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Othello is a play of conflicts of two civilizations. In this play Shakespeare has presented evil in different forms; racial prejudice, jealousy, miscommunication, revenge and misunderstanding of two lovers. Iago is a mean person who bet race the trust of other people and creates misunderstanding among other peoples. Shakespeare has humanistic approach in this play he wants to warn the people for the cunningness of that type of peoples.

SUBJECT: This play is written on a contemporary issues. this issue was race relation and the play starts with the introduction of evil. In this play he shows that misunderstandings can be very destructive. Shakespeare highlights that there are always some vicious people in the society who exploits the differences between the nations and create misunderstandings about various people. Iago is a villains in a play who enjoys destroying others. Othello is a tragedy of misunderstanding of domestic tragedy. Shakespeare wants to say that people of different nation should try to understand each other and try to avoid all kinds of prejudice. BACKGROUND: i) Age:-Othello has a distinction because this play was written on current issue otherwise Shakespeare generally picked up the subject from distant past. It was around 1570's when Turkey invaded Cyprus this attack was the subject of Othello. Othello was a renaissance play and all the plays of renaissance were of devilish approach. Devil was the character of traditional and Elizabethan drama. East and west have different life style. So, they have different custom, tradition and values. Thus the people of different culture were coming close then there was a threat of different civilizations. ii) Personal:- All the plays of Shakespeare is actually an attempt to understand life. He tries to study why there is so much evil in life. Sometimes he finds evil in the ambition of man. Sometimes he see evil in the pride and greed of man. In this play Shakespeare also deals with evil and Iago is a character who is motivated by evil he is evil personified. This play is about the cunningness and evilness of Iago. iii) Ideology:- Shakespeare was an humanist. He thought that differences of colour, creed or regions were superficial. All are actually human beings. Shakespeare had the inside to realize that these difference may lead to serious conflicts in future. So, he wanted to warn the people to avoid conflicts because conflicts are destructive. He wants people to trust and love each other and it's his humanitarian approach.

COMPARISION & CONTRAST: Othello was compared with Dr.Faustus and Oedipus Rex and it's contrast with the Oscar Wilde "The Importance of Being Earnest". GENRE: Othello is a tragedy play. LANGUAGE & PROSODY: Its language is specialized and this play was written into blank verse and the use of animal imagery.


Importance of being Earnest is an artificial comedy. They create comedy by playing with the ideas and words. There is no issue and no philosophical debates in the play. He doesn't create art for the sake of life and he doesn't give moral lesson and any wisdom. His attitude is comic and nonsense. Oscar Wilde is an aesthete and he believes that art creates beauty and they believe that function of art is only to create beauty there is no any other purpose of art. According to aesthetes, "art have nothing to do with morality, religion, instructions or with the social improvement ". The artist isn't concern with logic and wisdom. This kind of drama has a long tradition. It first started in the restoration period when there was banned on theatre but there is no serious issues brought to the public. So, new kind of drama was written to provided not any conflict. So, according to them; "art is an holiday from life" when you enter the theatre you feel holiday from everything. Oscar Wilde has an art of saying nothing in thousands of words. He keeps people laughing without saying anything. There only purpose to entertains people. Oscar Wilde is known for his witticism and aphorism. He creates comedy with paradoxical statements, ironical statements, with the reversal of idioms and proverbs, by ridiculing the situation and the use of fun and pun. Oscar Wilde is compared with restoration poetry and Shari Donne and his contrast with the Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and Sophocles.

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