AGE Course Plan 2013

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CE 411 Advance Geotechnical Engineering January 2012

Instructor: Prof.A.Trivedi Professor, Department of Civil Engineering FW-3: GF-5, CED, DTU, Delhi-110042 Lecture hours: Monday 9, Tuesday 11, Thrusday, Friday, 3 Office hours: M 11-12 or by appointment

Approved Syllabus (DU) Paper Code CE 411 L 4 T 0 P 2 Cr -

Course scequence Introduction Failure Envelopes; MC, HB, Tresca, Van-misses Special Soils: Sensitive clays, loesses, Bouldery soils, expansive soils Geo-technical exploration Instrumentation Soil dynamics
Fundamentals of vibrations, vibration of elementary systems-mass, spring dashpot systems, various degrees of freedom, Propagation of wave in granular media; Dynamic properties of geo-materials, laboratory and field tests for evaluation of dynamic soil properties; Theories for vibration of foundations on elastic media; Analysis and design of foundations for hammers, reciprocating engines and turbo generators; dynamic stiffness of single pile and pile groups;

Design procedures for foundations with dynamic load and construction features; elastic homogeneous half space solutions, lumped parameter solutions; Vibration isolation and damping;
Large deformation problems: liquefaction of soils & cyclic mobility, remidiation.

Deep foundation: Underground structures Rock mechanics Str Design consideration Desired inclusions It will look at the science and engineering involved in evaluating issues related to advanced applications of Geotechnical Engineering. The course will culminate in a team project. Course Objective: At the conclusion of the course, you should be able to: 1. Understand how science and engineering are used to evaluate and predict strength envelops. 2. Understand the special soils. 3. To relate the geo exploration with laboratory studies 4. Understand simple static and dynamic analysis and be able to evaluate the large strain and small strain problems

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5. Understand how engineering is used to minimize the effects of large strain and small strain problems 6. Apply these concepts to instrumentations, deep foundations, rock mechanics and design considerations. Course Computer Skills: 1. Simple spreadsheet analysis and plotting Microsoft Excel 2. Working submission through the webpage Textbook: Authors 1. Lecture Notes 2. Design of Substructures (1999) by Swami Saran 3. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering (1996) by S.L. Kramer Additional readings may be intimated over the course of the semester. Course Webpage: The course webpage is at Black/ white board. Your log in is your last name followed by the last 3 digits of your student ID. Your password is your student ID number with no spaces. The course web site will be managed and used by the students frequently in the course. This should be found under my courses. We will also have a second course website for hosting data associated with the labs and Projects; Subject to the organizing by you. Geotechnical Engineering Laboratories at CED: Visit & Prepare Report Coursework: Weekly assignments will be made and should be turned in at the beginning of class the following week. Assignments should be neat (stapled, one-sided, etc.) and complete (include all of your work). Final Project: The course will have a group project that will be due at the end of the semester. Groups will be made of three or four students and will be assigned to a geohazard event. Groups and events will be assigned and project details will be collected after the first week. Each group will make a presentation on November 30th in class. Each group will also submit a written report on the geohazard event. The report will be due at the end of reading period (Tuesday, March 14, 10am) Mid semester examination and Quizzes: The course will have 30-minute quizz. Quiz 1: Feb Mid Sem: To be announced by CoE Quiz 2: March-April End Sem Exam: To be announced by CoE Grading Policy: Homework & quizzes

10% Page 3 of 4

Mid sem Final exam Project participation

20% 70%

Late assignment grades will automatically be reduced by 25% and will not be accepted after one week from due date. No assignment/ projects will be accepted after the week. Course Schedule and Assignments (Subject to change) Details and Assignments (Subject to change) Day Topic Reading Assignment (to Assignment (due at the be completed before beginning of the next class) class) 1: Recent developments An essay 2: Soil types 3:Collecting, plotting and displaying data 4: 5: Lab 2 Attribute data

Jan.-Feb Jan.-Feb Jan.-Feb Jan.-Feb Feb.

Introduction PPT

Feb. Feb. Feb. March.

Failure Envelopes; Ch. 1 MC, HB, JC, Tresca, Ch.2-5 Van-misses Special Soils: Ashes Sensitive clays, Ch. 6-7 loesses, bouldery soils, expansive soils Instrumentation Deep foundation: Ch. 8-9 Geo-technical exploration Soil dynamics Machine Foundations Ch. 10-11 Underground structures Arching Tunnels Conduits Rock mechanics Hardening Softening Design consideration Project Reports

6: 1st Project 7: Lab 3 Creating designs 8: 2nd Project Meetings 9: Lab 4 - Queries 10: Analysis and design 11: Lab 5 Analysis and design

March March March March

April April April April End sem May 5 pm

Submission Submission Submission Submission

Best wishes: Enjoy reading, writing, participating and utilizing the course material. Page 4 of 4

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