Review Form: Submission ID: 270 Submission Title: Off-Line Handwritten Devanagari Script Recognition

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Review Form

Submission ID: Submission Title: 270 Off-line Handwritten Devanagari Script recognition


ORIGINALITY Poor Fair High Very high NOVELTY Poor Fair High Very high ACADEMIC VALUE Poor Fair Good Very Good

APPLICATION VALUE Poor Fair Good Very Good

PRESENTATION AND ENGLISH Poor Fair Good Very Good Outstanding REFERENCE TO RELATED LITERATURES Poor Fair Good Very Good Outstanding FIGURES AND TABLES Poor Fair Good Very Good Outstanding

OVERALL VALUE Poor Fair Good Very Good Outstanding

RECOMMENDATION Reject: Content inappropriate to the journal or has little merit Probable Reject: Basic flaws in content or presentation or very poorly written Marginal Tend to Reject: Not as badly flawed; major effort necessary to make acceptable but content well-covered in literature already Marginal Tend to Accept: Content has merit, but accuracy, clarity, completeness, and/or writing should and could be improved in time Clear Accept: Content, presentation, and writing meet professional norms; improvements may be advisable but acceptable as is Must Accept: Candidate for outstanding submission. Suggested improvements still appropriate

DETAILED SUGGESTIONS ON HOW TO IMPROVE THE PAPER For the benefit of the reader and publication, a number of points require further modification. There are given below. (1) keywords- should be Index Terms-. (2) The paper should have sufficient length to adequately satisfy its aims, please extend this paper to 6 pages long at least. (3) There is not Fig.13. (4) The section of acknowledgements should be behind the section of CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK. (5) More details should be given in the section of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. (6) Equations should be numbered. (7) It is bad style to write scientific paper in the first person, e.g. In my proposed work I try to use the power of genetic algorithm to recognize the character. In first step I perform preprocessing on the character image, then after that I make image suitable for feature extraction as here I going to used Diagonal based feature extraction method to extract 54 feature to each character, (8) The structure of this paper is not accord with what is illustrated in the second page. (9) Page setting and the format of this paper does not accord with that of the template and there are some spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes in the manuscript such as According to fitness value I recognition the unknown character image. The precision of image is 83.78%., one of the fascinating and challenging research areas, More than 1000 sample is, handwriting recognition classified into, etc. It is noted that your manuscript needs careful editing by someone with expertise in technical English editing paying particular attention to English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure so that the goals and results of the study are clear to the reader; moreover, please follow MECS guidelines for preparing this manuscript before resubmitting.

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