht and tua riales; for ilk ducat xviij A., and the ij riales iij A. ; summa . . . vij It. vij A. Item, to the Kingis oft'erand in the chapell in the hill beside Faukland, . xiiij A. Item, to the preistis of Tulycultree, xx it Item, the x day of Maij, in Strivelin, to Schir Andro Makbrek to dispone, . vj It. . Item, the xiiij day of Maij, to the Kingis oft'erand to Maister Robert Schawis first mes x Franch crounis; summa . vij It. Item, to Schir Thomas Gabreth for illum[i]nyng of the Kingis evangelist buke, x It. Item, for tua clasps of silvir gilt to the samyn, xlj I. Item, the xx day of Maij, to the Kingis oft'erand in the chapell of conscience beside the barres, . xiiij A. Item, the xxj day of Maij, to the Kingis oft'erand to Schir J ohne Goldsmythis first mes, iij It. x S. Item, the xxvij day of Maij, to the Kingis oft'erand in the Kirk of Feild, . xiiij R. [And another similar entry on the 30tb.] Item, to the Kingis oft'erand in the chapell of conscience beside the barres, . xiiij R. Item, the xxviij day of Maij. to the Kingis oft'erand to the Abbot .of Tunglandis preistis first mes iij Franch crounis; summa xlij I. Item, to the freris of Drumfreis, . xiiij I.

Item, the secund day of J unij, to the Kingis oft'erand in Banct Leonardis, . xiiij 8.




Item, payit to Martin Huntar, baxtar, for xij bollis j firlot ry to pure folkis, of quhilk tbare com jmxx bred, i.x It iij a. iiij ct Item, to the Kingis offerand in Sanet Anthonis, in Leith, . xiiij a. Item, the xi day of Junij, to the Kingis offerand quhen . xiiij a. he tuk his sacrament, Item, the xij day of Junij, to the Kingis offerand at his . xiiij D. fadir saule mes, Item, to the Kingis offerand to ane preist of Sanetandxxviij D. rois first mes, . Item, the xv day of Junij, to the Kingis offerand at my Lord of Owbigneis saule mes, . xiiij Il. Item, to the Kingis offerand on the Trinitee bred, xiiij a. Item, to the freria of Hadingtoun, . . xiiij Il. Item, the xix day of Junij, Sanet Margretis day, to the King's offerand in the Castell of Edinburgh, xiiij D. Item, the xxv day of Junij, to the Kingis offerand to Sanet Melloyis lycht, . xiiij D. Item, the xxviij day of J unij, to the Kingis offerand in Carral, . xiiij I. Item, to the Kingis offerand on the bred thare, xiiij a. Item, to the preistis thare, iij It Item, to the Kingis offerand in the Kirk of Kilrynnee, vijll. Item, the penult day of Junij, in Sanetandrois, to the Kingis offerand on the Trinitee bred,. . xiiij Il. Item, to the Kingis offerand in the Abbay Kirk of Sanetandrois, . xiiij Il. Item, to the Irland freris thare, . xiiij Il. Item, to the blak freris thare, . xiiij Il. Item, to the preistis of Sanetandrois, . iiij It Item, the last day of Junij, to the Kingis offerand in Maij, . xiiij I.

Item, the first day of J ulij, to the Kingis offerand in Banet Monanes, . xiiij I.



Item, to the preistis thare, xx I. A.D. 1608. Item, the v day of Julij, in Cambuskinneth, to .Schir Andro Macbrek to dispone, iij It. Item, the vij day of Julij, to the Kingis [oft'erand] in the Blak Freris Kirk in Strivelin, . xiiij I. Item, the x day of Julij, to the Kingis offerand in Cambusbaroun, . xiiij I. Item, the xj day of Julij, the dedicatioun of the Kirk of . xiiij I. Strivelin, to the Kingis oft'erand, . Item, the xvj day of J ulij, to the Kingis offerand at his modir saule mes, . xiiij R. Item, for ix eloe we1lus to be ane table abone the altar for the Mortstand, deliverit to Nannik, broudstar; ilk e1ne xlv R.; summa . xx It. v I. Item, for xlviij hankis gold to it; ilk hank v I.; summa xij It. Item, to the Kingis offerand at his modir saule mes in Strivelin, , . xiiij I. Item, the xxij day of Julij, to the Augustyne freris, be the Kingis command, v It. Item, the xxiij day of Julij, payit to Schir Duncane Forestar that he laid doun, be the :&ingis command, to the gray freria of Strivelin, . iiij It. Item, payit to George Bard quhilk be laid doun to the Kingis offerand in Lestalrlg, . xiiij R. Item, the xxv day of Julij, Sanct James day, to the Kingis oft'era.nd in Sanct James chapell, beside Strivelin, and on the bred thare, . xxviij R. Item, that samyn day thare, to the Kingis oft'erand to &net Duthois pardon&r, . xiiij R. Item, the xxvj day of Julij, Sanct Annes day, to the Kingis oft'erand in Strivelin, . xiiij I.

Item, the first day of Angust,~Sanct Petria day, to the Kingis oft'erand in Strivelin, . xiiij I. Summa totalis, . ixOlxxij It. viij R. vj 4. ob.





Item, the viij day of September, to Schir William Malvile to the schip werk, xx It. [And sixty-two similar entries, amounting in the aggregate to ijmi.xCxxxvij ott x R. viij ct] Item, the xv day of September, to the said Schir William, quhilk I deliverit to himself and to Patrik Bigholme,

Item, to J ohne Lokhert, Dl&8oun, in hiB task of the forewerk of Strivelin and of the est part of the samyn, xxj tt [And six similar entries, amounting to cxxxv tt xiij It iv ct.] Item, to Johne JorkBtoun, Dl&8Oun, in his task of the ald hall and of the west part of the forewerk of Strivelin, . viij tt [And two similar entries, amounting to xx tt] Item, the xviij day of September, to Nicholl J&C80D, Dl&8Oun of the Kirk of Steill, to the theking of the samyn, . x tt Item, the xx day of September, to Andro Aytoun to the werk of Strivelin, . xxviij tt xvj It vj ct. [And three similar entries, amounting to lxxxvij tt iij II. vj ct.] Item, to Schir Johne Scharp, chapell&ne, to the 10uch drying [beside the Abbey of Holyroodhouse] for the garding to be maid, . . iiij It. [And six similar entries, amounting to xxxiij tt xvj R. viij ct.] Item, the xxv day of October, to Schir Robert Rankin, chamirlane of Murray, to the grathing, drawing, and scbipping of the tymir in Demway, xxxiij tt [And three other entries, amounting to jOx tt] Item, the penult day of October, to Schir William.



Malvile, quhilk I deliverit to himself and Patrik A.D. lfiO'T. Bigholme, . xlv H. xvij It iij tt Item, for iiij waw sex stane xv pund irn to the scbip werk, bocht at Henry lA>rymar; ilk waw xxxj s,; summa . . vij H. xvj ct. Item, for xvj waw viij stane of irne to the said werk, bocht at William Sincular; ilk waw xxx i!I.; summa xxv It. Item, to Schir J ohne Scharp to the small werkie in Halyrudhous and dichting of the place, iij It. iij s, iiij tt Item, the xxv day of November, to Waltir Chepman for ijo burdis, xxiiij H. Item, the xxvij day of November, to Schir William . lxx H. Malvile and John Letbane in his nanle, Item, to Michel Simson and Andro Tumour for xx waw ix stane of irn to the schip werk; ilk waw xxxj i!I.; summa . xxxij li. iij i!I. iij tt Item, to Thomas Peblis, glas wricht, for nyne score ten fut maid .glas put up in the Kirk of Steill; ilk: fute xiiij tt; summa . xj It. xx tt Item, for iij ~ C Estland burdis, bocht at Waltir Chepman; ilk pace ij A, ilk hundreth xij It.; summa x1ij It. Item, the secund day of Januarj to Andro Matheson to.t..D.lfiO'T-8. the werk of Faukland, . I li. Item, for v waw ane stane xiij pund irn to the schip wEtrk, bocht at William Foular; ilk: waw xxx B.; ~UJDl'na v It. xiiij B. vj tt Item, for jC Estland burdis fra the comptrol1ar to the werk of Striveling, x It. Item, the xxiiij day of Januar, to Johne Bertoun for roset hardis and stul, resavit fra him be Schir William Malvile for the schip, xxviij It. xj S, vj tt Item, for xxj waw viij stane ane pund of irne, bocht fra Edward Bonkill, Thomas Gray, and Johne Simson; ilk waw xxx B.; summa xxxij It. x B. ij tt Item, to William Wod, of Leith, for ijO gret treis to the Ixxij It schip werk; ilk pace vj 1I.; summa Item, to Alexander Grame, of Leith, to furnis the schip

... D.ll\07.8.


~D. 1508.

ca1lit the Ravin to Dernway for tymir for the schip, xxxiiij It. Item, to Schir William Malvile, quhilk I deliverit in bis name to J ohne Bertoun and J ohne Lethane in his name, . xvij It. xvij It xj ct. Item, to Alexander Elphinstoun, capitane of Strivelin, to the werk of Strivelin, deliverit to him and his servandis at divers tymes, . . xvij 11 iiij II. ilij "[And ten similar entries, amounting to ijvij 11] Item, to Schir William Malvile, quhilk I deliverit to Waltir Blaklok be his command,. . xiiij 11 viij It Item, for viij waw thretene pund of ime; ilk waw . xxx II., quhilk wes bocht at Johne Broun; summa xij It. ij It Item, for xxviij waw v stane of irne, bocht at Johne Broun; ilk waw xxx A.; summa. xlij It. xij I. vj ct. Item, the x day of Aprile, to Johne Masoun in hie task of the aid chameris in Strivelin on the west part of the ald Cl08, xx It. [And four similar entries, amounting to lxx It.] Item, to Wille Thom in part of payment of the new garding dilds bigging, . xxx 11 [And seven similar entries, amounting to jOlv It. vii Ii. viij ct.] Item, the ferd day of Maij, payit to Robert Bertoun for jmiijoxxv fut of gret sarris to the schip; ilk fut iij soua; the summa jCviij frankis xv sous, and for ilk lxxxxix H. vij Ii. vj ct. frank x Ii.; summa . Item, for vjmjcxl fut of sarris pullan and plank to the said schip and xiiij pece of barrotie; ilk fut xij deneris; summa iijCvij fronkie; ilk frank x Ii.; summa jCliij 11 x II. Item, to the said Robert that he gail for uncostie doun bringing of tymir to the see cuatome drinksilvir to the Kingie officiaris, xxix fmnkie four sous; ilk . xiiij It. xij It frank x II.; summa . Item, to the said Robert that he laid doun to James Wilson and William Cristall for tymir he left in

___ -



France to cum va frankis; ilk frank x R.; summa A.D. 1608. ijOI It. Item, to the said Robert he gaif the childir in drinkeilvir to the childir at lading of the said tymir, xli. Item, to him that he gail to thaim at losing of the eamyn, . . xlij R. Item, to the said Robert he gaif for ane ankir xxxvj frankis; ilk frank x R.; summa . xviij H. Item, to him for jOXxvj stane of bardis, deliverit to Schir William Malvile; ilk stane iij 11. vj It; summa xxij It. ij R. ix It Item, for five score tua stane and ane half stane of coppir to be echiffis for the ecbip; ilk pund xvj It; summa . . jOix It. vj R. viij It Item, for iijO ane pace of treis; ilk pace iij R. iiij 4.; and of tha xij treis free; summa lviij It. iij R. iiij It Item, for lxxxxj echort treis; ilk pece xx It; summa vij It. xj 11. viij It Item, for xxv waw thre pund of irn, bocht at William Sinoular; ilk waw xxx R.; summa xxxvij It. x R. vj 4. Item, the xj day of Maij, to Andro Aytoun to the barree grathing, . xl It. Item, to Alexander Grame, of Leith, to furnie the ecbip callit the Ravin to bring tymir fra Dernway for xxxviij H. the echip, Item, for ane cabill to the Ravin, weyand vjOxv pund, ixlt.xll Item,. for ane othir small cabill to hir, weyand iijOviij" pund, v It. Item, for iij stane small ta.kill and for mattis to bir, . xxviij 11. ij 4. Item, the xxiiij day of Maij, to Andro Aytoun for the ba.rree, x It. Item, for vjlxx Eetland burdis ; ilk pace xxiij It; summa lxxv H. xiiij R. ij tt. Item, for jClxxviij burdis; ilk pace ij R. ij tt.; summa xxj H. ix 11. Item, for ijelxiiij burdis; ilk pace xvj It; summa xx It. v 11. iiij 4.




Item, for iijC burdis; ilk pace xij d.; summa xviij It. Item, for tua last tar for the &chip; ilk barrell xiiij A.; summa . . xvj It. xvj I. Item, for ane last pik; ilk barrell xviij 9.; summa x It. xvj S. Item, the x day of Junij, to Andro Aytoun to the barres gratbing, . v It. Item, to Martin Lenalt, bertonar, for iijClj stane ten pund reset; ilk staDe ij I.; summa xlj It. iij I. iiij d. Item, to him for lxij stane hemp hardis; ilk staue iiij II. vj d.; summa. . . xiij It. xix I. Item, for xxiij ~ stane hardis; ilk stane ij I. vj d.; summa . '. iiij It. iij I. ix d. Item, the ferd day of Julij, to ane Span68.rt for sex score five waw of ime ; ilk waw xxv I. ; summa tlvj It. v II. Item, for tua ankyris to the &chip, booht at Span6art lxxxxiij It. xv I. and uncostis thairof, . Item, the x day of Julij, to Schir William Malvile, qubilk I deliverit to Johne Bertoun, xxxvj It. Item, for iijC rauchteris; ilk pe<>.e viij d.; summa xij It. Item, for lxxxiiij rauchteris; ilk pace ix d.; summa iij It. iij I. Item, to ADdro Matheson to the werk of Faukland, quhilk I deliverit to the glas wricht, xiij It. ix S. x d. Item, the xxj day of J ulij,. for liiij trail!; ilk pace iij So vj ct. j summa . ix It. ix I. Item, for iijO smallar treis; ilk pace xxj d.; summa xxxj It x I. Itt-m, for jO small treis; ilk pace xj d.; summa v It x A. Item, to George Makeson, quhilk duellis in Span6ee, for . ijO ducatis in Spa.n6e, to be payit be him in quha.t stuf pIes the King, ijO It Item, to .the said George for the frauch and uncostis of ix It. xvj I. the ankyris payit in Spa.n6ee, Summa, . vijmjjClxxix It. v A. ij 4. TENET A.




Item, for velne Franch tanne to Johne Douglas, giffin A.D. 1Ii07. at 3ule and nocht enterit qubiU now; ilk elnp. xiij S. iiij 4.; summa. iij It vj 11. viij ct Item, for ij elne iij quartaris satin to him, iij It vj 11. Item, for iij quartaris Scottis blak to him, ix S. Item, for iiij elne tanne to James Cartar, sic like giffin at 3ule and nocht enterit quhill now, lij 11. Item, j quarta.r steik chan:rlot to him, xx S. Item, v quartaris carsay to him, v S. v ct Item, the ix day of September, ane pair maid hoa to Baroun the Franch boy,. . . viij S. Item, for iiij ~ elne Franch taone to be ane cote to Mawnis of Denmark, . iij It Item, for ane doublat of Melane fustian maid to him, x s. viij ct Item, for tua elne wellus and ane quartar to be ane doublat to him; ilk elne xliiij S.; summa iiij It xix S. Item, the xv day of September, for ane maid doublat to ix S. x d. litill Martin the Span6art, . Item, for ane doublat of Melane fustian to Baroun, ix s. x ct. Item, the xviij day of September, for ane tepat to Schir Cristiern, viij S. Item, for tua sarkis to Johne Buta, . vij s. Item, for tua ,doublatis to Campbell and mantand Adam, xxiiij it maid in Strivelin of fustian, Item, for tua pair boa to thaim, xij S. iiij ct Item, for ane hat to Mawnis, . vj S. Item, for ane bonet to Baroun the Franch boy, x S. Item, the xx day of September, for v elne Franch tanne to Wille Millar, baxtar, quhilk passit in Denmark; ilk elne xiij S.; summa iij It v S. Item, for lynyng of it with quhit skinnis, xxiiij it




Item, for ij elne iij quartaris cbamlot to be ane doublat to him; ilk elne ix S. j summa. xxiiij il ix ct Item, for ane pair of hOB to him, x s. Item, for ane bat and ane bonet to him, xilij il Item, for vij elne Kentdale to be ane cote to S. Cristiem; ilk elne iij il vj ct; summa. xxiiij S. vj ct Item, for ane pair of maid hOB to him, xj il [And another pair to Andro Home.] Item, for vj elne Kentdale to be ane cote to Martin. the Spanbart, . xviij S. Item, the thrid day of October, for vij elne ~y, rede and 6Sllo, to be ane cote to J abo Bute j ilk alne iiij S. vj tt; summa . xxxj S. vj ct Item, for ane pair of hOB to him of ca.rsay, viij il ij d. Item, for ane doublat of fustian to him, . x S. Item, for ane res cote to Baroun, booht in Strivelin, xx s. ij tt Item, for ane maid doublat of fustian to Jame Bosuell,

Item, for ane pair of hOB of Scottie blak: maid to him. xj S. Item, for iiij ~ elne Holland clath to ane sark to George Bard, for ane sark the King tuke fra him to his jak: j ilk alne v il vj d. j summa. . xxiiij it ix ct. Item, for ane pair of hOB to Baroun, viij S. Item, for tua sarkis to Baroun the Franch boy, viij il Item, for tua sarkis to Martin the Span6art, viij S. Item, for ane cote to Irsch Downe, falconlll', xvj S. Item, for ane doublat to him of cammes, . vj il Item, for ane pair of hOB to him, v it Item, for ane cote to J oboe Roch or he passit away, xxij viij ct Item, for ane pair of bOB to bim, iiij il Item, the xxvj day of October, for ane pair of blak hOB to Mawnis of Denmark, ix S. Item, for tua sarkis to him, contenand vi.i elne Benane clath, . xiiij S. Item, the secund day of November, for ane maid daublat to Jame T~our of Melan fustian,. xj S. viij ct




Item, for ane pair of hoe to him, vij a. iiij ct 4.D.lli07. Item, to Alexandel: Makcullo, be the Kingis command, thre .elne Birge satin; ilk elne x a.; summa . xxx I. Item, to Maister James Watson for tuajacatis of dames, tua doublatis of satin hoe, and schone to the ErIe of Murray and Lord Lile, . ix It. xvij R. vj ct Item, the viij day of November, for vij elne j quartar Franch tanne to tua rokkaris; ilk elne xiiij a.; summa v It. xviij tt Item, for othir vij elne to othir tua rokkaris; ilk elne xiij R.; summa iiij It xj a. Item, for ane pair hoe to Jok ~e, . vij a. viij ct Item, for ane pair of hoe to Fergy Grame, vij R. Item, for ane cote to the fule callit Bille How, be the Kingis command, . xviij R. Item, the viij day of November, tor iij pairis hoa to Merjory Lindesay and the tua Moris, . viij a. Item, for ane bonet to Mawnis, . viij R. Item for ij sarkis to J ohne Bute, vj Ill. v ct Item, for Ix quhit Birge to ane cote of weUus, quhilk wee lynyt with leopardis and giffin to Andro Bertoun ; ilk pace xij 4,; summa iij It Item, for iij eloe Franch tanne Lo be ane halking cote to Dande Doule, xl R. Item, iij December, in the beir of God ImVCVij beris agane 3ule, giffin to thir personis underwritin thir clathis: In the first for v elne Rislis blak to Schir Petir Crechtoun, maister of wal'drob; ilk elne xxviij R.; summa vij It Item, for ij ~ elne weUus to him, v It Item, for ane bred buge to him, v It Item, for v elne March blak to Robert Colvile j ilk elne xxxij R.; summa viij It Item, for ij ~ eloe weUus to him, . v tt. Item, j bred buge, . . . . v H. Item, for iiij ~ elne Rislis blak to Andro Wod j ilk elne xxvj R. viij ct; summa vj 11.




Item, for ij}6 elne. wellus to him; ilk elne xliiij I.; summa . v tt. x I. Item, for ane bonet to him, xij i!I. [Similar liveries (without the bonnet) to William Sinclair, Robin Douglas, James Dog, Stewart, William Spicehouse, James George Bard, Andrew Aytoun (without velvet), the master cook, James Lam, Thomas Edgar, tailor, and ]'lorence Auehmowty.] ltem. for xij elne dammes to Robert Munereif; ilk elne xiiij tt. viij I. xxiiij A.; summa Item, for ij}6 elne welIus to him, . v tt. x a. Item, for iij quartarls Rislia bla.k to him, . xv a. Item, for xvj elne ehamlot to James Stewart, ~ong lard of Ardgowan; ilk elne ix R.; summa . vij tt. iiij R. Item, for ij elne iij quartaris satin to him, iij tt. vj a. Item, for v}6 elne Franeh tanne to James Douglll8; ilk e1ne xvj R.; summa iiij tt. viij a.. Item, for ij}6 elne dames to him; ilk elne xxiiij R.; iij It. .Item, for iij ~ quartaris Scottis bla.k to him, xj R. viij tt .Item, for xj elne wellus to be ane goun to Sehlr Cristiem; xxiiij It. iiij R. ilk elne xliiij R.; summa Item, for ane bred and ane half quhit skinnis to it, iij tt. xv I. Item, for j ~ steik chamlot to him; the steik iiij tt.; summa . vj tt. Item, for j bred buge and xij skinnia; ilk pace ij I.; summa . vj tt. iiij a. Item, for ij elne j quartarls satin to his doublat; ilk . liiij I. elne xxiiij R.; summa Item, for the half of five quartaris Ris blak to his



Item, for ane bonet to him, . xj I. Item, for j ~ steik cbamlot to be ane goun to llawnis; the steik iiij tt.; summa vj tt.



Item, for half ane bred quhit buge to it, . xxv l A.D. 1507. Item, for ij elne j quartar satin to Mawnis to his doublat; ilk elne xxiiij a.; summa liiij l Item, for ane pair blak hOB of bIak to him, ix a. Item, for ane bonet to him, x a. Item, for vij elne dames to Andro Home; ilk elne xxv a.; summa . viij H. xv l Item, for ij elne satin to be ane doubIat to him; ilk elne xxiiij l; summa xlviij l Item, for ane pair blak hOB to him of Rislis bIak, xix a. ij d. Item, for ane bonet to him, . xj a. Item, for vij elne bIak dames to be ane cote to the lard of Keir; ilk elne xxv B.; summa. viij H. xv l Item, for ix quartaris satin to his doubIat; ilk e1ne xxiiij l; summa liiij B. Item, for ane pair hOB to him of Scottis blak, ix l Item, for ane bonet to him, xj B. Item, fOl" ane steik chamlot to be ane cote to David Home, son to the Lord of Wedirburn, iiij H. Item, for ij elne j quartar satin to be ana doubIat to David Home; ilk elne xxiiij s.; summa . liij B. Item, for ane pair hOB of Scottie blak to him, ix a. [And a similar livery, with a bonnet, to Barroun. the French boy.] Item, for vij elne dames to be ane cote to J ame Hammiltoun; ilk elne xxv B.; summa viij H. xv B. Item, for ij elne blak satin to be ane doubIat to him; ilk elne xxilij l; . summa xl viij B. Item, for ane pair of hOB to him, ix l Item, for ane bonet to him, . x l Item, for iiij e1ne rede Birge satin and iiij elne 6allo Birge satin to be ane cote to Martin the Spall6Brl; ilk elne xl; summa iiij H. Item, for ij .elne .pirnit Birge satin to his doublat; ilk e1ne x a.; summa xx. l Item, for ane pair blak hOB to him, . ix l Item. for ane bonet to him, vij R.




Item, for iij elne iij quartaris Franch tanne to be ane cote to Watte Strivelin; ilk elne xiij II.; summa xlviij R. ix ct Item, for ij elne j quartar Birge satin to his doublat; the elne x I.; summa . xxij I. vj ct Item, for v quartaris carsay to him; the elne iiij R. iiij ct; summa v I. v 4. [Similar liveries to J ok Bai16e, Riche Bail6e, Fergy .Grame, James Tailyour, and John Rollok.] Item, for iiij elne Franch tanne to be ane cote to Jacob Edmanstoun, . lij R. Item, for ij ~ elne BiI:ge satin to him; ilk elne x I.; summa . . xxv I. Item, for v quartaris rede carsay to him,. vj I. iij ct Item, for vj elne Franch tanne to be ane goun to Jame Rosuell; ilk elne xiij I.; summa. . iij It. xviij R. Item, for ij elne iij quartaris satin to his doublat; the elne xxiiij R.; summa iij It vj I. Item, for ane pair blak hOB to him, . xij I. Item, for v elne Franch tanne to Dande Doule; ilk elne xiiij I.; summa iij If. x I. Item, for ij ~ elne wellus to him; ilk elne xliiij I.; summa v It. x R. Item, for iij quartaris Scottie blak to his hOB, x I. [Similar liveries to Robert Galloway, Watte Turnbull, and Quintin Focart.] Item, for vj elne Franch tanne to Johne Forman; ilk elne XTj I.; summa iiij It xvj I. Item, for ij elne iij quartaris satin to him, iij It. vj I. Item, for iij ~ quartaris Scottis blak to him, xj I. viij ct Item, for xvj elne chamlot to Hew Muncreif to his goun; ilk elne ix I.; summa . vij It iiij I. Item, for ij ~ elne wellus to him; the elne xliiij I.; summa. . v It. x I. Item, for j ~ steik chamlot to Jame Bonar to his goun, vjlt Item, for ij ~. elne wellus to him, v It x R.



Item, for iij quartaris Scottis blak to him, x I. A.D. l507 Item, for j ~ steik chamlot to Arche Douglas, . vj It Item, for ij ~ elne wellus to him, . v It x I. Item, for iij quartaris Scottis blak to him, x I. Item, for vj elne Franch tanne to Alexander Makcullo; ilk elne xiiij I.; summa . iiij It iiij S. Item, for ij elne iij quartaris satin to him; ilk elne xxiiij I.; summa . iij It vj I. Item, for iij ~ quartaris Scottis blak to him, xj a. viiij ct [Similar liveries to Adam Cokburn, Arche Bikertoun, Alexander Wardlaw, and the Squire of Cleish.] Item, for xvj elne camlot to Colin Cambell; ilk elne ix I. ; summa. . . vij It iiij a. Item, for ij ~ elne wellus to him,. . v H. x I. Item, for iij ~ quartaris Scottis blak to him, xj I. viij ct . Item, for iiij ~ elne Franch tanne to James Jac1en eldar; ilk elne xiiij iI.; summa . iij H. iij iI. Item, for ij ~ elne cam.lot to him ; the elne ix R. ; summa xxij R. vj ct Item, for iij ~ quartaris Scottis blak to him, xj R. viij ct Item, for iiij elne Franch tanne to James J ac1en 60ngar ; ilk elne xiij a. iiij ct; summa . liij iI. iiij ct Item, for j quartar steik chamlot to him, . xx R. Item, for v quartaris carsay to him,. v a. v ct [Similar liveries to John Paterson, Gavin Bai1.6e, Alexander Gordon, John Lethane, saddler, John Davidson, cardiner, David Craufurd, WilliamMaxtoun, Charles Maxtoun,Patrick Maxtoun, Andrew Mercer, Lucas Tailefeir, William Donaldson, William Forsith, John Strogeth, Paule, the two grooms of the .Prince's Chamber, John Reouch of the King's wine cellar, Flemyng of the spicehouse, John Allerdes, yeoman of the Queen's stable, James Avery, Michal Donaldson, Robert Purves, Nichol Hathowye, Walter Avery, Anslee, Thomas Hoppringill elder,




John Anderson, trumpet, Pete John, trumpet, Alexander Caslaw, trumpet, Thomas Hopringle younger, David,. falconar, Robert Mertoun, Alexander Law, falconer, Downe, falconer, James CI:I.I1;ar, panetar to the Queen, Wille Mayne, wright in Stirling, Symon Randell, boatwright, and Hannay, falconar.] Item, for iiij >' eIne Rislis blak to Alexander Kers, maister cuke to the Quene; ilk elne xxvj R. viij 4.; summa vj It Item, for ij '" eIne wellus to him; ilk eIne xliiij g.; summa vltxR. Item, for v eIne Franch tanne to J ohne Douglas in the Quenes wyne sellar; ilk elne xiij . iiij ct; summa iij It vj R. viij ct Item, for ij eIne iij quartaris satin to him; the eIne . xxiiij R.; summa . iij It vj R. Item, for iij quartaris Scottis blak to his hos,. x R. Item, for xx eIne Franch tanne to the foure Italien menstrales; ilk elne xiij R.; summa . xiij It Item, for v elne Franch tanne to J ohne Forest with thaim; ilk elne xiij fl.; summa. . iij It v g. Item, for xilij eIne Birge satin to thir five doublatis; ilk eIne x I.; summa vij It Item, for v pair hOB to thaim; ilk pair xij i!I.; summa iij H. Item, for xxv eIne Franch tanne to the five Franch menstrales; ilk eIne xiij R.; summa xvj It v R. Item, for xiiij e1ne Birge satin to thir doublatis; ilk e1ne x R.; summa . vij It Item, v pair hOB to thaim of carsa.y, rede and ~allo; ilk pair ix R.; summa xlv I. I tem, for xij eIne Scottis russait to the thre ~ong piparis ; ilk elne viij I.; summa . iiij It xvj I. Item, for vij>' elne ,blak Melan fustian to thir doublatis, xxI. Item, for thre pair carsa.y hOB to thaim, xxij R. iij ct



Item. for iiij elne Franch tanne to Alexander Caslaw.....D.l607. trumpet, . . lij II. Item. for v ~ elne Franch tanne to Thomas N omee ; ilk elne xiij I. iiij ct; summa. . iij H. xiij A. iiij ct Item. for ij elne iij quartaris Birge satin to his doublat; the elne x II.; summa xxvij II. vj ct Item. for ane pair hoe to him of carsay. red and ballo. ixil. Item. for ane bonet to him. ix S. Item. for xv elne rede cham.lot to be ane goun and ane hude to J ohne Bute; ilk elne xj II.; summa viij It. v I. Item. for ane doublat of Melan fustian blak made to him, xj II. ij ct Item, for ane pair of carsay hoe to him. viij I. Item, for iiij" elne Scottis russet to Spark, J ohne Butis man j ilk elne viij I.;. summa xxxvj II. Item, for ij elne iij quartaris fustiane to him; the elne ij I. iiij ct; summa . vj II. v ct Item, for v quartaris carsay to him, v I. v ct Item, for ane cote of Scottie tanne to Irisch Downee, falconar, xx s. Item, for ane maid doublat to him. ix II. Item, for ane p&ir of hoe to him of all costis, v I. Item, for v elne Rislie blak to Schir William Malvile, maister of werk; ilk elne xxvj II. viij ct j summa vj H. xiij I. iiij ct Item, for v quartaris worsait to him, . xxx II. Item, for iij quartaris Scottis blak to his hoe, x II. Item, for v elne Franch tanne to Schir J ohne Scharp, chapellane; ilk elne :xiiij II.; summa iij It. x I. Item. for v elne Fra.nch tanne to Schir James Gorthy, chapellane; ilk elne xiij I. iiij ct; summa iij It. vj I. viij ct Item, for v elne RiB blak to Jacat Terrell, schip wricht ; ilk elDe xxvj II. viij ct; summa vj It. xiij II. iiij 4. Item, for ij ~ elne we1lus to him; ilk elne xliiij 11.; summa v It. x I.




Item, for iiij ~ elne Franch tanne to J ohne Drummond, wricht; ilk elne xiij It iiij 4.; summa. iij It Item, for ij elne iij quartaris Birge satin to him; ilk elne . : xxvij I. vj ct x I.; summa . Item, for v ~ quartaris carsay to him, . v I. xj ct ob. Item, for ilij ~ elne Franch tanne to Johne Maaoun; ilk elne xiij I. iiij ct; summa . iij It Item, for ij eloe iij quartaris Birge satin to him, Item, for v ~ quartaris carsay to him. . v It xj ct ob. Item. for v elne Franch tanoe to Pieris. payntour; the elne xiij It iiij 4.; summa. iij It vj II. viij ct Item, for ij eloe iij quartaris satin to him. iij tl. vj R. Item, for iij quartaris Scottis blak to him, x I. Item, for vj ~ elne danles to be ane goun to the ErIe of Murray; ilk elne xxiiij I.; summa vij It xvj I. Item. for iij elne Rislis blak to the eamyn, iiij tl Item, for ane. steik . chamlot to Lord I.ile, iiij tl. Item, for iij eloe Rislis blak, . iiij It Item, for making of thir tua gownis, vj It Item, for ij ~ eloe satin to thir doublatis; the elne xxiiij I.; summa . . . iij It Item, for iij ~ elne dames to be tua cotis to thaim ; the elne xxiiij I.; summa . ilij It iiij I. Item, for vj em, qubit to lyoe thir doublatis and jacatis; ilk elne ij I. iiij ct j summa. xiiij l. Item, for cammes to thir doublatis, . xij ct Item. for making of thir doublatis and jacatis, vj I. Item, for iiij ~ elne fyne rede carsay to be hOB to thaim, xxij I. vj 4. Item, for iij eloe qubit to lyne the sam1o, ilij II. vj ct Item, for making of thir hOB, . . ij I. Item, for viij ~ elne Holland clatb to be sarkis to thaim; the elne iiij l.; summa xxxiiij I. Item, for tua booetis to thaim, xx It Item, for iij elne iij quartaris Scottis blak to be ane goon and ane pair of hOB to ,Tame .Stewa.J1;, Lord Avendales 80n j ilk elne xij I. ; summa . xlv S




Item, for vj ~ elne blak gray to lyne his goun; ilk elne A.D. lfi07. xvj c1; summa viij a. viij c1 Item, for making of his goun, . ij S. Item, for ij elne quhit fustian to his doublat; the "elne ij S. iiij c1; summa . iiij a. viij ct. Item, for ij elne quhit to Iyne his doublat and hoe, v R. Item, for cammes to his doublat, viij c1 Item, for making of his doublat and hoe, . ij 11 Item, for v elne Franch tanne to Thomas Wallas, lapidar, ilk: elne xiiij a.; summa iij H. x a. Item, for ij elne iij quartaris Birge satin to him; ilk: elne x a.; summa . xxvij a. vj ct Item, for iij quartaris Scottis blak to hym, x R. Item, for v elne Franch tanne to Hamburgh, the Dens cuke; ilk elne xiij a.; summa iij H. v a. Item, for ij ~ elne wellus to him; the e1ne xliiij a. ; summa vltxa. Item, for iij quartaris Scottis blak to him, x 11. Item, for xiiij ~ elne carsay to Campbell and mantand Adam; ilk e1ne iiij a. vj ct, for thair cotis and hoe; summa. . xxxiij S. i.x ct It6m, for v e1ne Birge satin to thaim ; ilk elne x iJ.; summa Ia. Item, for iij elne Franch tanne to be ane goun to Marjory xxxvj L Lindesay; ilk: e1ne xij a.; summa Item, for iij elne russet to ane goun to hir, xxiiij a. Item, for vij elne Scottie russet to the tua Moris; ilk: elne viij L; summa . lvj a. Item, for ix elne grene carsay to be thre kirtillis to the said thre madinnis; ilk: elne iiij a. vj ct; summa xla.vjct Item, for ij elne Iynyn clath to thair kirtill, ij L Item, for ~eis to thair clathis, vj ct Item, the first day of Januar, giffin be the Kingis A.D. 11107-8. command to Maister Cleg, Inglisman, iij elne well us ; ilk e1ne xlv a.; summa vj Jt xv R. Item, for iij elne wellus to William Morhame, Inglism an, vj H. xv it



Item, to Maistres Elenor, IngJiswoman, be the Kingis command, xij elne wellus; ilk e1ne xlv II.; summa xxvij It Item, for xij elne satin to Maistres Dennet; ilk elne xxiiij II.; SUJDIDa xiiij It viij A. Item, for xj elne wellus to MaistreB Agnes Stewart, the ErIe of Buquhanes dochter; ilk elne xlv II.; summa xxiiij It xv II. Item, for v quartaris crammesy'Satin to hir; the elne iiij It x II. iij It; S1lIlllD& , Item, to Marloun Stewart, Item, for xij elne satin to Mastres Ookbum; ilk elne xxiiij,II.; summa xiiij It viij A. Item, for vj quartaris blak wellus to hir; the e1ne xlv II.; S1lIlllD& iij It vij A. vj 4. Item, for x elne dames to Lady Maistres litill madin; ilk elne xxiiij 11.; summa . xij H. Item, for v elne Paris blak to the Lady Mastres othir xij It x II. madin; ilk elne I II.; summa Item, for vj quartaris satin crammesy to hir, iiij It x II. Item, for vij elne chamlot to be hir ane kirtill; ilk elne ix 11.; summa . iij It iij II. Item, for x elne wel1us to Mastres Barle; ilk elne xlv 11.; summa . xxij H. x II. Item, for v quartaris satin crammesy to bir; ilk elne iij It; S1lIlllD& iij It xv II. Item, for iij e1ne iij quartaris Rislis broun to Mergreit Home, Schir Patrik Homes dochtir; the elne xxvj II. viij ct.; summa . v It Item, for ij ~ elne Rislis blak to hir; the elne xxvj A. viij 4.; summa . iij It vj A. viij 4. Item, for vj quartaris weIlus to bir,. iij It vij A. vj ct. Item, for xij elne chamlot to Maistres Francis, be the vj It Kingis command; ilk elne x R. ; summa Item, for xij elne wellus to the Princis nuris, be the Kingis command; the elne xlv A. ; summa xxvij H. Item, payit for lynyng and bordowring of it with watermales, be the Quenes command,. vij H.



Item, for xxvj eIne rede ca.rsay and xxvij eIne ~o A.D. lli07-8. O&1'8&y to be vij cotis and vij pair of hoe to vij in the Kingis stabill;. ilk e1ne ilij II. vj 1.; summa xj It. xviij iI. vj ct Item, for xix elne fustian to thair vij doublatis; ilk e1ne ij II. ilij ct; summa . xliiij iI. ilij 1. Item, for iij elne lynyn to be collaris to Merjory Lindesay and the Moris. ilk elne ij !I.; summa . vj iI. Item, for xv elne lynyn to be sarkis to thaim, xv I. Item, the ix day of J anuar, be iiij ~ eIne tanne to be ane cote to Schir Cristiem; ilk elne xiij II iiij ct; summa xlvj II viij ct Item, for ane maid jacat of Keltir to him, v I. Item, for ane maid doublat of Melane fustian to him,lynyt with fustian, . xij iI. x ct Item, for ane hat and ane tepat to him,. . xiiij II Item, for iij ~ eIne Franch tanne to be ane cote to Baroun t.he Franch boy ; ilk elne xiij II iiij ct; summa xlvj I. viij 1. Item, the xviij day of Januar, for "viij elne Kentdale to be ane cote to Mawnis; ilk elne ilij ll; summa xxxij I. Item, for ane doublat of Melan fustian to him, Iynyt with fustian, xiij iI. iij ct Item, the ferd day of Februar, for ij elne half ane quartar wellus to 1' ane. doublat to Schir Cristiern; the elne xlv ll; summa . iiij It. xv iI. vij ct ob. Item, for half ane elne cammes to it, vj ct Item, for ane pair of blak hOB maid to him, x B. x ct Item, for ane pair of qnhit hOB maid to him, vj iI. x ct .Item for ane pair of hos of Scottis blak maid to Andro .' x II x ct Home, Item, for ane pair of hOB to J ame Hamiltoun, x iI. x ct Item, the viij day of Februar, payit to Maister James Watson for ane jacat of dammes to the Erie of Murray, maid in Banet Androis, xlix iI. Item, for ane doublat satin maid to him, xxxix I. Item, for ane doublat of satin maid to Lord Lile, xxxix I. Item, for ij eIne chamlot to him, xx iI.




Item, for tua pair carsay hos to thaim", x R. Item, the xiiij" day of Febmar, for ane pair of hos to J ohne Bute, . viij R. Item, for ane pair quhit hos to litill Martin the Spanbart, va. Item, for iij pair hos to Merjory Lindesay and the Moris, viiij a. Item, the xxviij day of Ma.rch, for xvj,.elne quhit carsay to be tua kirtil1is to the More freris; ilk eIne iiij a. vj ct; summa . iij tt. xij a. Item, for viij e1ne iij quartaris Scottis blak to be capes to thaim; ilk eIne viij a.; summa iij It. x a. Item, for ane cote to Baroun, bocht in Strivelin, vij a. Item, the xxix day of March, for vj quartaris Inglis red to be ane half kirtill and hude and hos to Jane hair ars; the eIne xvj iI.; summa xxiiij a. Item, for iij elne red carsay to be othir half to it; ilk eIne iiij a. vj ct; summa . xiij iI. vj ct Item, for iij quartaris blew carsay to hir hude, tepat, and sleffis, iij iI. iij 4. Item, the thrid day of Aprile, for ane pair of quhit carsay hos maid to Mawnis, . viij R. Item, the v day .of Aprile, for ij. elne half quartar purpur satin to be ane doublat to Schir Cristiern ; ilk eIne xxij a.; summa xl vj a. ix ct. Item, for vij e1ne Holland clath to be sarkis to him; the elne iiij a.; summa . xxviij a. Item, for veIne Franch taone fra Hamburgh, the Dens cuke, quhen he passit away; ilk elne xiij iI.; summa " iij Jt va. Item, for ij ~ elne welhis to him; ilk elne xliiij a.; summa v It x a. Item, for iiij e1ne Scottie rU888it to the Franch smyth; ilk elne ix R.; summa xxxvj a. Item, for ij eIne iij quartaris fustian to him; the e1ne " ij a. iiij ct.; summa . vj a. v ct Item, for v quartarls carsayto him, va. v ct Item, for ane pair of ;;allo hos to Nome, viij a. iiij ct



Item, the xviij day of Aprile, for vij elne iij quartaris A.D. 1&08. Kentdale to ane cote to him; [the elne] iiij I.; summa xxxj l. Item, for v quartaris Scottis blak to be tua pair of hoe to C'ristiern and Andro Home,. . xvj l. viij d Item, for ane bonet to him, x I. Item, for xvj elne j quartar aatin crammesy to the Countess of .Angus; ilk e1ne iij !l.; summa xlviij It. xv I. Item, for xij elne grene aatin to Lady Musgrave; ilk elne xxv l.; summa xv It. Item, for tua doublatis of fustian to Campbell and mantand Adam, xx I. Item, the xxvj day of Aprile, for four e1ne tanne dames to Mastres Barlee; ilk elne nviij I.; summa v It. xij I. Item, for v elne lawn to hir; ilk e1ne viij I.; 8llDlJJl& xlI. Item, for v elne Franch tanne to be ane cote to AlchaBikirtoun, be the Kingis command; ilk elne xiij I.; summa . iij It. v I. Item, for ane doublat of fustian maid to Johne Bute, xl. Item, for ane pair of hoe to him, viij l. Item, for ij ~ elne quhit fustian to Spark, his man, vl.xd Item, the x day of Maij, for ane pair quhit hoe to Martin the Span6art, v I. Item, for ane pair quhit hoe to Baroun, . . v l. Item, for ane pair of hoe of Inglis broun to George, the .Almane gunnar, . xx I. Item, for iiij ~ elne wellus to be thre balf doublatis to Johne Forman, Adam Cokburn, and Alexander Makcullo, allocayis to the wild knycht; ilk elne xlv I.; summa x It. ij I. vj 4. Item, ij elne clath of gold of ane steik send hame be Jerom FriscobaId to tua half doublatis. Item, for making of thir thre doublatis to thaim, xij I.




Item, for iij pair party hoa tothaim, blak and 6allow, to xxx S. thaim thre; ilk pair x I.; summa Item, for iij rede scarlet bonetis to thaim ; ilk pace xij S.; summa . XXXV;; I. Item, for iij ~e taft'etj, 6allo and blak, to be thair beltis ; . . xlij S. ilk elne xiiij S.; summa Item, for v ~ elne grene Birge satin ta be tua doublatis to mantand Adam and Cambell; ilk elne xj I.; summa . iij It vj tt Item, for tua pair hos, ~no and blak, to thaim; ilk xx S. pair ,x I.; summa Item, for vij elne demy Ostad grene to be ane kirtill to the blak lady; ilk elne iij I.; summa. . xxj a. Item, for iiij elne blak gray to lyne the samyn, ilij s. viij d Item, for iij quartaris l10yn clath to it,. ix 4. Item, for ~eis of it, . ij 4. Item, for j pair bJak sleffis to hir of semys leddir and gluffis, iij I. ltem, for xxj elne Plesance to hir conrohis at divers tymes, . xxij S. Item, for xij '" eloe Birge satin to be tua gownis to the . blakladyis. madinnis; ilk elne x I.; summa vj It v II. Item, for vj quartaris l10yn clath to thaim, xviij tt Item, ij ~ elne of the Kingis taft'etj 6allo to bordour

Item, the xxv. day of Maij, for xx~ elne of Birge satin, rede and 6allo, to be v daunsing cotis agane the x It v S. bancat; ilk elne x S.; summa Item, for v pair hoa, blak and ballO, to thaim; ilk pair 11. x II.; summa . Item, iiij elne of taft'etj to be sleffis to the fulis cote and hude and taggis to the sam1o; ilk elne xv I.; summa xlv II. Item, to the samyn j elne half quartar and ane naill of 6allo taft'etj that restit of the Kingis courtingis. Item, for iiij elne 6allo taft'etj to be ane goun to Martin the Span6art for the bo.ncat: ilk elne xiiij I.; summa lvj I.



Item, for ane pair hoa, ~allo and blak, to the Franch .A..D. 1608. gunnar, . x it Item, for ij pair hoa, ~o and blak, to ij Franch menstra.les agane the banca.t, xx a. Item, to the 8IUllyn tua menstmlea iij elne taifetj, rede and ;;allo, to thair doublati8; ilk, elne xv l; summa xlv II. Item, for iiij elne Me]ane fU8tian to be tua doub1at[iB] to Baroun and litill Martin; ilk elne ij II. viij 4.; summa xl viij 4. Item, for ane elne ca.IQ.mes to thaim, . xiiij 4. Item, for Iynyn c1ath to thaim and making of thaim, viij II. iij 4. Item, for tua pair ca.rsa.y hoa to thaim, xv II. Item, for v elne gray dames to be tua doublatis to lang Thom of the stabill and his marow; ilk elne xxxij l; summa. . viij 11. Item, for ca.mmes lynyn c1ath to thaim and making of the samyn, xiiij II. Item, for ij pair hoa, blak and ~llo, to thaim, xx II. Item, for ane tepat to CriBtiern, vij II. Item, for ane hat to him, v II. Item, the viij day of J unij, for v ~ elne wellU8 to the maister cuke; ilk elne xlv II.; summa xij H. vij II. vj 4. Item, for v elne RiBliB broun to the Franch gunmakar; ilk elne xxvj II. viij 6.; summa vj H. xiij II. iiij ct. Item, the xxj day of Junij, for v quarta.riB ScottiB blak to be hoa to Cristiern; ilk elne xij II.; summa xv II. Item, for viij elDe Kentdale to be ane cote to MawniB ; ilk elne iij II. vj ct; summa. xxviij II. Item, for ane doublat of Melan fustian to him, ix II. iiij 4Item, for iij elne wellus to John Forman and Adam Cokburn to thair half doub1atis for the c1ath of gold; ilk elne xlv II.; summa. vj It xv II. Item, the xxvj day of Junij, for ane doub1at to John of Bute, of all coeti8 maid,' . x l





Item, for ane pair of maid hoa to him, . viij it Item, the xxvj day of Junij, for xxv eIne Franch tanne to be five gownis to the four Italien menstrales and John Forest; ilk eIne xij S.; summa xv 11. Item, for lyning of thair gownis with skinnis; ilk peee vj 11. xxiiij S.; summa Item, for xiiij eIne chamlot to thair five doublatis; vj 11. vj R. ilk elne ix S.; summa Item, for v pair hoa to thaim; ilk pair xij S.; summa iij 11. Item, for x elne Franch tanne to be tua gownis to tua Franch menstrales quhilk passit in France; ilk . vij It. elne xiiij S.; summa . Item, for v elne iij quartaris chamlot to thair doublatis; ilk elne ix iI.; summa lj R. ix d. Item, for tua pair hoa to thaim, . xvj S. Item, for ana sai-k to Mawnis, iiij R. viij 4. Item, for tua sark[is] to Martin, vj iI. iiij 4. Item, the xiiij day of Julij, for ana doublat of fustian to Fergy Grame, x iI. Item, for ane pair of carsay hOB to him,. . viij iI. Item, the xvij day of Julij, for ane doublat and ane pair of hos to Ersch Downe, falconar, .. xv iI. Item, lihe xviij day of Julij, for viij elne Kentdale to be ane cote to Cristiern; ilk elne iij R.; summa xxiiij iI. Item, for ane doublat Melan fustia.n to him maid, x R. Item, for pair of hos to him maid, . x iI. iiij 4. Item, the xxix day of Julij, for viij elne carsay to Pate fat bak, falconar, to be ane cote to him; ilk elne ilij iI.; summa xxxiiij It viij d. Item, iij elne fustian to ane doublat to him, vij iI. vj 4. Item, for ane pair of hos to him, viij R. Item, for tua pair blak hos booht in Strivelin to De la Booh and to Peiris, Franchmen, . xxx S. Item, for ane doublat and ana pair of hos to Martin . xvj S. the Span6&rt, made in Strivelin, . Summa totalis, jmVCxix It. v iI. j ct ob. TEN~ A.




Item, eftir the Chekker in the 6eir of God ane thou- A.D. li07. sand five hundreth and vij 6eria payit to the Inglis men and Inglis ladyis thair half 6eria pellsioun of the terme of Lammes; in the first to Maieter Benestede, thesaurar to the Quene, his half 6eria pensioun, xvj It. xiij D. iiij ct Inglis; in Scottis monee, . lviij It. vj D. viij 4. [And another similar payment.] Item, to Maister Carvanell, his half 6eris pensioun of the said terme of Lammes of the said 6eir, v It. Inglis; Scottis monee, . . xvij It. x D. [And another similar payment.] Item, to Maister Cleg, ischair to the Quene, his half 6eris pensioun of the said terme, vj It. xiij it iiij ct Inglis; in Scottis monee,. xxiij J1 vj D. viij ct [And another similar payment.] Item, to Hary Ropper in the wardrob, his half 68ria fee, xxxiij A. iiij 4. Inglis; in Scottis monee, v J1 xvj A. viij 4. [And another similar payment.] Item, to Blewmantill, alias Rothsey herald, his half 6eris fee, iij J1 vj B. viij ct Inglis; in Scottis monee, xj It. xiij A. iiij 4. [And another similar payment.] Item, to the lady Maistres, hir half 6eria fee of the said terme of Lammes, xiij It. vj B. viij ct Inglis; in Scottis monee,. xlvj It. xiij I!I. iiij ct [And another similar payment.] Item, to Maistres Elenor, hir half 6eris fee of the said terme, vj It. xiij II. iiij 4. Inglis; in Scottis monee, xxiij It. vj B. viij ct [And another similar payment.]





Item, to Maistres Francis, hir half :5eris fee, 1 B. Inglis; in Scottis monee, . . viij 11. xv B. [And another similar payment.] Item, to Gray, now lathenar to the Quene, hir half :5eris fee, . 1 R. [And another similar payment.] Item, the BeCund day of November, payit to thir personis UDdirwritin thair quartar fee; in the first to Thomas Clerk, bis quartar fee to cum, x 11. Item, to J ohne Goldsmyth, sic like his quartar fee, x Jt Item, to Nicholas Abirnethy, bis quartar fee, vj Jt and the remanent he takis of the cUBtumes of Edinburgh. Item, to Schir Robert Wemis for the barnis quartar fee to thre childer [of the chapell], vj 11. [And three Bimila.r quarterly payments to the above clerks.] Item, to the Italien meDBtraies, thair quartar fee, xxv xvij It x I. Franch crounis; sumIDa [And three similar payments.] Item, to Guilliam, taubronar, his quartar peDBioUD, iiij Jt vij B. vj 4. [And three Bimila.r payments.] Item, to [Pieris} the payntour, his wage for November, December, and Januar; ilk moneth v Franch crounis; summa . x 11. x , [And two similar payments.] Item, to the bruaair, his wage of this instant moneth of November, lvj R. Item, to the men that kepis the schip callit the Mergret [at the poll of Erth] for the m6nethis of Novem~r, December, and Januar; for ilk owk xxvij B .. iij ct.; sumIDa . . xvij 11. xiiij B. iij ct. [And two similar payments.] Item, the xij day of November, payit to thir perBOnis undirwritin thare half :5eris fee to cum; in the fyrst to Schir Alexander Makcullo of Mertoun, 111. knicht, . (And another similar payment.]



Item, to George Campbell, 60ngar of Cesnok, his pen- .D. 1507. sioun of the said tenne, x Ii. Item, to James Stewart, 60ng lard of Ardgowan, his . xx It. pensioun of the said tenne, [And another similar payment.] Item, to Maister William Dunbar, his pensioUD of the x J1 said tenne, and new ekit. [And another similar payment.] Item, to Schir Thomas Mershael,, that singis for the King and Quene in Cambuskinneth, his fee . vj J1 xiij I. iiij 4. of the said tenne, [And another similar payment.] Item, to Sehir Alexander Makkyson [ehapellane], his . vj J1 xiij I. iiij c1 pensioun of the samyn terme, [And another similar payment.] . Item, the xij day of No:vember, to Waltir Merlioun, masoun, his pensioun of the said tenne, . xx Ii. [And another similar payment.] bem, Maister Ogilvy, payit his hale 6eris pensioun at Witsonday bypast. Item, to Hannis, gunnar, his pensioun of the samyn terme, . ix Ii. vj I. viij c1 [And another similar pap;nellt.] Item, to Thomas Ed6air, tail6our, his pensioun of the said tenne, v J1 [And another similar payment.] Item, to Alexander Focart, masar, his pensioun of the samyn tenne, . xxxiij B. iiij c1 Item, to Hannay, falconar, his pensioun of the samyn t.enne, x tt. . [And another similar payment.] Item, to the Squier of Cleisch, his pensioun of the said terme, v J1 v L [And another similar payment.] Item, to Johne Hertseid, pail6ounman, his pensioun of the said terme" 1L [And another similar payment.] Item, the first day of December, to the v Franeh







menstrales, thair pensioun for the monethis of December, Januar, and Februa.r, xxxj Fl'8.nch crounis a.nd iij R. vj ct.; summa. . xxj It xvij R. vj 4. [And two other similar payments.] Item, the secund day of Januar, to foure rokkaris of the Princid, ane 6eris fee; ilk ane liij R. iiij 4.; summa . x It xiij il iiij 4. Item [the secund day of Febrllar],to Jobne. Silvir, his xij It x iI. quartar fee, sic lyke, . [And two other siJl!.ilar payments.] Item, to Johne Forest with [the Italian minstrels], be command, his wage for the said thre monethis sic like, iiij It. vij R. vj 4. [And two othel' similar payments.] Item [the ferd day of Maij], to Maister Laurence Tailfeir, his pensioun of Pasch bipast, v It [And another similar payment,] Item, the xv day of Junij, to Andro Aytoun, his pensioun xxxiij It. vj R. viij ct of the said terme, Item, to Maister Walter Ogilvy of the terme [of Whitsunday], . . vj It xiij R. iiij ct Item, to Nannik, broudstar, his fee of the termee and [I. of] Witsonday and Mertymee in the 6eir of God, etc., nij 6eris, and of this Witsonday terme, xx It Item, the ferd day of Julij, to the Franch fithelar and his son quhen tha passit in France, thare wage for the monethis of September, October, November to cum, be the Kingis command, xij J' Franch crownis ; summa viij It. xv il Item, to the men that kepis the schip at the poll of Erth, thair wage of the moneth of August, v It. ix R.



Item, the xix day of March, the lordis passit to the J Wltice air of Dunde, and thare remanit xv dayis,




giffin to the Justice expens j ilk day xl iJ. j summa A.D. 1607-8, xxxlt Item, to Maister James Henrison, his expens the said xiij It x iJ. tyme; ilk day xviij iJ. j summa jtoijCJ.xx It xvij iJ. ix 4'. Summal TENET A.


Item, the ix day of September, to ane man to pas to ""D. 1607. Strivelin with the Kingis writing for ane buk, ij iJ. Item, to ane othir man to pas to Faukland for to caus thaim to sla bukkis and bring to Edinburgh, ij iJ. Item, to ane man of Schir Duncane Campbellis brocht xx iJ. venison to the King, Item, to the King to play at the cartis, ilij 11. Item, the x day of September, to Schir Alexander Yakcullo for balk met,. . . dij iJ. Item, to Alane Coquherane, armorar, for harnes to the King, . iiij It. Item, to ane boy to pas to Disert for colis to laid ane schip in Denmark, . 3:viij 4'. Item, for uncostis and schipping of the Kingis talloun xxx iJ. j 4. and hidis, Item, payit to ane pure man quhilk wes at Quhithirn. with the King and Quene in J ulij bipast, and caryit the chapel graith xxxj dayis, . xxxj iJ. Item, to ane man of the Erie of Huntleyis brocht certane . xviij iJ. furches of deir to the King, Item, to ane man brooht ane goshalk to the King, xiiij iJ. Item, to ane man brocht ane hert to the Quene, iij iJ. iiij 4'.
1 The Juatice Ayre ~ are in this account inolnded in the P.lIIIionB probably "-1188 the, are very abort.




Item, the xj day of September, for ix cheldir smyddy cole to laid the King of Denmarkis schip brocht Mont Joy hame; ilk cheldir xvj R.; summa vij tt. iiij R. Item, for viij cheldir colis to the said schip; ilk cheldir vj It viij R. xvj R.; summa. Item, for xxxj cheldir xiiij bollis colis to the said schip ; ilk cheldir xv R. vj ct.; summa . xxiiij tt. xilij i1. ob. Item, to ane man to pas to Strivelin for ane buk, iiij R. Item, the xiij day of September, to Martin the Span6art, xij ct [And ten similar entries, amounting in all to xj R. x ct] Item, to foure men that rowit in ane bote on the louch of Restalrig to affray fowles, v R. Item, to ane man that wes in Disert for the coles, xvj ct Item, for viij elne iij quartaris quhit taffetj to the ErIe of Arran; ilk eloe xv R.; summa vj tt. xj i1. iij ct Item, the xiij day of September, to Johne Bertoun to furnis the schip ca1lit the Thesaurar away with IllY Lord of Sanctandrois, lxxx tt. Item, to Montjoye, the Franch herald, jc,cl unicornis; j'1c:xvj tt. summa . Item, to the Clerk of Denmark that com heir with Montjoy and syne pa.ssit in France, xx angellis, quhilk cost xxiiij It .Item, for tua sadilles to the said clerk, . lvj R. Item, to the Provest of Crechtoun in the name of my Lord of Sanctandrois in his purs quhen he departit, llxxxvj~ Franch crownis of wecht quhilk cost, ilk croun xviij R., and xxij ducatis of wecht, ilk pece xviij 11. vj ct.; summa. llxxxviij It x i1. Item, for xxvj elne quhit to be hora houses; ilk elne iij tt. ix R. iiij ct ij i1. viij ct; summa . Item, payit to Maister David Traill, quhilk restit "awand to ane cartar that hed caryit the kirk



graitb fra Edinburgh to Strivelin and agane, A.n. 11i07. iijtt.xijl. Item, for gilting of the k:nop of the Kingis cowp, viij I. ix ct. Item, the xv day of September, to Quintin Focart, be command, . xiiij II,. [And seven similar entries, amounting in all to x 11. x I.] Item, to Dande Doule to ger erd ane pur falconaT, xilij I. Item, payit to James Hog for ane plait of legharnee to the King, . vij tt. Item, to Guilliam Bowden, broudstar, his wage fra the xvj day of J ulij bipast inclusive to the xvj day of September etiam inclusive, iiij Franch crownis and iij I. vJ (J.; snmma lix I. vj ct Item, the xvj day of September, to Schir Cristiem . [knicbt], . . ilij I. [And twelve similar entries, amounting in all to ilij 11. xv II.] Item, to Dande Doule, . . xlij II. [And nineteen other entries, amounting in all to xxxiij 11. xij It] Item, to the Ahbot of Cambuskinneth quhilk he hed giffin to ane pure man, . xij d. Item, the xvij day of September, to ane lamyt man, ij II. Item, to tua men that passit to Bute to the ErIe of Angus for Quintin Focartis matir, xxviij I. Item, the xviij day of September, to James Cunnynghame for to pas in France, v Franch crounis; summa iij 11. x I. Item, to Fergy Grame, to ride in Annandirdale, xilij I. Item, for tua sadilles to the Bai.l6e of the Fere, Ivj I. Item, to the Beschop of Murray quhilk he wan Ira the King, . xlv I. ilij d. Item, to the Beecbop of Gallowayis man in bridilsilvb: of ane hora giftin .to the King quhilk the BaiJ6e of the Fere gat. . ix I.




Hem, to J ohne Hammiltonis man that brooht hame the . xlij R. gret hora to pas his way agane, . Item, to tua men of the Abbot of Cambuskinnethis in xviij R. bridilsilvir of tua hora tha. gaf the King, Item, to the lard of Balandro and his lady Besse Leslie, xlij R. Item, the xx day of September, to _the King himself in his pura, xx Franch crounis; summa. . xiiij It Item, for ane hora to J ohne de Cawpa.nis preist, vj It xiij R. iiij ct Item, for tua sadilles to him, . lvj II. Item, to the said preist, in monee, xxviij It Item, to Robert Stane1ee, broudstar, . xlij iI. Item, to Waltir Turnbull, xxviij R. [And six simila.r entries, amounting in all to vij It xiv II.] Item, to Alane Coquheran, armorar, vj It. vij iI. [And two similar entries, amounting to lvj R.] Item, to Mosman, potingair, . . iiij It xviij A. [And twelve- simila.r entries, amounting in all to xxvij It ij iI.] Item, to Alexander Makcullo, be command, xxviij iI. [And seventeen similar entries, amounting in all to xxvj It. vij II.] Item, to Arche Bikirtoun, . xiiij R. [And four similar entries, amounting to ij It. xvj ~.] Item, to Adam Cokburn, . viiij iI. [And five similar entries, amounting to iiij It. iiij R.] Item, to the ErIe of Buquha.nnis dochtir,. iij Jt. x iI. Item, for mending of the Kingis sar~, . xvj tt Item, to ane man of William Forbes brocht ane dog to the King, . xiiij R. Item, to ane man to haf the samyn dog to Strive1in, iiij iI. Item, the xxj day of Aprile, in Linlithqw, to daft Anne, Curryis wif, iij R. vj tt



Item, in Linlithqw, to ane Portugall wricht and ane .... D. 11507. calfatar that com to compleyn on thair wages, xviij I. Item, at the port of Strivelin to the seik folk thare, xiiijct Item, the xxj day of September, to Hannay, falconar,

[And two other payments, amounting in all to ij H. ij I.] Item, to Johne Rollok, . . xiiij II. Item, to the Franch smyth, . xiiij II. [And four similar entries, amounting to Iv I.] Item, to John Brus, the boy that kepit the gait, to by him ane cote, . ix R. Item, payit to J ohne Forman for iiij hore of cariage to ture the Kingis barnes fra Edinburgh to Strivelin, xvj I. Item, for ane hen to the Kingis halkis, . viij <1:. Item, the xxij day of September, to ane preist [that] said mes to the King, ij I. Item, that nycht at evin, in Down in Menteth, to the xxxvj II. King to play at the cartis, . Item, the xxiij day of September, in Down, to ane menstrale, vij I. Item, to Lord Flemyngis taubronar, vij .1. Item, to the man that tursit the Kingis bed to the ix I. Hunthall and agane to Strivelin, Item, to Baroun to by poi ntis to his hos, . vj <1:. Item, to Johne Forman he hed giffin to the pure folkis, . ij I. Item, the xxiiij day of September, at the poll of Erth, quhair the 'King drank to the wif,. vij I. Item, the xxv day of September, to the preistis of Dunblane that singis for Mergret Drummond, v It Item, to William Millar, baxtar, that passit in Denmark, xxviij II: Item, to the .man that kepis the gret hore to pas to Edinburgh to fech the lyard cursour and the blak JEiiij I. angell,

,t... 1607.


Item, to J ohne Forman to pas to Edinburgh to fech gere for the King, xxviij S. Item, to ane man to pas to Edinburgh to the Provest of the toun with the Kingis writingis, . iij S. Item, to ane man that fand ane halk of the Kingis, v R. Item, in Strivelin, to the woman that nurisit ane barne, xxviij R. Item, for ane pair of schone to Baroun,. . xiiij R. Item, to the masonis of the King, of Strivelin, in drinksi1vir, xiiij R. Item, the xxvj day of September, to ane man that brocht tua hertis to the King fra the Hunthall, vj S. Item, for tua hore of cariage to hal the samyn tua to Edinburgh, . . viij R. Item, to the King quhilk he tynt at the taibles and gaif away, iij li. x S. Item, to ane man that brocht ane hound fra the lard of Buquhannan, . v S. Item, the xxvij day of September, to ane man of the lard of Wemes that brocht thre quyte deir to put in the park, xxviij R. Item, to ane man to hal ane letter fra Strivelin to Edinb~h to ~dro Bertoun, iij S. Item, for tua cariage hore with the Kingis bardis and gere fra Edinburgh to Strivelin, . . viij S. Item, for iij dosan pointis to the Kingis hOB in Strivelin, xij ct. Item, for ane pan in Strivelin for the quinta essencia. and potingary thare, . vj R. Item, to Pate Harpar, clarscha, . xiiij R. lAnd three other entries,amounting to xxxvij s.] . Item, to Andro Bertonis man, be the Kingis command, , xiiij AItem, to Arche Bikirtoun to pas to seik ane balk quhilk flew away, iij R. Item, to ane man of Makcowles that, brocht tua houndis to the King, . xiiij R.



Item, to the Bailbe of the Fere, ane silvir stope callit A.D. 1507. Merchanestoun and the aId plane gilt cowp. Item, for making of the knop and silvir to it, and gilting of the said knop, . xiij iI. ix (1. Item, the xxix day of October [l. September], to Quintin Fooart to pas in Bute for his erandis to the ErIe of Angus, . xlij II. Item, for aqua vite to the quinta essencia, vij R. Item, for ane tub and stuff to the Kingis closet in Strivelin, ij II. Item, to ane man that fand the Kingis balk that wes away,
v ill.

Item, to Goldee, the wif that brooht butar and cheis to the King, . . xiiij ill. Item, to Lioun, taiJ6our, fOT putting of the lynyng in tua cotis and mending of ane othir cote,. iiij R. Item, to Alane Coquheran for ane irn to byrn sair teith, ij R. Item, to William. Bosuell, . xiiij ill. Item, the last day of September, to A.lexander Law, falconar, . xiiij R. [And thirteen similar entries, amounting to xij It iij II.] Item, to Alexander Wardlaw, . xiiij g. [And ten similar entries, amounting to ix It ij g.] Item, to Downe, falconar, for to pas in Galloway, v R. Item, to the smyth of Cambuskinneth for spere hedis, syles, and tUl'C88 to the King, . xviij g. Item, to the boy tluLt kepis the quinta essencia, iij II. Item, to the boyis of the chapell in spursilvir, iij ill. Item, to Alane Coquheran, annorar, to byde in Strivelin behind the King, . xiiij ill. Item, to Alexander Gordoun, beman of the stable, for stuf he bocht before this day, and to his wage, x R. Item, to the cuk laddis, . xij ct Item, to the Abbot of Cambuskinneth, quhilk he gail away to ane preist, . xiiij II.




Item, to the Squier of Cleisch, . xiiij iI. [And four similar entries, amounting to Ivj B.] Item, to Colin Campbell, xxviij B. [And four similar entries, amounting to lxx 8.] Item, to Andro Aytoun, quhilk he laid doun to Caldwell to his wage fra the thrid day of September to the viij day of October, quhilk is v owkis, and for ilk owlc v B.; summa xxxv iI. Item, for xxxv laid colis to him the said tyme, xvij iI. vj d.

Item, the first day of October, to David, falconar, xiiij iI. {And fourteen similar entries, amounting in all to xiv It. xiv ~] Item, the ferd day of October, to Maister Malcum Mortymar, . xiiij II. Item, to Andro Bertoun, to the hering making,. xl It. for lading of the bark quhilk was biggit in Dumberton. Item, the v day of October, to the Franch post quhilk com heir, xxviij It. Item, to ane man of the ErIe of Mortonis that deliverit ane to the King, . xiiij B. Item, the vj day of October, for tua pair of wyndes cordis, j pund threid for cors bowie, ix II. Item, for knyf to the King in Strivelin, ix 8. Item, for Ix turs bent, . vj It. Item, the vij day of October, to the King to play at the cartis, xxviij B. Item, to Maister Johne Brus, liand seik in Strivelin, xxviij a. Item, the viij day, to pur folkie at thp. 6et of Strivelin, xvj c1 Item, the ix day of Octoher, to Johne Beg, messingeir, to pas to Halis with the Kingis letter,". iij 8. Item, to David Tempilman to pas to Borthwik with sic like letterez to cause the LordiB to cum heir, iij 8.



Item, the x day of October, payit to the broudstar for A.D. 1507. half ane hank gold threid for tenting and gret papir for the Kingis doublat, iij it .iij ct. Item, the xj day of October, to Jobne Murrayis man quhilk deliverit ane balk to the King,. . xiiij It Item, payit for a tyrment of the Counstable of the Abbay, xviij iI. Item, t.() Alexander Makcullo, quhilk he hed giffin away, . iiij iI. Item, payit to Maister Michell Cunnynghame, quhilk he gaif to pure folkie, ij iI. Item, to Jame B08uell, . . xiiij iI. [And seven similar entries, amounting to v It. xij iI.] Item, the xij day of October, to Arche Bikirtoun, xiiij iI. Item, to the gardinar of Faukland that brooht peris to the King, ix iI. Item, the xiij day of October, for ane punscbioUn of wyne to the Abbot of Tungland to mak quinta . . vj It. essencia, . Item, the xv day of October, to Monsieur de 10. Moit, Franchman, quhilk wee heir, jC unicornis; summa lxxxx It. Item, for v sadillee to him to v hors giffin to him; ilk pece xxviij iI; summa . vij It. Item, to Guilliam, the Duke of Albanyis man, that gaif ane ring to the King, xl unicornis; summa xxxvj It. Item; to Ruthirfurd, messingeir, for to pas to Londoun with the said personis aud to cum agane, xl iI. Inglis ; summa . vij It. Item, the xvj day of October, the King raid to the Quhit Kirk, to ane falconar of Erie of Mortonis, xiiij a. Item, that samyn nycht, to the King to play at the cartis, Ivj II. Item, to William Raa, cultellar, for ane knyf to the King, xiiij iI. Item, for caetokis to mend the Kingis balk fedderis, iiijct




Item, the xvij da.y of October, to William Stewart, master of the Wantoun, quhilk wes in Denmark with Montjoy that restit awand him, . v It. Item, to Snawdoun, herald, passand with xxvij letterez to the lardis and clannis of Annandirdale a.nd Nithsdale to cum heir for gude reule of the contree, xxviij S. Item, the xviij day of October, for ij gallonis aqua vite for quinta essencia, . iij It. iiij i!I. Item, to Douglas, the gentill woman, x Franch crounis; summa . vij It. Item, to Johne Forman on ane bill, iij It. xi!!. Item, the xix day of October, in Balis, to Gawin, the Inglisman, iij It. x i!I. Item, to the masonis in Balis in drinksilvir, xiiij i!I. Item, that samyn nycht, in Dunbar, to the King to play at the cartis and tynt and giffin away,. xlij iI. x ct Item, the xx day of October, to the King to play at the cartis, xlv i!!. Item, the xxj day of October, to Johne Cowpar, messingeir, to pas in the Westland with the Kingis writingis vj II. viij ct. Item, to J acat Terrell, schipwricht, in drinksilvir, xlij iI. Item, the xxiij clay of October, to the Quene of the Canongait, ix II. Item, to the King himself in his purs, xl Franch crounis; summa xxviij It. Item, the xxilij day of October, to Thom Foret in bridilsilvir, of ane hors giffin to the King, . xiiij iI. Item, that samyn nycht, to the King to pla.y at the cartis, xli!!. Item, the xxv day of October, to the barnis of the queil: of Strivelin in spuresilvir, . ij iJ. Item, to ane Irsch lorymar for ane dog chen6ee, xiiij iI. Item, to ane man passand in the Ills with the Kingis letterez to Makane, . viij iJ. vj ct. Item, to the smyth of Cambuskinneth for ane turcas, ane hammyr, and spere hedis, . . xiiij II.



Item, to Colin Campbell, for to pas to Amyas his ....D. 11507. pilgrimage, . vij It. Item, the xxvj day of October, to Thomas Peblis, glaswricht, for carying of certane maid glas to the Kirk of Steil, and his expens to pas thair to put it up, xxviij R. Item, the xxvij day of October, for xliij elne 68110 ca.rsay to be ten hors houses; ilk elne iiij R. vj d.; summa ix 11. xiij R. vj ct. Item, for xx elne red cal'88y to bordour the samyn, iiij It. x R. Item, for making of the said ten hors houses, xxx R. Item, the xxix day of October, to Jame Tai160ur for to pas in AnnandirdaJe, . xiiij R. Item, the penult day of October, to Lioun, tai16our, for lynyng and mending of ane cote in Strivelin to the King, iij i. Item, the L'Ult day of October, to the frere of Fanara that brooht the must to the King, jC Franch crounis; SWDma lxx It.

Item, the first day of November, to ane man of Schir Andro Munayis brooht halkis to the Kiug, xxviij R. Item, the secund day of November, to Bynnyng, the Secretaris cheld, . xiiij R. Item, to ane man of the Abbot of Pasleyis brooht tua swaimis to the King, ix IJ. Item, to Gui.J.l.iam Bowden, broudstar, for his werk and wage before this day, lvj i. Item, that samyn nycht in Linlithqw, to the King to play at the cartis, . xxxviij R. Item, to Johne Forman for tua hors of cariage fra Edinburgh to Strivelin with the Kingis gere, viij IJ; Item, the thrid day of November,payit to Johne Davidson, cordonar; in the first, for ane pair butis to xij R. Dande Doule,




Item, for schone and butis to Schir Cristiern sen Lammes bipast, . xvij 1'1. Item, for schone and butis to Baroun, the Franch boy, . xiij It viij ct. the said tyme, Item, for butis and schone to Andro Home, be the said space, ix 1'1. Item, for schone and butis to litili Martin, ix 1'1. Item, for schone and butis to Mawnis, the said tyme, . xvj 1'1. Item, for schone and butis to Nornee,. . xiij II.' Item, for schone and butis to Hammiltoun, ix 1'1. Item, for schone to Johne. Bute, . iiij 1'1. Item, for schone to Marjory Lindesayand the Moris, iiij II. Item, the ferd day of November, to Johne Forman fOl certane amall graith he hed bocht to the King, . vj tt. ix 1'1. vj ct Item. to Robert Bertoun. he laid doun for ane eheldir of colis to the sehip ca1lit the Mergret. xij 1'1. Item, for ane elne cammes to mend the clathis in the xij 4. Prince[s] ehamir. . . Item. the v day of November. to Alexander Gordoun ~eman of [the] stable, his wage quhilk he wan tit quhen the King wes at the Month, and ran the post, xxviij R. Item. to WeddaiIl in bridilsilvir of ane hors giffin to the King be the Abbot of Cambuskinneth. ix 1'1. Item. the vj day of November. to the masonis of Linlithqw in drinksilvir. . xiiij II. Item, to ane eheld to bere ane heroun to the lord of Sanet J ohnis, . .' xij 4. Item, that samyn nyeht. to the masonis of Strivelin in xiiij 1'1. drinksilvir, Item. to ane eheld to pas fra Strivelin to Edinburgh with the Kingis writingis. ij II. Item, that samyn nyeht, to the King to play at the cartis. . xxxj 1'1. Item. the vij day of November. in Strivelin, to ane eheld to pM to Leith with the Kingis writingis to Robert Bertoun, . ij II



Item, that samyn day eftir none, to ane othir cheld to A.D. 1607. pas to Edinburgh with the Kingis writingis to the Tbeeaurar, ij R. Item, that samyn nycht, to the King to play at the eartis, . xxviij R. Item, the viij day of November, to Johne Forman to pas to Edinburgh, . xxviij s. Item, that samyn nycht, in Abirledno, to the King to play at the cartis, xxxiij R. Item, the ix day of November, in Strivelin, to the King to play at the cartis, . xxj R. Item, the x day of November, for four ca1drownis to quinta 888encia, . xlv R. Item, for iiij pecharis to the samyn,. . xviij d'. Item, for gyrding of the said pecharis, . xij (1'. Item, to ane of the Italien menstralee that fischit the stanm in Strivelin, . . xiiij R. Item, to Rob. Forestar for rasches to the chamir Hurls in Strivelin, ij lI. ij d'. Item, the xj day of November, to the preistis of Dunblane that singis for Mergreit Drummond, thair fee, v It. Item, the xij day of November, payit to Maister James Watson for the barnis burdis in Sanct&ndrois for the monethis of.November, December, and Januar, quhilk contenis lxxxxij dayis; ilk day viij R.; summa xxxvj It. xvj R. [And another similar entry.] Item, to foure rokkaris in the Princes chamir, thair feis for Witsonday bipast and Martymes, x It. xiij lI. iiij d'. Item, that samyn nycht, to the King to play at the cartis with the Abbot of Tungland, vj Franch crounis; summa . . iiij 11. iiij R. Item, to Alexander Law, falconar, to by him ane hors, xlij S. Item, to ane man brak his leg in Strivelin, xiiij II. Item, to the man that lechit him, . . xiiij II



Item, to Jaques that kepis the gret hors in Strivehn, xiiij S. Item, to the masonis of the quere of Strivelin in drinksilvir, . xiiij II. Item, to ane dumb man in Strivelin that wrocht sca.i1~e, xiiij R. Item, the xiij day of November, in Linlithqw, to Jame Tail6our, . . xiiij R. [And five other payments, amounting to iiij n. x II.] Item, to the pure folkis be the gait, . xvj ll. Item, to Schir Andro Murrayis falconar, . xiiij II. Item, tbe xv day. of November, to Johne Bute and his man in Edinburgh, . ix R. Item, to Wille Dulle, . ij II. Item, the xvj day of November, for v elne quhit to be thre hors houses to the mule and harnes hors; ilk elne ij II. iiij ll. ; summa xj II. viij ll. Item, to Oaldwell, his wage fra the viij day of October to the xix day of November instant, quhilk is vj owkis, xlij R. Item, for xlij laid coles to him the said tyme, xxj R. Item, the xvj day of November, giffin to Alexander Makcullo, quhilk he gaif to the King to brek, xiiij II. Item, to Gilbert Rutherfurd, messingeir, quhen he com fra London fra Monsieur de lay Mote, . . xiiij iI. Item, to litill Jame Hammiltoun to scho his hors, xij ll. Item, the xvij day of November, to David Craufurd, ix II. [And four other entries, amounting to ii It ix R.] Item, for ane hors to Adam Cokburn bocht fra Andro Broun, x It Item, for the bent hous male of this terme of Martymes, x II. Item, the xviij day of November, to Adam Cokburn: xiiij II. Item, in HI..rungtoun, for the Kingis belcher in the Freris, . xlij II



Item, to ane taubronar and ane othir menstrale with him A.D. 1607. thare, . . . xiiij iii. Item, the xix day of November, in Edinburgh, to Ferge Grame, . . xiiij R. [And six similar entries, amounting to iij H. xij R.] Item, to Schir George Newtonis man brocht ane corsbow to the King, . xiiij R. Item, for vj quartaris of aqua vite for quinta essencia, xlviij R. Item, the xx day of November, in Strivelin, for ane knyf to the King, vj R. Item, the xxj day of November, for vj lame pottis to quinta essencia, vj R. Item, to tu.a men of the lard of Wemyes quhilk brocht ane hert and foure l'888, xxviij R. Item, to ane man to haf the samyn vemsoun to the Queene to Edinburgh, . viij R. Item, to ane man to pas to Edinburgh with the Kingis writingis, ij R. vj 4. Item, to the King to play at the cartis, iiij It. xviij R. Item, that nycht eftir soupir, to the King to [play at] the cartis, xxviij R. Item, the xxij day of November, to the barnis of the queir of Strivelin in spursilvir, . v R. Item, the xxiij day of November, to Maister Alexander Ogilvy to the quinta essencia, ij unce brint silvir; ilk unce xilij it; summa xxviiij R. Item, for ane pair of blancates to Johne of Bute, xvj R. vj 4. Item, to the ErIe of Buquhanis sister, . xiiij R. Item, that nycbt, to the King to play at the cartis, lvj R. Item, that day eftir none, to the King to play at the cartis with Schir Duncane Forestar and the ErIe of Montros, iij H. x !I. Item, to Jobne Forman, . xiiij It. Item, the xxiiij day of November, to the King, quhilk he playit at the tables with Schir Duncane Forestar, x Franch crounis; summa. . vij tt.

. D.l607.


Item, to Johne Fonnan for ane cariage hors fra Edinburgh to Strivelin with gere of the Kingis, iiij II. Item, to tua men that brocht pikis and troutie to the King, ix II. Item, the xxv day of November, in Strivelin, to the King to play at the cartie eftir none, v Franeh erounis, and eftir soupir vij Franeh crounis; summa viij It. viij a. Item, the xxvj day of November, for certane ime graith to the quinta essencia, maid be th~ smyth of Cambuskinneth, . . xviij i!I. Item, to the pur folkie at the port of Strivelin, ij i!I. Item, to Johne Forman for tua cariage hors with the Kingis harnes fra Strivelin to Edinburgh, . viij A. Item, the xxvij day of November, in Edinburgh, to Sehir J ohne Somirviles man in bridilsilvir of ane hors he gaif the King, . xiiij i!I. Item, the xxviij day of November, to Maister Waltir . xlij II. Ogilvy, be the Kingis command, . Item, the xxix day of November, for vj gret flacatis of glas to the King, casit and vj urynalls, lij R. Item, the last day of November,to Baroun,the Franoh boy, viij 4. [And three other entries, amounting to xvij i!I.]

Item, the first day of December, to Sehir William Murray in bridilsilvir of ane hors, . . xiiij II. Item, the secund day of December, to the King himself quhilk he tynt in my Lord of Murrayis hons, jCXI Franeh erounie; summa . . lxxxxviij It. Item, to ane man that fand ane halk of the Kingis in Lammyrmure and brocht hir to the King, xiiij II. Item; to J ohne Forman that he gaif for stuff to the . xlij i!I. King that he hed laid doun, Item, to tua men of Makanes in bridilsilvir of tna hors giffin to the King, uviij II.



Item, the thrid day of December, to Peris, payntour, A.D. lli07. to his hous maill, lvj I. Item, to the said Peris, j buke gold iij 11., viij unce synaper :XXI., tua pund quhit lede iiij I.,j quart olylingeat viij II., half j pund licht asur viij I.; summa . v 11. Item, to the said Pieris for ane buke and tua quaris gold, iij It x !. Item, to the said Peris, quhilk wes gottin fra J ohne Mudy, ane buke gold, . iij 11. Item, to the said Pieris, ane buke of gold, gottin and booht be Schir Thomas Gabreth, iij It x R. Item, the ferd day of December, to Robert Galloway he hed laid doun in bridilsilvir of ane hors, . xiiij R. Item, to ane man of the lard of Weymis that brocht ane hynd to the Quene, ij R. Item, the v day of December, to Banot Nicholas, beachop of the Canongait, xxviij !. Item, to his ruft'yis, vij !. Item, that nycht, to the King to play at the ca.rtiR with the Quene, vj Jt. Item, the vj day of December, to Thom Foret in bridilailvir, of ane hors giffin to the King be the Thesaurar, . xiiij s. Item, the vij day of December, to Jame Jaclen for heronis keping and the hOWl maill quhar tha wer, xlij R. Item, to J ohne Drummond, wricht, that he laid doun for tua lokkis to the stable dur in the Place, xvij R. Item, the viij day of December, to Banct Nicholais, be8chop of the hie toun of Edinburgh, n:viij S. Item, to his ruftYis, ix !. Item, to Johne Fonnan he laid doun for kames and eewing silk to the King, . v R. Item, to tua men in bridilailvir of tua Irland hors giffin to the King, . xxviij R. Item, to William Spicehous he gail to Mosman, uviij R




Item, the xj day of December, to Jame Fresar, that wes with the beschop of Roe, for ane halk, x Franch crounis; summa . vij It. Item, to Johne Forman that he laid doun, . xilij B. Item, to ane man to pas to Perth for the Schireft' of the eamyn with letterez, . iiij B. Item, the xij day of December, to the pure lard of Abir;;eldy, vj B. viij ~ Item, to .Thomas Bosuell for poyntis and glums to the King, xxviij B. Item, to Johne Beg, meseingeir, paesand in the Westland with the Kingis letterez, . x B. Item, to Wille Baa for ane knyf to the King, xiiijB. Item, to Robert Galloway in part of payment of the Kingie hore schoing, vj It. Item, for xij elne 6a1l0 carsay to be thre hore hoUBOuris, , liiij B. Item, vj eloe rede carsay to bordour and knop thaim, xxvij S. Item, for making of the eamyn, ix B. Item, the xiij day of December, for ix quaris gold, deliverit to Pieris, the payntour, . xlv B. Item, to Matho Campbell in contentatioun for his clathie, . x It. Item, at the New Havin, to JacatTerrell, schip wricht, in drinksilvir, . xlij B. Item, to ane braelat quhilk the King gaif away to the Lady Mastres on New Jeir day, x ros nobles, ix hary nobles, j" rOB noble; summa . xxxij It. xv B. iij d:. Item, for making of the samyn, . iiij It. Item, the samyn nycht, to the King quhilk he tynt at the cartis, jO Franch crounis; summa. . lxx It. Item, payit to the Abbot of Cambuskinneth tha.t he gaif in drinksilvir to the wel'kmen a.t the schip, xxviij B. Item, to him that he gail, be the Kingie command, to Jame Fresar. lvj B Item, to the Sanct Nicholas beschop of Linlithqw, xxviij B



Item, to the ruftYis thare, ix iI.t... 1507. Item, that nycht, to the King to play at the cartis, xlij iI. Item, the xiiij day of December, in Linlithqw, to daft Annee, , iij R. Item, to the maister masoun of Linlithqw for rigging of the chapell in the Place with stane, . xlij R. Item, to ane pur man be the gait, . viij (1. Item, that nycht, to pure folkis at the Port of Strivelin, xvj c1 ItR.m, that samyn nycht, to the King to play at the cartis, xxxv !t Item, for ane hors hir to bring ane boy ane :5ong taubronar fra Edinburgh to Strivelin, iiij iI. Item, the xvj day of December, to ane pure man be the
~ .~c1

Item, that samyn nycht, in Linlithqw, to the King to play at the canis with Jobne Grant,. iij Ii. x iI. Item, the xvij day of December, to Johne Forman to pas to Edinburgh, . . xlij R. Item, that nycht, to the King to play with the Abbot of Tungland at the hasard of dis, . iiij It. xviij R. Item, the xviij day of December, in Strivelin, to ane man brocht ane laid of stanes fra Dunbertan to Strivelin, vj R. Item, to haf the samyn stanes to Edinburgh, iiij iI. Item, to ane man brocht aqua vite and glasses fra Edinburgh to Strive1in, iiij R. Item, that nycht, to the King and the lard of Myrtoun to play at the cartis, . xxviij A. Item, that nycht, to the King to play at the cartis with vj Ii. xij II. the Abbot of Tungland, Item, the xix day of December, to the King to play at the cartis, xxviij R. Item, to ane boy to pas to Edinburgh with writingis to the Thesaurar, . ij II. Item, in Jame Doggie hoU8, to the nuris and serva.ndis xxviij R. thare, Item, that samyn nycht, in Strivelin, to the King to play at the cartis, iiij Ii. x iI.




Item, to pur folkis be the gait, xx d. Item, the uj day of December, to ane man of William Foularis that brooht drogoryis fra Edinburgh to Strivelin, , xxviij I. Item,. to Campbell and mantand Adam to pas to Edinburgh for thair cIathis, x I. Item, to the Abbot of Tungland for C~ldwellis clathis, the potingair in Strivelin, . iij It. x I. Item, that eamyn nycht, to the King to play at the' cartis, iij It. x R. Item, for ane elne Rislis blak, giffin to Andro Wod by his leveray, . xxvj I. viij ct Item, the xxj day of December, to Johne Forman to dispone, xx Franch crounis; summa.. . xiiij It. Item, the xxij day of December~ payiJ; to Robert Berwort, gunnar, and othir tua gunnaris with him, thair wage that tha wantit quhen tha wer in the Lewis in somir bipast, xv !t Item, to the smyth of Cambuskinneth for making of ane im kist for quinta essencia, . xiiij I. Item, giffin for making of ane brokskin bag for the Kingis corsbow, iij I. Item, to ane fischar brocht pikis and trowtis to the King, vi. Item, to the smyth that had his leg brokin, xiiij I. Item, to the seik folk at the port of Strivelin, xiiijct Item, for iij prentit bukis to the King, tane fra Andro Millaris wif, I S. Item, to William Currour, goldsmyth, thre ridaris weyand half ane unce, to set ane hert to the King j summa iij It. ix l Item, payit to Pieris, the payntour, for vj pund gIew and othir glew, calk, papir, RacIand gold, ca.ddes, vemeis, rede lede, bresell gold, fu~e, flory, allum, gum, and pottis of sindry pricis, xxxij s. viij ct



Item, the xxiij day of December, to William OIiphant,4.D.lIi07. the beschop of Murrayis man, brocht wild met to the King, . xiiij R. Item, that nycht, to the King to play at the cartis, Ix Franoh crounis, . xlij It. Item, to Henry Lorymar in payment of graith takin fra. him to the King, xxxv R. Item, the xxiiij day of December, giffin for finding of four uches of gold of the Kingis that wer tynt, v It. Item, to Anslee, taubronar, be command,. . xiiij it [And two other entries, amounting to xxviij ill Item, for v ca.kis glas to quinta essencia,. . xxv R. Item, to Schir Alexander Makcullo to send his men and halkis to Linlithqw the tyme of dule,. . xlij il Item, to Jakis that kepit the gret hors, xxviij II. Item, the xxv day of December'dule day, to the hera.ldis inhh~ . ~~ Item, the xxvj day of December, to Campbell and mantand Adam, be the Kingis command, . lvj R. Item, that samyn nycht, to the King to play at the cartis, jO Franch crounis; summa . lxx It. Item, the xxvij day of December, to Quintin Foca.rt, be the Kingis command, to by him ane hors, x Franch crounis; summa . ~ It. Item, that samyn nyoht, to the King to play at the canis, lvij It. Item, the xxviij day of December, to Sanot Innocentis beschop, . . xlij R. Item, to Johne Beg, meBBingeir, to pas to the ErIe of Mortoun, Lord Borthwik, and the lard of Dalhousye with the Kingis writingis, . iij R. Item, that nycht, to the King to play at the cartis, jO Franch crounis; 8ummn. . lxx H, Item, the xxix day of December, to the King to play at the cartis, jOXx Franch crounis; summa lxxxiiij It. Item, the penult clay of December, to Johne Beg, messingeir, to pas to Strivelin for Sohir Duncane Forestar with the Killgis writingis, . iiij R.




Item, that samyn nycht, to the King to play at the cartis, 11 Franch [crounis], j ducat, half ane unicorn; summa . xxix 11. iiij !!I. vj ct Item, the last day of December, to Ruthirfurd, messingeir, passand in Fiff and Angus with the proclamationis of the &iris, x !!I. Item, Pll.yit to William Foular, potingair, for potingary to the King and Quene, distiI1atioun of wateris aqua vite and potingary bukis in Inglis fra the xvij day of December in anno domini etc. quingentesimo sexto to this day, . . jaxxviij 11. ij !!I. x a. Item, to the King to play at the cartis ijc Franch crounis; summa . j Cx1 11. Item, to the Quene, ja Franch crounis; summa . lxx It Item, payit to Andro Aytoun quhilk he laid doun for wod, colis, and Caldwellis wage for quinta essencia, v It xix i!I. x a.



Item, the first day of Januar, to James Lam of bassin silvir, x 11. Item, for ane chen:5e to the King weyand xiiij ~ unicomis quhilk he gaif away that day, xiij It xij ct JtP.m, to Maistres Anne, x Franch crounis; summa vij It Item, to Maister Waltir Ogilvyis wif, x Franch crounis; summa . . vij 11. Item, for tua small corses ane chen:5e quhilk the King gaf away that day, vj 11. vj i!I. Item, to the ltalien schawmaris, v Franch crounis ; summa iij 11. x !!I. Item, to the fiff Francb menstrales, v Franch crounis; summa iij 11. x !!I. Item, to sex trumpettis, vj Franch crounis; summa iiij It iiij !!I. Item, to Guilliam, taubronar, and bis man Ansle and Adam Boyd, iiij Franch crounis; summa lvj R.



Item, to Alexander, harpar, Bragman and Pate, harpar, A.D. 1607-8. xlij iI. Item, to Adam Dikeson, Thomas Jestour, tua piparis of Edinburgh, lvj iI. Item, to ane menstrale of the ErIe of Bothuiles, xiv iI. Item, to ane gret cumpany and divers othir menstrales xxxij half unicomis xxvj half Franch crownis and iiij iI. quhit silvir, and to the Italien menstrales and Franch menstrales servandis and trumpettis servandis iij Franch crounis; summa . xxv It xvj iI. Item, to David Haliburtoun, . xiiij iI. Item, to Lady Liles dochtir and the rokkaris, xvj Franch crounis; summa xj It iiij iI. Item, to the King to play at the cartis, jO Franch crownis ; summa . !xx It. Item, the secund day of Januar, giffin to mak the Kingis cowp syne quhilk wes maid of the cowp giffin be the Beschop of Glasgo, four Ros nobles and ane half; summa vij It. xvij iI. vj 4. Item, xviij riddaris j Hary noble to mak ane pece of say to the samyn; summa xxij It. v iI. Item, for making of the samyn, weyand xxij unce; ilk unce v iI.; summa v Ii. x iI. Item, for I turs bent; ilk turs ij iI.; summa v It. Item, to the King to play at the cartis, . xxvij It vj iI Item, the thrid day of Januar, to the King to play at the cartis, . lvij It. iij iI. Item, the ferd day of Januar, giffin to the Abbot of J edworth as executour to umquhile Maister Alexander Murray, and for the lard of Wardoris in payment of his ald rest aucht to him be the Kingis grace fathir, jOxlvj It. Item, the v day of Januar to Johne Mosman, potingar, be the Kingis command, in compositioun for his clathis, xx Franch crounis and thre eln well us; ilk elne xlv iI. ; summa . xx It xv II. Item, for tUB sadilles to the King, lvj I.



Item, to Johne Lethane, sadillar, for mending of sadilles, hore houses, helteris, bridilles, girthes, stemp ledderis, halk luria, trevises, bridill bittis, hors hoUBe8, harnessingis, stopping of sadilles, housing girths, watering bridilles, suord beltis, and all riding graith tane fro. him at divers tymes, 8.8 his compt bill beris, xxxiij It xij a. xj d Item, to the said Johne for stuf sic like tane to the Quenes stabill sen the last compt of Chekker, iiij ft. xvj a. xj 4. Item, to William Dalgleisch, lorymar, for spuris, stemp irnis, braid irnis, dog collar imis, tynnyng of bridil bittis, bukkilles, vemesing of stamp imis eftir ane bill, iij It. xix a. vj ct Item, that samyn nycht, Upbaly evin, to the King to play at the cartis, jC Franch crounis; summa !xx It Item, the vj day of Januar, Uphaly day, to Robert Douglas of the wyne sella.r, in bassin silver, x It. Item, that nycht, to the men that brocht the censaris and the crucifixt to the King, . xlij iii. Item, the viij day of Januar, to ane pur man be the gait, viij ct Item, to Schir Thomas Tyndin, x Franch crounis; summa vij It. Item, the ix day of Januar, to doctour Cadiou, x Fmnch crounis; summa . vij It. Item, to Maister Johne Carpentar, iiij It. iiij a. Item, the ix day of Januar, payit for xj urynales and tUB. gret fiacatis for quinta essencia, xxviij a. Item, to J ohne Quareour, . xlij it Item, to Robert Galloway, he bed laid doun to Lord Homes man of bridilsilver of ane hore giffin to the King, xiiij a. Item, to Jame Tai160ur to pal hame in Annandale, xviij a. Item, to ane preist of Carrik bed his sUvir taen fra.






Item, to the daft queyn of the Canongait, xiiij II.....D. 1607-8. Item, that nycht, in Linlithqw, to the King to play at the cartis, . iiij 11. viij II. Item, that nycht, to the preistis of Linlithqw that [brochtJ the cens and the crucifixt to the King tbair, xxviij II. Item, to ane falconar of the lard of Spottis in leach silvir of ane balk giffin to the King quhilk passit in France to Lord Hammiltoun, . xiiij II. Item, in Linlithqw, to ane pure preist thare, iij II. Item, that nycht, in Strivelin, to the King to play at the ~, . ~ijll. Item, the xiij day of Januar, in Strivelin, to Schir James Pettygrew, vj It xiij II. iiij ct Item, to Broun the potingair of Sanctandrois, for stuf he brooht to the King, . . vij 11. xilij II. Item, to Johne Mosman, potingar, to pas to Edinburgh, xxviij II. Item, the xiij day of Januar, to Michel Donaldson, beman of the stabill, . v II. Item, that nycht, to the King to play at the carlis with the Beschop of Murray, . xxij 11. Item, to the woman of the Blakfurd brooht caponis to the King, . xxviij II. Item, to Hamburgh, the Dens cuke, to fee him. ane hors Ira Strivelin to Edinburgh,. vij II. Item, the xv day of J annar, in Strivelin, to ane man to haf ane buke to Edinburgh to the Quene, iiij II. Item, to Johne Forman to pas to Edinburgh, xxviij II. Item, to tua fischaris brooht pikis to the King, . v II. Item, the xvj day of Januar, in Strivelin, to Jacat Terrell the schip wricht, . ~ij II. [And five other entries of the same sum.] Item, in Strivelin, to the King to play at the cartis eftir
~~ .~II.

Item, that nycht, to the King to play at the tables eftir '. vij II. 80upir with Maister William Bailbee,.

~D. 1507-8.


Item. the xvij day of Januar. in Strivelin. to the King to play at the ca.rtis. xj Franch crounis ; summa vij It xiiij a. Item. to Thom Foret in bridilsilvir of ane hors. giffin be the Thesaurar. . . . xiiij A Item. the xviij day. to Johne Mosman. potingar. fOl stuf to quinta essencia. v Franch crounis; summa iij It. x A Item. to David. falconar. for his hors wages. xxviij A. Item. to William Morhame the Inglisman. . vij It. Itt:m. to Thomas Hopringillis sone and ane man with him. to pas in France. iiij Franch crounis; summa Ivj R. Item. the xix day of Januar. to David. falconar. to pas to Edinburgh with ane balk to William Morhame. xiiij A. Item. to tua fischaris that brooht trowtis and pikis to the King. xiiij R. Item. for tua gret caldrownes of xviij gallonis to quinta essencia in Strivelin. . . xlij 1 Item. for making of tua pipes to quinta essencia. iij a. Item. to ane man brocht sal-petir fra Edinburgh and othir gere to quinta essencia. xij It Item. the n day of Januar. to the seik folk at tbe 6et of Strivelin. ij R. iiijd. Item. that nycht. to the King to play at the tables. xxviij R. Item. to sex men that brocht df> r fra Faukland to Strivelin. . vj R. Item. at Inchaferay. to iiij men that held the heronis of the water. iij R. Item. to Schir Alexander Makcullo for halkis met. xlij R. Item. to the laddis of the queir in Strivelin. of spur silvir. v R. Item. to the taubronar to fee him ane hors fra Strivelin to Edinburgh. . xiiij 1 Item. to Gray Steill. lutar. v R. It.em. to ane jestour, v R,



Item, to the pure folkis at the port of Strivelin, AoD. 1507--8. ij l iiij ct. vj !!I. Item, to Hamburgh, the Dens cuke, [And another entry of Ivj S.] Item, the xxiij day of Januar, to the King to play at the cartis with the Quene, x Franch crounis; summa vij 11 Item, to Johne Bertoun that restit awaud to him of the viage that he passit with the Archbeschop of Sanctandrois, . . xlij It Item, to Doune, falconar, ij iii. iiij ct. Item, to James Homyll for iiij quaris gold he gail to the payntour, x !!I. Item, the xxiiij day of Januar, to Hannis, gunnar, be the Kingis command, . xiiij!!l. [And three other entries.] Item, to Robert Herwort, gunnar, sic like, xiiijl [And four other entries.] Item, to Thomas Pierson, gunnar, xiiij iI. [And five other entries.] Item, to ane man of John Bertonis that brocht ane culveryn to the King, . xiiij!!l. Item, the xxv day of Januar, in Strivelin, to Quintin Focart to pas to Edinburgh, xxviij iI. Item, the xxvj day of Januar, in Edinburgh, to ane cheld to pas to Edinburgh with letterez to the Thesaurar, iij !!I. Item, to tua men that brocht ane hynd fra Edinburgh to Strivelin to put in the pa~k of Strivelin, . xiiij!l. Item, that samyn nycht, to the King to play at the tables with Schir George Dundas, vij l Item, to Adam Cokbum, to by him ane hors, vj Franch crounis; summa, iiij 11 iiij !!I. Item, the xxviij day of Januar, to Johne Silvir, lvj !!I. Item, the xxviij day of Januar, to the pur folkis at the port of Strivelin, iiij iI.



Item, that B8.ID.yn nycht, in Linlithqw, to the King to play at the cartis, xlij R. Item, to Hamburgh, the Dens cuke, to fee him ane hors, vj R. Item, the xxix day of J anuar, in Strivelin, to daft Anne, iij R. Item, to the gardinar of Linlithqw, . xxviij R. Item, to Johne, trumpat, to pas in France, v Franch crounis; summa iij It. x R. Item, the penult day of Januar, to Johne Mosman for stuf to the quinta essencia, x It. vj R. Item, to Johne Beg, messingeir, to pas to summond ane assiss for the lard of Howstonis matir, . ix R. Item, the last day of Januar, to ane man that hed ane sair leg, . . xvj 4.


Item, the first day of Februar, to the pure folkis at the v R. New Havin, Item, to Johne Bertoun for ane gwn to the King, xiiij It. Item, to Jame Jacklen, 60ngar, ix R. Item, to Thomas Bosueil for glums to the King, _ xiiij R. Item, the thrid day of Februar, to the Beschop of Murray to gif to Thomas Hally, the Inglisman, x Franch crounis; summa' . vij It. Item, the ferd day of Februar, to the King quhilk he tynt on schuting with the culveryn in the hall of Halyrudhous with Hannis, . xxviij it Item, to E. S., xx Franch crounis; summa . xiiij It. Item, the v day of Februar, to the King whilk he tynt on schuting with the culveryn in Schir George Newtonis 6ard, vij Franch crounis; summa ilij It xviij R.



Item, that samyn nycht, to the King to play at the A.D. 1607-a. cartis with the Quene and Beschop of Murray, ~ xvj H. xvj it viij ct Item, the vj day of Februar, to the King to play at the cartis with the Quene and the Beschop of Murray eftir none, xj H. iiij R. Item, to J ohne Drummond, wricht, for candill he wrocht with fra Michelmes to this day, . Ivj R. Item, that samyn nycht, to the King to play at the cartis efter soupir with the Quene and the Beschop of Murray, . xiij H. vj R. Item, the vij day of Februar, to the smyth quhar the King straik at the stedy in Leith, . xilij R. Item, that samyn nycht, to the King to play at the cartis with the Quene and the Beschop of Murray, xij It xiij R. vj ct Item, to Thomas Wallas, lapidar, vj Franch crounis; iiij H. iiij R. summa . Item, payit to Andro Aytoun for lvij laid coles to quinta essencm sen 3ule ; ilk laid v ct.; summa xxiij R. i.x ct. Item, for xviij laid wod to the samyn, ix R. Item, to Caldwellis wage, xxviij R. Item, to Dande Doule to pas in Galloway, . xlij R. Item, the viij day of Februar, quhilk he tynt efter none in Schir George Newtonia ;;ard at the schuting, xxviij R. Item, that samyn nycht, to the King to play at the cartis with the ErIe of Bothuile and Beschop of Murray, vij H. Item, payit to Johne Davidson, cordonar, for schone [and] butis to Cristiem sen Alhaloday bipast to Candilmes, xx R. viij ct Item, for schone and caft'u.n6eis to Baroun the said space, i.x R. iiij ct. Item, for schone and butis to Jame Hammiltoun, xvj it viij ct.



Item, for butis and schone to Andro Home, xx R. Item, for schone and caffun:;eis to Mawnis, uiiij R. Item, for schone to Martin the SpaD6art, N ornee, and John Bute, . xvij R. viij (1'. Item, to the Moris and" Marjory Lindesay for schone the said tyme, vj R. Item, for ane pair butis to Hamburgh, the Dens cuke, xij R. Item, for vj pair caft'uD6eis for dansaris that dansit at Jule bipast; ilk pair viij d ; summa. . iiij R. Item, payit to Maister James Watson for x hors to Kingom with the barnis quhen tha com our the watir, xl R. and for the fraucht of thaim, Item, to him for the bamis expens in Edinburgh, ten dayis in Edinburgh or tha wer deliverit fra M:aister James, iiij It. Item, for ij hors expens x dayis, x R. x d Item, the ix day of Februar, to the King, quhilk he tynt at schuting in Schir George Newtonis 6ard with William Douglas, v Franch crounis ; summa iij H. x R. Item, to Robert Herwort and Person, gunnaris, xiiij R. Item, to Johne Forman for ane 10k to the Kingis latron that standis in the Kingis studee, iiij R. Item, to the said .rohne Forman for gere he booht to the xxv R. Kingis Grauce, Item, the xij day of Februar, to Jacat Terrell, of drinksilvir, . xlij a. Item, the xiij day of Februar, to William Nu, cultellar, for ane knyf to the King, . . xfiij R. Item, the xiiij day of Februar, to Johne Homyll, xlij R. Item, the King schot the gret gunnis in the Abbey' clos, giffin to Hannis, Robert Herwort, and Thomas xxviij fl. Peirson, gunnaris, Item, the xv day of Februar, to the masonis that maid the:hie altar in the chapell of HalyrudhoUB, in drinksilvir, xliij L



Item, giftin to Hannis for tua pokis to mak gun powdirAoD.lli07-S. in and othir stuf, . xiiij rI. Item, the xvj day of Februar, to Alexander Makcullo to gif to Hannis, gunnar, for ane h"bre:;oun to the King, . - iijlt Item, the xvij day of Februar, to the maBonis of Lestalrig, in drinksilvir, . xiiij rI. Item, the xix day of Februar, to ane pur lad, viij ct. Item, that nycht, in Strivelin, to the Abbot of Tungland that he gail for stuf to quinta essencia, xxiij a. Item, to the wit of Kyrklistoun quhair the King drank, ij rI. Item, the xx day of Februar, to the King to play at the cartis with the Abbot of Tungland, lvj rI. Item, the xxj day of Februar, to the King to play at the Irisch gaymyn with the Lord Roe of Halkhed, xlvij rI. Item, to Donald of the Ills, . xxviij iL Item, the xxij day of Februar, to Jakkis, the Franchman that kepit the hors, x unicomis; summa ix H. Item, to the ErIe of Mortoun in his toquhir of his sonis mariage, . VCxlvij H. ij rI. viij ct. Item, in Strivelin, to Schir James Petegrew the preist, iij H. x rI. Item, to ane boy to pas to Edinburgh fra Strivelin with ij iL iiijct. writingis for the Kingis erandis, . Item, the xxiij day of Februar, to the preistis of Dunblane that singis for Mergret Drummond, thair quartar fee, v It Item, to George Campbell, gardinar in Strivelin, for treis to plant in the garding, xlv rI. Item, to the King to play at the cartis eftir none with xlij iI. Lord Roe of Halkhede, Item, for ane sellat to mak gwn powdir, . vij rI. Item, for ane knapscaw to the &amyn, iiij rI. Item, for ane ram to the Kingis culveryn, xij ct




Item, the xxiiij day of Februar, to ane boy to pas to Edinburgh to the Thesaurar with the Kingis writingis, ij 8. Item, to Doctour Cadiou, xxviij 8. Item, to the pure folkis at the port of Strivelin, xvj ct Item, for threid to male the graith to fyre gunnis with, vj 8. Item, for iiij pycharia to quinta eaaencia, . v a. Item, that Bamyn nycht at evin, to t.he King to play at the IriBch gammyn, . . xlij a. Item, .the xxv day of Februar, for ane irn ladill to mak gwn powdir with, v a. Item, that nycht at evin, to the King to play at the Irisch gamyn with Lord Roa of Halkhed, vij H. Item, the xxvj day of Februar, to the draucht trumpet that hed ane aair lip, xxviij 8. Item, to Robert Herwort for making of pellokia to the KingiB culveryn, xxviij a. Item, to Thomas Peyraon to pas ira Strivelin to the KingiB achip called the Yergret, iij 8. Item, to Alexander ElphinBtoun to Bend to Glasgo for tua crannia to feid, . . iiij 8. Item, the King raid to the achip; to the men that kepit hir, in drinkBilvir, . xiiij 8. Item, that nycht at evin, to the King to play at the cartia with the Lord Roe, . iij It. x a. Item, to ane hom to put gwnpowdir in,. . xvj ct Item, the xxvij day of Februar, to ane man of the ErIe of Craufurdia, in bridilailvir of ane hora giffin to the King, . . xiiij a. Item, to the woman in Strivelin that makia the gluffis, xxviij 8. Item, that samyn nycht, to the King to play at the cartia, iiij It iiij 8. Item, the xxviij day of Febroar, to the King to play at the cartis and at the IriBch gammyn, v It xij a.



Item, the last day of Februar, to the feryar of Cambus-.t..D.1607-8. kinneth, . vij R. Item, to J ohne Arnot he laid ~oun for ane blawing horn xxviij R. to be ane powdir horn, Item, payit to Maister James Simson that he gaif to the gunnaris that day the King raid furth of Edinburgh, xxviij R. Item, to the said Maister James he gaif J ohne Beg to pas in Angus with the Kingis writing, . x R. Item, to him quhilk he gail to Johne Bute, xiiij R. Item, to him quhllk he gail to Hary Lawson, . xiiij R. Item, to the said Maister James that he gail to the baromen in the Abbay of Halyrudhous, . xx 4. Item, to the wif quhair the King drank, . v R. Item, the last day of March [1. Februar], to the King to play at the cartis, vj Franch crounis; summa iiij It. iiij R. Item, that nycht the King schot in the hall of HalyrudhollS with the culveryn and tynt with the Abbot of Tungland, xxviij R.

Item, the first day of March, in Strivelin, to the curait of Erth for tua ;5eris teynd hay of ane medow that the Kingis hors eit quhen tho. led treis to the poll of Erth, . xxx R. Item, that nycht, to the King to play at the cartis with the ErIe of Ergile, . . xlij R. Item, that nycht, to ane caryar that pla.yit before the King, . xviij R. Item, the secund day of March, in Strivelin, to John Mosman to pas to Edinburgh, xxviij R. Item, to the cultellar of Strivelin for ane knyf to the King, vij a. Item, to the Beschop of DunbIanes man brocht tua quyk crannis to the King, . vij it.



1607-8. "

Item, to the King he playit at the Irisch gammyn with . xxix R. . the ErIe of Ergile eftir none, Item, to Mawnis boy, . xiiij 4. Item, that 88.IIlyn nycht, to the King to play eftir 80upir at the Irisch game with the Abbot of Tungland, xlij R. Item, that 88.IIlyn nycht, to the King quhilk he tynt with Thomas Bosuell, xlij R. Item, to Thomas Peirson, gunnar, to by him butis, vij R. Item, the ferd day of March, to ane man of Makanes, in bridilsilvir of ane hors giffin to the King, xiiij R. Item, to ane callit Cow the cuke, . v R. Item, the v day of March, to the Franch menstrales that made ane dans in the Abbay, xij Franch crounis; summa . . viij It viij R. Item, for thair dansing cotis to the said dans, v It. Item, for ij pund aa1 aramomaJde to quinta. essencia, iij It x I. Item, for vj pund quyk silvir,. . xxiiij R. Item, for urynales and bocht be John Mosman, xviij R. Item, for coles and woo for the quinta. essencia. in Strivelin, . iij It iij R. vj 4. Item, to Caldwell ane monethis wage, xxviij R. Item, to Robert Bertoun quhilk he laid doun for bringing of the harnes fra. the schip at the poll of Erth, xj R. vj 4. Item, the vj day of March, to Schir Thomas Tyndin, vj Franch crounis; summa . . iiij It. ilij R. Item, to Matho Campbell, to by him hors, v Franch crounis; summa iij It. x R. Item, the King cristynit Johne Inglis the marschales barn; giffin to the 88.IIlyn barn, x Franch crounis j summa . . vij It Item, that samyn tyme, to put in the ca.ndill,




Item, the King tynt with Johne Inglis on tua schotis . D.l507-8. with the oulveryn, ij Franch crounis j summa xxviij B. Item, the vj day of March, to Johne Drummond, wricht, for foure lokkis he booht in the Abbay of Halyrudhous, xviij B. v ct Item. the vij day of March, to Schir Alexander Makcullo for halk met, . . xlij B. Item, the viij day of March, to ane pur lad to help to iij B. by him ane cote, Item, to the heremyt of Maij that brocht ane selch to the King, . xiiij B. Item, to Doctour Cadiou, . vij It Item, the ix day of March, to ane man of the lard of Wauchtonis, in bridilsilvir of ane hors, . . xiiij B. Item, the x day of March, to Alexander Bow, pottar of Edinburgh, to by meta1l to cast the first gun with, v H. Item, to Robert Se1kyrk, cultellar, for gilting of the Kingis culveryn, xxviij B. Item, the xj day of March, in Edinburgh, to Maklane of Lochboy, x Franch crounis; summa. . vij It. Item, to Quhisailgibboun of Faukland, to by hir ane kirtill, ix B. Item, the King tynt with Lord Roe of HaIkhed with schuting with the culveryn, . xiiij B. Item, to Johne Forman that he hed laid doW! be the Kingis command, iiij Franch crounis; summa lvj B. Item, at the New Havin, to the schip wrichtis in drinksilvir, xlij B. Item, to James Sincular, . xiiij R. Item, the xiij day of March, for ane gmt blak bag and ane gmt belt to turs the Kingis gun powdir, xiiij lI. Item, to Thomas B08uell he hed laid doun before that day to ane menstraill be the Kingis command, xiiij R. Item, to ane of the Franch menstraIes that passit his way . xlij B. in his aun contree, . Item, the xiiij day of March, to Donald of the Ilia to pas in the Ilia, v Franch crounis; summa iij It x R.




Item, to Julian, the Italien menstraill, for making of ane gret net to the King, xij Franch crounis j summa viij H. viij A. Item, to'the gardynar of Strivelin for seidis to saw in the bard, . . viij A. Item, to the gardinar of Linlithqw to by seidis to saw thair, . viij it iij <t. Item, to Mawnis of Denmark, ij R. Item, the xv day of March, in Linlithqw, to daft Anne, ij R. Item, for ane hen to haUds, . x <t. Item, to Rothsey herald, sumtyme caDit Blewmantill, in recompensatioun of his passage in PortugaU, jCxx Franch crounis j summa lxxxiiij H. Item, to Maister William Dunbar,. v H. Item, to Alexander Bow, pottar, to by metall for the gwn, x H. Item, to George, the Almane gunnar, . xlij R. [And eleven other entries &.mounting to xix H. xij A.] It-em, to ane man of the Beschop of Ros that brooht writingis to the King, x Franch crounis j summa vij H. Item, to ane Flemyng that brooht ane pece of the Haly Croce to the King, v Franch crounis j summa iij H. x R. Item, the xvj day of March, to Andro Home, xiiij R. Item, that samyn nycht, in the hall of Strivelin, the King tynt on ane schot with the culverynp, . xiiij A. Item, to Thom Pireson, gunnar, to pas to the schip at Erth, v R. Item, the xvij day of March, to Johne RoUok, xiiij R. Item, to Robert Douglas, x Franch crounis; summa vij H. Item, to the King himself in his aun purs, xx Franch crounis; summa . xiiij H. Item, to' Bynnyng the Secretaris cheld, . xiiij R.



Item, to the pur folkis at the ward bet of Strivelin, A.D. 1507-8. Item, that nycht, to the King to play at the Irisch . xiiij s. gamyn with Patrik Sincular, Item, the xviij day of March, to the smyth of Cambuskinneth for making of ane hundret sperehedis, vj }'ranch crounis; summa iiij It. iiij lI. Item, that nycht, to the King to play at the canis with the Beschop of Murray and Abbot of Halyrudhous, iij It x s. Item, to William Currouris man for making of the xxij II. vj ct. Kingis powdir hom of silvir, Item, for gilting of the samyn, . xxvj II. viij ct Item, the xix day of March, to Johne Silvir to by ane goon to ane of the childir of the chapell,
xlij II.

Item, eftir none, to the King to play at the cartis with the Beschop of Murray, vij Franch crounis; summa iiij It. xviij II. Item, to the Italien menstrales that fischit in Strivelin, xxviij S. Item, the xx day of March, to the jestour of Cambuskinneth, . vij II. Item, to the pur folkis at the port of Strivelin, . iij it Item, the xxj day of March, to Alexander Bow the xxviij S. pottar, in drinksilvir, Item, that samyn nycht, in Bigar, to the Kingis belchere, xiiiji1. Item, the xxiij day of March, to pur folkis in Quhithirn, Schir Andro Makbrek being absent, xx i1. Item, to the Priour of Quhithimis man, in bridilsilvir of ane hors giffin to the King, iiij S. Item, passand fra Quhithim to pur folkis be the way, ij S. iiij ct Item, to ane smyth schoit the Kingis hors, v S. Item, that samyn [nycht], in Kenmour, to the King, quhilk he tynt with Thomas B08ueil at the tables, x . vij It Franch cro\U1llS; summa



Item, the xxv day of March, to ane man of the lard of Lochinverris, in bridilsilvir of ane hors, . xiiij It Item, in Kenmour, to the lard of Lochinverris servandia, xxxvj I. Item, in Drumlanrig, to the pur folkiB thare, . iij I. Item, that samyn nycht, in Bigar, to the King to play at the cartiB, xxviij I. Item, to pure folkiB in Bigar, Schir Andro Makbrek being absent, . xxiiij I. Item, for ane hors to Janet bair are to Edinburgh, iiij I. Item, to the gudwif in Bigar, of belcher,. . xiiij I. Item, the xxvj day of March, to Robert Bertoun he hed giffin to tua Franch men in drinbilvir, xxviij I. Item, to ane cheld to pas to Dunde with writingis to . iiij I. the J UBtice and LordiB thare, Item, to Squier of Oleisch for casting of ane gwn, xiiiji. Item, the xxviij day of March, to Quintin Focart lilUld seik, xxviij I. Item, to Andro Bertoun quhen he paBBit in Denmark, xx It. Item, to Johne Forman he hed giffin for stuf to mak gwn powdir of, . v I. Item, to the said Johne he gaif for ane pure and ane pair of gluffie to Jane bair ars, xviij d Item, the last day of March, to Johne Forman for graith to the gun powdir making, vj d Item, to George the Almane gunnar, xxviij I.

Item, the first day of Aprile, for ane pechar to mak gwn poudir in, . xij d Item, for ane harrell vinakir send to Strivelin to the . xxj I. iiij d. Abbot of Tungland, . Item, to hal the samyn to Strivelin, . iiij I. Item, to the madinnis in Robert BertoniB hoUB quhair iiij I. . the King diBjonit,



Item, to Inglis Cuddy when he com furth of Ingland, A.D. 11i08. xxviij A. Item, the secund day of Aprile the King cristinnit George Hakirstonis barne and put in the candill, xiiij II. Item, the thrid day of Aprile, to Alexander Bow, pottar, to by metall, . . xx It. Item, to ane man of Lord Homes in bridilsilvir of too hors he gaif the King, . xviij II. Item, the v day of Aprile, to the herald of Denmark that com to the Kingis Grace, xxx Franch crounis ; summa . xxj It. Item, to the man that makis the furm for the gun in the Abbay, in drinksilvir, . . xiiij 8. Item, to Alexander Bow, pottar, to by metall to the gunnis casting, . v It. Item, for ij pund Mur to the payntour; ilk unce iij II.; summa . . iiij It. xvj II. Item, for ane buke gold to him, iij It. x II. Item, to J ohne Beg, messingeir, passand with the Kingis 1etterez to summond the lard of Carnbee for the , nonentree of Grantoun and Stanehous, . iiij II. Item, for making of patroun to cast gun pellokis in, iij II. Item, the vij day of Aprile, to the Duke of Albanyis man brocht writingis to the King, . vij It. Item, to the man that maid the bandis to the gun muldis, in drinksilvir, . xiiij II. Item, to ane pure bame, . iiij ct Item, to George the Almane gunnar at the New Havin quhar the King schot the gunnis, . xiiij 8. Item, to the marinaris of the Ravin to hat the King on burd and agane, . xiiij 8. Item, to the Lord Hammiltonis fule, ij II. Item, the ix day of Aprile, payit for the vitaling and fumessing of Andro Bertonis scbip in Denmark with vitales and marinaris biris, . lxxv It. xvj II. viij ct



Item, to James Hog to pas with the said Andro, xx H. Item, to John Beg to pas to the ErIe Ma.rschaell with the Kingis writingis for cummyng of Bernard Stewart, . vij R. Item, to Quintin Focart liand seik, . . xlij iI. Item, to pur folkis at the port of Strivelin, iiij a. Item, the xj day of Aprile, to Alexander Makcullo quhilk he hed laid doun be the Kingis command, iiij iI. Item, that nycht, to Maister WaItir Ogilvy. x Franch crounis; summa . vij H. Item, to ane man of Makanes to pas in the Ills with letterez, . vij a. Item, to the pottar of Strivelin in drinksilvir, . xiiij it Item, to the King quhilk he tynt with the Abbot of Tungland on schuting of ane gun, xxviij a. Item, to ane che1d to pas to Edinburgh with ane lettir,

Item, for ane ske6ne pak threid, iij ct Item, to Hannis, gunnar, quhilk he laid doUD on expens of artai16ery, quhilk his bill beris, xj H. xij iI. vj ct Item, in Strivelin, for ane stane of schip tauch to lay on the muld of the gwn, iij iI. iiij ct Item, for ane sift'to sift gunpowdir, ij a. Item, to ane smyth marschalit the Kingis hOrB, xiiij a. Item, for candill to the pottar, . iiij 4. Item, to Alexander Bow, pottar of Edinburgh, to by metaU to ane gwn, x H. Item, payit to Schir Johne Rameay that he gaif for iij unce brint silvir to mak iij q uadrantis for gunnis, xlij a. Item, to him he gaif to Schir Johne Musgrave8 man, xxviij R. Item, to him he gail to the pottar, . xxxv R. Item, to him he gaif to the Franch goldsmyth, xviij a. Item, the xiiij day of Aprile, in Strivelin, to aId Guilliam Bolden, broudstar, xl R. Item, to Peirson the gunnar to pas to Edinburgh,




Item, the xv day of Aprile, to haf ane gun fra the A.D. 11\08. Castell of Strivelin to the pottaris, iiij ct. Item, to the bote men of Cambuskinneth, . vij iJ. Item, for tua sersouris for gun powdir, viij iJ. Item, fol' calk, iiij d:. Item, for gyrth stingie, . xij ct. Item, for felling of treis to be ane stok for ane gun, ij iJ. vj d:. Item, that nycht the King echot in the hall of Strivelin and tynt with the Abbot of Tungland, . xxviij iJ. Item, for lokkis and bandis to the gret wair stallis in the Kingis wardrob in Edinburgh, v it Item, to Robert, cultellal', for ij punschionis to strik out sternis abone the altar, for j ram of lattoun and tua of steil for the Kingis culveryn, . . ' xxij iJ. Item, to ane fischar that brocht pikis to the King, vij iJ. Item, to the wricht that stokkit the gun to the King,

Item, to Adam Boyd, . . xiij AItem., for hadir to dry the gun stok, . xvj d:. Item, for rosat and talloun to lay on that gun stok, iij iJ. iiij c1 Item, to Michel Donaldson of the Kingis stabill for his expens to Quhithirn and agane with the Kingis hors baid behind, and for maskis of malt to the said hors, xxv it Item, for ba.llis to the King to play at the caich, iiij it Item, to the King quhilk he tynt at the caich, xliij iJ. Item, the xviij day of Aprile, in Strivelin, to Robert Josse the writar, . xlij it Item, the xix day of Aprile, the King playit at the caich . iiij tt iiij iJ. with the Lard of Burly and tynt, Item, to ane cheld to pas to Edinburgh, . iij iJ. Item, the xx day of Aprile, to tua lrisch women, xx iJ. Item, for ane sersour to gun powdir, v iJ. Item, the xxj day of Aprile, to the smyth of Cambuskinneth for im werk to ane gwn, xiiij iJ. Item, to the pur folkis at the port of Strivelin,. xij d:.




Item, in Strivelin, to Moria Frost the pur man in Strivelin, . xiiij R. Item, for half ane buke gold deliverit to the payntour,

Item, the xxij day of Aprile, for tua compasses to the King, xx R. Item, to the lard of Dawikis man brocht quyk heronis to the King, ix R. Item, the xxiij day of Aprile, Pasch day, to the heraldis in the hall, vij It. Item, to the Master Cuke of bassin silvir, x 11 Item, the xxv day of Aprile, Pasch Tisday, to v Italien menstmles, v Franch menstrales, vj trumpetis, Guilliam, taubronar, Adam Boyd, Alexander Harpar, Adam Dik80n, Ansle, Irsch c1arscha, Bragman, and the commoun menstrales of Edinburgh; ilk ane xiiij R.; summa . xvij It x R. Item, to xxv othir menstrales, . xj It. xij il Item, to the blak More freris, vj Franch crounis, ilij 11. iiij I. Item, to Thomas Bosuell for gluffis to the King, xlij R. Item, that samyn nycht, to the pur folkis at the 6et of Strivelin, ij R. Item, the xxvij day of Aprile, to Schir James Petegrew .for making of ane culveryn to the King, x 11 Item, that nycht, in Strivelin, the King schot with the Abbot of Tungland and tynt, xxviij R. Item, payit to William Dalgleisch for vernesing of tua pair stemp irnis, tynnyng of vj pair and ane gret bit for bridill, ane gret new bit, making of ane bit, courting ringis, and othir small graith of sindIj pricis, xxx R. iiij ct Item, for vj quartaris cammes before the K.ingis bed, xviij ct Item, to the Comptrollar that he gaif to ane messingeir to pas to warn the bordouris of the cummyng of the Francb embassadouris, ix R.



Item, that he gaif to ane othir to pas in the Northland, A.D. 1608. and ane to Drumfreis and tha boundis, and ane to . Quhithirn for provisioun, . xlij l Item, the xxviij day of Aprile, for wyir to the pottar of Strivelin to bind the gun muld, . v it Item, for ane ram to tho Kingis gun, . xvj do Item, to the. man that roakis the guri in Strivelin, xiiij 8. Item, for xxiiij pund metall for the gun,. . xvj!l. Item, for xij stane vij ~ pund metall to the said gtln, vj 11. xiij 8. iiij (I. Ite~, to Besse Hag for metall, xxiiij l iiij do Item, to the pottar of Strivelin to by metall, iij 11. iij iI. Item, for carying of the said metall, vj (I. Item, for ane waw of ime to band the ij gunnis, xxxj II. Item, to Hannis, gunnar, he laid doun at divers tymes for earying of the gunnis and for the gunnaris as his bill proportis, .. xx J1. xiij II. ij do Item, to Alexander Bow, pottar, to by metall for gunnis, xx J1. Item, to Pieris the payntour, for glew, Rattil gold, vameyis, thre mychkinnis olye, calk, for the chapell, of sindrj pricis, x II. ix (I. Item, for lxxxx turs bent; ilk turs ij II.; summa ix 11. Item, far vj elne cammes quhilk the King schot gunnis at, vj II. Item, to William Currour for making of ane powdir xv I. hom of silvir weyand v unce, Item, to him for making of ane hert of gold set with stanes and ane ring to the King, . . xlij II. Item, to lang Thom for bred to the gret hors bidand behind the King, ix B. Item, the xxix day of Aprile, to the masonis of Dumfermlin in drinksilvir, . xiiij B. Item, to ane pur woman be the gait, xij (I. Item, to Waltir Heriotis servand in bridilsilvir of ~ne


Item, payit to Hannis, gunnar, that he laid doun for the




pursewant of Denmarkis expens be the Kingis command, viij Franch crounis; summa vH. xij iJ. Item, the last day of Aprile, payit to Robert Bertoun he laid down to Monsieur Bastyn his man and for the fraucht of his hors and punschionis for thair watir, lxxxv frankis xvj sous; ilk frank x it; summa xlij 11. xviij II. Item, to the said Robert for vj pund asur he deliverit to Pieris the payntour; ilk unce ij iJ.; summa ix 11. ij iJ. Item, to the said Robert he gaif for ballasting of his schip callit th~ Lioun quhen the King passit to Maij the beir bipast,. . xlij A. Item, for coyis making in hir and for burdis to thaim, lvj A. Item, to the said Robert he gaif to the childir wage at the doun taking of the takill of the schip callit the Mergreit at the poll of Erth and for colis to hir, iiij H. x iJ. Item, to the said Robert he gail for ane harrell tar to bir, xiiij iJ. Item, to t.he said Robert to the pursewant in France that passit up for the cowngee of the quhet for himself and his hors, and for victaling and fraucht hame, xxxiiij frankis ; for ilk frank x iJ.; summa . xvij It Item, to the said Robert he gaif to the armoraris in France of drinksilvir, xxx sons, and giffin thairfor in Scottis monee, . xv iJ. Item, to the said Robert for the fraucht of the harnes coffrez, ane punschioun and ane Hamburgh harrell of glasses, xxix frankis xv sous, and for ilk frank x II. ; summa . xiiij 11. xvij A. vj ct Item, to ane servand of the lard of Craghallis in bridilsilvir of ane pyot hors giffin to the King, xiiij A. Item, to ane servand of David Lermonthis in bridiIsilvir of ane hors, ix A. Item, to ane pure barne that tuke the King be the hand, iijit Item, to the lard of Balgonyis foular brocht wild foules to the King, vij it





Item, tbe secund day of Maij, in Faukland, to J obne Methuen that 6eid with the King to stalk ane deir with the culveryn, . xiiij iii. Item, in Sanctandrois, or the King departit, to the men. xiiij iii. strales t h a r e , Item, to Thom Jestour, . ix II. Item, to ane man of Schir David Grames to pas for halkis, xxviij iii. Item, to ane othir menstrale, . v II. Item, to Quhissilgibboun in Faukland, ij II. Item, to pur folkis at Tulycultree, . iu,i II. Item, the thrid day of Maij, to ane man of the lard of Cesnokis brocht ane cran and ane swan to the King, vij II. Item, to Hannis, gunnar, that he laid doun for carying of gunnie and othir expens of tbaim and on gun naris, xv Ii. xvj~. Item, to ane cheld of the ErIe of Bothuiles that brocht writingis to the King, . xiiij II. Item, to Iley herald, xxviij iii. Item, the vj day of Maij, to Quintin Focart liand seik and to pay hie dettis, vij Franch crounie; summa iiij It. xviij II. Item, to Hannay for keping of the halkis of Inchkeith, iij It. Item, to him to pas in Schetland for balkis, . xx It. Item, in Linlithquo, to daft Anne, . iij II. Item. the. vij day of Maij, in Strivelin, to the preistis of D1.lnblane t.hat singis for Mergreit Drummond, thair quartar fee, v It. Item, to Bountas, the Franch fithelar, iiij Franch crounie; summa . lvj II. Item, for viij quaris gold to the payntour; ilk quare v II.; summa xl II.



"D. lli08.

Item, the viij day of Maij, in Strivelin, for x pund wax to the furm of the gwn j ilk pund ij it; summa xx S. Item, for iijpund rosat to the samyn, xij ct Item, for bringing of the furm of the gwn fra the pottaris ij S. hous to the Castell, . Item, for viij pund wyre to the said furm, xiij R. iiij ct Item, payit to Johne Davids,?n for schone [and] butis to Schir Cristiem fra Candilmes bipast to Beltane, xx R. [Other shoes and boots to Mawnis, Andro Home, J ame Hamilton, Barroun, Martin the Spaniard, Nomee, John Bute, Marjory Lindsay, and the two Moors.] Item, the ix day of Maij, in Strivelin, to the man of Bothuile that makis the tyle that sold cum to Strivelin to wirk, xx Ill. Item, to the woman of the Blakfurd brocht caponis to the King, . xiiij Ill. Item, to ane man that brak ane lede of coppir to the gwn, iij R. Item, for ane wall ane stane irn to be pith for gunnis, delivt'rit to Schir James Petegrew, xxxviij S. viij d. Item, for lxx fawdom of tollis for gunnis and iiij pund wax for thair formes, xxviij Ill. Item, the x day of Maij, payit for the erding of Quintin Focart and for his lair silvir and wynding scheit and expens the nycht he wes erdit, . . xlij R. Item, in Strivelin, for iij pund rosat for the gun muld, xij ct Item, to Huntaris wif that wes the schip smyth,' xiiij Ill. Item, in Strivelin,for talloun to the gunnis in Strivelin,ijlll. Item, for ix pund metall to thaim, . vj R. Item, for viij pund metall to the samyn,. v Ill. iiij d. Item, to the pottar of Strivelin for ane muld for ane . xlij Ill. gun making that maid na stede, . Item, to the bote men of Cambuskinneth,. vij Ill. Item, to ane man to ride to Dunblane to seik flokkis for iij Ill. the gun mold, . Item, for ane stane flokkis to the samyn, iiij IJ.


11 .,

Item, for tua skeyn6eis pak threid to it, . viij tt. A.D. 1508. Item, to the Franch man that suld mak the gunnis, Ivj!l. Item, to the lard of Buquhannannis fischaris that brooht pikis to the King, v iI. Item, to Schir James Petegrewis werkmen in drinksilvir, xiiij iI. Item, that sa.myn nycht, to the pur folkie at the port of Strive1in, iiij !I. Item, the xij day of Maij, in Edinburgh, to the a.rmoraris in drinksilvir, . . xxviij R. Item, to my Lord of Owbyn6eis folkie that present vj hors to the King, x :Franch crounis; summa vij It. Item, to tua pure harnis, . viij ct Item, the xiij day of Maij, to the }'ranch hors marschaell, xiiij rI. Item, to Robert Galloway in the Kingis hors schoing, vj It. Item, to Johne Mdsman, potingar, for gla.sses and othir stuf, . xlij rI. Item, to Johne !.ethane, sadillar, . xiiij rI. Item, for half ane elne grene sa.tin to be ane cote to the Mermuset of Cal6ecut, xifrl. vj tt. Item, the xvj day of :Haij, to Ro'bert, cutlair, for xij spere hedis, byknyffis, Rnd othir stuft,. iij It. viij rI. Item, the King disjunit in Johne Stewartis hoos under the wall; for beir, aill, and wyn to him, vij rI. vj d. Item, that nycht at evin the King raid to the barres, giffin to Lioun herald and the othir heraldis, x Franch crounis; summa. . vij 11 Item, for bridiIsilvir of ane hors giffin be Lord Home, xiiij rI. Item, payit for Quintin Foca.rtis tyrment, . xlviij s. Item, for the armes to the said tyrment,. xj II. viij tt. Item, to Maister George Lermonth for xxvj pund sall petir, ane harrell to put in, and ca.rying of it fra Dunde to Edinburgh, . . iiij It. ix rI. viij d. Item, to the Franch skippar that brocht hame Anthon Da.rse and his cumpany, for thair fraucht, vittales, and





expens or tha eom to the see, for Iv Franch crounis of wecht i for ilk pece xvij A- i summa . xlvj 11. xv II. Item, to Maister Johne Murray he laid doun for sending furth of the preceptis of the chekker, . xl AItem, the xvij day of Maij, for vij Franch sadilles to vij hora giffin to my Lord Owbyn:5e i ilk pece xxviij II.; summa . ix It xvj II. Item, 'the xix day of Maij, to Robert, faleonar, xiiijll. Item, the xx day of Maij, to Alexander Makcullo, that he hed laid doun to puir folkis, . ij II. ij d. Item, the xxij day of Maij, to Johne Forman to gif to ane armorar, . xiiij II. Item, the xxiij day of Maij, to Robert Herwort, gunnar, for gunpowdir and pellokis to the King, . xlij II. Item, the xxiiij day of Maij, to MaiBter Cuthbert ~eiB man in bridilsilvir of ane hora giffin to the King, xiiij II. Item, for the Franch smythis tyrment, . xxiij AItem, the xxvij day of Maij, to Lord Avendaill to gif to my Lord of Owbyn6eiB baxtar, . iij 11. x II. Item, the xxviij day of Maij, to the Franch gunnar, xxviij II. Item, the xxix day of Maij, to Robert, faleonar, to pas in the Lewis for halkiB to the King, vj Franch crouniB i summa . . iiij It iiij II. Item, to the trumpetis in the barres, thre Franch crowniB; summa, . . xlij II. Item, to the Italien menstrales sic like,. . xlij II. Item, to the Franch menstrales, . xlij II. Item, to Schir Waltir Forestaris man of bridilsilvir of ane hol'8, . ix AItem, to ane woman of Demway ca1lit Strang, that kepit the barnes thare, xx II. Item, the penult day of Maij, to ney herald to pas in Ingland with the Beechop of Murray, xx Franch crounis; summa . xilij 11.



Item, to the King quhilk he tynt schutand at the schell A.D. 1508. with Schir William Murray and Schir Duncane Cambell, xxviij iJ. Item, the last day of Maij, to the xiiij men that bure the blsk lady fra the Castell to the barres and syne to the Abbay, xxviij iJ. Item, for ane 10k to ane dur in the Abbay, iij iJ. Item, to Thomas, to msk ane dans, . . xlij iJ. Item, 1!<> John Hertis, pai16oun, his wage for v owkis tua dayis remanand on the pai1:5onis for the barres and tua servandis with him, and ane owk thre servandis, vj It. Item, for v Franch sadilles to gift' away; ilk sadill xxviij iJ.; summa vij It. Item, payit to William Dalgleisch, lorymar, for tynnyng of four gret bittis, tua pair sterap irnis, thre pair spuris, vj paris bukkilles, foure bukkilles for targettis, tua lokkis for joyntouris, ane double bukkill, and certane . xxxiv iJ. vj d. grath to Cristiem, of sundrj pricis,


Item, the first day of J unij, to David, falconar, to pas in Ros and Murray and tha partis for halkis to the King, vj Franch Cl'Qunis; summa . iiij It. iiij ;;. Item, the secund day of Junij, to the ErIe of Craufurdis man in bridilsilvir of ane hora he gaif the King, xiiij 9. Item, to the laddie of the Queir of Corstorphin of spur silvir,' ij H. Item, payit to Alane Cocheran, armomr, for dichting of Iv foregeris that wer in the schip; ilk pece xviij d.; summa, . iiij It. ij iJ. vj ct. Item, for dichting of xlviij sellatis, xviij axes, anct xij halbertis quhilk wer in the said schip; ilk pece xij d.; summa, . . iij It. xviij iJ.

.... D. 1608.


Item, for xvij ecawbertis for auordis and for gratbing of thaim; ilk pece xvj 4.; summa . . nij l viij 4. Item. to him for dichting of viij steil bowie ; ilk pece xij d ; summa . . viij I. Item, for carying of this gere fra the sebip at the poll of Erth to Leith and &gane to the acbip, . xiiij lJ. Item, for iij elne cansay to oovir ane burd in the Abbay for the . Kingie barm"eeingis of weUna; ilk elne . xiij A. iiij L iiij d; eumma Item, giffin to Mnister Wilsech, the Inglie clerk that wes heir. be the Kingia command, Ix unioornia ; summa. lilij 11. Item, payit for bie expens in the toUD, xlj 11. xilij iJ. vij d lte-m, the ferd day of Junij, giffio to the Proveet of Edinburgh that he gail be the Kingi.I command to the scbipbrokin men of Denmark, vj 11. ix l Item, to ane man of the Erie of Huntlyia in bridilailvir. . xilijL Item, to aoe lOan of the Abbot of Halyrudhona in bridilsilvir of ane other bon, . xiiij II. Item , to the Provest of Edinburgh that he gaif to ane man hed h.ia com spilt at the barree, . xlij AItem, at the New Ravin, to aile bote that paseit on burd ij 8. vj 4. on aoe achip, Item, to tbe five ltalien mell8trales, v Francb crounie; aumma . iij 11. x iJ. Item, payit to Andro MUlIcur of the C88teUhill, armorar, for &De re&tpJait to the Kingia aadil, vj II. Hem, for viij fyngeria for gluffis send to Strive1in and for xvj fyngeria for gluffis heir in Edinburgb at divel"8 tymea, is: 1 Item, for miling of xij dosan of leitla for the tree of eeperance ; ilk peoe ... j 4.; aumma iij 11. .rij l ltelll, for making of five doean of flouria to the said tree, Item, for j pair glullis plait for the bat&lI &:I, I k'III, for ana plait to the donble of ane gluf,

uxL :r.viij L xij 4.



Item, for mending of iiij dosan iiij leiffis to the tree j A..D. 1608. ilk pece ij ct.; summa. . viij a. iiij ct. Item, to Will Baa, cultellar, for viij roundis to the Kingis suordis and grinding of, vj spere heclis, persing of holes in the Kingis harnes, ane bar for ane basnet, tmnslating of the Kingis hames, cutting and xxxvj R. persing in divers partis, of sindry pricis, Item, to the said William for his laubour x dayis in the Kingis pa.16oun be the Kingis command the tyme of justing, . xx R. Item, to Symon Gla.sfurd, buklar makar, for making of xlix peris for the said tree of esperance; ilk pece ij a. j and for leffis to hyng, ij R. j summa

Item, for covering of tua targatis of blak leddir, ane ix R. buklar, . Item, for ane othir buklar to the King, x a. Item, to Johne Mayn, bowar, for fessonyng, grathing, and burring of jC Franch speris j ilk pece xvj ct. j summa . viij tt Item, for fesonyng and grathing of othir xlix speris, xlix R. Item, for tua batall axes of tree, ix R. Item, for tua rede burdounis maid of tua. mastis, xviij R. Item, for xij sperls for the listis, xxiiij R. Item, for ane bow to Martin the SpaDbart, iij R. Item, payit to William Dalgleisch, lorymar, for ane sicht of ane tarcat, thre lokkis to basnetis, xij bukkilles, tua claspes to ane basnet, of sindrj pricis,. xxviij II. Item, to George Ben, lorymar, for ane irn belt to the King, foure vice nalis, tua keyis for lokkis, tua gluffis of plait, viij toumay nales, tua gun rammis, tua lokketis for ane culveryn, of sindrj pricis, . xxiij II. Item, payit to Alane Coquheran, arruorar, for dichting of ix steil sadilles to the King j ilk pece vij R. j summa iij H. iij R. Item, to the said Alane to him self xxvij dayia; ilk day ij a.; summa . liiij II.



Item, to tua servandis with him the said tyme; ilk day ij II. viij c1; summa . iij It xij II. Item, to ane armorar with the Franch men xvij dayis, xxxiiij I. Item, to David, barbour, for vj quartis aqua vita thryis drawin quhilk ;5eid to Strive1in; ilk qUart xij II.; summa . iij It. xij A. Item, j galloun small aqua vite to the Abbot of Tungland xxiiij II. Item, for iij pointis aqua vite to mak gun powdir. vj II Item, payit to Hannis, gunnar, for iiij'" pund culveryn powdir to the King; ilk pund v I.; summa xxij I. vj c1 Item, for ane culveryn to the King, . iiij It. Item, after the barras, payit to William Dalgleisch, lorymar, for v pair spuris, ij pair smal stemp imis, vemesing of foure pair sterap irms, tua pair girth bukkilles, mending of tua bridill bittis, of sindrj pricis, xviJ.xc1 Item, for xxj Franch sadilles giffin away with hors to the Franch men; ilk sadill xxviij I.; summa xxix It. viij I. Item, to Robert Selkyrk, cultellar, for vemesing of ane lang culveryn and gilting of the end of it and the t.wich plaith half fut lang, . . xlij II. Item, for gilting of the swerd of honour and chaip of it, xlij II. Item, for iiij dagaris for the barres, . xl I. Item, for tua spere hedis of steil half fut lang, xniij II. Item, for hedis of fyne steil for the listis, . viij I. Item, for tua broggis of steil for batal axes, vj iJ. Item, for ane rest to ane cures, xiiij A. Item, for iiij hedis of steil for casting speris, xvj A. Item, for gilting and grathing of the lang towk, iiij It Item, for grathing of the gilt ermyt my Lord of Owbigne gail the King and for making of ane new sicht to it, xiiij I.



Item, for vamesing of thEl Kingis culveryng, and .... D. 1608. for dighting of ane new lyre put to it ourgilt,

xx R.
Item, the v day of Junij, giffin to the Secretar that he xx R. hed laid doun be the Kingis command, . Item, to Nicholas Abirnethy, . iiIj 11. Item, the vj day of Junij, to ane man to pas to the Lard of Ralgony with ane Iettir to tR.k ane man callit Mure quhilk was justifyit, . . ilij . Item, the vij day of Junij, to ane man of the ErIe of Bothuilas brocbt writingis to the King, xiiij ii. Item, to ane othir man of the ErIe of Bothuilas brocht ix R. lamper elia to the King, Item, to ane man of the Dene of Abirdenis brooht ane dwn hors and tua houndis to the King, . xiiij R. Item, payit for Alexander Focartis tyrment, . xxix R. Item, to the wif of Emcrag for mylk and kittis to the King, iij R. Item, the viij day of Junij, to the Franch gunnar to mak ane litilI apill for the chapell, iij 11. xij R. viij 4. Item, to ane man to pas to J ohne Murray of Hingandschaw for ane hound, iij II. iiij 4. Item, to ane otbir man to pas to hal ane lettir to Schir William Murray for ane othir hound, . iij II. Item, to Schir Petil' Crechtonis man in bridilsilvir of ane hors giffin to the Kiug, . xiiij R. Item, to Strang, the woman that was in Demway, to hal hir to Demway or to Strivelin, . . xiiij R. Item, to the Maister Cuke that hegaif ane man of the Dene of Abirdenis that brooht tua fed oxin to the King, . xiiij ii. Item, to ane pure gentill woman, v R. Item, to fat bak the falconar, . xxviij II. Item, to Schir J ohne Sincularis nuris in Driden, xiiij R.





Item, the x day of J unij to My Lord of Owbyn6eis taubronar, x Franch crounis; summa. . vij It. Item, to Schir Anthon Darsee, Franch man, Ix Franch .. xlij It. crounis; summa Item, to the Franch gunnar, . . xlij I. Item, to mantand Adam, ij I. Item, to Dande Doule to send in Angus for retie halkis . xviij it to send in France, Item, to ane Duchman that brocht ane to the iij It. x II. King, v Franch crounis; summa. Item, the xij day of Junij, to Johne Forman he laid iij It. x II. doun at the Kingis command, Item, the xiij day of Junij, to Inglis Cuddy that brocht in ane nakit gys in the clos, xx:x.vj II. Item, to ane man of Schir William Murrayis, in bridilsilvir of ane hors, . xiiij I. Item, the xiiij day of Junij, to ane man of the lard of Kerslogyis brocht ane fed ox to the King, xiiij II. Item, the xv day of J unij, to ane che1d of lard of Corsbyis brocht tua houndis to the King, xiiij it Item, to ane man brocht ane hound fra the lard of Wedirbum, . xiiij II. Item, to ane man of the Abbot of Cambuskinnethis brocht ane fresch sture to the King, xxviij iI. Item, payit to Lord Avendale he hed laid doun to vj I. pynouris the tyme of toumaying, Item, the xvij day of Junij, to the ErIe of Craufurdis man, in bridilsilvir of ane hors giffin to the King, xiiij iI. Item, the xvj day of Junij, to ane man of the Dene of Abirdenis, in bridilBilvir of ane blak hors giffin to the
K~ .~1.

Item, to ane woman that brocht straberyis to the King, ixl. Item, to ane falconar that brocht ane halk to the King, xiiij II.



Item, to fat bak the falconar to pas in the IDeland for A.D. 1508. halkis, xxviij A. Item. the xviij day of Junij, to William Foular, potingair, for potingary tane to the King sen the last day of December to the xij day of Junij, xx H. xv A. ij ct Item, payit to Schir Johne Ramsay quhilk he laid doun for stuf at the bancat for the dans and for certane stuf he send to Schir Johne Musgraves wif as his bill proportit, xxj H. xj A. vj ct. Item, for cod lases, Racland gold fu16ee, v dosan small bellis, vj dosan gret bellis, lattoun, wyre, xij ~ elDe blew bukram, xx elne j quartar fren:5eis, xx fawdoum small toll to the bancat and for the play and dans of the samyn, of sindry pricis, v H. vij A. viij ct Item, to the Franch gunnar that he hed laid doun for certane sliuf to the samyn effect, . . xlij I. viij Item, to Dorbik, ane of the Franch men that justit, lxxx unicomis i summa .lxxij H. Item, to the beraldis in contentatioun of thair dewtie of the barres, xx Franch crounis i summa . . xiiij H. Item, for half ane pund of blak birge threid deliverit to the Franch man at the ooncat, ij A. vj ct. Item, to Johne Bertoun to the red of the Tbesaurar away with the Archdene of Sanctandrois and Franch men, . jOxiij H. ix iI. Item, to the Comptrollar quhilk he laid d01m for vittaling of the schip, as his compt bill beris, ijOiiij H. xvj A. Item, to the said Comptrollar, for aitis, hay, fodir, frech watir, carying of this stuf to the schip, and for botis hiris for xxxvj hors to pas in France, as the said compt bill beiris, lxxxviij H. vj !. viij ct Item, to the Franch gunnar his monethis wage, iiij H. ilij I.




Item, the Xix day of Junij, to Hannis, gunnar, quhilk he . xviij It laid doun on expens 'of artai16ery, Item, to the ErIe of Ergile to gif to the men that tuke the men that brynt Innermeaaane, x Franch crounia; summa . . vij 11. Item, to William Baa, cultellar, for viij armyng suordia and ane knyf to the men of annes that brooht ane gys to the King at the bancat, lvj II. Item, to the gardinar of Strivelin brooht straberyis to
~K~ ~~

Item, to the Maiater of Grayia man brooht ane halk to the King, . xiiij II. Item, to Johne Drummond, wricht, for lokkia and keyia to the new garding, . . xiiij II. Item, for Jok Wallas tyrment, . xvj I. Item, the xx day of J unij, to the botemen that hed the King on burd on the schip tuke in the hora, xiiij I. Item, to the pynouris to tura tua gunnia fra the schore to the feild to cast thaim, . iij I. Item, to the Franch gunnar, . xxviij I. Item, the xxj day of Junij, to the lard of Inverkeithia man in bridilailvir of tua hora giffin to the King, xiiij II. Item, to Alexander Makcullo to pas in Galloway for halkis, lvj I. Item, to Schir Alexander Makcullo to hie halkis met, lvj ~ Item, to ane woman brocht straberyia to the King, vij I. Item, to ane pure man, . ij II. Item, to ane othir pure man that pleyit for ane tak, iij iI. Item, to J ohne B08\lell, . xiiij I. Item, to JohneMosmannia man, ix I. Item, to ane woman brooht straberyia to the King, v II. Item, [the] xxij day of Junij, to ane man of Linlithqw vij II. brooht straberyia to the King,



Item, to ane man of ErIe of Craufurdis in bridilsilvir of .... D. 11108. ane hora giffin to the King, vij it Item, at the New Havin, to the King quhilk he kest to the }lure folkis, x R. Item, to the Franch marinaria that hed the King to the raid and fra the raid agane, . xviij R. Item, that nycht, to tua wemen that eang to the King, xiiij R. Item, to L~mysdene the pottar to pas to Strivelin to work thare, xxviij it Item, to James Jaclen for the heroun hoUB maill, xlij R. Item, for the bent hous maill,. . x it Item, to the gardinar of Strivelin brocht straberyis to the King, v R. Item, the xxv day of J unij to the Francb gunnar to pas to Strivelin, viij Franch crounis; summa v tt. xij R. Item, to fee him ane hora to Strivelin, vj it Item, to ane Franch man that pa88it with him to the werk, . xlij R. Item, to the Franch goldsmyth that wrocht the thriBBil with ane diamand, v unicomis; summa iiij tt. x R. Item, to the lard of Lestalrigis man in bridilsilvir of ane hora he gaif the King, . . xiiij R. Item, to Maister James Henrison he laid doun to send to the Kingis lettrez of panis and othir materia in the Westland, . xviij R. Item, to Schir J ohne Ramsay he gail to the Span;;a.rtis in drinksilvir that bl'ocht hame the ankyris, xlij R. Item, the xxvj day of J unij, to George the Almayne gunnar to P.BB to Strivelin to the werk for the gunnis . xlij R. casting, . Item, to him to fee tua hora for himself and his gare, x R. Item, the xxvj day of Junij, to Maister William Dunbar, iij tt. x it Item, to ane fithelar and his wit sang to the King, vii R. Item, to, Schir Anthon Daraep-, Franch man, to his expens in the toun, . lxviij tt. xvij R. iiij d:.




Item, payit to the comptrollar that he laid doun to Schir William Murrayis man brocht ane hora to the King, xx l Item, for bringing of the tame hert fra Strivelin quhilk wes Blane in the barres, v II. Item, for xxvij elne quhit to be hora housis to the King; ilk elne ij a. vij ct; summa iij 11 ix a. ix ct Item, the xxvj day of Junij, to .Anthone Darae, Franch man, to pas his way, jC Scottis crounis; summa lxvj 11 xiij a. iiij ct Item, giffin to him tua punsit stopes of silvir wer giffin to the King be the Beschop of Murray. Item, giffin to him sex silvir pecis with thair covir in ane cais callit Mercbanestoun. Hem, to .Anthon Darseis brothir ane gret gilt cowp in the cais. Item, the xxvij day of Junij, to Lamme the Franchman, xlij lI. Item, to botemen that hed the King fra the Np.w Ravin to the schip in the raid, . xiiij II. Item, to the botemen that hed Schir Anthon Darsee fra the King to his schip, vl Item, to the marinaris that hed the King to Petinweme in the Lioun and to land agane, . xxviij iI. Item, to the boteman that passit on burd on the Thesaurar and brocht the Abbot of Arbrot.h and de 180 Roeh, Franchman, on land, . . xiiij II. Item, payit for wittaIing of ane Franch schip with pairt of My Lord of OwbYD6eis folkis as his folkis, xlv It. iiij iI. iiij ct. Item, for aitis, hay, fodir, carying of the samyn, as his bill beris, for hora in the said schip, . xxxiij 11 v a. iiij ct. Item, to the said Comptrollar that he laid doun to the Maister of the said schip in part of payment of his x 11. x a. fraucht for the said folkis and hora, Item, to the said Oomptrollar that he laid doun for aitis, hay, fodir, watir to the hora in Martin Lenaltis schip and for thefolkis wittales in the samyn and for vj xxvj It. xvij s. hora fraucht in hir, .





Item, to the said Comptrollar that he laid doun for A.D. 11508 . keping of the Kingis doggie fra the first day of September bipast inclusive to the first day of August to cum, etiam inclusive quhilk [is] ijClxxv dayis; ilk day ij II.; summa . xxxiij It x R. Item. payit to J ohne Lathan, sadillar, for stuf tane to the Kingis stable sen 3ule bipast: in the first for xv pair of double sterap lederis; ilk pair iiij S.; summa iij 11. Item, for tua blak sword beltis, tua othir beltis, and ane belt to ane bugeat, . vij S. Item, for ane sadil to Cristiem and ane tee, xxiij R. Item, for tua blak harnesingis for coursouris, xl R. Item, for v rede skinnis to targeis, . x S. Item, for purphaling for wamp~tes, taggis for hames, j Birge spounge, ij handis to reIl6eis, ane cais to the Kingis culveryn, . xxvj S. Item, for graithing of the Kingis sterap leddir, half wellus half clath of g9ld, . x R. Item, for grathing of thre targeis, . iij 11. Item, for tagging, grathing, and bukkilling of the wild bestia, xx R. Item, for bukkilling and grathing of Martin and the blak lady agane the bancat, . xiiij S. [And other saddlery amounting to xx 11. xviij S. x ct.] Item, the xxvij day of Junij, to ane bote to hal the Kingis folkis of the schip to land, . . v it Item, to Thom (,ilrrour, goldsmyth, be the Kingis command, xiiij R. Item, to ane pur woman, ij a. Item, for ane hors to hal the Kingis bed to Sanctandrois, . ij R. Item, to David Craufurd, ix R. Item, to Schir Cristiem to fe him ane hors, . xiiij d Item, the penult day of Junij, in Sanctandroie, to Jame Ta.l6oUr to pas to Edinburgh, . xiiij R. Item, to Schir Andro Makbrek to gif pur folkie thare by the a.1mous, xl R.

.... D.



Item, to ane pure barne in Sanctandrois, be the Kingis command, . xvj t1. Item, the last day of Junij, to the heremit of Maij,

Item, to ane bote of Anstrothir that hed the King to Maij and agane to Pettinweme, uviij I. Item, to ane row bote that hed the King about the ne of Maij to schut at fowlis with the culveryn, xvj ct. Item, to othir thre botis of Pettinweme that hed in the Kingis folkis and chanonis with part of lardis of the 1 I. contree,

JULIJ. Item, the first day of Julij, to fee hors to Roak, Mawnis, litill Martin, David Craufurd, and Baroun' fra Pettinweme to Kingorn, xilij II. ij R. .Item, to pure foUtis be the gait, Item, to the wricht in Maij in drinksilvir, xiiij I. Item, to the portar of Pettinweme, . ij ~. Item, to Rudman, lutar, v I. Item, to ane pure woman callit Caldwell, iij II. Item, in Kingorn, to the gudewif quhair the King dynyt,

Item, to tua botis that hed the King fra Abirdour in to Sanct Colmis Insch, . xxviij I. Item, to ane bote to haf John Forman and Floree Auchmowty fra Leith to Kingom quhen the King ix R. send for thaim, Item, for thair fraucht &gane fra Kingome to Leith, and Robert Galloway with thaim, the Kingis erandis,

Item, to ane bote that hed Pyk de la Mair, Robert Douglas, Schir Andro W od, and othir of the Kingis servandis, . ix I. Item, to Baroun and Martin to thair coatis in Edinburgh v s. quhen the King baid in Sanct Colmis Insch,



Item, the secund day of J ulij, to ane bote to pas to Sanct A.D. 1508. Colmys Insch and brocht the King to Leith and his folkis, xxviij iI. Item, that nycht, in Robert Bertonis hous to ane taubronar that playit to the King, v iI. Item, to pure folkis on the schore of Leith, . xiiij (1. Item, to the woman that hed hir bame slane in xxviij it Stretherdill, . Item, to Robert Galloway in pairt of payment of the vj H. Kingis hors schoing, . Item, to Thomas Hewch quhilk passit with his bote to Maij with the Kingis vittales and &gane to Leith, iij H. Item, to Hannis, gunnar, Robert Herwort, and Thomas Peirson, quhilk helpit to bote the gunnis that 3eid to Strivelin, . xviij ill. Item, to the Franch men that helpit in the said gunnis with the takill of the schip, v ill. Item, the ferd day of Julij, to Jame Bosuell liand seik, xiiij ill. Item, to Pieris, Schir Anthon Darseis man, to pas to se Lord Hammiltonis hors, lvj ill. Item, to .Alexander Gordoun to pas with him, . xiiij ill. Item, to Dampiere the Franch man, xx Franch crounis; summa . xiiij H. Item, [to Jacat Terrell] for ane hors to him to pas to see vj iI. the Mergreit at the poll of Erth, . Item, to De la Roch, Franch man, xx Franch crounis; summa . . xiiij H. Item, to Pyk de 1a Yair to pas to se the Bchip in the lvj ill. poll of Erth, Item, to the gardiner of Linlithqw brocht strayberyis to the King, . xilij ill Item, the King raid to Kynneill to se Lord Hammiltonis hors, giffin to the man that kepit thaim, in drinksilvir, v ill. Item, to pure folkis at the port of Strivelin, ij iI.




Item, to Robert Bertoun he gail tua calfataris to the Mergreit, . xxviij R. Item, for tua oulverynis to the King, . ix It. xvj R. Item, to Thomas Currour, goldsmyth, for ane gun to the King, and ane sma! ring, xx Franoh crounis; summa xiiijlt. Item, the v day of J ulij, to the feryar of Cumbuskinneth, ix R. Item, to the Almayn that suld mak: the Kingis lair in C&mbuskinneth in marbill, . xxviij R. Item, the vj day of Julij, for iiij pund talloun to the


. xij ct

Item, to Goldyn, the wif that brocht geys to the King, xiiij R. Item, eftir none, to the King quhilk be tynt at the oaich, xlij I. Item, for ballis and for cachis layng, . xiiij R. Item, the vij day of Julij, to the Abbot of Tungland to gif the man suld mak the Kingis lair in Cambuskinneth, . iij It. iiij R. Item, to the said Abbot of Tungland to pay the laif of the Franch gunnaris and othir servandis, xij H. x R. Item, to Pyk de 1a Mair, . xlij R. Item, to Alane Coquheran for tua hors hire fra Edinburgh to Strivelin with hames, . ix R. Item, the viij day of Julij, to the pottar of Drumfreis, xxviij R. Item, to Yley herald to pas to Edinburgh, . xiiij R. Item, to ane cheild to pas to Edinburgh with cheryis to . the Quene, iij R . Item, to ane man brooht cheryis to the King,. v R. Item, to ane pure man, . . xij ct. Item, to tUB. fischa.ris brooht pykis and trowtis to the King, vj R. Item, to ane man to haf ane buk to the Quene to Edinburgh, iiij R.



Item, to ane man brooht quyk powtis to the King, vj iI."' D.I508. Item, for gluffis to the King in Strivelin, . iiij . Item, to ane cbeld to pas to Edinburgh ~th writingis, ij It Item, to ane man t.() haft' butir and quyk powtis to the Quene, iij iI. Item, the ix day of J ulij, to ane frere brooht cheryis to the King, . xiiij iI. Item, to the woman of the Blak furd brooht grane geys to the King, . xiiij iI. Item, to Johne Forman to pas to Edinburgh the Kingis erandis, . xxviij it Item, to Iley herald to pas in Ingland to the Beschop of Murray, xx Franch crounis; summa . xiiij 'It. Item, for ane hors to him, iij It. x R Item, that samyn nycht the King playit at the caich with Alexander Forestar and J ohne Murray and tynt xl Franch. crounis and payit thairof, . lvj iI. Item, to Alan Coquheran to pas to Edinburgh for tyn for gunnis casting,. . . . . xiiij B. Item, the xj day of Julij, for vij stane j ~ pund bras bocht in Dunde be Andro ,Abircrumby, Ij I. viij d'. Item, for v stane xij pund tyn to the gunnis casting, vijlt. Item, to Robert Herwort, gunnar, . xiiij S. Item, to James Sinclair, xxviij iI. Item, to ane man to pas to Edinburgh with writingis, iij B. Item, to ane man brooht cheryis to the King, . xiiij S. Item, to hat cheryis to the Quene, . iij S. Item, the xij day of Julij, in Strivelin, to ane man brocht tyn for the gunnis to Strivelin, . iiij S. Item, for rasches to the chamiris in Strivelin, iiij iI. Item, to foure menstrales, . xiiij B. Item, to the man that maid the fumes to melt the metall in Strivelin, . . xiiij iI. Item, to the smyth of Cambuskinneth for werk he wrooht for the gunnis, xiiij I.

.... D.l508.


Item, to the pure folkis, ij R. Item, for ane hors to ane Franch man, iij 11. vj R. viij ct Item, to Johne Hertsede, pai160un man, to tak furth the pa160nis and pas to Strivelin with thaim to the. Kingis passing to hunting, . . xiiij R. Item, payit to Andro Matheson for carying of deir divers tymes, mending of the hay bard and :5ett thairof, and of the deir faId mending divers tymes contenyt in his bill, v li. ix R. Item, to Pieris the payntour to pas in Flandrez, vij 11 Item, the xiij day 6f Julij, to Alane, armorar, to pas to, Strivelin, . xiiij R. Item, to Thomas Peirson, gunnar, . . xiiij R. Item, to Jame Bosuell to gif to the wif that kepit him quhen he wee saik, . . xvij R. Item, the xiij day of Julij, to Johne Forman that he laid doun for gere at the barres and othir tymes, x11 Item, the xiiij day of Julij, to James Sincular, xlij R. Item, to the gardinar of Linlithqw that brocht straberyis and cheryis to the King, v R. Item, to daft Anne, ij R. Item, the xv day of Julij, to Alexander Law, falconar, to tak the halkis of Cragorth, . xiiij R. Item, to Pate fat bak, falconar, to bide with him, xiiij S. Item, to the pottar of Drumfreis that makis the taist to melt the metall in for gunnis, . xiiij S. Item, for ane hors to the Franch mannis servand be the gait to Edinburgh, . iiij R. Item, for xiij ~ stane of coppir for gunnis casting; ilk pund xij ct.; summa . x 11 xvj it Item, to J ohne Lethane for stuf tane to the Quenes stabill, for j pair trevis, iij R. vj ct Item, for ane heltir to the Quenes mule, . iij R.



Item, for grathing of foure sadilles, new pannalit, A.D. lliOS. naling, and wawting of thaim with wellus, xlviij B. Item, the xvj day of Julij, to ane man of the lard of Aldbarris that brooht halkis to the King, xxviij B. Item, to Thom Foret in bridilsilvir of ane hol'S, xiiij B. Item, to the Franch goldsmyth to set up his forge, viij Franch crounis; summa v It. xjj B. Item, to ane cheld of the Dene of Abirdenis that brooht vij B. ane fed ox to the King, Item, the xx day of Julij, to tbe King himself in his purs, xx,i It. Item, to ane man of the lard of Lochlevinnis brooht cheryis to the King, . vj 8. Item, the xxj day of Julij, to William Foular for potingary tane fra him sen the xx day of J unij bipast, ix It. xiiij B. vij It Item, to J ohne Francis, quhilk the payntour restit awand to him for ane 6eris expens quhen he com first in Scotland, . xviij It. Item, the xxiiij day of Julij, to the Abbot. of Tungland to pay the gunnaris wages in Strivelin, . . xiiij It. Item, to Hannis, gunnar, qubilk he hes laid doun apon small expens of the arta16ery, xxiiij It. Item, to Maister James Watson for Jame Stewart the Lord Avendales sonis expens for the monethis of Februar, March, Aprile, Maij, Junij, Julij, . ix It. Item, to ane man of Odoneillis of IrIand brooht halkis to the King, x Franch crounis; summa . . vij It. Item, to Ruthirfurd, messingeir, to pas to Beruick to the Beschop of Murray with writingis, . ix B. Item, to Dampier, Franch man, to ride to Quhithim, xx Franch crounis, . . xiiij It. Item, to Michell Donaldson to pas with him, xiiij B. Item, to five falconaris of the ErIe of Huntlyis brocht halkis to the King, . xlij it Item, payit to Matho Auchlek, goldsmyth, for iij ~ unce and ij It wecht of brint silvir deliverit to Maister Alexander Ogilvy, xlix R. x d.

A.D. lli08.


Item, to the said Matho for making of ane flaca.t"lid weyand iiij unicomis iij quartaris and iij penny wecht of maid werk ; the unce xij l vj d.; summa iij It. xx d. Item, to the said Matho for mending of the Kingis gret quhilk WeB brokin ~d ane silvir stop and half j unCe half quartar unce silvir to it and gilting of the samyn, xxj 9. x d. ob. Item, for mending of ane othir flaca.t, first the side of it and syne the hede that stak fast, v A. Item, the xxiiij day of J ulij, in Strivelin, for lxiiij fawdom of small to[wis] for the gunnis, ilk fawdom j d.; oumma . v A. iiij ct Item, for vj sken:5e pak threid to the samyn, . xvj d. Item, for xxiij stane of scheip tauch to the gunnis, of sindry prieis, . iij It. v A. Item, for melting an.d for pUlifyi~g of the samyn, xij 11 Item, for ix pund of wax to the samyn, xix II. vj d. Item, for xij pund roset in Strivelin, ij Ii vj d. Item, to Mawnis, . . xvj d. Item, to ane fischair of Garden that fischit the stankis in Strivelin, iij II. Irem, to ane man brooht dry pikis to the King,. v it Item, to the gardinar of Strivelin that brooht cheryis to the King, v II. Item, payit to Johne Forman for tua hors hire fra Edinburgh to Strivelin with the Kingis coffrez, viij I. Item, to the said J obne be laid doun for ana pair of quhit hOB lynyng and making to the King and for halk glums and for tua dog skinnis to be chessis for halkiz, . xiij II. Item, the xxvj day of Julij, to Pate fat bak, falconar, . xiiij II. Item, to the pure folkis at the toun of Strivelin, xiiij 4. Item, the xxvij day of Julij, to the King to the cartis quhilk he tynt and gaif to Pieris the Franch man, iiij It. Item, to J ame Tai160ur to seik ane hors that :5eid away, . xiiij II.



Item, to ane man brocht che:ryis fra. Lord Drummond, A.D.lliOB. . xiiij g. Item, to Malcnm Drummond to gif to iijCvj men that wes at hunting with the King, v It ij g. IWm, the xxviij day of J ulij, to man brooht cheryis to the King, v R. Item, the xxviij day of Julij, payit to Matho Auchlek for making of ane relique of gold about the Kingis hals and ane clasp of gold to the Kingis pissane,

xx it
Item, to him fol' making of tua batall axes, tUB. gluffis of plait, tUB. vant platis, tua spere hedis, tua suordis, tua ta.rgis of gold, weyand thre unce or thare, . xlix g. Item, for m~king of ane quhissill of gold and foure xxviij g. bedis of gold to the King, . Item, for mending of the knop of the Kingis cowp of vj B. gold that was brokin, . Item, for solding of Lioun of the Kingis salt fat, . ij B. Item, for m&king of ane bos hed to ane stellatour of silvir weyand x unce iij quartaris of his aun stuf, deliverit to Maister Alexander Ogilvy for quinta essencia; ilk vj Ii xix B. ix (t. unce xiij A.; summa . . Item, for ane mesure to the Kingis gun of si1vir, vj B. vj (t. Item, for mending of the Kingis powdir horn and part of silvir to it, . v AItem, for double gilting of'the Kingis twich powdir hom, xxvj AItem, for mending of ane candilstik of the Kingis burd and for ane unce and ane quana.r unce silvir to it, xviij A- ix ct Item, for gilting of ane knop to ane cowp, iij B. Item, payit to the said Matho for mending of the Princis xij ct playg ofsUvir, Item, payit to Andro Aytoun for Donald of Ilis expens ane beir bipast and for his c1athis booht be him, xvij 11 Item, to the Lord Flemyngis taubronar at the Hunthall in Glenartnay, . . xiiij it

u. 11108.


Item, for thre hora to turs thre hartis to Edinburgh, xviij ill. Item, to ane man to pas with thaim to convey thaim, iij R. Item, the xxix day of Julij, to Johne HertBide, pal60un mM, in part of payment of the pa160nis tursing, xl R. Item, to ane man of the lard of Inverleithis brooht tua houndis to the King, . . xiiij ill. Item, the penult day of Julij, to Robert Galloway for schoing of the K.ingis hors-schoing in part of payment, xlij ill. Item, to Juliane, the ltalien menstraill,. . xilij ill. Item, the last day of J ulij, in Strivelin, to Simson the xxviij S. falconar, . Item, to Pate fat bak, falconar, for to pas in Irla.nd, xlij ill. Item, to Pyk de la Yair, . xlij R. Item, to ane Irland man, xxviij II. -Item, to ana pure man, to help to by him ane hora,
xiiij ill.

Item, to ane chald to pas to Edinburgh with writing for xij ct monee to the fair of Inverkethin,


Item, the firat day of August, for ana hora to the King bocht in Inverkethin,. vj 11. v ill. Item, for ane hora bocht thare, iij It. x ill. Item, for the thrid hora thare, iij 11. iij ill. Item, for thre hridilles to thaim thare, . iiij ill. Item, in Inverkethin, for the expens of Pyke de la Yair and Pieris the Franchmen thare, and for thair hora coatis, . xviij a. Item, the secund day of August, to Pieris the payntour, his wage of the moneth of August, v Franch crounis ; summa . iij 11. x II.



Item, to J ohne Makcowlik, faIconar, xiiij S. A.D. 1508. Item, to the ErIe of Craufurdis falconar, . xxviij 11. Item, to Rob Forestar in Strivelin for rasches, iij 11. Item, to ane aId woman, . xiiij 11. Item, to Dande Doule bidand in Strivelin behind the King with halkis, xxviij 11. Item, to Mawnis, iij 11. Item, to the Abbot of Tungland to pay the werkmennis wages, xix It iij 11. vj ct. Item, for sersaris for gun powdir, . iiij 11. Item, to the four Italien menstraIes, xxviij 11. Item, to Schir Andro Makbrek to dispone, . iiij It Item, to Schir James Petegrew, iiij n. x 11. Item, to Dampier. Franch man, viij Franch crounis; summa v It xij a. Item, to mantand Adam for to pas in the Hieland, xiiij a. Item, to the pottar of Strivelin, . xiiij a. Item, to the preistis of Linlithqw, . xxj a. Item, for bred and aill quhar the King drank in Linlithqw, . . iiij R. Item, to the gardinar of Linlithqw for strayberyis and cheryis, . . xiiij 11. Item,. to Johne l!'orman, xxviij R. Item, the thrid day of August, to the Kingis oft'erand in Lestalrig, . . xiiij R. Item, to J ohne Beg, messinger, passand to charge Lord Maxwell and the lard of J ohnestoun to ward, ix R. Item, to ane othir to pas to Lord Crechtoun of Sanquhar with the Kingis writing, ix R. Item, the ferd day of August, to Schir Andro Makbrek, vJ1 Item, the v day of August, to J obne Knox for tbe expens of the More freris quben tha wer heir, xiiij It Item, the vij day of August, to the Abbot of Tungland to the werkmenniS' feis in Striveling, . xxx n. Item, to William Bosuell, xxviij it




Item, payit to J ohne Francis, for certane merchandis boeht be him in France to the King, quhilk wes tynt and caBBin before Coldinghame, . ijC H. Item, to the said Johne to pas with the Erle of Murray to Padua to the Beschop of Sanctandrois and to lei him thare; to his expens thare jClx ducatis; ilk ducat vj it viij. [ct]. gret in Flemys monee; summa liij 11. vj S. viij d:. gret; and for ilk 11. gret iij 11.; summa jC!x H. Item, for foure rna skinnis to covir the Kingis jak,
xx I.

Item, to the chaplane watand apone the con:5e, for his fe and laubouris for the tym of this compt, . xx It Item, to the clerkia of Registre, Houshald, Chancellary, and Thesaurar for thar laubouns and to thair gownis, liij It. vj S. viij d:. Item, to Master Johne of Murray and Henry Mair, x It. Item, to Schir Alexander Scott for the kepill of the roIlis at this chekkir, . v 11. Item, to Johne Quhite for his labouris, xli. Item, of the compositionis of the last ,Areof Jedburch of Androw Hall alias Dande with the quhilk the comptar is chargit in bis last compt becaus he usit noeht his compositioun remittit be consideratioune of the Lordis, . vj 11. xiij S. iiij d:. Item, of the compositione of William Mudy, extending to I H., with the quhilk the comptar is chargeit double, that is to say be his buke of compositione and be the roUis in the Schiref compt of Forfar, . I 11. Item, to the Maister of Stable he laid doun for vj hors tua dayis at the bringing furth of the beatis at eIle banes, . viij S. Item, to Robert Galloway he laid doun for ane cart to bring ane stedee fra Linlithqw, . . viij S. Item, to him he laid doun for ane watir trouch for the smyddye and othir werk lumys, and that wantit for bellys to the smyddy, . . xxiiij It ij ct



Item, to George Gude and William Haliburtoun, wrltaris, .... D. 1608. vj U. xiij It iiij ct. Item, payt to Schir Duncan Forster, Comptrollar to the Quene, for the superexpens of his compt of this bere as contenit in the futt of the samyn, vjclxxxxvij U. ij II. x d. Summa totalis expensarum, xxxjmviijCxlj U. xij II. iiij d. TKNBT A. Et sic superexposuit compotans, ijMiiijCxlvj U. xiij i.t ix d:. TENET A.


Wlliel.mus Abirdonensis. David Lismorensis. M. erie of Lenax. Johannes, Prior Sanctiandree. Jacobus, Abbas de Scona. H. Abbas de Jedworth. Schir J. Ramsay. R. Colvile.


6 AUG. 1511-30 AUG. 1512. COMPOTUM Reverendi in Cristo patrls Andree Episcopi Cathanensis commendatarij de Calco et Feme Thesaurarij Supremi Domini N 08tri Regis redditum apud Edinburgh decimo quarto die mensis Augusti anno domini millesimo quingentesimo duodecimo de omnibus receptis suisetexpensis de restiswardis relevijs maritagiis eschaetis finibus remissionibus cartarum compositionibus et alijs accidentibus ac pecuniarum summis quibuscunque a die . vicesimo quinto ejusdem mensis anni domini etc. quingent.esimi undecimj usque in diem hujue compoti exclusive coram auditoribu8 subscriptis, videlicet, reverendissimo ac reverendis in Cristo patribus, Jacobo Arcbiepiscopo Glasguensi, Willelmo Episcopo Abirdonensi, Andrea Episcopo Moraviensi,David Episcopo Candidecase, et Capelle Regie Strive1ingensis, venerabili in Cristo patre Georgeo Abbate Sancte Crucis, egregiis viris Magistris Gavino Dunbar Arcbidiacono Sanctiandree, Patricio Panitar Secretario, Roberto Foreman decano



Glasguensi, N obilibus viris J ohanne Ramsay de TrareD6eane milite, Roberto Colvile de Uchiltre, Magistro Cuthberto ~e canonico GIasguensi, Magistro Jacobo Marohamstoun prep08ito de C01'8torphin, et Magistro J ohanne Murray de Blakbarouny, per commissionem Supremi Domini n08tri Regis specialiter constitutis.



in Scaccario anno quo supra.


Idem onerat se in primis de xl It receptis a vicecomite de Fift'e in Scaccario anna Domini quingentesimo duodecimo; et de xxiiij It a vicecomite de Edinburgh; et de xxxvj iI. a ballivo de Kile; et de xxiij It xiiij iI. ij ct. a vicecomite de Striveling; et de xxilij It a vicecomite de Pebles; et de iiij It a vicecomite de Are; et de xxxiij iI. ilij ct a vicecomite de Kincardin ; et de xix iI. a vicecomite de Kinl'08; et de x It a vicecomite de Lanark; et de xiiij ct a vicecomite de Linlithqow; et de jClv It xix iI. ilij ct. a vicecomite de Abirdene; et de jvij 11. a vicecomite de Pertht; et de xv 11. xviij iI. a senescallo de Menteith; et de xlv I. a senescallo de Straithem; et de vj It xiij iI. iiij ct a vicecomite de Wigtoun ; et de lxxxxviij It a senesca1lo de Kirkcudbrycht; et de I It a vicecomite de Banft' in Scaccario anna predicto. Summa hujus oneris YOlxv It xix. s. iiij ct.


. tempore quondam David Betoun. Idem onerat se de vj 11 xiij iI. iiij d. in partem solutioniS vigintj sex librarum tresdecim solidorum quatuor



denariorum reste compositionum itineris de Jedburgh A.D. 1511. tenti anna vicesimo quarto; et sic restant xx It. de quibus remisse domino de Howpaslot vj It. xiij il. iiij d.; et sic restant xiij It. vj il. viij d. onerande ut SUpl'lL. Nee onerat Be de xx It xviij il. ij d'. reste comp08itionis Georgei Flemyng de Kilmacolm et suorum complicium.

REaTE COMPOSITIONUM itinerum tentorum annis quingentesimo quinto et Bexto.

Idem onerat se de xlij It. vj a viij d. in partem solutionis quinquaginta sex librarum quindecim solidorum quatuor denariorum reste compositionis itineris de'Air et sic restant xliij It. viij il. viij d. de quibus remisse Jacobo Dunbar de Blakcrag decim marce et Ade Reid de Starquhite quinque marce et solute Archiepiscopo Glasgllensi tunc theBliurario de corupositione Andree Campbell per dictum Adam Reid decim marce de quibus reddidit compotllm ; et sic restant xxvj It xv il. iiij d. RBSTE W ARDARUM RELEVIORUM prescripto.


Nee onerat se neque onerabitur in futurum de xiij It vj l viij d., reste comp08itionis nonintroitus terrarum de Co.llowrek Campbell remissis Johanni Campbell de Nethir Lowdane per dominum regem per literam sub sU.bscriptione 08tensam super compotum. RESTE COMPOSITIONUM REMISSIONUM extra itinera. Non onerat Be nee onerabitur in futurum de iij 11. vj l viij ct, compositionis remissionis quondam Bertholomei Trumbul remisse quia interfectus fuit per rebelles Regis.




tempore predicto.

Non onerst se de xxx It. respectuatis pro vita Jonete Erskin domine de Farnishill tenandrie de Blakbarouny de compositione baronie ejusdem.



tenti anna

Item, idem onerst se de iiij It. x it in partem solutionis xviij It. xiij B. iiij ct reste comp08itionum remissionum factarum in itinere justiciarie de Dunde predicte; et sic restant xiiij 11. iij A. iiij ct de quibus remissis David Cunynghame per Thesaurarium xvj I. viij ct; et sic restant xiij It vj B. viij ct


tempore predicto.

Non onerat Be nec onerabitur in futurum de lxxiiij It. compositionis carte Willelmi Douglas de DrumJangrik pro terris et baronia de Hawik ex eo quod Dominus Rex remisit dictam summam eidem domino Thesaurario testante remissionem super compotum Hcet litera dicte remissionis remanet apud dictum Willelmum. Nee onerat se de v It. compositionis carte Johannis Lokart de Bar. Nee de lxx 11. xiij I. x ct reste compositionis carte Jacobi Dunbar de Cumnok de terris et baronia de Cumnok restantibus super eundem. Nec de jCxxiij It. ij II. viij d. restantibus super quondam vicecomitem de Ail' fidejussorem certorum tenentium baronie de Cumnok pro comp08itione dicte carte de Cumnok. Nee de jC 11. vij d. reste compositionis carte Johannis Somervell pro terris de Carnweth.



Nee de xx It reate compositionis carte Duncani BallauchA.D. 1611. pro terris de Schobellauch remissis per Dominum Regem Duncano Campbell. Nee de xxx R. reate compositionis carte Johaunis Nes~t de Dalzell de dimedietate de Dalzell




tempore predicto.

Item, idem onerat sa de lxxx 11. iij R. iiij d. in completam solutionem compositionis warde et maritagii quondam Ade Cunynghaim de Capringtoun venditarum Comiti de Glencarne et domino de Drnmquhassill. Nee onerat sa de jCxxxiij It vj R. viij ct reate compositionis warde et ;maritagii heredis quondam J ohannis Edintoun venditarum Thome Hume de Langschau militi Nee de xxvj It xiij R. iiij ct .compositionis bonornm eschaetornm .Andree Gaky, Johannis Michelson et Jacobi Michelsoune venditornm Johanni Cranstoun de Hairlaw.





Item, idem onerat se de xix It xiij a. iiij d. in partem solutionis ijCJxxviij 11. xiij R. iiij ct reste compositionum itineris de Kirkcudbricht; et sic restant ij~x It de quibus remisse Eduerdo Maxuel de Tinwald militi jO H. per Dominum Regem; et sic reatant jlix H. Non onerat sa de lxxvj It xiij R. iiij d. reate compositionum itineris de Wigtoun tenti eodem anno dA qua resta exonerantur v 11. inferius. Item, idem.onerat sa de iij a. vj d. in partem solutionis lxxxxix H. vj R. viij d. reste compositionum itineris de:Air tenti aono predicto; et sic l'estant lxxxxix 11. iij}. ij d.

. 0. 1611 .


Et de compositione I 11 itiocrLs de Wigton auperiua in principio hujus lateris reetnntium Thomas F orestar componit pro xx n. 801ut18 ' Thesaurario pro quibu8 re8pondebit pro Patricio Mure ; et sic restant xxvj 11. xiij I. iiij d.

tempore predicto.

Non oncrot 116 de xxj 11. ij a. jij d. reate compositiouia carte de Balgoun et Quhi~bunk. Nee de lxvj It xiij iI. iiij d. reate compoaitionis carte Willelmi Menteith de Kern militia de t.erris de Kern

que recognit.e iuerunL.

Nee de vj I. viij d. reate compoeitionis carte JobanniB Domini Drummond de terrie de Tulliquhl'!\uoe que

recognit.e ruerunt.. Nee de x It. reate compositioo is carte Johannis Makkenze de terrie de Kiotaill et aliis.. Nee de xxxvj 11. compoaitionie carte baronie de Kyonoull mtt.o.ntibu8 super J obannem Skrimgeour de sua parte mete eompoeitionis. Net! de ixxxxj 11. reate compoaitionis carte Patrieii Dunbar de tenia de ClugsLoun.

Item , idem onerat. se de iij It vj !.. viij d. in completam 8OIutionem compositionia wt\rde terrarurn quondam Walw-ri Portar de Blacatt.. Et. de xxvj tI . xiij I. iiij 11. in cornpletam I\Olutionem composit.ionie wal1ie terrarum quondam Ade Peblia de Cnlkit6t.oun et maritagii heredis ejusdem venditarum Crislilille Ilik o)ull et. Johanni Helphinal.on. Non onemt. se de xvj 11. xiij !\ iiij d. compoeit.ioniB warde OunCllni lifa.kneu.clu ell' (;a.itgill cum marit.agio heredis n.'miitanll ll J ohann i ~l u l'ehcide de Bulliee.



Item, idem onerat se de x It. in completam solutionem A.o. liill. compositionis warde octo Dlal'catarum terrarum de Ard et quatuor marcatarum de Constibillande per mortem quondam Hugonis Campbel de Lowdane. Et de jCxxxiij It. vj R. viij d. in partem solutionis iijC I It. vj it viij d. reste compositionis warde terrarum quondam Willelmi Colvi! de Uchiltre militis unacum nonintroitu et relevio earundem cum maritagio . heredum dicti Willelmi cum exoneratione clamei Regis; et sic restant ijCxvij 'It Non onerat se de xxvj It. xiij R. iiij c1 reste compositionis warde terrarum quondam Alexandri Chene de eodem vendite Alexandro Irrwin de Drum militi et Duncano Forbes. Nee de xv 11. reste compositionis warde quinque mercatarum terrarum o.ntiqui extentus existentium in manibus Regis per mortem quondam Hugonis Campbell. Item, idem onerat se de iiij It. in completam solutionem compositionis warde viginti unius. marcatarum terrarum cum dimedietate antiqui extentus de Skeldoun vendite Johanni Campbell de Skeldoun. Non onerat se de xxxiij It. vj R. viij c1 comp08itionis warde terrarum de Kers cum manerio et molendino earundem existentium in manibus regis per mortem dicti Hugonis vendite David Craufurd.


tempore predicto.

Non onerat Be de vj It. xii.i R. iiij d., compositionis bastardie quondam JacoDi Litstard, capellani, vendite Episcopo Lismorensi.

tempore Episcopi Insu-

larum Thesaurii. Non onerat Be de ijClxv It. xix R. v It reste compositionum remissionum itineris de Cupro tenti anna domini yO ix.

.... D.1511.


'Item, idem onerat Be de lxxxviij It xiij it iiij 4. in partem solutionis compositionum itineris de Invernes extendentium ad iijmjcxxj It. ij R. iiij d:. tenti anno yo xo; et sic restant iiijm xxxij It ix R. de quibus. remissa tenentibus et inhabitantibus comitatuulll de Suthirland et Ros, Ca.ithnes, et Stranavirn ijmviijcIxxxviij Ii. xix A. ix d:. per Dominum Regem; ex eo quod unaqueque persona dictorum tenentium soluit xl R. de compositione dicti itineris prout constabat auditoribus super compotum et dic~ remissione ostensa super compotum; et sic restant jC xliij H. ix S.; iij d:. Non onerat Be de jC lxxxix It xv R. reste compositionis itineris de Elgin tenti anno predicto, de qua remisse Gilberto Hay militi v H. per Dominum Regem Domino Thesaurarlo testante remissionem super compotum de compositionibus Leonardi Suthirland et J ohannis Dunbar in Fores; et sic restant jlxxxiiij It. xv R. Item, idem onerat S8 de xv It. xviij R. in partem solutionis lxxxxvij It. compositionis itineris de Banff tenti anno predicto; et sic restant lxxxj It. ij R.


tempore predicto.

Non onerat se de vj H. xiij R. iiij d:. reste compositionis carte nove infeodationis fa.cte J ohanni Comiti Graufurdie de terris de Petfoure. Nee onerat Be de ijCJxvj H. xiij ill. iiij 4. reste compositionis carte nove infeodationis feodifirme facte J ohann.i. Grant de terris de Urquhart et Glenmorischane cum pertinentiis. Nee de x H. reste compositionis cart..e nove infeodationis J ohannis Yailuil de Disert pro bina parte de Baldovy et certis allis. Item, idem onerat Be de jOxxxiij H. vj R. viij 4. in completam solutionem compositionis carte regalitatis rie Lundoris facte Abbati et conventui de Lundoris.



Et de xxviij t1. xvij A. vj d. in partem solutionis jClxvj .... D. 11m. It. xiij a. iiij d:. reate compositionis carte nove infeodationis Andree Domini Hereis de Terreglia de terris de Terreglis et aliis eisdem annexatis; et sic restant jCxxxvij tl. xv A. x d:. onerande ut supra. Non onerat se de lxvj It xiij A. iiij d:. reate compositionis carte nove infeodationis J ohannis Ramsay de Trarenzean milltis de terris de Balmayn Regi appreciatis. Nee de jmjcxxxviij It. reate compositionis carte nove infeodationis facte Olivero Sinder de Roslyng militi de terris de Herbertechire que recognite fuerunt. Non onerat se nec onerabitur in futurum de lxvj t1. xiij a. iiij d:. reate compositionis carte conjuncte infeodationis facte Jacobo Sandilaundis de Caldoure et sue sponse de terris de Erthbissett ex eo quod Dominus Rex remisit dictam summam dicto Jacobo per literas sub signeto et subscriptione 08teD88B super compotum. extra itinera de remissionibus per


dictum tempus. Item, idem onerat se de lxvj It. xiij A. iiij d. in completationem comp08itionis remissionis J ohannis Clapane de Caslogy pro interfeetione cujusdam WardEt de' iijCxxxiiij tl. x a. viij d. in partem solutionis iiijCXxxiij tl. vj a. viij 4. reate compositionis remissionis domini de Lecpreuic et suorum complicium pro interfectione Georgei Hammyltoun commissa in GlfA%O"', et sic reatant lxxxxviij t1. xvj a. de qui bus remisse pro grata solutione precedentis summe onerate xxxij It ij a. viij 4.; et sic restant lxvj t1. xiij a. iiij 4.




Non onerat se de vj It. xiij !I. iiij 11:. reate eompositionis warde sex merca.ta.rum terrarum de Casteltoun et tertie partis molendini earundem unacum maritagio heredis vendite Andree Cunynghaim reetori de Louchow. Nee de vij It. viij II. reate compositionis facte cum. Alexandro Douglas pro presentatione ipsiu8 ad terrll.8 de Craghouse existentes in manibus Regis ratione basta.rdie per decessurn quondam Magistri J ohannis Stewart. Nee l1:e liij it iiij d. compositionis maritagii quondam heredis quondam Stephani Dudingstoun facte cum Jonet&. Stewart.


in manibus Regis existentium

tempore predicto. Non onerat se. de iij It. xvj R. j d. reste firmarum terrarum de Innerkething tunc in manibus Regis ratione nonintroitus. Non onerat se de ijClx It. reBte finnarum de Dalswintoun et Glassartoun existentibuB in manibuB Regis ratione warde pro quibus obligati Bunt Dominns Maxuell et rector de Kirkmaho. Item, idem onerat se de xxiiij celdris xij bolle victuaJium videlicet de xij celdris vj bollis resta.ntibus in ultimo compoto de croppo anni VCix et de xij celdris vj bollis de croppo anni x venditis J ohanni Priori Sanetiand.ree viz., nnaqnaque celdra pro quatuor It. extendentibns ad lxxxxix It. pro qnibns compota.ns respondebit ultra decimam bollam solutam Episcopo Brechinensi. Item, idem onerat se de xiij It. xxij ct in partem solutionis xx It. xvij it iiij 11:. de firmis alterins



medietatis de Kemnay restantllm in ultimo compoto A.D. 1511. compotantis; et sic restant vij Ii. xv II. vj ct Et de lxxviij It' in partem solutionis lxxxvj H. xiij II. iiij ct reste firmarum terrarum Connestabularie de Dunde in warda regis existentium de termino Penthe-. coates anlli vcxj; et sic restant viij.Ii. xiij II. iiij !'t. Non onerat se de xx H., de firmis terrarum de Cromdaill spectantium quondam Johanni Narne existcntium in manibus Regis ratione warde de terminis Penthec08tes et Sancti Martini infra ultimum compotum compotantes. Item, idem Ollerat s~ de xl a., in partem solutionis xxj Ii., de firmis terrarUIll de Kennoquhy, Uchtermerny et Drummard et resta dicte summe et de il:Rai1l tem!\,llW de T "latAiR lflltAeil remittitur ex eo quod dominus Thesaurarius composuit pro nova infeodatione eamndem terrarum cum qua compositione onerabatur in ultimo compoto suo. Non onerat se de firmis de Lalathin restantibus ut supra in ultimo COlllPOto ex eo quod Thesaurarius comp08uit pro nova infeodatione earundem et onerabatur cum eadem ut supra. ' Nec onerat se aut onerabitur in futurum de firmis de Futhes ex eo quod Thesaurarius composuit pro nova infeod.atione earundem preter quam dam petiam dicte terre in manibus David Lioun et onerat se de v H., de firmis dictarum terrarum ante dictam comp08itionem in manibus dicti David existentium pro quibus minime compositum est. Nec de firmis de Balheluyante terminum Pentbecostes ultimum quia Jacobus Kincragy decanus Abirdonensis paulo ante dictum terminum composuit pro eisdem, nec de firmis de Pettauchop, Estir Lumbany, Westir Lumbany, Mukdrum, Pctcairly existentibus in mo.nibus Regis ratione forisfacture; nec de firmis de Callonch, Petfurane, Keirnis, Ramgally existentibus in manibus Regis ratione nonintroitus quia Thesaurarius pro aliquibus dictarum terrarum comp08uit et pro aliis DOD; et sic de firmis earundem inquirendum est.





extra itinera.

Item, idem onerat Be de vclvti. xj it ob., in partem solutionis jmVClxvj It xiij R. iiij ct., reste compositionis J ohannis Domini Maxuell et suorum complicium Becum existentium ad lee raid de Drumfreis; et sic reatant jmxj H. ij D. iij ct. ob., lieat mentio dicte onerationis facta sit in fine ultimi compoti compotantis in oneratione ejusdem de quibus remisse per Dominum Regem Jacobo Johnstoun de eodem per literam Domini Regis sub signeto et sUbscriptione ostensam super compotum iiijC H.; et sic reatant vjCxj It ij a. iij ct. ob., inde remiBBe domino Carlile xxij It. iiij iI. iiij ct'.; et sic restant V'lxxxviij H. .xvij D. xj ct'.ob. Non onerat Be de xv H., reate compositionis domini de Wauchop Trumbull pro amerciamentis Ix H., in quibus adjudicatus erat in itinere de Roxburgh onerandis ut supra.








Non onerat sa de vj It. xiij R. iiij ct'., reste COmpOBl1ilOnis introitus Roberti Arnot ad terras de Wodmyln Dec de xx It, introitus Florentini Admulti, ad terrae de Ferny ex eo quod onerate et exonerate sunt in compoto Camerarii de Fift'e presantis anni et anni elapsi et sic in futurum minime onerande sunt. Non onerat se de xxx It. reate feodorum Magni Sigilli anno predicto onerande ut supra cum recuperate fuerint.


anni VCx.

Item, idem onerat se de jOxlij It xiij D. iiij ct, in partem solutionis iijcxxiv It. xiij IJ. ilii ct.,. compositionum



remissionum itineris de Jedburgh tenti anno vcxmo ; A.D. et sic reatant jClxxxij It de quibus remisse per Dominum Regem domino de Hunthill I It, Thesaurario testante 'remissionem super compotum et Jacobo Edmonstoun de Ednem v It, Waltero Scot de Howpaslot v marce, et Abbati de Jedburgh, pro Andrea Pyle, v It; et sic restant jCxviij It. xiij a. iiij d. Non onerat se de xl It., reate compositionis itineris de Selkirk tenti eodem o.nno onerande ut supra. Item, idem onerat se de lxxvj It., in partem solutionis jCxvj H., compositionum itineris de Peblis tenti eodem anno; et sic reatant xl H., de quo. remissi uni pauperi Eduerdo Huntar xx II.; et sic reatant xxxix Ii., onerande ut supra. Et de vCxxvj It. xv II. viij d., in partem solutionis jmyClxxxxij 11. xx d., reate compositionum remissionum itineris de Perth tenti eodem anno; et sic reatant jmlxv H. vj II. Non onerat se de ijca H. xvij !!., reate comp08itionum itineris de Edinburgh tenti anno predicto.



ultimi compoti compotantis. Non onerat Be de x H., compositionis Jonete Scharp pro bonis eschaetis J ohannis Foreatar justificati.



Non onerat se de viij H. vj II. compositionis warde et re1evii dimedietatis terrarum de Monyak, Tullirig et Elrig facte cum domino Nicholaio Brauchane onerande ut supra. Item, idem onerat se de vjCxlix H. xij II. ix 11:., in partem solutionis rmj~lvj It. xx 11:. ob., reate compositionis




carte nove infeodationis baronie de Kerymure; et sic restallt vijClxxxxvj It. viij 11. xj d. ob., licet mentio dicte onerationis in fine ultimi compoti compotantis habeatur, et de eadem reata compotans onerat Be de Wlxxxv H. xix 11. v d., per assignationem compotantis Magistro Thome Diksoun factam in completam solutionem certarum expensarum de mandato Regis per ipsum factam et intratarum et allocatarum in compoto dicti compotantis anna precedente hoc compotum ut patet in eodem; et sic restant- vox It. ix 11. vj d. ob. quam summam Dominus Rex remisit ArchibaldoComiti Angusie, Roberto Grahaim de Fintre, Henrico Lowell de Ballumby militibus, et Willelmo Carmichaell per suas quatuor literas sub signeto et subscriptione ostensas super compotum et sic eque. Et de 1 It., in completam solution em compoaitionis appretiationis quatuor marcatarum terrarum de Barmagauchan, facte cum Petro Mure. Et de xij It. xj 11., in completam solutionem compositionis carte nove ir.feodationis facte Alexandro Sibbald de Rankelo. Non onerat se de x Ii., compositionis carte conjuncte infeodationis J ohannis Murray de Faulohill et Mergrete Hepburn, sue sponse, de terris de Cranstoun. Item, idem onerat se de xxxiij J1 vj 11. viij d., in partem solutionis centum marcarum reste compositionis carte nove infeodationis facte J ohanni Lummisdane de Ardre de terris de Ardre et certis allis; et sic restant xxxiij It. vj 11. viij d. Et de xx tt., in completam 801utionem comp08itionis carte nove infeodationis facte Jacobo Sandelandis de terris de Westir Cleisch et Sandilalldis. Non onerat se de xxxiij It. vj 11. viij ct, solvendis ad beneplacitum Regis de compositione carte nove infeod.ationis facte Andree Lundy de Balgony de terris de Uvirbalgony et certis allis. Item, idem onerat se de xij It., compositionis warde relevii et nonintroitus terrarum quarte partis de



Mekleblakbum cum molendino facte cum WillelmoA.D.llill. Cannichael, in completam solutionem ejuRdem. Et de xlij tt xiij iJ. iiij d., in completam solutionem composition is warde et relevii terrarum de Barsku b et maritagii Roberti Stewart aut cujuscunque alterius heredis Georgei Stewart facte cum Roberto domino Erskin et Adam Lindesay de Duchill. Et de xxxvij H. vj iJ. viij d., in partem solutionis lxx n. xiij iJ. iiij <1., comp08itionis carte nove infeodationis facte Georgeo Lesley de terns de Drum barrow j et sic restant xxxiij H. vj iJ. viij d, solvende ad beneplacitum domini regis. Et de jC H., in completam solution em comp08itionis cartarum nove infeodationis factarum Roberto Lummisdane de Madirlair super terns de FoulisDlowat cum molendino et certis aliis et Johanni Gordoun filio Georgei Gordoun in Cusne super terns de Corquhonderlandis et certis allis. Et de lxiij H., in partem solutionis lxxij H. xvj iJ., reste comp08itionis carte nove infeodationis facte Willelmo LeRley de Buchane super terns de Buchane Nethirtoune de Knokinblew et aliisj et sic restant ix H. xvj iJ. Non onerat se de vj H., comp08itionis carte nove infeodationis facte Patricio Duns super terris de Est Borthik cum una terra husba.ndia in territorio de Duns. Nec de x H., compositionis carte conjuncte infeodationis facte Willelmo Suthirland de Dufl'ous et Jonete Innes sue sponse de tems tertie partis de Rossyle. Item, idem onerat se de xl H., in completam solutionem comp08itionis carte nove infeodationis facte Jacobo Rollok, burgensi de Dunde, de terns dimedietatis de Westir Fethy j et sic firme dictarum terrarum in futurum minime onerande sunt. Non onerat se de jC H., reste comp08itionis Willelmi Edmonston de Duntreith, militis, pro warda de Kilbride. et maritagio heredis seu heredum quondam Henrici Schaw.

4.. 1611.


Item, idem onerat Be de xx 11, in completam solutionem compositionis carte nove infeodationis facte David Lesley de Petcapill de tems de Petcapill cum molendino et cartis allis. Et de xx It., in completam solutionem compositionis facte cum Thoma Ballingall pro nonintroitu terrarum de Riggis et Linlithqwlaundis. Et de x 11, in completam solutionem carte confirmationis facte Johanni Skrimgeour super carta alienationis domini Creichtoun super tems et baronia de Panbride. Et de xxxiij It. vj it viij ct, in completam 8Olutionem carte facte WilJelmo Lesley fratri germano Comitis de Rothes super terris de Estirfuthes cum molendino cum Ie Brewland et Smydiland annentis baronie de Ballinbreich. Non onerat se de xiij It. vj it viij ct, reate compositionis facte cum Patricio Lauthreisk pro una parte de Fairleislaundis et allis. Item, idem onerat Be de xv It., in partem solutionis xx It., compositionis carte nove infeodationis facte Johanni Schewe:5 de Kenbak de tems de Kilquhisch; et sic reatant v It., remisse per Regem prout constabat auditoribus super compotum. . Et de Ixxxx 11, in completam solutionem compositionis restarum vicecomitis de Abirdene f~te cum Alexandro Banerman viceoomite deputato ejusdem. Et de lxvj It. xiij II. iiij ct., in completam solutionem compositionis facte cum vicecomite de Wigtoun de omnibus arreragiis officii viceoomitatus de Wigtoun et allis summis ut in dicta compositione continetur. Et de vjCIxvj It. xiij B. iiij ct., in partem solutionis jm It., compositionis carte nove infeodationis Willelmi magistri de Glencarn de baronia de Glenca.rne; et sic restant iijCxxxiij 11. vj it viij ct, remisse per Dominum Regem Thesaurario testante remissionem super compotum et etiam litera dicte remissionie sub signeto et subscriptione postea 08tensa super compotum.




COMPOSITION IS RBMISSIONUM ITINBRUMinfra hoccompotum. Item, idem onera.t se de ijmjcxxij It xvij iI. iiij ct, in partem solutionis ijmviijclxix It. vj iI. viij ct, compositionum itineris de Air tenti anna VCxjO, et sic restant vijOxlvj It. ix It iiij d., de quibus remisse J ohanni Hammyltoun de Maknaristoun de compositione Alexandri Stewart de Rais pro grata solutione cujusdam partis dicte compositionis xv It.; et Willelmo Hepburn et Thome Makmulane pauperibus xxxvj iI.; et per Dominum Regem Matheo Craufurd. Wille1mo Craufurd et Roberto Craufurd xv 11; et Roberto Campbel de Schankstoun per dominos componitores et Thesaurarium v marce; et per eosdem Rankino Waus v marce; et per eosdem J channi Scott ad instantiam filii sui domini Alexandri Scott v It.; et Johanni Lindesay de Glenmure ad requestum Episcopi Orcadensis x marce ; 'et Roberto Craufurd de N ethirtoun per Dominum Regem vij It.; et per Dominum Regem remisse per literam sub signeto et subecriptione ostensam super compotum Cuthberto Comiti de Glencam ijC marce, compositionis Magistri de Glencam et suorum complicium et eidem remisse per dominos componitores jO marce de dicta compositione; et Johanni Chalmir, aldermanno de Air x It,; et de compositione Comitis de Eglintoun remisse eidem 1 It., per dominum Thesaurarium pro grata. solutione aliarum lIt.; et sic restant iiijCxxix It. vj iI. viij d. Et de lxxxij H., in completam solutionem compositionum remissionum sive financiarum octuaginta duarum personarum inhabitantium Kylesmure factarum in itinere de .Are predicto. Item, idem onerat se de ijmlxiiij 11 xiij iI. iiij d., in partem solutionis ijmiiijoxxv H. vj iI., viij d.. compositionum remiBBionum itineris de Wigtoun tenti anna predicto; et sic restant iijClx 11. xiij iI. iiij ct, de quibus




remisse per dominos componitores et Thesaurarium de oneratione predicta due maroe et per eosdem Alexandro Waus v H., et per eosdem David Dunbar in Wigtoun, et suis complicibus Ixxx maroa, et Michaeli Acoltrain, J ohanni Ahannay et eorum complicibus per eosdem componitores et Theeaurarium pro grata solutione I H. per eos facta xvj H. xiij II. ilij ct.; et per Dominum Regem remisse domino de GilesLoun xx H. et per eosdem componitores et Thcsaurarium Andree Dunbar in Mouchrome ij maroa cum dimidio et Thome MCClellan in Wigtoun iiij H., et Roberto Makge xx II. et remisse per eosdem componitores cuidam Aym Mollouch pro combustione domus sue ad requestum Magistri Jacobi Henri80un clerici J usticiarie v H.; et sic restant ijCJij H. xiij /I. iiij ct. Item, idem onerat se de jmvclxxxviij It. vij II. iiij ct, in partem solutionis jmviijClxiij It. vj II. viij d compositionum remissionum itineris de Kirkcudbrich tenti anna predicto ; et sic restallt ijClxxiiij H. xix II. ilij d de qui bus remisse per Dominum Regem uni pauperi viz., Johanlli Blak in Tor x maroa; et alteri pauperi viz., J ohanni Pane ij marce cum dimidio et remisse per dominos Thesaurarium et componitores pro grata solutione majorum summarum Willelmo Makclellane de Bondby xxiij H. vj II. viij ct. ; et per Dominum Regem Alexandro Portar v H., Willelmo Ed6ar fratii sartoris Domini Regis per eundem v H., et per Thesaurarium et componitores pro grata solutione ~jorum summarum Nicholaio Makgee x maroa, et per eosdem J ohanni Maknacht v maroa, at per dominum Thesaurarium pro grata solutione omnitun summarum per ipsum in dicto itinere debitarum Johanni Gordoun de Louchinvir 1 H., et per eundem Thesaurarium Johanni Dougalsoun remisse v maroa, et per componitores et Thesaurarium Nicholaio Smerles et suis complicibus pro paupertate eorum ex consideratione xx maroa, et per Dominum Regem de compositione



servitorum domini Gilestoun videlicet Alexandri A.D. mI. Gilestoun et suonun compliciuril per literam sub subscriptione ostensam super compotum xvj tt xiij iI. iiij ct., et per dictos componitores et Thesaurarium Pa.tricioForestar aldermanno de Kirkcudbrycht pro suo servicio in dicto itinere v 11., et per Dominum Regem per literam sub signeto et subscriptione Willelmo Inglis in Kirkcudbrycht de resta sue compositionis x marce, et per eundem Dominum Regem Roberto Levingatoun per literas SU8.8 de resta sue compositionis v H j et per dominos Thesaurarium et componitores Guillelmo Makmorane servitori Episcopi Moraviensis de eompositione dicti Roberti v H., et per Dominum Regem per literam sub signeto et subscriptione remisse filio domini de Louchinvir de compositione Archibaldi Makclellaile et suorum complicium xl H., et per Dominum Regem J ohanni Maknaucht per literam sub sUbscriptione v H. j et sic restant lxxiij H. vj iI. de quibus remi888 tenentibus de Kirkcandris viz., quindecim personis' unicuique ij marce cum dimedio extendentes in toto ad xxv libras, per Dominum Regem per literam sub subscriptione ostensam super eompotum et sic restaJ,)t xlviij H. vj iI. Item, idem onerat se de jmijcxxj It. xvj iI. viij ct, in partem solutionis jmvjCj H. vj iI. viij ct. compositionuDl remissionum itineris de Abirdene tenti anno vxijO j et sic restant iijolxxix It. x iI. de quibus remissi per dominos eomponitores et Thesa.urarium Thome Dredy iij iI. viij d., Willelmo J ohnstoun v maroa a.d requestum Comitis de Erroll, Thome Meldrum et Alexandro et eorum complicibus x marce, et per eosdem componitores et Thesaurarium J obanni Forbes de Petslego ij mnrce j et sic restant iijClxvij 11. xix iI. viij ct Item, idem onerat se de xxiij H. ij iI., in partem solutionis xlix It. xv iI. iiij ct compositionis quadraginta personarum convictanun in dicto itinere pro injusta spoliatione cujusdam cimbe et aliis criminibus j et sic restant xxvj tt xiij iI. iiij ct





per dictum

tempus. Hem, idem onerat se de vjolxvj H. xiij R. iiij d., in completam solutionem compositionis remissionis facte David Creichton et suis complicibus pro arte et parte interfectionis quondam Roberti et Alexandri Fergusoun. Et de jm H., in partem solutionis ijm It, pro compositionibus factis cum heredibus J ohannis Symonton de eodem at Willelmo Inglis pro licencia concessa dictis persoDis ad alienandum bona terras et possessiones eorundem et pro allis causis non obstante quod dicte persone stant sub accusatione criminis lese majestatis pro conetatione false monete; et sic restant jm It, de quibus solute compotanti fatenti solutionem super compotum vjClxvj H. xiij iJ. iiij ct; et sic restant iijcxxx:iij H. vj R. viij ct


infra hoc com-

potum. Item, idem onerat se de vjClviij H., in partem solutionis jm marcarum comp08itionis itineris Camerarie infra burgum de Dunde de inhabitantibus ejusdem tantum tenti infra tempus compoti ; et sic restant viij It xiij R. ilij d., remisse per Thesaurarium et componitores et sic eque. Item, idem onerat se de ijClxxxj It. vj R. j ct, tricentarum triginta trium librarum vj iJ. viij d., compositionis itineris Camerarie de Pertht de inhabitantibus dictum burgum et libertatibus ejusdem gaudentibus; et sic restant lij It. vij ct, remisse po.uperibus dicti bqrgi ut constabat Auditoribus super compotum et sic eque. Et de iiijOlxxxxvij It vj R. viij ct, in partem solutionis jm marcarum compositionis Camerarie itineris extra



dictum burgum de Pertht et infra vicecomitatum A.D. llill. ejusdem; et sic restant jClxix It vj R. viij ct, de quibus remisse fratribus Wallis Virtu tis prope Perth pro tenentibus terrarum suarum xviij It.; et sic restant jClj It. vj A. viij ct Et de jC It., compositionis itineris Camerarie de Cupro tenti per dictum tempus in solutionem infra burgum tantum.


Et de xiij It vj R. viij ct., pro una cimba appellata Ie Pikcard vendita Thome Corry de Kelwod cum bonis exiBtentibus in eadem que passa est naufragium. Et de v It, comp08itionis bonorum eschaetorum Johannis Makqueyn justificati in itinere de Perth. Non onerat Be de bonis eschaetiB Roberti Yakken, justificati in itinere de Kirkcudbricht, que donata erant David Andersoun Bervitori MagiBtri Jacobi Henrysoun. . Item, idem onerat Be de liij It. vj R. viij d., in partem solutionis jC marcarum compositionis facte cum Willelmo Strivelin pro bonis eschaetis olim Magistri Roberti Abirnethy rectoris de Bute qui decessit bastardus; et sic restant xiij It. vj . viij ct. Et de xxvij It., per venditionem certorum bonorum Rogari Kilpatrik de Knok et suorum complicium ante comp08itionem remiBBionis eiis concesse. Et de xiij ,It vj iI. viij ct, receptis a domino de EmiBfeld pro remissione xl marcarum pel' eum Rogero Kilpatrik debitarum tUDe ad cornu Regis existenti. Et de jCixxxlt, in partem solutionis ijC It., compositionis remissionis Rogeri Kilpatrik et suorum complicium pro arte et parte interfectiollis JohanniB Simsoun; et sic restant xx It., remiBBe eisdem ex consideratione Thesaurarii pro grata solutione' precedentis summe jClxxx It.



Et de v It, compositionis bonorum eschaetorum J ohannis Millar interficientis seipsuDl facte cum J ohanne Hammyltoun. Et de iiij H., compositionis bonorum eschaetorum Johannis Mure ad cornu Regis positi facte cum Quintino Mure de Ard.

COMPOSITIONES CARTARUM infra hoc compotum. Item, idem onerat se de vj 1:1:. xiij 1lJ. iiij d., compositionis carte confirmationis Thome Kennedy de Bargany super carta alienationis sibi facte per Georgeum Kennedy de terris de Ballardy et cel'tis aliis. Et de iijCxx 1:1:., in completam solutionem compositionis carte nove infeodationis facte Henrico Wardlaw, militi, de baronia de Dalginch. Et de xiij 1:1:. vj iI. viij d., compositionis carte confirmationis facte per Dominum Regem tanquam tutorem Jacobi Comitis Moravie filii sni super carta facta per Willelmum Sutherland de Querrelwod Alexandro Innes de eodem de terris de Greveschip et aliis. Et de xij 1:1:. compositionis carte confirmationis facte J ohanni Fischer burgensi de Edinburgh et Issobelle Wyndegaitis sue sponse in conjuncta infeodatione super term et villa de Westir Quhitbirn cum molendino ejusdem et pertinentiis. Et de 1 1:1:. in completam solutionem compositionis Ducisse de Montros pro sua parte et rata terrarum de Glennesk. Et de liij H. vj l viij ct. in partem solutionis lxxx 1:1:., compositiollis carte nove infeodationis facte cum Thome Boill pro tems de Riseholm, et sic restant xxvj 1:1:. xiij iI. iiij ct., remisse per Dominum Regem quia pauper, Thesaurario testante remissionem super compotum. Et de 1 H. i~ completam solutionem comp08itionis carte



facte Magistro Willelmo Lyonn super terris de "-D. 15]1. Louchmyll at Litillmyln de Forfar cum piscatura, molendino et pertinentiis. Et de jCx! H. in partem solutionis jClx H. compositionis carte nove infeodationis facte J ohanni Ros de Cragy super terris et baronia de Cragy et certis allis; et sic restant xx It Et de vjClxvj H. xiij A. iiij ct., in completam solutionem compositionis carte nove infeodationis facte J ohanni Comiti de Craufurd super terris et baronia de Glennesk que recognite fucrunt cum tenentibus, tenandriis et servitiis liberetenentium, salvis vitalibus redditibus et dominarum legitimis tertiis hujusmodi baronie per Dominum Regem disponendis preter vitalem redditum sponse dicti Comitis, pro quo dictus Comes satisfaciet eidem Comitisse de terris suis in allis locis congruis, secundum tenorem contractus desuper confecti et non alias. Et de iijCxxxiij It vj il viiJ ct., in completam solutionem compositionis carte facte Alexandro Lindesay militi super terris et baronia de Feme que recognite fuerunt. Et de x H., compositionis ('.&rte nove infeodationis facte J ohanni Fergusoun de Doune super terris de Murthley et certis aliis. Et de xxxiij H. vj s. viij d., compositionis carte confirmationis super carta donationis facta per Willelmum Craufurd de Lefnoryis Georgeo Craufurd ejus fiUo et apparenti heredi super quatuor mal'C8tis terrarum de Lefnoriis et certis allis. Et de xx 11, compositionis carte confirmationis super carta donationis facta per David Rossy de eodem Georgeo Rossy super terris molendinis et multuris de Rossy cum pertinentiis. Et de xx H., compositionis carte conjuncte infeodationis facte Georgeo Domino Seytoun et Margrete Hepburn ejus sponse super terris et baronia de Bernys ester et wester.




Et de xix 11., in partem solutionis xx It., compositionis carte nove infeodationis facte J ohanni Makallan tilio Alexandri Makallane super terris d~..villa.rum de Invery, Themes et Edingles; et sic restant xx it Et de lxxiij It. vj A. viij ct, in partem solutionis lxxx 11., compositionis carte nove infeodationis facte Willelmo Comiti de MarllChel super terris de Auchinha.mparls, Downeyis et Auchinhynach; et sic restant vj 11. xiij A. iiij ct. Et de x 11., compositionis carte confirmationis super carta. donationis facta per Alexandrum Martin Florentino Martin ejus tilio super term dimedietatis de Giblodstoun et certis aliis. Et de xl Jt in partem solutionis lxxx marcarum compositionis carte nove infeodationis facte Willelmo Cunynghaim filio et apparenti heredi Roberti Cunynghaim de Cunynghamheid et Mergrete Mure, sponse dicti Roberti, de terris de Polkelly cum pertinentiis; et sic restant xiij Jt vj A. viij ct. Et de xiij It. vj A. viij ct. compositionis carte contirmationis super carta donationis facta pel' J ohannem Somervel de Camnethan militem J ohanni Somervel ejus filio et J onete Hepburn ejus sponse super terris de Gilmertoun et certis aliis. Et de xl 11., compositionis carte nove infeodationis facte J ohanni Kynneir pro terris et baronia de Kynneir. Et de xiij Ii. vj. A. viij ct., compositionis carte confirmationis super carta a.lienationis facta per Mergretam Colvill, Andree Ker de Famihirst de terris et baronia de Oxname et dimidietatis molendini de Oxname. Et de jO Jt in partem solutionis ijC 11., compositionis carte nove infeodationis facte J ohanni Domino Cathcart de terris et baronia de Sundrum cum pertinentiis; et sic restant jC 11., de quibus solute compotanti per Georgeum Campbell de Cesnok, lxvj 11. xiij A. iiij ct.; et pro dicta solutione remisse I marce; et sic eque. Non onerat se de x It. compositionis carte contirmationis



super carta alienationiB facta per Jobannem Ogilvy A..D.1611. de Lavoroklaw Thome Domino Fresare de Lowett de terria de Ardrannytb. Et de xx It. compositioniB carte confirmationis carte donationiB facte per Willelmum Douglas de Qubittingeam Willelmo Douglas ejus filio et apparenti heredi at Ricardo Douglas fratri germano ejusdem et ipsorum beredibus masculis super terris de Quhittingeame cum pertinentiis, etc. Et de x It. in partem solutjonis xxiij It. vj Ei. viij ct, compositionis carte nove infeOdationis facte Thome Lowis per Jacobum Douglas de Caveris de terria de Gidmundislaundis in baronia de Caveris; et sic restant xiij It. vj 9. viij ct Et de xxxiij It. vj . viij d., compositionis carte nove infeodationiB facte J ohanni Tullouch de Cragnaustoun et Odmanstoun et pro creatione et unitione hujusmodi terrarum in unam baroniam. Et de lxvj It. xiij R. iiij d. in partem solutionis jC It compositionis carte nove infeodationis facte J &COho Haliburtoun de Gask super omnibus terris suis infra dominia de Ard et Strathglas cum suis piscationibus et pertinentiis ut latius patet in carta; et sic restant, xxxiij It. vj R. viij ct Et de vj It xiij R. iiij d. in completam solutionem compositionis carte nove infeodationis facte Roberto Andersoun de Crech, necnon eidem Roberto et Agnete ejus sponse in conjunctam infeodationem super quarta parte terrarum de Mekle Creich. Et de xl It. compositioniB carte nove infeodationis facte David Rait filio et apparenti beredi Willelmi Rait de Drumnagar de terria de Drumnagar et certis allis. Et de liij It. vj R. viij d. compositioniB carte nove infeodationis facte David Skrimgeour de Fardill super terris de Ester Fardill et Wester Fardill et certis aliis. Et de lxvj It. xiij it iiij d. comp08itioniB carte nove infeodationiB facte Alexandro N apar militi, filio et apparenti heredi Arcbibaldi Napar de Marchanestoun




et J onete Chesholm sponse sue in conjuncta infeodatione super terris de Edinbally et certis a.1iis. Et de xl Ii. in partem solutionis jexx It. compositionis carte nove infeodationis facte David Monypenny filio et apparenti heredi Wille1mi Monypenny de tenia de Drumrawok que recognite fuerunt et pro nonintroitu earundem; et sic restant lxxx It. Et de xl lt. compositionis carte conjuncte infeodationis facte Jacobo Cunynghaim filio et apparenti heredi Roberti Cunynghaim de Polmais et Agnete Bruse ejus spOnse super terris quinque bovatarum et dimedietatis de Arthmalare. Et de xxiij It. vj G. viij d compositionis carte nove infeodationis facte J ohanni Domino Sympill de tenia de Padzochriddingis Haly cum pertinentiis. Et de xxxiij It. vj II. viij d compositionis carte feodifirme facte And:Me Munro de Mylntoun Meanch cum molendino ea.rundem et cum officio mauri principalis comitatus Rossie et crofta ten-e nuncupata marcata terre de Tullouch in comitatu Rossie. Non onerat se de 1 martis compositionis carte nove infeodationis facte Willelmo MCCulloch de Pladis super tenia de Pladis et certis aliis cum officio balliatus de Tayne. N ec de xxx martis compositionis carte nove infeodationis facte Johnnni Waus de Lochlislyn super' tenia de Lochslyn et certis aliis. Iste marta cum coriis solute per compotantem Jacobo Wilson in lardeneria pro quibus respondebit.

COMPOSITIONES W ARDARUM RBLEVIORUM MARITAGIORUlI ET NONINTROITUUM tempore predicto. Item, idem onerat se de lxxx Ii. in completam solutionem compositionis facte cum Roberto Innes de Invermarky et Roberto Innes de Rothnakenze pro summa jexl It. per dominum de Innes ante quintum Septembris anni Domini quingentesimi undecimi



Regi debita pro qua summa terre de Knokorth A.D. 11111. . et Monydy et tertia pars de Myreside Domino Regi appretiate fuerunt. Et de jCxxxiij It vj s. viij ct., compositionis facte cum Dougallo Rannaldi Alani pro re1evio terrarum de EUentyrrim, etc., jacentium infra vicecomitatum de Invernes. Et de ij9.xvj It. xiij S. iiij d, in completam 8Olutionem compositionis warde terrarum pertin('ntium quondam Colino Campbel de Ellanegrig ac maritagii et nonintroitus dictanun terrarum facte cum Johanne Stewart de Argowane. Et de lxxx It. in partem solutionis jC It compositionis nonintroitus omnium et smgularum terrarum baronie de Par broith [cum] tenentibus et tenandriis ejusdem, etiam omnium terrarum de Haistoun Scrogafeild, cum tenentibus tenandriis facte cum J ohanne Seytoun nepot9 et herede apparente Alexandri Seyton de Parbroith; et sic restant xx It Et de liij It. vj II. viij ct, in partem' solutionis jC marcarum compositionis re1evii nonintroitus et maritagii Alexandri Lecprevic de eodem facte cum dicto Alexandro pro terris de Lecprevic officiis coronatoris et mauri feodi; et sic restant xiij It. vj S. viij 4., remisse Magistro Patricio Covintre ex mandato Regis prout constabat Auditoribus et sic eque. Et de liij It vj S. viij 4., in completam solutionem comp08itionis re1evii decem libratanun terrarum antiqui extentus de Conray duodecfm marci.t&rum de Auchincoull et decem marcatarum de Librek facte cum Johanne Schaw de Haly. Et de I It. compositionis facte cum Beatrice Hay de suo vitali redditude Nethirdun Et de lxvj It. xiij A. iiij d, comp08itionis relevii et maritagii Johannis Murray filii Johannis Murray de Kellok venditorum Johanni Forman de Grantuly. Et de lxvj l:l. xiij S. iiij d, compositionis maritagii Walteri Stewart filii et heredis quondam Willelmi Stewart, ac warde xl 80lidatarum terrarum de


ACCOUNTS OF THE Mariote Campbel et suis


Creokan venditarum. a8signatis.


Item, idem onerat se de lxxxiij It. iij R. viij ct. de firmis terrarum de Glenbervy, Barres et dimedietatis de Kemnay existentium in manibus Regis ratione nonintroitus ultra decimum denarium debitum Episcopis Brechinensi et Abirdonensi et annuum redditum exeuntem heredibus Willelmi Bonar. Non onerat Be de xij celdris vj bollis victualium restantibus de terris d~ Glenbervy et medietate de Barres de croppo anni VO undecimi. Non onerat Be de xiij Ii. xj it ix d. de firmis terrarum alterios medietatis de Kemnay de terminis compoti reatantibus non solutis ultra decimum denarium ut supra. Item, idem onerat Be de lvj It. xiij R. iiij ct., in partem B9lutionis ijetx marcarum de firmis terrarum constabularie de Dunde in warda existentium de terminis compoti; et sic reatant lxvj It. xiij R. iiij 4. que assignatur Connestabulario de Dunde et Mariote Stewart sue sponse pro eorum. sostentatione durante tempore warde per literam sub signeto et subscriptione ostensam super compotum. Et de vj It. xiij R. iiij d. de firmis terrarum de Bynnyhg existentium in manibos Regis ratione warde. Et de liiij It. iiij R. in partem solutionis firmarum. terrarum. baronie de Apilgirth receptis a Margreta Carutheris et Elizabeth Kilpatrik sponsa Alexandri J ardane de terminis compoti et Penthecosten ante hoc compotum et quantum restat nescitur ideo inquirendum est de eadem resta. Et de xiij It. x R. firmarum terrarum de Dedeside, Birnok, Carshillis, Ravinishillid, receptis a Roberto



Carlile existentium in manibus Regis ratione non- A.D. 1611. introitus in baronia de Wandaill de tribus terminis predictis in plenam solutionem ilssedat.arum dicto Roberto. Item, idem onerat Be de xxxvij Ii. 'xvj l. de firmis terrarum pertinentium Johanni Cumyng et Georgeo Lesley in baronia. de Rothes de terminis ela.psis et an in plenam solutionem vel non nes.citur. Et de xiij 11. iiij ct de firmis terrarum de Smydila.ndis receptis a Willelmo Lesley fratre Comitis de Rothes qui composuit cum Domino Rege pro dictis firmis ; et sic minime Bunt onerande in futurum. Et de xl 11. de firmis de Abimethy pertinentibus Comiti de Rothes de terminis ela.psis. Et de liij 11. iiij d. receptil! a' Johanne Lummisdain de firmis de Estircolissy de terminis ela.psis ad bonum compotum.


Item, idem onerat Be de jCxxvij Ii. x 11. provenientibus de conetatione unius amphore argenti ponderantis undecim libras unam unciam cum dimedietate conetate in grOSBis xij denariorum de propriis Domini Regis per tempus compoti. Et de vjCXj It. provenientibus ex conetatione certorum vasorum argenteorum, videlicet, duorum Ie spicepla.tis unius fracti deallrati et alterius non deaurati, unius Ie thrawin coupe cum coopertorio ejusdem deaurati ca.rente Ie knop cum pede Iaxo, unius Ie coupe sine coopertorio deaurati, unius Ie coupe cum coopertorio cum tribus pedibus uno Iaxo ca.rente Ie knop deaurati et quadam parte de Ie crownel coopertorii et unius Ie moyar, unius Ie playn coup cum coopertorio deaurato, pede ejusdem mo, duarum tassiarum quas Johannes Francis deportavit pedibus earundem mis, unius Ie thrawin coupe cum coopertorio deaurati que



fuerunt in custodia Roberti Douglas sarvitoria Domini Regis et unius Ie quhit chargeour ordinati pro servitio capitis apri et duorum Ie gilt cbargeoria que vasa ponderabant xxxiij libras vij uncias et pondus vij grossorum cum dimedio Anglica novum conetatorum in Ie plakis de propl'iis Domini Regis per temp~ compoti. Et de jmlxxxix It. v B. iiij 4. provenientibus de conetatione xxiij Ie Iynkis auri de magna catbena Domini Regis ponderantium vij libras v uncias cum auri conetatorum in Ie unicornis per tempus compoti. Et de vmvijclxxxxiij It, iiij B. x 4. 00010 provenientibus ex lucro cone per tempus compoti omnibus oneribus deductis.


Be de iijCxxxiij It. vj a. viij c1 in completam solutionem taxe Abbatis de NewootilL Et de iiij"xxxiij It. vj g. viij ct., receptis ab Abbate de Melros de dicta taxa de quibus per manus Magistri Jobannis Murray ijCxxxiij It. vj II: vij ctrii. Et de jOlxvj It. xiij g. iiij c1 in completam BOlutionem taxe Episcopi DunblanensiB. Et de jC It. receptis ab Abbate de Dundrynan de taxa sua. Et de ir It. ab Episcopo Dunke1densi de taxa sua. . Et de lxvj It. xiij II. iiij 4. receptis de taxa Abbatis de

Item, idem onerat


Et de xij It. x g. receptis a vicario de Invernes de dicta taxa. Et de jC It. receptis ab Episcopo Abirdonensi de bujusmodi taxa. Et de xl It. reeeptis a ministro de FailJ. Et de jCliij It. vj ill. viij ct. in completam BOlutionem taxe Archid.iaconi Sanctiandree et decani Moraviensis. Et de jO It. receptis ab Abbate de Jedburgh de taxa sua per manus Magistri JohanniR Mu!'l'8.y.


1 '73

Et de lxxx It. receptis a. Magistro Johanne Brady Archi- A.D. 1611. diacono Laudonie in completam solutionem taxe sue de dicto Archidia.conatu et prep08itura Sancte Trinitatis per manus dicti M. Joho.nnis Murray. Et de xiij 11. vj fl. viij <1., receptis a rectore de Renfrew de taxa sua per manus Magistri Thome Blair. Et de xx It. receptis a Cancellario Glasguensi de taxa sua per manus dicti Magistri Thome. Et de xxxiij It. vj fl. viij <1. receptis a subdecano GlasgueDsi de taxa sua per manus dicti Magistri Thome. Et de jO It. receptis ab Archiepiscopo Glasguensi Et de viijCxxxiij It. vj fl. viij ct in completam solutionem contributionis Episcopi Cathanellsis commendatarji de Calco compotantis. l!:t de ijC It. receptis a Priore Sanctiandree. Et de il tt. receptis ab Episcopo Insularllm. Et de xxxiij It. vj fl. viij <1. receptis a rectore de Stobo. Et de x It. a succentore Glasguensi. Et de lxvj It xiij s. iiij ct receptis ab Abbate de Jedburgh. Summa hu,jus particule jmiiijolxxvj Ii. xiij fl. iiij <1. Summa totalis onerationis xxxjmiijCxxxviij It. xj fl. viij d. TENET A.





Item, to my Lord Elimosinar ta.kand foure It. woklie for the Kingis elimose deliverit to him and his servituris at diverse tymes be the comptgewar and his servituris in his name fra Settirday the sext day of September exclusive to the penult day of August inclusive within the tyme of this compt makand fiftie ane wolk extending in sa mony wolkis as the deliverance . ij9.iij It. tbairof at diverse tymez beris in it to, .

Item, the x day of September, deliverit be my Lord dene of Glasgow to my Lord Elimosinar for v v It trigentale missis, . Item, be the said dene to my L. Elimosmar the sext day of August for three trigentale missis neglexit be the said dene in his last compt, iij It. Item, deliverit be the said dene for outquitting of ane ailvir challice o(the chapele in the New Havin, and sik lik neglexit be him in the last compt, 1 II. Item, be the said Dene the vij day of August, neglexit he him for oft'erand in Lestalrig, . . xiiij II. Item, to ane pure lase, . . iiij ct Item, siklik the viij day of August, deliverit be the said dene to Oure Lady licht and neglexit in hi~ last compt, . xiiij II. Item, the xij day of September, oft'erit to the Rud of Greinsid, . xiiij II. [And two similar entries of ten shillings each.] Item, the xiiij day of September, the Exaltatioune of the Halie Croce for offeraund, . xiiij II.



Item, offerit to the Rud lieht in HalirudhoU8e, xiiij R. A.D. 1611. Item, to the Freris of Edinburgh and Inverkething in e1i.mose, ane unicorne and ane half,. . xxx R. Item, the sam day eftir evinsang, offerit to ane new figur of the Haly Croce in Halirudhouse, . xiiij R. Item, the xv day of September, in Sanet Niuianis chapele at t::te brig end of Leith for offeraunde to the bred, . xiiij it Item, the xvj day of September, Banet Ninianis day, for offerand in the Abbay Kirk, . xiiij R. Item, offerit at the h~e mise, . . xiiij R. Item, the xvij day of September, offerit in Sanet . xiiij R. Ninianis chapele, Item, to pure folk at the pier end, . xij ct. Item, the xx day of September, offerit in the New Havin, . xiiij R. Item, the xxvij day of September, in Linlithqw, for three trigentale missis, iij It. Item, the xxviij day of September, to the Predicatouris of Striveling, . . xiiij R. Item, the penult day of September, in Striveling, for offeraund to Banet Myehae1is licht, xiiij R. Item, offerit in the Kingis ehapele of Strivelin, xiiij R. Item, to Broun, the a.uld preist, at singis for the Kingis Grace in Strive1ing, deliverit be the Maister Cuik,

Ttem, to barnis of the ehapele for spure silvir, vij R. Item: the last day of September, in Striveling, be my Lord Elimosinar for xj trigentale mitlsis, xj 11 Item, ridand thrueht Linlithqw, deliverit be my Lord Secretar for tua trigentale missis, xl R. Item, deliverit to Schir Johne of Towris at my Lord . Elimosinaris command to pay chapellanis at sang ix trigentaU missis for the King at sindry tyrnez, ix It. [Payments were made at different times to Sir John Towris for thirty-two trentals of masses.]




Item, the secund day of October, to my Lord Elim08inar be the Dene of Glasgow for foure trigentalis, iiij H. [Payments were made to the Elem08IDar for seventy-eight trentals of masses during this account, in addition to those which were paid for at places specifically mentioned. These have been inserted at length, as they serve to indicate the place at which the Court was at the date given.] Item, the v day of October, offerit in the chape1e of Sanct Mungo besid Culrose, . xiiij it Item, oft'erit to Sanct Serfis fertur, . . xiiij A. Item, the sam day and place, for foure trigentale missis of Oure Lady, Saint Gabriele, Sanct Mungo, and the Haly S p i r i t , . iiij H. Item, the ix day of October, in Cambuskynneth, to my Lord Elim08inar for vij trigentalis missis, . vij H. Item, the x day of October, in Sanct Colmis Ynche, fOl" foure trigentalis Il1issis, iiij H. Item, the xij day of October, offerit in l.estalrig, xiiij A. [And eighteen similar entries.] Item, to ane litile las, . iiij d. [And fourteen similar entries to "the little lass" and" the little lass in Newhaven."] Item, to the pure folk in elimose, xiiij ct. [And fourteen similar entries, in addition to those specifically mentioned, of sums varying from ad. to .5.] Item, to Maister Thomas Diksl)ne at he debursait for offeraund in Lestalrig, xiiij R. Item, the xv day of October, offerit in the chapele of the New Havin, . xiiij A.



Item, the xvj day at .October, oft'erit in the Kingis .'-D. 1511. chapele, because it was Sanct Mychaelis day de Monte Tumba, . . xiiij g. Item, the xviij day of October, Sanct Lucas day, the Evangelist, for oft'eraund to his licht, x it Item, the xix day of October, offerit to Sanct Antonis licht laid downe be the Secretar, . . xiiij R. Item, deliverit be Johne Forman to the pur folk, ij g. Item, the xxj day of October, oft'erit in Sanct Nicholace chapele to his bred ~ unicorne, . x it Item, the xxij day of October, to ane pure wyft', iiij ct Item, the xxv day of October, to Johne Davidsone for Sanct Crispan Crispiniannis licht, . xiiij it Item, the xxvj day of October, to Maister Thomas Diksone at he debursat for five trigentalis said in Sanctandrois, . v It Item, the xxviij day of October, for oft'erand to Sanct Symon and J udis licht, j Franch croun, . xiiij R. Item, the xxix day of October, deliverit be Schir James Cottis at the Kingis command til ane callit J ohne Puyssone Brytonar to the way of e1imose in the New Havyne, v Franch crounis, . iij It x R. Item, oft'erit to Sanct Antonis licht in Leith, . xiiij it Item, the last day of October, in the New Havyne,oft'erit to Oure Lady licht, . . xiiij R.

Item, the first day of November, offerit to Alhallow licht, xiiij R. Item, oft'erit in the Abbay Kirk, xiiij a. Item, the secunde day of November, for elim.ose to the Freris of Inverkething, xiiij a. [And three similar entries, amounting in all to 40s.] Item, the vj day of November, Sanct Leonardis day, oft'erit to his licht in the Neuhavin, . xiiij R. Item, the viij day of November, for oft'erand in Sanet




Ninianis chapele laid downe be the Persone of Disart, xiiij . Item, passand thrucht Linlithgow Strivelingwart for three trigentalis of Our Lady, All Sanctis, and Sanct Mychele, . iij It. Item, the ix day of November, oft'erit in Striveling to Sanct Salvatouris licht, . xiiij . Item, Sanct Martinis day, the xj day of November, . xiiij . oft'erit to his licht, Item, to the Blak Freris in elimose, . xiiij lJ. Item, to My Lord Elim08inar in Striveling for viij trigentalis missis, . viij It. Item, the xij day of November, be the Kingis command, to Broune, the auld preist, at singis in Striveling for the Kingis Grace, v elnis russat to be hyme ane xxxv R. goune, price eln vij R.; summa Item, for ail and fische to the Gray Freris, iiij R. Item, the xiij day of November, at the ;;et of Striveling, to pure folk and be the way to lepir folk in elimose, iij R. Item, in Linlithgow, for ij trigentalis, xl R. Item, the xvj day of November, oft'erit to Sanct Margaretis licht, . xiiij R. Item, the xviij day of November, to ane pure wyff becaus hir husband callit Patonsone brak his leg at the Kingis werk and had na thing to amend it with, xiiij lJ. Item, offerit in Sanct Nychola[c]e Chapel, in Leith, be;;ond the brig, ~ Franch croun, vij R. Item, the xxj day of November, in the Newhavin, for oft'erand to Our Lady licht, because it was the Presentation of Our Lady. xiiij R. Item, in Our Lady Kirk of Leith, offerit, . x R. Item, to Oure Lady licht of Lestalrig, oft'erit xiiij R. Item, oft'erit at the Hie Mise, . xiiij II. Item, the xxiij day of November, Sanct Clementis day, offerit, vij II. Item, the xxv day of November, in Sanct Katrinis, for oft'erand to the bred, . . xiiij R.



Item, the sam day, to the litil lass, OOcaus scho ;;eid to A.D. 1611. Sanct Katherinis, . viij a. Item, the xxvij day of NovE-mber, to ane pure man in elimose, . . viij a. Item, the xxix day of November, to ane pure wyffe in Leith, quhais husband past with Andro Bertoun laid downe be RobeMowtrar at theKingis command, xiiij S. Item, the last day of November, in the Abbay Kirk, for xiiij S. offerand to Sanctandrois licht, Item, offerit at the hie missis, . . xilij II. Hem, offeiit at the hie missis in the chapele, . ~ij II. I tern, to Maister J ohne Che88oholme for Sanctandrois licht in Sanct Gelis Kirk, . . xiiij II.

Item, the first day of December, to Sperty Smitht for Sanct Eloyis offerand, . xilij S. Item, the thrid day of December, Sanct ~arbaris day, in . xiiij it the Kirk of Feild, offerit at the hie miss, Item, the sam place, offerit to Sanct Barbarislicht, xiiij S. Item, the samyn place, for Sanct Barbaris candill, xviij s. Item, in the said place, to the barnes of .the Qweir for . xvj d:. spure silm, Item, the ferd day, of December, for tua trigentalis of Sanct Barbara, . xl a. Item, the vj day of December, for offerand in Sanct Nicbblace chapele of Leith, . xiiij i!I. Item, to Sanct Nicholace bischop of Leith, iij Franch
~~,. ~i!I.

Item, offerit at the hie miss, . xiiij i!I. Item, to the ruffenis of Leith, . v II. Item, offerit to Sanct Nicholace licht of Sanct Gelis Kirk in Edinburgh, . . xilij i!I. Item, to Sanct Nicholace bischop of Edinburgh, for the King, v Franch crounis, and for the Quene iij Franch crounis, eftir thait corumandes and the auld bukis; summa . v It. xij II.



',D. 11111.

Item, at ewin to the ruffenis of Edinburgh, xxviij R. Item, the viij day of December, the Conceptioun of Oure Lady, offerit in Lestalrig, . . xiiij R. Item, offerit at the hie miss, . . xiiij R. Item, to ane perdonar, with Sanct Duthois cowp, v R. Item, to Oure Lady of Kylls perdonar, iij R. Item, the xiij day of December, to &net Lucia licht, in Sanct Gells Kirk, offert, . xiiij R. Item, the xv day of December, offerit to Our Lady of Lestalrig,. . . xiiij a. Item, to Sanct Anthonis licht of the Crag, offerit laid downe be William Fowlar, . . xiiij R. Item, the xvj day of December, to my Lord of QuIros for elimose he debursat at the Kingis command, . xiiij R. Item, the xvij day of December, to ane pure boy to by hyrne ane coit, . iiij R. Item, to my Lord Culrois preist to pray for the King, xiiij R. Item, the xxj day of December, Sanct Thomas day the AP08till, offerit in the Abbay to his licht, '" Franch croun, vij a. Item, for his licht offerit in ane uthir place, . xiiij a. Item, to ane pure woman in elimose, '" unicorn, x R. Item, the xxij day of December, in the Newhawin, for offerand, . x R. Item, to ane auld freir, x R. Item, to Sanct Nicholace licht in Leith, offelit, . xiiij R. Item, gewin to ane perdonar in I;eith, xiiij R. Item, the xxv day of December, viz., doile day, for oft'erand to tua morne missis and at the hie miss, iij Franch crounis, . xlij R. Item, one Sanct Stephinis day, th~ xxvj day of December, offerit, . xiiij R' Item, to the Blak Freris of Edinburgh, . xiiij i1. Item, one Sanct Johne the Ewangellstis day, in offerand to his licht, . xiiij R. Item, to tua Yrland freris studentis in 8anctandrois, xiiij R.



Item, to the freris of the Fery, vij A- A.D. lIsn. [And three Bimilar entrieB to the amount of 44B.] Item, to Sanct Innocentis bischopB, iij Franch crounis, xlij S. Iten, one Sanct Innocentis day offerit to thair licht and at the hie miss iij Franch crounis, . xlij S. Item, to the frers of Linlithqw, . xiiij S. Item, the xxix day of December, in offerand to Sanct Anthonis of the Crag, . xiiij S Item, for offerand to ane preistiB first mise in Edinburgh, xiiij S. Item, to the freris of Sanct J ohnestoun,. . xiiij S. Item, the penult day of December, for offerand to Sanct Duthois licht in the Abbay Kirk, j Franch croun, xiiij S. Item, for offerand to Sanct Duthois licht in Sanct Gelis Kirk in Edinburgh, j Franch croun, ". xiiij S. Item, to the little bois at singis callit brethir, j Franch croun, xilij S.

Item, the firSt day of Januar for offerand, . xiiij S. A.D. 1511-12. Item, to ane Yrland freir Btudent of SanctandroiB, xiiij AItem, the ferd day of Januar, for offerand to the prebendaris first mise of Striveling, v Franch crouniB, iij It. x S. Item, the v day of JarfUar, the Epiphany evyn, to the parache clerk of Edinburgh at brocht the crate with the Bence and to the BingariB, iij Franch crounis, xlij S. Item, to the preist of the New Ravin for offerand to Oure Lady licht, j Franch croun, . . xiiij S. Item, offerit to the three KingiB of Culane iij Fmnch CrouniB, . . xlij S. Item, the viij day of Januar, to pure Curreis wyff in

e1imose, .

V B.

A.D. 1511-12.


to Sanct j Fra.nch . xiiij it croun, xiiij a. Item, the xij day of Janua.r, offerit, to the Kingis brothir, nmquhill Archibischop of. Sanctandrois saule miss, j Franch croun, . xiiij a. Item, the xiiij day of J anua.r, to James J akleyne for Sanct Mungois licht, j Fra.nch croun, . . xiiij a. Item, the xv day of Januar, to ane wyff for nnrising of ane fund barne in en tray silvir, . . x a. Item the xvj day of Ja.nuare, to Maistir Thomas Diksone for oft'era.nd he debursait to Sanct Anthonis licht, j Franch croun, . xiiij a. Item, to Schir William Aitoun to gif Broun the auld preist at singis in Striveling for the King, iij Franch . crounis, . . xlij a . Item, the xviij day of Januar, for oft'era.nd to Sanct Anthonis of the Crag, j Franch croun, . . xiiij lI. Item, for Sanct Anthonis licht in Leith, j Franch croun, xiiij a. Item, oft'erit in Leith to ane uthir Sanct . .' xiiij a. Item, the xix day of Januar, for offera.und to ane preistis first miss in the Abbay, iij Fra.nch crounis, xlij a. Item, the xx day of Januar, to ane pur wyft' in the New havin, . xvj ct. Item, the xxj day of Januar, for offera.und to Sanct Sebastiannis licht in Sanct Gelis Kirk, j Franch croun, xiiij a. Item, offerit to his licht in the Abbay Kirk, . xiiij 8. Item, to ane pure wyft' and the litill las, . xx ct. Item, the xxii,j day of Januar, in the New Havin, x a. oft'erit for Oure Lady licht, ~ unicorn, Item, the xxiiij day of J anuar, for oft'era.und to ane first mis in the Abhay. ij ~'ranch crounis, xxviij a .. Item, to the frem of Dunfreis, . xiiij a.

Item, to ane pure honest womane passand Ninianis and wa.ntit expensis be the way, croun, Item, oft'erit to the bred in Lestalrig, j Fra.nch



Item, the last day of Januar, to William broadstar to,lon. 1511-12. pas to Sanet James, in elimose ij Franeh crounis, xxviij !!I.

Item, the first day of Februar, to pure folkis be the way and to the litle las, xij ct Item, tbe secund day of Februar, Candilmes day, for offerand to the candill, v Franch crounis, iij It. x it Item, to the Blak freris of Edinburgh,. . xiiij B. Item, the thrid day of Februar, offerit in Leith to Oure Lady Kirk of the New Havin, j Franch eroun, xiiij !!I. Item, to Sanet Blaise licht offerit, . . xiiij !!I. Item, to ane pure man of Murray to help byme hayme because he wantit expensis and to pure folkis in elimose, . ix it Item, the vij day of Februar, otIerit to Sanet Anthonis x ill. of the Crag, Item, the ix day of Februare, to ane pure man in elimose, . . xij ct Item, the xiij day of Februal', for oft'erand to the Quene of England saule miss, j Franch eroun, . xiiij!!l. Item, the xvij day of Februar, for three trigentalis missis of Oure Lady Banet Blase and Sanet Mary Magdalene, iij It. Item, to Sehir James Gorthy because he singis for the King and Quenis Gracis, iij Franch crounis, . xlij!!l. Item, to Maistel' Alexa~der Berclay to be destribute in elimose for the Kingis Grace, ij Franeh crounis, xxviij !!I. Item, to the beremite of May in elimose because he brocht ewnyngis to the King, xx !!I. Item, the xxiiij day of Februar, be My Lord Secretar for offerand in Lestalrig, j Franeh oroun, . xiiij!!l. Item, the xxvj day of Februar, to ane pur woman quhilk asit the court in the Newhavin and is fallin seik, iij ill.




Item, the last day of Februar, to the freris of Dumfreis, xiiij i!I. Item, be William Wod in Lestalrig for offerand, xilij i!I.



Item, the secund day of March, offerit to Oure Lady . xiiij it licht of the New Ravin, j Franch clOun, Item, the viij day of Marche, Sanct Duthois day,offerit to his lycht, . xiiij i!I. Item, the x day of Marche, offerit in Sanct Nycholll.Ce chapele in Leith, j Franch clOun, . xiiij i!I. Item, the xvij day of Marche, for offerand to Sanct Patrikis lycht, . xiiij So Item, send to Broune the aId preist at singis fol' the Kingis Grace in Striveling, ij Franch crounis, xxviij a. Item, the xxij day.of ::Marche, to Jame Dempstartoun at his passage to Sanct James to pray for the Kingis Grace, ij Franch crounis, . xxviij a. Item, the xxiij day of March, in Striveling, to my Lord Elimosinar for vj trigento.lis missis, vj It Item, the xxiiij day of Marche, in the Newhavin to the preist at said to the King and for to pray for his Grace, . xiiij a. Item, to Rne pur wyff and otheris pure folk, . xviij c1 Item, in Dunbertane for iij trigentalis of Our Lady, iij It Item, in Glasgow for three trigentalis, iij 11 Item, in Linlithqw for three trigeutalis, . iij It . Item, to Thomas Nomy, fule, in elimose at his passage to Sanct James, iiij Franch crounis, Ivj i!I. Item, the xxv day of Marche, to pure bamis and to ane pure man, ij a. viij c1 Item, for offerand in the chapele, . xilij i!I. Item, the xxix day of March, gewin for offerand to Sanct Ninianis chapele, vij i!I. Item, the last day of Marche, to pure folkie at Corstorphin and be the way, ij a. iiij c1 Item, offerit. in Kirklistoun, xilij a.





Item, the first day of Aprile, to the preist of Sanet Ninianis ehapele of the Bla.knes for offerand, x S. Item, to tua. pure wyffis, iiij ct Item, the secund day of Aprile, to the preist at said mis to the King, xiiij S. Item, the thrid day of Aprile, to the medwyff at held Adam of Cokburneis bame be the Kingis command, iij Franeh erounis, . xlij So Item, offerit in the ca.ndill at the font quhen the said bame was havin, j Franeh eroun, . xiiij S. Item, offerit the Sanet Patrikis licht deliverit be Schir Thomas Murray, . xiiij II. Item, the sam day in Leith, offerit j Franch eroun, xiiij II. Item, the ferd day of Aprile, offerit to Banet Myeha.elis licht in Linlithqw, . xiiij S. Item, the vj day of Aprile, to the Gray freris in elimose,


Item, the viij day of Aprile, to be elimose elathis agane the King and Qweuis distributionis in Cena Domini, boght of diverse prids xxiiij vj ~ elnie quhet, by thre dussone tua. elnis left of the last beir, viz., anno vexj, price, . xxxv It v ii. Item, for litteyne of the s&id niUj dussone vj ~ elnis qubet in blew, ilk dussone x S.; summa. xij It v s. v ct. Item, for schering of the samyn ela.ithis; ilk elne three half penneis; summa. xxxvj S. Item, for making of lxiij pace of the said elimose cla.this to fourty men and xxiij wemen; price pace xij ct; summa . iij It iij S. Item, for fourty pair schoyne to sa mony pure men, price pair xx ct; and for xxiij pair schone to samony pure wemen, price pair xij ct.; summa iiij It ix So viij ct




Item, for lxiij treyne platis, alsmony treyne stopis, samony cogis, xxx skalis, tua tubbis, and for cordis and tursing of thaim fra. Melros to Edinburgh and fra Edinburgh to Linlithqow, deliverit be the Maistir Cuik and Schir Thomas of Murray, iiij H. ij A. ij tt Item, to the Kingis distributionis in fourty pursis ; in ilk purse fourty xij d. grotis, to samony pure men, makand in the haile, lxxx H. Item, the samyn tyme, to the Quenis distributioun in xxiij pursis; in ilk purse xxiij Inglis pennies, for vj It. xij !I. iij d. samony pure wemen, makand Item, for ]xiij pursis to the said elimose, . v !I. Item, to the litilllas and hir marrowis in aImous, xij d. Item, the ix day of Aprile, Gud Friday, ofl'erit . xiiij l Item, one Pa.sche day for offerand att Communionem, xiiij a. Item, for ofl'erand at the hie mis, . xiiij A. Item, gewio in the candill that was put in the Princis hand at the Font at his having, . x A. Item, one Pa.sche Monunday for offerand, . . xilij A. Item, to the freris o(Lufnos, . xx A. Item, to four Y rland freris studentis of Sanctandrois, xx A. ane unicorne, . Item, the xiij day of Aprile, offerit to the licht of the freris of Linlithqw, . . xiiij it Item, for ofl'erand to the chapele, . xiiij A. Item, the xv day of Aprile, to ane Ybernian preist at past begand thrucht the hall, '" unicorne, x A. Item, the xvj day of April, in Leith offerit, . xiiij A. Item, to pure folkis be Schir J ohne Dingwall and the v !!. xj tt dene of Glasgew, Item, the xvij day of Aprile, offerit to Oure Lady chapele besid Powmachorne, x A. Item, in the Fawkirk for ane trigentale, xx !I. Item, for offerand thair, x A. Item, to pure begger at Leith and to utheris pur folk, xx d.



Item, the xviij day of Aprile, offerit to ane preistis first A.D. 1512.
m~ .~~

Item, to tua litile lawdis and to the litle las, viij d'. Item, the xix day of Aprile, be the Kingis speciall command, to auld pure honest waik men distribut, x H. Item, to tua lawdis singaris in elimose, . xiiij II. Item, the xxiij day of Aprile, Sanct Georgis day, offerit . xiiij II. to his licht in Linlithqw, . Item, offerit in the chapele of Polmathome, vij II. Item, the xxiiij day of Aprile, offerit at the King of Inglaundis saule mi88, . xiiij II. Item, the xxvij day of Aprile, to Maistir Laurence Taillefeir for offerand he debursat at the Kingis x~ command, ~ unicome, Item, the last day of Aprile, in Hammyltoun for foure trigentalis of Oure Lady, The Haly Spirit, Banct J uliane, and Sanct Nicholace, iiij H. Item, to the men at rang the bellis, iij II. Item, in Oure Lady Kirk of Kile offerit, xiiij II. Item, in Air for five trigentaJis, v It. MAIJ. Item, the first day of Maij, to sex pure bodeis in almose, . iij it Item, to the Gray freris in Air, xl A. Item, the secund day of Maij, to the freris of Irwyne and Air, ij Franch crounis, xxviij II. Item, the ferd day of Maij, in Air for v trigentalis, v tt. Item, for offerand in Oure Lady Kirk, x it Item, the v day of Maij, to ane Irland preist in almose, iij II. Item, the viij day of Maij, to lrland preistis in elimose, . . vij II. Item, the ix day of Maij, offerit in Linlithqw,. xiiij II. Item, the x day of Maij, gewin to mend the chapell of the Blaknese and for offeraund, . x it Item, the xvj day of Maij, in the Blaknese for oHerand, iij II.




Item, to Swagome, to pas to Oure Ladj of Steill in elimose, . . viij et Item, the xviij day of Maij, in elimose to diverse personis be the way and to the litle las and a pure la. wd, ij it Item, to Banet Ninianis lieht in the B1a.knes, . iij It Item, the xx day of Maij, the Ascensioun day for offerand, . . xiiij it Item, the xxj day of Maij, to the litill las and to a pure man, xx ct. Item, the xxv day of Maij, in Linlithqw for foure trigentalis missis, . iiij It Item, in Glasgew for iij trigentalis, iij 11. Item, the xxvj day of Maij, to ane pure lawd of the keching to by hyme elathis, x B. Item, to the pure las and hir fallow and ~ pure folk, . xxet Item, one Witsonday, the penult day of Maij, offerit, xxviij I.

Item, one Trinite Sonday, the ~j day of Junij, for offeraund to the bred in the Trinite College, .. xiiij I. Item, ~fferit to the reliquikis thair, . . xiiij I. Item, offerit at the hie miss thair, iij Franch erounis, xlij I. Item, one Corpus Christi day the x day of Junij, for offerand, . . xiiij I. Item, offerit to the Haliblude altar in Edinburgh, xiiij I: Item, the xj day of Junij, offerit at King James at last . xiiij I. decessit saule mise, . Item, the xiij day of J unij, offerit to Sanet Anthonis . xiiij I. lieht one the Crag, . Item, the xiiij day of Junij, gewin be the Kingis command to ane pure wyff in elim08e be Willie Wod and pait to him, . xiiij I. Item, the xviij day of .Tunij, in Abirlady, for tua. trigentalis, xl S.



Item, the xix day of Junij, Sanet Margaretis day, in A.D. 1612Edinburgh, otIerit to hir lieht and in the CftStele, xxiiij B. Item, offerit to Sanet Margaretis lieht in sanet Gelis . xilij B. Kirk, Item, the xx day of Junij, to the freris of Dumfreis, xilij B. Item, in elimose to ane pure wyff at broght strayberijs to the King, vij B. Item, the xxj day of J unij, to ane pure mane at the Blaknes and to uthir pure folk in elimose, vij B. vj d:. Item, the xxiij day of J unij, to Sanet Ninianis lieht in vij B. the Blaknese, otIerit ~ Franeh eroun, Item, to ane pure wyff at had hir husband in girtht in . xiiij B. Torphechin, in elimose, Item, one Sanet Johne the Baptist day, the xxiiij day of Junij offerit in Linlithqw, at the hie mese, j Franeh eroun, . xiiij B. . Item, offerit to Sanet J ohnis licht, . . xiiij it Item, to the freris of Striveling, . xiiij B. Item, the xxv day of Junij, offerit to Sanet Elois licht, xiiij B. Item, in Linelithgow, to Curreis wyff in elimose, xiiij B. Item, the xxviij day of Junij, offerit to Sanet Anthone one x B. the Crage, ~ unicome, Item, to ane pure wyff and v fadirles barnes, . xiiij B. Item, the xxix day of Junij, Sanet Peteris day, for offerand, . xiiij B. Item, the last day of Junij, for elimose, ij B.

Item, the secunde day of Julij, the Visitatioun of Oure Lady, offerit at the hie mise, xiiij S. Item, in Lestalrig, offerit to Oure Lady lieht, . xiiij B. Item, to pure barnes, . xiij <l. Item, the x day of J ulij, offerit in Sanet Ninianis ehapele in the Black N ese, xiiij B.



Item, the xj day of Julij, ill Lestalrig, for Our Lady licht, . xiiij a. Item, the xvij day of Julij, deliverit be the Mai.etir Maxwele for v trigentalis and pait to him agane, v n. Item, the xx day of Julij, in Linlithqw, to the freria of Inverkethin. be Wille Wode, . xiiij iI. Item, Sanct Margaretis day, offerit to hir licht, . xiiij iI. Item, the xxj day of Julij, for offerand at the chapele besid Polmothorne, . xiiij a. Item, the xxiiij day of J ulij, for offerand at Sanct Katherinis,. x a. Item, to pure folkis in elimose at the Poleich,. ij iI. Item, the xxv day of Julij, in Sanct Anthonis, for lycht, x a. Item, to the pure las, viij ct Item, to ane pure woman, . viij ct Item, offerit to Sanct James licht, xiiij iI. Item, the xxvj day of Julij, Sanct Annis day, offerit to hir licht in hir chapele, . xiiij a. Item, to Sanct Annis licht in Sanct Gelis Kirk,. xiiij S. Item, the xxviij day of Julij, to Sanct Ninianis licht .at the Brig end of Leith, v iI. Item, in Linlithqw, for ane trigentall misses, xx it Item, the uix day of Julij, to James Scott to gif to ane pure mane, iiij a. Item, the xvj day of Maij, gevin to Suaghome, . ix R. Item, to ane pure wyfl' with ane barne and to uthir pure folkis, in elimose, ix R. vj d.

Item, the first day of August, Sanct Peteria day, for offera.nd to his licht, . . xiiij R. Item, to Sanct Peteria licht in Sanct Gelis Kirk, to William Fokhert, . xiiij iI. Item, the ferd day of August, to Broun, the auld preist in Striveling at singis for the Kingis Grace, ij Franch crounis, xxviij R.



Item, the v day of August, to the Ha.liblud licht, xiiij S. A.D. 1512. Item, one the fest of All Relique, deliverit be Schir . xiiij S' Thomas of Murray, offerit in Lestalrig, Item, the vij day of August, for offerand in Lestalrig, laid doun be the provest of Edinburgh, . xiiij S. Item, the Viij day of August, for offerand to Sanct Antonis of the Crage, '" }'ranch croun, . vij S. Item, to ane pur las in elimose, iiij" d. Item, gevin be Schir Thomas of Murray in Lestalrig for offerand, . . xiiij i!I. Item, the x day of August, for Sanct Laurence licht, vij R. Item, be Williame Wod for elimose in the way, ij S. Item, the xv day of August, the Assumptioun of Oure Lady, for offerand, . xiiij R. Item, to the persone of Disart for debursat silvir be him in the Newhavin and utheris places at diverse tymez in elimose, . xiiij R. Item, to my Lorde Elimosillar for sex trigenta.lis mi88is, five of the .A.ssumptioun and ane of Sanct Roche, vj 11. Item, deliverit be the Maister Maxwele to the blak xxviij S. freris, ij Franch crounis, Item, oft'erit to Sanct Rochis licht, j" Franch croun, xiiij it Item, in elimose be the way, . xx ct Summa totalis Elimosinarum, iXClj 11. xj R. ij ct. TENET A.


Item, the secund day of September, fra Johne Fischeau.D.I511. deliverit to J ohne Formane, to be the Kingis Grace, tua tippetis, iij elnis taifatisj price elne viij S. j summa xxiiij s.




Item. the sam tyme fra him. xiij elnis braid silkyne rubanis for the Kingis bonettis; price elne xvj d.; summa . xvij I. iiij ct. Item. the xiiij day of September. fro. Johne Fischear to be the King ane scbamvart and ane gret parplait. vij elnis and half ane quartar gray sandre; price elne viij Ii. xj I. xiiij I.; summa Item. fra. James Arbukle to bordoure the samyn schamvart iiij elnis tafJ'ates of the cord; price elne xiiij I.; summa . lvj I. Item, the xv day of September. fra Richard Hoppar vij J' elnis bwk welvot to be the King ane coit with xvj H. x rI. sclewiz. price elne xliiij I.; summa Item. fra llaister Johne of Murray to lyne the said coit ij elnis iij q uartaris scarlet; price elne iij H.; summa viij H. v rI. Item. fra James Arbukle iij qua.rta.ris ta.ft'atis to be ane belt to the King with the said coit; price x rI. vj ct. Item. to lyne the samyn j quartar pund ca.ddes; price ixd. Item. the xviij day of September. fra my Lord Thesaurar of the Kingis awne crammesy satyne to be the King ane gret doublat. deliverit iij elnis iij quartaris. Item. the sam tyme deliverit of the said crammesy satyne ij elois iij quartaris to be the King ane narrow doublet. Item. to lyne the samyn tane fra Maister J oboe of Murray j elne J' quartar scarlete; price elne iij H. ; summa iij H. vij l vj d. Item. fra. Maister Johne of Murray vj quartaris scarlet to be the King ane pair say brekis; price elne iij H. ; summa iiij H. x rI. Item. to wayne the samyn and to be cuffis to the said narrow doublete half ane eloe welvot; price xxij rI. Item. fro. James J ohnestoun to be the King ane litill coit twa elnis Kendilly; price elne v rI.; summa xl



Item, the xx day of September, send to the King in the .D. Hill. Newhavin to his us ane elne blak t&ft'atis; price xiiijR. Item, fra fader frost to the Kingis use xx elnie iij quartaris silkyne rubanie; price elne xij d.; summa xx . ix d. Item, fra J ohne Fischear twa unce sma.llar silkyne rubanis for poyntie to the King; price unce vi,i .; summa . xiiij . Item, fra Maieter Johne' of Murray to be twa pair of schetis to the King, xlij elnis Holland claitht; price elne vj .; summa xij It. xij a. Item, to be hed schetis to the King, v elnis Holland claitht; price elne viij .; summa xl R. Item, to be the King nycht curchis boght vj elnis of the samyn Holland claith; price elne viij R.; summa xlviij S. Item, to be uthir hed schetie to the King, v elDis Holland claith ; price elne vj i;. ; summa . xxx . Item, the xxij day of September, fra France Towris deliverit to J ohne Forman tua scarlet hattie to the King; price xx R. Item, fra Richard Hoppar vj elnie Rowane russat gevin be the Kingis command to J ohne Formane to be hyme ane coit because the King gaif hie coit to Sande Makculloch; price elne xvj R.; summa iiij It. xvj it Item, fra Richard Hoppar j elne ij quartaris welvot to be ane body of ane coit to the King; price elne xliiij R.; summa iij It. vj a. Item, the xxiiij day of September, fra Maister Johne of Murray v elnis skerlet to be the King ane schip sclop with ane hud; price elne iij It.; summa xv 11 Item, to wayne the samyn j elne ij quartaris welvot; price iij It. vj a. Item, to J ohne Forman tua skerlet bonettie for the King; price pece xij a.; summa . xxiiij It



~.D. 1511.

Item, the first day of October, fra Schir Alexander Lauder ane doubill st~ik gray chamlot to be the Kingis Grace ane gowne j price . x 11. Item, to bordoure the samyn gowne twa elnis and j quartar weluus j price elne, xliiij ill. j summa iiij 11. ix it Item, to Lance Ferry for ane lyning gray powtis till it, xviijIt Item, the ix day of October, for twa stekis tanne chamlot to be the King ane riding coit j price xj It Item, to bordoure the samyo coit, ij ~ elnis welvot j price elne xliiij l j summa . v It x I. Item, about the sam tyme, fra Richard Hoppar deliverit to J ohne Formane iiij ~ elnis Rowane greis disponit eftir the Kingis ordinance maid thairapone j price elne xvj l j summa. iij 11. xij it Item, the xiiij day of October, to J onet Rowart fol' xviij Romani buge to the furnesing of ane of the Kingis gounis; price pace vj I.; summa vj 11. vj I. Item, the xvj day of October, fra 60ung Johne Adamsone xviij ~ elnis blak velvot to be the King ane gret coit with ane Almane collar; price elne xliiij A.; summa . xl It. xiiij I. Item, to be ane belt to the samyn coit iij quartaris tafi'atis; price . x A. vj ct. Item, for j quartar pund caddes to stuff the aamyo belt,


Item, the xx day of October, fra Johne Fischear to J ohne Formane ij elnis iij q uartaris tafi'atis to be the King twa tippetis; price . xxij A. Item, the xxij day of October, fra Lance Ferry iij elnis j quartar weluus to be the King ane doublet; price elne xliiij I. j summa vij It iij I. Item, the xxiij da.y of October, fra J onete Irlaunde to be the King ane coit v ~ elnis j nRill Scottie tanne grause; price eloe 1 I. vj c1; summa xlviij I.



Item, put in the taill of the samyn coit iiij elnis blak A.D. 1611. gray ; price elne xvj d.; summa v R. iiij d. Item, the xxvij day of October, fra Maister Jo.hne of Murray twa elnis skerlet to be the King tua pair hoise; price elne iij It.; summa . vj It. Item, for lyning and bordoure of weluus to thaim, xv!'l. Item, for punctis to thaim, . viij d. Item, deliverit be MaiRter Johne of Murray to Johne Forman tua skerlet bonettis for the Kingis Grace j price xxviij R. Item, for ane quartar unce rubanis to the Kingis bonettis, v R. iij d.

Item, the ferd day of November, fra Maister Johne of Murray, iij elnis crammesy satyne to be the Kyng harnes doublete j price eIne iij It. x R. j summa. x n. x s. Item, for ane quartar weluus to lyne the collar and cums
~~ ~l

Item, fra. Mychek Makquhome, xvj elnis iij quartaris blak weluus to be ane mort claitht, to ly one King James the Secundis tum be in Halirudhouse j price elne xxxvj It. xvij R. xliiij R. j summa Item, to l,ne the samyne, xviij ~ elnis blak fustiane j price elne, ij iI. x t1 j summa lij S. v ct. Item, to Thome Edgar for the fa.ssone of it, . xiiij R. Item, to brodour the Kingis armez one it, ix hankis gold; xlva. price hank v R.; summa Item, to the samyn armez, half ane elne 68.11ow taffatis j price vlij R. Item, to the samyn, half ane unce red'sewin silk; price . ij S. vj ct. Item, to the samyn, j unce 68.llow and j unce blak sewin x R. silk j price Item, the v day of November, boght tua eInis quhete to be the King ane pair hoise; price elne iiij R. j summa viij 1I.




Item, the vj 'day of November, to Maister' Johne Murray for twa red bonettis to the King, the pece xiiij R. ; summa xxviij II. Item, the sam day, fra Maistel' Johne of Murray, twa elnis red skerlet to be the King twa pair boise, the elne iij It; summa vj U. Item, the ix day of November, fra William Hoppar viij ~ elnis blak "eluus to be the King ane coit with sclevez; price elne xl vj II.; summa xx U. xij d. Item, to lyne the samyn fra Maister Johne of Mul'ra.y, iij elnis skerlet; price elne iij U. ; summa ix U. Item, for iij quartaris taft'atis to be ane belt to the samyn, x II. vj 4. Item, the xij day of November, boght xij elnis rubanis to be ane string to the Kingis quhissill of gold; price elne xij ct; summa . xij II. Item, the xvj day of November, fra William Bassindane, v marykyne skynnis to ane sadill and harnesing of the of the Kingis mule; price pece viij II.; summa xl it Item, to cover the harnesing of tbe samyn, iij elnis j quartar ~ nail blak welvot; price elne xliiij iI. ; summa vij U. iiij II. vj ct ob. Item, fra Johne Fischear, j pund blak sawin silk, to be frenzeis to the samyn; price . iiij U. Item, to James the Rossis wyff for wiffing of the said frenzeis, . . xviij II. Item, to William Smytht for the haill harnesing ungilt in bukkillis, pendasis, juncturis, naillis and utheris neceBBaris thairto, iij U. xij d. Item, to Johne Curroure, goldsmitht, to gilt the said harneBBing, v crosat ducatis makand, iiij U. xv AItem, to the said Johne for his lahouris and gilting of the samyn, xxviij II. Item, to cover the said sadill, ij elnis j ~ quartar weluus ; price elne xliiij It; summa. . v U. iiij II. vj d. Item, to lyne the samyn, ij elnis fustiane; price elne iij II.; summa . vj II. Item, the xxiiij day of November, fra Maister Johne of



Murray tua red skerlet bonettis to the King; price A.D. 1511. pece xiiij II.; summa . xxviij R. Item, to Arthure Bruse for ane skerlete bonet to the King deliverit be the dene of GJasgew, iij Franch crounis, . . . . xlij II. Item, the xxvj day of November, fra Edward Litill v ~ elnis skerlet to be the King ane cloik of the Spao;;ee fassone ; price eIne 1 II.; summa . xj 11. v. it Item, to bordoure the samyn ij ~ elnis blak weluus; v 11. x II. price eIne xliiij s. i summa Item, to Maister Johne of Murray for tua hattis he deliverit to the Kingis Grace in Aprile precedent this compt, . xvj II.

Item, the ix day of December, to be the King ane gret doublete ressavit iij e1nis iij quartaris of the Kingis awne crammesy satyne. Item, to be ane narrow doublete to the King, deliverit to Thome Edgar, tail;;our, ij eInis iij quartaris of the samyn satyne. Item, to the cuffis and collar of it, j ~ naill weluus i price iiij II. j 4. Item, to be the King ane wyd doublete fra MaistirJohne of Murray, iij elnis iij quartaris blak satynB; price eIne xxx II. i summa . v 11. xij II. vj 4. Item, the x day of December, fra Maister Johne of Murray to be the King ane hogtoun coit, vij ~ eInis blak welvot i price elne xlv II.; summa xvj 11. xvij II. vj d. Item, to be ane belt to the samyn, iij quartaris tafi'atis; price x II. vj do Item, to Iyne the said coit boght I Romany buge; price pece vj II. viij 4.; summa. . xvj It xiij R. iiij 4. Item, to be the King schone ane elne weluus; price xliiij II. Item, the xiij day of December, fra Maister Johne of




Murray to be the King sarkis, xvj elnis iij quartaris Holland claitht; price elne xij s.; summa x It xij d. Item, the xvj day of December, to be the King ane gret goune boght tua stekis iiij}6 elnis tanlle chamlot; price of the tua stekis xj 11. ; summa, with the iiij ~ elnis, xiij It. xvj s. vij 4. ob. Item, to begary the samyn of allosynewise iiij elnis weluus; price elne xliiij it; summa . viij It xvj s. Item, to Lance Ferry for ane lyning of tod pultis to the samyn goune, . xviij It. Item, agane 3ule to be the Kingis Grace ane goune deliverit xviij ~ elnis of the Kingis awne purpour weluus lynit with his awne mertrikis. Item, the samyn tyme, to be the Kingia Grace ane doublet deIiverit of the samyne purpur weluus, iij elnis iij quartaris. Item, the xx day of December, to be the King ane Syone coit xj ~ elnis blak satyne; -price elne xxx it ; summa xvij 11. v s. Item, to lyne the sam coit iij mantillis of toddis; price of the mantill xxx 8.; summa iiij It. x s. Item, the xxii~i day of December, to Patrik Heriot for three arras clathis to hing in the Thesauraris chammer viij It. quhair the Franche ambussat eit at 3u1e,. Item, boght to lyne the Kingis gowne of claith of gold agane 3ule five skoir and tua Romany buge; price pece vj S. viij 4.; summa . xxxiiij 11. Item, for poyntis to His Grace, bocht iij lInce blak . xviij s. ru banis ; price unce vj s.; summa Item, for hed schetis to the King, x elnis Holland claith ; xl B. price elne iiij 8.; summa Item, for fuit schetis to His Grace, xij elnis Bertane . xxvj S. claith; price elne ij fl. vj 4.; summa Item, for His Grace tua double nekkit bonettes and tua single nekkit bonettis; price pece xij S.; summa xlviij fl. Item, for ane Flandris blak hat to the King, . xij S. Item, to be tua tippetis, iij elnis taffatis; price xxiiij iJ



Item, for the Kingis bonettis, iij unce half ane quartar A.D. 1611. braid rubanis ; price . xxij it ix It. Item, vj elnis small rubanis; price. iiij B.

Item, the ferd day of Januar, to lyne ane goune of the A.D. 1511-12. Kingis awne blak welvot boght sevin skoir and x lIt. Romany buge j pece vj B. viiij It. j summa Item, boght be Johne Fonnan iiij spungis and xij gret xx B. kamis j price . Item, the ix day of Januar, to be the King ane coit boght iiij elnis welvot j price elne xlvj B.; summa ix It. iiij B. Item, to ]yne the sam coit tua mantillis fUD6eis; price of the mantill v 11.; summa . x It. Item, the xiij day of Januar, to be the King twa pair hois boght tua. elnis skerlet; price elne 1 it; summa v H. Item, the xix day of Januar, to be the King ane coit witht sclevez boght x ~ elnis weluus j price eloe xlvj B.; summa . xxiiij It. iij S. Item, deliverit to the Kingis use v quartaris weluus; Iv S. price elne xliiij S.; summa . Item, siklik tua elnis Holland c1aith; the elne vj S.; summa xij S. Item, the xx day of Januar, fro. Maister Henry Hoppar to be the King ane coit iiij elnis gray sandre; price . iiij H, xvj S. eloe xxiiij B.; summa Item, to lyne the said coit boght xxxij Franche toddis; .' viij It. price pece v S.; summa Item, the xxiiij day of Januar, to Johne Formane for the Kingis use ane Flandris red bat; price . xvj it Item, the sam tyme, ane Flandris b1a.k hat; price ix it Item, the sam tyme, to His Gl'8.Ce, tua. double nekkit xxviij S. bonettis ; price pace xiiij S.; summa Item, the sam tyme, fra Maister Johneof Murray, to'be the King ane hogtoun viij elnis blak weluus; price of the elne xlvj it; summa . xviij H. viij S.




Item, to wayne the said coit tane fra ane uthir marchand half ane elne weluus; price .. xxiij it Item, to the belt of the samyn iij quartaris tafi'atis; price x R. vj ct Item. to furneis furtht the lyning of the said hogtoun boght xij martrik skynnis quhilkis it wantit of the Kingis awne lyning; price pece ix it; summa v It. viij it

Item, the v day of Februar, fra MaisterJohne of Murray, to be the King ane nycht gowne vij ~ elnis gray sandre; price of the alne xviij R ; summa vj It. xv R. .. Item, to wayne the said goune v quartmis weluUB; price lvij R. vj d. Item, coft to lyne the samyn goune vij mantillis tod pultis; price of the mantill xxiiij .; summa viij It viij it Item, boght to the Kingis bonettis xxj ~ elnis braid ru banis; price elne [xij] d.; summa xxj fl. vj d. Item, to the Kingis Grace iij elnis tafi'atis for tippetis; price elne viij R.; summa . . xxiiij R. Item, the xj day of Februar fra Maister Henry Hoppar to be the King ane cloik iij elnis j ~ quartar gray sandre; price elne xxiiij lI.; summa . iiij It. xij d. Item, to begary the said cloik iij quartaris weluUB; price xxxiiij II. vj ct Item, to be the King ane coit x~ elnis blak weluU6; price elne xl vj lI. ; summa . xxiiij It. iiij R. Item, the xix day of Februar, to be the King ane coit, iiij elnis Rowane gray; price elne xj R. ; summa xliiij R. Item, to lyne the said coit tua elnis 6a.llow clath, price elne xij lI.; summa . xxiiij II. Item, the xxviij day of Februo.r, to Johne the Mar, skynner, for x dU880ne pair gluffis, the homyng of xxiiij dU880ne silkyne poyntis, xviij dU880ne Raphflle poyntis, three schuting gluffis, the dichteyne of ane



selk skyne, foure alnis rubanis and for ane 00g to keip A.D. 1511-12. the Kingis sarkis, all deliverit befoir this day as his iiij It. xj II. bile of compt bure in it,

Item, the ix day of Marehe, to be to the King ane doublete iij elnis iij quartaris blak satyne ; price elne xxvj II. viij 4. ; summa v It. Item, to be the King twa pair hoise boght, ij eInis skerlet; price eIne 1 II.; summa . v It. Item, the xv day of Marche, to be the King aIle doublete iij" elnis fyne crammesy welvot; price elne vj It. j summa . . xxj It Item, to be the King ane gowne, boght xvij eIllis blak satyne; price e1ne xxviij s.; summa xxiij It xvj II. Item, to bordoure the !!aid goune iiij elnis blak welvot; price elne xliiij II. ; summa . . viij It. xvj II. Item, to lyne the said goune boght foure skoir Franche toddis j price pece v II. ; summa . xx It. The quhilk toddis eftir thai war lynit in the said goune, be the Kingis command, war translatit out of it and put in ane goune of blak chamlot lynit with fun;;eis, and the fUD6eis thaireftir war lynit in this satyne ; price heirof vij It. x II. Item, boght to be ane ruff of ane leit de camp to the King, elnis greyne burge satyne; price eIne x It xiiij II. vj ct. xj II.; summa . Item, to lyne the samyn, boght xv elnis fustiane; price eIne ij II.; summa . xxx II. Item, to be courtingis to the samyn xvj" elnis greyue taffatis; price ewe xiiij II.; summa xj It. iiij II. Item, to hyog the said cortingis xxxij eInis greyne rubanis; price e1ne viij ct.; summa xxj R. iiij 4. Item, for the fassouo of it, xx II. Item, the xxv day of Marehe, to be the King ane grete A.I>. 1512. doublete, iij e1nis iij quartaris cramesy welvot; price alne iiij It.; summa . xv H.





Item, the xxviij day of Marche, to J ohne Forman for the King foure skerlet cappis; price pece xiiij A. j summa lvj A. Item, to be the King ane pair hoise, j elne j}4 quartar skerlete carsay; price elne xxij iI.; summa xxx iI. iij <1. Item, to be the King ane uthir pair hois j elne j ~ quartar quhet carsay; price elne x iI.: summa xiij iI. ix <1.

Item, the first day of Aprile to be the King ane coit boght vij ~ elnis Rowane greise; price elne xvj A. ; summa vj H. Item, to lyne the sRmyn, iiij elnis blak gray; price elne vj A. xviij ct ; summa Item, to be the King ane cloik iiij elnis j quartar of the samyn claith ; price elne xvj iI.; summa iij H. viij A. Item, to bordoure the samyn, iij ~ quartaris welvot; price xxxix iI. iiij d. ob. Item, the x day of Aprile, deliverit to Johne Forman for the Kiogis chaumer, vj fedder beddis and vj boaterit fillit with Levand federis; price pece in all coatis, v H.; summa . xxx H. Item, to His Grace, xvj pair Flandris gluffis; price ix iI. Item, to J ohne Forman for the Kingis Grace, twa bonettis; price. xxviij iI. Item, tane be Johne Forman for the Kingis bonettis, :xix elnis iij quartarls braid rubanis; price elne xij ct.; summa . xix iI. ix ct. Item, the xxj day of Aprile, boght fro. Edward Litill to be the King ane coit with braid bordouris, vij '" elnis q uhete Rowane gray; price elne xij iI.; summa iiij H. x A. Item, the xxj day of Aprile forsaid, tane half ane eloe crammesy satyne to fumeise ane doublet satyne



crammesy gevin be the Bischop of Murray to the A.D. 1512King it wantit j price xl il Item, the xxij day of Aprile, deliverit to the King ane xvj A. red Flandria hatt j price xij A. Item, for ane tepat to the said hat, .

Item, the secund day of Maij, in Air, for twa elnis iij quartaria braid greyne, boght to be the King ane cloik and for the fassoun of it and all necessaria thairto, xxxvij A. iiij tl Item, the vj day of Maij, in Air, for ane plaid to be the King ane coit, . . viij A. Item, the xj day of Maij, fro. Maister Johlle of Murray to be the King ane doublete, tua eillis iij quartaris satyne crammesy j price elne iij It. xv S. j summa x It. vj R. iij d. Item, to the King, tua gray bevir hattis j price pece ij R. viij d., and tua tippetis to thame j price pece xij R. j summa . . xxix R. iiij d. Item, the xviij day of Maij, to Johne Huntar for three silkyne hattis to the Kingis Grace, vj Franch crounis, iiij It. iiij !'I. Item, the xxv day of Maij, boght fra James Johnestoun be Thome Edzar to be the King ane coit with braid bordouris, xiij elnis Kendille j price elne v R. j summa . iij It. v R. Item, fra Maister Johne of Murray, to be the King tua pair hoise, ij elnis skerlete j price elne Iv !'I. j summa vlt.xR. . Item, ressa.vit furtht of the wardrop xv elnis tanne satyne quhilk the Bischop of Murray gail to the King to be hyme ane schamvert. Item, to poynt and bordoure the samyn, vij ~ elnis and half ane qua.rta.r blak welvot, and to be hyme ane bonet, iij~ qua.rta.rls welvotj price elne xlvj !'I.; summa xix If. xj !'I.




Item, to be frenzeis to the said bonete, half ane unce sewin silk; price, ij s. vj ct. I tem, to lyne the said bonet, j ~ q uartar satyue; price, ix a.. Item, for canves to put betuix the lyning and the utir half of the bonet, . viij tt Item, to Iyne the said schamvert vij mantillis pultis; xv Ii viij R. price mantill xliiij it; summa Item, for sawin silk to the baissein of the lining of it, ij I. vj tt

Item, the vij day of Junij, to the King, ane Flandris batt; price x R. Item, deliverit to J ohne Forman for sarkis to the King xxix elnis Holland claith; price elne viij a.; summa xj Ii xij a.. Item, for rubanis and pOylltis to the Kingis bonettis deliverit to Johne Forman, xxxvj elnis rubanis; price xxxvj a.. Item, the xx day of Junij, to Thome Ed6ar ilij elnis iij quartaris iij ~ naillis blak welvot to be the King ane litill coit; price elne xlvj R.; summa ix 11. ij II. vij ct Item, deliverit of the Kingis awne satin at was gottin fra the Bischop of Murray, ij elnis iij qllartaris to be the King ane doublet. Item, to the cuJfis of the sam doublet boght j ~ naill welvot; price . iiij II. iiij ct. Item, the xxij day of Junij, to be the King ane riding coit tane fra Maister J ohne of Murray tua stekis tanne chamlot; price xj Ii Item, to bordoure it iiij elnis blak welvot; price elne ix 11. iiij I. xlvj a.; summa Item, to lyne the said coit boght vij elnis Holme6 fustiane in the body and scleiffis; price elne iij iI.; summa . . xxj I.



Item, to lyne the taill of the said coit iiij ~ elnis Scottis A.D. 1612. blak j price elne x II. j summa xlv II. I tern, fra Edward Litill to be the King ane litill coit, iiij elnis t&Dne satyne j price elne xxx 8.; summa vj It Item, fra James Winchester, to lyne the said coit, three dussone of Franche crapis; price dU880ne viij II.; summa . xxiiij II. Item, fra Maister J ohne of Murray to be the King ane singill goune xviij ~ elnie blak satyne; price elne xxv It xviij II. xxviij a.; summa Item, to bordoure the sam goune iij ~ elnis blak welvot ; . viij It. xij ct price elne xlvj II.; summa. . Item, the xxvj day of Junij, to James B8.88indin for ane schapioun and ane beyer deliverit be him to Johne Forman for the King, v It. Item, fra Maister Johne of Murray to be the King ane cloik iiij elnis skerlet; price e1ne Iva.; summa xj It. Item, to bordoure the same cloik iij quartaris weluus ; price xxxiiij II. vj ct Item, to be the King ane coit abone his hames, fra Maister Johne of Murray, ilij ~ elnis and half ane qWl.rtar blak satyne, price elne xxviij a., and fra Johne Broun iiij ~ elnis half ane quartar 6allow satyne for the tothir half; price elne xxxij a.; summa xiij It. v a. vj ct. Item, vij elnis rubanis for poyntis to it j price va. ilij ct Item, to Johne Formane half ane e1ne bla.k satyne to the xij a. Kingis creasens of maiJ6ie ; price. Item, to lyne thame ane elne Mullane fustiane; price iij II. Item, to Johne Formane for the King, tua blak bonettis; price xxviij a.

Item, the vij day of Julij. to Johne Formane. iij elnis taffatis. to be the King twa tippetis ; price xxxiiij II.




Item, to be the King poyntis j unce rubanis; price vj . Item, the xiij day of J ulij, to William Sym, burges of Edinburgh, for xxiij paire glums tane be Johne Forman to the King; price . xxiij . Item, to Johne Davidsone, cordinare, for brodikinnis, schone, butis, platit, and schort and all uthir stuff, deliverit be hyme to the Kingis use fra the viij day of August last bipast inclusive to the secund day of August thairefter following exclusive within the tyme of this compt, as his compt maid thairone at diverse tymez particulary bure in it at lentht and examinat, xxv It xj A. Item, the xxviij day of Julij, boght in Striveling to the King ane pair of butis eftir the Dene of Glasgewis buk; price . xiiij . Item, the last day of Julij, fro. Maister Johne of Murray to be the King twa pair hoise, twa elnis skerlet; price v 11. x A. elne Iv it; summa

tern, the secund day of August, fra James J ohnestoun to be tho King ane riding coit, xiiij elnis Kendille; iij 11. x a. price elne v it; summa Item, the vij day of August, to Johne Formane, for the x i!I. King ane Flandris hatt; price Item, for ane tepat tafi'lI.tis to it, xij i!I. Item, the xiij day of August, fra Mllister Johne of Murray to lyne ane singill gowne blak satin befoir writin to the King, xij elnie blak tafi'lltis ; price eloe xij A.; summa . vij 11. iiij a. Item, boght fra Pait Heriot xv elnis gray satyne, disponit efter the Kingis ordinance; price elne xxxij a. ; summa xriiijlt Item, boght and disponit with the said satyne v elnis blak wei vet ; price elne xlvj a.; summa xj 11. x a. Item, boght fro. Adam Kel'kettill to be the King ane goune, xviii'" elois blak welvot; price eloe 1 A. ; xlvj 11. v S.



Item, to lyne the sam goone, fra Maister 'Johne of A.D. 1512. Murray, sex skoir sextein Romany buge; price pece vj i'I. viij d.; summa . xlv It. vj i'I. viij ct. Item, to furneis furtht the said lynyng deliverit fourtein Romany buge attour the premissis; price pece vj it viij 4.; summa. .. iiij It. xiij R. iiij C!. Summa vestimentorum Regis, jmiijcxlj It. iij i'I. iiij ct ob. TENET A. [During this period the King had the following articles :-Coats-six velvet, four rowan grey, one of russet, ten grause, greyeandre and Kentdale; besides three" little coats" of Kentdale, velvet, and tan eatin respectively; Doublets-broad and narrow, five of crimson satin, four of velvet, ten of black satin; six gowns, two being of black satin and the remainder of purple and black velvet and grey and tan camlet; three cloaks, grey, scarlet, and green, besides a Spanish cloak, a great coat with an almane collar, two riding coats and several other coats of special characters j fifteen hats, eighteen bonnets and four caps, besides hose, sheets, &0.]


Item, the xj day of September, boght fra Patrik Heriot A.D. lIill. to be the Quenis Grace ane gowne, xvj elnis tanne welvot; price elne Iv i'I.; summa. . xliiij It.




Item, for blak gray to the platis of the said goune, ij B. iiij ct. Item, the last day of September, fra Walter 30ung to be the Quenis Grace ane gowne, xvj elnis tanne satyne; price elne xxviij B. vj ct. ; summa xxij 11. xvj B. Item, till it, iiij elnie weivet; price elne xliiij s.; summa viij 11. xvj 1 Item, send to Hir Grace to Striveling iij quhet hattie; price pece vj B.; summa . xviij 1 Item, to James Dog, viij elnie quartar Holland claith for the Quene; price elne xij B.; summa iiij 11. xix B.

Item, the vj day of October, fra Thome Edgar, xxv elnis blak gray, to be ane patroun of ane goune to the Quene; price . xxxiij R. iiij ct. Item, the xiiij day of October, fra Maister Johne of Murray, to be the Quenis Grace ane gouDe with narrow scleiffis, xij elnis blak w(>1vot; price elne xliiij it; summa . xxvj H. viij R. Item, for blak gray to the platis of it, ij B. iiij ct. I tem, to Robert Spittele, tai160ur to the Quenie Grace, for ix ~ quartaris Scottis blak to lyne 0. kirtill of quhet satin maid of ane translo.tit goune, the e1ne xiiij R; item, for sewin silk till it, xij d.; item, for vij ~ elnis bukrame to lyne ane goune Franch gray ; price xvij it ij ct.; item, for black gray to the platis of it, and sewyne silk till it, iiij R. iiij; summa Iv R. ix ct. Item, the xx dn.yof October deliverit to James Dog for . xxiiij I. the Quenis use, j elne satyne; price Item, to the said James, twa hattis for the Quene; price . xii\l R. pece vij B.; summa . Item, to Hir Grace fra Johne Fischear, ane unce greyne ru banis; price. vij R. Item, xxj day of October, fra Maister Johne of Murray deliverit to Robert Spittele, tai16our, j elne ij ~ quartaris crammesy satin to eik ane goune crammesy



sat:.u gewin be the Kingis to hir Grace; price elne A.D. 1611. iij It xl; summa v H. xiij l ix a. Item, the xxvj day of October, fra Maister Johne of Murray, sex unce sewin silk; fro. William Frog, tua unce sawin silk; and fra ~ong J ohne Adam.80ne, iiij unce sawin silk, all deliverit to the Quenis iij 11. Grace ; price unce v I. ; summa . Item, to hir Grace, fra Maister Johne of Murray, xij hankie gold; price hank v I.; summa iij H. Item, fra Eduard Litill, to be the Quene sclevez, vj elnis quhete and bSllow taffatis; price elne xiiij R.;
~mma .~H.%l

Item, fra Maister Johne of Murray, to be [the] Quene stomokis, j elne crammesy satyne; price iij H. x A. Item, to James Winchester, for viij martrik sabill put in it and werkmenschip thairof, . vj I. viij d:. Item, for uthir stomokis to hir Grace, j elne russat satyne; price . . xxx S. Item, fra Maister Henry Hoppar, ane fyne blew mantill to the Quene; price . v H. Item, for vj quartaris canves to turs the sam to Striveling, . xviij d:.

Item, the ferd day of December, fra Maister Johne of Murray, xij elnis sinaIl Holland claith to be the Quene . . vij 11. ilij iJ. sarkis; price elne xij l; summa. Item, to the Quenis Maister Elimosinar, xxiiij elnis Bertane claith to he albis and towellis to the Quenis altar; price el11e ij R. ij a.; summa lij R. Item, the v day of December, fra Maister Johne of Murray, to be the Quene ane kirtill, vj elnis iij quartaris crammesy satin; price elne iij 11. x S.; summa xxiij 11. xij S. vj a. Item, to be ane stomok to the sam kirtill, half ane eloe blak satyne; price xij II.




Item, tane be James Dog fra Patrik Heriot, ij elnis iij quartaris iij ~ naillis crammesy satyoe deliverit to the Quenis Grace at Pa.sche, precedand this compt: price elne iiij It and j eloe uthir cra.mesy satyne j price iij H. x II. j summa xv It. vij II. vj ct. Item, the xij day of December, to Johne Davidsooe, cordinar, j elne weluus to be the Quene schone j price xliiij II. Item, viij ~ elnis :5a.llow rubanis to the Quene j price elne x ct. j summa vij . j ct. Item, the xiij day of December, to be the Quene hudis, twa elois welvot; price elne xliiij II.; summa iiij It. viij II. Item, to be schaiffronis to the sam hudis, half ane eloe crammesy ; samyne price . . xxxv II. Item, the xviij day of December, to be schaiffroois to llthir hudis, half a elne and half a quartar crammesy satin j price . xliij II. ix (t Item, j ~ quartar j naill crammesy satyne, to be the Quene ane stomok; price . xxx R. vij ct. ob. Item, to Thome Edgar, for the fassone of it, . xij ct. Item, ressavit ij elnis RiBBillis blak to be the Quene hois; price elne xxvj R. viij ct.; summa liij R. iiij ct. Item, the xix day of December, to hir Grace, j uoce greyne rubanis; price vj II. Item, to Schir Thomas of Murray to be gevin to eik the Quenis collar, of gold, xv crosatis j Hary noble xvij It ij l. and ane hp.lf of wecht; summa .



Item, the viij day of Januare, to the Quenis Grace, xij elois crisp; price elne iij it vj ct.; summa . xlij R. Item, the xvij day of Januare, to be the Quene ane nicht goune, xij elnis blak fyne satyne; price eloe xxviij II. ;
~ma .~It~l



Item, to the platis of the samyn, ane elne and half ane A.D. 15l1-1~. quartar quhet claith; price elne ij B.; summa ij B. iij ct. Item, to the taill of it, half ane elne bukrame; price xiiij ct. Item, the xx day of Januar, fra Maister Johne of Murray, xxxv eInis j quartar Holland claith, price elne viij S.; and fra Johne of Glene, xliij elne Holland claith, price eIne viij B.; and fra Francy Spottiswod, xij eIne Holland claith, price eIne vj i'I.; all deliverit to James Dog for hed schetis, fut schetis, and codwaris to the Quenis Grace; summa xxxiiij It. xviij i'I. Item, to be berying schetis to the Quenis Grace, agane the birtht of the Prince, xvj elnis small Bertane claith; price elne ij i'I. iiij d.; summa xxxvij i'I. iiij 1. Item, for schetis to the Quenis gentillwemen, three dussone Bertane claith ; price dU880ne xxviij i'I.; summa iiij It. iiij i'I. Item, for blancattis to the Quenis bed, iij boltis Holmis fustiane; price bolt xxxij i'I.; summa . iiij It. xvj i'I. Item, to Hir Grace vj elnis doubill quhet taffatis; price elne xv i'I.; summa iiij It x i'I. Item, the xxviij day of Januar, to be ane braid purfele to ane goune of blak welvot and for twa cuffis to the samyn, vij ~ eInis crammesy welvot j price - elne vj It.; summa . . xxv It. Item, to Robert Spetale, taiJ.6our to the Quenis Grace, for sawin silk, fustiane, skynnis to fure the Quenis stomokis, bukrame, blak gray, fumesing, to translating of gownis, and utheris labowris one the Quenis clething befoir this day, as his compt bure particulary 8Oumit, deliverit in haile payment thairof iiij It xx ct

Item, the xv day of Februar, to be the Quene scleiffis, j ~ elne blak satyne; price . xlij i'I.



Item, fra William Hoppar, to be the Quene ane goune, vj ~ e1nis Paris blak; price elne iij It.; summa , xix tt xA. Item, the xviij day of Februar, to be the Quene ane pair scleiffis to weire undir h!r goune, vj quartaris crammesy welvot; price elne vj It.; summa ix It. Item, to be ane uthir pair sclewe;s to hir Grace, vj quartaris blak welvet; price iij It. ix A. Item, for uthir 8clewe~ ane elne half quartar taft'atia; xv A. ix ct price Item, deliverit to the Quenis self iij elnia blak welvot; plice elne xlvj II.; summa . . vj It. xviij II.



Item, the v day of Marche, deliverit to lyne wyd sclevez and ege ane goune of tanne dames to the Quenis Grace, vj elnis blak we1vet; price elne xlvII.; summa xiij It. x A. Item, to Robert Spetele, tall;sour, for sewin silk, bukrame, blak gray, and uthir stuff spendit one translating of the Quenia clething ira the xxviij day of Januar to this day as hiscompt bure, xxxiij R. vj (l. Item, the penult day of Marche, to Stevin Law, burges of Edinburgh, be the Quenia writingis send thairone for certane ~allow dammes deliverit to hyre befoir
~d~ ~lt.ixR~ct

Item, to hir Grace, xxij elnis j quartar small Holland claith; price elne vij A.; summa vj It xiij I. ix ct Item, to hir xv elnia braid crisp; price elne iiij A.; summa iij It.

Item, the xv day of Aprile, gevin be the dene of Glasgew for cordis of blak silk to the Quenis Grace, ij A.



Item, the xix day of Aprile, to James Dog to turse to ...D.1612. the Quene to Linlithqw xxiiij hankis gold, and deliverit to James Lamb, xij hankis gold and viij unce sewin silk, to be gevin siklik to the QU(!ne; price hank gold v fl., price unce silk v it; summa xj It. Item, the xxij day of Aprile, tane fra Maister Johne of Murray xvj elnis tanne welvot to be the Quene ane xliii.j It. goune; price elne Iv A.; summa Item, to be hir Grace ane uthir goune with wyd sclevez boght fra Pait Heriot, xvj elnis gray satyne; price elne xxx s.; summa xxiiij It. Item, to the said goune, v ~ elnis cramesy welvot; price elne iiij It.; summa . . xxij It. Item, tane be James Dog fra Maister Johne of Murray, to be the Quene ane kirtill, vij elnis cramesy satyne ; price eIne iij It. x A.; summa . xxiiij It. x a. I tem, to the Quenis use, tane fraPait Heriot be James Dog, iij elnis cramesy satin; price elne iiij It; flumma xij It. Item, ane eIne gray satyne; price . xxxij R. Item, iij hattis; price pece viij a.; summa xxiiij a. Item, deliverit to James Dog, uthir three hattis for the Quene; price of twa of thame xiiij a., and of the thrid viij S.; summa . xxij R. Item, to the said James, for hir Grace, ane unce rubanis; price vj A. Item, ane elne Holland claith; price vA. Item, the xxviij day of Maij, to William Currouris wyff, for ane chaffrone of gold boght fra hir to the Quenis Grace, twenti aucht pund, and for ane tergat, boght the samyn day ira the said Williamis wyff, to Hir Grace, auchtein It., baitht for the Quenis hud; summa lvj It. Item, the xxix day of Maij, deliverit to Robert Spetell to lyne ane pair of sclewe:5 of ane goune of gold, v elnis welvot; price eIne xlvj a.; summa xj It. x a.



A.D. 1612.

Item, the secund day ot Junij, to James Dog for scleweb to the Quenis Grace, ij elnis j quartar j naill cramesy satin; price elne iij It. x it; summa viij It. xxij ct ob. Item, the v day of Junij, to James Dog for the Quene tua quhet hat tis ; price xij it Item, to hyrne for hois to the Quene, tua elnis Rissillis blak; price elne xxvj iI. viij ct.; summa liij It iiij ct. ltem, the xviij day of J unij, to Robert Spetele, the Quenis tailbour, fOT blak gray fustiane, sawin silk, bukrame, and utheris necessaria spendit one the Quenis clething fra the v day of Aprile inclusive to the xxj day of J ulij exclusive, &8 his compt bure, iiij 11 vj l viij ct. ob. Item, the xxij day of Junij, to James Dog, vij elnis blak welvot to be ane braid purfele to ane goun of broun. elaith to the Quene; price elne xlvj II.; s~ xvj It. ij it Item, for j elne iij quartaris fustiane to the said goune, iiij iI. iiij d'. 0 b. Item, to lyne the purfele forsaid, v ~ elnis canwes; price iiij iI. v d. Item, for blak gray to it, . ij iI. vij ct ob. Item, to James Dog, iiij unee sewin silk for the Quene; price unee v iI.; summa xx l Item, to Johne Davidsone, cordinar, for all schone, corkit and uneorkit, pantonis, caffunbeonis and uthir stuff deliverit be him to the Quenis 11118 fra the viij day of August last bipast inclusive to the first day of August thairefter exclusive within the tyme of this compt, as his compt buk maid thairone bure in it partieulary soumyt at lentht, . vij 11 ij !I. Item, at Martinmes last, within the tyme of this compt, be the Kingis speciall commande, boght fra George Dikesone to be the Quenis Grace ane gowne, xviij 7'



elni& crammesy welvot; price elne vj It; summa ,ol.D.1612jGxj It Item, to Lancelot Ferry for furringis and werkmenschip deliverit be hyme to the Quenis clething within the tyme of this compt as eftir follows, in prim is, for the werkmenschip and skowring of the purfele and sclewez of ane goune of tanne satin maid to Hil' Grace the xx day of August precedent this compt, xU. Item, to hyme for xx armyng bestis put in the fent colla.r and breist of the sam goune, xl !. Item, to him for iiijC powdringis and pinkie to the sam goune, -. xij iJ. Item, to him for xvj tymmere letteis to the Quenis goune of tanne weluus maid the xj day of September within the tyme of this compt; price tymmer xl iJ.; summa . xxxij It Item, put in the sam goune vjm powdringis and puilris; price of the jC iij !.; summa ix It Item, for lyning of the said goune with scheip skynnis, , vj R. Item, for wer[k]menschip of the said lyning, vj H. Item, to hyme for xxiiij beatis lateis put in ane parplait to the Quene, . xxiiij R. Item, for the werkmenschip of it, iij iJ. Item, for lyning of the said tanne weluUB goune within with puyr, x H. Item, ekit be the said Lancelot in the sclewez fent and collar in ane goune of black welvot lynit with the Quenis awne lyning, x new bestis mynkis; price pece viij iJ.; summa. . iiij It Item, for the werkmenschip of the sam goune, xx R. Item, to hyrne for eking of the lyning within, and of ane new collar of ane goune crammesy satyne linit with deip purfele of pampilleoun of the Quenis awne, xx A. Item, for the werkmenschip of the sam goune, xx iJ. Item, put in ane stomok of the Quenis of blak satin, sex wattermaill skynnis; price xlviij A.





Item, to him for dichtein of xvj tyrnmer armyng quhilk Andro Bertoun gaiff to the Quene put agane 3u1e in ane goune cramesy welvot, . . xvj H. Item, put in t.he sam goune vjm powdringis and pinkis; _ ix It. price of the l iij S.; summa Item, for ane lyning of pur to the sa.roe goune within, x It. Item, for ane dussone of scheip skynnis to lyne the . viij it purfele and sclewez of it, Item, for the werkmenschip of the sa.m goune,. vj H. Item, for stuff and werkmenschip of ane collar and fent of minkis to the Quenis riding goune of we1vot, _ xlII. Item, the xx day of Februar, for skowring and werkmllnBchip of ane lynyng of the Quenis awne put in xx II. ane goune of blak satyne, . Item, put in the breist and collar of the said goune viij arroys; price . xvj II. Item, put in the scleweb of the sa.m goune, iiijC pinkie; price xij I. Item, for xx lettus beatis put in ane translatit goune of tanne welvot, xx I. Item, put in the scleweb of the sa.m ijo powdringis; vj S. price Item, for the werkmenschip of the sa.m goune,. x I. Item, for xxiiij arroyng bestis put in the fent, scleweb and collar of ane translatit goune of purpour welvot; x It viij II. price Item, put in the sam goune jC powdringis; price iij I. Item, for the werkmenschip of the sam goune,. x I. Item, for ane new breist of wattirmailleb put in ane goune of blak welvot with narrow scleweb, x J. Item, for the werkmenschip of ane lynyng of the Quenis awne, of wattirmailleb, put in ane goune of crammesy welvot, . xx II. Item, ekit in the purfele, fent and collar of the vj wattirmailleb ; price pece viij I.; summa x H. viij I.



Item, the xxv day of Maij, to the said Lancelot Ferry .\..D. 1612. for ane haill Iyning of powderit letteis, put be him in ane nicht goun~ of the Quenis of blak satyn, I H. Item, for'skowring and werkmenschip of ane lyning of armyn of the Quenis awne, put in ane goune of blak welvot, xx A. Item, ekit in the eclewe:5 and collar of the sam lyning, thretti bestis; price . iij H. Item, put in the sam goune VO poudringis and pinkie; price xv A. Item, the xxviij day of Maij, for the werkmenschip of ane n~w lyning of armyngis, put in a goune of crammesy satin, vj H. Item, put in the purfele, fent and coll"r of it. tua tymmer ; price . viij H. Item, put in the sclew:5 of the sam goune xij tymmer; price of the tymmer iiij H.; summa . . xlviij It. Item, put in the sam goune viijm powdringis and pinkis;
~ce ~~

Item, put in the purfe1e and sclewe:5 of it xij scheip skynnis; price . vj AItem, for ane Iyning of pur to the sam goune,. x H. Item, the vj day of J unij, for skouring and werkmenschip of ane lyning of armyngis of the Quenis awne, put in ane goune of claith of gold, xx AItem, ekit in the purfele and collar of it xx armyngis; price xl a. Item, ekit in the lyning of the said goune ane quartar man till pur; price xx AIteDl, put in the sam goune VO pinkie; price xv AItem, to the Quenis Grace takand in pensioun be :5eir in tuelf hundretht Franch crownis aucht hundretht fourti H., deliverit to hir within the tyme of this compt in compleit payment of hir pensioun of the :5eir immediate precedand this compt, with the allowance of aucht hundretht tuenti tua H. foura a., maid in the compt of the samyn :5ei1'8 sevintein It. sextein a., eftir compt maid with HiI' Maister Elim08inar thair-

A.D. 1612.


apone to the first day of August immediat precedand this compt exclusive and fra the samyn day inclusive to the first day of August within the tyme of this compt exclusive, makand tuelf monetht, ilk monetht ane hundretht Franch crounis, ansuerand to aucht hundretht fourti H.; summa. totalis viijOlvij It. xvj !'I. Item, the xiiij day of August, to James Dog, tua blak x R. hattis for the Quene, price of thame, Item, ane tepat single taffatis, price .. vj i'I. viij 11 Item, xj elnis ~ow silkin rubanis for the Quene; price elne x d.; summa ix 11. ij d. Item, to Hir Grace ane uther tepat doubill taffatis; price xII. Summa vestimentorum et pensionis Domine Regine jmviiiO}xxxxv It. ix ct.; ob.

TmmT. A.



Item, to Thome Wricht for ane cradill to my Lorde Prince, ij Franch crounis, . xxviij 11. Item, fra George Dicksone ij ~ E\lnis and half ane quartar Englis skerlet to ourecover my Lord Princis cradill; price elne x1vj 11.; summa . iiij H. xvij 11. ix ct. Item, to the sam, xxix elnis iij quartaris rubanis of diverse pricis; price . . xiiij R. iij d. . Item, to be ane coveryng abone my Lord Prince, ane elne Paris ske[r]letj price Iv i'I. Item, to lyne the sam, iij elnis Mullane fustiane; price

Item, for ane grein belt to the cradill, .. iiij II. Item, to J ohne of Lichtone for his werkmenschip one the xiII. said cradill, Item, for ane horse and a man to turse the cradill to I.inlithqw one Pasche day in the momyng,. v .



Item, for blancatis and necessaria to the said cradill A.D. 16]2boght xvj elnis quhete of diverse pricis for iij H. x R. viiij ct Item, for ane elne gallna quhet, to be my Lord Prince ane coit, . iiij a. Item, the xxij day of Junij, to be my Lord Prince ane coit with sleiffis, iij quartaris skerlet; price xlj R. iij a. Item, to be him Rne uther coit without sclewez, half ane elne skerlet; price . xxvij a. vj ct



Item, the xvj day of December, to be hir ane goune AD lIill. agane dule xij ~ elnis tanne welvot; price elne Iva.; summa . xxxiiij H. vij II. vj a. Item, to Lance Ferri for the werkmenschip of the lyning iij H. of the said goune lynit letteis, Item, put in the purfele, fent and collar of the sam goune twa tymmer; price pece tymmer xl R; summa iiij H. . Item, put in the sclewez of the sam goune, x tymmer ;


Itep:l, for lyning of the sam gOUDe within, . vj 11 Item, put in the sam goune, ijm powdringis and pinkis; price of the jC iij II.; summa iij H. Item, for freis gray to the platis of the said goune and iij R. vj ct half ane elne bukrame to it, Item, to be hir ane kirtill, v ~ elnis tanne satin; price . vij H. xiiij II. elne xxviij it; summa Item, to lyne the samyn, iiij eInis blak gray; price elne . v II. iiij a. xvj ct; summa. Item, the sam day, to be hir hud and sclewez, tua elnis . iiij It. viij S. welvot; price elne xliiij II.; summa Item, to be hir sclewez, tua elois taffatis, ane quhet. and xxviij a. ane 6allow; price eIne xiiij a.; summa. Item, to be hir ane pair of sclewez and ane schaffrone, v quartaris crammesy satyne; price eIne iij H. x II.; summa . iiij H. vij a. vj ct Item, the x day of MRrche, send to my Lady GordOUD A.D.





with hir servitour, J ohue Mychelaoue, to fumeis hir necessaria, efter the Kingis command, in x Franch crounis, . . vij 11. Item, to Johne Davidsone, cordonar, for all schone and uthir his werkmenschip deliverit be him to hir use fra the xxiiij day of Aug\l8t last bipast inclusive to the first day of August thairefter exclusive within the tyme of this compt, as his buk of compt examinat thairone perticulary bure in it, . xxxix R.



Item, the xiiij day of September, to hir tua hattis, ane quhet and ane red; price pece iiij R.; summa viij R. Item, the x day of September, to bir siklik tua hattis; price . viij R. Item, the xx day of October, to Robert Spet.Ple, ~01ll', for blak gray, fassonyng of hir clethingis, sewyne silk, and utheris stuff, and his labouris spendit one .hir clething fra the xj day of August precedent this compt to this day inclusive eftir his buk of compt deliverit, . iij 11. xj R. vj a. Item, fra Maister Johne of Murray, vj elnis Rowane greis to be hir ane goune with wyd sclewez; price iiij 11. xvj a. elne xvj a.; summa . Item, to bordoure the sam goune, v quartaris veluus; price Iv A. Item, to l,ne the said goune sclewez, iij elnis blak taftatis; price elne xiiij a.; summa . xlij R. Item, to be hir ane parplait, boght j quartar weluus; xj I. price Item, to hir ane tepat taffatis; price vij a. Item, to hir ane quhet hat; price . vj a. Item, ira the said Maister J ohne, to be hir curches, collaris, and parplatis, vj elnis Holland claith; price xlviij it elne viij a.; summa . Item, the sam day, to be hir sarkis, ix elnis Bertane claith; price elue iij R.; summa. xxvij I.



Item, for j pair sterop irnis to hir, . . xvj (1. ~.D. U11. Item, to Robert Spetele, for reformyng and lyning of ane pilzet to bir, ix R. vj 4. Item, the xviij day of December, to be hir ane leveray goune agane c3ule, xv elnie blak welvot; price e1ne xliiij a.; summa xxxiij It Item, to the eclewez and bordoring of it, iij elnie cramruesy satin; price elne iij H. x .; summa x H. x a. Item, to be hir ane utbir goune with wyd eclewez, v ~ elDie RiBBillie blak; price e1ne xxvj a.; summa . vij H. iij R. Item, to lyne the eclewez of the sam goune, iij elnie taffatis; price eloe xij B. ; summa xxxvj R. Item, to bordour the sam goune, v quartaria weluus; price Iva. Item, for tua pair blak bois to hir, tbe pair v a.; summa x R. Item, the sam day, for ane elne weluus to be bir ane bud, xliiij R. Item, for tbe ecbaffronie and necessaris to tbe said bud, iiij hankie gold; price hank v . ; summa xx: a. Item, vj unce sewin silk; price unce v R.; summa xxx a. Item, to be hir eclewez, ij elnis taffatie; price elne xiiij .; summa xxviij it Item, to hir, tua rubane beltis; price xij . Item, to be hir ane pair eclewiz and ane chaffrone to hir hud, vj quartaris crammesy satin; price elne iij tt. x II.; summa v H. v it Item, the xxiiij day of Januar, to be hir sarkis, v elnis~D.16l1.12. iij ~ quartaris Bertane c1aith; price elne iij B.; summa xvij it vij 4. Item, tbe xxiij day of Marche, be the Kingis command deliverit to hir to pay for part of hir necessaria, v iij H. x a. Franch crounis, Item, the ix day of Aprile, to bir tua hattie, j elne A.D. 1612. taffatie and ane rubane belt and tua hankis gold; xxxvij it price of all



Item, to Johne Davidsone, cordinar, in haill payment of all korkit schone and uthir schone deliverit be him to the said Lady fro. the xxvij day of August last bipast inclusive, to the first day of August exclusive within the tyme of this compt as his compt bure, deliverit at diverse tymez, . xl l iiij d.



Item, the xxij day of September, fro. Maister Johne of Murray, to be hir ane goune, vj elnis Paris blak; price e1ne 1 B.; summa . xv It. Item, fro. Lance Ferry, to lyne the sclewez and to purfele the said goune, vj elnis blak weluus; price elne xliiij R.; summa . xiij It. iiij B. Item, to be hir sclewez, vj quartaris cramesy satyne; price elne iij It. x B.; summa v It. v B. Item, to be hir ane goune agaue dule, xvj elnis j quartar tanne welvot; price elne Iv R. j summa xliiij It. xiij B. ix 4. Item, to lyne the sclewez of the sam goune, and to puriele, vj elnis cra mmesy satin j price elne iij It. x B. j summa xxj It Item, to hir sclewez, vj quartaris cramesy welvot j priCl'l elne iiij It.; summa . vj It. Item, for uthir sclewez, tua elnis quhet and greyne taffatis; price elne xiiij 11.; summa xxviij R. Item, to be hir ane kirtill, vij elnis dames; price elne xxviij l; summa , ix It. xvj B. A.D. 1511-12. Item, the ix day of Februar, to be hir ane goune, boght be Maister Johne of Murray, ane doubill steik gray chamlot; price ix It. Item, to lyne the sclewez and to bordoure the sam goune, v ~ elnis quartar welvet; price elne xlvj 11; summa xiij It. iiij l vj ct Item, the xxiij day of Februar, to hir xij elnis Holland claith for curcheis, sarkis, and parplatis; price elne vij R.; summa iiij It. iiij l



Item, the xx day of Aprile, to be hir ane pair sclewez, A.D. 1512. deliverit v quartaris cr!l.mesy satyne; price elne iij It. x R.; summa iiij It. vij R. vj ct Item, to hir vj elnis small Holland claith; price elne xlviij B. viij I; summa Item, the vj day of Maij, to be hir ane kirtill, vij elnis broun chamlot; price elne xij R.; summa iiij It. iiij R.

Item, the xx day of" October, from Maister Johne of .A.D. 1611. Murray to be hir conaris and parplatie, iij elnis xxiiij R. Holland claith; price elne viij Ii.; summa Item, to hir ane tepat taifatis; price vij R. Item, to hir ane quhet hat; price . vj R. Item, the xix day of December, to be hir ane goune, boght xv elnis gray satin; price elne xxviij R.; summa . . xxj It. Item, to lyne the sclewez and to bordoure the sam, v ~ elnie weluus; price elne xliiij R.; summa xij It. ij II. Item, to be hir ane kirtill, iij elnis blak worsat; price iij It. xij R. elne xxiiij R.; summa Item, for ane hem blak welvet till it, vij B. Item, to be hir ane hud, ane elne welvet ; price xliiij it Item, for f8880ne of the said hud, vij B. Item, to be hir sclewez, ij elnis taifatis; price xxviij iI. Item, to be hir parplatis, iij elnis Holland claith; price xxiiij B. elne viij B.; summa . Item, to hir, tua hankie gold; price hank v B.; summa x R. Item, to hir, iij rubane beltie; price pace vj B.; summa xviij I Item, for j ~ quartar welvet to be hir ane parplait, xvij R. iij ct. Item, for furring till it,. iiij B. Item, to Robert Spetele for the translating of ane dames goune, five B. ; item, for making of ane kirtill dammes,

A.D. 1611.




V .; item, for iij'" elnie freis to lyne the said kirtill, vij R.; item, for scleving and mending of ane auld . xix R. kirtill of dames, ij R.; summa Item, to be hir sarkis, ix elnie Bertane claith; price elne xix R. vj d ij A. ij ct.; summa Item, to be hir sclewez, j eIne quhet taffatis, and deliverit to hir twa rubane beltis; price . . xxij . Item, the xiiij day of Februar, to be hir ane goune bog[ht] v elnis Rissillis broun; price elne xxvj R.; summa vjIt. x. . Item, to lyne the sclewez of it, iij elnie' taffatis; price elne xij .; summa xxxvj . Item, to ega the sam goune, v quartaris weluus; price

Iv .
Item, to hir quhen echo suld have past our the watir to Dudupe, to furneis hir expensis v Franch crounis, iij It. x . Item, for ane hem skerlet to ane kirtill of worsat of hirris, iij Il. Item, for ane pair of hoise to hir, v s. Item, to hir, twa coffirris; price iiij It. Item, the thrid day day of Aprile, to hit use deliverit viij elnis small Bertane claith; price elne ij . viij ct.; summa . . xxj R. iiij ct. Item, to hir ane blak hat; price vj Il. Item, to Robert Spetele, tai~our, for tua paire of hoise to hir and for ane hem of skerlet and for lyning claith to hir transiatit gounez, as hie compt bure fra the xxviij day of Aprile to the xviij day of J ulij, xiij Il. vj ct. Item, to Johne Davidsone, cordinar, in haill payment of all schone deliverit be him to the said lady fra the x day of J unij precedand the tyme of this compt to the soound day of August inclusive within the tyme of this compt at diverse tymez, as the said Joh[n]ie compt examinat thairone bure in it at lentht, xxxv S.






Item, the xj day of September, to be hir sclewez, j elne A.D. 1511. 6allow taffatis fra Maister Johne of Murray; price xvj !l. Item, fra Johne of Lichtoun, sadillar, to hir ane sadill; , price tuenti shillingis. Item, ane bridill and ane tee, price vj fl.; item, j pair sterop irnis, price ij it; item, ij girthis ij !l.; item, j pair singillsterop ledderis, price xviij d.; item, ane hors hous, price iiij fl.; as the said Johnis compt buk hens; summa . . xxxv 11. vj d. Item, the xvij day of October, fra Richard Hoppar, ii~j elnis Rissillis blak to be hir ane goune 'with wyd sclewez; price elne xxvj s. viij ct.; summa v It vj a. viij ct. Item, fra Maister Johne of Murray, to bordour and fent the said goune, v quartaris blak welvet; price elne xliiij fl.; summa Iv 11. Item, to the sc1ewez of the sam goune iij elnis taifatis; price elne xiiij 11.; summa . xlij it Item, for vj quartaris rubanis to it, . xiiij it. Item, fra Maister Johne of Murray, ij elnis iij quartaris blak worsat to be hir ane kirtill; price eme xxvj it viij d.; summa . iij It xiij 11. iiij ct. Item, for ane hem skerlet to it, iij fl. Item, fro. Maister Johne of Murray, j elne blak weluus to he hir ane hud; price, . . xliiij 11. Item, to hir ane tepat taifatis; price vij 11. Item, ane quhet batt to hir; price vj 11. Item, to be hir colIaris and parplatis, tua elnis Holland claith; price elne viij II.; summa xvj 11. Item, fra Thome Otterbul'ne, to be hir sarkis, ix elnis Bertane claith; price elne iij 11.; summa xxvij !I. Item, the xx day of October, fra the said Maister Johne,

A.D. 1511.






to be hir sclewez, Rne elne quhet taft'atis; price xvj a. Item, too hir too braid rubane beltis; price x It Item, thesoound day of November, deliverit be Johne of Lichtoun, sadillar, to hir, ane blak bridill, price iij it ; item, too girthis, price tua schillingis; summa v I!I . Item, for too pair blak hoise to hir, . viij It Item, for hir 3ule leveray, ane steik and. foure e1nis tanne chamlot, to be hir ane goune; price vj 11 x It Item, to purfele and l10e the wyd sclewez of the sam goune, iiij elnis iij quartaris weluus; price ellle xliiij 9.; summa x It ix It Item, to be hir sclewez, too elnis taft'atis, ane quhet and ane 68llow; price elne xiiij It; summa xxviij .It Item, the vj day of Februar, to be hir sclewez, ane xiiij II. elne taffatis ; price Item, ane elne crispe for coll.aris; price . iij a. Item, to hir ane pair blak hoise; price iij iI_ Item, for ane uthir pair hoise and ane hem to ane translatit kirtill, . . viij II. Item, the vij day of J unij, to be hir ane kirtill, iij e1nis worsat; price elue xxiiij It; summa _ iij 11. xij It Item, for ane hem of skerlet to it, . iij It Item, iiij J4 elnis bukrame and haH ane quartar put in ane auld goune of Paris blak, price alne ij iI_, and for the translating of the said goune, iiij It; summa xiij 9. iiij 4. Item, to Johne Davidsone, cordinar, ill haill payment of all schone deliverit be him. to the said Elene fra the xxiiij of December last bipast inclusive to the secund day of August thairefter exclusive, as his buk bure at lentht, . xiiij iI. Item, deliverit to Johne Formane,' xvj elnis tanne welvot, disponit efter the Kingis ordinance; price elne Iv B.; summa . xliiij It Item, vj elnis crammesy welvot; price elne iiij It; summR . xxiiij 11_ Item, vj elnis blak welvot; prire elne xlv iI.; summa xiij 11. x iI.



Item, xij hankis gold and xij unce sewin silk; price A.D. 1512. vj Ii. Item, siklik gewin at the Kingis plesour, xv elDis blak sat1Oe; price elne xxvj R.; sum mil. xix It. x R. Item, v'" alnis welvot; price elne xlv it; summa xij Ii. vij R. vj d. Item, vij elnis gray satin; price elne xxx R.; summa xIixR. Item, vj quartaris cramesy weluus; price elne iij It x &; summa v 11. v R. I tern, tua elnis tafi'atis and tua unce sewin silk; price xlij R.

Item, the ix day of September, boght iiij elnis blak A.D. 1511. welvus to be hir ane pil;;et; plice elne xliiij A. ; summa viij Ii. xvj . Item, vj quartaris Mullane fustiane to the cod of the sam; price elne iij R.; sumIIl8 iiij R. vj d. Item, fro. fadir Frost, ij'" elnis bukrome to lyne the sam1o; price elne xx d.; summa iiij R. ij d. Item, the vj day of Ootober, fra Maister Johne of Murray to be hir aclewez, tua elnis tafi'atis; price xxxij . elne xvj R.; summa . Item, the xvij day of October, fra Richard Hoppar, velnis Rissillis blak, to be hir ane goun with wyd sclewez; price elne xxvj R. viij d.; summa vj H. xiij R. iiij d. Item, to lyne the Eclewez of the sam, iiij e1nis j quartar blak satyne; price elne xxiiij R.; summa v It ij it Item, to bordoure the said goune, v quartari!! weluus; Iv R. price Item, Ira Waltir doung, vj'" elnis broun chamlot to be hir ane kirtill; price elne xij .; summa iij H. xviij & Item, to bordoure the said kirtill and to he hir ane parplait, iij qUc'l,rtaris welvu8; price xxxiij .



Item, for rubanis, . xvj 4'. Item, to hir agane 3ule, xiiij elnis iij quartaris tanne weluus to be hir ane goun; price elne Iv A.; summa xl It. vij A. ix d Item, to lyne the sclewez of it and to hel!l hir kirtill eftir followyng, v elnis iij quartaris cramesy welvot; xxiij 11 price elne iiij 11; summa . Item, boght for hir kirtill, iij elnis worsat; price elne iij 11 xij l xxiiij A.; summa Item, to be hir ane hud, ane elne welvet; price xliiij A. Item, to be hir sclewez, tUB elnis taffatis ; price xxviij R. A.D.161112. Item, the xvij day of Jll.ouare to be uthir sclewez to hir vj quartaris weluot and ane elne taft'atis; price iiij H. Item, the xxix day of Januar, for hir wedding goune boght xiiij ~ elnis and half ane quartar gray satyne ; xx H. ix R. vj ct price elne xxviij A.; summa Item, to Iyne the sclewez and to ege the samyo, vj elnis black welvot; price elne xlvj A. ; summa xiij 11 xvj a. Item, to be hir ane pair sclewez to were undir the said goune, 1 ~ elne crammesy satyne; price elne iij H. xl; summa v 11 v l. Item, for hir spousing goune, xiiij eillis tanne satin; price elne xxviij iI.; summa . xix 11 xij !I. Item, to Iyne the sclewez of it, iiij ~ elois cramesy &l.tin; price elne iij It. xl.; summa xv 11 xv II. Item, to hir kirtill vij elnis gray dammes; price eloe ix It. xvj A. xxviij l.; summa



Item, ix day of September, delh'erit to hir, x licht vij It. Franch crounis, makand Item, the xx day of September, deliverit to hir uthir x licht crounis, . vij H. Item, the sam day, fra William Hoppar, to be hir ane goune, vj elnis Rissillis blak; price ('Ine xxvj A. viij d.; summa . viij It.



Item, to lyne the sclewez and to bordoure the said goune, A.D. llill. iiij elnis blak welvot; price elne xliiij iI.; summa viij It xvj I. Item, the xix day of Januare, be the Kingis command, 6..D. 1611-12. deliverit to Sandris, furroure, for bugis, armyngis, and utheris furringis, deliverit be hyrne to the said Lady Anguse at the last cummyng of Bernard Stewart in Scotland, efter his bill of compt, . Ix It

Item, deliverit to hir agane 3u1e for hir leverny goune, v A.D. 1611. elnis Paris blak; price elne xl iI.; summa x It.

Item, the xxj day of October, to Ales Hume, sistir to the lard of Fastcastele, iiij elnis blak weluus to be hir ane pilbet; price elne xliiij iI.; summa viij It xvj I. Item, to her leveray goune agane 3ule, tane fro. George Diksone, xiiij ~ elDis tanne welvet; price elne Iv I.; summa . xl tl. xvij iI. vj d. Item, to line the sclewez of the said goune and to he hir a pair of sc1ewez, vj elnis crammesy satin; price elne iij tl. x iI.; summa . xxj tl.

Item, the xviij day of September, fra. Richard Hoppar, v e1nis Rowane russait, to be hir ane goune; price . iiij tl. elne xvj iI.; summa _ Item, to purfell the sam, ane elne welluus; price xliiij I. Item, fro. Maister Johne of Murray, ij elnis iij quartaris Scottis blak, to be bir ane kirtill; price elne xij; summa . xxxiij I. Item, half ane quartar skerlet to hem the sam; price vij iI. vj ct






Item, for 'making of thame to the tail;&our, . xiiij A. Item, v elnis grein rubanis for laiasis to thaim; price iij A. iiij d. Item, for ane pair of blak hois and ane rubane belt to hir, xit Item, ane elne weluus to be hir ane hud; price xlvj it Item, for half ane elne trai1:&ee to lyne it, ij A. Item, for half quartar crammesy satin, to be ane schaiffer to hir hud, viij It ix tt Item, for making of the hud and chaifl'er, . . viij A. Item, for hir leveray goune agane 3ule, boght xvj elnis chamlot: price elne xij s.; SUlUma ix It xij A. Item, to Iyne the sclevez of the sam, iiij elnis taft'atis; price elne xij A.; summa . xlviij A. Item, to bordoure the sam, vj quartaris weluus; price iij It. vj A. elne xliiij A.; summa Item, to be sclewez undir the said goune, j elne j quartar . taffatis; price elne xiiij s.; summa xvij it vj d. Item, to he hir ane kirtill, iij elnis worsat; price elne iij It. xij it xxiiij s.; summa Item, the xviij day of Maij, for ane pare of hoise to hir and for ane hem skerlet to ane ald kirtill of woreat, viij it



Item, the first day of October, ira Richard Hoppar, v ~ elnis Rowane russait to be hir ane goune; price iiij It. yiij do elne xvj .; summa Item, v quartaris weluus to the said goune; price Iv 8. Item, to lyne the sclewez of the said goune, iij elnis xlij A. taffatis; plicc Item, the xxij day of October, deliverit be the Kingis command to hir, vj Franch crounis, makande iiij It. iiij S. Item, for hir leveray goune agane 3ule, ira Maister Johne of Murray, xiiij ~ elnis blak satin; price elne xviij It. ij 8. vj 4. xxv iI.; summa.



Item, to Iyne the sclewez and to bordour the samyn u. 1511. goun, v ~ elnis blak weluus ; price eIne xliiij fl.; summa xij It. ij S. Item, to be hir ane pair of narrow sclewez undir the said goune, j elne of the sam satyne; price xxv S. Item, to hir hud, ane elne weluus; price. . xliiij S. Item, to be hir sarkis, viij elnis Bertane claith; price e1ne iij it; summa xxiiij S. Item, to be hir ane kirtill, iij elnis worsat; price eIne xxiiij R.; summa iij Ii. xij S. Item, to be hir parplatis, ij elnis Holland claith; price xvj iJ. Item, to be hir sclewez, tua elnis taffatis; price xxviij fl. Item, to Robert Spetele, ta.i~our, the xv day of Januar,~};. 151112for making of hir clethingis, bukrame, blak gray, and sewin silk to thame, translating of hir clething, j Franche hud, ane cloik of blak, ane band to it, chaffronis, hemmys, rubanis, cutres, collar bandis, and utheris his labouris and furnesingis deliverit be hyme fra the xx day of December precedent the tyme of this compt, to the viij day of November within the tyme of this compt, as his buik of compt particulary bure in it at mair lentht, . v It. xvj a. Item, the secund day of Maij, to be hir ane goune, boght ~D. 1512xvj elnis tanne chamlot; price elne x fl. vj ct.; summa viij It. viij fl. Item, to lyne the sclewez of the sam goun, iiij ~ elnis Bruge satyne; price eIne x R.; summa. . xlv R. Item, to purfele the said goune, v quartaris welvet; price Iv fl. Item, deliverit, to be hir ane kirtill, vij elnis blak Burge satyne; price elne x S.; summa. iij It. x B. Item, to Johne Davidsone. cordinar, in haill payment of all schone deliverit be him to the said Maistres fra the vij day of September IRSt bipasv inclusive, to the secund dll.y of August exclusive. within the tyme of this compt eftir his compt gewin thairone at diverse tymes aI:l his buik bure, . xxv S.





Item, to hir agane Jule, iiij elnis Rissillis blak for hir leveray goune; price elne xxvj B. viij ct.; summa v It. vj it viij c1


Item, to hir agane Jule, for hir leveray goune, v elnis Rissillis blak; price elne xxvj So; summa vj It. xiij II. iiij ct. Item, to it, v quartaris weluus; price Iv R.



Item, the xv day of December, for hir leveray goune agane c3ule, iiij ~ elnis Rissillis broun; price elne nvj R. viij ct.; summa vj H. Item, to purfele the sam, v quartaris weluus; price Iv R. Item, tua ~ elnis tafi'atis to lyne the sclewe;& of the said goune; price elne xij B.; summa. . xxx B. Item, to be hir sclewe;& undir the sam goune, ane elne :&allow tafi'atis; price . xiii.] R. Item, to be hir ane hud, ane elne weluus; price xliiij s. Item, to be hir ane kirtill, twa elnis Inglis broun; price elne xix R.; summa . xxxviij B. Item, for ane hem of cramesy claith to it, ij B. Item, the vj day of }'ehruar, fra William HoppaI' to be hir ane goune with narrow sclewe;&, iiij elnis ROWllllC tanne; price elne xiiij B.; summa lvj R. Item, to the sam goune, ane elne welvot ; price xliiij B. Item, to Johne Davidsone, cordinare, for foure pair of schone deliverit to the said Elene within the time of this compt, ix B




Item, to Jonet Murray, of the Kingis command, oftimez4.D. 1511. gewiu thaimpone for hir levemy goune agane 3ule, xv elnis blak welvet; price eIne xliij I.; summa. xxxij H. v iJ. Item, to lyne the scleweb of it and to bordoure it, ilij '" elnis cramesy satyne; price e1ne iij H. x It; summa xv H xv iJ. Summa. expensarum dominarum curie Regine, jmijciij It xij d ob. TENET .A.



Item, the xiiij day of September, to him ane pair blak boise, furneist in all expensis; price xij iJ. Item, the xx day of September, to be him ane parplait, half one eIne weluus; price . xxij iJ. Item, the xiiij day of October, deliverit be Johne of Lichtoun, sa.dillar to hyme, ane sadill; price xx iJ. Item, ane bridill and ane tee; price x A. Item, ane pair sterop irnis, ane pair sterop ledderis, ij girthis, and ane red swerd belt; price of all, ixiJ.vj4. Item, the xvj day of November, fm Maister Johne of Murray, iij'" elnis Rowane tRnne to be him ane coit; xlij iJ. price eIne xij I.; summa Item, to be him sarkis, boght vij elnis lyning claith; price elne iij A. j summa. xxj iJ Item, to his levemy goune agone 3ule, xj e1nis blak satyne; price alne xxij iJ.; summa xij It ij S.

A.D. 1511.



Item, for ane lyning of quhet skynnis and werkmenschip xxxiij s. iiij ct. thairof to the same goune, . Item, to be hyme ane doublet, ij elne j quartar tanne weluus j price elne Iv I. j summa. vj It iij I. ix ct. Item, to him ane pair gray hois in all coatis j price xxij I. vj ct. Item, for ane bonet till him, . xij iJ. Item, the ix day of Januar, till him ane tepat ta.ffatis j price vij I. Item, till him ane hat j price . iiij I. Item, the vj day of Februare, to be him nne parplat, half ane elne weluus; price . xxiij I. Item, the xij day of Februar, till him ane doublet quhet fustiane furneist in all c08tis; price xij R. vj ct. Item, be the Den of Gla.sgew, till him eftir the Kingis command, ij Franch crounis, xxviij R. loom, to Johne Davidsone, cordinar, in ham payment of all schone, caffunzeonis, and butis deliverit be him to the said Sohir James fra. the xxv day of August last bipast inclusive, to the second day of August thaireftir exclusive, within the tim of this compt, as the said J ohnis compt bure, xxxvij I. iiij ct

~.D. 1511.


Item, the secund day of December, till hym at Kirkcudbrycht to by part of necessaria, . . xiiij R. Item, to his Ieveray coit agane 3ule, iiij elnis Rowane tanne; price elne xij I. j summa. xlviij R. Item, to wayne it, iij quartaris taffatis j price ix R. Item, to his doublet, ij elnia j quarta.r satin j price elne xx l. j summa. xlv R. vj ct Item, for his bonet, xij B. Item, the xxv day of Februar, at his departing of Scotland to FranCA, boght to be hyme ane party coit v elnia weluus and v elnis blak so.tyne j price elne welvet xlv R. j price elne satyne xxiij a. j summa xvij It v s.




Item, the sam tyro, to be him ane doublet, ij eInie j ....D. 1511.12quartar bla.k satin; price e1ne xxiij B.; Bumma lj R. ix d. Item, to be hyme ane uthir doublet chekkert, v quartariB cramesy satyne and v quartarlB blak satyne; price elne cramesy iij It x R.; price eIne blak satin xxiij B.; Bumma . v It. xv II. iij ct. Item, to be hyme ane uthir coit, iiij ~ e10is Rowane tanne; price elne xiiij B.; Bumma iij It iij B. Item, the xxix day of Marche, deliverit to furneis hiB expenBis of Scotland to Deip,. . iij It xviij B D. 1512. ..... Item, the xij day of Aprile, Bend with the lard of Lundeis BOne passand of Scotland to France, to the 8Ilid Johne de Albany beand in Deip, to furneis biB expenB, in viij Franch crouniB of wecht vij It. iiij B. Item, to Johne Davidsone, cordinar, for fome pair of scllone delivel"it to hyllle fra the xx day of August precedand this compt inclusive to the xx day of Februar thaircftir exclusive, viij A.

Item, the xx day of November, for ane doublet fustiane ....D.1511. in all expensis to hyme, xj B. Item, for ane blew cal'88y hois in all expenBis to him, viij R. Item, to be hyme ane jaccat coit,ij elnis j quartarKendilll,,; price elne iij B.; summa vj g. ix d. Item, to hyme agane 3ule for his leveray goune, j ~ steik blak chamlot; price . vij It. x A. Item, for ane lyning quhet lamskynnis till it and werkmenschip thairof, . xxxij B. Item, for biB doublet, ij ~ e10is blak satin; price eIne xx R.; summa . 1 il Item, to byme, ane bonet; price, xij B.






Item, the XllIJ day of Januar, to be hym sarkis, vj ~ elnis Bertane claith j price elne ij R. vj ct; summa xvij R. iij t. Item, the xvj day of Marche, to be him ane coit, v elnis iij It. tanne j price elne xij R. j summa. Item, for tafi'atis to begary the sam,. ix R. Item, for ane doublet Mullane fustiane, in all expens to him, xij R. Item, the xv day of Maij, be the Dene of Glasgew to him,

Item, the secund day of Junij, to him ane bonet j price

Item, to J ohne Davidsone,cordinar,for all schone and butis deliverit be him to the said Baroun fra the xxv day of August last bipast inclusive, to the secund day of August exclusive, within the tyme of this compt, as . xxxv R. the said Johnis compt bur,.


Item, the xvj day of September, to him ane doublet xj R. Mullane fustiane j in all expensis price. Item, to him, ane blak bonete j price vj R. Item, to him, ane greyne hat j price iiij R. Item, the xj day of October, half ane elne satin to be him ane parplat j price xj s. vj t. Item, agane 3ule, to his leveray coit, iij ~ elnis Rowane . xlij R. tanne j price elne xij R. j summa . Item, to wayne it, iij quartaris taffatis j price ix R. Item, to his doublet, ij elnis j quartar Burge satin; price xxij R. vj n. elne x R. j summa 1tem, for ane bonet to him, vj R. Item, to him, ane doublet Mullane fustiane j price in all costis xj R. Item, to him, ane uthir doublet Mullane fustian j price xj R. Item, for ane pair schone to hyme, . ij R.




Item, the x day of September, till him, . . xiiij R D. 1511. ..... Item, to his leveray coit agane 3ule, iiij ~ elnis tanne; price elne- xj R. vj d; summa lj R. ix d Item, iij quartaris taffatis to wayne it; price ix !. Item, to his doublet, ij ~ e1nis Bruge satin; price elne x R.; summa . xxv!. Item, for his bonAt, vij R. Item, the xxj day of Februar, to him. because his butis, .... D. 1511.12. sadill, and uthir riding geir was stollin fra him, xxviij !. Item, the ix day of Julij, fro. Maister Johne of Murray, .... D.1512. to be him ane coit, i~ij ~ elnia Rowane tanne; price elne xiiij !.; summa. 'lviij R. Item, to him ane doublet in all coatis; price xij R. Item, to him. ane bonet; price vij !. Item, the xxviij day of Julij, to him xlij a. Item, the xxvj of Julij, propinit to him efter the Dene of G1asgewis buik, iij Franch crounis, xlij R.

Item, the xvj day of September, to him ane doublet A.D. 1511. fustiane; in all expensis price xj !. Item, the ferd day of October, fra Maister Johne of Murray, half ane elne of satin for ane parplait; price xj R. vj d. Item, the ix day of October, to fumeis his expens that tyme the King was in Striveling,. v R. Item, the xxvij day of November, to him ane doublet quhet fustiane furneist in all expensis; price xj A. xij i!I. Item, to him ane bonet; price vij ill. Item, ane tepat taffatis; price iiij i!I. Item, for ane hat; price






A.D. 1512.

Item, again dule, to him ane steik broun cho.mlot for his coit; price v It x iI. Item, to bordoure the sam coit, iij quarto.ris weluU8; price xxxiij B. Item, for fustiane to the stomok of it, vj c1 Item, for his doublet, ij eluis j quartar satyne; price . xlv S. elne xx iI.; summa Item, to him ane bonet; price xij B. Item, to be him tua sarkis, vj elois Bertane clo.ith; price xiij s. Item, to pay for sewin of the samyn sarkis, v S. Item, the ix day of J anuar, to be him ane coit, iij" elnis Rowane tanne; price elne xiij iI.; summa xlv !!I. vj c1 Item, the secund day of Marche, to be him ane parplait, half ane eIne weluus; price . xxiij !!I. Item, to him ane doublet Mullane fustiane; price in all coatis xij s. Item, the thrid day of J unij, to him ane bOllet; price viij iI. Item, ane hat and ane tepat; price . xj !!I. Item, to Johne David80ne, cordinar, for all schone and butis deliverit to the said Symonet fra the xvj day of August last bipast inclusive, to the 8eCl1nd da.y of August thaireftir exclusive, within the tyme of this . xxx R. compt, as the said J ohis compt bure,. Item, to him, in propinis a.t diverse tymez and to by hyme lut stringis, iiij Franch crounis v iI.; summa iij It xij (t.



Item, to him agane dule for his leveray coit, v elnis tanne; price elne xj R. vj c1; summa . lvij!l. vj tt Item, to bordoure the sam, iij quartaris taalltis; price ix s. Item, for his doublet, ij" elois Bruge satin; price cIne . xxv iJ x R.; summa



Item, for ftoting and making of it, . vij I. A.D. 1511. Item, for his bonet, vi i 14. Item, the xxix day of Mamhe, to him bidand behind the A.D. 1512. King in Edinburgh quhen he past to Dunbertane for iij dais expens, . iij 11. vj ct. Item, to him ane doublet quhet fustiane j price. xij il. Item, the xxij day of J unij, for ane bonet to him, viij AItem, for ane doublet Mullane fustiane to him, . xij it

Item, the xx day of November, deliverit to the said A.D. 1511. Donald ane doublet Mullane fustiane j price in all costis" xj I. Item, to him ane pair red carsay hois j price in all expens, . . viij I. Item, to his leveray coit agane dule, iiij elnis tanne; price eIne xij I.; summa . xlviij I. Item, iij quartaris taft'atis to begary the Bam; price ix il. Item, to his doublet, ij elnis j quartar Bruge satin; price elne x A-; summa . xxij I. vj ct Item, for ane bonet to him, v il. Item, &gane Witsonday, to him ane doublet quhet A.D. 1512. fustiane j in all costis price xj I. Item, for ane bonet to him, . viij iii. Item, the x day of Junij, to be him tua sarkis, boght iiij ~ elnis Bertane claith; price . ix it Item, the xxij day of Junij, fra Maister J<lhlle of Murray, to be him ane coit, iij elnis Rowane tanne; price elne xiij it iiij ct.; summa . . liij S. iiij ct.

Item, the vj day of October, to the said Walter ancA.D. 1511. doublet quhet fustiane furneist in all expensisj price xj !l.







Item, the xxj day of November, to be him ane coit, iij ~ elnis Rowane tanne; price elne xij S.; summa xlij a. Item, for the making of it, to Thome Edgar, iiij S. Itt>m, the xxviij day of November, to him ane blak bonet; price x il Item, v quartaris rubanis till it; price xij <1. Item, to him, agane dule, to be him ane coit, ane steik tanne chamlot; price v It Item, to wayne it, iij quartaris welvet; price xxxiij S. Item, to lyne the stomok of it, j quartar fustiane; price vj ct Item, to be him ane doublet, ix quartaris tanne satin; price elne xx S.; summa xlv S. Item, the xiiij day of Januar, to be him sarkis, v ~ elnis Bertane claith; price elne ij S. vj ct; summa xiij iJ. ix ct. Item, the xix day or Januare, to him, ane doublet qnhet fustiane; price. . xj R. Item, the xxiiij day of Januare, send with John Forman to Maister David Wocat for half ane 6eris burd till him and for his scolage now at his entre to the scoile, v It x S. Item, one Pasche evin, to him ane doublet fustiane; price in all costis xj S. Item, agane Witsonday, to him ane doublet quhet - fustiane; price in all costis, xj . Item, for ane bonet to him, the sam tyme, viij . Item, the vij day of Julij, for ane sadill to him, xviij s. iiij ct. Item, to John Davidsone, cordinar, for schone and hutis deliverit to him fra the xiiij day of August last bip&l!t inclusive, to the secund day of Augus~ thairertir exclusive, within the tim of this the said J ohnis compt, xxxij S.




Item, to the said Andro for his leveray goune aganeu.lIm dule, xij elnis satyne; price elne xxij I.; summa xiij It iiij I. Item, for ane lyning quhet lamskynnis to it, and werkmenschip tharof, xxxiij I. iiij ct Item, to his doublet, ij alnis j Jh quartar tanne satin; price elne xxviij A.; summa iij It vj I. vj ct Item, to him ane pair gray hois ; in all coatis price xxij I. vj ct Item, for ane bonet to him, xij I. Item, the xiiij day of Januar, to him ane tepat i price A.D. 151112vij I. Item, ane batt; price . iiij R. Item, the xix day of Januar, till him ane doublet quhet fustiane; price in all coatis xj A.

Item, to the said David, leveray goune, agane dule, twa A.D. 1511. stekis tanne cbamlot; price x It. Item, for ane lyning skynnis till it; in all coatis xxxiij I. iiij ct. Item, to his doublet, ij e1nis iij quartaris well1us; price eme xliiij R.; summa v It xij c1 Item, for ane bonet to him, xij I.

Item, the xvj day of September, to the said Sandris ane doublet Mullane fustiane; price in all coatis xj I. Item, to be him sarkis, velnis Bertane claith; price elne ij I. vj 1.; summa xij A. vj ct. Item, to his leveray coit agane dule, iiij Jh elnis tanne ; price elne xij A.; summa liiij I. Item, to wayne it, iij quartaris tatfatis j price ix II.






Item, to his doublet, ij elnis j quartar Burge satin; price . xxv II. elne x S.; summa I tem, for his bonet, vij !. Item, the xxiiij day of Januar, send with Maister Thomas Dikesone to Maister David Wocat in haill payment of half ane beris burd and scoile fee now Kenedys entree to the scoile, v It. x it Item, to hyrne ane doublet, agane Pasche, of demy08tage ; price in all expens xij !. ix it.



Item, to his leveray, iiij ~ e1nis Scottis russat; price elne viij It; summa . xxxvj !. Item, for his doublet, ij elnis iij quartaris fustiane; price v S. vj ct. Item, for making of his gawbert and doublet, ij S. v iJ. Item, to him, ane bonet; price

Item, to him, agane c3ule, for his leveray coit, iij ~ elnis tanne; price eIne xij S.; summa. . xlij It Item, to bordoure the sam, iij quartaris taffatis; price




Item, to his doublet, ij elnie j quartar Burge satin; price elne x II.; summa .' xxij H. vj ct. Item, for his bonet, .. vij IJ. Item, the xxviij day of Januar, send with William Alresky to Maister David Wocat for half ane beris burd and his'scolage fee at his entre this day to the scoile, v It. v !. Item, agane Pasche, for ane doublet demyostBge to him; in all expensis, xij II. ix ct. Item, to hyme agane Witsonday, ane doublet quhet fustiane; price in all expensis xj iJ.



oD. 1511.

Item, th~ xvj day of September, to him ane doublet xj A. Mullane fustiane ; in all coatis price Item, to be him sarkis, fra Maister Johne of Murray, v elnis Bertane claith; price elne ij A. vj d:.; summa xij R. vj t Item, the xxvj day of September, till him fra Thome Ed6ar ane doublet quhet fustiane; price in all coatis xij II. Item, to his coit, agane 3ule, iii.i" ('lnis Franche tanne ; price eIne xij A.; summa . liiij s. Item, iij quartaris tafi'atis to wayne it; price ix II. Item, to his doublet, elnis satin; price elne x II. ; summa . . xxv S. Item, for his bonet, vij S. Item, the xxj day of Aprile, to him ane doublet; priceA.D. 1512xj II. Item, for iiij" elnis lyniDg, to be him ane sark, vij S. Item, gevin to hyme quhen be was seik and Moir at diverse timez, vij A.


Item, the xxvj day of September, to be hyme ane doublet, A.D. iij elois Mullane fustiane; price . ix R. Item, for ane bonet to hyme, . x Do Item, the xxvj day of November, fra Thome Ed6ar to lyne ane pair quhet hois; price . vij II. Item, the x day of December, deliverit be Johne of Lichtone, sadillare, to him, ane stok sadill, price xvj S.; item, tua girthis and ane pair sterop irnis, price iiij R.; item, ane pair singi1l sterop ledderis, price xviij t; item, ane red bridill and ane tee, price nyne xxx II. vj ct 8chillingis; summa


.... D.



.... D.16111.

Item, to hill leveray goune agane 3ule, vj elnis Rowane russait; price elne xvj l; summa . iiij It xvj S. Item, for ane bred of buge to the sam, v It. Item, for uther akynnis to compleit the lyning of the said goune and werkmenschip tharof, iij It iiij II. Item, to his doublet, ij ~ elnis blak welvet; price e1ne xliiij S.; summa . v It. x S. Item, to lyne it, ij elnis iij quartaris fustiane; price elne iij; summa v II. vj ct Item, for ane bonet to hyrne, . x S. Item, the x day of Aprile, to him ane bonet; price xij II. Item, the xvj day of Marche [1 April], to be him ane coit veluua tanne; price elne xij it; summa. iij It Item, for iij quartaris tatfatis to bega.ry it, ix AItem, at diverse tyrnez to him in propinis, in xvj Franch crounis,. . xj 1t. iiij a. Item, for ane hat to him, iiij S. Item, t.o Johne Davidsone, cordinar, for foure pair schone to him within the tyme of this compt eftir his buk, vj I iiij ct.

A.D. 1612.

Item, to him, ane doublet Mullane fustiane; price in all costis, xij II. Item, the xiiij day of Junij, to be hyrne ane pair hois, ane elne gray sandree; price with the lyning and making, . xviij II. vj ct Item, for ane sadill hors housour, sterop, ledderis and uther gere to him, xxxix S. viij ct Item, to J ohoe Davidsone, cordinare, for schone, brodikinnis, and ane pair butis to him, deliverit fra the xxviij day of Marche inclusive to the secund da.y of August exclusive, 08 his compt bure, xl S. vj ct. Item, the thrid day of August, to him, . xlij II.


LowE LyI&.


Item, for iij elnia Franche claith of the new mylk and Hill. wattir, to be him ane coit to syt in the scoile, xlij I. Item, for ane pair of hois, Scottis hlak, to him, lynyng and making, . viij it Item, to him ane doublet, dowbill worsat,lloting, lyning, and making, . xxvj lI. vj 4. Item, to his 1everay goune, agane 3ule, xj elne dammes ; price elne xxvj lI.; summa . xiiij It vj lI. Item, for ane lyning to it of quhet Orknay skynnis, xx II. Item, for ane doublet dammes to him, . xlviij II. Item, for quhet to lyne it, iiij I. Item, for making of the goune and doublet, iiij II. Item, for tua sarkis to him, . . viij II. Item, for iij pair of dowbill 80lit schone,. iiij lI. vj c1 Item, for ane pair red hois,lyning, and making for him, vij II. Item, for ane bonet to him, . xli. Item, to Maister James Watsone for his burd fra the A.D. 1612secund day of August quhill the xxviij day of Marche, tuelf skoir Inglis grotis, makand . .. xvj It Item, to the said Maister James for James Stewartis clathiss and burd Ira the secund day of August last bipast, in anno domini jmvexjO, to the secund day of the sam monetht, anno vexij0, xx H.


Item, the xviij day of October, gevin be the Kingis com- A.D. 11111. mand to mend his hed, xx I. Item, the xxj day of October, to be him ane parplait, half ane elne welnus; price . xxij I. Item, the last day of October, to him ane blak bonet; price x I. Item, to him, ane Iult and.ane tepat; price xj I.




. D.I61112.



Item, the xxvj day of November,. iij ~ elnis Rowane tanne to be him ane coit; price elne xij R.; summa xlijl. . Item, for-ane doublet fustiane to him, in all costis, xj II. Item, the xxix day of November, ane elne Rowane rU88&it to be him ane jaccat; price xvj II Item, the xiij day of Januare, send with Maister Thomas Diksone to Maister David Wocat for half ane ~eris hurd to him, and for his scolage this day at his entre to the scoile, v It. x R. Item, to his leveray goune agane 3ule, x elnis blak satin; xj It. price elne xxij R.; summa . Item, for ane lyning, quhet la.mskynnis and werkmenschip tharof to the sam goune, . xxxiij i.t iiij d. Item, to his doublet, ij elnis ane quartar tanne satin; price elne xxviij II.; summa iij It. iij !t Item, for his bonete, xij & Item, to him, agane Pasche, ane doublet fustiane; price xj& Item, to him, WitBonday, ane doublet quhet fustiane; price in all costis, xj s. Item, for ane bonet till him, . viij B. Item, to hyrne to by part of his necessaria, deliverit be the Den of Glasgew, xiij & vj d. Item, to Johne Davidsone, cordinar, in hail1 payment of all schone and butis deliverit to hyme fra. the xxviij day of September last bipast inch18ive to the secund day of Maij exclusive, as his buik of compt examinat tharone bure in it, . xxx R.



Item, till him in September last, at his ma.redge, ane fedder bede with bostar and fedderis; price v It. Item, ane wardoure; price . xxx II. Item, ane pair schetis j price . xxiiij iI. Item, tUB llew blanca.tis; price xx !l. Item, tua. coddis; price. :xx s.




Item, to hyme, ane lyning of ane goUDe in ane bred ....D.1I111. buge and utberis Bkynnis and werkmenachipe; price ix It. Item, to" hini, ane doublet, ij elnia iij quartaria tanne satin; price elne xxviij II.; summa . iij It xvij I. Item, to bim, ane pair broun hoise; price in all expens, xix I. Item, the xxix day of Januar to him, ane doublete quhetA.D.1511.12. fustiane; price in all expens x I.

Item, to hie leveray goUDe agane 3ule, xvj eInie blak A.D. 1511. chamlot; price . viij H. Item, for ane bred buge to lyne ane part of it,. v It. Item, for uthir akynnia to the lyning of it and werkmeoachip tharof, . iiij H. Item, to.hie doublet, ij elnia iij quartaria tanne satin; price eIne xxyiij II.; summa . iij H. xvij A. Item, to him ane bonet; price xij I. Item, to him, ane doublet quhet fustiane; price in all coatis, xj I. Item, to Johne David80ne, oordinar, in haill payment of all schone and butie de1iverit to hyme fra the xiij day of October last bipast inclusive to the secund day of August exclusive, within tbe tyme of this compt at diverse tyroez, as his compt bure, . xxix I. iiij ct. Item, to J ohoe DischingtoUDe, his servitor, for his 3ule leveray, vj eInie tanne; price elne xij .1; summa iij H. xij iI. Item, for ane doublet to hyme; in all coatis, xij I. vj ct. I~, for ane bonet to hyme, . vij I.

Item, to my Lorde Gordoun agane 3ule, xvj elnia blak wei vet for his leveray goune; price cIne xliiij s.; summa. xxxv H. iiij iI.







Item, to him, agane clule, be the Kingis precept, to be him ane doublet, iij elnis crammesy satin; price elne x !t. x iI. iij It x iI.; summa Item, for his hogtoune, boght vj elnis tanne weluus; xvj !t. x II. price e1ne Iv 11.; summa Item, iiij" elnis ~low carsay to lyne the sam ; price . xxij iI. vj ct elne v S.; summa Item, the v day of Aprile, to be him half ane doublet, vj quartaris cramesy satyne j price elne iij It. x II.j summa v It. vii. Item, for ane hos to him, ane elne skerlet j price Iv iI. Item, to the said Maister Ma.xwele, in propinis by his pensioun at diverse tymez befoir the xxij day of J unij, as his compt beris, xj It iiij iI.


Item, to his leveray goune, xvii.i elnis gray satyne j price . xxv!t. iiij iI. eloe xxviij 11.; summa Item, to the lyning of ane part of it, tua bred buge ; price x !t. Item, to lyne the breist and hud of it, xxv Romany buge j price pece vj II. viij 4'. ; summa viij It. vj iI. viij 4'. Item, for his doublet, iij elnis welvot; price elne xliiij II. summa vj It. xij iI.


Item, till him for his leveray, be the Kingis precept, xviij elnis weluus to be him ane goune j price eloe xxxix It. xij II. xliiij II. ; summa Item, to ane part of the lyning of the sam, tua bred. buge ; price x It Item, to the breist~ Rond hud of the. samyn goune, xxv



Romany buge; price pece vj iJ. viij d:.; summa A.D. 1511. viij It vj iJ. viij ct. Item, to his doublet, iij elnis cramesy satin; price elne x It x iJ. iij It. x iJ.; summa

Item, to him for his leveray, v elnis Rissillis blak; price elne xxvj iJ. viij <1:.; summa vj It xiij iJ. iiij <1:. Item, for ane bred buge to it, v H. Item, for ij'" ebJis welvet to hill doublet, v It x I.

Item, to his leveray, v elnis Rissillis blak; price elne vj H. v iI. xxv iJ.; summa Item, lor ane bred buge to the sam, v It Item, ij'" elnis weluet to his doublet; price elne xlij iJ.; summa v H. v iJ. Item, be the Kingis precept, to Maister Patrik Coventre, A.D. 1511-12. the ix day of Januar, vj elnis skerletj price eIne 1 II. ; summa xvH. Item, the xxj day of Aprile, deliverit to be Johne of A.D. 1512Setoune ane coit, v ~ elnis Rowane russait; price eIne xvj S. ; summa.. . iiij It viij iJ.

Item, to the Maister Levinax agane his mariage, to his spowsing gowne, xv elnis gray satin; price eIne xxviij iJ. ; summa . xxj It. Item, to his doublet, iij elnis cramesy satin; price elne iij It x iJ.; summa x It x iJ. Item, for lyning to his goune in buge and Romany . xij H. skynnis; in all coatis Item, to Maister William Dunbar for his 3ule leveray, vj elnis ane quartar Parise blak to be hyme ane gowne ; price eIne xl iJ.; summa xij H. x S.




Item, allowit to the said Maister William attour his leveray was tane at 3ule in anno VCxj, v quartaris uj H. ij I. vj ct. scarlete; price Item, the xxiij day of December, to Maister Laurence Taillefeir in money for iiij ~ elnis Rissillis blak for his goune, price elne xxv R., summa, v H. xij I. vj ct.; item, xiiij elois j quartar chamlot to lyne it, price elne ix I., summa vj H. viij R. iij d:.; item, j eIne blak W01'88.t to his doublet, price xxiiij I.; summa xiij !t. iiij I. ix 4. Item, to Maister Johne CheshoIme for his leveray goune, v~ elnis Rissillis blak; price elne xxvj R.; summa vij It. iij R. Item, to lyne the Bamyn, tua bred buge; price x H. Item, to his doublet, ij eInis iij quartaris weluus.; price . eloe xliiij s.; summa vj H. xij ct. Item, for bis hogtoun, vj elois chamlot; price elne xij R. vij d:.; summa iij It. xv I. vj ct. Item, to Schir Walter Ramsay, Maister of Werk of the achippis, for his leveray, v elnis Rissillia blak; price elne xxvj I. viij 4.; summa vj H. xiij I. iiij ct. Item, for his doublet, v quartaris woraat; price xxviij A. Item, to Maister David Scot, Maister of the Cu~eis, for his leveray, vj elnis tanne graut; price elne xx II.; summa vj It. Item, to Schir James Ynglis for his leveray goune agane dule, v ~ elnis Rissillia blak ; price elne xxvj R. viij 4.; summa vij H. vj R. viij ct Item, for ane bred buge to the samyn, v It. Item, for fumesing of the laif of the lyning to it, iij It. x it Item, for his doublete, iij elois chamlot; price elne x R. ; summa xxx I. Item, to his hoise, iij quartaris Rissillia blak; price xx I. Item, to Robert Innes for his leveray goune, xviij elnis weluus; price elne xliiij R.; summa xxxix It. X\l s. Item, for his doublete, iij elnis crammesy Batyne; price elne iij It. x R.; summa x It. x it



Item, to Robert Muncreiff agane c3ule for his leveray, ~.D. 1611. tua stekis tanne chamlot for his goune; price x H. Item, for ane bred of buge and Orknay skynnis to lyne the samyn, x H. Item, to his doublete, ij ~ e1nis welvot; price elne xlij
~. v~v~

Item, to his hoise, iij quartaris Rissillis broun; price xx il. Item, the vj day of October, to Alexander Makcullocht, iiij elnis Rowane tanne, to be him ane cloik; price eloe xiiij it; summa . Ivj it Item, to wane it, ane e1ne taffatis; price . . xiiij R. Item, fra Johne Tait to hyme, ane rayne deir hyid; price iij ~ Item, the xvij day of October, deliverit to furneis his expensis deliverit v It. Item, for his c3ule leveray, fra MaisterJohne of Murray, tua stekis tanne chamlot to be hyrne ane goune; price x H. Item, fra the said Maieter J ohne, to the lyning of the said goune, twa bred blak buge; price . x~ Item, for his doublet, iij elnis weluus; price e1ne xliiij a.; summa vj ~ xij R. Item, to hyme ane pair broun hoise with all furnesing; price . xviij R. Item, for his bonete, . xiiij R. Item, the vij day of Februar, to be hyrne ane coit, vj 6.D. 151112elnis Rowane greis; price eine xvj R.; summa iiij ~ xvj it Item, to begary the samyn, ane elne weluUB; price xlvj it Item, the vj day of Aprile, to be hyme ane doublete, iij 6.D. 1512. elnis welvot; price elne xliiij R,; summa vj H. xij a. Item, the xxix day of Maij, to furneis his horsmet de1iverit to hyme because he gettis nain of the x !t. propriete, be the Kingis command, Item, to Andro Wod, ischear of the Kingis chaumer, for





A.D. 1612.

A.D. 1511.

his 3ule leveray, vj ~ elnis Ri.asillis blak to be hyme goune and hoise; price elne xxiiij I.; summa vj It. xvj I. Item, for his doublet, ij elnis iij quartaris blak weluus; vj It. xij ct price elne xliiij I.; summa Item, to hyrne ane tippet tafl'atis; price. . viij I. Item, to him ane bonet and ane hat; price . xviij I. Item, the v day of Januar, to hyme for his new ;;eris gift to be hyme ane coit, vj elnis greis; price e1ne xvj I.; summa . iiij tt xvj I. Item, to William Wode, ischear of the Xingis chaumer, to furneis his necessaria because he takkis na penxv It. x I. sion of the Kingis Graoo, . Item, the v day of Januar, deliverit to hyme to be ane coit, v elnis greis; price elne xvj I. j summa iiijlt. Item, to begary the sam coit, ane elne weluus; price xliiij I. Item, to hyme fra the ix day of Marche inclusive to the xx day of Junij exclusive, to furneise his necesearis and expens deliverit at divers tyme;; by the forsaid, fivetein pund tene schillingis, xix It. ij I. Item, the xj day of Marohe, to hyme ane hat and ane tepat; price . xvj I. Item, the vij day of J ulij, to be him ane doublet, iij elnis tanne welvet; price elne Iv I.; summa viij It. v I. Item, to J!UDe8 Stewart, ischear of the uter chaumer dure, for his leveray agane 3ule, v elnis- Risaillis broun; price elne xxvj I. viij c1; 811lllD1& . vj It. xiij I. iiij 4. Item, to his doublet, ij ~ elnis weluus; price elne xliiij I.; summa v 11 x I. Item, for lyning of Orknay buge to his said goune, vj It. Item, to James Boswill, the tothel' ischear. of the Kingis chaumer dure, for his 3ule leveray, iiij ~ elnis



Rissillis blak; price elne xxvj R. viij 4.; summa A.n.1511. vj It. Item, for his doublet, ij ~ elnis welvot; price elne xlv it ; summa . v H. xij R. vj 4. Item, to Johne Formane, eldar, for his leveray goune agane c3ule, vj ~ elDis tanne grauce; price e1ne I R. ; summa xvj tt. v R. Item, for his doublet, iij elnis tanne welvot; the elne Iv R.; summa . viij It. v R. Item, to be hym ane hogtoun, vij elnis tanne cbamlot ; iiiJ It. viij R. j 4. price Item, to the said JohDe For mane, twa stekis fyne tanne cbamlot to be hyme aDe goune; price . xj It. Item, for iij elnis weluus to begary the samyD, vj It. xv R. The quhilk goune or it was worne was gewiD, be the Kingis command, till Thomas Setoune, brothir to the Lord SetouD, to bald in ungewin the Kingis goune of pyrne satyne of gold lynit with Romany buge, quhilk the King ordanit to be gewin, and tharfor gewin to the said Johne Fonnan in recompense of the forsaid cbamlot goune, as followis :-In primis vj elnis Parise blak; price elne II. ; summa xv 11. Item, for lyning tbairof with buge in all coatis, xv tt. x R. Item, to Johne fi'onnane, 60ungar,cousing to my Lord of Morray for his 3ule leveray goune, tua sOOkis tanne cbamlot; price. x H. Item, for ane bred of buge to the [sam], . v 11. Item, to his doublete, iij elnis weluus ; price elne xHiij R. ; summa vj It. xij ill. Item, to Matho Campbele, the first day of December, to be hynle ane doubleoo, iij elnis welvot; price elne xliiij R., summa vj It. xij S. Item, to him agane c3ule, ane douhill steik blak chamlot to be hyme ane goune; price x It. Item, for twa bred huge to the samyn, x 11. Item, to his hoise, iij quartaris Rissillis blak; price xviij S.



.... D.l!'i12.



Item, the v day of Marche, to be hyrne ane coit, v elnis Rowane greis; price elne xvj iI.; summa iiijt1 Item, to hyme, ane bonet j price xiiij S Item, the viij day of Aprile, to be hyme [ane] doublete, deliverit iij elnis welvot; price elne xliiij II. ; summa vj t1 xij iI. Item, to Arohe Douglas 3ule leveray, tua stekis tanne chamlot; price. x It. Item, for lynyng till ane part of the samyn, j bred buge; price v It. Item, for his doublete, ij elnis iij quartaris weluus; price vj It xij d. eloe xliiij iI. j summa . Item, for his hois, Rissillis broun, xx it Item, for his bonete, xij II. Item, the ferde day of October, fro. Richard Hoppar, v elnis Rowane russat to be Robert Mowtrare ane coit j price elne xvj R..; summa . iiij It Item, to be him ane doublet, ij ~ elnis Mullane fustiane; price elne iij S. j summa vij II. vj 4. Item, fra Moris, tai~our, for ane pair bois to him; in xij it all expens Item, to his leveray goune, agane 3ule, twa stekis tanne chamlot; price. x It. Item, to lyne the samyn, twa bred buge ; price. x It. I tem, to his doublet, iij elnis wei vet j price elne xliiij II. j summa . vj It. xij II. Item, to be ane pair hoise, iij quartaris broun j price xxII. Item, to him ane })qnet; price xij it Item, the xxv day of Maij, to him ane hatt; price iiij II. Item, to Johne Davidsone, cordinar, for schone and butis deliverit to him fra the vij day of September last bipasli inclusive to the secund day of August nixt thareftir exclusive, within the tyme of this compt, xv II. eftir the said J ohnis buik . Item, deliverit to the said Robert in propinis at diverse tymez, fro. the xj day of September last bipast to the



last day of Julij, within the tyme of this compt, in A.D. 1512. iiij Franch crounis, . Ivj it Item, to Thomis Levingstoun for his levemy goune, tua .i..D. 1511. stekis tanne chlUlllot; price x It Item, for ane bred buge to the breist and hud of it, v It. Item, for his doublet, ij elnis weluus i price elne xliiij a. j summa vj It. xij d. Item, for his hois of gray sandre, xx iI. Item, for ane bonet to him, xij a. Item, to George Carmichele agane dule for his levemy, v'" elnis Rissillis broun; price elne xxvj 9. viij d.; summa . vij It. vj a. viij d'. Item, for furring of Orknay huge to it, v It. Item, to he hyme ane doublet, ij elnis iij qua.rta.ris satyne j price elne xxv iI.; summa . iij It. viij II. ix d. Item, to hyrne ane bonet; price x i. Item, to Luke of the wardrop, the xxiiij day of October, to by hyrne ane covering of ane jak, I II. Item, for his dule levemy, v'" e1nis Rowane tAnne, to be hyrn ane goune; price elne xij R.; summa iij It. vj a. Item, to James Winchester, furrour, for ane lyning of quhet lamskynnis and werkmenschip tharof to the said goune, . xxxij a. Item, to his cJoublet ij'" elnis b1a.k satyne j price elne iij It. xxiiij a.; summa Item, for his bonet, x iI. Item, to be hyme ane gawbart, vj'" elnis Rowane greis; price elne xvj iI.; summa . v It. iiij a. Item, for ane doublet Mullane fustiane to him in all coatis, xiiij IJ. Item, the vj day of Maij, deliverit be the Dene of .i..D. l1i12. Glasgew for ane horse to the said Luke in Aire, eftir the Kingis command, viij markis, makand v It. vj II. viij ll. Item, to the Kingis maister cuik, the xix day of October, A.D. 1m. be the Kingis command, for ane horse to heir the silvir weschele, x It.







Item, to him, vij elnis blak weluUB for ane jaooat coit; price elne xliiij R.; somma. . xv It viij S. Item, for his leveray goune agane dole, vj e1nis blak; price e1ne xxvj s. viij 4.; summa viij It. Item, iij qoartaris of the said Rissillia for his hoise; price us. Item. the xxv day of Aprile, to him for his bassingsilvir of Pasche last bipast, x Jf. Item. to Malcolme Gr[a]hame, cuik, for his leveray goune. ilij'" elnis tanne; price elne xiij s.; summa Ivii,i II. vj ct Item, to his dooblet, ij '" elnis satyne ; price elne xxiij II. ; summa . lvij II. vj d. Item, to Sandris Flemyng for his leveray, ilij e1nis tanne, to be him ane goune; price . xliiij S. Item, j quartar steik chamlot to his doublet; price xx s. Item, to William Spishouse agane dule, iiij '" elnis Rissillis blak. to be hyrne ane goune; price e1ne xxiiij I.; summa . . . . v It viij !I. Item. for his doublet. ij '" elDie weluus; price elne xliiij R.; summa v H. x S. Item, to James Lambe. ilij eluis Rissillia blak. to be him ane goune; price eloe xxiiij R.; 8umma v It viij l Item, for his doublet iij'" elois weluUB; price elne xlilij R.; summa v H. x S. Item, to hyme for his dule bassinsilvir.. x It Item, to Robin of Douglas, of tlie vin sellar, for his dule leveray, iiij '" elnis Rissillia blak, to be him ane goune; price elne xxvj s. viij d.; summa vj H. Item. iij ~ elnia weluUB to his doublet; price e1ne xliiij I.; summa v 11 x AItem. for his bassingsilvir at New6ermese. x It. Item, to Patrik Murray &gane dule. j'" steik iij elnis blak chamlot for his goune; price ix It Item. for buge to the lining of it in all costis,. x It. Item. to his doublet, ij'" elnia iij quartaris weluus; price elne xliiij I.; summa vj H. xij I. Item, tQ hyme ane bonet.; price x l



Item, to him ane pair broun hoise furneist; price A.D. 11m. xxij it iiij 4. Item, to Andro Armestrang, the xxvij day of November, ane rayne deir hiid to cover hyme ane jak; price xliiij R. Item, deliverit be James Winchestir, furrour, ane lyning quhet la.mskynnis till ane goune quhilk he gat at Pa.sche preceda.nd this compt, unmaid quhill 3ule; price xxxij a.' Item, propinit to hyme at diverse tyme:5 in money, fra the xx.vij day of November inclusive to the x day of Aprile exclusive, as his compt beris, in viij licht Franch crounis, v 11 xij R. Item, to Thomas Kinca.ide, constable of the Castele of Edinburgh, for his leveray goune aglIDe 3ule, vj elnis broun gl'eise; price elne xviij iI.; summa. v It. viij R. Item, be consideratioun of his service, deliverit for excrescence his goune drew to mair na the BOUDle for this tyme allallerlie, lij R. Item, to his doublet, iij elnis welvot; price xliiij R.; summa . vj It. xij R. Item, to Robert Calendar, constable of Striveling, for his dule leveray, vj elnis Rissillis blak; price elne xxv R.; summa . vij It. x iI. Item, for excrescence of his leveray he wantit the last :5eir, deliverit be the Kingis command, . . . xlij!'l. Item, to his doublet, iij elnis welvot; price elne xliiij R.; summa . vj It. xij a. ltern, to Walter Scott for his leveray goune, tua stekie tanne chamlot; price x It. Item, for ane bred of buge to the sa.myn, . v It. Item, to his doublet, ij elnis iij quartaris weluus; price e1ne xliiij 8.; summa. vj It xij t1:. Item, to his hoise, iij quartaris Rissillis broun, . xx a. Item, for his bonet, xij R. Item, to James Scott in the avery, for his leveray goune, iiij elnis Rowane tanne; price elne xj a.; summa xliiij R.



Item, j quartar steik chamlot to his doublete; price xx it [Similar livery to Mitte Donaldson.] Item, to Johne Scott, agane 3ule, for his leveray goune, xliiij A. iiij elnis tanne; price Item, j quarta[r] steik chamlot to his doublete; price
xxv A.

[Similar livery to John of Lichtone, John Sparty, the King's horse-shoer, Robert Purves, Pate Donaldson, William Watson and William Drury, grooms of the King's chamber, John Davidson, cordiner, Harwood, gunner, and John Quarriour.] Item, to Dande DowIe, for his dule leveray, v elnia broun to be him ane goune; price eIne xviij R; summa iiij H. xl. Item, to his doublet, ij '" elnis weIvot; price elne xlij I.; summa . v Ii. v I. Item, to Robert Gallua, of the Kingis avery, for his leveray goune, v elnis Rowane tanne; price elne xij A.; summa iij H. Item, for his dotfblet, ij ~ elnis weluus; price elne xliiij R.; summa v H. x R. Item, to William Fokkert, :5ernane, for his leveray goune agane 3ule, v elnis Rowane tanne; price elne xj A.; summa . Iv A. Item, for his doublete, ij ~ elnis satyne; price elne uij R.; summa Iv R. Item, for ane bonet to hyrne, . xij A. [Similar liYery, without the bonnet, to James Winchester, the King's furrier, John Aitken, goldsmith, and John Lockhart, mason.] Item, to Sandris Gordoun, :5emane, for his leveray agane 3ule. iiij ~ elnes Rowane tanne; price liij R. iiij ct. Item, for his doublet, augmentat be the Kingis command, iiij elnis satyne; price elne xxiiij R.; summa iij H. xij A.



Item, to Andro Fullertoun, for hie gud service in the .'-D. lIill. Hall, iij elnis gray satyne to be hyme ane doublete; . iiij H. iiij A. price elne xxviij A.; summa Item, to the Squyer of Clesche, for his 3ule leveray, vj elnis Rowane tanne; price elne xj A. vj ct; summa. iij tt. ix A. Item, to his doublet, iij elnie Bruge satyne; price elne . xxx B. x A.; summa [Similar livery to William Mayne, Pierson, gunner (with a mantle costing xx it), and Nicholas, gunner.] Item, be the Kingis command, gewin to him at diverse tymez in propinis, as hie compt beria to the xij day of Junij inclusive, v H. xij iI. Item, to Thome Edzar, for bis leveray agane dule, iiij '" elnie Rissillis blak for bie goune and i,i'" elnis weluus for bie doublete; summa of baitht xj H. Item, to Johne Donaldsone, at writis tbe comptie of the hOUBBald, ad extra for his goune, v elnie Rowane tanne; price elne xiij iI. iiij d; summa iij H. vj. A. viij 4. Item, ij'" elnie Mullane fustiane to his doublete; price vij B. vj 4. Item, to Jaquez Terele, .maister wricht of the schippis, for his 3ule leveray, tua stekie chamlot to be him ane goune; price x H. Item, for his doublet, iij e1nis welvot; price elne xliiij A; summa vj It. xij B. Item, to bim for his hous male, vj H. xiij A. iiij d Item, to Johne of Drummond, wricht; agnne dule for his leveray, v elnie tanne; price elne xij iI.; summa iij It. Item, to bis doublet, iij elnie satyne; price elne xxiiij A.; mmma mtt~~ [Similar livery to John Kile, smith, Thomas of Peebles, glass wright, and Maister John, gunner.] Item, to the qweile wricht of Melros, at makie the gune que1is in the Castele, v elnis Rowane tanne to be






him ane goune; pricc elne xiij S. iiij d.; summa iij It vj S. viij d. Item, to sex wrichtis, of the the Kingis awne welvot, ~x doubletis for thair Jule leverayis. Item the xxvj day of Marche, boght to be the Duche skipper at brooht the Kingis mastis, ane goune, xv elnis blak cham lot ; price eIne xi!; summa vij tt. x i! Item, to bordoure the sclewez of it, boght half ane quartar welvot; price . v iI. ix [ct]. Item, for ane lyning of quhet lamskynnis and the werkmenschip tharof to the said goune, xxxvj S. Item, to be him ane douhlet, deliverit ij elnis iij quartaris welvot; price elne xliiij S.; summa vj It. 'xij a. Item, to be hyrne ane coit, iij elnis FraDche gray; price e1ne xj iI.; summa xxxiij S. Item, to be hyme ane pair of boise, iij quartaris braid red; price xiij iI. vj ct Item, to the tymmerman and sterismaD of the said Duche skippar and his schip, to be thame cotis, doubletis and hoise; xiiij e1nis red carsay; price. elDe v iI.; summa iij It. x i! Item, to xxiiij marineris of the said Duche skipparis schip, to be thame dou bletis and hoise, lxxij ~ elnis blew and greyne carsais; price elDe iiij iI. vj a; summa xvj It vj iI. ix ct Item, to the said xxiiij wrichtis for thair cotis, boght xlvij elnie iij quartaris 6allow carsay; price elne iiij iI. viij ct; summa. x tt. xviij iI. x ct Item, boght to be fourtie doublets to tbe wrichtis of the shippis, five skoir ane e1ne j quartar Burge satyne of diverse hewis; price elne xj it; summa Iv It. xiij I. ix ct Item, to be the said fourtie wrichtis fourLie pair of hoise, boght Iv e1nili! blew and 6allow carsay; price elne iiij 8. vj ct; summa . xij It. vij iI. vj 4Item, to be fourty braid bordorit cotis to the said fourty wrichtie, boght five skoir Ivj e1nis iij quartaris 6&llow . and blew carsay; price e1ne iiij iJ. vj a; summa xlv It. v ill. iiij d. ob.



bem, to Johne Campbele at makis the lanternis to the A.D. 1511. Kingis schippis, v elnis Rowane greis to be him ane leveray goune; price elne xvj it; summa . iiij H. Item, to be hyme ane doublet, v quartaris doubill worsat; price elne xxiiij R. summa . xxx R. Itein, to hyrne ane blak bonete i price x R. Item, to Martyne Buschard for his dule leveray, vj eInis tanne i price elne xij R.; SUlDma . iij H. xij R. Item, to his doublet, iij elnis weluus; price eIne xliiij R. ; summa . vj H xij R. Item, to Robert Borthuik, gunar, ansuerit, be the Kingis command, at his awne discretioune, in his expensis deliverit to him by clething and utheris necessaris, and byane hundretht crounis of wecht deliverit to him in Deip be Schir .Alexanderis Laudir, Prowest of Edinburgh, factouris, q uhilk is allowit to the said Prowest in his expens of the custumez'of Edinburgh, fra the xiiij day of September exc1usive to the x day of Marche inclusive, within the'tym of this compt, 88 the bukis of Petty Comptis heris, jCxxxij H. xv s. Item, to Robin of Borthuik, gunnar, for his dule leveray goune, tua stekis tanne chamlot; price xj It. Item, to lyne the samyn, tua bred buge i price. x It Item, to bordoure and begary the said goune, ij e1nis welllus; price elne xlv R. i summa v Ii xij R. vj 4. Item, for his doublet, iij elnis tanne welvot; price eIne Iv R.; summa. . viij It v A. Item, to James Winchestir, furrour, for certane furringis deliverit to him befoir the ix day of Marche within the tyme of this compt, eftir his bill of compt_ gewin tharone, . xxij H. xj B. Item, to Wolf; gunnar, for his leveray goune, vj elnis Rowane tanne i price eIne xiij oR. ilij 4.; summa ilij H. Item, for his doublet, iij elnis darumes: price elne xxiiij II.; summa iij H. xij B. Item, for ane bonet to hyme, . xij R. Item, gewin to him, he the Kingis CODlIll&nd, in propinis




by his pensione and leveray at sindry tymez to the xxviij day of Februar, as hil! compt beris, in vij licht Franch crounis, iiij It. xviij a. Item, to Adam Dikesone, harpar, for his leveray goune, v elnis Rowane russait; price elne xvj 9.; summa iiij It. Item, to his doublet, ij ~ elnis satyne; price elne xxij it; summa Iv B. Item, to Alexander Wardlaw, lutar, for his leveray goune, v ~ elnis Rissillis blak; price elne xxv il.; summa . . vj It. xvij 9. vj ct Item, to Knox, falconare, iiij ~ elnis Scottis russait to be him ane gawbart; price elne ix iJ.; summa xllJ. vj ct Item, to ane grume of the stabule::5 of Falkland becaus he gat nocht his level'ay quhen the la.iff gat tha.ris, ane doulJlete Mullane fustiane; price in all costis, . xiij il. Item, to him ane goune, iiij ~ elnis russait; price elne vj 9. viij d.; summa . . xxx IJ. Item, to mantande Adam, aUocay, ane pair red and blew careay hois j price . viij a. Item, to the allocais, agane 3ule, for thair leverais, xij elnis tanne, to be thame tua gawbertis; price elne xij IJ. ; summa . vij It. iiij 9. Item, to be thame tua doubletis, v ~ elnis Bruge satyne; price elne x 9.; summa Iv B. Item, to thame tua pair red and :5allow hois; price xviij 9. Item, to thame tua bonettis; price . xiiij B. Item, for a pair red and blew carsay hois to Finlay, ix 9. allocay, . Item, to Campbele, umquhilI alloca.y, ane pair hoise;


A.D. 161112. .\..D.1612.

Item, the x day of Februar, to :Finlay, rynnar, to by him sarkis, efter the Kingis command, . xiiij 8. Item, agane Pasche, to be Finlay, allocay, ane doublete, ij elnis iij quartaris ronne satyne and Burge satyne; price elne xj 9.; summa xxx 8. iij d.



Item, the sam tyme, to him ane pair carsay hois; price A.D. 16120 ixl. Item, propinit to hyme, . xiiij I. Item, pl'Opinit to mantand Adam, . xiiij . Item, the xviij day of Junij, to the said tua allocais and to ana Franche allocay, to be thame party doubletis, viij elnis j quartar gray and blak Burge satin; price e1ne xj .; summa iiij H. x R. ix ct Item, for Hoting, stenting, and fassone of ilk doublet, vij I.; summa . . xxj . Item, the last day of Junij, to Finlay, allocay, xiiij D. Item, to foure allocais, foure paire hois; price pair in all coatis ix R. ; summa xnvj D. Item, the v day of August, to the Franche allocay, xiiij S. Item, the xxv day of September, fra James Johnestoun, ij'" elnis Inglis braid red, and fra Johne Yrland tua '" e1nis Franche 6al1ow claith, to be J ohne of Buit ane coit of the fassoun of the sey wawis; price e1ne reid xviij D., price elne 6al1ow xiiij I.; summa iij 11 xj I. Item, the xv day of December, to be him sarkis, vij "'Do 1512. elnis lyning claith; price e1ne xiiij ct; summa viij D. ij d. Item, for ane doublet quhet fustiane to him; in all coatis xij D. Item, to be him ane hud, half ane elne 6allow carsay and half ane e1ne reid carsay &gane 3ule; price v . Item, the xij day of J annara, . for ane pair blew carsay A.D. 1512hois to hyme, . . viij D. Item, the last day of Marche, deliverit to Spark to pay A.D. 1512. for wesching of his clathis and tUl'S the said J ohne of Edinburgh to Linlithgow, . v . Item, to him ane doublet Mullane fustiane; in all coatis price xij . Item, the xvij day of Maij, deliverit be David Lermonth for ane pair of hois; in all expenses . viij . Item, the vj day of Julij, ira Maister Johne of Murray,




to be byme ane coit, V e1nis Rowane tanne; price elne xii,i it iiij ct; summa . iij It vj S. viij ct Item, to byrne ane doublet qubet fustiane; price in all costis , xiiij R. Item, to bim ane paire blew ca.rsa.y bois; price in all expens . viij R. Item, to Spark, J obne of Butis mane, ij e1nis iij quartarls fustiane for ane doublete; price elne ij R.; summa . v S. vj ct Item, in August preceda.nd this compt, till hyrne ane pair quhet bois; price in all expensis . vj a. Item, to the lard of Ballindrocht, iiij" elnis russat to be bim ane coit; price elne vij S.; summa xxxj R. vj d Item, to hyme ane doublet furneis~; in all costis price xiij S. Item, to by byme ane sark, gewin . iiij R. j ct Item, to Bille Howe, for his leveray a.gane 3ule, iiij elnis Scottis gray to be byrne ane coit; price elne iiij R. ; summa . . xvj R. Item, to William Haliburtoun and Geo[r]g Gud for servicis 6erly in tbe Cbekkar, ilk ane of tham iiij" elne Rowan tanny, price of ilk elne xiij S. iiij ct., and to ilk ane of ij" elne Melan fustean, price of ilk e1ne iij R., and till ilk ane of thame for hois, . vij It xvj S. viij ct. x B. x ct; summa. [.Almost all the above members of tbe King's household had gifts of hose, often several pairs, generally white ca.rsa.y, at a cost of from v R. to viij iI., or black at about x S. Where otber colours or qualities of hose are mentioned the entry baa been retained.] Summa vestimentorum servitorum Regis ijmiijcxxv It xviij II. x d. TENET A.




Item, agane 3ule, to Henry Gilpatrik for his leveray A.D. 1511. coit, ane steik tanne chamlot; price v It. Item, to bordoure the samyn, iij quartaris weluus; pr.ooe xxxnja Item, for fustiane to lyne the stomok of it, vj ct. Item, to be hyme ane doublet, ij elnis j quartar oblak xlv a _ satyn; price elne xx iil.; summa Item, to him ane bonet; price v II. Item, tq William Sinkler for his leveray goune agane 3ule, iiij" elnis Rissillis blak; price elne xxiiij a ; summa . v It. viij IJ. Item, to his doublet, ij" elnis weluus; price elne v It. x II. xliiij II.; summa [Similar livery to James Dog, Lance Ferry, the Queen's furrier, and Alexander Kers, master cook to the Queen.] Item, to Rewe Muncreiff, &gane 3ule, for his leveray, twa stekis blak chamlot to be hyme ane gowne; price viij It. Item, ij~ e1nis weluUB to his doublete; price elne xJ.iiij II. ; summa v It. x fl. IteD,l, to David Balfoure, agaue 3ule, ana steik tanne v It. chamlot to be him ane coit; price Item, to bordoure the said coit, iij quartaris weluus; price xxxiij it Item, the sam tyme, to be hyme ane doublet, ij elnis j quartar satyne; price elne xx a; summa xlv iJ. Item, for ane bonet to hyme, v s. Item, to Robert Spitte1e, the Quenis;5our, for his 3ule leveray goune, iiij ~ elnis Rissillis broun ; price v It. viij a elne xxiiij S.; summa It:em, ij" elnis blak weluus to his doublet; price elne xliiij a; summa v It. v a




Item, to Johne of Dowglas, of the vyne sellar, for his 3ule leveray goune, v e1nis tanne; price Iv A. Item, for his doublet, ij eInis lij quartaris satin; price elne xxiii~ l; summa iij 11. vj S. Item, to James Avery for his leveray goune, iiij elnis tanne; price . liij S. iiij ct. Item, for his doublet, j quartar steik chamlot; price xx A. [Similar livery to Andrew Mersar, William, Adam, and Patrick Maxtoun, William Donaldson, Paul Gawbraith, Archie Balzee, John Lesley, and James Cart&r.] Item, to Johne Allerdaise for his leveray goune of Franche tanne, lij A. Item, for his doublet, ane quartar steik chamlot; price xx A. Item, to Nichole Hathvy for his leveray goune, iiij elnis Rowane tanoe; price xliiij R. Ltem, j quartar steik chamlot to his doublet; price xx l [Similar livery to William Forsyth, David Craufurd, Luke Taillefeir, Wat Avery, and

Item, to William Forsith for his leveray goune, iiij elnis Rowane tanne; price eloe xj l; summa xliiij A. Item, for his doublet, ane quartar steik chamlot; price xx S. Item, to Reoch of the vin sellar, iiij elnis tanne, xliiij S. Item, to his doublet, ij ~ elnis Bruge satin; price xxv R. Item, to the said Johne Leslie in anoo VOxj, iiij elnis tanne neglexit in the last chekker compt; price xlilij R. Item, siklik ane doublet; price xxA. Item, siklik his hois; price . v l vij d. ob. Item, to the said James Cartar neglexit siklik, iiij elnis tanne; price xlviij S. Item, his doublet,. xx S. I tem, his hois, x R. Item, to Archibald Moffat, v ~ eInie Rowane tanne; price eIne xiij S. iiij d.; summa iij It xiij S. iiij d.



Item, for his doublet, ij ~ elnis Mullane fustiane; price A.D. lIill. vij R. vj d Summa vestimentorum servitorum Domine jClvj H. xj II. vij ct ob. Regine . [Each of the above servants of the Queen had in addition either black hose at about x lI., or carsay at about vj rI.] TENET A.



Item, to Henry Lord Sinklere, maister of the Kingis artaillery, takand in pensioun be beir at ane terme, ane hundretht pund, deliverit to hyme in compleit payment of this beris pensioun, ane hundretht H., and of the rest of the beir precedand thi" compt of the . jCIH. Mertimes terme, fiftie pund; summa Item, to Alexander Stewart, dene of Dunbar, takand termIie of Martimes and Witsonday, thretti seTin It. vj, II. viij d., deliverit in haill payment thairof, lxvj H. xiij II. iiij c.t Item, to Schir Alexander Makcullocht of Myrtoun, knieht, maister falconar to the King, ane hundretht H., to him in compleit payment of the tennez of this compt, and in part payment of the Martimes terme immediat followand, be his ressait of ane composi1iioun of remissioun to Eduard Mure and his complices in the ail-e of Wigtoun, jcxxxiij 11. vj it viij d. Item, to James Stewart of Tracqwaire, takand termelie of Martimes and Witsonday last bipast, tuenti It., xlii. [Similar pensions for these terms to Maister James Henrison, the King's Advocate; Maister Andro Stewart, son to the Earl of . Athole; Maister Patrick Coventre; the




lang Doctor of Denmark; Maister James Murray; Sir James Inglis, clerk of the King's closet; James Stewart, son to the Laird of Ardgowan (the last with x tt. extra); William of Striveling; and James Winchester, furrier to the King.] \ Item, to the Maister Maxwele, takand be beir at twa termez, Witsonday and Martinmes, ane hundretht Franch crounis, . lxx Ii Item, to Maister J ohne Chesholme, in his fee, and pensiouu of the samyn termez, . xxvj Ii xiij I. iiij ct. Item, to Maister James Sympsone, be the Kingis letterez under his Prive Bele, in his fee and pensioun of the samyn termez, . xx Ii Item, to Maister William Dunbar, tako.nd termlie, fourti Ii, of Martimes and Witsunday last; summa lxxx tt. Item, to Schir Alexander Makesone, in his fee and pensione at tua termez, Witsonday and Martimes last xiij Ii vj ill. viij. d:. bipast, Item, to Schir J ohne Scharp, for keping of the Kingis gardingis in the Palace of Halirudhouse, in his fee, vj Ii xiij ill. iiij d:. Item, to Nicho1ace Abemethie, takand of the Thesaurari at foure termez for his fee and pensioun, xxiiij Ii Item, to Schir J ohne Goldsmitht, for his fee and pensioun x Ii. of Martimes and Witsonday last bipast, Item, to Thomas Clerk, takand termlie for his fee and pensioun tuenti five H., deliverit to him for Martimes and Witsonday last bipast, . I tt. Item, to Symon Cunynghame, in his pensioun of the termez of Alhallowmes, Candilmes, Rudmes, anrl xlii. Lammes, . Item, to Behir William Fresar, in his pensione and fee, attour his benefice of Witsonday and Martimes last x Ii bipast, Item, to the chape1lanis of Dunblane at singis for the



Kingis Grace. deliverit at Alhallowmes, Rudmes and .... D. 1511. Lammes last, . . xx H. Item, to the chapellane of Cambuskynneth at singis for the King thair, of Martimes and Witsonday last, xiij It. vj II. viij c1 Item, to Adam Cokburne, takand for his clething tuenti pund, and for his pensioune fourti It, at tua termez, Martimes and Witsonday last bipast; summa Ix H. Item, to William Cokbume, in his fee and pensioun for the termez of Alhallowmes, Candilmes, Rudmes and Lammes last bipast, . xl H. [Similar pensions to John Forman, younger, cousin to my Lord of Moray ; John of Setoun, William Bosuile, John of Balfoure, David Lindesay, .Alexander Wardlaw, Archibald Bikertoun, Robert Logan, Andrew Hamilton, John Mosman, James Bonar and .Richard Graham, the last getting a payment at Beltane.] Item, to Matho Campbele, takand ouklie ane licht Franch croun, makand in the ;&eir Hj Franch crounis; summa uxvj It viij . [Similar payments to James Hog and Dande Doule.] . Item, to the Squier of Clesche, in his pensioun, xv lycht Fmnch croun, makand x It x I. Item, to James Winchester, furrour to the Kingis Grace, in his fee termly at Martimes and Witsonday, five It; summa . x It. [Similar payments to Thomas Edgar, tailor; John Davidson, cordiner; Persone, gunner (with x It. unpaid the previous year); Nicholas, gunner.] Item, to John Hartsid, takand at Martimes and Wit80nday last bipast for his pensioun, v It. Item, to Thome of Peblis, in augmentatione of his fee, iij It vj . viij 4. Item, to Maistres Francis, Englis woman, takand ;&eirlie




in penBioun, five It. Englis, deliverit to hir in haill payment of hir 2;eris pensioun precedand this compt, and of this 2;eris penBioun within the tyme of this compt tene It. Englis, eftir the draucht of the auld bukis, ansuerand in Scottie money to xxxv It. Item, to the ladynar of the Quenis wardrop, takand be 2;eir for hir fee, xl I. Item, to the Hispan2;ee knicht at diverse tymez, befoir the xxiiij day of J unij, within the tyme of this compt, as his compt maid tharapone beris in jt, liiij It. ij I. Item, to William Hammiltoun, enterand to ane penBioun of fourti It., be the Kingis precept, subscrivit with the Kingis hand the first day of August, deliverit to him in haill payment of his Lammes terme last bipast, xH. Item, to J ohne Aitkin, gold81llitht, takand monethtlie in pensioun to November last bipast, five Franch crounis, and fro. November to the 'last day of Julij, within the tyme of this compt, be the Kingis letter under his Gret Sele, monetJttlie vj Franch crounis, makand tuelf monethtis in lxix Franch crounis, xlviij It. vj I. Item, to the said Johne, for certane uncis, silvir, part of gold, chercoill, servandis wagis pait be him one the mending of the King and Quenis si1vir weschele, fra the first day of September last bipast to the x da.y of Januare, within the time of this compt, eftir his bill of compt gewin tharone, xv Ii. x s. Item, to the foure ItaJiane schawmeri,s and George . Forest with thame, and foura ytaliane trumpatis, makand in numer nyne personis, ilk ane takand for thair 3ule leveray sex It. tene I.; summa in haill payment tharof lviij It. x I. Item, to the Franche menstralez, beand in numer three personis, ilk persoun takand siklik for thair 3ule leveray sex Ii. tene I.; summa xix It. x it Item, to t.he said Italiane schawmeris and trumpatis and



George Forest, in nomer with thaim makand as said A.D. 1611. is ix personis, ilk persone takand for thair somer lviij H. x R. leveray sex It. x R.; summa Item, to the said foure Franche menstralez, ilk persone takand for thair somer leveray sex It. x Do ; deliverit to thame in haill payment tharof xxvj H. Item, to the said nyne menstralez, for thair feis and pensiones takand ilk persone at foure termez in the beir, Alhallowmes, Candilmes, Rudmes, and Lammes, ilk quartar sex 1!'ranch crounis iij R. vj ct fra the monetht of September last bipast inclusive to September thair efter exclusive, makand ane haill beir, ilk ane for thame in the beir xxv Franch crounis ; .. summa . . jClvij It. x R. Item, to the Franche menstralez forsaid, for thair feis and pensiones, takand ilk persone in the quartar sex Franch crounis iij R. vj ct, for Alhallowmes, Candilmes, Beltane, and Lammes, . In H. Item, to ane uthir menstrale enterit to siklik wage with thame, be command of the King, in haill payment of Maij, Junij, Julij, inclusive, makand ane quartar pensioun, . iiij H. vij R. vj 4'. Item, to Gilleam, tavemare, in ham payment of his pensioun and fee takand in the beir siklik as the menstralez abone writin fra September last bipast inclusive to September to cum exclusive, xvij It. x R. Item, to the said three menstralez in ane propin, be the Kingis command, lix R. Item, to Johne Sparty, smitht, taklUld for his fee beirIy, ten It., deliverit to him for Martimes and Witsonday last bipast, x H. Item, to CrE'.ssent, ltaliane maissone, tnkand monethtlie for his wagis, expensis, and feis, sevin It., to be deliverit in haill payment of tuelf monethtis fra September last bipast inclusive to September to cum lxxxiiij It. exclusive; malmn~ ane beir



A.D. 1619.

Item, to Martin Buschard, carwoure, takand monethtlie for his wagis, expensis, and feis, five It. xij il [for a similar period], . lxvij It. iiij AItem, to Martin Buschardis servitQur, takand monethtlie for his wagis and expensis, three Franch crounis [for a similar period] in xxxvj licht Franch crounis, xxv It. iiij R. Item, to Wolf. gunnar, takand monethtIie for his wagis, feis, and expens, four J1. iiij il [for a similar period] 1 tt. viij R. Item, gavin to the said Wolf, in propinis at thre tymez, thre Iicht Franch crounis, . xlij R. Item, to William Quhet, pott8.r, takand 6eirlie for his labouris at the wesohele of the kechingis and cUD6ehouse, fourty tt. [for a similar peliod]. xl It Item, the xvij day of December, to Robert, cuttellar, for sex gilt dagaris, foure fumeist dagaris, foura tumyng swerdis, foura dUB80n of wirrellis with diamontis; price pace dagar xx R., efter his bill of compt .xiij tt. xij R. deliverit to him, Item, the v day of Julij, to the relict of umquhill the said Robert for sex fumeist dagaris and for all uthir gair deliverit be hir said husband to the King befoir vj tt. this day as hir bill bura at lentht, Summa pensionum precedentium ijmvijc 1 tt. v R. ij ct TENET A.


Item, the thrid day of Februar, to William Ray, cuttellar, for tuelf dagaris deliverit be him to Johne Formane for the Kingis use, price pece ane Franch croun; and for ane saw to Robin of Borthuik, for the gunnis, j Franch oronn ; ane lang riepe, price vij t, and



ane wisp of Lambart steile, price iiij g. as his bill of A.D. IflU-l2. compt bure; summa . ix H. xij g. Item, the xxvij day of Februar, to J ohne Mayne, bower, for Be8Bonnyng of the Kingis bowis, refonnyng, glewing, and homyng of thame, and for certane speiriB deliverit before this day eftir his bill of compt deliverit, vj H. x g. viij (1'. Item, the ix day of September, send to ~chir James Pettigrew, to Craufurd mure, at t.he wynning of the mynd, for him and hiB servitours to god compt. vj H. Item, the thrid day of October, to the said Schir James in haill payment of tuelf werkmeniB wagis with him in Craufurd mure, xv wolkis to Settirday, the xxvij day of September ~t bipast; ilk mane in the oulk vj B., makand ouklie thre It xij g., by expens maid be him of werklumez and the sam tyme, xjltxg Item, the viij day of Junij, to the said Sehir James and sex servitouriB with him, enterand to the said mynd, the ix day of Junij, for thair expens, to god compt, xlt Item, the viij day of Julij, to the said Schir James and xj servitouris with him at the said mynd, by Laurence Cune, ta.kand for ilk servitouriB expens ouklie vj g., to god compt for foure oulkes tene pund, and to the said Laurence, in compleit payment of his feis and wagis for the monetht of Julij, v Franch crollnis; summa xiij H. x g. Item, the xxix day of Julij, to the said Schir James, be James Dunbar of BJa.ckcrag, knicht, to gud compt, x It. Item, to Sebald Northtberge, maister finour, takand monethtlie for his wa.gis and e~ensiB v Franch crounis for tuelf monethtis fro. the first day of September last bipast inclusive to the first day of September to cum . xlij It exclusive, in Ix licht Franch crouniB, Item, to Gerard, meltar of the mynd, takand monethtlie for his wagis and feis iiij Fra.nch crounis [for a similar period] in xlviij licht Francb crouuis, xxxiij It xij g









Item, the xij day of Januar, to Andro Irland, finom of the leid, at his begynnyng tharto, to gad compt, Ivj 8. Item, the x day of Marche, to him for his expensis and to by hyme hois and schone, to gad compt, v Franch crounis, . iij It. x it Item, the vij day of Aprile, to the said Andro for his expensis be his awne consent, to gud compt, xxviij A. Item, the xxviij day of Aprile, to Gray, finour, to follow the King to Donbertane, to fyne leid; to his expens, xlij A. Item, the viij day of Januare, compt maid with William Striveling for expensis maid be him apone the sayng of the led mynd of nay, for the careage tharof, for the biggein of ane hous to the said mynd, for charcoill, and utheris expensis maid one werklumez and stuff, Ira the xxiij day of August precedand this compt to the first day of September thareftir, as his bill of compt particulary bure in it, xj Ii iiij & viij ct Item, the x day of Marche, to the said William in haill payment of careage of leid of Dunbertane to Edinburgh, and for expens maid one the red of the leid, ile, focall, werkmenis wagis, hors hyir, and utheris necessaria fro. the xv day of Januare inclusive to this day, as his bill of compt bure, iij It xiij A. x (1'. Item, the xxij day of Aprile, to Gerard, meltare, to pay for ane monethtis wagis of foure servitouris and v It. expens to labour at the mynd, Item, the xv day of J unij, to the said Gerard, to pay ane monethtis wagis befoir this day to ane ca.llit Laurence Cune, Duchemane, takand monethtlie,forti &, and in compleit payment of all werklumez and necessaris for the mynd, xxx R.; summa iij H. x R. Item, to him, to pay for foure servitouris wagis and labouris with him at the said mind, foure oulkis; ilk servitour in the wolk v R., fra the xvj day of J unij to foure wolkis thareftir, . iiij 11. Item, the xvi\j day of Julij, to twa servitouris, send to Sebald, finour, to labour one the mind, takand il~



mane in the wolk, v I., begynnand tharto the penult A.D. 1612. day of Julij; deliverit to gud compt. xx II. Item, to thame for service doyne, . vij II. vj ct Item, to James Carwour, takand woklie for him self and tua servituris with him at the Kingis organis, xxviij I., deliverit to him in haill payment of xvij woulkis fra the penult day of August last bipast to the xxvij day of December, within the tyme of this compt, xxiij It xvj I. Item, deliverit to the said James, for the od dais betuix the xxvij day of December to the first day of Januar, xx I. Item, the said James is conditionat the first day of Januar to tak his wagis be the monetht as utheris the Kingis wrichtis of the schippis, ilk monetht five It xij II.; deliverit to him this day in haill payment of the monetht of Januar . . . v It xij!!l. Item, to Nicholace, cu~ea.rt, takand monethtIie for his wagis, feis, and expensis, five It xvj II. viij ct, makand in the :5eir ane. hundretht licht }'rance crownis, deliverit to him in ham payment of tuelf monethtis fra September last bipast inclusive to September to cum exclusive . lxx It Item, to the said Nicholace for expensis maid be him one the cu~ehouse, fra the xv day of August to the ix day of October inclusive within the tim of this compt, as his bill of compt bure at lencht in it, xilij It. v !!I. vj ct

Item, to Schir J ohne Sharpe, to pay for syntreis to the A.D. 1611-12. werk of the revestre, irne werk, maissone feis one the lione house, and all utherill expensis maid be him one all werkis within the Palace of the Abbay gardingis and utheris placis fra the xv day of December last bipast inclusive to the xxiiij da.y of J ulij inclusive




within the tyme of this compt, as his buk maid tharone examinat bure in it at maire lencht, xlvij lt. v R. x ct ob. Item, to Maister Johne, gunnar, for three wrichtis wagis and feis, wirkand with him one the Quenis galre, fra the vj day of Februar to the xiiij day of August, within the tyme of this compt, makand xxvij woulkis, ilk mane in the wolk x A. ; summa xl It. x i!!. Item, to the said Maister J ohne, gunnar, for Estland burd, yrne werk, and all utheris expens maid be hinl one the said galre, fra the sext day of Februare abone writin to the xviij day of J unij, within the tyme of this compt, eftir his billis of compt gewin tharone berand at lencht in thame, . . ix It. ix i!!. j ct Item, to Gilleam, organist, makar of the Kingis organ is, for expens maid be him one the said organis in gait skynnis and parchment, for the belles, in naillis 'Rnd sprentis of irne, in glew, papir, candill, coill, pottis, leid, tyne, and werkmenis wagis fra the vj day of October to the last day of December, eftir this compt gewin tharone within the tyme of this compt, viij It iiij iI.



lj;em, to George Keppin and Kasper Lepus, his serviture, takand for his awne wagis and expellsis, vij Franch crownis, and for his serviture forsaid, iiij Francn crownis, makkand monethtlie sevin pundis fourtein schillingis, deliverit to thame in haill payment of ellevin monethtis fra the first day of October within the tyme of this compt to the last day of August thareftir as thair compt heris, lxxxiiij 11. xiiij It Item, the xiij day of October, to the said George Keppin, in ane propin eftir the Kingis command, ij Franch crounis, . xxviij R. Item, to Gerwez, gunnar, for him self, and for Johne Garnere, Stewin Davenneis, and J, meltaris, and



the said Gerwez servitouris, takand ilk foure wolkis A.D. 1511. for tbair expensis in met and drink allanerlie, nyne tl. xij iii., and for the sadis J ohne and Stewinis wagis and feis, ilk ane ilk foure wolkis, three Ii. xij iii., and to the said J, thre 11. iij it, and to J of Towris for his expensis, wagis, and feis foure Ii. x iii., to Evon, wricht, in aucht frankis foure tl., and to Anthone, smytht. for his expens, wagis, and feis in aucht frankis foure Ii., and to his servitour, ilk foure oulkis, two crounis of wecht xxxvj iii.; thir sevin personis by Gerwez in wagis and feis by thair expens extending ilk foure oulkis to tuenti foure It. xiij 1iI., makand ilk foure wolkis in wagis, feis and expens, as is abone writin, thretty foure tl. five iii., deliverit to the said Gerwez be his compt maid hefoira Thomas Kincaid, constable of the Castele of Edinburgh, the first day of Aplile, in part payment to gud compt fra the xiiij day of Januar, quhen the said werkmen departit of thare awne hous, to the first day of Aprile abone Writill, within the tyroe of this compt, lxv tl. vj iii. iij ct Item, deliverit to the said Gerwez be Gilleam Cristall in Deip, for M. Johne of Murray, in the name of the compt gewar, be the Kingis command, for certane expens by the ordinare maid he the sadis werkmen, bidand one the schip and wynd in Deip, in lxx fmnkis vj denieris, . xxxv tl. iij ct Item, the xxj day of J ulij, to the said Gerwez and his compan6eonis abone writin, in compleit pa.yment of Aprile, Maij, Junij, and Julij, . jClvj Ii. xvj III. Item, to the said Gerwez for his awne necessaria; by his compan;;eonis abone writin, . xvj tl. x iii. Item, to Jacob, gunnar, condukkit be the Dene of Glasgew, monethtlie, for aucht markis, deliverit to hyme in haill payment of Maij, J unij, J ulij, and August, '. xxj It. vj iii. viij ct. Item, to Maister Hannis, gunnar, his marrow, conduckit he the Dene of Glasgew, monethtlie, for sex markis,



deliverit to him in haill payment of Maij, Junij, Julij, and August, . xvj It


Item, to Thomas Kincaid, maister of the werk in the Castele of Edinburgh, at diverse tymez to pay maissonis, wrichtis, smith tis, qwereouris, cartaris, and utheris werkmen wirkand in the said Castele, for thair wagis, expensis and feis, and for diverse utheris necessaris for the furnesing of the said werkis, fra the xx day of September last bipast inclusive to the last day of Julij inclusive within the tyme of this compt, as his buk of comptis and the bukis of petty comptis beris in thame at maire lentht, jmijclxiiij Ii. iiij 1lJ. iiij ct. Item, the said Thomas Kincaide, to pay for ime of diverse pricis, ressavit be him and the smithtis within the tyme of this compt to the xxiij day of Junij inclusive, as his compt and thebukis of petty comptis beris in thame, . jClxxxx Ii. xij !i. iij c1 ob. Item, the vj day of August, to the said Thomas for xxj wall vj stane x pund ime boght be him and deliverit to the Castele werk fra the xxij day of J unij exclusive to Lhis day inclusive, as his buk bure; price waw xlij !i.; summa. xlv It v a. ij d:. Item, the sam day, for chercoill, smeddy coill, and glassinwerk mad in the Castele, as his buk heris, vij Ii. xvj !!I. Item, to the said Thomas, to pay for metall boght and ressavit be him for the Kingis gunnis of diverse pricis by the metall at come of France and Flandris, fra the xviij day of Aprile inclusive to the xxij day of Julij, as his buk and bukis of petty comptis beris in thaim, jCxxxix It xj R. vj ct. Item, the vj day of August, to the said Thomas, to the' fumesing and casting of ane gret canoun callit the Necar. cassin this day, xviijC nintein ~ pund bras of



divers pricis, Uk as his buk of compt maid thal'one A.D. 1612beria in it, lxxxviij It. vj s. Item, for xj stane bruntstane for gune powder; price . ilij It viij it stane viij it; summa Item, for half ane hundretht rauchteris for skaffeltein, threttj five suhillingis, and for careage of thame foure A.; summa xxxix A. Item, to Kelso, sclater, in compleit payment of thekin of the gret hall eftir the conditione of task maid with hyme be Robert Callelldar, lik as the bukis of compt precedand the tyme of this compt beria in thame, xj 11. ij A.


Item, to Stewin Bawtee, maissone, with his prenteis and tua maiBBonis with thaim, takande for him self and his prenteis ouklie xiiij A., and for the said tua maissonis siklik wolklie xiiij A., for wagis, expens, and feis wirkand one the Palace of Linlithgow fra the ix day of August last bipast exclusive to the ix day of August within the tym of this compt, makand lij wolkis; deliverit to thaim in haill payment tharof, lxxij H. xvj it Item, to the said Stewin Bawte, for expeDsis maid be him one the werk of the said Palace in lyme, sand, leding of stanis and utheria necessaris, as his buik of compt beris fra the sext day of Septemher to the ix day of J ulij within the tyme of this compt, xlvij H. xix A. vj d. Item, the v day of Aprile, deliverit to Thome of Pebles to stent the wyndois of the Palace of Linlithgow agane Pasche, xxxvj elois Bertane claith; price eloe ilij H. x A. ij s. vj d.; summa Item, to the said Thomas, for diverse ime werk in glaslJandis, claspis, and utheris necessaria for thE.' wyndois of the said Palace, fra the x day of Marche

A.D. 1611-12.



to the xx day of Aprile j price of the stane in maid werk vj 1:'1. viij c1 j summa . xiij It. xv 1:'1. ix "Item, to the said Thomas, for the glassinnyng of all the wyndois of the gret hall of the Palace of Linlithqw, in all necessaris completlie by ime werk, eftir the conditioun maid with him the xx day of Aprile be my Lord Thesaurar, xx It Item, to Schir .Alexander Makcullocht, for expens maid be him one neidfull thingis at the said Palace fro. the xxv day of Maij inclusive to the xxvj day of Julij" inclusive, within the tyme of this compt, efter his billis of compt gewin tharone, . viij Ii. xvj AItem, to Robert Calendar, for ane cobill boght be him and send too the loch of Linlithgow the vij day of . xlij AJ unij last bipast,

A.D. 1511,



Item, the tift and sevint dais of September, and thareftir in utheris comptis within the tyme of this compt, deliverit to Robert Calendar in compleit payment of tua hundretht fourti It of his task for the kastein of thre dokkis and biggein of ane stable for fiftie hors at the Polerth, Ix It Item, the secund day of Aprile, to the said Robert Calendar, be the Dene of Glasgew, in part of payment of tuenti It. for the making of ane dok to the gret x H. schip, be conditioun maid with him, Item, deliverit to the said Robert be Schir Thomas of Murray for tha fumesing of marinaris and werkmen at the Margret in the Polerth, in met, drink, colis, ca.ndill, and ca.reage, fro. the 1st day of Aprile to the xxv day of the sam monetht, efter his bile of compt gewin tharone,. xlvj It v 1:'1. vij 4. Item, the vij day of Junij, to the said Robert in haill payment of met and drink, colis, candill, and careage, maid in the sam place one marinaris fra the xxv day



of Aprile abone writin to Settirday the xxviij day.A..D. 1612of Maij tharefter, and divers utheris expens, eftir his bill of compt, . xxxix It xv IJ. viij ct Item, the xx day of J unij, deliverit to the said Robert for expens maid be him the xv et xvj dais of J nnij one inputting of the Lark in her dok, in met, drink, colis, careage, and for cutting of sevin skoire tuelf laid byrne wode, the keping and bating of the samyn, eftir his bi! of compt, . xvij It viij IJ. Item, the xij day of J ulij, to the said Robert for expens maid be him one the furtht takin of the Margret, in met, drink, colis, and careage, eftir his billis of compt, xij It. iij IJ. vj ct Item, the viijday of August, compt maid with Malcum Kinros, servitour to Robert Calendar, for met, drink, coill, and caudill, reBBavit and deliverit be the said Malcum and Thome of Setoun, spendit one Ix marinaris beand at the upputting of. ane mast in the bark ca.llit the James, fra the xj day of Julij to the xxviij day of the sam monetht, . xxx It xiiij B. viijct


Item, to J ohne Lokkert, maiBBOne, in compleit payment A.D. 11111-12of the indentour and task maid with him be my Lorde of Glasgew, Thesaurar for the tyme, for the biggein and oompleting of certane werkis within the Castele of Striveling, efter the forme of his indentour maid tharapon, fra the viij day of September last bipast to the xv day of Marche, within the tyme of this compt at diverse tymez, as the bukis of petty comptis beris in thame, jCxxx It. xiiij IJ. iiij ct Item, the xxj day of Junij, to the said Johne Lokkert, inA.D.ll112. haill payment for the completing and heding of the gret towre fra the corbellis upwart, in the northtest nuk of the Castele of Strlveling, by his indentoure abone writin, . lxij it. ij R. vj 4.



A.n. 1611.






Item, to Robert Calendar, maister of the werk of Striveling, in haill payment of werkmenis wagis, feis, and expens, and for all expensis maid be him one the Castele of Striveling by taskwerk and taskmen, and for the boit hyir quhilk past betuix Leith and Striveling, fra the ix day of August last bipast exclusive to the vij day of Junij tharefter inclusive, within. the tyme of this compt, as his buk of compt and bukis of petty comptis maid tharone exammat p&rticulary beris in thame, . . jClxvij Ii. x R. vij d. Item, to the said Robert for too werkmenis wagis wirkand in the said Castele be the space of ten wolkis to the last day of August, and for naillez and dounbringing of twa. gret gunnis to the wattir side, as his bill bure, iiij It Item, to William Mayne, wricht, takand monethtlie for him self and his servitouris, ellevin Ii. iiij it, deliverit to him in haill payment of the monethtis of December and Januar wirkand at the wodis, . xxij H. viij R. Item, the ix day of December, to Thomas Peblis, glassinwl"ycht, for auchtein skoire four fut glas maid werk be hirn in the I)alace of Stliveling and chapele of Cambusbaroun, fra the xv day of Maij last bipast to the ix day of December abone writin, within the tim of this compt; price ilk fut xiiij ct j summa xviij H. xviij R.



Item, to Maister Alexander Ogilvy, for his ordinar expens fra the x day of September last bipast to the xiij day of August, within the tyme of this compt, makand xlix wolkis, takand ilk four wolkis for his said ordinar allanerlie sevintein Ii. xvij R., deliverit for samony wolkis at divers tymez, as his compt beris, ijcxiiij Ii. iiij R.



Item, to the said Maister Alexander, for drogry and A.D. 16]2werkmennis wagis to the Quintessence, fra the xiij . day of August last bipaat to the xvj day of Julij exclusive, within the tyme of this compt, as the compt maid tharone beris in it, xlj It. vj 11. x ct


Item, the v da.y of September last bipast, within the A..D. 1611. tyme of this compt, deliverit to William Thome, maissone, wirkand be task one the chapele and revestre of Falkland, in compleit payment of tua hundreth It., aucht to him for biggein of the said chapele and revestrie, as the bukis of petty comptis beris, . xvj It. xiij a. iiij ct Item, the v day of October, within the tyme of this compt, deliverit to the said William Thome for la.bouris and expens maid be him one the said revestre and chapele, eftir his compt gewin tharone, . xl It. Item, the v day of September, deliverit to Andro Wrycht, carwour, in haill payment of thretty five It. vj 11., aucht to him for task of certane cuppillis, syntreis, and angularis to the chapele of Falkland, iij It. vj a. Item, to the said Andro, for labouris and expensis maid be him one cuppilling and gesting of the said chapele and the gret chaumir of Falkland, by his said task eftir his compt tane tharapon, . xx It. Item, the ferd day of Marche, to the said Andro, for "'D. 1611-12sawaris feis, careing of tymmer, certane irne naillez, and diverse utheris expens maid be him befoir this day by his task eftir his compt maid tharone, xiiij It. v a. vj ct Item, the viij day of Aprile, and diverse tymez thareftir within the tyme of this compt, deliverit be Maister.A.D. 1612. Thomas Wraith, in the name of the compt geware, to George Elleis, maissone, in part of payment of tua




hundretht tt., aucht to the said George for the biggein of Oure Lady Kirk of Steile, tane be the said George for task to gud compt, . jOXx It. Item, the vj day of August, be the said Maister Thomas to the said George to gud compt, . xx It Item, to William Cristall, for xvj puncheonis plaister, broght of Deip and send to Dingwall to spargein the wallis tharof, . xvj It. Summa iijmviijOXlix It. x II. iiij c1 TENET A.


Item, to M:aister Johne, gunnar, for expens maid be him, at the Kingis command, fra the xij day of September inclusive to the xj day of December inclusive, within the tyme of this compt, for thre skoir auchtein stane sex pund bras and metall wrocht in pulleis for the Kingis schippis, of diverse pricis, and for servitouris wagis and expens wi~h him the sam tyme, and for coill, candilJ, clay, flokkis, and utheris necessaris, lik 8S the bum of petty comptis beris in thame, lj It. viij it iiij c1 Item, send be Peter Brewhouse with William Brounhill in the PIUlSY, out of Denmark to Leith, and ressavit for the King, lxiiij pulleis of coppir, weyand vjClxxxxj pund of Spruse wecht, the hundretht sex skoir; price of ilk hundretht, x tt., makand three skoire sevin It. x jll. vj c1; and for jC blokis for the samyn, tuenti sex tt. xiij R. iiij <1:.; summa totalis lxxxxiiij tt. iiij R. x c1 Item, to Dokkane, cartar, takand wolklie for his Jabouris and for the Flemis cartaris expens with him ane servitour, and for the Kingis me~ expensis by thair schone, stabill fee, and uthir geir according to thame, ilk wolk three pundis sex peneis, deliverit to hym in compleit payment fra the x day of September last



bipast inclusive to the xiiij day of August exclusive, A.D. 1611. makand xlviij wolkis of payment, extending to . jOxxxv It iiij R. Item, to the said Dokkane, for expens maid be him one hyrit bOrs and utheris necesearis to the Kingis werkie, within the tyme of this compt, . iij It. mij R. Item, for the Flemys cartaris fee, takand be ~eir, ten licht Franche crownis, deliverit for three quartaris payment, viz., Alhallowmes, Candilmes, and Beltane, within the tyme of this compt, because he departit or ammes in sevin and ane half crownis, . v It v R. Item, to Sehir Walter Ramsay, to pay the wolklie wa.geourls of the schippis fra. Settirday the penult day of August last bipast excl~ive to Settirday the xxvij day of September therefter inclusive, mwnd foure w(ilkis, as his buk and the buk of petty comptis jC!x It. ij R. x ct. beris in thame,. [Similar entries of the weekly wages for the following periods and sums :-September1st November, 126 2s. 4d.; November7th December, 139 15s. 1d.; December28th December, 130 18s. 10d.; December-31st January, 154 14s.; February-28thFebruary,173 lOs. 0 ~d.; March-27th March, 127 98. 2d.; March-' 1st May, 153 158. 7d.; May-29th May, 127 lIs. 4d.; May-27th June, 125 17s. 7d.; June-31st July. 175 Os. 1d.] Item, to the said Sehir Walter, to pay the monethis wageoUIis of the schippis for the haill monetht of September last bipast, as the said Sehir Walteris buk and the bukis of petty comptis beria in thame, jClxxiij It xij R. Item, the xxv day of September, to James Bymane, laborar at the schippis, for foure monethis wagis, quhilkis he wnntit in the ~eir of God jmyc and xj beris, Schir Walter Ramsay and his bukis beand examinant thairone. ilk monetht I 8.; summa x It,



Item, the xxvj day of October, to George Patersone in Leith, for fraucht of cartane gunnis with thair furnesing and geil" of Flandris to Leith, . xij It. Item, to David Gourlay, for ane schipfule of tymmer, extending in small and gret to iijcxviij pace, boght be Schir Walter Ramsay at the Kingis command for the schippis; price of the haile schippis lading, jCXix It. Item, to Wiliiam Mure, for ane httndreth dalis boght be Schir Walter Ramsay to mak flotis, . xviij It. Item, for ane hundretht rauchteris, iiij It. Item, to Edward Litill, for xvj wall irne; price wall xlR.; summa . xxxij It. Item, fra Pait Richertsone, five wall yrne; price wall xl R.; summa . x It Item, to xviij marinaris enterand to the Kingis werk the xv day of August, and to sex marinaris enterand the vij day of September, and to xxiij marinaris enterand the xiiij day of September, and to xxj marinaris, feit be Johne Forman, entera.nd to the Kingis werk the xix day of August-all thir marinaris pait to the first day of October; and to xij marinw feit be Johne Forman quhen the Margret schip past up the watter, and to tua men to remane in hir thare monethtlie wagis, and to Matho Rippet, Machtein Cuik, and Johne Palmer, marinaris, thair monethtlie wagis pait be Johne Forman; item, Johne Formane and Johne of Bertone pait the forsaid marinaris to the xv day of October, ilk man thair half monethtis wagis; and to tuelf marinaris of the est sey thair hali monethtis wagis becaus conditioun was to have thair met quhilk thai wantit j the haill soume of the wrichtis and marinaris feis and wagis fra the dais of August and September abone writin; the wrichtis pait to the first day of October; the marinaris pait to the xv day of October, except the xij marinaris of the est sey quhilkis war pait for ~he lla.ill moneth~ of O~tober, and thaireftir dischea.rgit ;



extends lik as Sohir Walter Ramsais buk particulary .A.D. 1611. sowmit and examinat beris in it at maire lencht, iijCliij It. xv it viij (1. Item, the sam tyme, for ane gret boit callit James, boght be Johne Formane and Johne Mowtray, and for ane anker and cabill boght be Schir Walter Ramsay at the Kingis command, . . lxv It. xiij A. viij (1'. Item, to the monethtis wageouris and certane marinaris at the schippis for the monethtis wagis of October, viz., the wrichtis for the forsaid monetht of October, and the marinaris fra the xv day of October to the xv day of November, as the said Achir Walteris buk maid thairone beris in it, ijOlv It. x R. Item, to the said Schir Walter to pay the monethtis wageouris of November and utheris expensis, as the said Schir Waltheris buk beris, . jOlxxxvj tt. xiij R. Item, to Edward Craufurd be Schir Walter Ramsay for fourti Estland burd ressavit to the Kingis werk ; price pece v R.; summa x It Item, to Walter Kill, burges of Edinburgh, for lent money be him to Schir Walter Ramsay to pay for five dUBBOne of Estland burde for the schippis ; price pece vj R.; summa . . xviij It. Item, the xv day of December, to the marinaris in complete payment of thair wagis,fra the xv day of October to this day, makand ane monetht, as the compt maid thairapone beris in it, lxvij It x A. Item, the first day of Januar, to the wrichtis monethtlie A.D. 1511-12. wageouris of the schippis in haill payment of the monetht of December, as the compt beris in it at lencht, ijCj It. vij R. Item, to the monethtis wageouris of schippis in haill payment of the monetht of Januar, and to the marinaris in compleit payment of thair wagis fra the xv day of December to this day, makand j ~ monetht. Quhilkis marinaris ar condescendit to be in compt with t~e monethtis wageouris in tyme

"D. 1611-12.



to cum, 88 the compt maid in Schir Walter Ramsais buk at mair lencht beria in it extendis to ijCIxxxvj It xv R. vj d. Item, to the said Schir Walter for expens maid be him one botis and marinaria at diverse tymez in met, drink, and fee, betuix the Newhavin and the Polerd, 88 his bill maid thairapone beria in it, . x It iiij I. Item, to the monethtis wageouris of the schippis in haill payment of the monetht of Februar, 88 Schir Walter jClxxxx It vj R. Ramsais buk heria, . [Similar entries for the month's wages :-March, 212 17s.; April 221, 9s. 8d; May, 250 68.; June, 249 16s.; July, 241 17s.] Item, to James Makesone, be Maister David Scott, in baill payment of the ~arinaris wagis for the monetht of Februar, efter the said James bill of compt gewin .lxxxiij It. x I. thairone at lencht berand, . Item, to Schir Walter Ramsay to pay Laurence Ramsay for certane burdis to the schippis to gud compt, xiiij It Item, to William Stevin,sone for x wallis tua stane xiiij pund ime, to James Hume for iij ~ wall tua pund ime, Patrik Heriotis wyff for viij wall iij stane irne, and to George Arnot for ix wallis ime, all de1iverit to J ohne Trile, smyt, of divers pricis; summa lxiiij It ix I. iiij a. Item, the secund day of Marche, to George Patel'8Oun for the fraucht of vijDiiij gune stanis, xj pace small cordalis, ix boItis gret canves, ij ~ barrellis spicery, iij gret cordalis, xvijc wiflyne brocht ira Flandris to Leith, . vij It Item, to James Makesone, be Maister David Scott, in haill payment of the marynar.s wagis and feis of the monetht of Marche. 88 the said James bill of compt bure, . jCxxv It. iij I. Item, de1iverit to Schir Walter Ramsay to pay Johne Ba16ardis men, twa of thame for foure monetht, and to ane of thame ane :rqonetht; ilk ane of tham~



takand in the monetht xl il; and to Andro Gray for A.D. 1511. three monetht, takand monethlie xlv iJ., all pait to the first day of Aprile; makand . xxiiij Ii. xv it Item, to Thome of Setoun in compleit payment of his wagis for him and his fallowis to the first day of Aprile, as his compt bure, . ix It xiiij iJ. viij d. Item, the xvj day of J ulij, to the said Thomas for his A.D. 1512. self and his marinaris, eftir his bill of compt gewin thairone, in haill payment of Aprile, Maij, and J unij, xxxvj Ii. Item, the xviij day of Aprile, to Johne Morisone, skippare, to pas in Danskyne in ane schip callet Clofars boght fra William Wod for burdis, pik, and tere, and for furnesing of the samyn schip in hir out passage by the Steling, in wictualling, and thair half hiria to thair hame cummyng, and all utheria necessaria, xxx 11. vj iJ. viij d:. Item, to Thomas Bunnantyne, skippar, to pas in Norway with ane schip boght be the King to bring hame gret tymmer, for half marinaris feis to the numer of ten personis deliverit xv Ii., and for his haill victualing and haill necessaria xxv Ii. viij iJ., and for stuling xx 11., and for the haillschipe ane hundretht Ii.; summa totalis by the haill payment of the schipe, jCx It viij iJ. Item, deliverit to Schir Walter Ramsay to pay Robert Hawik to pas in the said schip at passis to Norway, in his wa.gis, vij 11. iiij iJ. Item, to the said Schir Walter to pay William Duncan for tuu monethtis wagis to pas in the said schip toO Norway, . vIi. Item, the vij day of Aprile, be the Dene of Glasgew to J ohne Kile, smitht, to gud compt, v Franch crounis, iij 11. x iJ. Item, the xxviij day of Aprile, to Schir Walter Ramsay to furneis B~ardis schip to pas with my Lord of Rose the Kingis erandis to France, . xiiij Ii. Item, to Schir Waltere Ramsay to pay Thome Scott for




ijC Swydin burdis deliverit befoire this day; price jCix H.; summa.. . xviij H. Item, to the said Schir Walter to pay for inbringing of v It. the cradill of the gret schip, Item, be Maister David Scott, deliverit to James Makesone in haill payment of the marina.ris wagis and feis of the monetht of Aprile, as the said James bill of compt bure at lencht, jCxvij H. Item, to Schir Walter Ramsay, be Schir David Spens, to pay Gilleam Gilgot, Franchemane, for the fraucht of xxiiij cordalis maid be J ohne of Bertoun in Deipe, vj H. Item, the vij day of Maij, deliverit be the Dene of Glasgew, for tua treis, ane to ane ship and ane to ane galay, x l!I. Item, be the said Dene, to Robert Clerk, for tua. treis to be ane keile to the said galay, . xxij l!I. Item, the viij day of Maij, to J ohne Broun to pay certane wrichtis quhilkis makis ane new galay, to gud compt . xlij!l. Item, the xv day of Maij, in Linlithqw, to David Lindesay of Gla.sgew, deliverit be the Dene of G1a.sgew, in part of payment of ane galay makand in Glasgew, . vij It. Item, to James Makesone, be Schir Johne Dingwall and William Monypenny, to pay ane part of the marina.ris for the monetht of J unij, eftir his bill of compt, . jcjiij It. iij l!I. vj ct. Item, the xj day of J unij, to Thome Dischingtoun, indwellar of Leith, for xv berrellis tere deliverit be hyrne to Schir Walter Ra.msa.y for the schippis; price xiiij H. v l!I. berrel xix l!I.; summa Item, the xvj day of J unij, to Schir Walter Ramsay, for divers expensis maid be him be the Kingis command, for burdis, furnesing of schippis batis, and divers utheris werkis within the tyme of this compt, eftir his billis of compt ingewin thairone by his buik of jCviij H. x l!I. iij ct. compt,



Item, enterit be the said Schir Waltir, boght be him A.D. 1512. for the schippis ij ~ c rauchteris; price jC iij It. x R. ; summa . viij It. xv R. Item, to George Patersone, for ten gret treis ressavit fra him be J acat Terele; price pece xx i!I.; summa x It. Item, the xviij day of Junij, to Alexander Andersonis wyff, alias Carrik, for ij ~ waw ime, deliverit be him befoir this day to Schir Walter Ramsay to the werk of the schippis; price of the waw xl i!I.; summa v It. Item, the xxij day of Junij, to Andro Maill, for xxvij waw ime, deliverit be him to Schir Walter Ramsay and to Johne Kile, smytht, for the shippis; price waw xl i!I.; summa . . liiij It. Item, to the said Schir Walter, to I\y for xlvj stane ime maid werk be the smytht of the Blaknese; price of ilk stane iiij i!I. iiij ct, by the werkmenschip; summa . ix It. xix i!I. iiij ct Item, the penult day of Junij, to William Aberdoure, burges of Abirdene, for iijC gret dalis, five les, boght and ressavit be Schir Walter Ramsay for the schippis, price of ilk hu~dretht xv It.; and for thre dussone small dalis of xviij fut lang, the 'pece price of the dussone xx II.; summa of the haill as the compt bure xlvij It. vij i!I. vj ct Item, the vj day of Julij, to Franche Robenis, for ane coppir ketill boght be Schir Walter Ramsay to pik the takle in of the schippis, ix It. viij R. Item, the x day of Julij, to Schir Walter Ramsay, to gil to J ames Wallace to pas to the say with his schip quhen De 1a Moitt past, eftir the Kingis command, xl It. Item, the xj day of Julij, to Johne Huntar, smitht, in haill payment of all ime boght be him at the Blaknes to this day, extending to lvj stane; ilk stane by the werkmenschip iiij iI. iiij ct.; summa xij It. ij i!I. viij a. Item, the xvij day of J ulij, to Robert Gilsamylte, for tua berrellis f;alloun, deliverit to Schir Walter Ramsay for the Mergret schip, vj It.




Item, to Johne Watsone, for viij berre11is pik, deliverit be him to Schir Walter Ramsay for the schippis, viij It. Item, the xix day of Julij, to David Lindesay, for the vj It biggein of ane galay, . Item, the xxij day of Julij, to William Andersone, burges of Edinburgh, for foure dussone burdis ressavit be Schir Walter Ramsay fra. Alexander Roucht, in the said Williamis name, to the schippis; price dU880ne iij It. vj it; summa . . xiij It. iiij ~. Item, to James Wedderburne, burges of Dunde, for the fraucht of the mandis with the cart geire fra. Flandris to Duncle, and fra Dunde to Leith, pait be him within the tyme of this compt, xix !I. ij ct. Item, the sam tyme to him, for the fraucht of the powdir myll at he deliverit to Frederic Sandersone, . iij It. xij R. Item, to have the said mill fra Dunde to Leith, xiiij R. Item, to the said James, for kepin of the schoir of Dunde in the custumez, v It. Item, for the Custum hous roaill, xl ~. Item, the xxviij day of J ulij, to J ohne Hume, for viijCxlij Swedin burdis, tane be Schir Walter Ramsay I It. xij R. to the schippis; price jC vj It.; summa. Item, to Johne Broun of Air, in part of payment for the biggein of ane new galay to the King in Air, to gud compt, lxvj It. xiij B. iiij d. Item, to Henry Cornetoun, biggar of the said galay, taxand monethtlie for him self and ane servitour with him foure It xij ~., deliverit in haill payment of Junij and Julij, ix It. iiij R. Item, to the said Henry Cornetoun, in haill payment for ane uthir servalldis wagis and feis monethtlie xl II.; deliverit in haill payment of the half moneth of Maij and of the tua haill monethis of Junij and JuJij v It. Item, the xiiij day of Julij, de1iverit to Johne Formane, to pay xlix marinarls quhilkis the said Johne enterit



to the schippis the xij day of this monetht, and gaif A.D. 1511. thahn wa.gis aforehand eftir his bill gewin thairone, ilk mane xl R., in haill payment of ane monetht eftir . lxx~viij H. the said tuelf day Item, deliverit be Sohir Johne Dingwall to James Makesone, to pay ane part of the marinaris in haill payment of thair wa.gis of Maij, unenterit quhil this tyme, efter the said James bill of oompt, lxxviij H. iij R. Item, to the marinaris qubilkis James Makesone hes in reule of diverse feis, deliverit to his to pay for the monetht of J ulij last bipast, efter his ijClviij H. iij R. bill of oompt, . Item, the thrid day of August, to Pyrnot, Franchemane, takand monethtlie for his wagis and feis ix Franch crounis of wecht, deliverit to Sohir Walter Ramsay in his name, in haill payment of the half monetht of Junij and the haill monetht of Julij, . xij H. iij R Item, to the said Scl,lir Walter, to pay Riohe Rugy for ane tow to boyrapts to the gret schip, bocht be J ohne Forman, . . xiij H. Item, the ferd day of August, to Jobne Huntar, smytht, in ha.ill payment of fourti stane of yrne boght be him to the schippis; price of the stane by the werkmen. viij H. xiij . iiij d. schip iiij R. iiij d.; summa Item, to Hannis, gunnar marinare, in haill payment of his monethtis wagis of Junij last bipast, xlv R. Item, the vij day of August, to Thome of Setoun for xiij marina.ris with him, by the oompt of the mari.naris pait be James Makesone and Jobne Forman for the moneth of J ulij last bipast, ilk man xxx R., makand xix H. x R., and for his awne wagis the sam monetht iij H., eftir Sir Walter Ramsais bill gewin thairone; summa . xxij H. x R. Item, to Johne of Bertoune for iiijC ruft'sparris, p~ce of the jO vij H., and for jC bawkis, price jO iij H., of the' quhilk spams thare was send to the Castele jO and the laiff to Linlithgow and Stirling; summa xxxj H. x tI.




Item, the XIlJ day of August, to Johne Bal6ard, send with Schir Walter R.'I.msey to furneis his schip in victualez, marinads' feis aforhand, and uthiris necessaris to pas to Flandris erandis of the Kingis, to gud compt xl H. Item. the viij day of Aprile, within the tyme of this compt, deliverit be William. Cristall, factour to M. Johne of Murray in Deip, and for the said M. Johne in the name of the compt geware to J ohne Bal6ard, be the Kingis command, foure hundretht frankis, the xxvij day of December, and be Gaveing De la Vile, in Deip, factour to George Halkerstoun, for the said George, in the name of the comptgewar, to the said Johne, be the Kingis command, the xiiij day of Januare, within the samyn tyme, thre hundretht frankis, in the haill extending to sevin hundretht frankis, in part of payment of aucht bundretht foure skoire three frankia xj sowse, spendit be the said J ohne Bal6ard eftir his bill of compt one ane achip and the furneising of all necessaris, deliverit in the N ewhavin within the tyme of this compt with tuelf hundretht foure skaire fut of plankis, all boght be the said J ohne in France, be the Kingis command, and for marinaris feis and divers utheris expens befoir the said viij day of Aprile, ilk frank for ten schillingis Scottis money, ansuerand to his ressait forsaid three hundretht fiftie H., and the remanent quhilk is jClxxxiiij frankis xj sowse, answerand in Scottis money to lxxxxj H. xv sowse vj ct is deliverit to the said J ohne be Schir J ohne Dingwall, and in his to.Schir Walter to pay his marinaris eftir his compt, and to Andro Gray, in Leith, fourti H. i summa totalis . iiijCxlj H. xv l vj ct Item, the ix day of October last bipast, deliverit be Jerome Friscobald, be ane writair, send to him be the compt gewar, at the Kingis command, to J ohne Bal6ard to be warit one cordage and on his awne . Ix 11; expensis, to gud compt in xx H. grat,.



Item, within the tyme of this compt, be finance A.D. 1512. maid with James Wrycht, servitour to Jerome Friscobald, deliverit be Johne Obeyis, Lumbard in Rowane, in to the naim of the said Jerome Friscobald for the compt gewar, be the Kingis command, to the said J ohne Ba1za.rd for cordage to the Kingis schippis boght and as bit uncWD to Scotland, in ane thouaa.nd fra.nkis, ilk frank x it; summa, . yO It. [Memorandum on margin of MS.-This grath is nooht cumyn hame as yet.] Item, in October, anni vexj, deliverit be James A.D. 1511. Makesone to Schir Walter Ramsay for the Kingis schippes and utheris werkis, ane schipfull of tymmer, gret and small, boght under ane soume, be the Kingis command, for . . jCxx It. Item, the xxj day of Aprile, deliverit to elder Johne of A.D. 1612. Bertonis wyff, be ane draucht gevin be Sehir Walter Ramsay, iij ~a gret spa.rris, price jO vij Jt, makand xxiiij It. x a.; and for five skoir and ane half of spa.rris, lviij a. x ct.; for ij dussone of Swedin burdis xxviij II.; and for yO hundretht girtht stingis, price jC v II., makand xxv a.; summa . . xxx It. xx\j ct Item, the xx day of Maij, to David Andersone of Abirden, in haill payment of a schipfull of tymmer, deliverit to Sehir Walter Ramsay, . Ix It. Item, the xv day of October, complet with Alexander Chaumer, paintour, for" all expens made be him one the sta.ndaris, pinsalis, and banaris of the Kingis schippis in gold colo uris, olye, and vemesing, fra the nix day of August to this day, as his bill of compt bore in it at lencht, . xvij Jt v a. Item, to William Jamesone, paintour, and his cheld, takand woklie for his labouris at the said werk, xilij II.; deliverit for thre monethtis bigane to this day, xij Franch crounis; summa . viij Ii. viij iI. Item, to the said Alexander Chaumer, takand for his

~.D. 1511.



awne labouris and ane servitour with him woldie, xxviij .; deliverit in haill payment of thre monethtis bigane to this day xxiiij Franch crounis; summa xvj !t. xvj R. Item, the x day of Marche, till the said Alexander Chaumer for certane colouria, bum of gold, and all uthiris necessaria boght be him for the paintre of the Kingis gret schip to this day, eftir his bill of compt, xvj tt. iiij R. Item, the xxiiij day of Marche, to the said Alexander for him self and his servitare for foure monethliis wagis, viz., November, December, Januare, and Februare, to the first day of Marche; ilk monetht viij Franch crounis; makand . xxij H. viij R. Item, the xvj day of November, to the Duche skippar ca1lit Andro J ohnesone, at bringis the Kingis mastis of Ros, to by his childar hoise and schone, and for drinksilvir, delivmit be the Dene of Glasgow, xxv Franch crounis, xvij H. x a. Item, to Dowga11 Campbele for uncostis maid be him one the said mastis be60nd the montht, deliverit be the Dene of Glasgow to compt, . iiij tt. v ~. Item, to the sam Dowgal1, to get him ane hors, tollis, and blokis, to pas to Rose, deliverit be the Dene . xxv a. of Glasgow to gud compt, . Item, the xxij day of Marche, to the said Duche skippar, takand daily for furnesing of him self, his schip, and and his marinaris, xxiiij schillingis for tua monetht, fra this day of Marche instant, enterand thairto the samyn day, and thairof pait x Franch crounis of wecht; maikand ix !t. Item, the xxviij day of Marche, to him, in compleit payment of tuenty mastis brooht out of Denmark, and for the tua. monethtis expen and ma.rinaris feis forsaid, jjCxxij !t. Item, the xxiiij day of Maij, to the said Dowga.ll Campbele for expens maid be him one the Kingis mastis out of the wodis of Lochnise, ca.reing thaim to the say,
0 o



for jC treis for ane litill boit, ane berrele salmond and A.D. 1512uthir fische, aill and bred, and divers utheris expensis maid one werkmen and the Duche schip quhilk past for the said mastis, eftir his bill of compt gewin thairone, . . xxxij H. xij It. Item, the xxvj day of Junij, to the said Dowgall for marinBria feis, victualing, and all furnesing of ane schip of the Kingis to pas of Air to the Ilis for the Spall6Rrtis geir quhilkis ware schipbrokin in Dowgall Ranald Allan80nis landis, deliverit be the Kingis command, xlH. Item, the x day of Julij, deliverit to Schir Walter Ramsay to be gewin to the Duche skippar forsaid ut his passage with William Bromhill to convoy La Moit and Maister James Ogilvy; to gud compt lxvj H. xiij it iiij d. Item, the thrid day of August, to foure of the said skipparis men to be allowit to the said skippar in his nixt compt, ix H. xiiij it Item, for canves b~krame to the mais claitht. of the Quenis schip, and for goldin skynnis, gilt nailis and tukattis to the ladeis segis in the said schip, for werkmenschip thrurof, and divers uthiris small expens, as the compt beris in it at lencht, v H. iiij it iij d'. Item, the xviij day of September, fra Maister Johne of Murray, xviij elnis canvas to lyne the hedis of the Haggis of the schippis formast; price . xv it Item, to be Sanctandrois Croce apone the st8ndaris of the said schip, ij elnis iij quartaris quhet traiL'5e; price elne iiij R. vj It.; summa xij R. iiij It. Item, for ij e1nis carsay to mend the mws claith, x s. Item, to beit the standarie of the Margret, xxvj e1nis; say price . iij H. v R. Item, to eik the said st8ndaris and Haggis of the Margret, vj ~ elnie half ane quartar blew trai16e; price elne iiij R.; summa . xxxviij R. vj It. Item, to be crocis to the said standaris, iij ~ elnis quhet trail6e; price xv S. ix. d




Item, to Iyne the sam standaris, xviij eInis canves; price xvR. Item, for making of tua fiatouris and mending of the standarlR, xx R. Item, to the Margaret schip, vj chandeleris, weyand xiiij pund; price pund xviij d; summa xxi R. Item, to tile the Kingis oratour in the Margret schip, xxxv elnis Kendillye; price eIne iij R.; summa vltv. Item, to the said schip, xxiiij bowat hornis; price viij R. Item, for upputting of the said Kendille in the Kingis oratour, . x II. Item, for vC takkatis to the said oratour, . ij 1I.viij d Item, for viij skoir quhet irne platis for lanternis and bowettis to the said schip; the pece vj d. ; summa iiijlt Item, for xxxij hornis for bouettis to the said schip, viij R. Item, for bedding to the said schip, boght tua pair small Bertaoe claith schetis, contenan!1 xxij elnis; price elne ij R. vj d ; summa Iv R. [Item] for blancatis to the sam, ane I!teik Holmez fustiane; price xxxviij R. Item, to the sam schip, vj chandellaris, weyand xvj ~ pund ; price pund xx d. ; summa . xxviij it iiij ct. Item, to the sam, thre dU880ne drinkyne kannis; price xxiiij R. Item, for foure nicht glassis; price of thaim vj l vj d. Item, sex bowettis; price of thame . xv R. Item, xiij gretar bowettis; price of thame xvj . vj d Item, for iijc pund cadda.s candill brocht of Flandris to the gret schip with thair kist, viij 11. xv l Item, to beit the standaris of the Margret schip, xl elne ; say price . . v 11. Item, to George Halkerstoun, in compleit payment of jmvjclxxxxj 11. xij II. vj ct, aucht to him for expensis maid be him one certane cordage deliverit be him to the Kingis schippis, and for vc:xxv frankis vij 8OW8e, ilk



frank x II. Scottis, deliverit be him to J ohne of A.D. 1512Bertoun, warit one ane schip callit the Trinite, for the Kingis Grace, and brocht to Scotland, and divers utheris expens befoir the tyme of this compt, attoure sex hundretht thre skoir ten pnndis, in ane thousand thre hundretht fourti frankis deliverit to him be Robein Bertoun befoir the tyme of this compt, quhilkis ar pait to the said Robert, and at tour five hundredtht vj Ii. xiij II. iiij d., be the compt gewar siklik befoir the tyme of this compt, of the quhilk he has allowance in his compt maid in the Chekker last and immediat precedand this compt, as the bukis of expens beris; deliverit to the said George within tlie tyme of this compt, in haill payment of the forsadis cordage v<'xxiiij It xix II. ij d. and sowme, Item, the xj day of J ulij, to the said George for five hnndretht frankis, ordanit be the Kingis Grace in Deip, for De La Moit and Maister James Ogilvy, to thair expens in his erandis to the King of France, within the tyme of this compt ; ilk frank x II. ; summa ijOlli. Item, the vij day of Marohe, deliverit be hym, at the A.D. 1511. Kingis command and my Lord Thesauraris precept, to Pate Kervour, . x H. . Item, the xxv day of Maij, deliverit be George Halker- A.D. 1512. stonis factouris, in Deip, to Johne of Berroun, to be warit one cordage to the King, be the Kingis command, as the said Johnis acquittance beris in it, ane VOH. thousand frankis; makand. Item, to Robert Bertoun, in haill payment of twa thousand sex hundretht fourti tua pundis auchtein schillingis foure penneis aucht to him for jm thre hundretht fourti f~is, deliverit to George Halkerstonn in part of payment of the Kingis cordage, and divers utheris finance maid with him, and for metall and tymmere and utheris necessaris ressavit frae him all befoir the tyme of this compt, as his comptis maid thairone beris in thame at mair lencht by nyne




hundretht fourti three pundis sex shillingis aucht pennia, allowit to the compt gewar in his last compt immediat precedend for the said Robert, deliverit to hyme within the tyme of this compt in haill payment as said is, jmvjclxxxxix tl. xj fl. viij d. Item, to the said Robert, for the ransom of certane Inglismen, within the tyme of this compt, tuenty three pnnd Striveling, ilk pund Striveling four tl. iiij fl.; summa lxxxxvj tl. xij fl.




Item, in October, anni vCxj, sande be Maister James Sympsone of Flandris, and ressa.vit vj croce bowis, quhilkis cost in Flandris iij tl. iij fl. gret, ansuerand in Scottis money to ix tl. vj 1I. Item, the xx day of December, within the tyme of this compt, send be the said Maister James Sympsoun with William Brounhill and George Patersone, for hed towis to the gret schip, vj lang cordalis, and iij divers uthir small takill, ijm pund wecht; item, tua cordalis, x trosis, iij teis, xxiiij dussone of uthir pece cordalis, iiij pece weifleyn, with divers utheris cordalis, extending to iiijmvjcIiij pund wecht;. price of ilk jC x fl. ii gret; makand xxxiij tl. xvj fl. iiij gret ; jOj Ii. ix fl. ansuerand in Scottis money to Item, the xxix day of Aprile, send be the said Maister Jll.Dles with Robert Jamesone of the Ferri, in his schip to Leith, xxj pece takkill to the gret schip, iij troas and v pecis bedlinis, weyand in the haill iijmijoxxxv pund wecht; price of the jC ix fl. x gret; summa fiftein Ii. xviij schillingis j gret ; ansuerrand in Scottis money to xlvij Ii. xiiij iJ. iiij ct. Item, for scbippein and having of thame on hurd, xij
gre~ ~~

Item, for the fraucbt of the cordage ahone writin, sett for ilk tun fraucht ijm pund wecht; ansuerand to



vijmviijOlxxxviij pund cordage; price of ilk tun fraucht A.D. 1511. tuenti R. Scottis; summa . vij Ii. x R. Item, the xx day of December, send be the said Maister James with William Brounhill of the Weir to Leith, vj bemys culveringis of divers sortis; price pece xj iJ. ix gret; mako.nd three H. x iJ. sex gret; summa in Scottis money . . x Ii. xj iJ. vj 11. Item, send with George Patersone iijCxviij pellokis, weyand vjmiijc pund wecht; price jC vj R. x gret; summa in Scottis money. . lxiiij H. xj R. vj 11. Item, send be the said Maister .Tames, xl boltis pol davis of the gretest sort, quhilkis war boght be Jerome Friscobald, as his compt beris; price pece xviij R; summa xxxvj H. gret; makand in Scottis money jovfij Ii. Item, send be the said Maister .Tames witb William Brounhill in his schjp to Leith, lxxx boltis poldavis of the small sort, bocht be the said Jerome, as his comptis beria; price pece xij iJ. vj gret, makand fifty jCI H. pund gret; summa . Item, for small unC'.ostis maid be the said Jerome one the cordalis and the poldavis in Seland, iij R. ij gret, makand . ix R. vj 11. Item, for the fraucht of the said lxxx pece poldavise, jC gret blokis brase of Danskyne to ScoLland, and for the fraucht of v gret cordalis deliverit be the said William Brounhill, . xiij H. Item, in the monetht of Aprile, within the tyme of this A.D. 1512. compt, send be the said Maister James with skippar "Lame of the Campvere to Leith, ijCxxvj pece coppir, weyand togidder vmlviij H.; price jCxxv R. gret, makand lxiij H. iiij R. vj gret; summa in Scottis money jClxxxix Ii. xiij iJ. vj d Item, send with the said skippar tua pece Comwele tyn, weyand vjOviij pund pece, jOlviij iJ. x gret; makand . liij Ii. xiiij R. Item, to the said skippar, for the fraucht of the said




coppir, tyne, and xxvij rowis poldavis, put to tua twne iij pip fraucht; price tun xviij A.; summa . iij H. iij A. Item, for crangilt of the said coppir and the tyne, and fraucht of thame, with utheris uncostis, out of Handwerp to Seland, as J eromis comptis baris, xv il v gret; sununa . xlix A. iij ct. Item, for foure compas send be the said Jerome, for the schippis, within the tyme of this compt, vj s. gret; summa xviij a. Item the xxiij day of Maij, deliverit be Maister James Sympsone to George Putersone, and send in his schip of Flandris to Leith, twa kase compase, price of the twa iiij a. viij gret; item, foure lltheris com pas, price of the iiij v . iiij gret; item, tua nicht glassis, price of the tua xij gret; item, for ane creile to pak thame in, ij gret; item, for cart hyir for George Patersone to pas to Myddleburgh to cheise thame, iiij gret; summa xij . vj gret; ansuerand in Scottis money to xxxiiij . vj ct. Item, the xxiij day of Maij, deliverit be Maister James Sympsone to William Brounhill, and send in his schip of Flandris to Leith for the Kyngis gunnis, ijlxxxxij pece coppir, weyand all togidder vm,.c pund wecht, ilk jC cost at the first bying xxv . gret, summa lxviij H. xv B. gret, and to the pinouris for schippeing, laying in the sellar, and for the schippir, xxij gret; item, for the custum of it, tua. . vj gret; item, for sellar maill of it, xij gret; item, for the having of it one burd, xij gret; Ilumma of the uncostis, vj . iiij gret; summa tota.lis, lxix It. xvj gret; summa. in Scottis money . ijCVij H. iiij . Item, deliverit in the samyn schip and tyme be the said Maister James, and ressavit in Leith, iiijCxxiij gune stanis of yrne of the gretest sort for the Kingis canon is, ilk pace weyand xxxiij ~ pund wecht, summa of the baill, xiiijmjolxx ~ pund wecht; item, of the leet sort, ijClxiij pace gune stanis, ilk pace weyand

xv pund wecht, makand iijmixCxlv pund wecht ; .I..D. 1511 summa totalis ponderis, xviijmjcxv ~ pund wecht ; pri~ of ilk jC at the first bying by uncostis, vj it gret ; summa totalis, liiij H. vj schillingis x gret; summa in Scottis money . jClxiij It. vj d. Item, deliverit be the said Maister James to William Broun hill, and brooht in his schip of Flandris to Leith, tua last of tere, price of the last at the first bying iij It. vj it viij (t.; item, half ane last pik, price at the first bying xxx II., 8umma of the tere and pik viij It. iiij II. iiij gret ; item, for the custum of the samyn, xv gret; item, for pinouris feis, vij ~ gret; item, to ane skowt to have it one burd, xv gret ; summa totalis cum expensis, viij It. vj II. v ~ gret, ansuerand in Scottis money to xxiiij H. xix II. iiij (t. ob. Item, the xxiij day of Maij, William Brounhill brocht with him of Flandris to Leith in cordage xvm and , left at his departing of the Feir with Baldeunnis Corne1.ij, five thousand pund cordage, and ressavit fra Jerome Friscobald to pay that cordage and deliverit to the said Baldeunnis, jO It. gret; price of ilk jO pund cordage, ix II. x gret, makand ilk jmiiij It. xviij II. iiij gret ; summa of the xx cordage lxxxxviij It. vj II. viij gret, ansuerand in Scottis money to ijClxxxxv It. Item, the xxv day of Junij, deliverit be Maister James Sympsone in the Campfeir in Balzardis bark, and . thaireftir ressavit of the samyn bark in Leith, iiijOxxxvj pece, ime pellokis, ilk pece weyand xxxvi pund wecht of the gretest sort for the C8nnonis, and ijciij pece pellokis for the groae culveryngis, ilk pace xvj pund wecht, summa of the wecht of baitht the sortis xviijm viijO pund wecht; price of ilk jO pund wecht vj II. gret, makand liij It. viij II. four gret, ansuerand in Scottis money to jC}xix It. v !I. Item, for having of thame to the Feir and to the crane






and for the custum of thame in all uncos~ia xxxviij x gret, ansuerand in Scottis money to v Ii xvj iI. vj ct. Item, the said xv day of Junij, deliverit be the said Maister James, as his compt beris, to the furnesing of the said bark, quhilk is the Kingis, be his command, ane berrel of tere for hir tollis, price five schillingis x gret; ane co.ldrone to melt it, iiij gret; tuo. pece of poldavia to be hir tua bonettis, xxviij iI.; for the making of thaim iij iI. viij gret; for jCxxvij pund wecht takill to hir xij iI. ij gret for vij gret j foir blokis and nalis to hir xiij gret; for tua berrel salt flecsbe to hir, xiij 11. gret; for xv berr~1 beir, to fumeis hir a.ll the tym scho lay in the Feir, xlv 1!. gret; for 1 dussone bred, I iI. ; makand vij It xix iI. j gret; ansuerand in Scottia money to xxiij Ii. xvij 1!. iij ct. Item, the vj day of J ulij, within the tym of this compt, ressavit be Maister James Sympsone era Bowen Cornelia, and put in Johne Lausonis schip, tua pecis cabillis of lyne 6arne, weyand ,rjml xij pund wecht, ilk jC cost xvj 11. gret; tua smytia of gret 6arne of viilxlv pund wecht; price of ilk jC nyne 11. x gret; makand in the haill liij 11. j gret; of t.he quhilk soume thair restis in the said Bowen Cornelia hand of the l 11. gl'et deliverit to him be William' Brounhill, ressavit afoir fra Jerome be the said Willill.m for xxm pund cordage xxv 11. gret, for vln pund of cordage unressavit; the quhilk cordage is specifeit in the said Williamis compt and o.llowit all haill to him; thairfoir the compt gewar discheargia him heir be the deliverance of the said Jerome in the said liij Ii. j gret allanerly of xxviij It j gret; ansuerand in Scottis money to lxxxiiij It. iij ct. Item, be the said Maister James, to ane smitht feit be Martin the Flemyng, for his expens and ane monethtia wagis in xix s. gret,. . Ivij iI.



Item, be the said Ma.ister James, in arlis and part of ,t..D. 1612payment of tua gune I!tanis of all sortis, . iiij 11 Item, to William Brounhill, in haill payment of three hundreth sextein stane vij pundis metall for the gunnis, price of ilk stane xvj . j and for ane schippill of gret tymmer and utheris nec'.essaris deliverit be him to Schir Walter Ramsay for the Kingis schippis and biggein befoire the tyme of this compt, as is at lencht contenit in the bukis and comptis maid thairone and unenterit in the compt gewaris dischearge quhill this present compt j deliverit till him in haill payment thairof as said is, iijCxlij 11 xj I. Item, to the said William for the fraucht of iiij gret pakkis canves for salis, ilk pak ane tune wecht, makand foure tune wecht j and for the fraucht of xvm takilling, ilk ijm ane tune wecht, makand vij ~ tune wecht; and for the fraucht of tua last tere and half ane last of pik, makand iiij ~ tune wecht j and for the fraucht of vm yO coppir fOl" ij ~ tune wecht; and for the fmucht of xviijmjcxv ~ pund wecht in gune stanis of irne, makand ix tune wecht; and for the fraucht of jC brasin gret blokis put to foure tune of fraucht fra the Feir to Leith, makand in the haill xxxj ~ tune wecht, ilk tune fraucht xx it, and deliverit be the said Willism to ane skippar at brooht the said blokis of Danskyne to the Feir, and for part of uncostis xxvj it gret, in Scottie money three pund xviij I., all doyne and deliverit within the tyme of this compt j summa totalis of the premissis . xxxj 11. x it Item, the vij day of Julij, to the said William, for ane 11 sterling quhilk he gaif, be the Kingis command, to Robein Bertoun in part of payment of certane Inglismen ransoum, in thre angele noblez, iiij 11. iiij i!I. Item, to the said William, for superexpens maid be him one xxm cordage, attoure jC 11. gret, deliverit be Jerome Friscobald for the said cordage for custumez, crangilt,




.... D.1611.


and pynouris feis for laying of the cordage and in vyne at mercatis, makyne eftir his bill gewin thairone in xj ~ goldin gudlinis vij H. xiij I. iiij ct Item, the first day of October, within the tyme of this compt, ressavit be Schir Walter Ramsay fra the said William., five skoir xiij dalis; price pece iij I.; summa xvij H. xix I. Item, the samyn tyme, five dussone of rauchteris; price dU880ne viij 8.; summa xl II. Item, the sam tyme, ressavit fra him be Mathin the s~, for the echippis, iiij gret treis; price pece xiiij I.; summa Ivj II. Item, xix small mastis, deliverit be the said William for the filling of the bospret of the gret mastis; price of ilk: mast v A.; summa iiij H. xv fl. Item, to umquhile William Wode and to his executouris, in hali payment of thre hundretht three skoir ten pundis xix I. viij 4'., aucht to the said William for tymmer deliverit be him to the echippis, castele, cunzehous, palace, and Striveling, befoir the tyme of this compt, of the quhilk: BOume thair is enterit in the last compt immediat precedand and allowit to the compt gewar, as the buk of pxpens beris, three hundretht seventein pundis ten schillingis tua penneisj and for ane schippill of tymmer deliverit be umqnhill the said William to Schir Walter Ramsay for ane hundretht threttein pundis five schillingis, within the tyme of this compt; deliverit in haill payment thairof by the allowance afoirsaid . . jClxvj H. xiiij A. vj ct Item, to the saidis executouris, for the haIfis of ane schip callit James and ane uthir hali schipp callit Cloffu, boght be J ohne Forman, fra the saidis executouris, within the tyme of this compt, jCxxx H. Item, the xviij day of Aprile, be Johne Murisone, skippar, in the Kingis name, fra Patrik Dowglas and James Martin, burgessis of Disart, at the said J ohnis passage to Danskynein the schip callit the Cloffas, for burdis, pik, and tere, ressavit fourty twa ce1dris of



met salt boght be Johne Mowtray for stulage to theA.D.151!; said schip; price of ilk celder xxx a, makand thre skoir three tl., and for the half uncostis of bringing of the forsaid salt in botis fra Disart to the scbip, x.xj R.; summa lxilij tl. xij ct. Summa expensarum navium in gagiis et allis expensis. xiiijllliij"xxvij tl. xv a v ct TlcNBT A.


Item, to Jobne Andro, bors merschele, takand monethtlie for expensis, wagis, and feis, in sex Fl'anch crounis, foure tl. foure schillingis, to merschele and mend the Kingis hors and to wait thairone, the quhilk Andro departit of the realme to Cuire, the vj day of Aprile last; deliverit to hyrne in haill payment of vj monetht, before the tyme of this compt, viz., Marche, Aprile, Maij, Junij, Julij, and August, and fol' September, October, November, December, Januar, Februar, and Marche witbin the tyme of this compt, makand in the haill xiij monetht, ansuerand to liiij tl. xij a Item, to John Spady, smytht, to the King and Quenis stabulis, in. haill payment of all hors schone remufis to the King and Quenis stabulis and hOrB. fra the x.xj day of J ulij, within the tyme of this compt, to tbe xvj day of Julij nixt thairefter, lik as his buk of compt and the bukis of petty comptis writin tbairone, particulary examinat, beria in thame, xx1iij tl. v R. vjct. Item, to Johne of Lichtoun, sadillar, for all sadillis, bridillis, hors harnesing, hors housouris, suerd beltis, and all uthir stuff pertenand his craft, deliverit to the King, Quene, and thair Court, by it at is writin particulary in tbe comptis of certane servitouria in the (Jourt, fra the xviij day of August last bipast to

.... 11.



the xj day of J ulij, within the time of this compt, auchtein schillingis viij ct. ; and for ane fumeist soume like as is at lencht contenit in the said J ohnis compt buk maid thairapone examinat ilk quartar and subscrivit lxxj It xvij it iij d. ob. Item, to Thome Burne, I:I8.dillare, for mending of the King and Quenis sadillis of claitht of gold, tua gil'this, ane hede stele, ane ren6e, and part of uthir small geir, de1iverit for the Quene the xvj day of December, auchtein schillingis viij ct. ; and for ane fumeist soume sadill to the King, foure 11., for foure sadillis to Makane, thre st.ok sadillis and ane Franche sadill, foure 11. ij it viij ct.; and stoppein, ta.ggein, and mending of ane BOume sadill and ane coffir saddill and for v girth is to the Quene, viij s. viij d. ; summa ix It x fl. Item, to William Dalglesche, lorymare, for mending of the King and Quenis dtabill geir, and for certane spurris, ilk pair xij u.; for sterop irnis, price pair iiij R.; and all uthir kynd of stuff deliverit be him fra. the xviij day of August last bipast to the xxvij day of J ulij, within the tyme of this compt, efter his bill gevin thairone, subscrivit be Robin Gallua, . viij 11. xvij R. iiij ct Item, to James Avery, for expens maid be him on ane hundretht tua careage hors, for the Quenis Grace and hir Court betuix Edinburgh, Linlithgow, Striveling, Dunfermling, and divers uthiris pla.cis at divers tymez, fra. the xj day of October last bipast inclusive to the ix day of August, within the tyme of this compt; ilk hors betuix Edinburgh and Striveling iiij .; and for ilk hors betuix Edinburgh and Linlithqw ij R.; and divers uthiris expens maid be him on cartis for the Quenis wardrop; ilk cart on the day ix fl. ; and for uthiris careage of the Quenia geire and her courtis, for the said tyme, . xxvij 11. xij R. vj ct Summa expensarum Stabule ijOv It xiiij R. vij d ob.





Item, the vij day of August, to the Bischop of Orknais A.D. 1511. mane, for bridilsilvir of ane haknay, present be hyrne to the Kingis Grace, . . xiiij Il. Item, the viij day of August, tynt be the King at the schuting, . . xiiij IJ. Item, the ix day of August, to ane blind fidlair in the Margaret schip at the New Havyne, of the Kingis command, . xiiij Il. Item, the sam day and place, to Clofars, . v Il. Item, the viij day of September, to Unicorne pUrs6vant, to pas and summon de the Lord Anguse, at the Kingis xxviij II. instance, for certane landis, ltem, the ix day of September, to Thomas Wallace, goldsmytht. for ane ring with ane ruby, Muld be hyrne to the Kingis Grace, vj Franch crounis, iiij It. iiij Il. Item, the x day of September, to ane frutt sellar at the bridgende of the New Havin, for gewin plowmez to the King, x S. Item, to Johne Ynglis and Willil\m Fokkert, to pas with my Lady Coldanknowis, at t.he Kingis command, :xxviij IJ. x Franch crounis, Item the xj day of September, to Horne, Schir J ohne Musgravis mane, at come with nouelteis of Yngland to the Kingis Grace; in iiij Franch crounis, lvj IJ. Item, the xij day of September, to ane frutt sellar, at the peir end of the New Havin, for hony peris to the iiij IJ. King, Item, to David Hume, quhilk come fra the commissaris with writingis to the King, ij Franch crounis, xxviij Il. Item, to ane uthir mane at come at the post fra the said . xiiij B. commissaris to the King, .




Item, the xiij day of September, to Luke of the Quenis wardrop, at turst lettrez to the Quenis Grace with a ring to Stri veling, . xiiij R. Item, to Thome Camroun, servitour to the Lord Sinklere, maister of the Kingis artaillery, for expens maid one careing of gunnis, and geir according for thaim fra. the Castele to the New Havin, and fra. Leith to the Castele agane, eftir his bill of compt examina.t thairone, iiij It vj R. viiij c1 Item, the xiiij day of September, to the Maister Cuik for present silvir of rewardis debursat be hyrne to diverse xxxviij R. persounis, Item, tint be the King at the buttis with Sande Makculloch, Lord Sinklere and utheris, ij ~ Franch CroUIlUl, . . xxxv it. Item, to Robert Scot, symtht, to fumeis a part of his expens to Sanct Ninianis, deliverit be the Dene of Glasgew at the Kingis command, xxviij A. Item, the xvj day of September, to Dene Robert Richersone, chanone, in haill payment of tua termez maill, Witsunday and Martymes last bipast of the benthouse precedand this compt, . xx A. Item, the xvij of September, to Johne Craufurd for tursing of lettrez fra. the King to the Quenis Grace to Striveling, . xiiij it. Item, for outquitting of Wille Wodis wowp at lay in wed . for tynt silvir be the King, ij Franch crounis, xxviij B. Item, the xix day of September, to ane Andro Wricht, schipman, becaus he tynt his goune to by him ane . xiiij II. . coit, Item, to Fransek Blakman, for dlinksilvir in the New Havin, ij Franch crounis, . . xxviij iI. Item, the xx day of September, in the New Havyne, to Gillea.m, tabemar, and to the Scottis and Ytaliane trnmpatis in drinksilvir, . xiiij iI. Item, for peris to the King at the brigend of Leith, vij iI. Item, gewin be the Maister Cuik to the gardnar of Linlithqw for fruit and huny kamys, . vij it.



Item, 1.0 Duncane Richeis expens to pas in Rose, Suthir- .A.D. 1~11. land and Cathnes, for imbringing of l'6Stis of compoaitionis, . xlij l Item, the xxij day of September, to the wrycht of Falkland, . xiiij l Item, the xxiiij day of September, gewin be the lang doctour till a mane at brocht and had lettrez to and . xiiij l fra the Dense skippar in Rose, . Item, the xxv day of September, in the New Havin, to ane auld fidlair, iij l Item, to wernen in the Margaret schip, . xiiij i. Item, to ane Ersche man, quhilk gaift' tUB Irland hom to the King, eftir his speciale command,iij Franch crounis, xlij ill. Item, to the Ducheman at brocht the powdir myll to the . xiiij It King, xx Franch crounis, . Item, the xxvij day of September, to Martin and Kenedy, hensmen, xvj d Item, at the New Havin, for peris to the King, x ill. Item, deliverit be my Lord Secretar till ane cursoure quhilk was send be Maister James MOKestoun, of Bruges, to my Lord of Murray, in 1 ducatis,. lit Item, the xxviij day of September, be Matho Campbele to the botismane of Cambuskyueth quhen the King past oure the watter, iij a. Item, to ane cheld of the Quenis wardrop at brocht vl letteris fra the Quenis Grace to the King, Item, the penult day of September, to the Maister Cuik for presentation si1vir and rewardis of diverse personis, xlij ill. ij ct Item, be the said Maister Cuik to the maissone of Falkland, . xiiij A. Item, to Sande Makculloch, to pas to enter his halk, iij Franch erounis, . . xlij a. Item, to James Hamyltoun, to pas with lettrez to Air, Wigtoun, and Dumfreis for imbringing of restis thair, xxviij ill.

A.D. 11111.


Item, to James Wallace, messingeir, to pas to Invemyse, Elgyne, Banff, and Abirdene to destrenze for restis, xlij !l. Item, the last day of September, to ane Ersche man, deliverit be my Lord Secretar, iij Franch crounis, xlij AItem, the first day of October, to William Fokkert, 6emane, j Franch croun,. . . xiiij !l. Item, to Sande Disart, cuik, for walronis to the King, xiiij !l. [And many similar entries.] Item, the thrid day of October, in the New Havin to Campbele, ane of the Quenis hensmen, because he was seik, xx !l. Item, the ferd day of October, in the New Havin, to ane Franche wyff quhair the King disjonit, ij Franch crounis, . xxviij iJ. Item, the vj day of October, be the Kingis command, and my Lord Thesa.uraris be his takyne thairone, Bend with J ohne Formane to Leith, to be in the Kingis awne purs and dispositioun at his passage in the Margaret schip, Strivelingwart, 1 It Item, the vij day of October, to ane man at past one hors in haist with lettrez to the officiaris of Peblis, viij !l. Item, to Johne of Balfoure and David Lowry, messingeris, to pas to warne the hedis of Tevitdaill aod Merse to compeir in Edinburgh for reule one the Bordour, . . xlij Altern, to the botisman of Cambuskynneth at had the King our the wattir, . iij Altern, to J ohne Aitkin, goldsmitht in Striveling, to eik the Kingis quhissill, x demyis and ane gudling, deliverit be Schir Thomas of Murray; summa . viij It xiij A- iiij ct Item, to the schipmen of the Quenis schip, quhen the Quene salit in hir fra Strlveling to Edinburgh, in drinksilvir, . xiiij I.



Item, ta ane servitour of the Lard of Clakmannis, for A.D. 1511. peris present to the King at the Polarth, . xiiij II. Item, to fischeraris one the say, quhen the King was in thair boit, for osteris to hyme, ~ Franch croun, vij II. Item, the xij day of October, fro. Maister Johne of Murray, ij ~ elnis blew taffatis and vj quartaris 6allow taffatis to be ane play coit to David Lindesay for the play playt in the King and Quenis presence in the Abbay, price e1ne xvj II.; summa iij It. iiij A. Item, to Johne of Balfour, officiar., and utheris for in bring of restis of Leith and Edinburgh, to part of thair expens xxviij A. Item, to Schir David Spens, at he debuirsat to iij Scottis trumpatis playand at the outputting of the Kingis gret schipe, . . xilij II. Item, the xiiij day of October, to Johne Mosmane he assignation by diverse uthir payments, assignationis and allowans maid till him the samyn day and befoir of the Lard of Lekprivikis rest and uthirwais aucht be the ErIe EglingtoUDe in compleit payment of certane jowellis and ypotigory tane fra him to the King befoir this day, . ijO j It. iiij iI. Item, in the Castele of Edinburgh, to the werkmen of the powdir myll, in drinksilvir, . XUlJ H. Item, the xv day of October, to Florymond SympUl, deliverit be Johne Forman, to by him necessaris, vj Franch crounis, iiij It. ilij iI. Item, to Schir Johne Auchinlek, for lent money to Sande Gardin and ane uthir officiar with hyme, for thah' expens in a part to pas to distren6ee for restis in Fiff, ij Franch crounis, xxviij II. Item, to Jaquez Tere1e, maister of the schipwerk at the begynning of the bark, in drinksilvir, v Franch crounis, iij It. xii. Item, the xvij day of October, to the auld brodstar, for




the Kingie annez in nedillwerk, boght at the Kingis command, ij Franch crounie, xxviij R. Item, the xviij day of October, to Marchemond herold, in hie fee, xxx Franch crounis, makand . xxj It Item. to J ohne Formane, be the Kingis command, jC Franch crounis, quhilkis war nocht gewin thaireftir in particular compt be the said Johne, bot deliverit and ependit as the King comwandit hym, by compt; Bumma . . lxx H. Item, to the said Johne, to pay for iij gret dUBBOne Ynglis pewdar weschele, hoght be the Kingis command; price of the dUBBone vij H. ; Bumma . xxj It Item, the xix day of October. tynt be the King at the buttis in the garding with Luke of the wardrop and utherie, ij Franch crounis, . xxviij R. Item, to Wan tones and hir marrow. gewin be my Lord. Secretar in the Kingis chaumer, j Franch croun, xiiij R. Item, the xxj of October, to ane brid of Leith that met the King in the gait, and wold have kiBBit hyme, xiiij R. Item, to Andro Armestrang, to pas ane erand of the Kingis with Maister Thomas Dibone, ij Franch cl'Ounis, . xxviij iL Item. the xxij day of October, to William Downisonis wyff, deliverit be J ohne Forman at the Kingis command, iiij Franc.h crounie. . lvj R. Item, the xxiij day of October, to William Fokkert, to pas to Brechyne with Schir Cristieme, ij Franch cl'Ounis, . xxviij R. Item, the xxiiij day of October, in the New Havin, to the baxtaris tabemar for playing at the drawing of the gret achip, . iij R. Item, to Johne Stewart and Thome Dunbar, to pas with lettrez to the King to Edinburgh. Ira the Lordia out of Air, xxviij R. Item. the xxv day of October, to Knox, falcon&r. to



fache haUds fra the Lard of Inchemartyne to the A.D. 16] 1. King, j Franch croun, xiiij I. Item, the xxvj day of October, tynt be the King at the buttis in the garding with Sande Makculloch, Robe Scott, and uthiris, iiij Franch crounis, . lvj i'l. Item, the xxvij day of October, tynt be the King at the cartis with my Lord Gallu&, pait be William Wod, iiij I. viij d. Item, to Johne Adamsone, currour, in part of payment of his expens maid be hie service in the aria of Are, xlI. Item, to Gilbert Reach, to pas for inbringing of restis to Drumquhissill of Are, and uthiris partis, xx I. Item, the xxviij day of October, tynt be the King at the buttis and revaris in Leith and be the gait with Johne Craufurd and uthiris, iij Franch crounis, xlij I. Item, the xxix day of October, to ane Robe Trumbule, to pas ane emnd of the Kingis, deliverit be J ohne Forman, ij Franch crounis, xxviij I. Item, [the] first day of November, be the Kingis command, in his chaumer, to Liddaill, the prophet, j Franch croun, . . xiiij I. Item, the sam day, to ane woman callit Justice, xiiij II. Item, the thride day of November, to the Maister Cuik for presentation silvir and rewardis, ij Franch crounis, xxviij I. Item, the viij day of November, to Barone and the Baille of the Verie sone to remane in Linlithqw for that nycht, v I. Item, the sam day, to sett ane saphir in gold new wyne be the King, fra the Maister of Mortoun, ane hary nobill and ane half and for the set and fassoun of it, j Fmnch croun; summa iij 11. xj I. Item, the x day of November, in Cambuskynneth to the maissonis in drinksilvir, ij Franch crounis, xxviij I. Item, for gold to ane ring, iij crosat ducatis, j Fmnch croun of wecht and j licbt Franch croun; SDDlma iiij 11 ix 11.




Item, tint be the King n.t the schuting with Sande Makcullocht and utheris, ij Franch crounis, xxviij R. Item, the xj day of November, to Curreis wytr in Leith, to pay hir house maill, v R. Item, tynt be the King at the schuting with Luke, Sande Makcullocht and utheris, ij Franch crounis, xxviij R. Item, the xij day of November, in Striveling, for gold to ane quhissill, iij unicornis and ane ridar; summa iiij It vj R. Item, to ane mane for ane herone, ~ Franch croun, vij R. Item, t.o Jakes, tabernar to the Quein, brocht be Robe Mowtrar, ij }I'ranch crounis, xxviij R. Item, to Johne of Balfour, messinger, for part of his expens in the Lordis service in Wigtoun, v R. Item, the xiij day of November, to the maissonis of Linlithqw, wirkand one the palace, in drinksilvir at the Kingis command, . xiiij R. Item, to the gardnar, ~ unicorne, . x R. Item, to Adam Diksone in Linlithqw, to pas to Striveling erandis of the Kingis, ~ unicorne, x R. Item, to Sande Makcullocht, for lent silvir gewin to J ohne Achesone, goldsmitht, for excrescence of ane ring to the King, xxviij R. Ttem, to J ohne of Balfour, messinger, for his expens at the inbring of the restis in the time of the aria of Aire, Wigtoun, and Kirkcudbricht, ij Franch croullis, xxviij R. Item, the xvj day of November, to Wantones and hir marrow in the Kingis cbaumir, . . xiiij R. Item, neglexit be the comptar in the last chekker, anno VCxjO, gewin to the King to play at the cartes with Andro Bertoun, x Franch crounis, . vij It Item, the xvij day of November, be Robert Muncreiff to ane mane for ane heroun, bocht at the Kingis command,

Item, to ane Lermonth at come to Wigtoune in the tyme of the aria to fache part of the Quenis pensioun; to his expens to Striveling vij R.



Item, the xviij day of November, to Schir Waltir Ram- A.D. 1611. say for the werkmenis drinksilvir of the new bark at the New Havin, . . xlij D. Item, the xx day of November, to Gympis, to pay hir house maill, . xiiij D. Item, the xxij day of November, to Barone, housboy, to pas to the Lard of Inchema.rtyne with ane goise balk, xiiij D. Item, to Mychele Avery, to pas to seik the floit boit of the Pansy at past away with ane storme quhen the Pansy hevit her mast, . xiiij D. Item, to by the rest of the martrik skynnis the King wane fra. Schir William Ogilvy of Stra.therne, knycht, vj Franch crounis of wecht, ma.kand v 11. viij D. Item, the xxiij day of November, tynt be the King at the buttis with J ohne of Bertoun, laid doune be Lowke, iij Fra.nch crounis, . . xlij it Item, fra. fadir Frost, ij elnis quhet fustiane to mend the fedder beddis in the Abbay; price elne ij D. viij d. ; summa v it iiij d. Item, for half ane elne canvas to be ane ka.ce to ane culvering, vij d. Item, the xxiiij day of November, tynt be the King at the cartis with My Lordis Galluay and Elphinstoun, xxviij D. ij Fra.nch crounis, Item, to Broun, pottingar of Sanctandrois, for j pund dia.mbra., xlviij D., and for j pund Dragalanga, xvj D., to the King; summa iij 11. iiij D. Item, the xxvij day of November, in the Newhavin, to the Spa.n6art at Makcloid tuk his schip, xl ducatis, of the quhilkis the King wane a.t the cartis fra. the Erie Angus, xxvj ducatis, that ar nocht to be put in this dischearge, and the remanent xiiij ducatis ar to be discheargit, deliverit be the Dene of Glasgew to him; summa . xiij 11. vj D. Item, deliverit be my Lord Secretar, at the Kingis command, to the Fra.nchemen quhilkis war spu16eit be the Inglismen one the sey besid Air, xx Fra.nch . xiiij 11. croullis,




Item, deliverit be my Lord Secretar till ane PU1'Bevant of England callit Rugecorce, xx Franeh erounis, xiiij H. Item, to Knox, falconar, vij S. Item, to Home, Sehir J ohne Musgravis mane, to p88 agane to England the Kingis erandis, ij Franeh erounis, xxviij A. Item, to Arthure Bruise, becaus the King wane twa of his skerlet bonettis, in recompenSe thairof, vj Franeh erounis, . iiij It. iiij S. Item, the xxviij day of November, to tua men of Murray to' male thair lettrez to superseid the Chamerij S. lane, Item, the xxix day of November, to Andro Armestrang, to p88 to the ErIe Bothuile the Kingis erandis, ij Franeh erounis, xxviij S. Item, to James Mowat and David Kaling, saill sewaris, becaus thai tyot and brak thair nedillis, the xvij day of November, . . xiiij S. Item, the secund day of December, to the King to play at the cartis with my Lorde Melweyne, iij Franeh erounis, . . xlij S. Item, the thrid day of December, to the gunnaris to drink at the fest of Sanet Barbara, ij Franeh erounis, xxviij S. Item, for drinksilvir to the maissonis one the werk of x S. the Kirk of Feild, ~ unicome, . Item, send to Bones in England to Sehir Johne Musgray, ane tune of vyne, boght in Kirkeudbricht for aueht pund, and for careage of it io ane boit, lvj A.; summa x H. xvj A. Item, to James Hamyltoun and Johne of Balfoure, messingeris, in thair expens, beand in the Kiogis lvj S. service, by it gewin to thame befoir this day, Item, the vij day of December, to Wantones and hir marrow singaris, deliverit be Sande Makeullocht, xiiij BItem, the ix day of December, boght to mende the arras elathis, vj elnis canves; price eloe xiiij ct.; summa viJ S.



Item, to mend the Kingis ruft' of claith of gold, ij elnis A.D. 1511. iij quartaris Mullane fustiane; price elne iij l; summa viij II. iij It




Item, to my Lorde Justice expensis bea.nd at the &iris A.I). 11111. of Are, Wigtoun and Kirkcudbrycht fn. the xix day of October to the ferd day of December exclusive, takand e:r.pensis for the said tyme inclusive, and for iij dais mair be the way, makand in the haill filtie dais; ilk day xlII.; summa jO It. Item, to my Lord Thesaurar, the sam tyme, for xlviij dais, takand to his expensis; ilk day three It ; summa jo:x.liiij It. Item, the sam tyme, to my Lord Abirdene in part of payment for the said tyme of the airis, as his diet bum beris, jOxxxvj It. xvj iii. x ct. Item, to my Lord of Ergile, for xlvj dais expensis at the said airis, takand ilk day xl iii.; summa l:r.:r.xxij It Item, to my Lord Enola expensis at the said airis beand xlvj dais; ilk day xxx iii,; summa . lxix It. Item, to the Larde of Ba.luery, bea.nd ane componitour at the saidis &iris remanand thairat xlv dais, takand ilk day xx iii.; swnma . xlv It. Item, to Maister James Henrison, Justice clerk, for his expensis at the sa.dis airis in xlix dais, takand ilk day xviij achillingis; summa . xliij It iiij I. Item, to Maister Johne of Murray, heand in the Lordis service at the sadis aeris for his expensis at the Lordis commandis; for ilk air of the three aeris x It; summa . . xxx It. Item, at the dissolutioun of the airis of Air, be the Lordis command to J ohne Broune, burges of Air, for belcheir, sex pundis xiiij 1 iiij 1, and to the servandis of the house xx iii.; summa . vij It. xiij 1 iiij ct,




Item, richtaua in Kirkcudbright to Allane Maklelane be . the Lordis servandis for belcheir, iij 11 vj I. viij ct




Item, to my Lord Thesauraris expensis, beand at the Justice air of Abirdene fra the penult day of Aprile inclusive to the xiiij day of Maij .,exclusive, makand xv dais, takand ilk day iij 11.; summa . . xlv 11. Item, to my Lord Justice for the samyn tyme, and for ane day mair in his passage; ilk day xl it; summo. xxxij 11. Item, to the Lard of Baluery, in part of payment of his expens at the said air, vj 11. xiij A. iiij ct Item, to Maister James Hemisone, for xvj dais expens at the said air, takand ilk day xviij I.; summa xiiij 11. viij lI. Item, to Maister J ohne of Murray, for his labouris at the said air the samyn tyme, x 11 Item, my Lordis of Abirdene, Huntlie, and Errole, componitouris, wald tak na expensis for the said tyme.





Item, to my Lord of Abirdene, beand at the said Chaumirlane airis xx dais fra the thrid day of Februar; deliverit in part of payment of his expensis thairof, xl 11. Item, to my Lord Thesauraris expensis for the samyn tyme, 111. Item, to Schir Adam of Creichtoun, Chaumerlane Deput, for his expensis thesamyn tyme; ilk day xx I.; summa xx 11. Item, to Maister James Henrisonis expens for the said tyme of the airis, xij 11.



Item, to Maister David Traill, at he debursat for tua AD 1611-12. hors hyir, and servitouris at turst the chapele geir of Striveling to Edinburgh, ij Franch crounis, xxviij it Item, deliverit to Schir James Inglis, to be hyme and his collegia play cotis, xij elnis taft'atis; price elne xiiij it; summa . viij It. viij . Item, for the sam cotis xij elnis canves; price elne . xiiij it . xiiij c1; summa Item, deliverit to Johne Aitkyne, goldsmitht, within the tyme of this compt at diverse tymez befoir the v day of Febnlar, to mak foure gret truncheouris aud twa Iosanis for thaint, threttein small truncheouris and five saltfattis for the King and Quenis Gracis, aucht skoire sextein uncis j quartar unce silvir,of the quhilkis thair was three skoir ellevin unce of the Kingis silvir, as the compt maid thairone beris in it. And for money in wed ailvir, of pecis and covertouris 'three skoire tene unce; price unce xiij it iiij 4., and xxxv unce j quartar, boght for money in pecis; price unce xv . vj 4., and to the gilting of the sadie truncheouris and I08anis,. x crosat ducatis makand ix It. x it; summa totalis by the Kingis silvir, Ixxxiij It ix it viij ob. Item, the sam tyme, deliverit to the said J ohne Aitkin, to mak twa goldin truncheouris to the King, viij unce gold boght for money; price of the unce of sex unce, viij It x .; and price of the tua unce, xvj It. xix I ; summa. Ixvij It xix it by vj unce iij quartaris, deliverit to the said J ohne, of the scrapenis of certane giltin weschele for the truncheouris abone writin. Item, the xix day of December, to ane horsman to turse vj unce of the foresaid gold fra Edinburgh to Stri veling to the said J ohne, iiij ii. Item, the x day of December, to Margaret Comwele, for A.D. 1611. sawin of the Kingis sarkis, curches, hed schetis, bed

A.D. 1511.



schetis, poyntis, and naipkynnie, with uthir werkmenschip for the Kingis heusmen as hir bill bure. v It vij R. Item, boght to mend the arras werk in the Kingis hall, tua elnis can ves ; price elne xij ct; summa. ij A. Item, the xj day of December, to Unicome pursevant to pas with lettrez be sey the Kingis erandis with Bal6ard to France, of the Kingis command. xx Franch crounis, of wecht makand . xviij tt. Item, to the sam Bal6art, skippar. for the said Unicorneis fraucht and to spend hyme with his schip, x Franch crounis, . vij It Item, to twa marinaris at past with the said Bal6ard. iiij Ii. Item, the xij day of December, deliverit be Maister Johne of Murray to Marohemond herold, at his passage to France the Kingis erandis to my Lord of Murray, xl Frnnch crounis [of] wecht, makand xxxvj It Item, the xiiij day of December, for bridilsilvir af ane blak hora gewin be the auld Lard of Lundy to the King, . xiiij I. Item, the xvj day of December, to Johne the Grantis mane, to turat lettrez of the Kingisto Dowgall Campbele, . xiiij R. Item, the xx day of December, to James Stewart, young Lard of Argowane, to by him ane covering of ane jak, because the King schure his jak in playaing, iij tt. x I. Item, the xxj day of December, to Johne Forman, at he deburaat be the Kingis command for presentation silvir of ane halk gewin be the Lord Bothwele to the King, ij Franch crounis, xxviij II. Item, to Maister David Traill, for ane miss buik booht be him to the chapele~ xx R. Item, to him for the rest of careage of the chapele geir fra Striveling to Edinburgh, iiij R.



Item, the xxiiij day of December, to vij pinouris for A.D. 1511. tursing of the Kingis copburd fra the Castele to the Abbay, ngane dule, . ij it viij d. Item, to J ohne Formane, to be gewin be the Kingis command to Florymond Sympill, iij Franch crounis, xlij it Item, the xxvij day of December, to J ohne of Balfour, messingeir, to pas with lettrez to destrenzoo for restis of the composition of the Regalite of Killemur, in part of his expens, . xiiij it Item, to James Wallace, messingeir, for expens maid be him at the inbringing of certane restis of Abirdene, Banff, Elgin, and Fores, . xxx R. Item, the xxviij day of December, to Wallace, messinger, to pas with lettrez for money to the Maister of Angus to Bonkill, x R. Item, the penult day of December, tynt be the King at the buttis with Sande MlI.kcullocht and his marrowis eftir none, . tiiij iI. Item, to Andro Armestrang for ane quhet hors, coft be the Kingis command, . x It v it Item, the last day of December, to Sandris Gardin of the restis of Fift', for his expens and labouris at the in. iij It. xvij R. ij c1 bringing of the said rest, Item, to J ohne Adamsone, messinger, to pas with xj lettrez to Angus, Fiff, and Stratheme, for his expens, xxj R., and to James Hammyltoun, to pas in the Westland with viij lettrez, xx it ; and to Duncan Richeis expens to pas to Abirdene, Murray, and Roe with vj lettrez, xxviij iI., to warne the spirituall Lordis for ane generale counsall concemyng the Paip and the King of Francis materis; summa. iij It ix it Item, tynt be the King at the schuting, ij Franch crounis, xxviij iI. Item, the first day of Januar, beand New deris day, A.D. 1611-12. deliverit be the Kingis Grace to the Quenis Grace in hir New deir gift ane smalllinkit chen6ee knoppit, contenande foure unce and half ane quo.rtar unce gold




quhilk was boght fra my Lord Hereise; price unce xxviij It. xvij 11. vj ct. vij H.; summa . Item, to Schir Johne Sinkleris wyff, x It. Item, to Elizabeth Sinklere, dochter to my Lord Sinklere, viij crownis of wecht, makand . vij It. iiij iI. Item, to Maistres Hume, x crounis of wecht, ix It. Item, to Maistres Ray, . vij It. Item, to the Ersche lady, vij It. Item, to Mastres Musgmy, viij Franch crounis of wecbt, vij It. iiij ii, Item, to Jonete Murray, viij Franch crounis of wecht, vij It. iiij iI. Item, to Elene Moire, v Franche crounis, . iij It. x s. Item, to EUane of Dowglas, v Franch crounis, iij It. x iI. Item, to Margaret EUane, iij crownis of wecht, liiij iI. Item, to Besse Hoppringill, iij crownis of wecht, liiij iI. Item, to Schir Thomas Humez wyffis madynnis, iij crounis of wecht, . . liiij iI. Item, to my Lady Anguse madin, iij crownis of wecht, liiij II. Item, to my Lady Elphinstonis twa maciynnis, x Franch crounis, .. vij It. Item, to ane pursevant of France at put ane orlage send be the ambassiatour of France to the King; eftir the Kingis command, deliverit . vij It. Item, to George Schaw, goldsmytht, for ane ryng with ane diamont ennamalit, gewin in ane New 3eir gift, v It. Item, to foure Scottis trumpatis and foure Ytaliane trumpatis to thair New 3eir giftis, ilk ane j Franch croun; summa. v It. xij iI. Item, to the ltaliane schawmeris and George Forest with thaim, ilk mane ane Franche crowne ; summa iij It. x. iI. Item, to iij Franche menstralez and Gil1eam, tabemar, with thaim, ilk mane ane Franche crowne; summa lvj iI.



Item, to Maist[er] Hanysley, . xiiij II. A.Do 1511-12. Item, to Thy herold, in the name of the officiaris of armez, for thair crying larges one New, 3eir day, deliverit eftir the auld ricurand use, x Franch crounis, vijlt. Item, the secund day of Januar, to ane Dowglas and pure v II. werkmen in the New Havin, Item, to Cudde Rig, xilij II. Item, the ferd day of Januar, tynt be the King at the schuting, lent be Luke of the wardrop, and pait to him agane, ij Franch crounis, xxviij II. Item, to ane Inglisman ca11it .Bevirlaw, at come fra the Lord Dakirris to the Kingis Grace, at his returnyng, xx Franch crounis, . . xiiij H. Item, to Gilbert Reooh, mesBingeir, for halk gewin be hyme to the Kingis Grace, eftir the Kingis command, ane leveray of v elnis Rowane tanne, and iij elnis chamlot for his doublet; price of all . iiij H. vj II. Item, the v day of J anuar, to maissonis, for biggE'.in of ane stair at William Brounis house, in drinksilvir, vij II. Item, the viij day of Januar, to Thomas Rugecroce, Englis herold, at his returnyng to tbe King of England, xxx licht Franch crounis, makand xxj It. Item, Thy herold to pas with the said Ynglis herold the Kingis erandis to the King of England, xxvj Franch crounis, . xviij H. iiij II. Item, to Schir Hary Woo, at bis returnyng to my Lord of Murray of Scotland the Kingis erandis, viij Franch crounis, . v H. xij II. Item, to Arthur Bruise, merchand, because he tynt ane leit de camp wit:It the King at the cartis, xx Franch crounis, . xilij It. Item, at" evin in the nicht the Kingis Grace wane at the cartis fra the said Arthur Bruise ane steik of Holland claitht, ane box and certane merchandice,




thairfoir deliverit, he the Kingis command, to hyme, xx Franch crounis, . xiiij It. Item, to Horne, Schir Johne Musgravis servitour, iij Franch crounis, . xlij it Item, to William Cokburne, horae merschele, to merschele ane broun cursour quhilk come fra the King of France, . xiiij il. Item, the xv day of Januar, to Andro Armestrang, to buy hyme hora mett, ij Franch crounis, xxviij !'I. Item, to James Jaklein, :5oungar, to pay for tua canys of aill to drink for the Kingis honour, at his command, . xiiij il. Item, the xvij day of Januar, to Johne of Balfour, messingeir, for labouris and expens maid be hyme diverse tymez in sindry partis of the realme for inbringing of restis and turaing of lettrez, efter compt tane thairof, . iij It. xv & . Item, at evin, tynt be the King at the cartis with the Lordia of Sanctandrois and Anguse, xx Franch crounis, . . xiiij It. I tern, the xviij day of J anuar, to Marchemond heroldis expensis to pas the Kingis erandis with the Lord Chaulnirlane to the Lord Dakkirris, vj Franch crounis, and for ane hora to hyme viij It.; summa xij It. iiij il. Item, to William W od at the Kingis command, lxiiij it Item, the xxj day of Januar, to Johne Adamesone, messengeir, to pas with lettrez to destreD:5ee the Lord Hay of dester and certane utherie for auld restie, x !'I. Item, the xxU day of Januar, to ane tabernar for playing, ij B. Item, to Anthone Flemyng, at maid the litili boit, xiiij B. Item, to ane bowet makar at brocht sex bowettie and deliverit to Johne Formane, xx il. Item, the xxiiij day of Januare, to Johne Yrland fortua croce bowie, price pece xlv .; and for xxxv dussone


gan:5eis, pri~ dussone iiij S., deliverit to Johne Forman A D. 161112for the Kingis Grace; summa xj 11. xij iJ. Item, to William Malcolme, for tua croce bowis with tua windas, v It, and for xiij croce bow stringis, and vij pair wyndasis cordis, xl S., deliverit to Johne Forman; summa . . vij It Item, to Walter Logane and Thome Braynwod, carta.ris, for bdnging of the Quenis wardrop betuix Strivelillg and Edinburgh, foure dais befoir dule, with iiij cartis, ilk cart one the day ix iJ.; summa vij H. iiij S. Item, to Berty Wardlaw, for ane qURvir for arrowis, x S., for vj arrowis, vj iJ., for ane dussone of bow stringis, tua schillingis, for tua furneist croce bowis, sex H., for v dussone gen:5eis, xx schillingis, for ane coffir with geD:5eis, iiij S., for ane dussone barrit boltis, viij it, Rnd for ane dussone blunt boltis, iij s., all deliverit to J ohne Forman for the Kingis Grace; summa ix H. xiij iJ. loom, tint be the King at the schuting at the schort buttis, and syne at the lang buttis with Sehir Patrik Hammyltoun, Sande Makcullocht, and Adam Red, ij Franch crounis, xxviij iJ. Item, the xxv day of Januar, to TholD8tl Williamsone, cardmakar, at his passage the Kingis erandis to the x H. Court of England, for his expensis, Item, to ane to pas to Glasgew to feche Sehir Andro Brounhill to pas to Denmark with the Franche ambassatour, . . xiiij S. Item, the xxvij day of J anuar, to Langlandis me88engeir to pas with lettrez to destrenzee for restis in Roxburgh and Selkirk, xxviij iI. Item, to James Dog, for lent money to the King to play at the cartis, iij Franch crounis, . . xlij S. Item, in the New Havin, to twa marloaris, in drinksilvir, ij Franche crounis, xxviij S. Item, the xxviij day of Januar, to Duncane Riche and to servitouris with hym to pas to Thometalloun for reiltis of Killemoire, . xiiij S.




Item, the xix day of Januar, deliverit be the Dene of Glasgow to Johne Fonnan, to be destribut at the Kingis plesour at vj houris at evyne, vj Franch crounis, . . iiij It iiij S. Item, deliverit be my Lord Secretar to the Doctoure, ambassatoure of France, ane bassing with ane ewar of silvir and sex silvir pecia contenand sevin skoire nintein, uncia, of the quhilkia thair was boght fra William Brounhill, xxvj unce, and fra Gilbert Laudar, xiij unce; price unce xvij ~. vj d., and deliverit be Schir Johne Dingwale, of silvir WeB put in wed to him, sex skoir uncis; price unce xiij B. iiij d:. ; summa jCxiiij It. ij S. vj d. Item, to William Mure, skippar in Leith, for his schip fraucht, to pas with the said ambassiatour and his cumpany in Denmark, xl crounis of wecht, makand xxxvj H. Item, to Nicholace gunnaris expens, to pas with the said ambassiatoure to Denmark, v Franche crounis, iij It x B. Item, to Schir Andro Brounhile, chapellane, for his expens to pas, eftir the Kingis devise, to convoy the said arubassiatoure to the King of Denmark, and in the partis of Denmark, xxx gold gudlingis, and xx it for his victaling in the forsaid schip; summa xxj H. Item, to be the said Schir Andro ane goune, at the sam tyme boght vj elnis Rowane greis; price e1ne xvj s.; summa iiij H. xvj it Item, to Allan Kochrane, armorar, for certane foir geir and bak geir, reformyng of uthir geir, dichtein of halbertis, for ska1bertis, grathing of swerdis, and all utheris labouris maid be hyme fra the monetht of Aprile last bipast to this day. efter his bill of compt deliverit, . . xv It xiiij ~. viij d. Item, to the said Allane, in haile payment for dichtein of xiiij steile sadillis with ymery hew fra the x day



of Marche in anno no to the xij day of December A.D. 151112in anno VO xjD, ilk sadill the dichtein vij it; summa iiij It xviij I. Item, the last day of Januar, in the New havin, to Matho Campbele, for a maiBBOne to pas to the Kirk of Steile, j Franch croun, . . xiiij a. Item, to Robert Borthwik, gunnar in the Castele of Edinburgh, for drinksilvir, iij Franch crounis, . xlij I. Item, the sam" day and place, to the Duche smithtis, Scottie smithtis, maissonis, wrichtis, gunnaris, powdermen, and uthens werkmen of the Castele, propinit in drinksilvir, vj Franch crounis, makand. iiij It iiij I. Item, the secund day of Februar, to ane servitouris expensis to pas of Edinburgh to Invemys for ane xxviij I. goune, ij Franch crounis, Item, to Andro Armestrang, to pas hayme with the laiff of the Armestrangis, v Franch Clounis, iij It. x. S. Item, to the quene of the Blakfurd, quhilk brocht foure fatt caponis to the King, ij Franch crounis, xxviij it, and thairefter, be the Kingis command, because sebo plen6eit, uthir ij Franch crounis, xxviij it Item, to ane servitour of the Lord Chaumirlane at come fra the Bordouris with writingis to the King, iij Francb xlij B. crounis, . Item, the thride day of Februar, to Johnesone, hensboy, to by him horse mett, because he cryat thairfor, xlij B. Item, to ane man at come with lettrez of England fra the Lord Chaumirlane to the Kingis Grace, xxviij B. Item, the ferd day of Februar, to Florymond Sympill, iiij Franch crounis, Ivj B. Item, for tua bulgettes to the maister cuik to turse the silvir weschell in, xij I. Item, the vij day of Februar, to the werkmen of the Newhavyne for drawein furtht of ane tree fra the cradill of the gret schip, '. xiiij S.




Item, to the maister cuik, to gif the madinnis and ser. . xx it vitouris of William Brounhillis house, '. Item, to pure. Murray IDen at come with a lettir to chenge thair fermez, to help tbair expensis, . vij it Item, the ix day of Februar, to ane fallow, because the King pl111it fl1rtht his twtht, . xliij A. Item, to Johne Adamsone, messingeir, to pas to destren:5e for restis in Mentetht, till his expensis, . xiiij A. Item, the x day of Februare, to Knox, falconar, xiiij A. Item, I;t) Gilleam, tabemar, for ane fars play to the King and Quenis Gracis in the Abbay, vj Franch crounis, iiij It. iiij it Item, to Duncane Richl', messinger, to pas of Edinburgh to Dunde and thairefter to Fiff, to destren:5e for restis thair, takand ij A. one the day for hyme ~lf and xx it his hora, deliverit to gud compt, . Item, the xj day of }'ebruar, to ane pure man of Murray, to ql1home the King gail xij It. of f~rme quyt, to mak his expens, iij A. Item, the xij day of Februar, to Lindesay, tail:5our, OOcause the caball stok hurt his leg at the gret schip, ij Franch crounis, xxviij A. Item, the xiij day of Februar, to ane rynnar to pas to Culrose for certane treis to the gret schip, ij Franch crounis, . xxviij it Item, to ane werkman of the schip at hurt his leg thairat, xiiij A. Item, to ane cartar at brocht necessaris to the Quenis garding, . ij A. vj d. Item, the xiiij day of Februar, tynt be the King with the Lord Hume at he wyne in the New havin, xiiij it Item, pait for mending of the Quenis lawar, ilij it Item, the xv day of Februar, to Robert Hawik, to pas to the wod of Cawdar to fell tymmer, . xiiij it I tern, to an'e mannis expens at turat the rentaIl buik of Methvene and Kinclavin to the Lordis in Perth. at the Ohamirlane air tbair, . . xiiij A.



Item, the xvij day of Februar, to Rolland Terrellis wyff A.~. 1611-12. at was brothir to J ak Terele of the gret schip, iij French crounia, . xlij il. Item, to Anguse, wricht., send to Urquhard, . xvj il. Item, to ane tabernar, at the new havin, for playing iij ~l iI. dais, ~ Franche croun, Item, to werkmen in the Newhavin, . xiiij S. Item, to Mychele, goldsmytht, for ringia to the King, coft at New cleir mese, ane diamond, ane saphir, price viij Franch crounia of wecht; ane ruby, ane turkas, price iiij crounia of wecht; iij ringis with sex stanis in thaim, price vj licht Franche crounis; twa small ringis, price xx il.; ane tergat, weyand vj crounia of wecht, price ix crounia of wecht; all disponit and of thir pait be the Dene of G1asgew, xx ducatis of wecht, and be the comptar the remanent; summa xxv H. ij il. Item, th~ xviij day of }'ebruar, to the men at ,rowit out . the gret schip, . xxviij A. Item, to the Span:5art, in drinksilvir, xx il. Item, to the wrichtis, in drinksilvir, xiiij il. Item, to Jaquez Terrellis wrichtia, in drinksilvir, xlij il. Item, to tua tabernaris, in dlinksilvir, vij il. Item, the xx day of Februar, to Duncan Stewart of Lorne, because he SQuId cause big Ersche schippis to the King, x Fmnche crounis, . vij It. Item, to ane Englisman at brooht the mast of England xxviij il. to the King at his command, deliverit . Item, to the botismen at hed the King in the boit, to 'wey the ankir, j Fmnch croun, . :idiij il. Item, the xxj day of Februar, to Gilleam, tabemar, for ane dans to thfl King and Quene, and for necessaria thairto, comptit be Maister Johne of Murray, xvj Franch crounia, xj It. iiij il. Item, to Schir Walter Ramsay to pay the botismenis v It. hyir at brooht the Kingis mast, Item, the xxij day of Februar, to ane Hendcrsone at broght the King to land,and agane to schipburd, xiiij il.




Item, to J ohne of Bertoun to furneis the Kingis half of his schip in victualez, marinaris hyris, and utheris xllt. necessaria, Item, at evin, to botismen with thair botis to bring candill and necessaria to the Maister Cuik for the iij II. Kingis suppair in the gret schip, . Item, the xxiij day of Februar, for ane boit at brooht vij !I. the King to the schip efter mis, . Item, to foure Scottis skipparis at helpit furtht with . iiij It. the gret schip, in drinktsilvir, Item, to foure Franche skipparia, of the quhilkis thare was tua all nycht in the gret schip, viij Franche crounis, and tua war all day wirkand one hir, iiij Franche crounis, in drinksilvir deliverit; summa viij It. viij II, Item, to ane tabemar of the baxtaris, iiij I. Item, to thaim at brooht the King furtht of the boit, v I. Item, the xxiiij day of Februar, to Wantones and hir marrow, . xiiij I. Item, the xxv. day of Februar, to ane purscvant of the ErIe Bothwellis that come fra. Liddisdaill with . xlij !I. writingis to the King, iij Franch crounis, Item, to Kynnard the barbour for tua teith drawin furtht of ~ hed be the King, j Franch croun, xiiijll. Item, the xxvj day of Februar, to botismennis hyir with thair boit, to pas one burd to the gret schip to feche Sande Roeh, iiij !I. Item, .to ane man to seik the said boit, . xvj ct. Item, to Alexander Gardin, beyng at tbe in bringing of the auld restes in Anguse, for part of bis expens, xvj !I. vj ct Item, to byrne to pas to the Schireffis of Gallua in that part for money, . xiiij I. Item, to Duncane Riebe, for part of bis expens at the xx I. inbringing of the restis of Fiff,



Item, the xxvij day of Febroar, to ane man at brocht.n.1511-12. leid to the Kingis Grace, . v it Item, to certane botismen, to betin the gret kabill stok . xiiij it and treis to the gret schip, Item, to James Hammyltoun, messingeir, to pas with lettrez to summond the Lord Symontoun and his compUces for crimez of tresoun and ane assise to pas thaimpone, . xiiij II. Item, the last day of }'ebroar, to Cudde, fule, at evin. xiiij !I. sange, to by hyme ane coit, Item, to Sandris Gardin, to pas to GaUua for money, xviij II. Item, to Ruthirfurd, messingeir, to pas with diverse lettrez to warne the Lordis to ane generale counsaill, xiiij II. Item, deliverit to Schir Walter Ramsay, to gift" to George, culveryng makyr, in drinksilvir, xxviij II. Item, in. this monetht, deliverit be my Lord Secretaris factouris in Rowane, to Anthone Cu16et, Francheman, .servitour to La Moit, in xxx crounis of wecht, xxvij It. . Item, to the said Anthone, the xxiiij day of December, to furneis part of his expens, x Franch crounis, . vij It. Item, [the] first day of Marche, to Robert Glillua, to gift" tlopburne, the hors merschele, to lech the Kingis horse, ij Franch crounis, xxviij It Item, to Marchmond herold, for his servic.e done to the Kingis Grace, x Franch crounis, . . vij It. Item, the thrid day of Marche, be Schir Walter Ramsay to Johne Murisone, seyman, at brocht the King fra the gret schip, . . xiiij R. Item, to Johne Adamsone, messingeir, to pas with lettrez to poynd for byron maillez of recognist landis in Fift", Forfar, Perth, and Kincardin; till his xx II. expens,

A.D. 151112


Item, the VllJ day of Marc~e, to Walter Patersonis wyff, be the Lordis command, for fraucht of sex kistis of sukkoure, ane baill of almondis, j full of pannis, iij baIre1lis snip, and for the uncostis of thame fra the Feir to Leith, . iiij It. xiij I. x ct Item, x day of Marche, to Johne of Setonis sey men and for his boit at brocht the King out fra the gret Bchip, xiiij iI. Item, to Luke of the wardrop, to feche Sanct Margaretis sark to the Quene, . viij it Item, to U nicome pursevant to pas the Kingis erandis to the King of France, for his expense, xxx Franche crounis of wecht, xxvij It. Item, the xj day of Marche, to Lawsone,' to gif the werkmen of the Bertonis howk, in dlinksilvir, xiiij iJ. Item, the xij day of Marche, to Bevirlaw, quhilk come fra the Lord Dakirris to the Kingis Grace erandis with lettrez, vj Franch crounis,. . iiij It. iiij iI. Item, to Cuthbert Hammyltoun fOf xxij bowis, price pece xiiij iJ.; iijO arrowis, price jC v H.; jC boltis, price iij It.; xij dussone stringis, price xx iI.; all deliverit to J ohne Forman for the Kingis usc; summa xxxiiij It. viij I. Item, the xiiij day of Marche, to Matho Auchinlek, goldsmytht, for mending of the Kingis cowp of gold, xxij I. Item, to Lyone, ta.i16our, for his expensis and labouris done one the Quenis workis in his passage at Sanct Duthois in the 6eir precedand this compt, efter ane bill of Johne Formannis deliverit thairone, iij It. ix iI. Item, to the Flemyngis boit ad had the King to the gret schip, in drinksilvir, ij Franch crounis, xxviij iI. Item, the xvj day of Marche, to the post at come fra the Papis Halynes to the Kingis Grace with lettrez, xxx crounis of wecht, and to Thome Bard, burgee of



Edinburgh, for expensis maid one the said post and A.D. 1511-12. his hors be the space of xx dais befoir this dait, vij H.; summa . xxxiiij 11 Item, to Duncane Riche, messingeir, to pas with lettrez to summond the Lard of Orknay for nonentras of the landis of the samyn, and to poynd for restis of the Chamerlane airis of Perth and Cowpar with the doubill thairof, . xiiij It Item, the xvij day of Marche, to Johne Cowper to big in Rose efter the Kingis devise, in drinksilvir, iij Frauch crounis, xlij iii. I tem, the xxviij day of Marche, to Langlandis, messingeir, .'-D. 1612. to pas to poynd William Edmonstoun for restis; x it Item, the xix day of Marche, to Horne, servitour to the Lord Dakirris, quhilk come erandis to the King, efter his command deliverit, iiij H. iiij a. Item, the xx day of Marche, to the Span6artis and Franchmen at brooht the King of the gret SQhip to the Blaknes, in drinksilvir, ij Franch crounis, xxviij a. Item, the xxj day of Marche, to William Currour, goldsmytht, for v ringis deliverit be him to the Kingis Grace at New deris mese, and disponit be his Grace, x Franch crounis; summa vij It.. I tern, to J ohne Hog, walcar, for schering of auchtein skoire v elnis claith for the King, Quene, and thair COUltis clething, efter his bill of compt; deliverit for ilk elne ourehed, iiij ct; somma vj It. xij d. Item, to Sande Gordin for bridilsilvir of ane blak hors gewin be my Lord Hume to the King, . . xiiij A. Item, to ane Fl'llnche wrycht, in drinksilvir, xxviij it Item, to De La Moit, at his departing of Scotland to France with the Kingis erandis; efter his command, deliverit tua hundretht crounis of wecht, and foure schillingis for ane P1lrs to thaim quhen thai war deliverit; summa jClxxx It. iiij il Item, the sam tyme to Paule Gawbraith, servitol1r to the Q1lene, for expens maid be him one the said De





La Moit and his servitouris, be the Kingis cemmand, fm Friday at evin the xij day of Mamhe inclusive to Monunday at ewin the xxij day of the said monetht inclusive, within the tyme of this compt, in mete, drink, lugeing, and all uthir furnoong according thairto for the said tyme, as the said Paulis bill of compt bure, in haill payment thairof deliverit, xvij It. xv D. v ct. Item, in Dunbertane, to the Mais~r of the Fmnche schip for his fmucht and hyir to tume De La Moit and Johlle Ba16ard with thair servandis to Fmnce, x Fmnch crounis of wecht, deliverit be Maister Johne of Murray, and three pundis xvj il of money, xij It. xvj I. Item, to Johne Ba~rd, at his said passage, xiij crownis of wecht and foure a.ngele noblez, mako.nd xvij It. vj il Item, to the His~ee ambassiatoor, at his leur taking of the King, deliverit ane hundretht docatis of wecht, and" for ane purs to thaim, iij il ; summa IxXXXV' It iij it Item, the sam day, to the Englise herold at come to convoy him at his returning with him, deliverit xx crounis of wecht, makand . . xviij It Item, the xxij day of Marche, to the Maister Cuik for careage of victualez, iij It x il Item, to the said )faister Cuik for seid of diverse kingis [kinds] boght be him, and send to the gardnaris of Linlithgw and Striveling for thair gardingis, xxiiij . ij d. Item, to William Fokkert, 6eman of the Kingis stabill, ij Franch crounis, xxviij 1. Item, to Maister Thomas Diksona, to by fische and uthir stuff to have up to the Kingis gret schip in t.he Quenis ferry, xvij I. vj ct. Item, to Johnesone of Ferre, to seik the depis and passage to the Pollertht, ij Franch crounis, xxviij il Item, to Johne Adamsone, in part of recompens of his service doyne at the poynding of byron maillez. v Il.



Item, to Robert Buttons katour for ane se1cht and ane A.D. 16l1. pellok and salt to thaim, send be the Kingis command to the Lord Dakirris,. iiij 11. ij il iiij d. Item, the xxiij day of Marche, to the boit of Dunbertane at had the King to the schip at De La. Moit suld have past to France in, and to see the Castele. about '" unicorne, . x II. Item, to ane uthir boit in Dunbertane to row the King to the said schip and to his house, v II. Item, to the marinaris of the said schip, in drinksilvir, xxxvj II. Item, the xxiiij day of Marche, to the boit at hed the King to the New werk and syne hame . xiiij S. ltem, to the gardnar and portar of the New werk, in drinksilvir, . xiiij II. Item, to Langlandis, messingeir, to pas with lettrez to summond certane personis in Tewidaile for ane deforsment apone hyme do1Oe, . x it Item, to thre hensmen, for thair mete thre dais in the Kingis absence, ilk ane one the day xiiij d; summa xll.vjd. Item, the xxv day of March, to Thome Dunbar, to pas A.D. 1612. the Kingis erandis of Edinburgh to My Lord Thesaumr in Kelso, vj II. viij d. Item, to ane boit at had the King one hurd to the schip at had De La. Moit to France, quhen scho lay abone the New werk, . xiiij II. Item, to diverse botis at had the victualez and graitht one burd to the said schip, vij S. Item, to vij botis at towit out the schip. xxviij II. Item, to twa botis to pas to the said schip twa tidis to speid hir away, v !I. Item, to Micce Donaldsonis expens at baid behind the King one De La Motis horse, to bring hyrne &gane gif the wynd contrariit; for iij dais biding, as his bill bure, xix it ij 4. Item, to De La Motis mannis expens with iij horse in the Blaknes, Linlithqw, and Dunbertane, v II. viij 4.




Item, the xxvj day of Marche, to the workmen of the Castele, in drinksilvir amangis thaim, vj Franch crounis, . iiij Ii ilij AItem, to the childer of the schip at brocht hame the coppir and the t.yne, in drinksilvir, . xilij fl. Item, for horse fee and expensis to turs Unicome to Dunbertane with De La Motis childer, xxviij AItem, the xxvij day of Marche, to Baronis expensis to meit De La Moit in Dunbertane, iiij So Item. to Knox, falconar, . xiiij AItem, to foure scolaris menstralez, to by thame instrumentis in Flandris, vij H. gret, ansuerand in Scottis money to x..xj Ii, and help thair expens and fmucht,lvj fI, and thairefter, because thai plen6eit thai gat our litill expens and fraucht,' deliverit uthir lvj fl.; summa . . xxvj H. xij . Item, the xxviij day of Marche, to the Bischop of Murrais more, at brocht ane present to the King, efter his command, . . xiiij S. Item, to ane man at brak his brow in the gret schip, xijct Item, the xxix day of Marche, for bridilsilvir of ane hors gewin be David Hoppringill to the King, xiiij fl. Item, the penult day of Marche, 1i'J ane boit at the New Havin, to pas to the schippis at come out of France for tythingis, . iij 1I. Item, to Robert Betsone, messingeir, to poynd Allane Wilsone and John Schaw for the Shireffis of Wigtonis rest, v S. Item, to Schir James Hammyltoun, be the Shiref of Lanerik, for ane hors deliverit be him to the King at the Kingis command, x H. Item, the first day of Aprile, to Gilbert Cameroun, horssellar, for hors to the Kingis Grace to Edinburgh, xlij BItem, to ane boy at brocht certane lettrez to the King, ij S. Ttem, to George Dempstar, xiiij S.



Item, to James Bymann, for tU1'8ing and bering of the A.D. 1612. Quenis littar, in drinksilvir to hyme and his folkis, xxviij A. Item, to David Forest, to pay for all stuff tane in iiij 11. vj A. Striveling to the gret schip, Item, to ane rynnar man to pase to the Constabill of Striveling to feche ali, braid, and fische to the Polertht, viij ct Item, the ferd day of Aprile, to twa pinouris for careing of the organis of Edjnburgh to I.inlithqow agane vj A. Pasche, . I tem, to tua servitour8 at tU1'8t the chandleris and eucharist of Edinburgh to Linlithqow agane Pasche, iiij 11. Item, the v day of Aprile, at the Blaknese, to Knox, falconar, . xiiij !I. Item, to Margaret Moire, in Linlithqow, . xiiij!l. Item, to Symonet, lutar, to by him necessaria, ij !I. Item, the vj day of Aprile, to Walter Wodis wyft', for xj It. ane buk to the Quenis Grace, Item, to the maiseonis and werkmen of Linlithqow, in drinkailvir, xxviij!l. Item, to ane boit at had the King to the schip, vj!l. Item, for drinksilvir to the ~richtis of the Torwod, xiiij ,. Item, for mending of the organis in Striveling, iiij t1 Item, to Hawik, wricht, to pas to cut treis, in drinksilvir, xiiij !I. Item, to mend the arras clathis agane Pasche; for vj elnis canves, vj !I. Item, to the Abbot of Paislotis man for present silvir of tua fed onn and a fed bair, . xiiij!l. Item, to the Abbot of Melros man for present silvir of twa fed onn, . . xiiij!l. Item, to the Abbot of Newbotellis man for present silvir of twa fed om, . xiiij!l. Item, to Johne Adamsone, messingeir, in part payment of his service doyne in the Kingis service, v !I.




Item, for hora hyir to Ranald of the Ylis, fra Edinburgh to Striveling, . ij A. Item, the viij day of Aprile, to Florymond Sympill. iij French crounis, xlij A. Item, for iij horae hyir quhilk tnrat the Kingis copburd of Edinburgh to Linlithqw agane Pasche, vj A. viij d. Item, the ix day of Aprill, to Johne of Hill, in part of payment of ane hundretht licht cronnis, in compol!lition for his part of ane leit de camp in Flandria, xxxv 11. Item, the same day and thairefter, to Schir Thomas Gawbraith, in part of payment of lymnyng of ane gret parchment portuse to the King with lettrez of gold and asure, xviij H. xij A. Item, to Marchmond herold, to furneis part of his necessaria, lvj A. Item, the xiij day of Aprile, to Brounfeildis wyff that suld have beyne nurice to the Prince, because scho got hir leiff be the Kingis command; deliverit to hir x Franch crounis, vij H. Item, to the quene of the Blakfurd for foura fatt caponis present to the King, xxviij A. Item, the xiiij day of Aprile, to the Ytaliane and Franche menstralez for thair Pasche rewardis, x Franch crounis, vij H. Item, to Pringill and his marrow is, xl A. Item, to Gilleam, tabernar, and his marrowis, xx A. Item, to the heroldis for thair largese at Pasche, x Franch crounis, vij tt. Item, to ane Ytaliane, quhilk come fra the Papis Halynes to the Kingis Grace with lettrez, at his retumyng, deliverit jC crounis of wecht, makand. lxxxx H. Item, to Walter Mar16one, maissone, of the rest of ane gretar soume aucht to him for certane labouris maid be him to the King befoir this day, v It. Item, to the Span;;a.rd at was schip brokin in the Ilis, v }~ranch crounis, iij H. x A.



Item, to pinouris for bringing the copburd efter Pasche A.D. 1512. of Linlithqow to Edinburgh, vj S viij ct. Item, the xvj day of Aprile, to the werkmen of the Cllste1e, in drinksilvir, iij Franch crounis, xlij S. Item, to the Lord of Lundeis sone, quhilk come fra the King of France with lettrez to the Kingis Grace, at his returnyng, deliverit. be the Kingis command fiftie crounis of wecht, makand . . xlv It. Item, the xvij day of Aprile, to Span6art wrichtis, Scottis wrichtis, and Fmnche wrichtis laborand in t.he Torwod to by thame mete and drink, xxviij S. Item, the xviij day of Aprile, to wricht to cut treis . xiiij S. in the wod of Tullyallane, . Item, tynt at the in Linlithqow be the King with Luke of the wardrop, j crowlle of wecht, . xviij iI. Item, to Johne Adamsone, meB8ingeir, to pas to distren:5e for restis and dettis, . . xiiij iI. Item, the xix day of Aprile, to Johne Watsone, surrigeane, for certane confectionis, iiij ducatis of wecht, makand iij It. xvj R. Itum, to Gillebreid, pursevant, to pas in the Ilis to summond Dowgall Ranaldsone for spu16ee of the SpaD6artis schip brokin thair, xlij l Item, the xx day of Aprile, to Ylay heroldis eXpE;nsis to pas with lettrez the Kingis erandis to the King and Court of Yngland, xxvj Franch crounis, makand xviij It. iiij R. Item, to Marchemond, herold, to pas the Kingis erandis to the King of France for lxxx dais expensis, estimat in his passage to his remanyng and returnyng, ilk iij dais, ij Franch crounis of wecht; summa xlviij It. xij R. Item, the xxj day of Aprile, in the New Ravin to ane . wyft', . xiiij R. Item, to make Dauesone of the stablez to pas the Kingis erandis to the ErIe of Cassillis, . xxviij S




Item, the xxij day of Aprile, to Wille Wod to by hi.J..a hors bred, xij d. Item, for tua lokkis, dichtein, and tursing of graitht to the chapele of Linlithqow, . . 'Xviij ill. iiij d. Item, the sam day to Johne Ado.mesone, deliverit be M.aister Johne of Murray, to pas to destreD6e the v ill. Lard of Kilbyrnie for restiB, Item, the xxiij day of Aprile, to the brodstaris, in drink~~ .~~

Item, the xxiiij day of Aprile, to Dowgal Ahanna and David Dmnnand, falconariB, to pas in Setland and Orknay for halkiB to the King, for thair expensis, deliverit be Schir Johne Dingwall, xx tt, and xx 11. be the Lord Sinklere in the comptaris naim ; summa xl tt Item, to ane brodstar of FlandriB, in drinksilvir, xxviij ill. Item, to ane pursevant of Ingland, vj Franch crounis. iiij 11. iiij iI. Item, the xxv day of Aprile, to make Davidsone to pas to .Air to feche .Anguse of the Ilis to the King, xxviij iI. Item, to ane rynnar a.t brocht lettrez fra the ErIe of ij ~ Ergile to the King, . Item, tynt be the King at the buttiB and revariB, xiiij i1I. Item, to ane Franche ylacay, . . xiiij ill. Item, to LanglandiB, messingeir, to pas with lettrez for restiB of the raid of Dumfreis, xvj i1I. Item, to James Wallace, messingeir, to pas to Forfa.r, Fiff, Stratherne, and .Abirdene, to destreD6e for restiB, xiiij ~ Item, to Malcum Grhame, cuik, be the KingiB command, at his passage to Sanct James, xxviij i1I. Item, the xxviij day of Aprile, to Wantones and hir marrow for singing, . . xiiij ill. Item, to uthir tua singariB, iij i1I. Item, to the twa Duchmen quhilk come fra the Duk of



Giller, of the quhilkis the tane was ane cUD;;eour, at .\.D. 1512thair returnyng, xl crownis of wecht,. xxxvj 11. Item, to James Bissait, meBBingeir, to pas with lettrez to destren;;e in Air, Wigtoun, and Dumfreis, and to pas with chekker preceptis, to his expensis, . xxviij il. Item, deliverit be Schir Thomas of Murray till sne . Stevin Brounfeild, quhilk come fra the Lord Chaumirlane with lettrez of the Lord Dakirris, . . ' xlij il. Item, the sam tyme, deliverit he Schir Thomas of Murray to Maister Bertholomo Levingstonis wyff, v Franche crounis, iij 11. x il Item, deliverit to Dokkane, cartar, to pay for vj horse hyir to turse the Kingis coffirris, with hames, croce bowie, gune powdir, and the maisteris thairof, ilk horse and mane on the day xx penneis for xvij dais wagis to Aire and nsa.y, the Kingis Grace thair heand present; summa ix 11. Item, for ane leddir bag to turse the gun powder, xvj tt; and to William Malmaris expensis at past he the Kingis command with the said artaillery, xl il.; and to Allane Kochraneis expensis at past siklik thsirwith, xilij il; summa . Iv il. ilij tt Item, to William Andersone and Thome Andersone, and to Berty Wardlaw, for iij furneist croce bowie to pas to Aire, price of ilk bow ] il.; summa. vij 11. x I. Item, in the New Havin, to Jaquez Terele, xxviij iii. Item, the xxix day of Aprile, to Carrik, puresevant, at his creatioune, ane silvir pece of the Kingis, and because the pece was gewin agane to Robin of Dowglas, deliverit thairfor, x 11. Item, to the said Carrik, to pas with the Kingis lettrez to the King of Denmark, for his expensis, xviij It. Item, to the clerkis of the Ohancellary, in drinksilvir, for writin of the chekker preceptis, . xl iii. I tem, to ane kegger at turst to the Lord Dakirris 1 ~ leid stnre and pellok fische of Edinburgh to Carlile, xiiij iii. Item, to Alexander Gardin and Duncan Riche, meBBin-




gems, a.nd thair servandis expensis, to pas with lettrez to in bring unlawis and eschetes of the Kirkpatrikis and the Lard of Symontonis. and to delivir Chekker preceptis, iij 11 Item. to Edmond Betsone, to pas with Ietterez to destreD6ee for restes in Roxburgh, and to deliver Chekker preceptis. xxviij S. Item, to Wille Fokkert, of the stabill. to by hyme ane horse, vj Franch crounis, . iiij 11 iiij. l. Item. to Luke of the wardrop, to pas to Striveling for geir to the King quhen he past to Air, xxviij S. Item. to ane hens boy, . x l. Item. to Knox, falconar, v S. Item. the last day of Aprile, to Monsieur de Albaneis Secretar, at his passage to France. deliverit, be the Kingis command, fourty crownis of wecht. makand xxxvj tl. Item. to the men of Irwyne at brooht the King in ane boit to land, xiiij l. Item, in the said monetht, be the Kingis speciale command diverse tymes, a.nd efter tua preceptis subacrlvit be the Kingis Grace. deliverit to Adam, ErIe Bothwele, to redeem his landis of Petrokkis. vjC lxvj Ii. xiij iI. iiij c1'. Item, first day of Maij, to ane mane at mne with lettrez of the Kingis Gracis to My Lord of Murray. v S. Item, to ane Ersche rynnar to feche ane' wricht out of Arrane to the King to mak ane galay, . xiiij iI. Item, the secund day of Maij, tynt be the King at the buttis and rewaris, iij Franch crounis, . xIij A. I tern, to ane fule lad, xvj 4. Item, the third day of Maij, to ane mane a~ brocht lettrez of Ravennay to the King, . xilij It Item, for botis and rowal1s to turse the King to Sanct Mary Ile, of Aire, xxviij S. Item, tint be the King at the Ersche gem, . xiiij t'I. Item, the ferd day of Maij, to the Abbot of Paislais . xiiij S. maissonis. in drinksilvir,



Item, the v day of Maij, to Schir Johne Musgravis mane ",.D. 1512. callit Home, xxviij B. Item, for ane tree in Aire to the new galay, v B. Item, tint be the King at the Ersche gem with my Lord Arlane, . . xilij B. Item, the vj day of Maij, to Huchone Cowpar, maissone in Bute, in drinksilvir, . xiiij B. Item, to ane to pas to warne the Maister of Ergile to cum with his army to his fader in Air, . . xviij ill. Item, to ane at fand ane sittand hair, iij B. Item, the viij day of Maij, to Micce Donaldsone for careage of the Kingis barnes for his persone to Air and hame agane, ij Franch erminia, xxviij ill. Item, for belcheir to the gudman in Aire, gewin be the Maister Cuik for xj dais, vj Franch crounis, iiij 11. iiij B. Item, to George of the utir chaumer dure, iij B. Item, to uthir pure servitouris of the Kingis to drink and help thair horse, v B. Item, gewin be the Maister Cuik to his fallowis of the ketchin and to the madinnis of the house, in belcheir, vijill. Item, to ane fidlar in Glasgew, iij B. Item, in Aire, to ane schip hoit to have the King to Ilsay and to convoy his folkis hame agane, iij Franch crounis, . . xlij B. Item, the x day of Maij, to Grhame to rid to the ErIe Bothuill the Kingis erandis, . xiiij il Item, the xj day of Maij, to the Maister Cuik for present silvir and rewardis, comptit before Maister Johne Chesholme and David Stewart in Linlitbqow, iiij H. xiiij B. iiij c1 Item, to Mawnis, bard, . xiiij B. Item, the xij day of Maij, to J ohne Davisone, messingeir, to pas with lettrez of recognitioun and summondis one William Berclay and utheris in the Schirefdome of xx ill. A1x>rdene, Item, the xiiij day of Maij, to ane mane at brooht heronis to the King, in drinksilvir, ~ unicome, x B.




Item, the xv day of Maij, to ane Franche menstrnle quhilk suld entir in wage with the laiff of the menstralez, . xlij II. Item, the xvj day of Maij, to Schir J ohne Somervalis mane at brocht levand dottrellis to the King, x R. I tem, to J ohne of Bertoune, of the Margaret schip, to mak the SpaD6art and the marinaris gud cheir, xxviij R. Item, to Andro Urchard, botisman, at fechit treis fra the pow, . . xiiij it Item, the xvij day of Maij, deliverit be David Lermonth to Schir Johne Musgray, . xx 11. Item, to Pate, falconar, to pas for balkis to the Ilis for his expensis, delivered be David Lermonth, iiij It Item, the xviij day of Maij, in Linlithqow, to ane Bai~ee, servitour to De La Moit, quhilk was seik and left behind him, xxviij it Item, to Watte Stewart and his marrowis bamis in the New Havin, in drinksilvir, . . xiiij s. Item, to Knox, falconare, . xiiij it Item, to ane botisman of the Quenis :Ferry for careing of tymmer to the gret schip diverse tymez, xxviij I. Item, wyne fra the King be ane Mawnis at the gret schip, . xilij R. Item, the xx day of Ma.ij, be Maister Johne of Murray to Thome Red, to pas in Galluay to destren6e for restis of assignationie maid to the said Maister J ohne, xx I. Item, the xxj day of Maij, to Mawnis Beild, . xiiij I. Item, the xxij day of Maij, to the SpaD6artis at was schip brokin in the Ilis, v Franch crounis, iij 11. x I. Item, the xxiij day of Maij, tynt be the King at the revaris at the Blaknese and at the buttis of Linlithqw, iiij Franch crounis, lvj R. Item, for ane boit at brocht Luke and powdir fra the gret schip, . xiiij . viij it Item, the xxv day of Maij, to Duncan Riche, to pas with



lettrez to put the Symontonis landis and gudis undir A.D. 1512fence and arrest, . xiiij B. Item, to William Malcum for ane hors price the King ordand to gift' him in his travcllis with the King, xl S. Item, the xxvj day of Maij, to the Lord Arrannis man at brocht ane hart to the King, in drinksilvir, xiiij S. Item, to Luk, tabemar, David, falconar, and Tallefeire, xxviij S. in drinksilvir, eftir the Kingis comruand, Item, the xxvij day of Maij, to ane rynnar at brocht lettrez fra the ErIe of Ergile to the King, v !I. Ttem, the xxviij day of Maij, tynt be the King at the buttis with the Lordis of Sanctandrois and Ergile in Linlithqow, vj Franch crounis, iiij 11. iiij !I. Item, for ane psalter to the King, and for bindin of it in breddis of papir with rubanis, iiij iJ. ij d Item, to Fergy Grhame, to pas with the ErIe Bothwele in the Southland, ij Franch crounis, xxviij S. Item, the secund day of Junij, to Alexander Gardin and Duncane Riche, messinger, to pas with lettrez to destren6ee the Lard of Symontonis plegis for unlawis of the Kirkpatrikis, . lvj !I. Item, to Maister David Traill, to pay for ane horse hyir at turst the chapele geir, organis, and eucharist of Linlithqow to Edin~urgh, . xj iJ. iiij 4. IJiem, to the brodstaris, to bring thair werklumez of Linlithqow to Edinburgh, . xiiij!l. Item, to Edmond Betsone, messinger, to pas with lettrez to destreD6e within Wigtoun,Dumfries, Kirkcudbrycht, and Air, and to pas with ane commissioun to the aire of Lanerik, xx!l. Item, for ain boit hyir at turst the King fra BorostounDes to the gret schip, and downe agane, xiiij S. Item, the v day of Junij, to ane ~aksalane, for expensis maid be him one Ranald of the Ilis and Trumbule, in the Kingis absence, . xij S. Item, the vij day of J unij, tint be the King at the buttis with Sande Makcullocht, and paid be Luke of the wardrop, iiij Franche crouilis, lvj iJ.




Item, to Johne of Balfoure, messinger, to pas to the Schirefdome of Perth to inbring the extretis of the Chaumerlane aire, xlij AItem, to the said Johne, to deliver xlv chekker precept, xiiijAItem, to Wat, cartare, for the hyir of sex ca.r1;(>s quhilkis turst the Kingis wardrop betuix Linlithqow and Edinburgh at Witsonday, ilk cart xliij .; summa, v It. viij . Item, the xj day of J unij, to Mawnis Beild, xxviij . Item, the xxiij day of Junij, and the xix day of Julij, to him iij Fraunch croums, xlij . Item, the said xj day, to Musgravis boy and his fader at brooht tythingis to the King, efter his command; deliverit iij Frauch crounis, xlij AItem, to ane wyff, quhais husband, ca.1lit Conynghame, is presonare in Lantoune, ij Franch crounis, xxviij AItem, the xij day of Junij, in the Castele, to Gervez and his marrowis gunnares, in drinksilvir,ij Franch crounis, xxviij . Item. to pure bodeis at helpit to melt, xiiij Altelll, deliverit be the Kingis command to the Lorde Dakir and Doctour West, ambassiatouris of Englande, twa silvir stopis of the Kingis copburd of the lest bynd, and ane coup ca1lit the coup of fere, netti~ with gold of florising utewcht, and sex gret silvir pecis, quhilkis was fra my Lord of Murray, contenand viij pund vij unce; price of ilk unce xviij Cjxxj JI. x Aschillingis; sumllla . Item, to Rugecl'oce, Inglis pursevant, at his departing with the said ambaxiatoul'is, deliverit efter the Kingis comma.nd, x Franch crounis, vij It. Item, to Schir Johne Musgravis sane, at his departing with the said ambaxiatouris, efter the Kingis command, v Franch crounis, iij It x . Item, the xiij day of J unij, to ane currour of England, at was tane with lettrez and broght to the King bakwart, xiiij S.



Item, the xiiij day of Junij, to Robert Dowglas, in the A.D. 1612. Newhavin, efter none, for aill, xxviij (t Item, to pinouris to tnrse the Kingis copburd of the Abbay to the Castele, ij !l. viij (t Item, the xvj day of Junij, deliverit be Johne Forman to Johne Aitkin, goldsmitht, to gilt ane reliquik to Sanct Niniane, five ducatis of wecht; makand iiij tl. xv B. Item, to Knox, falconar, to pas to Murray for goise halkis to the King, iij Franch crounis, . xlij !l. Item, to Hew Douglas, x It Item, the xvij day of Junij, to James Sinklere, x tl. Item, to James Wallace, messinger, to pas in the 80wtht partie with lettrez fOT wappinschewingis, xxviij B. Item, the xviij day of J unij, to Wat Logane, Will Logane, Thome Braynwod, Johne of C:onynghame, Thome Uchiltre, and Thome West, cartares, for xx draucht of tymmer out of Caldor wod to the New Havin, ilk draucht xviij B.; summa xviij tl. Item, in Dunbertane, to werkmen, in drinksilvir, xiiij!l. Item, the xix day of Junij, to Schir Andro Brounhile, iij Franch croums, and the xx day of J nlij to him, ij Franch crounis; summa iij tl. x B. Item, the xx day of Junij, to the Maister Cnik, for present silvir of rewardis to diverse pel'8onis, xxxj it Item, to Langlandis, me88inger, to pas to poynd the Lard of Drnmlanrig fo1' restis, . viij B. Item, tint be the King at the schuting with the Maister Maxwele, xiiij !l. Item, to Wantones and hir marrow singaris, xiiij a. Item, the xxj day of Junij, deliverit be Wille Wod to ane hensboy to fee ane hol'8 in Linlithqw, xiiij B. Item, to Sande MBkcnllocht, for collationis to the King in the Quenis ferri, . . xiiij it Item. to Wille Smitht, duelland at the New Millis of Loudoun, quhilk makis lantemis to the Kingis schippis at the Kingis comman!i. xlij !l.; and to J ohne Campbele, his maister, ane bonete and ane hat, lij !l. price x i1.; summa,




Item, to Donald of the TIis, be the Kingis precept, to . xx It. furneis part of his necessaris, Item, to cartaris of J..eith, with x fumeist cartis, to feche twa gret gunnis out of the TreifJ, ilk cart takand one the day, ix S.; deliverit in haill payment of tene dais, xlv It, Item, to Johne of Drummond, wricht, to pas with the said cartis to fumeis men and necessaris for thidder xij It vj fl. bringing of the said gunnis, Item, the xxij of Junij, to the gardnare of Linlithqw, xiiij it Item, tynt be the King at the buttis, . xlij A. Item, for La. Motis herbry in Linlithqow, pait be Sande vij fl. Makcullocht, ~ Franch croun, . Item, to Schir Gilbert Fynlasone, in the King, Quene, and their courtis necessaris be the space of twa 6eris hl~~ ~~ Item, to Johne Adamsone, messinger, to pas to destrell6e Wil1ia.m Edmonstoune. for restis of Schir Bary Schawis sonis, and for the extret of his part of the Chaumerlane air of Perth, vij s. Item, the xxiij day of Junij, to Wille Wod to Swagome, xiiij it Item, to the Lord Mortonis man for present sUvir of halkis, xiiij A. Item, to pure men at brocht the King and the Lord Bammyltoun out of the schip, . xiiij fl. Item, to James Bissait, messinger, to pas with lettrez of wappinschewingis within the sehir of Roxburgh, and with eommissionis to continew the airis of Roxbl1rgh . xiiij A. and Selkirk, and to poynd for restis thair, Item, the xxv day of Junij, to ane pursewant at past to the Ills with lettrez of wappinschewingis,' ij Franeh xxviij fl. crounis, . , Item, to Watte Stewart and the laiff of the hensbois, xiiij I. Item, to Makanis, preist, iiij Franch crounis, lvj fl.



Item, to Wille Fokkert, hensmane, . xiiij a. A.D. 1612. Item, the xxvj day of Junij, to ane wyff at brocht stra.yvij iI. beriie to the King, ~ Franch croWD, . Item, tynt be the King at the buttis with Luke, xx iI. Item, tint be the King at the schuting with Sande Makcullocht, . . xxvj iI. Item, to Langlandis, messinger, to summond certane pereonis for ane deforsment maid one J ohne Adameone, meeeinger, and to poynd James Edmonetoun and James Redhuch for reetis, . xiiij iI. Item, the xxvi.i day of Junij, to Andro Armestrang, to pas with lettrez to Musgraif, ij Franch crouniB, xxviij iI. Item, to Johne, to furneis ane nurice to the Prince, this day, of Edinburgh to Linlithqow, iiij 11, iiij iI. Item, the xxviij day of Junij, for collationis to De La x iI. Moit in the Quenis Ferri, ~ unicorne, Item, tynt at the schuting, xiiij iI. Item, the xxix day of Junij, to Jaquez Terele, in drink, xxviij iI. silvir, ij }'ranch crounie, Item, the last day of J unij, to the botismen at rowit the King to the gret schip and syne to the QueniB Ferry doun, ij Franch crounis, xxviij iI. Item, to Anthone, the Secretaris mane, and to uthir twa at dansit with hyme, ij Franch crounis, xxviij iI. Item, the first day of Julij, to Johne of Balfouris messengeris expensis to pas with lettrcz in Fiff, Stratherne, and Anguse, for the spirituall taxt, tuenti aucht shilliingie ; and to David Camronis expensis to pas with lettrez for the said taxt in Ergile, Galluay, and diverse uthiris placis, tuenti aucht schillingis ; and to James Bissait, meeeinger, to pass with lettrez for the said taxt in Laudiane, Merse, Tewisdaile, Aisdaill, and uthiris partis, tuenti schillingis; summa iij 11. xvj iI. Item, the secund day of Julij, to ane wyft'at brocht strayberyis to the King, . iij iI. vj d. Item, the third day of Julij, deliverit be the Dene of




Glasgow to Johne Formane, at the Kingis command, to be disponit in his necessaris, and to wait one hyme, xl It ij BItem, the vij day of Julij, to David Falkconare, be the Kingis speciall command, to pad to convay La Moit to Fra.nce, jC Franch crounis, . lxx It Item, to Gelis Fercharis wyft' for expensis maid by hyir, be the Kingis commande, one De La Moit and his servituris, fra the xviij day of Junij inclusive to Sonday the xj day of Julij, quhile he disjonit, makand xxiij dais and ane half, in met, drink, and utheris necessaris, efter hir compt of his dietis gewyne thairone, xx It ij. 9. vij d. Item, to Jobne of Balfoure and .Tohne Adamsone, messingeris, to pas to destren:5e for restis of the Chaumerlane aire in Perth, deliverit be Maister Johne . xix i1 of Murray, Item, the viij of Julij, to Robe Mowtrar, to pas to Disart, and to ane uthir mane to pas to Kirkcawdy and that coist syid to fee marmaris to the Kingis schippis. iiij Franche crounis, lvj iJ. Itemi to ane scrvitour at com fra Makgilane with halkis to the King, ij Franch crounis, . xxviij iJ. Item, the x day of Julij, to Thome Foret, to pas to Fll.8tcastele to see the Inglis schippis, xiiij iJ. Item, to Schir Walter Ramsay to gar keip ane :5oung barne, xx d. Item, to ane wyff at brocht strayberiis to the King, ij 9. Item, the xij day of Julij, to ane servitour to pas to Sanct Johnestoun, for money and rt'stis awand thair,

Item, the xvij day of Julij, to Makadam, to pass to }'ift' to see the cost syid for Inglis schippis, . xiiij iJ. Item, for bridilsilvir of ane hors gewin by the Priores of Caldstreme to the King, xiiij iJ. Item, tint be the King at the revaris with William xxviij iJ Dowglas. ij Fro.llch crounis,



Item, to ane mane at was brunt with ane gwne, and for .\.D. 1612bridilsilvir of ane hors, ij Franch crounis, xxviij II. Item, to Luke, of the wardrop, for chereis to the King, ij II. Item, to the Lord Setonis brother, to pas to fee marinaris be;;ond the water, deliverit be the Secretar, ane . . . . xxxviij !I. doubill ducat,. Item, to Camewaill, Inglis preist, to pas in Engiand the Kingis erandis with the Kingis lettrez, xx Franch crounis, and to Bevirlaw, to paR with hyme for the sam cause, xx Franch crounis; summa xxviij It [~m, the xx day of Julij, to Florymond Sympill, to by vij tt. hyme jak and splentis, x Franch crounis, Item, to the scheiphird at kepit the Franche scheip, takand on the day for his awne expensis, viij 11, deliverit fra September last bipast to the vij day of Junij inclusive, and for expensis maid one the Kingis scheip and lammez the sayme tyme, lik as his compt ressa.vit thairone at diverse tymez beris in it at mair lencht; to gud compt, xj It. viij II viij 11 Item, to Niniane Silvir and to Rumboit, his marrow, brodstarls, quhilkis begane to the Kingis werkis in October, takand for tham baith monethtlie sex Franche crounis, foure tt. iiij II., ira October inclusive to August inclusive, within the time of this compt, makand ~llevin monethtis, except ane monetht thai ware in my Lorde of Abirdenis service, quhilk is defalcat to thame of thair wagis thairfor; deliverit to thame in haile payment of x monethtis. in Ix licht Franch crounis, . xlij tt. Item, to Johne Paulis, ane uthir brodstar, takand monethtlie for his wagis and expensis, sex Franch crounis and begane thairto the first day of J unij ; deliverit to him in haile payment for Junij, Julij, and August, in xviij licht Franch crounis, makand xij tt. xij II. Item, to the said Paulis, for ane ymage of Sanct Katrin










in brodrywerk, deliverit be him to the King' or he enterit to his wagis, and for his expensis cummand of Flanuris to Scotland, iii~ Franch crounis of wecht, makand . . ~'~. ix 11. Item, to the said brodstaris, in drink~r, . xiiij II. Item, deliverit to the said broadstaris, with~n the tyroe of this compt, for Sanct Duthois sark, ane tra!" mortclaitht, the capis for the Kingis chape1lis, and ,uthir geir for the samyn, befoire the xj day of Julij~"e skoire xv h&.nkis gold, price hank v II.; and xx un~ sewin silk of diverse hewez, price unce five schillingis;~ '-. summa . . xxxiij It. xv iI. Item, the last day of Julij, to the said brodstaris, for the \ premissis, xviij hankis gold, per hank v II.; summa iiij 11. x II. Item, to Lowis De Pois, Franche mane, brothir to the baillie of Deip, at diverse tymez, be the Kingis command, fra the fard day of October inclusive to the x day of Januar inclusive, within the tyme of this compt, to furneis him in the Kingis service and in his passage to France, first to Dovire and tha.ireftir be sey out of Scotland, as his compt beris, lxv 11. ix S. Item. the xxij day of Julij, to William }I'owlar, burgee of Edinburgh, pottingar, in compleit payment -W. all powderis, ypothecary materia.lis, diverse kind of spids and confectionis, deliverit be him to th~ King and Quenis Gracis fra the xviij day of August in the 6eire of Gode jmvc and x 6eris to the xviij day of August nixt immediatlie followand thaireftir inclusive, efter bis bill of compt gewin thairon, subscrivit with the Kingis . lxviij 11. xij I!. vij d. hand, examinate at lencht, . Item, to the said William, for siklik powderis, confectionis, spiceri, ypothecary, and materialez, deliverit be him to the King and Quenis Gracis fra the xviij day of August in the 6eir of God jmyc and xj 6eris to the xxvij day of J ulij in the 6eir of .God jmyc and xij 6eriS, efter his bill of compt examinate and deliverit thairon, . xxxiij 11. xviij d.

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the mlpt.




Item, deliverit be Maister Johne of Murray to Johne 01&...11112Balfour, meseinger, for hie expens q!lhen he past to poynd for the extretis and restis of the aria of Aire, Wigtoun, and Kirkcudbrychli, v H. Item, the xxj day of Julij, tynt be the King at the buttis with Schir Crietlem and Luk of the wardrop, ij Franch crounis, xxviij AItem, to Johne of Setoun, for money the King tint at the buttia with him a.nd utherie, x Franche crounis, vij It. Item, to My Lord Secretare, for lent money to the King, xiiij R. and tint at the buttis, Item, to George Lile, be the Kingis precept, x It. Item, the xxiiij day of Julij, tint be the King at the buttia, and lait doun be Wat Ogilvy, iij Franch crounia, xlij a. Item, to the said Wat for lent money tint be the King at the buttia witp. Master Walter Maxwele, iiij Franch crounis, Ivj iI. Item, 00 the said Maister Walter, to Cl1dde, fule, xiiij s. Item, to the said MaiBter Walter, for three bowie boght . to the King, iij Franch crounia, . . xlij a Item, for ane boit with men fra the watter of Caroun to the schipe, iiij a. Item, to ane smitht at schot with the King, ij a. Item, gewin he Johne Forman, eftt'r the Kingis plesur, iij a. Item, the xxvj day of Julij, tynt be the King at the buttis with Luke of the wardrop, iij Franch crounis, xlij AItem, the xxvij day of Julij, to ThOIlle of Chaumer, skippar with Wallace, to put Hammys Quhet one land in Denmark with the Kingis era.ndis, I H. Item, to the said Hammys Quhet, deliverit be George Halkerstoun, to mak his expensis in the sam viage, be the Kingis command deliverit. 1 H.




Item, to J ohne Adam, messinger, for inbringing of the compositioun silvir of the Chaumerlane aire of Menthetht, xx 8. Item, the xxviij day of Julij, to ane Donaldsone, xiiij R. Item, the xxix day of J ulij, to the Ersche lathinar at weschis the Kingis clathis, be his command, xiiij R. Item, to ane mane send the Kingis erandis, . xiiij R. Item, for ane nurice expensis to the Prince passand of Edinburgh to Linlithqw, in hir beding in Linlithqow, careage of hir clething and barnes, and utheris necesiij It. iiij R. vj ct saris, as hir compt bure, Item, to Robin of Douglas, of the wyn sellar, to pas in the Northtland the Kingis erandis, deliveriti be ane precept subscrivit with the Kingis hand, in xx markis, xiij Ii. vj R. viij d. Item, to ane nurice to the Prince, callit Blakwod., at was prewit with sex wolkis mylk, and gat hir leift' becaus hir milk was oure stark, in x Franch crounis, vij H. Item, the last day of Julij, to Margaret Cornwele, for sewin of howis of taft'atis to the King, ruoonis to thaim, cordis of sewin silk, sewin of hed schetis, fut schetis, sarkis, and codwaris, and utheris hir labouris to the King and Quenis Gracis, and to part of the hensmen, as hir bill of compt bure, vj It v. R. Item, the first day of August, to Thomas Levingstoun for tynt ailvire be the King at the buttis, xiiij it Item, gewin be Wille Wod for Thomsonis boit of the Quenis Ferri, at had the King. up to the gret schip, xxviij R. Item, for present silvir of ane martrik, gavin be my Lord of Murray to the King, xiiij R. Item, the third day of August, to Gilleam, tabernare, and his marrowis, for playing in the gret schip beca:us the Quein was thair at the suppair, jj Franche crounis, xxviij R. Item, to botismen at brooht the Quenis bedis and coft'erris oure the watter, x ii.



Item, the ferd day of August, to Johne Forman in Lin- A.D. 11112. lithqow, to be gewin quhair the King commandit, xiiij g. Item, to the maissonis of Striveling, in drinksilver, be the Kingis command, ij Franch crounis, xxviij g. Item, to the pottar of Striveling to seik and gett metall xlij R. to the gunnis, iij Franch~ crownis, Item, to Johne of Dlllmmond, wrycht, in part of payment of his awne wagis and utheris wrichtis, hewand hemmys and utheris werkie; to gud compt vij 11. Item, to the said Johne, the xx day of November, to pay iiij 11. iiij a. his hous maill, vj ~'ranch crounis, Item, gewin to him in drinksilver at sindry tymez, be the Kingis command, iiij Franch crounis, lvj g. Item, to Schir Alexander Lauder, provest of Edinburgh, for twa hundretht crownis of wecht, lent be him to the King to by ane schip in Aire, within the tyme of this compt, quhilkis war allowit to him in his expens of the custume:5 of Edinburgh, and thairefter this day discheargit of the sam expens, becaus the King gart deliverit it to him in redy money, llxxx It. Item, to James l.a.nglandis and John Davidsone, messengeris, in part of payment of thair expens at the inbringing of the restis of the compositionis of the last iiij It. aire of Abirdene, five wolkis to gud compt, Item, to ane chanone of Halirudhous, for the Martinmes and Witsonday maill of the benthous, within the tyme of this compt, xx II. Item, to ane at kepit ane boit to the King, v IItem. the v day of August, to ane man of the Lord iij g. Hammiltonis at present chereis to the King, . Item, to pur fischearis in the aey, for trowtis, elia, and 11ukis to the King, iij II. Item, in Johnesonis hous of the Fery, for grathing of the sam fische to the Kingis dennar, . vij g. Item, to ane fidlair thair, v s. Item, to ane pure presonere in Edinburgh Castele, v II. Item, to Johne Formane, in Linlithqw, disponit quhair lvj II. the King commandit, iiij Franch crounis

.... D.1512.


.... D.lfill-12.

Item, to Perkleis wyfl, be the Kingis command, v R. Item, to Disart wafrone sellar, xiiij R. Item, deliverit be the Dene of Glasgew, for ane chessable with orphis, ane albe amyt, altar towellis, ane pendele to the altar, ane corporall, ane mise buk, ane mise belt, and for making and sewin of thaim, ane tyne challice, and twa crowatis, as his compt bure, . v 11. viij R. ix "'Item, for three pair of schone to J one bairars at divers tymez" ij iii. Item, to Schir Thomas Norny, j pair schone, price xvj c1 Item, to Margaret Dunnot, spouse to Maister Alexander Ogilvy, be the Kingis speciale command and precept send thairone, xvj elnis blak weluus, to be hir ane . xxxv 11. iiij iii. goune; price eln xliiij It; summa Item, to lyne the sclewez of the sam goune, vj elnis tane satin; price elne xxviij R.; summa . viij It viij R. [tem, to Maister James Dowglas and Alexander Clerk, writaris to the Signet, for thair labouris for writing of the Kingis lettrez, within the tyme of this compt, xiij It vj R. viij d:. Item, to the Kepar of the custumez in Leith, for his expens fra the secund clay of SE'ptember last bipast to the first day of J anuara, makand sex skoir dais, ilk day tuelf penneis, and for to by him c1a.this fourti tua iiI.; summa . viij 11. ij R. Item, befoir this day, deliverit be Maister Thomas Dikesone to Schir Thomas Gawbraith, in part of payment for lynyng of the Kingis gret parchment portews befoir specifeit, iij ft. Item, the viij day of August, to David Lowre, to pas with ellevin lettrez within the Schir of Roxburgh in Tewidaill, to warne the tenentis to aosuer to the . xiiij iii. Kingis Grace apone certane actionis,



14 AUG. 1512-29 OCT. 1512. COMPOTUM Reverendi in Cristo patrisAndreeEpiscopi Cathaneosis Commendatarii de Calco et Feme olim Supremi Domini Nostri Regis Thesaurarii, redditum apud Edinburgh vicesimonono die mensis Octobris anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo duodecimo, de omnibu.15 receptis sois et expensis de restis, wardis, releviis, maritagiis, eschaetis, compositiooibus, contributionibus, gratitudinibus, finibus, remissionibus et aliis accidentiblls ac pecuniarum summis officium dicta Thesaurarie spectantibus, a die decimoquarto mensis Augusti anni Domini &c. millesimi quiogelltesimi duodecimi usque in diem hujus compoti, coram auditoribus subscriptis viz., reverendissimo ac reverendis in Cristo patribus, J acoho Glasgueusi Al'chiepiscopo, Willelmo, Andrea, et David, Abirdonensi, Moraviensi et Candidecase Episcopis, nobilibus et potantibus Dominis Archebaldo et Matheo de Ergile et Levinax comitibus ac hospitiol"um Regis et Regine, Magistris venerabilibus viris magistris Patricio Panitar Supremi Domini Regis Secretario, Gawino Dunbar Sanctiandree Archiepiscopo, Publici Registri clerico, Roberto Foreman Decano



Glasguensi, Cuthberto B~il~e eommendatario de Glenluce ae J ohanne Ramsay Traren6eane milite, per commissionem S. D. N. Regis specialiter eonstitutis.

Item, onerat Be de lxvj Ii. xiij R. iiij d., in completam solutionem promissionis litere compositionis nove infeodationis per Dominum Regem fiende Cuthberto Greresoun de Lag et Laureneio Grerson ejus tenenti super viginti quinque mercatis terrarum de Braidrig. Et de iijC receptis a Domino Rege per compotantem per tempus compoti Et de iijCj Ii. xvj R. v ct., provenientibus ex luero cone a vicesimo Augusti ineluso anni vcxj usque vjtam Septembris exeluso ejusdem anni omissis et neglectis in Scaccario in eompoto immediate precedente hoc compotum.



idem onerat se de jCvj tt. xiij R. iiij tt, in completam solutionem contributionis omnium beneficiorum prepositi de Creiehton. Et de iiijCxvj li., in eompletam solutionem contributionis Abbatis de Lundoris, de quibus ijCxvj Ii. recepte per Ja.cobum Wedderburn nove eompositionis et residuum per ipsum compotantem. 1!:t de vj Ii. xiij R. iiij d., in eompletam solutionem contributionis Prebende de Petcokis. Et de xl Ii., in partem solutionis contributionis Abbatis de Cambuskynneth. Et de xxxviij It. vj R. viij tt, in completam solutionem eontributionis Magistri Michaelis .Ker pro Duns et

Et de iiijClxvj 11. xiij R. iiij d., in partem solutionis contributionis Domini Episeopi Insu1arum pro commendo. sua de Abirbrothok. Et de x It, ill partem solutionis contributionis rectorie de Keith Merschel



Et de iijO H., in partem solutionis contributionis Prioris A.D. 1512. Sanctiandree. Et de xiij H. vj A. viij it, in completam solutionem vicarie de Ersiltoun. Et de xiij H. vj 11. viij it, in pnrtem solutionis contributionis Prioris de Petmullok. Et de x H., in completam solutionem contributionis Magistri Georgei Congilton pro Rectore de Malvill. Et de vj It xiij 11. iiij it, receptis ab officiali Laudonie in partern solutionis contributionis sue, viz. pro vicario de J..evingst.on. Et de xxv It xxiij d. 00010, in partem solutionis contributionis Georgei Abbatis Sancte Crucis. Et de I H., in paltern solutionis contributionis Magistri Willielmi Bai16e Rectoris de Lastalrig et prebendarii de Provand pro Lastalrig. Et de x H., in partem solutionis contributionis archipresbyteri de Dunbar. Et de I H., in partem solutionis contribution is Magistri Thome Dikson de suis beneficiis, viz. pro Leswaid. Et de xxvj It. xiij 1I. iiij d., in partem solutionis contributionis Magistri Andree Keith rectoris de Strabrok. Et de lxxxx H., in completam solutionem contributionis prepositi ecclesie de Edinburgh reetoris de Haulch pro dictis prepositura et rectoris. Et de viij H. vj A. viij it, in completam I!olutionem contributionis rectorie de NewdOBk receptis a Domino Roberto Martyne. Et de x H., in partem solutionis rectorie de Ballingrey. Et de lxxxxviij H. iiij It, in partem solutionis contributionis priorisse de Northbervik, receptis per Thomam Kincaid connestabularium castri de Edinburgh. Et de iij H. vj II. viij d., receptis a Magistro Thoma Lauthreisk in partem solutionis contributionis rectorie de Cullessy. Et de iij H. vj 11. viij d., receptis a Magistro Jacobo Wawan in partem solutionis contributionis vicarie de Dunbemy.




Et de xxx It., receptis a magistro David Broune in partem solutionis contributionis beneficiorum suorum de Fern, Neva et Fradresso. Et de lxvj It. xiij S. iiij d., receptis ab abbate de Balmerynoch in partem solutionis sue contributionis. Et de x It, receptis ab Alano Haldane in completam solutionem contributionis rectorie de Morehame. Et de xiij It. vj S. viij d., in partem solutionis contributionis rectorie de Quhitsum. Et de xx It., in completam solutionem contributionis vicarie de Crale. Et de xiij It. vj s. viij d., in partem solutionis contributionis Domini WilHelmi Wardlaw de suis beneficiis. Et de xxvj It. xiij S. iiij d., in partem solutionis contributionis priorisse de Elchok. Et de jCxxxiij tt. vj it viij n., in partem solutionis contributionis priorisse de Hadingtoun.


Item, idem onerat se de lxxx It., in partem solutionis contributionis abbatis de Kilwynnyng. Et de xxv It., in partem solutionis contributionis ministeri de Peblis. Et de xvj It. xiij S. iiij ct., in partem solutionis contributionis Nicholaii Grenlaw rectoria de Edlistoun. Et de Iii., in partem solutionis abbatis de Newabbay. Et de x It., in partem solutionis contributionis prioria de Blantyre. Et de iijC 1t., in partem solutionis contributionis abbatis de Paslay. Et de vj It. xiij iI. iiij ct., in partem solutionis contributionis recepte a prebendario de Glasgew secundo. Et de xviij It., receptis per J ohannem Forman juniorem, in partem solutionis contributionis subdecani Glasguensis.




Item, idem onerat Be de xxv It., in completam A.D. [solutionem] contributionis M. Walteri Lesley rectoris de Menmuir.



Et de jCxxxiij It. vj II. viij d., in partem solutionis contributionis Domini Episcopi Abirdonensis. Et de x It., in partem solutionis contributionis precentoris Abirdonensis. Et de xj It. xiij II. iiij tt, in partem solutionis contributionis cancellarii Abirdonensis. Et de 1 It., in partem solutionis rectorie de Kincardin &C aliorum suorum beneficiorum. Et de x !t. in partem solutionis oontributionis rectoris de Oyne. Et de iiij It. iij II. iiij d., in partem solutionis contributionis rectoris de Forbes. Et de vj !t. xiij II. iiij 1, in partem solutionis rectoris de Clatt. Et de x It., in partem solutionis contributionis rectoris de Abirdour. Et de iiij It. iij II. iiij 1, in partem solutionis rectoris de Tulineschil. Et de xxxiij !t. vj II. viii d., in partem solutionis contributionis ecclesiarum communum de Abirdene. Et de iij It. vj II. viij 1, in partem solutionis vicarie de Innerawry. Et de iij It. vj it viij d., in partem solutionis vicarie de Logidurnoch. Et de iij It. vj II. viij 1, in partem solutionis vicarie de Insch. Et de iij It. vj. II. viij d., in partem solutionis vicarie de





Et de XXXllJ tt vj it viij ct, in complctam solutionem contributionis prioris de Monymusk. Et de jClx It., in partem solutionis contributionis abbatis de Deir. Et de xl It., in partem solutionis contributionis Magistri David Seytoun pro suis beneficiis.


Et de lxxxx It, receptis ab episcopo Momviensi et deliberatis Domino Regi quam summam decanus Glasguensis ab eodem Domino Rage recepit.


Et de jC It, in partem solutionis contributionis prioris de Quhithim. Et de Itt, in completam solutionem contributionis prioris insule Sancte Marie. Et de jCI tt, in completam solutionem contributionis abbatis de Dundrinan.


Et de xiij It vj iJ. viij 4., in completam solutionem contributionis Domini J ohannis Dillgwal pro sua ractoris de Kilteyrn.


Et de vj. tt xiij iJ. iiij ct, in completam solutionem oontributionis Magistri Patricii Dunbar pro cancellaria Cathanensi



Et de xiij H. vj I. viij ct, in completam solutionem A.D. 16]2. Domini Joannis Polson pro pl'ecentoria Cathanensi. Et de vj H. xiij iI. iiij d., in completam solutionem contributiouis Domini Joannis Dingwal pro rectoria sua de Olrik. .. Et de xxx H., per superftuam exonerationem feodi Andree Hammyltoun fugitivi pro interiectione Jacobi Galbraith. Item, idem onerat Be de xxxiij H. vj iI. viij d., in completam solutionem contributionis decanatus de Dunbar. Et de xl H., in partem solutionis contributionis Domini Jacobi Kincragy de beneficiis suis. Et de jC H., in completam solutionem contributionis rectoris de Kinkel assignate GeOl'goo Halkirstoun. Et de iijCxxij H. xvj iI. ij d., per assignll.tionem faetam George<> Halkirstoun per r.ompotantem in partem solutionis contribution is beneficiorum diocesis Abirdonensis. Et de vjOviij It. xiij I. iiij ct, per assignationem factam Jacobo Wryeht faetori Jeromini Friscobaldis de . contributione abbatum de Cupro, Kinl08 et prioris de Pluscardin, in partem solutionis ejusdem. Et de iijOXxxxj H. viij iI. j d., debitis Johanni Forman de qua summa compotans cepit allocationem in ultimo compoto suo in suis expensis et nondum soluta dicto Johanni. Et de jmv c H., pro dimedia parte tenandrie comitatus de Levinax spectantis eomiti ejusdem Regi promisB& tempore quo Dominus Rex eoncessit novam infoodationem dicti comitatus Matheo comiti ejusdem, per depositionem ejusdem comitis mediante suo juramento coram Dominis auditoribus compoti. Summa hujus particule jmviijclxxxxj H. viij iI. j ct xj ct obolus.




A.D. 1512.

Item, idem onerat se de xiiij 11., receptis a vicecomite de Elgin et Fores in partem solutionis relevii Domini de Dun brek et de arreragiis dicti vicecomitis post Scacca.rium libefatis per J oha.nnem Dunbar, burgensem de Edinburgh, compotantem. Et de xij 11, a vicecomite de Innernes de arreragiis ejusdem post Scacca.rium liberatis compotanti per servitores Cristiane Suthirland de BarydelL Summa. hujus onerls cum oneratione precedente vij"Uclvij 11. xvj R. xj It. obolus. TENJI:T A.

Item, idem onerat se de iijlDJ.ijCxxxiij 11 vj it viij ct, donatis Domino Regi per compotantem. Summa hujus onerationis patet. Summa totalis onerationis xjmijclxxxxj ti. iij So .vij It. obolus. TBNJI:T A.


EPISCOPI CATHENENSIS post Scacca.rium annj. quingentesimi duodecimi ad estimationem bonorum.

Item, the thrid day of September, fra Williame Carmichell, viij ~ elDie blak we1uu8, to the Kyng ane coit; price elne I .; summa xxj 11. v A. Item, the xxviij day of September, fra Alexander Lauder, to the Kyng ane doublat, ij elnis iij quarteris crammaay sating; price of the elne iiij 11.; summa. xv 11.



Item, fra Andro Arbukle, deliverit to J ohne Fonnan, A.D. IG12. twa blak bonettis for the King; price of the pece xiiij R.; summa xxviij R. Item, to J obne Fonnan, for tbe said bonettis, xiij ~ elnis xii,i a. vj ct rubannis; price elne xij ct.; summa Item, the ferd day of October, fra Ma.ister J obne of Murray, xilij ~ elnis blak weluus to be the King twa jaquet cottis, ane with slevis and the tothir without slevis; price elne xlviij R.; summa xxxiiij It. xvj R. Item, for ane belt to tbe said cotis, iij quarteris tafi'atis; price x R. vj ct. Item, the xvij day of September, to be the King twa tippetis, thre elnis tafi'atis; price . xxij R. Item, to be the King punctis, a unce rubennis; price vij I. Item, the x da.y of September, fra Thome Ottirburn, to be the King ane coit, vij elne France gray; price elne xiij l ilij ct.; summa iiij It. xiij R. iiij c1 Item, to fumis forth ane lynyng to the Kingis coit of veluus, twa mantill pultis; price mantill xliiij R.; summa. . iiij It. viij R.

Item, the ferd day of September, fra Eduard Litill to James Dog, for the Quene, xxiiij hankis gold; price hank v l; summa vj It. Item, the xxvij day of September, to Robert Spettell, for the Quene, twa elnis 6a.llo tafi'atis ; price elne xiiij R.; summa xxviij R. post Sca.cca.rium anni xij ad estimationem usque viij Octobris.


Item, the xxv day of August, to Martin, Span:5art, iiij elnis iij quarteris Bertane c1a.ith, to be byme twa serkis ; price elne ij R. iiij ct.; summa x I. j c1




Item, iiij elnie gray, to be him ane coit; price elne xxxij it viij II.; summa . Item, to Kennedy, iiij elnis iij quarteris Bertane. claith, to be him serm; price elne ut supra,. x II. j 4. Item, to be him ane coit, iij ~ elnis gray; price elne xxviij II. viij II.; summa . Item, to be litill Trumble serm, iiij elnis iij quarteris x it j ct Bertane claith, ut supra, Item, for ane coit to him, iij elnis gray; price elne xxiiij it viij II.; summa Item, to Grahame, to be him serkis, iiij elnis iij quarteris Bertane claith; summa x it j ct Item, to be him ane coit, iij ~ elne gray; price elne xxviij II. viij II.; summa Item, to be Symon,lutar, iij ~ elne gray, ane coyt; price xxviij II. elne viij II.; summa . Item, to Martin, SpaD6eart, ane pair of 6&llow cairsay hois; price viij it Item, for Kennedyis hois 6&llow; price viij iI. Item, for Trumbulis quhite hois, v II. [Similar hose to Graham and Symon.]


Item, the secund day of Septf>m ber, to the Kingis brodstaris to lyne the chessillis, viij elnis blak bukrame; xviij s. viij d. price elne ij s. iiij d. ; summa Item, the xx day of September, to the said brodstaris, iij unce sewin silk and sex hankis gold; price unce . xlv II. v II., the hank v II.; summa

ScmpPIS. Item, the secund day of October, fra Williame Curle to be standaris to the bark callit Gabriele, dellverit to the brodstaris twa stekis sey reid and 6&llow; price viijl1



Item, fra J ohne of Bl'Ois to the said standarls, ane steik A.D. 1612. quhyte sey; price v It. Item, fra Williame Boithule, ix elnis iij quartaris blew taft'atis for the said standaris; price elne xiiij I.; summa. vj It. xvj I. vj ct Item, to lyne the said taft'atis v J' elne Bertane c1aith ; xj I. price elne ij I.; summa Item, to bl'Owdin the Kingia armes apoun the said standartis, ane pund and '" worzat tbreid; price pund viij a.; summa . xij a. Item, to the fre~eis a pund Birge threid; price viij I. Item, to the said standartis I elnis rubennis; price iiij I. ij 4. [tern, twa. quaris paper and pak threid to the samyn,


Item, to Finlay and the Franche man allocais v ~ elnis Bruge sating, to be tbame twa doublettis; price elne iij It. vj ct xj I.; summa . Item, the xx day of Septamber, to be thame gawbartis, xj elnis russate; price elne viij I.; summa iiij It. viij I. Item, for twa pair cairsay bois to thame in all expensis, xviij I.

Item, the xx day of September, to Hary BaiJ6eferis sone for ane coit, thre elnis ane quarter russat, to be him xxvj I. ane coit; price eloe viij I., summa

Item, the xx day of September, to be him ane coit, iij elne j quarter russate; price elne viij I.; summa xxvj I. Item, ane pair quhite bois to him, v I.






Item, the xx day of September, to be him ane coit, v ~ elne russate; price elne ix A.; summa. xlix R. vj ct Item, to him ane reid skerlot. bonet; price . xiiij 1

Item, to him ane pair quhite hois; price.


v A.

Item, to him ane pair carsay hois; price


ix iI.

Item, to him ane pare quhite hois; price



Item, to him ane pair hois; price .

vj Ii.

Item, to Johne Balfour, messinger, beand in poynding for the extretis of the Chawmirlane air of Perth, Ixxvij dais; taklmd ilk day for himself, his hors, and vj 11 ix 1 a man to help him, xx d; summa

Item, to Johnne Adam80un to poynd the Lard of Kilbirny for his rest, xx iI. Item, to the said Johnne Adamsoun and Bissat to pas to summond the Lard of Kilbirny for ane deforce, xiiijl



Item, Johnne Balfour passand the viij day of Septem-A.D.l612. ber to poynd for the laif of the rest of the Chalmerlane air of Sanct J ohnstoun, remanand thairapoun xx dais, xuiij R. viij 4Item, to John Maw, be the Quenis command, in ane . iiij It. xvj I. gowne of russat, Item, to Johnne Hill, in part of payment of his superexpensis of the Kingis leit de campt, . iij It. xvij I. Item, the xxiiij day of August, deliverit to Schir Johne of Towris, for the Maister Elimosinar, takand wolkly foure It. fra the penult day of August instant inclusive to the xiiij day of September exclusive, makand twa wolkis, . viij It. Item, the xxj day of August, send with Robert Hopper to My Lord Dene of Glasgow, to begyn the new compt, . x It. x II. Item, the xxiiij day of August, send to hym with Schir Robert Thom80un for the burse,. xlv It. xvj II. viij d. Item, the first day of September, deliverit to him in his awne chalmir, for the burse, be Schir Johne Dingwe1l, xx Franch crounis, . xiiij It. Item, the thrid day of September or thairby, ane nycht the quhilk the Kingis Grace 80wpit with My Lord of Murray, my forsaid Lord of Murray propinit to the King ane coup of silver ourgilt and jC crownis of wecht in it, quhilkis My Lord Dene ressa.vit and disponit thame in the Kingis burse, with the quhilk the comptgevar has chargeit him; summa lxxxx It. Item, the xij day of September, deliverit be Schir Johne Dingwell to Schir Robert Thom80un, the Denis chaipxxxiij It. lain, for the burse, Item, the xx day of September, deliverit be Schir Thomas of Murray to the Dene of Glasgw, for the burse in Dunfermling, . . xxv It. Item, the xix day of August, deliverit to furnis Johne of Butis expensis, and for hyr of ane hors to hym to Linlithqw, . ij II. I tern, to Robert Jamesoun of the Qwenis ferry, for tuelf




pece of grete and small tymmer, tane be Schir Walter Ramsa.y to the schippis; price pece of five of thame xviij 8., and of the laif x I.; summa . viij It Item, to the said Robert, for xiij maryneris hyris thre dais quhen the Margret come doun, the tyme William Brounhill and Robert Bertoun past to the sey, ilk man on the dH.y xvj 4.; and for the . cariage of the tymmer forsaid v I. ; summa . lix I. Item, the xx day of August, to Hanni" gunnar, Scottis man, in haill payment of his monethis wagis of J ulij precedand the tyme of this compt, Iv I. Item, Bend with James Hog to Gerwez, gunnar, takand monethly in this new compt for the wagis and feys of five personis, werk men with him, by bimself, and by the expensis of thre pel'8Onis, his awne and his servitouris meit and drink, xviij It xvij A.; and for the meit and drink of the saidis thre personi8, his awn, and his servitouris, ilk wolk, xlviij I; makand in the moneth ix It xij A.; 8umma totalis monethly in m.eit, drink, and wagis, as is abone writtin, deliverit to him this day in hale payment of his wagis of August, xxviij It ix A. Item, reasavit ane part of indenture of contract fra J ohne Lokert, maissoun, quhilk wes maid the xvj day of Augu8t, berand in itself certane appunctuamentis, maid be the Kingis devis, betuix Andro, Biachop of Cathnes, Thesaurar, and the said J ohne Lokert apoun the alloryng of the haill hall of Strive1ing and utheris conditionis, contenit at lencht in the said indentur; deliverit this day in part of payment of aucht scoir, xiij It vj I. viij 4., promittit for the completing of the alloring of the said hall and uthiris werkis, tane be the said J ohne in task, to be payt as the werk beil! completit; to gude compt . . xx It Item, the xxij OOy of August, to Schir J ohnne Scharp, to pay the werkmeni8 wagis werkand in the Palace on the lyon hou8, and for uthiris necessaris thairto, fra the xxiiij day of July last exclusive to Setterda,



. the xxj day inclusive, makand four wolkis, as the .D. 1112Schir Johne eompt bub maid thairon beris in it at mair lencht, . xxv It. iij a. vj a. Item, the x:xiiij day of August, to J ohne Hun tar, smytht, in haile payment of xxxj stane yrne werk in naillis, boltis, and bandis to the grete schip and hir mast; price of ilk stane by the werkmeD8Chip iiij a. iiij ct, and for ane hundreth double nalis to the said schip, price iij It iiij a., all deliverit fra the ferd day of August precedand this compt to this day, as . vj It. xvij a. viij ct his compt buyr; summa Item, to J ohne of Drummond, wrycht, laborand with his . xiiij It. servitouriB in the woddis; to gude compt Item, to Maister David Traile, for C8riage of the chapell grath and organis of Edinburgh to Linlithqw, xxj a. Item, to Thome Bannantyne, in bale pament of ten marinaris feys, him self, and Wille DunC8ne, for thar pauage for tymmer to Norway before this. day, xx It Item, to Johnne of Newtoun and thre marinaris with him in the Inglis skaft', for victualing and careage to the grete schip of all nece88&ris to him self for thre monethis, ilk moneth I s.; and to his servitouris for twa monethia, ilkane of thame in the moneth xxxv iJ. ; summa . . xviij It Item, to fumis four hensmenes burdingis divers tymes befoir this day in the Kingis absence,. ix iJ. vj a. Item, to ane rynnar boy, to pas with ane letter of the Kingis to Adam Hepburn to Sanctandrois. va. Item, the first day of September, to George Eduardsoun for five hensmenis burdingis in the Kingis absence, thre dais and ane balf, ilk ane on the day xij ct; makand xVij a. vj d Item, to Johne of Mar, skynner, for ten dosane of glutlis; Item, xij dosane of ratfell payntis, iiij a.; for homyng of silk poyntis, vj a.; thre balk gluflis, iiij a.; and for thre shoting gluvis, vj II.; all deliverit to J ohne Forman for the Kingis Grace fra the xxviij day of Februar last bipast precedand this compt to the first day of



September thaireftir, within the tyme of this compt, as the said Johnis bill, subsririvit with Johne Formanis hand, beris in it at.mair lencht; summa iiij H. Item, to Dokkane, cartar, in hale pament of his wagis fra the xiiij day of August last bipast inclusive to the ferd day of September thareftir inclusive, makand thre wolkis; takand ilk wolk thre H. vj 4.; summa ix H. xviij d. Item, to ane pure man of the Cannongait for the rest of ane hors hyr, quhilk buyr William Malcum to Air before the tyroe of this compt, . xiij A. Item, the secund day of September, to James Sinklere to furnis his necessaria, x H. Item, the thrid day of September, to the Hispanbe knycht a Franch croun, and be Maister Thomas ROBBY ane uthir Franche croun; summa xxxiij a.. Item, to George Keppin in hale pament of his awne and his servitouris wagis of the moneth of September, vij tt. xiiij A. Item, to Maister Alexander Ogilvy in hale pament of his ordinar fra the xiij day of August to the x day of September, xvij H. xvij A., and to him for the servands that kepis the fornace, xxviij A.; makand xix H. vA. Item, ~he v day of September, to Johne Mowtray and Maister Alexander Setoun to pas in divers partis with thar childer Rnd hors for in bringing of the contlibutioun; to gude compt iij H. viij A. Item, to Stevin Bawte in complete payment of feys and expensis maid be him on the Palace of linlithqw fra the ix day of August last bipast to the ferd day of September thaireftir inclusive, makand four wolkie, as the said Stevinnis compt buke bure in it perticulary, xH.ija. Item, the vij day of September, to David Lindesay, sone to Master William Lindesay, be the Kingis precept, send thereon in the first entre of ane pensiouD to be gevin to him and in compleit payment of his Lammes



terme last bipast, nocht put in the last compt, bot this A..D. 1512. day enterit thairto be the Kingis speciale command; x 11. send with J ohne Forman deliverit, Item, to Schir James Petigrew to pay xj servitouris and Laurence Cune with him at Craufurdmure, beand xij personis by him self for meit, drink, and wagis; in complete pament of August, unput in compt afoire this day, . xiiij tt. viij 1'1. Item, to Ryngane Silvir and Raymond, brodstaris, for for thair twa wagis and feys in complete pament of September, ilk ane of thame iij Franch crounis, makand for thame baith ilk moneth, four tt. iii} iJ., and to Paulis, brodstar, thare compan6ooun, ilk moneth vj Franch croun ; deliverit to thame in hale pament of thare wagis of September, takand thare wagis and feys afoirhand, . viij 11 viij 1'1. Item, the viij day of September, to Thomas Peblis, glasin wrycht, for jO fute of quhite gla.s maid to the Quenis oratour in the Abbay, price' ilk fute xiiij d., makand vij tt., and for vij payntit roundis with chaiplatis, price peee xiiij 1'1.; summa, eftir his bill of compt deliverit, . xj It xviij a. Item, to Sebald, Maister fynour, takand ilk monetht afoirhand in v Franch crounis, iij tt. x 1'1.; and to Gerard, meltar, takand siclik afoirhand in iiij Franch crounis; lvj 1'1., deliverit to thame in hale pament of thare wagis of September; summa vjttvjl'l. Item, to Wolf, gunnar, takand monethly afoirhand, foure tt. iiij 1'1.; deliverit to him in hale pament of September, iiij It. iiij 1'1. Item, to Johne Huntar, smytht, for viij ~ stane of yme maid werk to the schippis, price of ilk stane by the werkruenschip iiij 1'1. iiij d., deliverit fra the xxiiij day of August to the xxviij day of the samyn; summa xxxvj iJ. x d. Item, the x day of September, send with Johne Lindesay to Schir James Inglis to Linlithqw, in hale payment




of his Alhallomee quarter tooum in his p8DBioa.n,

x H. Item, to Johne Brady to pas to Wynlokheid with Maister Sibbald and Greard, finouris, to wyn mynd of leid, takand wolkly for his wagis and expensys five crounis j deliverit to him in hale pament of foure wolkis eftir the xj day of September,. xx !. Item, to J ohne Hartsyd, pa16eon maker, beand at the New Havin makand pal6eonis and betand pa.l6eonis, his self and thre servitouris iij wolkis, and with him ane servi14ur ane wolk befoir this day, eftir Johne Formania writ thairon deliverit, . v H. Item, send to the Hispan:5e knycht, in his pensioun, iiij !I. [And two other payments of 14s.] Item, to Alexander Chalmer, in part of pament of expensis maid be him befoir this day on the Kingis yma.gery, pynnalis, and flaggis to the schippis, to gude compt, x H. Item, to Baverlaw, Inglis man, at his leif taking fra the King to returne to the Lord Daker with the Kingis writtingis of Edinburgh, in xij lycht Franch crounis, viij H. viij !I. Item, to Langland, messinger, and twa witnes to pas with lettrez to summond jC personis within the schire of Drumfreis to ane assis betuix the Lord Crechtoun and the Lard of Drumlanrig, xx it Item, to thre hensmen for thre hors hyre to turs thame to Linlithqw, . vj I. Item, send to Maister Alexander Ogilvy, in hale payment of his ordinar fra the x day of September exclusive to the viij day of October inclusive, makand iiij wolkis, xvij It. xvij I., and for keping of the fomace xxviij !J.; summa . xix 11 v !J. Item, to Disart, for walronia to the King, . . xiiij!J. Item, to the Squier of Cleische, in his Martymee fee to cum, lvj it. Item, the xij day of September, deliverit to. Scbir Walter



Ramsay to pay the marinaris of the schippis thair A.D. 1612. wagis and feys for the moneth of August, R8 his compt buyr, . ijClxxxvij It xiij il viij ct . Item, Bend with Schir Walter Ramsay to Johne Kill, smytht, for his labouris and expensis to gude compt, xiij It xiij I. ilij ct Item, to Geo~ Edwardsoun, for foure hennismenis burdingis for foure ~ dais in the Kingis absence, viij R. vj ct Item, to Johne Huntar, smytht, for xxv stane maid werk of yme deliverit to the schippis fra the xxviij day of August to the x day of September; price ilk stane by the werkmenachip, iiij I. ilij 4.; summa v H. viij il ilij ct Item, the xvj day of September, at the first mes singing in the Kingis litlll bark ca1lit Gabriell, offerit, xiiij I. Item, to the Scottis wrichtis, in drinksilvir, xxviij il Item, offerit at the brygend of Leith to the bred of &nct Ninianis chapell, . xiiij I. Item, to Jacat Terell, in drink silvir, xxviij I. Item, the xviij day of September, Bend with Wille Stewart to J ohne of Drummond, wrycht, in compleyt pament of foure wrichtis and foure sawaris wagis and feys with the said J ohne in the wod of Kincarne, hewand hem stokkis and quheill graith fra the ferd day of August to this day, elter his bill of compt gevyn thairon, xj U. Item, to Schir Johne Scharp, to pay the werkmen of the lyon hoU8, and for Iyme and stanis, yrne werk, and all utheris necessaris for the samyn fra the xxj day of August to the xviij day of September, as his compt buk buyr, xij It. ij A. iiij ct Item, to David Barbour, burges of Edinburgh, for certane aqua vite ressavit be Johne Forman fra hym to the Kingis Grace before this day; deliverit, efter the said Johne Formanis bill Bubecrivit with his band, viij H. xij ct Item, to Dokkane, cartar, in bale pament of his wagis




".D. 1512.

fra the ferd day of September last bipast exclusive

to the x\iij day of the saDlyn monetb inclusive,


makand twa wolkis, . \oj 11. xij c1 Item, the xx day of Sel'tem"er, to lIaister Johne, gunnar, for ane dussane of Estland burd, bocht for the Quenis new gaIry, price pace \oj A. viij ct, makand four Ii.; for ane 10k to the stair dure, vj A.; for sex bandis thre lokkis till bir pressis, xxviij A.; for twa bandis to ane round bnrd in hir ehalmir, viij A. vj ct.; and for thre servandis wagis and feys for the moneth of J ulij immediate precedand this compt, biggand the said galry, takand ilkane in the wolk x !I., makand vj Ii.; summa totalis xij Ii. ij A. vi ct. Item, to Gerwez, gunnar, for his awne expensis and his compan;;eounis, as i~ is at Il'n~h~ beloir writtin; deliverit in hale payment of thare monethtis wagi!! of September .xxviij Ii. i.x A. Item, to Nichole Cant of the wardrop, for downe taking, uptaking, and mending of the arres clath~is be him self and thre childer with him, and for Iynyng of sex wardourris and scwin of ane pair fustianis before ~his day; delievrit, efter his bill gevin tharapon subscrivit be Johne Forman, . xxiiij A. Item, delivel'it to Schir Walter Ramsay, to pay the gunnaris of the shippis ~hare wagis of August, xiiij Ii. and for J ohne Kill, smytht, to gude compt iij Ii. ; summa xvij Ii. Item, the xxviij day of September, to Johne Huntar, smy~ht, for xix ~ staDe ime werk deliverit for the schippis fra the x day of September to this day; price of ilk stane by the werkmenschip, iiij A. iiij ct; summa . iiij Ii. iiij A. vj ct Item, deliveri~ to Schir Walter Ram&l.y for Johne Kill, smytht, to gude compt for yme werk,. xv 11. vij II. Item, the first day of October, to Robert of Borthuik, gunnar, be the Kingis command, for money he berrowit till his expensis cumand fra Fraunce to Scotland at this instant tyme, in xxiiij crounis of wecht, xxj Ii. xij A.



Item, deliverit for cariage of the chapell geir betuix A.D. 1612. Edinburgh and Linlithqw at divers tymlUes, xij A. Item, to Dokkane, cartar, in hale payment of twa wolkis wagis, aucht to him fra the xviij day of September exclusive to this day, the secund day of October inclusive, vj It xij t1 Item, the v day of October, to Wolf, gunnar, in hale pament of his wagis of October, . . iiij It iiij A. item, to James Bissat, to pas with lettrez to call the fre tenentis of T(widale and Mert!s to compeir at the Kingis instance in Edinburgh, . xiiij!l. Item, to Stevin Bawte, takand for hymself and his prentis wolkly, xiiij it, and for twa servitouris wagis, xiiij b., and for lyme, sand, caberis, werkmenis wagis, lath, nalis, haddir, wekir, tempill, wattillis, crukis, bandis, and otheris necessar spendit on biggyng of the brewhous and fomace of the Palace of Linlithqw, as his compt buir, fra the ferd day of September last exclusive to the secund day of October inxvij 11. vj A. clusive, makand fOUl" wolkis, Item, to George Keppin and his servitour, culvering makers, in hale pament of thair monethis wagis of October, . . vij It xiiij it Item, the vj day of October, to Archibald Lavingston to pas to the Castell of Levingstoun to. skaill ane gadering, . xiiij R. Item, to Schir Symon Glado for binding of the grete . xxx A. portius of the Kingis chapell, Item, thar was neglexit of the last chekker compt gevin to Schir Thomas Gawbraith on the xiiij day of Marche last in part pament of lummyng of the Kingis grete portuus x Franch crounis, unput in v'ij It ('ompt quhill thil! dtLy; summa . Item, to Gilbert Ruthirfutd, messinger, to pas with lettrez in Annandirdale to summond the hedismen and utheris at the Kingis instance for gude reule, xxj A. Item, to the masoun of the Steill to gude compt, xx It.




Item. &0 Tbomaa Kynnard. in complete pameali of all ime and bru II8D &;be allowance of the Jaat, ebekker &0 the y day of October, 88 his bake of compt bens in
~. ~an~~d

I&em, &0 Schir Wi1liame Freaar, in part of his Alhallowmea pensioun &0 com, . . xviij I. Deliberatio facta per Dominum Tbomam Murray sequitur. Item, the xvij day of September, &0 Alexander Game ili Sanctandrois, to hyr him &De hora to pas to the iij I. Abbot of Balmerynocht for his oontribntioun, Item, the xx day of September, to James Avery, to furnia the Quenis cariage fra Dunfermling to Falldand, to god OOIDpt . vj a Item, to Johne of Butis brothir, xiiij I. Item, to Pate Faloonar, xiiij I. Item, the xiij day of September, to Andro Layng, p.Untour, for wprk to be done in Falkland, ane monethis wage for hiw self and his aervitouris dorband, iiij a vj I. viij ct. Item, be the Quenis command, to hi~ fute men, vj I. Item, be the Quenia command, to the maisaonis of v I. Falkland, in drinkai1ver, . Item, the vj day of October, to ane Jok, tail6our, for the the bringin of ane of the Kingis ~eounia out of Craufurd mure to the New havin, . xiiij I. Item, to George Eduardaon for Watte Stewart, Martin, Donald Graham, and Tl'umbull, henBlDen to the King, beand with him at burd in the Kingia abaena at divers tymia, takand for ilk ane of tham on the day xij d; deliverit to hyme in haill pamend fra the xx day of September inclusive to the viij day of October within the tyme of this compt, xxxij II. vj d. Item, to Schir David Spens, pa.B8&Dd to CathneB, Roe, be Wille Murray, Deir, Abirdene and Monymuak, and beand thare hiaaelf, ane aervitour, and ij hora for the inbringin of the contributioun fra the fyrat day of September to the v day of October; a1lowit to hym



lor v oulkis, ta.kkand for hisself and his aemtoar and A.D. 161!!. to bOrB, in expens, to achillingis viij ct; deliverit to bym in haill pamend tbarof within the tyme of this compt, . . iiij 11 xiij I. iiij ct Summa pAtet. Summa totalis expenaarum, jllljijCxxxiij 11 xij I. vj ct obolus. Et sic reatant ixlDir'lvij 11 xj I. j ct. De quibus allocatur compotanti pro superexpoaitis suia in pede ultimi compoti sui redditi in Sc&ccario ut patet in eodem, virilijCxxxij 11 viij I. vij ct obolO8. Et sic reatant ijmVOxxv It. ij S. v ct obolO8.

De quibus allocatur compotanti pro auperexpoaitis suia in compotia receptoria redditia poet Scaccarium, ijmxxxvj It vj I. ij ct Et sic reatant ilijClxuviij 11 xvj I. iij ct. obolus. TmmT A. James R J a[cobus] Gl[aaguensia] Arcbiep[iaoop]us. W. Abirdonenais. A. Moraviensia. A. Erl of Ergyle. M. Erl of Levenax. Gawinus Dunbar clericus Regiatri. Ro. Forman decanus Glaaguenaia, clericua expensarum. Scbir J. Ramsay.

De qua reata inferius acripta allocatur compotanti pro

expensia Jacobi Principia Scotie et Insularum, etc., a decimo quinto mensis Augusti inclusive anni Domini etc., quingenteaimi duodecimi usque in decimum aextum mensia N ovembria anni predicti etiam . inclQsive 80lutia per David Leirmon~h ete mandatQ

.... D.1512.


compotantis ut patet in libris dietarum dieti Domini Principia particulariter examinatis super compotum, jClix It iij l v d. Et sic restant iijCxxix It. xij s. d:. obolO8. TENET A.


29 OCT. 1512-8 AUG. 1513.

COMPOTUM venerabilis et egregii viri Magistri Cuthberti Bail6e Commendatarii Vallis Lucis ac Thesaurarii Supreme Domini Nostri Regis, redditum apud Edinburgh octavo die mensis Augusti, anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo decimotertio, de omnibus receptis suis et expensis de restis, wardis, releviis, maritagiis, eschaetis, finibus, remissionibus, cartarum comp08itionibus, et ali is accidentibus ac pecuniarum summis quibuscunque, a die vicesimonono mensis Octobris, anni Domini millesimi quingentesimi duodecimi usque in diem hujus compoti exclusive coram auditoribus, videlicet, reverendissimo et reverendis in Cristo patribus J acoho, Archiepiscopo Glasguensi; Willielmo, Episcopo Abirdonensi; David, Episcopo Candidecase et capelle Regie Strivelingensis; Magistris Gawino Dunbar, Archidiacono Sanctandree, principali Clerico Registri; Patricio Paintar, Secretario Domini Regis; Roberto Forman, decano Glasguensi; Dominis Thoma Halke1'8toun, prep08ito de Creichtoun; Jacobo Kincragy, decano Abirdonensi; Jacobo Reidhuich



de Tullichedl.en, compotorum Iotulatore; Johanne Ramsay de Trarenbean, milite; Roberto Oolvil de Uchiltre, directore Cancellarie, et Magistro Johanne Murray de Blakbarony, per commissionem sub testimonio Magni Sigilli.




Idem onerat sa in primis de xlv It. vj it viij it receptis a vicecomite de Renfreu, anno Domini VC decimotertio; et de liiij it a ballivo de Cunynghaim; et de v It a vicecomite de Wigtoun j et de lxuj It xij it a vicecomite de Pertht; et de vj It ix s. xj d. a vicecomite de Bute; et de xl It a vicecomite de Fift'e; et de xviij It a vicecomite de Abirdene; et de xxvj It xiij i1. iiij it a vicecomite de Forfare; et de xv It xvj B. vj 4. a vicecomite de Kinca.rdin; et de xv It a sanescallo de Kirkcudbricht in sca.ccario, anno VC decimotertio. Summa hujus oneris ijClvj U. x~j B. v. it


anno VC quinto.

Non onerat sa de jCxx It compositionis Dougalli Makgilliecallum, pro SU&. escha.eta foote cum Archibaldo, Comite de Ergile, et quondam Jacobo Ogilvy de Auchindoun.

Rl:sn OOM:POSITIONUK CAllTARUM ILIlIlO VC saxto et saptimo.

Non onerat sa de iiij It. compositionis ca.rte Georgei Craufurd de terris de Akhede. Item, idem onerat sa de jCxlvj It. vj S., in partem solutionis tricentarum triginta librarum sexdecim solidorum quatuor denariorum reste itineris de Abirdene tentj eodem anno; et sic restant jClxxxiiij It x i1.


LORD HIGH TREASURER. Et de xiij 11 vj i\ viij ct receptis a eadem ut oreditur de dicta rest&. Et de xxvj 11 xiij I. iiij ct receptis de Phillorth, in completam reste raginta personarum convictanun ablatione unius cimbe.


Ranaldo Owdny de A.D. 1(\12de Willelmo Fresar compositionis quadin dicta itinere pro

infra hoo compotum.

Non onerat Be de x It. compositionis carte conjuncte infeodationis temmun de Lany facte Francisco Borthuik et Jonete Broun, ejus sponse, nichil. Item, idem onerat sa de 1 11, pro compositione warde et relevii terranun de Grange, cum molendino ejusdem facta, cum J ohanne Erskin de Dun.

infra hoo compotum.

Item, idem onerat Be de v 11, compositionis super carta vitalis redditus facta Roberto Alerdes super terris de Litill Barre&. Et de iij 11, pro compositione carte confirmationis J ohannis Erskin de Dun de terris de Crago. Et de xxx It., compositionis carte excambii terranun dimedietatis baronie de Jester facte cum terris de Morehame. Et de 111, compositionis carte terrarum de . ' . facOO cum Magistro David Gardin. Et de vij If. vj iI. viij d, compositionis carte confirmationis J ohannis Blare super terris de Balgilloquhy. Et de v 11 vj I. viij d, compositionis carte confirmationis Magistri Thome Diksoun super carta sibi facta per Johannem Dischingtoun de Ardros de terris de Tulliquhandlane. Et de jO 11, compositionis carte nove infeodationis Jacobi Levingstaun de Gerveswod de terris de Jerves-






Et de viij It., compositionis carte confirmationis AleIandri Gray, burgensis de Abirdene, super carta. sibi facta. per Wille1mum Gordoun de Scbevez de Newton de Scbevez. Et de iij It. vj R. viij ct, compositionis carte nove infeodationis David Strathaucbin de terris de Bligtoun. Et de xlIi., compositionis ca~te Jobannis Comitis Craufurdie de term de Newbal solutis per Alexandrum Meldrum tenentem earundem. Et de xx It., compositionis carte confirmationis Georgei Rosey; filii David Rosey, de eodem de terris de Monboy et certis allis. Et de jC tt, compositionis carte Jacobi Ogilvy de Inchmartyne de terris de Inchmartyn et alijs. Et de x tt, compositionis carte nove infeodationis facte Roberto Innes de terris de Kernok. Et de xxvj It. xiij R. iiij ct, compositionis carte Georgei Abircrummy de terris de Petmeddane. Et de liij It. vj R. viij ct, compositionis carte nove infeodationis Alexandri Cumyng de Cultir de terris et baronia de Cultir. Et de vj tt xiij R. iiij. ct, compositionis carte confirmationis Magistri J obannis Skrimgeour de Glastre de terris de Balmullok. Et de x tt, compositionis carte confirmationis Arobibaldi Oomitis de Ergyle de terris de Kirktoun et Inebberry. Et de ijl! tt, compositionis carte nove infeodationis Roberti Lauder de Bass militis de terris de Popill, alias Hatlislaundes. Et de iij tt, compositionis carte confirmationis J obannis Kennedy de terris de Dunbane. Non onerat Be de jO tt, compositionis carte confirmationis Hectoris Roy Makk~e de octo libratis terrarum in comita.tu Rossie. Et de xx tt, compositionis carte nove infeodationis facte Wylando Cbesbolm de terris de Knokfyn,Oomyr et certis aliie in comita,tu Rossie.



Et de iiij 1:1., compositionis carte confirmationis conjuncte A.D. 1&12infeodationis Roberti Gourlau, burgensis de Disert et Bue BpoDBe de terris de Hauch. Non Qnerat Be de xxiij 11, compoaitionis carte appretiationis J obannis Ramsay de terris de Cairo Item, idem onerat se de vj 11 xiij R. iiij d, compositionis carte conjuncte infeodationis Jbhannis Domini Oliphant et Elizabeith Campbel Bue Bponse de terris de Petcathly in feodifirma. Non onerat se de xxvj R. viij d, compoaitionis carte confirmationis Johannis Bonavea, alias Piper, de terris de Polkmyln. Item, idem onerat se de xl 11, compoaitionis carte conjuncte infeodationiB Johannis Haldane de Glennegas et Marjorie Lauson Bue Bponae de terris de Culymore et allis. Et de viij 11, compoaitionis carte confinnationis Magistri Willelmi Lyoun et Margrete Hay Bue Bponae de terris de Litill Mylne et Louchmylne. Et de lxvj 11 xiij R. iiij ct, compoaitionis carte nove infoodationiB Jacobi Lummisdene, filii et apparentis heredis Thome Lummisdane de terris de Condollane et . Maidlare. Et de xx 11, compoaitionis carte [Johannis] Malvill, filii Johannis Malvill de Cambee, de terris de Uvircarnbee. Et de xiij 1:1. vj R. viij d, compoaitionis carte conjuncte infeodationis J ohannis Creichton de Rogorton, et Hay ejUB Bponse de terris de N ethirblacok et Gorgihill Et de v 11, compoaitioniB carte confirmationis Magistii. Alexandri Seytoun de quinque duodecimis partibUB de Kilmarone. Et de x 1:1., compoaitionis carte nove infeodationis Donaldi Maldyn de Bameill de quatuor meroatis hujUB

Et de v 11, compositionis carte conflrmationis Johannis Seytoun de Lauthreisk et Jonete Admulti sue apoDBe de quinque duodecimis partibus de Kilmarone et Pet-





Et de xx D., compoaitionis carte eonnrmationis llagistri David Petcam Arohidiaconi Brechlnensis de medietate de Dounfeild, exceptis manerio earundem et una acra Ocoidentalis partis earundem. Non onerat Be de vij It. v . iiij d, compositionis carte appretiationis Willelmi Dog de tems de Halfmylne quarter de Kynnlird pro qua Snawdon harraldus extat obligatus. Item, idem onerat Be de x It, eompoaitionis carte Johannis Striveling de Keir, militis, et [Margarete] Forestal eju8 sponse de terris de Straithalloun, Berry et certis aliis. Et de x H., compositionis carte confirmationis Georgei Ertht et sue sponse de dimedietate de Dounfeild in conjnneta infeodatione. Et de ijll H., compositionis carte nove infeodationis David Stewart, filii et apperentis heredis Willelmi Stewart de Rossith de terris et baronia de Rossith, et aliis terris eidem Willelmo spectantibus. Et de vj H. xiij D. iiij d, compoaitionis carte coiljuncte infeodationis et confirmationis Georgei Kennedy de Adequyn, et Margrete Kennedy sue sponse de terris de Glen10gy et Auehaltone. Et de jCxxxiij It. vj D. viij d, compoaitionis carte nove infeoclationis facte burgensibus et communitati de HadiDgtoun, de communi et privelegiis ipsorum.



per tempus compoti.

Item, idem onerat se de viij H., de relevio terrarum de Ardoch Mylnton et Ie twa leyis solutarum per Archibaldum Buntyne. Et de lxvj It xiij R. iiij d, compositionis warde tMrarum in manibus Regis existentium per mortAml Georgei Middiltoun unacum maritagio heredis ejusdem et pro eechaeta bonorum Jobannis Dikeson, Willelmi DikelOUD, et J ohannis Dikeson, junioris, fugitivorum pro interfectione dieti Georgei.



Et de jClx 11, compositionis warde terrarum in manibus 4.D. 1511. Regis existentium per mortem J ohannis Stewart de Mynto. militia, cum maritagio heredis vendite Jonete Flemyng et Magistro Alexandro Schaw. Et de x n., compositionis relevii medietatis terranun dominica1ium de Bembowgall solute per J ohannem Mowbray de Bembowgall. Et de jClxxxvj 11 xiij I. iiij d, compositionis warde terranun quondam Johannis Forbes de Echt cum maritagio heredis vendite Johanni Forbes de Brux. Et de xl It, compoeitionis warde de Spango Ellirkip in manibus Regis per mortem Alexandri Craufurd vendite Willelmo Striveling. Et de jC n., compositionis warde terrarum et baronie de Lethane infra vicecomitatum de N am in manibus Regis existentium per mortem Georgei Falconar de Halkertoun solute per Magistnun Thomam Erskin. Et de ijCxiij 11 vj R. viij d comp08itionis warde terrarum in manibus Regis existentium per mortem quondam Wa.lteri Strang de Petcorthy una.cum maritagiis filiarnm et heredum dicti Walteri. Et de ijc tt, compoeitionis relevii terranun Rogero Greresoun de Lag pertinentium ut patet in rotulo anni instantis in compoto vicecomitis de Dumfreis. Non onerat se de x n., comp08itionis nonintroitus duanun bovatarum terrarum vocatanun Freland in villa de Rate [solvendi] Alexandro Scott de J!"yngask. Item, idem onerat de 1 11, compositionis warde terrarum quondam Thome Geddes solute per Ma.gistnun Adam Culquhone. Et de iijC n., in partem solutionis quiogintarum marcarum compositionis warde terranun quondam Willelmi Hay de Park cum maritagio heredis ejusdem vendite Alexandro Douglas et sois 888ignatis; et sic restant xxxiij n. vj it viij d, remissa. per :&gem et sic aque. Et de xvj n., in partem solutionis relevii terrarum de Ratho in baronia de Renfrew.




Non onerat se de iij H. vj B. viij ct., compositionis bonorum escho.etorum J ohannis Macnacht fugitivi venditorum Thome Heroun de Keruchtre et suis assignatis. Item, idem onerat se de viij H., compositionis bonorum eschaetorum J ohannis Gib ad cornu Regis existentes pro interfeetione Jacobi Howburn. Et dejCxx H., comp08itionis eschaete quinque marcatarum terrarum de Glenconner, Berlauch et Hil, Regi pertinentium per mortem Johannis Schaw bastardi vendite Roberto Colvi! de U chiltre.
in manibus Regis existentium.


Non onerat se de jalxiij H. vj B. viij ct., de firmis terrarum connestabularie de Dunde de terminis compoti in warda existentis de quibus assignate connestabulario centum marce annuatim pro sua sustentatione et donate de eisdem firmis Ricardo Grahame servitori Domini Regis in suo feodo de anno compoti tantum quinquaginta libre; et sic restant lvj H. xiij B. iiij ct., onerande cum recuperate fuerint. Item, idem onerat se de vj It xiij B. iiij ct. dlJ firmis de Bynnyng in manibus Regis ratione warde. Et de xxxij H. ij B. viij ct., in partem solutionis triginta . sex librarum duorum solidorum et octo denariorum de firmis de Apilgirth de terminis compoti, et restant iiij It, concesse Patricio Baroun per Dominum Regem et sic aque. Et de v H., in partem solutionis novem librarum de firmis de Deidside. Burnok, Carshillis, Ravinishillis receptje a J ohanne Gudefallow ; et sic restan t iiij It Item, idem onerat se de jm It, recepte a Thoma Kennedy de Bargany pro compositione sue remissionis et



eachaete bonorum pro arta et parte intarfectionis 6011. 1111. quondam Georgei Kennedy filii Georgei Kennedy de A1tiquyn. Et de iiijclx It., in partem solutionis quingintarum librarum pro compositione remissioniB quorundam vocatorum Campbell et Craufurd pro interfectione quondam Patricii Dunbar de Corsincon; et sic restante xl It., remiBBe Georgeo Campbell de Cesnok per Regem et Bic eque. Item, idem onerat Be de jmvjolxvj It. xiij R. iiij 40, in completam solutionem compoBitionis maritagii J onete Gordoun filie et herediB quondam Alexandri Gordon militiB, facte cum Johanne Gordoun de Louchinvir. Et de iijC It. receptis ab abhate de Jedworth modemo viz., Magistro Johanne Hurne pro admiBaione ipBiUB ad temporalitatem ejusdem. Et de iijclxXll: It., receptiB a terrario de Dunfermling per tempus compoti de firmiB dicti loci nomine ReverendiBBimi Domini Sanctiandree. Et de iijCXlvj It., receptis a Magistro David Scot custode monete cone per tempuB compoti. Et de iiijC It. , receptis ab abbate Sancte Crucis per mauus JohanniB Creichtoun de Blakbume. Et de I It., receptis a dicto terrario de Dunfermling de firmis dicti monasterii.

Item, idem onerat Be d~ iiijO It., receptis a Magistro Willelmo Stewart, nomine RevlrendiBBimi Domini GlasguenBiB de taxa et contributione cIeri dioceBiB GlasgueDBis preter prelatoB. Et de xiij It. vj R.. viij 4., a vicario de Innerlethane de Bua contributione. Et de v It., a MagiBtro Patricio Covintre tunc rectore de Garvald, in partem solutionis Bue contributionis. Et de xvj It. xiij R.. iiij d, a Magistro Bicbardo Boithuill, canonico G1aaguensi.



1512.' .

Et de xx It.,' a Magistro W"illelmo Bal6e prebendario de Ballanrig. Et de v 11., a vicario de U r, in partem solutionis. Et de lxvj H., receptis ab abbate de Corsragwal, in partem solutionis. Et de I It., a preposito de Boithuil. Et de jClxvj 11. xiij R. iiij. d., ab abbate de Melros, per tempu8 compoti de sua contributione. Et de iij It. vj R. viij ct, a Magistro Patricio Schaw vicario de Monktoun. Et de xx It., a rectore de Hawik. Et de xiij H. vj R. viij d., receptis a Magistro Eduardo 'Cunynghaim de contributione 8uonmi' beneficiorum. Et de vj Ii. xiij II. iiij d., in completam solutionem contributionis Magistri Johannis Kennedy, vicarii de ,Terregles. Et de lxxviij It., receptis a dicto Willelmo Stewart, nomine Al'chiepiscopi Glasguensis de contributione dicte diooesis.


Item, idem onerat Be de jCliiij H. xix a. viij 4., receptis a Magistro Thoma Dikson et Magistro J ohanne Y rland, vicario de Perth, nomine certorum .8uppositorum, residentium in universitate Sanctiandree, in partem solutionis contributiotrle 'eof'andem prout latius dicti Magistri Thomas et Johannes informabunt. Et .de I H., ab eodem Magistro Johanne Yrlaund de contributione dictorum suppositorum. Et de xl H., receptis a preposito de Methven de sua contributione. Et de x H., a Magistro David Hay, rectore de Idvy. Et de lxij It., a priorissa. de Northberaic, solutie per WilleJinum Carmichaell. Et de x 11, a Domino Willelmo Myrton, vicario de I:.a.uthreisk, 801utis per Dominum J ohannem Wycbthead.



Et de x 11, a rectore de Fouldene per tempus compoti. .D. 1512Et de iiij It iij A. iiij ct., a Magistro Gilberto Stratoun, vicario de Inverkelour. Et de v 11, a Dontino Alexandro Craufurd, vicario de Tranent. Et de vj It. xiij A. ilij ct., a rectore de Pinkertoun, per manus Alexandri Foulfurd. Et de xvj It. xiij A. iiij ct, a Magistro Jobanne Fleschour, vicario de Kerymure. Et de vj 11 xiij A. xiiij ct, a vicario de Kilrynny, per manus Alexandri Reidpetb. Et de xiij 11 vj A. viij ct, a Domino Thoma Myrtoun, vicario de Markincb. Et de vj 11 xiij A. iiij ct., a Magistro Alexandro Galluo.y, tunc rectore de Durris. " Et de vj 11 xiij A. iiij ct, a Magistro Stepbano Douglas, vicario de Dun many. Et de iij It. vj A. viij ct., a vicario de Pencaitland, in partem solutionis. Et de vj 11 xiij A. iiij ct, a rectore de Banvy solutis per Dominum Walterum Ramsay. Et de xvj It. xiij it ilij ct., a rectore de Aglismauchlin. Et de xiij tt. vj A. viij. ct., a"Magistro Andrea Sibbald, vicario de Beuny. Et de x 11, a Magistro David Wauchop, rectore de Pennycuke. Et de xvj It. xiij it iiij 4., a Roberto Culqubon, rectore de Dunbar. " Et de xiij It. vj A. viij ct, a Magistro Walter Abimetby, rectore de Kirknewton. Et de x It., a vicario de Kingom solutis per Dominum de Seyfeild. Et de xxx It., a Magistro Patricio Craufurd, rectore de Aldhamstokis. Et de vj 11 xiij II. ilij ct., a Magistro Patricio Schaw, vicario de Cranstoun. Et de xxv It., a Magistro Roberto Bosuill, rectore de U chtirderay.



Et de iij 11. vj R. viij 4. a Domino Georgeo. Forhou8, vicario de Pencaitland, in completam 8olutionem. Et de vj 11. xiij R. iiij 4., a Domino Willelmo Sympil, rectore de Polworth. Et de iij 11. vj R. viij ct, a Magistro Jacobo Wawan, vicario de Dumberny. Et de vj 11. xiij A. iiij ct, a Domino Willelmo Inglis, vicario $Ie Cupar, solutis per vicarium de Pertht quia in universitate. Et de iij It. vj A. viij 4., a Magistro Thoma Lauthreisk, vicario de Cullessy. Et de x 11., a rectore de DUllloppy. Et de iiij It. xiij it iiij ct, a Magistro Gilberto Stratoun, vicario de Invirkelour. Et de x 11., a Magistro Adam Hunter, vicario de LuntrethiB. Et de viij It. vj A. viij ct, a Magistro Waltero Ker, vicario de Grenlaw. Et de x 11., a Magistro Jacobo Wardlaw, rectore de Balliogre. Et de x tt., a Magistl'o J ohanne Barry, rectore de Cullace. Et de vj It. xiij A. iiij ct, a. vicario de Sancti Cuthberti Et de xx 11. a Magistro David Broune, rectore de


Item, idem onerat Be de xiij It. vj R. viij ct, a. Magistro J ohanne Waus, rectore de Wygton. Et de jO H" a Domino Episcopo Candidecase et Capelle Regie Strivelingensis. Et de I It., ab abbate de Dumdrinnane. Et de jC n., a priore Candidecase. Et de xl H., a Magistro Alexandro Schaw, archidiacono Candidecase. Et de xxvj H. xiij R. iiij ct, ab abbate Sedis Animarum.



Et de xiij It. vj R. viij d, a vicariis de Sorby, Glassar- A.D. 1612. toun, CI&Qbschant et rectore de Stanakir, Bolutis per Dominum J ohannem Makcrekane. Et de xxvj It. xiij I iiij d, a Magistro J &COho Hepburn, rectcre de DaIry et Partoun. Et de xx 11, a dieto abbate Sedis Animarum.

DUNKELDBNBIB. de xxxiij It. vj R. viij d., a precentore Dunkeldensi. de xvj It. xiij R. iiij d, a cancellario Dunkeldensi. de xxxiij It. vj II. viij d, ab Archidiacono Dunkeldensi. de xiij 11 vj R. viij d, a rectore de Monydy.. de x 11, a rectore de Alitht. de xiij It vj R. viij d, a Magistro Roberto BosuiJ, pro prebenda sua de Fonwell (I Fongarth). Et de J: It., a Magistro Alexandro Inglis, prebendario de Aberlady. Et Et Et E* Et Et

ABlRDONENBIS. Et de iij Ii. vj II. viij d, a Domino Henrico Hadirtoun, vicario de Kincardin Oneil. Et de x It., a rectore de Codilstane.

BBBClIINBNBIB. Et de xx It, a Magistro WiJIelmo Meldrum, precentore. Et de xx It, a Magistro Thoma Meldrum, cancellario Brechinensi et vicario de Panbryde. Et de xiij It. vj II. viij d, a Magistro David Petcarne, Archidiacono Brechinensi. Et de vj It. xiij R. iiij d, a vicario de Montroe. Et de x It, a vicario de Dunde.



DUNBLANBNSIS. Et de jC H. a priore de Inchmaquhomo. Et de xx H., a Magistro Johanne Doby, Archidiacono Dunblanensi Summa totalis onerationis xmijclxxv It. x iI. ix ct. TENET A.


DELIBERATIONBS MAGISTRI CUTHBERTI BALLIE, commendatoris de Olenlus, in anno, etc., yo xijo. In primis the xxtJ day of October, gevin to the Dene of Glasgw for the fumesing of the Kingis purs, viij It. x A. Item, the said day, given to the Kingis Hienes, xiij It. xij AItem, the uj day of October, gavin to the Dene of Olasgw for the fumesing of the Kingis PUl'8, I It. Item, the xxiiij day of October, gevin to Robert Calendar, constable of Striveling, that he layd doune in drinksilvir to the maryneris and for thare meit that tuke the Margaretis gret mast at the pollis of Erth, iiij It. viij I. Item, the xxvj day of October, gevin to Schir James Pettigrew for the expens maid be him at the myne in . Crawfurdmure, xxix It Item, the penult day of October, gevin to Thomas Setoun for the wagis of the me~ in the KyngiB gret 110 bote, . xxiiij It



Hem, &0 Johne Qubite of Kirkoaldy, for tymmer tane A.D. 1512. fra hym to the Kyngis werkis the tyme that the Bilchop of Cathnes was Thesaurar, . xvj 11 xvj a. Item, to the Kyng himself, the quhilk he put in the quinta essencia, ane dukat of wecht, . xix s.
NoV&BBR. Item, the thrid day of November, gevin to GiJ6eame, Francheman, that makia the Ol'ganis, for his laubouria, vij 11. Item, the fard day of. November, gevin to James Sinclare, x H. Item, the tift day of November, to Martyne Buachart, carvour, now being in Sanctandrois, for small nnc08tia, xij It viij .t Item, the &ext day of November, pait to James Avery, quhilk he layd doune for the ca.reing of the Quenis geyre of Lynlithtgow to Edinburgh, . xxxj R. viij d. Item, payt to Johne Davidsone, for. butis, schone, and nther stuf tane to the Kyng fro. the feste of ad-vincula Sancti Petri ca.llit Lammes till Alhallomes . last, as the said Johnnis compt buke particularly examinate beria at mair lenth, vij H. xj R. Item, to the &aid J ohnne, for xv pair of schone tane to the Queue sen the said terme, . xlv R. Item, to the said Johnne Davidsone for his feis of the v H. terme of Martyme.s, Item, the xij day of November, till ane messinger callit Lang1a.ndis to pas and summond ane assia,. xx It I,tem, till ane uthir puraevant callit Bissait to pas and summond James Edmonstoun of that ilk at Oure x a. Soverane Lordia instance, . Item, for bering of the copburd and the cotreris with the jowellis fra the Castell to the Abbay, iiij a. iiij d. Item, the xiij day of November, gevin to Williame





Grayme for h01'8 booht be him in IngIand to the Kyng, xvij angell nobillis; summa . xxiij It. xvj R. Item, the xv day of NovelDber, gevin to Downy, candel . makar, to by taIlOUD, fourty Franche crounis of xxxvj 11 wecht; summa Item, the xviij day of November, to the knycht of Span6e that beris the croce on his breste, vij 11 [Five other payments to him of various sums, including 20 for" byrun wagis," amounting in all to 40 188. 8d] Item, gevin to Johne Bertoun, skipper, at his passage in France, . jOliiij 11 xvj a. Item, the xix day ot November, to Margaret Dennet, . xxvj It. spous to Maister Alexander Ogilvy, Item, to the Abbot of Toungland, . . xlij I. Item, to the aId quene of Cannongait, callit the Quene of Maij, . . xiiij I. [And two other payments.] Item, to James SincIar, to ryd oure the Month with my Lady Gordoun, . . vij It. Item, the xxij day of November, gevin to William StriveJing for the fumesing of ane scbip that past at the West See to the Rochell for wynia, . lvj It. Item, the xxiij day of November, to Michaele, goldsmytht, Francheman, for restis that wes awand him for his laubouris the tyme the Bischop of Cathnes wes Thesaurar, xxxv It. viij iJ. Item, to the King himself, thre ducattis of wecht to put in to the quinta eBBencia, . . lvij a. Item, the xxiiij day of November, till Alexander Makculloch to gif to the falconeris to seik fleyng, xxviij a. Item, to Duncane Riche, messinger, to pas in the Northland to distreD6e Johne the Grant and utheris for
~~ .~R.

Item, the xxv day of November, to William Striveling, for the fumesing and vittaling of the said schip that past to the Rochell attoure the fumesing forsaid in aventur, gif scho wer trublit in hir viage, xviij It,



Item, to ane messinger callit Adamson, to pas in the A.D. 11112. Westland to summond ane assis and to distrenbe for restis, . xlija. Item, to Alexander Chawmer, payntour, for the paynting of the cappis and uthir neccBBa.r thingia pertenyng to the Kyngis schippis to gud campt, . xx It Item, the xxvj day of November, payt to Thomas Kyncaid, constable in the castell of Edinburgh, to by copper for the Kingis gunnys, xxx It. Item, the xxviij day of November, payt to Williame Rait in Abirdene. for Octavianis expens and fraucht the tyme the said Octaviane landit at Abirdene, iiij It. iiij a. Item, to the said Williame, for his expens till Edinburgh, . xiiij a. Item, to Margaret Cornewell, for sewing of serkis, schetis, and uthir lauboris done be hir the tyme the v It Bischop of Cathnes wes Thesaurer,

Item, the ferd day of December, gevin to Johne Mosman, potyngar, for stuf bocht be him to the King, lix S. iiij d. Item, the v day of December, till aucht pynouris tha.t bure the capburd fro. the Castell to the Abbay and fro. the Abbay to the Castell twa sindry dais, viij il Item, payt to Monsure Lamote servitouris, that dansit ane moris to the King, x crounis of wecht; summa

Item, the vj day of December, gevin to ane officiar to pas in Fift'e to distreDbe for restis awing to the x S. . Kingis Grace, .. Item, gevin to the Dene of Glasgw, to be gevin in almous to the pure folkis, . iiij It. iiij S. Item, the ix day of December, till ane official' to pas




a.nd diBtt"eD6e the LardiB contenit in the Decret.e gevin be Lordis in the mater pertenyng to the Lard of Ballyndroch, . xx R. Item, the x day of December, gevin for the bering of the Quenis cofferis to the Castele with her jowe1lis, iiij R. Item. gevin to David Crawfurd, futman to the Qnenia Grace, in contentatioun for his leveray clathis agane c3uIe, v It Item, the xij of December, gevin to the nuris that wee put fra my Lord Prince, xiij It. vi R. viij (t Item, the xiij day of December, gavin to skipper Andreis Densman,. . . . xx H. Item, to Sehir Johne Ramsay for the reparatioun of the windois and werk done in the Kyngis Hall agane c3ule, iij H. xij l iiij ct Item, to the Comptrollar, quhilk he laid doune for the . viij iI. hensmennis schone agane c3ule, . Item, the xvj day of December, to Monsur Lamotis servitouris, tha.t dansit ane uthir moris to the King and Quene, y H. viij l Item, gevin to Jakett Terall, schip wricht, to pas to the schippis at the poll of Erth, xxviij R. Item, the xyij day of December, gevin to Maister Alexander Lesly for the makyn of Monsur Lamotis expens the tyme he past to Quhitheme, x H. Item, to the Dene of Glasgw, quhilk wes deliverit to him the xv day of the moneth of December for the fumesing of the Kingis pure the tyme His Grace past to Quhiteherne, Ix It. Item, the xxij da.y of December, gevin to James Robeson, burgee of Lynlithtqw, for the ballie of the Feris sonis burd a.nd expens, vj It. Item, the xxv day of December, vi6., c3u1e day, gevin to the heraldiB in the Hall, as is the custum, . vij It Item, the xxvij day of December, pait to Robert Spittale, tai160ur to the Qene, for expens maid upon My Lady Gordonis ab~eament, the quhilk restit awing to him


sen the tyme the Bilchop of Cathnes was Thesaurar, 4.)). xxij It. vj R. viij d. Item, the xxviij day of December, gevin to Alexander Hamsay for th~ riding to all prelatis be north Forth for the inbringin of the contributioun, vj 11. xiij s. iiij d.

Item, the first day of Januar, viz., New Jere day, gevin 4.D. 1612-13. to Michell, goldsmytht, Francheman, . lij R. [And another payment of vii It.] Item, to the King himself to .play at the cartis with My Lordis of Sanctandrois and Murray, tuenty crounis of wecht and thretty licht crounis; summa xxxix Ii. Item gevin to thir ladeis underwrittin, that is to say, to Maistres Douglas; x Franch crounis; summa vij It. Item, to Maistres Sinclar, ten Franche crounis; summa vij 11 Item, to Maistres Hume, x Franche crounis; summa vij Ii. Item, to Maistras Musgraif, x Franche crounis; summa vij It. Item, to the Irische lady, x Franch crounis; summa vij 11 Item, to my Lady Elphinstonis twa madynnis, ten Franche crounis; summa . vij It. Item, to the twa blak ladeis, x Franche crounis; summa vij It.. Item, gevin to Johne Aitkin, goldsmyth~ that wirkis in the Castell of Striveling, for aucht ryngis, the quhilkis wer gevin to the ladeis of the Quenis chalmer, . . x:ij It xviij' Item, to the said Johne, for five ryngis, the quhilkis the Kyng gaif to the B.ischop of Murra.y, vj It xij R Item, to M:a.tho Auchinlek, for the mending of ane cowp of silvir, xij R.




Item, the said day, to the Kyng him self, to play at the cartis with my Lord Chawmerlane, eftir that he had playt with the Quene and my Lord of Sanctandrois, . iiij It. xviij iI. Item, to Octaviane, the Italiane, for his new 6er gift, tuenty Franche crounis; summa. . xiiij It. Item, gavin to the menstralis, the samyn day, ~hat is to say Italianis, Franche men, Scottis trumpettis, lutaris, harparis, and uthir Scottis menstralls to the nowmer of xxv peraonis; to evirilkane of thame xiiij it; summa xvij It. x!. Item, the thrid day of Januar, gevin till ane bard wife cal.lit Agnes Carkill, . . xlij iI. Item, the v day of Januar, callit Uphaly Evin, to the prestis of Sanct Jells Kirk that brooht the sens to the King, . xlij iI. Item, the vj day of Januar, payt to James Robeson, burges in Linlithtqw, for the hallie of the Feris sonnis burd, . iiij It. Item, the vij day of Januar, to David Cameroun, officiar, to pas with the Kyngis lettres for wappynschawingis to be haldin on the southsyde of Forth till all echireffis and burghis, xxviij A. Item, to Johne Balfoure, officiar, to pas with our Soverane Lordis lettres till all schireffis and borowis on the northsyd of Forth for the balding of wappynschawingis, xxviij R. Item, the viij day of Januar, to skipper Andreis, quhen he past in Denmark with Mawnis, xl It. Item, the ix day Januar, to Nichole Haithwy, 6eman of the Quenis stable, for hora howsis, bridillis, girthis, hora collaris, and stable geir booht be the said Nichole at sindry tymes and of sindry prices, viij It. xviij A. Item, the x day of Januar, to Schir James Gorthy, chapel1an, iij It. Item, to Spark, to pas to Striveling with Johne Bute, for the pestilence, . xiiij R. Item, the xij day of Januar, to Mawnis, qnhen he past in Denmark, to by him serkis, . . xlviij R.




Item, the xiij day of Januar, to Campbell, that wee A.D. 1512-13. futman to the King, to by him clll.ithis, xxxviij iJ. Item, the xiiij day of Januar, to the Dene of Glasgw, to . xiiij It. the fumeeing of the Kingis pure, Item, till Andro Armestrang, iiij It. Item, the xv day of Januar, till ane Franche man, , quhilk goldsmytht, callit Jehan 1a Rosey, past in France in the last schippiB, ten crouniB of wecht; summa. ix It. Item, to Johne Lethane, sadillar, for girthiB, sterap ledderia, suerd beltis, hora collaria, helteria, and all uther ryding geir tane fra him the tyme the Bischop of Cathnes wee Thesaurar, as the said J ohnniB compt buke beris, x It. iiij tt Item, to the said J ohne Lethane, for bridilliB, harneeing, girthiB, helteria, hore collaria, sterap ledderia, hora hou8Bis, mending and stoppin of sadillis, with uthir riding geir tane Ira the said J ohne, fra the xxti day of October to the xxtj day of Januar, like as his compt buke particularly examinate beris, v It. iiij s. Item, the xvj day of Januar, to George Lyle, vij It. hem, the xvij day of Januar, till Edward Cokburn, dwelland in Leith, to his expens to pas with writingis furth of Flandris to Blais to Maister James Ogilvy, x It. xvj iJ. Item, gevin till Alexander Makculloch to fumis the Franchemen that come agane to the West See quhen that auld have past in Fraunce, . x It. Item, the xviij day of Januar, till ane gunner, callit xix iJ. Wardlaw, ane ducat of wecht, . Item, the xxviij day of Januar, to Johne Mosman, potyngaire, ane croune of wecht to the quinta essencia, xviij iJ. Item, to ane Irische nuria that gail my Lord Prince sulk iiij It. iiij s. the tyme he wee seik, Item, to Johnne Scot, in Linlithtqw, lor the hyre of certane beddis in my Lord Princes chawmer, iiij It. Item, the xxix day of Januar, to Schir Johne Musgraif, vijlt.




Item, to his servand, the Ramyn tyme, xxviij it Item, to David, falconer, to pas and seik fleyng with his compan6onis, . xlij I. Item, the xxix day of Januar, to James Bissate, messinger, to pas with the Kyngis lettres to all borowis, fra Forth north, for the god rewill anent the pestilence, . xxx iI. Item, to Duncane Riche, to pas inlikewis to all borowis . xxx it with the said lettres fra Forth south,. Item, the penult day of Januar, to Margaret Comewell, be the Kyngis command, and for sewing of his clathis, xlij iI. Item, to Johne Spratty, smytht, in part of payment for . xiij 11. vj iI. viij d. the Kyngis hors schoing,. Item, the last day of Januar, gevin to Maister Laurence Tai16efeir to gif to Maister David Vocat, maister of the Beule of Edinburgh, for ane boys burd callit Trumbule, v 11. Item, to the said Maister Laurence Tail6efer, in part of payment of his clathis that he suld have had agane c3ule,' v 11. Item, to Johne Davidsone, for ix pair of schone tane fra Alhallo day to Candilmes day to the Quenis grace, xviij iI.

Item, the thrid day of Februar, payt to Johne Davidson, cordiner, for schone, butis, and pantonis, tane to the King fra Alha1lo day bypast to this Candilmes, as his compt billis beris, iiij 11. xv iI. Item, pait to the said Johne Davidson for schone, butis, tane fra him to Achir James Hammiltoun, Watte Stewart, Barone, Symond, lutar, Mawnis, the baillie of Feris sone, and Johne of Bute i and to Marione Stewart, Maistres Musgrave, Elene Stewart, and blak Ellene fra Lammes to Alha1lo day bypast, the tyme v 11 xij ct. the Bischop of Cathnes wes Thesaurar,



Item, payt to the said Johne Davidsone, for schone andAoD. 1612-18. butis tane to Schir James Hammiltoun, Watte Stewart, Ma.wnis, Barone, Kennedy, Donald of the Ilis, Symond, lutar, Johne Bute, and ane lrische boy, fra Alhallo day bypast to this feste of Candilmes, 88 his compt billis beris, iij It. viij II. Item, the v day of Februar, to the patrone of Delamotis ijCX:x It. schip that brocht in the wyne, Item, to Dandee Doullis wif, . . iiij It. Item, the xj day of Febrnar, to ane servand of the priores of Coldstreme that brocht wild foulis to the Y I. Kyng and caponeB, Item, the xij day of Februar, to David Cameroun, messipger, to pas to Jedburgh for the continuatioun of ix I. the aire, . Item, the xiij day of Februar, to ane servand of Wat Ogilvyis that deliverit ane hors to the Killg, in bridill silvir, uviij I. Item, the xxj day of Februar, to JohneJohnestoun, iij It. Item, aIXin the xxij day of Februar, to the Yaister of Maxwell, . xiiij It. Item, to David, fdcoDar, and uthir thre falconeris, Ivj A. Item, the xxiiij day of Februar, gevin to Johne Forman to pay for the careing of certane fische and cabillis vij It. fra Glasgw till Edinburgh, . Item, to ane preste of Makcanis that come to the

Kingis Grace, .

v It. x I.

Item, giffin to Johnne Drummond, wricht, to pas to Lagane wod in Anerdaile and to the woo of Cambusnethane in Cliddisdale for tymmer, and certane . iiij It. iiij I. servandis with him,. Item, the xxvij day of Februar, to ane 8ervand of my Lord Humys, in bridil silvir of ane hors that he gail the King, xiiij II. Item, the penult day of Februar, gevin to Johne Mosman, potyngair, xlij R.




Item, to my Lord Princis rokkaris, for thare feis,

x H. Item, the last day of Februar, to James Avery, that he layd doune for twa cartis with the Quenis geir fra Linlithqw till Edinburgh, . xxviij a.

Item, the secund' day of Marche, gJ.vm to Alexander Chawmer, payntour, that payntis the Kingis schippis, vj H. in part of payment of his werk, . Item, the sext day of Marche, to the gardiner of Lynlithtqw, . . xiiij a. Item, to Andro Dokane, cartar, iiij ft. iiij a. Item, till ane servand of Odonelis that come with Jettres to the Kyng, . . vij H. Item, to ane preste of Odonelis that come with the said servand, . iiij H. jiij a. Item, the vij day of Marche, to Johne Mosman, potyn~~ ~a.

Item, to Andro DowIe, . iiij H. [And five other payments-two when "liand seik."] Item, the xj day of Marche, to Johne Davidson, messinger, to pas to Kirkcudbricht to proclame Schir Alexander Gordonis dochter brevis, and to summond dne assis for the serving of the samyn, . xxviij a. Item, the xvij day of Marche, to J ohne Mosman, potyngair, toO by spicis and drogis for the King and Quene, . ~H. Item, to MaIcome Grayme, cuke, quhilk wes liand seik v ft. in F..d.inburgh for the tyme, Item, payt to Robert cutlaris wif for foure dagaris and ane suerd, tane to the Kyng at divers tymes, vjH. Item, to Fergy Grayme, v!t. Item, to the curat of the Canon~t for the tyrement of ane ItaIiane trumpet, . 1iiij I.



Item, to Alexander Ramsay, servitour to Maister David A.D. 1512-18. Tra.ile, for the ca.reing of the chapell geir to Striveling at Pasche, viij II. Item, the xxiij day of Marche, to Symond, falconer, to by him clathis, . iiij It iiij il Item, for ca.riage hors that the Kingis copburd and the hynging of the arras clathie in the Hall of Strive~~ ~~

Item, to ane servand to pas with it . ij II. ij d. Item, the xxiiij day of Marche, to ane servand of the Biechop of Dunb1anis that brocht ane fed ox to the King, x II. Item, to David, falconer, for the bying of hie clathie, iiij It. iiij iii. Item, to ane pund of ca.ddes to ture the suerd of honour in till, vj II. Item, gevin to James Avery for ca.riage hors to the Quenis geir, part furth of Edinburgh, part furth of Linlithtqw to Striveling, . xlviij II. Item, the xxv day of Marche, to Florymond Semple v A.D. 1613. Franch crounie; summa iij It x iii. Item, the xxvj day of Marche, gevin to the Maieter Cuke that he layd doune at diverse tymes sen c3ule bypast to sindry perBOnie that brocht presentie to the King, xx 11. Item, gevin to Williame Dawgleie, lorymeir, for sterop irone, bridill, bittie and spurie to the King, . xl II. Item, to Maister Laurence T~efeir, v It. Item, pait for Johne Butie expens and hie mannie Spark, the tyme that thai war in Striveling, for the pestilence, iiij It. iiij II. iiij d. Item, the xxvij day of Marche, viz. Pasche day, to the heraldie in the ha.l.l x Franche crounie; summa vij It. Item, payt to William Wod that he layd doune at the Kingis command, xxviij ~ Item, the xxviij day of Marcbe, gevin to Unicorne herald




to pas in France with my Lord the Bischop of Murray, xxvij It. xxx Franche crounis of wecht; summa Item, to John Forman, that he layd doune for the ca.riagis of the lyanis and the Provincialis bukis of the Blak Freris of Edinburgh to Striveling, viij A. Item, the xxix day of Marche, to the Abbot [of] Tungland, xx It to pass to the myne in Crawfurdmure, Item, to Sehir James Pettygrw, for expens maid be him in Cra.wfUrdmure, sikklike at the myne, xj It. vj A. viij ct. Item, to the madin of the Blakfurd that brocht ca.ponis to the King, xxviij A.

Item, the secund day of Aprile, gevin to Thomas Bevirlaw, Inglisman, servand to the Lord Dakir, quhen Dootour 'West, Inglis emba.xa.tour, past away, . vij 11 x Fl'anche crounis; summa Item, gevin till ane messinger to pas to Sanct Johnestoun to distren6e Andro Hering of Glasclune for ix A. certane sowmes of money, . Item, to ane servand to pas in the diooy of Glasgw toO certane kirkis quhar divers men wer a.ctit for sowmes of money to the King, . xiiij A. Item, for ane pair of schone to Johne Bute, xvj ct. Item, the thrid day of Aprile, gevin to William Striveling for the fra.ucht of xxj tun of wyne, the quhilk come hame in ane Franche schip to Dunbertane, lxij It. x A. Item, the vij day of Aprile, gevin to the King him self xxx H. in his pure, Item, gevin to Alexander Ramsay, servand in the Kingis chapell, for the ca.reing of the Kingis chapell geir agane fra. Sterling to Edinburgh, . viij A. Item, the ix day of Aprile, to James Avery for xxij hore of cariage with the Quenis geir fro. Striveling to Lynlithtqw, . xliiij A.



Item, to Johne Forman, for the careing of the KingisA.D.1618. wardrop geir fra Sterling to Edinburgh, . xxxtJ A. Item, to Johne Setoun, to pas to Tarneway to feche the x It the Kyngis dochter that wes thair, Item, for cariage of the copburd fra Striveling to Edin. xxij A. burgh eftir Pasche, . Item, the xij day of Aprile, gavin to Johne Mosman, x H. potyngair, Item, the xiiij day of Aprile, gevin to Sande Ramsay for the careing of the chapell geir to Linlithtqw the tyme that the Inglis embassate past and tuke his leif at the Qllenis Grace, . viij A. Item, to Malcome Grayme, cuke, liand seke in EdinvH. burgh, Item, xiiij day of Aprile, to Alexander Chawmer, paynxj H. tour, in part of payment of his werkis, Item, the xvij day of Aprile, gevin to ane monk of Culros for bynding and alummyng of twa bukis to the lvj iii. Kingis chapell of Striveling, Item, to Schir James Pettygrw for iij unce of gold, xiij H. Item, to Matho Campbell, v H. Item, the xxij day of Aprile, to Johne Scottis wife, of . Linlithqw, for the bedding to the Princis nuris, iij H. x A. Item, the xxiij day of Aprile, to Alexander Ramsay, of the chappell, to pas and fache part of chapell geir fra Striveling to Edinburgh, iiij A. Item, apone the xxiiij day of Aprile, gevin to David Lawry, messinger, to pas and summond the Lord Maxwell and the Lardis of Johnestouo, x iii. Item, gevin to Robert Galloway, that he layd doune for mending and stopping of twa soume sadillis and for girthis to thame, . .viij iii. Item, the xxviij day of Aprile, to Thomas Setoun, xxviij iii.

.... D.11113.


Item, the penult day of Aprile, gevin to James Avery, for cariage of the Quenis geir fra Linlithtqw to Edinburgh, xxv fl. Item, to litill Trumbull to by him stikis, vj fl.

Item, the first day of Maij, gevin to Matho Campbell, v Ii. servitour to the Kingis Grace,. Item, the secund day of Maij, payt to J obne Davidson for schone, butis tane fra him to Schir James Hammiltoun, Johne Bute, Barone, Symond, lutar, Maistres Musgraif, the ballie of Feris sone, and Makcloven, fra Candilmes last bypast to this day as his compt billis beris, xxxiiij fl. ij tt Item, to Gilbert Cammeron for ane hors to the King, vij Ii. Item, the thrid day of Maij, to David, falconer, to pas in Schiteland for halkis, . . xx li. Item, gevin to Symond, falconer, to pas in Orknay for ~m, . nli. Item, to J ohne Aitken, goldsmytht, that wirkis in the Castell of Striveling, for his wagis and werkis till nne gud compt, xx It. Item, the vj day of Mnij, to Mar, the glufe makar, for gluffis punctis tane to the King at divers tymes, v It. vij fl. vj tt Item, the vij day of Maij, to Alexander Disart, cuke, for wafferonis brooht to the King, . xiiij fI. Item, to the King himself, in his study, before Johne Forman, in gold, iijOxvj Ii. xiij fl. iiij tt Item, to him viij pecis of silvir, weyand in the haile sex skoir xvj unce, the quhilk cost jCxvj It. xiij it iiij tt Item, the x day of Maij, gevin to Fergy Grayme, iiij li. Item, to J ohne Davidson, for schone, butis, and stuff tane fra him sen Candilmes bypast to the King, v li. viij fI.



Item, for vj pair of schone to the Quene the said tyme,A.D. 1513. xviij R. Item, the xiij day of Maij, to Robert Maklellane, that maIds the "quinta essencia in the Castell of Striveling, be the Kingis command, . vij H. Item, to James Avery for ca.reing of the Quenis copburd fra Lynlithtqw till Edinburgh, the said xiij day of Maij the Witsounday, . ilij R. Item, the xv day of Maij, viz. Witsounday, to ane man of Lord Sempillis that brooht word of the cum. xiiij R. myng of La. Moit, Item, for bering of the Kingis copbnrd to the Abbay, iiij R. Item, to ane man that brooht writingis the samyn day fra the Dene of Glasgw of novellis to the King, xxviij R. Item, the xvj day of Maij, to Johne Mosman, potyngar, for stuf taoe fra him to the King and Quene, xiiij H. I tem, to Thomas Setoun, xxxij a, Item, to Duncane Riche, David Lawry, Johne Balfour, messingeris, for bering of preceptis of the Chekker, xU. Item, to Baroun, when he wraistlet, . xv R. vj ct. Item, the xxij day of Maij, deliverit to the Dene of Glasgw, . xxviij R. Item, the xxvj day of Maij, to Bectour Stewart, falconer, to pas to Striveling with halkis, . " xl R. Item, to Johne Davidson, mBinger, to pas in Fiffe with xx R. the Kingis lettres for marinaris, , Item, gevin to Margaret Comewelle be Maister Johne Murray, of the quhilk I have maid payment to him, v It xviij!. Item, the xxvij day of Maij, gevin to the Maister Cuke quhilk he layd doune for the expens maid upon the tyrement of umquhile Thomas Craw that day wes erdit, I it




Item, to Alexander Ramsay in the chapell for careing of the chapell gere fra Striveling to Edinburgh Corpus Christi Day, . . xiij it Item, the penult day of Maij, to the Maister Cuke that he layd doune to divers personis, Lordis servandis that brocht presentis to the King at divers tymes sen Candilmes bypast, xiij Ii. oxilij R. vj 4. Item, payt to Schir Johne Ramsay, quhilk he layd doune to the marynaris that past with the Quene fra the Blaknes to the Quenis fery, xxviij R. Item, the last. day of Maij, to Robert Galloway for ane Franohe sadill with the harnesing to La Mote, Franche man, quhen he past to Dunbertane to the West See, xxxij R. Item, to the said Robert, for ane 6Blow hors hous, vj A

Item, the first day of J unij, to Maister Alexander Leslie to mak Lamotis expens to Dunbertane, . viij It. Item, to David Lowry, messinger, to pas to Jedburgh, xx it Selkirk, with continuatioun of the airis, Item, to Maister I..ourence Tailbefer, iij 11 ix R. iiij d Item, the ferd day of Junij, to Schir James Pettigrw for . iiij 11 xiij A. ilij d ane unce of gold, Item, the vj day of Junij, to Gilbert Cammeroun, in part of payment of ane hors to the King, iij It. Item, payt for twa quhite ~attis to the Quene, xxviij it Item, the viij day of J unij, to Thomas Setoun to pas in Fiffe for maryneris, . . xlij R. Item, the xiij day of Junij, to James Avery that he layd doune for ca.reage to the Quenis geir passand to Linlithqw, and quhen Hir Grace past to the Stow of Weddell, xxxij R. Item, the xvj day of Junij, to Johne Lethane, sadillar, for sadillis, bridillis, hamessingis, helteris. hors collaris, stemp ledderis, hors houssis. stalkis, girthis,



mending and stopping of sadillis, suerd belw, and all A.D. ma. uthir nece888r pertenynis to his craft fra the xx day of J anuar to the said xvj day of J unij, as his compt buke particularly beris. and in speciale, xxj It. xv R. Item, to Sehir Johne Ramsay for the maile of his hous quhare the Kingis barnes lyis, . xxtt It. Item. the said David Loury to pas with oure Soverane Lordis lettres oo60nd the Month for the furnesing of . xlij R. men to the schippis, . Item, the xvij day of J unij, to Adam Dikeson, luw, xxviij R. Item, the xviij day, deliverit to James Dog for the Quene, lIt. Item, to William Donaldsonis wif, lardnare to the Quene, viij It. Item, to Maister J ohne Campbell for the Franche Secretaris expens that come ira my LordA of Albany furth of France, . . xxxj It. xv. I tem, to Gelis Ferchar for La Mow expens quhilk restit awand to him sen the last tyroe La Mote wes in Scotland, , vj It. Item, to Alexander Gordoun, 6eman of the Quenis xl It. stable, for ane hora bocht to the King, . Item. the xix day of Junij. to Mawnis, . xiiij R. Item. the xxtJ day of Junij. to Johne Adamson, messinger, to pas in the Westland with our Soveran~ Lordis lettres for the furnessing of the schippis, xxiiij I. Item, to ane man to pas in Galloway with the Kingis . viij I. lettres for the caus forsaid, Item, to ane messinger callit Archibald Auchinlek, to pas in Strivelingschire with the Kingis lettres for the xx i1caus forsaid, Item, to J ohne Davidson, messinger, to pas in Cliddisdale with oure Soverane Lordis lettres for the caus forsaid, x x iI. Item, to litill Trumbule, to pas in the est end of Lothiane,




the Mers, and Tevidale, with our Soverane Lordis lettres for the cans forsaid, . x iI. Item, gevin to ane servand of the Lard of Langtounis that come with writingis to the King, . vij iI. Item, the xxj day of J unij, to Thomas Setoun, for maryneris expens that come to Leith to the first diet, xlij B. Item, the xxij day, gevin to ane messinger callit Langlandis, to pas and distre~e for restis in Glenquhum, vj B. Item, gevin to ane falconer callit Knox, to pas oure the Month for halkis, xlij B. Item, the xxiij day of Junij, to Matho Campbell, iij It. Item, to Mosman, for spicis to the Quene, sch~ beand in Linlichtqw, . v It. Item, to Gilbert Reoch, meBBinger, to pas in the Ilis with iij It. the Kingis lettres, Item, the xxiiij day of J unij, to Adam Kerkel'till, for the expens maid apon ane Franche man cumand furth of France, callit Perot Babyn, schipman,. . viij It. Item, to James Boswell, . iiij It. Item, to ane servand to pas in the Estland of Lothiane to atop the men and maryneris that auld have cummyn the first day of J ulij to the aucht day of the samyn, xii. Item, the xxvij day of Junij, gevin to James Avery, for the careing of the Quenis gere of Lynlithtqw till Edinburgh, xxxvj B. Item, the penult day of Junij, gevin to Johnne Langlandis, messinger, to pas in Angus with oure Soverane Lordis lettres to the secund diet, . xx iI. Item, to Johne Davidson, messinger, to pas in Fiffe with our Soverane Lordis lettres for the cans forsaid, xxtJ S. Item, the last day of Junij, gevin to Patrik Bellantyne, stewart to the Quenis Grace, for the paying of My Lord Princis servandis feis, xj It. vj S. viij ct. Item, for the careing of the chapell geir to Linlithtqw and fra Lynlithtqw, . . xiiij S.




Item, the ferd day of Julij, to Michell Donaldson, to paBA.D. 1513. to Johne Forman to the West See, xxviij it Item, to ane servand that past with lettres to my Lord Dakir, v it Item, gavin to the Maister Cuke for rewardis gevin be him to thame that brooht presentis to the Kyng fro. the xiij day of Maij to the last day of J unij, as the said Maister Cukis bill beris, vj Ii. viij d Item, the vij day of Julij, to Johne Adamson, messinger, to pas to Peblis and summond ane assis for the breking of lawborowis, v II. Item, to Maister Johne Chesholme, in complete payment of his haile pensioun of Mertymes and Witsounday vj Ii. bipast, Item, to Robert Galloway for the feing of vj horsis till Odoneill of Linlithqw to Edinburgh, and for the . xiij II. mending of his sadill, Item, the viij day of J ulij, to Williame Dawgleis, lorymere, for stemp irnis, bridill, bittis, spuris, and buklis, . xlvj i!I. iiij d. Item, gevin to J ohne Balfoure, messinger, to pas to Selkirk with our Soverane Lordis lettres for the breking of lawborowis and to distreD6e tharfor, viij ill. Item, the ix day of Julij, to William Wod that he layd doune for the Kingis offerand apon Sanct Peteris day, xiiij i!I. Item, to the said William, that he layd doune for the Kingis offerand apon Sanct Thomas day in the Abbay Kirk of Halyrudbou8, xiiij AItem, the xj day of J ulij, to Odonelis harpar quhilk . past away with him, . . vij Ii. Item, to Robert Harrot, gunnar, for to by stryngis to croce bowis, xlviij i!I. Item, the xij day of Julij, till ane servand of the ErIe



"D. 1618.

of Ergilis for' the expens that Odoneill maid the tyme he wes in Scot1a.nd, 8.8 ane bill subscrivit with the I It. vj A viij ct said Erlis hand beris, Item, the xiiij day of the said monetht, to Walter 3oung, quhilk he payt to Marchmond herald in part of payment of his Witsounday pensioun last bypast, x tl. Item, the xvj day of Julij, to Alexander MCCulloch, quhilk he payt to the fa.lconeris, . xxviij A. Item, to the said Alexander that he layd doune for the erding and suffrage of ane gunnar quhilk deit in xxviij iI. Edinburgh the xxij day of Julij, Item, the said xxij day of Julij, gevin to James the tyme he past; away with the schippis, xij It. Item, to ane servand of Maistres Margaret Stewartis, the Kingis dochter, to by her ane hors hous, vj !I. Item, to William Folkert the tyme he past away in the xiij It. vj iI. viij d. schippis, Item, to the Kingis offerand at the Quenis saule mes that last decessit, . xiiij A. Item, the xxiiij day of Julij, to the Squyar of Cleish quhen he suld past in the schippis and fai16eit,. xxtJ It. Item, to James Avery for the ca.riage of the Quenis geir fro. Edinburgh to Liulithqw, xxxvj A. Item, to Wi11ia.m Brounefeild, servitour to our Soverane Lord, quhen the said William past in the army, xiiij It. Item, the said xxiiij day of J ulij, to ane schipman for ca.reing of barnes on burd apon the gret schip, vj A. Item, to Hew Douglas, gentilman in the Kingis hous, the tyme he past away in the schippis, xiiij It. Item, to Symond,lutar, . xiiij a. Item, to Gilbert Ruthirfurd, messinger, to pas with our Soverane [Lordis] lettres in Fiffe, Angus, for the congregatioun of our Soverane Lordis legis at Ellem, xx A. Item, to David Lowry to pas into Bute, Ergile, and uthir divers schirefdomes with our said Soverane xxviij A. !.ordis lettres f?r the matir forsaid,



Item, till ane uthir official to pas in the West and A.D. 1Ii13. Sop.thland with the said lettres, . xxtJ it Item, the xxv day of Julij, to Thomas Drummond, alias Thorn Unsanit, the tyme the shippis past away, vij tt. Item, to Thorna.s Foret, . xiiij tt. Item, to Lyon hera.1d ill complete payment of his WitBOunday pensioun, x It. . Item, to ane 8ervand of McCani8, vij tt. Item, to Fergus Grayme, x It. Item, to George Lyle, . xxtJ H. Item, xxvj day of J ulij to Lyon herald the tyme he past in France, in mony and finance, . xl It. Item, to Buchane, servitour to my Maistres Margaret Stewart, the Kingis dochter, to by her serki8, xxxiij B. iiij 4. Item, the xxviij day of J ulij, deliverit to Dandy Dowlis wife, iij tt. Item, to Johne M08man, potyngar, the last day of Julij, lxvj It. xiij B. iiij 4. Item, to William Hammiltoun, servitour in the Kingis xxxtJ H. hons, Item, in drynk silvir for the doune taking of ane mast in Leith, . xiiij B. Item, the last day in J ulij, to Home, 8ervitour to Schir Johne Musgraif, . xlij B. Item, to Johne Davidson, messinger, to pas with Our Soverane Lordis lettres to 8trenbe in Fiffe and the Schirefdom of Perth, . xx B. Item, for having and careing of the harnes that come forth of Denmark fra the Newhavin to the Castell of Edinburgh, extending to xij cartfull,. xxxij B. Item to pynouris for the carting of the samyn hames, xvj 4. Item, for the dischargeing of it in the Ca.stell, xx d. Item, the xxviij day of Julij, to James Avery for tho careing of the Quenis geyr fra Linlithtqw to Edin burgh, xxiiij B.





Item, to Lord Avindalis sone to fee ane hora to pas with the Quene to Linlithtqw, iiij S. Item, to Deme Wardlaw for gold be James Dog to the Quene, vij H. x S. Item, to Schir Johne Dingwall for expens maid be hym on the mending of the Kingis granellis, xlviij A. iiij o. Item, for the having doune of and cariage of ijC pace harn88 for the shippis, vj II. Item, to pynouris for the carting of the samyn harnes. xij tt Item, for the having of x skore pace harnes fra the Castell to the armorare to the dichtin, . iij a.

Item, the v day of August, deliverit to the Constable of Striveling xlij H. allem, to put in the quinta e8sencia, price tharof, xl a. Item, to Valentyne McLellane that suld mak the quinta essencia, . Ivj !I. Item, to Hectour Stewart, falconer, that past to Striveling with the halkis, . xxviij A. Item, to Robert Bikkertoun, . v H. I tem, to Donald of the Ilia, . xxviij B. Item, to Johnne Kynloch, alias Lord Strange, portar to Our Soverane Lord, for basin-silvil', x Ii. Item, to J ohnne Hog for shering of clatht in the Bischop of Cathnes tyme bit unenterit, viij H. iij it iiij d. Item to Alexander Ramsay to pas with lettres to the p1acis ~ond Forth with the Kingis lettres for the contribution, vj H. xiij 8. iiij d. Item, the vj day of August, to James Avery for the careing of the Quenis geir of Edinburgh to Hnlithqw and Dunfermeling, xxviij B. viij d. Item, to Johne Ainslie, menstrale, . xl A. Item, to Marione GyUis that weschis the napry in the Kingis hous, xij B. Item, payt to Johnne Davidson, cordiner, for schone, butis, brodikynnis, pantonis, to the Kingis Gra~



fra Belt.ane last bypast to this day, as his compt billis .... D. 1IilS. heris, ilij H. xv i.t Item, to the said Johne for schone, pantonis, and corkit schone tane to the Quenis Grace, fra the terme of Beltane last bipast to this Lammes, . xxj!!l. Item, to the said Johnne Davidson for schonp., butis, brodekynnis, panton is, tane to thir personis under writtin, that is to say, Maistres Margaret Stewart, Schir James Hammiltoun, Watte Stewart, Johnne Bute, Baroun, Mawnis, the Bailhes sone of the Fere, Eler Duchman new lichtit, fra the terme of Beltane last bypast to this day, as his compt billis heris particularly, . iij Ii. xvj !!I. x ct Item, to Schir Johne Ramsay for his hoUB male occupyt he the King for the hames, xx H. Item, gevin to the Kingi~ Grace in his closet in the . vch H. moneth of J ulij bipast the BOume of in ridaris, unicomis and uthir gold of the first thousand markis, gevin he the Lard of ~hi~ver. Item, gevin to Octaviane, Italiane, quhen he past in France, jC crounis of [the] sone of wecht; summa lxxxx It. Item, to Maister James Ogilvy the quhilk past in France at the West Sey sevin skore ane croune and ane half of the sone of wecht; suomia jCXxvij H. vij i.t Item, to the said Maister James to bere his expens in Scotland, xxtJ licht Franch cr~unis;. sum~a . xiiij It. Item, the viij day of August, gevin to William Rna, cutlar, for his fee quhilk he hes of Our Soverane Lord x It. for Witsounday last bipast, Item, to the Kingis Grace quhen he past to Sanct l>uthois, . . lxvj H. Item, to David Cokbum, cuke, . viij H. Item, to Mergrete Cornwell for sewin of serkis and iij H. xiij !!I. napkinnis, as hir bill heris,. Item, to Sparty for schoing of the Kingis grete horse, in complete payment thairof, as his billis heris,. xv It. Summa ilijmxxiij Ii. vj !!I. ij ct TENBT.





Item, the xxvij day of November, deliverit to Johnne Fonnan, xxxj elnis of Holland claith, to be the King serm, ilk elne viij i1; summa . xij 11. viij d. Item, to Johnne Forman, twa fyne blak bonattis to the . xxxij i1 King, price of the pece xvj S.; summa. . Item, xij elnis of braid rubennis to the said Johnne, xvj A. price of the elne xvj 4.; summa . Item, the x day of December, to J ohne Davidson, cordiner, ane elne velwus, to be the King schone, 1 A. Item, for v quarteris taftateis, to be ane tepat to the xij A. King, deliverit to Lowke, . Item, for thre quarteris and ane half of scarlett to Iyne the King ane doublat of crammesy satyne of his awin stuf, . xliij i1 ix ct. Item, for vj quartaris small Bertane clath to that doublat and ane uthir doublat of the samyn crammeay satyne, ilk elne ij i1 viij ct.; summa . iiij A. Item, for twa elnis scarlot, to be the King twa pair of hois, quhilk wes fra. Maister Johnne Murray, v It x A. price of ilk elne Iv It; summa Item, for ane naile of velwus, to cuf the said doublettis with, iij A. Item, the xiij day of December, for xviij ~ elne of gray satyne, to be the King ane goune, ilk elne xxxv R.; summa . xxxij 11. vij i1 vj d. Item, for thre elnis velwus to bordour the samyn goune, ilk elne iij 11.; summa ix 11. Item, for ane bred of fyne Span:5e buche, ix 11. Item, for foure mantillis and ane half of bughe to it, ilk mantill iij 11. ij R. x ct. ~; summa xiiij 11. ij A. xj ct. Item, the xviij day of December, ane double steik of xij 11. blak chamlet, to be the King ane goune, Item, for vij quartaris velwUB to bordour the samyn ~uneJ the elne iij It; summa v 11. v R.



Item, for vj mantillis Franche toddis to Iyne ~he samyn A.D. 1512. goune, ilk mantill I a-; summa xv It. Item, for foure tod skynnis to the said goune that wantit, ilk pece iij a-; summa xij aItem, for xviij elne sma.11 Bertane to' be futt schetis to the King, ilk elne iij B. iiij d.;, summa. iij It Item, for ana unce of small blak rubennis, . viij B. Item, for tuelf elne of braid rubennis to the King, ilk elne xvj a.; summa . xvj altern, for twa. blak bonattis, double nekkit, to the King, xxxvj ailk p~ xviij a-; summa. IteID, vj quarteris of Inglis sca.rlott, to be the King hois of his awin stuf. Item, for twa mantillis and ane half of Span6e bughe to to the Kingis hogtoun, ilk mantill iij It. ij B. x d. obolus; summa vij It. xvij I. ij a. quhilk cote wee bocht be the Bischop of Cathnee. Item, payt to Jo.mE'.6 Wysistir, furrour, for xiij bughe skynnis to mend the lynyng of the Kingis cote and goune quhilk wee wet in the querell holis, ilk skyu ij B.; summa . xxvj R. Item, v elne Franch russa.t to be ane russet cote to the '. v It. the King, ilk elne xx B.; summa. Item, tua elnis thre quartaris of bla.k satyne to be ane doublet to the King, ilk e1ne xxx a-; summa iiij It ij I. vj a. Item, for iij"" quarteris sca.rlot to floit it with, xlvj iJ. viij tt Item, for iij quartaris of Inglis sca.rlot to be ane pair of hose to the King, xl B. Item, the xv day of Aprile, for v'" elne of Franch A.D. 1513. russet to be ane cote to the King, ilk elne xx B.; summa.

Item, the xvj day of Aprile, for ane quartar Millane xj a. to the Kingis pans, Item, the ferd day of Ma.ij, gevin iij elne eatyne crammesy of the Kingis awne to be ane doublet.

.... D.1513.


Item, the viij day of Maij, for iij bonattis to the King, ilk pece xvj it; summa xlviij it Item, the xij day of Maij, for ane elne of Rissillis blak to be ane pair of hois to the King, . xxx it Item, for half ane unce rubennis to be poyntis to the King, iiij 9. Item, for vj elnis braid rubennis for bonnatis, ilk elne . viij B. xvj ct.; summa. Item, the xiij da.y of Maij, for xix elne Paris blak booht fra. Patrik Hereot to be ane dule gaun with ane hud to the King, ane goune to the Quene, ane goune to My Lo.dy Gordoun and utheris for the deth of the King of Denmark, ilk elne iij tl. x B.; summa lxvj Ii. x B. Item, to Thomas Ed:5ar for ane cote of Franche russate, booht to the King be him betuU: the entra of the Thesaurar and out passing of the Bischop of Cathnes, vj Ii. xviij a. ij d. Item, to the said Thomas for making of divers clathis to the Kingis servandis, lyning to thame and schering of clath and divers small expensis efter the last Chekkil' and or this Thesaurar enterit, as his buke baris, . xxij tl. xvj B. vj d. ItE:m, to the Master Cuke for ane hors to turs the silvir wt>.schell within the tyme of this compt, as is schawin in the bukis of before, x tl. Summa,. ijClxxxviij tt. xix B. iij 1. obolus. TENET A.




Item, the x day of November, to Robert Spittale,.u.1612. tui160ur to the Quene, for sewing silk for the translatioun of ane goune of Paris blak, ane goune of gray dames, ane goune of russet satyne with wyde sclevis, ane goune of crammesy ve1wet, ane goune of b1a.k satyne with wyde slevis, for iij quarteris of fusteane to lyne the bodeis of the samyn, for sewing silk to ane goune of blak velwus with wyd slevis, '" elne bukram to it, the quhilk gounis war translatit the tyme the bischop of Cathnes was Thesa.urar, ix . ob. Item, to the said Robert for iij quarteris to be ane wylecoit to'my Lord Prince the said tyme, ij it Item, the x day of November, gevin for 'iiij elne Lymmestir blak, deliverit to James Dog, for the Quene, to be ane cloik and hois, ilk elne xlix I.; summa ix It'iiij . Item, for ij elne velwus to the Quene, ilk elne 1 I.; summa . v 11. Item, the secund day of December, deliverit to James Dog, to be schone to the Quene, '" elne velwus, xxvI. Item, the x day of December, to ane Maxtoun, for the Quene, viij blak sewin silk and iiij unce reid sewin silk, ilk unce vj I.; summa. OJ It xij . Item, to hir, vj hankis gold, ilk hank v.; summa xxx . Item, the xij day of December, '" elne ve1wus, to be Bne bonat to my Lord Prince; price xxviij . Item, for ane parchment skyn to it, xij ct Item, for Millane fustane to it, and for makyn of the samyn, iiij R. Item, the fil'Rt day of Januar, deliverit to the QuenisA.D.1512-13. Grace fifty Franche crounis; summa.. xxxv 11.






Item, the xx day of Januar, gevin to Robert Spittale, tail60ur, for ij ~ elne fusteane to Iyne ane cote of scarlott to the Prince, ilk elne ij I. viij d.; summa vj iii. viij d. Item, gevin to the said Robert for ane elne fusteane, to be ane wylecoit with slevis to my Lord Prince, iij I. Item, for iij eloe fusteane to Iyne my Lord Prince ane coit of crammesy satyn, maid of the Kingis awin ix iii. stuf, ilk elne iij I.; summa. Item, for sewing Bilk to it, and the making of the saymn, ilij iii. Item, the xxij day of Januar, deliverit to Patrik Bellantyne, xij elne Holland clath to my Lord Prince, ilk elne viij iii.; summa. . . ilij tt. xvj I. Item, for xxiiij elne small Bertane clath to be schetie to the Prince, ilk elne iij crounie; summa iij tt. xij iii. Item, the secund day of Februar, deliverit to James Dog, for th~ Quenis Grace, Ix It. Item, the xxij day of Februar, for xix ehle Holland clath to be serkis to the Quene; price of the elne ix iii., and xij d. for odir clath; summa. viij tt. xij d. Item, the vj day of Marche, for twa elnie scarlott to covir the Quenis chariott, ilk elne liij I. ilij d.; summa v H. vj iii. viij d. I~em, for xx ~lnis rubennis to bordour the samyn, ilk elne vj ct; summa x iii. Item, the viij day of Aprile, for thre elnie gray satyn, to be ane cote to the Prince, ilk eloe xxxv II.; summa v tt. v iii. Item, the xxiij day of Aprile, gevin to James Dog for the Quenis Grace, Ix licht }'ranch crounis; summa xlij It. Item, deliverit to James Dog for the Quene, xvj eloie velwus to be ane goune to hir; ilk elne Iv I. ; summa xliiij It Item, deliverit to the Quenis tai160ur vj elnis velwus to Iyne hir goune of quhite damas; price of the elne ~v I.; summa xvj It x a.



Item, to James Dog, ane eIne velwus bocht in StrivelingA.D.1lI18. to the Quane; price . iij Ii. Item, the viij day of Maij, deliverit to James Dog for the Quene, vj elnis ~ ane quartar velwUB; price of the elne lvj 11.; summa . xvij 11. iij A. Item, the xxiiij day of Maij, deliverit to James Dog for the Quene, ij ~ elne narow tafteis to be hir tepatis ; xx a. price of the eJne viiij A.; summa . Item, the xxviij day of Maij, deliverit to Robert Spittale, tai16our, sex quartaris damas to lyne ane cloke for the xlv A. Quene; ilk eIne xxx a.; summa. I tem, for ane blak hat of silk to the Quene, price xxx a .. Item, ane uthir hat that samyn tyme to hir, price viij B. Item, for ane eIne and ane half of crammesy satyne to be the Quene slevis; ilk elne iiij It. x A.; summa vj It xv B. Item, the xxviij day of Julij, payt for twa hattie to the Quenis Grace-ane blak silk, price xxx iii., and ane uthir reid, price viij iii.; summa . xxxviij II. Item, to Lancelot Fery, furrour, for stuf tane to the Quenis Grace sen the last chekker, that is to say, in the first for the makyn of ane goune of bJak velwet, in the quhilk thar wes put ane lynyng of watermellis of the Quenis awin stuf; price of the werkmanschip tharof, . xiiij iii. Item, ekit in the pllrfell and collar ij skynnis, price xvj iii. Item, ekit in the lynyng of the goune within ane quarter of ane mantill of ca1aber, price xx iii. Item, ane goune of blak velwet lynit with armyn of the Quenis awfu; the skowring and werkmanschip of it,

Item, put in the fent, QOllar and narow sleiffis xx new xl B. arroyn beatie, price . Item, put in the samyn goune of pouderingis and pinkie, iiijC ; price xij iii. Item, ane goune of crammesy velwet lynit with depe purfe11 of arroyn of the Quenis auin, for skowring and werkmanschip of it, . xx S.

A.D. 15]8.


Item, for xx new armyn bestis put in the slevis and collar thairof, . xl it Item, for iiijC powdering and pinkie for the samyn goune, xij it Item, for the lynyng of ane goune of purpur velwus with ane depe purfell of armyn of the Quenis awin stuf, xx A. the skowring and werkmanschip of it, . Item, for xx new bestis to the cuffis and collar of the samyn, price xl A. Item, put in the samyn goune iiijC pouderingis and pinkis,
~ce ~~

Item, for the skowring and werkmanschip of ane lynyng to ane goune of blak satyne to the Quene of hir awin stuff and for werkmanschip tharof, xx A. Item, for xij new armyn bestis to put in the fent and collar of the samyn goune, price . xxiiij il Item, for pinkis and iiijC poude~ng to put in the samyn, xij A. Item, for the werkmaDschip of ane gouDe of satyne lynit . xiiij A. with watermellis of the Quenis awin stuf, Item, for iiij skynnis put in the samyD goune, collar and slevis j price . ' xxxij a. Item, for the werkmanschip of ane goune of pupur velwus to the Quene of hir awin stuf, . xiiij S. Item, ekit in the slevis of the samyn, viij skynnis ; price iij It iiij A. Item, ekit in the collar and purfell of the samyn, ij xvj A. skynnis j price . Item, ekit in the samyn gouDe lynyng, ane quarter xx a. maDtill of calaber ; price Item, for twa new skynnis of watermellis to put in twa narow cuffis of the Quenis ; price xvj a. Item, for the making of ane gOlIDe of blak velwus, lynit with ane lynyng of the Quenis awin, with .wyd slevis of ane depe purfell of pampe16one, xx R. Item, for schankis of pampil60ne to the haiIe purfell of the said goune undemetht, quhilk is vj elnis wyd, and iiij It. fent and collar j price



Item, ekit in the said lynyng haH ane mantill of Romany A.D. 1513. banes; price xl B. The quhilk money abone writtin is deliverit to the said Lancelot Fery for stuf and werkmanschip of the Quenis clething forsaid. Summa iijCxxj n. xij B. ij it. ob. TENET A.


Item, the xvj day of November, for iiij elnis Franche russet A.D. 1512. to be ane goune to :Margaret Prestoun that past owre the Month with my Lady Gordoun, ilk elne xviij B.; summa . iij H. xij B. Item, for half Bne elne velwus to hir, . xxv B. Item, for v ~ elnis Britane claith to be sarkis to Kennedy, hensman, ilk elne ij i!I.; summa xj B . [The same to Maclowane and Ma.rtin the Spaniard.] I tern, for ij ~ elnis of fusteane to Martyne the Span;;ard ane doublet, ilk elne iij B.; summa vij B. vj ct. Item, for ane pair of quhite hois to him, . vj it Item, the xvij da.y of November, iiij elnis Rissillis broune to be ane goune to the Princis nuris, ilk elne vj It xxx B.; summa. Item, the xxiiij day of November, for iij and ane half of russet to be ane cote to Watte Stewart, price of the . xxxj B. vj ct. elne ix B.; summa Item, for xij elnis of buknim deliverit to Schir James Inglis to lyne the samyn goune and to uthir thingis necessar, ilk elne ij it; summa . xxiiij it Item, the xviij day of November, for ~i~ elnis of double worset to be ane kirtill to the nuris, ilk elDe xxvj A. viij ct.; summa iiij n. xiij A. iij ct.




Item, for ane ruben belt to hir, vj i!I. Item, the xxiiij da.y of Nov~mber, for ane elne of Franche russet to be ane pair of hois to Mawnis, . xxviij s. Item, for ane red bonat, double nekkit, to him, xiiij a. Item, the secund day of December, for iiij elnis ane quartar Franche russet to the Quenis blak madin, iij If. xvj a. vj d. ilk elne xviij it; summa Item, for ii~ e1nis Scottis blak to be hir ane kirtill, ilk xxxiij a. iiij Q. elne xiij a. iiij Q.; !Lumma . Item, for ix elnis lenyng clath to be hir serkis, ilk e1ne xvj d; summa. xij a. Item, the thrid day of December, for twa elnis blak fusteane to be Trumbule ane doublet, ilk elne iij A.; summa . vj A. Item, for ane pair qubite bois maid to him, v A. ix d. Item, the xviij day of December, deliverit to thre wem.en rokkaris of my Lord Prince, xij ~ elnis Franche russet to be thame gounis, ilk elne xviij A.; summa xj 11. va. Item, to uthir twa wemen in my Lord l'rincis chalmer, vii; e1nis Franche tanny to be thame gounis, ilk e1ne xiiij A.; summa v It xij iii. ItQm, to Patrik Bellantynis man, v elnis Franche tanny to be him ane goune, ilk elne xiiij s.; summa iij It. x a. Item, for thre elnis blak fusteane to be him ane doublat, ix s. ilke elne iij iJ.; summa Item, for vj quarteris cairsay to be him hois, the elne vij s. vj. d. v iJ.; summa Item, the xix day of December, for v quarteris lenth of velwus and half breid, . xxxj a. iij d. Item, agane 3ule, to Robert and Fyndlaw, the Queneis twa futmen, xij elne Franche tanny to be galbartis to thame, . viij 11. viij a. ilk xiiij A.; summa Item, for v ~ eIne grene Birge satyne to be twa doubletts to tOOme, ilk eIne xi~j A. iiij d.; summa iij 11. xiij A. iiij d



Item, for iiij ~ elne reid cairsay to be hogtounis to ,\.D. 1612thame; ilk elne vj g.; summa. xxvij g. Item, for ilij ~ elne:5Ollo ca.irsay to the samyn hogtounis, ilk elne v R.; summa xxij g. vj d. Item, for iij elne cairsay, rede and :5alow, to be thare hois, of the price forsaid; summa xvj it vj d. Item, for twa bonattis to thame, . xviij R. I tern, for twa hattis to thame, . viij R. Item, for lenyng clath to be thame serkis, viij elne, price of ilk elne xvj ct; summa . x a. viij d. I tern, for v elnis Franche tanny to be ane goune to William,6eman in the Kingis chalmer ilk elne xiiij 11.; summa . iij It. x 11., Item, for iij elnis grene Birge satyne to his doublat, ilk eine xiij R. iiij d.; summa . xl 11. Item, for vj quartaris :5alow ca.irsay to his hois, vij R. vj ct Item, ane double nekkit bonat to him, x R. [Similar liveries, some with black hose and with Bertane linen for shirts, to William Daly, yeoman of the King's chamber, John Johnston, hensman, Martin the Spaniard, Donald of the Isles, Alexander Kennedy, heRRman, Maclowane, and Walter Trum.bull.] Item, for iiij elne ana quarter Franche russet to be ane goune to Walter Stewart, ilk elne xviij 11.; summa iij It. xvj a. vj ct Item, for ij elne j quarter blak satyne to his doubIat, ilk iij It. vij S. vj d:. elne xxx R.; summa . Item, for xj elnis damas to be ane gouna to SchirJames Hammiltoun, ilk elne xxviij R.; summa xv It. viij R. Item, for ij elne j quo.rtar blak satyne to him, ilk elne iij It. vij S. vj ct xxx R.; summa Item, for iiij ~ elne- Franche russet to Symond, lutar, iiij It. xij ct ilk elne xviij R.; summa Item, for ij elne j quarter Birge satyne to his doublet, . xxx B. ilk elne xiij R. iiij ct; summa




[Similar liveries to Barone, Robert Scott, Edward Sinclare, Adam Dickson,lutar, Harry Kirkpatrick, hensman, and David Balfour, the last two with doublets of black satin.] Item, for vij elne cairsay blew and 6alow to be ane cote . xxxv iI. to Johne of Bute, ilk elne v .; summa. Item, for iiij elne tanny cairsay to be ane cote to ane Ireland boy with J ohne Foreman, ilk elne vj fl. viij c1; summa . xxvj I. viij c1 Item, for xiiij ~ elne tanne satyne to be ane goune to Margaret Douglas, ilk elne xxxiiij iI.; summa xxiiij 11. xiiij iI. Item, for v ~ eIne velwus to hir, ilk eIne 1 iI.; summa xilj 11. xv iI. Item, for x~ tanne dames to be ane goune to Agnes . xiiij It Musgrave, ilk elne xxvj iI. viij. d.; summa Item, for v quarteris velwus to hir, the elne 1 iI.; summa iij It ij iI. vj d. Item, for vj alne gray dames to be ane kirtill to hir, ilk e1ne xxxij iI.; summa ix 11. xij !I. Item, for x ~ elne tanne dames to be ane goune to Margaret of the Ilis, ilk elne xxvj iI. viij ct; summa xiiij iI. Item, for iij elne double worset to be ane kirtiIl to hir, ilk elne xxvj iI. viij c1; summa . iiij H. Item, for ix ~ elne blak dames to be ane goune to Elene Stewart, ilk elne xxviij iI.; summa . xiiij It vj iI. Item, for ij e1ne iij quarteris worset to be ane kirtiIl to hir, ilk elne xxvj iI. viij d.; summa iij It xiij iI. iiij d. Item,to xiiij menstralis,Italianis, Franchemen, trumpettis, schawmeris, and tawbronaris, to thar clathis, ilk man for his goune, dou blattis, and hois, vj H. x !I. ; summa lxxxxj It Item, for twa bred buge to Lowke of the wardrop, to x It. lyne him ane goune, Item, to xj &ervandis in the Quenis chawmer, that is to say Patrik Maxtoun, Maxtoun his BOne, Bobert Maxtoun. Williame MaxtouD, Paule, J obne



Strogeith, William Donaldson, William Forsithe, A.D. 1612. . . Andro Mersar, Luc T~efer, and Johne Leslie, to ilkane of thame iij 11. xvij it ij d. for thare claithis agane 3ule; summa . xlij It viij II. x a. Item, for v elne j quarter russet to be ane falconer callit Hectour Stewart, ilk elne x II.; summa lij II. vj a. Item, to Crag, grome in the Princis chalmer, iij 11. xvij II. ij c1 for his clathis agane 3ule, . Item, for vj elne Franche tanny to be ane gawbert to the ErIe of Suthirland, ilk elne xv II.; summa iiij 11. x II. I tem, for ane pair blak hois to him, x II. Item, the xj day of Januar, for ane double steke tanneA.D.1612.18. chamlot to be ane goune to Mawnis agane his passage in Denmark, xj It Item, for ij ~ elne satyne to be ane doublet to him, ilk elne xxx II.; summa . iij 11. xv !I. Item, for ij ~ elne Menane fusteane to be ane harnes doublet to him, ilk elne iij II. iiij a.; summa viij II. iiij d. I tem, for ane elne Fi'anche gray to be hois to him, xxviij II. Item, for translating of ane goune of the Kingis to Mawnis, . ij it Item, for ix elne Scottis russet to be twa cotis to Mawnis twa childer, ilk elne viij II.; summa iij 11. xij Il Item, for v elne quhite fusteane to be doublattis to thame, ilk elne iij A.; summa xv II. Item, for ane pair of blak hois to Andro Annestrang maid, xij II. Item, the ferd day of Februar, for iiij ~ elnf' russet to be ane cote to Baroun, ilk elne xij II.; summa illij II. Item, the xxj day of Marche, for ij elne iij quarteris velwus, to be ane doublet to Johnne Drummond, wricht; ilk elDE: iij It; summa viij 11. v ill. Item, the xxij day of Yarche, for V,l elne Franche russet, to be ane goune to Margaret of the lIes; ilk elne xviij 8.; summa v H, viij D,






Item for v ~ eIne Franche russet to Elene Stewart; ilk . iiij Ii. xix S. elne xviij S.; summa . Item, for makin of ane kertill of chamlet to hir, vii. Item, the xxiij day of Marche, for iij elne Birge satyne, to IJe ane doublat to FynIay, the futman; ilk elne . xlv S. xv S.; summa [Another to Robert, the King's footman.] Item, for iij elne vellus to be ane doublet to Johne ltorman ; ilk elne iij It; summa . ix It. Item, for ane pair blak hois to Schir James HammiltouD, x S. Item, for ane pair of cairsay hois to Baroun, viij S. Item, the xxvi day of Marche, in Striveling, for ij eIne j quarter fusteaIie to be !:Lne doublet to Donald of the Ills; ilk elne ii.f S. vj c1; summa, . . vij it x ct ob. Item [the vij day of Aprile], for ij ~ eIne fusteane to Symond, lutar, to be him ane doublet; ilk elne iij!l. iiij ct; summa . . viij iI. iiij ct Item, for ane pair of quhite hois maid to him, vj s. vj d. Item, the xviij day of Aprile, f01' iij elne red", cairso.y to be ane slop cote to ane gunner boy in the Kingis gret xxj S. schip; ilk elne vij S.; summa Item, for ij eIne j quarter fusteane to be ane doublet to him; ilk elne iij it; summa vj a. ix ct Item, for ane pair 6Rlow hois to him, maid, v S. iiij d. Item, for iiij elne j quartar Franche russet to be ane cote to Schir James Hammiltoun; ilk eIne xx D.; summa , iiij It v S. Item, the xxtJ day of Aprile, for vj elne Birge satyne to be ane kirtiH to Margaret Stewart the Kingis iiij It x A. dochtir; ilk eIne xv S.; summa Item, for ane double steke tanne chamlet to be ane goune to hir and ane kirtill, xij It Item, for vij eIne rubennis to hir; ilk eIne viij ct; summa iiij S. viij ct Item, for ij~ fusteane to be ane doublat to Johne Bute; ilk eIne iij A. iiij ct.; summa viij D. iiij ct Item, the xxj day of Aprile, to J ohne Trumbule, ane bon at, be tJte Kingis command; price . xij iI.



Item, the xj day of Maij, for ij eIne j quarter fusteane A.D. lIi18. to be ane doublat to Turnebule; ilk elne iij A. iiij d.; summa . vij A. vj d. Item, for ij eIne j quarter fusteane to be ane doublet to Donald of the Ilis; ilk elnA iij A. iiij d.; summa vij A. vj d. Item, for iij elne j quarter Scottis russet, to be ane cote . xxix A. iij d. to him; ilk elne ix A.; summa 'Item, for iij '" Scottis russet to be ane cote to Alexander Kennedy, hensman; ilk elne ix A.; summa xxxj A. vj d. Item, for ane doublat of fusteane to him, maid, xij A. vj d. [A similar livery to Maclowane.] Item, for ane pair of blak hois to Baroun, ix R. Item, for ane maid doublet of fusteane to him, xiij A. iiij d. Item, the tuelf day of Maij, for iij'" elne of broune greys to be ane goun to Margaret Stewart, the iij H. iij g. Kingis dochter; ilk elne xviij A.; summa Item, to ten of the Kyngis menstrales, for thare Witsonday liveray ; ilkane of thame vj It x A.; summa lxv It. Item, for iij '" elnis Rissillis blak to be ane goune to Margaret Stewart, the Kingis dochter; ilk elne xxx g.; summa . v It. v A. Item, for ane quhite hat to hir, vj A. viij d:. . Item, for ij tepatis to hir :5alow and blak taifetj, xx g. Item, the xiij day of Maij, for iiij elnis Rissillis broune to be ane goune to the Quenis nuris; ilk elne xxx it ; summa . vj H. Item, for ane steik tanne chamlet to be ane kirtill to


Item, the xiiij day of Maij, to ane madin callit Cant with the Qu~ne. v elne tanDe graucis to be ane goune ; ilk eIne xxviiij l ; summa vij H. Item. the xv day of Maij, for ij '" fusfiE' to be


.... D.1518.


ane doublet to Hammiltoun; ilk eIne iij R. iiij ct ; summa . . viij R. iiij ct Item, for ane pair of blak hOB, x R. Item, for ane red double nekkit bonat to him,. xvj R. Item, the xxviij day of Maij, for e1ne Rissillis broune to be ane goune to Agnes Musgraif; ilk elne xxx R. ; summa . viij It. v R. Item, for vj elne rede chamlet to be hir ane kirtill ~ Agnes Musgraif; ilk elne xiij I. iiij ct; summa iiij It. Item, for iij elne taffetj to hir; ilk eIne xvj I.; summa xlviij R. Item, for iij elne double worset to be ane kirtill to Margaret of the Ilis ; ilk eIne xxx I. ; summa iiij 11 x I. Item, the last day of Maij, for v eIne Franche russet to be ane goune to Blak Elene; ilk eIne xxtJ I.; summa v It. Item, for iij eIne Scottis blak to be ane kirtill to blak Elene; ilk elne xiiij a.; summa . . xlij I. Item, for ij" elne taffetj to hir; ilk eIne xvj I.; summa xli. Item, for elne Rislis blak to Schir Walter Ramsay, Maiater of Werk, ilk elne xxx I.; summa viij It. v a. Item, for iij eIne satyne to him; ilk eIne xxx R. ; summa . iiij It. x ,. Item, for ane double steik chamlet to be ane goune to Martyne the SpaJl6art quhen he past in Span~, xij It. Item, for ij"" elne venus to be ane doublat to Martyne the Span6art quhen he past in Span6e; ilk eIne vij It. x R. iij 11; summa . Item, viij day of Junij, for xviij elne brochit satin to be ane goune to Odoneill of Ireland, . . ..... . Item, the ix day of Junij, deliverit to Turnebule, hensman, iij eIne j quarter l'UtIB8t to be him ane coit; price of the elne ix I.; summa . xxix II. iij ct Item, the x day of J unij, gevin to Odoneill, Ireland man, xij elne iij quarteris taft'etj of cord to lyne him ane goune of pirnit aatyne; the price of ilk elne xiiij R. ; summa . viij It. xviij I. vj 4.





Item, to him, ane e1ne ~ quarter of scarlot to be him A.D. 11118. hois; ilk elne iij Ii.; summa iij H. vij R. vj d. Item, for half ane elne velwus to begary thame, xxx R. Item, to him, iij ~ eIne of fusteane to floit him ane doublat of crammesy satyne; ilk elne xl ct; summa xj iI. viij ct Item, for cammes till his hugtoun and fasson tharof, and v R. vj d. for the furring of his coit, . Item, the xxv day of J unij, for iij ~ eIne ruBSet to be Symond, lutar, ane cote; ilk elne ix R.; summa' xxxj R.vjd. Item, the xxvj day of Junij, for 'v eIne of Scottis ruBSet to be ane goune to Maister J ohnne Donaldson, writare to Patrik Bellantyne; ilk elne xij I. ; summa
jij H.

Item, for ij ~ eIne Millane fusteane to be him ane doublat; ilk eIne xl ct; summa . viij R. iiij ct Item, for thre quarteris of blak to be to him hois; price xR.vjct Item, for seys grene and reid tanne fra Alexander Mawchane for the completing of the Kingis I!t&ndartis to his schippis, . iiij Jt. xj I. ix d. Item,for the fassoun of tua gret st&ndartis to theMichaell, vH. Item, the xiij day of Julij, for ix quarteris of fusteane to be ane doublat. to Watte Stewart; price of ilk eIne xl d.; summa . vij R. vj d. Item, to Barone, hensman, v ~ eInis of fyne ruBSet to be him ane galbart; ilk eIne xij I. ; summa iij Jt. vj R. Item, to him ij ~ elnis velwus to be hjm ane doublat; vij Jt. v I. ilk eIne lvj R; summa Item, to him, ane scarlot cap double nekkit; price xvjR. Item, the xv day of J ulij, to Mawnis, iij elnis Millane fusteane to be him ane doublat; ilk elne xl 4.; summa x I. Item, to him, ane double nekkit gret cap of scarlott; price xviij I.




Item, to him, xij elms small clath to be serkis; ilk eIne xl d.; summa . xU. Item, the xix day of J ulij, for iiij elms of fyne russet to be blak Margaret ane goune; elk elne xij I.; summa xlviij I. Item, to the Squyar of Cleisch for vj ~ elms Rowane iiij It xvij A. vj d. tanny ; ilk elne xv I.; summa Item, for thre elnis Birge satyne to him, ilk elne xiiij I.; summa ij It. ij I. Item, the xxij day of J ulij, for iiijm hames nalis smallar, and half ane thousand gret nalis, . xxxiiij I. Item, for ane hyd to be taggis to the Kingils barnes that past away in the schippis, . xx R. Item, for buklis to the said hames, . xx I. Item, the ferd day of August, for thre bonattis to the xxxvj R. King the tyme he past to Sanct Duthois, Item, the v day of August, for vij elnis cairsay to be J ohne Bute ane cote; price of the eIne iiij I. viij d. ; summa . xxxij I. viij d. Item, faT ane pair of blew cairsay hois to him, viij iJ. Item, for ane hud of red leddir to him of the best faesone; price iiij I. Item, the vij day of August, for iij eInis crammesy satyne to be lyonis to the Kingis cotarmour; ilk elne iiij It. ; summa . . xij It Item, for vj unce silk to the said coit-armour; price tharof . xxx I. Item, the said day. for xxxviij hankis gold and cipir to the Mid cotearmour; ilk hank v I.; summa ix It. x s. [Note.-Hose of different kinds and bonnets are included in almost every livery, and most at the recipients get a grant of linen for shirts.] Summa, ixOlvij It. viij ct ob. 'hNBT A.




Item, the xj day of November, gevin to the Maister .\.D. 1612. almesare, . iiij 11. iiij A. Item, the xviij day of November, to Schir Wa.lter Stewart, eervitour to the Maister a.Jmesar for the tyme, sindry tymes to the pure folkis, . viij 11. iiij A. Item, the xxiiij day of November, to the Maister Almesar to dispone to preis tis, vij 11. Item, to the pur folkis, iiij 11. Item, the ix day of December, payt to Maister Thomas Dikson that he layd doune' in Dunfermeling to gar say twa trentales messis, xl A. Item, to the said Maister Thomas layd doune to preistis in Linlithtqw, . iiij 11. x A. item, the xxviij day of December, to the Maister to gif to the pur follds in a.!mous, . iiij 11. [Seven similar entries amounting in all to lvj 11.] Item, the ix day of Januar, payt to Maister JohnneA.D.1612-13. Bruys quhilk he layd doune to the Kingis offerand, ane Franche croune of wecht; summa . . xviij A. Item, tbe xiij day of Januar, the tyme the Quene wes seik, gevin to Sehir Johnne Towris to dispone to preistis and to gar say messis, . . xiiij Ii. Item, to the Dene of G1asgw to dispone to the pure folkis iiij 11. Item, to the Kingis offerand in Leith in Sanet Antonis, xiiij A. Item, to Maister Alexander Leslie to dispone to preistis in Leith, Lesta.1rig, and uthir places, vj 11. Item, the xxix day of Januar, to Meister Patrik Oovintre, almesa.r, to the pur folkis, iiij 11. Item, the secund day of Februar, Candilmes day, to the Kingis offera.nd in his ca.ndill, v Franche crounis; summa. . iij 11. x 11.





Item, the thrid day of Februar, Sanct Blais day, to the Kingis offerand, xiiij I. Item, the ferd day of Februar, to Maister Patrik Covintre, Almeear, to the pure folkis,. . iiij 11 Item, the vj day of Februar, to the Kingis offerand to the Dene of Dunberris prestia first mess, . xlij I. Item, the xiij day of Februar, to the K.ingis offerand to ane prestia first mes, I. Item, the xiiij day of Februar, gevin to William Woo, quhilk he layd doune to the Kingis offerand in Leatalrig, . xilij R. [The usual provision for the King's bedesmen and the Queen's bedeswomen as in previous accounts.] Item, the xxv day of Marche, Gud Friday, to' the Maister Ischar that he layd doune to the Kingis offerand, . xiiij I. Item, on Pasche day, the xxvij day of Marche, to the Kingis offerand, xiiij I. Item, on Pasche Monunday, the xxviij day of Marche, to the Kingis offeraud, . xiiij R. Item, on Pasche Tisday, the xxix day of Marche, to the Kingis offerand, . xilij I. Item, payt to the Maister Iachar that he layd doune to the Kingis offerand on Pasche day quhen he tue his . xiiij I. sacrament, Item, the penult day of Marche, gevin to Maister Thomas Dibone quhilk he laid doune to the Quenis offerand, . xiiij R. Item, the first day of Aprile, to William Spicehous quhilk-he layd doune to the Kingie offerand, xiiij I. Item, the xiiij day of Aprile, to William Woo quhilk he layd doune to the Kingis offerand, . . xiiij A. Item, the xv day of Maij, Witsounday, to the Kingis offerand quhen he resavit his sacranient, . xiiij I. Item, to the Blak Freris of Edinburgh, thre Franohe crounis; summa xlij I. Item, to the IGngis offerand at the hie mes, . xiiij R.



439 .

Item, on Witeounday, the xv day of Maij, to the Freris A.D. 1618. of the Quenis Fery, . xiiij it Item, to the Freris of Inverkethin, xiiij it Item, to the Gray Sisteris in almOUB, v 11. Item, to the FreriB of Linlithtqw, . x B. Item, the xvij day of Maij, to the KingiB offerand in the Abbay to the King of Denmerkis saule mes, xiiij B. Item, paytt to Alexander Makcullo quhilk he layd donne to the Kingis offerand to ane preste of Dunglas first xxviij !I. mes, Item, on Sounday, the xxix day of Maij, to the KingiB offerand to Gelis FarquhariB BoniB first mes, v Franche crounis i Bumma iij 11. x !I. Item, for vj eloe Bmall Bertane clath to be towalis to the altar ill the KingiB chapell i ilk eloe iij B. iiij d.; Bumma . xx iJ. Item, to Williame Wod that he layd doune in the kirk of Leith the xxvj day of Julij, vij B. Summa particule iijCij 11. vj 8. j c1 TENli:T A.


Item, the xxiiij day of October, gevin to Gervais, A.D. Francheman, gunnar, for his wagiB aucht to him the tyme the BiBchop of Cathnes wes Thesaurar, xxvij 11. Item, to the said Gerves servandiB that wrocht at the gunniB with him, for thare wagiB bypast Biclike, xxxv 11. :lI;vj I. Item, the xxv day of October, gevin to thre broudBtariB for thare wagiB bypast Biclike, . xvj 11. xvj 8. Item, to the Italiane masoun for twa monethiB wagiB that he wantit, xiiij 11. [And two other payments of 7 each.] Item, the xxv day of October, gevin to George Kippyng-





harne, smytht in the Castell, for the complete moneth of November [1 October] for him self and his servand. vij It xiiij it [And ten other similar payments down to July, 1513.] Item, to Wollof Umebrig, that makis the gun powder in the Castell of Edinburgh, for his wage for the moneth of October, iiij It iiij iJ. [And nine other similar payments down to June, 1513.] Item, to Martyne Buschart, ca.rvour, for his twa monethis bypast that he wantit in the Bischop of Cathnes tyme for him self and his servand, xv It. viij 9. [And five other payments amounting in all to 77 lOs.] Item, the viij day of November, to Nicholace, cou~eour, for his wagis bypast, . xj It xiij R. iiij d:. [And three other payments amounting in all to 53 Os. 3d.] Item, the x day of November, to Juliane Drummond and his vij complicis, menstralis and trumpettis, for the monethis of November instant, December, and J anuar to cum, to ilkane of thame iiij 11. vij R. vj d:. be the said tyme; summa . xxxv Ii. [And payments down to June amounting to 91 17s. 6d.] ttp,m, to James Dauenecurt Bontais, and thare complicis menstralis, Franchemen, quhilk ar vj personis in the haile, for thare wagis of the said monethis of N ovember, December, and Januar, to ilkane of thame iiij It. vij R. vj d.; summa. . xxvj It. v R. Item, the xij day of November, to Ma.rchmond herald for his terme of Martymes, . xx It. [And another similar payment.] Item, the xvij day of November, to Nicholace Abernethy his quarter payment of .Alha1lomes bypast, . vj It [And three similar payments.] .And the remanent he takis of the custumes of Edinburgh.



xxv It. A.D. 1612. Item, to Thomas Clerk for his half beris fee, [And two similar payments.] Item, to Schir William Fresar his pensioun of the said terme of Martymes, v It. [And two similar payments.] Item, to Schir Johne Goldsmytht his Martymes terme siclike, . v It. [And two similar payments.] Item, to Symond Cunynghame his quartar fee of the terme of Alhallomes bypast, x It. [And two similar payments.] Item, to William Striveling in part of his wagiB,. x 11. Item, to David Lyndesay, iBchar to the Prince,. x 11. [And another similar payment.] Irem, to Schir James Inglis, chapellane to the Prince, x Ii. Item, the secund day of December, to Maister Johne Chesholme his fee of Martymes bipast, xiij It. vj iI. viij ct. Item, to Matho Campbell in his fee, x It. [And another payment of 9 2s.] Item, the v day of December, to Johnne Mosman, x It. potyngair, in his fee, . Item, the ix day of December, to Johne Paules, broudstar, for the moneth of November, iiij It. iiij iI. [And eight similar payments: he was in Flanders in February, March, April, and

Item, to Maister Alexander Ogilvy for his wagiB for the moneth of November, . . xvij It. xvij a. [And four similar payments.] Item, to Maister William Berclay for his pensioun of Mertymes lw!t bypast that he hes of Our Soverane Lord for his service anent the' prevUege of the chapell, . ' . xx It. [And another similar payment.] Item, the xxt,! day of December, to David Dronan, x It. falconer, alias Lyndesay, hiB half beriS fee,.



Item, to Johne Hert8yd, ~oun, his fee of the terme of Mertymes bypast, 1 I. [And another similar payment.] Item, the n:j day of December, to twa broudstaria that wrooht with the Flemyng, thare monethis wage of November, . iiij Jt iiij I. [Similar monthly payments to them down to July 1513. In March their names are given as Ninian Silver and Rowmund Dutchman. In July the lat.ter disappears and Robert J ohnestoun takes his place: they were servants of Paules above mentioned] Item, the xxiiij day of December, to Maister William Dun bar his Mertymes fee, xl It. [And three other payments amounting to 7.] A.n. 11112-13. Item, the x day of Januar, to Robert Borthwik, gunnar, maister meltare of the Kingis gunnis, for him self and vj .men his servandis, of the quhilk he hee for him self vij It. x A. in the moneth, and for v servandis ilk ane iiij It. iiij I., and for ane uthir xlij I., for the . xxx\! Jt xij I. moneth of December; 8umma [Two similar payments for the months of December and January, and 8ix other monthly payments of 26 8s.] Item, to Johne Aitkin, goldsmytht in Striveling, that wirkis in the Castell of Striveling, in part of payment of his wage and to gud oompt, . iiij It. iiij I. [And a.nother payment of 10.] Item, the xxviij day of Januar, to Gerard Essemur, Duchema.n, in Crawfurd mure at the myne, his wage for thre monethis bypast, . xj Jt iiij I. Item, the xiij day of Februar, to ane Franche gunnar that past away with Mote, for his wage of Ja.nuar and half the moneth of Februar, ix Franch crounis j 8umma . vj It. vj A. Item, to Gilbeame, organar, Francheman, and his v oomplicis, Franche menstralis, to ilkane of thame vj Franch crounis iij A. vj d; summa . xxvj Jt v iJ.





Item, the said xv day of Februar, to Williame SpioohoUB A.D. 11112-18. in his wagis, . x It. Item, the xviij day of Marche, to James Sinclare in his



Item, to Schir James Inglis that singis in Cambuskynneth for the King and Quene that last decessit, for his balf ~eris fee of the terme of Mertymes last bipast, vj It. xiij iI. iiij ct . Item, tbe xxiij day of Marehe, to William Boswell in A.Do 1518. part of payment of his wagis, vij It. Item, to James Bonar in part of his wagis, . vij ~ Item, the xxviij day of Marche, to the Dene of Dunbar, xvj It. Item, the ix day of Aprile, to James Douglas, bruthir to . xx It. the Laird of Drum1anrig, . Item, to Archibald Bikertoun x Franche crounis; summa vij ~ Item, the xij day of Aprile, to Schir Alexander Makcullo of Mertoun, knycht, . xx It. [And another similar payment.] Item, to William Hammiltoun, v~ Item, the xvj day of Aprile, to Schir Johne Scharp, chapellane that kepis the place and garding in HalirudhOUB, his half ~eris fee, . vj ~ xiij iI. iiij ct Item, the xxviij day of Aprile, gavin to James Cunynghame in his w., . vij It Item, to Gilliame, tawbl'Oner, and his four complicis, Franche menstrales, thare quarter w. of the said terme, ilk man iiij ~ vij iI. vj ct; summa xxj It. xvij iI. vj ct. Item, to ane uthir Italiane trumpet, of quhilk his twa complicis past in Ingland and the thrid deit, for bis iiij ~ vij A. vj ct quarter wage, . Item, to Maister Johne Chesholme his pensioun of this Wit.ounday terme, . . xiij It. vj iI. viij ct Item, to Donald of the Ilis, the Kingis hensboy, xxviij iI. Item, to the Italiane menstralis for thame and the Franch tabemeris, fidlaris, organeris, trumpettis,




extending to the nowmir of xj personis, to every ane of thame iiij 11. vij R. vj <l. lor thare termes wagis of Lammes last bypast, in complete payment tharof; summa . xlviij 11. ij R. vj ct Item, to Maister James Henri80n in his pensioun, xlii. Item, to Sparty, smytht, in his fee, . x 11. Item, to Thom Ed6ar, ~our, in his fee, . x 11. Item, to Maister J ohnne Chesolme, ex dono for his gude service, . x 11. Item, to Master Andro Hume, thesaurar clerk, ex consideratione Auditorum for. his lauboris, to his gOUD, xx It. Item, to J ohne Tennand in complete pament of jC Estland burdis ressavit be the Master Werk to the Kingis use, ix 11. viij it Summa jmvjcxix 11. xviij R. iij d.





Item, the xxilij day of October, to Schir Walter Ramsay, Maister of the Kingis werkis, to furniss the Kingis werk and schippis, jC H. [And ten other payments amounting in all to 940.] Item, the last day of October, gavin to Robert Calendar, Constable of Striveling, to fumis the werk in the schip callit the James quhen sho lay in the powis of Arth, xxxvij It. ix R. iiij t1 Item, the xiij day of November, deliverit to Schir Walter Ramsay, Maister of the Kingis werk, for ane monethis wagis to cum and for the victaling of ane schip ca1lit the Gabriell, Ix H. Item, the xiiij day of November, to the said Schir Walter Ramsay to the furnesing of the schip werk a.nd the childer hiris that kepis thawt', . Ix H.



Item, the said xiiij day of November, deliverit to the A.D. 1512. said Sebir Walter to pay for xiiij dakir hides echippit . lxix H. in the Gabriell and uthir stuf, Item, gevin to the said Sehir Walter Ramsay to furnis the echippis be the Kingis command in presens of My. Lordis of Abirdene and Murray, . . iiijO tt. Item, the last day of November, gevin to Johne Tennand, Burges of Edinburgh, in part of payment of jC Estland burdis tane fra him to the Kingis werk the tyme the xx H. Bischop of Cathnes wes Thesaurar, Item, to Sehir Walter Ramsay to the werk in Linlithtqw deliverit to Steevin Bawte, masoun, in his name, xv H. Item, the xxj day of December, deliverit to Johne Carkettill for Estland burdis tane fra him be J ohne Forman the tyme the Bischop of Cathnes wes Thesaurar, viz. at Martymes anno quingentesimo xjmo, xx H. Item, the secund day of J anuar, to Sehir J ohne Scharp A.D. 1512-18. to pay the werkmen, bath masonis, wrichtis, barowmen, and uthir werkmen in the Place of Halirudhous, xv H. Item, the ferd day ~f Januar, gevin to Johne Lokkert, masone in Striveling, in his payment of his werk in Striveling, xl H. Item, the ferd day of J anuar, to the Lard Dundas to the Ix tt. werk of Inchegarvy, Item, the xvij day of Januar, to Sehir Johne Scharp to the fumesing of the werk in the Place of HaHrudhous, v Ii. xj II. vj <I. Item, the xxj day of Januar, gevin to Thomas Kincaid, Constable of the Castell of Edinburgh, to by irne for the werm and deliverit to Master J ohne Kincaid his xl H. sone, Item, the last day of Januar, gevin to Schir Walter Ramsay, Maister of Workis, quhilk was deliverit to x H. Audro Dokan,, Item, the xvj day of Februar, to Johne Lokkert, masone in Striveling, in payment of his task in the Castell of Striveling, xx H.




Item, the first day of Marche, to George Elis, mason to the bigging of the Kirk of Steill, . xxx It Item, the xj day of Marche, to ThoDl88 Kincaid, Constable in the Castell of Edinburgh, to gif for ime, xl !t. Item, the xiiij day of Aprile, to Schir Walter Ramsay to the werk in Lynlithtqw and deliverit to Stevin Bawte, masoun, in his name, . xvij It xvij it vj ct Item, the xxiij day of Aprile, deliverit to Schir Walter Ramsay in Linlithtqw to the organe werk thare, x It. Item, the ferd day of Maij, to Schir Walter Ramsay to the werkis of Striveling, Linlithtqw, Edinburgh, and ijO It the shippis, Item, allowit to Schir Walter Ramsay quhilk he auld payt for Maister James Skrymgeour, person of Benvy, for his contributioun, vj It xiij it iiij ct Item, gevin, be the Kingis commmand, to Lance Ferry in part of pament of stuff tane fra him be the Kingis Grace, . jC !t. Item, the v day of August, to Schir Walter Ramsay, lrIaister of the Kingis werkie, Ix It Item, the ix day of August, to by oxin at the fare of Dunblane, . iij!t. Summa, ijlllyjCxxiiij !t. xj R. viij ct


Item, the viij day of October, gevin to James Redheuch, Comptrollare to Oure Soverane Lord, to the fumessing of his [i.4., the King's] hous, . iiijO It [And three other payments amounting to 360.] Item, the ix day of October, gevin to Patrik Bellantyne, Stewart to the Quenis Grace, for the fumesing of hir hous, - i.l clxvj It xiij R. iiij (t Item, the xij day of October, gevin to David F01"et, servitour to J ohne Forman, and in his name, lxij It. xiiij R. Item, the xxiiij day of October, to J ohne Forman, jC It [And three other payments amounting to 220.]



Item, the v day of November, gevin to Johne Forman A.D. 1612. to by fische and hydis at the West See, ijC H. Item, the xvj day of November, gevin to Johne Forman to the fumesing of the schip at the West See, quhilk wes deliverit to Ma.ka.dam, his man, jC H. Item, the xiij day of December, to the said Comptrollar to the fumesing of the hoos, quhilk wes de1iverit to Maister Cuke, . xx H. Item, the xviij day of Februar, to David Foret, servitour A.D. 1612-1S. to Johnne }'orman, to the vittaling of the schippis, lnxH. Item, the xij day of Maij, to the said ComptrOllar to the A.D. 1613. fumessing of the hoos, quhilk wee deliverit in his name to Robert Moncur, ca.ytour, xx It Item, the xxix day of Maij, to James Redheuch, Comptrollar, to the furnesing of the hoos quhilk wes deliverit to ane baxtar, . lvj It. Item, the secund day of Junij, deliverit to Robert Galloway to have to Johne Forman to the West Sey, jCxxxiij H. vj I. viij 4. Item, to the clerkis of Register, Houshald, Cba.ncellary, and Tbesa.urary for thare laubouris, liij H. vj I. viij 4. Item, to M. Johnne of Murray and Henry Mar,. x H. Item, to Schir Alexander Scot for kepin of the Rollis for the tyme of this Chekkir, . v It Item, to Schir Johnne Quhite for his laubouris,. x It. Item, to William Ha.liburtoun and George Gude for thare laubouris, vj H. xiij I. iiij ct. Summa, . ijmj.cnj It. xiiij it Summa totalis expensarum hujus libri, xijmjjxlj It. viij I. iiij ct ob.

Et sic superexposuit Compotans, jmixolxv It. xvij it vij 4. ob. TBlm' A.

A. D.



R. Jacobus Gl[asguensis], Arcbiep[iscopus]. Will[elmu]s, Aberdonen[sis]. D[avid], Candide Case, etc. Gawinus Dunbar, Clericus Registri. Robertus Fonnan, decanus Glasguensis. Tho~ Halkirston, prepositus de Creich[toun]. Jacobus Kincragy, decanus Aberdonensis. Scbir J. Ramsay. James .Redbeuch. M. Johannes Murray.


v 2


Item, 8etterday the vij day of August, to xxiiij werkmen at the [New A.D. Havin] and mastis, ilk man vj dayis, viij it. on the day ; summa iiij tt. xvj i. [And similar weeldy entries of varying amounts.] Item, to iij waichmen at the schippis kepin in the New Havin, rxxxij ;.] [And similar weekly entries.] Item, to &De man that kepis the schippis on the halidais, [xvj <t.] [And similar weekly entries.] Item, to iiij sawaris at the New Havin, ilk sawar on tl1e day xiiij it. ; summa . xxviij i. [And similar weekly entries.] . Item, to Thomas Gourlaw and his son, . xx i. [And similar weeldy entries.] Item, to Johne Reidhoich, . viij i [And other similar entries.] viij i. Item, to Robert Skowgall, [And other similar entriea.] Item, to Rogy Comtoun and his son, . xxiiij ; [And other similar entriea.] Item, to Patrick Kerwour and his servitouris, xxx i [And other similar entries.] Item, to Andro Kerwour and his eervitouris, ][][xvj i. [And other similar entries.] Item, to Johne Wrycht and his man, . xx i. [And other similar entries.] Item, to James Scot for hemp, . . iij tt. Item, for vi stane herdis, the stane iiij i. vi it. ; summa xxiiij i. ix it. Item, to Robert 1!'resaJ.I for xxvj- dowbill naill, the je xl d., for the ourlop of the berk, jm dwU' nail, the jc x it. ; summa iiij tt. xv i. [Other similar entries for double, single, and .. dwir" nails.] Item, for xij stane of rosat for the litill berk, the stane iij i. ; summa xxxvj i. Item, for foure boitfuU of ballast to the greit schip, ilk boitfull con . v It. tenand to xxv i. ; summa Item, for vij tun of hadder, ilk tun x <t., for the piking of the boit ; summa v i. x it. Item, to the cartaris for the down brynging of iij greit gunnys fra the Castell to Leith, ilk gun vj cartis, ilk cart ij i. ; summa X][][vj .


A.D. 1512.

Item, Settorday the xiiij day of August, to Johne Hunter, smyth, for iiij wolkiB lawbour at the Blaknes, the Mid Johne hu deliverit in the Mid iiij wolkia llcrixlltane, ilk stane xvj it. ; IUmJDa v tt. vj i. iiij it. [Item, to Johne] Kill, smyth, for xl stane of maid werk, the staDe xvj it.; jm seym . . . . . . the boit, the ja xllt.; summa iiij tt. vj i. viij it. v boitfull of balIMt to the pit Bchip, ilk boitfuIl.xxv i:.; Aumma . VJ tt. ,. . . . . haf the m&Btie up to the greit !!Chip and brynging down of thaim agayn fra the ferry, . xxiiij . Item, Setterday the xxj day of August, to Johne Hunter, smytb, for xiiij stane of wark, the stane xvj it.; summa . xviij ii. iiij it. Item, to the said .Johne for iiijc dowhill na1lis deliverit to Laurence Comtoun, the jc xl it. ; summa xiij i. iiij it. Item, tc. the cart&ris for xviij drawchtisof gunnye and tymmer fra the Cast.ell to the tumour, ilk drawoht ij ii. ; and xxx drauoht of tymmer and ImrdiA fra Leith to the New Havin, ilk drauoht "iij it.; summa

hi i.
Item, for xxx stane of hardis to the greit schip, ilk Atane iij ii. vj it. ; lIumma v tt. vi. hem, to Robert Soot, smyth, fOl' xvj oheisellis for the diohting of the IP"it oheifis for the greit mut, the peoe x it. ; the wirkin of xviij pund of im of the kingis, xviij it. ; iiijc window naill for the pit lOp, tbe je ,-i It. ; iiij womyllis, the pece xvj it. ; summa xxij i. ij it. Item, to Johne Kill, smyth, for xiiij stane of maid w81'k, the price of the stane v ii. ,-iij it., and tharof pait to Master David Soot for ilk stane x'i it., and be Sir Johne DingweU iiij ii. iiij it.; summa iij tt. xix ii. iiij <t. Item, to Umfra Stewert for the makin of twa toppis to the bark, v tt. Item, Setterday lhe xxviij day of August, for the cariag of twa wta of ter, . xij it. Item, to the cartaris for the down bringing of ii greit gun stokkis. vj i. Item, for moppattis, . . ij i. [And many other similar entries.] Item, to William Heltson for xvj skor of nalis for the hark at the Newhavin, x i. Item, fOl' iiij skor of akin burdis, vj tt. vj i. viij it. Item, for ij O&riag hors to the BlakneBB with im wark in haist, . iiij i. Item, for 1 barrell olye to the calfettouris, xxii i. viij it. Item, the xix day of the said moneth, to Robert Jameson of the Quenys Ferry for xij peois of tymmer, the price of the peoe of v of thaim xviij i., and ilk ane of the remanent xi.; summa. viij tt. Item, to the saide Robert for xiij marynalis hiris quhen the Marsret com don effor the New Havin for iij dais, ilk ane on the day xvj it.; Aumma . Iix i. Item, the xxiiij day of August, to Thom Bannatyn for his self, William Duncan, and x marynarls that com fra Norway with xx tt. tymmer, in compleit payment of thair haill hiris, .



Item, to Jobne of Newtoune and iij marynallis in the Inglis IIkaif for A.D. 1012. ,,!,ittaling and cariag to the gmt IICbip for iij monethis. xviij tt.

W AG18.

[Su p. 502.]

Summa [of the wages],


ijexxx II. ix io.

[Bee p. 502.] Summa of marinaris of the greit IICbip,


ij"vj H. xj ;, ,oj .1.

[See p. 505.] Summa to the marinaris of tIle Margret, . Item, to the boitmen of the Inglis bait.

_ !xij H. v . vj if.

s..~ p. 0061


[Su p. 5Oi.]



[&e p. 5Oi.] Summa


xvj tt. vj i. viij if. of the marynaris, boittis Olen, and gunnaria of the greit 8Chip, !\Iargret, and all uther marynaria by Tborn Seytoun and hiB companyonis, &B is contenyt in the compt abon writtin for the moneth of August last in anno 1512, iij<viij tt. xij if.

Item, Setterday the iiii day of Septe"ber, to Joime Kile, smyth, for xxiiiji stane of maid werk, the stane be MaiBter na,id for werkmenllChip xvj if., vje aeym and myf for the .James, the jc xl if., iijC dowbill nalia, the je xl if., ijc singill, the je xx if. ; summa iij tt. vj . [AmI otber similar entries.] Item, to Jobne Hunter, smyth, for xxvi stane of maid work at the B1akness. the stane be Maister David for workmanachip,xvi it., the aoWDl xxxiiij ii. [And other similar entries.] Item, to Thom Branwod, carter, fOl' viij draucht of estland burdis Era Edinburgh to tile New Havin, ilk draucht ij 1, and xij draueht fra Leith to tile New Havin, the draucht viij it. ; summa. xxiiij i. Item, for hadder to the clay hargis, . iiij .

A.D. 1&12.


Item, for moppatia to the calfetouria, xvj it. [And many similar entri08.] Item, for ane boit up the watter with tymmer, . XVIIJ s. Item, for cariag hora fra the BIakneaa to Leith, with the tra,,-ei8a to mend it, . . . . . . .. xviij if. Item, to Umfra Stuart, cowper, for the makin of the barkis top callit the James, iiij tt. Item, for vj bowkatia for the Greit aohip, .' . iij i. Item, for iii bermil pik, ilk berra] xxj i.; summa . iij~. iij ;, Item, Setterday the xj day of September, to .James Gray and Jow Waghorne, wrychtia, Thorn Gourlaw, tournouria, . . :d,i. Item, to Laurence Doddill for viij stane of aeym and ruyf for the clay bargis, the stane vj i., iiijc dowbill nalia, the jc xl a., iijo singill, the jo xx a., va durnaill, the j"X a. ; summa iij tt. x i. vj a. Item, for hadder to hir, . ij i. Item, for a harrell oley for the werk, xu i. Item, for the loBing of ij gret gunuya furth of the Inglia cachis, iiij i. Item, for vj greit skowpis for the greit echip to cast the watter, iij i. Item, to Johne Hunter, smyth, for x stane of greit werk, the stane xvj a. ; summa xiij i. iiij if. fAnd other similar entries.] Item, to Johne Kill, smyth, for xiji stane of gret werk, the stane x vj a.; summa nij i. [And other eimilar elltlies.] Item, Sotterday the xviij day of September, to Johne Hnnter, smyth, for xixl stane of maid werk, the stane xvj it., vijc aeym and ruf, the jC xl it.; summa xlix ;, iiij if. tern, to Johne Kill for liij etane uf mail. werk, the stane x"'j It. ; summa . iij tt. xi. viij a. Item, for xij stane 'of aeym and ruf to the clay hargis, the etane of II8YIIl and ruf vj i. ; summa . iij 1t. xij i. [And other similar entries. J Item, to ane boit to pas to the greit echip with burdis and tymmer, xiiij i. Item, for the cariag of irn werk at diveria tymea, and ij tymea with the crans of the greit achip, . v i. . xVJ" Item, for ij dusan sperris to the greit echip, Item, for "i stane of towis to the berk, the stane vij i.; xlij i. Item, to Thomas Brallwod, carter, for xij draucht of tymmer and gunnya fra the Castell to the New Havin, the draucht ij i., xviij dl'll.uchtfra Leith to the New Havin, the draucht viij a. ; summa xxxvj i. Sourn of the wolkis w&gis pait be Maister David Scot, thretty thre pundis aevintene echeliluria. Item, Setterday the xxv day of Septem"ber, for ana boit twa tymes to the greit echip with tymmer and uther Btuf, xi. Item, foriiij aandglaaa for hir, . VllJ" Item, for xxxvij 11:. saill threid for the completing of the aalis, ilk 11:. xiiij If. summa -dii i. ij It.



Item, for the makin of viij ledderis to the grelL chip, "i i. viij ,1. A P. Item, for viij smale maatis to hir, xxviij i. Item, for vij tun of hadder to the clay bargJR . vij 8. viij it. Item, for mOBS, . lllJ Item, to Lorence Doddi8 for the bark callit the James, xjc dowbill naill, the jo xl it., yO seym and ruf for hir set burdis, the jc xl it.; summa liij 8. iiij it. [And other similar entries.] xiiij i. Item, for mawmer ledderis for the greit schip. . iiij it. Item, tor i tt. candill, Sowm of the wolkis expens, payit be Ma.ister David Scot, thretty tt. xviij ii. iiij it. Item, to Johne Kyll, smyth, fra the fint day of August to the xj day of ~ptember within the tym of this compt, for four skor viij stane 1 maid werk, ilk stane by the werkmanschip iiij i. iiij it., reasavit and deliverit be Schir Walter Ramsay, lik as his buk beris in the ouklie compt extendand to , xix tt. iij i. vj it. Item, deliverit to Johne H\mter, smyth, for thre skor four 1 stane imwark delh'erit at the Blakues for the schippis thair, fra the iiij day of August exclush'e to the xj day of September inclusive, within the tyme of this campt, the price of 'ilk staDe by the werk Dl80IlIChip iiij i. iiij it. ; summa . lI'iiij tt. ij ii. x it.

Sowm of the moneth of September wagiB of the wrychti,s pait be Maister David Scot, . ijoxiiij n. xv i.

Sowm of the marynaris of the greit schip pait be my Lord Secretar at the kingis command, . joxxx tt. xij i. vj It.


Summa of the marinaris of the Margret of the said moneth Wagi8, . Ixxiiij n. xv ...

Summa of the Franch marynaris and boitmeu pait be my Lord Secretar at the kingis command for the saide moneth of September, xxxvij tt. ij i.

Summa of the monethis wagis of September to the gunnaris, pait be my Lord 8ecretar at the kinais command. xvj n. vj i. viij it.




Item, Setterday the l18Cund day of October, for iiii stane of "male takill booht in Edinburgh be Pemot, Franchman, the stane xv... , fOI' the riging to of the bark callit the Gabriel; summa. iij tt. Item, to the said Pemot, vi stane of smale tawia, price of the stane vij ii. : summa. xlij ii. Item, to cary it to the New Havin, . iiij it. Iten, to iij boittia at divers tymes with tymmer ami wittale apon the greit achip, xv .. Item, for iij turs of hadder, . iij ii. [And other similar entries.] XlI'xij it. Item, for ij stane of mos, . [And other similar entries.] Item, to ane boit to row on burd on the greit achip in the nycht, at the kingia command, . iij" Item, to Johne Lentran for ij dusan and iiij of burdia for the clay bargis, at the kingis oommand, the duaan xx .. ; summa xlvj i. viij .1. Item, to Thomas Branwod, cartar, for xij draucht of tymmer fra Leith to the New Havin, tile draucht \iij it. ; summa. viij ii Item, Setterday the ix day of October, for a berrell tallon for the litill hiij i. berk, at the J.ingil command, . Item, to cary it to Leith, . . vj it. Item, Setterday the xvii day of October, for thre boteful of ballast to the greit achip, ilk botefull, xx i. ; summa . iij tt. Item, to xviij werkmen of Leith that day we tuk furth the gret cabillis furth of Johne Balzardis achip, ilk man viij it.; summa xij i. Item, for ane hors to the Blackn888 with the blok in haist, IJ'" Item, to ana man to ryn with ane bill of the kingis to James Mak880n at the Blakn888, . xij it. Item, Setterday the xxiiij day of October, for iij greit botfull of ballast and iij litill apon the greit achip and bark, ilk greit botfull xx i. ; and the smale x ii. ; summa . iiij tt. x .. Item, to Johne Kille, smyth, for x stane of maid werk, the stane v i. \'iij it. ; and for xl viij ryngis and xxiiij stapillis for the ra of the greit achip, the peice ij it. and ijl stane of seym and ruf, the stane vii.; summa . iiij 11. iij .. viij it. Item, to the plummair fOl' vi mawmeris to the litill berk callit the Gabriell, contenallli iij stane of maid werk, the stane vj ii. viij it. ; summa . xxii. Item, to the Raid Johne Huntur for xv- 80ym and ruf for the set bUI-dia of the greit achip, the j- xl it. ; and iiij dusan of ryngis and stapillis for the ray of the said achip, the duaan ij ii. ; summa. Iviij i. Item, the xvj day of October, to William Dtmcan, at the kingil com mand, to pus in the north Land for the achip callit Clotfers, to gud compt, . v tt. Item, to Richat't Rugye for ix! stane of smaw towis for Perynot, Franchman, to the litill berk callit the Gabriell, the stane ix P., and



Ira Georgia olerk for xiiij stano, v H. of greit towia to the j.Jt. 151!. Perynot for the B&id BObip, the viij 8. ; summa. xiiij tt. xvij ii. vj It.



Summa of thia monethiB wagiB to wryohtiB and calfetouris jOiiijHxij tt. xij ..

Summa of the monethis wagis of tbe marynaria of the greit IObip, payit joxxxvij tt x i.

Summa of tbe wasiB of the marynaris of tbe Margret for the moneth of October, pait . lix tt. xv i.




[&Il P. 506.]



[See p. 5Oi.)

[See P. 507.]

Summa of the _-agis of tbe marynaris of the Gabriel, the each, twa bottis, and tbe gunnariB for the monoth of October, pait . b:ij tt. xiij ii. viij It.

Item, Setterday the first day of November, to Jo!me Kill, smyth, for xi stane of maid werk for the galay, tbe stane vi. viij if.; v jc dowbill naill, the je xl It. ; iije singile, the je xx It. ; summa iiij tt. vij i. iiij .t. Item, to auo boit that brooht doun the greit mast fra the Blaknee to the New Havin, x ii. Item, to Diiij werkmen that bur the alia, ilk man iiij it. ; summa ix i. Item, for i duaan of sobulis for tbe cutin of tbe gait to the mast, iij i. iiij if.




Item, to xxij werkmen for the updrawin of the said mast, ilk-man viij i\ f01" &ne day; summa xiiij i. viij it. Item, Setterday the viij day of November, to Thom Craufurd, smyth, for jm dur naill for the cbawmeris of the.greit achip, the jc x it.; summa viii i. iiii it. Item, for ij dusan of rauchtouria booht fra JolUle Quhit of KirkcaJ.dy for the bowk dennyng of the litill berk, the dusan x i., and iij i. to bring thaim to Leith; 8umma . . xxxiij i. Summa of the wolk payl. be Maieter Da\jd Scot, . xvj It. v i. Item, Setterday the xv day of November, to uiij werkmen at the up drawin of the mast for ane day, ilk man viij it. ; 8umma xv i. iiij it. Item, to Johne Hunter, 8myth, for xijl stane of bowtis for the greit achip, viijc dowbill naill, the jc xl it., jc balk nale vj it.; summa vj tt. vj ii. iiij ,1. Item, to James Graham, smyth, for atapillis, aiottia, and boltia for tho greit achip, deliverit to Johne of Drummond; aumma . vj tt. Item, to colis for the pik hous, . v i. iiij it. Item, for hadder to the berk. . iij i. Item, for a barrell of taIlon to taIlon tho berk with, . I i. Item, for moppatia to hir, . ij i. vj it. Summa of the wolkie wagia precedent, payt be Mwster David Scot of the COI1Z8, xxiiij It. viij i. iiij it. Item, Setterday the xxij day of November, to xvj men that helpit up with the greit mast ane day, ilk maD viij it.; summa . xi. viij it. Item, to ij werkmen, ij dayia, to cast under the berk for hir tallowyng, ij i. viij it. Item, for ij tun of hadder till hir, . ij i. viij ct. Item, for iiij laid of colis till hir, . iiij i. vj it. Item, for ij acheip skynnys to mak moppatia to hir; . iij i. , Item, for iij laid of clay to mak the achippis barth, \iij it. Item, for firlot of greit salt tbarto, . ij i. Item, for iij dusan of akin aperria to the berk, xviij i. Item, for mawmaris leddari8, . vj i. Item, for pumpt ledd&ria till hir, . xij it. Item, to .James Graham, compleit payment of hia bill for im werk to the greit achip, iij It. iiij i. viij if. Item, for ane kettill till hir, . xl i. Item, to bring it fra Edinburgh, . iiij it. Item, for jm dowbill naill till hir, xxxiij i. iiij a. Item, for pomp naiia to hir, . xij it. Summa of the wolkia wa.gis preoedand pail. be Maiater David Scot of the cunzie, xvj It. xv. i. ij it. Item, Setterday the xxix day of November, for xviij Leith aim, made to the Gabriell at tho kingis command, price of the pece vj i. viij a.; summa vj tt. Item, for &ne &ncor till hir, boycht fra William HUtson, v It. v i. iiij It. Item, to hal the said ancor and axia to New Havin, . . xij <t. Item, for leding of tymmer of the Marget and James to the pow of Airth, xxviij i.



Summa of the wolkis expeD8 precedand, be lIaister David A.D. , S c o t of the cunze, . '. . . . xxij It. vj . Item/ for jc Sperri8 boycht fra Thomas Ley8, the price of the 1e xviij crani8; exponit on thir wyi8-ic to Johne of Drummond for Cl08 eartis, iij dusan to Sterling for the eais windokkis, ij dusan to Lith quhow to Maister Johne; summa . . ix n. Item, to James Makeson for je Estlalld burdis a' the kingis command, exponit on this wyis-to Johne of Drummond for all werkis, castell, abbay, litill berk ca11it the Gabriell, vj dusan vj burdis, and to Sterling iij ausan, and to Lithquhow xviij burdis; the price of je, xxxt!. Item, to Robert Bertoun te the marynaris of the Gabryell, to tbe nomer of xx men, of th&ir half hiris to pas in Franl at the kingis command, . xxxiij It. xvij i. Item, for the wittaling of tbe said bark :In primill, viij punCiODS aill, the price of the pun.cion xxvj i. viij tt. ; vijo breid, price of the hunder xx i. ; vj barrellis of flesch, the price of the barrell' xviij ~ ; xvj laid of colis, the price of the laid xiiij it. ; ,- lyng, the price 1 ii. ; ane harrell Balmond, the price Iv i.; iiij pipis to put the wittalis in, xvj it. ; ij watter punCiODS, price iiij i.; ane boll salt, iij i.; iij 8taue candill, xvi ~ iiij it.; iij It. Baill tbreid, iij i. vj it.; item, a barrell &ill bocht be Robert Bertoun, xij i. vj it.; summa iijDv It. xviij ~ vj it. Item, tharefter the said schip salit nocht, and than the kingi8 grace eausit me to wittall hir new agaue. In primi8, iij pipis aill, ilk pip contenaud xxxvj gallownis, price of the gallon xviij it., booht be Robert Bertoun and pait be me at the kiugiB command; iij- breid, price iij It. ; a118 fresh mart, price xvj ~ ; for earyag of the Baid wittaill first and last, x ~ ; and to ane boit to pas on burd to the schip with the Baid wittalis, v i. ; summa. xij It. xiij i. Summa of the wittaling of the Oabrie11 be Robert BertoDS Dowis ij sindri tymes, pait be Maister Cuthbert Bailye, iij BOOr xviij It. vij ii. vj it.

Summa of the Wagi8 of the wrychtis for the moneth of November, pait . j-lxxuij It. vj ~

Item, to xxxvj marynaris for ij dais quhen the Franchmen passit to vesy the schippis, ilk man on the day xij tt. ; summa iij n. xij ii. Summa of the wagis of the marynaris of the greit schip for the moneth of November, . . luiiij It. xvj ~

SIlIDDI& of the wagi8 of the marynaris of the Margret, the Jam_, the each, the pit bot, and smal bot, pait xxxiiij It. ij ii.

A.D. 1612.


Summa of the gunnaria wagia for the said moneth of November, xxiiij It. xx if.

Item, to Gilzam, Franchman, for the Spanze IIChip that W&8 gevin to Skipper Andreia in to ij crony. of wecht, jc four akor of It.

Item, Saterday the v day of December, for ane berrell tallon for the bark quhen IICho com hame, . I 0" Item, for gwne ataneB to Jhone, quaryour, to the Talber~. and gwne of the Treif, ... . Iv 0" Item, to thequaryour:of Lethtat makia stanB to the small pacis in the bark, xxxij i. Item, for ane wall iryne to mak gawelokis for the gwnnys, xlvj 0" Item, for the werkmanachip tharof, . . VJ II. Item, for x stane of hemp, ilk stane xl it. ; lIumma . xxxiij i. iiij it. Summa hujua ebdomite, . . xviij It. xij i. iiij it. Item, Satuluy xij day of December, to Jhone Bannathyne for iiij dOllen of boit ayris to the gret achippis boittis, ilk dozen xxx i., at the kingia command; lumma . . vj It. Item, to Walter Patel'8On for ij dOllen of lang airis, bocht be Jltmea Makeson quhen thar WeB nane airis for the gret IIChippill boit, ilk . vj It. pace v i.., lD&kand . Item, for xxx cast the wattir of the gret IIChip, ilk peice "j it., maund . x,' 0" Item, for x It. saill thred to the-grot IIChip, ilk It. xiiij if., makand xj i. \iij if. Summa hujUII ebdomite, . xxj It. x it, Item, Satet-day xix day of December, to William Froster for v tt. pyk, ilk It. xx i. ; summa . \. tt. Item, to xiiij warkmen for the schipping of ij gwnnys, ill hannia, in haist, . iiij i. vj if. Item, for ane dOllen aikyne speris for the gunnis of the bark, xviij ii. Item, to ane dOllen schoulli., . lllJ . Item, to Thome Branwood, carter, for viij dracht gunnys and gun stanis and poldyr to the New Ha\in fra the castell, ilk dracht ij i. ; summa . xvj i. Item, for xxx stane of hemp for ,the James and Margret, ilk stane iiij i.., makand the BOWlDe of . . vj It. Item, for ane hol'lMl and ane man to pais to the Blaknea with hemp, ij i. viij it. Summa hujUII ebdomite, . . xxj It. v_0" ij it. Saterd&y, 'be xxvij day of December, to viij werkmen at the New



Havyn, iij dais, xx lIarkm8J1 for ane da,. ber&nd ataia quhare the A.D. 1612. Margret auld ly, ilk man viij !t., makand xxix i. iiij It. Summa hujoa ebdomite, . xiij 11". xix i. iiij It. Item, compt wyth David Forret fra the xij day of November to the xj day of December for the witualiJll of the gret achipe, the said tyme beand xxx daia to xliiij peraonia in the said acbip, ilk man on the day xij it., and to xxxvj peraonia for ij dais, the tyme at the P'ranchmen p&B8it to Be the gret achipe, for ilk man xij it. on the day, and for collis and candill the Mid tyme, Iii.; summa lxxij 11. ij ii.

Summa of the feia of the wrychtia for the moneth of December, jOlij 11". xvj i.

Summa of the marinaria of the greit achip for the monetb of December, . Ixxiiij 11. xi.

Item, to ij marynaria in the James, . Item, to ij marynaria in the Margret, The aom of the James and Margret,.

iij 11. x i. iij 11". xi. vij 11".



Summa for the caich and OOittia,

xiiij 11". x'i.


t!umma of the gunnaria for December,

xxij 11". vi.


Item, the :nix <bay of December James Makeaon puBit to the Pow of Arth to bring doUB the James and Margret and thar the said Jam. maid condition with the cooat&bill of Stirling for 8& mony marynaria &B he send for the ryging to of the said ij achippis Ira the said dayaOOn writtin to the xj day of Januar, beand xiij dais, for ilk man on the day xij it. to the nomer of oxv men, and j man for iij dais, iij i. ; lik &8 compt maid betwix the COIIatabiU and me be. .~~~i.



Item, for ij brokin ancoris bocht to skipper Andreis for the Spanze schip at the kingis command, ix 11. x i. Item, for iiij wOOyof irn for mending of the said ancoris with uther part of irn of the smyth, . . XIX L Item, for warkmlUl8Chip for the mending of the said ij ancoris xl i. Itflm, for xj chalder of smOOy colis, deliverit to the said skipper Andreis a.t the kingis command to hal in lJenma.rk, the price of ilk chalder xvj i. ; summa viij tt. xvj i. Item, for wittalis that the said skipper was a.wand upon his cIais to Robert Berta.nis wif, at the kingis command, iij tt. vij i. viij it. . Summa. of the stuf to skipper Andreis, . xxiiij tt. vj i. viij it. Comptit with David Foret, fra. the xij day of December to the xj day of Ja.nuar, beand xxxt.! dais, for wittaling of tho grot schip to ma.rynaris and gullD&ris to the Domer of xliiij persons, ilk man on the day xij it.; and at the feist of Y oull to vj gunnaris and viij marynari8 ma for viij dais, at the kingiB command; ma.kand in the haill for the wittaling of the schip the xxx dais, luj 11. xij i. Itelll, for colis and candill for the schip the moneth, I;.

Item, the BeCUDd day of Januar gevin to Monsur de Malzeis man in the bark of Traport, a.t the kingis command, quhen IOho lay in the new havin, thai dea.nd for fait of wittalis, iij pipis of aill, ilk pip contellllond xxxvj gallownis, price of the gallon xviij it.; ijC breid, price of tho jC xx i.; summa . x tt. ij i. Item, to that aa.myn schip vij salt martis ressavit fra Jame of the lardner and gevin to thaim, I Summa hujus particule, . x tt. ij s.
A.D. 1512-18.

The day BInd to the James for hir pantry rowmes, jc rauchtouris boycht fra Johne Wilson; price of the jO, v 11. Item, for beryng and schipping of thaim, . . xij !I. Item, for vj barrelli8 of pik to hir, price of the barrell xxiiij i. ; summa vij 11. illj i. Item, for schipping of thaim, viij it. Item, for xij bukattis to hir, . vj i. Item, xij stopis, iiij i. Item, for pump ladder to hir and the Ma.rgret, gevin to Johne of Bertoun and Halyard, viij i. '1 it. Item, to vj Franchmen, marynaris, at the kingis command, to pas to thir schippis, . x i. Item, for 1 sperris for the James pantry rowmys, price of the pece xviij if. ; summa . iiij tt. x i. Item, for xij greit sperris to mak wynding spakis of, boycht fra Thomas Leys, price of the pece ij s.; summa. xxiiij .

No price mPlltloned.


Ii"pn from

th@ Royal Larder.



Item, for the outtakin of the blak houkis mast and Johne Lawson's A.D. 1612-8. bowBpleit, at the kingis command, to xxtl men, XVlIJ I. Item, the said day send to the James for hir furthtakin of the pow of Arth and to bring hir don to the ferry, in vittaiis to xxxvj persons ltom, to ijc breid, . xl i. Item, for e&ri&ge Ira Edinburgh to Leith, . viij it. . Item, for iij barrellis of ail, ilk barrell contenand x gallownys, price . xlv i. of the gallon xviij it.; 8umma . Item, for iij treis, . vJ I. Item, gevin ij of the kingis martis ressavit fra Jame of the Iardner for the fumesing of the said James. Item, the vj day of Januar send to the James quhOQ scho was brooht furth of the Pow of Arth, xl gallonis of am, the price of the gallon iij !t. vji. viij d. xx it. ; summa . ' . iij!t. Item, for iij hreid, price of the jC xx it. ; .umma Item, for the bringing of the said breid fra Edinburgh to Leith. xij ,1. Item, for jm heryng, . . xvj i. Item, fora botfull of colis to the James, . xxx i. Item, the xj day of Januar gevin to the ConstabiU of Sterling for the wittaling of the Margret fra. the said day to the xviij day of the said moneth, makand vij dais to the nomer of I men, and to the xiij e&lfetouris, and vij wrychtis for a day, for ilk man on the day xij it. ; summa of silver heirof . :niij!t. xiij i. Item, the xix day of Januar gevin to Johne of Bertoun to pas to bring doun the Margret with xliij men for iij dais, tharefter for wittalis to the said schip to gud compt, . vj!t. vj i. Item, for xxxiij 8male masti8 to mak hir cowhrig, the price of the pace xxxij It. ; and for x pecis of brokin maatis tharto; sUlDma iiij !t. viij i. Item, to Walter Paterson for viij greit treis to mak the aadilli8 to the greit schip and Margret, the price of the pace vj i.; summa xlviij i. Item, for j barrell of oley to Georgis Brown for the caifetouris, xlv i. Item, for xx stane of hemp for the Margret, the stane iiij i. ; 8umma iiij !t. Summa of this, by the Constabill lij !t. xviij i. vj it. Summa of the Constabill . . xviij!t. xiij i.



llAlm, the xviij day of Januar to Magnus when he passit to Denmark at the kingis command, j 8yd of beif, price xij i.; xx breid, xl it. j barrell aill, xiij i. iiij It.; summa. . xxviij i. viij .1. Item, the kingis gt'8CO artIanit the patroun and James Makeson to pas to the Pow of Al'th to Be the schippi8, thai remanand thar and ij aeruandis for ij dais; in expenR to thar I!t'lf, and thar hOrB, and in fee xviij i. to ane boit




Item, for J:X at&ne of I"OMt to the James and berk, the stane iiij i.; aamma . iiij 11. Item, for Yj staDe of IIIII&Ie towia to wowp the Kargrettia mut. with, boycbt in Edinburgh, the price of tile IItaoe xv i.; and for xYj atane of greit towi& boycht in Leith for the gret echippis mast, the price of the Btaoe viij i.; IlUmma ill: tt. xviij i. Item, for ane boit to pas up the ....tter for takill to the Jamee and

Item, to Johne of Bertoun the xxiij day of Januar, he '-nd in the Blaknes with the Margret for iij dais, ilk man OD the clay xij cr. ; lI1lIIIDI& Yj tt. Item, to the .James the xix day of JaDuar to Johne Balyart for that day, he beand at the ferry to wittale the bark with, xlij i. Item, the xx day of Januar the said Johne com to the Dew haviD with the James iiij dusan vj breid, the price of the dusan ij ii.; summa ix i. Item, iijC hering, the price of the jc ij i., . . VJ L Item, a barrell aill contenand x gaIlOUDis, price of the gallODe xx cr.; IlUmma . xvi i. viij If. Item, the xxj day of JaDuar, to xl marynaris t-nd in the James at the new haviD, in flesch iij qnarteris beif, xv i. ; ij barrellis aill, the harrell xviij i.: iij dU_II breid, vj i.; IlUmma' . lvij i. Item, the xxij day of JaDuar to the said James for the said marynaris, a syd of heif, x ii. ; ane barrell aill, xviij i. ; iij dnsan breid, vj i. : summa . . xxxiiij i. Item, the xxiij day of Januar, to the said achip callit the James for the laid marynaris j ayd of heif, xi.; ij mowtoun, the price v i. viij It. ; ij barrellis aill, the barrell xviij i. ; iij dnaan breid, vj i. : tumma . lvij i. viij a. Item, for aDe boit to pas to the ferry in haist with M&ister Martyn aDd burdis and tymmer to meDd the greit achippis boit liand brokin at the ferry, . viij i. iiij ct. Item, to ane man to paBI with ane bill to cause JohDe Bertoun cum douDe with the Margret to the new havin, xvj ct. Item, for iiij dnsan of tymmer ferryn daliB to the gaiay, the price of the pece iiij i. vj It. ; lumma . . 11: tt. xvj i. Item to Robert Jameson to cast the greit achippis dok iD the Dublar, to gud compt with the \\'(\rkmen iiij tt. viij i. Item, the xxiiij day of Januar, to the achip callit the James &De syd of beif to xl Franchmen and Scottiamen, the price ix i. ; j mowtonn bulk, iij i. iiij ct.; iiij dwsane breid, the price of dusan ij i. ; ij barrellia aill, xviij i. the barrell ; j stane of candill, v i. iiij cr. ; summa iij 11. xvj It. Item, the xxv day of the said mODeth to the said James for the said marynaria j syd of beif, ix i. ; j motoun, iij i. ; iiij dUMn of breid, viij ii.; ij barreUis aill, the barrell xviij ii. ; summa. hi . Item, the said day to the Margret, echo beand in the raid of Leith with xxx" men, iiij barrellia aill, the price of the barrell xviij i. ; ij breid, the price of the jc xx i. : j lltane of candill, v i. iiij It. ; ij mowtoun, vij i. ; j syd of beil, x i. ; the cariage to the new havin, II ij if. : summa "j tt. Xl' i. iiij .1.



Item, the Jut day 'of JaDuar, to Perla MaDpalzeir, gunnar, NychoJaoe A.n. 16128. lIo.-on, Maister Symon, Pranch gwmar1a, at the kingia command, in xv I'ranch orownia, x tt. xi. Item, the xxvj day of Januar, to the Margret, liand in the raid of Leith, aDe harrell bening, xx i. ; ijo breid, xl i. ; ij barre11ia aiD, xxxvj i. ; aDd aDe bot to paa on hurd on hir, viij i. ; IUJDma v tt. iiij i. Item, Betterday the 8nt day of JaDuar, to ane bot 1rp the watter with oabiOia aDd amale takill to the Jamea. . xiiij i. Item, for xx atane of hemp to the lIargret and Jamea, ilk ataDe iiij L; amnma iiij tt. Item, for vj tun of hadder for to dry the tollia to wolp the maat., vij i. Item, to the man that auch the kill quhar the toWa _ dryit, JJ L Item, for vj &perris to mak barrowia to ber stanys forth of the new bavin, . iij i. Item, for iO dowbiD naiU thai'to, . xx it. Item, for iij burdia tbarto, . iij i. vj it. Item, for the mending of &De ancor to the berk, Xl[ .. Item, for ij lompis of im tharto, . ij ii. Item, for ij drawoh with a horae of burdis to the llew havin, . iiij it. Summa of the wolkis opens, . xv tt. X\;j ii. vj it. Item, Setterday the viij day of Januar, for nlen for j day at the mastis, Uk man viij it. ; summa xiij i. iiij it. Item, for ane bot wp the watter with tymmer and burdis to the greit XlII] 'J achip, Item, to Robert Jamesoun for the dychting of the gret achippis dok, ~ Uk as his but heris , iiij tt. vj i. viij it. Item, for ij banellis of tallon to the James, the harrell I... i.; summa \' 11. xi. Item, for oariag of thaim fra Edinburgh to the new havin, viij it. Item, for xij turs of Udder to hir, XIII] I. Item, for iiij acheip skynnys to mak moppatie for the tallowyng of the James v i. viij it. Summa of the wolkis e~ns, . xxiiij tt. xv i. iiij it. Item, Setterday the xv day of Jauuar, to viij werkmen at the new havin for vj days, ilk man viij on the day, and xvj werkmen for j day oaatand at the James dok, Uk man viij it.; summa xlij ii. viij it. Item, for ij berellis of tanon to the James, the price of the barrelll i. ; lumma . v It, Item, for oarying of thaim to the new havin, viij it. Item, for ij treis to the James for hir pantry rowmes, the pece vj ii, ; and xxvij pecis of aid plankis to hir, the pece ij i.; summa iij tt. vj i. Item, to Thomas Branwod, carter, for xx drauch tymmer, burdis, puncionis, and pypis to the new havin, the drauGht viij a.; and for ij cartis to the ferry for burdia, and iij greit treis to mend the greit BchippiB boit; summa xxx i. viij it. Summa of this wolkis expenB, . . xx tt. xv i. x it. Item, Betterday the xxij day of Jannar to x werkmen at the new





havin for vj dais, ilk man viij if. on the day, and to viij werkmen for j day caatand at the James dok, ilk man on the day viij if. ; 8umma . xlv i. iiij it. Item, to vj waiohmen on the nyoht at the new havin, XXlll) .. Item, to ij wryohtiB of Monsour Delamotti8, at the kingia command, wirkand at the new havin appn the James and mastiB for fa moneth, iij It. xij i. Item, for &De barrell of tallon to the Gabriell, . Iv i. Item, for the hringing of it fra Edinburgh to the new havin, iiij it. Item, to iiij eawuis eawand the Jamee and Margrettis cowbryg for vj xxviij ii. dayis, ilk man on the day xiiij if. ; summa Item, for ij dusane of aparris to the Gabriell to mak hir coybryg for hir powpet, the duean x i. ; summa . xx ii. Item, to hal thaim to the new havin, . . iiij it. Itom, for vj tUrI of hadder, the tUrI xiiij it.; summa . VI) .. It~m, for v stane of candill to the James and Margret, the stane vii. iiij it. ; summa xxvj i. viij it. Item, for iiij lokkis to the kingis werk, the pece ilk ane of ij of thaim ij i., and tho tother ij xxxij it.; SUJDma . vj i. viij it. Item, for iiij stane of smale towiB to the James, booht in Edinburgh for hir mast, the stane xv i. ; summa . iij 11. Item, for xij kneys for the galay, the poce iiij it.; summa. . ,IIlJ .. Item, to Robert Hawik, for ij duean of aris the duaan xxx ii. ; summa iij 1f. Item, to cary thaim to the Dew havill, viij it. Item, for dueall of spaid imnys, the duean viij ii. viij it. : ij dueal1 , acholl imny8, the dueall v i. ; summa xxiij ii. Item, for ij laid of eolia, . ij i. Summa hujua ebdomide . . xxvj 11. xvj i. iiij if. Item, Setterday the xxix day of Januar, for iiij laid of colia, v i. iiij it. Item, ij dueaD loholia and j duean of spadill for the redding of the greit acWppia dok ; summa Xlll) .. Item, for viij laid of eolia to the James and Margret, the laid xliij it. : summa . ix i. iiij it. Item, to ane to ga on burd ij aindry tymes in atorm on the Margret with wittaliB and stuf, . . xvj i. Summa hujua ebdomide xvj 1f. ix i. viij it. Item, to the James in pottia, ilk pot contenand lvj pund, ilk Ii xvj it.; summa vij It. ix i. iiij it. Item, to hir iij kettillia, ilk kettill weyand iij atane, the price of the 8tane xxxij i.; summa . xiiij 1f. viij i. Item, to cary thaim to the new havin, . xij if. Item, for jc rauehtouris to the James, the priCt! . . \. II. Reaaauit be Johne of Drummond for his pantreis and rowmes iiij it. Item, fOI' careage of thaim .' S1lmma xxvj ft. xviij i. "iij it.


Item, the Xlii day of .Januar "vin to Delanlottil &chip at the kingis



COVJmand, for iiij pipil of aill, ilk pip contenand xxxviij gallownis, A.n. 151213. ilk gallon xvj <t. ; aumma . x tt. ij i. viij it. Item, to the said IChip of iij penny breid, x duaan viij breid; summa xxxij i. Item, in ij penny breid xij dUB&n; lIumma XXlIIl s. Item, to the aaid IChip xxiiij martia _uit fra .James of the lardnel and deliueri! to the Monsour Delamottis IChippia fumesyng Item, gevin to the aaid IChip at the ferry iiij pypia of aill, price of the pip I i. viij if. ; anmma . . . . x tt. ij i. viij if. Item, to the aaid IChip. the x day of Januar, vje bre1d, the price ofthe hunder xx i. ; aumma . vj tt. Item, to hir vj pip of aill, the price of the gallon xx it., ilk pip COlI tenand ux\iij gallonys; aumma xix tt. Item, for careag tharof to the IChor ij i. vj if. Item, vj barrellis of hering, . vj tt. Item, for e&ryag of thaim, . . vj if. Item, to hir apon Faatemya evin, ane freach mart, xxxij ii. Item, to the aaid IChip uiiij of the kingis ml\rtia Item, iij atane of butter and ~ je atok fisch, xliiij . Item, to iij gunnaris of hir to god oompt, vij Franch cronis; summa iiij tt. xviij ii. Summa of Delamottis fumesying iij skor, ij tt. xvj i. iiij if. Item, the xxvj day of Januar to the James, ICho Iyand in the new havin with xlvj men to hir, iije heryng, vj i. ; vj duaan breid, xij i. ; ij harrellis aill, xxxvj ;;. ; for caryag of the aaid stuf and of befor, ,.j a.; aumma . iij tt. Item, the xnij day of Januar to the Margret j barrell of aill, price xviij; Item, to the James ij barrellia aill xxxvj ii. ; iiije hering, viij i. : ,. duaan of breid, xi.; ij stane of candill, x ii. viij if.; summa iij tt. iiij i. viij if. Item, to the aaid Jamee, the xxviij day of .Januar, iiij duaan breid. viij i.; ij balTt'llis aill, xuvj i.; summa I i. Item, the aaid day to the Margret, j h.rrell aill, xviij, i.; ane mwton bouk. iij i. ; a quarter of beil, v i.; je breid, xx i.; in candill, j stane, v i. iiij if.; in e&riag, xij if. ; anmma . Iij i. iiij if. Item, the xxix day of Januar to tho James, ij martis of tho kingia, in carlag of thaim, iiij if. ; ij mwton, vj i. ; the cariag, ij if. ; ij harrellis aill, the barrell x,iij s. ; v (Iuaan hreid, x ii. ; alllmDa . Iij s. vj if. Item, the aaid day to the Margret, iiij dusan of broid, viij i.; the cariag, iiij if. ; j barrell aill, xviij ii. ; the cariagc, ij if. ; summa xxvj i. Tj if. Item, tho penult day of Januar to the JameR, ij barrellis aill, the barrell xviij ii.; the cariag, iiij if.; v duaan of breid, xi.; the cariag, iiij if.; iije heryng, vj s. ; the cariag, ij if. ; aumma Iij i. x it. Item, the aaid day t:b the Margaret, a barrell aill, xviij ii. ; the cariag, ij it. ; iiij dU8&D breid, viij i. ; the cariag, iiij it.; aumma xxvj i. vj it. Item. the !&at day of Janual to the James, j harrell of aill, xviij s.; the cariag, ij it. ; v duaan hreid, x i.; the cariag, iiij if.; j syd of . xxxviij i. vj .1. heif, xi.; RUmma ,




Item, the saill day to the Margret, j barrell aill, xviij i.; ij it. in cariag : j mwtoun, iij i.; j syd of beif, vj i. viij it.; iiij duaan braid, viij i.; the cariag, iiij it.; Bnmma xuvj i. ij it. Item, the last day of Januar to Rubert Bell to pus to DyngweU to bryng haym the achip callit the Clotraris, deliuerit at the kingis command, , . ill: H. And be my Lord Secretar xv H., for the quhilk he suld haf ane quarter part of the burdiB; summa xxiiij n.

Summa of the moneth of Jauuar wrychtis feyis

jel It. viij i.


Summa of the marynaris, .

lxxxix It. xvij i.


Summa of the gunnaris,


. rj It. x\' i.


Summa of the marynaria of the James, xvij It. xv ii. Item, to Pyrynot, Franchmau, akipper of the Gabriell, for hia wagis of the moneth of December aud Januar, he takaud in the moneth ix xvj H. iiij i. Franch cronia of wecht in the moneth ; aumma


xxxv H. \'j if.


Item, for the first day of Februar to the James at tho newhaviD, ij harrem. aill, xxxvj i. ; in cariag. iiij it. ; v duaan braid, xi.; summa lliij i. ilij i!. Item, tho said day to tho Margret, j harrell horing bocht fra Johne Ba1za.rt, xx i. ; the cariag, ij i!. ; ij barrell ail, xxxvj i. ; in, 1lIJ ; summa h'j i. vj .1. Item, tho secund day of Februar to tho James, j barrell aill, x\'iij i. ; in cariag, ij it. l v duaan breid, x i. ; iiije hering, viij i. ; lumma xxxvj i. ij it.



Item, the said day to the Margret, j barrell aill, xviij i.; ill cariag, .\.D. 15123. ij it. ; jc breid, xx i. ; summa. . xxxviij i. ij it. liem, the iij day of Februar to [the] James at the newbavin, ij harrell . aill, the price Xl[xvj i. ; in cariag, iiij ct. ; v dusan hreid, xi.; ij mwton, vj i. ; in cariase, ij it. ; summa . . lij i. vj it. Item, the said day to the l\largret for iij dayis tbar efter, j puncion and ij barrellis aill, the price of the gallon, xx ct. ; in cariac, viij it. ; iij mwtoun, xi.; in cariag to the new havin, ij d. ; ijc hreid, xl i. ; and to aue boit to pas on burd in 8torm, viij ii. ; 8umma vj tt. iij i. x it. Item, to the James for the iiij day and v day of Februar, jC breid, xx i. ; viijc hering, xvj i.; iij barrellis aill, liiij ii, ; in cariag, viij ct. ; aumma. iiij tt. x i. \;ij it. Item, the vj day of Februal' to the James forl:)unday, Moninday, and Tyiaday, in Besch iiij mwton, xij i. ; j mart, xx i. ; iij barrelliB aill, liiij ; in cariag, xij ct. ; jCl breid, xxx ii. ; ij atane of caudill, x ii. viij it. ; summa vj tt. vij i. viij it. Item, to the Margret for the said thre daiB, iiij mwtoun, xij i. ; j ayd of beif, x i. ; in cariag, iiij it. ; ijc breid, xl i.; to aue boit, viij i. ij atane candill, x i. viij it. ; summa iiij tt. xij i. Item, the ix day of Februar to tho James for v dais thar eftel', ijG breid, ij tt. ; in carias. xij it. ; vj barrellis aill, ilk barrell xviij i. ; in carias, xvj it. ; j barrell hering, xx i. ; in cariag, ij it. ; item, xxxvj laid colyi8 to the said James, xxxvj ii. ; summa x tt. vj i. vj it. Item, the x day of Februar to the Margret, ij puncions iij berrellia aill, the price of the gallon xx It.; iijo breid, iij tt. ; in cariag, xx it. ; j barrell salmond, xlv i. ; in caryag, ij it.; for xx laid of colis to hir, xx it. ; summa xij tt. xvj i. x it. Item, to the Margret the xliij day of Februar, ane teraan of aill, the price of the gallon xx It., coutenand xxiiij gallownis ij barellis alle, xxxvj i. ; in cariag, xvj it. ; ijc breid, xl i. ; Item, to ane boit, viij i.; a lltane caudill, va. iiIj it.; lIumma . vj tt. x i. viij it. Summa of the wittaling of Margret and James, lxij tt. xij i. ij it.





Item, the thrid day of Februar the marynaria feit in the Gabriell to saill with MODlOur Delamoit. Item, to John Gardner and hia 8011, iiij It. x . Item, to Georgia Wallace and his mall, . iiij tt. xii. Item, to Johne Litill, . . iij tt. xij i. Item, to Perynot, skipper, he takand ill the ruoneth ix Franch crania of wecht for December and Januar; summa . xvj tt. iiij i. Jtem, to Berwy Bertonar, feyt at the kingia command be him; summa Ii. Item, to Wille Woo, . xxx ii. Item, to Thomas Lorenatoun, xxxv i. . Item, to Jamea Logy, xxxvj i. vj it. Item, to David Davidaon, . . xli.

-'.D. 1512-13.


Item, to Henry Ramuy, xxxv i. Item, to Mychell Lagane, . xl i. Item, to Downy Drawar, xxv i. Item, to William Weich, xxx 50 Item, to iiij FraDchmen, vj ft. Item, to Thome, xx i. Item, to aDe boy, . xv i. Item, to Siaister Jacob, gnnuar, for aile mODeth and ane half wagis, he t.akand iD t.he moneth v It. vj S. "iij if.; summa ,iij It. Item, to Thomas PeirsoD, gunnar, Iii. Summa of t.he childeris hiris aDd guDDaris, Ixiij It. iij i. vj it. Item, for wit.taling of the Mid schip to iij skor of men. Item, to hir viij teirsani8 of aill, ilk teirun contenand xxiiij gallownis, ilk gallon price xx if. ; "'ij puncioDS of aill, ilk puncion contell&lld xviij galloni8 of t.he said price. Item, ane Malvesy boit. of xl gallownis, the price of the gallon ij i. for Monsour Delamoit. uncostis heir of iij i. ; iij row-bowris of wyn brocht. fra the abbey to the lJew havin, the cariag of it, ij i. ; tIor xv teiruDS that. the aill was put in, the price of the pece ij i. : t.he llalvesy boit., vj ii, viiij if.; summa of t.he aill, t.rei8, and cariag, xxxij tt. xj i. viij if. Item, to hir jm breid, x tt. ; t.he cariag t.harof ira Edinburgh to the now havin, iij i. iiij if. Item, \ij berrellis of birskat. breid, the price of the barrell xi. ; summa xiij tt. iij i. iiij it. Item, to hir ane harrell salmond, xlv i. ; iij barrellis hering, iij tt. ; in cariag to the new havill, x it. ; summa . v It. v i. x it. Item, for hir a barrell", xxiiij i. ; in cariag, iiij if. ; to hir iiij stane candill, t.he 8tane v i. iiij it. ; summa xlv ii. viij <t. Summa of t.he fumesing of t.ho Gabriell. liij It. vj i. vj it.

Item, t.he x"iij day of Febrnar to t.ho Margret, scho beand ill the mid of Leit.h with xxxvj men, ij puncion8aill contenand xxx"j gallownis, the price of t.he gallon xx if. ; in cariage to t.he lIew havin viij it. : ij harrelli8 aill of the samyn, price in cariag, iiij it. ; iij- breid, iij tt. ; in cariag fra Edinburgh, xij ,1. ; j barrell hering, xviij i. ; in cariag, ij it. ; j barrell codlingis, xviij i. ; in caring, ij if. ; summa ix It. xiiij i. iiij it. Item, the said xviij day of Februar tho James mast was Bet. up to hir at t.he kingiB command, a harrell aill, xviij i. ; in caring, iiij if. ; iij skor breid, xi.; in cariag, ij if.; summa . xxviij i. "1 if. Item, to the Margrot. the xxij day of Febrnar, j- breid, xx ii. ; in cariag, ij it. ; ij harrellis aill, xxxvj i. ; in cariag, iiij <t. ; summa Ivj i. vj it. Item, t.he xxiij day of Febrnar to the James to pas up tho wat.ter, iij harrellis aill, t.he price of the harrell xvUj i. ; t.he cariag, vj <t. j j pip aill contenand xxxvj gallon8, [t.he price of] t.he gallon xx <t. j in caring, viij it. ; ij- breid, price xl i. j in cariag, viij it. ; j harrell



hering, price xviij i. ; the cariag, ij it. ; iije freach hering, pricu A.D. 15123. ,.j i. ; ij Btane candill, x i. viij <t. ; x laid coliB, xi.; summa x tt. viij it. Summa of the wittaliB of the Margrat and Jamea,. xxiiij tt. Item, the aaid day to the UtilI achip of Traport, at the kingiB com mand, vj pip of aill, the price of the pyp iij tt. ; ..... breid, price of the jC xx i. ; iiij barrelliB hering, the price of [the1b&rrell xviij i. ; summa . xxvj tt. xij i. Item, the xxvij of Februar the quenya grace auld hal palBit in ane boit; Item, ij b&rrelliB aill to the boit, at the kingiB oommand, oon tenand x pllownya, price xx i. ; to hal thaim to the DOW havin, iiij it. ; to maD that brocht xl breid to the newhavin and mayn breid, and to xxx men that auld haf bom the quenytl oheryot, ilk man iiij It. ; II1lIIlIII& XXZ i. viij it. Item, Setterd&y the v day of Februar to x werkmen for vj d(l,iB and xxviij werkmen for ij..daiB oaatand at the MargretiB dok, ilk man on the day viij <t. ; summa . iij tt. zvij i. iiij it. Item, to iij _ill ..wanB for iij wolkiB wagis, ilk man on the day xiiij It. ; BUDlma iij tt. xiij i. vj It. [And many Bimilar entriee.] Item, for xliiij !t. aaill threid, ilk !t. xiiij if. ; summa xlviij i. iij i. vj ct. Item, for iij laid coliB to the pik houa ; summa . [And many Bimilar entriea.] Summa hujua ebdomade . xviij It. J[V i. vj It. Item, Setterd&y the xij of Februar to Thomas Branwod, cartar, for xviij drauch of burdia and tymmer fra Leith to the new havin, the xij i. drauch viij It. ; BUDlma . Item, for mappattiB and stafYB to hir, . iij i. iiij It. Item, for ij duaan of sperriB to the James pantry I"Owmee, the price of the poco xviij it. ; BUDlma zxxvj i. Item, for the iiij lltane of hemp to the Margret, the stane iiij i. viij if. ; BUDlma . iij !t. ij i. viij it. Summa hujua ebdomade . xxj It. iij i. ij it. Item, Setterd&y the xix day of Februar for xxiij tt. _ill threid, the !t. xiiij <t. ; summa . xxvj i. x <t. Item, for iij b&rrelliB pik to the Margret, the harrell xxiiij i. ; summa iij tt. xij i. Item, to cary thaim to the new havin, . vj it. Item, ij dwaan rauchtouriB to hir, the dUBln x i. ; in cariag of thaim, viij it. ; summa . xx i. viij if. Item, to y tUl'S hadder, v i. Item, gavin be Maister Martyn at the ferry mendand the greit achippis boit for hadder, ij i. ; to the sawaris, iij i. ; for pik and the pot, ij i. ; summa . vij i. Summa hujua ebdomade . xv !t. xij i. Item, Setterd&y the xxvj day of Februar to Umfra Cowper for ij duaan of bukattil, the poco vj it. ; lumm. . xij i. Item, to ThOm&8 Leya for Jacbt TerraiUiIJ houamail1, pait .t the kingiB command, vj !t. xiij i. iiij it.


.-., 't._


1Lt'm.. t.e. t~ ~ad n:.-::-a.. Ler !rKn.a--C'. . . . . . . . . . ..m.. at ,be kmp. ~ ..... ..-j i. rij 4. '"-u:.. 1!.. ..-iij ... iij 4.


!'-umnaa bxla:iij II. IT i.. CllDlptit with Da"j,j Foret ira tbe xj day 01 J ........ to the xij day 01 Februar, '-ad lEU <lays lAJ thir . - - abaa 'tI"I'itia.. tcpIder wish Ihl! gunnari-, .-j 1I'l'YC'htis. and at tbe muting 01 lAJ XUT OJ'1. may f'R iij dayiA.. ilk _ 011 tbe day Dj <1.., and to 10m for that day tbat the achip wv. ma.ctit. for aU folD iiij Ii.: _ iiij "'or m II. T ... Item. to .J,,fme Baonatyn in full payment 01 hiro baiII -=hip I II . 01 thl! quhilk I Ii. I ret.o!auit ux It. _t 01 tbe kiDgis awn pan..t xx H. fra the Droe of C';lke...-, the quhilk Iii . full pa,-t 01 the aid IIl'hip; I<Umma . . I Ii.



h' It. iij i.

Summa x'iij II. ,.;" I tem, to iiij men in the greit boit, . "j It. x ;. Item, fra Johne WillODjc l rauchtouris for the James and lIargret, the jc ,. 1f. ; IlUmma . rij H. xi. Item, Ira Georgis Pat.enon to the said IIl'hippis, iij dUll&n ama1e (1aIi8, price of the d1lll&D xiiij i. ; mmma . xlij i.

Item, Sett.enlay the v day of March to Walter Patenlon for ane litill . xl i. boit to the greit schip, ca1Iit &De skaif. for eraodil, Item, to Thomas Braowod lor xij drawch fra Leith to the new havin of tymmer, the drawch viij it. ; ij draucht fra Leith to Lithquhow of the organys, the draucht is i. ; ij draucht of plankil fra Calder wod to the new havin, the drauch ix i. ; BDlDma xlv i.



Item, for xij tum of hacIlier to the Margret and William DUllean, ilk tum xij it. ; .umma. . xij . Item, for ane barrell of pik to William Duncan for his schip, xxiiij . Item, for ij stalle of im work to him, the stane v ii. "iij .t. ; iiijc clowbill naill to him, the jc xl it.; summa . . . xxiiij s. viij .1. Item, Setterday tho xij day of March to iiij sawa.ris ill Call1ourwod and ij ill J>alkeith saw&nd pl&nkiB for vj clais, ilk man on the day . xlij" xiiij it. ; Bumma Item, to ThomaB BI'auwoo, carter, for ij dra.wch of plankis fra ""iij . Caldour to the new havin, the drawch ix ii. ; summa. Item, to Johne Daw80n for ij barrellis of pik to the Margret, the barrell xxiiij i. ; anel in eariag to the new haven iiij .1. ; summa xlviij A. iiij .t. Item, for viij tum of hadder to biro . viij ii. '-j .1. Item, for xx stane of hemp to hir, the stano iiij ii.: boobt fra. William . iiij U. Brown of Enderkeithin ; Bumma . Item, to the wrychtis of Dalkeith that helpit to Bkwich the ij greit geistis to mak pl&nkis of for the Me.rgret, in drynksilller, iiij . Item, to a man that brocht th" crans of the greit schip fra the castell, vj it. Item, to a man that brocht the James col&r of hir stay to the new ha,-in, . "j it. Item, to'I'homas BranwlXl, carter, for xiiij drawch of tymmer fra Leith to the new ha,;n, the dracht viij it. ; viij dracht fra Dalkeith of pl&nkis, the dracht viij i. ; ane fra Newbotill of stewinnys to boittis, the drauch viij s. ; .umme. iiij U. xvj it. Item, for xx lokkis to the 8chippis, the price of the 10k iij ii. ; summa iij tt, Item, for vj dusan of .10ttiB and band is for the pavesis of the James, the dU8&n vj s. ; summa . xxxvj ii. Item, Setterday the xix clay of March to the werkmen of the schor that helpit to lois the toUis lurth of Johne of Berton's schip, and lor the bering of thaim to my chawmer, . lllJ . Item, to the wrychtis that wrocht apon the Inglis Bchip that Del&mot eend haym; to Robert Hawik, wrycht, &nd hiB ij l16ru&Ddis lor vj dais, ilk day to him an.1 thaim "ij i.. Item, to Johne Wrycht of for iiij dayis, iij ii. on the day ; Item, to Rogy Comtoull for iiij dayis, iij s. 011 the day. Item, for iiij tum of hadrler, iiij 8.. Item, a barrell pik xxiiij ii. ; summa . iiij 11'. xiiij ii. Item, for moppatis schaltis, . xvj it. Item, for mOB to the litill boittis, . .. xxxij it. Item, to Rogy Corntoun in part of payment of his wagis to big &ne boit, . . . . iiij tt. Item, for &ne harrell t&llon to the litill berk of Balyardill, . . Iv ii. Item, to hal it to the new havin, . iiij .t. Item, Setterday the xxvj clay of March, to xij werkmen at the greit schip for v clais redcl&nd hir dok and tabnd the stanys fra. hir forschip, and viij men at the new havin v dais at the Margret. ilk man on the day viij it. ; summa iij tt. vj ii. viij it.





Item, for iiij barrellis of tallon to the greit achip, the barrell Iv i. ; summa . xj tf. Item, to cary thaim to the new havin, . IJ". Item, to Thome Scot, in part of payment of ane boit to the J&meB, for his w&gis, . . iij tt. Item, for hadder to the Ma.rgret, . vij i. Item, for pump ledder to hir, . IIJ"Item, for ij skwpis to cast w&tter fra. hir keill for the memlillg of hir, ij i. vj if. Item, for candill in the nycht to thaim that wrocht at hir keill, vij .1. Item, Johne of Berton's achip fumyst with wittail1 and men with my Lord of Murra.y, at the kingil command:In primis, to the marynaris, Uk &I his bill beris, for the moneth wagia of Aprile, ilk mannys naym in the bill with his wagis at his taill; summa of the haill marynaris wagis. . xlvij tf. xiiij ii. Item, to the said achip xij puncions aill, ilk punciou contenand xviij gallownys, the price of the gallon of x of thaim xx it. ; and the tothir ij ordanit for my Lord of Murra.ys aWD drynk, the price of gallon ij ii. ; summa xviij tt. xij i. Item, in cariag of thaim ij syndry tymea to the new havin and Ira. it
~to~ ~i.

Item, fra. Robert Berton's wit for ij puncions of wyo, viij tt. Item, for careying of thaim to the new havin, . viij if. Item, for ane rowbour of MalveBY contenand v gallownys, the price of the gallon xvj i. ; and a rowbour Muscaldy, the price of the gallon xvj ii. ; summa viij tt. Item, to bring thaim fra. Edinburgh to the new haviD, . xij it. Item, for iiij dusan of mayn breid for my Lord, ,iij s. Item, in cariag tharof, iiij if. Item to the said achip, vje breid, the price of the je xx i. ; ~ ill the caliag of the je, iiij if. ; summa vj tf. ij i. Item, to the said &chip, ij barrellis of hering, . xl ii. Item, in cariag tharof to the new havin, . vj it. Item, a barrell of salmond of the kyngis aWII, in cariag tharof to the new havin, . ij it. Item to the said achip of the kingis, viij martis. Item, for the cariag of thaim to the new havin, . . xij if. Item, to my Lord of Murra.y, j dusan of fed capons, price. xVJ ". Item, for ij stane candill, . . x i. viij if. Item, to hir, xvj laid of colis, xvj i. Item, to lois the said achip quhen acho W&I nepit in the new havin in haste, to niiij werkmen for a day and &De nycht, ilk man xvj it. ; summa xxxij ii. Item, to tho said warkmen a barrell aill, xvj i. ij it. ; in breid to thaim, v ii. vj it. ; in fisch, iiij ii. ; Bumma . xxv s. viij if.

AI) l'E.i';D IX.




Item, to Martyn Flemyn, the xiij day of March, quhen be passit his way ha~'m, gevin at the kingi~ command his monethis wag, . x 11. Item, to him for his expen8 quhen he was in Holland the king[is] crandis, . iiij It. xviij "- vj it.

Comptit with David Foret fra the xij day of Februar to the xiiij day of March, beand xxx days to thir persona befor writin, beand in the greit 8chi}l togidder with Patrik Notman amI his iij seruandis, Lawrence Comton and his man, and uther iij wrychti" iiij boyia, to ilk man on the day xij if. for meit; summa iij akor xiij H. x "Item, to the Inglis each for the moneth of March to Johne Paterson and his eeruandis, . viij H. Item, to the greit boit for the saill moneth of March, v It. v ii.

Item, for the wittaling of the l\Iargret for the moneth of March, to ilk man abon writin, togidder with the maister and ij boyis, for tho day xij .t. ; the moneth beand xxxj day; summa' of . the wittaling and hiris, 1 It. Ij ii. Item, to Thomas Leye for je I akin sperris for the James, deliverit to Johne Drummond; summa. iiij H. x i. Item, for beryng of thaim to the schor and boittyn, . xvj <to

Item, in the said James thar was workand for the said moneth William Mayn and his iij eeruandis-and the sex ca.lfetouris and the ij Matheis and ij boyis; to David Foret for thail'wittalis for;ilk . xij it. day in the said moneth, . Summa of tho feyis and wittaling of the' James fra the" xij day of Februar to the xiiij day of March, . liij H. x ii. Itorn, the xx day of March for the bark of Aberfelrl, hoycht at the kingis command fra Andro Dawson and David Logane for iije 11., the quhilk iije tt. I re88&vit ij"H. in duca.ttis fra the kingis gl'&Ce in hia 8tOOye, and je H. fra Maister Dayid Scot in plaklr.iB.

Summa of the gunnaris, . .xxix H. xv . Item, for a I bunder sperris for the James, the price of pace xviij ,t. ; summa . iiij H. x ii.

Item, Settenlay the second [I. first] day of Aprile for ij barrellie of wlon to ~be greit echip, v It. x .




Item, for a hlj.rrell of uley to the Margret for the roaatyn of hir, xlv i. Item, to hal it to the new ba,-in, . . ij if_ Item, Setterday the viij day of Aprile to xviij werkmen for one day at the towia, and xiiij werkmen for vj daie caatand the dok of the greit schip, ilk man on the day viij it. ; summa iij U. ,~ij i. Item, to iij Baill s e w a r i s , . . xxiiij i. "1 it. Item, for ij dregboitti@ to the new havin with the bark of Abayfeld, and for drynk IUver to the men that had hir, xvj i. viij ct. Item, to vj carlis that brocht don the M_ingear to Leith fra the caatell, ilk cart ij i. ; lumma. . . xij i. Item, to Lorence Doddis, amyth, for jm dowbill naill, the price xuiij i. iiij if., and the bandyug of lux of paves to the schippia, ilk paves ij bandis, the price xvj it. ; summa . . vij 11. Item, Setterday the xv day of Aprile to Thom&& Uranwod and Thom Oichiltre, cart&ris, for xij dracht of tymmer to the new havin, the drauch viij it. ; ij dracht fra Dalkeit.h, the dracht. viij i. ; summa. xxv i. Item, to Johne Watson, smyth, for the banding of thre skor of targia, t.he peee xvj it., and to ane aadlair for the handing of thaim, the pece vj it. ; summa. v It. x "Item, to iij hors to hal the said targes to Leith for the new havin,

Item, to Thom&& Oichiltre, cartar, for xij drauch with bis fallowis cartaria of gunny! fra the caatell to the new havin, xxxij it.; iij drauch aill to the Dew havin, ij s. ; summa . . xxxiiij i. Item, to Dokan, cartar, with is aun co.rt to Gl&&kew for ane cabill for iiij dais, ilk day ix i. ; v draucht pipis fra the abbay to Leith, v i. ; and for adrauch fra Dawhouay, ix i.; summa Iii. Item, to Thom Scot in full payment of completing of the boit to the greit schip, I i. Item, for the fraucht of the towis that Johne of Bert.oun send haym with the Franchman, . xx i. Item, for the losing and hOll-1Iing of thaim, . UJ .. Item, to James Kennedy for xij st&ne of roaat, the staue iiij s. ; summa xlviij i. Item, to ane hors to haf it up the watter, . xvj it. Item, Setterday tho xxij day of Aprile to xiiij werkmen caatand nnder the greit achip for vj days, to ilk man on the day viij it.; and becaua thai get no. Uleit, to thaim ill the wolk mair amang thaim, xiiij i. ; summa . iij It. x . Item, to iij werkmen at the hark in Leith and Newhavin, . . XII". Item, to Thom&& Branwod, cartar, for xx drauch tymmer betwix Leith and the new havin, for the hark of Abbafeild, the dracht. viij if. ; iiij draucht of gunnys fla the caatell to Leith, the drauch IJ ". ; summa . xxj i. iiij if. Item, for iiij harrell tallon semi to the Margret and James, the harrell I s., for tallonyng of thaim ; summa . x 11. Item, Setterday the I&&t [l. twentY-llinth] day of Aprile to xiiij werkmen at the greit schip ij in Leith at the bark of Abayfeld, ilk iij U. iiij i. man iiij i. ; summa



Item, to Johne Watson, smyth, for vj stane of maid werk for the bark .a..D. 11118. of Abayfeld, the stane v i. viij It. ; BUmDIA xniiij i. Item, for ane pot to the rosatyn of hir, . xx i. Item, for mOBIl to hir, . . xij it. Item, to Robert Fresall, smyth, for xvje dowbill naill, the je :r.l it. ; jm eingi1l naill, the je :IX It., for the greit &chip ; mmma iij tt. x i.

Comptit with David Foret fra the xiiij day of March to the xiij day of Aprile, beand xxx dais, to the said David for wittaling of the greit &chip and James, thar beand in the greit &Chip of marynaris nviij men, and in the James xij marenari., iij wrychtis ; and in the greit BOhip iiij boyiB, iij gunnaris, William Kello, and the preiat, makand in the haill of men to pay for, togidder with v wrychtis, summa Ixxij men; To David Foret for ilk man ou the day, xij It. ; summa of the Bilver . iij akor of tt. xviij tt. Item, for ane greit kettill, bocht be the maiater cuk for the greit &chip, weyand iij stane v tt., the tt. xx It. ; summa. iiij tt. viij i. iiij It. Item, to Henry Mowtray for iiij treis to the cowbrig of the greit &chip, xxxviij i.


Item, to the greit &chip mayn standert. In the first, in steik qUhit say, the price of the ateik v tt. x i. Item, ijl ateik reid say, the price of the steik v tt. x i. Item, in ateik yalow say, the price of tlie steik iiij tt. xv i. Ittlm, for the lion ane steik reid, v tt. Item, for the unicorn ane steik quhit, v tt. x i. Item, gevin to the broidstar ane quartar and 1 tt. worset, the price of the tt. viij i. Item, for Birgh threid to him, iij i. Item, for other Scottis threid, xx it. Item, lor blwdia of rebandis, xxv i. Item, for ane tt. of blak woreat threid, viij i. Item, for ane tt. yalow threid, viij.. Item, xll:Xiij ellia Iynyng for the mayo standert, the ell xiiij it. ; summa xxxviij i. vj if. Item, vj ellis pourpour, the ell iij i. vj if. Item, viij bundiBworsat, xvj i. Item, for ane ell blew, iij i. Item, ane elne greyn, iij i. Item, for ane ell reid, iij i. Item, for xxiiij elliA Iynnyng to lit blew for the heid of the .tandert to pant Sanot Androia cors, the ell xiij It.; aumma xxvj i. Item, for xij ellis of yalow say, xxxiiij i. Item, for xxx faldom smale toll, xxx It. Item, iije frenzeiB, the ell v It. ; Bumma vij tt. x i. Item, to Andro Edzar for xxij ellis olaith for the cora, xxij ii. Item, for woraet threid tharto of all colouria, xxxvij i. Item, for xij ellis clayth to be the band, xij i. Item, for batter tharto, iiij It. Summa of the ltandllrt . Ixxij tt. vij ;. vj if.

.... D.



Item, gevin to Alexander Chawmer, pantour, apon his bill of compt, at the kingis command, for werk wrooht in the greit BOrup James Bnd Margret, . xxx 11.

[&e p. GOO.]

[&e p. 505.]

Item, the firat day of Maij. to William Duncan to p88II in Norway with the Inglis schip callit Merybuttukis eftir his contract, to gud compt, . xl 11. Item, to Alexander Lambe for ane cabill to him, . vj 11, xi. Item, deliverit to the said William, Clotraa best ancor liand at the New Havin. Item, to Johne Paterson and iiij men with him in the Inglis each; in the moneth at the kingis command, viij 11. Item, Setterday the vij day of Maij, to Thomas Watson, smyth, for xxvj stane of maid wer.k deliver[it] to James Scot for the bark of Abayfeild, Wille Duncan[is] schip and Thomas Bannatynis schip, the stan, v i. \-iij it. Item, to Arche Boill for iije rawehtouris for the pantry rowmes of the James, the jc v tt. l summa . xv 11. Item, for the beryng of thaim furth of the clois, . v i. Item, Setterday the xiiij day of Maij, for jo sperris to the James for hir pantry roWIDCS. the je ix tt. Item, for a boit to haf thaim to hir, . x i. Item, for the bering aDd boitting of thaim, IJ .. Item, to Thomas Branwod, cart&r, for uvij drauch of tymmer of the credill and uther small tymmer fra the New Havin to the kinp werk and berk of Abbayfeild, ilk draueh viij if. ; BUmIn& xviij i. Item, for pomp ladder to the James and Margret deliverit to Jobne and Johne Bertoun, '. vj i. viij tt. Itern, Setterday the xxj day of Maij, for xxiiij tun of hadder for the bymyng of the gret schip James and Margre[t] befor the tallon, xxiiij i. Item for x barrellis of tallon to the said iij BOhippis, ilk harrell Iv i. ; boycht fra Donald, candilmakar; summa xxvij n. x i. Item, to Alexander Routh for xxtl stane haniis for the calfetyn of the greit BOruppis fordek, the stan v i. ; summa . . v 11. Item, for ane hora in haist to hal thaim to the ferry, . . IJ .. Item, Setterday the xxviij day of lfaij, for xxxij pund of saill threid, the It. xiiij if. ; summa tharof xxxvij i. iiij if. Item, j stane of carvelluaill, vj s. viij tt.; vj ryngis and stapillis to bynd the hors with, xx if. ; amI to Jamcs Scot for the greit schip,

jmiiije dowhill naill, the jC xl it. ; ije single, the je


It.; summa .\.D. Hil3. vj it. xv i. x it. Item, to ane Duehman for lij lang aria for the greit achippiB boit, the . , - iiij i. ; summa. . x n. viij i. Item, for the beryng of thaim in the kingis werk, xvj it. Item, to ij boittiB that hrocht xj skor of aperria furth of Sanet Johoatoun for the cowhryging of the greit achip, quhilk &perria Sehir Duncan Cambell aend to Sanat Johnston, ilk boit xxx i. ; summa . iij n. Item, for the howaing of the &perria that com in ane of [the] boittiB, iij i. Item, to the t{)ther boit to pas to the greit achip to the ferry, in drinksilver, vii. Item, for intymmer to the greit achippis cok, . xxvj i. viij it. Item, to Alexander LieU, in Leith, for ane greit mast and ij Bmale mastis, of the quhilk maatia the greit mast was made half ru, to the Margret, . vij It. Item, to ane boit to hal the said mast to the new havin,. . ij s..

Comptit with David Foret fra the xiij day of Aprile to the xiij day of Maij, beand xxx dais, for the wittalingof the greit achipJamea alld Margret Iiand in the Duhlarland beayd the ferry, for ilk perROn beam! in the said achippis xij it., tbar beand in tho greit achip of ma.ryoariB xxxj, vj wryehtiB, ij sawaria, iij gnnnariB. Item, in the lIargret xiiij ma.ryoaria, Jolme Drummond, anti iiij wryehtill. Item, in the James viij marynaria, William Mayn, ami v wrychtis with him; summa of the persens beand in the achippis for the said xxx dais with xiij calfetouriB in the greit achip, ill the haill iiij skor ,-iij persollS; lIumma of the money tharof . jCJl'Xxij n.



Item, to the marenaria of Dunde and of the eat aey, in drynkllilver, xxviij ii.

[8ee p. 506.]

Richart Mader and his man for Aprile and Maij, Walter Hwm with him, Johne Henderson, Robert Skrymgeour, .Tohnl'T..okart,

. x n. iij U. xi. iij tt. xi. iij n. x i. iij It. x i.




Henry Corntoun and his man, thai bea.nd in the Gabriell in Frana with Dela.moit, thai tak/md in the moneth iiij 11. xij i. for the apace of iiij moneth, of the quhilk iiij moneth Johne Balzard pait him ana in Frans, and sa I pait him iij moneth at his haym eumyn; summa xiij 11. xvj i.


Item, to MaiBter Jacob for ij moneth and i, he bea.nd in Frana with Delamoit in the Gabriell, he takand in the moneth v 11. vj i. viij it. ; SUDlma xiij 11. vj i. viij ct. IteDl, to Thomas Peirson, he beand in France in "the said Gabriell iij moneth, he takaud in the moneth 1 i. ; summa . vij 11. x i. Peter Berm, feyt be Mawnys in Denmark for liij i. iiij it., palt for Aprile and Maij ; summa v 11. vj i. viij it.

Item, Setterday the iiij !lay of Junij, to xviij werkmen to cast about the greit achip fordiehtin, Btekin, and tallonyng of hir vj daYB, ilk ma.n on the day viij it. ; Bumma . iij 11. xij ii. Item, the ije Estland burdis for the achippiB, of the quhilk the berk of Abayfeild tuk a hunder to hir beit, the price of the je xviij 11. xi.; summa . . xxxvij H. Item, for berying and hoWBing of thaim of the achor, . VlIJ" Item, to Thomas Scot for iijc lang treyn naliB for the James, the jc vj i.; summa . XVlIJ So Item. Setterday the xj day of Junij, iiij eawariB eawand rybbi8 for the cowbryging of the achippis, XXVlIJ . Item, for the fraucht of ije firryng Rperris furth of RanctandroiB to Leith, . xVJ" Item, in drynkBilver to the men that brocht ije rauchtouris furth of SanctandroiB to Leith, send be David Lermonth, . i. Item, tane be JohDe Drummond furth of Inverkeithin of MaiBter James Henderson, ijG rauehtouris, the quhilk I mon &IIawer. Item, for the furth bryngyng of the eaid rauchtouria, . IIJ" Item, for a barrell of pik tane be James MackesoD quhen I was absent, . XlUlJ So Item, to 1 CAItis at dheria tymes that broycht gunnya furtht of tbe caatell to Leith for the achippis, ilk cart ij i.; summa. . v H. Item, Setterday the xviij day of Junij for je Swethyn burdia for the mendyng of the set burdis of tho Margret amI berk of Abayfeild,
p~ .~~

Item, for Ie akyn sperri8 tharto,

iij It.




Item, for vij atayn of seym and ruf to the said sett burdia, the price of A.D. 1613. the stane vij i. ; aumma . xlix a. Item, to John Kill, smyth, for xx Btane of bowtis, ryngis and foir lokis, price of the stane v ii. viij if. ; summa.. v tt. ziij i. iiij It. Item, for ijo rauchtouris tane fra Arche Boill be James Mabson for the pantry roWID88 of the pit schip, pri!l8 x If.; and fra him iij <lusan of daliB tharto tan be the said James, price of the pace iij i.; and iiij skor of sperris tan fro. Henry Scot tharto, prico of the pace xiiij if.; mmma xx If. xvj It. Item, Setterday the xxv day of Junij in drynksilver to schipmen to schip the greit gunnys for the Margret, . vj i. viij if. Item, for xx pit treiB to be cabillatok berris for the greit schip James . v tt. and Ma.rpt, price of the pace vi.; summa. ltem~ for the howsing of thaim in the kingiB werk, . xvj it. Item, to Thomas Watson, smyth, for xxj Btane of maid werk, price of the stane vi. viij it.; vijo dowbill Mill, price of the jo xl it. ; viijc single, the jc xx if.; xVC dur naill, the jc x it. ; summa viij If. viij i. ij if. Comptit with David Foret fra the xiij day of Ma.ij to the xij day of Junij, beand xu dais for the wittaling of the pit schip, James, and Ma.rgret, liand in the Dublar Land heayd the ferry, for ilk person bear,d in the said schippiB xij it.; thar beand in the pit schip XllXj person of marynaris, xiiij calfetouris; xj pel"8ODB in the James, William Mayo and iiij men with him, Johne Drummond and his xij men. In the Margret, xiiij p8l"8OD8, ij wrychtia; mmma of the marynaris, wrychtis, calfetouris, with iij gunnaris, iiij skor xiij persons; summa of the silver tharfor . jcxxxix tt. x i. Item, to the rnaister of the Swallow for viijm im, ilk jm extendand to vj wall and 6, the prico of the jm vij If. xi.; mmma . iij Bkor n. Item, for weying and bering of the said im to the kingis werk, x i. Item, reBIlIlvit fra the said maiater xxiiij pecia of tyo, and tharof gavin to him at the command of the king, viij pecia. Item, for the careyng of the said tyn of the schor to the kingiB werk, and to the boit that broycht it fro. the schip in the raid, . . viij i. Item, to the Franchman that deliverit the said tyn, in drinkailver, xiiij ii. Item, to Patrik Kow and Thomas Fairfowlis, makarls of gun stanya, for iiij hUDder gun atanys of all sortia, grait and amale, deliverit be thaim to me at divers tymes, price of the pace viij it. ; mmma xvj If. Item, for jC xix aperria to mak hand apakia of, price of the pace xiiij if., mmrna vij If. xi.; deliverit to Lorence Corntoun tharof to the pit schip iijD; and to the James and Margret the laif. Item for ,. Swetyo burdis to the said Lorence for miateris in the schippia, . . iij tt. ]I: i.

A.D. 1518.



Item, to x men of the ferry for half the moneth helpand furth of the Margret, ilk man xx i. ; summa . x u.



Item, to iiij marenaria in the greit boit, . vj It. IteJII, for the mendyug of the said boit, acho bea.nd skorit l\;th greit artaiIyery passand to the achippis; summa. xx ii.


Comptit with David Foret fra the xij day of Junij to the xxx day of the sammyn for wittaling of the greit achip, Margret, and James, beand xviij days, thar beand in the.greit achip to the nomer of xl persons, marenaris and caifetouris, Johne Drummond and xj wrychtil; into the Margre't, xiiij ma.renaris, William Mayn and v wrychtis ; in the James, x m&renaris and iij Franch wrychtis and four gunnaris; .umms of the ma.renaris, wrychtiR, calfetouris, and gunnaris, beand in the said schippis xviij day, ilk man on the day xij [If.]; summa of the persons, iiiju: xix persons; summa of the silver tharfor . iiij skore ix It. ij i.
The Gabriell cummand haym at the west sey the xx day of J unij. Item, to Georgia Wallace for Aprile and Maij, he takand in the moneth to him and hiB man iiij It. xi.; summa. ix 11.

Memorand that Johne BaJzard payt all the marenaris and gunna.ris of the said Gabryell for the moneth of March, and my lsst payment befor this was the moneth of Februar, except that I pait to Maister Jacob the half moneth of March. Item, to David Davidson, iiij It. Thomas Lorenetoun, . iij It. xi. Item, to Wille Wod, iij It. James Logye, . iij It. xv i. Michell Logane, . . iiij It. William Wech, . . iij n. Item, thir marenaris efter followand feit be Johne Halyard in Fralls



the first day of March, and at thair haym cumyng the kingis grace A.D. 1Ii1S. cauait me to pay thaim after Johne BalyardiB bilL Item, to Vincent Merchamatoun for iij moneth, he takand in the moneth 1 i.; summa . vij it. xi. Item, Johne Swan, he takand in the moneth I i. ; summa . vij it. x i. Item, Peter Schort, he takand in the moneth xl i. ; summa . vj it. Item, Litill, he takand in the moneth iij It. xij i., . x It. xvj i. Item, F..ctor Ju, he takand in the moneth xl i. ; summa. . vj 11. Item, Alexander Paterson, he takand in the moneth xl i. ; summa vj 11. Item, Johne Derby, pylot, he takand in the moneth iij It. ; Bumma ix tt. Item, to Artheoa, Franchman, pilot, he takand in the moneth iij tt. ; summa . ix it. Item to the barbour, he takand in the moneth xl i. ; summa . vj It. Item, to Perynot, maiBter, for Februar, March, Aprile, Maij, Junij, and Julij, to pas to the W8IIt 18y for the about bryn[g]ing of the Gabriell and Lowis, he takand in the moneth ix Franch crounis of wacht, beand vj moneth; summa . . xlviij 11. xij i. Item, to Robeyn CaUl to pas with for pylot, biB moneth wage of Julij, Ii. Item, to Robert TeJ1IIAIld to pas for ane pylot for Julij,. 1 i. Item, to Paty Campbell for the laid moneth, I i. Item, to thair ezpens be the gait, XWl Item, the first day of .Junlj gavin to Johne Balyard and John Dertoun to furnya the Jamea and Margret the tyme of thair furth brynging, beand in ilk BChip of marenariB and wrychtis, xxviij persons, for ilk person on the day xij it. ; you payand to the xiij day of the B&mmyn; summa of the silver . XlI'xvj It. viij i. Item, the first day of Junij to the fumcsing of the greit BChip, thar beand in hir j- men fra hir furth taking to the aueht day of the II&mmyn, quhill BCho come to the raid of Leith, ilk man on the day xij it. ; summa. . xl 11.

Item, Setterday the aecund day of Julij to xxxij werkmen for beryng of aill and wittaill furth of the hous to the 18llaris, and furth of the sellariB to the boittia and berying and boitting of gunnys and artailye, lawborand day and nyeht, ilk man vj dais, xij it. on the day ; summa . ix 11. xij i. Item, to iiij MwariB B&wand daliB for the clathing of the powpet of the greit BChip, XXVlIJ Item, for xxx Iang daIia, ilk daill xxxu fut vj inch of the skwar and ij fut braid, to Johne Broun of Anstruther, for ilk daill viij i.: summa . xij tt. Item, to Johne Hunter, smyth, xliij- 18ym and mf, the j- xl tt. ; xvijclowbill naill, the jc xl It. ; iiij dur naill, the j- x it.; xxvj stane maid werk, and tharof xiij stane of hiB awn im, price of the stane v i. viij It.; 'l.Dd the tother xiij stane wirkin, price of the stane xvj tt. ; summa . ix 11. xvij i. vii it.

A.D. 1518.


Item, for iij scharpentynnya boycht Ira ThOlD88 Bard and deliverit to Alexander Routh to the greit achip, price of the pece iij it. ; summa . . ix it. Item, to the said Thomas for his expens that day, xvj it. Item, to Lorence Comtoun for ane mast to the oowbriging of the gl eit schip, . . . . . .. . v i. Item, Setterday the ix day of Julij to xxxij werkmen for schippin of the gunnya of the IJOhor, beryng of the aill. and uther stuf, law boryng day and nyeht, ilk man vj dais, xij it. on the day ; summa . ix 11. xij i. Item, for iiij greit boitfull of ballast to the greit schip, Uk boit xxx i., , vj 11. Item,for a pit craarfull of ooliB Erauehtit be me in Disert, berand of oolis xij chalder. the said colia ge'lin be my Lord Sinew for the boittis lraucht, iiij 11. Item. for iij boittis of colis boycht be me in Leith, send to the greit schip. Jamell, and Margret for thair fuell to thair wage, Uk boit iij 11. ; summa. ix 11. Item, to the marynaris of the said boittiB for to pal up the watter with the said oolis. in drynksilvir, . xiiij i. Item, to Thomas Crr.wfurd, smyth, iiijm dowbill naill, prioe of the jm xxxiij i. iiij it. ;' vm Bingile naill, price of the jm xvj i. viij it. ; summa . x it. xvj i. viij it. Item, iij dusan of mawmaria to the greit schip James and Margret, the price of the d1lll&ll xx i.; summa . iij H. Item, for ane Inglis hid to the mawmarla. . xliij i. Item, of a mawmer, . . xx it.

Item. send to the pit achip at twa tymes of the aill maid of the Prior of Sanotandroia beir, v lastia, ilk last contenand vj skor of gallooya; summa of the gallOWDya V C gallownya, the price of the gallon zx it.; summa . I 11. Item, the x day of Junij send up to the greit schip xvjc breid, boycht Era Martyn Hunter, price of the jC xx i.; summa . xvj 11. Item, for oareag of the said breid doun to Leith, ilk jC iiij it. ; summa v i. iiij it. Item. send to hir of my Lon! Secretaria keling ijC. Item, for jm fresh haddokkis, boycht be David Foret, price 01 the jc iij i.; snmma . xxx i. Item. to the greit schip, xvj salt martis of the kingis, for boitting of thaim, . ij i. Item, iiij freach martis, price of the pece xx i.; summa " iiij H. Item, to ano dreg boit to hal the said martia up to the pit schip in haist, . iiij i. Item, boycht be Johne Gowrlaw, hoid boittiaman, xx girls and trowt, price of the pece x it.; summa xvj i. viij it. Item, ane greit erao.r full of oolia to part amang the iij greit schippia, price ~~



Item, Setterday the xvj day of Julij to J[l[xij workmen for achippin .\.D. l1i13. and beriDg of aill and lither stu', ilk man vj dayis, xij it. on the day; summa . . . ix 11. xij i. Item, to Johne Mowat for xxxviij pond 88ill threid, the price of the pund xvj d. ; summa . I i. viij It. Item, to Johne Kill, smyth, for xl st! of greit. ward for mykkis to gunnya, boltis to fyachis and uther boltis, carvell nalis, greit and smale, of all 8Ortis, price of the Btane v i. viij It. ; summa xj 11. vj i. viij It. Item, the x day day of Julij, the James and Margret beand in to the raid of Leith, to ilk ane of thaim of the aill for heir ane last; summa ij lastis, extendand to ijo gallownys, the price of the gallon xx it. ; summa . xx 11. Item, to ilk achip of thaim, vj salt mariil; summa. . xij martis. Item, for Sunday, Monunday, Tyiaday, and Thuriaday, to ilk achip for the day ane syd freach beif; summa iiij JIUU'tia, price of the pelle xx i. ; summa . iiij 11. Item, the said day com fra Martyn Hunter jm breid to the said twa achipis, price of the jo J:X i. ; summa x 11. Item, for oareng of ilk hunder doun to Leith iiij it. ; summa iiij i. iiij ct. Item, to the said achippis on Wednyaday the xiij day of Julij iiijo freach fisch, the price of the jo xl it. ; summa . xiij i. iiij ct. Itenl, on Fryday the xv day of Julij to the said ij 80hippis iiijC fyach, price of tho jc iij i.; summa . . xij i. Item, on Setterdaythe xvj day of Julij to the said ij Bchippis iije fisch, xij i. price of the hunder iiij i. ; summa. Item, on Sunday the xvij day of Julij the greit achip Hand in Leith raid with ijc men in hir, ane last of freach aill and ane uther last to the James and Margret intill new salmond barrellia, ilk barrell con tenand xij gallonys; summa of silver for ilk gallon xx it. ; summa xxiiij 11. Item, for the said ij laatia of barrellis, price of the last xxvj i. ; summa lij i. Item, to the Baid day to the greit achip, ij freach martis, price xl i. Item, to !;he Margret and James ij freach martis, price . xl i. Item, to ane dreg boit to hat the said martis to the said achippis, iij ii. Item, to ane baxtar of Dnnfermlyng that brocht vjo freach breid on burd on the greit achip, price of the jo xx I. ; summa. . vj 11. Item, on Monunday the xviij day of Julij to the greit achip a freach mart and a half, the price of the mart xxiiij i., and the half mart x i. ; summa . . xxxiiij i. Item, the said day to the James and Margret, ilk achip a mort, price xliiij i. of the pelle xxij i. ; summa . Item, to the Margret and James iiij stan candill, the ltan v i. iiij it. ; summa xxj i. iiij it. Item, the said day to the said twa achippis, tan fra Martyn Hunter, iiijc fresh breid, the jc xx i. ; summa iiij 11. Item, for the caroing of Uk jc fra Edinburgh to Leith, iiij it. ; summa xvj It.




Item, on Tyisday the xix day of Julij to the greit achip ij freach martis, price of the peee xxij i. ; summa xliiij i. Item, to the Jamea an~ Margret ij martis, price of the pece nj i. ; summa . . xlij i. I tem, on Wednysday the xxU day of J ulij to the greit achip iiijc &aoh, the price of the jc xl it. ; summa xiij i. iiij it. Item, to the James and Margret iiijc fiach of the aammyn, price xiij i. iiij it. Item, on ThuriBday the xxj day of Julij to the gret achip ij freach martiB, price of the pece xxiij i. ; summa xlvj i. Item, to the James and Margrat ij freach martis, price of the peoe xxiij i. ; summa xlvj i. Item, to ane dreg boil. to hal the said martis on hurd on the achippis, iiij i. Item, on Friday the xxij day of Julij to the greit achip iiijc fiach, the price of the jc xl it. ; summa . xiij i. iiij it. Item, to the James and Margrat iiija fiach of the aammyn price, xiij i. iiij it. Item, on Setterday the xxiij day of Julij to the greit achip iiija fiach, the price of the jc iii i. ; summa . Xll .. Item, to the James and Margret iiijc fiach of the aammyn, pri<l8 xij i. Item, on Sunday l.he xxiiij day of Julij, the quhilk day thegreit achip passit fra l.he raid to the hak of the Inch, viij freach manis, price of l.he pace xxij i. ; summa viij tt. xvj i. Item, l.ill ane boit to haf l.haim on burd on hir, . . iiij i. Item, the aammyn day to the Jamea and Margrel. viij mart.ill, the price of l.he pace xxij i. ; summa . viij tt. xvj i. Item, to l.he greit achip vj moton, price of the pace iiij i. ; summa xxiiij i." Item, to the James and Margret vj motoun ofl.beaammyn,pricexxiiiji. Item, Setterday the xxiij day of J ulij to xxxvj werkmen:wirkand nycbt and day for the wittaling of the achippis, ilk man vj dais, . x It. xvj i. xij it. on the day; summa Item, iiij 8&waris aawand greil. dalis for the powpat of the greit achip and to be tabilis, xxviij i. Item, for ija muchtouris tan be Jamea Makesoun to haf on burd for thair mendill, price of l.he hunder v It. ; summa . x 1:1. Item, to the Margaret, tane be my Lord Flemyn, ijc rauchtouris, the ja v 1:1. : summa . x It. Item, to the Jamea jc rauchtoUlis, price . v 1:1. Item, for ij I18rpentynis tan be my Lord Flemyn fra Johne Kill with vj chawmeris, l.he price of l.he pece iij tt. ; summa . vj tt. Item, to ij yong men, wrychtis, wyrkand wytb hyme in the James and Margret at the kingis command, v tt. Item, deliverit be Jhone Kyll, smyth, to Willsm Brwhill for the furnlllllling of his gunnilI and achipe, viij stane maid wark and v tt., the price of the stane v i. viij it. ; summa xlvij i. j tt. Item, aend to my Lord of Caitnes to the provision of the achyppis of new salmond barrellis to fill with aill, xvij lastis, the price of the last xxviij i. ; aumma xxiij It. xvj i.



Item, for xviij puncions to mak out the uti last, the price of the peoe A.D. 1513. ij i. ; summa . xxxv i. Item, gevin to the wifis of Edinburgh To

Henry Lyndesa.y, xxxv i. Item, of Monsour Delamoittis xlv marenari8, iij pUottia, ij gunnaris without wagia



Item, to Maiater Johne, gunnar, be the kingis precep for his hou8 mam in Lithquhow, iij tt. vj i. viij it. Item, to Stewart, . xx i. Item, to Alexander Routh for vij new pBllwolllntis, the price of the pece iij tt. pit; makand in Scottis money ix tt. ; summa iij ekor iij tt. Item, for ij bandis to the anoor of the greit schip, . XIJ So Memorandum, that the said Alexander brocht hie awin gunnis farth of Franche in hiB awin schip &8 my Lord Hamilton said [to] me. Item, for tho pit schippis proviBioun to seywart :In primis, of the wyn that oom fra the west sey to the Blaknes in diveris tymes, put in her in iij boittis fra the Blaknes, xxiij tun ,. Item, to iij boittis that brooht the said wyn fra Blaknes to the greit 8Ohip, iij tt. iiij i. Item, to hir of the red wyn that the oontrollar booht in Leith a tun; the price tharof Item, to hir furtht of the kingis boit be Lawtay iiij tun and iij punciODB of wyn. Summa of the wyn in the ham in the pit 8Ohip, xxix tun and apuncion. Item, to hir in aile, full to lIlywart xxiiij last and a barrell, all new salmond barrellis, ilk barren oontenand xij gallonis, price of the gaUoune xx it. ; somma of the last with the tree. xiij tt. viij i. Summa of the xsiiij lUt [and] a barrell with the W8, iijc xxj tt. xij i. Item, for iiij se11ari8 for the space of iij wolkis that the said aile W&8 houBit in, ilk sellar in the wolk ij i. ; summa xxiiij i. Item, to the said greit schip of the heir that the oontrollar booht, xiiij last and vj barrellis, price of the last ix tt. vj i.; 80mma of the xliij last and vj barre1li8 pait be the oontrollar, . jc xxxiiij tt. xvij i. Item, to hir, furneist be the oontrol1ar, ressavit be barrell in pype and punoiouDB of birsket xm, ilk jm extending till ane chalder half quheit and ry booht be the oontrollar, price of ohalder quheit. . . . . price of the ohalder ry . . . .; summa . Item, for xv pipis xxxv puncionis to put the said birsket in, ilk pyp iiij i., and ilk punoioune ij i. ; summa . vj tt. xi. Item,~for 1 ellis oanves tooover the heidis of thaim, price of the ell xij d. ; 8UIDD1& 1 i.




Item, to the baxtal' for ilk chaldel' bakin vj i. viij it. ; iij 11. vj i. viij it. Item, to the cart&ris for ilk thoWl&l1d dOllDe bringing to Leith iij i. ; summa . xxx i. Item, to the said greit schip xm sour breid fUll e18t be thecomptrollar, half qubeit half ry, ilk chalder jm braid, price of the chalder quheit . . . price of the chaldel' ry, . . .; SWllJll& Item, to the baxtaris for the baking of the samyn, iij 11. vi i. viij it. Item, to the cartaris for the dOllDe bringing of the samyn to Leith, xxx i. Item, to the pynouris for the houaWg of the quheit, ry, and ry meile, ilk chalder xvj it. ; summa xxvj i. viii <t. Item, of birsket furth of Dunde in harrel1is, v last. . . . . . . Item, to the boitmen that brocht the said bireket furth of Dande and haid it to the raide to the schippis, in drinksilver, . . v i. Item, of quheit breid fnrneiat be the controllar furth of HadingtollD, ijm, price of the jm . . .; summa Item, to the boit that brocht it furth of Hadyngtoune, feit be the controllar and pait be the Maister of werk, . . xx i. Item, of quheit breid booht be Schir Walter Ramsay in Edinburgh ijm vije, price of the thousand x 11. ; summa . xxvii 11. Item, to the cartiB for ilk thousand doune bringand to Leith ij i.; Bumma . . v i. vi it. Item, to the baxtaris of the greit schip for clay to mak an llDe in the greit achip, and to ane boit to haif the said clay one burd, :mij i. Item, for iii harreUia flour brocht in haiat and deliverit to the butar, price of the harrell xxxij i. ; BUmma iiii 11. xvj i. Item, to the boit to haif thaime one burd quhell sche lay behind the Inche, . iij;. Item, till hir in four greit pypiB, xij pllDcionis with vi chalder i boll iij firlotia ait meile, deliverit be David Wilsone, price of the pype iiij i.; price of the punciOllD ij i.; summa of thir-pypis and pllDcionis . xl i. Item, ij doaane of rauchteria to be heidia to the pYlfis and pllDcionia that the melle waa put in, price of the doaone xi.; summa xx i. . Item, to the 8&waris that &ewe the said rauchteria,. . xxviii it. Item, to the couperis that heidit the 8&id pypia and puncionis, vi. Item, for hall 11 pund saifrollDe xxij i. vi it. Item, four pllDd pepper of the kingis Item, j harrell pellok, de1iverit be the maiater auk Item, of the kingia salt martia ii c Item, to ane great craar that had the said fleeche on burd to the greit ~p, togedder with pypia [and] puncionia of bireket,. xxxij i. Item, for xl fresohe martiB to bir, bocht be the oontrollar, price of the pece .; summa . Item, to ane boit that had thaim on burd in pllDoioDis and barrelli8,

It;em, to the ma.iatel' fleschouris four aervandia, Jame Wilaone, and ane with him for ij dayis, Blayand the said marti.a and saltand thaim, ilk pan QD th" day xij it. ; 8umma. xij i.



Item, to ij pynouris tbat bure the 8&id Roscho to the kingis werk, A.D. 1513. and helpit to breke thaim, . IIJ s. Item, to hir, xl reiatit swyne of the kingia quhilkia war booht fra my my Lord Sinclair, . Item, to Dnnkane Hnntar for a Resche knyf for dressing, . v . Item, to hir, jm corf keling quhilkia was gevin he my Lord /:)tx;J.'Ctar. Item, for ane boit to baif tbaim one burde one hir, . x . Item, send to lay tbaim with ij bollis of grete salt of tho kingis. Item, tbareftir till bir of tbe kingis greit 8&lt, x bollis. Item, to hir, viij chalder small salt, price of the chalder fre on burde, xxxiij i. ; summa . xiij 1t. iiij ii. Item, of sOOk fyscbe reB&vit fra the Francbman and doliverit to mo, quhilk was send to tbe schip, v m iijo. Item, till ii boitia that brooht thaim first in the havin and syno had tbaim one burd to the grail. scbip, . . xx i. Item, to hir of the 8&lmond that was put on furtb of tbe Gabriell that was booht. in Dunde, ix barrellis. Item, booht be the controllar iiij barrellia salmond, quhilk was put in the greit schip, price of the barrell . . .; summa . Item, for fyve last of hering, price of the last viij tt. viij ii. ; snmma xlij tt. Item, for vie aggis, price of the hunder xxx it. ; summa . xv i. Item, send to the greit schip in ixc xvi cabbokis, ijo stane cheis, prk'6 of the stane . . .; summa Item, to hir, thre barrellia butter booht be Robert .Mancur and pail. be the controllar, ilk barrel contenand x stane, price of the stane, . . . ; summa Item, in carage fra Edinburgh to Leith Item, booht be Schir Walter Ram8&Y fra James Logy j harrell butter and send to the greit schip, contenand xij stane; summa . iij tt. Item, j harrell of hony to hir, price . iiij 11. xv ii. Item, for iiii barrellia of candill to hir, ilk barrel contenand x stane, x tt. xiij i. iiij .1. price of the stane v i. iiij it. ; summa Item, for iiij barrellis to put the 8&id candill in, ilk barrell xvj it. ; summa . v ii. iiii it. Item, for the cariage of ilk harrell fra FAiinburgh to Leith iiii it. ; summa xvj it. Item, for ii greit kettillis till hir and ij smallar, weyand xij stane iiij tt., price of the tt. ii i. ; summa xix tt. xij i. Item, for iij pannia weyand ij stane tant! fra the Provost of Ediniij tt. xij ii. viij it. burgh, price of the tt. xxvj it. ; summa . lItem, ij pottis weyand ij stane, price of the n. xiii if. ; summa xxvii i. iiij it. Item, for ijo _ilia vi 1adillis, price 'of the pece iiii it. ; summa iiij tt. ij i. Item, for xv dU80ne plaitia, the price of the dusone iiii i. ; summa iii tt. Item, for half a hunder aile coppia, vii.
'1IargiDal note In )[8. :-1'alDIA be the mallter cuk aod rJIowed In the cb&kker




Item, for iiij dusone half gall one atopis, price of the pece xij if. ; vj dosone of quart stoppis, price of the pece vj It. Item, xij dusone of pyntis Btopis, price of the pece iiij it. Item, iiij dusone bukketis, price of the pece vj it. ; summa vij H. iiij i. Item, xxiij bowettia and iij greit Iantrennis, reaavit fra Johne Forman and put in the greit achip. Item, to a man that brocht thaim fra the abbay, iiij it. Item, to the greit achip xix dakyr of the kingia hydis. Item, for xvj pypiB xxiiij puncionis with fresche watter, price of the pype iiij i., the puncioun ij i. land ij last of new salmond barrellia, price of the pece xxviij it. ; Bumma viij H. viij i. Item, to ane greit craar to have the said watter on burd, . xxx i. Item, for xxiiij staDe of lynt for calfetyne and gunnyB and fyre aperis, price of the Btane v 8. iiij it. ; Bumma vj H. viij i. Item, for a barrell of tar tharto, . xx i. Item, for iiij greit cruris for vittalling of the said greit schip witil all thingia neceaaa.r, . x H. Item, deliverit to the aid achip xv cavillokis [and] v crawis weyand ij wall, and for the werkmanachip of thaim, . XXVl1l .. Item, to hir, xx pikkia and mattokkia, xij ime hammeris, iiijss dyse of ime Item, to hir, iiijc dyis to the gunnys, of the Bmythis awin ime, price of the jc x s. ; Bumma . . xl i. Item, to hir, iij Bmall pottia weyand iij stane and a half, price of the H. xviij it. ; summa iiij H. iiij ii. Item, to the greit achip that day ache salit, xx fresche mutone and iiij frescbe martiB ; sowme of motone and beif, viij H.



Item, deliverit be !tlaiater Leslie to Johne Bertoune, skipper of the Margret, . vj H. item, deliverit be the said Maiater Alexander to the heid botis mlUl of the said Margrett, . . iiij H. x ii. Item deliverit to the said Maister Alexander and Johne of Bertone, skipper, to pay jc marynaris and wrychtie at the kingia command, ilk man our heid xl i. ; summa . ijc H.

James Hog, George Ormeetoune, xlij i. Johne Bailye, 1 i. Item to, Nicholaa, . xl i. TbODl&B Fairfullia, xxx 8. Memorandum that Maieter Jacob ia in the Margret and wryttin in the greit schip.

Item, for the provisioun of the Mnrgret to 8818 ward :-In primiB of the wyne that come fra the west seye to Leith, viiU tun.



Item, to ane boit to hail it on burde, . x ii. A.D. 1518. Item, of the wyne that come fra the west aeye to the Blaknes and fra the Blaknes doune to the Margrett, brooht in the kingis boit, iij tun. Item, of the wyne that come fra the west aeye to the Blaknes and fro. the Blaknes to Johne.Alanys boit that my Lord Flemyne tuk in, vij tun. Item, to the said Johne.Alane for his boitis fraucht, feit be David Foret and pait be me, . xli. Item, to the Margrett of the beir at the controllar booht, vijl last, price of the last . . .; summa . Item, to ane boit to haif the said bere one bur,de, xi. Item, to the said Margrett of Leith aile in new salmond harrellis, xvj last xj barrellia, ilk barrell contenand xij gallonis, price of the gallone xx it., II1lIlUDIl of the last with the trais xiii'tt. viij i. ; somma ijexxvj tt. xiij i. viij if. Item to ij botis to haif the said aile one burde, . . xx i. Item for ij aellaris for the space of iij wolkis that the IIIlid aile was housit in, ilk aellar in the wolk ij i. ; summa . xij" Item, of the aile of the ferry fra Robert Jamesone to the said Margret, j last j barrell, price of the samyo . xiiij tt. x i. iiij ct. Item, fra Ramsay, the baxtar of the ferry, a pype [and] a puncion of aile, price of the pype with the tree iij tt. iiij i., pryce of the puncioun with the tl"ell ECtij ii. ; somma iiij tt. xvj .. Item, resavit of birsket fra Martyoe Hontar in xiiij drywair pypis and ij poncionis furneist be the controllar, estimet be mett of harrell to VW birskett. iiij i. Item, for ilk pype that the said birsket was put in, Item, ilk poncioun, . . lJ a. and for xvj ell of canves to clois tile heidis for the keping of the birsket, price of the ell xij it. : summa of all the pypio, puncionis and claith iij tt. xvj ii. Item, resavit fro. the Martyne Huntar in the controllaris nairn, iiijm viije BOur braid. Item, of bocht qUheit braid be Schir Walter Ramsay iijm, price of thc thousand x tt. ; sumina. . . . . . . xxx tt. Item, resavit forth of ane boit furneist be the controllar furth of Hadingtoone ijm breid, price of the thousand. Item, to the boit that brooht the said braid fra Hadingtoon, xx i. Item, for caryage of the birsket and BOur breid and licht breid of quheit fra Edinburgh to Leith, . xl i. Item, aend t() the Margrett in ix greit dry wair puncionis, iij chalder of ait mele, deliverit be Schir David Wi1eone. Item, for ilk dry ",air poncioun, iij i. ; summa . xxvij i. Item, of the kingis salt martia aend to the Margret, . lxxx. Item, of reistit swyne, xx. Item, to hir of salt martiB booht quhilk was deliverit to Hewe Douglas to the furnyssing of ane Franche schip at he was maid capitane of and than the kingiB gmce send tbaim to the Margret, ill' martiB and vj awyne, 81IDlm& of the marta with ane 8wyne xviij ii.,




sumIDA of tho mart without tho awyno xij i. ; summa of all the martia and awyne . vij H. iiij ii. Item, of frescho martis xx powderit in xij barrollis and ane pUDoioUD, price of ilk mart . . .; summa. Item, for the said xij barrell and a pUDcioUD, xxV] . Item, to iiij seruandis of the maister tleachouris, James Wilaoun and .TohDO Browne, saltanll the said manis for ane day, . vJ II. Item, to ij pynouris that bure the said martia to the kingia work to tho breking and salting, . xvj ,t. Item, to Dunkane Hunter for a dreachyne knyfe, . v i. Item, colt Ira John of BertoUDe to the Margrett, vjc ke1ing salt, price of the hUDder iiij tt. vi.; summa xxv tt. x i. Item, to ane boit that bad the said keeliDg OD burde to the Margret, vi. Item, of greit salt to lay thame with ane boD and 1.hareftir put in the Margret, iiij bollis. item, to bir of small salt v cbalder, price of the cbalder xxxiij i. ; summa. viij H. v i. Item, reB&uit frio ane Frauohe man of were a.t the command of DeIa mote and send to the Margret, iijm and a half atok lyache. Item, to lone boit to baf thaim one burd one bir, . vJ" Item, coft be the maister ouke jCiiij skor atok fysche, price of the hunder xxxv i. ; summa lviij i. iiij it. Item, for llast salmond booht frio Johne Lauaonc, price of the barrell I i. ; summa XY Iibras.. Item, for the bering of thaim and schipping, viij ct. Item, for ij barrellis butter to hir, ilk bo.rreU oontouand x stane, price of the stane v i. viij 4. ; summa Item, of cheis de1iverit to the M.argrett, xv Hor of oabokkis weyand iiij sear of stanis, price of the stano . .; summa Item, to bir, ii barrellis caudill oontenand xx stane, price of the stane v i. iiij it. ; summa v H. vj i. viij it. Item, to hir, iij kettiUis weyand xij stane iiij H., price of the H. ij i. ; summa . xix H. xij i. 1 Item, to bir, iij pannis iij pottis l'ellauit fra the provest of Edinburgh, the panuis weyand ii stane iiij H., price of the H. xxvj it., the pottie weyand iiij stane xiij pund, price of the tt. xiiij ,1. ; summa viij H. vij i. x it. Item, to hir, ix dusone of treyne plaitiB, price of the dusone iiij i. ; summa xxxvj i. Item, jc scailis iiij ladillie, price of the pece iiij it. ; summa xl i. viij it. Item, to bir, xxxij half gallono 8toppis, price of the pace xij It. ; iiij dUBODe quart stoppie, price of the pece vj it. ; viij duson pynte 8toppis, price of the pece iiij it. ; iij dusone bukkettie, price cd the pece vj if.; summa . . v H. vj i. Item, to hir, xv bowattis. Item, for x pypie xv puncionis with fresehe watter to the Margret and lIyno efter vj pypis and vij pUDoionis, price of the pype iiij i.; price of the punoion ij i. ; summa v tt. viij i.
, MU'Idnall1ote In lIS. :-Pumelt be tile IDaIIter auIuI ad IIIlowad III cbekker rowe to1he JIIOVIIt.

Item, to ane crayar to baif the laid watter one bud, xxiiij i. A.D. 1518. Item, to hir, xv stane of lint for calfeting and gunnyB and Eyre aperia, price of the atane vi. iiij it. ; Bumma iiij tt. Item, for ij barre1lia of tar tane fm George Halkeratoun, . . xl i. Item, to ij greit cmyaria that had all his vittallia on burd and othel" neceaaar thingis divera tymes, . iiij tt. Item, to hir, vj gavillokis ij craw vj pikkis xl dyia ime weyand iiij wawis, for ilk waw wyrkiug xiiij i. ; summa . . Ivj ii. Item, to hir be Robert Frealay, smyth, yO balk nailE', price of the jc x it. ; ije double naile, price of the jc xl it. ; summa x i. x it. Item, to the Margret the day that ache lalit, x mutoune and ij lreache martis, price of mutone iij ii., price of the mart of beif xx i. ; summa iiij tt

Itom, toJohne Balzard, at the kingia command, to pay je marynarie and wrychtis, euerilk man ourbeid xl i. j summa . ije 1i.


Item, of the wyne that come ira the west seye to Leith xiij twn. Item, to ane boit that had it on burd, . x i. Item, three tun of the laid wyne come fm the Blaknes. Item, of reid wyne furth of the sellar in Leith that the controllar booht, a tun. Item, to the said James vij i last beir booht be the controllar, price of the last Summa of the heir . Item, to ane boit to haif the lI&.id heir one burde with the tun of reid wyne, xi. Item, to the said James of aile in new aaImont barrellia xvij last iij baneDis, ilk barrell contenand xij gaDonis, price of the gallone xiij tt. viij s. xx it. ; summa of the last with the tree . Summa of the haile xvij last and iij barrellia with the treil ije xxj tt. iij i. Item, to ane cmyar to haif the said aile one burd, xxiiij i. Item, reaavit of birakett fra Martyne Hunter in ix dryware pypis iij punoionis and v dais cartis, fumist be the controllar, esUmat be mett of barreD to vm birakett. 1tem, for the ix pypiB and iij puncionis, ilk pype iiij I. ; ilk pnncioun ij i. ; and for xij ellis of canvas to clois the heidis of thaim, price of the ell xij [if.] ; summa . . liiij I. Item, reaavit fra the said Martyne Huntar in the controllaris name vm vije iij acor, and x sour breid. Item, reaavit fra Wille Ramsay of the ferry of quheit breid boebt be me, je and xx breid, price xxiij i. iiij It.

A.D. UilS.


Item, of booht breid of quheit in Edinburgh be me ijm, -price of the thousand x It. ; summa . . xx It. Item, resavit furth of ane boit that come fra Hadingtoune, fumist he the controllar, jm vjc breid. Item, to the boit that had the breid and birskett foirsaid on burd to the James, . xvi. Item, for cariag of the said breid furth of Edinburgh to Leith, x i. Item, for x dryware pypis quhilk thare was put intill iij chalder of . xl i. eitemale, price of the pece iiij i. ; summa Item, of the kingia salt martia lend to the James, iiij BCOr. Item, of freache martis xx powderit in xij harrellis and a puncioun, the price of ilk mart Item, for the said xij harreUis and pun'}ioun, XXYJ So Item, to iiij seruandis of the maister' fleschouria Jame Wilaoun and .Jobne Broun~, that brak and saltit the said martis, and the ij pynours that bure thaim, vij i. iiij it. Item, to Dunkane Huntar for a dreschyne knyfe, . v i, l1em, to the James achip of Johne of BertouniB salt keling ijc, price of the hundreth iiij It. v i. ; summa . viij It. x i. Item, to ane boit tbat had the said keling on hurd with uther stuf, \" i. Item, of greit salt to lay thaim with, j bolL Item, to tbaim tharefter of the said greit salt, iiij bolL Item, to hir of small salt, v chalder, price of the chalder xxxiij i. ; summa " viij It. v i. Item, resauit fra ane Franche man of weir at the command of Delamoit and send to the James ijlm Btok fyache. Item, to ane boit to haif tbaim one burd with lIther stuf, . "vJ So Item, to hir, hall ane harrell of hony, priJe xlvij i. vj .1. Item, to hir, half a last salmond booht be me, price of the harrell I i. ; summa xv libras. Item, for the bering and achipping of thaim, viij it. . stane, Item, to hir, ij barrellis of butter, ilk harrell oontenand price of the staDe . . .; summa Item, to hir, ij barreUis candill contenand xx stane, price of the stane v i. iiij it. ; summa . . v It. vj i. viij if. Item, to hir, ij kettillis weyand viijlatane, price of the It. ij i. ; summa xiij It. xij ii. Item, for iij staDe of pewder veschell making to WillianJ Bell, for ilk staDe v i. iiij It.; in the quhilk iij stane thar was ij dosane veschell; summa of werkllllUlJlChip . xVJ I. I Item, to the James iij pannis booht be the m..ister cuke weyand j staDe and half, price of the stane xx1l:iiij i. viij it. ; summa ij It. xij i. Item, to hir in pottis weyand ij stane, price of the stane xviij i. viij it.; summa . xxxvij i. iiij if. Item, of cheis deliverit to the James, xv BOOr of cabbokkis weyand v BOOr of stanes, price of the stane booht he controllar . . .; summa
I MarKlnai note In M8. :-Fnmeat be the in the cllekker rowl..

mailter cuke IUId allowed to the




Item, to hir, ill: dUlODe of treyn plaitis, price of the duson iiij i. ; A.D. 1613. summa . xxxvj i. Item, to hir, jo acailia iiij ladillis, price of the pece iiij if. ; Bumma xl i. viij it. Item, to hir, xl aile ooppia, price . iij i. iiij if. Item, to hir, xxviij half gallone atopia, price of the pece xij if. Item, iiij dusone quart atoppia, price of the peoe vj if. Item, vj duaone pyntia, price of the peoe iiij it. Item, iij dusone of bukketis, price of the peoe vj it. ; summa iiij !t. xiiij i. Item, to hir, xviij bowettiB. Item, for x pypia xiiij puncionia with freaohe water, and syne t.harefter ij pypia and viij punoionis, price or the pype iiij i. ; price of the puncioun ij i. ; summa iiij tt. xij i. Item, to ane crayar to hail the I&id watter on hurd, . XX1J Item, to hir, xv stane of lynt for oalfetyne gunnys and fyre &peril, price of the stane v i. iiij it. ; summa . iiij tt. Item, for ij greit crayaris to haif burdis, aperiB, dailia, and vittalis . iiij tt. abooe wrytio, and all other thing, . Item, to hir that I&myo day aChe aalit, to hir x mutone, prioe of the peoe iiij i. Item, ij freache martis, price of the peoe Xl[ i. : summa iiij tt. Item, to Johoe Gardner, boitiaman to the James, to hir rae iij acor xxx it. ringia and stappillis, price

Item, to Richart; Madar to fumeia t.he said bark of Abayleild, to iij acor of men for xl dayia in braid and drink, ilk man on the dayane breda; summa xV" breid. Summa of Biluer hairof, . xv tt. Item, to everilk man one the day j quart; of aile; summa of aile viH two, ilk two contenand iij acor xij gallonis, price of the gallon xx if. Summa of ailuer heirof, xlv tt. Item, for twnia treis to put the aaid aile in of new salmond barrellis, iij !t. Item, to hir, xx men rna in breid V"; Bumma . v tt. Item, in aile to thaim 111 two, ilk two contenand iij acor xij gallonia, price of the gallone xx It. ; summa. . xv tt. Item, for v pypia to put the .id aile in, . xx i. Item, of the kingia wyne that come fra the west Beye to the Blaknea, to hir j two. Item, for the fraucht of it and vj two ma that was distrybut in tht: . xl i. achippis, feit be David Foret and pait be me, Item, to hir of reid wyne of the kingia Bellar, bocht be the controllar, ij punoionia. Item, to hir, achalderait mele. Item, to hir, xx salt martia of the kingil. Item, to the bark of Abayfeild vij freache martia, price of the peoe xx i. ; summa . vij!t. Item, for j puncioun and twa barrellis to salt. the aaid martis in, price vj i. viij it.




Item, to hir of keling to hir, booht be [me] jlo, price of the je iiii 1t. ; BUDlma vj 1t. Item, to hir, i e lux stok fyache gottin at the Franohe man. Item, to hir, tua harrell salmond, price of the barrell 1 i.; 'summa v 1t. Item, to hir, v BOOr cheis fumest be the controllar. Item, to bir, half a harrell buttir contenand fyve atane, price of the stane vi. iiij it. l summa tharof with the tree, xxviii i. Item, for half a gallone hony, . nIls. Item, to hir, half a harrell candill contenand v, price of the stane v i. iiii it. ; summa with the tree, xxviii i. Item, for the bringing doue of the candill and buttir to Leith, vj ct. Item, to hir, ane bttill weyand iiii stane iiii H., priee of the 1t. ii i. ; summa . . vj H. xvj i. Item, to ,hir, ii pottis weyand i. ataDe, price of the H. xiiii Lt.; summa xxviii i. Item, to bir, ij panni&, booht be me, W4!yand i ataDe ij H., price of the tt. ij i. ii Lt.; summa uxix i. Item, to bir, iii dU80lle acailis, price of the pece, iiii-tt. Item, xviii plaitis, price of the pace v ct. ; summa . xix i. vi tt. Item, for ii stane of leid made in a plait of a faldome lang for hir syd, xii i. Item, to bir, it hundrcth rauchteris for hir hyng heidis, price of the hunder v H. ; summa . vii H. x i. Item, to hir, jmdouble Daile, price of i e xl it.; viiie single naile, price of jc xx tt. ; vije dura Daile, price of jc xtt. l iijO hauk nale, price of Iv i. je x it. ; summa Item, for xxvj tura haddir for hir bumyng, pyking, and taIloning, xxvji. Item, for j barreD taIlone tohir, . Iv i. Item, to bring dounethe taIlon furth of Edinburgh, . iiij .1. Item, to hir, xij stane rosa.t, price of j stane iiij i.; Rumma. xlviii i. Item, for ane irne pott to the roBBet, xxxii s. Item, for vij atane hardis, price of the stane vi.; summa. xxxv i. Item, for ane new cabill stok to hir, . xlvj i. Item, for the carlage of it to the New HAvin, . . iiij it. Item, for skullis, vi ct. Item, to hir, xxx dalis, price of [the] pace iii i. ; BUDlma iiijH. x i. Item, lerauchteris bochtfra James Flemyng, price of the pace xii if. ; summa . iij H. Item, for xviij if. of greit tymir for hir polpate and fordek, iii H. xji. vj it. Item, to hir and the James, xxiiij pece of tymir booht Ira James M:cKesone, price of the pace vj i. ; BUDlJDa "rij H. iiij i. Item, to hir of the kingis awin burdis for hir sydis, 1. Item, to Henry Cor[n]toun for kneis and irne werk to hir,. x i. Item, to Rob Fresell, smyth, deliuerit to hir iijm je hauke naile, price of the hunder x it. ; viije double nailo, price of je xl it.; summa

Iii i.





Item, to Richart Mader to pay xl marynaris and wrychtis wagis at the A.D. 1613." kingis command, ilk man ourheid xl i. ; summa . iiij BOOr tt. Item, to hir, half a chalder smale salt, price, xvj ii. viij it. Item, to hir thareftir at.the kingiscommand, v" breid; summa v H. Item, tua two and a half of aile, ilk twne contenand !xxij galloni8, price of the gallone xx it. ; summa . . xv tt.

Item, deliverit to Johne of Bertoune to pay xl marynaris and wrychtis wagis, ilk man ourheid xl i. ; summa Ixxx tt. Item, to William of Douglas, captane, at the kingis command, xl tt. Item, to the said Johne Bertonne for the furnesing of Ix men for xl dais, ilk mu OD the day j breid, anmma xv" breid; Bnmma of mODeye tharof xv tt. Item, to ilk man on the day j quart aile, summa of aile viji twne contenand lxxij gallonis, price of the gallone xx it. ; summa xlv tt. Item, for tume treis to put the said aile in, iij tt. Item, to the mid bark j twoe wyne that com frr. the Blaknea in Johne AJanill bote that come frr. the west seye. Item, to hir, j chalder ait maile. Item, to hir of the "kingis xv martis. Item, of freache Martis to hir vj, price of the pece xx i. ; anmma vj tt. Item, for ij punCiOniB to salt thaim in, iiij i. Item, to hir, one harrell mlmond, Ii. Item, for Btok fyIChe to hir, je. Item, of corl keling He, price of the je iiij It. ; summa . vj It. Item, to hir, xxj boll small mit, price of the boll xxv .t. ; Humma xliij i. ix it. Item, to hir, iiij acor cheis. Item, to hir, half a barrell bnttir contenand v stane, price of the stane v i. iiij it. ; summa with the tre xxviij i. Item, to bir half a gallone hony, viij i. Item, j barrell tallone, Iv i. IteD!, for hadder for bir tallonyng, v i. Item, for a bote to haif bis vittallis on hurd, l[ i. ItApn, for stopis and cannis to bir, xvj i. Item, for pypis and puncionis to put his wattir in, l[ i. Item, for colis, . xiiij i. Item, to the men that bnre his &tuf to the boit, . vj i. Item, for xx plaitis to bir, . ..iij i. Item, for ij doaone ~lis to hir, viij i. Item, for nailis to hir, x i. Item, for iiij &tane candill, xxj s. iiij It. Item, for hardis, . v i. Item, for .ile threid, v i. Item, for ij greit dalis to he hir tsbillis, XVJ Item, for ane kettill weyand iijl stane, price of the It. xxiij it. ; summa v tt. vij i. 'iiij it.


A.D. 1513.


Item,deliveritto Williame Mureto pay xl marrynarisand wrychtis wagis, ilk man oarheid xl i. ; summa ' l x x x It. Item, to the said William Mure to fnmeis "xl of meD" xl dais, ilk man ODe the day j brode; summa xv" brede; summa of silver heirof xv It. Item, to ilk maD ODe the day j quart aile; II1UDJII& of aile vijl tWD, iUt two CODteoaDd lxxij gaUoDiB, price of the gallODe xx it. ; summa xlv It. Item, for tume treis to put the said aile intill, " . iij It. Item, to hir, XX men ma in breif\ v"; summa . v It. Item, in aile in twu, ilk twne contenand lxxij gallODis. price of the ga110ne xx it. ; summa , . x,' It. Item, for v pypis to put the said aile iDtill, . xx i. Item, to ij boiti. to haif the said vittalliB on burd, xx i. Item, of the kingiB wyne that come fra the west aeye to the Blackn81 and brocht douoe be John Alane, j twne wyDe. Item, of ait mele j chalder. Item, to hir of the kingiB aalt martis, xx. Item, of freache marti. to hir vij, price of the pece xx i. ; summa "ij 11. Item, to hir of keling iU , price of the j. iiij H. ; Bumma . x H. Item, to hir, j barrellsalmond, . Ii. Item, to hir, v BOOr cheiB Item, to hir, half a barrell buttir contenand v stane, price of the stane v i. iiij it. ; summa with the tre, xxviij i. Item, to hir, half a gaUone hony, price . VlIJ .. Item, to hir, 6 a barrell candiU contenand v stane. price of the stane vii. iiij it. ; summa with the tro, XXVlll .. Item, to hir, xxiiij bollia of salt, price of the boll xxvit.; summa I i. Item, to hir, ane pott weyand xiiij H., price of theH. lLiiij .1. ; summa x\rji. iiij if. Item, to hir, j pane weyand ix H., prioe of the It. ij s.. ij it. ; summa xix i. vj it. nem, to hir, ij d080De _ilia, price of the pece iiijit. ; xv plaitis, price of the pece v it. ; summa xliij i. iij it. Item, to Peter Beyme, gunnar, for his wagis, liij i. iiij it. Item, to Wyncent Corntouoc, shipwrycht, for xvij dais, he takand ilk day iij i. vj it. ; summa . . lix i. vjlt. Item, to John Scot, wrycht, for xvij dais, he taund ODe the day iij i. Ij i. Item, for ane cabill till hir bocht fra Hary Scot, viij tt. Item, to hir, xij dalis, price of the dale iij i.; summa xxxvj i. Item, to bir, vj tursof hadder, price . vi. Iv. s. Item, to hir, ane harrell of tallone, Item, to bir, vj half gallone Btoppis, vj i. Item, to hir, xij quams, "j i. Item, to hir, xij pyntiB, jiij i. Item to hir, vj bukkettiB, . iij ..


A.II. 1618.

Item, to William Brounebill to pay xl marinarie wagis, Ixxx It. Item, to him, xvij bollis ait meile. item, to him for viije breid, \iij tt. Item, to him, ane je _It keUng, iij tt. Item, to him, iiij BOOr hard keling; aumma xl ii. Item, to him, ije stokfysche. Item, to bim, jl freeche martis, price xxixi. Item, to him, ij barrell salmond, Ii. Item, j barrell taUone, Iv i. Item, to bim, iiij BOOr cheiL Item, half a harrell buttir, price witb tbe tre, xxviij i. Item, to him, a twn of wyne qubilk oome fra the west .ye. Item, to him, xx of the kiugis maniL Item, to him for viij stane of irne, and v It. in maid werk for bis schip, price of the stano v i. viij it. ; aumma . xlvij i. iiij if.



Item, deliverit to Peter Foulartoune to furneis iij BOOr of men for xl dais, ilk man 00 the day j breid ; aumma nO breid ; summa of silver tharof . xv It. Item, to ilk man ooe the day j quart aile; lumma of aile viji two, ilk twn contenand lxxij gallooia, price of the pUooe xx it. ; aumJD& xlv 11. Item, for tume treis to put the said aile, . . iij It. Item, to hir, a twn of the kingie wyne quhilk come Ira the weat &eye. Item, to hir of ait mele, j chrJder. Item, to hir of the kingis salt martia, xv. Item, to hir, vj fresche martis, price of the pece xxj i. ; summa vj n. vj i. Item, ij puncioois to _It the said martis in, iiij ii. Item, to hir, a harrell of salmond, Ii. Item, to hir, ji hunder keling; aumma vj It. Item, to hir, jo stokfysche. Item, to hir, j chalder Ialt, price xxxiij i. Item, iij ICOr cheis.

Item, deliverit to Monaure Pyaaone for the furnesing of my Lord of Sanctandroia men ; in primia a twn wyne that oome fra the west &eye, of the kingie wyne. Item, to hir, v last aile, oonten&nd ilk last xij barrellis, ilk 'harrell contena.nd xij gaUonis, price of the gallone xx if. ; summa of the last with tbe tre xiij It. viij i. Summa of all the v last with the treis bvij 11. Item, to hir, ijm xl breid of qUheit boobt be me, price of je :IX i. ; ,. It. vj i. viij it. summa

.\.n. 1513..


Item, for the cariage of the said fra Edinburgh, . vi. iiij it. Item, to him, xx alt martiB of the kingia. Item, to him, I puncioun of powderit beif conteoaod ij martiB, price of the mart xx i. ; summa . . ij 1t. Item, to him, j6C aalt keling, price of je iiij H. ; Bumma . vj H. Item, ije (Iry keling, price ofthe je iij 1t. ; 8umma . vj H. Item, to him, je etok fyache. Item, to him, xl cheiB. Item, to him, t a barrell buttir contenand v Btane, price of the atane v i. iiij it. ; summa with the tre xxviij i. Item, to him, vj quart atopiB, vj baH gallOne atopiB; summa vij i. Item, to him, ij dOlODe BC&iliB, price. . viij i. Item, xviij plaitiB, price of the pece v it. ; summa . vij i. vj it. Item, to him, xiij laid of coliB, price . x i. Item, to him, j barrell aalmond, price I ii. Item, to a man to haif it to the boit, . j it. Item, to him, iij .tane candiD, price of the 8taDe v ii. iiij if. ; summa
xvj i.



Item, to James of Douglaa to fumeia vj ROOr x men in breid and aile je d1t. at the kiugi8 command . \. 1t. x i. Item, to him to pay to ij marynaril thair feiB, . Item, tohir, xx aalt martilof the kingi8. Item, to hir of ait mele, j chalder. Item, to hir of ltok fyache, bocht fra Audro Murd08On, ije, price iiij H. Item, to hir of salt keling je, price iiij H. Item, to hir of hard keling iiij IOOr, price . . xl i. Item, to hir, Ix chei8. Item, to hir, i barrell buttir contenand v Btane, price of the Btane v i. iiij it. ; summa with the tree xxviij i. Item, to hir, ij dU80ne scailis, price . . viij i. Item, to hir, xviij plaiti8, price [of the] pece v it. ; BUlDIDa vij i. vi it. Item, to hir, ij stAne candill, price of the Btane v i. iiij it. : BUlDma xi. viij it. Item, to hir. j barrell aalmond, prine Ii. Item, to hir, ij fteeche lD&l'I;i8, price of the peoe xxj i. ; 8umma xlij i.

Item, to hir, ane puncioun of wyne. Item, to hir, iij Iutia aile, ilk Iut contenand xij barrellis, ilk barreII contenand xij galIonil, price of the galIone xx it. : 8UIDID& of the laat with t.he tre xiij H. viij i. ; aumma of t.he thre Jastil with the treil . x1H. iiij i. Item, to hir. jm breid of quheit, price of je xx i. ; aumma . . x 1t. Item, to hir of the kiugiB IIalt martis, xiij. Item, to hir of freache martil, ane mart and ane quarter, price xxv i. Item, to hir. iij bolliB aalt, price vj i. iij it. Item. iij BOOr aalt keling, price . xl i. Item. ijc stok fyBche

Item, xl cheia. Item, to bir, half a barrell buttir, price with the tre Item, to hir, ii candiD, price Item, to hir, viij Jaid coli., price Item, to hir of and piaU., xxiiij peoe, price Item, to bir, ane barrell salmond,





xxviiji. . x i. viij It. vij i. viij It. ixi. Ii.


Item, to him a laat of aile contenand xii barrelli1I, ilk barrell conten&nd xii pDoni., price of the pllone xx it. ; IIUIlDIA with the tree xiij tt. viij i. Item, to hir of booht breid of quheit iij., price of the jo xx i. ; summa iij tt. Item, in frelche martis pouderit in a puncioun. price of the mart. iii tt. vii. xxj i. ; summa of the marti. with the puncioun Item, to him, a barrell of salmond, . Ii. . x i. viij it. Item, to him, ij .tane of candiD, price

Item, to him, j laat aile with the tree; aumma . xiij tt. ,,-iij i. Item, to him of breid of quheit iij., price . . iij tt. Item, to him of freeche martia iij, pouderit in ane puncioun, price of the martis and puncioun . iij tt. v i. Item, for ane barrell salmond till him, 1 i. Item, ij atane of caudill, . x i. viij if.

Item, to him, j Iaa~ of aile, price of the aile with the tre xiij tt. viii ,. Item, of breid of quheit bocht iij", price . . iij tt. Item, iij martis pouderit in a pnncioun, price of the martis with th(' tre iii tt. v i. Item, to him a barrell aalmond, . I i. Item, ij atane candiD, price . x i. viij It.
[A similar anpply to Peir Port.eir.]

Item, to him, ij barrellis aile, price with the treis Item, till him, ij duaolle of quheit breid, price . Item, to him ane motone, price . To

xliiij i. viij it. . iliji. . ilijO.


Item, to hir, ane puncioun of wyne reaavit fra Robert Doug1aa Item, to hir, iij barrellia of aile, price with :the treia iij tt. vij Item, to hir of breid of qnbeit jc iiij BOOr, price xxxiii i. iiij it. Summa xi foliornm cmm latere precedente .iijm iiij tt. iiij i. vi ij ,1.

A.D. 1513.


[The average payment to a Bhipwright waa about .3 1~. monthly; Jaeat Terrell received .10, and Martin Fleming and his man 14 between them.] Annall, Robert Anthon, Spanzart Bawcaslce, ThoDlllll Berd, Morand Bertone, John Beyman, Jamllll Casky, Thomas Coilyeard, Colin Corby, John Corntoun, Andrew Corntoun, Henry Corntoun, Lawrence Corntoun, Vincent Cow, John, calfetour Cristofar, calfetour Derwik Domenico, oalfetour Duncan, William Durand, Nowell, ILnd hid lIOn Ewon, Adam Falconer, Archibald FJemying, Martin Foret, Duvid Gardeno, NycholR8 Gardner, Maistcr John Gardner, Poris Ora.y, James Gurna, John Harvey, calfetour Hawick, Robert John, calfetour Kay, John Kervour, Jamea Lang, Andrew Law, John, calfatour Litill, John Luis, Robenenot Machen, litill Machen, mychell Maichen, calfatour Maitland, John Mak08Oll, Jamea Man, William Mayn, William Mekill, John, calfetour Mora.nd, Ewon Peris, Bpanzart Peter, calfa.tour Ramsay, John Rodheuch, ThoDlllll Robinet, Louis Sail sewers, three Scott, Jamea Scott, John Scott, ThoDlllll Torrel, Ja.kat Thomas, calfatour Thomas, litill Torry, George '!'ory, ThornAII Utilar, John Williamson, Robert, wright of Dyaart Wokclene, Jhone Wrycht, Andro, elder Wrycht, Patriok Wrycht, Thomas The boy that spins to the calfotouris.


[The skipper, Alexander Routh, got .7 per month, Pernot tho Frenchman .8 28., and the MADlen', wages averaged about thirty. liTe shillings.] Abernethy, Alexander Adam, Ewen Adauu.on, John Andl:rson, David AnneJ.:, Robert Anton, Spanzard AYlOn, William AYllOn, George Bangall, James Bathcat, John &wcanquhill, Tholilalo Baxtar, John Beirman,John Boll, AlOltander Boll, Robert Bell, William Bord, Morand Bertanse, John Bortoun, Johne Borwic, Patrik Batson, John Bisset, J obn

Bisset, Thomas . Blak John, Spanzard Blakbum, John Borthik, Alexander Boswell, David Boswell, Thomas Bowman,Do.vid Boyman, James Braid, Thomas Brecbam, Adam Breichin, Thomas Broun, Thomas Bl11'g&n,John Burgan, William Butht, John Cadzar, Tholll88 Cailzeand, Colin Cambell, Dowgale Cambell, Robert Cant, David Cannyi8, John CILrIlYis, James Casky, Thomas <:aWl, Robert Cawder, Thomat< Chaiplan, John Chawmer, Alexander Clerke Coittes, James Coittes, Thomas Coling, Johne Compter, Maister, the Cooks, the Corby, J ohne Comtoun, Andro Comtoun, Henry Corntoun, Laurence Corntoun, Vincent Cowper, Cuthbert eristison, David Criswpher, calfetour Cros, John of Cruikshank, George Dald, Wille Dayis,Adam Dayis, Alan Dick, Hecwr Dobie, John Domenico, Spanzart Durand, Nowell Edmonstoun, Archibald Falconer, Archibald Fawloy, James FiBch,John Flemyn Martyn


Forbes, Patrick Foret, David Forsyth, Andro Franch, John Gardin. Wille Gardiner, Adam Gardner, John Gardne~John, younger Gardner, Robert Gardner, William Gardiner, Paty Gardiner, Peris Gardyn, Nicholas Gerwes Gib, William Gibson, William GolYIl8, John Gourlay, Thomas Graham, David Gray, Alexander Gray, James Gray, John Grummald, Johnnllc~ Guld, James Guthry Haddar, Alexander Madder, James Hakat, John Halder, James Hall, elder, William Halyman, David Hammyltoun, Maister Richard Harwy, calfetour Hawik, Robert Hay, John Hay, Robert, taubronor Henderson, John Henderson, William Henry80n, Johne Hill, David Hill, James Hill, Richard Hill, William Hoburn, Richard Huchon, Thomas Hunter, Martyn Irwyn, James Jak, William Johne, calfetour Johne,Spanzart Johnson, Nycholl Kay, John Kallo, William Kennedy, Thom&!'



Moutmy, Henry Moutray, Thomas Mowat, John Mur, William !\Iyller, Thomas Myller, William Neill, John N ewt'.oun, John Nicol, John Notman, Patrik Nycholl, William N ychol80n, Thomas N ychol80n, William Orknay, Andro Orknay, David Orknay, Robert Panter, William Paterson, Edward Patenon, John Patenon, Sande Patenon, Walter Peirson, Johne Perla, Spa.ozart Pernot, Fraocheman Peter, calfetour PortuUB, William Quhit, Jamos Quhit, John Quhit, William Quhitbroun, John Quhitbrow, John Rait, Johne Ramsay, Robert Ratmy,John Reid, William Reidpeth, James Reidpeth, Matthew Richart, Maister, preiat Robertson, Henry Robertson, Nycholl Robeson, George Robeson, Wille Roich, J ohlle Rouch, Alexander Routh, Alexander, skipper Routh, John Rudman, Robert Russell, Thomas Ryngan, John . Sanctsndrois, Prior of Bandena, John Sanderis, Patrick Schankia, John Scharp, Robert

1513 . .

Ker, John Kervour, James Kirkcaldy, Andro Kirkcaldy, Johne Kynnymmollt, William lambe, Alexander Lang, Andro lAng, Richard Law, Andro Law, Bartholemew Law, David law, JameR law, Sande law, William Litill, John Litill, Robert Litilljohne, Honry Litstar, Robert Lochoir, David Lochoir, William Logan, Robert Logan, Walter Logie, Jam. Logie, Peter Loich, John Loichoir, John Lowdon, William Lum, William Lwn Lyndesay, Alexander Lyndesay, Henry Lyndesay, John Lyndeaay, Sande Machin, calfetour Maichen, IitiII Maichin, mychelJ Main, William McDowgale, the Brytoner Makdowgale, Gilbert Makeson,David lIIakeson, James Makesonis, Johne, preist Makclere, John Maltman Marie, Williame Marr, George ~lartyn, maister, at the ferry Mateland, John Mayne, John Melwyn, James Melwyn, William Mer, John of Merchamstoun, James Morand, Ewen

Schaw, George Scot, Jamell Scot, John Scot, ThOlll88 SewlIII, William 8iDClair, Johne, Thomas Bkynner, Johne Sma\l,John Smalum, Alexaoder Spanko, Th~, gunnar SpallZlU'd,John Stoivinma (or Stewinma) SteynBon, Alexandor Steynaon, David Symaon, John SylDllOn, Mathew Symon, Richard Tailzefeir, Patrick Taiizour, RichArd Tonnond, Robert Torraill, J akat Tod, Thomas ThOlll88, ca1fotoor Thomson, Cllthbert Thomson, Honry Thomson, Patrik


TholDllOn, Robert Thomson, Thomas Tod, ArthUr Torry, Thomas Traill, J ohno Tuniyooht, Andro Tumour, James Tumour, William TIlra, William Utilor, Johno Wallis, Johne Wardlaw, Johno Watson, Patrick Weddaill, Adam Wemys, Johne Wetson, ThOlll88 Wilkenot, Patrick Williamson, Johne Williamson, Robert Wilson, William Witty, John Wolf, Dutchman Wood, William Woquholm, John Wryeht, Andro Young, Andro Young, Jamea

O/<' TllE .. MARGARET."

Davidson, Dnvid Davidson, Richard Dawling, Robert Dawlyn, Peter Days, Alan Dick, Hoctor Grenlaw, David Halyman, John Hasben, Hell1')' Hendel'llOn, John Kirkca1dy, John Lawder, ThOJDall LaWBOD,Johne Leslie, Alexander Leys, Thomll8 Litill, J ameli Mercbamstoun, JamOll Moichry, John Moreis Moyes, John Moyes, Patrick Moyes, Robert Newtonn, Johne

LJohn Barton, tho commander, got 512a. monthly for himself.and a man. Aikman, William Alane, William Andol'llOn, David Andel'llOn, J amllH Andel'llOn, John Andel'llOn, Thoma..

&Izard Ba1zart, John

Bartanzo,John Bawglawy, Symon Bertoun, Archo Bertoun, David Bertoun, John of Bertoun, John, younger Bradye, David Broun, John Caid, Robe Caid, Stephen Cambell; Patrik

Coittis, J amea
Cook, the Corsby, Malcolm Crawfllrd, John

A.D. 1513.

Steyn, Itobert SteYD80D,Darid SylDllOn, lIrlatthew Tennand, Itobert Thomaon, Flory Thomaon, TholDlll! Torry, John Trumbull, Henry Wallace, Darid Wallace, Johne Weddaill, Adam WilllOn, Jam08 Wil9On, John Wilaon, William Wyntoun, Thoma.s Wil9On, Johne

Palmer, Arche Polmer, Arche, cider Palmer, John 1>atenoon, Goorge l'atenoon, George Paterson, Henry l'ater"llOn, Walter HamMY, Henry ltobertson, Aloxander Robertson,&nde Robertson, Stephen Rouchquhat, Andro I:Ikyrmgeour, John I:Imyth, Edward I:Imyth, Jam08 l:lterin, John l:ltewart, John


Merchamstoun, JamUl! Merchamstoun, Vincent Moichry, Jollne NycbolllOn, ThomlUl Palmer, Arcbe Paterl!On, Henry Paterson, Moroyu. Ramsay of the }o"erry, Wille Richard, Andl'O Robertson, David Robertson, Sande 1tobert80n, Stephen I:!chort, Poter Smyth, JamOl! Smyth, Edward Sterret, Andl'O Sterrot, James Stcrrot, Pate I:!teyn, Robert I:lwane, ThOlllW! 'fonnent, Robort Wal1a.ce, I>avid Wull&ce, John Wattlun, John Wil9On, James Wilaon, Wille Wyntoun, TholDlll! The Barber

Ander"llOn, David Anderson, JamOl! Anderson, Johne Artheor, pylot, francheman Balzard, Jollno Balzartia boy Barbe, Johne, pylot Broun, John Brydey, David (!aid, Itobert Caid, l:ltephen Campbell, l'atrik Carnea, JamOll ('mufurd, J ohue DavidllOn, Riehart Dawlyn, Peter DawllOn, Johne Dick, Hoctor Duchmnn, The I>ummock, J ohne Edmondstoun, Archc Gardner, Johne, butisman Gardner, Thome, heidbuttisman Ho.Iyman, John Hannys, John Lokhart, John Lytill, James )layn, William

Gibtion, William Myllar, ThOlllll8



Newtoun, John Sterrot, l'atrik





elU'ris, J amos Dowgale, James }o'illtar, John Lawdor, TholD8l!

Lawte, John Mathuw, Juhn Myllar, ThumM Ray, James



Henryck, "Clltlug," guouar Henry, gunoar (<'Mudlt8) Jacob, Maidter gUDDar LaWllOn, Johno

Nychulsun, guooar Peiraon,guonar Seytouo, Thom


BaIzart, Johoe &.wbyo, Pemot Jo'lutar, Johoo

Reithquhat, Aodro Sterrot, Patrik


Peryoot, francheOlan, skippor Balurd, Joho Bertonar, Henry Beym, Peter Campbell, Paty CalIS, Robeyn David90o, David Drawar, Dowoy Gardner, Johoe, aod hi~ ~o Gauing, guouar Hans (Stowling) Harwod, Robert Jacob, Maister guolUlr Litill, J ohoe Lugaoe, Mychell Logy, James

Loreostuuo, Thomas MaiBter Symoo Manputzeir MooyzetllS, Thomas


Nicholaco Peris Pierson, ThOID8ll, gnnoar RaID8AY, Henry Teooand, Robert Tureostouo, TholD88 Wallis, George, and hi, lDI\n Weich, William Wod, Wille Young


Jacob Wardlaw, 5 &. (Ho WIIS roally io the .V/U'f}4J'tt, thuugh eotered here.) Hans Stowling nod his servant, 4 and 8Oe. Wolf and hie mao, 84 ISs.

Murray, Robert, :.1 5:1. Joho aod two meo, 42.. A French gunner, 3 1<M. Norman, John, 3&. Aoderson, Robio, 86s.


Hog, James, 4211. Ormestoo, George, 50s.

'Bailyc, John, 40s. Fairgullis, ThOIDall, 305.

WORKtl, .o\RTILLERY, &c.




Item, Set.terday the xiJ: day of March, payt. for the wolk p~ Imprimis to x werkmen with Robeyn Borthik at the gunny&, ij with Rob Soot, smyth, with Georgis Duch, smyth; Uk man vj dais, viij it. on the day; extendand in the haill to . . Iij i. Item, to the BBid men for t.bair wirkin at the fumes on the nycht at the meltyn of the mettell for the gunny., in drinkBUver, vi. viij if. Item, to Rob Scot, smyth, a.nd his ij IIIlI'DIlndia, . xxxj i. vi it. Item, to James Fothirgaham, maeon, . . viij i. Item, to Robert Berwod, gunnar, . ix i. Item, to Johne Qnareour a.nd hill ij serua.ndis, . XlX .. Item, to Johne of Drummond a.nd hia vij serua.ndis, he taka.nd for him self xiiij i., a.nd for Uk sernand ix ii. ; summa. iij tt. xvij i. Item, to Robert Jhonson, wrycht., . ix i. Item, to Pat Notman, wrycht, . . xij i. [And other weekly payments to the above pel'80D8.] Item, to Thomas Branwod, carter, for xij drauch mettell Ira the New Havin to die castell, ilk drauch xxxij it. ; xiij drauch tymmer fra. t.he New Bavin to the castell, the drauch xxxij it. ; iiij drauch tymmer Ira Leith to the castell, ilk draucht ij i. ; summa iij tt. xiiij i. viij it. Item, for ij duaan of firryn sperria to Robeyn Borthik to ateir the mettell with, . xiiij i. viij it. Item, to him tharefter, vj greit sperris, . vij i. vj it. Item, to him, ane duaan &kyn sperris to mall wyndes apakis, xviij i. Item, to &De cart to bail tbaim to the castell, ' . lJ .. Item, for jc pundia of tyn to the melt.yn of iij gunny&, price of the pund xviij it., boycht b&the conatabill of the castell; summa vij tt. x i. Item, Set.terday the xxvj day of March, to xiij werkmen in t.he caatell, Uk man vj dayiB, viij if. on t.he day; summa . . iij i. Item, for iij dU88n of akin sperriB for the lymmaris of c1ce ca.rtia, price of the duaan uiiij i. ; summa iij tt. xij i. Itenl, to Rob Bercar, smyth, for his werkma.nachip of iiij wallis of irn with other werk a.nd small grayth, . . iij tt. Item, for vj vjl pund tyn for the melt.yn of iij gunny&, price of the pund xviij it. ; and for iij hankis wiyr, ilk hank viij i. Item, ij laid of obarcoll, xxiiij i. Item, iij laid collis, ij ii. x it. ; summa x tt. iiij i. vij it. Itenl, Set.terday the BeOund day of Ap[rJill, to xvj werkmen in t.he castell for iij days, ilk man on the day viij it. ; SumIna xuij i.



to iiij IngliBmen, prisonaria, for iij wolkiB wagiB precedand, ilk A.D. 1613. man viij it. on the day ; and to ane IngliBman t.hat uid t.ym, xij it. on the day; and to iij ScottiBmen at fand the hunt in Dunkeld for the uid tym, ilk map viij it. on the day; summa. . v tt. xix i. Item, for iiij drauch of gun atanya fra Leit.h to the cutell, . VIIJ" Item, for iij laid colia to Wolf, gunnar, to mak t.he wye, . ij i. viij it. Item, for ij pund walx to him, . . iiij i. vj if. Item, for ij pund rosat to him, . . vj it. Item, for ij pund of t.allon to him, iiij if. 'Item, for ij wOBp steyll to Rob Scot, smyth, . v i. viij it. Item, to Bercar, smyth, for viijc dur naill, ilk jc xij It. ; iiijc planchor naill, ilk jc ij i.'; tane be Johne Drummond to the dOl cartis; 8umma xvj i. Item, to Robeyn of Borthik for x stane mettell, the price of the 8tane xiij i. iiij it. ; iiij laid charcoll, the price of the laid xvj i. ; and for walx and roaait iiij i. ; iiij bwud of wyir, price of the bound viij i. ; iij laid coDi8, iij i. ; v pund candill. xx it. ; summa xj tt. xviij ii. Item, Setterday the ill. day of April, to xiij werkmen wirand wit.h Robeyn of Borthik, Rob Soot, and Wolf, in the powder myll, ilk man iiij i. in t.he wolk j BUmma . Iij i. Item, for ana 10k till &De hall dur in the cutell, . v i. Item, to Thome Branewod, oarta.r, for xij draucht fra the New Ha"in to the caatell of tymer, ilk draucht ij i. viij It. ; 8umma XXXIJ . Item, to Alexander AuchtinCr&w for v wallia of irae deliverit to George Duche, amyth, and Rob Soot, price of the wall xlvj i. ; summa . xj 11. x. i. Item, Setterday the xvj day of Aprile, to xv werkmen in the caatell, ilk man iiij i. in the wolk ; BUmma , . iij tt. Item, to Thome Braynewod for xxt)" draucht tymer and bume wod fra the New Havin to the caatell, price of the draucht xxxij it.; BUmma liij i. iiij it. Item, to him for vj dl'ltUcht copper fra the New Havin to the cuteU, Uk draucht xxxij it. ; 8umma . xVJ ... Item, for viij laid colia to Wolf, price of ilk laid xiiij it.; BDmma ill. i. iiij if. Item for reid leid and oily linget for the coloring of the three greit ime gunnya that WaB put in the greit &chip and to amaIl falconis gevin to Rob Harwar and Johne Drummond, xlviij i. vilj it. Item, to Robeyne Barm, smyth, for the wyrking of vj wallia ime in quhele work and to the gwn atokkis, for ilk wall ime wyrking xiiij i. j BUmma iiij tt. x i. Item, to him for ane hunder greit nalia, . v it. Item, to him for iijc wyndow nalil to Johne of Drummond, ij i. vj it. Item. to him for jc planciour nalia, . IJ" Item, to Johne Hartayd, palyoune man, wyrand at the palyonil iij wolkil, and iiij aeruandia with him, he takkand on the day for him v tt. xij ii. self xvj it., and for ilk aeruand xij if. ; BUmma Item, Setterday the xxiij day of Aprile, to x ",erkmen, pait. be Robeyne Borthwik, ilk man iiij i. ; BUmma . xl ii.




Item, tua werkmen with Rob Scot, tWl. with George Duohe, smyth, ij with Wolf, &lie with Johne Dmmmond, ilk man iiij ii. in the wolk; summa . xx \iij i. Item, to Rob Barcar, pait be Jol!ne of Drummond, for the wyrking of iiij wallis ime, price of the wall xiiij ii. ; summa . lvj i. Item, to him, for ijc double naile, price of tlIe hunder xl if.; vij- dure naile for close cutis, price of the hunder x it. ; summa xj i. viij it. ltaID, Setterday the last day of Aprile. to Thome Branewod, oartar, for iiij draucht tymer fre the New Ha\in to the castell, ilk draucht ij i. viij if.; summa. x i. viij if. Item, Setterday the \ij day of Maij, to x werkmen with Robeyne of Borthik, iiij with the smythis, iij in the powder myll, ilk man eex dais, viij if. on the day; summa iij 11. viij i. Item, to Robeyne of Borthik for xx st&ne of mettell, price of the pund xiiij a.; summa . xviij 11. xiij ii. iiij it. Item, for half &lie chalder colis to George Duche, smyth, to the caatell, price of the boll xiiij it. ; summa . ix i. iiij it. Item, for the carage of thame to the caatell, . ij i. viij it. Item, Setterday the xiiij day of Maij, to Robeyne of Borthik for xiiiH stane of br&88 bocht be him. the price of the stane xiij i. iiij if. ;

Item, for ::diiij laid of wod, price of the laid xvj

a. ; summa


I viij i. ,iij It. Item, for vj laid of charoole, . xxxiiij i. Item, iijzs 11. of tyn. price of the 11. xxij it. ; summa . v 11. x i. Item, to the tumour for xxvj chargeouris to tlIe culvering moyaine, four i. iiij if. Item, for xiiij stane iij 1f. brass, price of the stane xiij i. iiij it. ; summa . ix 1f. ix i. ij if. Item, for ij dosane of sparris to steil'" the mettall with. price of the doaane x it. ; lumma . xx if. Item, for &lie cart to haif thame to the castell, . . IJ So Item, Setterday the xxj day of Haij. to xx werkmen with Robeyne of Borthik diohtand the gunnys and clenyeand thame, iiij with the smythis, iij in the ponder myll, ilk man vj dais, viij it. on the day ; summa . v 11. viij i. Item, to Alexander Lyall for xx cartfull of aid wod to melt the gunnya with, price of the cairtfull v i. ; summa. . v 11. Item, for xx cutis to haif the said wod to the castell, xl i. Item, for vj wallis ime deliverit to George Duche, BDlyth, for work to the gun stokkis, price of the waUl i. ; HUmma xv 1f. Item, deliverit to Robeyne Barcar, vj wallis irne for the greit quhelis and gwn stokkis, price of the wall I ii. ; summa xv 11. Item, to him for ilk wall wyrking xiiij i. ; summa iiij 11. iiij i. Item, to Rob Scot, iiij wallis ime to malt ane ime gwn. price of the wall I i. ; summa . x 11. Item, for xx boll of smedy coile for the castell, price of the chalder x\'iij i. ; summa xxij ii. vj a. Item, pait to Rob Reot, smyth, for ane yeris fee, at the kingis comlJlll,J\d, x 11.



Item, Setterday the xxviij day of Maij, to x men with Robeyne of A.D. 1513. Borthik, iiij with the smythia, iij in the powder myll, ilk man vj dais, viij it. one the day ; summa . iij H. viij ii. Item, to the ij _waris _wand pit tymer for the gwn stokkis, xiiij .. Item, to ij Franche wrychtis to pas to the wod for extreis, in drink silver, at the kingia command, xiiij ii. Item, to the litiU Inglisman, prisonar in the castel of Edinburgh, at the kingia command, in tua Fnmche crounis, xx\iij ii. Item, to Robeyne of Borthik for xv stane of brass booht be him, price of the stane xiij i. iiij it. ; summa . . x H. Item, to Cunynghame, cartar, for vj dral1cht aId tymer fm. the New Havin to the castell, ilk draucht xxxij .1. ; summa . xvj 8. Item, for jc !t. tyn, price of the H. xx it. ; 8umma . x 1t. Item, Setterday the iiij day of Junij, to xiiij werkmen with Robeyne of Borthik at the gunnys, iiij with the smythis, iij in the powder myll, ilk man in the wolk iiij i. ; Sl1mma iiij H. iiij i. Item, to Thome Brawnewode for xvj cartfull of aId tymer fra the New Havin to the castell for the melting of the gunnya, price of ilk ca.rtfull xxxij it. ; summa xlij i. viij it. Item, for pak threid and oily to the hakbuschis to George Duche, amyth, . vj it. Item, for v laid of colis, . iiij i. ij it. Item, for ij laid of 866 colis, . ij i. vj it. Item, for the fraucht of xvij bollia colis send be the Abbot of Culros, v i. iiij it. Item, for oaryage of thame to the castell of EdinbnrgJa, iiij ii. viij it. Item, for xij ellialynnyng claith to WoH in the pouder myll for the fynyng of the polder, . xi. Item, for piggis of layme to him, . ij ii. Item, for ij laid of colis to him, xx it. Item, for thraid and oily to him, xij .1. Item, forane quart of v_kar, . xvj .1. Item, for ane new tub to him, . xij it. Item, for ane hunder 8tobbis to him, . iij ii. iiij it. Item, for ane draucht of pit wattellis to him, . ij i. vj it. Item, for vergrya and alme to him, iij i. Item, for ane atane of Orknay butter to him, . VJ .. Item, to Robeyne of Borthik for vij hankis wyre, price of the hank viij i. ; summa lviij i. Item, for iij !t. walx to him, . vij i. vj it. Item, for iij It. roasat to him, . ix it. Item, ij stane of hardia, . xi. Item, for tua stane of tallone to him, . . viij i. Item, for vj laid of dry wod, price of the laid xvj it. ; summa VlIJ s. Item, for vj WOBpes steile to him, price of the wOBp iiij i. ; summa xxiiij i. Item, for jm takkettis to him, vj i. viij it. ItP.m, for ijc dura naile to him,. . '.' . . ij i. vj it. Item, Setterday the xj day of Junij, to ane boit that brocht vj gwn stokkis fra Strivelin to Leith xn "




Item, viij men that 1000t thame in Leith, . . iiij i. 1tern, to iij cartis to haif thame fra Leth to F..dinburgh, . vl I. Item, to ij sawaria sawand burdia and tymer to the clois cartil, xiiiji. Item, Setterday the xviij day of Junij, xix werkmen at iiij i. a week. Item, to the ij ..waria sawand burdis and tymer in the caatell, xiiij i. Item, for viij laid of wad bocht be Robeyne Borthik, price of the laid xvj if. ; summa . x i. viij if. Item, Setterday the xxv day of Junij, to xx werkmen with Robeyue of Borthik at the dichting and clengaing of the gunnya, iiij with the smythis, iij in the polder myll, ilk man iiij i. in the wolk ; summa v tt. viij i. Item, to ij sawaria in the castell, XWl .. Item, to Robeyne of Borthik, at the kings command, in drinkailver, in foor Franohe crounis, lvj i. Item, to George Duche, smyth, and Rob Scot, in drinkailver, at the kingis command, in ij Franche crounis, . xxviij i. Item, to the cooatable of the castell Ira the xij day of Marche inclusive to the xxv day of JUDij exclusive, contenand xv wolkie, ilk wolk . tiD him in hiB wage, at the kiugis command, xiiij i. ; summa x D. x i. Item, for iiiji wallis ime gavin to Rob Ba.fcar, smyth, price of the wall xlviij i. ; Bumma . lI: D. xvj i. Item, to the said Barcar, smyth, for the wyrking of the said irae, ilk . iij tt. iij i. wall xiiij i. ; Bumma Item, deliverit to the said Barcar, Bmyth, be Alexander Auchtincraw, xvj walliB of irne, price of the wall xlvj i. ; aumma lI::uvj tt. lI:'Ij i. Item, Setterday the secound day of Julij, to :dj werkmen with Robeyne Borthik, iiij with the amythiB, iij in the polder myll, ilk man ill the wolk iiij i.; summa iij tt. xvj i. Item, ij sawariB sawand extreiB and tymer in the castell, lI:iiij i. rAnd other weekly payments.] iiij i. viij if. Item, for ij tt. of wah to Roberyne Borthik, I tem, for ij D. J' to him, . vj if. Item, for a stane of tallone to him, . iiij i. Item, for a bund of wyre to him, Vlll .. Item, Setteniay the ix day of Julij, for x IItftne bras, price of the atane xiij i. iiij if. ; summa vj tt. xiij i. iiij it. Item, for viij laid wod, price of the laid xvj it. ; summa lI: i. viij if. Item, for ij laid charcole, . xvij i. Item, for ij woapia ateill, . viij I. Item, for ij quair Lumbart paper to maistar Baunys, . Ul a. Item, Setterday the xvj day of Julij, to xiiij men with Robeyne of Borthik, iiij with Bmythia, iij in the polder myll, ilk man iiij i. in the wolk; aumma . iiij tt. iiij i. Item, iije and ane half rauchteris bocht Ira Schir David WilBone and send to the oaatell to mak the clois cartis, price of the Inmder ix crounis; summa . xv1t. xv i. Item, iiij duson greit SparriB to be lummaris to thaim, price of the dusone uxvj i. ; lumma . vij tt. iiij i.



Item. to xviij cartis to haif the said raoehteris and sparriR to the .\.1', 1613. castell, ilk cart ij i. ; summa. . XXXVllJ Item, Setterday the xxiij day of Julij, to xxxij werkmen with Robeyne Borthik at the gunnys, for the dlohting and clengeing of thaim and bering of the said gunnys in the castell. iiij werkmen with the smythis, iij in the polder myll, ilk man in the wolk iiij i. ; summa . viij H. Item, to Stewart with Johne of Drummond, . 11IJ I. Item, to Thome Dunkane, wrycht, and his iiij seruandis, he takand in the wolk for himself xvj i., and for ilk seruand x i., . lvj Item, to James Carvour and his seruand, xxj " Item, to Andl'O Carvour and his twa seruandil, xxxij i. Item, to William Aikynheid and his seruand, xvj i. Item, to Johne Heodirsone and his too. seruandis, xxxij i. Item, to William Zong and his seruand, xxij i. Item, to Robeyne Landellis and his too. seruandis, XXX1J Item, to Williame Mayne and his v seruandis, he takand in the wolk for himself xiiij i., and for ilk seruand ix i. ; summa lix i. Item, to Thome Gourlaw and his sone, xx i. Item, to James Gourlaw, . xi. Item, to Robeyne Scowgall, . viij i. Item, to Rob Scot, smyth, and his serulUlllis, xxxj i. vj it. Item, to Monypenny, smyth with him, vii. Item, to William Ramsay, smyth with him, v R. Item, fa Barcar, Imyth, for the sohoyng of xx pair of greit qubelis, ilk pair xi.; summa . x H. Item, to him, for tbe wyrking of x wallis of irue, ilk waU xiiij i. ; summa vij H. Item, for half ane ohaldor smady colis, . viij i: Item, in oncostis and caryage fra Leith to the castell of thaim. ij i. viij it. Item, for iiijm double naile to the clois cartis, price of the hunder xl it.; vjm single naile, price of the honder xx it. ; v m dure naile, price of the hunder x it. ; iiijm wyndow naile, price of the hUllder viij it. ; ijm plancioor naile, price of the hunder xxij it. ; summa xv H. xvj i. viij it. Item, for xx stane of towis to be BOUmes for tbe guunys, price of tbe stane viij i.; summa viij H. Item, to ane cart to baif thame to the castell, . . lJ" Item, to iiij men that maid the BOurnes, ilk man vj i. ; summa xxiiij i. Item, for ane harrell of tar to the said BOumes, . xx i. Item, in caryage for it fro. Leith to the castell, . . iiij it. Item, to the constable of the castell for his monethis wage precedand, ilk wolk xiiij i. ; summa . lvj i. Item, Setterday the penult of Julij, to xxxij workmen in the castell with Robeyne Borthik and wryohtis, iiij with the smythis, and iij in the polder myU, ilk man in the wolk iiij i. ; summa viij H. Item, to Walter Ha.lybnrtoune for ij wolkis wagis, ' xx i. Item, to the constable of the casteU in his waige, xiiij i 2G VOL. IV.




Item to Barcar, smyth, for the wyrking of vj wallis ime in gwn wirk, ilk wall xiiij i.; summa . iiij H. iiij i. Item, for t.he caryage of ane tar t.rouch and ane tar ket.t.ill to the castell furth of Leit.h, xvj <to Item, for x7iiij stane of towis to be, BODmes and rigwiddeis, price of t.he stane viij ii. ; summa . . ix H. xij i. Item, to ane cart. to haif t.haim to t.he castell of F.dinburgh, . IJ s. Item, to iiij men that. makis t.he said BOllmes and geir in the wolk, xxiiij i. hem, for ane harrell of tar to thame, . . xx i. hem, for the cariage of it. to the castell, . vj it. Item, for xx pair of cart quhelis to the elois cartis, ilk pair xviij i. ; summa xviij H. Item, for the cariage of ilk pair fra the market. to the castell iiij it. ; BUmm.. vj ii. viij it. Item, lor ijC hora hamys, ilk pair ij it. ; summa. . xx i. Item, to the man t.hat brooht. thaim Ira. the wod to the castell,. v i. Item, for xij ext.reis booht in the market. for the elms cams, ilk peis ij I. ; summ.. . XXlllJ Item, for xx duaone of oxin bowis, prioe of the doaane ij i. ; BUmma xl i. Item, vj doaane of yokis, ilk yoke vj it. ; summ.. xxxvj i. Item, vj d08ane cair aadillis gratht, ilk puce xij it. ; aumm .. iij 11. xij i. ItQJ, for xxvij stane oopper boobt fra Hendry B&rdner, Ducbeman, qubilk copper is yet in the castell, price of the stane xvj i. ; summa . xxijH.viji. Item, for iijm double naile, price of t.he hunder xl it. ; item, v thou sand single naile, price of the hunder xx <to ; item, xjm duro naile, price of the hunder x it. ; vm windo naile, price of the hunder viij it.; iiijm pIanceour naile, price of bunder xxij <t.; summa xix H. XlI. it. Item, for ane chalder and half ane chalder of smedy ooile. xxiiij i. Item, for the cariage of ane chalder of to the castell, iiij i. iiij it. Item, to bere t.he half chalder to t.he kingia werk, xvj it. Item, for the wyrking of Ij wallis of ime in doule straikis in the New Ravin for the cart qubelis, xxviij i. Item, to .. m..nthat brocht the said wirk to the castell, . vj it. Item, to Barcar, smyth, for the wyrking of vij wallis of ime in pikkes, mattokki8, anel carillokis, price of the wall wyrking, xiiij i.; summa iiij 11. xviij i. Item, for xx w08pis of ateile to thaim, ilk W08p iiij s. ; summ.. iiij H. Item, to him, for xx pair handis to the clois, ilk pair xx it. ; summa xxiij i. iiij it. Item, t.he sext day of August, to the OODstable of the castell, XlIIJ s. Item, for iiiju of spaidis, price of the peee vj it. ; item, iiijD spaid imi8, price of the puce viij it. ; item, iij- schuli., price of the puce iiij it. ; iije schule imis, price of the peoe vj it. ; summa xix 11. xiij i. iiijit.



Item, for x pair of baDdis to the clois carlis, the price of the pair xx It. ; A.D. 1618. and for xxx lokkis to thaim, price of the pece iij i. ; summa v It. vj i. viij if. Item, for xx plaitis of quhyte ime to be chanys to the cloil aartis and paulzonis, the price of the pece xviij if. ; summa xxx i. Item, four cartis that passit to the wod with .8chir Johne Ramll&Y for extreis, ilk cart one the day ill. i. ; summa xxxvl I. Item, Ij cartis that puait to EdmODBtoun for extreis and ij cartis that passit to the Sohirefhall for extreis, for ane day, . xx i. Item, to the wryohtis that fe11it the extreis, in drinklilver, vi. Item, for ane greit tow to be IOWDeI for the gunnyl, weyand xiiij stane, price of the stane viij i. ; summa . . v It. xij i. Item, four men at maid the BOUmes, ilk man in the wolk vi i. ; summa xxiiij i. Item, to Barcar, smyth, for the wyrking of v wallis of ime in boltis and plaitis to the pn stokkis, ilk wall xilij i. ; summa. iij H. xi. Item, for x yokis, vi. Item, for xj dusone om bowis, xxij i. Item, for vi pair of cartquhelis, varie precie; summa vH. xj i. Item, to the smyth of the New Havin for x stane of doule straikis to the said quhelis, price of the stane v i. viij if. ; summa lviij i. vj if. Item, Setterday the xiij day of August, to the constable of the castell, xiiij i. Item, for half a barreD tallone to the extreis at the carting of the gunnys and half ane harrell of fre oreis, price of the pace xxiiij i. ; summa xlviij ii. Item, to ij pynouris that brocht thaim fra the Nethir Bow to the castell, iiij if. Item, for ij stane of Orknay butter to Robeyne of Borthik, Xll" Item, x stane of smale towil to be .eirlederis for the hemys, price of the stane xj i. ; summa . v H. xj i. Item, for vijn and thre onn booht in Dunblayne be the maister of werk and maister fteschar, of divers price, . ij"Viij It. Item, the xvij day thar was fumeist and put on gait fyve canonis, quhilk v canonis was drawin with men to the Nethir Bow in Banct Mary Wynd, in drinksilver to the men that drew thaim, XlIIJ a. Item, to xij men that wolk thainJ all nycht and kepit thaim one thair geir, xij ii. Item, the xviij day of August, the first canone drawin with the captane ~ the oaatellis onn, quhilk om had viij dryvaril, ilk dryvar xiiij dais wage in hande, ilk day xij It. ; summa v H. xij i. Item, pait thaim in Ingland, at the kingis command, viij dais wagis, ilk man one the day xvj It. ; summa iiij H. vi. iiij It. Item, send with this canone xx werkmen with x sehulis, v pikis, and v spaidis, ilk man xiiij dais, wagls in hand, ilk day xij It. ; summa xiiij It. Item, to thame in Ingland, at the kingis command, viij dais wage. ilk man on the day xvj it. ; summa x H. xiij i. iiij if. Item, to hir, tua drawyn towis to keip hir at upwith and dounewith, furnist of the kingis towis quhilk was in the castell. . Summa of this canone xxxv H. xvj i. viij It

A.D. 1613.


Item, the aeoound canoun drawyne with xxxvj oxin of the kingia and the lArd of Dunnys, quhilk had ix dryvaris, ilk dryvar xiiij dais wage in hand, ilk day xij it. ; summa . vj H. vj i. Item, payit tbaim in Ingland, at the kingia command, viij dais wage, ilk man xvj it. one the day ; summa iiij 1t. J:Vj i. Item, send with thil canone xx werkmen with x achuIis, v spaidia, and v pikkia, ilk man xiiij dail wage ill hand, xij it. one the day ; summa ' xiiij 1t. Item, payit tbaim in Ingland. at. the kingilcommand, viij dayis wagia, ilk man one t.he day xvj if. ; summa x 1t. xiij i. iiij it. Item, to hir, tua drawyn towis to keip hir at upwith and dounewith, fumiat. of the kingia touis quhilk was in the castell. . XXJ:V 1t. xv i. iiij it. Summa of this canone Item, the thrid canone drawyne with xxxvj oxin of the prior of Whit homis and ij Iardia in the Westland, quhilk had ix dryvarls, ilk dryvar xiiij dayia wage in hand, xij if. on t.he day ; summa vj tt. vj i. Item, payit tbaim in Ingland, at t.he kingia command, viij daia wage, ilk man on the day xvj It. ; summa iiij H. xvj i. Item, send wit.h this canone x werkmen with x achulia, v apaidia, and v pikkia, ilk man xiiij dayia wage in hand, xij if. on the day; summa xiiij 1t. Item, payit thaim in Ingland, at the kingia command, viij daia wage, ilk man on the day xvj if. ; aumma. x tt. xiij i. iiij It. Item, to hir, tua drawyn towiB to keip hir at upwith and dounewith, quhilk was fumiit of the kingiB towiB quhilk was in the CAstell. Item, to the man that brooht the priouris oxin to Edinburgh, in drink silver, xiiij i. Summa of this cannone, . xxxvj 1t. ix i. iiij it. The ferd canone drawin wit.h xxxvj oxin of the kingia. [The rest of the entry similar to that of the second cannon.] The fyEt. cannone drawin with xxxvj oxin of the kingis and Provest of Coldst.remys. [Wages of workmen and drivers as in previoDl entry.] Item, to hir, twa towis weyand ten stane to kepe hir at upwith and . dounewith, price of the stane viij i. ; summa. iiij 1t. Item, to the men that brooht t.he Proves oxin, in drinkailver, xiiij i. Summa of this cannone, xl tt. ix i. iiij d. The xix day of Augnat. was put furth of the easteU t.wa groe culvenngis and four cu1vering pykmoyance and drawin wit.h men to the nethir port. of Sanot. Mary Wynd, quhilkis gat in drinkBilver, xxx i. Item, t.he first. gros onlvering drawin with xxxvj oxin 01 the kingis, to the quhilk oxin l,bar was ix dryvaris, ilk dryvar xiiij dais wage in hand, xij it. one the day; summa . vj tt. vi ii. Item, pail, thaim in Ingland, at the kingia command, viij dais waige, ilk day xvj it. ; summa . iiij 1t. xvj i. Item, to t.hiP groae ouh'ering, xx werkmen with pyk, achule, anti spaid, ilk man xiiij dais waige in hand, xij if. on the day; summa, xiiij 1t. Item, payit t.haim in IngIand, at. the kingis command, viij daia waige, xvj if. one the day; summa x tt. xiij i. iiij It.



Itt-m, to hir, tua towi8 weya.nd viij stane and half, price of the et.ane .... D. 1/'i18. viij ii. j aumDl& . iij It. vj ii. Item to x men that wolk thir gunnys and kepit thair gair at the Nethir Bow that nycht, . v ii. Summa of the culvering, . xltt. xvj i. iiij it. Item, the secund gros culvering drawin with the I.anl of Dalhousys oxin, quhilkis had viij dryvar, xiiij dais wage in hand, xij it. one the day ; summa . v tt. xij ii. [The rest of the entry &B to this culvering similar to the rest.] Item, to the man that brooht the lard of Dalhousyis om, in drink silver, xiiij i. Summa of this groae culvering,. xxxviij tt. xvij i. viij it. Item, the firat culveriDg pikmoyane drawin with xvj oxin of the kingis, and ane hora bocht for vij markis and half; summa . v tt. Item, to the iiij dryvaria, ilk dryvar xiiij dais wage in hand, xij it. one the day; summa . iij tt. x i. Item, to thaim in Ingland viij dais wages, xvj it. one the day; summa Jiij i. iiij it. Item, to x werkmen with pik, schule, and IIp&id, ilk man xiiij dayill wage in hande, xij it. one the day; summa . vij tt. Item, to thaim in Ingland, at the kingis oommand, viij dayis wage, xvj it. one the day; summa . . v tt. vj i. viij it. Item, for ane tow to hir weyand iiij stane, price of the stane viij i. ; somma xxxij i. Summa of this culvering pikmoyane, xxv tt. ij ii. Item, the aecund culvering pykmoY&lle, ~ith xv oxin of the kingis and lard of Lochlevinnis, and a hora bocht for vj Franch crounis, . iiij tt, iiij i. [And other entries similar to those of the first culverin pikmoyaDe.] Item, to hir, ij towia weyand thre stane and haU, price of the stane VIIJ I, ; summa xxviij i. Item, to the men that brocht. the' oxin fra Lochlevin, in drinksilver, vijii. Summa of this culvering pikmoyane, uiiij tt. ill. i. Item, the thrid oulvering pikmoyane, drawn with xvj oxin of the kingis, and one hora ooft for . iiij tt. [And other entries similar to the first culverin pikmoyane.] Summa of this gnu, . xxiiij tt. ij i. Item, the ferd culverin pikmoyane, drawin with xvj oxin of the Priores of Hadingtoune, and ane hora ooft for . iij tt. [And other entries lIimiIar to the fint onlverin pikmoyane.] Item, to my ladeis seruandia that brocht the oxin, in drinksilver, xiiij i. Summa of this gune xxiij tt. xij i. Item, the first oulvering moiyane, drawin with viij oxin of the lard of Lestalrig, and ane hora bocht for iiij tt. Item, to thaim ij dryl'aria and a man that kepit the hora, ilk man xiiij dais wage in hand, xij it. one the day; aumma xlij i. Item, to thame in Ingland, viij dayis wage, xvj it. on the day ; summa xxxij i.




Item, to vj werkmen with achulia, apaidili, and pikkis, ilk man XUIJ dais in hand, xij 11'. on the day ; summa iiij H. iiij i. Item, to thaim in lDgland, viij dais wage in hand, xvj <t. one the day ; summa iij H. iiij i. Item, for ane tow to hir, xvi i. Summa of this gun xv H. xviij i. Item, the aecund oulvering moyane, drawin with viij om of Andro Aitoun and Rob Arnotis, with ane hora colt for iiij H. ij i. Item to tbaim that brooht the oxin, in drinbilver,. vj i. viij ct. [And other entries similar to the first oulverin moyane except the tow.] xij H. vj i. viij ct. Summa of this gun Item, the thrid cuIvering moyane, drawin with viij om of the lard of Kelleis in Fyfe and Angus, and ane hora bocht for. iij H. iiij i. [And other entries similar to the aeoond oulverin moyane.] Summa of this gun xj H. xvij i. Item, the ferd culvering mayane, drawin with viij om of Bawgonyia, and a hora bocht for iij H. vj i. viij a. [And other entries similar to the second culverin moyane.] Summa of this gun xj H. viij i. viij a. Item, the fyft culvering moyane, drawin with viij om of the priour of New Abbay, and ane hora bocht for iij H. viij i. [And other entries Bimilar to the second oulverin moyaoe.] Summa of this gun xj 1t. xij i. Item, the &ext culveriDg moyane, drawin with viij oxin of the kingia, and ane hora bocht for . iij H. vj i. viij it. [And other entries similar to the firat oulverin moyane.] Summa of this gun xj H. xviij i. viij it. Item, ane cran drawin with viij oxin and ane hora bocht for iiij H. Item, to ij dryvaris and a man that kepit the hora, ilk man xiiij dais wage in band, xij if. one the day; summa . xlij i. Item, to thaim in Ingland viij dais wagia, ilk man xvj it. on the daye ; summa . xxxij i. Item, for ane tow weyand xvji staue to be fore towia to all the gunnya and BOumes, price of the stane viij i. ; Bumma vj H. xij i. nem, for vij dusone of forebowia caryt on the said oran price of the dusone ij i. ; aumDJ& nUJ L Item, for the achoing of x [j] werk hora in the gunnyB and ane in tbe cran quhen thai past furth, ilk hora achoying xvi it. ; summa xiiij i. viij if. Item, to iiij men that kepit iiij"'" of foir oxin and callit thaim to the marche in Ingland, ilk man xiiij dais wage in hand, lOjif. one the day; aumJDa . , . Ivj i. Item, to thaim in IngIand viij dais wagia, xvj it. one the day; summa xlij i. viij it. Item, to xxviij hora with creilia for xiiij dais to cary gun Btanis with the gunnya, ilk man and hora in hand lOiij dais wage, ij i. one the day I summa xxxix H. iiij i. Item, to xiiij hora of thaim that remanit with gun Btapia unachot in Ingland, ilk man and hora viij dais wage, ij i. one the day; eumma xix H. iiij i.



Item, to Andro Dokane to fumeia iiij oartiI with xv;i barreUiB powder A.D. 1513. and haukb1UlOhis one his awin expens, xxx 11. Item, to him in IngIa.nd, . iiij 11. Item, to Craufnrd, cartar, wit.h ij oarti15, ane with ponder and ane with atanis, in hand at his funh paaaing, iiij It. Item, to him in Ingland, . xl i. Item, to Wilsone, the new oartar, for ij oart.i8 with pouder, pait him in hand at his furth puaing, iiij It. Item, in Ingland till h i m , . . . xl i. Item, t;o.William Gogar, oartar, havand a oartwith pouder, iu hand, xl i. Item, to him in Ingland, . . xx i. [Similar entries relating to Thomas Waist, Riohe Dunlop, and James Thomson, four carta in all.] Item, till ane oartar of the Canongait with a oart quhilk I feit to tUl'll pouder, and the comptrollar gart him pas with a cartfull of braid, to him in hand, xl i. Item, to Roheyne of Borthik, deliverit fumeist, ij clois oartia, with boobt hoi'll in ilk cart, iiij hoi'll booht varie precie, xxix 11. xiij i. iiij it. Item, to the said ij oartiI, iiij men to dryve thaim, ilk man xiiij dais wage in hand, xij if. one the day; summa .' lvj i. Item, to thaim, in IngIa.nd,:viij dais wage, xvj!ct. one the day; lumma xlij i. viij ct. I~m, to xxvj men feit to pas with Roheyne of Borthik, and wyrk at his command, to here his ohargeouris, ilk man xiiij dais wage in hand, xij it. on the day; summa xv;i 11. xvj i. Item, to thaim in Ingland, at the kingia command, viij dais ".age, xvj it. one the day; aumma xij 11. xv;i i. Item, to the bumeledaria of Edinburgh that fumeist ij oartia with apaidis and aohulis, pikkis and mattokkis, ilk oart, in hand, :d i. And to &1M! of thaim that remauit in Ingland, . :xx i. Item, to vi cariap hoi'll with irDe and eolia to Baroar, smyth, and to tUl'll his werJdumya, ilk man and hOI'll xiiij dais wage in hand, ij i. one the day; IAlIIUD& viij 11. viij i. Item, to thaim in IngIand that remanit with the aaid Baroar, smyth, quhilk was iiij hOI'll, . iij It. x i. Item, to Baroar, smyth, and his ij aernandis to pas with the gwmya and wyrk to thaim in Ingland to guid.compt, . x 11. And to him in Ingland, at the kingis command, xl i. Item, to ane smyth to pas with him, in hand xl i.; and in Ingland . . iij 11. xx i.; summa . Item, for ane ox booht at Dalkeith, for: ane ox that ane cannon ran our and brak his oek, xxxij i. Item, the alayne ox gevin to the werkmen to ete. Item, to ane smyth in Dalkeith that mendit ij pit boltis, four alyngis, and yokegeir, vi. Item, Setterday the :xx day of August, to xl warkmen that wrooht the wolk preoedand at the furth putting of the gunnya, close oartis, powder, gunatani.a, and all the ordinans, ilk man in the walk iiij i. ; summa




Item, to Thome Camerone in the powder myll, . xl;;' Item, to the said Johne of Drummond and hia IOruandia to pas in Ingland, a monethia wage, at the kingia commaud, xix 11. viij . Item, to Stewart hia man, . xxiiij ~ hem, to Thome Dunkane and hia aernandia, . Ivj "Item, to him and hisael"l1&ndiB to pas in Ingland, xiiij dais wage, v 'It. xij . Item, to James Carvour and hiB 1Il&II, XXJ So Item, to the said James Carvour to pall to Striveling, xiiij daiB wage, xlij ;. Item, to Alldro Carvour and his ij aernandis, xuij i. Item, to him to pall in Ingland, xiiij daiB wage, iij 11. iiij ii. Item, to William Aikenheid and his aeruand, xvj i. Item, to Johne Henderaone and hiB ij aeruandiB, xxxij i. Item, to him to pall in Ingland, xiiij dais wagiB, iij 11. iiij i. Item, to William Yong and his aerua.nd, . xxij i. Item, to pall in Ingland, xliij i. Item, to Bobeyne IAndelliB and his ij I8l"I1&ndis, xxxij i. Item, to pall in Ingland, iij 'It. iiij i. Item, to William Mayne and his v aeruandis, lix i. Item, to pall in IngIand, xiiij daiB wagiB v 'It. xviij i. Item, to Walter Halyburnetoun, xi. Item, to him to pall in Ingland, xiiij dais wagia, Xl[ i. Item, to Thome Gourlaw and his sone, xx i. Item, to James Gourlaw, xii. xx i. Item, to pall in Ingland, Item, to Robert Sconga11, viij i. Item, to pall in !ngland, xxxviij i. Item, to Rob Scot, smyth, and hiB ij IOruandia, xxxj i. vj if. Item, to him to pall in !ngland, a monethia wage, vi 11. vj i. Item, to hia broder to pall in Ingland . xl i. Item, to Monypenny and Ramsay, amy this, to wyrk at hame in the castell for stuf to be furneist to the feild, x i. Item, for ano hOI'S wit.h four haukbuachia to the feild, xiiij dais wago in hand, xxviij i.

Item, to George Aleis, mason, and xij aeruandis wit.h him to pas in Ingland, at the kingis comlD&lld, xxvij 11. Item, to Johne of Cummimald and his IOl"I1&ndiB to pall in !ngland, x 'It. Item, to Johne Lokart and hiB IOl"I1&ndiB to pall in Inglan~, x 11. Item, to him, payit. for the werkis of St.rivelin be Maiate'r David Scot in my name, after t.he kingis oharge gevin to me tbarapone, in xx markis, . xiij 'It. vj i. Viij it. Item, to Stevin BaIty and his IOl"I1&ndis, . . x 'It. Item, to Johne Cornwall and James Storye and thair I8l"I1&ndia, xij 'It. xvj i. Item, to Adam Baxtar, masone,. .n:i.



Item, to Jobne Cochran and iiij qllareollriB with him, v 1t.\.n. 1518. Item, to Thome Ram.y and his seruand, . xliiij ii. Item, for xii stane of towis to the paulyonia, price of the BUlle xviij s. ; somma x tt. xvj i. Item, for iiii steikis [of] bukram to the paulyonl'", price of the steik xiij i. iiij it.; summa liij i. iiii it. Item, for blew threid and diven other co1ouri8, x i. Item, for greit woraett thraid of divers (lolonris tharto, . ij i. viij it. Item. for barkit hydis tharto, . xV] . Item, to ij aoutaris, ij dais to dress the hydis for the paulyonis, viii S. Item, to Johne Bartsyd and iiij seruandie with him wyrkand at the paulyonis iij 1I""0lkie precedand, he takand for him on the day xvi if., and for his aervand xii <t. ; summa . . v 1t. ix i. iiij it. Item, to Bunter, smyth, for the ime werk of the said paulyonis, Ivii i. viij if. Item, for iiij dosane of canVN tane fra Johne Cokburne to be a pailyone to the harrottis gevin to thaim be me at the kingis com mand, price of the duaone xviij i. ; summa iij 11. xij i. Item, for iiij dnaone canves to be Robeyne Borthik a panlyone, price of the dusone xVlij i. ; summa iij 11. xii ii. Item, to Thome Branewod, cart&r, with ij cartis, Will Logane ane cart, Jobne Ounynghame a cart to tun the .id pa.lyons in Ingland, ilk cart in hand xl i., and in Ingland xx ii. ; Bumma xij 11. Item, to Walter Logane, cartar, with to cartis to pa.a with the kingis cofferis. Item, to :11 men with Johne ForJUane to the upsetting and the dounetaking of the paulyonia, deliverit to Jobne Formane be Maiater David Scot in my name, . xxxvj 11. Item, gevin to thame in Ingland, xxii 11. Item, to four ellie of blew taffeteia to malt Sanet Androwis and Sanet iiij 11. Margrettis baneris, price of the ellne xx ii. ; summa Item. for fourellia rede taJTateis to be the kingia baner, price of the elIn xx i. ; summa iiij tt. Item, for xiiij unce of sewing silk to be frenzeia to the baneria and atandartis, price of the unce v i. ; summa . iij tt. x i. Item, iij ellis tafi'ateis to be the ldngia atandart, price of the ell xx i. ; summa .. . . iij 11. Item, to ane woman that maid the frenyeia to the baner and standartis, xl i. Item, for iiij baaand akinnis to be caais to kepe the baner and standartis in, price . . xiiij i. Item, for the making of thaim in haist, . iiij i. Item, for x hankis of gold gevin to the capitane of the caatellis wyf for the kingia coit armour, price of the hank v i. ; summa . Ii. Item, to ane man to byde on the Btandartis to bring thaim with him in haiat that nycht that the kingis grace departit furth of Edinburgh, xi. Item, the xix day of August, for ane atand of harnes to the kingiB grace bocht fra Schir David Guthre, for the quhilk he has my oblixl 11. gationn of




Item, w the constable of the castell of Edinburgh at our deParting tilllngland, the last day we war in the castell, till furncis us all necessaris, w gude compt, xvj H. Item, the xxix day of August, the kingis grace send me hame for canon quhelis, gwn stanis, and oxin. Item, w vj hors with gwn stanis, ilk ma.n and hora xiiij S. ; summa. iiij1t.iiiji. Item, w xx men and hore to cary xx dU8l\Ile of speris w Caldatreme, ilk ma.n and hors vj ii. ; summa "'1 11. Item, to bring xxij oxiu of Johne Formannis furth of Faukland to the oist, w iij men, iij 11. Item, thair fraucht at the fery, . vj ii. viij a. Item, w the said iij men in Ingland, . xx i. Item, for xij staRe of wwis booM be Maister ~'yn1aw Ramsay and send w the oist, price of the stano vij i. vj it. ; summa vj H. xij i. Item, wane man and ane hora that C&1'8it thaim w the oist, XlllJ s. Summa . jmixcuxix H. vij ii. vj a.



Item, to James Carvour, ira Paeohe evin the xxvj day of Marche 8..'t. A.D. 1513. clusive to the Setterday the last day of Aprilo inclusive, it beand in the haile v wolkis, he takand in the wolk for himseU xij i., and for his seruand ix i., makand in the v wolkis the BOUme of. v It. v i. Item, to Gilyem, Franchman, that maid the organis, for his laubouris tharon, at the kingis comllWld, in ten licht Franche crounis, vij It. Item, to the IOlatter tynand, thekand and correckand the chapell in Lithqw, for ilk rude, feit be Stevin Balty, xxviij i., quhilk met and mesurit contenis vj rudis jt ell; aumma viij It. xiiij i. viij <to Item, for vj pnncionis to be pinnis to the said IOlatter for the chapell, xij i. Item, for fog brocht fra the hanyng to the chapell,. . . x i. Item, for ixo iij n lath broid, price of the je xij if. ; summa ix i. vj it. Item, for viij pit glaspea deliverit to Gibyem for tile binding of the organis to the wall quhilk was iij quarteris of lonth weyand ijl stane, price of the stane v i. x it. ; summa xiiij i. vij ii. Item, to Gilyem, ijG plancoour nailis, iiij it. Item, to him, ije window nailis, . xij it. Item, to him, iiij laid of eolia, ij i. Item, for iij- acailze, price of the hunder xi.; aumma xxx i. Item, for cariage of thaim to Lithqw, . VJ" Item, for the furnisaing of ane duro to David Lindeaay in the north tour, qnhilk had ij new crukis, ij new bandis and nailis to thaim, ane 10k with keye and leid to the crukis. . vj i. Item, to the chapell and Iairdner duma for nalia to thaim, viij it. Item, to ij werkmen for the dichtinl( of the lardner, . . 111J I. Item, tic! red the uvir lardner and setting of burdis in it to be &De chalmer, iiij ii. Item, to cast ane lOyoure on the eat 8yd of the place, . . vi. Item to ane grete 10k of the foryett, ij greit glaspis, and mending of the aloit, , ij i. Item, for the sawing of ij smale geatea and ane spar, xvj it. Item, for the .wing of vj Estland burdis, iiij i. Item, for ix draucht in iij burdis, ij i. iij it. Item, for the carying up ira the Blaknea to Lithqw of xxxvj .Eatland burdi8, vj i.




Item, to Tbome Peblis, glaayn wrybt, for viijl fute glas new maid in the Quenys oratour, met be James Dog, price of tbe fute xliij .1. ; summa . ix i. xj if. Item, for vij stane of glas bandis to tbe paleis, price of the stane vj i. viij it. ; summa '. x1vj ii. "iij it. Item, to Stevin Baity, DlA8OUD, and his seruand, fra tbe xv day of Maij inclusive to the xxv day of Junij exclusive, it beand vJ wolkis, be talkand in the wolk for himself and his seruand xx i. j summa '1 11. Item, to xj werkmin that maid thair service this vj oulkis, xxxvj i. Item, for ij chalder of lyme, . xvj i. Item, for sande to mix the Iyme with, . iiij i. Item, to red ane port of uthir half rude in tbe quaroll, . xl B. Item, to the quareour tbat brak the quarell iiij dais, v i. iiij it. Item, for iiij dusone cairtfull of stanis, xxxij i. Item, for half a chalder of lyme, . iiij i. Item, for seye sand to it, . ij i. Item, to the sklatter that tbekit the ester tour nixt the kirk with this Iyme and sand, xxxvj i. Item, to James Carvour, ijc sylour naile, . . xij it. Item, to Gilyem, ij drauchtis of ime to tho urganil! of vij qua.rt.clris of lenth with ij irne pinnis weyand ij stane, price, . x ij i. Item, for the sawing of Estland burdis, v i. Item. to Stevin BaIty and his seruand, fra the xx\ day of Junij inclusive to the vj day of August exclusive, it bea.nd vj wolkis, he takand in the wolk for him and his seruandis xx i. ; summa vj n. Item, eomptit with Stevin Baity and pait him, fra the xiij of Julij inclusive to the xiij of December exclusive, for all booht geir an(1 necessaris in Lithqw, as follows:Item, inprimis to the park yett iiij grote bandis, iiij crukis, a staple and grete nalis for the handis weyand ij stane, price of the stane v i. iiij if_ ; summa . . x i. viij if. Item, iij bandis and iij crukis with naIis to the princis sellar dw"O ; price vj i. viij if. Item, for ane 10k to the said duro, . ij i. Item, for ane 10k to the spycehous dure, . iiij i. Item. for ane loke to the park duro, . xvj if. Item, for ane loke to the particular hoUd duro quhar the tymer lay, ij i. Item, for ij crukis to the chapell duro weyand. a stane ; price iij i. iiij <1. Item, for a loke to tho wardrop duro, . . ij i. Item. for the cariage of jc rauchteris fl'8. the Blaknes to Lithqw, vj i. Item. delivorit to the wrichtis vjc duro naile, ilk hunder xij <1. ; summa vj i. Item, half e. hunder planceour naile, . . x it. Item, to the smytb, Alexander Riddocb, for iij stane of irne in bandis and crukis to the lD&8ODe luge and uthir office hous, price of the stane vj i. vj if.; summa xix i. vj a. Item, for ane 10k to the quenys pantro dure, ij i.



Item, to bere the ~ymer furth of the Blyks that came up fra the A.D. 1513. Margret, xvj it. Item, for the cariage of ix pece tymer, ane dusone of dalia, iiij cartia, . VlIJ So ilk cart ij i. ; IUDlma Item, for the canage of Ix pece tymer fra the BlaknBl to Lithqw in xij cartia, ilk cart ij ;,; aumm~ xxiiij i. Item, for the hOU8yne of the said tymer, . . 1J Item, to the sawana sawand tymer to Maiater Johnt' and to the luge, and for the sawing of vij dailia, X1I1J I. Item, for ijm aklaitia, price of the thousand iij tt. x i. ; lumma vij tt. Item, for the carlage of thaim till Lithgw in xiiij cartia, xxviiij i. Item, for the sawing of ane rude of lath to the luge, . . ix a. Item, for jm laith brode, viij i. Item, for, a hunder thak naile,. . xij it. Item, to the solatter for the theking of ane rude, XXVlIJ Item, to ij cartis that paat to the Torwod and brocht hame iiij gret treiB, ilk cart on the day vij i. ; summa . xiiij i. Item, to ij werkmen that clenzet ij CI088ttil, . VJ Item, for iij dUBOne cairtfull of stania to Stevin Baity, ilk dusone \iij i.; aumma xxiiij i. Item, to ij werkmen for the clengillg of cl088ttia, viij i. Item, for vj cairtfull of BtaniB, . . IIIJ Item, deIiverit to the wrychtiB, betuix the xiij day of September and the 88Cund day 3f October, vjC dure naile, price of the hunder xv it. ; aumma . vij i. vj it. Item, half a hunder planceour nalis, . . xv it. Item, tane fra the Bmyth iiij crukis to the luge duro, xij to the windoia, ij to the fumBl, jj to the kechyne windo, with x pair of handia efferand tbarto anll nlilis to the handia weyand jij atane maid work; aumma . X\'j i. vj it. Item, for ane 10k to JamBl Cartar, . . ij ii. Item, comptit with Stevin Baity, masone, fra the laat day of October to the xix day of December, it bealld vij wolkill, he takand in the wolk for bimself and bis prenteis xiiij ii., anJ for bis sernand vij i:, quhilk is wolkly xxj i. ; Bumma vij tt. vij i. Item, to ane bote to paa up the watter with iij dusone of Eatland burdia to Lithqw, . . viij ii. Item, to the said bote for hydia to Leith, . . VIJ Item, to Stevin Baity for Btuf bocht be him to the wrychtia, masonis, fumesi1Jg, and all uther n8C8llll&1'ia in Lithgw the said tyroe of \ij wolkis, eftir hia compt maid tharapone, be the kingis command, xv 11. xvi. Item, to James Carvourfor xij wolkia immediate eftir Witaonday, ho werkand in Lithgw, at the kingis command,. xij It. xvj s. iiij It. Summa of the werkis of Lithgw je ix H. ij it.


Item, in primia, comptit with the constable of Striveling fm the jiIat day of August inclusive to Setwrday the last day of October



exclusive. it Bnd &De quarter of ane yoir, for aU maner of expeDa maid be the aaid constable in Striviling and Pow Arth as foUowia : Item, m primia, to ij werkmen in Striveliug the said tyme, ilk man takand one the day vj it. ; aumma the said tyme. iij 11. ix i. Item, to the acailye laidar for the leding of xvjc scailye fra the crag to the place for the theking of the tumepyke of the nether tour and ane bakatair of the aamyo, price of the thouaand leding xviij i. ; summa xxviij i. x it. Item, for the wynnyng of the xvjc acailye, ilk hunder xij d. ; summa xvji. Item, for ij rude of lath burd to the said turnepyke and bakatai.r and the ij part of ane rude, price of the rude xx i. ; II11DIma . liij i. ilij It. Item, for ane thouaand lath broid to the said turnepyke and bakatair, price of the hundreth xij it. ; summa :It i. Item, to Dumme, aclatter, to theik the said turnpyk and bakatai.r be task, xlix i. Item, to Thome, aclatter, for theking of the part of ane rude of the BOuth eyde of the cora chalmer, xviii i. viij it. Item, for the quarter payment of the furneaing of the hoit ira Lamm.ea to AlhaUO)V1Dea in Striveling, . v 11. Item, to the constable of Striveling fra the last day of October to Candelmea, it beand an~ quarter of ane yere, for aU neceaaaria and booht gere at he fumeat, as foliowia :Item, in primia, to ij werkmen the said tyme, it beand lxvj werk dais, ilk man on the day vj it. j summa . . iij 11. vj i . .item, to ij aawaria, v dais aawand formys to the hall and Estland buritis and tymer for the windoia, ilk man x It. on the day; summa viij i. iiij it. Item, for t.he carying of xviij Eastland burms ira the Pow of Arth to t.he havin of Stryveling, IJ s. Item, for the carying of the aaid burdia aud xxiiij small sparris ira the havin to the castell, xiiij it. Item, to Cowane, smyth, for the werkmanachip of v stane maid werk of auld irne in the place in to glaa bandis to the boa windoia, price of the stane wyrking xvj it. ; summa. ' . vj i. viij it. Item, to him for &De stane of maid werk in glaa bandis to the aamyo windoia of his awin atuf, vi. ilij It. Item, for the mending of iiij lokkis to the place and ane to the park yett, ij i. Item, for garrone nalia for the burdis in the hall and uther IIIilaU nalia to sett one the lokis, ij i. vj It. Item, to Cadder, smyth, for viij pair of gemma bandis to the heidis of the wyodoia of the cora chalmeris with ringis and roaia to the _yo. price of the pair xvj it. ; 81llIllIIa :It i. viij it. Item. to the said smyth for viij score of square hedit nalia to the turnepyk yett of the netnir toure, iij nalia for ane penny, summa iiij i. vj it. Item, for tbe werkmanachip of ij stane maid work in ij pair of bandia for the yettis, price of the stane xvj it. ; summa . ij i. viij it.



Item, to Thome Peblia, gJaainwryoht, at the kingis command, for his A.D. 1513. werkiB wrouoht iu Btriveling, v tt. Item, to Johne Lokkart, lD&IIOIle, a~ the kingiB command, for hia xx tt. Iauboure and aeruandia and werkia in Striveling, . Item, to Robert MCCl1ane, the man that makiB the watter in S~rive ling to the quinteBaence, deliverit be maister David Scott in my vij n. name, at the kingia command, Summa of the werkis of Striveling. liiij tt. xvj i. viij it. HOWDOWNELJIl.

Item, the xv day of Julij, geven to Howdonele for hiB espenB that he maid in Edinburgh, at the kingiB command, in plakkia, . . xltt. Item, to him for hiB reward at his departing, at the kingiB command, jIx tt. maid in xl It. Bterling of BoottiB money, Item, to him, ane canone drawin with xxxvj hora, to be bad to Glasgow, the quhilk W&B in drawing vj dayis, and the xxxvj hors mam is oartia, to ilk cart one the day is i. ; Bumma xxxvj It. ix i. Item, tua cartis with viij barrell powder, ilk cart vj daillt ix i. one the day; Bumma . viij It. iji. IteQl, ij cartis with gwnatania, ane with pikkis, IOhuliB, mattokkiB, the oran with the traiBtis for the 1fWI1, ilk cart vj dais, ix i. one the day; summa . xij tt. iij i. Item, for the aaid canone, ij wryohtiB, ilk wryoht ane mODethiB wage in hand, ilk ane of thaim takand in the moneth I i. ; summa v 11. Item, ane Franohe wryoht, for the donne taking and the upputting of the aaid gwn, in iiij Franohe orounis, at the kingi8 command, Ivj i. Item, Bend with him for undirmynding of WalliB, at the kingiB com mand, vii; quareouria, ilk quareour a monethiB wage in hand, ilk ane of thaim in the moneth xxviij i. ; Bumma xl 11. iiij i. Item, xx werkmen tharto, ilk man ane monethiB waige in hand, ilk ane . xxviij n. of thaim xij 6. one ~e day'; Bumma Item, for ane *!le of talloue to the quhelia, . vJ . Item, to Baroar, Bmyth, for the wyrking of iii; wallia irne in pikkiB, oaviUokis, grete melliB, hammeria, price of the wall wyrking xiii; i. ; summa Ivji. Item, for iilj WoapiB Bteile tharto, ilk woap iiij i.; Bumma xvj i. Item, ane oulvering mayone, drawin with viij hors, quhilk mam ij cartia, ilk cart vi dais, ix i. on the day; IIUJJlJD& viij It. ij i. Item, to xvii; hors to turs xvj tome cartis to Glaagw of the cartariB that drew the gunnya and thair erdinance to bring &gaDe wyne, ilk hors xiiij i. ; summa xj 11. iiij i. Item, the xiii; day of August, to xij cartiB to pas to G1&Bgw for to brinR agane the aaid guDnyB, quhilk cartis war x daiB in cumming hame again, ilk cart on the day ix i. ; summa xlv tt. Item, to Andro Dokane for UDOOItiB maid be him on werkmen be the .pit, . xl i.





Item, the iiij day of Julij. for iij ellis satyne to be &De doubJat to the kingis grace, price of the ell xxx i. ; sum DIll. iiij It. xi. Item, for xj ql1arteris bJak satyne to be &De narow doubJat to the kingis grace, price of the ell xxx ;. ; slIIDma. iiij It. ij i. vj if. Item, for vi ellis ri.sael bJak to be the king a ryding goun, with ane hude, the price of the ell xxix i. ; summa vij It. xix;' vj if. Item, the xxiiij day of JUDij, to the Maister Alm_r, in pJakkis, x If. Item, the said day to James Sinelar in part of payment of his fea, x It. Item, to Patrik Carvor of F.dinburgh, for his fea, x It. Item, to Schir Alexander Makesone in full payment of his yeris pen. sioun, xiij It. vj i. viij if. Item, for iij ellis small oanves to be ano ~trone for the kingis coit armour, the price of the ell iij i. ; snmma . ix i. Item, comptit with Dokane, cartar, fra Setterd8.y the secund day of October to Setterday the xi day of December, it besnd x wolkis, the. mid Dobne ta,kand in the wolk to his awin cart and the kingis . hora iij It. vi if., quhilk extendis to . . xxx It. v . Item, comptit with Dokane, cartar, fra the xj day of December to Setterday the vj day of Marche, it besnd xij wolkis, he talmnd in the wolk for the kingiB hora and his awin cart iij It. vi it., quhilk extendis to . . xxxvj It. vj if. Item, comptit with Dokane fra Setterday the vj day of Marche to Set terday the xx day of August, it beand in the haile xxiiij wolkis, he takand in the wolk for his cart and the kingis hora iij It. vj it., quhilk extendis to lxxij tt. xij i.

Item, to Schir Johne Seharp for mending and poynting of the kechingiB in HalyrudhoUB &gane Pasche and mending of _lokkis and dump, efter hie bill of compt maid be him to me tharapone, pait at the kingis command, . . . . . . . iij It. xij i. xi". Item, for ane cart to pas toStriveling agane Witaunday for the chapell xxxV] I. geir for iiij (Jais, ilk day to the cart ix i. ; snmma . Item, the xxiiij of Maij to Schir .Johoe Scharp for ij keyis to the kiogis chalmer duris and a 10k, . . vj i. Item, for iij dosaue of lyme and vj of sand to poynt the paws,
xxvij !.

Item, to the sclaiter for the poynting of xv ru\le of the kingis ehalmer, xxxv ii. Item, for half a hunder sclaitiB tharto, viij S. Item, in carriage fra Leith of thaim, . xij if. Item for a schule tharto with ane irne, x it. Item, for ane bukkett tharto, . x it. Item, for holf a boll hemp aeid to the birdis, xii;. Item, for a firlot of grottis to the quailyill8. vj ii.



Item, for a firlot of aittis to tbame, . xvj it. .6..D. 1613. Item, toO the plumbar for mending of the queny'e oratour x i. Item, for poynting of tbe- chapell; my Lord Secretaris and Lord Jo:lpbinetoniB ohalmeriB, oontenand xviij rudie, . xlij i. Item, 10 ane man wyrkand in the place vj daiB, . . iiij i. Item, iij doaane of lyme to the place,. xviiJi. Item, vj dOllne IlaDd tharto, . IX .. Item, for mending of the BpycebouB 10k and a new keye tharto, I] I. Item, ij ime bandi. to the oourt keching dure, . . ij i. viij it. Item, for a ferlot grotis and a: firlot quheit to the qualyei.. ix i. viij it. Item, for the poynting of the kingiB Btahle, oontenand viij rude and ane
~ xviijl~~

Item, for the mending of the kirk stepill yett, to ane lII&IIOIIe for his Jaubour tharat, v i. Item, fOI'ane 10k tharto and ane ime bolt, . . iij i. X It. Item, for tbe poynting of my Lon! of Gru.loway, alm_, and Lady DirltouniB ebalmeriB and the queny'B gret ehalmer, oontenand xiij rudis, xxx i. iiij It. Item, for iij doaane lyme, vj doune aand tharto, xvij i. Item. for a firlot qubeit to the quailyeis, . iiij ii. Itelll, for ij ime bandis to my Lord GordoniB ehalmer dure, ij i. vj 11'. Item, for ane 10k tharto, . ij l iiij If. Itom, for ije dure naile, jc plAnceour naile, . iij i. iiij 11'. Item, for a manniB wage, riddilland the Iyme vj dais, . iiij i. Item, ij lokkis to the garding durris. 'Vi. Summa totaliB expenaarum a quarto die menais Septembrisanni domini, &0., vcxij hue usque xiijmvclxxxvij tt. xvij i. viij It.

In plimis, deliverit to Raben of Bartoun and put in the kingiB Gabriell, ane last of bidiB. Item, to Gilbert Andel'llOun and Andra Kennedy, aervitoriB to Johne }'orman, qubilk WeB lind to Dunbel'tan to pay for wyn for the schippis at come to tbe BlakneB, iji last bidis. Item, he the oomptrollariB oommand, deliverit to ane Frenchman for wyn, j dakir j hide. It-em, put in the gret achip quhen echo _lit, to keip hir fra fireing, xix dakir. Item, in the master lardenarill handiB, ij dakir. Item, &emt be me for me, viij dakir, price of ilk dakir thre pundis, for the quhilkill I 11&11 aDIIwer j IlUmma niiij 11. Item, &ellit be me, xl Btane of talloWD, for the quhilkia I sall anawar, price of ilk atane iij i. ; Bumma vj tt. Item, lux pece of tymmyr, deliverit he the quenia oommand. In primis to my Lord of Olaagew, . xxij pece. Item, to Sehir Johne Sinem, u pece. Item, to the Lard of I:!efeld, xviij pece. Item, to the Lady of Dundas, for the Crag of Inehe,arvy, xx pece.





item, of the tynne contenit in my charge deliverit. In primia to the I'ranchmeu, at the kingia command, quhilk i8 DOW in Johne LaUBOnia wima handia,.. viij pece tyne. quhilkia war ordainit to be delivelit to me at the Lordia command. Item, to Robene of Borthwik for the gunnia, . vij pecia tyne. Item, to the Coinptrollar and muter cuk to mak veMiall to the achippia to the Quem. grace agane YeulB ard Peche, . iiij pece.

[The following items occur on a looee leaf not in the regular volumes A.D. 1513. of accounts. They probably belong to the end of the account on page 436, and are aooordingly inserted here.] Item, the xiij day of August, to the aaid Dande [be the kingia] com mand, ane doublat MilIane fustiane, price Item, to him, ane jaccat coit, boght v elnis . . .; summa . Item, to be him ane gal bert iiijt elnes rowane taDn[e], price elnexiij i. iiij it. ; summa [iij it.]. Item, to Johne Formane for excreBII8Ds of expeDB of the De[ne] . Glaagewil compt maid be him, xvj Item, to ane mane at come with the powder myll for his to Leith to sett hir up. Item, for twa aand houris to the BChippia, 111& Item, to Robert Bertoun, be ane decreitof the Lordia, becaUI he maid compoaitioun for the barony of Inverkething, and deliverit Ixxx Bkoir merkis mair na he II1lld efter the fering of the aaid barony for the landis of Balbugy and Caatellan in the aaid barony, like &I the decreit beris, and becaua the compt gewar cbargit him with the haill compoaitioun in his charge laat and immediate preoedand this compt he diechargia him of the mid BOume deliverit to the Baid Robert, !iij it. vj i. vj [11'.]. Lindoree cowpl in augmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for the aaid tan, ij Franoh orounia. [Item to] Tht)maa Kincaid to by metall for the oaBteyne of . . . 8ioht to the mast of the gret BOhip, . . It it. [Item). to Thome BrouDe, aadill[er], for ane &&dill to the Franoh pilot . . abont with the king in all n_ris xxx ft., and for . . low houBOur to it vj i. ; summa ltxxvj i. Item, boobt to the kingia palyeonis, deliverit be petty Johne, twa Btekis reid bukrame, price xlvi. J and tua stekil blak bukrame, price twenty nyne i. ; lumma . iij tt. xiiij i. It it. Item, for Archibald Auohinlek to pall, at the kingia command, to tak Iawborrowia of William Brounhillia marinaris, and to summond fourty per80nia to &De aBBise at the instance of Jaoat Terele for the Blauohter of his sone, . vj i. Item, to Master Johne Chesholm, be oonaideratioun of the auditouris, in part of recompense of his gode service done to the kingis grace within the tyme of the compt, . xx it. Item, to the Theeauraril clerk, be conaideratioun siolike, . xx tt. Item, to the olarkil of Register, HoUBhold, ClJancellary, and liij it. vj i. viij 11'. Theeanrary, for thair Ianbouris, Item, to Malter Johne of Murray and Henry Mater, . x tt. Item, to Schir Alexander Scot for keping of the . . .



[The following items also oocur on a loose leaf, and appear to be a sort of account of plate, if. p. 321.] qnhilkwuw quhet sihir oheargeour quhilk. was of the gilt cheargeouris the quhilk silvir cunzeis and is cheargit as is /lfore wlitin in the . Item, the viij day of Marche brocht of ye Jowelhouae, be the kingis command, and in his presens deliverit to the brodst&ris, foure how souris, nne of purpour satin begareit with claith of gold, tua of quhet dammes begareit sik [Uk], and the ferd of gray dammes sik lik begareit with olaith of gold, alllynit with benane canwes and ordanit to be reformit and maid in vestimentis, tabulia, and altar pendill for the chapellis of Striveling and the Abbay. Item, t.he xxiij day of Marohe deliverit of the JowelhoUB, be the kingia 'command, to Maister David Soott for the cnnzeia, x::dij Unkis of the gret chenze quhilkill ar put in the chearge of this oompt afoir writin. Item, the 8l1.li110 tyme for the kingis dist.ributionis in Cena Domini, deliverit to the said Maister David and ounzeit in twelf penny grotis, &De of the gret silvir stopis oontenand xj pundia Ii unce, quhilk ill put in the cheat'l(8 afoir writin. Item, the ix day of December, within the tyme of thill oompt, be the kingis command, to Johne Aitkin, goldsmitht, to mak for the king and quene agane Yule, fonre gret truucheouris with tua gret loaanis, xiij small truncheouris, and II8X saltfattis of silvir, and to boetering for tua goldin tru11Oheouris of the Jowelhouse deliverit ane diache of xviij unce and the silvir of the gretest brokin herlall pig. extend unee wecht. Item of ye quhilk is yiij unee thair is tharof [bo)Jtering of the forsaid goldin trunoheouris and three unee allowit to him for inlak Gf melting and purifeing of the silvir, etc., eque with the said Johne of the silvir abone writin, except the v unee hoatering of the goldin truncheouris, the vj unee iij quartaris acrapinill quhilkis yit restis with the said Johne. Item thair !'estis yhit with the said Johne viij unee of brokingold, quhilkis wu boght for money for the twa truncheouris of gold befoir expremit in unendit work, for the quhilkis the said Johne sa11 auswer. Item, the xxiiij day of Maij, deliverit of the Jowelhonlll! to .Tohlle



Aitkin, golWimitht, ane bois cowp of Bilvir ourgilt, wantand the bop A.D. 1511. the fut 10WBe, of xxiiij unoe Bbra weit, to be ane relique to &not Niniane, at the kingiB command. Item, the xij day of Junij, within the tyme of this compt, de1iverit be the kingis command to Lord Dakir and Doctor West, Am. buiatouris of Ingland, at thair departing of Scotland, twa of the lest silvir 8topis and the cowp oallit the cowp of the Feir, quhilk come Ira the Lady of the Fere, quhilkis ware deUverit of the Jowe1. hous, by auoht pundia vij unoe in &eX si1vir pecis, and ane cover de Uverit to thaim the aamyn tyme at was booht for money and by ane goune of pyrnyt aatin 1ynit with blak Romany buge, deliverj.t the samyn tyme, be the kingis command, to Cristal1, brothir to the said Lord Dakir. Item, the viij day of August, deUverit be Johne of BaUoure, servitour to James Edmonstoun, maister of the Bilvir wlllOb.e1e, be the kiDlds command, to Johne Aitkin, goldsmitht, to be ane relique to Banct Du.tbo, ane of the au1dsi1virplatis brokin, contenand:aiij UIlC8and quartaria unC8, for the quhilk the said Johne sall answer.



ently refers to the name of a horse. Allem, 418 i alum. Angularis, 283; ool-tain beams used Allocay, 262 i lacquey. Alloryng, 372 i an all"yne is, in roofing. according to Jameson, the highest, Ankyri.'!, 48; anchors. part or watch tower of a castle, : Apill, 123; probably an ornament but more accurately signifies tilt! I (or bead) to be fashioned out of top of a wall above which the' the gold given to the gunner. roof is put. Alloryng may here Appunctuamentis, 372 i conventions be used in a general sense for 01" agreements with specification of oortain ternn;. building or completing the wllll. Almous clathis, 40 i the clothing Armyng bestis, 215; skins of ermine. given in alms to the king's bedes- Arras claithis, 28; tapestry cloths men and the queen's bedeswomen used for covering walls. at Pasch. Asit, 183 j strewed with ashes, or perhaps in this instance it signiAlummyng, 408 i limning, illuminating, painting in metal and fies the clearing away of ashes. colours. AttoUl, 207; besides, beyond. Amyt, 358; probably for amice, a Aucht, 93 j owed. piece of fine linen or oblong square Aventure, 398 j chance, accident. worn over the shoulders of a Avery, 257; stables. priest while celebrating mass. Awand, 97 j owing. "Moming fair Ayres, 460; oars.
ArrI8, 12b; oats.

BAlD, III j remained. Angell, 75; the black angel appar- Baissein, 204; basing, stitching.

CAme forth with pilgrim stope in amice grey." - " Paradise Regained."



Bakwart, 348; backward. Bellys, 140; bellows. Bancat, 23; banquet. Beltis, 39; probably girdles tor Banes, 427; Halyburton's Ledger certain vestments. has "benys," perhaps identical Bemys, 301; perhaps " trumpetwith "buge," Rnd derived from I shaped," in which case these culbane-ready, prepared. verins would pnsctically be Bardis, 22; horse trappings. Oll blunderbusses. vol. i., p. 399. ! Bent. hou., 84; a house in which Baromen, 103; barrowmen, navvies'l bents or rushes for strewing the Barrit boltis, 327; ribbed arrows floors of rooms were kept. or quarrells for croBBbows. (See: Beriall pig, 532; apparently burial Glossary to vol. ii.) urn. Basan skynnis, 31; sheepskins Herifl, v., 110; bears. dressed like Spanish leather, i.e., Bestis, 215; skins. basil. (See GIOBBary to \'01. j., BetRnd, 376; mending, repairiDg, 400.) I adding to. Bsslar, 25; a crooked baslar of the Bevil', 21 ; a bevir hat was probably Turkish fashion; synonymous originally made of the fur of a with a scymitRr. beaver, but ultimately was imiBasnet, 121; a bassinet or high tRted in felt. headpiece of meW more or less "UponhisheedaFlaundrisbbeverhat." hemispherical. -OhaltC'-'l. " Canterbury Tales." 272. Baasing, 328 ; a basin. Rifling, 337; remaining, oelay. Bassing silvir, 256; basin silver, a Bil'sket, 487; biscuit. gratuity given to certain of the Blunt bolts, 327 ; arrows or quarrel III king's servants, cooks, &e. for C1'088bows, of which the heal} Bath, 23; both. was not barbed. Bating, 281; probably boating, Boit, 298. S(J6 Bait. . loading on boats. Boitisman, 495; literally boatRawkis, 253 j baulks of wood. man, but here probably equivaBaxtaris, 332; bllkels. . lent to or chief petty Bedlinis, 300 i part of the cordage officer. i Bonettis, 304 i eib to the square of a. ship. Begand, 186; begging. I sails lashed to their feet and easy Begary, 198; to variegate, to deck i to take in. with variou8 colours. ,Bas, 137 j empty, a ~' bos hAd" was Be~t, 11., 297; to mend or add to. II probably ~ large dome-shaped lid. Bostar, 246 , a. bolster. Belt, 8., 480; supply.


Bote, 11., 131; to load on a boot. Of bn.ting, q. 11: Bowat hornis, 298; thin platet! of horn for ship lanterns. Bowis, li 14; ~~rt of an ox yoke. Bowkatis, 404; buckets. Bowk dennyng, 458; the rafters u...ed fOI' this were probably employed to keep the cal'go from shifting. Bowtis, 458; bolts. Boyrapes, 293; ropes for buoys, probably used to mark the position of the anchor in case the main cable gave way. ,Brase, 301; brass. B1'Il..8e8, 29; straps or fastenings of somo sort. 'Br8.sin, 305; made of Braslat, 88; bracelet. Brek, 84; break: the nllusion here is probably to the giving of a coin which was broken in two. each half being kept ,by one
Br~ke, 11.


Bl'OW, 338; forehead. Blynt, 28; burnt. Brynt silvir, 85; llil"er refined in the furnace. Bugeat, 129; a bag 01' wallet. Bughe, 420; buge, dl'9.'I8ed skins. Bulgettes, 329; bags or cases fm' carrying articles in. BW'dingis, 313; commonly" burdens," but here board for the day of the royal henchmen. Burdounis, 121; staves or clubs. Burge satyne, 201; satin made at

23; to breech, to make breeches for. (See GlOR.Sll.rY, vol. iii.) Bresell gold, 90; probably gold broken into small pieces. Fr., brasiller. Brochit, 436; stitched, sewed, quilted. Brodikinnis, 206; half-boots. F,., CABALL sOOk, 330; probably capstan, brodequin. the drum on which a ship's cable is rolled. CabilIsOOk berris, 481 ; Brodrywerk, 354; embroidel-Y. Broggis, 122; sharp points of steel capstan bars. attached to battleaxes. Cabbokis, 489; cheeses, generally of Brokskin, 90; badger akin. a large size.

Burneledal-hl, IH 9; navvies, makers of water lades. Burring, 121; a bUI' was the broad il'on ring fixed on a tilting lance just below the grip to prevent the hand slipping back. Burse, 371 ; purse. By, 90; beyond, in addition to. BykniffiH, 117 ; perhaps knives fur house use, 01' knives fitted with lanyal'd~ so as to be always" by " their postIeHSOrs. Byngheids, 496; perhaps boards fur headings for casks. Byrne wod, 281; wood for bul'lljng, firewood. Byrun maiIle:5, 333 ; aM'8&l'8 of rent.


Celdris, 306; cha.lders, sixteen bolls Scots. Cens, 95; incense. Cha.ft'rone, 213; B66 Schaiffronis. Chaiffer,230; B66 Schaiffronis. Cbaip, 25; the expanded metal tip of a sword scabbard. Chaiplets, 375; chaplet.'l. 298 ; chandelierB, Cha.nda.leris, candlesticb. ' Chaoys, 515; chains. Chapel of Conscience, 41 ; pl'Obably a small chapel erected near the lists for shriving the intending combatantR. Chargeouris, 510; ramrods. Chawmtlrs, 458; chambers 01' cabins. Cheifis, 452; sheaves or blocks for the tackling of a ship. The method of cutting a sheave hole in a mast or yard i'l to mark off at the required place a rectangle the length of the diameter of the sheave plus a clearance at each end equal to the diameter of the l'Ope intended to pass, and in breadth the thickness of the sheave. An auger or womyll is then used to bore through the wood within the boundaries of the rectangle. The" cheisellis" ::ome into play and "dicht" or clean away the remaining wood and make it fair for inserting the sheave. Cheise, 302; to choose. Cheissellis, 368; chisels. Chekker, 28; e.~chequer. Chekkert, 235; chequered.

Caberis, 379; the tl'll.nsverse beams in a kiln on which the grain is laid for being dried. Caddas candill, 298; doubtless some preparation of wool steeped in tallow and used for lighting the ship's lanterns. Caddes, 90; flocks of waste silk, cotton, or wool. Caffun;;eis, 99; perhaps gaiters. Caich, 461 ; the EngliRh caich was probably a ketch. Cair, 514; leather. Jil,.. cnir. Cais windokkis, 459 ; ca.'*llllent windows. Ca.laher, 425; a kind of skin or fur. (See vol. i. GlOll88.1'Y, under " Grace.") Caldrownis, 83; caldrons. Calk, 90; chalk. Ca.llit, 518; drove. Cammes, 24; canvas. Canys, 326; cans. Careing, 339; carrying. Carwoure, 272; carver. Case compass, 302; a ship's compuRs and its binnacle. Caset, 86; cased, enclosed in some casing. Oassin, 140; thrown overboard. Cassin, 278; cast, made in a mould. Castokes, 79; the stalks or the piths of colewort or cabbage, perhaps used for" imping " the wing feathers of ha.wks. Cavillokis, 490; 866 Gawelokis. Caytow, 447.

21 ; a chain. Chenge, 330; change, alter, in this instance apparently to reduce rent, Chereis, 353; ch",rries. Cipir, 436; usually cypress, but perhaps here for copper. Clathing, 483; light wood lining. Clengeand, 510; clengeing, 513; cleaning. Clock, 200; cloak. Clois carts, 513; ammunition waggons. Cobill, 280; a flat bottomed boat, Il coble. Cocl, 227; cushion. Cod lases, 125; laces for cushiom or pillows. . Codwaris, 211 ; pillowslips. Coft, 200; bought. Coges, 186; wooden vessels f01" holding liquids. Coist syd, 362; coast side, part of the sea shore. ~ Cok, ,179; the hull of a ship. Fr.,
Chen~e, Con~e,



Colar of hirstay, 473; a spliced eye for attaching the lltay to the mast head. Colleges, 321; colloogues, com panions. Complices, 443; companions, fellows. Comptgevar, 371 i comptroller. Condnkkit, 277 i conducted, tmnAact.ed. Confectionis, 341 ; confections, drugs. ContTariit, 337; w~ colltrary.

140; coin, but perhaps in this case the mint. (Joppis, 399; cups. Cordalis, 288; the cables of a ship, the gret cordalis were anchor cables. Corf, 483; a basket. Corkit schone, 29; shoes with cork heels. Con-eckand, 523 ; repairing, putting in order. Courtingis, 64; curtains. Covertouris, 321; here apparently dish covel'S. Cowbrig, 463; a deck erection of light material placed on the royal or upper poop at the extreme after end of the ship, its beams passing rrom side to side of the ship, thus making a " bryg." Below it was a house, in Engliflh termed cuddy, in Scottiflh, cow shed or sheiling. It was the place of honour for the principal officer of the ship, and corresponded to the Thronu. in the Roman galleys. Cowngee, 114. I',. conge, a permit; "cowngee of the quhet" would mean a permit to expolt a certain quantity of wheat for himself and his horse during the voyage toO Scotland. Coyis, 114; cabins. Craarfull, 484; the load of 1\ craar 01' Hmall coasting vessel. Cradill, 290; a ship's cradle. The timber placed under it tempor



arily to enable it to be launched DebU1'8&t, 177; disbuned. into the water. Demyostage, 242; a kind of Crane, 303 j a machine for lifting woollen Htuit: weighta. Dichteyne, 200 j dichting, preCrangilt, 305; crane fees-so. useJ I paling, cleaning, curing. constantly in Andrew Haly- Diocy, 408 j diocese. Disjonit, 105; breakfasted. Fr., burton's Ledger. Crannis, 102; cranes. dejeuner. Cmpis, 205; French crape. Diatrenye, 341; to distrain. Crate, 181 j a wicker basket used Doubill, 335; a duplicate. .Double nekket bonettes, 198; bonfor packing. CreiB, 515; grease. nets with double flaps at back. Cresaens, 205 j perhaps for 8XCl'8- Doule at.ra.ikes, 514. acence," or additiun to the coat of Dowbill naill, 451; apparently very mail. large nails. Croce, 398; cross. Dragalanga, 317; a comCrociB, 297 ; Cl'OBII98. pound of Galanga, the root stock Cl'OI8.t ducatis, 196 j the Cl'OIIII8d of Alpinia. Galanga, an aromatic stomachic confection. dl1cat, 8. gold coin, here of the value of 19s. Dreg boitis, 476; boats for tow CrosatiB, 210; crossed ducats. ing. Oru1rls, 523; the iron hooks in a Drogoryis, 90; drugs. door-post which form part of the Dublar, the, 464; probably the deep hinges. bay near Inverkeithing. Oun;5eart, 275; coiner. Dur, 87; door. Cuppillis, 283; rafters. Dwir nails, 451; probably door Cnrait, 103; cUI'ate, parish priest. nails. Cures, 122; a cuirass. DyiB, 493; dice, iron missiles for Cursour, 311 ; courser, horae. guns. Cwnyngis, 183 j coneys, l"8.bbitR. Eos, 212; to edge, tim. DAKYa, 430; a dakyr of hides con- Efforhnnd, 380 ; beforehand, ill adVlLnce. sisted of ten. Dalis, 291 ; deals, plAnks. Eik, v. to add to. Diambra, 317; a very complex I Eirledel'is, 515; tracee. Eit, 103; eat. mixture used in stomachic orders. See DiBpe7llKJtorium PAr",.- Elimose, 17i; alms. maceuticum VienfltlnBe, 1765. 1Ewbaxatour, 408 i amba.sll8.dor.

I dis-I

Entray silviJ.. 182; perllape equiva. lent to a1"1es, or money given at the entry to service. ErdiDg. 116; literally earthing. burial. . Ermyt, 122. Fr . armet, a kind of helmet: when worn with a beaver and visor it was called armd grand, when without th8H8 and supplied wi~h an open triplebarred face-guard it was called
arrnII IJe'iI.


Everilkane, 402; each or every one. Ewar. 328; a ewer or water jar. Excrescence, 257; addition, an extra. Extreis, 511 j we trees.
l!'.us play. 330; a farce. Fassone. 197; fashion. Feast of All Relique, 191. 'l'he feast of Relics was September 15. Here it may refel' to a payment for Relic Sunday, whi~ in 1511 would be 13th July. Fence, 347; the arrest of goods 01' lauds 80 that no creditor could obtain undue preference. Fent, 32, pl. rentis; an opening in a sleeve, shirt, coat, petticoat, &C. Modrn Fr., fente, a slit. Faring, 531; valuing. Ferme quhyt, 330; quit rent, or abatement of rent. Ferme;;, 330; rents. Fertur, 176; a chest in which relics of IBints we~ kept.

Fesaonyng. 121 j fashioning, mak ing. Firlot, 42 ; a measure of grain, the fourth part of a boll. Fhryn. 508; made of firwood. ~'ithelar, 116; fiddler. F1aca.tis. 86; fta.sks. Flatouris, 298; flotouris, floaters, pennants for a ship. Floit boat, 317; the longboat. Flokkis, 116. 284; cloth with the nap raiaed. Flory, 90 j a blue powder used for painting. Floting, 263; fluting of a dress. Flotis, 286; rafts. Flukis, 357 ; Jlounders. Flun, 83; floors .. Focall, 274:; fuel. Fog, 523; mOSll. FOl'ebowis, 518; Foregeris, 119; probably fore gears, pieces of armour for protecting t.he chest. FI'8.Uch, 48; freight. Fren;;eis, 31; fringes. Fa'8S, 50; frieze. Ful;;e, 90 j foil. Fund bame, 182; a foundling. Fun;;eis, 18, 199 j the fur of the polecat or fitch. Fr.. fouine, the foyn!!, polecat. Furm, 109; a mould. FYl'8, 123; perhaps the plate fol' the touch-hole of a culverin. FYfICbes,1.85 j fish bolts.


457: roadway.



Gait skynnis, 276 j goatskins used Gudlinis, 306 i guilders, Flemish for the bellows of organs. money. Galay, 290; galley. Gyrding, 83; putting hoops round Ga.llna quhet, 219; probably for pitchers or other vessels. Gallus quhet, perhaps white wool Gyrthstyngig, 395; wands for splitting into hoops. (See GIOll8&ry, from Galloway. vol. i.) GaIre, 276 j gallery. Gys, 126; It goose. Gar, 437 j to cause, make. Garron nails, 526; l~rge nails of different sizes, spike nails. HABUc)OUN, 101 j habergeon, 1\ piece Gawbert, 25 j a gaberdine or short of ahoour defending the neck. cloak or mantle. Radir, III i heather. Gawelokis, 460; iron handspikes 01" Hakbusches, 511; arquebuses, the crowbars. musket of the dHY. Geistis, 473; joists. Hamys, fj 14; the! part of a horse Gemma. bands, 527 j some kind collar to which the traces are of bands whic~ were put up in attached. pairs. Hanyng, 523 i enclosure, field. Gen;;eis. 327 j bolts or arrows for Hardis, 45, herdis, 4tH; the refuse crossbows. or coarse parts of ftax or tow, used Gesting. 283; joisting, putting to make oakum for caulking. joists into a building. Harroltis, 519; heralds. Geys, 132; geese. Hemmys, 357 j edges of stone or Girls, 484; gri1se. any other material. Girth stingis, 295; tree Gyrth- Herhry, 350; litemlly harbouring 01 lodging. styngis. Glaspes, 523; clasps. Heremyt, 105; hermit. Goisehalk, 317; goshawk. Hevit, 317; literally heaved; in this instance 'it may signify that Granellis, 418; probably garnet.s. Grnut, 250; gray. "Tllnnegraut" the mRSt was cast overboard or may mean R dusky gmy. perhaps it is only a. way of datin:r Greis, 30, grill, gl"tlyS j probably the the storm wbich ()C('urred on the fur of the grey squirtpI. (See day when the PaTUJy hoisted hl"r Glossary to vol. i.) I mast on board. Grose, 303; large. HI;lW, 32K See under" Ymery." Grottis, 528; groots, oats with the Hewis, 22; colours, hues. H iITis, 224, hers; her own. husks off. Grume, 262; groom. H ispao;;ee. 270; Spanish.

Hogtoun ooit, 197 ; a kind of quilted jacket. OJ. F,., hoqueton. Holme:5 fustian, 204; a kind of fustian probably from Norwich, and made in some one of the places named Holm in Norfolk. Hors bred, 342; bread for hOl'!ies made of beans, bran, &c., still in use in many parts of the Continent and till recently in England.


Justifyit, 123; executed, put to death.

Kums, 87; combe. Kannls, 298; caDS. Kastein, 280; casting, digging. Kecbing, 188; kitchen. Keggel', 343; a cadger, carrier. Kelyng, 489; large codfish. Kest, 127; cast, distributed. Kill, 465; kiln . .. On that corutition I'll feed thy devil Kittis, 123; cates, or kits of butter. with hone bread 118 long lUI he KnaNII'JI.w, 101 " usually an iron Uv., of free ClOIIt." r;-Jiarl<ntJ(!. .. Dr. Faustus." bonnet or helmet of the shape of Housouris, 22; housings or caparia bowl or basin; in this instance sons, coverings for horses. probably used for a buin itself. Howis, 356; hoods. Kneys, 466; angled pieces of timber cut out of the solid, generally from Howk, 334; a hulk, or large ship. Hudis, 29; hoods. the fork of a tree branch. Hurle stule, 33; probably a kind of Knop, tI. 88; to put on tufts or child's go-cart on wheels. taasels. Hyid, 251 ; hide, deerskin. L.uD, 99; load; here used as the plural, loads. hE, 214; oil. Intymmer, 479; the techniral term Laider, 526; leader Ol' loader. for the internal lining of the hull .Lair silvir, 116; money paid to of a ship. secure the right of sepulture in lrisch gamyn, 101; backgammon, a churchyard. Lam, 19; Iamb. or a similar game. Ischea.r, 251; usher. Lambart steile, 273; Lombardy steel. J Alt, 140; a loose coat or tunic of Lame, 86; earthen, crockery ware. stout leather, or of many folds of LampeI' elia, 123; lampreys. cloth quilted and covered with Larg, 28; large. leather. 'Last, 48; a measure which seems to Jaquet cottis, 367; jackets. have varied in its capacity accordJ uncturis, 196 ; joiningf;, metal ing to the article measured. A fastenings used in saddlery. last of tar or pitch equalled




twelve 1mTels; a last of ale con- Lummyng, 379; limning, illuminattained 120 gaJIons. ing. S " Alummyng." lateis,215. S. Letteis. Lyar mortcla.ith, 354:; a mortclotb Latron, 100; a privy, latrine. or coffin pall UIed at burials. lattoun, Ill; a white mhed Lyard, 75 ; grey. metal. . Lymmaris, 508; limbers i the beam Iawar, 330; laver, washing dish. of wood. which forms the support Lawborowis, 4: 15; lawburrows ; for a gun running on wheels, and lettenl passing under the signet, having a hook at its extremity for running in the sovereign's name, attachment to the ammunition and obtained at the instance of waggon. one who has, or thinks he has, Lymning, 340 ; illuminating or reason to apprehend danger to his engrosaing_ person or property from the acts Lyn bote, 396; perhaps a fishing of another. boat with long lines. Lawd; 188 j lad, boy. Lyne :5a.rne, 304:; spun yarn. Lechit, 83 ; leeched, attended medically. MA, 498; more. Lede, 116; load. MailJ, 21S ; armour, original of chain. Lederia, 129; leatbers. Fr., maille, a ring. Leding, 526; carrying. Mais claitht, 297; perhaps for mars Laid, 274:; lead. cloth, a hanging for the mer. of a Laid, 34:3 j a load. ship. (SM Glossary to vol. iii) Laifes, 120; leaves. Male, 84; rent. Leit de camp, 201 ; a travelling or Mandis, 292; broad basket. in the camp bed. shape of corn sieves, generally Leopardis, 18; figures embroidered made of straw and willows plaited on king'a coat. together. Leaarais, 18; figures embroidered Mantand, 4:9; stammering. on king's coat. Mantil, pl. mantillis, 18; a certain Letteis, 211S; a kind of grey fUI', number (probably a hundred) of Lavand federis, 202; feathers from skins of fur. (S. Glossary to the Levant. vol. i.) Liar, 15; a carpet, rug. or mat. Marchand, 200; merchant. Litting, 4:0; litteyne, 185; dyeing, Maredge, 296; marriage. colouring. Marow, 61S, companion; fellow Lnsania, 321; lozenges. servant. Louch. 4:4.; loch. Martl"ik, 356; A marten.

Marykyne mnnis, 196 j Morocco leather. Fr., Maroquin. MasD, 111 j perhaps mashes. Mastis, 296 j in many instances this word merely implies large trees. Mawmer ledderis, '455; Jeather wasiJe1'8 for ships' pumps, or perhaps leather buckets for chain pumps. Mendie, 286; additions, extra. supplies. Mermuset of 0a168Cut, 117; a marmoset that had been brought home from Calicut, the first Indian port vitited by Vasco de Gama in 1498. Mertrikis, 20; fur of the marten, sable. Mer 6' 284; mares. Meaure, 137; measure, probably in this instance a measure for a cbarge of gunpowder. Met salt, 307 ; measured salt, used in this case for balJast. Mis buik, 322; mass book. Misteris, 481; necessaries, probably used in the sense of latrines. Monte Tumba., 177; Mount St. Michel in Normandy. Moppatis, 452 ; used in two senses -mops of thrums for putting on tallow after caulking; gun sponges of sheepskins. More, 338; a Moor, negro. Moris, 399; a Morris dance. Mort cla.ith, 195; mort cloth, a pall for a coffin. Mortstand, 43 j probably a cata-


falque or stand for a coffin during a funeral service in church. Moyaine, 510 j of medium size. Fr., moyen. Muldis. 109; mowds. MulJane fu~ne, 205; fustian made in MiJan. Mychkinnis, 113 j mutchkina, the mutchkin was equivalent to an English pint. Mykkis, 486; Mynd, 273; a mine. Mynever, 29. (Fr., menu vair. u"., minutum varium.) The winter belly fur of the squilT81, probably imported from RUSRia. (8ee vol. i., Preface clxuvii., fIOI6, and Glossary to vol. ii.) Mynkis, 215 j a name for several aJM!cles of PutoriUII esteemed for their fur. N A 8'l'BDK, 116; "that maid na stede " Il88ID8 to denote coming to naught, that did no good. Nain, 251 ; none. N epet, 474; in a.llusion to the great ship having been aground during IL neap tide in the harbour. New mylk and wattir, 245; probably a bluish grey tint of cloth. New 6ermese, 256; New Year mass. Novellis, 410; news. Nowmer, 402; number. Nuk, 281 ; nook, corner. Nuriee, 340 j a nurse.



Nycht curchis. 193; kerchiefs for Pannalit, 135; panelled. night wear. Pardonar, 4:3; 8. seller of Papal indulgencee. ODIB, 4:24; other. Parplait, 192. 0fl"re6 40; gold work on church Paswolentes, 487; small cannons. vestments. Fr., paB88volent. Or, 115; ere, before. Patroun, 109; a matrix or mould. 463, a shipmaster. Oratour, 298; an oratory, prayer closet. Paul6 0nis, 515; B6C Pai160un. Pavasis, 4:73; pavisades, originally Ordand, 34:7 ; ordained, ordered. Orknay skynnis, 245. Both Hector shield placed above the bulwarks Boece and Hollinshed state that of ships, but here probably used a great number of skins of oxen, for the bulwarks themselves. sheep,and goats,and martens were Pechar, 108; a pitcher. ezport.ed from Orkney to Scotland. Pecba.ris, 83; pitchers., 324; a clock or watch. Pegging, v. 89; to pl&ce the rigging Osteris, 313; oysters. stone or stones in the ridge or Ourehed, 335; overhead, on the roof of a house. average. Pellok, 337; a porpoise. .I. ~p, 451; a platform of planks Pellokis, 102, 301; cannon balls laid over the beams in bottom of weighing about 20 lbs. a vessel, usually at the extremities, Pendasis, 196; part of a buckle. leaving the hold clear. Pendele, 358; a kind of veil or Our 6eir, 23; over year, referring screen for covering the front of to stufr for dress remaining from an altar. the previous year. Peria, 35; pears. Outquittin); 74. Persing, 121; piercing. Owkis, 32; weeks. Pewdar, 314:; pewter. Pik, 48; pitch. PA gOUN, 23, pl. pail60unis; Pik moyane, 517; the smallest size pavilions, tents. of culverin. Paintre, 296; paint work. Pil6et, 221 ; a pillion. Paitla.t, 25; a kind of rufr. (8M Pinkis, 215; drops or ornaments. Glossary to vol. iii.) Pinsalis, 295; smallftags, penselles: Pakkis, 305; packs, bales. the standard was a very long flag Pampilleoun, 2] 5; perhaps IIOme becoming narrower to the point, trimming of spangles. Fr., which, except in the case of the pampilette, " spangle. Royal Standard, was split; the

guidon was similar, but less by R third; the pennon was half the size of the guidon, and the pennonoolle or pensil was again a diminutive of the pennon. Pip, 302; a cask or pipe. Plakkis, 475; Scottish farthings. Playg, 135; playock, plAything. Pleges, 34:7; pledges. Plenbat, 329; complained, grumbled. PIes, 4:8; please. Pleyit, 126; pleaded at law. Plummair, 456; a plumber. Pointit cote, 21 ; a coat, the fasteninga of which were points or n'bbons. Poldavis, 301; a kind of canvas used for making sails.


Pullan, 46. PulIeis, 284; pulleys. Pundis, 195, 367; points, laces. Puus('hionis, 111; punches, patterns for stamping metal. Punsi,t, 128; punched, pierced or' hammered. Purfele, 211; trimming. PurpheII, 32; the edging or border of a 'dress. Put to, 302; counted as. Puyr, 215; fur. Pynnalis, 376; probably for pensils, pennante. Pyot, 114:; piebald. Pyrne sat1Oe, 253; satin striped with different colours, inter-' woven or brocaded.

Poldyr, 460; gunpowder. QUADBANTIS, 110; quadrants, instruPortuse, 340; a portforium or ments used by gunners in levelbreviary. ling, mounting, and lowering .. Powderingis, '29; probably black piece of ordnance. tail tips. (866 vol. i. Preface, p. Qua.ilyess, 528; quails. cluxvii., not6.) Q . 88 . h lied to '66' h' U&rlS,; qUires, ere app P o'wpet, ... , th e poop 0 f a Sip. books of gold leaf. . . 327 . Powtis, 133; young moorfowl, or Q f h e chICk I ts 0 any Qu&nr,; a qUiver. t ens or pou II h lis, 421 . h I domesticated fowl. uere 0 ,quarry 0 es. Marie! I lent my goaaip my mea.r to . d P 010d , 338 ; to poln, d: ......... :......-..u.o. fetch hame coillB, Pre........,;.. -207 . the foregoing'holJII. hir drounit into the q\llllTell And .he -., already mentioned. -Ly1id.lay, "Thrie Eataitia, 1-3061., 348; prisoner. Quheill pith, 377; wood with which to wheels. Prewit, 356; proved. Quhet, 114; wheat. Propinis, 238; present&. Propinit, 237; given as a present, Quhissil, 196; a whistle. or propine. Quyk, 131; quick, living. Qweile wricht, 259; a wheelwright. Propriete, 251 ; property. Qwereouris, 278; quarriers. Puilris, 215; should be Pinkis,




RA., 456; the yard of a ship. range. Sometimes, however, it R.aclanrl gold, 90; Rattel gold, merely means shooting at long 113; perhaps broken gold. From range. Fr., racIer, to strike. ReveRtre. 275; the vestry of a chapel, where the vestments were Ram, 101 ; ramrod. Raphe1e poynti'i, 200; laces made kept. of dot'Skin. Ridaris, 21; a gold coin. The .. gluves wer of the ralIel richt, I Scots rider was valued at about Tbair ochon,e ~er?f the stmitis." I 238. (See Glossary to vol. i.) _." Chnst 8 KU'k on the Gr_." I Scene Rigwiddies, 514; chains which went Rattil, or R.accil, gold, 113; see across the bl\ck of a horse to supRacland gold. port the shafts. Recurand, 325; recurring; in this Hispe, 272; a file . . case annual. Rokkaris, 33; rockel'll; women who Red, 125; clearance, settlement, rocked the cradle. Rollis, 31 ; wheels, caston. recovery. Romany huge, 16; black sheepReistit, 4H9; cured. tlD1okecl. skins imported from Lombardy . ye ma~' g<t I and Puglia. (See GIOBSary to A guid buffed hernng, reisWd skate And ingallS, an' (though past its date) I vol. L) A cut 0' veal. _" Chambers' MiMr Antiquities," p. 10. , Rosat, III ; rosin. Relique, 32; C.a8e for :\ relic. Roundis, 121; perhaps lette1'8 or Remufis, 307 ; removes, II. term still characters; .. runes" which were used by farrien to denote the engraved on the king's sword. alteration of a horse's Hhoes to Roundis, 375; probably circular suit the growth of the hoof. quarl'els of stained glass. Rest, 122; a rest for a lance fixed Rowis, 302 ; rolls, in this case rolls to the cuirass. of canvas. Rest plait, 120; perhaps a plate (of Rowkouris, 4:70; oaken casks or steel or iron) attached to the tubs. saddle for laying a lance in rest. Rubane, 221; ribbon. Restit, 28; remained owing. Ruffyis, 87; literally ruffians; in Reule, 293; to have in rule, to be in . this instance employed to denote authority over. the attendants on St. Nicholas Revana, 315; roven; shooting with boy bishop. bow and arrows at marks at Ruyf, ruf, 453; when the Mlym or uncertain distances, instead of at nail was driven through the a clout" 01' target at a fixed planking of a carvel-built ship it


had a ruyf or washer (now called routh) put over it and was rivetted on this. Ry, 42; rye. Rynnar, 262; a runner, messenger, running footman.


SABILLBS, 20; fur of the sable. Bad, 25; a dull or neutral-tinted colour. Badillis (for a ship), 4:63; pieces of timber fitted to the masts and bowsprit to support the weight of the spars bearing on them. Saip, 334; soap. Sair, 77 ; sore, painful. Sal aramomakle, 104; should be Sal ammoniak, Sal ammoniac. Sal-peter, 96; saltpetre. Samony, 186 ; so many, as many. Sandre, 192; probably the same cloth as Burd Alexander or BUl'd Sanders. Sarris, 46. Say, 93; assay. Sayng, 274-; assaying, proving, testing. Scaff, 373; skiff. Scail6e, 84; roofing slates, stone shingles. Scawbertis, 120; scabbards for swords. Schaiffronis, 210; chaft'rone, 213; schaiffer, 230; chaiffer, 230; a kind of ladies' head dress, or part of a hood often ornamented with gold or precious stones. Fr., chaperon.

Schamvart, 192. Schapioun, 205; a. kind of hat. Fr., chapeau. Scharpertynnys, 484:; 868 Berpentines. . Scholl, 119; shooting at the schell. Schiffis, 47 ; sheaves, blocks for the tackle of a ship. Schippil, 306; shipfull or shipload. Schoir, 292; shore. Schor, 481 ; the shore. Schure, 32~; shore, sheared, cut. Sclewib, 192; sleeves. Scoile, 24:0; school. Scolage, 240; scfooling, expense of education. Scorit, 482; chafed. Scrapenis, 321 ; scrapings, refuse. 8cyoure, 523; a. sewer, drain. Segis, 297; seats. Belch, 105; a seal. Selk skyne, 201; a. seal skin. Bellar maill, 302 ; rent for a celmr or warehouse. Selli..t, 101 ; in this instImce & small pan with a. lid. Sellatis, 119; saiades, helmets of a. globular fonn with a neckpiece. Semys leddir, 25; perhaps cha.mois skin. Sen., 17; since. Sence, 181; incense. Serpentines, 486; Scha.rpentynnys, 484; guns formed by lashing a number of barrels together and connecting their touch-holes, so that they could all be fired simultaneously.


Sowse, 294; soU!<, or Fl'ench money. Spargein, 284; plastering. Spicery, 288; perhaps in this case nails. From Fr., Spic. Spowsing gown, 249; a gown worn by a bridegroom at his marriage~ Sprentis, 276 ; hasps for the fastening of boxes, &C. Sprnse wecht, 284; weight of Prussia, or more likely Denmark. Stabule;;, 262; stables. Stark, 356; strong, potent. Stedee, 140; stithy, an anvil. St.eikit, 16; stitched. Steir, v., 511 ; to stir. Steling, 289; probably ballast. Stellatour, 137; an alembic or still. Stent, 279; to tie up, hang with curtAins. Stenting, 263; tieing up. Sternis, 111; stars. Stewinnys to boittis, 473; a draught of crooked trees capable of being converted into stems for beaU!. Sook sadillis, 308; probably pack saddles. Stokkis, 377; perhaps the iJweing plate on which wheels are laid to the tyrea shrunk on, or more probably the bending stock on which tyres are bent to the curve of the felloe. (See Glossary to vol. i.) . Stomois, 22; perhaps stomaohers ; in this case part of a hOIal's trappings. Stopes, 128; stoups, Bagons.

Sersouris, III ; possibly saucers. Bet burds, 456 ; Bett, 300; probably in this case settled or disposed. Seym, 452; a nail driven through the overlapping portion of two planks and clenched with a rivet. Sicht, 121; probably the boss or "pike fixed in the centre of a circular shield. Sicht, 122; in this instance probably a visor or ocularium. Sifl; 11 0; a sieve. Skaffeltein, 279; scaffolding. Skaiff, 472; a skiff or dinghey. Skaill, 379; "to shill a gadering," to disperse an assembly. Skalis, 186, shells; an old form of drinking cup. Rke;;ne, 110; skein. Skoir, 260; a score, twenty. Skowpis, 454; scoops, tins for baling. Skownng, 216; scouring, cleaning. Skowt, 303 ; a lighter. Skullis, 496; shallow baskets. Skwar, 483; square. Skwich, 473; to trinl or dress. Slyke, 525; mud, alime. Smeddy coill, 278; coaJ for the smithy. Smytis, 304; small pieces. (See Glossary, vol. i.) Solding, 137; 8Oldering. Boume sadill, 308; II. pack saddle. 8oumes, 513; chaiDB or traces for dragging the guns. Boumyt, 214; summed.



Studee, 100 j study or private room. Stuling, 289 j, 307 ; ba.llaat or victual used as such. Sture, 124; sturgeon. Suffrage, 416 j a prayel' for the

used in connection with trimming of hats.

"There bang nine targets at Johnnie's hat, And ilk ane worth three hundred pound." -" Jolninie Armatrolll'." Minstrelsy. i.-68.

Sukkoure, 334; sugar. Suld, 116; should. Sulk, 403; suck, applied to an infant. Surregeane, 341; surgeon. Swerd, 233; sword. Syles, 77; should be .. fyles." Sylour nails, 624; nails for nailing " syles" or roofing beams. Syne, 93; should be "fyne." Syntreia, 276,283. Syone coat, 198. 314; taubroner, player on a tabor. Taftateis, ~20; tafFetys. Taist, 134; apparently some 8011; of crucible in which to melt gun-metal. Perhaps from Fr., Tasae. Tak, 126; & lease. Takkatis, 298; ta.qks. Talloun, 291 ; tallow, applied to the bottoms of ships after caulking them so as to prevent fouling and the ravages of worms. Tan, 481; Tarcat, 121; a. ta.rge or circular shield. Targetis, U) ; pendants, ta.saels, sometimes an ornamental plaque . of gold or other metal; they were


Tauch, 110; ta.llow. Teind hay, 103; hay received as teinds or tithes. Teis, 300 ; ties, single pieces of rope of heavier size than is used for the tackle, and -equivalent in strength to its parts. The tye ends on blocks through which the tl'088 or halyard works. In this passage topsail tyes are apparently meant. Tempill, 379. Tenting, 79; stl'8tching. Tere, 289; ter, 462; tar. Tersan, 469; a cask containing the third part of-a butt or pipe. 'Tha, lIS; these. Thekand, 523; thatching. Thetis, 614 j ropes for traces. Thidder, 360; thither. Thrucht,186; through. Thryis drawn, 122; trebly distilled. Tile, fl. 298; to close an entry or doorway in such & way as to prevent observation. Toadis, 16; fo][ skins. Tod pultis, 198; young foxes, .. lining made of their fur. Toll, 125; tow, rope. Toquhir, 101; tocher, dowry. Towk, 122; .. tuch or sword.


Tyne, 276; tin. Tynt, ao; lost. Tyrment, 79; interment, burial. Tyrvand, 523; turing. Tythingis, 338; tidings, news.
91; ouches; sockets of gold in which preci01l8 stones were set, or, -nerally, ornaments of gold. . Uley, 476; 011. U mquhill, 262 ; some time, late. Uncum, 296; not come. Une, {~8; an oven. Ungewm, 253; not given. Unlawts, 347; fines or amerciamenta. Unsanit, 417; unblessed, perhaps unbaptJsed. Upwith and doun.with, 615; uphill and downhilL. Urynelis, 86; viale. U~wcht, 348 j without, outside. Utlr, 39; outer.

Trail3e, 30; a kind of cloth, probably checked. Fr., Trem.,. Traistis, 521; frames or supports f01' artillery. Tree, 121; wood. Treis, 487; often used as synonym01l8 with the barrels in which ale or wine was put. Trevisee, 99; probably" traces." ,v THoi ne, 186 ; W ooden. Trosa, Trosaia, 300 ; given by Jamieson B8 small round blocks for the tackling of a ship, but rea.lly the rope that runs through the block; halyards. Trublit" 398' troubled, dIS'turbed', in this CB86 probably delayed by weather. Truncheouris, 321 ; trenchers, plates. Tuich plait, 122; the metal pln.te in which was the touchhole of a culverin. Tuich powder horn, 137; a horn for supplying powder to the touchhole of a gun. Tumbe, 195; tomb. Tume, 497 ; empty. TurcB8, 77; pincers, forceps. Turbs, 331; a turquoise. Turnpyk yett, 526; the gate or door at the bottom of a "turn: pike" or narrow winding stair in a hOU68. Turnyng, 272; tourneying. Turs, v. 2{; to CII.lTY. Twne, 302; tuns. Twtht, 330; tooth.

V ANT plates, 137; perhaps armour for the arms. (S. Gloaaa.ry 1;(. vol. iii., p. 439, II. .... "Vant-

Venaker, 511; see Vinaker. Vergrys, 511; verdigris. Verneis, 90; varnish. Vernesing, 94; varnishing. Vesy, .,., 459; to see, inspect. Viage, 97, 355; voyage, journey. expadition. Vinaker, 105; vinegar.



WArHONIS, 312; wafers, small Wedy, 462; widdies or bands. cakes. Wekir, 319; wicker. Wair staJIis, 111; Jamieson (11. Werk lumys, 14:0; tools. Diet.) suggests st.alls for bolding Wey, 331; to weigh; hfll"8 used wares. Wair almerie menns a in the phl'888 to weigh anchor. press or aumry for holding Wiffing, 196; weaving. household articles, 8S distin Wiftyne, 288; whipcord o~ strong guisbed from one used for twine. Windas, 327; a kind of windlass or keeping meat. Walcar, 335; a fuller of cloth. ratchet bar used for discharging Wall. S~ Waw. A crossbow. Wamplates, 129; Pf!I'haps plates 01' Wippes, 15; bandages. ornaments for harness to be put Win-ellis, 272; probably virls, small rings put round Anything. below tbe belly of a horse. Wappinscbewings, 349; wappin- Wisp, 273; a bundle; in this case shaws, gatherings for the purthirty pieces of steel. (Vol. i. pose of pr&ctiaing with weapon!; GIOSMry, t. "Wo~p.") of war. Woll, 30; wool. 'Womyllis, 462; augers. Ward, 485; WardoUl1l, 246; probably ward- Wowp, 310; perhaps a ling 01' robe. hoop. Warit, 294; expendpd. Wowp, t1., 464; to wllip or biud Watand, 140; waiting. I'ound with ooni. Wattermai1l akyonis, 215; it is not Wyd, 197; wide. known what these skins were; Wyir, 113; wire. they l'!eem to have risen in PI1C8, Wyndasis cordis, 327; cords for as thoy now cost @s. each instead the windlasa of a crossbow. of 5s. as formedy. (S~ vol. i., Wyndes spa.kis, 508; spokes of Preface, cluxvii.) a windlasa or perhaps a ca.pWattillis, 379; hurdl8ll, billet. of stan. wood. Wyne, 346; Pf.I8' ptIII"'. won. Waw or wall, 286; a wnw of iron Wynning, 273; laoo.ring, digging in a mine. was a measure of 12 stones, each stone consisting of 8 pounds. W ys, 509:; a smith's vice, or perhaps large screws. Fr., vis. Wawting, 135; welting, binding an edge. . YLAC.lY, 342; Jacquey. Wayne, 193; to vein or stripe. Wed silvir, 321; pledge silver. Ymagery, 3';6; perhaps figures of


C011Jltry word, meaning & small quantity; here applied to a small quantity of emery or sleel poliming powder.

saints, for the king's oratory on board ship, or possibly for the figure heads of the ships themselves. Ymery hew, 328. Hew is a west


ABBEY, the. Bee Holyroodhouse, Abbey of. Abbeyfield (Aberfeld, .Abbayfeild, etc.), the bark of, xliv j purchase of, 47/S j materials for, 476--478, 480 j payment to workmen at, 476 j expenBeB of ,lregboat. with, 476; payment to mariners in, 479 j do. to wrights in, 482 j furnish ing and victualling of, 495-497. Abercromby (Abircrumby), Andrew, brass bought by, 133. - - Mr. David, Bub-dean of the chapel royal, Stirling, payment to, 39. - - (Abircrummy), George, 386_ Aberdeen, xxxiii j jl18tice-ayrea of, 161, 384 j expenaee of do., 320 j William Aberdour, burgess of, 291 j Alexander Gray, do., 386 j payment to David Anderson of, 295; distraining for debt. in, 312, 342; messenger sent with letters to, 323; inbriuging of the rests of, 323 ; do. of compositions of the justice-ayre of, 357 j do. of the contribution of, 380; the common churcheto of, 363; payment to William Rait in, 399; landing of Octavian in, 399. - - Bishop of (William Elphinston), 11, 170, 172, 363; auditor, 1, 143, 383; signR accounts, 141, 381, 448 j expenses of, at justice-ayres, 319, 320 j do., at Chamberlain-ayres, 3'JO; payment to broudBters in the service of, 353 j do. to Sir Walter Ramsay in thll presence of, 445. - - Chancellor of, 363. - - Dean of, sends a dtul horse and two hotulds to the King, 123 j sends oxen to the King, 123, 135 j gives a black horse to the King, 124. Bee aUo Kincragy, James. Aberdeen, Lord. 8u Aberdeen, Bishop of. - - Precentor of, 363. - - Sheriff of, 158; payments by, 144,

-- - sheriffdom of, messenger sent with letters of recognition and summons to the, 345. Aberdour, xix j boat-hire to Inr-heolm from, 130; rector of, 363. - - William, burgess of Aberdeen, payment to, 291. Abergeldie (Abirzeldy), payment to the poor laird of, 88. Aberlady (Abirlady), trental masses said in, 188 j Mr. Alexander Inglis, prebendaryof,395. Abernethy (Abirnethy), lands of, 171. - - Nicholas, payment to, 68, 123, 268,440. _.- Mr. Robert, rector of Bute, 163. - - Mr. "'alter, rector of Kirknewton,

Abilzeament, expenses of LAdy Oordon's, 400. Abirledno, the King plays at cards in,

Accounts (oomptis) of the household, John Donaldson, writer of the, 250. Achesone. See Aitchison. Acoltrain, Michael, 160_ Adam, John, messenger, payment to,

- - "mantand," lackey, clothing for,



49, 59, 6.1,64, 90, 262; payment8 to, fetcbed from, 346; Jacques Terrell 91, 194, 139, 263. sent to tbe ships at, 400; tbe ship TM AdamBOD, John, messenger and courier, Jamu at, ... ; for otber references to payments to, 3Ui, 323. 326, 330, ~'I .shi~, etc., at, '" Appendix pusim. 338; 339, 341, 342, 3110, 352. 370, .'J99, A1Bdadl. Set Eakdale. . 413, 415; deforcement of, 351. Aitchison (AcbeBODe), John, goldsmitb, - - Jobn, "young," black velvet payment to, 316. -bougbt from, 194; sewing silk do., I Aitken (Aitkin, Aitkyne), John, gold209. smith in Stirling, livery for, 258; Adequhyn. S~ Altiq\1yn. paymllntl to, xxxiv, 270, 312, 321, 349, Admulti, Jonet, spouse of .John Seton i 401,410,442; articlesofailverdelivcred to, 532, 633. of Latbrisk, 387. AdmultUB, Florentinus, 1M. . I Aitoun. See Aytoun. Advocate, Mr. James Henrison, the: Ait meile. See Oatmeal. King's, 'JJJ7. : Aitis. See Oats. Aglil~auchlin. 8te F..cclesmachan. /' Akfield (Akofeild), landa of, i. Abanna, Dougal, falconer, payment to, Akhe.Je, lands of, 384. 342. Alane, armourer. See Cocbrane, Alan. , Alb amyt, purcbase of an, 368. Abannay, Jobn, 160. Aikynheid (Alkinheid), William, and his Albany, Duke of (Jobn de Albany, etc." servant, payments ta, 513, 520. ; gives a ring to the King, 79; sends Ailsa Craig, xxviii, xxix; visit of the I writings to the King, 109; clothing, King to, 343, 3~; lend mine of, 274. ,I etc., for, 234, 235; payment to his secretary, 344; expenBe8 oftbe French Ainslie (Anslee), John, taub~r ami minstrel, clothing for, 55; paymentlll eecretary coming from, xxix, 413. to, 91, 92, 112, 418. Alba of Bertane cloth for the Queen', Air, Aire. S~ Ayr. altar, 209. Airil. S~ Ayres, 0arB. Aldbar. See Auldba.r. Airth (F.rth), xlvi; payment to the Ale (aill, ail), payment for, when the curate of, 103. King diejunit in John Stewart's hOUle, - - Pool of, (poll of Ertb, Poleich, 117; for the Greyfriars, 178; payment Polertht, Polerd, etc.), account of, for, where the King drank in Linlithxlvi-I; the ship Margaret at, xl, 68, gow, 139 ; for workmen, 297; C&DII of, 70, 114, 131, 396; the King drinks to drank for the King's honour, 326; the wife at, 75; trees led by the King's sent to Polertht, 339; payment to horses to, 103; hameBII brought 011' the Robert Douglas in the Newhaven for, .hip at, 104 ; Thomas Pe&rIIOn, gunner, 349 ; for victualling ships, Iter. goes to the ship at, 166; gear eanicd Appendix I. pusim. to Leith from do.. 120;'alma to the Ale-cups, purchase of, 489, 495. poor at, 190; accounts for work, etc., Aleis. S~ Ellie. at the, 280, 281; expenBel or boats Alexander (Sandri.), furrier, payments between Newhaven and, 288; pea\'ll to, 18, 229. presented to the King at, 313; The - - harper, payments to, 93, 112GreaJ, Micluul piloted to, 336; ale, All Hallow Day, 15, 18. bread, allll fish taken to, 339; tl'OOll - - light, olferillg to 177.


All Relique, oft'ering on the feast of, 191. .All Saints, trental _ of, 178. Allan (Alane), John, payment to, \&91; wine brought from the Blackneaa in hie boat, .1, m, \&98. .AllauIon (Alani), Dougal Ranald, 169; Spaniarda shipwrecked on bis Ianda in the Isles, 297. &e aUG Ranaldaon. Allardice (Allerdea, Allerdaiae), John, yeoman of the Queen's stable, clothing for, 15(;, 266. Robert, 381. Allocay, allocayis. &e Lackey, lackey. Alloway (Alway), barony of, 7. Wester, Ianda of, 7. Almane gunner, Georp the, 63, 106, 108, 109, 127. Almayn, the, payment to, for making the King's marble lair, 132. Almonds, freight of, 334. Almoner (alimoaiuar, almeaare), pay. menta to the Lord, 174-176, 178, 1M, 191 ; the Queen's Muter, 209, 217; payments to the Muter 371, m, 628; do. to Mr. Patrick Coventry, \&37, !&38. Alma (almoUl, elimOl!e, elem088, elemn. aina), the Prince's, 315; given to the poor, 129, 399; accounts for, M-43, 174-191, !&37-439. - - clothes for bedeemen and hades . women, !&O, 185. A1reaky, William, money sent with, 242. Altar, punchea to atrike out stare above the, lIl. Altars, furniahinga for, 38, 39, 358; in the King's oloaet, 20; for. the High, 36 ; for the Queen's, 209; in the King's chapel, \&39. Altiquyn (Allequhyn), George Kennedy of, 388, 381. Alum (allum, allem, alme), 90, 511; put in the quinta eaaencia, \&18. Alyth, t.he rector of, 396.


Ambaaeador (embaaaate), Engliah, takes leave of the Queen, \&09. 8u al/lO Dacre, Lord; Weat, Doctor - - (embauadonr, ambaaaat, etc.), French, the borders warned and preparation made for the coming of the, 112, lI3; dinea in the Tre88nrer's chamber at Yule, 198; an orlage sent to the King hy the, 32!&; departure to Denmark of the, 327. 8. al/lO Doctor, The. - - the Papal, :uxiii. the Spaniah, one hundred ducats and a purse given to, on taking leave of tbe King, 336; convoyed by the English herald at hie returning, 336. Amiafield (Emisfeld), the Laird of, 163. Amyu, Colin Campbell'. pilgrimage to, 81. Amyt, purchue of an alb, 358. Anchor (ankir), pnrchue of an, .7; do. for a great boat called 'l'AeJamu, 287; payment to boatmen to weigh the, 331; for 'l'Ae Galwid, !&58; mending of an, 465; of the great ship, banda for, \&87. Anchors (ankiria) bought in Spain, xxxix, 27, !&8 ; freight and unooetis of do., \&8 ; drinbilver to Spaniarda who brought home do., 127; brokOll. bought for the Spaniah ahip, Wl ; mending of do., __ Anderaon, Agnes, IIpOU88 of Robert Anderaon de Creich, 167. Aleu.nder, alial Carrick, payment to bis wife. 291. - - David, I18rvant to Mr. James HenrJlOn,l63. - - David, of Aberdeen, payment to, 295. Gilbert, aervitor to John Forman, hides delivered to, 529. John, trompeter, clotbing for, 56. - - Robert, de Creich, 167. Thomu, payment to, 343. -.- William, payment to, M:I-



115, 189; do., in Stirling, 98; do., in Leith,316. Anne, of Brittany, senda a turquoise ring to the King, xxxvi. - - Mistre8l, paynlent to, 92Annunciation of Our Lady (Annunciatio Marie), King's offering in Biggar on the, 39. Analee, tanbronlir. 8u Ainslie, John. Anatruther (Anltrothir), hire of a boat of, 130; John Brown of, 483Antependa of cloth of gold for the High Altar, 36, 38. 8u al80 Frontal, altar ; Pendele. Anthony (Anthone), the Secretary's man, payment to, 351. - - smith, payment to, 'r17. Antwerp (Handwerp), copper and tin from, liii, 302. Apothecaries. 8u Brown; Caldwell; Fowler, William; Hoaman, John. Apple (apill), a little, matle for the chapel, 123. Applegarth (Apilgirth), barony of. 170; Ianda of, 390. Apprentice (prenteis), payments to Steven Baity's, 279, 525. Appunctuamentis made between John Lockhart, mason, and the Bishop of Caithnell,372Aqua vita! for quinta esseneia, 77, 80. 85; for the Abbot of Tungland, 122; to make gunpowder, 122 ; brought from Edinburgh, 89; purchase of, 92, 122, 377 ; thrice drawn and small, 122. Aramomakle, sal. 8u Sal ammoniac. Arbroath (Arbroth), Abbot of, put on land from the ship Trecuurer, 128. George Hepburn, Abbot of, Treasurer, xi: - - (Abirbrothok), commendatory of, 360. Arbuckle (Arbukle), Andrew, bonnets bought from, 367.

AnderBOD, William, buigesa of Edinburgh, payment to, 292Andrei., Danish skipper, payments to, 400, 402; Spanish ship given to, 480 ; anohors bought to, for do., 462; coala delivered to, 482; payment for his victuals, 462Andrew (Andro), John, horae-marshal, }lI!oyment to, 3f11. Angel, meaaenger sent to Edinburgh to bring the black, 75. Angel nobles, 305, 336, 398. Angels [COinl] given to the Clerk of Denmark, 72. Angularia to the chapel of Falkland, 283. Angus, meaaenger sent with the procla. mationl of the ayres to, 9-2; do. witb letters to, 103, 323, 414, 416; rede hawk. got from, 12'; inbringing of the old reats in, 332; a cuIvering moyane drawn by the laird of Kelly's oxen in, 518; messenger sent for the spiritual tax to, 351. - - wright, payment to, 331. - - Archibald, Earl of, 156; m8llleugers aent to Bute to, 73, 77; summoned at the King'l instance for certain landR, 309; plays at carda with the King, 317,326. - - COuntell of, clothing, etc., for, 63, 228, 2211; payment to her maiden, 324- - David, clothing for, 242- - George, Master of, composition by, 6; m8llleDger sent with letters to, 323. - - of the !slell, Davidson Bent to Ayr for, 1142Annandale (Annandh'dale, Anerdmle), Fergy Grame rides in, 73; the lairdB and others of, summoned for good rule of the country, 80, 379; James Taylor sent to, 81, 94; timber from Logan Wood in. 405. - - the steward of, payments by, 2. Anne, daft, Curry's wife, payments to, 134,181; do., in Linlithgow,74.89, lOR,



Arbuckle, JameR, taft"ety bought from, Arms, the King's, embroidered on a mort 192. cloth for the tomb of King James IL, Arbuthnot, James, de eodem, compoai 195; wrought in needlework, 314; tion by, 5. embroidered upon Btandarda, 369. S. .Arde, landa of, 6, 149, 167; Quintin tJUo Coat armour. Mure de, 164. Armstrong (Armeatraug), Andrew, a reinArdgowan, James Stewart, young laird deer hide for, 257 ; payments to, 314, of, 52, 69, 268, 322; John Stewart de, 318, 323, 326, 329, 351, t03; black 169. hose for, 431. Ardmanach, remiBBion to inhabitants of, Armstronga, the, Andrew Armstrong IleDt 11lO. home with the rest of, 329. Ardoch Mylnton, landa of, 388. Army, the Muter of Argyle warned to Ardvannyth, landa of, 167. come to Ayr with hiB, 34lj; payment Ardre, landa of, 156. to William Brounefeild when he past Ardroa, John Dishington de, 385. in the, 416. Are. Su Ayr. Armyn, armyngis, armynG beatis, army.. Argyle (Ergile), meBBeDger sent to, 416; &e Ermine. do., for the 8piritual tn to, 351. Arnot, David, Bishop of Candida Cam, - - (LilmorensiB), BiBhop of (David auditor, 143, 359, 383 ; Bip accounts, Hamilton), signs accounts, 141. 44S. - - (Ergile), Archibald, Earl of, xxltVi- - - George, payment to, 288. lxxx, 369, 386; auditor, 1, 384 ; plays - - John, payment to, 103. at CArda \'lith the King, 103; playa at - - Robert, a culvering moyane drawn the Irish game with do., 11M; payment by his oxen, 51S. to, 126; expe_ at justice-ayres of, - - - - de Woodmylne, 1M. 319; letters to the King from, 342, Arran, a wright brought from, 344347; the King loaea money at the butt8 1 - - James, Earl of, xix, xxxvii, lvii; 1 to, 347; signa acCounts, 381 ; paymcnt white taff'ety for, 72; the King loaea at to a servant of, 416. ! the Irish game to, 345; senda a hart to Muter of, warned to come with the King, 347. his army to his father in Ayr, 345. Arras cloths (arres c1athiB), mending of, Arm, wippea for the King's hurt, 15. that were burnt, 28; canvas for mend. Arming swordB (armyng IUOrdis), 126. ing, 31S, 339; downtaking, nptaking, Armonrer (armorar), payment to an, I and mending of, 37S; for the Trea1IS; do., with the Frenchmen, 122; Burer'. chamber, 198; for the Hall of hameBII for dichting delivered to th ..., Stirling, (()7. 418. - - work in the King's hall, canvas for Armourers, drinksilver to, in France, mending, 322114; in Edinburgh, 117. Su aho Arrows, purchaae of, 327, 334; do. of a Cochrane, Alan; Moncur, Andrew. qniver for, :rrT. Arms (armes, armez) for the interment Arth, Powill of. S. Airth, Pool of. of Quintin Focart, 117; armingewordll Arthur, Prince, birth of, uiii. and a knife for the men of, 126; pay- Arth_, Frenchman, pilot, payment to, ment to lalay herald in the name of the 483. officers of, 325. Arthma1are, lands of, 168.


ments to, 308, 380, 3W7, 406-408, 410-412, 414, 418-418. Avery, :Michael (Hychele), payment to, 317. - - Walter (Wat), Uvery for, 56, 288. Avondale (Avendale, Avendaill), Andrew, Lord, payments to, lI8, 124 ; clothing for his eon, James Stewart, 58, 59; expenaea of do., 135, 245; horaehire to LinUthgow, for do., 418Axes in the ship, dichting of, U9; Leith, for TM (JalnitJ" 4Ii8. battle (batall), gloves of plate for, 120; of tree, 121; broggia of steeJ. for, 122; payment for making, 137. Axle trees (extreia), French wrights sent to the wood for, 511 ; sawing of, 512; for close carta, 514; carta sent for, 1515 ; felling of, 615; tallow and grease to the, 5115. Ayr (Air, Aire, Are), xxviii, x:six, :ax. xlvi; jnstice-ayre of, 147, 1159; tnmtal m&BIeI said in, 187; payment to the Greyfriars in, 187; do. to the friars in, 187; braid green cloth and a plaid bought in, 203; a horae for Luke of the wardrobe in, 255 ; payments to John l!rown, burgeu of, 292, 319; a galley for the King built in, 292; the King'. abip sent to the Illes for the gear of shipwrecked Spaniards from, 297 ; inbring. ing of the rests of, 311, 316; do. to DrumquhiBlil, of, 315; diatraining for reats in, 343, 347; letters to the King from the Lordi in, 314; expen8e8 made in the service of the ayrea of, 315; Frenchmen despoiled by Englialamen on the _ near, 317; expenaea of the Lords at juatice.ayre of, 319 ; Davidson sent to, 342 ; carriage of artillery to, 343; do. of harn_ to, 343, 345; visit of the King to, 343, 3; the King rowed to St. :Mary'a Iale from, 3; a fine

.Artillery (artailzery, etc.), lxiii-lxx:si; paymentl to Hans, gunner, forexpenses on,UO, 126, 135; Henry, Lord Sinclair, muter of the King'I, 267, 310; mend. ing of a boat akorit with great, 482; bearing and boating of, 483. Aacension Day, ofFering on, 188. Alaignation., diatraining for rests of, 346. AaIIizes (a.iBl, etc.) lummoned, 98, 376, m, 399, 406, 415, liSl. A.-umption, trentallll&ll8ell of the, 191. - - Day of Our Lady, 17; ofFering on, 191. Alur. B" .Azure. Athole, Sir John Stewart, lat Earl of, clothing, etc., for hil daughter, habel, 'Bl, 228; pension of hislOD, Andrew,

Aubigny (Owbigne, Owbynze), Lord of. B" Stewart, Bernard. Auchaltone, lands of, 388. Anchincoull, lands of, 169. Auchinhamparis, lands of, 166. Auchinhynach, lands of, 166. Auchinleok (Auchinlek), Archibald, meuenger, payments to, 413, liSl. - - Sir John, payment to, 313. - - (Auchlek, Auchinlek), Matthew, goldsmith, paymental to, 34, 38, 135, 136, 137, 334, 401. Auohmowty, Florence (FIoree), clothing for, 52; the King sends for, 130. Auohtincraw, Alexander, FByments to, for iron delivered by, 1509, 512. Auditors, payments by consideration of the, 531. Augustine friars, 37, 43. Auldbar (Aldbar), the 1aird of, sends hawks to the King, 136. Auldhamstocka (Aldhamatokis), Mr. Patrick Craufurd, rector of, 393. Avery, the King'., James Scott of, 257; Robert Galloway (GaUna) of, 258. - - James, clothing for, 55, 266; pay.

for a new galley bought in, 345; belcheir to the II gudman "and others in, 345 ; the Master of Argyle warned to come with his army to his father in, 845; the King goes in a ship.boat to Ialay from, 345 I poinding for extracts and rests of the justiceayro of, 355 ; a ship bought in, 357; horse hire for William Malcolm to, 374. Ayr, Sheriff of, payment by, 144. Ayres, Chamberlain (airis cbaumerlami) of the burgh of Cupar Fife, expenBe8 of, 320; poinding for rests of do., 335; of Dundee, expenses of, 320; of Menteith, inbringing of the composi tion silver of, 3D6; of Perth, expeD1188 of, 320; the rental book of Methven and Kinclaven carried to the Lords a.t do., 330; poinding and distraining for reets of do., 335, 352, 371; inbring. ing and poinding of the extracts of do., 348, 360, 370. - - Ju.tice, proclamations of, sent to Fife and Angus, 92; of Dundee, 70; ex~ of do. of Ayr, 315, 319; do. of the Westland, 319, 320; do. of Aberdeen, 320; messenger sent to Ayr, Wigtown, and Kirkcudbright, 316; poinding for extracts and rests of do., 355 ; mllllBenger sent to Lanark, 347; inbringing of rests of oom positions of Aberdeen, 357; continua tion of Jedburgh, 405, 412; do. of Roxburgh, 360; do. of Selkirk, 360, 412.


ment porteoUB with letters of gold and, 340. Perot, French shipman, lix; ex penaea of, coming from France, 414. Badger skin (brokskin) bag, a, for the King's crossbow, 90. Bag of badger skin (brokskin) for the King's crossbow, 90; a great black, for carrying gunpowder, 105 ; a leather, for do., 342; for keeping the King's shirts, 201. Bags of violet powder, 29, 32. Baillie (Bailzee), - - , servitor to De la 'Motte, payment to, when sick, 346. (Balzee), Archibald (Archie), livery for, 266. - - Gavin, livery for, 55. - - John, gunner, payment to, 490. - - Jok, clothing for, 51, 54. - - Mr. Cuthbert, Treasurer, xiii, xxxii; gives a horse to the King, 118; canon of Glasgow, 144; oommendatorofGlen. Iuee, 360; payment by, 459. - - Richard (Riche), payment to, 15; livery for, 54. - - Mr. William, plays at the tables with the King after supper, 95. - - --.- rector of Restalrig, 361. - - - - prebendary of Ba.l1a.nrig, 392. Bairn (barne), payment for nursing a, 76; do. for nursing a found, 182; alms to a poor, 109, 130; do. that took the King by the hand, 114; the King christens George Hakirston's, 109 ; slain in Strathardill, 131 ; baptism of Adam Cockburn'S, 185; payment to a poor wife with a, 190; do. to Sir Walter Ramsay for keeping a young, 352. Bairns (hamia), expenses of the, at St. AndreWs, 83; to Kinghorn, 100; in Edinburgh, 100 i in Dernway, ll8; of the chapel, splU'Bilver to the, 175; alms to five fatherleu, 189; do. to

Ayris. 8u Oars.
Aytoun, Andrew, paymentB to, 44, 47, 4.8, 70, 78, 92, 99, 137; olothing for, 52; a oulvering moyane drawn by his oxen, 518. - - (Aitoun), Sir William, payment to, 182. Azure (asur, asure), purchase of, for the painter, 109, 114; purchase of light, for do., 87; limning of a great parch



poor, 117, 184, 181; carriage of a Ballingall. Thomaa, 158. nurse's, 356. Ballingry, rectory of, 381; Mr. James Bairns of the choir. &t Choir.boys. Wardlaw, rector of, 394. Bai-m of the lining of a schambert, Balloch, lands of, 7. sewing silk for the, 204. (Ballauch), Duncan, 147. Baker (baxt&r), payment to the Lord of Balls for playing at the oaich, 111, 132. Aubigny's,llS; money delivered to a, Ballumby, Sir Henry Lovel of, 156. 447; payment to a, of Dunfermline, Balmain (Balmayn), lands of, 151. 486. 'Balmerino (Ba.Imerynocht), the Abbot Bakers (baxtarls), payment to a tabe~ of, ~;. meeaenger sent to, for bis of the, lv, 314, 332; do. to, for bakmg, contnbutlOD. 380. 488 j of the great ship, clay for, to BalmuUok, lands of, 386. make an oven, 488. &t aUo Hunter, BaIty (Bawtee), Steven, mason, pay. Martin j Millar, William; Ramsay, menta to, 2i9, 374, 379, 445, 446, William. 520, 624, 526 j 0. slater hired by, Balandro, the laird of, payment to, and 523 ; stones delivered to, 1525. to hia lady Besse Lealie, 74. Balnery, the laird of, expenaes at justiceAyres of, 319, 320. Balbagy, lands of, 531. Baldavy, land. of, 5. . Balzani (Balzo.rt), John, payment to hia Baldovy, lands of, lllO. . men, 288; furnishing of hia ahip, Balfonr, David, clothing for, 265, 430. 289, 294 j payment to hia marinera, - - John, m_nger and officiar, pay294, 322; oordage for ships bought menta to, 269, 312, 313, 316, 318,1 by, 294, 200; iron peUolu shipped 323, 326, 348, 351, 352, 355, 370, I to Leith from Campvere by, 303; 371, 402, 411, 415. furnishing of-hi. bark, xliv, 3M; pay- - - - servitor to the master of I menta to, 322, 336; the Unioom purthe silver v_I, silver plate delivered i suivant goea to France with, 322; to, 533. accompaniea De la Motte to France, BalgiUoquhy, landa of, 385. 336. For otber referencea, ~ AppenBalgony, Robert Lundy de, 13 ; lands of, dix I. pll88im. 148. Balzee. &t Baillie. Balzefer. &t Campvere, the Bailie of. - - Over, 156. - - (Bawgony), the laird of, sends wild Bancat. Su Banqnet. fowla to the King, 114; meaaenger Band for a cloak, 231; of tbe great ship'a standard, 477. sent with a letter to, 123; a cnlverBands for gun moulds, 109 j for wair ing moyane drawn by hia oxen, IU8. stalls, Ill; ooDar, 231 ; iron, for the Ballanrig, Mr. William Baillie, pre great ship, 373; for the Queen's p~, bendary of, 392. 378 ; for a round burd, 378; for the Ballardy, lands of, 164. brewbonae and furnace, 379; for the Ballaat for ships, 114, 461 u App. paMim. paveaia of ships, 473, 476; to the anchor BaUinbreich, barony of, 158. of the ship, 487; for close carta, 514, Ballindrocht (BaUyndroch), tbe lainl of, 615; for doors and gate&, 523, 524, 626, . olothing for, 264; decreet given by 529 j for windowa, 1525 j gemma, for certain 10rda in the matter pertaining to,~ I do., 526 ; glass, for do., 524, 528.

Ba.nee, Romany, for lining, ~. Banff, juetice-ayre of, 1150; distraining for rests of, 312; inbringing of do., 323. - - Sheriff of, payments by, 2, 144. Bannatllle (Bannathyne), John, payments to, 480, 472- - Thomas, skipper, xlii; payments to, 289,373,4452; material for his ship, 478. Bannerman, Alexander, 158. Banners (banaria) of the King's ships, li v; gold,coloura, etc., for,2N ; blue taft'ety for St. Andrew's and St. Margaret's, lux, 521; materialB for the KiDg's, 521; caaea of basand skins for keeping the, 521. Bu aUo FIaga and Standard&. Bannockburn (Bannokburn), KiDg's offering in the chapel of, xv, 35. Banquet (banoJat), taft'ety for the, 23; a gown of do. to Martin the Spaniard for the, 64; dancing coats for the, 64; clothing to the French minstrels for the, 65; payment to Sir John Ramsay for stuft' for the dance at the, 125 ; a gcx.e brought by men of anna to the King at the, ]26; bukkilling and grathing of Martin and the black lady for the, 129_ Banvy, the rector of, 393Baptism (havin, heving) of Adam Cockburn'. bairn, 185; of the Prince, 186. Bar, landa of, 6; John Lockhart de, 148. - - a, for a bMnet, 121. Barbour, David, burgess of Edinburgh, payments to, for aqua vital, 122, 377. Barber (barbour), Kinnaird the, xxvii, 332; payment to the, 483_ Barcar. Sa Barker_ Barclay (Berclay), Mr_ Alexander, payment to, 183. - - William, letters of recognition and aummona served on, 346. - - Mr_ William, penaion of, for his service anent tIw privilege of the chapel,441.


Bard, payment. to Mawnia, 345. - - wife, called Agnes CarkUl, payment to a, 402. George, payment to, 43; clothing for, 50, 52. Gilbert, 8. -John, 8. - - Thomas (Thome), burg888 of Edinburgh, payments to, 334, 4841 aerpentinea bought from, 484. Bardner, Henry, Dutchman, copper purchased from, 614. Bards for horae, letters cut out for, 22; fringes of .wing Bilk for the King's, 22; carriage from Edinburgh to Stirling of the King's, 78. Bargany, Thomas Kennedy de, II'. Barges, the clay, heather for, 463 " paMim; aeym and ruf for, 4M " J1(Wim; boards for, 458. Bark. Sa Barque. Barker (Bercar, Barcar, etc.), Robert, smith, lxxv; payments to, i08-lil0, 512-616, 619, Tel; materials delivered to, lilO, 512, 519; carriage of his werklumys, 519; payment to workmen with,1519_ Barkit hides for the paviliona, 1521. Barley (beir), ale made of the Prior of St. Andrew's, 484_ Barlow (Harle, Barlee), Mistresa,clothilll for,80,83_ Barmagauohan, lands of, 158_ Barnbngle (Bembowgall), lands of, 389_ Dame, Barnis. 8u Bairn, Bairns. Barneill, lands of, 387. Baron (Ba.roun, Barone), clothing for, 50, 82, 83, 65, 76, 2315, 238, 480-433; shoes for, 78, 99, 118, 238, 4M, 406, 410,419; calfnnzeiafor, 99; bootsfor, 118, 238, 404, 406, 410, 419; brodikiml and pantons for, 419; payments to, 130, 316; do. when he Wl'8Hled, 411 ; horae hire to Kinghorn for, 130118llt to meet De la Motte in Dnmbarton, 338.

Baroa, the French boy, clothing for, 49, &~-flaJe IBarydeI1), CbriIItiDe Suther 10, A, 61; aboee and boots for, 82: Jaod de," ...r-o~ to, 86. Bal'llCllbe (Bankub" lands of, lSi. beochmaD, clothing for, 43,;_ Barton (BerkJan), ADdrew,laD; coat of boueboy, payment to, 31i_ ,-e1ftt given to, 61; letter aeot to Patrick, 380. Edinburgh too, i6; ..yment to biB Barque (bark, bark) built in Dumbertoo, man, i6: ..ymen.... to, is, lOB: i8; driDbilver to Jaq_ Terele at rictaa11ing and funUahiog of his abip the bepuriDg of the, 313; do. to work. in Denmark, 108; Ja_ Bog goM fA) JDeDODtheDeW,attheNetrhaveD,3Ii;1 Denmark with, 110; ..ymen~ to a Belzard'., 303, 31M; TIle JfDIIU, 281 ; poor wife whoae hnaband went with, TIle Ga6rWl, '388, 37i ; of Traport, 482; li9; ermine given to the Quem by. of Abbey&eld, 475-480, 82, 495-497; 216; the Kiag playa a~ eanIa with, 311. the Spaniah, 498; Chalmer'a, GO; John, COUImander of the ship Tie Jl,co.xe, 600; materiaIa and rictualMa~, xl, xl", brill, hrrii; pay6111 for, . . Appeadi:r. L paM".. men.... to and by, 46, {I,48, 72, f11, 98, Barru (Barna), lands of, 10, 170. 125,286, 293, 299, - . MI, _ ; Little, lands of, 385. a culverin to the KiDg, 97; freight of :&rrela of tar, 48, 114, 290, 301; of conlaUa in Dieppe by, 290; the King pitch (pilt), 48, 292; of vinegar, 108; 10I!e8 mouey at the butte to, 317. For a Rambargh barrel of 11-, 114; for other referencea to Jolm Bartoo and aa1tpetre, 117; of apieery, 288; of hia ahip," Appendixp:l8fim. ta11atr, 291 ; of aaJmon, 297; of beer, elder, a draft delivered to bie 8M; of rictua1a, etc., for ahipe, lee wife, 29G. Appendix L paMi".. Robert, laD, laDX; compoeitiOD Barna, the, 122 ; taffety for the curtain by, 6; paymente to and by, 40, 41,46, and roof in the chapel in, 23; Killl'. I 4i,82, 104, 108, 114, 132, 299, 300, 305, oI'ering in the chapel of conacience 4$, 531 ; the King'a writings &eDt to betide, 41; paym~nte !or grathing Leith to, 82 ; payment to the maidens of, 47. 48; the King ndeB to, 117; in hie boue where the King diajunit, payment to trumpeters in, 118; the 108; do. to a taubrcmar who pla)"ld to black lady borDe from tbe Castle the King in hie bonae, 131 ; goes to lie&, to, lit; paviliona for, lIt; paymmJt 372; ale bolllht by, 488; paymatt to to a man who bad hie oom apilt at, biB wife, 482; hidea delivered to, _ . 120 J daggen for, 122; payment to Buan-akina to a chair of for the hera1da in CODtentatiOll of their duty of, Queen, 31 ; CU8II of, .1. 1211 a tame hart eIain in, -128; pay. Buin (buaiDg), a, of llilver, 3iI8. men' for par at, 134; bringing forth Buinail"er (baeBin llilrir, ...ej"pilrir), of the beuta at, 140. 92, 94, 112, 2IJ8, '418. Barrotia for the Bhip, 48. Bu1ar of the Turk fuhiOD, p1II'Cbue of a Barrowmea (J.romea, barowmen), pay. orooked, . . meot to, in the Abbey and Palace of Banet, a bar for a, 121 ; o1upa for a, I~I. Rolyroodhowle, 103, 446. Bamete, loeb for, 121. Barron, apans for making, 46G. BuB, landa of, ,;; Sir Robert Lauder cI, Barry, 1Ir. John, rector of CuUace, 884. 386.





Baseindane (Baseindin), James, gray Beer (beir) for the King when he disjnnit satin for the Queen bought from, 31; I in John Stewart'. house, 117; barrel. payment to, 205. of, for victualling ahips, lxi, lIO', and - - William, payment to, 196. Appendix I. p!UBim. Boatyn, Monsieur, payment to, 114. . Beg, John, m8118nger, payments to, 78, Batter for the great ship's standanl, 47;. I 88, 91, 98, 103, 109, 110, 139. Battle (batall) &xes, 120, 122, lSi; of Beggar (beger), alms to a poor, in Leith, tree, 121. 186. Haulk naila (balk Dale), 468 et paa;m. Beild, Mawnia, paylD8Dts to, 34.6, 348. Saulks (bawkis), purchue of, 293. Heir. 8u Barley. Baverlaw. 8u Bevirlaw. Belohere (belcher, belcheir) at the dis Bawgooy. 8u Ba1gony. solution of the jnstice-ayrea of Ayr, Bawtee. 8u BaIty. 319, 320; to the .. gudman" and others Baxtar. 8u Baker. in Ap, 346. Baxter (Baxtar), Adam, mason, payment the King's, in the Friary at Had to,620. dington, 84; at Biggar, 107, 108. Beads (bedia) of gold for the King, pay. Bell, George, lorimer, payment to, 121. ment for making, 137. Bear (hair), pr.ent silver gh-en to the - - Robert, payment to, 468. Abbot of Paisley'a man for a, 339. William, payment to, 494. Bearing (berying) sheets of Bertane cloth, Ballantyne, Patrick,steward to the Queen, 211. payments to, 414, 446; Holland cloth Besets (bestis), bringing forth of the, at delivered to, 424; clothing for his the barrea, 140. man, 428; do. for Mr. John Donald the wild, tagging, grathing, and BOD, writer to, 435. bukkilling of, 129. Bellows (bellys, beDes) for the lllDit.hy, Beaton, Jaqaee, Treasurer, xi. 140; of organa, goat .kina and parch. Beaufort (Benforte), landll of, 4. ment for, 278. Beaver (bever), a, for the King, 206. Bell., small and great, 126 ; payment to - - (bem); bats of, for the King, 21, men who rang the, 187. 22,24; do. of gray, 203. Beltane, 1I8. Bedding for the lhip JlatrgtI7'et, 298 ; for Belts, 129; of white Birge thread for the the Prince's n1U'lle, 356, 409. kirk, 39; for carrying gunpowder, Bedeamen and bedeswomen, clothing, 105; of iron for the King. 121 ; to a money, etc., for, 40, 185, 186, 438. bogeat, 129; green, for the Prince'. Bedlinea for ships, 300. cndle, 218; of talfety, 192, 194, 196, BedII, hire of, 403; feather, 202, 248, 197,200,387; of yellow and black do., 317; boaterit," 64; of ribbon, 221, 223, 224, 230, 428; - - the King's, carriage of, 715, 129; of broad do., 228. caDVU to lay before, 1I2. -lil&iiii, 368. - - the Queen's, blankets for, 211; - - sword, 22, 94, 307, 403,413; black brought over the water, 356. do., 129; red do., 233. Bedsheets, payment for sewing, alII. Benestede, Mr., Treuurar to the Q_, Beef (beif) for victualling lhips, 463 et pension of, 67. JIIII'im. Bent, purobale of, 78, 93, 113.


Birge. See Bruges. Birnok. Bee Bumok. Biscuit (birBkat breid, etc. ) for provisioniug ships, lxi, 470 e.t paMiffl. Bisset (Bi88&it, BiB8&t, Biaate), Jam.,.. m8S88nger, payments to, 3(.3, 350,3lH, 370, 379, 397, 404. Bits, bridle, 94, 112, 407, 415; tinning of, 112, 119; mending of, 122. Blacate, Walter Porter de, 148. Black, John, in Tor, pauper, 160. - - Ellen. See Ellen, "black." - - ladies, the, 401. lady, the, 64, 119, 129. - - Mal1(&ret. See Margaret, "black." Blaokbarony, Mr. John MUlT&Y of, auditor, 144; tenantry of, 146. Blackburn, John Criohton de, 391. Blackomg, Sir James Dunbar of, 146, 273. Blackford (Blakfurd), maiden (queen, woman) of the, xxvi; payments to the, 95, 116, 133, 329, 340, 408. Blackfriars (More Freris, Blak Freria), clothing for, 62; payments to, 178,

Bent-house, payment of the rent of the, 84, 127,310,357. Benvie (Benvy), Mr. James Sorymgeour, parson of, 446. Barby, John, pilot, payment to, 483. Beroor. See Barker. Berclay. See Barolay. Barlauoh and Hil, lands of, 300. Bernia, Easter and Wester, lands and barony of, 165. Berntoun, lande of, 6Bernvele, barony of, 11. Berris (Bars), cabillstok, for the great ship, grea(trees for, 481. Berry, lands of, 388. Benane oloth. See Cloth, Bertane. Bertonar, Martin Lenalt, 48; Herwy,

Bertonn. See Barton. Berwick (Berniok), m8S88nger sent with writings to the Bishop of Moray in, 135. - - Sheriff of, payments by, 2. Betaone, Edmond, messenger, payments to, 344, 347. - - Robert, messenger, payment to, 338. BeviJ:law (Baverlaw), Thomas, Englishman, sen'ant to Lord Dacre, payments to, 325, 334, 353, 376, 408. Beyme (Beym), Peter, gunner, payments to, 480, 498. Biokerton (Bikirtoun), Archibald, olothing for, 55, 63; payments to, 74, 76, 79, 269, 443. _ . (Bikkirtoun), Robert, payment to,

Biggar (Bigar), xvii; the King's offering in, 39 ; payment for the King's belohere in, 107, lOS; the King plays at cards in, lOS; alms in, lOS. Bigholme, Patriok, payments to, 44, 'Ii. Bikirtonn. See Biokerton. Binning (Bynnyng), the Secretary's "oheld," payments to, 81, 106. --lands of, 170,390. Birda, hemp)eed for the, 528.

- - in Edinburgh, payments to the, ISO, 183, 438; carriage of the Provinoial's books of the, 408. - - in St. Andrews, payment to the, 42Blacklock (Blaklok), Walter, money delivered to, 46. Blackness (Blaknes), Iv; offerings in St. Ninian's Chapel at, 185, 187, 189; repairing of do., 187; offerings to St. Ninian'a light in, 188, 189; alma to the poor in, 189; payment for iron work made by the smith of, 291 ; purchaae of iron in, 291 ; visit of the King to, 335; expenaea of De 1a Motte's man in, 337; payment to Knox, fa.lconer, in, 339; the King 10888 money at the rovers in, 346; the Queen goes to Queensferry from, 412. For other references, Bee Appendix paI8im..



Blackwood (Blakwod), payment to a Queensferry, Me; for rowing the King Dune to the Prince called, 356. to Queenliferry, 351 ; for bringing the Blair (Blare), John, 385. Queen's beds and ooft"era, 356. 8u alMl Mr. Thomas, 173. Appendix L pa.8Am. Blais, writings sent to Mr. James Ogilvy Boats, hire of, 72, 120, 125, 129, 130, in, 4.03. 131,288, 334, 337, 338, 339, 344, 346, Blakman, Franaek, drinkBilver to, 310. M7, 355, 356 et pallim; do. of a row-, Blankets (b1ancatea, fustianis), 86, 246; 130; do. of a ship-, M5; do of dreg-, of Bolmys fustian for the Queeu's bed, 478, 484-486; tho great boat called 211 ; do. for the ship MMgf1.ret, 298; The Jamu, 287; furnishing of Bhipa', of white cloth for the Prince's cradle, 290; trees for a little, 297 ; salt ca.rried 219; sewing of, 378. from Dysart in, 307 j payment to Blantyre, Prior of, 382. ftahers when the King waH in their, B1arquham, John Kennedy of, 7. 313 j the Boatboat of The PafI81Ilostin Blind fiddler, payment to a, 309. a atorm, 317 j payment to Anthony Blocka (blokis), ahip, 298, 304, 468 j f01 Fleming who made the little, 328; do. for seeking for a, 33~ j do. for keeping pulleya, 284; of braaa, 301, 306. Blowinghorn (blawiog.hom), a, for a a, for the King, 357; payment of powder. hom, purchaee of, 103. wages to men in the King'B greet lyo, Bluemantle (Blewmantill), or Rotheaay 396; mending of, 484, 465, 471, 482; herald, pension of, 67; payment te, in building of, 473, 474, 478 j long oars recompensation of his pa.saage ill for the great Bhip'B, 479 j payment to Portugal, 106. I mariners in, 8U Appendix I. Board (burdis, burdingis), payment for, Boatwright, Simon Randell, 08. of the bairns in St. Andrews, 83; of Boill. See Boyle. Walter Stewart'B, 240 j of Alexander Boit of wine, a Malveay, 470. l\omledy's, 242; of Simon Braham's, Bolden. See Bowden. 242 j of Lord Lyle'B, 245; of Jamea Dolater (bostar) for a bed, 246. Stewart'B, 245 j of the bailie of the Bolts (bowtis) for 01"Ollllbow8, 334 j barrit Fore's BOIl, 246, 400, 402; of the King'B and blunt for do., 327; iron, for the henchmen, 373, 377, 380 j of a boy greet ship, 373. 468, 481, 485 j to called Turnbull, 404. fyacbis for do., 485 j for gun stokkis, Boards (burdia), ~, 47, 48,288,289,290, 515; mending of great, 619; for the 292, 306 j Eatland, 45, 47, 278, 287, kirk Btepill gate, 629. 378, 444, ~; Swedish, 290, 292, 295 j Bonar, James, clothing for, M j payoaken, 452. See al80 Appendix ~m. ments to, 269, 443. Boatmen, payments to, of Cambusken- - - William, 11, 170. neth, Ill, 116, 311, 312 j for takiog Bonavea, John. aliaa Piper, 387. the King and others to and from Bhips, Bondby, William M'Lellan de, 160. 126, 128, 332, 351 j for weighing the Boneaa, in England, a tun of wine eent. to anchor, 331; for bringing the King'B Sir John MUBgrave at, 318. mast, 331 ; for bringing neceaaariea for Bookill, meesenger Bent with letters for the King'1 supper in the greet Bhip, money to the master of Angus in, 332 j for carrying the gre&t cable stock 323. and trees to the great ship, 333 j of - - Edward, h"On bought from, 46.




Bonnets, 16-18,20,21, 49-1S3, 57, 58,63, Borrowat.ou.DIleI8(Boroetoanee), hoat.-hire 209,2M-1U7, 251, 252, 2M-258, 261, for the King to the great ship frum, 262, 265, MP, 422, 429, 432, 436; lvi, M7. ribbons for, 192, 195, 199, 000, 202, Borthwick, messenger I18D.t with lett.el'll 204, 240, 867, 42'J; points for, 204. to, 78; lands of East, 157. Alexander, compositioo by, 7. double, 22. double nekkit, 198, 199, .29; black Francis, 385. do., 421 ; red do., ~, Robert or Robin, gunner, !%xiii, - - Bingle nekkit, 198. lxxiv, !xxvi; muter-melter of the Milan, 15_ KiDg's gana, paoyments to, 261, 329, riding, 17. 878, 4G; a aaw for the guns delivend black, 22, 205, 236, 240, 2-l5, 261, to, 272. &e Appmdix ~ 367; fine do., ~. - - William, Lord, the KiDg's writings red, 22, 198. I8Ilt to, 91. red scarlet, M, 197, 3;0. Boapret, ama11 masts for the, 308. scarlet, 193, 196, 197,318. Boas-head (boa hed), a, for a silver - - velvet, 203, GIL stellatour, 137. violet, 22. Boaterit-beda, 202. &e aUo Bolater. poldaviB for, 3M. Boswell (Boauell, Boawill), James, aaher Bontaia (Bountaa), French fiddler and of the King's chamber door, clotbio, minstrel, payments to, 115, ~. for, 50, M, 26i, 253; payments to, 79, Books (buJds), illumination of the King's 1M, 414; paoyment to, when lying evangelist, 41 ; of gold for painting. lick, Ill. 87, 109, 112, 296; purchase of three John, payment to, 126.. printed, for the King, 90; Engliah Mr. Robert, pnbendary of FOD. poting&l'1, 9l1; of composition, 140; garth, 396. purchaee of JJl&IIB-, 322, 358; rental, of - - - - nctor of UchtiJderay, 393. Thomas, pa)'lD8l1ts to, 22, 88, 98, Methven and Kinc1aven, 330; the Provincial's, of the BJackfriara of EdinlOG, ll!l; the King Ie.. mooey to, burgh, 408; binding and illuminating lCM; do. at the tables to, 1,". of two, for the King's chapel of Stir- - - William, payments to, 77, 139,_. ling, 409. 443. Boots (batill). 15, 18, 22, 81. 82. 99, 100, Bothwell (Bothaile), payment to the lCM, 116, 206, 234, 286-238, 2tO, 1U4, IIl&I1 of, who makes the tyle. 116. 1U6, 1U7, ~,397, 4CM, 406, 410, 418, - - the Provost of, 892. .19; plated and short, 206. - - Adam, Earl of, xi, xv; payment to Bordera (bordourls), meaaeuger ICDt to hill minatrel, 93; playa at C8l'da with warn the, of the coming of the French the King, 99; sends writinp to th" ambaaladors, 112 ; the heads of Teviot King, lUi, 123,332; Benda lampreys to dale and Merae wamed to campear in do., 123; meBl8llg8r sent on the King's Edinburgh for rule on the, 312; writerrands to, 318, 345; gives a hawk to inga brought to the King from the, the King, 332; payment to, to l'IIdeem 329. hi' Janda of PetrokIda. 3U; Feqy Boronghmair, _bIy of army at the, Graham. 88Ilt to the Southland with, uxvii,l:n:vi. 347.


Bothwell, Mr. Richard, canon of GlaIgow, 391. William, blue tatrety bought from, 889. Hountaa. &e Bontaia. Bow, Alexander, potter in Edinburgh, lxiv; pa.yments to, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 113. Bowden (Bolden), GuilIiam, broudatar, payments to, 78, 81, 110, 183. Bowet maker, payment to a, 326. &wets (bowettill, bouettill, etc.), purcb&lle of, 328; for ahipa, 288, 400, - . 495 ; greater, for do., 298 ; horns and white iron plates for do., 298. Bee abo Lantema. Bowk dennyng of the little bark, raften for the, 4118. Bowkatill. Be! Bnckets. Bows, purchaae of, 3lM; do. for Martin the Spaniard, 121; do. for the King, 855; dichting of steel, 120; BII8BOnmg, etc., of the King's, 273; oxen-, 151', 15115. 8ee alIo Cl'OBBbowI. Bowapleit, onttaking of John LaWlOn's,


Boyle, Archibald (BoUe, Alohe) pay. ment to, for raftel'l, '78, .aI. -Thomu, 1M. Boyrapill of the great ship, a rope for,

Boys, spurailver to, of the chapel, 77 ; payment to the little, who Bing, 181; do., in shipa, '70, '715, '77. Bracelet (bruIat), a, given by the King to the Lady M.illtreIa, 88. Braces (braBell) for cloth aaltkill, mending of, 29. Brady, John, payment to, 3'76. Mr. John, Archdeaa of Lothian,

Bragman, harper, payments to, 98, 112.
Braidrig, lauds of, 860. Braaa (bras), purchaae of, 133, 380, 1510 et purim; for furnillhiog and outing a great canaon, 278; pulleys of, for the King's shipa, 2M; blocks of, for do., 301, 3015., Nichola&, 1M. Braynwood (Brayuwod, Branwod, etc.), TholDU, carter, payments to, 327, :U9. Bee alIo Appendix paaim. . Brazil (breaell) gold for the painter, 90. Bread (bred, braid, etc.), 139, 297, ao., 339; for hol'll8ll, 113, M2; rye, for the poor, 4r2; for victaalling aJaipa, hi, 459 et p!UIitII; billcuit, 470; mayn, '71 et ~; penny, 4117; lOUr, lxi, .ss, GI, '93; wheaten (quheit), .ss et fJ(UIim. Breast (breillt) of gown, ermine for the, 2115, 216; watermaUa for the, 216; Romany budge for the, 148; budga for the, 2M. Brachin (Brachyne), William Pokkert and Sir CriBtierne IeDt to, 31', Arohdean of, tIr. David Pitcairn,

Bowstrings, 827, 3M. BowtiL Bee Bolta. Bowyer (bowar, bower), payments to John Mayne, 121, 273. Box, a, won by the King at carda, 325. Boy, payment to the, who keeP. the quinta eaaencia, 77; do. to Mawnis', 1~, do. to a poor, 180; do. to Barooe, a hOUlle-, 317 ; do. for bringing 1ettera to the KiDg, 338; do. to lIuagrave'B, 2MB; do., to a ranDer-, 373; Baron the French, G, 50, 153, 61, 82, 86; 8BDt with the King's writiDgs to Edinburgh, 101, 102; board for a boy called Tarabnll, 4M; ahoee and boots for an Irish, 406; a _ t for do., 39/S. ao; clothing for a gunner-, 432. Billhop of, 10, 1152, 170. Boyd, Adam, payments to, 92, Ill, ChanoeJlor of, Mr. TholDU Mel 112. drum,385




Brechin, Precentor of, Mr. William 14, 477, 532; paymente to the, 68, Meldrum, 395. 79; payment to the old, 313; of - - charters dated at, xxii. Fiandol'll, drinkaih-er to a, 342Breddil of paper, bintbng of a psalter in, BroudBtara (brodstariB, broudstaria), 317. payments to, 347, 439, 442. 8" tWo Breech81 (brekis), ham_, of Milan' Bowden, Ouilliam ; Jolmaton, Robert ; fustian, 21. Nannik; Paul, John; Rowmund; - - sea (88Y brekis), of scarlet cloth, Rumboit; Silver, Ninian; Stanelee, 192. ' Robert. Breaell gold. 8ee Brazil gold. Broun. &e Brown. Brethir, payment to the little boys who Brounfeild, - - , payment to his wife, sing called, 181. xxviii, 340. Brev8I, auize summoned for the serving - - Stevin, payment to, 343. of, 406. - - William, aervitor to the King, pay. BlI8whouae of Linlithgow Palace" ment to, when he past in the army, materials for building the, 379. 416. - - Peter, copper pulleys sent from Bl'O\lUhill (Brounhile) Sir Andrew, chap. Denmark by, 284. 1 lain, xxvi; m8I88Dger seot to Glasgow Bride (brid) of Leith, payment to a, for, 3'Z1; paymente to, 328, 349; a who would have ki888d the Kin~, xxv, I gown for, 328. 3U. : . - William, shippillgof various articles Bridle bite, 04, 112, 122, 415. I by, lxxiii, 284, 300-303, 305, 306; con Bridl8l, 94, 138, 233, 307, 402, 403'1 voys La Motte and Mr. James Ogilvy. 4Jf1, 412, 415; watering. 94; black, I 297; payment by, 304; silverplate 296; red, 243. , bought from, 328; payment to the Bridleailver, 73, 74, 82, 86, 87, 94,96,; maidens anci servitors in his house, 102, 104, 106, 108, 109, 113, 114, 117,' 330 I goeB to 881 in Tlte MfJrgGret, 372; 118, 119, 120, 123, 124, 126, 127. materials for. and victualling of his 135, 309, 322, 33.'1,338,352,303, 401i. ship, xlv, 486, 499; lawborrowis of his Brigland, landa of, 8. mariners, 631. Brigtoun, lands of, 386. Brow, payment to a man who broke his, lJrimBtone (brunatane) for gunpowder, in the great ship, 338279. Brown (Broun), - - , apothecary in St. Brisbane, Donald, escheat of, 9. Al.1drews, payments to, 95,317. John, composition by, 9. - - - - the old priest who singa (or Britane cloth. 8" Cloth, Bertane. the King in Stirling, payments to, Brodikina (brodikinnis, brodikynnla, 175, 182, 184, 1110; a russet gown for, etc.), 206,244,418, 419. 178. Brodatar. 8" Broudatar. Andrew, a horse bought from, 84. Brodywerli:. 8" Embroidery. - - Christina, composition by, 8. Broggis of steel for battle aX8I, 12'3. - - Mr. ])avid, rector of Fettereaso. BroiL 8u Bruce. 362, 394. Brokskin. Be. Badger akin. _.- George, payment to, 483. Broudatar (brou8t.air, bruaair, brod - - John, 8. star), materials delivered to the, - - - - iron bought from, 46


Brown, John, yellow.tin bought from,


- - - - burgees of Ayr, payments to, 290, 292, 319. - - - - of AnIItruther, payment to, for deale, 483. - - (Braune) John, maater Besher, pay. ments to his servants, 492, 494. - - Jooet, spoWle of Francia Borthwick, 385. - - Thomaa, aaddler, payment to, 531. - - William, drinkBilver to maaonB for building a stair at his hoWIe, 325. - - - - of Enderkeithin, hemp bought from, 473. Bruce (Bl"I1IIB), Agnea, spouse of James Cunningham, 188. - - (Bruse, Bruise), Arthur, merchant, payments to, 197, 318, 325. (Brua), .John, the boy who ket the gait, payment to, 75. - - (Brois), John, white Bey bought from, 369. - - (Brus, Bruys), Mr. John, payment to, 437 ; do. when lying sick in Stirling,78. Brup, Mr. Jamea M'Keatoun of, 3U. - - (Birge, Burge, Bruge) .tin. 8u Satin. - - SPODge, purchase of a, 129. - - thread, 18, 389, 477; black, 125; red, 40; white, 39, 40; small, 33. Bruntstane. 8u Brimstone. Bruaair. &e Broudstar. Brux, John Forbes de, 389. Brytonar, John PaYBBODe, 177. Buchan, lands of, 157. - - - - servitor to Mistre8B Margaret Stewart, the King'. daughter, payment to, 417. - - (Buquhan) John Stewart, Earl of, clothing for hiB daughter MiBtreBB Agnea Stewart, 80; payment to hiB daughter, 74; do. to his sister, 85. Buchanan (Buquhannan), the laird of, a

hound BIlDt by, 78; pike brought to the King by the fishers of, 117. Buck (buk), measenjlBr sent to Stirling for a, 71, 72; a, taken to the Queen in Edinburgh, 9:1, 132; payment to Walter Wood's wifo for a, to the Queen, 339. Bucks (bukkiB), man BIlDt to Falkland to llay, 71. Buckets (hawkatis, bnkkatiB); 4154, 480, 482, 471, 490, 492, 4915, 498, 528. Buckler (buklar) of black leather, covering of a, 121; purchase of a, for the ~ing, 121. - - maker, Simon Glasford, 121. Bucklea (bukkilles, buklis), 94,119, 121, 415; for sboes, 32; fOl: targets, U9; double, 119; girth, 122; for harneBB, 196,436. Buckram (bukrame), 30, 208, 2U, 212, 214, 219,228, 2'n, 231, 423, m, 521 ; black, 388, 531 ; blue, 125; red, 531; canvas, for the maiB claitht of the Queen's ship, 297. Budge (buge, bugis, buche, bughe), 51, 229; for lining gowns, 16, 19, 52, 194, 197, 198, 199, 244, 247-257, 261, 420, 421, 430; for lining coats, 15, 18, 197. 421; for the collar of a gown, 18; for a hogton, 421 ; Flanders, 19; Orkney, 202, 255; Romany, 18, 194, 197, 198, 199, 'JJ11, 248, 249, 253; black do., 533; Spanish, 420, 421; black, 251; white, 53. Bugeat, a belt for a, 129. Bulgettes, for carrying the silver v_I in, 329. Bulliea, John Muirhead de, 148. Buntine, Archibald, 388. Burdouns, red, made of maats, 121. Burs-- of Aberdeen, 291, 388. of Ayr, 319. of Dundee, 157, 292. - - of Dysart, 308, 387. of Edinburgh, 184, 208, 212, 287, 292, 334, 354, 368, :rn, 446.


Byknives (byknyftla), purchase of, 117_ Bymane (Bymann), James, labourer a1. the ships, payment to, 285; drinksilver to, 339. Byng heidis of the bark of Abayfeild. ra.ftera for the, 496. Bynnyng. 8~ Binning.
CABB01I:IS, 489, 492, 494. Cabers for building, 379. Cable stock, Lindsay, tailor, hurts his leg with the, 3:M); carriage to the great ship of the, 333; bare, 481; a new. for the bark of Abayfeild .. 496. Cables, ship, 47, 287 ; of Iyne yarn, 304 ; carriage from Glasgow of, 405, 476. S~ also Appendix L palrim. Cabrauch, lands of, 7. Cach (caich, ketch), xliv; payment to mariners in the, 457, 4.59; do. in the English, 461, 475, 478. Cachia, unJading great guns from the English, 454. Caddas (caddes), 21, 90, 192, 194, 407- - ~dle, from Flanders, 298. (Adder, smith, payment to, 1S26. Cadiou, Doctor, payments to, 94,102, 106. Caft'unzeis(catfunzeonis),99,I00,214,2.14. Caich, the, balls for playing at, 111, 132 ; the King's expenses at, 111, 132, 133. Cair, lands of, 387. - - Ilalldles, 514. Cairnies (Keirnis), lands of, 153. Caithness (Cathnes), remission to the inhabitants of, 150 ; inbringing of reeta of compositions of, 311; do. of the COD. tribution of, 380. - - Bishop of, and Lord T.-surer [Andrew Stewart], ii, xxxii, 143, 173, 359, 394, 397-3911, 401, 403, 404, 418, 42'2', 423, 439, 440, 445: indenture of contract between John Lockhart, mason, and, 372; a ooat bought by, 421; new salmon barrels for holding ale sent to, 486.

Burgeaes of Elgin, 4. of Haddington, 388. - - of Linlithgow, 402. Burghs (borowis), letters sent to, for the wappinsohaws, 402; do. anent the pestilence, ~. Burial pig, a, lxxxiii, 632. Burleigh (Burly), the laird of, the King playa a~' the caich with, 111. Burn, Thomas (Burne, Thome), aaddler, payment to, 308. Burneledaris of Edinburgh, lxxviii; payment to the, 519. Burnett, Dr. George, xii. Burnok (Birnok), lands of, 170,390. Bumschelis, lands of, 3. Burse (purse), money delivered for the, 371. Buschard (Buschart), Martin, can'er, clothing for, 261 ; payments to, 272, 397,440; payment to his servitor, 272. Bute, messengers sent to, 73, 77, 416 ; Mr. Robert Abernethy, rector of, 163; Huchone Cowper, mason in, 346. - - Sheriff of, payment by the, 384.. - - John, clothing for, 49, 60, 61, 67, 62, 63, 65, 66, 263, 430, 432, 436; shoes for, 82, 100, 116, 404, 405, 408, 410, 419; boots for, 116, 401, 405, 410,419; brodikins and pantons for, 419; blankets for, 85; payments to, M, 103; do. to his brother, 380; horsehire to Linlithgow for, 371; expenses of, in Stirling, for the pestilence, 402, 407; his man Spark, 67, 63, 264, 407. Butter (butar, butir) brought to the King, 77 ; sent to the Queen, 133; for victualling ships, lxii, 467 eJ paarim ; Orkney, 611, 515. Buttone, Robert, caterer, payment to, 337. Butts, the King's expenses at the, 310, 314, 315, 317, 323, 341, 342,344, 346, 347,350,361, 365,366; do. at ShOOI'j ing at the short and the long, 3'r1.

Caithneas, chancellary of, 364. - - preoentorship of, 365. Cakes of glass to quinta easencia, 91. Calaber for lining gowns, 425, 426. Calco. S~ Kelso. Calder wod, Caldourwod. See Cawdor, wood of. Caldron (caldrone), a,for melting tar, 304. Caldrons (caldrownis) for quinta essen em, 83, 96. Caldstreme. &e Coldstream. Caldwell, Sir Adam Mure of, 9. - - apothecary in Stirling, payments to, 78,84,92, 99, 104; coals for, 78, 84; clothes for, 90. - - payment to a poor woman called, 130. Calfatar, a, complains of his wages, 75. Calfatars (calfetouris), payment to, of the ship Margaret, 132; payments to, and victuals, etc., for, Bee Appendix I.


Calicut (Ca1zecut), marmoset of, lxxxiii,

Calk. S~ Chalk. Callendar (Calendar), Robert, Constable of Stirling, xlviii, xlix, 1; clothing for, 257; contract made with Kelse, slater, by, 279; payments to, 280282, 396, 444. - - Lady, clothing for, 220-222. - - (Callandar), Master, clothing, etc., for, 247. Callonch, lands of, I1i3. Callowrek Campbell, lands of, 145. Cambusbaroun, the King's offering in, 43; glass for the chapel of, 282. Cambuskenneth, xxiv, xl; alms in, 43; payment to Sir Thomas Marshall who sings in, 69; payments to the smith of, lxxvii, 77, SO, 86, 90, 107, Ill, 133; payment to the jester of, 107; payments to boatmen at, HI, 116, 311, 312; do. to the ferryman at, 103, 132; the King's marble lair in, xx, 132;

trental masses said in, 176; payment to the chaplain of, who sings for the King, 269; drink-silver to masons in, 311i; payment to Sir John Inglis who sings in, 443. Cambuskenneth, Abbot of, 360; pay ments to, 73, 77, 88; gives horses to the King, 74, 82 ; sends a fresh sturgeon to the King, 124. Cambusnethan, in Clydesdale, timber got from the wood of, 405. Cameron (Cameroun, Camron), David, officiar and messenger, payments to, 351, 402, 405. - - Gilbert (Gibbe), horse-seller, pay. mcnts to, for horses to the King, 13, 18, 338, olIO, 412. - - Thomas, servitor to Lord Sinclair, payment to, 310. - - - - workman in the powder. mill, payments tQ, 520. Camlet (chamlot), 49, 52, 55, 58, 60, 61, 250. - - for coats, 18, [26, 53, 238, 240, 265 ; for riding- do., 194, 204. - - for doublets, 50, 66, 250, 256, 258, 266,325. - - for gowns, 16, 18, 26, 52, 54, 57, 194, 198, 201, 222, 2-26, 230, 231, 235, 241, 247, 251, 253-257, 259-261, 265, 420, 431, 43'2, 434. - - for hogtouns, 250, 21i3. - - for a hood, 57. - - for kirtles, 60, 2-23, 227, 432-434. - - black, 201,235, 247, 253, 256,260, 265,420. - - brown, 2-23, 227, 238. - - gray, 194, 222. - - red, 57, 434. - - tan, 194, 198, 204, 226, 231, 240, 241, 251, 253-200, 257, 261, 265, 431433; fine do., 31, 253. Cammes. See Canvas. Camnethan, Sir John Somerville de, 166.


cup of fere" given to the ambuaadora of England, 348, 533; atooJdiah received from a Frenchman of, 492, 494. Campvere, the Bailie of, saddles and .. horae for, 73; the Merohanestoun stoup and the old plain gilt cup given to, 77 ; clothing, etc., for his son, 245, 2t6, 369 ; board and expenaea in Linlithp of do., 315, 400, 402; shoes and bootAI for do., (04, 410. 419. Candida Caaa. 8u Whithorn. Candle (candill), King's ofrerings in lUI, :18. 183, 437; money to put in the, a christening, 104, 109, 185, 188. - - 99, no, 276, 280, 281, 284,332, uad Appendix 1HI"im.. Caudlemaker, Donald (DoWDy), 398, 478Candlemas, 22, 116. --Day, King's olfering on, 38, J83,4J1. Candlesticks (candilatekis), payment for making two silver, 34; of the Kiog" burd, mending of, 137. Cannon, caating of a great, called the Necar, in Edinburgh Castle, 278; ID ox run over by a, 519. - - wheela, 522. Cannons, iron gun atanes for, 302; iron pellok. for, 303; drawn by men to the Nether Bow, 515; paym"nt for watching the, 5U;; drawn by oxen, 1515, 516; drawn to Glasgow by horaee, 527. S,e aiM) Guns. Canon (chanone) of Holyroodhouse, pay. ment to a, 357. S~ GUo RichardBOD, Robert. Canongate, the, payments to the daft QUeeJl of, called the Queen of May, SO, 95, 398; payment to St. Nichol8l, BiBhop of, 87; do. to a poor man of, 374 ; do. to the Curate of, 406; do. to a carter of, 519. Cans (kannis, canys, caDDia), drinking, for the Bhip Margaret, 298; of ale drunk for the King's honour, 326; for John Barton's bark, 497.

Campbell, remiBBions to persons of the Dame of, 391. - - clothing for, 49, 59, 63, M, 90; payment to, 91. - - - - lackey, hose for, 262. - - - - Queen', henchman, payment to, when sick, lfI2. - - - - footman to the King, payment to, (03. - - Andrew, 145. - - Colin, clothing for, 65; payments to, 78, 81. Colin, de EllaDegrig, 169. Dougal (Dowgall), payments to, 296, 297 ; the King's letters carried to, 322. - - Duncan, composition by, 7. - - Sir Duncan, composition by, 7; lends venison to the King, 71 ; shoots at the schell with the King, 119; lends spars to St. Johnston, 479. - - Elizabeth, spouse of John, Lord Oliphant, 387. - - George, de Cesnok, 166, 391. - - - - younger, of Cesnok, pension of, 69. - - gardener in Stirling, payment to, 101. - - Hugh, de Loudoun, 149. - - John, de Nether Lowdane, 145. - - - - de Skeldoun, 149. - - - - ahip-lantern maker. clothing for, 261, 349. - - Mr. John, payment to, 413. - - Mariota, 170. - - Matthew, payments to, 88, 104, 269,329,409,410,414, 441; payment by. 311; clothing for, 253. - - Patrick (Paty), payment to, 483. - - Robert, de Schankstoun, 151t. Campvere (the Weir, the Feir; Fere, Were), freight of various articles from, lxxii, 301, 303, 305, 334; furnishing and provisioning of Ba.lza.rd's hark when she lay in the, 304; the cup called .. the




Cant, - - , a gown for a maiden called, Carkill, Agnes, payment to a bard wife 433oalled, 402. - - Nichol, of the wardrobe, payment CarliaIe (Carlile), carriage of sturgeon anll pellok fish from F.dinburgh to, 343. to, 378. Canterland, lands of, 11. - - Herald, xxvi. Canvas (cammes), 65; for lining, 204, Carlyle (Carlile), Lord, 1M. 214, 297, 298, 532; to 0. harness - - Robert, 171; composition by, 5. doublet, 14; to harness hose, 14; to Carmichael (Carmiohele), George, livery for, 255. a steikit coat, 16 ; for carrying articles in, 24, 209; for doublets, - - William, 156, 157, 392; black velvet bought from, 366. 50, 58, 59, 61; for mending clothes, 82; to lay before the King's bed, 112; Carnbee, the laird of, BUJDmoned for the non-entry of Grantoun and St&nehous, for shooting guns at, 113; great, for 109. ships, 288; for aaila, 305; for a cuI verincaae, 317; for mending arras - - Over, lands of, 387. cloths, 318, 322, 339; for play-coats, Carnewaill. . Bee Carvanell. 321 ; for a hogtoun, 435; to A patrone Carnwath, lands of, 6, 146. for the King's coat armour, 528; to Carpentar, Mr. John, payment to, 94. oover the heads of pipes and puncheona, Carpet (liar), damask for the King's, 15; translating of do., 15; mending 487, 491, 493; for a pavilion, 521. of the Queen's, 29. - - buckram, for the mais olaitht of the Carpets (Iyarria), carriage to Stirling of Queen's ship, 29'1. the, 408. Capes, oloth to lay between oft'rez of, 40; carriage of, 40; of Scots black Carral. Bu Crail. cloth for the Blaokfriars, 62; for the Carrick (Carrik), payment to a priest of, who had his silver taken from him, King's ohapel, hanks of gold and 94. sewing silk for, 3M. Capons brought to the King, 95, HB, - - wife of Alexander Anderson, alia6, 291. 329, 340, 405, 408; for the Bishop of Moray, 474. - - pursuivant, silver-plate given to, at Caprington, Adam Cunningham of, 8, his creation, 343; sent with the King's letters to. the King of Denmark, 343. 147. Caps (cappis), acarlet, 202; double Carriokfergus, town of, attacked by nekkit do., 435. Arran,lvii Cardmaker, payment to Thomas Carron (Caroun), boat-hire to the ship Williamson,32i. from the water of, lvi, 355. Cards (cartis), the King's expenBe8 at, Carrothers, Margaret, 170. 7], 75, 78-83, 85-99, 101-103, 107, Carshills, lands of, 170, 390. lOS, 136,316-318, 326, 3'rl, 401,402; Carsley, lands of,S. a lit-de-camp, Holland cloth, a box, Caralogie (Kerslogy, Caslogy), the laird and certain merchandise won by the of,. sends an ox to the King, 124; John King at, 325. Clephane de, 151. Cargill, Walter, of Kinloch, composition CaraIow, John, governor of Norham, by, 7. . report of on the Soottish navy, xlv. Carkettill, John. Bee Kerkettill, John. Carter (Cartar), James, panetar to the


Castellan, in the barony of .Inverkeithing, lands of, 531. Casting of guns, 105, lOS, 109, 128, 127, 133, 134; of gun pelloks, 109; of spears, 122; of a great cannon, 278. Castle, the. See Edinburgh, Castle of. Castlehill, Andrew Moncur of the, 120. Castleton, lands of, 152. Castokis for mending the King's hawk feathers, 79. Cathcart, John, Lord, 166. Catis, Sir James. See Cotes, Sir James. Caus, Robin (Robeyn), payment to, 483. Cayers, lands of, 11; James Douglas of, 167. Cavillokis.. &e Gavelocks. Cawdor (Calder), James Sandilands of, 151. - - , wood of (Cawdar, Caldor, Calderwoo, CaldourwOO), Robert Hawik sent to fell timber in the, 330; cartage of timber and planks to the New Havin from the, 349, 473; payment t3 sawyers in the, 473. Cawpanis, John de, a horse, saddles, and money given to hid priest, 74Caytour, money delivered to Robert Moncur, 447. Cellar (sellar), copper laid in the, 302; maiD of the, 302; red wine from the, in Leith, 493; do. of the King's, 400. - - door, the Prince's, bands, crukis, nails, and a lock for, 524. Cellars (sellaris), payment for carrying ale and victuals to and from the, 483; for housing ale, expenses of, 487,491. Cena Domini, the King's and Queen's distributions in, 185, 532. Cens. See Incense. Censers (censaris) brought to the King,
94. .

Queen, clothing for, 49, 56, 266; a lock delivered to, 525. Carters, payments to, 72, 278, 330, 350, and Appendix pa88im; do. to the Flemish, 284, 285. See alBa Brayn. wood, Thomas; Cunninghame, John; Dokkane, Andrew; Logan, Walter; Logan, William; Ochiltree, Thomas; West, Thomas. Carts, hire of, 140, 302, 308, :rn, 350, 406, 451 et pa88im; ClO118, 493 ; materials for the, 459, 508, 509, 510, 512, 513, 514, 515; delivered to Robeyne of Borthik, 519; payment to workmen at the furth putting of, 519. Carvanell (Carnewaill), Mr., English priest, payments to, 67, 353. Carvell nails, 478, 485. Carver (Kerwour, Carvour), Andrew, payments to, 451, 513, 520. - - James, payments to, 275, 513, 520, 523, 525; conditioned to take his wages by the month, 275; sylour nails delivered to, 524. - - Patrick (Pate), payments to, 299, 451. - - ~ of Edinburgh, payment to, 528. Carvers. See Buschard, Martin; Wright, Andrew. Carving knives (kerving knyftis), great standing, 17; gilting of, 17; great, for tbe Queen, 29; for the Prince, 33. Caryar, payment to a, for playing before the King, 103. Case (cais, kace) of silver-plate called Merchanestoun, 128; for culverills, 129,317. Cases (casis) of basand skins for keeping the banner and standards, 521. Caslaw, Alexander, trumpeter, clothing for, 56, 57. Cassillis, DaviJ, Earl of, Dawson of the stables sent on the King's errands to, 341.

Cervi ling to the King's harness, crimson satin for, 21. Cesford, Walter Ker de, 8. Ceaanock (Cesnok), George Campbell of,

69, 166, 391 ; a crane and a swan sent to the King by the laird of, 115.


Chaffrone, ehaffronis, cb&ilfer. See Chaperon, chaperons. Chain (chenze), the King's great, made new, 21 ; for a dog, 80 j payment for a, which the King gave away, 92 j a small gold linked, given by the King AS a New-Year's gift to the Queen, 323; links of the great, delivered for the mint, 532Chains (cb&nys) of white iron for the close carts and pavilions, 515. Cb&ip, gilt, of a Turkish ba.slar, 25 j of the sword of honour, gilting of the, 122. Chaiplets, painted rounds with, for the Queen's oratory, 375. Chair, mending of a,29. - - of State, the Queen's, scarlet cloth for covering, 31 ; payment for mending a foot of, 32. Cb&lice (challice) of silver, of the chapel in the New Havin, outquitting of a, 174; a tin, 358. Chalk (calk), 90, Ill, 113. Chalmer (Chaumer, Cb&wmer), Alexander, painter to the King's ships, Iv j payments to, 295, 296, 376, 399, 406, 4011,478. - - John, Alderman of Ayr, 159. - - ThomAS (Thome), skipper, payment to, 355; victualling of his bark, xliv,

- - William, de Drumlouchy, composition by, 9. Chamber, the great, of Falkland, cuppilling and gesting of, 283; the over lardner in Linlithgow Pa.l&ce made into., 523. - - the King's, beds for, 202 j ushers of, 251, 252; grooms of, 258 j payments in, 314-316; William Daly, yeoman of,429. - - the Prince's, mending of clothes in,

82 j payment to rockers in, 83; hire of beds for, 403; gowns for women in, 428 j clothing for Crag, groom in, 431. Chamber, the Queen's, sheets of Bertane cloth for, 29; ba.nds for a round burd in, 378; rings given to the ladies of, 401 ; clothing for servants in, 430. - - the Treasurer's, arrAS cloths to hang in, 198. Chamberlain (Chamerlane, etc.) of Moray, 44; paymen~ to two men of Moray to make their letters supersede the, 318. - - Ayl'6lll. Bee AYI'6III. - - Depute, Sir Adam Crichton, 320. - - the Lord, larchmont herald goes on the King's errand, to Lord Dacrc with, 326 ; writings t() the King from, 329; letters of England brought to the King from, 329; letters from Lord Dacre to, 343 ; plays at cards with the King, 402. Chambers in Stirling, rushes for the, 83, 133; materials for the heads of windowlI in, 526; thatching of, 526; of the great ship, door-nails for, 458; in Holyroodhouse, pointing of, 528, 529. Chamlot. Bee Camlet. Cha.ncellor John, de Quodquen, escheat of,9. Chancery (Cb&ncellary), clerks of, payments to the, 140, 447, 531; drinksilver to the, 343. ChandelleI'll (chandeleris, chandleris) for the ship MaTflaret, 298; carriage of the, 339. Change, letters of, '/:1. Cb&none. 8ee Canon. Chapeau (schapioun), a, for the King, 205. Chapel, silver candlesticks for the, M; carriage of furnishings (pi th, gear) of the, 71, 321, 322, 347, 373, 379, 4074011, 412, 414, 528 j apursilver to the . boys and bairns of the, 77, 175; a


Ch_ (oheis) brought to the King. 77 j for viotualling ships, lxii, 489 et

gown for a IIervant of the, 107; materials for painting the, 113 ; a little apple made for the, 123; offerings in the, 177, 179, 184, 186; a maaa-book bought for the, 322; Mr. William Barclay's IIervice anent the privi~ege of the, 441. Su also under the respective places of chapels. Chapel, the King's, capes for, 354 ; binding of the great porteous of, 379; altar towels for, 439; Alexander Ramsay, servant in the, 408, 409. Chaperon (schaffrone, ohaffrone, schaiffer, chaiffer) to a hood, crimson satin for a. 219, 221, 230 j of gold, 213. Chaperons (chaifronis, aohaiffronis) for MistreBB Musgrave, 231; of crimson satin for the Queen, 210 j hanks of gold for, 221. Chaplains, payments to, of the mint (conze), 140 j for singing trental maaaes, 175 j of Dunblane, 268 j of Cam buskenneth, 269; mariners' fees delivered by James Makesone's, 293. See also Brounhill, Sir Andrew j Gorthy, Sir James j Inglis, Sir James j Makeson, Sir Alexander j Marshall, Sir Thomas j Sharp, Sir John; Thomson, Sir Robert. Charcoal (chercall, etc.), 270, 27., 278, 508 et paBlim. Charger, a white silver, 532. Chargers for the culvering moyaine, 510 j men Bent with Robin Borthwik to bear his, 519. Chargers, gilt, 532. Chariot (chergot), the Queen's. scarlet oloth for covering, ~ j ribbons for bordering, ~; bome by thirty men,

Chema of the great mast, chiBels for diohting the great, 452. Chei88ellis. Su Chillels. Chekker. 8u Exohequer. Chene, Alexander. de eadem, 1.9. Chepman. Walter, payment to, 45; Eatland boards bought from, 45_ Cherries (cheryis, chereis) brought to the King, 132-137, 353, 357 j sent to the Queen, 132, 133 j payment to the gardener of Linlithgow for, 139. Ch_ble, oh_bis. Su Chasuble, chasubles. Cheaaillia, black buckram for lining, 368. Cheaais. Su J - . Ch6880holme, Chesholme. Su Chisholm. Cheat (kist), an iron, for quinta eeaenoia, 90; of oaddaa candill, 298. Chesta (kistia) of sugar, 334. Childer, drinkailver to, .7,296.338 j of the chapel, payment to, 68 j payment to, for keeping the King's ships, "" j clothing for, in the King's stable, 61 j do. for the Dutch skipper's, 296 j do. for Mawnia', 431. ChiBels (oheiaaellia), purchase of, 452Chisholm (Cheaholme), George, de eadem,

- - (Cheaaoholme, Chesholme), Mr. John, 345 j paymenta to. 179. 268, .15, 441, 443, 444, 531; clothing for, 250. - - Jonet, SpoU8e of Sir Al_der Napier, 168. - - William, payment by. 13. Wyland, 386. Choir (quere) in Stirling, drinkailver to .71. the masons of the, 84. Chasuble (ch_ble), a, with orphreys, Choir-boys (barnia of the queir. laddie of 358. the queir), apurailver to, of Stirling, Chasubles (oheaebis), oloth for laying SO, 85, 96; of Corstorphine, 119 j of between the offrez of, 40. Kirk of Field, 179. Chaumer, Chawmer. Su Chalmer.



ChriBtening, money pat in the candle at Cliddisdale. 8" ClydeBdaie. Cloak (cloik, cloke) of gray cloth, 19; of a, 1M, 109. BC&rlet, 197, 205; of gray sandre, 200; Cinnabar (synaper) for the painter, 87. of Rowane greiss, 202; of braid green, Cipir for the King'B coat armour, 438. 203; of bl&ck, 231; of Rowane tan, Clackmannan (Clakmannil), the laird oi, 251 ; of Lymeltir bl&ck, 423; a tippet pnlllent. pearl to the King, 313. to the collar of the King's, 16; of the Clans of Annandale and Nithsda.le Bum moned for good rule, SO. Spanish fashion, 197; damask for Clarenceux King of Arms, xxvi. lining a, 42S. Clarsoha, payment to Pate Harper, 76 ; Clock (orlage) sent by the French do. to the Irish, 112. ambassador to the King, 324. (,"'IaBpB (gl&spes) of Bilver, gilt, for the Olo/Gr& (Cloffa8, Cloft'erl), the ship. xlii, King'B evangelist hook, 41; for a liv; purchaBe of, 289, 306; John bamet, 121; of gold, for the King's Morison, skipper, goes to Denmark in, piBBane, 137; of iron, for windOWl, 289, 306; at the New Havyne, 309; 279; great, 523. William Duncan gOeB to the Northland Clatt, rector of, 363. in. 456; Robert Bell goes to Dingwall Clay, 284; for making the ship's hearth, to bring home, 468; her best anchor 468; delivered to the baxtarl for d"livered to William Duncan, 478. making an oven in the great ship, 488. Cloechc1ais, lands of, 9. Clay ba.rgeB. Ike Barges. CIOBe (clois), expenses of bearing mfterl Cleg, Muter, Englishman, nsher to the from the, 478. Queen, velvet given to, 59; pension ClOBet, the King's, English green cloth paid to, 67. for covering the altar in, 20; a tub Cleish (Cleillch, Clesche), the Squire of, for, 77; Sir Jamel Inglis, clerk of, payment. to, 69, 78, 108, 269, 376, 268; payment to the King in, 419. 416; clothing for, 55, 259, 438. ClOBet. in Linlithgow Palace, payment --lands of, 8. to workmen for cleansing the, 525. - - Welter, 156. Cloth. Bertane or Brit&ne, 20, 21, 29, 33, Clephane (Clapane), John, de Caslogy, 50, 198, 209, 211. 220, 221, 224, 225, 151. 231,236,238-241,243, 279, 298, 367Clerk, Alexander, Writer to the Signet, 369.420,421,424,427,439. payment to, 358. - - black, 17-20, 25, 50, 53,54,61.64- - George, great tows bought from, 457. 66, 198, 199, 205, 218, 221, 224, 226, - - Robert, payment to, 290. 230-233,236,240, 245,261, 387, 420, - - Thomas, payment. to, 68, 268, 441. 421, 429, 431-435. Clerks: of Denmark, 72; Mr. Wi1sech, - - black gray, 32, 59, 64, 195, 202, the English, 120; of the regiBter, 140, 208, 211. 212, 214, 219, 220, 231. 381,447, 448, 531; of the honsehold, - - blue, 477. 140, 447, 531 ; of the chancellary, 140, - - brown, 214, 247, 251, 214, 257, 258. 343, 447, 531; of the trelUlury, 140, - - brown greise, 257, 433. 444,447,531; the parish.clerk of Edin- - - crimson (cramelY), 232. burgh. 181; of the King'B clOBet, Sir English brown, 63, 232. Jamel IngliB, 268; Mr. Jamel Henri- - - English green, 20 24. son, justice-clerk, 319. - - English red, 62, 263.



Cloth, English lIC&l'let, 4~1. I' 251, 252, ~ 250, 257. _ ~. - - French gray, 19, 25, 208,260, :Mr1, 434,. 431. Cloth, Rowaoe gray, 200. - - French, of the new milk and water, I - - Rowane greis, 1M, 202, 220, 2li1. 2-15. 2M, 255, 261,328. - - French russet, 421, 422, 427-429, - - Rowane rn_t, 193, 229, 230. ~.




; 246,24~254,~

- - French tan, 25, 49, 51, 52, M, 59, 61-83. 66, 243, 266, 428, tiS. 431 ; sad do., 25. - - French yellow, 263. - - galloa white, 219. - - of gold, 14,00,22-24,27,31,36,38, 63, 65, 129, 198, 213, 217, 308, 319, 532. - - gray, 19,234,241,368. - - gray sandre, 192, 199,200, 244,255. green, 203, 236, 477. - - greis, 252. - - Holland, 14, 15, 17, 21,33, 50,58, 62, 193, 198, 199, 204, 208, 209, 211, 212, 213, 220, 222, 221, 225, 231, 3'25, 420,434. - - Keltir, 61. - - Kentdale (Kendilly, Kendille), 21, 50, 61, 63, 65, 66, 192, 203, 206, 235, 298. - - linen, 59, M. 65, 233, 243, 263, 428, 429, 511. See aho Linen. - - Lymestir black, 423. - - March black, 51. - - Paria black, 13, 24, 30, 31, 60, 212, 222, 226, 229, 249, 253, 422, 423. - - Paris scarlet, 218.

I - - Rowane tan, 232-240, 246, 251.255,

257-259, 261, 264, 266, 325, 436, 531. - - russet, 59, 178, 262, 264, _ . 3i03i1, ~,431, 43t-436. - - lK'arlet, 14, 18, 23, 25, 31, 33, N. 192, 193, 195-197, 199, 201-203, 206. 2106,218,219,224-226. 229, 230, 2i8250,318, 3iO, 420.421,424, 435. - - Scots black, 15, 49,50, $-59, 6163, 65, 205, 208, 229, 245, 428, 434,. Soots gray, 264. - - Soots I1III8et, 19, 20,56, 57, 59,62, 242,262,431.433, 435. - - Soots tan, 57. - - Soots tan grauae, 194. - - BJD&lI, 436. - - tan, 49,61,236-239,241, 242, 247, 256, 259, 261, 262, 266. - - tan graut (grauce, grauciB), 250, 253, 433.. - - white, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 25, 40, 58, 59, 61-33, 72, 84, 128, 136, 195, 208, 211, 214, 219, 220, 223, 225, 243, 245,264,368-370, 412, ~. 428. 431, 433. - - white Rowane gray, 202. - - yellow, 62, 64, 65, 200, 262, 388,

- - Pleaance, 64.


purple (pourpour), 477. for the altar, 39; to lay between - - red, 196, 199, 220, 245, 260,- 262, oftrez of capes and chaaublea, 40; 428,434, 477. acherirut: of, 335,418,422. - - RiSllillis, 24. - - aakkis, 29. - - RiBBillis black, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, Clothes, alma-. for bedesmen and bedes. 28,51-53, b6--58, 60, 90, 210, 214, 2'21, women, 40, 185; payment to Matthew 225, 227, 228, 232, 249, 250, 252, 2.33, Campbell in cootentatioUD for his, 88; 256,257, 259,262, 265,422,433, 434, Campbell and mantand Adam go to 528. Edinburgh for their. 90; for Caldwell - - Rissillis brown. 31, 60, 65, 224,232, the apothecary, 90; bought by DoDald

of the Isles, 137 ; for a poor lad of the kitchen, 188; for the keeper of the customs of Leith, 358; for Campbell the King's footman, 403; for Mr. Laurence TaiIzefer, 4Oi; for 8ymond and David, falconers, 407; for the King's aervants, 42'l; washing of, 263, 356; payment for sewing the King's, 404. " Clothing (clething), carriage of the nurse's, 356. Cloths, arras. See Arras. --kirk,40. "-- Lenten, 40. Clugstoun, lands of, 148. Clydesdale (Ciiddisdale), timber from the wood of Cambnanethan in, 406; mes &eDger aent with the King's letters for the furnishing of the ships to, lviii, 413. Coa.l8 (colis, coil, etc.), m68BeDger aent to Dyll&l"t for, 71, 72; the King of Den mark's ship laden with, 72; for Calrl well and quinta _ncla, 78, 92, 99, 104; tor ships, 82, 114, and Appendix I. paI8im; for Gi11eam, organist, 276, 523; for marinera and workmen, 280, 281; for Master John, gunner, 2M; for the pitchhouae, 408, 471. -sea, 511. smithy (amyddy), 72, 278, 462, 510, 513,514Coat armour (cotsrmour, coit armour, etc.), the King's,lions of crimson satin, ailk, and cipir for, 436; hanks of gold for, 436, 521 ; a patrone of small canvas for, 528. Coats, braid bordorit of yellow and blue biley, 260. - - dancing, 104; of red and yellow Birge satin, 64. - - frieze, a, 50. - - great, of black velvet with an Almane collar, 194. ' - - half, of velvet and crimBOD satin,


13; of velvet and cloth of gold, 14; of white and black cloth, 17; of velvet, 23; of red and yellow Birge satin, 53. Coats, above harness, 15; of black and yellow satin, 205. - - hawking, 51. - - hogton, of black velvet, 197. See al80 Hogtons. - - jacket, 531; of Kendal, 235; of black velvet, 256; of do. with and without a1eevea, 367. - - little, of scarlet, 33; of Kendal, 192; of black velvet, 204; of tan satin, 205. --livery, 234, 236-239, 241,242, 264,

- - play, of taJIety, 321; of blue and yellow do., 313. - - parti, of velvet and black satin, 234. - - pointed, of satin, 21, 2S; of velvet, 23. - - riding, of tan camlet, 194, 204; of Kendal, 206; great do., of Ria1ia black cloth,17. - - of the fashion of the sea waves, of English braid red and French yellow cloth,263. - - alop, of red kersey, 432. - - attiikit, of black II!'tin, 16. - - 8yone, a, of black satin, 198. - - of black cloth, 18, 20, 25; do. lined with white, 18, 19. - - of camlet, 26, 53; of fine do., 18; of brown do., 238; of tall do., 240, 265. - - of damask, 53, 08; of black do., 53. - - of English green cloth, 24. - - of French cloth of the new milk and water, 245. - - of French gray, 19,25,260,367. - - of French l"1lIIII6t cloth, 421, 422, 432. . - - of French tan cloth, 25, 49, 51, 04, 61,63,243. of gallDa white cloth, 219. of gray cloth, 368.


Coble (oobill), a, bought and sent to the loch of Linlithgow, 280. Cochran, John, and quarriel'll with, pay. ment to, 521. Cochrane (Coquherane, Kochrane), Alan, armourer, 1m; payments to, 71, 74, 7i, 119, 121, 132, 133, 134, 328, 343; do. to servants with, 122. Cockburu (Cokburu), Adam, clothing for, 55, 63, 65, 269; payments to, 74, 84; a hone bought for, 84, 97; baptism of his bairn, 185. - - David, cook, payment to, 419. - - Edward, dwelling in Leith, paymentto, ~. - - John, canvaa from, 521. - - Miatress, latin and black velvet given to, 60. - - William, payment of his fee and pension, 269. - - (Copbume), William, hone.m&rBbal, payments to, 326, 333. Cockpull (Cokpull), lands of, 5. Cod of Milan fustian, 227. Jacea, 125. Coddia for the Conatable of Dundee, 24A Codilatane, the rector of, 396. Codlings, a barrel of, for provisioning ahips, 470. Codwaris of Holland cloth, 211; sewing of,356. Cofl'er (ooffir), a, with genzeis, 327. - - saddle, a, 308. Coffel'll (ooffrez, cotIiria), carriage of the King's, 136, 343, 521; freight of barneIB, 114; for Lady Dudhope, 224; the Queen'a, brought over the water, 356 ; with the jewela, carriage of the, 397, 400. Cogs for bedesmen and bedeawomen, 186. Coiner (cunzer.rt, C1lDZ6Our), paymente to Nicholaa, a, 275, 440; payment to a Dutch,343. Cok, intymmer to the great ship's, 479.

Coats of gray _ndre, 199. - - of greis, 252. - - of Kentdale, 21, 50, 61, 63, 65, 66; with braid borden, 203. - - of keney, 59, 66, 436; of black do., 14; of red do., 260; of tan do., 4.10; of yellow do., 260 ; of red and yellow do., 50, 61; of blue and yellow do., 430. of RiBlis black cloth, 13. - - of Rowane gray, 200. - - of Rowane greise, 202, 251, 2M. - - of Rowane russet, 193, 249, 2M. - - of Rowan tan, 233--240, 246, 264. - - of 1'11II88t, 264, 369, 370, 4Z1, 431, 434,436. - - of _tin, 18, 23, 24; of black do., 233; of crilll80n do., 16, 424; of gray do., 424; of green do., 117. - - of scarlet cloth. 424; llo. with sleeves, 219; do. without aleeves, 219. of Scots black cloth, 15. of Soote gray, 264. - - of Scot. 1'11II88t, 19, 431, m. - - of Soots tan, 57. of Scots tan grause, 194. - - of tan, 61, 236-239, 241, 242. - - of velvet, 15, 17, 18, 19,25, 33.51. 193, 199,367; do. half chequerelt with cloth of gold. 24; with sleeves, 199; of black do., 200, 366; of black do. with sleeves, 192, 196; of tan do., 244. - - of white cloth, 20, 25. - - of white Rowane gray with braid borden, 202. - - for Irish Downe, falconer, 50; for John Rooh, 50; for the fool called Bille How, 51; for Baroun the French boy, 62; aleeves of taffety for the fool'a, 64; for John Bruce, 75; pay. ment to a poor lad to help him to buy a, 105; for a poor boy, ISO; for Andrew Wright, 310; made of a plaid, 203; furring of a, 435. - - ribbons for, 20, 21; lette~ cut out for, 22; lining and mending of, 77,81.

Cold&nknowia. See Cowdenknowee. Coldingbam, 1018 of French merohandise before, 140. Coldstream(Caldstreme),ixxviii; carriage of speria to, M2. - - Priors of, give a horae to the King, 352; send wild fowl and capons to do., 400. - - Provost of, a cannon drawn by his oxen, lxxvii, 516. Collarirons, dog, 11M. Collan of linen, 61; an Almane, for a coat, 11M; the Queen's, of gold, 210; of Holland cloth, ~20, 223, 225; of criap, 226; bands for, 231 ; for horses, 402, 403, 412; of the stay of The


- - of doublets, velvet for, 21, 197; of a harn_ do., velvet for, 195. - - of gownB, skins for, 19, 20, 425, 426; budge skins for, 16; greia skins . for, 30; ermine for, 215,216,217,425, 426; minx for, 215, 216; pampiJIeoun for, 215, 426; watermaillez for, 216; letteia for, 219. Collations in QU8enBferry for the King, 349; for De la Motte, 351. College, the Trinity, offerings in, 188. CoD_e (Cull_y), rectory of, 361; Mr. Thomas Lathriak, vicar of, 394. - - Easter (Estircoliasy), lands of, 171. Cologne (Culane), offering to the three kings of, 181. Colours bought in Flanders, 'rI; for the standards, etc., of the King's ships, 295,296. Colquhoun (Culquhone), Mr. Adam, 389. Robert, rector of Dunbar, 393. Colville, Margaret, 166. - - Robert, of Oohiltree, 8, 390; auditor, 2, 144; director of chancery, 384; payment by, 11; clothiDg for, 61, 249; BigDB aoconnts, 141. Sir Willia:rn, of Ochiltree, 149.

Combs (kames, kamis), 87; great do., 199. - - honey., 310. Commemoratio animarum, 36. Commillll&l'is, writings to the King from the, 309. Communion, offering at, 186. Compuees for the King, 112; for &hips, S02 j C&Be for do., 302. Componitora at the justice-ayre of Aberdeen, 320. Composition, book of, 140. - - silver, inbringing of, 356. Compositions, inbringing of, and distrain ing for rests of, 3U, 323, 357. Comptroller, the, Eatland boards from, 45 j payments to, 112, 113, 125, 128, 129, 400; victuals for ships bought by, Bee Appendix L pIlMim j hides deli verell to a Frenchman by command of, 529 ; tin delivered to, 530. - - the King's. See Redheuch, James. - - the Queen's. Su Forester, Sir Duncan. Comyr, lands of, 386. Cona,171. Conception of Our Lady, offering on the, ISO. Condolane, lands of, 4, 387. Confections, purchase of, 341, 354Congilton, Mr. George, 361. Connal, Prince of, xxxvi. Conray, lands of, 169. Conscience, chapel of, beside the barres, King'. offerings in the, 41. CoDBtableland (Constibbillande), lands of, 149. Contribution, inbringing of the, :rT4, 380, 401; delivery of the King'. letters for the, 418; of Mr. James Scrymgeour, 446Conynghame. See Cunninghame. Conze. See Min'Cook (Caik), Machtein, mariner, payment to, 286.


Com, compensation for damage to, 120. Comelii, Baldeunnis, payment to, for cordage, 303. Cornelis, Bowen, cables of linen yarn received from, 304. Corntoun (Corneton), Henry, builder of the King's galley, payments to, 292, 480,496. - - Laurence (Lorence), materials for ships delivered to, 452, 481 ; vietWlols for, 475; payment to, 484. - - Hogy, payments to, 451, 473. - - Vincent (Wyncent), shipwright, pa.yment to, 498. Cornwall (Cornwele) tin, liii, 301. - - John, mason, payment to, 520. - - (Comwaill, Cornwele), Margaret, a livery gown for, 232; payments to, 321, 356, 399, 404, 411, 419. Corporal, purchase of a, 358. Corpus Christi Day, offering on, 188; carriage of chapel gear for, 412. Corquhonderlands, lands of, 157. Corry (Corre), Thomas, de Kelwod, 163 ; composition by, 5. Corsby, the laird of, sends two hounds to the King, 124Corsinton, Pa~rick Dunbar of, 391. Corsky, lands of, 4. Corstorphine, xviii, xxvii; spursilver to the lads of the choir of, 119; Mr. James Merchiston, provost of, 144; alms to the poor of, 1M. Cotes (Cotis, Cottis),. Sir James, expenses of, passing through England to Flanders and France, 28; I*yment by, 177Couch, a, for the Queen, of blue tmilze, 30. Council (counsa.ll, counsaill), the Lords warned for a general, 333 ; the spiritual Lords warned for do. 323. Courchis. See Kerchiefs. Courier (currour), a, of England, payment to, 348. See aha Adamson, John.

Cook, Hamburgh, the Danish, 59, 62, 95, 97,98,100. - - the King's Master, xxx; clothing for, 52, 65, 256; basinsilver to, 112; payments to and by, 123, 175, 186,255, 310,311, 315, 330, 336, 345, 349, 407, 4,11, 412, 415, 422, 447; two bnlgettes for, 329; necessaries for the King's supper brought to, 332. For other references, see Appendix pa&rim. - - the Queen's Master, Alexander Kers, 66, 265. ---lads, payment to the, 77. Cooks. See Cockburn, David; Cow; Dysart, Alexander; Graham, Malcolm. Coopers (couperis), payment to the, 488. See aho Stewart, Umfm. Copburne. See Cockburn. Copper (coppir) for sheaves to the ship, 47; pulleys of, 284; a kettle of, 291 ; shipped to Leith, 301 ; freight, crangilt, and cust.oms of, liii, 302, 305; for the King's guns, 302, 399; breaking of, for do., 116; casting of, for do., 134; drinksilver 'to childer of the ship for bringing home, 338 ; cartagfl from the New Havin to the Castle of, 509; bought from Henry Bardner, Dutch man, 614. Coppis of the King's ships, painting of the, 399. Coppis. SeI! Cups. Coquherane. See Cochrane. Corhallis of Stirling Castle, 281. Cord, 186; of silk, 17, 23 ; of black do., 212; of sewing do., 14, 356; small, 32; for Lenterane cloths, 40 ; wyndes (wyndasis), for crossbows, 78, 327; taffety of, 434. Cordage, 294, 295, 293-301, 303-300. Cordals, 290, 301 ; small, 288 ; long, 300. Cordwainer (cordonar, cordiner), John Davidson (q.v.). Corked (cork it, korkit) shoes, 29, 32, 214,222,419; buckles for do., 32.

Courser (cursour), meaaenger aent to Edinburgh for the Iyard, 75; a, sent to the Lord of Murray, 811 j a brown, Bent by the King of France, 326. Coursers (conrsouris), bl&ck ham_iugs for, 129. Court, the, I&ddlery for, 307 ; carriage horses for, 308; clothing for, 835 j payment to Sir Gilbert Finlayson for necess&ries for, 350. - - of England, the, expenses of Thomas Williamson, cardmaker, aent on the King's errands to, 327. Coventry (Coventre) Mr. Patrick, &lmoner, 169 j BC&rlet cloth for, 249; pension of, 267 j payments to, 437, 438. - - Mr. Patrick, rector of Garv&ld, 391. Cover, a, f(Or silver.plate, given to the English ambassadors, 533. Covertours, 321. Cow, the cook, payment to one called, 104. - - (Kow), Patrick, maker of gun stanys, payment to, 481. CoW&Il, - - , smith, payment to, 526. Cowbrig (cowbryg) of The Margaret, small masts for the, 463 j spars for Lhe, of The Gabriel, 466; of The Jamu and The Margaret, sawing of the, 466; of the great ship, trees for the, 477. Cowbriging (cowbryging) of the great ship, spars for the, 479; 0. mast for do. 484; of the ships, sawing of ribs for the, 480. Cowdenknowes (ColdsnknowiB), Lady, clothing, etc., for, 222, ~J3; John Inglis and William Fokkert Bent with,


Cowper, John, meaaenger, payment to,


- - Umfra. Bee Stewart, Umfra, cooper. Coys making in the ship called The Litm, 114-. Cranris (crayaris), hire of, 484, 488, 490, 493, 495. Cradle of the great ship, inbringing of the, 290; a tree drawn from the, 329. Cradles and furnishing of cradles for the Prince, 218, 219. Crsghouse, lands of, 152. Cragle, lands of, 7. Cragnauston, barony of, 167. Cragorth, Alexander Law, falconer, Bent to take the hawks of, 134. Cragy, lands and barony of, 165. Craig (Crag), - - , groom in the Prince's chamber, clothing for, 431. Craighall (Craghall), the laird of, gives a pyot horae to the King, 114. Craigmadderty (Cragmidarte), lands of, 3. Crail (Carral, Craie), King's offerings in, xviii, 42; alms to the prieste in, 42; vicar&ge of, 362. Crane, carriage of iron pelloks to the, 303; drawn by oxen and a horae, 518 j carriage of forebows on the, 518; shoeing of a horae in the, 518 ; carriage of tl'aists for the gun on 0.,527. Cranes (crannis), feeding of, in Glasgow, 102; sent to the King, 103, 115. Crangilt, liii, 302, 305. Crans of the great ship, carriage of the, 454. Cranshaws (CraDBChawis), alms to the priests of, xv, 35. Cranstoun, Sir Patrick Crichton of, 8; 309. Cowp. &e Cup. lands of, 156; Mr. Patrick Shaw, Cowper (Cowpar), Huchone, mason in vicar of, 393. Bute, drinksilver to, 346. - - John, of Hairlaw, 147) composition by, 9. - - John, drink silver to, 835.


Creels (crems), bire of horses with, 518_ Creich, Robert Anderson de, 187. - - Meikle, lands of, 167. CreiB. Su Grease.. Creokan, lands of, 170. Creasens of mailzi., black satin for the King'S, 205. Creasent, Italian m&IIOn, payment of W&geII to, 271. Crichton (Crechtoun, Creichtoun), the Provoat of, xl,72, 360; Thomas II&lki.... ton, ProVQllt of, 383,448. - - Lord, of Sanquhar, 11, 168; the King's writing aent to, 139; penona summoned to an &SBize between the laird of Drumlanrig and, 376. - - Sir Adam,, expenaea of, at Chamberlain-ayres, 320. - - David, 162- - John, de Blackburn, 391. de &gorton, 387. - - Sir Patrick, of Cranstoun, 8. - - Sir Peter, master of t.he wardrobe, clothing for, 51, 249; gives a horae to the King, 123Crisp for the Queen, 210 ; braid, for do., 212; for oollara, 226. Criatall, brother to Lord Dacre, a gown of pyrnyt satin delivered to, 533. - - William (Gillea.m), factor to Mr. John Murray in Dieppe, payments to and by, 46,277,284, 2M. Cristiem, Sir, clot.hing for, 49, 50,52, 61-63,65,66; payments to, 73, 129; shoes and boots for, 82, 99, 116; aaddleryfor,1l9,129; William Fokkert sent toBrechinwith, 314; tbeKinglOll8ll money at the butts to, 355. Cromdale, lands of, 153. Croaat ducats, 196, 315,321. Croaatis, 210. Croaraguel (Coraregwell), Abbot of, 172, 392. Croaa (croce, cora), St.. Andrew'., put. upon ship's standards, 297,477; pay-

Cranstoun, t.he laird of, payment by, 11. Crapis, French, for lining a coat., 205. Crate wit.h the inceuae, payment for bringing the, 181. Craufurd, remiaaiona to persons of the name of, 391. - - Alexauder, 389. - - Dom. Alexander, vicar of Tranent, 393. David, 149. - - David, de Kera, 8. - - David, Queen's, livery for, 55, 266; payments to, 84, 129, 400; horaehire for, 130. - - Edward, payment to, 287. - - George, 384.. - - George, BOD of William Craufurd, de Lefnoryia, 165. - - John, payment to, 310; the King 10II8II money at the butts and rovera to, 315. - - Earl of, 150, 165,386; horses given to the King by the, 102, 119, 124, 127 ; payment to his falconer, 139. - - Mr. Patrick, rector of Auldhamstooks, 393. Robert, 159. - - - - of Netherton, 159. - - ThoID&B, smith, payments to, 458, 484. - - William, 159. - - - - de Lefnoryis, 165. - - - - carter, payment. to, 519. - - Mure, t.he King's pavilions brought to Newhaven from, 380. - - - - tbe Mine in, winning of, and payment. to Sir James Pettigrew, workmen and ot.hera at., 273, 375, 396, 408, 442; the Abbot of Tungland goes to, 408. Craw, TholD&8, expeuaea of t.he interment. of,411. Crawia, 490, 493. Crayaria. Su Craaria. Creel (oreile), a, for paoking compaaaea and night glaaaes, 302.

ment to the knight of Spain who bears on his breast the, 398. Croaa [market-place] in Dunfermline, payment for a horae which ran up the stairs of ,he, 21. the Holy (Haly Croce), a piece of, brought by a Fleming to the King, 106; offering to the Exaltation of, li4; of Peebles, King's ol"ering at, 35; payment for making do., 38; a foot of silver for do., 38 ; offering to a new figure of, in HolyroodhoUBe, 17G. Croaabows (COl'S bowis, croce bowis), wyndes cords for, 78, m; thread for, 78; brought to the King, 85; a brokskin bag for the King'R, 90; from Flanders, 300; purchaee of, 326 ; do. of furnished, m, 343; do. with windas, m; strings for, m, 415; barrit and blunt bolts for, 3'Zl; carriage of, 343. Crosses (corses), small, given away by the King, 92. Crowatis. Su Cruets. aTOum (Crone), the ship, the for Thomas Ober, master of, xliv, 501. Crowns, French, 13, 38, 39 et paMim; half do., 178, ISO, 189 et paMim; licht do., 228, 21)7, 262 et paMim; do. of wecht. 235, 296, 315 et pauim. - - Scots, 128. Crucifix, tbe, brought to the King, 94, 95. Cruets, purchase of two, 358. Crukis, 3';9, 523-525. Crukitstoun, Adam Peebles de, 148. Cudde, fool, payments to, 333, 355. - - Rig, payment to,32/). Cuddy, English, payments to, l()9, 124. Cuffil, 231 ; of velvet for. doublet, 21, 192, 197, 204; of velvet for a harness do., 195; of ermine, for a gown, 32; of velvet for do., 211; of new skins (bestis) for do., 426; watermails for the Queen's narrow, 426. (cures), a rest for., 122.


Cuire, depariure of John Andrew, horee marshal to, 3(J7. Cullace, lands of, 6; Mr. John Barry, rector of, 394. - - Walter, composition by, 3. Culane. See Cologne. CuIrou (Culroae), offering in the chapel of St. Mungo beside, xxiv, 176; a runner sent for trees for the great ship to, 330; payment to a monk of, for binding and illuminating of books, 409. Abbot of (Lord of), payment to, ISO; do. to his priest, ISO; coals sent by, 511. Culter, lands of, 386. Culverin, a, brought to the King, 97; the King's expenees shooting with the, 98, 103, lOG, 106; made by S~r James Pettigrew for the King, 112; deer stalking with the, lu:, 115; lokketis for a, 121; varnishing and gilting of the long, 122; fowl shooting with t.he, 130; a canvas _ for a, 317. - - the King's, rams for, 101; do. of lattoun and steel, Ill; pellokia for, 102; gilting of, 100; varnishing of, 123; a new fyre overgilt, for, 123; a _ror, 129. - - maker. See Keppin, George. - - .moyaine, chargers for the, 510; six, drawn by oxen, 517, 518; a, drall"D by horses, 527. - - -powder for the King, 122- - -pykmoyance drawn by men to the nether port of St. Mary's Wynd, 516; four, drawn by oxen, 517. Culverins, lxvii ; purchaee of two, for the King, 132; iron pellokis for, 303. - - bemys, of divers sorts, purchaee of, llrxii, 301. - - gros, drawn by men to the nether port of St. Mary's Wynd, 516; drawn by oxen, 516, 517. Culymore, lands of, 387.


fere" (Feir) given to the ambusadora of England, 348, 533; a ailver overgilt given to the King, 371; payment for mending a silver, 401; a silver overgilt, for a relique to St. Ninian, 533. Cup, the King's, gilting of the knop of, 73; of gold, mending of the knop of, 137; mending of do., 334. Cupar (Cowpar), justice-ayre of, 149; chamberlain-ayres of, 163, 335; Dom. William Inglis, vicar of, 394. - - Abbey of, 365. Cupar-Fife, the burgh of, expensee of the chamberlain-ayres of, 320. Cupboard (copburd), carriage of the, 323,
340, 3U, 349, 397, 399, 407, 409, 411 ;

Culzet, Anthone, Frenchman, servitor to De Ia Motte, payments to, 333. Cumbernauld (Cummimald), John of, mason, payment to, 520. Cumleich, lands of, 5. Cumming(Cumyng),Alexander,ofCulter, 386. - - John, 171. Cumnock, lands and barony of, 6, 146. Cune, Laurence, Dutchman, payments to, 273,274, 375. Cunninghame (Conynghame), - - . a prisoner in Lantoune, payment to his wife, 348. - - (Cunygnghaim), A(lam, of Caprington, 8,147. - - Andrew, of Drumquhasail, 8. - - Andrew, rector de Louchow, 152. (Cunynghame), David, 146. - - Mr. Edward, 392. - - James. 168. - - - - payments to, 73, 443, - - John, carter, payments to, 349. 511.521. - - Mr. Michael (Michell), payment to, 79. - - Robert, of Cunninghamheid, 166. - - - - of Polmaise, 168. - - Simon (Symond), payments to, 268,

silver sto~ps of the King's, given to the ambasaadors of England, 348. Cuppillis of the chapel of Falk1and, payment for work on the, 283. Cups (ooppis, cowps), ale, 489, 495; Lindores,531. Curate (cumit) of Airth, 103. - . of the Canongate, 406. Curches, curchis, etc. See Kerchiefs. Cures. See Cuir&88. Curle, William, sey bought from. 368. Currour, John, goldsmith, payment to,

- - William, 166. - - the bailie of, payment by, 384. Cunninghamheid, Robert Cunningham de, 166. Cunzeart, cunzeour. See Coiner. Cunzehouse. See Mint-house. Cunzeis. See Mint. Cup (cowp, coup), the old plain gilt, given to the Bailie of the Fere, 77 ; a, made for the King of the cup given by the Bishop of Glasgow, 93; a great gilt, given to Sir An~ony D' Arey's brother, 128; gilting of the knop of a, 137 ; payment to a pardoner with St. Duthus', 180; a, called "the coup of

- - Thomas, goldsmith, payments to,

129, 132.

- - William, goldsmith, payments to,. 90, 113, 335; payment to his man, 107; do. to his wife, 213. Curry's wife. See Anne, daft. Cu,sour. Se~ Courser. Curtains (courtingis, cortingia) of red and white taffety, 22, 2.1; of green do., 201; yellow taff~y that remained over of the King's, 64; ribbons for. 22, 201; rings for, 112. Cushion (cusching), a, of damask for the Prince, 33. Custom (custum), expensee of, on copper,



302; on tar and pitch, 303 j on iron from, 476; an ox bought in, lxxix, pellokia, 304; on cordage, 306. 1519; payment to a amith in, 1119. Custom housemaill.pI\yment for tbe, Dalpatrick, lands of, 3. 292. DaIry, ~Ir. James Hepburn, rector of, Customs (ouatumez) of Dundee, 292. 396. - - of Edinburgh, 68, 261,367,440. Dalawinton, lands of, 10, 1112. - - of Leith, the keeper of the, 3118. . Daly, William, yeoman of the King'. Cutler (oultellar) of Stirling, payment to . chamber, clothing for, 429. the, 103. . Dalziel (Dalzell), lands of, 7, 147. Cutlera. 8u. Rae, William; Selkirk, Damaak (dames), 52, Ita, 60; for lining a Robert. cloak, 4211; for coats, 53, 118; for a Cwnyngis. Su Rabbits. cuahion, 33; for doublets, 611, 240, 261 ; for gowns, 58, 212, 223, 246,423, 424, 429, 4:JO; for stomoi., 22; for DACBB (Dam, Dakkir), Lord, ambaellador jackets, 51, 61; for kirkclotha, 40; of England, report of, on Scottish for kirtles, 29, 222-224, 228, 430; for navy, xlv; meaaenger lent to the horae-bouainga, 532; to add to the King from, 325; Marchmont herald King's "liar," 15. with the Lord Chamberlain goes on the King'. errands to, 3"26; lettel'l to the - - black, 53,430 ; gray, 611, 228,423, 430, 532; tan, 29, 63, 212, 430; white, King from, 334 ; the King'. writinga 22,424,53'2; yellow, 212. RelIt to, 376, 415; payment to Home, servitor to, 335; sture and pellok fish Dampier, Frenchman, payments to, 13J, 1311, 139. carried to, M3; silver. plate given to, xxx, 348, 1133; payment to his lervant Dance (dans), payment for a, 104, 119, Thomaa Bevirlaw, 408; a gown de331 ; materiala for a, 126. livered to Cristall, brotber to, 533. Dancers (dansaris), caffimzeis for, 100. Daft Anne, Curry'. wife. 8u. Anne. Danoing coats (daunaing cotia) for the banquet, M; for the French minatrela, - - queen of the Canongate, 95. Daggel'I (ciagarie), 122,272,406; gilt, 17, 104. 19, 25, 272; ungiIt, 17; furnished, Dande. 8u. Doule, Andrew. 272- - Andrew Hall, alitu. 140. Dalginch, barony of, 164. Danieh cook (Dens cuke), I!amburgh the, Dalgleieh (DaIgleiech, Dalgleeche, Daw 69.62,911, 9'1, 98, 100. glei.), William, lorimer, payments to, - - skipper (Den118 .kippar), the, 311. 94, 112, 119, 121, 122, 308, 407, 415. 8u. aUo Andrei.. Dalhousie (Dawhoney), cartage of Danakyne, Danskynein. 8u. Denmark. material. from, 476. D'Arcy (Darae, Daraee), Sir Anthony, - - the laird of, the King'. writingtl expenses of bringing bome, 117; paylent to, 91; a groe-cwvering drawn menta to, 124, 127, 128; silver-plate by hie oxen, 51 i ; drinkailver 1.0 the given to, 128; a great gilt nup given man who brought hie oxen, 517. to hie brother, 128; payment to boatmen for taking him to hie ship, 128; Dalia. Su Deala. Dalkeith, payment to ..wyers in, 473; do. to hie man Piers, 131. drinkailver to wrigbts in, 473; cartage Darnaway (Demway, Tarueway), xxiii, of planks from, 473; do. of timber xxxix; shipping, etc., of timber in,



Dedeaide (Deidaide), lands of, 170, 380. Deer (Deir), inbringing of the contribution of, 380. - - Abbot of, 3, 384. Deer, furch. of, brought to the King, 71; three white, to put in the park. 76; brought t() Stirling from Falkland, 96 ; the King stalks, with the culveryn, 115; carriage of, 134.; a hide of rein-. 251,257. -fold (deir fald), mending of the. 134. De1amoit, Delamote. Ike La Motte. Dempster (Dempstar), George, payment to,3.18. Dempsterton (Dempetartoun), James, payment to, 184. Demy Oat&d (demy oatage), a kirtle of green, M; a doublet of, !U2. Demyil (coiDa), 312. Denim. (coiDa). 277. Denmark (Danakyne, Danskynein), the Lyon herald goes to, 27; William Millar, baxtar, sent to, 49, 76; t:oa1a for a ahip in, 71; payment to William Stewart, master of T1ae WCIRIoR, which aailed to, 80; Andrew Barton goM to, lOS, 109; payment to the henld of, 109; e:r.pen888 of the pU1"81livant of, 114; payment to shipwrecked men of, 120; penBion of the long Doctor of, 268; copper from, 284.; ahip blocks from, liii, 284., 301, 3OS; boa.rda, pitch, and tar from,liv, 289, 306; masta from, xliii, 296; the French ambaaaador with Sir Andrew Brounhill goes to, xxvi, 327. 328; Hammya White II8Ilt on the King'. errands to, 355; Mawnia (Magnus) goes to, 402, 431, 463; harn_ from, xxxvii, 417; smithy ooaJs sent to, 462; payment to Peter Beym, gunner, hired in, 480. - - the Clerk of, payment to and aaddlea for, 711. the King of, his ship which brought

44; the ship T1ae Rat-om sent for timber to, 46, 4.7; expen8M of keeping the bairns in, 118; payment to the woman Strang of, 123; the King'1 daughter brought from, 409. Daughter, the King'L 8. Margaret, the Lady. Davenecurt, James, minstrel, payment to,4.40. Davenneia, Stem, melter, Ixzii f payments to, 276, 277. David, of Candida Calla. 8. Arnot, David. - - falconer, clothing for, 06; payments to, 78, 96, 119, 404., 400, 4.fY1, 4.10; drinkailver to, 34.7. - - Master. 8. Mr. ])avid Scott. Davidaon, David, ~er, payments to, 469,4.82. - - John, cordwainer, payments to, 15, 18,22, 29, 32, 81, 99, 116, 177,206, 210,214,220, 222,224, 226,231, 232, 234.-236,238, 24.0, 247, 2M,269, 397, 404., 4.06, 4.10, 4.18-420; livery for, 55, 258. - - (Daviaone), John, meaaenger, payments to, 342, 345, 357, 406,411,4.13, 414.,4.17. DawgleiL 8. Dalgleish. DawhouBY. 8. Dalhousie. Dawick (Dawik), the laird of, sends live herons to the King, 112. Daweon (Dau8llOne), of the ltables, aent on the King's errands to the Earl of Cuaillia, 34.1. - - Andrew, purchase of the bark of Aberfeld from, 4.75. - - John, payment to, 473Deale (dalia),286, 291, 306, and Appendix: pa88im; fir (ferryn), 464; amall, 472; long, 483; great, WI; ..wing of, 483, 486,525. Debts (dettia), payment of Quintin Focart's, 115; diatraiuing for, 34.1. Ike alIo Rests.

Montjoy home laden with smithy coals, xl, 72; the French ambassador convoyed to, 328; Carrick pursuivant sent with the King's letters to, 343 ; death of, 422; King of, the King'8 offering at the 80ul mass of the, 439. Denmark, Mawnis of, 49, 50, 106. Dennet (Dunnot), Mrs. Margaret, sPOU!Ie of Mr. Alexander Ogilvy, clothing for, 60, 358; payment to, 398. Dennyng, the bowk, of the little bark, rafters for, 458. Demway. Su Darnaway. I>iambra, purchase of, 317. Diamond (diamanJ), &thistle set with a, 127; a ring set with B, 331; do. enamelled, 324. Diamonda (diamontis), purchase of wirrellia \\ith, 272. Dice {dial, the King plays with the Abbot of Tungl&nd at, 89. - - iron, for the guns, 490; do. for The Margaret, 493. Dickaon (Dik8On), Adam, payments to, 112,316. - - (Dikeaone), Adam, harper, clothing for, 262. - - Adam, luter, payment to, 413; livery for, 430. - - - - piper of Edinburgh, payment to, 93. - - Christina, 148. - - George, a gown bought from, 214; paymcnt to, 218; velvet bought from,


- - John, 388. - - - - junior, 388. - - Mr. Thomas, 166, 361, 385, 392; payments to and by, 176, 177, 182, 242, 2-l6, 336, 358, 437, 438; Andrew Armstrong sent on an errand of the King's with,314. - - William, 388. Dieppe (Deip), luii; expenses to John de Albany to and in, 235; money de.

livered to Robert Borthwick in, 261 ; do. by William Crista1l in, 277, 294; do. by Gavin de la Ville in, 294; do. by George Halkerston and his factors in, 299; puncheons of plaster from, 284; freight of cordals made in, 290. Dieppe, the bailie of, payment to his brother, Louis de Pois, 304. Dikes, payment for building the new garden, 46. Dingwall (Dyngwell), plaster for the walls in, brought from Dieppe, 284; Robert Bell sent to, to bring home the ship 1'&1100 The Cloffa.ri&, 468. - - (Dingwell), Sir John, payments by, 186, 290, 293,294,342,371,452;ailver put in pledge to, 328 ; payment to, 418. - - Dom. John. 364, 365. Dinner (dennar), grathing of fish for the King's, 357. Diocese (diocy) of Glasgow, messenger sent to the, 408. Dirige for the Bishop of Galloway, 37. Dirleton (Dirltoun), Lady, a gown for, 229; pointing of her ohamber in Holy. roodhouse, 529. Diaart, Disert. Bu Dysart. Dishington (Dischingtonne), John, 1181'vitor to Master Callendar, livery for, 247. - - John, de Ardroa, 385. - - Thomas, indweller of Leith, payment to, 290. Distillation of waters, 92])iatraining (distrenze) for debts, 341. - - for extracts, 350. - - for rests, 312, 313, 323, 326, 327. 330,341-344,347, 350, 352,398, 399, U4. - - for unlawis, 347. Dobie (Doby), Mr. John, archdean of Dunblane, 396. Dock (dok), The Lark put in her, 280; payments to workmen for making or casting the, of the great ship, 280, 464,


Donaldeon, Mr. JoIm, writer to Patrick Bellantyne, clothing for," Michael (Michel, Kiooe, Mitte), yeoman of the King's atable,livery for, 55, 258; paymenta to, 85, 111, 135. 345, 415 ; expena. of, 337. Patriok (Pate), groom of the King's chamber, livery for, 258. - - William, olothing for, 55, 2fI6, 431 ; payment to his wife, 1ardnare to the Queen, 413. "Dcme, Dande DonIe's man. white h088 for, 370. Door (dnr, dare), looks for .. 87, 119, 37S, 509, lJ'J4, 528, 529; UBbers of the King's chamber, 252; erukia, bands, nails, eta., for a, 523-525, 529. nails, 4S4 U .flCI8ri1il. Doors (durria) in Holyroodhouae, maod. ing of, 528; keya for the King's chamber, in do., 528. Dorbik. a French jO\18ter, payment to, 125. Dottre1a, .. 1evand,II brought to the King, M6. Doublets, 49, rIl, 58.6/;. 86, '1Z1, 243, 247,264,286, 430. chequered, of crilll80ll and black latin,23S. - - great, of crimson latin, 192, 197; do. of crimson velvet, 201. - - half, of velvet and oloth of gold, 83, 65; of crimson _tin, 241. - - harD_, of Milan fustian, 14. 431 ; of crimson latin, 195. - - narrow, of orimson latin, 192, 197; of black do., 528. - - pani, of gray and black Birge _tiD, 263. - - wide, of black latin, 197. - - of cam1et, SO, 86, 250, _ 2111, 266,325. - - of C&Ilvaa, or canvas for, 60, 58, 59,61. of damask, ~,261; of gray do.. 65.

4.76; do. at The Jamd, 466.466; do. at The Maf"{/Mtt", 471 ; dychting and redding of the great Bhip's, 465, 466. 473. Docks (dokkia) at the Pool of AirlJl, payment for caating three, 280. Doctor, the, ambassador of France, a baain, ewer,and otherailver.plate given to, 328; departure to Denmark of, 328. - - the long, payment by, 311. - - - - of Denmark, peDBion paid to, 268. Dodds, Laurence (Lorence), smith, pay. menta to. '54, 465, 476. Dog, James, livery for, 52, 265; pay. ment to the nurse and servants in his house, 89; payments to, 208, 213, 214, 21S, m, 4215; material.a delivered to and by, 210, 211, 213. 367, 4,23.4215; money and gold for the Queen delivered to, 413, 41S, 424; account met by, 524. .William, 38S. - - a, broqht to the King and sent to Stirling, 74. - - chain, SO. - - oollar irons, 94- - skins, 136. Dogs, the King's, 8XpeIIII88 of keeping, 129. Dokkaue (Dokane, Dokan), Andrew, carter, payments to, 284, 285, 343, 374,377, 379,~, "5, and Appendix paMim. Donald, hose for, 370. - - (Downy), C&Ildlemaker, payment to, 398; barrels of tallow bought from, 478. of the Iales, the King's henchboy, payments to, 101, lOS, 350, 418, ~; olothing for, 137, 239, 429,0&32,433; shoes and boots for, ~. Donaldeon, - - , payment to ODe, 356. - - John, writer of the accounts of the household, clothing for. 259.



Doableta of clemy oatage, ~ Douglas, Archibald, olothing for, M, - - of fustian, 49, 30, 61, 63, 66, 235, 2M. 240, 242, 246, 2114, 4Z1, 432, 433, - - EUen (Ellane), payment to, 324. 43G; of black do., 428; of white do., Bew, gentleman in the King's house, iii, 234, 21f1, 239-~ 2t6, 247,263, payments to, 349, 416; aalt marts 2114, 431 ; of Milao do., 49, 50, 615, 66, delivered to, 481. -"'239, 241, 243, 2U, 2M. 2M, 269, - - James, clothing for, 282, 263, 267, 433, 436, 1531; of black - - - - de Cavers, 167. Milan do., 56, 67. brother to the laird of Drum - - of kaney, red; 260; of do., blue and laorig, payment to, 443. green. 260. captain of the bark MykItmt of leather, black I8mya, 25; of red xliv, 600. skiDS of leather, 26. - - Mr. James, Writer to the Signet, - - of _tin, 15, 16. 19, lU, 25, 51~, payment to, 3Il8. John, of the Queen's wine-oellar, 458,61, 234, 238, 243, 255, 266, 2158, :tlil, 262, 265, 266, 431,528; of clothing for, 49, 66, 266. Birge (Burge, Brup) satin; 116, 57. Mrs. Margaret, payment to, 401, olothing for, 430. -"'239, 242, 269, 282, 266, 369, i29, 432; of green do. , 64, 428. '29; ofpimit Patriok, burgees of Dysart, aa1t do., 153 1 of do. of divers hUM, 260; reoeived from, 806. of black do., 18, 20, 53, 201, 235, - - Richard, IOn of William Douglas of 255, 2815, 421, 429, 430; of crimeon Whittingham,167. do. , 14, 17, 21, 202, 203, 248, 249, Robert, 172. 5IIiO, 366, 420, 421, 43G; of do. - - Robin or Robert, of the wine-cellar, ohequered with cloth of gold, 24; of clothing for, 52, 2Ii6; buineilver to, gray do., 209; of purple do., 62; of 94, 256; boat-hire for, 130; payments to, 106, 349, 366; BUver-plate given tan do., 2iO, 241, 246. lU7; of tan ..tin and Burge _tin, 262. to, 343; a punoheon of wine received - - of taffety, red and yellow, 615. from, 301. - - of velvet, 18, 20, 49, 61, 194, 241, - - Mr. Stephen, vicar of DuDJDIW1, 1148-261, 265, 431, 432, 434, 436; of 393. black do., 244, _ , _ ; of crimIon - - William, !xviii; the King ~ do., 201; of purple do., 198; of tan money to, when &hooting with, 100; do , 234, _ , 2ll3, 261. do., at the rovers to, 352. - - of worsted, 2IiO; of black do., 2IiO; - - - - de Dramlaorig, 146; composi. of double do., 240, 281. tion by, 4. - - great paper for the King's, 79; de Whittingham, 167. floting (8oiting) of, 239, 245, 'II, 435. - - captain of John Barton's bark, Douplsoun, John, 160. payment to, 4W7. Douglaa,--, the gentlewoman, payment Doule, Andrew (DowIe, Dande),olothing for, 51, 14, 258, 631; boots for, 81; to, payments to, 73, 99, 124, 139, 289, - - (Dowglu), - - . payment to one, 406; do. to biB wife, 405, 417 1 hc.e 825. for bi8 man Done, 370. - - Alexander. 389; compoeition by, Donne (Down), sv 1 in Menteith, King'8 la




Drwnlanrig, the laird of, poinded for debt, 349; pereons summoned to an aaaize between Lord Crichton and, 376; payment to his brother, James Douglas,

oft'ering to st. Fillan'slight at, 38; the King plays at carda in, 75; payment to a minstrel in, 75; John Ferguson de,I65. Dounfield, land. of, 388. Dovarn, flshings of the, 3. Dover (Dovire), paaaage of Louis de Poil to France by, 3M. Dowhill (DuohUl), Adam Lindsay de, 157. Downe, falconer, livery for, 116; pay. menta to, 77, fYI. -Irish (Ench), falooner, olothing for, 50,57,66. Downeyia, lands of, 186. DoWDi80D, William, payment to his wife, 31.. Downy, oandlemaker. S. Donald. DrapIanga, purohase of, 317. Drannand, David, falconer, payment to, 3d Draucht trumpeter who had a lOre lip, payment to the, 102. Drawar, Downy, mariner, payment to, 4.70. Dredy, Thomas, 181. Drinkailver,4.8, 4.7, SO, 82, M, 88, 100102, 105, 108-110, 113, 114, 117, 127, 130, 131, 298, 310, 312, 315-318, 325, :fl1, 329, 331~, 337-339, M3-M9, 351, 3M, 367, 377, 380, 398, '17. and Appendix paMim. Drivers (dryvaria), oxen, payments to, Lindsay, falconer, payment to, Drugs (potingary, drogoryia, drogry, ypotigory, ypotheoary, drogia), a pan for, 78; bronght from Edinburgh to Stirling, 90; Engliah books on, 92; purohase of, 126, 135,283,313, 8M, 408. Drum, Sir Alexander Irvine de, 14.9. Drumbarrow, lands of, 167. Drumlanrig, William Donglaa de, xvii; 4.,148; alma to the poor in, 108.

Drumlouohy, William Chalmer of, 9. Drummard, lauds of, 153. Drummond, John, Lord, 148; cherries from, 137. - - John, wright, clothing for, 58, 259, ~l; payments to, 87, 99, 105, 126, 350, 367, 373, 877, 4.05. S. GUo Appendix paM,.. - - Julian, minstrel, payments to, 0. - - Malcolm, payment by, 137. - - Margaret, payments to priests for singing requiem mass of, 75,83, 101, 11Ii. - - Thoml8, alilJl Thom Unaanit, payment to, 417. J)rumnagar, lands of, 1117. Drumol11', lands of, 9. Drumquhaaaill (Drumquhiaaill), Andrew Cunningham of, 8; the laird of, 147 ; inbringing of l'8I!ta to, 315. Drumrawok, lands of, 168. Drumry, Robert Wemyaaof, 10. Drury, William, groom of the King's ohamber, livery for, 258. Dryden (Driden), payment to Sir John Sinolair's nures in, 123. Dryni, Ea.ater, lands of, 7. Dublar, oaating of the great ship's dock in the, 484. Dublarland, beside the ferry, victualling of ships lying in the, 479, 481. Ducats, 28, 48, 92, 14.0, 311,317,475; of wecht, 41, 72, 331, 336, 341, 34.9, 397, 398, 408; orosat, 1911, 3Ui, 321; double, 353. Duohe, George, smith, paymenta to workmen with, 508,510; materials delivered to, 509-511 ; drinksilver to, 512_ Duddingston, Stephen, 152.

ronan, David, alias



Dudhope (Dadupe), Lady, clothing, etc., for, 223, 22"Da1fua, William Sutherland de, 157. DuIe-gown, a, of Paris black cloth, 422. Dulle, William (Wille), payment to, M. Dumb man, payment to a, IJ4.. Damb&rton (Dumberton, Dunbert&ne), :uvii, Jdvi; a bark built in, :d, 78; stones taken to Stirling from, 89; trental III&IIIIIeiII l&id in, 184; npenaes of Ra.n&ld of the Isles to, 239; Gray, Snour, follows the King to, 274; e&rriage of lead to Edinburgh from, 274; payment to the muter of the French ship in, 336; the King rowed to the ship at, 337; do. to and from the New Work at, 337; drinksilver to the g&rdenel' and porter of the New Work at, 337; expenses of De Ia Motte'. man with h01'88ll in, 337; Unicom herald with De Ia Motte'. Bervant. carried to, 338; Baron Bent tie meet De la Motte in, 338; departure of De la Motte to the West Sea from, 412; 8XpeDMB of De la Motte to, 412; drinksilver to workmen in, 349; arrival of wine in a French ship in, 408; John Forman'. eervitol'll BeDt to, 529. - - Castle, the King goes to _, 337 ; drinksilver to workmen in, 338. - - Sheriff of, payment. by, 2Dumfries (Drumfrei. Dunfreil). alms to the frial'll of, 41, 182, 184. 189; mesBeDger BeD!. to, 113; payments to the potter of, 132, 134; the raid of. 1M; inhringing of, and distraining for rests in. 311, 342, 343, 347; pel'llOlllllrithin the Ihire of, summoned to an 88IIize, 376. Sheriff of, payments by, 2Dumme, .later, payment to, 5'28. Dun, John Erakine de, 886. Dunbane, landa of, 386.


Dunbar, xv ; a horae for the King bought in, 15; alms in, 35; the King playa at cards in, 80; deanery of, 365; Robert Colquhoun, rector of, 393. Arch presby tel' of, 361. Dean of. Stewart, A1eunder. - - Andrew, in Mochrum, 160. - - David. 160. - - Gavin, archdeacon of St. Andrews, :di, 143, 369. 383; Clerk of the Register. 381. - - James, de Cumnock, 1(6. - - of Westfield, composition by, 5,6. - - Sir James, of Blackorag, knight, 145; payment by, 273. - - John, bUrgeBII of Edinburgh, 366. - - - - Forres, 150. - - Patrick, 148. - - - - of Corainton, 391. - - Mr. Patrick, 36"- - ThOm&! (Thome), payments to, 314, 337. - - Mr. William, payments to, 69, 106, 127, 268, 442; clothing for, 249, 250. Dunhamy (Dunbemy), vicarage of, 361 ; Mr. J&meB Wawan, vicar of, 39-1. Dunblane payments to the priests of, for singing Margaret Drommund's requiem lil8iiii, 75, 83, 101, 115; a man rideB to, to _k flokkis for the gon mould, lxvi, 116; payment to the ohaplains of, 268; oxen bought in, 446, 1516. - - Archdean of, Mr. John Dobie,



- - Bishop of, 172; BeDds two live Or&DeB to the King, 103; Bends an ox to do., 4111. Dunbrek, laird of, 366. Duncan (Ounkane), Thom&!, wright, payments to, 513, 620. - - William, payments to, 289, 373, 466, 478; material. for hi. ship delivered to, 473,478; ananohor delivered to,478. .



Dundas, Sir George, plays at. t.he tab. Dunkeld, the Biehop uf, 172the Chancellor of, 3915. with the King, fYT.
L&ciy, tim her for the Crag of lDohegarvy delivered to, 529. - - the laird of, payment to, 445. Dundee, '11; oompoRitioDS at. the ayre of, 3; juatiee-ayt'f' of, 146; Janda of the OODBtabulary of, 153, 170, 390; cham berlaiD-ayre iD, 182; ex~ of the Lorda at jutioe-ayre of, 70; writings . .t to the Jlllltiee aod Lorda at, 108; carriage of ealtpetre to Edinburgh from,1l7; brus boqhtiD, 133; Jamee Wedderbl1l'll, burgees of, 292; James Ro1lok, do., 157; freight of maDU to aDd from, 292; powder.mill taken to Leith from, lxxii, 292; payment for keeping the customs of, 292; do. of the maill of the cuatomhouae in, 292; eltpellll8ll of chamberlaiD-ayrea of, 320 ; m8llll8Dger eent to, 330; the viaar of, _ ; drinkailver to the marinen of, 479; barrela of biscuit from, 488; ao. of aalmon bought in, .aD. - - Constable of, clothing, etc., for, the Precentor of, 395. Dunlop, Riche, carter, payment to, 519. Dunloppy, the rector of, 31M. DUIlm&DY, Mr. Stephen Douglaa, vicarof,

Dunuot, Mra. Margaret. Su DenDlt. DuDDYS, the laird of, a _on draWD by his O][8D, luvii, 616. Dune, 380. - - Patrick, 157. Duntreath, Sir William Edmonatou da, 167. Durham (Durahame), John, compoeitiOD by, 6. Durris, Mr. Aleunder Galloway, rector of,393. Dutoh ahip, the, 297. akipper, the, 260, 296,:297. amitha, 329. Dutchmen, 124, '114, 311, 342, '19, 479, 514Uwir Dlils, 451. Dyis. 8u Dice. Dysart (DiBert, Disart), coals from, 71, 72, 484; John Melville de, 150 ; Patrick Douglaa and Jam.. Martin, burgeB8811 of, 308; _It brought in boatl to the ahip (JIo/'ru from, liv, 307; marinen for the KIng's ships hired in, 352; Robert Gourlay, burgees of, 387. - - the paraon of, payment by, 178; payment to,191. -Aluander(Sande), cook aDd walloon Beller, paymentl to, 812, 368, 378, no.

DundrenDan (DundrYDaD), Abbot of,

172. 8M, 394.

Dunfermline, rriii; purohaee of a horae which ran up the stairs of the Cl'Olll in, 21 ; hanks of gold eent to, 21; King's ofl'ering to the reliques in, 40; drink ailver to maBODB in, 113; carriage hol'l88 for the Queen and her Court to, 808; mouey delivered for the puree in, 371; furniahiDg of the Queen's carriage to Falkland from, 380; territory of, 391 ; carriage of the Queen'a gear to, 418; trental m&8888 laid in, 437; pay. ment to a baker of, 485. - - Abbot of, Jam_, treaaurer, 1. DungJM, King'1 o8'eriDg to the firat m&IB of a prieBt of, 439. Dunkeld, a hoard found in, 509. the A.rohdean of, 395.

EAST BBA, the, 288, f79. Eccleamachan (Agliamauchlin), the rector of,398. Eoht, John Forbes de, 331. Eddleeton (EdliatouD), rector of, Nioholaa Greenlaw, 882Edgar (Edzar), Andrew, p&ymentto, '71. (Edzair), Thomas, tailor, paymentl

to, 38, 89, 1116, 197, 210, 240,269,422, 444; livery for, 62, 259; Kendal cloth bought by, 208; velvet delivered to, 204; black gray cloth from, 2011; a doublet of white fustiaD from, 243. Edgar, William, 180. Edinbally, lands of, 165. Edinburgh, xv, xvi, xvii, XVUl, xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxiv, xxv, xxvii, xxx, xxxiii, 84, 85; buck. sent from Falk land to, 71; do. to the Queen in, 95, 182; carriage of kirk graith to and from. 73; do. of hal'll8lll to Stirling from, 7~, 132; the lyard courser and the black angel fetched from, 75; the King'. bards brought from, 76; John Forman IJ8Jlt to, 76, 88, 89, 95, 133, 186; the King'. gear carried to Stirling from, 76, 81,86; two hart. taken to, 76; letter sent to Andrew Barton in, 76; the King's writinga sent to, 82. 85, 101, 110, 138, 876; do. to the treasurer in, 8a, 89, 117, 102; tit. Nicholas Bishop of the high town of, 87; atones taken to, 89; a young t&ubroner brought to Stirling from, 89; aqua vite and glusea brought from Stirling to, 89; drugs brought from do. to, 90 ; Campbell and .. man tand" Adam go for their clothea to, 90; payment to two pipers of, 93; John MOBID&D, apotheoary,goes to, 95, 108; Hamburgh, the Danish cook, goes to, 95; horsehire to and from, 95, 96, 108, 134, 136, 138, 338, 840, 415; David, falconer, sent with a hawk to, 98; I&ltpetre from, 96; do. carried from Dundee to, 117; Quintin Foc&rt aent to, 97; a hind for the park of Stirling brought from, 97 ; 8XpeD88B of the baima in, 100 ; the King rides from and to, 103, 838; paymen1Bto Alexander Bow, potter in, 105, 110; Pierson, the gunner, IJ8Jlt to, 110; meaaenger Bent to, 111; the King'a wardrobe in, 111 ;


payment tathe common minstrela of, 112; drinkailver to a.rmourera in, 117 ; fingerafor gloves bought in, 120; Jamea Taylor &eDt to, 129; expen_ of Baroun and Martin in, 130; :way herald goes to, 132; oherriea Bent to the Queen in, 182, 138; Alan"Cochrane eent to, 133; the King'a cotrera aent to Stirling from, 136; ju.tioe-ayre of, 155; payment to the ru1fenia of, 180; various artiolea for bedeamen and bedeawomen carried to and from, 186; the King'a otreringa in, 188, 189; Ronald of the Islea in, 289; carriage of lead from Dumb&rton to, 274; oa.rriage.horlBl for the Queen and her Court to, 808; the heads and tenanta of Teviotdale and the Merse warned to compear in, 312, 379; the Queen aaila from StirliDg to, 312; in bringing of the rest. of, 313; lettera to the King in, 314; carriage of gold to Stirling from, 321; do. of ohapel gear to, 321, 322, 408, 409, 412; do. of the Queen'a wardrobe to, 827 ; do. of the King's wardrobe to, 848, 409; a servitor sent to Inverneaa from, 829; meaaeoger aent to Dundee and Fife from, 330; meaaenger aent to the Lord Treasurer in Kelao from, 837; car riage of org&DII to and from, 839, 847, 373; do. of ohandeliers from, 839; do. of the eucb&riat from and to, 339, 847; do. of the cupboard to and from, 340, 341, 409,411; do. of sture and pellok fiah to C".arliale from, 343; do. of ob&pel gear to and from, 347, 878, 379; work-100mB of broudstara brought to, 347; engagement of a nurse for the Prince from, 351, 356; carriage of the Queen'. gear to and from, 397, 406, 410,414,416-418; e:r.peDII8I of William Bait to, 399; carriage of fiah and coblea from Glaagow to, 405; payments to Malcolm Graham lying aick in, 4041, '09; death of a gunner in, 418; pay.


Edinburgh, Provost of the Church of,

- - St. Giles Kirk, 86, 179-182, 1811, 190,402. - - school of, Mr. David Vocat, muter of the, 404. - - Sheriff of, payments by, 2, 144. Edingles, lands of, 166. pamm. Edington, John de eadem, 8, 147. Edinburgh, Blackfriars in, 180, 183, 408, Edmonston (Edmonstoun), carts sent to, 488. for axle trees, 515. - - burgesses of, 164, 206, 212, 287, - - (Edmanstoan), Jacob, clothing for, 292, 334, 354, 366, 877,445. M. - - Castle of, sewing silk and hanks of - - James, de Edoam, 155. gold delivered to the wife of the cap of that ilk, poinded rests, 351; summoned at the King's tain of, 17, 22, 521; King's offerings on St. Margaret's Day in, 42, 189; instance, 397. manufacture of guns in, lxxi-lxxv; - - - - master of the silver vessels, an old broken silver plate deli vered by gunwheels made iil, 259; accounts for his servitor, John Balfour, 533. work at, and materials for, 276-279, 293, 306, 4511, 508-622; carriage of - - William, poinded for debt, 335; do. and for the extract of his part of artillery to and from, 310, 451, et the chamberlain.ayre of Perth, 350. paBAm; drinksilver to workmen in, 313, 329,841; do. to gunners in, 329, - - Sir Williatn, of, 167. 348; carriage of the cupboard from Ednam, lands in the town of, 8; James and to, 323, 349, 397, 899; payment to Edmonston de, 155. a poor prisoner in, 857 ; carriage of the Edwardson (Eduardaoun), George, pay. ments to, 373, :f17,380. coffers with jewels to and from, 397, 400 j harness carted to and discharged Eels (elia) for the King, payment to in, 417; carriage of do. to the armourer fishers for, 357. from, 418; George Kippynghame, lamper. .'1et Lampreys. smith in, 489; Wolfe Urnebrig who Eggs (eggis) for victnalling the great makes the gunpowder in, 440. ship, 489. - - - - Constable of, tin bought by Eglinton (Eglingtoune), the Earl of, 159; his debt &8Bigned to John Mosman, 313. the, 508; payments to the, 512-511>, Eirlederi8 for the harness, 8mall towis 522. &e al80 Kincaid, Thomas. for, 515. - - customs of, 68, 261, 857, 440. Eitemale. See Oatmeal. - - friars of, alms to the, 84, 175. Elcho, Prioress of,362. Palace of. &e Holyroodhouse. - - parish clerk of, payment to the, 181. Eleanor (Elenor), Mistress, Engliah. woman, velvetfor, 60; p~yment to,67. - - Provost of, the King's writings sent to the, 76; payments to, 120 j payment Elemosina. See Alma. by, 191 ; pailS and pots received from, Eler, Dutchman, shoes, boots, etc., 489, 492. See alJ Lander, Sir Alex. 419. ~nder. Elgin (Elgyne), xxiii; Alexander Gadde

ment to the wives of, 487; the Prior of Whithorn's oxen brought to, 516; payment to the burneledaria of, 519 ; departure of the King from, '521; ex penses of O'DoneU in, 527; payment to Patrick, carver of, 528 j carriage from, and purch&B8 of materials and victuals for ships in, &et Appendix I.

rare, burgeea of, '; jWltice-ayre of, 160; distraining for rests in, 312; inbringillg of do_, 323_ E~n, Sheriff of, 2, 386. Elimose, Elimosina. Su Alms. Elimosinal'. Su Almoner. Ellanegrig, Colin Campbell de, 169. Ellem, congregation of the King'a lieges at, ux\ii, '16. Ellen, .. black" (Elen More, Elene Moire), olothing for, 23'2, ~; shoes and boots for, 232, ""; payment to,


- - Margaret, paym81lt to, m. Ellentyrim, lands of, 169. 521. Ellis (Elleis, Eli&, Aleia), George, mason, England, King of (Henry VII.), otrering at payment!! to, 283, 2M, 446, 520. soul mass of the, 187. - - (Henry V1l1.), !slay herald Elphinaton (Elphinstoun), Alexander, __ captain of Stirling, payments to, 46, sent with the English herald on the King's errands to the, 325; do. sent 102. - - Alexander, Lord, the King playa at with letters to the, Ml. cards with, 317; pointing of his cham- - - Queen of, King's oft'ering at soul ber in HolyroodhoUlle, 529. mass of the, 38, 183. (Helphinston), John, 148. English boat, the, 403, 506. - - Lady, paym81lt to her maidens, m, - - oaohis, "', 4.75. 401. - - clerk, the, 120. - - Alexander, L oloth. &e Cloth. William, Bishop of Aberdeen (g.t/.). - - Cuddy, payments to, 109, 124.. Elrig,lM. - - embasute, the, 4.09. Embasute. Su Ambaaaador. - - groats, 24t5. Embroidery (brodywerk), an image of St. - - herald, the, 336. Catherine in, - - hide, an, 4t84t. Emery (ymery), diohting of steel saddles - - ladiea, 67. with,328. - - pennies, 186. Emisfeld. &e Amiafield. - - pewter vessela, 314. potingary booke, 92. Enderkeithin, William Brown of, '73. England' (hgland), Alexander, furrier, - - priest, 353. prize, the little, 457, 506. goes to, 18; Sir James Cotes goes to Flanders and France through, 28; - - shipe, 352, 473. .kaft' (skaif), the, 373, 4t53. English Cuddy arrives from, 109; Islay heralrl goes with the Bishop of Englishmen, 59, 67, 80, 96, 98, 325, 331, 378, 509; payment for the ransom of, Moray to, 118; Islay herald goes to 300, 305; despoiled by Frenohmen, do. in, 133; news brought to the 317; prisoners in the Caatle of EdinKing from, 309; payments to a purburgh, 1509, fill. lUivant of, 318, M2; Horne IIeIlt on

the KiIlK. errands to, 318; wine sent to Sir John Mnsgrave at Bon886 in, 318; upe1Ises of Thomas Williamaon, cardmaker to the Court of, 327 ; arrival of letters from, to the King, 329 ; a mast brought from, 331 ; silver plate given to Lord Dacre and Doctor Weat, ambassadors of, MS, 533; payment to a courier of, MS; the King'. letters sent to, 3153; horses bought for the King in, 398; the compliois of the Italian trumpeter go to, 443; payment to workmen, oxendriv8l'II, and others in, 511S-522; carriage of pavilions to,



Etal, Biege of the castle of, Ixxix. Eucharist, carriage of the. 339, 347. Evangelist book, illumination of the King's. 4:1. Evensong (evinaang), King's offering after, 175. Evon, wright, payment to, 277. Ewer (ewar) of silver, a, given to the Frenoh ambaaaador, 328. Exaltation of the Holy Croa, olfering to the, 174. Exchequer (ohekker), 28, 29, 67,94,140; clothing for William Haliburton and George Good for their yearly aerYioea in the, 264:. - - precepts, delivery of the, 118, 343, 344, 348, 411 ; drinksilver to the clerks of the cbancellary for writing the, 343. Executors, payments to, of Mr. Alex ander MIll'l'aY, 93; of William Wood, BOG. Extraots (extretis), inbringing of, 348; distraining and poinding for, 350. 355, 370. Extreia. Bet. Axletrees.

Englishwoman, Mistress Eleanor, 60; MistrtIBII Fl'ancia, 269. Eutray silver, 182. Epiphany (Uphaly day), payment on, 94; payments on the eve of, 94, 18]. Ergile. Bet. Argyle. Ermine (ermyngis, armyn, armyng bestis, anuys, armyngis), 229; dichUng and BCOuringof, 216,217, 426; for trimming gOWDa, 29, 31, 3"2, 216,217,425,426; for the breasts of gowns, 215, 216; for the collars of do., 215, 217, 425, 426; for the cuJfa of do., 32; forthefentsof do., 32, 211)...217, 425, 426; for the sleeves of do., 216, 217, 425, 4:26. Ermyt, the King's gilt, 122. Erncrag, payment to the wife of, for milt and kittis to the King, 123. Errol, the Earl of, 161 ; payment by, 12 ; expenses of, at the Westland justice. ayres, 319; takes no expenses at the justice.ayre of Aberdeen, 320. Ersiltoun, vicarage of,36I. Erskine, Jonet, Lady Parnishill, 14:6. - - John, de Dun, 385. Robert, Lord, 157. - - Sir Robert, composition by, 6. - - Mr. Thomas, 389. F.rth.. Bee Airth. Erthbisaet, lands of, 151. Ertht, George, 388. 1<~8Cheats (eschetea), inbringing of, 34:4:. Eskdale (AisdaiU), messenger se.nt for the spiritual tax to, 301. :Esperance, the tree of, leaves for, 120; mending of do., 121; Ilowers for, 120; pears for, 121; leaves to hang do., 121. Esee,360. Esaemur, Gerard, Dutohman, finour and me1ter of the mine, payments to, ~3, 274, 375, 442; John Brady goes to the lead mine at Wanlockhead with, 376. Estland boards, 45, 47, 276, 287, 378,

George MakellOJl'S, 27; to Mr. John MIll'l'aY, 294; to George Halter ston, 2M, 299 I the Lord Secretary'lI, 333. Paill, Ule minister of, 172. Fair (fare) of Dunblane, oxen bought at the, 4:4:6. - - of Inverkeithing, 138. Fairfowlia (Pairfullia), Thomas, maker of gun.stones and gunner, payments to, 4:81,4:90. Fairlieslanda, lands of, U18. Falahill (Faulohill), John Hlll'l'ay de, 156. Falooner, payment to Dande DonIe to bury a poor, 73. _.- (Falkoonare), David, payment to. lI52. - - George. de Halkeratoun, 381.

Falconers, payments to, 124, 398, ~, 405, 416 ; payment to the Earl of Morton's, 79; do. to Sir Andrew Murray's, 84; do. to the Earl of Huntly's, 136; do. to the Earl of Craufurd's, 139. &4 aUo Ahanna. Dougal; David; Downe ; Drannand, David; ronan, David; Fat baIt; HaDDay; Knox; Law, Alexander; Makcowlik, John; MacCulloch, Sir Alexander, the KiDg's muter falconer; Pate; Pate fat hak; Robert ; Stewart, Hector; Simon; Simson. Falconi (guns), colouriDg of two small,


Faatem's even (Faaterny, evin), 467. Fat bo.k, falconer, payment to, 123; sent to the Highlands for hawks, 125. - - Pate, falconer, clothing for, 66; paymf'nts to, 1M, 136; Bent to Ireland,

Falkirk (Fawkirk), trental m&18e8 aid in, 186; offering in, 186. Falkland (Faukland), xviii, xxii; King's offering in the chapel in the hill beside, 41 ; accounts for the work at, 40, 48, 283, 284, 380; bucks slain in, 71; payment to the gardener of, 79; deer lent to Stirling from, 96; pay. ments to Whiatlegibbon of, 105, 115; the King stalke deer with the culveryn in, lxx, 115; clothing for a groom of the stables at, 982; payments and drinklilver to workmen at, 311, 380; furniahing of the Queen's carriage to, 380; oxen sent to the army from, 522Farce-play (fare play), a, played in the Abbey, -330. Fa.rdill, landa of, 6. - - Easter and Wester, landa of, 167. FarniahiIl, Jonet Erskine, Lady, 146. F&l'quhar, Giles (Ferchar, Gelia), payment to, 413; do. t.o his wife, 352; King" offering to hie son's first_, 439. Farrara. &4 Ferrara. Faetca.Btle, Patrick Hume of, 8; Thomas Foret goea to see the English ahipe at, xxxi,352. - - the laird of, clothing for hia lister, Alice Hume, 229. (fest, feete, feilet) of All Relique, 191 ; of St. Barbara, 318; of St. Peter ad vincula, called Lammaa, 397; of Youll (Yule), 462. Feather-beda (fedder beddis), 202, 246, 317. Feathers (fedderis) to stuff a cuahion for the Prince, 33; ca.atoki, to mend the King" hawk, 79; Levant, for beds,202. Feir, the. Su. Camp\"ere. Fent of a gown, budge skins for the, 16; ermine for the, 32, 215-217, 425, 426 ; minx for the, 215, 616; watermailll for the. 216; black velvet for the, 225 ; pampilleone for the, 426Fenton, Thomaa, de Ougell, composition by, 4. Ferchar. Set Farquhar. Fere. 8u. ~pvere. Ferguson, Alexander, 162. --John, de Doune, 165. Robert, 162. Fergy. 8u Graham, Fergua. Fenne wheat given by the King to a poor man of Moray, 330. Fermee, poor men of Moray come ~th a letter to change their, 330. Fem, benefice of, 362. Feme, lande and barony of, 165. Ferny, lands of, 1M. Femyhirat (Famihirat), Andrew Ker of, 166. Ferrara. (Farrara), must (cat) brought to the King by a friar of, 81. Ferry (Ferree, etc.), the. Set Queensferry. - - (Fere, Ferrye, Ferri, Fery), Lancelot, furrier to the Queen, pay-



ments to, 30, 32, 191, 198, 215-217, Fire (fyre), a. new, for the King's cul219, 222, 425, 4Zl, 446; livery for, verin, overgilt, 123. 266. - - (fyre sperie), lint for, 490, Ferryma.n (feryar) of Ca.mbuskenneth, 493, 495. pa.yments to the, 103, 132. Fir (ferryn), 464. Fertur, offering to St. Serf's, 176. - - (firryng, firryn) spars, 480, 508. Fethy, Wester, la.nds of, 157. Fish (fische, fysch) for the Grey Friars, Fettere880 (Fradresso), benefice of, 362 ;: 178; for workmen and for victualling I ships, 297, 336, and Appendix I. pa&im; Mr. Da.vid Broun, rector of, 394. Fiddlers, pa.yments to: to French, 70, I taken to the Pool of Airth, 339; for lIS, 443; to a fiddler a.nd his wife for I the King's dinner, 357 ; carriage from singing to the King, 127 ; to a. blind, Glasgow to Edinburgh of, 40~; bought 309; to an old, 311 ; in Glasgow, 345: at th(\ West Sea., 447. in Queensferlj', 357. I - - pt'llok, 343. Field (feild), stuff by smiths in - - Btok, fol' victualling ships, 467 e/ Edinburgh Castle for the, 520; paMim. hagbuschis taken to the, 520. Fisher (Fischea.r), John, of taffety from, 191, 194; do. of gray Fife, messengers sent to, 92, 323, 351, 414, 416; distraining for rests in, sa.ndre cloth from, 192; do. of ribbons 313, 330, 342, 399, 417; inbringing of, from, 193, 208; do. of sewing silk do., 3"...8, 332; poinding for byrun I from, 1911. ma.ils of recognised lallds in, 333; - - John, burgess of Edinburgh, 164. expenlles of the chamberlain.ayres of Fishers (, fischeraris), pa.yments the burgh of Cupa.r in, 320; Englieh to, 90, 95, 96, Ill, 132,313, 357 ; to ships on the side of, xxxi, 352; the laird of Buchanan's, 117; of the King's letters sent to, for mariners, Garden, 136. lviii, 411, 412; the laird of Kelly in, Fishes (fyschis), bolts for, 485. 518., 1lacatis. Su Fluk, fiaskB. - - Sheriff of, pa.yments by, 2, 144, Flags of the Queen's ship, canvas for 384. lining the heads of the, 'JSYl; of Tlu Figure of the Holy Cross, offering to II. Marga,ret,liv; blue trailze for the, 297; new, 175. of the King's ships, expenses made by Fingask, Archibald Scott de, 399. Alexander Chalmer OD, 3711. Su alllO Fingers (fyngeris) for gloves, 120. Banners and Standards. Finlaa.rde, lands of, 7. Fla.nders (Fla.ndrez), cloth of gold aont from, Z1; colours bought in, Z1; Sir Fin1a.y, - - , runner, shirts for, 262. - - --lackey, clothing for, 262,263, Ja.mes Cotes goes to, 28; Piers the 369 ; pa.yment to, 263. painter Bent to, 134; metal for gUlls - - (Fyndlaw, Fynlay), - - , footman from, 278 ; freight of guns from, lxv, to the Queen, clothing for, 428, 429, 286; do. of guD-stones, cordals, cam'IUI, 432. spicery and wiftyne from, 288 ; do. of Finlayson (Fynlasone), Sir Gilbert, paymandis from, 29'l; John Ba.lz&rd's ship ment to, 350. sent on the King', errands to, 294; Finoure, accounts for, 272-275. caddas candle from, 298; accoUDta Fintry, Robert Graha.m of, 156. with Mr. James Simson of, xliii, 300-



207; instruments for minstrels bought Float-boat (floit boit) of The PGM1Ilost in, 338; a lit-de-camp from, 340; drinkin a atorm, 317. ailver to a broudBtar of, lU2; arrival of Floata (flotis), deala for making, 286. John Paul, brondatar, from, 3M;' de- Floab (fiokkis), 284; for the gun-mould, parture of do. to, 441 ; Edward Cook116. burn lent with writinga fnrth of, 403. Flodden, the march to, lxxv-lux. Flandel'l budge, 19. Flool'l (fiurla), the chamber, in Stirling, - - glovea, 202. ruahea for, 83- - bata, 204, 206; black do., 198, 199; Florence, tafi'ety of, for lining a gown, red do., 199, 203. 30.' Flaak (flacat), mending of a, 138 ; do. of Flory for the painter, 90. the King's great, 138. Floundera (f1ukiB), payment to poor - - lid, payment for making a, 138. fiBhera for, to the King, 357. Fluks (fiacatiB), purchase of, UK; great, Flour, barrels of, delivered to the baker, of glaM, 86; do. for quinta ~oia, 94. 488. Flatoll1'l, payment for making, 298. Flowera (f1ouris) for the tree of eaperFleming (Flemyng), & piece of the Holy &nee, making of, 120. CroIIII brought to the King by a, 106; I Foe&lL &e Fuel. the King is taken to the great ahip ill' Focart, Alexander, macer, pellJlion paid the boat of a, 334 ; payment to broudto, 69; interment of, 123. atal'l who wrought with the, 442. - - Quintin, livery for, 64; paymenta - - of the &pice-hoUIe, livery for, 55. to, 73, 77, 97; do. when lying sick, - - Alexander (Sandris), clothing for, lOS, no, 1I5; payment of his debts, 256. 115; meBBengera BeDt to Bute on the - - Anthony, who made the little boat, matter of, 73; a horae bought for, 91 ; payment to, 326. burial e:r:penBeB of, 116; interment of, - - George, de Kilmalcolm, 140. 117; arma for do., 117. - - Jonet, 389. (Fokhert, Fokkert, Folkert), - - (Flemyn, Flemyne), Lord, paymenta William, yeoman of the King'. atable to his taubronar, 75, 137 ; raftera and and henchman, payments to, 190, 309, lerpentinea received by, (86; wino 312, 31', 336, au, 351, '16; clothing received by, 491. for, 258. - - Martin. &e Martin the Fleming. Fodder (fodir) for ho..-, 125, 128. Flemiah cartera, 284, 286. Fog brought from the hanyng, 0']3. - - ella, 'no Foirlokia for ahipa, purchaae of, 481. - - money, 1(0. Fonganh, Mr. Robert Boswell, preben. Fleah (fieache) for provullomng ahipa, clary of, 395. 304 and Appendix L pGMim. Font, money put in the candle at the. - - knife, a, for drteeing, 489. 185, 186. Flesher (f1eschar), the muter, oxen Fool (fule). the. called Bille How, 51 ; bought by, 515. aleevea of ta1fety for the coahnd hood - - (Fleschour), Mr. John, vicar of of the, 64; payment to Lord HamilKirriemuir,393. ton'., 109; do. to Thomas Nomy, 184; Fleahera (fieachouria), the maater. paypayments to Cudde, 333, 356. menta to lervants of. 488, 492, (94. - - lad. payment to a, au.



}t'ootmen (fute men), payment to the Forester, Robert, of Stirling, payments Queen's, 380. Su al80 Campbell; to for rushes, 83, 139. Craufurd, David; Finlay, Robert. - - Thom&s, 148. Footsheets. See Sheets. - - Sir Walter, bridlesilver to his man,' Forbes, rector of, 363. US. - - John, de Echt, 389. . Foretowis for guns and BOurnes, SIS. - - - - de Brux, 389. !Forfa.r, rolls in the Sheriff compt of, 140 ; - - - - de Pitsligo, 161. I poinding for byrun mails of recog- - William, 9, 11 ; sends a dog to thc I' nised la.nds in, 333; distraining for rests in, 342. King, 74. Forebowis, 518. - - i:iherifi' of, payments by, 2, 384. Foredeck (fordek) of the great ship, 'I Forge, payment to the French goldsmith hardis for calfeting the, 478; of the t{) eet up his, 135. bark of Abayfeild, timber for the, Forhous, Dom. George, \icar of Pencait 496. land, 394. Foregate (foryett) of Linlithgow Palace, Form (furm, pl. formes), gun, drink clasps for a great lock of the, 523. silver to the man who makes the, 109; Foregeris in ,he ship, dichting of, 119. I the, brought from the potter's hoUle Foreship (forschip) of the grest ship, to the c&stle, 116; wax, roeat, and wire payment to workmen for ta.king stones: for the, 116. I Forman, Andrew. See :\Iomy, Bishop of. from the, 474. Forest (Foret), David, servit<lr to John: - - John, 22, 30, 54, 63, 65, 75, 76, Forman, payments to, 339, 446, 44i. I 80-8::1, 85-90, 95, 100, 105, lOS, 118, and Appendix I. pauim. I 124, 130, 133, 134, 136, 139, 177, 191, George, livery for, 270, 271; paY-I 193-195, 199, :.!02, 204-206, 226, 240, ment to, 324. 253,272,286, 287, ~..!, 293, 306,312- - John, clothing for, 56, 66; payment 315, 3t'l, ::123, ~28, 334, 349,351, to, 70. 352,355, 357,365,367, 373, 375-378, - - Thomas, bridlesilver to, 80, 87, 96; 405, 408-410, 415, 420, 430, 432, 445payments to, 135,352,417. 447,490,521,522,529, 5:U. Forester (Foresta.r), Alexander, piays at - - (Fformane), John, younger, cousin the ca.ich with the King, 133. to the Bishop of Moray, 362; clothing - - (Forster), Sir Duncan, of Garden, for, 253; pension paid to, 269. knight, comptroller to the Queen, - - John, de Grantully, 169. payments to, 27, 43, 141; plays at - - Robert, Dean of Glasgow, 364; cards with the King, 85; plays at the auditor, H3, 3;;9, 383; payments to tables with do., 85; messenger sent &Ild by, 174, 176, 186, 197, 206, 212. with the King's writings to Stirling 234,236, 237, 246,255, 277, 280, 289, 290,296,310, 317,328, 331,352, ass, for, 91. - - John, escheat of, 155. 371, 396, 399, 400, 403,411, 437, 472. - - - - of Gamilachelis, 9. 531 ; Sir Robert Thomson, hiB chap - - Margaret, spouse of Sir John Stir lain, 371; signs accounts, 381, 448; ling of Keir, 388. sends news to the King, 411. - - Patrick, a.lderman of Kirkcudbright, Forms (formys) for the hall of St.irling, 161. sawing of, 526.



FOIT9II (Fores), inbringing of the rests 114; horoes sent to, 125; merchandiBe of,323. for the King bought in, 140 ; departure - - Sheriff of, 366. of John de Albany to, 234; the laird Forsyth (Forsith, Forsithe), William, of Lnndy's BOD goes to, 2315 ; metal for Bervant iu the Queen's chamber, cloth the gnus from, 278; Lord Roes goes on ing for, 55, 266, 431. the King's errands to, 289; planks Forth, the, inbringing of the contribution bought in, 2H; the Bishop of Moray of prelates north of, 401; letters Bent in, 322, 408; Unicorn purauivant Bent north and south of, for wa.ppiuschawB, with letters to, 322; expenses of do. 402; do. anent the pestilence, 404; in, 322; payment to a pl1rsuivant of, King's letters for the contribution Bent 324; departure of De la Motte to, to pla.ces beyond, 418. 335-337, 352, 480; a boat Bent out for Fotheringham (Fothirgaham), James, tidings to ships from, 338; Monsieur m8.80n, payment to, 508. de Albany's secretary goes to, 344; Foularton, Peter, skipper of Chalmer's passage of Louis de Pois to, 354; ex barque, xliv, 499. penBes of Robert Borthwick coming Foulden, the rector of, 393. from, 378; passage of John Barton to, Foulfurd, Alexander, 393. 398; do. of Jehan la Rosey to, 403; Foulismowat, lands of, 157. furnishing of Frenchmen going to, 403 ; Fowler (foular), payment to the laird of the French secretary arrives from, Balgony's, 114. 413; expenBe8 of Perot BabYIl, ship. - - (Foular), William, iron for the. man, coming {rom, 414; the Lyon herald goes to, 417; Octavian the ship. work bought from, 45. Italian goes to, 419; Mr. James Ogilvy - - - - burgess of Edinburgh, and apothecary, payments to, for drugs, goes to, 419; mariners Bent to, 469; etc., 90, 92, 125, 135, 354; payment rIo. hired in, 482; guns shipped from, 487. by, ISO. Fowls, payment to four men to affray, on France, the King of, De la Motte and Mr. the loch of Restalrig, 72; the King James Ogilvy Bent on the King's with the culverin at the Isle of May errands to, 299; the spiritual Lords warned on matters concerning, 323; a shoots, 130 brown COl1raer Bent from, 328; Unicorn - - wild, brought to the King, 114, pursuivant Bent on the King's errands 405. to, 334: Marchmont herald sent on do. Fra.dresso. Su Fetteresso. to, 341; letters to the King from, xxviii, France, sale of The Great Michael to, 341. . lvii; Sir James Cotes goes to, 28; payment for timber left in, 47: passage Francis, John, 171; payments to, 19, 135,140. of French minstrels to, 66; do. of the French fiddler and his BOD to, 70; the - - Mistre88, Englishwoman, camlet given to, 60; payments to, 68, 269. Clerk of Denmark goes to, 72 j James Cunninghame Bent to, 73; hawks Bent Francs (frankis), 41, lU, 277, 294, 295, 298,299. to, 95, 134; ThoJll8.ll Hopringill's IOn goes to, 96; John; trumpeter, goes to, FraHer (Freaar), James, payment to, for a hawk, 88. 98; drinksi1ver to armourers in, 114; (Fresall, Freelay, Freaell), Robert, exponae8 of the pursuivant to and from, -



459, 461, 464, 468, 470, 476, 481, 483, 489,494,496,529,530. Freaall, Fresell, Freslay. See F _ . Friar students in St. AndrewB, payments to Irish, ISO, 181, 186. Friars, payments to, 37, 133; to an old, ISO; to Augustine, 37, 43; to Ayr, 187; to Dnmfries, .1, 182, 184, 189; to Edinburgh, M, 175; to a Ferrara, 81; to Haddington, 42; to Inverkeithing, 36, 175, 177, 190, 439; to Irish, 36, 37, 42; to Irvine, 187; to Linlithgow, 35, 181, 439; to Luifneaa, 34, 186; to Perth (St. Johnstoun), 38, 181; to Queenaferry (the Ferry), 181, 439; to St. Andrews, 4,0; to Stirling, 35, 189; to Tulylum, 36. See al40 Blackfriars; Greyfriars. Friary (Freris) in Haddington, the King's belcher in the, 84. Frieze (freis) coat, a, for BaroIlD, bought in Stirling, 50; for lining a kirtle, 224 ; gray do. to the plaits of a gown, 219. Fringes (frenzeis), 125; of gold and ailk, 15; of silk, for an altar frontal, 38; of sewing silk, for the King's bards, 22 ; of do., for the Queen's chair of state, 31; of do., for a bonnet, 204,; of do., for banners and standards, &U ; of black do . for a saddle and harnessing, 196; weaving of do., 196; of Birge thread, for standards, 369; of red and white do., for kirk cloths, 4,0; for the standards of the great ship, .77. Friscobald, Jerome, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28, 31,63,294,295,301,303-305,365_ Frog, William, sewing silk bought from,

smith, payments to, 451, 477, 493, 496. Fraaer, Thomas, of Lovat, Lord, 167. - - William de Philorth, 385. - - Sir William, pension of, 268, 380, 441. Fre creis for the axle-trees, 515. Freeland (Freland), lands of, 389. Freis. .'Jet Frieze. French ambassadors, xxvi, 112, 198, 324, 327,328. - - boy, Baron the, 45, 50, 53, 61, 82, 86. - - cloth. See Cloth, French. - - crapis, 205. - - crowns. See Crowns, French. - - fiddlers, 70~ ll5, 443. - - goldsmith, the. llO, 127, 135. - - gunmaker, the, 65. --l11nners, 23, 65, 118, 123-127, 132, 442,465,507. - - herald, the, 72- - hood, a, 231- - horse-marshal, the, 117. - - lackey (aUocay), the, 263, 342, 369. - - mariners, 127, 455, 462, 507. - - minstrels. Bet Minetrela. - - organists, 443_ - . - pilot, the, 531. - - post, the, 78. - - saddles, ll8, 119, 122, 308, 412. --aecretary, the, 413. - - sheep, 353. - - ships, 336, 408, 491. - - skippers, ll7, 332. - - smith, the, 62, 75, 118. - - spears, 121. - - taubronars, 443. - - toddie, 199,201,421. - - trumpeters, 443. - - wife in the New Haven, payment to a, 312- - wrights, 335, Ml, 482, 5Il, 527. Frenohmen, 66, 79, 108, 117, 122, 124, 125, 127, 128, 131, 134-136, 138, 139, 290,293,317, 333, 335, 3M, .03, 439,

Frontal (fronteU), altar, 38. Su aha Antependis; Pendele. Frost, father, purchase of Bilk ribbons from, 193; do. of buckram from, <J!r/; do. of white fustian from, 317. - - Moris, the poor man in Stirling, payment to, 112.

Froeter, William, payment to, 460. Fruit, payment to the gardener of Lin lithgow for, 310. - - seller (frutt aeUa.r), payments to a, in New Bavin, 309. Fuel (focall, fuell), 274, 484. Fullerton (Fullertoun), Andrew, a I18.tin doublet given to, for his good service in the Hall, 269. - - (Foulartoun), Peter, captain of Chalmer's bark, xliv, 499. Fulze. Su Gold foil. Fuuzeis, for a gown, IS,J~OI; for a coat, 199. Furches of deer, 7l. Furm. Su Form. Furnace (fumes, fornace) in Stirling, . payment for making the, 133; pay. ments for kllt'ping the, 374, 376; in Linlithgow, materials for building the, 379; crnkis for do., 525; in Edinburgh Castle, payment to workmen at the, 508. Furriers. See Alexander; Ferry, Lancelot; Winchester, James. Furring, furrings, 215, 223, 229, 281; of Orkney buge, 255. Fustian, 57, 62, 211; for floting, 435; for lining, 36, 38, 196, 201, 204, 205, 214, 21S, 238, 240, !U4, 266, 423, 424; for mending feather-beds, 317; for blankets, 211, 298; for covering a coat above harness, 15; for the cushion of a pillion, m; for doublets, 49, 50, 56, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 66, 234-!U4, 246, 247,254,255, 269, 262-264,267, 427, 4.28, 431-433, 435, 531; for harness doublets, 14,431; for harness-breeches, 21; for covering harness-hose, 14; for a hame88-jacket, 21; for the King's mail, 26; for the King's p&IIB, 421 ; for mending the King's roof of cloth of gold, 319; for II. wylicoat, 423, 424. - - black, 195, 428; black gray, 214; white, 59, 63, 234, 2.~7, 239-24:1, 246,


247, 263, 264, 317, 431; Holmez (BoImil), 204, 211, 298 ; Milan (!'delane, !'dull8.De), 14, 21, 49, 50, 61, 65, 66, 205, 218, m, 236--239, 241, 243, !U4, 254, 255, 259,262-264,267, 319,421, 423, ~11, 433,435,531;bl.&ck do_, 56, 57. Fustianis. See Blankets. Futhes, lands of, 153. - - Easter, lands of, ltiS. Fyndlaw, Fynlay. See Finlay. Fyre. See Fire. Fysch, fyschis. See Fish, fishes.

See Galbraith. Gabriel, the bark or ahip called the, xliv; standards for, 368, 369 ; King's offering at the first m8118 singing in, 377; victualling of, 4; hides shipped in, 445. For other references, IIU Appendix I. paMim. Gadderare, Alexander, burgess of Elgin, composition by, 4. Gaitgill, Duncan Macneiah de, 148. Gakye, Andrew, 147; escheat of, 9. Galberts (gawbertiB, gawhartis) of French gray cloth, 2/S; of tan, 262; of French tan, 428, 431; of sa.d do., 2Ii; of Rowane tan, 531 ; of ruaeet, 369, 435; of Scots rueset, 262; of Rowane greis,

Galbraith, James, 365. - - (Gawbraith), Paul, servitor to the Queen, livery for, 266; payment to, 335. - - (Gabreth, Gawbraith), Sir Thomas, a book of gold bought by, S7; pay_ ments to, 41, 340, 358, 379. Gallery (galre, gaJry), the Queen'., a.t Holyrood, payment for work on, and materiala for, 276, 37S. Galley (galay), trees for a, 290, 345; do_ for the keel of a, 290; payment to wrights for building a new, 290; payment for building a, In Glasgow, :xlii,



290; do. to David Lindaay for building butts in the, au, 3US; neoeaaariaa a, 292; a new, built in Ayr for the King, brought for the Queen'a, 330. xlii, 292; payment to Henry Cometoun, Garden at Holyroodhoue, drying of the builder of do., 292; a wright brought loch for the, "; . .ymenta to Sir J&meI from Arran to make a, for the King, Sharp for keeping the, 288, 'rI1, 443 ; Mi; iron-work and nails for the, 481 ; loeb for the doora of the, 65l8. fir deals for the, 4M; kn_ for the, dikea, payment for baUding the 488. new, 46Galloway (GaIlua, Galluay), Downe, fal- Gudenera, payments to: of the New CODer, _ t to, 77; Dande Doule aent Work in Dambarton, of Falkland, 79; of Linlithgow. 88, 108, 131, to,89; hawbgoUrom, 128; mMBenger _ t for money to, 332, 333; distrain1M, 139, 310, 318, 3110, a; of Stirling, 101, 108, 128, 1'r1, 138. in, for ....... of Blllliptiona in, 3t6; IIl8II8IIger _ t for the spiritual tax to, Gardin (Game), Alexander, 1Il88IeDg&l', 3151; men for shipe furnished from, paymenta to, 313, Sis, 832, 333, Ma, M7,380_ lviii,413. Bishop of, dirige and IIOUl _ for Gardner (Garnere), John, melter, luii; the, King'a oI'erin, at aon1 _ paymenta to, 'rI8, ~17. of the, 38; gives a horae to the King, John, and hia BOD, marinera, payment to, 4.89. 73. - - Lord, p\a.ya at carda with the King, - - John, boatman to TM, rings and ataplea delivered to, 495. 3US, 317; pointing of his chamber in Garrone naila, 628. Holyroodhouae, 529. - - SherUfa of, meeaenger aent to the, Ga.nald, Mr. Patriok Coventry, rector of, 391. 332. - - Mr_ Alexander, rector of Darria, Guk, Jamea Haliburton de, 187_ Gate (Htt, yett), mending of the hay393. Robert or Robin, of the King'a yard. 1M; a great lock for the foryeU of Linlithgow Palace, 623; banda, etc., avery, payments to, 87. 88, 94, 117, 131, 138, UO, 333, 409, 412, 415; for the park at do., 624; lIIending of a clothin, for, 6f, 238; boat hire for, lock for do. at, li28; naila for the tum130; bill for laddlery anbacribed by, pike at do., li28; mending of the kirk ateaple at Holyrood, 308; money delivered to, "7. Game (gaymyn, gamyn, gammyn, gem), Gatea (yettia) at Linlithgow Palaoe, the Irish, the King's expe_ at, 101, banda for the, li28.. 102, UK, 107, Mi, 3f5. Gavelocb (gaweiokis, oavillokia, gavilGamilBche1ia, John Forester of, 9. lokis), iron, lxxiv, (60, 490, 493. 614, Gamrie, vicarage of, 363.. Ganzeia (genzeis), purebaae of, 3'n; a Gawbarti., gawbertia. Bee Galbarta. cofFer for, 3'n. Gawbraitb. Bee Galbraith. Garden, Sir Duncan Foreeter of, 'rI; pay- Gawin, an Englishman, payment to, ment to a fisher of, 136. 80. Gear (geir), payment to Alan Cochrane, - - Mr. David, 381S. armoarer, for fOl'l" and back-. 328. - - (garding), locka and keya for the new, 126; the King'a expeneea at the lJedd., Thomu, 389.




Ge8IIe brought to the King, 132; green Gluclune, Andrew Hering of, 408.
do., 133. Ueiatia. Su J oistl. Gentlewoman, payment to Douglas the, 80; do. to a poor, 123. Gentlewomen, sheetl of Bertane cloth for the Queen's, 211. Genzeia. Sea Ganzeis. George, the Almane guDIler, lxv, lxvi; clothing for, 63; paymentl to, 106, lOS, 109, 127; hone hire for, 127. --culverin-maker. SuKeppiIl" GIIOIp. of the outer chamber door, payment to,M6. Gerard, melter of the mine. Su EIIIIemur, Gerard. Gervase (Gerwez, Gervais, Gerves, etc.), Frenchman, gunner, baii, baill ; paymentl to, 276, 277, :r72, 378, ~; payment to servants of, ~; drink.ilver to,~ . Gestes. Sea Joist.. Gib, John, escheat of, 390. GibIiaton (Giblodstoun), lands of, 166. Gidmundis1anJis, lands of, 167. Gilestoun, Alexander, de eadem, 161. the laird of, 160. GillOt, Guilliam (Gilleam), Frenchman, payment to, 290. Gilleam, Gilgem, Gilzeame, etc. &e Guilliam. Gillebreid, puraaivant, payment to, 34:1. Giller, the Duke of. Su Gueldres, Duke of. Gillil (Gyllill), Marion, payment to, 418. Gilmerton, lands of, 166. Gilpatrick, Henry, clothing for, 266_ Gilsamylte, Robert, payment to, for tallow, 211. Girls. Su Gri1se.. Girth buckles, 122. - - atingiI, 111,296. Girtbl, N, 226, 226, 233, 243, 308, 402, 403, 412 ; hOUlwg, N ; for saddles, 409. Glado, Sir Simon, payment to, 3711_


Glasfurd, Simon, buckler maker, payment to, 121. Gldgow, feeding of cranes in, 102; trental masses said in, 184, 188 ; building of a galley in, xh-i, 2110; messenger sent to fetch Sir Andrew Brounhill in, 327 ; payment to a fiddler in, 345; archbishop and clergy of the diocese of, 3111, 392; carriage of fiab from, 400; do. of cables from, 405, 476 ; messeuger sent to the diocese of, 4OS; a cannon drawn by horses to, lxxxi, rN1 ; carts lent for wine to, rN1 ; do. for guDII to, 527. - - Archbilhop of (James Beaton), xi, 145, 173; auditor, 14.~, 3511, 383; indenture made with John Lokken, mason, by the, 281 ; signs accounts, 381, 448 ; timber delivered to the, 529. Bilhop of, a cup given by the, 93. - - the Chancellor of, 173. - - Dean of. Sa Forman, Robert. prebendary of, the IeCOnd, 362. the sub-dean of, 173, 362. - - the auccentor of, 173. Glaspea. Sa Clasps. Glasa: for the Kirk of Steill, 45, 81 ; for Edinburgh Castle, 278; for Stirling Palace, 282 ; for the chapel of Cambusharoun, 282; for windoWl of the great hall of Linlithgow Palace, 280 ; white, for the Queen's oratory in the Abbey, 375; for do. in Liulithgow Palace, /S24; flasks of, 86; cakes of, for quinta essencia. 91. Glasabands, for Linlithgow Palace, 279,

GIaaserton, lands of, 162; the vicar of,


Glassea, taken to Stirling from Edinburgh, 89; freight of a puncheon and a Hamburgh barrel of, 114; payment to John 1400000000, apothecary, for, 117. night-, for .hips, 298, 302.


four ounces of the King's, that were lost, 91: beads of, 137; a claap of, 137; a relique of, 137 : targes of, 1:J7 ; the King's cup of, 137,334; whistles of, 137, 196,316; the Queen's oollar of, 210; a chalfrone of, 213; payment to John Aitken, goldsmith, for, 270; skins of, 297; a sapphire Bet in, 315 ; for a ring, 315; carriage from Edinburgh to Stirling of, 321 ; trenchel'lof, 321, 5:J2 ; bought from Sir James Pettigrew, 409, 412 ; payment to the Kiug in, 410; taken to the Queeu, 418. Gold, oloth of. 8u. Cloth of gold. -_. foil (fu1ze, fulzee), 90; Racland do.,
125. - - hanks of, for embroidering various articles, etc., 14,21,22,28-30, 38, 43, 79, 195, 209, 213, 221, 223, 227, 354,

Glasswright, money delivered to the, 48. 8u. al80 Peebles, Thomas. Glaatre, Mr. John Scrimgeour of, 386. Gledstanis, John, composition by, 7. Glen, Robert Gordon of, 8. - - (Glene), John, Holland cloth bought from, 211. Glenartnay, xxi; the Hunthall in, 137. Glenbervy, lands of, 10, 11, 170. Glencairn, barony of, 158. - - Cuthbert, Earl of, 8, 147, 159; oompoeition by, 5. - - William, Master of, 158, 159. Glenoonner, lands of, 390. Gleneagles (Glennegaa),John Haldane de, 387. Glenesk, lands of, 164, 165. Glenlogy, Iandsof, 388. Gleuluce, Cuthbert Bailie, oommendator of, xiii, xxxii. Gleumorison (GlenmoriBchane), lands of,

Glenmure, John Lindsay de, 159. Glenquhum, diBtrainingfol're&te ill, 414. Glenskirburn, lands of, 8. Olenturk, lands of,S. Glove-maker (gIufe maw), John Mar, 410. Gloves (gluffia, gb'VT.I), 64, 88, 98, lOS, 112, 133, 200, OOd, 373; payment to the woman in Stirling who makes, 1()O2; fingel'l for, 120 ; of plate, 120, 121, 137 ; hawk, 136, 373; &hooting, 200, 373; Flandert, 202; pointll for, 410. Glue (glew), 90, 113, 276. Goat-skin (gait akynnia), for the bellows of the King'. organs, 276. GagaI', William, carter,payment to, 519. Gold, fringes of, 15; harneBll pointe horned with, IIi; targete for bonnets do., 15; chains of, 21, 323; for painting or iUuminating, frI, 88, 97, 109, 112, 115, 296, 296, 340; Racland and breaelJ. for do., 90 ; B.attil for do., 113; hearts of, 90, 113; reward for finding

367,368,423, 436,. 521. Goldee (Goldyn), the wife called, brings butter and oheese to the King, 77; briugs geese to do., 132. Goldsmith, the French, payments to, 110, 127,135. - - Sir John, the King'1 oll"ering to his firet maaa, 41; paymentll to, 68, 268, 441. Goldsmith!!. 8u Aitcbison, John ; Aitken, John; Auohinleok, Matthew; Currour, John, Thomas, and William; La Roasy, Jehan; Michell; Shaw, George; Wallace, Thomas. Good (Gude, Gud), George, writer, paymente to, 141, 447; clothing for, 264. Good Friday, King'. oll"ering on, 186, 438. Goodfellow (Gudefallow), John, 390. Goose (gya), a .. nakit," brought by EugliBh Cuddy into the olose, 124; brought by men of arms to the King at the banquet, 126. Gordon, Sir Alexander, xvii, 391; proolamation of hiB daughter'S breves, 406. - - Alexander (Sande, Sandris), yeoman of the Queeu's stable, paymente to, 77.

82, 13], 413; livery for, 56, 258;


bridlesiJ ver to, 335. Gordon, George, ~ Cushnie, 157. --John,157. - - John, de Lochinvar, 160, 391. - - Jonet, 391. - - Lord, a gown of black velvet for, 247; iron bands and a lock for his chamber door in Holyroodhouse, 629. - - Lady, clothing for, 219,220, 422; rides over the Month, 398, 427; expenses made on her abilzeament, 400. - - Patrick, 3. - - Robert, de Glen, composition by, 8. - - William, composition by, 3. - '- Wiliam, de Schevez, 386. Gordonhall, lands of, 7. Gorgie, lands of, 10. GorgiehUl, lands of, 387. Gorthy, Sir James, chaplain, French tan cloth given to, 57; payments to, 183, Wl. - - Tristram, de eadem, 3. Goshawk (goshalk, goisehalk), a, brought to the King, 71 ; a, sent to the Laird of Inchmartin, 317. Goshawks got from Moray, 349. Gourlay, David, payment to, 286. - - (Gourlaw), James, paymenia to, 513,620. - - John, head boatman, grilse and trout bought by, 484. Robert, burgess of Dysart, 387. - - Thomas, turner, payments to, oi.51, 464, 613, 520; payment of his house maill,472Gowns of brown cloth, 214,258. - - of brown greise cl~th, 259, 433. - - of oa.m1et, 16, HI, 26, 52, 54, 230, 259,4.14; of black do., 201, 235, 247, 253, 256, 260, 266, 420; of gray do., 194., 222; of red do., 67 ; of tan do., 226, 231, 241, 253, 254, 256, 257, 261, 431,432. - - of cloth of gold, 20, 198,213,217.

of damask, 58, 223, 2oi.5, ~; of black do., 430; of gray do., 423; of tan do., 212, 430 ; of white do., 424. - - of French gray cloth, 19,208. - - of French russet, 427-429,431, 434. - - of French tan, 54, 59, 66,~, 428, 429. - - of Paris black cloth, 13, 24, 30, 31, 212, 222, 226, 229, 249, 423. - - of Rissillis black cloth, 2'28, 232, 250, 252,256,259, 262, 265, 433 ; of do. , with wide sleeves, 221, 2'>..5, 227. - - of Rissillis brown cloth, 224, 232, 265, 427, 433, 434- - of Rowane greis, 261, 328; of do., with wide sleeves, 220. - - of Rowane russet, 229, 230, 244, 262. - - of Rowane tan, 256, 257-259, 261, 266 ; of do., with narrow sleeves, 232. - - of russet cloth, 59, 178, 262, 371, 436. - - of Scots black, 58. - - of Scots russet, 20, 435. - - of satin, 31, 241, 426; of black do., 201, 210, 216, ~, 246, 426; of do., with wide sleeves, 423; of Birge do., 64 ; of brochit do., 434 ; of crimson do., 208, 215 ; of gray do., 16, 19, 223, 248, 2~9, 420; of gray do., with wide sleeves, 213 ; of pirnit do., 434, 533; of pyrne gold do., 253; of russet do., with wide sleeves, 423; of tan do., 19,30, 208, 215,430. - - of taft'ety, yellow, 64. - - of tan cloth, 256, 266. - - of tan grauce, 253, 433. - - of velvet, 25, 29, 30, 31, 52, 248, 250, 424; of black do., 28, 199,206, 211, 217, 221, 233, 247, 358, 425; of black do., with narrow sleeves, 208, 216; of black do., with wide sleeves, 423, 426; of crimson do., 214.-216,423, 425; of purple do., 198, 426; of tan do., 16,28,207, 213,215,216,219,222,


ment to hill man, 322; diatrained for debta,398. Grantoun, the laird of Cambee 81UI1. moned for the non-entry of, 109. Grantully, John Forman de, 169. Gray, - , lathenar to the KiDg, pay. mentto, 68. - - - , finour, payment to, 274Aleunder, burgeaa of Aberdeen, 388. - - Andre", in Leith. payment. to, 289, 294- - Jamea, wright, payment to, 464. - - Muter of, sends a hawk to the King, 126. - - Thomaa, iron bought from, 46. Greaae (oreis) for axle-treM, 515. Great MieAGel, the, XXV, :ovii, xuU, xliii, li-lviii, lx, lxxiv. 8u GUo Ship, the King'. great. Greenlaw, Mr. Walter Ker, vicar of, 3M. Nioholaa, rector of Eddleaton, 182. Groemide (Greinaid), offering to the Rood of, 174. Greis, akins of. for liniug a gown and for the collar of do.. 30. Greveaohip, lands of, 1M. Grey Friars, ale and fish for the, 178; paymenta to the, 185; do.-inAyr, 187; do. in Stirling, 36, 43- - Sistere, alms to the, 439. Grierson (Grereeoun). Cuthbert, de lAc, 360. Lawrence, 360. Roger, de lAc, 389. Gril8e (girla), purchaae of, for viotaalling the great ahip, 484. Groata (grotie)(coinaJ. twelve..penny, 188, 532; English, 245. Groata (grottia, gratis), for the quaila, 528, 529. Grooms, clothing for: of the Prince'. chamber, 55. 431; of the stabl_ at Falkland, 262 ; of the King'. ohamber. 258.

Gown, a dule, with a hood, of Paria black cloth, 422. . - - a great, of tan camlet, 198. - - livery, 221, 229, 230, 233, 235, 241, 244-~, 250-259, 161, 262, 265, 266. - - night-, of gray sandre cloth, 200; of black satin, 210, 217. - - riding, of black velvet, 216 ; of Rissel black cloth, with a hood, 528. - - single, of black satin, 205, 206. - - spousing, of tan _tin, 228 ; of gray do.. 249. - - wedding, of gray satin, 228. - - for a boy of the ohapel, 107; for the clerka of the Register, etc., 140; oompenaatioo to.Andrew Wright for a bt, 310 ; a Ml'Vitor &eDt to Invern_ for a, 329; fOr the miDBtrels, 430; for Andrew Kume, treasurer olerk,444. Graham (Grame), AleDDder, of Leith, paymenta to, 46, 47. - - Sir David, hill man &eDt for hawks, U5. - - DonaJd, King'. henchman, payment for hi. board, 380. (Grabame, Grayme),l'orgua(Fergy), clothing, etc:, for, 51, 54, 66, 243, 244, 368,370; paymenta to, 73, 85, 345, 1147, 406, 410, 417. - - Jamea, amith, paymenta to, 408. - - :Malcolm, cook, clothiDg for, 2Ii6; payment to, 342 ; do. when lyiDg sick, 406,409. Riohard, payment to, 269. aervitor Regia, 390. - - Robert, de l'intry, 156. - - Simon (Symon), clothing, etc., for, 242. - - William, payment to, 398. Granellia, mending of the King'., 418. Gr&Dg8, 1anda of, 385. Gr&Dg8mouth, 'IvL Grant, John, playa at cards with the King, 89; composition by, 150; pay-

Gl'I1mmald, Johannes, mariner, payment


workhoraea in the, 518 j smiths sent

to, 472-

to England with, IH9; furth-putting

Gadlingis (gudlinill, gold, 306, 312, 328. of the, 519; traistis for the, 521 ; Gueldrea (Giller), the Duke of, payment down-taking and up.putting of, to Dutchmen ret1ll'lling to, 34S. Gun-forma, drinksilver to the man who GuiUiam, the Duke of Albany's man, makea the, 109; brought from the payment to, 79. potter'1 hoUlO, 116 j WD, roaat, and - - (Gilzam), Frenchman, payment to, wire for, 1111. for the Spanish &hip, 460. Gun-maker, the French, Ri8lilis brown - - (Gilleam, Gilzeame, Gilyem), French. cloth for, 65. man, organist and maker of the King's Gun-moulds, varioUl artiolea for, 109, organs, payments to, 276, 397, 442, 110, 113, 116, 117; payment to the IS2S j materiaJa for organs delivered to, potter of Stirling for, lUI. _,G24. Gun-pellokis, casting of, 109. - - taubronar, payments to, 68, 1'2, Gun-stocks, lundriell for, lll, 609-511, 112,271, m, 330, 831, MO, 3116, 443; 615; cartage and shipment of, 462, 511. driuk!lilver to, 310. Gun-atones, lxxii, 288, 805, and Appendix Gum, for the painter, 90. pamm; of iron, 302, S06 ; Patrick Gun, gunl, purchase of, for the King, Kow and Thomu Fairfowlia, makera of,48I. Ixviii-Ixxi,98, 132 j a measure for tho King's silver, 137 ; Ihootiug with the, Gun.wheels. made by the wheelwright of 100, 109-112; canvas for do., 113; Melroee, 259. graith for firing the, 103; metaifoT,l06, Gunner, death of, and suili-age for a, 416. 109, 110, 113, 116,278,302,305,357, Gunner-mariner, payment to Ha.nnis, 293. 399,630; caatingof, 1015, 108,109, 126, Gunnera, lxiv ; payments and drinkBilver 127,I33,13j; silver quadrants for, 110; to,90, 103,113, 115, 135,318,329,348; delivered to thepotterB, 111; paymeut do. to ship, 378,453, d pamm; do. to to the wright who stocked the, 111; the French, 118, 123-127, 13"2, 442, ironwork for, 111, 113, 133, and ~, 607; taft"ety delivered to do., Appendix n. purim; carriage anel 23; hose for do., 65. 8" aho Borth Ihipment of, 113, lUi, 126, 131,281, wick, Robert; George the Almane 310,3150, and Appendix pamm; pay. gunner; Gervase; Hannia; Barrot, ment to t.he man who makea the, 113; Robert ; Harwood; Herwood, Robert j rams for. 113, 121; BundriOl for, IUS, Berwort, Robert; Jacob, Muter; 132, 136, 272, 460, 490, 493, 4915, 609; John, Muter; Nicholu j Pearson, ropes and aoamOl fOT, 116, 613, 616, Thomu; Wardlaw; Wolf. 618; payment to a .Frenchman for Gunpowder (powdir, poldyr, polder, etc.), pokea for, 101; a _lat and a knapmaking, 117 ; melting of, 134, 608,610, 611 j freight from Flandera to Leith of, scali' {or, 101; an iron ladle for, 102; 286; payment to a man who wu bumt hol'l18 for holding, lxiii, lxix, 102, lOS, with a, 363; do. for working at the, 107, 113, 137; bags for carrying, 105, 439 j Robert Borthwick, mutermelter 343; a belt for do., 105; a pitcher for, of the King'a, 442; dichting and 108; materiaJa for making, 108 ; a sieve oleansing of. 510, 512, 513; payment for sifting, 110; aeraouris for, Ill, 139 ; for watching the, 517 j shoeing of purchale of, for the King, 118; aqua



Hakbu.achis (haukbaachia), packthread and oil for the. 611 ; cartage of, 519; Mnt to the field, 520. Halberts, of, 119, 328. Haldane, .Alan, -John, de Gleneaglea, 387. Haliburton (Haliburtoun), David, paymentto, 93. James, de Guk, 167. (Halyburtoune, Halyburnetoun), Walter, payments to, 513, 5~. William, writer, payments to, 141, 447; clothing for, 264. Halis, meuenger sent with the King's letter to, 78; payment to Gawin, the Englishman in, SO ; drinkailver to Il1&IIOII8 in, SO. Halkeraton, Georjre Falconer de, 389. - - (Hakiratoun, etc.), George, 365; paymeots to, Ili, 298, 299; chriltoniDg of his bairn by the King, 109; money delivered by his factors, 294, 299 ; pay. ment by, 3IHi; barrels of tar bought from, 493. - - Thom.., provost of Crichton, auditor, 383; signa accounts, 4A& Halkhead, Lord Roes of, 101. 102, 100. Hall, payments to the heralds in the, 91, 112, 400, 4J11 ; the great, in Edinburgh Caatle, thatching of, 279; the great, in Linlithgow Palace, glaas windows for, 280; the King's, in Stirling, alloryng of, 372; mending of arraa in do., 322 ; reparation of the windows, etc., in do., 400; sawing of fOl'lWl for do. , Andrew, aliG3 Dande. compoaitiOlll by, at the ayre of Jedburgh, 140. Hally, Thomas, Englishman, paymeDt to,98. Halter, halters (heltir, helteriB), 94, ~, 412; for the Queen's male, 134. Haly, John Shawde,16D. Hamburgh, the Danish oook (Dena cuke), clothing for, 59, 62; French tan cloth

vite for, 122; for the King's culveryn, 122; brimstone for, 279; carriage of, -343, 348, 460, IH9, 6'r1; Wolfe Umebrig, maker of, 440; linen cloth for the fynyng of, 611 ; payment to workmen at the furth-putting of, SID. Gunpowder.mill (powdir myll, etc.), mv; delivered to Frederic Sanderson and taken from Dundee to Leith, lxxii, 292 ; brought by a Dutchman to the King, 311 ; drinkailver to workmen of the, in Edinburgh Castle, 313; payment to workrnlln in the, 509, 510, et paMim ; linen cloth delivered to Wolf in the, 511 ; a, set up in Leith, 631. Guthrie (Guthre), Sir David, a stand of harneaa bought from, lxxix, 521. GyIlis. S. Gillia. Gympia, payment to, for her house maUl, 3l7. HABBlWBON (habrezoun) for the King, purchase of a, 101. Hackney (halmay), a, presented to the King, 309. Haddington, xvi ; aIm. in, 36; alms to the friars of, 42; the King's belchere in the Friary of, 84; payment to a taubronar and a minstrel in, 86; bur ~ of, 388; bread for provisioning ships received from, 488, 481,494. constabulary of, payments from the, 2. - - PriOl'ellll of, 382. - - Priors of, a calvenn-pikmoyane drawn by oxen of the, 517. Haddocks (haddokkiB). fresh, bought for the gieat ship, 484:. Hadir, haddir, hadder. 8u Heather. Hadirtoun, Dom. Henry, vicar of Kin cardine O'Neil, 396. Haig (Hag), Bessie, payment to, for metal, U3. Hailes, xi, xv. Haiatoun Sorogafield, lands of, 169.



from, 62; payments to, 1M, 97, 98; Hans (Bannis), gunner, xvii, lxvii, lxviii, lxxii; payments to, 69, 97, 100, 101, boot. for, 100. H&mburgh barrel of gl..-, a, 114. 110, 113, 115, 122, )26, 131, 135 ; the - - beer from, lxi. . King shoots the oulveryn with, 98. H&milton (H&mmyltoun), xxix; trent&II_- Master, gunner, payment to, 277 ; ID&IIII88 said in, 187. Lumbart paper delivered to, 512- - Andrew, 366 ; pension of, 269. - gunner'mariner, payment to, 293. --- Cuthbert, payment to, for bows and - - gunner, Scotsman, payment to, 372. arrows, ete., 334. Hanyng, fog brought from the, 523. - - David, Bishop of Argyle (Lis John Scott of, 4. morenms), 149; auditor, I; signa &c. Hanysley, Mr., payment to, 326. oounts, 141. Hardis (herdis), 45, 47, 48, 451, et ptlNim; - - George, slaughter of, 151. hemp., 48. - - Sir James. olothing for, 233, 23"" I Hare (hair), reward for finding a sitting, 429, 432; shoes, boots, eto., for, 234, 346404, 406, 410, 419; payment to, 338. Harlaw (Hairlaw), John Cranston of, 9, - - James, alothing for, 53, 61, ~4; 1",7. shoes and boots for, 82, 99, 1I6. Harneaa (hames, hel"llYS), purchase of - - Jama., "little," payment to, 84. stands of, 19, 521; crimson .tin for - - James, m88l8llger, payments to, cerviling to, 21; purchase of, 71; a 311,318,323,333. plateofleg,73; carriage of, xxxvii, 75, - - John, 164; payment to his man, 74. 86, 1M, 132, 343, 340, 416-418; holes --John, de Maknariaton, 159. pierced ill the King's, and translating - - Lord, 487 ; a hawk sent to France of do., 121 ; taggis for, 129, 436 ; Sir to, 96; payment to his fool, 109; the I John Ram.y'shouse, where the King's King and others go to _ his horaea, I hameBB lies, .413, 419; dichting of, 1I1j payment to poor men for bringing 418; buckles for, 436; eirlederiB for, him out of the ship, 350; sends oherries 515. to the King, 357. --.- coats above, liS, 205. - - Sir Patrick, shoots at the short and - - breeches, 21. the long butts with the King, 327. - - coffers, 114. - - Hr. Robert, King's offering at his doublets, 14, 196, 481. first ma&II, 36. - - horae, the, 84. - - Willi&m, servitor in the King's - - hoae, 14. house, payments to, 270, 417, 443. - - jacket, a, 21. Hammer (hammyr), purchase of a, SO. - - nails, 196, 436. Hammers, iron, purchase of, dO, 627. - - points, 15. Hamya, horae, purchase of, 514. HameBBiogs, purchase of, 94, BIY1, 403, Band,.a poor bairn takes the King by 412; the King'I, of velvet,I20; black, the, 114. for C01U'8BI'II, 129 j of the King's mule, - - apokes, 481. aundries for, and gilding of, 196; a Bandi., for reins, 129. French laddie with, given to La Motte, Handwerp. 8u Antwerp. 412. Hannay, falconer, clothing for, 56; pay .. Harpers, payments to: to Scots, 402; menta to, 69, 75, 115. to O'Do!meU'., 4US. &a alIo Alex


Hawick, Robert, wright, payment. to, 289, 380, 466, 473; drinklilver to, 339. Hawllfeathera, cutokie for meuding the King'a, 79. glovea, 138, 373. lUl'el, 94. Bawkblg-ooat, .. for Dande Doole, 51. Hawk., meat for, 71, 96, los, 128; bani for, 76, 106; reward for finding lIk'&y, 78, 77, 88; -arbt for, whieh Sew away, 76; brought or given to the King, 78, 79, 81, 85, 124, 128, 135, 322, . . 350, 3IJ2; purchue of, 88; IfJIlt to Linlithgow, 91 ; do. to Edin burgh, 96; Sir David Graham's man sent for, 115: expen_ of keeping, at Inchkeith, 1115; red, 1~; Aluander Law, falconer, sent to take the, at Oracorth, 134; J - for. 136; at Stirling, 139; Alexander MaoCulloch goea to enter biB, 311; Hector Stewart, falconer. Mnt to Stirling with. 411, 418; got from ADgua, 124; got from Galloway, 126; got from the Bigh. landa, 121); got from the Laird of Inchmartin, aUi; got from the I.alea, 346; got from the Lewis, 118; got from the Month, 414 ; gotfrcmOrkney, 342.410; got from Shetland, lUi,342, 410. Hawley. Thomu, Roup Croix Pur IUivant, :av. Hay, - , apouee of. Job Criohtoo de Bogorton, 387. Lord, of YeAer, diIkained for

ander; Bragman; Dicklon, Adam I Pate. Harrot, Robert, gunner, payment to, 415. See alIo Harwar, Harwood, and Herwort. Harry CHary) nobles, 88, 93, 210, 315. Hart, harte (hert, hertie), brought to the Queen, 71 ; brought to the King, 76, 80, 347 I taken to Edinburgh, 76; a tame, brought from Stirling, 128Hartaide (Hertaeid, Hertis, HertePde, Hertaide, Bartaid, etc.), John, pavilion _ , paymeata to,69, 119, 134, 138, 269, 376, t42, 509, 521. Banrar, Robert, red lead and JinBeed oil delivered to, 509. Harwood (Herwod), gunner, livery for, 258 ; payment. to, 1508. 8u also Harrot, lIanrar, and Herwort. Hatha.way(Hathowye,Hathoy, Haitbwy)' Nichol, yeoman of the Queen'table, clothing for, 55, 266; payment to, 402HR.tliala\DldiB. Janda of, 388. Hatl, 15, 17,20,49,50,61,66,197,208, 213,221, 234,237, 238, ~1, 2U,~, 252, 2M, M9, 420, 429; beaver, 21, 22, 24 ; gray do., 203; Flandera, 204, 206; do. black, 198, 199; do. red, 199, 203; silk, 203; black do., 426; red do., 426; black, 218, 224; green, 236 ; red, 220 ; acarlet, 14, 193 I white, 208, 214, 220, 223, 226, 412, 433; of wndry h_, 2-Z; .; riding, 17 I white tatrety for drawing through the KiDg'a, 22. Hauch (Haulch), the notor of, 381; Janda of, 387. - - John, mariner, payment to, 472Haulr.b_hi.. 8u HakbUlOhiI. Haven of Stirling, carria(re of boarda and Ip&rI to aDd from the, 526. Havin. See BaptiBm. Hawick, lands and barony of, 4, 146; the rector of, 392.

- - Beatrioe, 169. -Mr. David, rector of Idvy. 892. Sir Gilbert, 150. Margaret, spouae of. Mr. William Lyon. 887. William, de Park, 889. --126,128; teind, 103. Hay.yard, mending of the, 1M.

Hazard (haMrd) of dice, the King's ex penI8I at the, 89. Head of a !ask, mending of the, 138. - - lheets. Su Sheets. Heads, of llteel, for CIUIting'speaI'II, 122; of fine do., for the lilts, 122; of flap, canvas for lining the, 2f11; of pipell and punoh8Olll, canvas for covering the, WI d paMi"'. Heart (hert) of gold made for the King, 90; do., let with stones, 113. Hearth (harth), clay for making the ship's,468. Heather (badir, baddir, badder) for dry. ing the gun &tock, 111; for building Purpolel, 379; for shipe, etc., lvi, 4J51 d paM",. Heinrioh .. Cutlug," lix, Ixiv. HelphinBton. 8u Elphinlton. Heltlon (HUtson), William, nailB bought from, 462 ; an anchor do., 458. Hemmys for Mistress Mugt"&ve, 231. - - payment to wrights for hewins, 367. Hemp, purcbue of, 4lS1 eI paM",. - - hardis, 48. --Ieed for the birds, 6'.a8. Hen, a, for the King'l hawkl, 711, 106. Henchboy (henlboy), hOl'll8meBt bought for JohneBODe, a, 329; payment to a, M4: hOl'lehire for a, M9; Donald of the Isles, the King's, 443. Henchboys, payment to Watte Stewart and the rest of the, 350. Henchmen (heUBmen), clothing for,233264,367,368,435; payments to, 311, 312,337,361; articles lewed for,:w2, 356; board for, 373, 377, 380; honehire for, 376; .hoes for, 400. Henderson, --, payment to ODe called, 331. - - Mr. James, rafters bought from, 480. - - John, mariner, paymen' to, 479. - - - - and his two BerVaDtI, payments to, 113, MO.


Henrilon, Mr. James, JUlltioeClerk and the King's advocate, 160; expenl8l of at juBtioeayrea, 71, 319, 320; do. at obamberlain.ayres, 320; payments to, 127,267,4". . Henry VII. of England, death of, niii. Hepburn, Adam, letter from the King II8IIt to St. Audrews to, 373. . - - George, Abbo, of Arbroath and BiBbop of the Willi, Treasurer, i. - - Mr. James, rector of DaIry and Parton, 396. - - Jonet, IpOUIe of John Somerville. 166. Margaret, SpoUle of George, Lord Seton, 166. - - Margaret, BpoWlll of John Murray (If Falabill, 1116. - - William, pauper, lIiD. - - of Hailes, xi. Herald (Harrot), Lyon, victualB for, 501. Heralds (Harrottis), payments to, 117, 126, 340; in the haU, 91, 112, 400, 4ff1; a pavilion for the, 521; Bluemantle or Rothelay, 67, 106; of Denmark, 109; the EngliBh, 338; MODtjOy, the Frenoh, 72; &lay, nv, xxviii, 115, H8, 132, 133,325, MI ; LyOD, 27,117, 417; Marchmont, xxviii, 314, 322, 828, 333, 340, Ml, 416. 440; Snow dOD, 80; Unicorn, 4J1T. Herbertlbire, Janda of, un. Herbry, ex~ of De Ja Motte's, in Linlithgnw,3IIO. Herdia. 8u Hardie. Hering, Andrew, of GlucJune, eIi.trained for sums of money, 408. Heriot (Hereot), Patrick, payment to, 198; do. to his wife, 288; satin bought from, 206, 210, 213; velvet do., 2{Yj ; Paria black oloth do., 422---- Walter, bridllllli1ver to hillervant, 113. Hermit (heremyt, etc.) of the We of May, payments to the, 101, 130, 183.


Hingandschaw, John Murray of, 123.. Hoard (huni), a, found in Dunkeld, 509. Hog, James, payments to, 73, 110, 269 ; money delivered by, 372. - - James, gunner, payment to, 490. - - Johu, walear, paynlents to, 336,418. Hogton (hogtoun, hugtoun), of velvet, 197, 199; of tan do., 248; of camlet, 250; of tan do., 253; Spanish budge for the King's, 421 ; of red and yellow kersey, 429; canV&8 for a, ~. Holbein, portrait of James IV. by,lxxxvi. Holland, expenses of Martin Fleming in, 475. - - doth. See Cloth, Holland. Hollllez fustian. Su Fustian. Holy Blood (H&liblude) altar, in F.dinburgh, offering to the, 188. - - - - light, offering to the, 191. Holy Cross, the. See CI'08S, the Holy. Holy Spirit, trent&! masses of the, 176, 187. Holydays (halidais), payment for keeping the ships on the, 401. Holyrood (Sancta Crux), the Abbot of, 391; plays at cards with the King, 107; bridleailver to his man, 120; George, Abbot of, 361; do. auditor, 143. Holyroodhouse (H&lyrudhoUB, etc.), accounts for work at, 45, 275, 276,445, 446, 628, 529 ; the King shoots with the culveryn in the hall of, lxvii, 98, 103; building of the high altar ill the chapel of, 100; the tomb of King James II. in, 196; Sir John Sharp, keeper of the gardens at, 268, 443; payment for work on the lionhouse in, 275, 372, 377; payment to a canon of, 357. - - the Abbey of, drying of the loch beside, 44; interment of the Constable of, 79; the King shoots the great guns in the Close of, 100; payment to bar. rowmen at, 103; a dance by the French minstrels in, 104; locks bought

Heron, Thomas, de Kerrochtree, 390. - - (heroun), a, carried to the Lord of St. John, 82; pureh&8e of a, 316. - - house maill, payment of the, 8;, 127. Herons, expenses of keeping. 87; at Inchaffray, 96; brought to the KinS, 112, 345. Herries (Hereiae), Andrew, Lord, 151 ; a gold chain bought from, 324. Herring (hering, heryng), making (curing) of, 78; for provisioning ships, lxii, 463 tt pa88im. Hel-tiB, Hertllide, Herlaeid, etc., John. See Hartllide. Herviaton, lands of, 7. Herwod, Robert, gunner. Su Herwort. Herwort, Robert, lxviii; gunner, pay. ments to, 90, 97, 100, 10'2, 118, 13], 133, 508. Bee ako Harrot, Harwar, and Harwood. Herwy, Bertonar, payment to, 469. Heving. See BaptiBm. Hewch, Thom&8, payment to, 131. Hibernian (Ybernian) prieat, pa.ynlent to an, 186. Hide (hyid, hyd), a reindeer, 251, 257 ; a, for taggis to the King's harness, 436; an English, for mawmers, 484.. Hides, shipment of, 71, 445 ; bought at the West Sea, 447 ; for the great ship, 490; hark it, for the pavilions, 621; dressing of do., 621; a boat sent to Leith for, 525; expenees of the, 529. Higginaneuk, xlvii. Highlands (Hieland), fat hak the f&l coner sent for hawks to the, 120; " mantand .. Adam sent to the, ]39. Hill, John, payments to, 340, 371. Hilt, a Turkish b&Blar with a gilt, 25. Hiltoun, lands of, 5. Hiltson. See Heltson. Hiud (hynd), a, brought to the Queen, 87 ; a, brought from Edinburgh and put in the park of Stirling, 97.

in, 105; ,; mould for the gun in, 109; a lock for a door in, 119; the black lady borne from the Caatle to, 119; the King's velvet hamllllinga in, Il1O; the King's 0&riDga in, 34, 175, 177, 179, ISO, 181, 182, 415, 439; plays played before the King and Qullen in, 313, 830; mending of feather beds in, 317 ; ca.rriage of the cupboard to and from, 323, 849, 397, 399, 411: do. of the coft'ers with jewels to, 39'7: glase for the Queen's oratory in, 375; Eetland boards for, 469; ca.rriage of wine to the New Havin from, 470; ca.rtage of pipes to Leith from, 476; vestments, etc., for the ohapel of, 532. Home (Hame), Alexander, Lord, hol'll88 given to the King by, 94, 109, 117, 335, 406; the King 10IIeI money to, 830. Alice (Ales), sister of the Laird of Faatcaatle, clothing for, 229. - - Andrew, olothing for, ISO, 153, 61, 63. 241; ahoes and boots for,82, 100, 116: payment to, 106. - - Kr.Andrew, treasurer.olerk, a ROwa for, '"- - David, of Wedderburn, clothing for, 53. - - (Ham), David, clothing for, 241; payment to, 309. - - James, payment to, 288. John, payment to, 292. John, Abbot of Jedburgh, 391. Margaret, daughter of Sir Patrick Home, clothing for, 60. Kiatreaa, payments to, 124, 401. - - Patrick, de Faatca.atle, 8. - - Sir Patrick, clothing for hia daugh. ter :Margaret, 60. - - Sir Thomas, payment to hia wife's maidena, 324- - Sir Thomas, de Ingahaw, 8, 147. - - (Hwm), Walter, mariner, payment to, 479.


Homyll, James, payment to, 97. John, payment to, 100. Honey (hony) for provisioning ships,
494, 496, lit pa8Am.

Honey.combe (huny !tam,..), payment to the gardener of Linlithgow for, 310. Honey.pears (hony peril) for the King,

Hoods (hudia), of velvet, 29, 210, 219, 221,223, 228, 230-232; of black do., 225 ; of red camlet, 57; of Engliah red cloth, 62 ; of blue kersey, 62 : of yellow and red do., 263 ; of taft'ety, 64 ; of red leather, 436; Frenoh, 231; a ahip.slop of ecarlet cloth, with a hood, 193; a dale gowa of Paris black cloth, with do., 422; chaperons (IOhaiffronia) fllr, 210, 213, 221, 230; trai1ze for lining, 230 ; budge for do. , 255; Romany budge for do., Id. Hoob (hukis), 29, 32Hopper (Hoppar), Mr. Henry, olothing material bonght from, 199, 200, lI09. Richard, clothing material bought from, 192-194,225,227,229,230, 2M. Robert, sent with money to t.he DeaD. of Glasgow, 371. William, clothing material bought from, 196, 212, 228, 232Hoppringill, :o-ie, payment to, 324- - David, gives a horae to the King,

- - (Hopringill), Thomas, elder, bonnets bought from, 17; livery for, 6lS: hiB IOn goes to France, 96. - - (Hopringie), Thomas, younger, livery for, lie. Hom, gunpowder., purchase of a. 102; do. of a blowing hom for a, 103; do. of silver, U)7, 113; double gilding of the King's touch, 137; mending of a, 137. Home, - , 88rvitor to Sir John MOl' grave, payments to, 309, 318, 326, 346,




Home, - , ser.-itQr to Lord Dacre, pay- ! for, III ; wheat for, 114; victuala ment to, 335. and water for, 114, 125, 128. Horns for bowets, fot the ship MalT/are/. Ho~, black, 124, 322, 335; dUD, 123; 298. I pyot, 114 ; white, 323 ; carrial",75, 76, Horse bread, 342. I 81, 88, 308, 4H1, a, and Appendb: - - hames, In 4. j'l(IMim; Irish, 87. 311; the haroNehameBBinga. See HanteBSinga. horse, 84; the mule-horse, 84_ 8u housings. See Housings. alI Coursera. - - marshal, the French, 117; John HOle (hos, hoia, hoiae), ~1, 63, 56,57, Andrew, 307 ; William Cockburn, 326. 69, 61-63, 66, 224, 226, 230, 2M, 262meat, 251, 326, 329. 2M, _ , 274, 296, 370, 430, 436; of seller, Gilbert Cameron, 338_ black cloth, 150,53, 54, 81, 86, 221, 226, ahoer, John Sparty, the King's, 230, 233, 429, 431-485; of Lymeatir 258. black cloth, 423; of RiIIIi1lia black shoes, 307. cloth, 15, 17, 19, 28, S2, 53, 210, 214, 2ISO, 262, 253, 2118, _ ; of 8cote Horseman, payment to a, 321. Horses given to the Killll, 73, 74, 80, 82, black cloth, 150, U, M, 18--58, 81, 82, 86, 87, 94, 96, 102. 104, 100, 107, 109, 85, 245; of brown cloth, 247,251, 2M, 114, II7-ll9, 123, 12-&, 128-128, 311, 257; of Enaliah brown. cloth, 83; of lt22, 335, 338, 352, 363, ~. Riallillia brown cloth, 251, 254, 257 ; of - - freight of, 114, 125, 128. I gray cloth, 234, 241 ; of Prench gray hire of,89, 95, 98, 100, 108, 12;, ~ cloth, 431; of gray I&Ddre cloth,244, 129-132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 218, 255,; 25li; of red cloth, 245; of braid do., 2;4,285, 298, 321, 328,330, 333, 260; of EngUsh red cloth, 82; of 34.0, 343, 347, 349, 370, 371, 374, 376, I RiBBillis cloth, 24; of French ra..ot 380,381,415, 418, 422, a.nd Appendix cloth, 428; of scarlet cloth, 18,23, 26, IXI"im. 196, 196, 199, 201, 203, 208, 248, 420, - - expeD1811 of keeping the great horse 435; of EDgliah scarlet cloth, 4.21 ; of and other, 74, 75, 84, 91, 96, 101, Ill, white cloth, 81-63, 138, 196, 243, 264, 368-370,427,428,432; ofyellowc1oth, 113, 138, 337, 517. - - leeching of the King's, 333. 82, 368, 432; of keney, 150, 68, 57, 69, - - rnarshalli:ng of, 110,307_ 82,85,86, 263, 369, 370, 428, 432; of - - purohase of, 13, 16, 18, m, 21, 24, blue kersey, 236, 268, 2M, 436 i of 74, 83, 84, 91, 97, 104, 133, 1M, 188, red kersey, 68, 239, 260; of scarlet 323, M7, 398, 410, 412, 413, 617kersey, 202 i of white kersey, 82, 619. 202 i of yellow kersey, 368, 4.29 i of - - ahoeing of, 84, 88, 107, 117, 131, gray ""tin, 23; of worsted, 33. 138, 404, 419, 618. - - ham_, of white cloth, 14- - given to Monsieur De 1& Motta, 79; p&rti-ooloured, of black and yellow do. to the Frenchmen, 122 ; Lord cloth, 84, 85; of red and yellow cloth, HamUton's, at Kinneil, .131 ; a stray 282; of blue and green kersey, 260 J horse sought for, 136; a stable for, at of blue and yellow kersey, 2(11); of red the Pool of Airth, 280 i payment to and blue kersey, 282; ot red and poor IIII'Vi.ton of the King to help yellow kersey, 66, 67, 81, 429. their, 346; artillery drawn by, G27; - - paiD. for, 75, 76, 195.




Hounds brought to the King, 76, 123, 124, 138. Hour-glaaaes, .nd, for the ships, of two, 531. House, the King'&, furniabing of, Zl, 446,447; William Hamilton, aervitor in, 417. - - the Queen's, furnishing of, Zl, 446_ House-maill, payments of,87, 259, 316, 317, 357, 413, 419, 471, 472, 487. Houseboy, Barone, a, 317. Household (houshald, hou8B&ld). the Clerk of the, 140, 447, 631; John Dona.ldaon, writer of the accounts of the, 259. Housing-girths, 94Housings, horse-, 225, 244, 307; 402, 403, 412; of cloth of gold. 23; of . yellow kersey, 81, 88; of white cloth, 72,84, 128, yellow, 412,631; letters cut out for coa.ts and bards of, 22: stomois of white for, 22; bordering and knoping of, 88; mending of, 94; for the King's daughter, 416 ; reformed and made into vestments, etc., 632. Houston, Sir Peter, de eodem, 12, 98. How, Bille, fool, clothing for, 51,264. Howburn,' James, slaughter of, 390. Howdonele. See O'Donell. Howis, of taffety, aewing of the King'., 356. Howk (honk), drinksilver to the workmen of the, 334; out-taking of the mast of the, 463. Howpaslet, Walter Scott de, 4, 145, 155. Hugtoun. Bee Hogton. Hum, Hume. Bee Home. Hunter, - - , the ship-smith, payment to bis wife, 116. - - Mr. Adam, vica.r of Luntrethin,


Hunter. John, silk hate for the King purchased from. 203- - - - smith, payments to, 291, 293, 373, 375. 377, 378, and Appendix I. pa81Jim. - - Martin, baker, payment to, 42; bread and biscuit for ships bought from, 484, 485, 491, 493. Hunthall in Glenartnay, the, carriage of the King's bed to and from, 75; harts brought to the King from, 76; payment to Lord Fleming's taubronar at, 137. Hunthill. laird of, 155. Hunting, pavilions for the King at the, 134; payment to men with, 137. Huntly, Alexander. Earl of, composition by, 7; sends furches of deer to the King, 71 ; bridlesilver to his man, 120 ; sends hawks to the King, 135; refuses to take his expenses at the justiceayre of Aberdeen, 320. Hurd. Bee Hoard. Hurl-stool (burle stule), materials for, and painting of the rolls of, the Prince's,

IDVY, Mr. David Hay, rector of, 392. Ile. Bee Oil Illumination of books and of the King's parchment porteous, 41, 340, 358, 379,

Iisay. See Ailsa.. Image (yruage), an, of St. Catherine in embroidery, 353. Imagery (ymagery), expenses on tbe King's, 376. Incense (cens, sence, sens) brought to the King, 95, 402; payment to the parish clerk of Edinburgh for bringing the crate with the, 181. Inch, The. Bee InchJr.eith. 394. - - Duncan (Dunkane). payment to, for Inehaffray (Inehaferay), xvi ; the herons at, 96. a dressing knife, 489, 492, 494. - - Edward, 155. Inchbervy, lands of, 386.




I1lchcolm (&nct ColmiB InBCh), visit of Innes, Robert, de Rothnakenze, 168. the King to, xix, xxv, 130; departUre - - Walter, composition by, 4. of do. from, 131; trenta.l m8811e8 &aid Inach, vicarage of, 363. in, 176. Inatruments for minstrela bought in Inchgarvie (Inchegarvy), the work of, Flanders, 338. 445; timber delivered to Lady DundaB Interment (tyrment, tyrement) of the for the Crag of, 529. Consta.ble of the Abbey, 79 ; of Quintin Inchkeith, payment for keeping the Focart, 117; of the French smith, lI8; hawks at, 115; the great &hip p&IIII88 of Alex&llder Focart, 123; of Jok to the back of, lvii, 486, 488. Wallas, 126 ; of an Ita.lian trumpeter, Inchmahome (Inchmaquhome), Prior of, 406; of Thomaa Craw, 411. 396. Intymmer to the great ship'B cok, 479. Inchmartin, landa of, 386. Inverbervy, landa of, 3, 5. - - (Inchemartyne), the la.ird of, hawks Inverkeillor, Mr. Gilbert Stratoun, vicar brought to the King from, 3Ui; a of, 393, 394. goahawk sent to, 317. Inverkeith, the laird of, gives two horaea Indenture made for the works of Stir to the King, 126. ling, 281, 372Inverkeithing, barony of, 10, 531; landa Inglis, Mr. Alexander, prebendary of of, 152; alma to the friars in, 36, 175, Aberlady, 395. 177, 190,439; measenger Bent to Edin - - (Ynglis), Sir Jamea, clerk of the burgh for money to the fair of, 138; King's cloaet and to the horaea bought in, 138; expenaea of the Prince, clothing for, 250; payments to, Frenchmen in, 138; rafters from, 480. 268,375,441,443; pla.ycoats for him Inverleith, the laird of, senda two hounda to the King, 138. and hiB companioDB, 321 ; bnckram de livered to, 49:1. ' Inverrnarky, Robert Innes de, 4,168. - - John, marahal, xxxviii; the King Inverneas (Invernyse), xxiii; juatice-ayre christenB hiB bairn, 104; shoots the of, 150; diatraining for rests in, 312; a servitor sent for a gown to, 329, culveryn with the King, 105; payment to, 309. - - the Sheriff of, 366. - - the vicar of, 172. - - William, 161, 162- - Dom. William, vicar of Cupar, 394. Inverowrie (Innerawry), vicarage of, 363. Invery, landa of, 166. Innenee, landa of, 6. Innerleithen (lnnerlethane), vicar of, 391. Ireland (Irland), lxxxi; hawks sent to the King by O'Donnell of, 135; cloth Innermel!ll&n, arrest of the men who ing for do., 434, 435; Pate fat bak sent burnt, 126. to, 138. Innes, landa of, - - Andrew, finour of lead, payments to, the laird of, 168. - - Alexander, de eodem, 4, '164. 274. --Jonet, apon&ade William Sutherland - - Janet (Irla.unde, Jonete), cloth bought from, 194. de Duffus, 157. (Yrland), John, bonnets bought --- Robert, 386. from, 21; cloth bought from, 263; - - - - clothing for, 250. payment to, for croB8bowa, etc., 326. - - Robert, de Invermarky, composition - - Mr. John, vicar of Perth, 392. by,., 168.



Iachair, iachar, ischear. &e Usher. Irish boy, &11, 400, 430. Islay (ney, Yley, Ilay) herald, payments - - cIarscha, the, 112. to, xxv, xxviii, 115, 118, 132, 133, - - Downe, falconer, 50, 67, 66. - - friar students, 180, 181, 186. 325, 341; a horae for, 133. Isles (llis), The, the King's letters sent to - - friars, 36, 37, 42. MaklUle in, 80; Makane's man sent - - game, the, 101, 102, 104, 107, 344, 34.;5. with letters to, 110; shipwrecked Spaniards in, 297, 340, 341, 3.&6; Pate, - - horses, 87,311. falconer, sent for hawks to, 346 i letters - - lady, the, 324, 401. of wappinachawa sent to, 350; Gilbert - - lathenar, the, 356. Reoch sent with the King's letters to, - - lorimer, an, 80. 414. - - nurse, an, 403. - - (George Hepburn), the Bishop of, - - priest, an, 187. 173,360; treasurer, xi, 149. - - runner, &II, 344. - - Angus of, 342. - - ships, 331. - - Donald of, 101, 105, 137, 239, 350, Irishmen, payments to, 138, 311, 312. 400, 418, 429, 432, 433, 443. Irishwomen, payment 1.0 two, 111. Iron (im, irne werk), purchase of, xxxix, - - Margaret of, 229, 230, 430, 431, 4M. lxxii, 45--48, 378, 380; for ships, 45, 286, 288, 291, 293, 373, 375, 377, 378, RanaId of, 238, 340,3'&7. and Appendix L pa84im i for Holy. Italian, payment to an, 340. roodhouse, 275,276, 377 i for Edinburgh - - masons, 271, 439. Castle, 278, 445, 446, &I1d Appendix II. - - minstrels. Su Minstrels. paa.rim i for Linlithgow Palace, 279, - - shawmers, 92, 270, 324. 280, &I1d Appendix III. paBBim i for the - - trumpeters, 270, 310, 324, 406, 440, works of Stirling, Bee Appendix III. i 443. an, for burning sore teeth, 77 ; -graith, for quinta. esaencia, 86 i a cheat of, for JACAT, melter, lxxii ; payments to, 276; do., 90; a ladle of, for gunpowder, 277. 102; lor guns, 111. 113, 116, and Jack (jak), the King's, Birge thread tor Appendix II.; a belt of, 121; spronts sewing, 16 i a shirt for, 50 i roe skins of, 276; nails of, 283 i gun-Btones of, for covering, 140 i for Florymond 302, 305; pelloks of, 303; sundry tools Sympill, 353 i coverings for a, 255, 322 i a reindeer hide for covering a, of,527. - - white, plates of, for lanterns to the 257. ship, 298; do. for chains to the close - - Ector, mariner, payment to, 483. carts &I1d pavilions, 515. Jacket-coats, of Kendille, 235; of black Irons (irnis, irnnys), braid, 94 i dogvelvet, 256 i of do., with and without collar, 94; stirrup, 94, 112, U9, 122, sleeves, 367. 221, 225, 233, 243, 308, 407, 415; Jackets, of damask, 51, 61 i of Keltir, shovel (scholl), 466, 514 i spade, 466, 61; of Row&l1e russet cloth, 246; 514. white cloth for lining, 58; a harness Irvine (Irwyne), alma to the friars in, jacket of Milan fustian, 21. 187 i payment to men of, xxix, 344. Jackson (J&c80n), Nichol, mason, of the - - Sir AleXlUlder, de Drum, 149. Kirk of Stem, payment to, 44.


173; payment to the, 93; signs accounts, 141; Henry, auditor, 1; John Home, 391. Jerviswood, lands of, 385. J _ of dogakin for baWD, 136. Jester (jeatour), payment ~ a, 96; do. to the, of Cambuskenneth, 107. - - Thomas, piper of Edinburgh, payments to, 93, Uo. Jewelhouse (jowelhouse), vanoUi articles taken from the, 532, 533. Jewels (jowellis) bought from John Mosman for the King, 313; carriage of the coffers with the, 397, 400. John, Master, gunner, livery for, 2Ii9; payments to, 276, 284, 378; Bp&I'II delivered to, 459; payment of hie housemaill, 487; sawing of timber for, 52S.'" - - Pete, trumpater, livery for, 56. - - " petty," buckram for the King's pavilions delivered by, 531. - - quarrier, payments to, 94, 480, lS08 ; livery for, 258. - - trumpeter, payment to, 98. Jobnsleyt', lands of, 3. JohnlOn (Johnsone), - - , King's henchman, clothing, etc., for, 237; payment to, 329. - - - - of Queensferry, payment to, 336; fish for the King'. dinner prepared in his house, 357. - - Andrew, the Dutch skipper, payments to, 296, 297; payment to his men, 297. - - (Jhonaon), Robert, wright, payment to, 608. Johnston (Johnestonn), James, cloth bought from, 192, 203, 206,.263. - - James, de eadem, 154. - - John, payment to, 405. - - - - henchman, clothing for, 429. - - Robert, broudstar, payment to, 442- - William, 161. Johnstone (Johnestoun), messenger sent

Jaolen (Jaldeyne), Jamee, elder, clothing for, 56; payments to, 87, 127, 182- - (Jacklen, Jaklein), James, yo.mger, clothing for, ISIS; payments to, 98, 326. Jacob, Master, gunner, lxxii, 490; payments to, 277, 470, 480, 482. Jacques (Jaquea, Jakie, Jakkil), the Frenchman, payments to, for keeping the great hol'll8, 84, 91, 101. - - (Jakea), tabernar to the Queen, payment to, 316. Jamu, the bark, great boat or ship called the, xxxix, xli, xliv, xlv, lvii; a ID&8t put up in, 281; purchase of, 287, 306; furnishing of the \I ork in, 444 ; materiall for, victualling of, and payment to mariners in, Bet Appendix I. ptlMim. James (Jame) of the lardner, marta for provilioning shipa received from, 462, 463,467. - - II., King, a mort cloth for the tomb of, in Holyroodhonse, 190. - - m., King, offering at 8001 mall of, 188; payment to Sir James Inglie who linga for the deceaaed, 443. - - IV., estimate of his character, l:r.:r.:r.i v; portraits of, l:r.:r.xvi. - - v., birth of, xxviii. Jameaon (Jameaone, Jameaoun), Robert, of Qlleensferry, shipment of tackle, etc., from Flanders to Leith by, 300; payments to, 371, 372, 402, 464, 465; ale bought from, 491. - - William, painter, payment to, 295. Janet (Jane, Jone), .. bair ara," clothing for, 62; a pUl'll8 and gloves for, 108; hOl'll8-hire to Edinburgh for, 108; shoes for, 358. January, offering to the firat day of, 181. Jardine, Alexander, 170. Jedburgh (Jedburch), compositions of the ayre of, 140; continuation of do., 405, 412; justice-ayre of, xxii, xxiii, 156. - - (Jedworth), Abbot of, 156, 172,

to ward the laird of, 139; do. sent to summon the Iail'ds of, 4011. Jointures (joyntouris, juncturis), locks for, 119; to ham8B8ing, 196. Joists (geistis, gestes), planks made of great, 473; sawing of small, 523. .Jok, tailor, payment to, 380. JOBI8, Robert, the writer, payment. to, Ill. Jousting (justing), 121, 125JuHau, the Italian minstrel, payments to, 106, 138. Justice, payment to a woman called, 316. - - the, at l>un<lee, King's writiugs sent to, 108. - - -Ayres. Sec Ayres, justice. - - -Clerk, Mr. Jam81 Benrison, 319.
K.u.niG, David, sail-sewer, payment to, 31S. KAmes. See Combs. Katour, Robert Buttone, 337. Keel (keile, bill) of a galley, treee for the, 290; ICOOpS for casting from the, of 'J"M. Jiargu.ret, 474; candle for working by night at the do. 474Kegger, payment to a, 343. Keir, Sir John Stirling of, 388. - - the laird of, clothing for, 53. - - portrait of Jam81 IV. at, lxxxvi Keirnis. 8u Cairui811. . Keith, Mr. Andrew, rector of Strabrok, 361. - - MariBCbai, rectory of, 880. Keling, for victualling shipe, lxii, 484, 496,498,499; corf, 489, 497 ; dry, 500; hard, 499, 500; salt, 492, 494, 499, 500. Kello, William, payment to, 477. Kellie, the laird of, a culvering-moyane drawn by)lis oxen, 1518. Kellok, John MlUTaY de, 169. Kelso (Calco), the commendator of, 173; mesaenger sent to the Lord TreMurer


Kelso slater, payment to, 279. Keltir, a jacket of, 61. Kelwood, Thomas Corry de, 15, 163. Kemnay, lands of, 10, 11, 153, 170. Kenbak, John Schevez de, 158. Kendilly, Keodille. &eCloth, Kentdale. Kenmure (Kenmour), xvii; the King plays at the tables in, 107; payment to the laird of Locbinver's servants in, lOS. Kennedy, Alexander (Sande), henchman, clothing, etc., lor, 241, 242,368, 61, 429, 433; Bhoee ad boots for, 405; payment to, 311. - - Andrew, aorvitor to John Forman, hides delivered to, 529. - - George, 164. alaughter of, 391. - - - - of Altiqubyn, 388, 391. . Jam8l, payment for rosat to, 476. -John, 386. of Bl&rquhan, composition by, 7. - - Mr. John, vicar of Terregles, 392. - - Margaret, spouse of George Kennedy de Altiqubyn, 388. Thomas, de Hargany, 164, 390. Kennoquhy, lands of, 1153. Kentdale cloth. 8u Cloth, Kentdale. Keppin, George, culverinmaker; payments to, 276, 374, 379 ; drinksilver to,

Ker, Andrew, S, payment by, 11. of Fernebirat, 166. - - Michael, 360. - - Walter, de Ceeford, S. Mr. Walter, vicar of Greenlaw, 394. Kerchiefs (oourchis, curcbea, curcbeis), of Plesance cloth, 64 ; of Holland cloth, B), 222; night-, of do., 193; sewing of,321. Kerbttill (Kerkertill), Adam, black velvet bonght from, 206; payment to, 414- - (Carkettill), John, payment to 441).




Kernok, la.nds of, 386. Kilreuny (Kilrynnee), King's offering in Kerrochtree (Keruchtre), Thomas Heron the Kirk of, xviii, 42; the vicar of, 393. de, 390. Kilteyrn, rectory of, 364. KerB, David Craufurd de, 8; lands of, Kilwinning, Abbot of, 362. 148, 149. Kincaid, Mr. John, 80n of Thomal Kincaid, iron delivered to, 445. - - Alexander, the Queen's malter cook, clothing for, 56, 265. - - (Kincaide, Kyncaid), ThOmal, Con Kersey (caraay, cairsay), 49, 50, 54-159, stable of Edinburgh Castle, lxxiii, 277, 62,65,66,120,263,297,369,370,428, 361 ; clothing for, 'l.'i7 ; payments to, 432, 436;, 14; blue, 62, 235, 278, 399, 445, 446, 531. 260, 262-264, 430, 436; green, 59, 260; Kincardine (Kincarne)r poinding for red, 50,54,56--58,61, 62, 81,88,239, bymn mails of recognized lands in, 260, 262,263, 429, 432; scarlet, 202 ; 333; rectory of, 363; wrights and white, 62, 202; yellow, 24, 25, 50, 56, sawyers sent to the wood of, 377. 57,61, 81, 88,248,260, 263, 368, 429, - - the Sheriff of, payments by, 2, 144, 0130. 384. Keralogy. See Csrslogie. Kincardine O'Neil, Dam. Henry RadirKerwour. Set. Carver. toun, vicar of, 395. Kettles (ketillis), 458, 466, 477, 489, Kincla.ven, the rental book of, carried to the Lords at the chamberlainayre in 492, 494, 496, 497; a copper kettle, 291; a tar kettle, 514. Perth, 330. Key, keys, for locks, purchase of, 121 ; Kincragy, James, 365. for the new garden, 126; a lock with - - - - Dean of Aberdeen, 153; auditor, a, 'for David Lindsay's doer in Linlith. 383; signs accounts, 448. gow Pala.ce, 523; for the King's cham King of Denmark, 72, 328,343,422,439. ber doors in Holyroodhouse, 528; a - - of England (Henry . VIf.), 187 ; new, for the spicehonse lock, 529. (Heury VIII.), 3'25, 341. Kilbirnie, the laird of, distrained for - - of France, 299, 323, 326, 334, 341. rests, 342, 370; summoned for a de Kinghorn (Kingom), horse hire to, 100, force, 370. 130; payment to the goodwife of, Kilbride, la.nds of, 157. where the King dined, 130; boat; hire Kile, Kill, Kille. See Kyle. from Leith to, and to Leith from, 130; Kilmaloolm, George Flemins de, 145. the vicar of, 393. Kilmaron, la.nde of, 387. Kings of Cologne, offering to the three, Kilmore (Killemur, Killemoire), dis 181. training for rests of the composition Kinkell, rector of, 365. of the Regality of,323 ; messengers sent Kinloch, Walter Cargill of, 7. for the rests of, 3Z1. - - (Kynloch), John, aliaIJ Lord Strange, Kiln (kill), payment to the man who porter to the King, baainsilver to, 418. owned the, where the tows were dried, Kinloea, Abbot of, 365. 465. Kinnaird (Kynnard), lands of, 388. Kilpatrick, Elizabeth, spouse of Alex - - the barber, payment to, xxvii, 332. ander Jardine, 170. - - Thomas, payment to, 380. - - Roger, de Knok, 163. Kinnear (Kynneir), John, 166. Kilquhisch, lands of, 158. --la.nds of, 166.

Kin neil (Kynneill), the King rides to, to see Lord Hamilton's hOl'llell at, xix, 131. Kinnoull, barony of, 148. KiIll'Ollll, Malcolm, servitor to Robert Calendar, victuals, etc., for mariners received and delivered by, 281. - - Sheriff of, payment by, 144. Kintail, John Mackenzie of, 13 ; Ianda of, 148. Kinumquhat, laird of, 12. Kippynghame, George, smith in Edin burgh Castle, payment to, 439. Kirk, the Abbey, offering in, 175; do. at St. Andrews, 42. - - of Field, King'a offerings in, 39, .1, 179; drinkailver to maaons on the work of the, 318. - - of Kilrenny, King's offering in the,


- - of Our Lady at Kyle, payment to a pardoner of, 180; offering in, 187. - - - - at Leith, King'. offerings in, 178,439. - - - - at Newhaven, offering in, 183. - - of Linlithgow, thatching of the tower next the, ~. - - of St. Gilee, Edinburgh, King's offering to a priest's first mass in, 36; King's offerings in, 179-182, 189, 190 ; payment to the priests of, 402. - - of Steill, tho, payments to maaons for building, .., 284, 379, 446; glass for, 46, 81 ; Swashoroe sent to, 188 ; a maaon do., 329. - - of Stirling, the Blackfrian, King's oft'ering in, 43. - - - - , the Rood, King's offering at a priest'. first JDaIIB in, 36. - - belts of white Birge thread for the, 39. - - cloths of damask, translating of,4O. - - graith, carriage of the, 72. Kirkandrew, the tenants of, 161. Kirkcaldy (Kirkoawdy), mariners for the King'1 ships hired in, 302; timber

bought from John White of, 397; rafters bonght from do., 468. Kirkcudbright, xxiii; jnstice.ayre of, 147, 180; John de Albany in, 234; a tun of wine bought in, 318; inbringing of, and diBtraining for the rests of, 316, 347, 355; expensea of the Lords and their servants at jnaticeayre of, 319, 320; m8888nger sent to, ~. - - the steward of, payments by, 2,1.., 3M. Kirkli.ton (Kyrkliatoun), xxvii; payment to the wife of, where the King drank, 101; offering in, 184. Kirkmaho, rector of, 152. Kirkoewton, Mr. Walter Aber'llethy, reotor of, 393. Kirkpatrick, Harry, henchman, livery for, 430. Kirkpatricks, the, m88Bengers sent for unlaws and escheats of, a..; the laird of Symonton's pledgee distrained for unlaws of, 347. Kirks in the diocese of Glasgow, mes sengers sent to, 408. Kirktoun, lands of, 3116. Kirriemuir (Kerymure), barony of, 156; Mr. John Flesher, vicar of, 393. Kirt1ea, 106. - - of camlet, 80, 432; of brown do., 223, 227; of red do., m; of tan do., 432,433. - - of damask, 222-224; of gray do., 228, 430; of tan do., 29. - - of demy Ostad, green, M. - - of English brown cloth, 232. - - of green kersey, 59 ; of white do., 62. - - of satin, 30; of crimson do., 209, 213; of tan do., 219; of white do., 208; of Birge do., 432; of black Birge do., 231. - - of Soots black cloth, 229, 428, m. - - of worsted, 224, 226, 228, 230, 231, 430; of black do., 223, 226; of double do., 427, 430, 434.



payment to a pardoner of, ISO; offerKirtles, half. of English red cloth and red kersey, 62. ing in, 187. - - lining. sleeving, and mending of, Kyle (Kile, Kyll, Kille, Trile, etc.), John, smith, livery for, 259; payments to, 2'M. 289, 377, 378, and Appendix pa88irA; Kist. kistiB. See Chest, chests. iron for the ships delivered to,288, 291. Kitchen (keching, ketchin, kechyne). payment to a poor lad of the. 188; - - (Kill), Walter, burgeu of Edinburgh, payment to, 287. belcheir to the master cook's fellows of Kylesmure, 159. the. 345. - - window in Linlithgow Palace. crooks L~CRS (lases, laissis), cod, 125; green for the. 526. ribbons for, 230. Kitchens (kechingiB). payment to William White, potter. for his labours on the Lackey (allocay, y1acay), the French, clothing for, 263, 369; payments to, vessels of the, 272; in Holyroodhouse, mending and pointing of the, 528. 263,342KittiB, payment to the wife of Erncrag Lackeys (allocayiB, allocais), clothing for, 262, 263, 369; to the wild knight, for, to the King, 123. Knapscaw, a, for making gunpowder, 101. clothing for the, 63, 64. See alBo Kneys (kneis) for the galley, 466; for Adam, "mantand";Campbell; Finlay. the bark of Abayfeild, 496. Lad (lawd), IlIIoyment to a poor, 101, 105, Knight, the Spanish, payments to, 270, 188 ; do. to a poor, of the kitchen, 188; 398. do. to a fool., 344. - - the wild, clothing for the allocayis Ladies, payment to the two black, 401. Ladies' seats in the Queen's ship, of, 63, 64. Knives, 78, 79, 85, 88, 100, 103, 126; materiala fur the, 297. byknives, 117; carving, 17, 29, 33; Ladle (ladill), an' iron, fur gunpowder, flesh, for dressing. 489, 492, 494. 102. Ladles (ladillis) for ships, 489, 492, 495. Knok, Roger Kilpatrick de, 163. Lads (laddis, lawdis), payment to the Knokfyn, lands of, 386. Knokinblew, lands of, 157. cook, 77; do. to two little, 187; Knokorth, lands of, 169. alms to two, singel'l!, 187. Knop, of a cup, gilting and mending of - - of the choir. Su Choir boys. the. 73, 77, 137; a bois cup of silver, Lady, the black, clothing for, 64; do. for her maidens, 64; borne from the overgilt, wanting the, 533. castle to the b&rres and to the abbey, Knox, - - , falconer, a gawbart of Scots I'UIIIIet cloth for, 262; payments to, 119; equipment of, for the banquet, 314, 318,330, 338, 339, 344, 346, 349, 129. 414. - - of the Fere, the, 533. - - John, payment to, for the expenses - - Isle, xxix. of the Blackfrlars, 139. - - the Irlah, payments to, 324, 401. Kochrane. See Cochrane. - - Mistress, the. Su MiBtress of the Queen's wardrobe. Kow. See Cow. Kyle (Kile), the bailie of, payment by, - - Our. See Virgin, the Blessed. 144. Ladynar of the Queen's wardrobe. Bu - - the Kirk of Our Lady at, xxix; Lathenar.



expeDBe8 of, in Linlithgow, 350; collaLag, Cuthbert Griereon de, 360; Roger tioDB for, in Queeusferry, 351 ; a moris Griereon de, 389. danced by hiB servitors, 399, 400 ; pay. Laing (Layng), Andrew, painter, pay. ment to, 380. ment to the patrone of his ship, 400 ; word brought of his coming, 411; a Lair, the King's marble, in Cambus French saddle with barneuing given kenneth, u, 132to, 412; expeDBe8 of, to Dumharton, - - silver, 116. La.lathin, lauds of, 153. 412; departure of, 442; victualling of Lamb (Lame), - - , skipper, shipment of his ship, 466, do. of TAt Gabriel copper and Cornwall. tin from Campvere passing with, 469, 470; payments to wrights, mariners, etc., in his ship, to Leith by, 301 ; payment to, 301. 466,473, 480, 487 ; fish for victualling - - (Lambe), Alexander, payment to, for a ship's cable, 478. ships delivered by hiB command, 492, - - (Lam), James, clothing for, 52, 256 ; 494.. basiDBUver to, 92, 256; hanks of gold Lampreys (lamper alia) brought to the and sewing silk delivered to, 213. King, 123Lambart steel, purchase of, 273. Lanark (Lanerik), meBBenger sent with a Lambe (lammez), UpeDBeB of the King's, commission to the ayre of, 347. 353. - - Sheriff of, payments by the, 2, 144, (lamskynnis), white, for lining, 338. 19,236,241,246,255,257,260. LandellB, Robin (Robeyne), payments to, Lame (lamyt) man, payment to a, 73. SI3,520. - - (layme) pots for quinta eBBencm, Langlauds, - - , messenger, payments 85; pigs of, for Wolf in the powder. to, 327, 335, 337, 342, 349, 351, 376, mill, su. 397,414. Lamme, the Frenchman, payment to, - - James, messenger, payment to, 128. 357. Lammermuir (Lammyrmure), reward for - - John, messenger, payment to,414. finding one of the King's hawks in, 86. Langshaw, Sir Thomas Hume of, 8, 147. La Motte (Moit, Mote, etc.), Monsieur de, Langton (Langtolm), the laird of, sends French Ambassador, xxvii, xu, uxi, writings to the King, 414. xxxiii, xuiv, xuvi, xliv; payment of LanterDB (lantemis, IantrenniB) for the onehuodreduoicorDB to, 79; five saddles King's ship., John Campbell who given to, 79; a messenger arrives from makes the, 261, 349; William Smith who makes the, 349 ; white iron plates London from, 84; the pBIIII&ge of, to France on the King's errands, 291, 297, for, 298 ; purchase of great, 490. See 299, 335, 336, 352; payment tohiB al80 BowetH. servitor, Anthony Culzet, 333 ; do. to Lantoun, Conynghame, a prisoner iu, his servitor, Baillie, 346; expeDBeB of 348. lodging him and his servitors, 336, 352, Lany, lands of, 7, 385. 413; the King visits the ship in which Lapidary (lapidar), Thomas Wallace, 59, 99. he wen' to France, 337; 8XpeDBe8 on horses for, 3:f1; Unicorn goes to Dum- Larder (lardner), James of the, 462, 463, barton with hiB " childer," 338; Baron 467 ; in Linlithgow PaJaoe, dichtiug of Bent to meet, in Dumbarton, 338; the, 523'; redding of the over-, in do.,



Laudiane. &e Lothian. Laurence, Mawnia, olothing, etc., for, 244,370. Laver (lawar), the Queen's, mending of, 330. Laveroklaw, John Ogilvy of, 167. Law, Alexander, falconer, livery for, 56; payments to, 77, 83, IlK. - - Alexander (Sande), mariner, payment to, 472. Stevin, burgess of Edinburgh, payment to, 212LawborroWB, meuenger sent with the King's letters to Selkirk for the breaking of, 415; do. to take, of William Brounhill's mariners, 531. Lawn given to MistreBB Barlee, 63_ Lawry. Su Lowry. Lawson, Harry, payment to, 103. - - (Lauson, etc.), John, payment to, 334; cables for his ship, 304; outtaking of his bowapleit, 463; salmon bought from, 492 ; tin in the handa of his wife, 530. - - Marjory, spouse of John Haldane of Gleneaglea, 387. Lawtay, wine for the great ship taken out of the King's boat by, 487. Layme. &e Lame_ Lead (leid, lode), payment to Andrew Ireland, finour of the, 274; Gray, finour, follows the King to Dumbarton to find, 274; carriage from Dumbarton to Edinburgh of, 274; for the King's organs, 276 ; brought to the King, 333; a plate of, for the side of the bark of AbayfeUd, 496; for the crukis of a door, 523; red, 90,509; white, 87. - - mine of Islay, &BB&ying, etc., of the,

523; -doors in Linlithgow Palace, na.iIs for the, 523. Lanliner (lanlnare), payment to William Donaldson's wife, the Queen's, 413; the Master, 529. Largeaae (lal-gea, largeae) cried on New Year's day, 325; to the heralda at Paach, MO. Lark, the llhip, put in her dock, xli, 281. La Roch, De, Frenchman, clothing for, 66; lands from the ship Trea8urer, 128; payment to, 131. La Rossy, Jehan, Frenchman, goldsmith, payment to, xxxiv, 403. Lass, payments to the poor, 174, 188, 190, 191; do. to the little, 176, 179, 182,
183, 186-188.

Lasswade (Leawaid), 361. Lateis. Su Letteis. Lath, 379; sawing of, 525. - - boanl (broid, brode, burd), 523, 525, 526. Lathenar, payment to Gray, the Queen's, 68, 270. do. to the Irish, 356. Lathrisk (Lauthreisk), John Seton de, 387; Dom. William Myrton, rector of, 392. - - Patrick, 158. - - Mr. Thomas, vicar of Collessie, 361,

Lu.tron, a lock for the King's, 100. Lattoun, 125; a ram for the King's cuIvenn of, Ill. Lauder, Alexander, crimson satin bought from, 366. - - Sir Alexander, gray camlet bought from, IN. - - Sir Alexander, provost of Edinburgh, payment by, 261 ; payment to,



- - Gilbert, silver plate bought from, - - - - at Wanlockhead, winning of 328_ the, 376. - - Sir Robert, of Baas, 386; composi- Learmonth (Lermonth), - - , payment tion by, 5. to one called, 316. Laudhope, lands of, 4. - - David, bridleaUver to his servant,

114; paymente by, 263, 346; ratten sent from, 480. Learmonth, David, Camerarius St. Andree, paymente by, 11, 12. - - Mr. George, payment by, 12; payment to, 117. Leash-silver (leech silvir), 95. I Leather (leddir), a doublet and a paitlat of black semya, 25 ; sleevea of do., 64 ; a doublet of red skins of, 26 ; a hood of do., 436; targete and a buckler of black, 121 ; a bag of, for carrying gunpowder, 343. .Leathen (ledderia) for the great ship,


455. .

- - mawmer, for shipe, 455 et paBBim. - - pump (pomp), for ships, 458, ~, 474,478. - - shield, cloth of gold and velvet for covering the King'IJ, 22- - stirrup, 94, 233, 244, 403, 412; velvet and oloth of gold for the King's, 129 ; double, 129 ; aingle, 225, 243. Leavea (leifis, leiftia) for the tree of eaperance, 120; mending of do., 121. Leeching of a broken leg, 83; of the King's hone, 333. Lefnoryis, lands of, 165. Leg, broken, of a man in Stirling, 83 ; of the smith, 90 ; of a man called PatonBOne, 178. - - hurt, at shipe, compensation for a, 330. - - lOre, payment to a man with a, 98. Legharneaa, purchase of a plate of, 73. Leith, report &8 to shipe at, xlv.; King's offerings in, 177, 180, 182, 183, 185, 186, 190; do. in the Rood Chapel between Reatalrig and, 34; do. in at. Nioholas' Chapel at, 39, 178, 179, 184; do. in St. Anthony's Chapel at, 42, 4Z1 ; do. in St. Ninian's Chapel at, 175, :rn; do. in the Lady Kirk of, 178,439; William Wood of, 45; Alex-

ander Graham of, 45, 47; the King's writings sent. to Robert Barton in, 82; the King strikea at a stithy in, 99; carriage of arms to, 120; boat-hire to Kinghorn from, and from Kinghorn to, 130; do. between Stirling and, 281; the Kiug brought to, from I.nchkeith, 131 ; the King's viotuala taken to the Isle uf May from, 131; alms to the poor on the shore of, 131; do. at the pier end of, 175; do. to a poor wife in, 179; do. to a beggar in, 186; payment to St. Nicholas Bishop in, 179; do. to the ruffenia of do. in, 179; do. to a pardonerin,I80; freight of ship pulleys and blocks from Denmark to, 284; do. of guns &Ild materiala for shipe from Flanden to, 286, 288, ~, 305; do. of sugar, etc., from Campvere to. 334; Thomas Dishing ton, indweller of, 290 ; freight of the mands from Dimdee to, 292; powder-mill taken from do. to. 292; Andrew Gray in, 294; carriage of artillery to and from, 310 and Appendix pa8Bim; peen bought for the King at the brigend of, 310; mQney for the King's purse sent to, 312; inbringing of the reate of, 313; payment to a bride of, xxv, 314; the King's expenses at the butte and roven in, 315; payment to Curry's wife in, 316 ; William Mure, skipper in, 328; the keeper of the Customs in, 358; Edward Cockburn dwelling in, 403; expeneea of marinen coming to, 414 ; drinkailver for taking down a mast in, 417; alma to prieate in, 4Z1; payment to workmen in, 456 ; do. to the quarrier of, 460; viotuala for shipe lying in the raid of, 464, 465, 483, 485; great tows bought in, 464; carriage of the organa to Linlithgow from, 472; Alexander Lyall in, 479; coala bought in, 484; red wine do., 487 ; gun atooka taken from Stirling to, 511 ; a boat sent with hides to, 525; carriage


Letters cut out for coats and bards for horse-housings, 22; payment for writing the King's, 358. - - of change, payment for carrying, 27. - - of pains sent to the Westland, 127. - - of recognition and lummona served on William Barclay and others, 345. Levant (Levand) feathers for beds, 202. Lewis, the, gunners sent to, 90; Robert, falconer, sent for hawks to, 118. Lays, Thomas, spars bought from, 459, 462, 475; payments to, 471, 472. Liar. Su. Carpet. Liberton, the oU well at, zv, 35. Librek, lands of, 189. LiOOtone (Lichtoun), John, u.ddler, payments to, 218, 225, 226, 233, 243, 307 ; livery for, 258. Lid, payment for making a flask-, 136. Lidden, the prophet, payment to, 315. Liddeadale (Liddiadaill), writiJags sent to the King from the Earl of Bothwell in,

of al&tee from, 528: a powder-millll8t up in, 531 ; carriage of materialll for ships and for the Castle of Edinburgh toand from, /let Appendix pG88im. Leith axes made for The Gabriel, 458. Lekprevik (Lecpreuic), the laird of (Alex ander Lekprevik), 151, 169,313. Lena1t, Martin, Bertouar, payment to, 48; victualling, etc., of his ship, 128. Lennox (Levinax), Master, clothing for,

Lieges (legis), congregation at Ellem of the King's, 416. LielL SUo Lyall. Lile. SUo Lyle. Lime (1yme), 279, 377, 379, 524, 528, 529; payment for riddling the, 529. Lindores, the convent of, 150; cups, 531. Abbot of, 150, 360. Lindsay (Lind_y), - , tailor, hurts his leg with the oableatGck, 330. Adam, de Dowhill, 157. - - Sir Alexander, 165. - - (Lyndeaay), David, uxvii ; usher to the Prince, payments to, 269, 441 ; a play-coat for, 313 ; furoiahingof a door in the north tower of Linlithgow Palace for, 523. 55. - - David of Glasgow, payments to, I.ethinturkia, lands of, 9. for building a galley, 290, 292. Latteia (lateia, lettus) for lining, 215, - - - - IOn of Mr. William Linday, 216,219; powderit,217. pension of, 374.

249. - - (Lenax, Levenu), Matthew, Earl of, 365; auditor, 1, 359; oompoeition by, 9; signa accounts, 141,381. Lenten oloths (Lenterane clathil), corda for, and mending of, to. Lentran, John, payment to, 456. Leopardil for liuing a coat, 18, 25, 51. Lepers (lepir folk), alma to, 178. LePUI, Kasper, servitor to George Keppin, payment to, 276. Lermonth. Suo Learmonth. Leaardia (lesartia) for lining a gown, 18; diooting, etc., of, 18_ Lealie (Lealy), Mr. Alexander, payments to, 400, 412, 437; payments by, 490. Bessie, lady of the laird of Balandro, payment to, 74. - - David, de Piteaple, 158. - - George, 157, 171. - - John, servant in the Queen'. chamber, clothing for, 266,431. - - Mr. Walter, rector of Menmuir, 363. - - William, de Buchan, 157. - - - - brother of the Earl of Rothes, 158,171. Leatalrig. SUo Reatalrig. Lethane, lands and barony of, 389. - - John, u.ddler, payments to, 45, 46, 94, 117,129, 134,403,412; livery for,


Lindsay, payment to David Dronan, falconer, alial/, 441. - - Henry, mariner, pe.yment to, 487. - - John, money delivered by, 375. - - - - de Glenmure, 159. - - Marjory, clothing for, 51, 59, 61, 62; shoes and boots for, 82, 100, 116. - - Mr. William, pension paid to his BOn David, 374. Linen (lynyn) for collars, 61; for shirts, 61, 243, 429, 436; dyed blue for the head of the great ship's standard, 477 ; Bertane, 429. See also Cloth, linen, and Cloth, Bertane. Ling (lyng) for victualling the bark The Gahriel, 459. Links of the great chain delivered to Mr. David Scott for the cunzeis, 532. Linlithgow, xxv, xxvii, xxviii, xxx, xxxvii, 75, 84, 175, 178, 190, 290, 316, 339, 345, 349, 357, 375; alms in, 36, 37, 39; do. to the friars of, 35, 181, 439; do. to the priests of, 35, 36, 95, 139, 437; paym~nts to daft Anne, Curry's wife, in, 74, 89,106,115, 189 ; the King plays at cards in, 81, 89, 95, 98; drinksilver to maBOns and workmen in, 82, 339; payment to St. Nicholas, Bishop of, 88; men sent for hawks to, 91; pe.yments to the gardener of, 98, 106, 131, 134, 139, 310, 316, 350, 406 ; strawberries brought to the King by a man of, 126; payment for bread aud ale where the King drank in, 139; cartage of a stithy from, 140; trental masses said in, 175, 178, ]84, 188, 190; offerings in, 185-187, 189; carriage of plates, etc., for the King's bedesmen and bedeswomen to, H16; hanks of gold sent to the Queen in, 213 ; carriage of the Prince's cradle to, 218; John Bute goes to, 263; materials for the works of, 293, 459; carriagehorses for the Queen and her Court to, 308 I expenses of Barone and the Bailie


of the Fere's son in, 315; do. of De la Motte's man with hol'llflll in, 337 ; carriage of the chandeliers to, 339; do. of the eucharist to and from, 339, 347; do. of the organs to and from, 339,347, 373,472; do. of the cupboard to and from, 340, 341, 411 ; the King's losses' at the butts in, 341, 346, 347; carriage of chapel gear to and from, 347, 373, 379,409,414; expenses of the Prince's nurse to, 351, 356; work looms of broudstars taken to, 347 ; carriage of the King's wardrobe from, 348; De la Motte's lodging in, 350; horse-hire to and flom, 371,376,415, 418; carriage of the Queen's gear from, 397,406-408, 410,412,414,416-418; James RobeBOn, burgess of, 400, 402; payment to John Scot in, 403; do to the wife of do. in, 409; spiees for the Queen in, 414; accounts for the work in, 445, 446; do. for the organ work in, 446; payment of Master .John's house-maill in, 487. Lilllithgow, chapel of, locks, etc., for the, 342. - - loch, a coble bought for, 280. - - palace of, locks for the stable-door in the, 87; rigging of the chapel in the, 89; accounts for repairing and building the, 279, 280, 374, 523, 525; drinksi1ver to masons at the, 316; materials for building the brewhouse and furnace of the, 379_ - - St. Ninian's chapel in, payment to the priest of, 35. - - the Sheriff of, payments by, 2, 144. Linlithgowlands, lands of, 158. Linseed oil (oly lingeat, oily !ingot), 87, 509. Lint (lynt) for caUeting guns and firespears, 490, 493, 495. Lion (lioun) of the King's saltfat, soldering of, 137; figured upon the great ship's standard, red sey for the, 477. - - the ship, xviii; ballasting of, when


Livingstone, Thomas, clothing for, 2S5; payment to, 356. Loch (louch) beside the Abbey of Holy. roodhouse, drying of the, - - of Linlithgow, a coble bought and sent to the, 280. - - of Restalrig, men sent to alfray fowls on the, 72. Lochbuie (Lochboy) payment to Maklane of, 105. Lochinver, John Gordon de, xvii, 160,

the King pused to May, 114; coys making in, 114; the King goes to Pittenweem in, 128. Lionhouse at Holyrood, accounts for work on the, 275, 372, 377. Lions of crimson Atin for the King's ooat armour, 436. Lioun. 8 Lyon. Lip, payment to the draucht trumpeter who had a sore, 102. Lismorensis, David. See Hamilton, David, Bishop of Argyle. Lists, spe&l"II for the, 121 ; hea.ds of fine steel for the, 122. Lit de camp (leit de camp), green birge Atin for the roof of a, 201 ; curtains, etc., for a, 201 ; a, won from Arthur Bruce by the King at cards, 325; pay. ment to John Hill for his part of a, in Flandel"ll, 340; payment to do. for his superexpenses of the King's, 3il. Litstard, Jamea, chaplain, 149. Litter (littar), carriage of the Queen's,

- - the laird of, bridlesilver to his man, lOS; payment to his servants, lOS; money for the King given by, 419. Lochleven, oxen brought from, 517. - - the laird of, sends cherries to the King, 135; a cuIvering.pykmoyane drawn by his oxen, 517. Lochmyll (Lochmylne), lands of, 165,

Loohnise. Su N eBB, Loch. Lochol"llhire, lands of, 10. Lochslyn, John Waus de, 168. Lockets (lokketis) for a culverin, 121. Lockhart (Lokart), John, composition by, 5. - - (Lokhert, Lokkert, etc.), John, mason in Stirling, payments to, 44, 445, 520, 527; livery for, 258; indenture made with, for the building of works in Stirling, 281, 372. - - John, de Bar, 1-16. - - - - mariner, payment to, 479. Lock, locks, for the stable-door in Lin lithgow Palace, 87; for the King's latron, 100; bought in the Abbey of Holyroodhouse, 105 ; for a door in do., 119; for the great wear stalls in the King's wardrobe, Ill; for joyntours, 119; keys for, 121, 523, 529; for basnets, 121 ; for the new garden, 126; for the chapel of Linlithgow, 342; for the Queen's presses, 378; for a stair door, 378 ;. for the King's work, 466 ;

Little (LitilI), Edward, clothing material bought from, 197,202,205,209; pay. ment toO, 286; hanks of gold bought from, 367. - - John, mariner, payments to, 469, 483. Livery coats, 234, 236-239, 241, 242,

- - gowns, 221, 229, 230, 233, 235, 241,

Livingstone, Castle of, Archibald Living. stone sent to disperse a gathering at the, 379. - - the Vicar of, 361. - - (Lavingston), Archibald, payment to,379. - - Mr. Bartholomew (Levingston, Bartholomo), payment to his wife, 343. - - James, de Jerviswood, 385. - - Robert, 8, 161.

for the shipe, 473; for a halldoor in Edinburgh Castle, 009; for the oloee carts, 6US; for doors and gates in Lin lithgow Pala.oe, 623-1S215; nails for fixing, in Stirling, 626; mending of, 526, 528, 629; for dool'8 in Holyrood. house, 528, 529. Lodge (luge), bands and orukis for the mason, 524; sawing of timber and lath for the, 526. - - door, arukis for the, 526. Logan, David, purchase of the bark of AbA:tfield from, 475. - - Michael (?tIychell), mariner, pay. monts to, 470, 482. Robert, pension paid to, 269. - - Walter, carter, payments to, 3'Z7, 348, 349, 521. - - William, carter, payments to, 349, 521. Logan wood in Annandale, wrights sent for timber to, 405. Logie (Logy), Easter and Wester, lands of,7. ~ James, mariner, payments to, 489, 482; a barrel of butter bought from, 489. Logiedurnoch, of, 363. Lombard (Lumbard), John Qbeyis a, 295. (Lnmbart) paper, 512. - - (Lambart) steel, purchase of, 273. London (Loudounl, Rutherfurd, meso senger, sent to, 79; do. returns from, 84. Long (lang) doctor, the, 311. - - - - of Denmark, 268. - - Thom of the stable, 66, 113. Lord.Justice, the, e~ of,at justiceayres, 319, 320. Lords, in Dundee, the King's writiDp sent to the, lOS; in Ayr, letters to the King from the, 314; the, warned for a general oounail, 333; the spiritual, warned for do. on matters concerning the Pope and the King of France, 323.


Lorenstoun, ThOID88, mariner, payments to, 469, 482. Lorimer (lorymar), payment to an Irish, SO. &e GUo &ll, George; Dalgleish, William. - - Henry, iron bought from, 45 ; pay. ment to, 91. Lome, Duncan Stewart of, 331. Loaanis, great silver trenohers with, 321, 532 ; gilting of, for do., 321. Lothian (Laudiane), messenger, sent for the spiritual tax to, 351; furnishing of men for ships from the east end of, lviii, 413; men and mariners stopped from coming from the east land of, 414. - - A.rchdea.n of, Mr. John Brady,

- - the official of, 361. Louohow, Andrew Cunningham, rector of,152. Loudoun (Lowdane), Hugh Campbell de, 149; William Smith, dwelling at the New Mills of, 349. - - Nether, John Campbell de, 145. Louis xu. of Franoe, lvii. Lovat, Thomas, Lord Fraser of, 13, 187. Lovel (Lowell), Sir Henry, de Bal. lumby, Hi8. LfIuM, TAe, a ship, 483. - - Thomas, 167 ; composition by, 8. Lownan, Walter Ruthven de, 7. Lowry (Lowre, Lawry, Loury), David, messenger, payments to, 312, 358, 409, 411, 412, 413, 416. - - John, slaughter of, 10. Luftileaa (Lufnois, Lufnoe), alma to the friars of, 34, 188. Luke (Lowke, Luk), of the wardrobe, clothing for, 255, 430; payments toand by, 310, 317, 325, 334, 344, 347, 353; the King loees money at the butts to, 314, 341, 351, 355; do. at the shooting to, 318; boat.hire for, 346; taffety delivered to, 420. tabernar, drinksilver to, 347.


Gilbert, OOIIlpoait.i.OD by, 9. Makadam, John l1'0na&n'B IDBD, Uvery for, 266; paymen' to, 352; money delivered to, 447. Macallan, Alexander, 166. - - John, 166. Makbrek, Sir Audrew, the KiDg'Baimoner, 34-37,39-41,43, 107, 108, 129, 139. Makken, Robert, escheat of, 163. Makcowle sends two hounds to the King, 76. Makcowlik, John, falconer, payment to, 139. MacCulloch (Makcullo, etc.), Alexander, clothing for, 51, 55, 63,64, 193,251; payments to and by, 74, 79, 84, 101, 1l0, 118, 126, 311, 316, 318, 349, 350, 398, 403, 416, 439; the King loeea money at the butts to, 310, 315, 323, 327,347; do. at the to, 316, 351. - - Sir Alexander, of Myrton, the King's ID&lter falconer, paymenta to, 68, 71, 91, 96, 105, 126, 267, 280, 443; playa at cardB with the King, 89. - - William, de Pladia, 168. Mackenzie, Hector Roy, 386. - - John, 148. - - - - of KiDtail, payment by, .13. McKestoun, James, of Bruges, a C01U'II8r sent to the BiBhop of Moray by, 311. Makcrekane, Dom. John, 395. McDowall, Cuthbert, composition by, 10. .Ma'kean (Yakane, McCan, etc.), John, of the Isles, King'B letters sent to, 80; gives horses to the King, 86, 104; payment to his man, 110; four saddles for, 308; Pl'Yments to hiB priest, 350, 405 ; payment to hiB servant, 417. Makeson (Makkyaon), Sir Alexander, chaplain, penBion paid to, 69, 268, 528. - - George, who dwells in Spain, payment to hiB factors, 27; paymenta to, 48.

Lumbany, Easter and Wester, lands of, 153. Lumsden (Lummyadene), the potter, payment to, 127. - - James, 387 ; composition by, 4. - - John, 171. - - (Lummisdane), John, de Ardre, 156_ - - Robert, de Madirlair, 157,387_ - - ThOIll&ll, de Cordalane, 4, 387. Lundy, Andrew, de llalgony, 156. - - Robert, de Balgony, 'rreaaurer,l3. - - the laird of, his son goes to France, 235 ; gives a black horae to the King, 3'.l2; payment to his son, 341. Luntrethen, Mr. Adam Hunter, vicar of, 394. Lures (luris), hawk-, 94. Lute strings, 238. Luters, payment to Scots, 402. Su. alIIO Dickson, Adam; Ruddiman; Simon; Steel, Gray; W&rdlaw, Alexander. Lyall, Alexander, payment to, 510. - - (LieU), Alexander, of Leith, payment to, 479. LyarriB. Su. Carpets. Lyle (Lile), George, payments to, 355, 403,417. - - George, captain of The Ma.ry, xliv, 500. - - Lady, payment to her daughter, 93. - - Lord, clothing, etc., for, 51, 58, 61,

Lymmma.ris (lummaris) of close cartB, oaken Bpars for the, 508; great spars for do., 512. Lymestir black cloth, 423. Lyng. Su Ling. Lynn, the ship of, xlv. Lyon (Lioun), David, 153. - - Mr. William, 165, 3&7. - - tailor, payments to, 77, 81, 334. (Lioun) herald, goes to Denmark, 27; payments to, 117, 417; goes to France, xxxvii, 417.

Mak8l101l, Jamee, mariners' wagea paid by. 288, 2110. 2D3; timber for the ships delivered by, 295; a bill of the King's eent to, 4156; payment to, 4lI9; oars bought for, 480; goes to the Pool of Airth to bring down TIle J _ and TIle MGrgam, 461; goes to do. to 888 the ahips, 463; a barrel of pitch taken by, 480; rafters and deale do., 481, 488; timber bought from, 496. M&kpe, Nicho)aa, 160. Robert, 160. Makgilane, - , eenda hawks to the King," Macgilliecallum, Dougal, 384. Maclean (Maklane), - , of Lochbuie, payment to, 105. MoLellan (Maklel&ne), Alan, p"ymentto,


- - Archibald, 181. Robert, maker of quinta _neia, paymenta to, 411, 5'rI. - - Thomaa, in Wigtown, 160. Valentine, maker of quinta _ncla, payment to, 418. WilliAm, de Bondby, 160. Macleod (Makcloid), - - , a Spaniard'a ship taken by, hxxii, 317Maclowane (Maklowane, Makcloven), olothing for, 389, 4'r1, 429, 433; shoes and boota for, 410. Maklyn, Donald, de Bameill, 387. M_orran, William, aervant of the Bishop of Moray, 181. MakmuIane, Thomaa, pauper, 159. ltfaknacht, John, 160, 181, 390. Macneiah (Makneiaohe), Duncan, de Gaitgill, 148. Macqueen, John, eaoheat of, 1413. 1tf&kquhome, Mychek, payment to, 196. Maklalane, payment to one, 347. Macer (maaar), AleDDder Focart, 89. Mader (Madar), Richard, paymenta to, 479,496,497.

Madirlair aidl&re), Robert Lumsden of 157,387. Magnus, viotualling of hia ship, 463. Maidena (madinni.), paymenta to; in Robert Barton'. hoWle, lOS; of Sir Thomu Hame'. wife, 324; of Lady Angus, 324; of Lady ElphiDSton, 324, 401; of William Brounbill'. house, 330; of the Blaokford, 408; olothing for the three, 59; of tbe Lady MiBtreea, 60; the blaok lady'., M; a maiden called Cant, 433; the Queen'. blaok, 428; belcheir to, of the bouse in Ayr, 345. Maidlar. &e Madirlair. Mail (maiD, mlilzie), fustian to the King'a, 25; blaok B&tin for tbe King'. creeaen. of, 205. Maill (male), paymenta of boaae-, frI, 259,318,317, 357,413. 419,471, 472, 4fr1; do. of the bent.houae, 84, 127, 310, 357 ; do. of cellar, 302: do. of the Castom-house, 292; do. of the heronhouse, 87, 1'r1. Andrew, payment to, 291. Maille (mailles), poinding for byrun, 383, 338. Mair, Henry, payment to, 140. Pyke de la, boat-hire for, 130; pay. menta to, 131, 132, 138; expense. in Inverkeithing of, 138. Mai. oloth of the Queen'. ship, O&Dvaa buokram for the, 297; kersey for mending the, 297. Malcolm (Maloulm), William, payment to, 327; a horae for, in his travele with the King, 347; horae-hire to Ayr for, 374Ma1m&r, William, expenM8 of, with the artillery, 343. Malt, maahee of, for the King's hone, 111. Malveey wine, parohaae of a butt of, 4'i0; do. of a rowbour of, 474. Ma1zeia, 59, 84.




Malr.ei', man, Monlieur de, in the bark in, 311 ; do. to a blind fiddler n, xxh, of Traport, victuals delivered to, f82. 309 ; the King's paaOJ&ge to Stirling jIl, Mancur. &e Monour. xxv, 312; payment to John Barton of, Mandie, freight of the, 292. 346. &e alIO Appendix 1. paRim. Manpa1zeir, Peris, gunner, payment to, Mariners, lviii, lix; payments and drink. fGlS. lilver to, 109, 128, 286-200, 292--294, Mantilling of skine, 30. 296, 297, 322, m, 337, 373, 377, 300, Mantle (ma.ntill), a fine blue, for the 412; p&yments to the French, 127,456, Queen, 209 ; for Piel'llOn, gunner, 259. 462, 507; hire of, 109, 332, 3IS2, 353, Mar, Henry, payment to, "7. 372 ; victuals, etc., for, 280, 281 ; of the - - John, skinner and glovema.ker, Dutch skipper's ship, clothing for,260 ; payments to, 200, 373, flO. of The Ma.rgaret., good cheer for, 346; Marble, the King's lair of, in Cambu~ meseenger sent to Fife for, 411, 412; kenneth, 132. expeneea to Leith of, 414; stopped March black cloth, 61from comiug from Lothian, 414; mesMarchmont herald, payments to, xxviii, senger sent to take Iawborrowis of 314, 322, 326, 333, MO, 341, f16, ~. Willi&m Brounhill's, 351. Su aho Appendix I. paRi",. Mares (merz), expeneea of the King's, Marischal, William, Earl (Marachaell, 284. Margaret, the Lady, the King'. daughter, the Erie), 166; King's writings sent to 110. brought from Darnaway, fOIl ; a hol'll8 housing for, 416; payment to Buchan Market, carriage of cart wheela to the her servitor, 417 i shoee, boots, etc., castle from the, 614 ; axle-trees bought in the, 614. for, 419; clothing for, f32, 433. . - - of Denmark, Queen of James III., Markets (mercatia), wine at, 306. King's offering at soul nlass of, 416; Markinch, Dom. Thomas Myrtoun, vicar of,393. payment to Sir James Inglis who Bings Marke, 277, 356, 419. for the deceaaed, 443. - - of the Isles, clothing for, 229, 230, Marlzone. Su Merlioun. Marmoeet (Mermuset), of Calicut, a coat 430,431, fM. of green satin for the, lxxxiii, 117. - - "black" (Margaret Moire), payment Marriage of the Earl of Morton', BOD, to, 339; a gown for, 436. 101 ; of the Constable of Dundee, 246 ; - - Ellane, payment to, 3240. - - the ship, xxxix, xl, xliv, xlv, of Master Lennox, 249; of Sir Harry Shaw's son, 350. lvii, Iix; payment for keeping, at the Pool of Airth, 68; coa1a for, 82, Marshal, hol'll8-, payment to the French, 114; Thomas Peyraon goes to, 102; 117; do. to John Andrew, 307; do. to William Cockburn, 326. payment for taking down the tackle of, 114 ; a barrel of tar for, 114; Marshall (Merschael), tlir Thomas, P'Y. ment to, 69. Terrell goes to see, 131 ; payment to oaUatars of, 132; victuals for, and pay. Marten (martrik), a, given to the King, ments to mariners and workmen of, 356. 280, 281, 286, 372, 396; barrels of - - sable, for a stomacher, 209. tallow for, 291; standards, ftags, etc., - - skins (mertrikis, ma.rtrik ,kynni,) for a gown, 20, 198; for a hogtoun, for, liv, 297, 298; payment to women

000; won by the King from Sir William Ogilvy, 317. Martin, Alexander, 166. - - Florentinus, 166. - - James; bUrgeIIB of Dysart, salt bought from, 306. - - Master, mending of the great ship's boat at the ferry by, (84, 4.71. Robert, 361. - - the Fleming, wright, a smith hired by, 304; payments to, 4.75. - - (little), the Spaniard, the King's henchman, clothing for, -&9,50, 53,6266,243,367,368, "ZI,429, 434; payments to, 72, 311; payment to, when sick, 243; shoes and boots for, 82, 100, 116 ; a bow for, 121; equipment of, for the banquet, 129; horae-hire for, 130; expenl!e8 in Edinburgh of, 130; payment for his board, 380; goes to Spain, 434. Marta for victualling ships, 463 et passim; fresh, 459 et paoMim; fresh powderit, 492, 494, 501; salt, 462 et p!lMim; slaying of, 4.88; salting of, 488, 492, 494, "95, 497, 499; breaking of, "92,


Mary, the ship, victualling of, xliv, 500.

Marykyne skins for a saddle and harnes sing for the King'8 mule, 196. Masar. See Macer. Mashes of malt for the King's hone, 111. Mason (Masoun), John, payment to, 46; clothing for, 58. Mason lodge. bands and crukis for the,
525. Masone, payments and drinksilver to, 76, SO, 82, 84, 89, 100, 101, 113, ZIo. ZI8, 279, 311, 310, 316, 318, 325, 329.


339, 344, 3,&5, 30'1, 379, 380, 445, 520 ; payments to Italian, 271, (39. &e also BaIty, Steven; Cowper, Huchone; Cressent ; Ellis, George; Jackson, Nichol; Lockhart, John; Merlioun;

Walter; Thome, William; Yorkstoun, John; and others in Appendixpassim. M&8B (mes, mis), King's offering on Candlelll&B Day at, 38; said for the King, 75, 184, 185; B&id for the Queen when sick, m; the King taken to the ship after, 332. - - first, King's oft'ering at a, 36, 37, 40, 41, 377; do. at a prebendary's, 181; do. at a priest's, 36, 41, 42, 181, 182, 187, 438, 439. - - high, King's offering at, 40, 175, 178-181, 186, 188, 189. 438. - - mOrning, King's offering at, ISO. - - soul-, for the Bishop of Galloway, 37, 38; for the Queen of England, 38, 183; for King James Ill., 42, 188; for the Lord of Aubigny, 42; for the King's mot.her, Queen Margaret, 43, 416; for the King's brother, James Stewart, Archbishop of St. Andrews, 182; for the King of England, 187 ; for the King of Denmark, 439. - - belt, purchase of a, 358. - - book, purchase of a, 322, 358. M&BBe8 trental (miBBis, trigentale), 174179, 183, 184, 186-188, 190, 191, Mast, upputting of a, in the hark called The Jamu, 281; canvas for lining the heads of t1aga of the fore, 297; PM Pa1l81l heaves her, 317 ; brought from England, 331 ; iron work for the great ship's, 373; the great, of The Margaret, ll96; drinkllilver for taking down a, in Leith, 417. Masts, red burdouna made of, 121; brought by the Dutch skipper, 260, 296; expeneea made on, brought from beyond the Month, 296; brought from Denmark, 296; do. from the woods of Lochn_, 296, 2fY1; small III&Bts for filling the bowsprit of the great, 306. For other references to ship'. III&Bts, 8ee Appendix L pa.Mim. Mater, Henry, payment to, 531.




Matheis, the two, victuals for, 475. Maxwell, the Master of, payments by, Matheson, Andrew, payments to, 45, 48, 190, 191 ; payments to, 248, 268, 405; 134. clothing for, 248; the King loses Mathin, the Spaniard, trees for ships money at the shooting to, 349. received by, 306. May, the Isle of, payments to the Hermit Mats for the ship TM Raven, 47. of, 105, 130, 183; the King goes in the Mattocks (mattokkis), 490, 1114, 519, 527. ship The Licm to, xviii, xix, 114; do. Maw, John, a gown of ru8llet for, 371. in a boat to, 130; fowl-shooting with Mawchane, Alexander, green and redsey the cu1veryn by the King at, lxx, 130; bought from, 435. drinksilver to the wright in, 130; the Mawmer leathers for ships, 455 etpaMim. King's victuals taken to, 131 ; furnishMawmers (mawmeris, mawmaris) for ing of the little ship that passed with ships, 456 et paMim; of English hide, the King to, 501. 484. - - the Queen of, the old queen of the Mawnis, clothing for, 51-53, 61,62, 65, Canongate, called, 398. 66,428,431, 435; do. for his servants, Mayn bread, 471 et paMim. 431; shoes, boots, etc., for, 82, 100, Mayne (Mayn), John, bowyer, payments ll6, 404, 405, 419; horae-hire fo1", to, 121, 273. 130; payments to, 136, 139, 402, 413; - - William, wright in Stirling, livery }o&yment to his boy, 104; money won for, 56, 259; payments to and victuals from the King by, 346; goes to Denfor, 281, 475, 479, 481, 482, 513, 520. mark, 402, 431; Peter Beym, gunner, Meadow (medow), payment for teind hay of a, eaten by the King's horaea, 103. hired in Denmark by, 480. Meal (meile, etc.), oat-, 488, 491, 4IM, - - bard, payment to, 345. - - Beild, payments to, 346, 348. 495,497-500; rye-, 488. - - of Denmark, clothing for, 49, 50; Meat (met), wild, brought to the King, 91. payment to, 106. - - Laurence, clothing, etc., for, 244, Meikleblackburn (Mekleblakburn), lands of,1 57. 370. Maxton (Maxtoun), - - , payment toone, Melan fustian. Su Fustian, Milan. Meldrum, Alexander, 161, 386. 423. - - - - BOn of Patrick Maxton, cloth- - - Thomas, 161. - - - - ohancellor of Brechin and vicar ing for, 430. of Panbryde, 395. - - Adam, livery for, 266- - Mr. William, precentor of Brechin, - - Charles, livery for, 55. 395. - - Patrick, clothing for, 55, 266, 430; Mells, great irqn, 527. do. for his BOn, 430. Melrose, circuit court held at, xxii; - - Robert, olothing for, 430. carriage of plates, etc., for bed_en - - William, clothing for, 55, 266, 430. Maxwell, Sir Edward, de Tinwald,147. and bedeswomen from, 186; a gown for the wheelwright of, 259. - - John, Lord, 152, 154; messenger sent to charge him to ward, 139 ; do. - - the Abbot of, 172, 392; sends oxen to the King, 339. sent to summon, 409_ - - Mr. Walter, the King loses money Melter, Master-, of the King's guns, Robert Borthwick, 442. at the butts to, 365.

Melteraof the mine. au DaveDDia, Stewin; Elaemur, Gerard; Gardner, John; Jacat. Melville (Mal vill), the rector of, 361. (Melweyne), Lord, playa at cards with the King, 318. - - Alexander, composition by, 7. John, de Carnbee, 387. - - (Mailnil), John, de DiBert, 150. - - Sir William, muter of works, xxxix; payments to,44-48, 48; olothing for, 57; roset and hardis for the ship delivered to, 40, 47. MeDmure (Menmuir), lands and barony of, 4; Mr. Walter Leslie, rector of, 363. Menteith, distraining for rests in, 330; inbringing of the composition silver of the chamber1ain-ayre of, 358. - - Donne in, King's o&'ering at, 38; the King playa at cards in, 75 ; payment to a minstrel in, 75. - - the steward of, payments by, 2, 144.- - William, composition by, 7. - - Sir William, de Ken, 148. Mercer (Meraar), Andrew, Bervant in the Queen's chamber, clothing for, 55, 2116,431. Merohamstoun, Vinoent, mariner, payment to, 483.. Merchandiae bought in France for the Kiug, 140; won by the King at cards, 325. Merchanestoun, a IIilver stoup oalled, given to the Bailie of the Pere, 77; silver pieces with t.heir cover in a cue oalled, given to Sir Anthony D'Arcy, 128. Merchant (marchand), payment to Arthur Bruce, a, 325. Merchiston (Merchaineatoun, Marchanestoun), Archibald Napier of, 4, 167. - - (Marchamatoun), Mr. James, provost of Corstorphine, auditor, 144. Merks, 1531.


lIerlioun (Marlzone), Walter, mason, payments to, 69, 340. Mermuset. au Marmoset. Marse, the heads and tenants of the, summoned to compear in Edinburgh, 312,379; messengerBentforthespiritual tax to the, 351 ; men for ships got from the, 414. Mertoun, Sir Alexander MacCulloch of. au MacCulloch. - - Robert, livery for, 56. Mertrikis. au Marten skins. Nerybuttoa., William Dunoan goes to' Norway in the English lhip called, xliv, 478NUHfI(J8r, the, a gun, taken from the castle to Leith, 476. Messengers. au Adam, John; Adamson, John; Auchinleck,Archibald; Balfour, John; Beg, John; Betsone, Edmond and Robert ; Billet, James; Cameron, David; Cowper, John; Davidson, John; Gardin, Alexander; Hamilton, James; Lowry, David; Reoch, Gilbert; Ritchie, Duncan; Rutherfonl, Gilbert; Wallace, James. Mesure, a, for the King's silver gun, 137. Metal, 299, 531 ; for guns, 105, 106, 108110, 113, 116, 278, 305, 357, and Appendix n. paMim; melting of, for do., 134, 508; payment for making the furnace to melt the, 133; ship pulleys of, 284; spars for Itirring the, 508,

Methven, the rental book of, carried to Perth,330. - - the Provost of, 38, 392. John, payment to, 115. JlicTltul, the ship, great standards for, 435. See aho Great Nic1Iael. Michaelmu, 29. Michell (Myohele, Miohaele), Frenohman, goldsmith, payments to, xxxiv, 331, 398,401. Miohelaoun, James, 147; escheat of, 9.


Mint, Chaplain of the, payment to, ItO. - - Master of the, Mr. David Scott.. See Scott. Minthouse (cunzehouee), paY.JDent for work on the weachele of the, 272; 9p81lB88 made on the, 275; timber for the, 306. Minto, Sir John Stewart. de, 389. Minx (mynkiB, minkie) for the sleeves of a gown, 215; for the fent of do., 215, 216; for the oollar of do., 215, 2US. :Mieterie in the shipe, Swedish boards for, 481. Mistress of the Queen's wudrobe (the Lady MaiBtres), damask and Pa.rU black cloth for her maidens, 60; pay. ment to the, 67; a bracelet given by the King to the, 88. Moohrnm (Mouchrome), Andrew Dunbar in, 160. Motrat, .Archibald, II8lV&I1t of the Queen, olothing for, 266, 9JJ7. Moire, Elene. See Ellen, "black." Margaret. See Margaret, "black." Moit, Monsieur De La. S~ La Motte. Mollouch, Aym, 160. Monboy, lands of, 386. Moncriefi' (Muncreiff), Hew, servant of the Queen, clothing for, M, 265. - - John, of Little Moncriefr, 9. Robert, clothing for, 62, 251; pay. ment by, 316. Moncur (Muncur), Andrew, of the Cutle hill, armourer, payment to, 120. - - (Mancur), Robert, caterar, money delivered to, 447; barrels of butter bought by, 489. Moneme (Monydy), Jande of, 169; the rector of, 395. Money (monee), ma.enger IeDt to Edin burgh for, 138 ; Flemiah, ItO. Monk of CulroBI, payment to ... t09. Monkton, Mr. Patrick Shaw, vicar of, 892.

Miohelsoun, John, 147 ; eacheat. of, 9. Middleborough (Myddleburgh), carthire for George Paterson to, liv,302. Middleton, George, 388. - - Mr. Patrick, granitariUl St.. Andree, 11. Midwife (medwyff), payment. to t.he, 186. Milan bonnete, 16. - - fustian. S~ Fust.ian, Milan. Milk (mylk) for the KiDg, 123; dis miM&1 of a nuree for the Prince proved with,3li6. and water, a coat of French cloth of the new, 240. Mill, powder.. See Gunpowder.milL Millar, Andrew, three printed books for t.he King taken from hiB wife, 90. -.- John, eacheat of, 1M. - - William, baker, clothing for, 49, 50 j payment to, 75. Mine (mynd, myne) at Craufurd Muir, winning of, and payment to, Sir James Pettigrew and others at the, 273, 396, 408, 442; the Abbot of Tungland goes tothe,408. - - the lead, of Ialay, assaying of, 274 ; t.he do. at Wanlookhead, winning of,

Miniver (mynever) for lining the Queen's gown, 29. Minstrels, paymente to,76, 85,93, 1015, 112, 116, 133, 271, 338, 402; clothing for, 430, 433. See alMI .Ainslie, John ; BontaiB; Davenecurt, Jamea; Drum mond, Julian j Julian. the French, paymente to, 00-70, 92, 93, 104, 105, 112, 118, 271, 324, 340, 346, 402, 440, 4.42, 443 j clothing for, 66,65,66,270,271,430. - - the Italian, paymente to, 68,83,93, 107,112,118,120, 139, 340, 402, 440, 443; clothing for, 66, 66, dO. - - Scote, payment to, 402Mint (ounzeis, oonze, etc.), links of the great ohain delivered for the, _

Monte TIlIDba, St. Michael'a Day de, ofFering on, 177. Montsomery, Sir John, compoeitionby, 5. Month, the, visit of the King to, 82; ahip masts got from beyond, 298; J .._ Sinclair, with Lady Gordon, rides over, 898; Margaret Preeton Uld do. pall over, m; men for &hips from beyond, '13; baWD got from, Montjoy, the French herald, arrival of, in the King of Denmark'a abip, xl, 72; paymeDt to, 72; do. to the maater of TAt W'GHtotm which sailed to Denmark with, SO. Montroee, the Ducheaa of, 164. the Earl of (William Graham), playa at carda with the King. SIS. Monyak, lUlda of, 155. Monymuak, inbringing of the contribution from, 380. Prior of, the, 3M. MonyneUia, Thomas (Thome), mariner, payment to, '70. MonypeDlly, - , amith, payments to, 513, 320. - - David, 168. William, 188 ; payment by, 290. Moor (More), payment to the Biabop of Moray'a, 338. Moon (Moria), clothing for the, 51, 58, 81, 82; &hoea and boots for the, 82, 100,118. Moppats, 462 et fMJ'IiM; aheepIkin for, 458, 481S; abafts for, '73. Moray (Murray), Sir Robert Rankin, chamberlain of,"; hawks got from, 119; payments to men of, 183, 318, 330; meaeoger Bent with letten to, 323 ; goabawka got from, 349. . Biabop and Lord of (Andrew For mUl), 3M; auditor, 1, 143, 359; wins money from the King, 73; the King 0181 money in bia hOll88, 88; Benda wild meat to the King, Ill; playa at



Mora,. the Dean of, 172Earl of (James Stewart), 1M; clothing for, 51, 58, 81, 82; ahoea for, 51 ; goes to the Biallop of 8t. Andre_ in Padua, ui, 140. More, Blen. Sa Ellen, co black." More Freria, paJDl8nts to, 112; expenII88 of, 139. &e alIO BlackfriBra. Moreaet, Frenohman, viotuala for, 1S01. Moreaon, NiohoJaa, French gunner, payment to, (66, Morhame, the rectory of, _ ; 1aDda of, 38IS. William, Engliabman, velvet for, 58; payment to, 98; a hawk eent to Edinburgh to, 98. Moria, tailor, hc.e boucht from, 2M. Moriaone, John. Sa Murison, John. Morris danoea by Monaienr De la Motte's eerviton, uxiii, 399, fOO. Mortcloth, a, of black velvet for the tomb of King Jam. the 8eaond, 195; hanks of gold Uld sewing Bilk for a lyar., 3M.


carda with the Killg, 95, 99, 107, 401 ; payment to, 98; goes to England, 118, 133; ailver stoups given to the King by, 128; writings Bent to Berwiok to, 135 ; .tin given to the King by, 203, 2(K; olothing for hia cousin, John Forman, younger, 253 i pension paid to do., i89; .. conner eent to, 311 ; Marohmout herald eent to France on lihe King's errands to, 322; payment to Sir Harry Wood at hiB returning to, 321S; payment to his Moor, 338; letten from libe King eent to, 3404; givea .. marten to the King, 3Ii8; BUps with the King, 371; signs accounta, 381 ; ive ringI given by the King to, 401 ; accompanied by Unicorn herald to France, uxvi, 408; payment to Sir Walter Ramsay in the Pre&ellce of, 404IS; viotuala for, in John Barton'.ahip,


Mnle horse, honainga for the, M. Mnllane fuatian. 8u. Fnatian, Milan. Munro, Andrew, de Mylntoun Mea.nch, 188. Murdoeon, Andrew, stock fish bought from, 500. Mure, - - , a horse bought from ODe called, 21; arreat and execution of a man called, 123Sir Adam, of Caldwell, 9. Edward, 267 - - John, escheat of, 1M. Margaret, BpOWII! of Robert Cun ningham of Cunningha.mheid, 166. - - Patrick. 148. - - Peter, lIi6. Quintin, de Ani, 1M. - - William, skipper in Leith, uri ; payments to, _ , 328, 498. Murison (Morlaone), John, skipper, goes to Denmark in a ahip called Clofo.r6, SS9,306. John, seaman, payment to, 333. Murray, Mr. Alell:&Dder, payment to the Abbot of Jedburgh &I execntor of, 93. - - Sir Andrew, 88nds hawks to the King, Bl; payment to his falconer, M. Mr. James, pension paid to, 268. - - Janet, clothing fOf, 233; paym~t; to,324. John, sends a hawk to the King, 79 ; plays at the ca.ioh with do., 133. - - - - of Hingandscba.w, a man sent for a hound to, 123. Mr. John, 10, 118, 140, 172, 173, 192, 193, 196-200, 203, 206-209, 211, 213, 220, 222, 223, 22IS, '1!Z1, 229, 230, 233,237,239,243, 261, 263, 277, 294, 297, 313, 319, 322, 331, 338, 342, 346, 352, 351S, a,7, 411, 420, 447, 448, 631. - - - - of Bla.ckbarony, auditor, 144, 384. John, de Cokpnll, composition by, 5. de Fa.lahil1, IG6. de Ke1lok, 169.

Mortimer (Mortymar), Mr. Malcolm, payment to, 7B. Morton, the Earl of, sends hawks to the King, 7B, 300; payment to hia fal CODer, 79; the King's writings sent to, 91; a tocher on his son'a marriage given to, 101. - - the Muter of, a aapphire won by the King from, 316. Mortatand, velvet for a table above the altar for the, 43.M~, John, apothecary, payments to, 74, B7, 93, 96, 96, 98, 103, 117, 269, 313, 399, 403, 400, 406, 409, 411, 414, 417, 441; velvet for, 93; and flasks bonght by, 104; payment to his man, 126. Me. (mos) for ships, etc., 455 et ptIMlm. Mote, Monsieur De 1a.. Bee La. Motte. Monlds (mnldia), gun, blonds for, 109; sheep tallow for, 110 ; wire for binding, 113; roaat for, 116; payment to the potter of Stirling for a, 116; flokkis for, 116; packthread for, 117. Mowat, Alexander, composition by, 7. - - James, aail.sewer, payment to, 31B. - - John, payment to, for aail.thret.d, 485. Mowbray, John, de BernbowgaU, 389. Mowtrar, Robert, payments by, 179, - 316; payments to, 254, 352; clothing, etc., for, 2M. lIrIowtray, Henry, payment to, 477. ' - - John, a great boat ca.1led TAeJ_ bought by, 287; salt bought by, 307; payment to, :r74. Mndie (Mndy), John, a book of gold for the painter bonght from, 87. William, composition of, 140. Mngdrnm (Mukdrnm), lands of, 153. Muirhead (Murehede), John, de Bullies, 148. Mule, a halter for the Queen's, 134; a eaddle and ha.mesaing for the King's, 196.



M,Itoune, the bark, victualling, etc., of, MUJ'l'&Y, John, hill eon, 169. xliv, 600. - - Patrick, clothing for, 256, 257. - - Sit Thomas, money delivered by,
186, 186, 191, 280, 312, 343, 371, 380; N.ULB, 276, 281, 283, 30)4, 373, 379, et

payment to, 210. - - Sir William, bridleailver to, 86 ; do. to hiB man, 124; shoots at the Bhell with the King, 119; m_nger Bent for a hound to, 123; sends a horae to the King, 128. - - William, payment by, 380. Murthly, lands of, 165. M1lIIC8.ldy wine, purchase of a rowbour of, f74. MWlgl'I've (MWlgl'I'y, Musgraif), Lady Agnes, clothing for, 63, 230, 231, faO, f34; IIhoes and boots for, 404, 410; payments to, 32f, 401. - - Sir John, certain Btuff Bent to hill wife, 126; Bends neWB from England to the King, 309 ; a tun of wine Bent to, 318 ; letters Bent to, 351 ; payments to, 346, 403; do. to his man, 110, 318; payment to his boy, 348; do. to his eon, 348 ; do. to his servant, 404. Musk (must) brought to the King, 81. Mutton (motoun, etc.) for provisioning ships, 464 et pa88im. Mychele, goldsmith. See MichelL Mychelaone, John, servitor to Lady Gordon, money sent with, 220. Myddleburgh. &e Middleborough. Mykkill for guns, 485. Mylns, Little, lands of, 166,387. MylntoWl Meanch. Andrew Munro de, 168. Myreaide, lands of, 169. Myrtoun, the laird of. &e MacCulloch, Sir Aleu.nder. - - Dom. Thomas, rector of Markinch, 393- - Dom. William, rector of Lathrillk, 392My1Jena, portrait of James IV. by, lxxxvi.

pa88im. baulk, fIlS et pa88im. - - carvell, 478, 485. door (durnaill), fM et pa88im. double, 373, 451 et purim. - - dwir, 451. - - garrons, 526. -gilt, 297.

- - great, 436, 509, 524.

- - barn_, 196, 436.

- - planchor (planciour), 509, 513, et pa88im. - - pomp, 458. - - lIingle, 451 et pauim. - - &quare headed, 526. - - sylour, SU. thatch, 526. - - tournay, 121. - - tree (treyn), long, 480. --- vice, 121. - - window, 45'2, 509, 513, et pa.d8i7l1_ Nairne (Narne), Albxander, de Sandford, 8. - - John, 153. - - Mr. John. 8. Nannik, broudstar, velvet delivered' to 43; payment to, 70. Napery (napry), payment to Marion Gillis who washes the, 418. Napier, Sir Alexander, 167. - - Archihald, de Merchiston, 167; com position by, 4. Napkins (naipkynnis), payments for Bewing, 322, 419. Navy, xnviii-lxiii; acCOWlts of the, 284-300,444-447, and Appendix I. Net:ar, casting of a peat cannon called the, lxxii, 278. Needles (nedillia), payment to sail'Bewers because they IOBt and broke their, 318.


fiddlera in, xxiv, 309, 311 ; do. to fruit sellers in, 309 j carriage of guns to, 310 ; payment to Campbell, the Queen's henchman in, 312; do. to the French wife where the King diajunit in, 312; pears bought for the King in, 311 ; the baker's taberuar playa at the drawing of the great ship in, 314 ; payment to a Spaniard in, 317; do. to Matthew Campbell in, 329 ; money won by the King in, 330; payment to a at, 331; do. to a wife in, 341; to Jacques Terrell in, 343 ; do. to Roberr. Douglas for ale in, 349; cartage of timber to and from, 349, 508; the King's pavilions taken to, 380; car riage of harness from, 417 ; do. of metal from, 508; working of iron in, 514; payment. to the smith of, 515; CU"tag8 of materials for ships to,and victualliug of ships at, , . Appendix L pallim. Newton, landa of, 5. Sir George, lxvii; payment by, 12; sends a croeabow to the King, 85; the King'a expenaea at the ahootin yard, 99, 100; the King'. expenses shooting with the cn1verin indo., 98. John, payment. to. 373. 403. New Year'. Day, 323, 325,401. gifts, 252, 323, 324, 402. Newyearmaa (Newzermeae), 266, 331,

Needlework (nedillwerkl, the King's arma wrought in, 314. Neill, John, m&riner, payment to, 472. Ness, Loch (Lochniael, masts from the woods of, xliii, 296. Net, a great, made for the King, 106. Nether Bow, tallow, etc., taken to the castle from the, 6115; paym6nt for watching the guns at the, 617. in St. Mary's Wynd, artillery drawn to the, 515. Port 9f St. Mary's Wynd, artil 1ery drawn to the, 616. Netherblacok, lands of, 387. Netherdale, lands of, 169. Netherton, lands of, 167; Robert Cran furd de, 159. Neva, benefice of, 362. New Abbey, the Abbot of, 362. -- thePriorof,aouiveringmoyane draWn by his oxen, Ins. Newbattle (Newbottil), stewinnya for boats from, 473. the Abbot of, 172 ; ~nt silver to his man, 339. Newdoak, rectory of, 361. Newhall,landa of, 396. New Haven, xxiv, xxviii, xlv, I, lv, lxix, 294; payments and drinkailver to workmen, marinera, etc., in, 88, 100, 310, 317, 326, 327, 329, 331, 346, and Appendix L pG8IitI&; alma to the poor in, 98; the King shoots the guns at, 109; hire of boats and payment to boatmen at, 120, 128, 288, 338; the King casts money to the poor at, 127; a silver ohalice for the chapel in, 174; ofl'erings in, 175-178, 180-184, payments to the "little 1aaa" in, 176 j payment to John Puyaaone, Bertonar, in, 177 ; payments to prieats in, 181, 184; payment to a poor wife in, 182 j do. to a poor woman in, 183 j ailver diaburaed in, 191; blaok tatrety sent to the King in, 193: payments to

Nicholas, coiner, payments to, 276, 440. gunner, xxvi; livery for, 259; payments to, 269, 490 j e~ of, to Denmark, 328. Night glaaaea for ahips, purchase of, 298,

gowns of gray sandre. cloth, 200; of black aatin, 210,217. kerchiefs (cnrchia), 193. Nisbet (, John, de Dalziel, 147; composition by, 7. Nithadale, letters _ t to the lairds and olana of. 80. -

Nobles, angel, 305, 336, 398. Barry, 88, 93, 210, 316. - - rolle, 88, 93. Nonentry of Grantoun and StanehoUle, 109 ; of the lands of Orkney, 336. Norbam, siege of the castle of, lxxix. Nomy (Nomee, Nome), Sir Thomas, fool, clothing for, 57, 62,63; shoeeand boots for, 82, 100, 118, 3lI8; payment to,I84. North Berwick, the PriOretS of, 381,392. Northland, the, messenger sent to, 113, 398 ; Robin Douglas of the wine-cellar sent on the King's errands to, 358 ; William Duncan goes to, 458. Northtberge, Sibbald (Sebald), master bour, payments to, 273, 375; servitors to labour at the mine sent to, 2'74,275; John Brady sent to Wanlockhead with, 378. Norway. timber brought from. xlii. 289. 373. ~; Robert Bawiokand William Duncan sent in Thomas BaDD&Dtyne'. ship to. 289; William Duncan in the English ship goes to. 478. Notman, Patriok. wright. viotuals for, 475; payment to. 508. Nurse (nuris, nurice). payment to the. in James Dog's hoUle. 89; do. to Sir John Sinolair's. 123; do. to Brounfeild's wife. the Prince's. 340; do. to the Prince' 400; do. toanIriah. xxxiv. 403; brought from Edinbnrgh to Linlithgow for the Prince. 351, 358; olothing for the Prince's. 80. 427. 428; bedding for do., 409; clothing for the Queen's, 433.


Oats (aitie. aittiB) for horses. 126. 128; for the quails. 529. Ober, Thomas. IIl&IIter of The Crollm. xliv; viotuals for. 501. ObeyiB. John, a Lombard in Rouen. payment by. 293. Ochiltree (Uohiltre). baronyof. 11 ; Robert Colville of. 144. 384 i Sir William Col- ville of, 149. - - (Uohiltre. Oichiltre). Thomas. carter. payments to. 349, 478. Octavian, the Italian. arrival in Aberdeen of. 399; payments to. 402. 419. OdmanstouD. barony of. 187. O'Dounell (Odoneill. Odonel. Bowdonele). of Ireland. sends hawks to the Killg. 136; letters to the King from. xxxvi. 408 ; payment to his priest. 408 ; do. to his harper. 415; horse-hire from F..dinburgh to Linlithgow for. 415; mending of hiB saddle, 415 ; expen_ in Scotland of. lxxx. 416. 627; clothing for. 434. 435; guns for. 527. OfJice boUle in Linlithgow PaI&ce. iron bands and orms for the. 024. OfJiciars. payments to, 399, 417. &e allO Balfour, John; Cameron, David. - - of arm payment in the name of the. 326. - - of Peebles. letters sent to the, 312. Ogilvy. Mr. AleDllder, payment. to, 80, 282. 283, 374. 378, 441 ; brint silver delivered to. 135; a silver .tell&tour do., 137 ; a gown for hiB BpOUIItl, Margaret Dunnot (Dennet). 358; payment to do., 398. - - Mr. James, convoyed by the Dutch skipper [to Prance], 297; expenses of, on hiB errands to the King of France, O.UtD (akin) boards. ~ 299; writings sent to Blais to, 403; - - spars, 458 el pallim. payments to, 419. Oars (ayN. aria) for ships' boats, ~. 488 ; long. ~, 479. - - James, of Auchindoun. 384. o..l.meal (ait maile. eitemale. etc.) for de Inchmartin, 388. John, oomposition by, 5. victualling ships,~ 488. 491. 494, 496, 497-500. - - de Laveroklaw, 187.


Orkney, the BUhop of, 159; preeents a hackney to the King, 309. the laird of, summoned for nonentries of the lands of Orkney, 335. budge, 252, 255. butter. 511, 515. - - skins for lining, 251; white for do..

Ogilvy, Walter, payment to and by, 355; &eDds a hol'8e to the King, 405. - - Mr. Walter, payments to, 69, 70, 86, 110; payment to his wife, 92. - - Mr. William, compoeition by, 5. Sir William, of Stratheam, knight, martrick skins won by the King from,

Oil (olye, ile, uley, oily), 27.; f01' the painter, 113, 295; for the calfatours, ~, 463; for the work, 453; for the shipMargm-et, 476 ; for the hakbuachis, 511. Oil WeO (OlyeweO), King'l\ offering at the, xv, 36. Olearius, Octavian, papal ambaesador, xxxiii. Oliphant, George, 5. John, Lord, 387. William, composition by, 5. - - the Bishop of MoI'llY'. man, payment to, 91. Olrik, the rectory of, 366. Oly lingeat. 8u x.m-l oil. Oratory (oratonr), the King's, in the ship Margaret, Kentdale cloth and tackets for, 298. the Queen's, in the Abbey of Holy. roodhouse, white gIus for, :n5! mend. ing of, in do., 529; in Linlithgow Palace, gIus for, 52'" Ordnance (ordinans, ordinance), payment to workmen at. the furthputting of the, 519; drawn to Glasgow, 527. Organ work in Linlithgow, expenses on the, 446. Organists (organeris), the Frenoh, pay. ment to,~. 8u alIO GuiUiam. Organs, expenses on the King'S, 275, 276; mending of, 339; carriage of, 339, M7, :n3, .73; payments to Guil li&m who makes the, 39'7, li23; materiaJa for the, 523, 524. Orkney, nonentries of the lands of, 336 j falconers Mnt for hawks to, :M2, 410.

Or1age. 8u Clook. Orlop (onrlop) of the bark, nails for the,


Ormiston (Ormestoune), George, gunner, payment to, 490. Orphreys (otlrez, orphis) of capes and chasubles, cloth for laying between, ~ ; a chasuble with, 358. Oatad, demy. 8u Demy Oatad. Otterburne (Ottirbum), Thomas, cloth bought from, 220, 367. OugiO, Thomas Fenton de, 4. Our Lady. 8u Virgin, the Bleseed. Oven (une) in tbe great ahip, clay for making an, ~. Owbigne (Owbynze), Lord of. 8u Stewart, Bernard, Lord of Aubigny. Owdny. 8uUdny. Ox, an, run over and killed by a cannon and given to thIS workmen to eat, 519. Oxen brought to the King, 123, lU, 135, 339, 407; bought in Dunblane, 446,515 j artillery drawn by, 515-618; expen_ of keeping, 518; the King &eDds home for, 522; &eDt to the army, 622. bows (bollis), 514, IU5. Oxnam, lands of, 11, 166. Oyne, the rector of, 363. Oysters (ceteris) for the King, nv, 313. (pak threid), 29, 32, 369, 511 ; skeins of, 110, 117, 136. Padua, John Francis aooompaoiell the Earl of Moray to, m, 1~. Padzochriddingis Haly, lands of, 168.

pam. (}lAnie), letten of, 1!l7. Painten, colours, gold, etc., for the, S7, 88, 90, 97, 109, 112-115, 296. &t aUo Cbalmer, Alexander; Jameson, _ William; Laing. Andrew; Pien. Paialey (Paaley, Paislot), the Abbot of, 362; sends two swans to the King, SI; present silver to hiB man, 339; drinkailver to hiB JI1&IOIlII, xxix, 3. Paitlat, a, of black semys leather, 25; of aatin, 25. Palmer, John, mariner, payment to,286. Palms, payment for, 40. Pampilioun (pampiIleoun, pampelzone) for lining and trimming, 30, 215, 426. Panbride, Jande and barony of, 158; Mr. Thomas Meldrum, vicar of, 395. Pane, John, pauper, 160. Panetar to the Queen, Jamea Cartar, &8. Panitar (Paintar), Patrick, BeCretary to the King, 143, 383; auditor, 369. Pannia, freight of a bale of, 3M. Pane, Milan fustian for the King'a, ~I_ - - [veaaela] for quinta _ncla, 78; for shipe, 489, 492, 494" 496, 498. Pmur, the ship, copper pulleys and blocb shipped from Denmark in, xW, 284; tbe float-boat of, Ioet in a Itorm, 317. PantoDl, 15, IS, 22, 29, 214, 404, 4:IS, 419; of velvet, 17. Pantry door, a lock for tbe Queen's, 524. - - rooma of shipe, materiala for, 4.62, 485; 488, 471, 478, 481. Paper, great, for the King's doublet, 79 ; for tbe painter, 90; for the King's organa, 276; binding of a pealter in boarda of, M7; for standard8, 389; Lumbart, 512Parbroath (Parbroith), barony of, 169. Parcbment for the bello".. of the King's organa, 276; iDuminatiou of a great porteous of, MO, 358; akin, for a bonnet, 423Pardonar (perdour), Kins's otl"erin, to


St. Duthus', 4:3; payment to a, with St. Duthus' cup, 180; do. to Our Lady of Kyle'a, 180; do. to a Leith, 180. Paria cloth. &t Cloth, Paria. Parish (paroche) clerk of Edinburgh, payment to the, ]SI. Park, WilHam Hay de, 389. the King's, in ,Stirling, white deer put in, 78; a hind put in, 'TI. - - door in Linlithgow, a lock for the, 524. - - pte (yett) in Linlithgow, banda, crukil, etc., for the, 524. Parplaits of Holland cloth, 220, 222, 223, 225, 231 ; of aatin, 236, 'lZ1 ; of velvet,

220, 223,


233, 234,


great, of gray aanelre cloth, 192; lateia for trimming a, 215. Parson (penone) of Dysart, 178, 191; of Benvie, 446. Parton, Mr. Jamea Hepburn, reotor of, 3N. Paach Day, payment of the Queen's pension at, 28; tbe King'8 ol"eringa on, 40, 186, 4:38 ; payment to heralds at. 112; Iarge.e to do. at, MO; stenting of the windOWl of Linlithgow Palace against, 279; carriage of the organa. chandeliers. and the eucharist against. 339 ; do. of the King's cupboard against and after. 340, MI; mending of &lTII8 against, 339 ; rewards to minetrela at. MO; tbe Kill{( takea the Sacrament on. 4:38; vell8la made for the shipe against, 530. - - even. 523. - - Monday, King's ofreringa on, 186. 438. - - Tuesday, payment to minstnla on, 112; King's oft"ering on. 438. Paawolentia for the great ship, 481. Pate, falconer. payments to, 348. 380. harper, payment to, 93. claraeha, payment to. 78.



Pate, fat bak, falooner, clothing for, 66 ; Peara (peris) brought and pl'Mellted to payments to, 1M, 136; l!ent to Ireland, the King, 35, 79, 313 ; bought in Leith for do. 310; bought in Newhaven for 138. PateraoD, 'Alexander, mariner, payment do., 309, 311; honey., 309; for the to, 483. tree of esperance, 121. - - George, of Leith, Iiv ; payments to, Pearson (Pieraon, Peraone, Peiraon, Peyraon, Pireson), ThODlAB, gunner, 286, 288, 291; shipment of various articles from Flandera by, 300-302; lxviii; payments to, 97, 100, 102, 104, 106, 110, 131, 134,269,470, 480 j livery carthire to Middleborough for, 302; for, 259. dea1a bought from,472. Pachar. &t Pitcher. - - John, livery for, 5lS. - - - - mariner, payments to, 475, Peebles (Peblil), ltV; alms to priests in, 478. 35 ; justiceayre of, 155; letters sent to - - Walter, payment to his wife, 334; the ofticiars of, 312 ; the minister of, payments to, ~, 463, 472. 362 ; UIIize summoned for the breaking of lawborowia in, 415. Patonaone, payment to hiB wife when her hUllband broke his leg, 178. - - the Holy Cross of, King'a offering Patron (patrone, patroun) of De la at, 35; payment to Matthew Auchlek Motte's ship, payment to the, 405; for making, 38 ; a foot of silver for, 38. the, ordained by the King to go to the - - the Sheriff of, payments by, 2, Pool of Airth to _ the shipe, 463. 144. Pattern (patroun, patrone), a, for casting --Adam, 7. gun pellokis, 109; for a gown, 208; - - - - de Crukitstonn, 148. for the King'1 coatarmour, 528. - - Thomas, gl&88wright, payments to, Paul, l!ervant in the Queen'a chamber, 45,81, 269, 279, 280, 282, 375, 624, clothing for, 55, 430. 527; Ii very for, 259; BertAne cloth for stl>nting the windows of Linlithgow - - (PauliB, Paules), John, Flemish broudstar, payments to, 353, 375, 441 ; Palace delivered to, 279. drinkailver to, 3M ; materialB delivered Peiraon (Peyraon). &t Pearson. to, 3M; goes to Flandera, 441; pay. PeDok. See Porpoise. ment to his servants, 442Pellokis, !xviii; for the King'. ouIverin, Pavesis (paves) of 'l'he Jamu, alottis and 102; a pattern for casting gun', 109 ; bands for the, 473; of the shipe, purchase of, for the King, 118; from Flanders, 301 ; iron, for c&nnODB and banding of the, 476. Pavilion man, John Hartside (q.v.). cuI veriDlI, lxxii, 303; crane and cutom dues of do., 303, 3Oi. PavilioDa (~. pailzoun, pl. pa1zeonis, paulzonis, etc.), materialB for, 22, 23, Penoaitland, Lhe vicar of, 393; Dom. 515, 521, 531; payment for work on, George Forhous, do. of, 3IK. 121, 509, 521; for the barrlll, 119; Pendaaea for harneae, 196. taken to Stirling for the hunting, 134; Pendele, a, for an altar, 358. carriage of, 138; do. to England of, Pends, hOUBOura reformed and made 521 ; payment for making, 376; ta.Jten into altar, 532. See al80 Autependia. to Newhaven from Craufurd Muir, Pennicuik (Penicuke, Pennycuke), lar.ds of, 5; Mr. David Wauchope, l'I:ctor of, 380; for the Heralda. 521; upsetting and downtaking of, 521. 393.

l'ennicuik, Sir John, de eadem, composi. tion by, 5. Pennies, half, 185; English, 186Penny bread, 467. Pension!, 67-71, 267-272. Pepper, lxii, 488. Perkleis' wife, pAyment to, 358. Pemot (Perynot). See Pymot. Pel"BOne. See Peal"BOn. Perth (St. Johnstoun), xxii; alms to friars in, 38, 181; jUlticeayre of, 155; poind. ing for bymn mails of reoogniaed lands in, 333; meBBenger sent for money and rests owing in, 352 j do. sent to, to wstrain Andrew Hering of Glas clune, 408; the vicar of, 392, 394 j spars brought from, 479. - - Chamberlain.ayrea of, 162; ex penses of the, 320; the rental book of Methven and Kinclaven carried to the Lords at the, 330 ; poinding ami dis training for rests of the, 335, 352, 371 ; inbringing of, and poinding for, the extracts of the, 348, 370; William Edmonston distrained for the extract of his part of the, 350. - - Sheriff of, payments by the, 2, 1", 384; letters sent to the, 88. - - Sheriffdom of, meB88ngers sent to the, 348, 417. Pestilence, Spark and John Bute go to Stirling for the, 402, 407; letters sent to burghs anent the, 404. Petcairly, lauds of, 163. PetcokiB, the Prebend of, 360. Petcorthy, William Strang de, 389. Petmullok, the Prior of, 361. Petrokkis, redemption of the Earl of Bothwell's lands of, 344. Pettauchop, lands of, 163. Pettigrew (Pettygrew, Peteglew). Sir James, the priest,lxix; payments to, 95, 101, 112, 139, 273, 375, 396, 408, 409, 412; iron for the guns delivered to, 116; drinksilver to his workmen. 117.


Pettindreich, lands of Over and Nether, 3. - - AndIew, composition by, 3. Pettinlug,lands of, 387. Pettinweme. Su Pittenweem. Pewter (pewdar) vessels, English, 314 ; making of, 494. Philorth, William Fraser de, 386. Picks (pikkis), 490,493, 614-619, 527. Pieces (pecis), small, in the bark, pay. ment to the quarrier of Leith who makes stones for the, 460. Piers (Peiris), Frenchman, hose for, 66; payment to, 136; expenses in Inver. keithing of, 138. - - Sir Anthony D'Arcy's man, pay. ment to, 131. - - (Peris) the painter, payments to, 22, 68,87,134,138 j clothing for, 58; gold, colours, etc., for, 87, 88, 90, 113, 114. Piel"BOn (Pireson). Su Peal"BOn. Pig, silver of the greatest broken burial, delivered to John Aitken, goldsmith, lxxxiii, 532Pigs (piggis) of layme, 5ll. Pikcard, a boat called the, 163. Pike (pikis) brought to the King, 86,90, 95, 111, 117, 132; dry do., 136. Pilgrimage to AlDy&&, Colin Campbell's, 81. Pillion (pilzet) of black velvet, 227, 229; reforming and lining of a, 221. Pilot, a saddle for the French, 531. Pilots, payments to, 483, 487. Pinkertoun, the rector of, 393. Pinkis to a gown, 215-217,219,426, 426; to the sleeves of do., 216. PinOuriB. Su Pynouris. Pins (pinnis), punches for, 523; iron, for the organs, 524. PimaliB (pynnalis) of the King's shipe, payment to Alexander Chalmer for expenses made on the, 295, 376. Pipers (piparis), clothing for the t.hree young, 06; of Edinburgh, payment to two, 93.


Platea for use in ships, 489, 496, 497, 500, 501; wooden (treyn), for do., 492, 495; do. for bedesmen and bed_omen, 186; an old broken sih"er plate made into a relique to st. DuthUB, 533. Play at the banquet, materials for the, 125; a, played before the King and Queen in the Abbey, 313; a farce-, do"330. Play-ooate, 313, 321. Playg, mending of the Prince's silver, 137. Pleeance cloth, 64. Plumber (plummair, plum bar), payments to the, 456, 529. PluDlB (plowmis, plowmez) brought and given to the King, 35, 309. PIUBcardine, the Prior of, 365. Poinding for byrun mails, 333, 336; for reate, 335, 349-351,355, 370, 371; for extracts, 355, 370. Pointed ooa.ts, 21, 23, 25. Points, ribbons for, 14,204-206,367,422; silk do. for, 193; black do. for, 198; of sewing silk, 14; bam_-, 15; of velvet for a coat, 21 ; for hose, 75, 76, 195; for gloves, 88, 410; homing of silk, 200, 373; Raphele (rafl'elI), 200, 373; for bonnets, 2IM,; payment for sewing, 322. Pois, Louis de, Frenchman, brother to the Bailie of Dieppe, payment to, 3154. Pokes, for making gunpowder, etc., in, ]01. Polarth, Poleich, Polertht, etc. &e Airth, Pool of. Poldavis, purchase of great and small, 301; unoostis on do., 301; freight of, 301, 302; for bonnets to Balzs.rd's bark,304. Polder, poldyr. Su Gunpowder. Polkelly, lands of, 166. Polkmyln, lands of, 387. Polmaise, Robert Cunningham de, 168.. Polpete. See Powpet. Polson, Dom.. John, 365.

Pipes (pipis, pypys) for quinta ellll8ncia, 96; for bolding victuals for ships, u.e Appendix I. paMim; drywair, for do., 491 et pasllim. PisBane, a gold clasp for the King's, 137. Pitcairn (Petcame), lands of, 10. - - Mr. David, Archdean of Brechin, 388,395. Pitcaithly (Petcathly), lands of, 387. Pitcaple (Petcapill), lands of, 158. Pitch (pik), 48, 289, 292, 303, 305, 306, and Appendix I. paMim. - - -house, coals for the, 458, 471. Pitcher (pecbar), a, for making gunpowder in, lOS. Pitchers (pycbaris) for quinta eBBeneia, 83, 102; girdinl{ of, 83. Pitfirrane (Petfurane), lands of, 153. Pitfour (Petfour), lands of, 4, 150_ Pitmeddan (Petmeddane), lands of, 386. Pitscottie, his account of The Great MicJuul, xliii, Ii-liii. Pitsligo (Petslego), John Forbes de, 161. Pittenweem (Pettinweme), a horse for the King in, 24 ; the King goes in The Lion to, xviii, xix, 128; do. in a boat to, 130 ; horse-hire to Kinghorn from, 130; payment to the porter of, 130. Placks (plakkis), 475, 5~, 528. Pladis, lands of, 168. Plaid, ., bought in Ayr for a ooa.t to the King, 203_ Plaits (platis) of a gown, 208, 219; of a uightgown, 211. Planchor (planciour) nails, 509, 513, III paMim. Planks, 46, 294, (65, 473. Plaster (plaister) bronght from Dieppe, 284. Plate, gloves of, 120, 121, 137; a rest-, for the King's saddle, 120. - - of lead for the side of the bark of Abayfeild, 496. Plates, vant-, 137; white iron, for lanterns, 298; iron, for gun stocks, 515.



Polwarth, Dom. William Semple, rector 490, 492, 494, 486, 498; for roaating of, 394. the bark of Abayfeild, 477; an iron Pomathom (Powmachome, Polmathome, pot for roaa.t, 496. Polmothorne), the Lady Chapel beside, Potters, candle for, 110; payments to, offerings in, 186, 187. 190. 110; of Stirling, HO, 113, 116, 139, Pommel, a Turkish baslar with a gilt, 25. 337; of Dumfries, 132, 134; a gun from Pool (poll) of Erth. 8u Airth, Pool of. Stirling Castle delivered to the, 111 ; Poor, aIms and payments to the, 34, 71, the form for the gun brought from the 73, 76, 78, 79, 84, 86, 90, 94,97.98, house of the, 116. 8u (&lIfO Bow, 101, 102, 106, 107-115, 117. 118, 123, Alexander; Lumsden; White, William. 126, 127, 1~132, 134, 136, 138, 174- Pow, the. 8u Airth, Pool of. 179, 183,184, 186-191, 330, 348, 399, Powder, gun. 8u Gunpowder. 437,438; rye-bread for the, 42. - - violet, 29, 32. Pope (Paip), the Spiritual Lords warned Powderings (p6wdringis, pouderingis) for a gown, 29, 32, 21&-217, 219,425,426; for a general council on matters concerning the, 323; letters to the King for the sleeves of do., 216. from the, xxviii, 334, 340. 1 Powdermen, drinkailver to, 329. 1 Powders, payment to William Fowlar, Popill, aliM Hatlialaundis, lands of, Porpoise (pellok), a, sent to Lord Dacre, apothecary, for, 3M. 337, 343; a barrel of, delivered to the' Powis of Artb. 8u Airth, Pool of. Powpet (powpat, polpete), spars for master cook, lxii, 488. Porteir, Peir, victuals for, 501. making the cowbryg for the, of The Porter, payment to the, of Pittenweem, Gabriel, 466; of the great ship, sawing of deals for the, 483, 486; of the bark 130; do. of the New Work in Dum barton, 337 ; J9hn Kinloch, the King's, of AbaJl!i&d, timber for the, 496. 418. Powta, live, bronght to the King, 133; - - Alexander, 160. do. sent to the Queen, 133. - - Walter, de B1acatt, 148. - - gray, for lining, 194. Portugal, payment to Rothesay herald in Pratt, David, xx. recompensatioD of his passage in, 106. Prebendary, the, of Stirling, offering to - - akin, 29. hi' first ma81, 181. - - wright, A, complains of hi~ wages, Precepts of the Exchequer, llS, 343,344, 75. 348, 411. PortuoUB (portUIe, portews, portuis). Predicators of Stirling, payment to the, 175. payments to Sir Thomas Galbraith fOI" illuminating the King'. great parch Prelates north of the Forth, inhringingof ment, 340, 358, 379; payment to Sir ~ the contribution of, 401. Simon G1ado for binding the great, of I Prenteis. 8u Apprentice. the King's chapel, 379. : Present silver, 310, 339, 345, 349, &lO, Post, the, 82, 3Q9; payment to the I 366. French, 78. , Presentation silver, 311, 316, 322Potingary. See Drugs. Presentation of Our Lady, offering on the, Pots (pottis), Il\me, for quinta easencia, i 178. 85; for the painter, 90; for the: Presents brought to the King, 407, 412, organist, 276; for ships, 466,471, 489,! 415.



bands and locks for the Queen's, payment to a p,or. in Edinburgh Castle, 357; do. to Englishmen. in do. 509; do. to the little Engliahman, in do., 1511. Prize (pris). the little English, xliv, 457 ; payment to boatmen of, 506. Proclamatioll8 of the ayres, 112.. Prophet. Liddaill the. 315. Provand. Prebendary of, 361. Provincial's books of the B1ackfriara of Edinburgh, carriage of the, 408.. Provisions for the ships. lx-lxill. Psalter, purchase and binding of a, for the King, 347. Pailria for a gown, 215.. Pullan for the ship, 48.. Pulleys (pulleia) of brua, metal, and copper for the King's ships, liii, 284 ; blocks for do., 284. Pultis for lining, 204, 367; tod, for do., 198,200. . Pumfray, John, escheat of, 9. Pump (pomp) leathel"ll, 468, 462, 474, 478. nails, 458. Puncheons (pnnschionis, punciouis) of wine for quinta essencia, 79; of do. for provisioning ships, 487; of glasses, 114; for watering hOl"ll88, 114; of ale. 459 eo! pa.98im; water, 4mI; cartage of, 4.65; of biscuit, 487 eo! ptU8lm; canvas for covering the heads of, 487 et paMim; of marts, 488; raften for the heads of, 488 ; of fresh water for ships, 490 et pa.98im; great dry ware, 4111. Punches (pUll8Chioni., pnncionis) for striking out stars above the altar, Ill; for pill8 delivered to the slater for Linlithgow Chapel, 523. Pur (puyr) for lining a gown, 215-217. Puriell (purpheU, purfele) of a goW1l, ermine for the, 29, .32, 217, 425, 426 ; velvet for the, 211, 214,222,226,229, 231, 232; canvas for lining the, 214; p!.mpillooun for t.he, 215, 426; sheep-

Preston (Prestonn), Christina, 8. - - Margaret, clothing for, 427. - - Mr. WiUiam, payment to, 35. Priests, payments to, 75, 77, 185, m; at B1ackneB8, 185; of Carrick, 94; at Crail, 42; at Cranshaws, 35; at Dun blane, 75, 83, 101, 115; at Leith, m; at Linlithgow, 35, 36, 96, 139,437; at New Haven, 181, 184; at Peebles, 35; at Restalrig, m; at St. Andrews, 42; at St. James in Spain, 41; at St. Monana, 43; at Stirling, 37; at Tilli coultry, 41 ; at Whithom, 39; of St. Ninian's Chapel, 37; to Bronn, the old priest, 175, 178, 182, 184, 190; to Lord Cnlross', 180; to Irish (Ybernian, Irland), 186, 187; to Makean's, 350, 4.05; to Carnewaill, Engliah priest, 353; of St. Giles' Kirk, 402'; to O'Donnell's, 406; in the great ship, 477; a horse, saddles, and money for John de Cowpanis', 74Priest's first maas, King's offering at a, 36, 41, 42, 181, 182, 187, 438, 439. Prince, the, birth of, 211 ; alms of, 35; velvet given to his nurse, 60; pay. ment to rockers of, 70, 113, 406; mend ing of clothes in his chamber, 82; do. of his silver playg, 137; baptism of, 186; clothing, etc., for, 218, 219; pay ment to Bronnfeild's wife, nnrse to, 340; a nurse brought from Edinburgh to Linlithgow for, 351, 356; payments to a dismiued nurse of, 356, 400; an Irish nurse gives snck to, when sick, 403; bedding for his nurse, 409; pay. ment to servants of, 414. Pringle (Pringill) and his marrows, pay. ment to, 340. Printed books for the King taken fronl Andrew Millar's wife, 90. PrillOnel"ll (... presonare, pl. prisonaris), Conynghame, a, in Lantoune, 348;


skin for the, 216, 217; wattirmaillez for the, 216; letteie for the, 219; akins for the, 425, 426; making and lIOOuring of the, 215. ParphaIiDg for wamplatea, 129. Puree, money for the King's, 74, 80, 106, 135, 312, 396, 400, 4.03, 4OS; a, for Jane" bair an," lOS; a, containing ducats for the Spanillh amhaaaador, 336. Purees made by the captain of Edin burgh's wife for the King, 22; for bedesmen and bedeswomen, 188. Punuivant, 350; of Denmark, 114; of France, 114, 324; Unicorn, 309,:ta, 3M ; of England, 318, 342;. Rouge Croix, 318, 348; of the Earl of Both well, 332; Gillebreid, 341; Carriok, 343,' Purves, Robert, livery for, 55, 258. Puyr, &e Pur. Puyaaone, John, Brytonar, payment to, 177. Pyoharia. &e Pitchers. Pyle, Andrew. 155. PynDalis. &e Pinaalia. Pynouria (pinouril), payments to, 124, 128, 302, 303, 306, 323, 339, 341, 349. 399,417.418, 488, 489, 492. 1515. Pypia. &e Pipes. . Pyrnot (Pernot, Perynot, Pyryno'), Frenchman, Ikipper of The Gabritl. xliv; payments to, 293. 456, 468, 489, '483; tackle bought by, 456; small and great tows delivered to, 456, 457. PyBlOne, Monsieur. victuals delivered to. 499. 500. for guns, briut silver for making. 110. Quaila (quailyi88. qualyeie), the. groats for. 528, 529; oats for, 529; wheat for. 529. Quarrien (qwereouria, quareouria), pay. ments to, 278, 521, 524,527 ; of Leith, 460. See a.l80 John.


Quarry (quarell), payment for redding a port i~ the. 1S24; do. to the quarrier for breakiDg the, 524. hoI. (querell holia), the KWg'1 coat and gown get wet in the, 421. Queen, the (Margaret Tudor), olothing for, 20. 28-32. 207-218, 387; do. for servitors of, ~267; furnishing of her house, 'ZI, 448 ; peDlion paid to, 28, 29, 217; King's oft'ering for, 39; playa at carda with the King, 87, WI. 99, 402; money for, 92; aaddlery for her stable, 94, 134; a buck sent to Edinburgh to, 95, 132; oherries sent to, 132; butter and live powtia do., 133; furnishings for her ship, 29'7; letten from the King to, 310; do. to the King from. 311 ; maaaea said for. when siok, 437. - - of the Blaokford, payments to the, 329,340. - - of the Canongate, the, 80, 95, 398. of England, King's otl'ering at soul m&88 of the, 38, 183. M.argaret, wife of James Ill. 8e4 Margaret. Queenaferry (the Ferry), xlvi, lv, lvi ; alma to the friars of, 34, 181, 439; Robert Jameaon of, 800, 371, 372; Johnson of, 336; fish for the KiDs's dinner prepared in the house of do., 337; fish and other stull' taken to the great ship at, 336; payment for rowing the King to do., 361, 366; for other referenoea to shipa at, _ Appendix I. [JfIMim; payment to a boatman at, 346; collationa for the King in,349; do. for De la Motte in, 351 ; payment; to a fiddler in, 357; the Queen goes from BlaokneBB to. 412; Ramsay, baxter of, 491, 493; height of olten at, 522. Qneir, barniI of the, laddie of the, See Choirboys. Querrelwod. William Sutherland of. 184.



&&it, William, de Dramnapr, 187. Rams for the King's cu1veryn, 101; of lattoun and steel fur do., Ill; for the King's gun, 113; gun, 121. Ramsay, Aleunder, payment. to, 401, 418. - - Alexander (Bande), eerv:itor to 'Mr. David Traill, servant in 'the King'a chapel, payment. to, 407-409, 412. }ir. Finlay (Fynlaw), tows bought by, 522- - Henry, mariner, payment to, 470. - - John, 387. - - Sir John, of Tr&, 4, 151; auditor, 1, 1, 360, 384; tdiety delivered to the French gunner by command of, 23; payment. to, no, 125, 127, 400, 412, 413, 419; signa accounts, 141, 381, 448; olothing for, 248, 249; carta aent to the wood with, 515. - - Laurence, payment to, 288. Thomas, and hie servant, payment to,521. - - I>om. Walter, 393. - - Sir Walter, Master of Works, olothing. for, 250, m; payment. to and by, 285, 287-291, 2113-295, 'ilSfl, RA, rae. Set Ray. 317,331,333,352, 377, 378, 444-446; Raas. See Roes. materials and victuals for shipe Rabbits (cwnyngis) brought to the King, delivered to or bought by, 286, 287, 183. ~292, 295, 305,306, 372, 444, 'Iii, Hacland gold, DO. 488, 489, 491. - - gold foil (fulzee), 125. William, the baker of the ferry, Rae (Ray), Mistreel Christian, clothing ale bought from, 491; bread do., 493for, 232; payment to, 3'M. - - smith, payments to, 513, - - (Raa, Ray), William, outler, pay520_ ments to, 79, 88, 100, 121, 126, 272, i Ranald of the Isles, clothing, etc., for, 419. 238, 239; horse-hire for, 340; ex~ Rafl'ell points. See Raphael points. of, 347. Raften (rauchteris, etc.), 48, 279, 286, Ranaldson, Dougal, summoned for spoil 291, 306, and Appendix pauim. of shipwrecked Spaniards in the Isles, Rais, Alexander Stewart de, 159. 341. Rait, David, 167. Randell, Simon, boatwright, livery for, - - William, payments to, 399. 56.

Quhet, Quhite. Su White. QuhiBBilgibboun. See Whiatlegibbon. Quhit Kirk. Sa Whitekirk. Quhithim, Quhiteheme. Su: Whithom. Quicksilver, of, UK. Quinta _neia, a.ccounts for. 282. 283; aqua vitre for, 77, SO, 85; payment to the boy who keeps the, 77; a pan for, 76; wine for making, 79 ; caldrons for, 83; great do. for, 96; pitchen (pycharis) for, 83, 102; lame pots for, 85; brint silver for, 85; iron graith for, 86; an iron chest for, 90; cakesof glaaa for, 91; wood and ooala for, 92, 99, 104; urinals and great flasks for, 94; pipes made for, 96; saltpetre for, 96; stWffor.96, 98, 101 ; sal ammoniac for, 104; a silver stellatour for, 137; ducats of weight put in, 397, 398; a crown of weight to, 403; Robert M'Lellan, maker of, 'II, 527; Valentine M'Lellan. maker of. 418; alum put in, 418. Quires (quaris) of gold for the painter, 87, 88, 97, 115. Quiver (quavir). a, for arrows, 32'7. Quodquen, John Chancellor of. 9.



Rankeillor (Rankelo), .Alexander Sibbald 39; at Dunfermline, 40 ; at St. de, 1116.. Andrews, 40; in the Trinity College, Rankin, Sir Robert, chamberlain of 188. Moray, payment to, 44. ReUquary made for St.. MOIIADII and Ramo.. of certaiu Englishmen, payment offered to St. Ninian, 34; gilding of do., 34; of silver made for St.. Duthus, for the, 300, 300. Raphael (Raphele, RaJl'eIl) points, 200, 40, 533; of do. for St.. Ninian, 533; 373.. gilding of do., 349; of gold for the Raaches. &e Rushes. King'a neck, 137. Rate, Villa de, 389. Renfrew, the rector of, 173. Ratho, lands of, in Renfrew, 389. - - the Sheriff of, payment by, 384. Ratti! gold for the painter, 113. Reach, Gilbert, mesaenp, payments to, RlJt'tn, the ahip, xxxix; aent to Darn... i 315, 414; Uvery for, 325. way for timber, 46, 47; cables, tackle, , - - (Reouch), John, of the King's wine.. and mats for, 47; payment to mariners cellar, clothing for, 50, 286. of, 109. ' Rest, _, for a cuir&lll, 1~. Ravenna (Ravennay), letters brought to Restahig (LeataIrig), King's oll'erings in, the King from, :w.. xiv, 34, 43,139,174, 176, 178, 180, 182 RavenshiUs, lauda of, 170, 380. i ItW, 1I!9-19I, 438; do. in the Rood Ray (ra, rae) of the great ship, rings and Chapel between, and Leith, 34; men staples for the, 456; of The Jamu, do.' lent to afti'&Y fowls on the loch of,72; for, 496. drinksilver to the muons of, 101; Ray. See Rae. a1Dl8 to priests in, 437. Raymond, bl'Oudstar. See Rowmund.. - - the laird of, gives a horee to the Reales (riales) [SpRllish coins], 41. King, 127; a culvering.. moyane drawn Recognition, letters of, 346. . by his oxen, 517. Redheuch (Redhucb), James, poinded for I - - (Laatalrig), rector of, lIr. William rests, 351. Baillie, 361. - - ~ames, of Tullichedlen, comptroller, I Rests, inbringing of, 311, ~13, ~~6, 316, audItor, I, 383; payments to, Zi, 446, 3"23, 3"26, :Ni, 332, 352; dlstrammg for, 447 ; ~gna accounts, 448. _ 31:, 313, 323, 326, 327, 330, 34~-~, - - (Reldhoich), John, payment to, 451., 34" 350, 352, 398, 399, 414; pomding Regality of Kilmore, distraining for for, 335, 349-351, 300, 3iO, 371. l'8IIts of the composition of the, 3"23. - - of aBlignations, distraining for, 346. Register, Clerks of the, paymenta to the, - - of compositions, inbringing of, 311, 140, 447, 631; Gavin Dunbar, Clerk of 357; diBtraining for, 323. the Register, signs accounts, 381, 4.48. Restplate, a, for the King's saddle, 120. Reid (Red), Adam, shoots at the butts Revestre of Bolyroodhouse, syntreis for with the King, 327. the, 276; of Falkland, building of the, Adam, de Starquhite, 14;';. 283. - - Thomas, payment to, 346. Ribbons, 23, 201, 213, 218, 226, 228, 231, Reidpath, Alexander, 393.. 432, 477; for points, 14, 193, 198,204Reindeer (rayne deir) hide, a, 251,2117. 206, 367. 422; for _ts, 20, 21; for Reins (renze), 308; haodis for, 129.. curtaius, 22, 201; for baaneta, 192, ReHea, King'. oilinings to, at Whitham, 195,199,200,202,206, 240, 367,422;



for a Rtring to the King's gold whistle, R~seho1w, lands of, 1M. 196: for belts, 221, 22.1, 224, 2'26, 230,\ Rlspe, purchase of a long, 272. 428: for la.ceR, 230; for the King'. RiBaillis cloth. See Cloth, RissilliL paalter, 347; for howis, 31i6; for I Ritchie (Riche), Duncan, meaaenger, paystandards, 369: for bordeling the ments to, 311, 323, 3Z1, 330, 332, 335, Queen's chariot, 424. . 343,346, 347, 398, 404, 411. Ribbons, bl&c~, 31, 198, 421 ; br:id, 18, II ~ (~d) of Leith, victuals for &hi.21,24, 199,.!OO, 202, 226, 420, 4~1, 422: lylllg In the, 464, 4,65, 470, 483, 485. green, 33, 201, 208, 210, 230; red, 31; &oak (Roche !), horsehire to Kinghorn silk, 193: bmid do, 192; yellow do., for, 130. 21f1: small, 21, 199; braid worsted, I Robenis, French, payment to, 291. 23; yellow, 210. I Robert, cutler. See Selkirk, Robert. Richardson (Richersone), 1>e&n Robert, I - - falconer, payment to, 118: sent to canon, payment to, 310. I the Lewis for hawks, 118. - (Richertsone), Patrick, payment to, i -- the Queen's footman, clothing for, 286. I 428, 429. Riche. Su Ritchie. the King'R footman, a doublet for, Richmond, death of Henry VII. at, xxiii. 43-2. Ridars (coiDB), 21, 93, 316, 419. I Robeson, James, burgess of Linlithgow, Riddooh, Alexander, smith, payment to,! payments to, 400, 402. 524. i R.och, Alexander (Sande). See Rouch. Riding bonnet, a, 17. De La. See La Roeh, De. - - coats, 17,194,204,206. - - Jobn, clothing for, 50. gowns, 216, 528. [ Rochelle, furnishing and victualling of. - - graith (gear), purchase of, 94, 403; I ship sent for wines to, xxxv, 398. stolen from Johnson, King's hench-I Rockers (rokkaris), the, clothing for, 51 ; man, 237. I payment to, 93 ; sheets for the Prinoe'a, - - hat, a, 17. 33; payments to do., 70, 83, 406; Rig, Cudde, payment to, 3'.w. gowns for do., 428. IRoe (raa) .kins for covering the King'. Riggil, lands of, 158. Rigwiddiea, tows for, 514. , ju, 140. Ringa, 113, 316, 335; given by the Duke I Roes (raas) sent by the laird of WemYBI of Albany to the King, 79; sent to the 85. Queen, 310; given to the ladies of the &agorton, John Crichton de, 387. Queen's chamber, 401; do. to the Rollok, James, burgess of Dundee, 157. Bishop of Moray, 401; diamond, 331; -_. John, li\"ery for, 54; payments to, do. enamelled, 324; gold, 315; ruby, 75, 106. 309,331; sapphire, 331; small, 132,331; Rolls of the Prince's hurl st{)()l, pay. turquoise, xxxvi, 331 ; two, set with six ment for painting the, 33. atones, 331 ; curtain., 112; for ships, - - in the Sheriff compt of Forfar, 140 ; 481; for the yarda of do., 456, ~; to payments to Sir Alexander Scott for keeping the, 140, 447. bind the horse with, 478; for the heada of windows, 526. Romany banes, 427. Rippet, Matthew, mariner, payment to, - - budge, 16, 194, 197, 198, 199, 207, 286. 248, 249, 25.1; black, 533.




Romany skins, 19, 20.
Rood (Rude) Chapel between Reet&lrig


and Leith, King's offering in the, xiv, 34. - - I>&y, King's offering on, 34. Roof (ruf, rulf) of red and white taffety in the chapel of the barrell, 23; of green birge aatin for a Iit-de-camp, 201; the King'a, of cloth of gold, Milan fustian for mending, 319. Rooms (rowmys, rowmes), pantry, of ships, materials for the, 462, 465, 466, . 471, 478, 481. Roper (Ropper), Harry, of the Queen's wardrobe, payments to, 29, 32, 67 j Rillillia brown cloth delivered to, 31. Ropes (tollis, towis) for guns, 116, 136; for lOumes to do., 513, 515; fore, to guns anrl lOurnes, 518; small, for thc banquet, 125 j for boyrapia to the great ship, 293; for ahips, 296 and AppendixL paNim; head-, fordo.,300; tar for ship-, 304; for thetis, lOumes, and rigwiddeia, 514; for drawing artillery, 515-518; for the paviliona, 521. Rose (roe) nobles, 88, 93. Roees for the he&lls of windows, 526. Rosin (roset. roaat), 45, 48, III, 116, 136, 4.51, tJ paMim. Roelin (Roslyng), Sir Oli,'er Sincl&ir de, 151. Rosa (Roe, Rose), hawks got from, 119; remission to the inhabitants of, 150; muts brought from, 296; Dougal Campbell sent to, 296; inbringing of reats of compositions of, 311; do. of the contribution from, 380; letters to and from the Danish akipper in, 311; John Cowper builds in, 335. - - the Biahop of, as; sends writings to the King, 106; goes to France on the King's errands, 289. Lord, of Balkhead, playa at the Irish pme with the King, 101. 102;

playa at carda with do., 101, 102; shoots the culverin with do., 105. Rosa, John, de Cragy, 165. Rosay, lauda of, 165. - - David, de eadem, 165, 386. - - George, 165, 386. - - James, payment to his wife, 196. Jehan La. See La Rossy. - - Thomu, payment by, 374. Rosayle, lands of, 157. Rosyth (RoIIith), lands of, 38~. Rothes, barony of, 171. Earl of, 171. Rotheaay Herald, or Bluemantle, pension of, 67; payment to, in recompenaation of his paB8&ge in Portugal, 106. Rothnakenze, Robert Innes de, 168. Rouch (Roucht, Roch, Routh), Alexander, skipper of the great ahip, boarda received from, 292; fetched from the greet ship, 332; payments to, 478, 487, 502; acharpentynnya delivered to, 4M; brings his own guns from France, 487. Rouen (Rowane), John Obeyia, Lombard in, 295; money delivered by the Lord Secretary's factors in, 333. cloth. See Cloth. Ronge Croix (Rugacorce), Thom&a, English pllrsuivant or herald, pay. ments to, xxx, 318, 325, 348 ; g088 with Islay herald on the King'a errands to the King of England, xxv, 325. Roundis for the King's swords, 121; painted, with chaDlets, 375. Rovers (revaria, rewaria), the King's expenses at the, 315, 342, 344, 346, 352. Rowart, Janet (Jonet), payment to, 194. Rowers (rowans), boat, payment to, 344. Rowmund (Raymond), Dutchman, broud .tar, payments to, 375, 442. Roxburgh. juatice-ayre of, 1M; dis training and poinding for rests in, 327, 344, 350; oontinuation of the ayrea of, 350.



Roxburgh, the Sheriff of, payments by, Saddler, payment to a, 4i6. 2, n. Saddlers. See Brown, Thomas; Bunl, - - Shire of, letters of wappillBChaws ThoDl&ll; !.ethane, Jobn; Liehtone, sent to the, 350; the tenants in the, John. warDed. to answer to the King upon I Baddlee, 7~74, 79.93,129,220,233.237. certain actions, 358. ' 24.0,244,307, 308. 412, 631; cair, 614; Ruby, rings set with a, 309, 331. of cloth of gold. 308; oofI'w, 308; Ruddiman (Rudm&ll), - - . 1utel. pay-: French, 118, 119, 122, 308; do. with ment to, 130. harD_ng. 412; panelled, 136; 1IOWIIe, Ruf (ruyf) for IhiPII, 453 et paHIIi1n. i 409; steel, 121, 328; atok, 243, 308. Ruft'yiB (rulf'ellia) of St_ Nicholas Bishop: - - co\-eringl for: talf'ety, 23; velvet, of the Canongate, payments to, 87; of , 196. LillJithgoW, 88; of Leith, li9; uf, - - mending, Btopping, and tagging of, Edinburgh, lBO. 32, 94, 308, t03. 409, 413. 415; pith, Rugye, Richard, payments to, 293, 456. ; ing, nailing, &lld wawting \ldth veh'et Rumboit, broudatar, payment to, 303;: of, 135; a reatplate for the King'.. drinksilver to, 364; materialsdeli\'ered I 120; marykyne skins to a, 196; girtha to, 364. ' for, 409. Rumgally (Ramgallyl, lands of, 153. I - - - to shiptJ, great treel for making, Runner (rynnar), payments to &, 330,339, I 463. M2, 347; (10. to an Irish, 344. Su Saffron (saffroune), purchase of, lxii,488. olIO Finlay. ; Sail-sewers, payments to, 318, 471, 476. Rushes (l'&SCheel for the f100ra of rooms, I - - thread, 4M et poIIti,n. 83, 133, 139. Sails, freight of oanvu for, 305; sail, Rusky, lands of, 4. thread for completing the, 464; payRutherford (Ruthirfurd), Gilbert, meement to the workmen who bore the, lenger, BOut to London, 79; retun18 ! ~7. . from do., M; payments to, 92, 130, Saint (Sanot). olf'ering in Leith to a, 182. 333, 3i9, 416. ; St. Andrews (&anetaDdrois), x ..iii, xxii. Z;. Ruthven (Rllvane), Walter, de Lownan,' 129; King'. olf'eriug to the relice in, 40 ; composition by, 7. : do. to the first IIUUIB of & priest of, 42; Rybbis for the cowbryging of tile sbips,; do. on the Trinity altar in, 42; do. in _wing of, 480. I the Abbey Kirk of, 42 ; alma in, 40 ; do. Rye (ry) made into bread for the POOl', to friars in, 40; do. to Irish friars in, 42; for victualling the great ship, 487; I 42; do. to Blackfriara in, 42; do. to made into lOur bread for do., 488; priests in, 42 ; do. to the poor in, 129; housing of, 488. do. to a poor bairD in, 130; a jacket of - - meal, housing of, 488. damask made in, 61; payment to Mr. Rynde, Robert, payment by, ll. James WatBOD for the bairns'board in, 83; Brown, apothecary of, 96, 317; S. E., payment to, 98. payment to minatrels in, lUI; the Sabl. for a gown, 20; martrik, for the King'a bed taken to, 129; trental Queen's Btomokis, 209. IIl&B8eB said in, 177; payments to Iriah Saorament, the Kiug's olf'eringa on taking friar students in, lBO. 181, 186; letter t.he, 42, 438. from the King sent to Adam Hepburn




ill, 373; payment to Alexandel Garne St. Blaise, trental _ of, 183. in, 380; do. to Martin Buaobart in, - - Day, King'. offering on, 438. 3f1J; freight of fir spars and rafters - - li~ht, offerings to, 38, 183. to Leith from, ~. St. Bride's light, King's offering to, St. Andrews, Archbishop of, James 38. Stewart, Duke of RoII8, IIIICOJ1d son of St. Catherine (Katrin), an image in em King James Ul., soul maM of, 182. broidery of, 363. - - - - Alexander Stewart, natural St. Catherine's, the little lass goes to, son of King James IV., 12; Sir 179; offering. in, 178, 190. James Cotell goes on his errands to, St. Clement'. Day, offering on, li8. Flanders and France, 28; ducats de St. Colm's Insch. See Inchcolm. livered to, 28; departure of, in the SS. Crispin and Cri.pinian'l light, lhip Treanrer, xl, 72, 97; John offerings to, 36, 177. Francis accompanies the Earl of Moray St. CUthbert'l, the vicar of, 39'. to Padua to, xxi, 140; plays at cards St. Dut-hus, a silver reliquary to, 40, 633; with the King, 326, 401, 402; the King King's offering to a pardoner of, 43; 10lle8 money at the butts to, 347; payment to a pardoner with the cup of, victl18ls for his men, 499. ISO; Lyon, tailor, sent to, 3M; hanks - - Archdeacon (Archde&D) of, Gavin of gold and lewing silk fOl the shirt of, 3M; the King goes to, xxii, xxiii, Dunbar, 11, 1-&3, 172, 359, 383; de parture of, to France in the ship I xxxviii, 419, 436. 7'1'IlIUUI'er, xli, 126, ! - Day, otfering on, 184. - - John, Prior of, 152, 173, 361;; --light, offerings to, 39,181, 184. auditor, 1; signs accounts, 141; ale St. Eloi, offering to, li9. made of his barley for the great ship, ,: - - light, offerings to, 37, 189. 484. lit. FilIan's (Felanis) light, King's offcl"ing St. Andrew's banners of blue taffety, to,38. 661. St. Gabriel, trental ID&88es of, 176. cro88 upon the standards of ships, St. George'. Day, offering on, 187. 297,477. -light, offering to, 187. --light, King's offering to, 37,179. St. Giles' (GeUa, Jelis) Kirk, Edinbwgh, St. Ann's Cha.pel, offering in, 190. King's offering to a pries~s firat m&8B - - Day, offerings on, 43,190. . in, 36; offerings in, 179-182,189,190; - - Ught, offerings to, 190. payment to the priests of, ~2. St. Anthony's Chapel, offering in, 1110. I St. Innocent's bishops, payments to, 91, - - - - of the Crag, offerings in, aH" 181. 181-183, 189, 191. - - Day, offering on, 181. - - - - Leith, offerings in, 42, 437. - - light, offering to, 181. - - light, otferinga to, 177, 180, 182, St. James, William the broudstar's 188, 190. p&88&ge to, 183; James Dempetertou's St. Barbara, treDtal m&88e8of, 179; feaat do. to, 184; ThOm&8 Norny'. do. to, of, 318. 184; Malcolm Graham's do. to, 342. St. Barbara'. candle, money for, 179. - - in Spain, a mYer ship ottered for - - Day, offering OD, 179. the KiDg in, 41 ; payment to priest-ain, light, offerings to, 37, 179. fl.




St. Mungo's Chapel, ewrc-, offering in, xxiv, 176. light, ofFering to, 182. St. Nicholas, trental mUBN of, 187. Bishop, payments to: of the Canon gate, 87; of Edinburgh, 179 i of the high town of do., 87; of Linlitbgow, 88; of Leith, 179. Chapel, offering in, 177. Leith, Ii; otreringa in, 39, 178, 179,184.

St. James' Chapel, Stirling, King's ofFer ing in, and on the altar of, 43Day, King'. ofFering on, (3. --light, offering to, 190. St. John, the Lord of, a heron sent to, 82. the Baptist'. Day, offering on, 189. the Evangelist's Day, offering on,

St. John's light, offering to, 189. St. JobnBtoun. 8u Perth. St. Jude's light, ofFering to, 177. St. Julian, trental _ of, 187. St. Katrin. 8u St. Catherine. St. Laurence light, ofFering to, 191. St. Leonard's Chapel, King's ofFerings in, 88,41. - - Day, offering on, 177. st. Lucia light, ofFering to, 180. St. Luke the Eftngelist's Day, otl'ering on,177. st. Margaret's banners of blue talfety,

-light, otreringa to, 179, ISO. tit. Ninian, a reliquary ofl'ered by the King to, :U; a silver do. for, 633; gilding of do., M9. St. Ninian's, payment to a poor W01lllUl pasBing to, 182; expen_ of Robert Scot., smith, to, 310. Chapel, payment to the pri_ of, 37; offerings in, 178, 184. - - Blackness, ofFerings in, 185, 621. 187, 189; repairing of, 187. - - Leith, ofFering in, 175; otrer Day, King's ofFeringl on, 42, 189, 190. iogs to the altar in, 175, 377. Linlitbgow, payment to the -light, offerings to, 178, 189, 190. priest of, 35. shirt brought to the Queen, 334. Stirling, King's otrering in, as. St. Martin's Day, offering on, 178. Day, ofFering on, 176. light, offering to, 178. St. Mary M&gdaIene, trental m _ of, -light, ofFerings to, 188-190. St. Patrick's light, ofFerings to, 184, 185. 18.'J. St. Mary's lale, the King is rowed to. St. Peter ad vincula, feast of, 397. xxix, 344. St. Peter's Day, King's offerings OIl, 43, 189, 190, 415. the Prior of, 864. - - Wynd, artillery drawn to, luvi, St. Roque (Roche), trentallll&8lleB of, 191. St. Salvator'sligbt, otrering to, 178. 616,616. St. Melloy's light, King's otrering to, 42. St. Sebastian's Iigbt, offering to, 182. St. Michael (Mychele), trental _ of, St. Serrs fertur, offering to, xxiv, 176. St. Simon's (Symon) light, offering to, 178. St. Michael's Day de Monte Tumba, 177. St. Stephen'. Day, offering on, 180offering on, 177. St. Thomas the Apostle's Day,otrerinp - - light, otreriogs to, 175, 1M. on, 180, 415. St. Monana, xix; a reliquary made to, M ; King's offering at, 42; alms to priests SackB, cloth, mending of ~ for, 29. at (3. Saip. 8" Soap. Sal ammoniac for quinta eBBencia, 104. st. Mungo, trentalmasaes of, 176.



Salmon (u.lmond) for victualling shipe, Silotin for doubleu, 14-21, 24, 25, 51-M, lxii, 297, 459, et pa88im. 156-58, 61, 62, 64, 201-204, ~243, - - barrels, alo put into new, 486, 486. 246-250,255, 256, 258-260, 262, 265, 266, 366, 369, 420, 421, 428-432, j35, Salt, liv, lI07, 337,469, et ptJNim; great, 468,489,492,494; ,mall, 489,492,494, 528; do. for narrow, 192, 197 ; do. for 497. great, 192, 197; do. for a harness Saltfat, 101dering of the Lion of the doublet, 196; do. for a wide doublet, 197; do. for a chequered doublet, 235; King'a, 137. Saltfats of silver for the King and do. for a half.doublet, 2i8; do. for Queen, 321, 532. parti.doublets,263. Saltpetre (_I petir) for quinta esaeneia, - - for gowns, 16, 19, 30, 31, 64, 201, 96; carriage of, from Dundee t{) Edin 208, 213,215, 216, 223, 230, 241,246, burgh, 117. 248,249,253,420, 423, 426, 430, 434, Sand for building purpoaNl at Linlithgow 633; for night-, 210, 217; for single, Palace, 279, 379; for mixing with 205, 206; for spousing, 228, 249; for a lime, 524; for the work of the Palace wedding-gown, 228. of Edinburgh, 1529; lime and, for - - for horae-housings (hOW80Un.), 532. pointing do., 528. - - for hose, 23. Sandford, Alesander Nairne de, 8. - - for kirtles, 30, 208, 209, 213, 219, Sandglasaea for the great ahip, 464, nal. 231, 432.. Sanderson, Frederick, a.powder-mill de- . - - for lining, 204, 222, 227-229, 231, livered to, 292. I 233,358. Sa.ndilanda, landa of, 156. - - for nightgownll, 210, 217. - - Jam.,., 156. - - for a pait1at, 25. - - - - of Calder, lIi!. - - for parplaits, 236,237. - - for the roof of a lit-de-camp, 201. Sandria. furrier. Bee Alexander. Sallquhar, Lord Crichton of, 11, 139. - - for a achamvert, 203. - - Cuthbert Baillie, rector of, xiii. - - for ahoea, 17. Sapphire (u.phir), a, set in gold, 311'1; 1\ - - for sleevea, 211, 214, 219,221,222, 223, 228, 229, 231, 425. ring lOt with a, 331. Sark, 8&rkis. Bee Shirt, IIhirts. - - for stomokis, 209, 210, 215. . Rarris for the ,hip, ~; great, for do., 46. - - black, 16, 18, 63, 197, 198,201,206, Satin, 29, 49, 62, 64-56,58,80,434. 206,209,210, 2111-217, 227, 230, 231, - - for an altar frontal, 38. 233-235,246, 2M, 260, 421, 4-23, 426, - - for bordering; 221, 233. 429, ~, 528; brochit, 434; Brugea - - for cervDing to the King'a harness, (Birge, Burge, Bruge), 30, 61. 54, 66. 21. 69. 64, 231, 236-239, 242, 269, 262, - - for chaperoDll, 210, 219. 221, 230. 266, 369, 429, 432, 436; black do., - - for coats, 16, 18, 23, 24, 117, 233, 231, 263; gray do., 263; green do., 424; for a half-coat, 18, 63; for a 64, 201,428,429; pirnit do., 63; red eteikit do., 16; for a pointed do., 21, do., 63, 64; yellow do., 63, 64; do. of 25; for dancing do., 64; for a.Syone diverahuee,260; crimlOn, 13,14, Ii, do., 198; for a Uttle, 205; for a coat 21,24,38.60, 63, 192, 190, 202, 203, 208-215, 217, 219, 221-223. 228-230 above harness, 205; for a parti-coa.t, 234. 233,235.2.8-250, 366. 420.421, 424,



425, 4.'15, 438; gray, 16, 19, 23, 31, Scoouie (Scuny), Mr. Andrew Sibbald. 213, 223, M, 228, 248, 2t9, 269, vicar of, 393. 420, f24; green, 63, 11i; pimit,~, Scoops (8kwpia, skowpia), p1ll"Chase of.. 533; pynle g<>ld, 253; purple, 62,1532, 474; do. of great, 404. rUllllet, 209, 423; tan, 19,30,203,205; Scots cloth. Su Cloth, Scots. 208, 215, 219, 2"28, 240, :UI, 2(6, 24i, - - crowns, 128. 262,358,430; whir.e,208: yollow, 205. - - mODey, 527. Saw, a, for the guns, 272. . skirpers, 332. Sawyers (awaria), payments to, 283, - - smiths, 329. 3i7, 451, et paerim. - - thread, 477. Say. Su Bey. - - wrights, 341,377Scabbards (acawbertis, akalbertis), 328; - - trumpeters, 310,313,324,402for IWords, 120; cloth of gold for do., ! Scott, Adam, of Tushelaw, compositiOD 2"2. by,4. :Scaffolding (ekatJeltein), rafters for, Alexander, de Fingask, 381. ~cailis (skalil) for bedesmen and bodes ._- (Scot), Sir Alexander, Keeper of the women, 186; for ships, 489, 492, 495-, Rolls, pa.ym~nts to, 140,447, 531 . 498, Il00, 501. - - _ . - }fr. DaVid, Master of the Mml, Scarlet. Su Cloth. 391; lh'ery for, 250; payments by, 8chaffrone, schaitJer, schaiffi:onis. See 288,290, and Appendix pa88im; links Chaperon, cha.perona. of the great chain and a great silver Schamvart (scbamvert) of gray Il&Udre stoup delivered for the mint to, cloth, 19'2; of tan ,l&tin, 203; pultis G32. for lining do., 2Of. - - Hem'), (H&rry), sparsreoeived from, 8chaDkBtoun, Robert Campbell de, 159. 481 ; a cable bought from, 498. Schapioun. See Chapsu. - - James, payment to, 190. Scharpeutynnys. See Serpentines. - - - - in the a\'ery, cluthing for, Schear, Iande of, 7. 257,258. Scheves, John, composition by, 3. I - - (Scoit), James, wright, paymenta - - - - de Kenbak, J58. to, 451, 472; ironwork and naila for - - Newton of, Jande of, 386. 'I ships delivered to, 478. - - William Gordon de, 386. - - John, 159. lSchiffis. See Sheaves. clothing for, 258. Schite1and. See Shetland. - - - - composition with, 4. Schobellauch,lande of, 147. 1 _ _ - - of Linlithgow, payment to, School (scoile, scule), payment at Waltel" 403; do. to his wife, 409. Stewart's entry to the, 240; do. at - - - - wright, payment to, 498. Alexander Kennedy's do., 242; do. at - - - - Esq., C.B., Ixxxvii. Simon Graham's do., 242; do. at the - - Robert, the King loeea money at the Bailie of the Vere's son's do., 2(6; a butts to, 315; livery for, 430. coat for Lord Lyle to sit in the, 240; - - - - Bmith, payments to, 310, 452, of Edinburgh, David Vocat, master of 508,510, 513, 520; do. to workmen the, 404. with, 508-010; Iteel delivered to, 609 ; Scone, James, Abbot of, auditor, 1; Bigos iron do., 509,510; drinkailver to, 512; aocountB, U1. payment to his brother, 620.






Scott, Thomu (Thome), payments to, &gis. 8u Seats. Seland. 8u Zealand. 289, 474, 476, 480. Selch, Belcht. 8u Seal. - - Walter, clothing for, 257. - - - - de Howpa.alet, lli6; oompoai Selkirk, landa and lordship of, 6 ; justice.
tion by, 4. Sooupll (Skowg&ll, Scowgall), Robert (Robeyne), payments to, 451, 513, 520. Scrimgeour, David, de Fardill, 167; oom position by, 6. - - John, 148, 158. - - Mr. John, of Glaatre, 386. Scrofula, touching for, lxxxii Scrymgeour (Skrymgeour), Mr. James, paraon of Bervie, contribution of, 446. - - Robert, payment to, 479. Scyoure. 8u Sewer. Sea ooals, 511. - - waves (lI8y wawis), a coe.t of the fashion of the, 263. Seafield (Seyfeild, Sefeki), the aird of, 393; timber delivered to, 529. Seal (&elch, &eluht), a, brought to the King, 105; a salted, aent to Lord Dacre, 337. Sealskin (Belk akyne), dichting of a, 201. Seamen (aey men), payments to, 333, 334. Seats (segia), ladies', in the Queen'B ship, materials for the, 297. Sebald, muter hour. 8u Northtberge. Sibbald. Secretary, expenses of the Duke of Albany'B, to and from France, 344, 413. - - the Lord, payments to and by, 123, 175, 177, 183, 311, 312, 314, 317, 318, 353, 300, and Appendix pauim; do. to Binning, his" cheld," 81, 106; silver plate delivered to the French am basea.dor by, 328; money delivered by his factors, 333; payment to hiB m&ll Anthony, 351; keHng for the great ahip from, 484, 489; pointing of his chamber in Holyroodhou86, 529. Seed, hemp, for the birds, 528. Seeds for the yards at Stirling and Lin lithgow, 106.
ayre of, 155. - - distraining for rests in, 8'Zl; do. for the breaking of laWburroWB in, 415 ; poinding for rests in, 350; continua tion of the ayrea of, 350, 412. - - Sheriff of, payments by, 2. - - (Selkyrk), Robert, cutler,lxix; pay. ments to, 17, 19,25,29, 105, 111, 117, 122, 272; do. to the relict (wife) of, 272,406. Sellat, a, for making gunpowder, 101. Sellats in the ship, dichting of the,

Seller, payments to a fruit, 309 ; Gilbert Cameron, horse., 338; Dysart, waRon, 358. . Semple (Simple, Sympill), John, Lord, 13, 168; word of the coming of De In Motte brought by hiB me.n, 411. . - - Florymond, payments to, 313, 323,
329, 340, 353, 407.

- - Dom. William, rector of Polwarth,


Semyaleather, black, 25,64. Sence, sens. 8et Incense. Berki&. 8u Shirts. Serpentynis for the great ahip, 484, 486. SeraouriB (sersaris) for gunpowder, Ill,

Seton (Seytoun, Setoun), Mr. Alexander, 387; payment to, 374. - - Alexander, de Parbroath, 169. - - Mr. David, 364. - - George, Lord, 12,165; agowlI given to his brother, Thomas Seton, 253; payment to hi. brother, 353. - - John, 169. - - - - a coat for, 249 ; payment to his _men, 334; paymenta to, 269, 355, 409. - - - - de Lathriak, 387.



Seton, ThOIll&ll, 463; victuals for marinersi Sheets (schetis) of Holland cloth. 14, reoeived and delivered by, 281; pay. 193; foot, of do., 17,211; head, of do., mente to, 289, 293, 396,409,411,412'1 21, 193, 198, 211; of Be~ne c1o~, 414. 29, 33, 211, 298, t-24. 4Zi; '-ring - - - - brother to Lord Seton, n of do., 211; foot, of do., 21, 198, 421 ; gown given to, 258. sewing of, 399; do. of head, 321,366; Sewer (scyoure), C&8ting of a, au the east do. of foot, 356; bed, 246; aewiag of side of Linlithgow Pala.oe, 523. do., 3-21. Bey (8&Y) for ships'standards, 297,298, Shell (schell), the King'. expenses sboot368, 369, 436, 477; green, 435; red, ing at the, 119. 368, 435,477; white, 369, 477; yellow, Shepherd (scheiphird), payment to a, 363. 368, 477. Sheriffhall (Schirefhall), carts aeDt for Seym for ships, 452 et pauim. axletrees to the, 515Shafts (schaftiB) for mops, 473. SheriffB, letters sent for the holding of Sharp (Soharp), Sir John, chaplain, pay. wappiDschaw8 to the, 402. menta to, 44, 45, 268, 275, 372, 377. Shetland (Sohetland, Setland, Sc:hite443,445,528; French tan cloth for, 57. land), hawks got from, 115,342, UO. - - Janet, 155. t:lhield (schield), the King's, and ahield Shaw (Schaw), Mr. Alexander,389. leathers, cloth of gold and velvet for - - Mr. Alexander, Archdean of Whit covering, 22. hom, 394. Ship, ships, of Bilver offered for the King - - George, goldsmith, payment to, in St. Jalnea in Spain, 41; materials 324. for and payment for work on the, 44- - Sir Harry, dietraining for l'88ts of 48, 284-300, 372, 444-4:-47, 451-507; his son'8 marriage, etc., 350. anchors for the, 48; the King of Den - - Henry, 157. mark'8, 72; drinksilver to workmen, - - John, poinded for l'88ts, 338. mariners, etc., of, 88, 102, 337, 338 ; - - - - de Haly, 169. the King rides to the, 102; at the Pool - - - - bastard, 390. of Airth, 106, 120, 400; victualling of, - - Mr. Patrick, vicar of Cranston, 393.: 109,125,128,332,337,398,444,447, - - - - vicar of Monkton, 392. ! and Appendixpauim ; dichting of arm8, - - Mr. Robert, King's offering to his I etc., in the King's, 119; at the New first mass, 41. Haven, 120 and Appendix pa8Bi71l; ShawDlers (schawmeris), clothing for,' payment for taking the King and others 430; payments to the Italian, 92, 271" to and from, 126, 128, 129,331,33'2. 3-24; livery for do., 270. :lS7, 339, 350, 355; tackle fOI', 131. Sheaves (eohiffis), copper, for the ship., 300,304; Sir Walter Ram8&Y, Master 47. I of Work of the, 250; clothing for the Sbeep (scheip}, expenses of the }4'rench, mariners of the Dutch skipper's, 260; 353; do. of the King'8, 353. .John Campbell, lantern maker to the - - tallow, HO, 136. King's, 261, 349; William Smith, do., Sheepskin for lining, 215-217; for mops, 1 349; at Dieppe, payment to workmen 458, 465. on the, 277 ; materials for the Queen's, Sheet (scheit), winding, payment for 297; payment to shipmen of do., 312; Quintin Focart's, 116. freight offurrushingsfor, from Fla.uders.



300-306; Macleod takes the Sp&niard'., 34t1; powder brought from, lK6; mODey 317; Irish, built for the King, 331 ; won by the King on, 346; ironwork for, 373; victuall for, 373; h&melll payment to the Ill8llter of the French, 338; do. for towing out the, 337; boat oarried on board, 416; olothing for a men lent to Ip8ed the, 337; a boat sent gunner.boy in, 432. 8u aho Great for tidiDp to, arriving from France, Micluul, the, and Appendix I. 338; Eugli.h, at Faatc&atle and Fife, Shipbuilding &COOunts, 401-l1O7. 362; hire of mariners for, 352 ; bought Shipmen, payments to, 312, 416; Andrew in Ayr, 3lJ7; fIap,atandardl, etc., for, Wright. 310; Perot, Babyn, 414. 8u 297, 298, 368, 369, 376, 435, 477; iron al80 Mariners. work for the,376--378 and Appendix Ship!: PM 0l0/ar8, 289, 306, 309, 456, paMfII; payment to mariners of the, 478; PM Crown, 501; The Gabriel, tr/7 and Appendix paBlifll; do. to 368, 369, 377, "", 440; Tilt. Jama, gunners in the, 378 and Appendix 306; The Lark, 281: Tilt. Licm, 114; paMim; foruishing of a, for Rochelle, 128; The Morgam, 68, 82, 102, 114, 398; payment for painting the coppis, 131, 132, 280, 281,286, 291, 297, 298, etc., of the, 399; Jehan la Roesy goes 309, 311, 312, 34t1, 372, 396; PM to France by the l&et, 403; payment Michael, 435; PM Pauv, 284, 317 ; to the patrone of De ]a Motte's, 406; Tht. Ravt:t., 46, 47, 109; the Spanish Ale:under Chalmer, painter of the xliv, 460, 462; The Truurer, 72, King's,406; arrival of wine inaFreneh, 125, 128; Tilt. Trinity, 299; The t()8; salt marts for victualling a do., Wanton, SO. For other references,_ 491; flU'lliahing of men for, 413; car Appendix I.; _ al80 Barques. ri&ge of b&rntlll8 for the,418; shipment Shipwrights, drinksUver to, at the New Haven, 100; of the Dutch skipper's of do. in, 436; payment for keeping and watching the, 444, 451; the ship, clothing for, 260; monthly pay. ment of, 275; payments to, 286, 287. Spanish, given to skipper Andreis, 460; anohors for do., 462; tin v_Is 290, and Appendix I. paMim. &e also for the, 530. Su also Appendix I. Terrell, Jacques. ' Ship, the King's great, a dock made at Shirt (&&rk), St. Margaret's, brought to the Pool of Airth for, 280; payment the Queen,334; of St. Duthus, hauks to Scots trumpeters for playing at the of gold and lewing silk for the, 3M. outputting of, 313; do. to the Shirts (sarkis, aerkis) , 49-51, 66, 245, taubrouar for playing at the drawing 262,264, 402,417; of Holland cloth, of, 314; drawing forth of a tree from 1.,50, 58, 62, 198,204, 209,222, 420, the cradle of, 329; compellll&tion for 424; of Bertane cloth, 20, 50, 220.221. 224,225,231, 236,238-241, 243, 36i. accidents at, 330,338; trees from Cui roes for, 330; payment for rowing the 368, 429; of linen cloth, 61, 233, 243, King and others to, 331-335, 34t1, 347, 263,428,429,436; of small cloth, 436 ; 351, 356; the King sups in, 332; the hanks of gold for Bewing the King's. Queen do., 3lJ6; drinksilver to Soots 21 ; mending of do., 74; a bag for and French skippers on, 33'2; the great keeping do., 201 ; payments for sewing. 238,321.356.399, 419. cable stock and trees carried to, 333; fish and other stuff taken to. 336; stuff Shcer, horse, John Sparty, the King's, boughtin Stirling for, 339; timberfor, 258.



Shoeing of hol'lel, payments for, 84, 88, 423; red, 1945, '23; yellow, 193; of 107,117,131,138, .fIK, '19, 518. divers huee, 3M. Shoea (lIObone), 15, 18,22,51,76,82,99, Silver,.John, paymenta to, 70, 97, U)7. 100, 116, 185,206, 220, 222, 224, 226. - - Ninian (Ryngane), broudatar, pay231, 23!1, 2M-236, 238, 210, lM4, 2~, menta to, 353, :r7S, 442; drinbilver 247, 2M, 27', 296,358, 397, ~, 400.. to, 3M; materials delivered to, 31St. a, '10, 'II, '18, '19; of sat-in, 17; 1-.- a foot of, for the Crou of Peeblee, of velvet, 17,21, 197,210, ti!O, 423; 38; forreIiquariee, 40,533; a ship of, corked, 29, 32,2U, 2:12, '19; buokles 'I ; claapa of, 'I ; stoups ot, 77, 138, for do., 32; uncorked, 21'; double- , MS, 532, 533; punched do. of, 128; aol'ed, 29; ~5; for t.he King's maree'l brint, delivered to Mr. Alexander 284. Ogilvy for quinta _ncia, 85, 135; Shooting (ac~uting), the King's expenBe8 1 quadranta for guns of do., 110; white, at the, 99, 100, 111, 112,309,316,323, I given to the minstrels, 93; taken from 325, MQ, 351, 3M; do. with the cui.! a prieet of Carrick, ~; gunpow.ler. horns of, 107, 113, 137: pieoea of, 128, verin, 98, 103, 105, 106; do. with the guns, 109, 110, liS; with the great I 328, 343, 533 ; the King'. gun of, 137; do., 100; do. at the shell, 119; do. at " a stellatour and a candleetick of, 137; the butta, 327. the Prince's playg of, 137; a chalice of, - - gloves, 200,373. , 17'; diaburaed in alma, 191 ; payment Short (Schort), Peter, mariner, payment I to John Aitken, goldsmith, for, 270; to, .as. ealtIata of, 321, 352; trenchers of, Shovel iron. (acholl irnnys, achule imia), 321,352; a basin with a ewer of. 328; 486,114. lost by the King at the butte, 306; a Shovela (achuli., achoullia, acholis), 457, cup of, 401; do., . overgilt, 371, 533; 4.60, 466, 11..a19, 527, 528. payment to the King in, '10; a Sibba.ld, Alexander, de Rankeillor, Ui6. charger of white, 532. Su ctlMI - - Mr. Andrew, ~icar of Sooonie, 393. I Baainsilver; Bridlesih'er ; Composition. Master. See Northtbarge, Sibbald.! silver; Drinkaih'er; Eutraysilver; Sick (seik), alms to the, 71, 90, 96, 108,. Lairailver; Leaehaih-er; Preeentailver ; liD, 131, 183,243, 312, 148. I Sp1ll'llilver; Wed.ilver. Sieve (sitf), a, for gunpowder, 110. ; -.- ~.., the, 2sa, 270, 329, e,533. Sight (Bieht), a, for a target, 121 ; for the, Simon (Symond), falconer payments to, : 407, '10. King's gilt ermyt, 122. Signet, Writers to the, payment to, 358. : - - (Symonet, lite.), luter, clothing for, Silk, fringea of, IS, S8; cords of, 17, 23. !?S7, 238, 368, '29, m, .as; payments 212; ribbons of. 192, 193, 218; hats I to, 339, 416; shoes and boots for, 40", of, 203, 425; point'!, homing oi, 373;' 40.'), 410. for the King'. coatarmour, 436; black. ; ._- (Symon), Master, French gunner, 212, '211; red, 425; white, 33; yellow. I payment to, 465. 218. : Simson. - - , falconer, payment to, 138. - - sewing, 14, 17, 87, 204, 208, 200. ' - - (Sympaone), Yr. James, payments 211-21', 220,221, 227, 231, 368, '23, ; to, 103, 268. . ~, 121 ; fringee of, 22, 31, 196, 204, I - - (Symaon), Mr. James, of Flanders, 121; corda of, 356; black, 1M, ]96,j accounta with, xliii, !iii, 300-307.

Simson, John, iron bought from, 45. - - - - slaughter of, 163- - Michael, iron bought from, 45. Sinclair (Sinclare), Edward, livery for; 430. (Sinklere), Elizabeth, daughter of Lord Sinclair, payment to, 324. - - Heury, Lord, master of the King" artillery, payment to, <JIJ7; do. to hill servitor, Thomas Cameron, 310; do. to hill daughter Elizabeth, 324; the King loses money at the butts to, 310; payment by, M2; coals for the boat', freight given by, 4M; reilltit swine bought from, 489. - - (Sincular, etc.), James, payments to,l06, 133, 134, 349, 374, 397, 398, 416, 443, 628. - - Sir John, payment to his nurse in Dryden, 123; do. to hill wife, 324; timber delivered to, 029. - - Mistreaa, payment to, 401. - - Sir Oliver, de Roslin, 151. - - Patrick, composition by, 9; plays at the Irish game with the King, 107. - - William, iron bought from, 45, 47 ; clothing for, 62, 265. Singers, alms to two lads, 187; payments to, 318, 342. Sintoun, lands of,6. Sisters, Gray, alms to the, 439. Sulf (skail), payments to mariners in the Rngliah, 373, 453 ; purchase of a little boat for the great ship called a, 472. Skatfeltein. Su Scalfolding. Skalbertill. 8u Scabbards. Skalill. 8u Scailis. Skeins (skeynzeill, akenze) of packthread, lIO, 117, 136. Skeldoun, lands of, 149. Skinner, John Mar, a, 200, 373. Skina, 16, 19, 20, 52, 66, 211, 241, 244, 247, 425, 4<JIJ; badger (brokakin), 90; basan, 31, 521; dog, 136; goat, 276; golden, 297; greill, 30; lamb, 19, 235,


241, 246, 255, 257, 260; black semys leather, 25; red leather, <JIJ; martrik; 317; mar;vkyne, 196; Orkney, 251; white do., 245 ; paI"Ohment, 423; Portugal, 29; roe, 140; Romany, 19, 20; aealakin, 201; sheepskiu, 215217, 458J 465; tad, 421; watermellill, 215, 4<JIJ; red, 129; white, 18,49, 62, 234. 8u alBo Ermine. Skipper, payment to a,300. - - Danish, the, letters to and from, 311. 8u alBo Andreill. - - Dutch, the, clothing for, 260; do. for the timberman, steersman, and mariners of his ship, 260. Su alBo Jobmon, Andrew. - - French, the, payment to, 117. Skippers, drinkailver to Scots andFrenoh, 332. Su alBo Bannantyne, Thomas; Chalmers, Thomaa; Lamb; More William; M.urison, John. Skowgall. See Soougall. Skowpis. Su Scoops. Skowt, hire of a, 303. Skrymgeour. Su 8crymgeour. Skullill, payment for, 496Slate (acailye) leader, payment to the,

Slater (aclatter, aklatter, solaiter), pay. ments to the, 623-626, 528. Su alBo Dumme; Kelso; 'l'home. Slates (aoailze, sklaitis, etc.), 84, 523, 625, 526, 528. Sleeves of blue kersey, 62; black, of semys leather, 64; of black satin, 211; narrow, of do., 231 ; wide, of do., 423; of crimson satin, 219, 221-223, 228, 229, 425; wide, of gray satin, 213; wide, of ru.aaet satin, 423; of scarlet cloth, 219; of Riaaillill black cloth, 221,225,227; of Rowane greill cloth, 220; narrow, of Rowane tan cloth, 232; of tatfety, 64, 212,221,223,225228,230,231; of white do., 224, 226; of white and yellow do., 209,219,226;




of white and green do., 222; of yellow Smithy (amyddy), a wa.ter.trough, etc., for the, 140. Su alIIO Stithy. do., 225, 232; of velvet, 199, 219, 228; of black do., 192, 196, 212, ~; - - COIls, 72, 278, 462, IHO, 613,614narrow, of do., 208; wide, of do., 423; Smydilandis. landa of, 171. of orimson dq" 212, 222; minx for, Snowdon (Snawdoun) herald, 388; pay. mentto, SO. 215; ermine for, 216, 217, 425, ~; &heepekin for, 217; lettei. for, 219; Soap (aaip), freight of ba.rrels of, 334-.. _ .kina for. ~; bordering of, 221, 223, Somerville (Somirvile, Somerval), Sir John, gives a horae to the King, 86; 260; IiDing of, 204, 212, 213, 216, 200Benda levand" dottrels to do. , 346. 224, 226-233, 358 ; acouring of, 215. Sieich, Jonet, 5- - Sir John, de Camnethan, 166. - - Patrick, composition by, 5- - - - his son, 166. Slinp (1Iynp), mending of, 519. - - John, 146. Slop (1CIop), a ahip., with a hood of aoarlet - - - - Lord, composition by, 6. Sorby, the vicar' of, 395. cloth, for the King, 193. Sotobattell, viotuals for, 501 . SIOP'COIt, a, of red keraey, 432. Slot (sloit), mending of the, of the foryett Soul'm&8B for the Biahop of Galloway, 37,38; for the Queen of England, 38, of Linlithgow Palace, 523. 183; for King James nL, 42, 188; for Slots (slottis) for the great ahip, 4.68 I the Lord of Aubigny, 42; for the for the pavesis of TAe Ja:m.u, 473. Slyke, timber bome furth oUbe, 525. King'1 mother, 43, 416; for the King'. Smerles, Nicholaa, 160. brother, James Stewart, archbiahop of Smith, crukis, banda, and na.ila taken St. Andrews, 182; for the King of from the, 525. England, 187; for the King of Den - - of the Blaokn88l, for mark,439. &hips made by the, 291. Sout-t (Sedes Animamm), the Abbot - - of Cambuskenneth, payments to of, 394, 395. the, 77, 80, 86, 90, 107, Ill, 133. Soume saddle, a, 308. - - Frenoh, clothing for the, 62; pay. Soumes for the guns, towis for, 613-615 ; ment to the, 75; interment of the, 118. cartage of do., 513, 514; payment for - - ahip, the, payment to his wife, 116. making do., 513-615; tar for do., 613, (Smitht), Sperty. Su Sparty, John, 514; foretowis for do., 518. smith. Sour bread, 488, 491, 493. - - (Smytht), William, payment to, 196. SoUl, 4], 114,294,298. - - William, of Loudon, &hip.lantern Soutars, payment to, 521. maker, payment to, 349. Southland, the, Fergy Graham Bent with Smiths, payments to, 90, 99, 107, 110, the Earl of Bothwell to, 347; an offioer 278, 304, 355, 515, 619; do. to II8Ilt with the King'l letterB to, 417. workmen with the, 510 et pGBBim; Soutra, carriage of artillery over, lxxviii. drinksilver to Dutch~ and Scots, 329. Spade irona (spaid irnnys), 466, 514lflu at/lO An~ony; Duche, George; Spades (apadis, Bpaidis), 466, 614-519. Hunter, John; Kippynghame, George; Spain (Spanzee), anchors from, 27,48; a Kyle, John; Scott, Robert; Sparty, ship of silver ofFered for the King in John; Kile, John; and otheJ'l! in St. James in, 41; payment to priests Appendix pclMim. at do.. 41; George Makeson who

dwells in, 48; Martin the Spaniard goes to, 4M. Spango EUirkip, landa of, 389. Spaoiard, Martin the. Su Martin. 8pr.niards, payments to, 48, 317; drink silver to, 127,331, 335; ahipwrecked in the Iales, MO, MI, 346; a ahip sent to the !ales for the gear of do., 297-; M.acleod takes the ahip of the, lxxxii, 817; good cheer for, 346. Spanish ambaaaador, the, xxvii, 338. - - budge, 420, ~1. - - oloak, a, 197. - - bight, paymenta to the, nxii,270,
374, 376, 398.


- - ahip, the, sliv, 460, 462. - - wrighta, M1. Spark, John Bute's man, clothing for, 57,63,264; money delivered to, 263; expenaea of, in Stirling for the peat.ilence, 402, 4JJ1. Spars (sparris, &perris), 4(;4 et pcwim; fir,4SO,508; great, 295, 462, 508; oaken, 458 et purim; roof,293; small, 526. Sparty (Sperty, Spratty), John, smith, the King's horae-shoer, paymenta to, 179, 271, 307, 40., 419, 444; livery for, 258. Spear-heads (apere hedia), 15, 77, SO, 107, 117, 121, 187; steel, 122. Spears (speris), 121, ~3; heads of steel for caating, 122; French, 121 ; for the liata, 121 ; fire, 490, 493, 496. Spens, Sir David, payment by, 290; paymenta to, 813, 380_ Spicehouae, Fleming of the, 55. - - door, a lock for the, 5'24. - - lock, meuding of the, and a key for do., 029. - - (Spishouse), William, a horse bought from, 15; clothing for, 52, 256; paymenta to, 87, 438, 443. Spicery, freight from Flanders of barrels of, 288 ; payment to William Fowler, apothecary, for, 3M.

Spices, parohaae of, 3M, 406, 414. Spirit, the Holy, trental ID8III88 of, 176, 187. Spiritual tax, meaaengers sent for the, 351. Spittal (Spittele, Spetale, Spetele, etc.), Robert, the Queen'a tailor, payments to, 208, 211, 214, 221, 223, 2!U, 231, 367, 400, 423, m; clothing for, 265; velvet delivered to, m; damask do., 426. Splentis, 353. Spokes, hand, Bp&rI for making, 481. - - winding (wyndes), great Bp&rI for making, 462; oaken Bp&rB for do., 508. Sponges (spoungia, apowingil!, apungia), 29, 82, 199; Birg9, 129. Spot, the laird of, gives a hawk to the King, 95. Spottiawood, Franoia (Spottiawod, Francy), Holland cloth bought from, 211. Spouse, Mr. Alesander OgUvy's, 358,398. Spousing gowna of tan _tin, 228; of gray do., 249. Spratt.y. Su Sparty. Sprents of iron, 276. Spruae weight, 284. Spurs, purchase of, 94, 119, 122, 308,

Spursilver, 77, SO, 85, 96, 119, 175,179_ Stable, long Thom of the, 65; Alesander Gordon,yeoman of the, 77,82; Michael Donaldaon, yeoman of the, 95; payment to the master .of the, 140; for fifty horsea bllilt at the Pool of Airth, 280. - - the King'a, clothing for the" childir" of, 61; Michael Donaldson, yeoman of, 111; William Fokkert, yeoman of, 336; aaddlery for, 129; espensee of, 307, 308 j pointing of, 529. - - the Queen'a, John .Allardice, yeoman of, 55; Nichol Hathaway, do., 482 i Aleunder Gordon, do., 413;


Baddles, 121; spear-heads of, 121; heade of fine, 121; broggiB of, 122; Lambart, 273; purcbaae of 1rOBp8 of, 609,511,512,514, rut. Steel, Gray, luter, payment to, 96. Steersman (BteriBman) of the Dutch Bkipper'B ship, clothing for the, 280. Steikit ooat, a, of blaok aatin for the King,l6. Stelll, the Kirk of, Nichol Jacbon, IIUIoBOD of; 44; g1aea for, 45, 81; Swagorne goee to, 188; payments to George ElliB, mIllOn, for building, 284, 446; a muon lent to, 329 ; payment to the muon of, 379. Stellatonr of .Uver for quinta _cia, a bola head made for a, 137. Stevenson (Stevinlone), William, payment to, 288. Steward (Itewart), Patrick Bellantyne, the Queen'B, 414, 446. Stewart, - - , gunner, payment to, WI. - - John Drummond'B man, pay. ments to, 1113, 5210. _ Mistreu AgneI, daughter of the Earl of Bnchan, clothing for, 60. - - Al8Dllder, dean of Dunbar, payments to, 267, 443; the King's otIering to hi. priest'. Brat m&II, 438. BiBhop of St. Andrews. See St. Andrewa, BiBhop of. - - Alexander, de Rail, 159. - - Andrew, IOn of the Earl of Athole, pension of, 267. - - BiBhop of Caithneaa, Treasurer, xi, xii, xxxii. - - Bernard, xviii, lxuiii; 3M Lord of Anbipy, 229; King" offering at IOU) m&IB of, 42; King'B writingB Bent to the Earl Marahal for the ooming of, 110: presents BiJr: hOrIeB to the King, 117; French Baddlel for hora. given to, 118; payment to hi. baker, 118; a gilt ermyt given to the King by, 122; payment to hi. tanbronar, 124;

saddlery for, 49, 134; expeDIM of, Stable door, lockB for the, 87. - - fee, payment for, 28f. Stables at Falkland, clothing for a groom of the, 262; Dawson of the, 341. Stair, payment to muons for building a, 325. Stalka,paymentto John LethaDe,Baddler, for, 412Stalla, wear, locka and bands for the great, in the King'B wardrobe, Ill. Stanakir, the vicar of, 395. Stand of harneaa bought, 19, 521. Standards of the King'B ships, liv; gold, colours, etc., for the, 295; green and red ley for the, 435; of the Queen'B ship, St. Andrew'B 0l'0IIIIeII on the, 297; of T1ae Ma.rgaret, ley for the, 297, 298; blne trai1ze for do., 297; canvae for lining do., 298; mending of do., 298; great, for T1ae MiMa.el, 436; of the great ehip, materia1e for the, 477; fringee of 88Wing IIilk for, 621 ; tafFety for the King'e, 521; oaeea of basand Bkins for keeping the, 521; payment to a man to bide on the, 621. Stanehouee, the laird of Cambee BUDl. maned for the non-entry of, 109. Stanelee, Robert, broudetar, payment to, 74. Stanks at Stirling, fiehing in the, 83, 136. Staples (etapillie) for the ray of the ehip, 408, 493; for the great Bhip, C58; to bind the hol'll8 with, 478; for the park

Starquhite, Adam Reid de, 145. Stars (Bternie) above the altar, punches for striking ant, 111. Stay, the oollarof the, of, 473. Stays (staie), payment to workmen for bearing, 461. Stedee, etedy. See Stithy. Steel (.tell, eteyll, etc.), rami of, for the King's oulveryn, 111; bowa of, 120;



victualling of a French ahip with part Stewart, William, 189. of hil folks, 128. -- money delivered by, 377. Stewart, David, 345, 388. - - - - of TAt W'AtItcm, pay- - Dunll&ll, of Lome, payment. t.o,33I. ment t.o, 80. - - Ellen, clothing, etc., for, 225-227, - - Mr. William, 391, 392. 430,432; shOM and boot.a for, 404. - - William, de Rosyth, 388. St.ewinnya from Newbattle for boat.a, George, 157. 473- - Hect.or, falconer, payment.a t.o, 411, Sticks (stikiB) for little Turnbull, 410. 418 ; rusaet cloth for, 431. lBabel, daughter of the Earl of Stings, girth, 111,296. Stirling (Strivelin, Striveling, St.erling), Athole, clot.hing, etc., for, 227, 228. xv, xvi, xvii, xviii, xix, xxiii, xxiv, - - James, livery for, 52. xxv, xxxiv, 76-78, 83, 85, 86, 89, 95, young laird of Ardgowan, 96-98, 101, 103, 104, 110-112, 115, 116, clothing for, 52, 322; pension of, 89, 123, 133, 138, 138,175, 178,316,432288. - - - - Lord Avondale's BOil, cloth - - aIm. in,:n, 39-41, 75, 78, 86, 89, ing for, 158; expenaea of, 135, 245. 90,96, ffl, 102, 107, 110-112, 117, 131, 138, 178; aIm. t.o the friars of, 35, of Traquair, clothing for, 248 ; 189 ; do. t.o the Gray Friars of, 38, payment t.o, 'JIfl. 43; do. t.o an Irish friar in, 38; do. - - - - usher of the outer chamber door, clothing for, 252. t.o priest.a in, - - John, the King breakfaat.a in hiB King'. otl8rings in, 178; in St. houae under the wall, 117. Ninian'. chapel at, 35 j at a priest'. first mass in the Rood Kirk of, 36 ; in - - - - meBll8!lpr, payment t.o, 314. - - Mr. John, 162. the Black Friars Kirk of, 43; in St. - - John, de Ardgowane, 189. James' chapel beside, 43; in the - - Sir John, de Mint.o, 389. Chapel Royal of, 175; at his mother'. Janet, 152. I aoul mass in, 43; t.o a prebendary'. - - Miat.reaa Margaret, the King's first masa in, 181. daughfAlr. Bee Margaret, t.he Lady. - - a coat made in, 18-20; do. bought Marion, clot.hing for, 60; shoes and in, 20, 26, 50, 62; do. lined and boot.a for, 404. mended in, 81; a gown carried t.o, 24; account.a and mat.erials for the Mariot.a, lpouse of t.he Constable of Dundee, 170. works of, 44-46, 139, 293, 306, 445, Robert, 157. 446, 459, 5210, 526-m ; doublet.a made - - (St.ewert., Stuart.), Umfra, cooper, in, 49, 66; William Mayne, wright in, 00; hose bought and made in, 66 ; payment.a t.o, 402, 454, 471., 169. meBll8!lprs sent t.o, 71, 72,76, 82, 91, 101, 316 ; carriage of the kirk furniture - - - - the King's henchman, clothing 427, 429,435; drinkfor, 239,240, t.o, 73; the Kiug's dog ~en t.o, 74 ; carriage of ham_ t.o, 75, ]32; do. of IilVF t.o, 346; payment t.o, 350; do. for his bo&rd, 380 ; shoes, boot.a, etc., the King's bed t.o, 75; do. of the for, 4(K, 405, 419. King'. bards t.o, 76; do. of the King'. - - Sir, servit.or t.o the master baggage t.o, 76, 81, 86; drinklilver t.o almoner, payment. t.o, the DI&8ODI of, 76, 82, 3lY1 ; the quinta





Queen sails to Edinburgh from, 312; expe_ of Les.rmonth to, 316; carriage of chapel furniture to and from, 321, 32'2, 407, 408, 409, 412, 628: do. of the Queen'. wardrobe between, and Edinburgh, 327; stuff for the great ship bought in, 339; mending of the org&nl in, 339; Luke of the wardrobe sent to, 344; the pestilence in, 402, .07 ; carriage of the Queen's baggage to and from, 407, 408 ; do. of tbe lyara and tbe Provincials books of the of Edinburgh to, 408; do. of the King's wardrobe from, 4011; do. of tbe cupboard from, 4011; velvet bought in, 425; gun stocks t&ken to Leith from, 511; James Carvour sent to, 520; furnishings for the chapels in, 532. Stirling, Castle of, the, accounts and materiall' for the work of, 281, 282, 445; a gun taken to the potters from, lxv, III ; John Aitken, goldsmith who works in, 401, 410, 442; Robert M'Lellan, maker of quinta 6888I1cia in, 411. Chapel Royal of, ~; Mr. Da\id Abercromby, subdean of the, 39; King's offering in the, 175; binding and illuminating of book. for tbe, 4011. - - choir of, spursilver to the boys of the, 80, 85, 96; drinkBilver to the m&BOns of the, 84- - Constable of, the, 461, 525,526; a runner sent to, 339; alum delivered to, 418 ; payments to, 463, 526. See al80 Callendar, Robert. - - garden at, the, trees plaated in, 101; seeds sown in, 106. - - gardener of, the, payments to, 101, 106, 126, 127, 136. - - hall of, the, payment for work on. the old, 44; the King shoots in, 106,

esaencia in, 76, 96, 104, 5'lt1 j a tub for the King's c10aet in, 77; John Bruce lying sick in, 78; the stanks of, fished, 83, 136; rushes for the chamber Boors in, 83, 133; payment to a man who broke his leg in, 83; the King's great horse in, 8.; payment to a dumb ruan in, 84; horsehire to and from, 89, 95, 96, 127, 340; stones brought from Dumbarton to, 89. aqua. vitia sent to, 89, 122 ; glasses brought from Edinburgb to, 122; the apothe. cary in, 90; drugs brought from Edinburgh to, 90; eleer do. from Falklaad to, 96; Thomas Pearson goes to the ship TM Margaret from, 102; the woman who makes gloves in, 102 ; the Italian minstrels fish in, 107 ; vinegar sent to, 108; tbe potter of, 110, 113, 116, 139, 357; guos and gunners in, 113, 116, 127, 131, 133, 135; fingers for gloves sent to, 120; Lumsden the potter sent to work in, 1'21; a tame hart brought from, 128 ; a furnace for melting metal made in, 133 ; paVilions for the hunting taken to, 134; Alan, armourer, sent to, lxvi, 134; car~e of the King's coffers to, 136; hawks at, 139, 411, 418; Broun the old priest who sings in, 175, 178, 182, 184, 190; trental m&B888 said in, 175, 178, 184; payment to the predica. touris of, 175; boots for the King bought in, 206; hats sent to the Queen in, 208; the Queen's mantle carried to, 209; expenses of Symonet, luter, in, 237; boathire between Leith and, 281; carriage horses for the Queen and her court between, and diverse places, 308; let.ters with a ring carried to the Queen in, 310; the King's pa.ssage in the ship The Margaret to, 312; John Aitken, goldsmith in, 312; carriage of gold to do. from Edinburgh to, 321; the

111 ; contract for the alloryng of, 372 ; hung in, 4fY1. Stirling, park of, the, white deer put in, 76; a hind do., fY1. - - the Sheritrof, payments by, 2, 144. - - shire of, furnishing of lhipe with men from, lviii, 413. - - Sir John, of Xeir, 388. - - Walter, clothing for, M. --Willism, xxxiv, 163,389; paymentB to, 268, 274, 398, 408, 441. Stirrup.ironB (Bterr.p irnis), 94, 119,221, 226, 233, 2f3, 308. 4fY1, 41S; lmall, 122; varnilhing of, 94, 112, 122. - - leathera (ledderia), 94, 233, 244, 403,412; velvet and cloth of gold for the King'I, 129; double, 129; lillgle, 226,243. Stithy (Itedy, atedee), the King atrikes at a, in Leith, 99; cartage of a, from Linlithgow, 140. Bu aUo Smithy. Stohl, purchase of, SU. Stooo, the rector of, 173. Stock (stok) I&ddles, 243, 308. Stock, (stokkis), gun, 111, 452, 6()9...411, SIS; cable, 330, 333, 496; hem, 377. Stomok of a coat, fustian for lining the, 238, 240, 26:1. Stomokis of crimson satin, 209, 310 ; of do., D; of black do., D; wattermr.iU skins put in do., 215. Stomois of white damask for hOJ'lleo housings, 22StoneB (stanes, stanis), 89, 279, 377, 524, 625. - - gun, 288, 3OlS; iron, 302, 306; makera of, 481. - - precious, a heart of gold let with, 113; rings let with, 331. Stool, materiall for the Prince's hurl., 33. Storm, the ilor.tbor.t of The lost in a, 317; victuals taken on board The JIa."Jf1If'fl in... 466, Story, James, mason, payment to, eo.


Stoup (stope, stop), the Merchanestoun aUver, given to the Bailie of the Fere, 77; mendiDg of a silver, 136. Stoups, two punched lilver, given to Sir Anthony D'Arcy, 128; wooden (treyne), for bedesmen and bedeswomen, 186; ailver, given to Lord Dacre and Doctor West. 348, 1533; for ships, 462, 497; half.gallon, quart, and pint, for do., 490, 492, 495, 498, lIOO; one of the great silver, coined into twelvepenny groats, 532. Stow of Weddell, the Queen gaM to the, 412. Strabrok, Ianda and barony of, 5. - - rector of, Mr. Andrew Keith, 361. Strachan (Strathauchin), David, 386. Straikia, doule, for cart wheels, 515. Strang, payment to a woman called, 118, 123. - - Walter, de Petcorthy, 389. Strange, Lord, buinBilver to John Kinloch, aliGB, 418. Strathallr.n, la.nda of, 388. Strathr.rdle (Stretherdlll), payment to the woman who had her bairn slain in, 131. Strathe&nl, Sir William Ogilvy of. 317 ; meeaenger sent with 1ettera to, 323 ; dil. training for rests in, 342; meBIeDger lent for the Ipiritual tax to, 351. - - steward of, payments by the, 2, 144Strathglaaa, Ianda of, 167. Strathnaver (Stranavim), remisllion to inhabitants of, 150. Stratoun, Alexander, de eodem, com position by, 3. - - Mr. Gilbert, vicar of Inverkei1lor, 393,394. Strawberries brought to the King, 124, 126, 127, 131, 134, 189, 351; payment to the gardener of Linlithgow for, 139. String, ribOOnB for a, to the King'a gold whistle, 196.


honour, 122, 4C11; touroaying, 272; belts for, 22, 94, 129, 233, 307, 403, 413; scabbards for, 22, 120; rounds for, 121; grathing of, 328. Syles for the King, 77. Sylour nails, 524. Sym, William, burgess of Edinburgh, payment to, 206. Symon, Symond, Symonet. Su, Simon. Symonton, the barony of, ll. the laird of, 333, 344, 347. John, de eadem, 162Sympill. 8" Semple. Sympaone, Symaon. Su, Simson. Synaper. Su Cinnabar. Syntreis to the revestre of Holyrood. house, 276; to the chapel of Falkland, 2B3. Syone coat, a, of black satin for the King,I98. Syplaunde, 9. TAJILB (burd) above the altar, velvet for a, 43; keraey for covering a, in the Abbey, 120; mending of a candle stick of the King's, 137; bands for a round, in the Queen's chamber, 378. Tables (tsbilia) for ships, great deals for, 486, 497. the (baokgammon), the King's expenaea at, 76, 96-97, 107. Taborers (tabernaria, tawbronaria), payments and drinkailver to, 131, 326, 331; clothing for, 430; Lord Fleming's, 76, 137; at Baddington, 85; a young taubronar brought from Edinburgh to Stirling, 89; horae-hire for, 96 ; the Lord of Aubigny'a, 124;. at the New Haven, 314, 331; the French, 443. Su, aleo Ainslie, John; Guilliam ; Jacquea; Luke. Tack (tak), alms to a poor man who pleaded for a, 126Tacketa (takkatia, etc.), 298, lill ; gilt,

Strings, lute, 238; bow, 327, 334; for cl'Oll8boW'B, m, 415. Strogeth (Strogeith), John, servant in the Queen's chamber, clothing for, 55,

Stuart. Su, Stewart. Students, Irish friar, in St. AndreW'S, payments to, 180, 181, 186. Study (atudee, stedye), the King's, a lock for the King's latron in, 100; payment to the King in, 410 ; ducats received from the King in, 476. Stulage to the ship, salt for, 307. Sturgeon (sture) brought to the King, 124 ; sent to Lord Dacre, 343. Suck (sulk), an Irish nuree gives, to the Prinoe when siok, 403. . Su8'rage for a gunner, 416. Sugar (sukkoure), freight of chests of, 334. Summons, letters of, 345. Sundrum, lands and barony of, 166. Supper for the King in the great ship, 332; the Queen at, in do., 3lS6. Surgeon (surrigeaoe), payment to John Watson, 341. Sutherland, remiBBion to the inhabitants of, 100; meaaenger sent to, 311. the Earl of, clothing for, 431. Christina, de Barydale, 366. - - Leonard, 150. William, de Du1fus, 157. - - - - de Querrelwod, 164. S-.mgorne (Suaghorne) goes to the Kirk of Steill, 188; payments to, 190,350. SUKJIlow, the, xliv; payment to the master of, 481; tin received from do., 481. Swan, John, mariner, payment to, 4B3. Swans brought to the King, 81, 115. Swedish (Swydin, Swedin) boards, 290, m, 295. Swine (awyne) for provisioning ships, 491,492; reiatit, for do., hii, 489, 491. Swords, 137, 406; arming, 126; of


Tackle, ship, 131, 300, 3Oi, 306; 1III1&l1, 47, 300, payment for taking clown the, 114; a copper kettle for pitching the, 291. Bet. al80 Appendix L pueim. Tafl'ety, 23, 221, 227, 434. for the King'. 1ol'IIlB, 195. for banners, 621. for begarying, 236, 239, 244. - . for belts, 64, 192, UK, 196, 197, 200,367. for bordering, M, 192, 238, 242. - - for curtains, 22, 23, 201. - - for a doublet, 65. for a gown, 64. for drawing through the King's bats, 22. -forhoae,3156. for liDinB, 13, 206, 220, 221, ~, 230, 232, 434. for playooats, 313, 321. - - for the roof in the chapel of the barrea,23for covering the KiDg's saddles, 23. for sleeves, 64, 209, 212, 219, 221-228, 230-232. for standards, 369, 621. - - for tippets, U, 17, 18,25, 191,194, 198, 200, 200, 206, 218, 220, 223, 225, 234, 237, 252, 367, 420, 425, 433. for veiniug, 236, 237, 241, 243, 251. - - black, 64, 193, 206, 220, 433 ; blue, 313, 389, HI; brown, 23; gray, 23; green, 23, 201, 222; red, 22, 23, 8IJ, 521 ; white, 22, 23, 72, 209, 211, 219, 22t, 224, 228; yellow, 23, 31, 64, 8IJ, 196, 209, 213, 219, 225, _ , _ , 313, 367, 433; of Florence, 30. Tags to the fool's coat and hood, 84; to harnea, 129, 436. Tailfeir, Tailzefeir. &c TeUer. Tailor, payment to the, 230. Tailors. 8eaEdgar, Thomas; Jok; Lind say; Lyon; Moris; Spittal, Robert ; Welsh, William.


Tam (Tayne), xxiii, xxiv; ofBce of the Bailie of, 188. TaiBt, a, for melting metal in, 134Tait, John, a reindeer hide bought from, 251. Talbert, the, gun-atones to, 460. Tallow (talloun), 71, 111, 118, 132, 291, 398, and Appendix paMim. - - (tauch), sheep, for the gun.mould, 110 ; for the guns, 136; meltiDg and purifying of, 136. Tantallon (ThometallouD), m_Dgers sent to, 327. Tar (tere), 48, 114, 289, 290, 303-30Q, and Appendix pauim. kettle, a, 514trough, a, 514. Targes, red IIkina for, 129; grathing of, 129 ; of gold, 137; banding and hand ing of, 478; carriage to Leith of, 478Target (taraat, tergat), aaight for a, 121 ; for the Queen's hood, 213; payment to Mychele, goldsmith, for a, 331. Targets, for bonneta, 15 ; buckles for do., 119; black leather for covering, 121. Tarneway. Sea Damaway. Taubronars. &c Taborers. T~x, the Bpiritual, meaaengera sent for, 351. . Taylor (Tailzour), James, clothing for, 50, 51, M; paymenta to, 81, 84, 94, 129, 138. Tee, a saddle and a, for Criatiem, 129; paymenta to the saddler for a, 225, 233,243Teeth, an iron for burning sore, 77; drawn by the King, xxvii, 332. &c al80 Tooth. Teind-bay, 103Teia for ships, 300. TeUer (Tailfeir, Tailzefeir, etc.), Mr. Laurence, payments to, 70, 187,250, 404, 407, 412. Luke (Luau), clothing for, lIS, 166, 431 ; drink8ilver to, 347.


Thomutoun, lands of, 5. Thome, - , e1ater, payment to, 526. - - (Thom), William, maaon, paymeots to, 48,283. Thometalloun. Bu Tantallon. ThomBOD, - - , of Qneensfen-y, hire of hie boat, 356. - - James, carter, payment to, 519. Peter, a herald, :ovi. Sir Robert, chaplain to t.he Dean of Glugow, money for the purse delivered to, 371. Thread (threid), 78, 100, 511; Birge, 16, 369, 477; black do., 125; red do., 40; white do., 39, 40; small do., 33; gold, 79; pack, 29, 32, 110, 117, 138, 369, 511; BAil, 454 et pa88_; Scots, 477; worsted, S69; black do., 477; do. of diverse colours, 477, 621 ; blue and diverse other colours, 521 ; white, 29, 32 ; yellow, 477. (TreifF, the), Castle of, great guns fetched out. of, lxxiii, 350; gunatones for the gun of, 460Tiles (tyle), payment. to the man who makes the, I1G. Tilliconltry (Tnlycnltree), xviii ; alma to the priests of, 41; do. to the poor in, 115. Timber (tymir) got from Damaway, 44, 46, 47; do. from France, 48, 47 ; do. from Norway, 289, 373, 452; do. from Cawdor wood. 330, 349; do. from Logan and CambUllDethan woods, 405; for Falkland, 283 ; for shipB, 286, 295, 299, 305, 306, 346, 372, and Appendix L pam"'; for Stirling, 306 and Appendix m. paI8irI&; for the King's works, 397 ; for the gun-stocks, 511 ; for Edinburgh Castle, IIU Appendix ll.; for Linlit.hgow, lee do. m. ; ezpensea of the, 629. Timberman of the Dutch skipper's ship, c10thiJlg for the, 260. Tin (tyn, tyne) for outing gnus, lsvi.

Tempill,379. Templeman (Tempilman), David, pay. menlo to, 78. Tennant (Tennand), John, burgees of Edinburgh, payments to, 444, 446. - - Robert, payment to, 483. Tenting, gold thread for, 79. Tergat. See Target. Terregles, lands of, 151. the laird of, 811Chea.t of, 10. the vicar of, Mr. John Kennedy, 392. TerreD, Jacquea (Jaoat, etc.), shipwright, clothing for, 57, 259 ; driuk silver to, 80, 88, 100, 313. 361, 3;7; do. to hie wrights, 331 ; payments to, DO, 131, 343, 400; payment of hiB house-maiD, 259, 471 ; great treea for the BhipB reoeived by, 291 ; payment to hie hrother'B wife, 831 ; e1aughter I of hie BOD, 1531. Rolland, brother of Jacquea TerreD, payment to hiB wife, 331. Tere&DII (teirBanie) of ale, 469, 470. Teviotdale (Tevitdaill, Tewiadaile, etc.), the hea.ds and tenant. of, warned to compea.r in Edinburgh, 312, 379 ; deforosment of a meaBenger in, 337; m88ll8Jlger sent for the spiritual tax to, 361 ; do. with letters to Roxburgh in, 358; men for shipB got from, 414. Thatch n&ile, 525. Thatching (theking), payments for, 37, 44, 523-526. . Thernea, lands of, 166. ThetiB, towie for, 514. ThiBtle (thrieail) with a diamond,. payment. to the French goldsmit.h who wrought the, 127. Thomu, payment. to, for a dance, 119. jeeter, payments to, 93, 115. - long (lang Thom of t.he stable), clothina for him and hie marrow, 65 ; payment to, 113. Rouge Croix herald, payment to,




133; to the melting of do., l508; for the Tor, John Black ill, paaper, 180. King'a orpu, 276; freight and oran- Torphichen, alms to a poor wife whoae gilt of Cornwall, liii, 301, 302; drinkhaab&nd WM in 8&Ilctaary in, 18D. llilver to the childer of the ahip for Torwod, the, driubilver and payment bringing home the, 338; a chalioe of, to wrighta in, 339, Ml; cartage of 3Ii8; received from the muter of Th great tn. from, 525. S-a-, 481; purobaao of, 4510; Touch (twych) plate of a long calverin, ex~ of the, 529, 530. gildiDg of the, 122. Tinnillg of bridle-bite, 112, 119. powder horn, double gilding of tho Tinwald, Sir Edward Maxwell de, 147. King'a, 137. Tippeta (tepatia), 16-17, 19, m, 22, 24, I Tournament, lxxxili. 49, 61, 65, 5!03, 238, 241, !MO, 252; of Tourney naihJ, 121. taffety, 14, 18, 25, 191, 194, 198, Tourneying, payment to pynoure at tho 200, 200, 206, 218, 220, 223, 22/), 234, I time of the, 124,. 237,262,367, 4.20, 425, 433; long, of, (turoyng) 8WOrda, 272do., 17 ; of blue keraey, 62. Toure, a ganner from, lxxii.. Tocher (toquhir), a, for the Earl of Tow, towia. Su Ropes. Morton'a 800, 101. Towchis, Janda of, 4, . Tod pultia for lining goWDa, 198, 200. I Towela for altara, 358 ; of Bortane cloth, Uina to a gown, 421. I 209, 439. Toddia for lining gow08, 16, 18; French, I Tower, the great, of Stirling Caatle, for liuing a coat, 199; do., for lining, completion and heading of, 281. gowna, ml, 421. Towk, the long, gilding and grathing of, Toll, toUia. Su Ropes. 122. Tomb (tumbe) of King Jamea IL in Holy- Towril, Francie (Franoe), BC&rlet hate bought from, 193. roodhouae, a mortcloth for the, 195. Tongland (Tungland), the Abbot of, xvii, .J_t, payment to, lx:lii, 277, ltl[XV, lxix; King's offering to his -SirJohn,paymentato, 175,371,437. prieat'e ant- m&llll, 41; a puncheon of Traill, Mr. David, paymenta to, 72, 321, wine for making quinta _neiato, 79; 322, M7, 373; payment to hie eervitor, playa at carda with the King, 83,89, Alexander Ram_y, 407. 101; playa at dioe with do., 89; Trailze for lining a hood, 230; blue, for plays at the Irish game with do., a couch, 30; do" for atandarde and 104; paymenta to, 90, 101, 132, 1345, ilap of PM MargrlrU, 297; white, 139, 398, t08; moote the culverin for St. Andrew's cro.ea on ahip with the King, lOS; the King 10le8 etandarda, 297. money when mooting to, 111, 112; Traiate for the gun, 527. do. when shooting with a gun to, 110; Tranent, Dom, AlexanderCraufurd, vicar a barrel of vin8fIU Bent to, 108; aqua of, 393. vita! for, 122. Traport, the bark of, victuala for, 462, Tooth (twtht), the King pulls a, uvii, 471330. Su. al80 Teeth. Traquair (Tracqwaire), Jamea Stewart Tope, ehip, window naihJ for the great, of,248, 267. 462 ; to the bark, paym8Dt 101" makiDg, Trarenzeane, Sir Jolm Ramay of, 1. 144. 462. 4M. un, 380, 384.



S. Kyle. Trinity, King's otraring on the altar of the, 42; do. in st. Andrews, 42. . , the ship, bronght to ScotlaDd, xlii, 299. College, otraring to the altar in the, 188; do. to the relios in the, 188; do. at the high mau in the, 188. Sunday, otraringon, 188. Troon, xxix. TroaiB for the great ship, 800. Trough (trouoh), a _ter. for theemithy, 14.0; oarriace of a tar, 114. Trout (trowtiB) brought to the King, 88, 90, 9G, 98, 132, 317; for the great ebip,
Tri1e, John, smith.

S. Treviu. Treason, the laird of Symonton and his complices summoned for crimes of, 333. Treasurer (Thesa.ura.r), the Lord, the King'1! writings sent to Edinburgh to, 83, 89, 97, 102; gives a hOl'8e to the King, 87, 96; crimson satin from, 192; his ohamber hnng with arras, IOBt the Archbishop of Glasgow, 281; expenses of, at jnstice....yres, 319, 320 ; do. at obamberlain.ayres, 320; meso eenger sent on the King" emmds to Kelso to, 33'1. See.1IIIo Caithn_,
Bishop of.

- - the Quean's, Mr. Banestede, 67. - - the ship, xl, xli, 72, 126, 128. 484. Treasury, Clerk of the, payments to, 14.0, Trumpeter, the draucht, payment. to,

444, 4.47, 531. 102. Tree of esperance, the, Ieavas for, 120; Trumpeterl, payments to, 92, 112" lI8; mending of do., 121; lowers for, 120; payment to servanta of the, 93; olothiog pea.ra for, 121; leaves for hanging do., for, 430. See al60 Andel'llOD, John

121. Trees for ships, 46, 290, 291, 306, 330, 333, and Appendix I. paMim; pur ohase of, 47, 48; led to the Pool of Airth, 103 ; felling and cutting of, Ill, 339,341; for the galley, 290, 346,; for the keel of do., 290; for a little boat, 297; drawn from the cradle of the great ship, 329; fetched from the Pool, 346; from the Torwod, 626. [for planting] in the garden at Stirling, 101. - - [barrels] for holding ale, 487 et

Treitr, the. 8ee, Castle of. Trenchers (trenoh80uria), great and small silver, 321, G32; gilding of do., 321 ; golden, 321; IIOl'&pings of gilt veuels for do., 321; bostaringof do., 532. Trental maasea (trigentale miuis), 174179, 183, 184, 186-188, 190, 191, 437. Treviss (trevises), payments to the saddler for, 94, 134; mending of the, 454.

Caslaw, Alexander; John; Pete, John. - - the French, payment to, 443. the Italian, livery for, 2'70; paymenta to, 2'71, 44.0,443; drinksilver to, 310; New Year's gifts to, 324; interment of an, 406; go to England, 443 ; death of an, 443. the Scots, drinlurilver to, 310; payments to, 313, 4.02; New Year's gifts to,324Trnnoheouri&. S. Trenchers. Tub, a, for the King's closet, 77 ; a new, for WoU in the powder-mill, 511. Tullia.1la.n (Tully&llane), cutting of trees in the wood of, 341. Tulliohedlen, James Reidheuoh de, comptroller, 384Tullinestle (Tulinesohil), the rector of, 363. Tulliquhandlana, lands of, 385. Tulliquhraune, lands of, 148Tullirig, 1/SI. Tullooh, lands of. IfSS. John, de Craguauston, 167_

Tulycultree. See Tillieoultry. Tulylum, alma to the friars of, 36. Tungland. Su Tongl&nd. Turcaa, paymente to the smith of Cambuakenueth for a, 77, SO. Turkish baalar, pureb&ae of &, 26. Turnbull (Trumbule, ete.), King's hench. man, clothing for, 236, 428, 433, 434; eXp8118M made on, 347; payment for his board, 380. board for a boy called, 404. - - "little," clothing for, 368; pay. mente to, 410, 41& - - Bs.rtholemew, 146. - - John, a bonnet for, 432. - - Robert, payment to, 3US. - - Walter, livery for, 64, 429; pay. ment to, 74- - the laird of WauchOJl, 154. Turner (tumour), the, guns and timber delivered to, 452; payment to, 510. See aUo Gourlay, Thomas. - - Andrew, iron bought from, 45. - - Thomas, eaeheat of, 9. Turnpike of the nether tower of StirliDg, thatching of the, 66. Turquoise (turkas) ring, &, 331. Tushilaw, l&nds of, 4. Tyle. Su Tiles. Tyndin, Sir Thom&s, paymente to, 94, 104. Tyrement, tyrment. See Interment. UCBlLTBE.. Su Oehiltree. Uchtermerny, lands of, 153. Uchtirdera.y, Mr. Robert Boswell, rector of,39& Udny (Owdny), Ranald, de eadem, 386. Uley. Su Oil. Une. .See Oven. Unioorn, the, on the great ship's standard, white Bey for, 477. - - purBuivant or herald, xxxvi; pay. ments to, 309, 322, 334, 4i11; horae. hire to Dumbarton for, 338.


Unioorns, 72, 79, 92, 93, 101, 120, 125, 127, 136, 1715, ISO, 182, 188, 187, 189, 316, 338, 3415, 3151, 419. Unlaws, 344, 347. Unsanit, Thomas, payment to Thomas Drummond, alicu,417. Uphaly day. See Epiphany. Ur, the vie6-r of, 392. Urinals, 88, 94, 104. Urnebrig, Wolfe, maker of gunpowder, payment. to, lxxiii, 440. See allO Wolf. Urquhart, l&nds of, 150; Angus, wright, sent to, 331. - - (Urchard), Andrew, boatman, pay. ment to, 346. Uaher (isehair, isehear, isehar), Mr. Cleg, the Queen's, 67; of the King's chamber, 251,252; of the outer chamber door, . 252; of the King's chamber door, 252; the master., 438; David Lindsay, the Prince's, 441. VALLIR VmTUTlS, friars of the mon&stery of, 163. Vantplate&, 137. Varnish (verneis, varneyia) for the' painter,90,l13.. Varnishing of stirrup.irons, 94, 112, 122; of a long culverin, 122; of the King's do., 123; for standards, ete., of the King's ahips, 295. Velvet, 28, 29, 31, 32, lIl, 52, 54-57, 59, 60,62, 65,93, 199,227,423, 425, 4fZ1, 428,430. - - for begarying, 198, 200, 251-253, 261,435. - - for bonnets, 203, 423. - - for bordering, 15, 16, 194, 195, 191, 201-205, 220-223, 225, 227, 229-231, 238,260,261,265,420. - - for breaching, 23. - - for coats, 15, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 33, lIl, 192, 193, 196, 199, 200, 244, 366, 367; for half do., 13, 14, 23; for a



pointed coat, 23; for a great do., 194; Velvet for trimming, 0,213,223,224, for a hogtoun- do_, 197; for a little do., ~232. m4; for a pam- do., 2!W; for a jacket, - - for veining, 192, 193, 240. - - black, 28, 30, 60, 192, 194-197, 1911256,367. Velvet for col1&ra, 21, 195, 197. 201, 203-206, 208, 211, 212, 214-217, 221-223, 225-229, 231, 233, 244, 247, - - for cutra and cu1Iing, 21, 192, 197, m4, 211, 420. . 252, 256, 265, 3158, 366, 367, 423, 425, - - for doub1ete, 18, 20, 49, 61, 194, 426. 198, 201, 234, 241, 244, 248-261, 265, - - crimson, 201,211-213,215, 218,2Il2, 431,432, 4M, 436; for half doublets, 226-228, 423, 4!6. 63, 65, ; for a great doublet, 201. - - purple, 198, 216, 426. - - for gowns, 16, 25, 28-31, li2, 198, - - tao, 16,~, 'JIYI. 213, 215, 218, 219, 199, 206-208, 211, 213-217, 219, 221, 222, 226, 228, 229, 234, 244, 248, 252, 253,261. 222, 228, 229, 233, 247, 248, 250, 358, 423-426; for a riding-gown, 216. Venice (Venys), 28. Venison bronght to the King, 71: _t - - for fenting a gown, 225. - - for ham_ hOle, 14. to the Queen, 85. - - for ham_iogs, 120; for covering Vergrys, 511. Veaeels (weaohele, vNChell, etc.) of the do., 196. - - for hemming, 228. kitchens and the minthoUll8, 272; scrapings of gilt, for the golden trenchen, - - for hogtons, 199, 248. - - for hoods, 29, 210, 219, 221, 223, 321; of, 494; of English do., 314; of tin for the ships, 530. 2"l5, 228, ~232. - - for lettera for coate and bards of - - the silver, carriage of, 255, 422; bulgettes for carrying, 329; mending horaehousings,22. of the King and Queen's, 270: James - - for lining, 1915, 212, 213, 222, 223, 226,228,229,231,424Edmonston, master of, 533. Vestmente, horae-housings reformed and - - for a mort cloth, 190. made into, 532. --forpantons, 17. - ' - for parplaits, 220, 223, 227, 233, Vice oails, 121. Victualling of ships, 109, 125, 128, 289, 234, 238, 245. 294,297, 332,337, 373, aDd Appendix - - for a pillion, 227, 229. I. pa#im. - - for points and pointing, 21, 203. - - for purfeUing 211, 214, 222, 226, Victuals, cam. of, 336. Vile, Gavin de]a, factor to George 229,231,232. Halkemtoo in Dieppe, 294.. - - for mending saddles, 32; for wawting Vinegar (vinakir, venaker), 108,511. do., 1315; for covering do., 196. - - for shoes, 17, 21, 197, 210, 420, Violet powder (poudir violet), purohaee of bags of, 29, 32423. - - for sleeves, 192, 196, 199, 212, 219, Virgin, the B1eaeed (Our Lady), otreriogs to the light. of, 174, 177, 178, 181, 222, 228, 423, 426. - - for covering the King's shield and 182, 184, 189, 190; trental IJI8IIIeI of, 176, 178, 183, 184, 187. shie1d-1eathera,22. - - for the Xing's stirrup-leather, 129. Visitation of Our Lady, ofFering on the, 189. - - for a table, 43.




Vooat. Sa Wocat. Wardlaw, gunner, payment to, 403. Voyage (".), John Barton'.. with the - - Alexander, livery for, 55; pay. Archbishop of st. Andrewa, 97; of ments to, 77, i89. UalDlll,Yll White to Denm&rk, 3/S5. - - Alexander, luter, livery for, 262. - - Berty, payments to, 3~, 343. WAntON-SBLLBB, payment to Dysart, - - Deme, payment to, 418. 358. - - Sir Henry, 1M. Walrons (watreroniB), 312, 3'76, 410. - - Mr. James, rector of Ballingry, Wagee of marin61'1, lviii. 394. Waghorne, John, wright, payment to, - - William, 362_ 454. Wardora, the laird of, 93. Waist. &e West. Wardoure, a, for the CoDBtabie of Dundee, lUG_ Walcar, payment to John Hog, 335. Wall, John Ste,.wart's hoUle under the, Wardonra, lining of, 378. 117. Wardrobe, the, Sir Peter Criohton, Wallace, George, of The GabrMl, pay. Master of, iiI; tan aatin from, 203; ments to him and hiB man, 469, 482. Lake of, 2M; Nichol Cmt of, 378. - - Jr,mes, goes to _ with biB ship, - - the King's, in Edinburgh, locka and 291 ; Thomu Chalmer, skipper with, bands for the great WeIr stalls in, Ill; carriage of, 348, ~. 355. - - - - m8llll8Dgel', payments to, 312, - - the Queen's, washing of, 29, 32; 323, 342, 349. Harry Roper of, 29, 32; payment to - - John (WaUaa, Jok), interment of, the lathenar of, 270; Luke of, 310; payment to a cc cheld " of 311; cart126Thomas, goldsmith, payment to, age of, 327; expenaea of do., 308. 309. - - door iu Linlithgow Palace, a lock - - - - lapidary, clothing _for, 69; for the, 624. payment to, 99. Wark, siege of the castle of, lxxix. Wallilton, lands of, 7. Watchmen (waichmen) of the ships in Walla, plaster for the, at Dingwall, 284; thll New Haven, payment to the, 451 quarriel'l sent to undermine the, ttptUllim. Wamplates, purphaling for, 129. Water for hol'l8l, 125, 128; -puncheons Wandaill, barony of, 171. for do., 114; pipes and punoheolls Wanlockhead (Wynlokheid), winning of of, for ships, 490, 492, 495, 497; for quinta _ueia, Robert ?tI'LeUan who the lead mine at, xxxii, 3'76. Wanlon, the ship, payment to William makes tne, 5'r,. Stewart, muter of, SO. - - trough, a, for the smithy, 140. Wanton_ and her m&rroWB, payments Watering-bridles, 94. to, for &inging, 314, 316, 318, 332, Watermellis skins (watermales, wattirmaillez, eto.) -for lining, bordering, 342,349. WappiJJllChaWB (wappinachewingia, wapand trimming, 80, 215, 216, 425,426. pynllOhawingiB). 1ettel'll for, 349, 350, Waters, diatillation of, 92. WatBOn, Mr. James, payments to, 51, 402. Wardie, landa of, Ii. 81, 83, 100, 131J, 246. Wardlaw, alaughter of, un. - - John, payment to, for pitch, 292.




Wem)'ll, Robert, of Dramry, 10. (Wemis), Sir Robert, payment to,

Wataon, John, l1Dith, payment. to, 478, 477. - - - - surgeon, payment to, xxviii, MI. - - Thomu, smith, paymenta to, 478,


- - William, groom of the KiDg'S chamber,livery for, 258. Wattlll (wattillia), 379; great, lSH. Waachop, Mr. David, rector of Penni. caik,393. Wauchop-Tarobull, the laird of,lM. Waachton, the laird of, bridleailver to hie man, 105. WaDI, Alexander, 180. - - John, de Lochelyn, 168. - - Mr. John, rector of Wigtown, 394. - - Rankine, 159. Wawan, Mr. Jamll, vicar of Dumbarny, 361,394. Wax (walx), lIe, 136, 509, 51I, lSl2. Wed, O1lt,quitting of William Wood'lI wowp that lay in, 310. - - silver, 321, 328. Weddell, the Stow of, the Queengoee to,

- - (WeddaiU), - - , bridleailver to,


Wedderburn, the laird of, clothing for hie IOn, David Home, 53; a hound from, 124. - - Jamea, 380. - - - - burgea of Dundee, paymenta to,292. Wedding gown, a, of gray eatin, 228. Weich (Wech), William, mariner, pay. menta to, 470, 482. Weifleyn. 8u Wiflyne. Weir, the. 8u Campvere. We1Bh, William, tailor, paymenta to, 28,29. Wemy. (Wemes, Wemyes), the laird of, three white deer for the park from, 76 ; a bart and roes from, 85; sends a hind to the Queen, 87.

Were. 8u Campvere. Werklumye (werklumez), 140, 273,274, 347,619WeBChele. 8u V_lB. Weat, Doctor, English ambuudor, report of, on the Soottilh navy, xlv; silver plate given to, xxx, 348,533; departure of,408. - - (WaiIt), Thomae, carter, paymentll t.u, 349, 619. Wilt Set., the, 388, em, 412, 415, 419, 447,483,487,493,496,497-489. Wlltfield, lands of, lS; Jamll Dunbar of, 6. W IItland, the, King's letters sent to, 80, 88, 323, 413, 417; letters of:paina eent to, 127 ; ex~ of the jUBtioe ayres in, 319, 320; _nger eent to, 399 ; a cannon drawn by oxen of lairds in, 51e. Wheat (quhet, quheit), 1I4; bought by the comptroller, 487; for baking sour bread, 488; housing of the, 488; for the quails, 529. bread, 488 et paM"" Wheel (quheiU) graith, hewing of, 377. - - work, iron for, 509. WheelB (quelie, quhelis),' gun, 269; iron for ~he great, 510; schoeing of do., 513; cart, 514, 6US; cannon, S22; tallow for the, 527. Wheelwright (qweile wricht) of Mel roBe, livery for the, 259. Whiltle (quhiBBill), a gold, made for the King, 137; a string for do., 198; gold caine for making of do., 312 ; gold fora, 316. Whistlegibbon (Quhiesilgibboun) of Falk. land, payment. to, 105, 1U5. Whitbank (Quhitbank), lands of, 148. Whitbum (Quhitbirn), Wllter, lands of,

White (Quhet), Hammy., goes to Den- I mark on the King's erranda, 355; expen_ of his voyage to do., 355. --John, rector of Petcokkis, auditor, 2of Kirkcaldy, timber bought from, 397; rafters do., 468. (Quhite), Sir Jolm, payments to, 140,447. - - William, potter, payment to, 27'2. Whitehead (Wyethead), Dom. John, 392. Whitekirk (Quhit Kirk), xv ; &I.mB in, 35 ; King'. offering in, 35 ; the King rides
to, 79.


Whithom (Quhithirn, Quhitoherne, Candida 0&l1li.), llxU, xxiii, xxxiv; a horae bought for the King in, xvii, 20; King'. offeriDgB in, 39; alma to priesta in, 39; payment to a poor man for carrying the chapel graith in, 71; &I.mB to the poor in, and on the way to, 107; expenses of Michael Donaldson of the King's stable to, HI ; mllllllllnger sent to, 113; Dampier, Frenchman, rides to, 135; e~ of De Ia Motte to, 400; mooey for the King's purse when he went to, 400 . - - Archdean of, Mr. Alexander Shaw, 31M. - - BiBhop of, David Arnot, auditor, 143,359,383; signs accounts, 448the Prior of, 3M, 394; gives a horae to the King, 107; a cannoo drawn by hie oxen, lxxvii, 616; hi. oxen brought to Edinbvgh, 616. Whiteum (Quhitaum), rectory of, 362. Whittingham (Quhittingeam), William Douglas de, 167. Wicker (wekir), 379. Wife, Curry's, 74, 181, 189, 316; at the Pool of Airth, 75; ca.lled Goldee (Goldyn), 77, 139; Andrew Millar's, 90; Mr. Walter Ogilvy's, 92; of Kirkliaton, 101; where the King drank, 103; the good-, at Biggar, 198;

the ship amith'e, 116 ; a fiddler anel hi., 127 ; a poor, 177, 178,179, Utl, 184,188, J89, 190; of Ernorag, 123; the good-, in Kinghorn, 130; who kept James Boewell when .ick, 134; who nursed a found bairn, 182; James Roeay'., 196; William Currour", 213 ; Patrick Heriot'., 288; Alexander Anderaon'a, 291; elder Joim Barton's 295 ; William Downiaon's, 314; Sir John Sinclair'a, 324; Sir Thomae Hume'e, ~; Rolland Terrell's, 331; Walter Paterson's, 33'; Walter Wood's, 339 ; Brounfeild's, 340 ; in the New Haven, 341; a French, in do., 312; Bartholomew Livingstone's, 343; Conynghame'B, M8 ; who brought strawberries to the King, 351, 352; Giles Ferchar's, 352; Perkleis', 358; Agnes Oarkill, . a bard-, 402; Dmde Doule's,405, 417; Robert the outler'e, 406; John Scott's, 409; William Donaldson's, 413; Robert Bartcm'a, 474; of the captain of Edinbnrgh Castle, 521 ; John La.w80n'., 830. 8u alM) Women. Wiflyne (wei6eyn), freight of, from Flanders, 288, 300. Wigtown, justice-ayre of, 147, 148 J compoaition of remission at the ayre of. 267; eltpllllllllB of John Balfour at, 316; inbringiDg of, and distraiDiJJg for reats in, 3ll, 316, 343, 347 ; expeDIIIIB of the LordsatjU8tioe-ayreof,319; poinding for extraota and rests of do., 316 ; Mr. John WaUl, rector of, 3M. - - Sheriff of, 158: payments by the, 2, 144, 384; measeuger sent to poind for his rest, 338. Wild beaats, the, 129. - - knight, the, 63. --meat, 91. William, bl'Oudster. 8.. Bowden, Guilliam. - - yeoman in the King's ohamber. Su Daly, William.




William.ecm, Tbomu, cardmaker, pay. 308; a tun of, bought in Kirkeud ment to, 3'Z1. bright aud aent to Sir John MUI' Wileech, Mr., the English clerk, Bixty grave, 318; from Rochelle, xu.... 388; unicorns given to, 120; expeDIM of, brought by De la Motte's ahip, 405 ; 120. arrival in Dumbarton of. Preoch ship Wi1acm, - - , the Dew carter, paymeDt with, 408; Malveay, 470, 474; J4aa.. to, 619. caldy, 474 ; paymeDt to Robert - - Alan, poinded for the Sheriff of Barton's wife for, 474; red, bought by Wigtown's rest, 338. the comptroller, 487, 493, 495; from - - Sir David, oatmeal delivered by, the West Sea for prorieioning ahipa, 488, 491 ; rafters bought from, 512. lxi, 487,490, 481, 485, WI, 498, 489; - - James, paymeDt to, 46. for PM Ma.ry, 500; for the little ahip, i 001; cart.ap of, from Glasgow, m; - - - - iD the larder, 168. - - - - muter iesher, paymenie to I hides delivered in eltcbange for, 529. servants of, 488, 482, 494. Wine cellar, JohD Reouch of the KiDg's, - - John, raftsrs bought from, 462, 55,268; John Douglu of the Queen's, 472. 56, 268; Robert Douglaio of the, tN, WiDchester (Wyliatir), James, the King's 266, 358. furrier, French crapee bought from, Wippes of Holland cloth for the King'a 205; payments to,:209, 256, 261,268, hurt arm, Hi. 269, ~1; white lambskin delivered by, Wire (wyir, wyre), 113, 116, 125; hanks 267 ; livery for, 258. of, 508, 511 ; baDds of, 009, 512. WindiDg (WYDdes, wyndaaia) ronla for: Wirrellia with diamonds, payment to CI'OIIIIbows, 78, S?tr. Robert, cutler, for, ?tr2. - - sheet, payment for Quintin FOC'.&rt'a, Wives (wyftia, wifilI), payments to two 116. poor, 186; of Edinburgh, 481. - - spokes, 462, 508. Wocat (Vocat), Mr. David, muter of the WiDdow nails. 462, 009, 51S, et ptUlrim. school of Edinburgh, payments to, Window. (wyndoia, windokkiB) of 240, ~, 246, 404. LiDlithgow Palace, Bertane oloth for WoH, gunDer, olothing for, 261; pay. meDts to, 262, ?tr2, 375, 379. 440; stenting the, ?tr9; glassbands, clasps, etc., for do., ?tr9 ; orukiB for do., 525; materials delivered to, 009, 611 ; pay. of glass, for the great hall of do., 280; ment to workmeD with, 510; do. to ill the King's hall, reparation of the, workmen in the powder.mill with, 509. 400; iD Stirling, spars for the caae, Women, payments to: for nursing a 4D9; Estland boa.rds and timber for, bairn, 76; the woman of the Blaok in do., 626; glassbands for the boa, in ford, 90, 116, 133; poor, 113, 129, 130, do., 526; gemma bands, rings, and 180, 183, 190; the woman in Stirling 1'0881 for the heads of, in do., 526. who makes gloves, 102; Irish, 111 ; Windygatee (WyndegaitiB), Isabella, woman of Darnaway called Strang, 118, 123; a poor gentlewoman, 123 ; wife of John Fisher, burg8118 of EdiD. burgh, 164. for bringing strawberries to the King, Wine, a puncheon of, forquintaeesenoia, 124, 126; for singing to do., 127; 79; for the King in John Stewart's woman whOll8 bairn Was slaiD, lSI; an house, 117 ; paymeDt for, at markets, old "'oman, 139; woman going to St.

Ninian'B, 182; MilltreBB PranciB, an English woman, 269; in the ship TM Margaret, 311 ; woman called Justice, 3Ui. 8ee aUo Wife, Wives. Women in the Prince'B chamber, golJllB for the, 428; rockel'll of the Prinoe, do. for the, 428. Womyllia, payment to Robert Scott, smit.h, for, 462. Wood (woo) for quinta _ncla; 92, 99, I~; bum (byrne), cutting of, 281 ; cartage to F..dinbargh Castle of do., 509; old, for melting the guns, 'HO ; purchaae of loadB of, 1)10, ':;12 ; loads of dry, 511. - - Andrew, ulher of the King's chamber, clothing for, 51, 52. 00, 251, 252- - Sir Andrew, lvii; boat-hire for, 130. - - Sir Harry, payment to, 325. - - Walter, payment to biB wife, 339. - - William, of Leith, Great treea for t.he ship bought from, 45; the ship Olofarll bought from, 289 payment to his uecutol'll for timber, 308. - - - - mariner, payments to, 469,


Workmen, drinksilver and payments to, 88, 117, 139, 273, 274, 278-278, 282, 283,313,317, 326, 329-331, 334, 338, 339,341, 349, 372, 377, 379, 445, and Appendix fJ(I88iM; victuals for, 280, 2ff1 ; a slain ox given to the, 619. WorkB, t.he Master of, payment by, 488: 'oxen bought by, 515. Bee filM) Mel ville, Sir William; RamIl&Y, Sir Walter. WOl'llted (woraait, WOl'II8t) for hoee, 33; given to Sir William Melville, 57; for doublets, 246, 260, 261; for kirtl.., 2~3-226, 228,230,231, m, 430,434; for the Btandard of the great ship, 477; black, 223, 226, 260; double, 246, 261, 49f1, 430, 434. -,- thread, 369; black, 477; of diverae coloUl'll, 477, 621. Wowp, redemption of William Wood's, 310. Wraith, Mr. ThODI8B, payments by, 283, 2114. Wright, Andrew, carver, payments to,


- - - - shipman, paymeat to, 310. 482- - James, servitor to Jerome Frisco - - - - usher of the King's chamber, bald, 295, 365. payments to and by, 184, 188, 190, - - John, payments to, 451, 473. 191, 252, 315, 328, 342, 349, 350, 356, - - Thomas, payment to, 218. 4f11, 415,438, 439 j clot.hing for, 252; Wrights, payment. and drinkBilver to, outquitting of his woWp that lay in Ill, 130, 276, 278, 311, 329, 3:U, 339, wed, 310. 341,357,377, 4.05, 446, and Appendix Woodmylne, land. of, 1M. pGUim; livery for, 260; fetched from Woods, payments to wrights working Arran, 344 ; door-nails delivered to the, in the, 281, 373 ; Frenoh wrights IKIIlt [ 524, 525. Bee aUo Angus; DnlmJohn; Duncan, Thomas ; for axletrees to the, 511 ; carta sent fOT I' monrI, do. to the, 616. Evon; Hawick, Robert; Mayne, William; and othel'll in Appendix - - Cambuanethan, 406. - - Cawdor, 330, 349, 473. paMim. - - Kincardine, 377. - - French, 335, 341, 482, 611, 527. Loch N_, 296. Portugal, 76. Logan, 4OG. 800te, 341, 377. Tulliallan, 341. - - Spanish, MI. Writer, money delivered by a, 294. Wool (woll) for the Queen'. couoh, 30.


Ymery. &e Emery. Yokegeir, mending of, 619. Yokes, purchue of, 514, 515. YorkatouD, John, 1D8IIOD, payment to, 4:4. Young, Walter, tan satin bought Uom, me; brown cam1et do., 2'r1; payment to, 416. (Zong), Wil1i&m, paymentAs to, 613,

Writers. See Donaldlon, Mr. JOM; Good, George; HaUburton, William;' JOIIe, Robert. to the Signet, payment to, 358. Wylecoat, a, of fuatian, 423; do. with

Wynlokheid. &e Wanlockhead. coala for making the, /J09. Wyailltir. See Winoheater.


mending of the hay-, 1M. Yule, 19, ~, at, ec ptIIIi& Yarn (same), ahip O&blea of Iyne-, 3M., Lord Hay of, 326; the barony: ZEALAND (!!leland), expell$S made on of, 88IS. I oordal. and poldavie in, 301; freight, . Ylaoay. See Lackey. etc., of copper and tin to, 302.

Y.uw at Stirling, eeeda for the, 108; Ypotheoary, ypotigol'J'. S. Drngs.





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