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1 Company introduction

1.1 Background of the company

The first company in the food industry in Romania, privatized in 1992, the Government Privatization Pilot Program, Kosarom SA increased gradually and safely, in a not very friendly business climate, the professionalism they showed two generations of managers. Today, under direct and constant supervision of its shareholders and a dynamic human resource development, Group Companies Kosarom doing a very complex in an integrated production chain. This, and especially the future, we are friendly and are prepared to successfully face the European integration process. Everything was made possible by efforts of each team member Kosarom Group of Companies, the seriousness and development of a cult following for quality job well done. The management team consists of: ing Neculai Apostle Director General president CA ing Teodor Florentin Apostl Deputy General Manager vice President CA ing VasilE Gresanu CEO Elena Acatrinei Finance Manager sing. Marcela Ciurila Technical Director failure. Razvan Novac Commercial Director Gabriel Constantin Marketing Director Members of the Board about. George Hociung technical. Vasile Haldan technical. Bogdan Bilec failure. Ion Antoci

1.2 Mission statement

Company name was chosen to represent a real challenge for competition-KO(knockout), Kosarom tends to become a brand name in the field and company mission is to meet the most stringent customer requirements and activities involving the integration Europe so that they become an effective partner integration within the business actions.

1.3 Vision statement

Short-term business vision is technological upgrading yourself flow with increased production capacity. Long term is expected to occur by 2007 100% harmonization legislation EURO and receive a passport to export products on the European market.

1.4 Company strategy

Strategies that follow to be applied to achieve the objectives are focused on: financial component, in this respect it is considered make an investment of 2 million Euro through their own efforts and access to funds allocated from the pre-accession programs Phare, ISPA and SHAPARD - based on training human resources specialists and bringing new specialists in the company. Investment program, very ambitious, through which the company gives a guarantee that we will be able to consolidate our market position and improve the quality of our produselor.Succesele demonstrates that the company motto Fortuna <Audaces Juvat !> is chosen to intamplare.Vom continue to prove that luck is part of the brave.

1.5 Objectives of the Executive Dept.

Our objectives are: - increase in turnover - total customer satisfaction by providing a quality / price ratio as advantageous - application of an important management - in future production growth aims - to profit from the sale of textile company aims at upgrading - also, it follows an investment in machinery, is not necessary to change them with some modern - it follows that the products being sold by representatives, not allowed to sell textile products on the market by street vendors - is that everyone wants to be specialized in labor, that is investing in their skills.

- to adapt production to market requirements as they see a large quantity in stock, by conducting market research for market research and if necessary introduce the production of new products required at the time the market; - to increase the level of organization in the department of child intruducerea new jobs to streamline the results of this activity; -to increase the profit from the previous year by 10% but this value is not actually present in as much of this development and the funds will be used for realization of strategic objectives previously proposed enterprise;

1.7 SWOT analyze s

(strengths) Qualified staff and interest. The latest technology Manager performing Existence of a proper transport system Appreciation from customers Company has own stores

(weaknesses) Teritorial location Hight level of income tax and wages

(opportunities) Growing market SAPARD credits The raw material cost

(threats) Competition Fuel price increase Hight cost of equipment

1.8 Company competitive advantage

In S.C. Kosarom S.A. main goal is providing quality products and was elevated to company policy. To achieve more than 100 varieties of meat products were rigorously selected suppliers of spices and membranes based on quality and not price. Diversified production equipment and technologies required. Machines are the latest and bearing names of established companies in the field: Vemag, Stephan, K + G Wetter, Clip Poly, Ruhl.

Pork used in meat production comes from 99% to Suinprod Roman farm, where it is used only hybrid PIC, the best hybrid pigs worldwide. Inspired combination of genetics with Big Dutchman technology and their feeding dishes, yielded a much improved housing, with a content of pork lower in fat, juicy and with a red color. The corrections applied in feeding recipes, and lipid oxidation of meat pigments postsacrificare is diminished, contributing decisively to a better chilled it. The importance of these parameters is particularly large for the type of processing applied to the SC Kosarom S.A. which do not work in production of meat and meat products frozen raw materials, all products are made of chilled meat obtained from animals slaughtered the previous day. In these conditions technological and organoleptic qualities preserve product microbiological validity up to the limit set, the limit was verified by scientific testing, laboratory and was confirmed by practice. Thus, the entire team participate in the product, apply a control of each batch and can guarantee getting quality products that consistently meet the increasing demands of consumers. The meat quality manufactured batches are checked in accordance with technical conditions of quality standards in laboratory company in laboratories DSV. Refrigeration storage of finished products is done in specially designed and equipped with electronic monitoring equipment inside the parameters. Group Companies Kosarom S.A. is a leading production and meat processing in Romania, known and appreciated for the quality of its products nationwide. Success is based on an effective management practice at all levels and pains to be ahead of everyone with a "step". Distribution of Group of Companies Kosarom is made to transport their livestock, consisting of modern insulated refrigerated vehicles. Distribution system is designed to serve our customers with maximum efficiency. The team's technical department closely monitors the proper functioning fleet of vehicles, so that network supply stores, and of our people, to be fluent, without interruptions. Excellent coordination between commercial and logistics department, experienced drivers make, regardless of the distance of the commercial items are to be supplied, products Kosarom Group of Companies to be delivered quickly, throughout the year, regardless of weather conditions. In this way, consumers benefit promptly products fresh always. The group has its own distribution network covering 18 counties, including Bucharest, a network of 1,000 residents served daily with fresh chilled

2 Marketing Dept.
2.1 Presentation of Marketing Dept.
The marketing department has the following main duties: - draft and marketing strategy - creating and implementing marketing and communication policy of the company - develop techniques and marketing policies - setting price policy xu831p8531fuug - develop actions to promote sales - draft and marketing budget - implementation techniques and marketing policies - developing and implementing marketing plans for short, medium and long - competition analysis - monitoring media - ensuring participation in various events - negotiated contracts for media barter companies - ensure and maintain relationships with advertisers

2.2 Stategic objectives

Company's strategic objectives are:- the establishment of marketing directions will lead to both staff grew in number and as specialization, providing a better development of specific activities of this department. - development since the job description marketing assistant position and ending with the marketing director, to know clearly the tasks, responsibilities and limits of competence, which is required and due to increasing number of volume of activities marketing and their specialization. - marketing department-shaping role of coordinator and integrator of all activities, holding a key position in the preparation and implementation decisions.

2.5 Company profile

Main field of activity Kosarom S.A. is processing pork. CAEN code is 1511 meat production and conservation.

Kosarom company products are:-meat-sausage,-smoked, specialties, ham, pate, drum, liverwurs

2.7 Promotional activities

As activities to promote our products, participate in various specialized fairs where we present all our products.

4 Production Dept.

4.1Presentation of Production Dept.

In the Kosarom S.A. are the following departments: technical department, commercial department, service quality management and the following departments: legal, personal, import-export, labor protection and medical department. Advantages that we offer this organizational structure are numerous, the most important being: rigor in decision making and decrease bureaucracy to the minimum necessary. Organizational principles to keep in mind when he made the division were: the principle of balance, the principle of flexibility, company can respond promptly in all cases and the principle that provides facilities management relations.

4.2 Strategic objective

Strategies that aim to be applied to achieve the objectives are focused on: - financial component, in this respect it is considered make an investment of 2 million Euro through their own efforts and access to funds allocated from the pre-accession programs Phare, ISPA and SAPARD - based on training human resources specialists and bringing new specialists in the company.

6 Quality Assurance Dept.

6.1 Quality assurance mission

Principle underlying all activity of SC Kosarom SA is continuous quality improvement. Kosarom reached that stage of development, the management at the highest level, the organization tries to give customers confidence in what happens inside it. It started three years ago from being a manufactured product certification, product certification body by LAREX-CERT - Bucharest, a process which has been shown that all the firm made assortment meets the quality parameters stipulated in the product specifications . Since 2000, the SC Kosarom SA results were assessed by the certification, each year, with awards of excellence LAREX for its products. Certification to Kosarom an integrated quality management and hygiene meant the next step in the process of gaining credibility clients. In October 2002, was certified integrated management system of ISO 9001:2000 quality and hygiene and the HACCP system by TW-CERT by TW Thringen eV Germany. Through this process the company can guarantee clients that they exit gate only quality products and consistently reliable. This approach acknowledges that quality assurance concern is raised to the rank of company policy, process the whole staff is trained. In a market economy free certification of conformity of quality management systems and hygiene is the only solution that honest and loyal clients maker has at hand to gain credibility in front of them. The annual monitoring procedures of the two prestigious organizations, virtually ensure their controlling and checking the efficiency and effectiveness of the two systems implemented in the organization.

6.2 Quality assurance objectives

-Increased competitiveness as reference with a certificate of conformity; -An increase in customer confidence in quality and capability of the organization in its products; -Increased confidence in managing an organization; -Increased possibility of optimizing internal flows of the organization; -Employment in a European Union policy and the global concept; -A basis for development in the direction of Total Quality Management

7 Supply Chain Dept.

7.1 Objective of Supply Chain Dept.

GROUP OF COMPANIES Kosarom - consists of five divisions: - Kosarom S.A. -processing meat from - SUINPROD SA to increase pork AVITOP SA for growth and poultry processing - AGRICULTURAL for crop production and increase bovinelo and sheep - combined feed-Tomesti FACTORIES and Roman feed required to produce two livestock sectors. They all together produce thousands of tons of protein for human consumption by pork, poultry, beef and mutton produced and processed in own slaughterhouse.

7.6 Selection of transportation mode

Kosarom Company SA has its own distribution network covering 18 counties (Iasi, Bacau and Neamt, Bistrita-Nasaud, Cluj, Botosani, Vaslui and Vrancea, Cluj, Vrancea, etc..) Including Bucharest, the network comprises more than 1000 clients .

8 Conclusion

Important position among producers of meat and meat products was obtained with particular attention to their personal quality.All staff give competition to obtain this quality, and all the work of Kosarom is directed purpose of opening and developing collaborative relationships with customers. Conditions in the manufacturing process takes place entirely meet sanitary requirements, being in accordance with the most rigorous standards, implementation of quality management and ISO 9001 and HACCP hygiene, certified by TUV CERT THURINGEN from Germany came as a natural step in the evolution of the company. Their clients' success is a clear size and product quality of their work, influencing the quality of life users. They know that when it comes to our diet and our families carefully choose meat

and meat products we buy. We are attentive to their freshness and quality to ensure that we and our loved ones benefits from a healthy and tasty food, produced under the highest hygiene and manufacturing standards, so they want to see that the basis for all actions their specific principles are organizing a family in which each link is equally important and which are interrelated in order to obtain the best results. Quality policy at the organization promotes three core values underlying business activity, part of its personality. These values are: -Ethics and integrity in business relations; -To achieve excellence in everything we do and creating superior value in the eyes of our customers; -Reaching innovation and independence in adopting new approaches in conditions of freedom and action. Force their company based on professionalism and dedication while the team was formed, the respect of human interaction, the assumption of full responsibility for their actions, the performance approach in everything we undertake, in courage and confidence in the actions they carried out to overcome the obstacles inherent in achieving excellence in business.



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