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1st September 2008 ******************************************************************************** ** Belda Elysium Manor House version 1.

5 By: AVStoryteller Feedback / Contact me: ******************************************************************************** ** #### REQUIRES OBLIVION PATCH v1.2 #### #### Does NOT Require Shivering Isle ####

INDEX 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Introduction Installation & Upgrade / Uninstall Instructions Summary and Features Version History Technical Credits Lights, Elysium, Action!

******************************************************************************** ** 1. Introduction ******************************************************************************** ** This mod add a 3 level manor house, with a basement, balconies, stables and landscaped grounds next to the Belda Ayleid ruins in the Heartlands region of Tamriel. It also includes two servants, a pet cat and Boney, the Alchemy-Sorter skull, (s ee below for full details) and several Quests. V1.5 Continues the Quest 'Shadows Over Elysium' that was started in v1.4. This second installment is called: 'Path of Ascensyon'. In addition to these main q uests are two sub-quest that are introduced as the player progresses. These sub -quests are related specifically to the Sisters/Servants, Myrisi'l and Sylvian-L ir, and once completed will allow the player to dictate what outfits each sister will wear. The Romance between the player and the sisters are also continued t hroughout v1.5 V1.4 Also Includes The Quest directly st to get the house. Dialogue & Scrolls a Quest: 'Shadows Over Elysium', the Player can undertake. relates to the house and all who live there, but is Not a Que That is given freely to he player and explained why in the about the manor.

ALL containers are safe to store personal items, they do not respawn. (See 4. Version History, to quickly see what has been added to version 1.5)

To find the House: (view the map screenshot included with the Belda Elysium.esp file) If you have already found the Ayleid Ruin "BELDA" (north east of the Imperial City) then simply Fast Travel there, you can't miss the Manor House. Otherwise: Starting from the sewer exit you started the game at, Cross the water in front of you (north east) that leads to the Ayleid ruin "Vilverin", Keep Vilverin on your right and the shore line on your left and head about 30 meters past it to the Imperial "Rod Ring Road". Here you should see a set on white marble stone steps heading up a steep hillside. Follow this path East up the hill and it will lead you directly to Belda Elysium. *** I am happy for others to include Belda Elysium (or parts of it) in their own Mods but I would greatly appreciate full Credits for my Work. An email about what you are working on would be nice too, but not mandatory.*** ******************************************************************************** ** 2. Installation / Uninstall Instructions ******************************************************************************** ** NOTE: You can chose between the New 'Natural Lighting', or the Traditional 'Fixe d Lighting' method. ### ONLY ACTIVATE ONE ESP FILE!!! ### ~~~ Installation when you do not have a pervious version installed: i) Unzip the Belda Elysium.rar into your Oblivion/Data folder. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data ). ii) Go into your Data folder and find two folders called, (inside each you will find a file called BeldaElysium.esp): - BeldaElysium_Fixed-Lighting Enable ONE only - BeldaElysium_Natural-Lighting Enable ONE only iii) Remove your choice of BeldaElysium.esp file from -ONE- of its unzipped f older and place it in the C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data fold er. iv) Enable your choice of "Belda Elysium.esp" in Oblivion's Data Files menu selection.

~~~ Upgrading from a pervious version: i) A WORD OF CAUTION:- Items will -normally- be safe inside the house with this update method, but you may want to err on the side of caution and remove al l personal belongings from Belda Elysium (inc. stables); otherwise they maybe ov erwritten and lost. ii) Move to another area well out of sight of BeldaElysium and the hillside-path up to it, ideally an interior cell, and SAVE your game.

iii) Unzip the Belda Elysium.rar into your Oblivion/Data folder. (e.g. C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data ). iv) Go into your Data folder and find two folders called, (inside each you will find a file called BeldaElysium.esp): - BeldaElysium_Fixed-Lighting Enable ONE only - BeldaElysium_Natural-Lighting Enable ONE only v) Remove your choice of BeldaElysium.esp file from its unzipped folder and place it in the C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data folder. vi) Enable your choice of "Belda Elysium.esp" in Oblivion's Data Files menu selection. #### EXAMPLE: for the meshes:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivi on\Data\meshes\architecture\MMWindowLights EXAMPLE: for the textures:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Obli vion\Data\Textures\architecture\WindowLights EXAMPLE: for sounds :\Program Files\Bethesda Software\Oblivion\D ata\Sound\fx\BeldaElysium\ EXAMPLE: for voice :\Program Files\Bethesda Software\Oblivion\Da ta\Sound\Voice\BeldaElysium (see Technical for more details) ####

~~~ Uninstall: Simply delete the Belda Elysium.esp file from your Data Folder. Delete the Beld aElysium Folder in FX and Voice. If you are using ILLUMINATION WITHIN (OR WITHOUT) Do NOT DELETE THE TEXTURES/MESHES AS THEY ARE REQUIRED FOR THAT MOD ALSO. If you are using OBLIVION CATS v0.2b By Tegeal Do NOT DELETE THE TEXTURES/MESHES AS THEY ARE REQUIRED FOR THAT MOD ALSO.

This file contains: Belda Elysium.esp x2 (Fixed and Natural lighting options). BeldaElysium_Vx.x_ReadMe.txt BeldaElysium_vx.x_Quests.txt Screenshots

- House Meshes: Data\Meshes\architecture\MMWindowLights chorrol01CT.nif / chorrol02.nif chorrol04CT.nif / chorrol05.nif

chorrol07.nif / chorrol08.nif mageguildwindow01.nif - House Textures: Data\Textures\architecture\WindowLights / / / / / / - Cat Meshes: Data\Meshes\Creatures\mountainlion Blackcat.nif / blackcathead.nif blackcatpaw_l.nif / blackcatpaw_r.nif - Cat Textures Data\Textures\Creatures\Mountain Lion / - Cat Sounds Data\sound\fx\BeldaElysium angry4.wav / cat13.wav moan2.wav / scrm2.wav - Blank Dialogue Audio Files Data\sound\voice lots and lots of audio files - Scarlet and Silver Bone Robes Meshes Data\clothes\meshes\KDRobes FSilverthorn.nif / Fvermgaunt.nif Fvermillion.nif / MSilverthorn.nif Mvermgaunt.nif / MVermillion.nif silverthorn_gnd.nif / silverthornhood.egm Silverthornhood.nif / silverthornhood_gnd.nif vermgaunt_gnd.nif / vermillion_gnd.nif vermillionhood.egm / vermillionhood.nif vermillionhood_gnd.nif - Scarlet and Silver Bone Robes Textures Data\clothes\Textures\KDRobes / / / - Imperial Symbol Quest Icon Data\Textures\menus\icons\BeldaElysium - Armour Meshes: Data\meshes\armour\shadowlord *10 files* Data/meshes/armour/shadowlordRed *10 files* - BeldaElysiumSky Meshes: Data\meshes\BeldaElysiumSky\stars.nif

- BeldaElysiumSky Textures Data\Textures\BeldaElysiumSky\ / - menu Textures Data\Textures\menus\icons\armor\Ordinator / greaves.dss guanlet.dss / helmet.dss - menu Meshes: Data\meshes\icons\armor\Shadowlord *5 files* Data\meshes\icons\armor\ShadowlordRed *4 files* - Armour Textures: Data\textures\armour\shadowlord *25 files* Data\textures\armour\shadowlord\f *10 files* Data\textures\armour\shadowlordRed *25 files*

******************************************************************************** ** 3. Summary and Features ******************************************************************************** ** (See Also: "4. Version History" and "5. Technical" Sections) ### QUESTS ### Please see the seperate read me file (BeldaElysium-x.x_Quests.txt) for details a bout how to start the Quests and also for full Walk-Throughs. v1.5+ Main Quest continues: 'Path of Ascensyon' Romance Quests continue. NB: the romance quests are hidden and does not appear on the Que st Journal. v1.4+ Main Quest: 'Shadow Over Elysium' Myrisi'l Romance (inc. mini-quests) Sylvian-Lir Romance (inc. mini-quests) NB: the romance quests are hidden and does not appear on the Que st Journal.

### OUTSIDE ###

- "Illumination Within" Window Lights: (Does NOT require the official 'Illumination Within' plug-in MOD to work). Placed on each window of Belda Elysium. "This lights up the house windows in the evening and during dark stormy weather; and turns them off again in the morning. The "glow" of the windows are new meshes (and Lights) overlaid on top of the original window pane, and scripts control when they turn on/off. Night-time with this mod running makes for a totally different gameplay experience." - Large Ayleid Water Fountain; lit up by four Aylied Crystal Lights. The player can turn on and off the water and lights at will. - Archery Targets in backgarden. Also used by Servant Myrisi'l. - A dirt path winds its way up the hillside to the Manor House, from the Imperial road opposite the prison sewer exit. (game start: across the river infront of the Ayleid ruins) - Beautifully designed walled Garden and Grounds built into the side of the Belda Ayleid Ruins. - Separate walled-in stables - Top Floor Balcony over looking Lake Rumare and the Imperial City - Rear Ground Level Balcony viewing the eastern valley and waterfalls below. - Small fruit & vegetable garden at back of the house.

### INSIDE ### New to v1.4: Natural Lighting: The ambient lighting in the above ground room slowly change as the sun rises and sets. The basement has fixed ambient lightin g. (Players can choose to install Fixed Lighting esp-version if they prefer). I wanted to concentrate on lighting to improve the atmosphere of each area. The Main Rooms are brightly lit, whereas the Bedroom and Basement are suitably darker. I wanted to make the Main rooms bright and airy; to welcome you home, whereas for the bedroom I created dimmer lights getting you in the mood to retire to bed. I have spent a large amount of time to ensure that you do NOT need to carry a torch around your own house. I felt that many buildings in Oblivion were lit too darkly. There's creating atmosphere, and then there's realism. You should not have to carry a torch into the shop/tavern to see the proprietor clearly! There are "In-character" Scrolls about the house that walks the character through the importance contents of each room.

* SERVANTS AND PETS FEATURES:There are two Servants, experienced adventurers, that have volunteered to act as tutors/advisers/servants for the player. They are Dunmer Sisters, named Myrisi 'l and Sylvian-Lir. This is all explained in their dialogue and "El'Eluril 2nd letter" which you'll find on the cabinet in the MainRooms - Lower. They can be

found wandering inside & outside Elysium. A pet black cat "Chemie", belonging t o Myrisi'l can also be found wandering the bedroom and alchemy room upstairs. Y ou will not get all their dialogue at the start, some require time and others ch arm. New to V1.4. Introduced Affection/Respect Tokens that the player can earn via t heir actons and dialogue options, from the Sister and Boney, respectively. With out which, gifts and/or further romance dialogue options will not come availble to the player, (this will be expanding further in the next update). ~ Myrisi'l: Battle-Mage, will act as Elysium's Guard. She will ensure that the house in protected during the day and patrols the grounds at night. Sh e will also Recharge Magical items and Tutor the player in Illusionary Magicka. ~ Sylvian-Lir: Cleric of Azura. She takes responsibility for the dail y running of the house, gardening, cooking and maintaining the stables. She ca n tutor you in Restoration Magicka and repair any damage weapons and armour. ### NB. New to V1.40+: Due to the importance of the Sisters in the Quest I hav e released (and further quests I plan to release later), I have made the Sister 'Essential' so they cannot die. Once the Quest arch has been completed then I w ill revert them to the normal death procedure below #### ### NB. V1.50: the sister continue to remain 'Essential' during v1.50 #### Normal Death Procedure: Once both servants are NOT Essential, meaning they CAN die and they have take sufficient damage they will fall into a critically injur ed state. However, they can also be revived from this critial injured state. T o do so the player must use a Full GRAND soul Gem. By releasing the power of th e gem they will be resurrected. The player can of course choose NOT to resurrect them. Should the worse happen and the player is unable (or unwilling) to resur rect them, their bodies will be buried at the back of the BELDA ruin. A crypt a nd head stone will be erected to mark their final resting place. Any belongings on the deceased will be transferred automatically to the player. The remaining s ervant will react to her sisters death! Her disposition towards the player will be severely reduced: you are the Hero after all and are expected to stop this s ort of thing from happening. However, there are other ways the player can make a mends. ~ Chemie. A black tabby cat. More than a mere pet. Actually a magica l entity, owned & created by Myrisi'l. Simply stroking Chemie can bring the pl ayer goodluck (Fortify Luck +5/300seconds); Should Chemie be injured, she can be healed my feeding her crab-meat: Chemie will show her appreciation of this trea t by temporarily improving the person Magicka (Fortify Magicka 50/300seconds). Finally should Chemie be killed she can be brought back to life! A player must have on his possession a PETTY SOUL GEM filled with a PETTY Soul, (anything else is unsuitable for the ritual and cannot be used. e.g. You CANNOT use a Common S oul Gem filled with a PETTY soul). New to V1.5: 'Chemie' now has a cat-bed on all three levels of the main house. And t he player can also instruct Chemie which floor he/she wants Chemie to prowl on.

- 3 levels above Ground and two Basements.

* ABOVE GROUND MAIN FEATURES:- Main Room - Lower: ~ Complete library set of Morrowind Books ~ Stages to display mannequins - Main Room - Central: ~ Lounge / dinning area ~ Large selection of Display cases ~ separate smaller display room, business bureau and drinks cou nter. ~ Complete library set on non Quest Oblivion books, (including Skill Books) - Bedroom(Top floor): ~ Four-poster Canopy bed ~ Four wardrobes, separating clothing into Business; Robes; Spring/Summer; Autumn/Winter ~ En-suite bathroom ~ Double doors to South-West facing Balcony. - Bathroom (Top Floor): ~ Usable bath: players can sit in the bath for a good long soak , and gain the following Temporary benefits: Fortifies +10 Personality (cleansed), Restores +50 Health (cleans Wounds), Fortifies +50 Fatigue (relaxed/refreshed). To use it, click on the wooden triangle at the head of the bath to get it. Soak as long as you want then press Activate anywhere to bring up the pop up box (Bathe / Cancel),after selecting your option, press activate anywhere again to get out. ~ Perfume and Cologne bottles, that can be used by the player: c orrectly using the right smellies adds a Temporary bonus of +10 Speechcraft & +10 Mercantile. Using the wrong smelly for your gender gives a Temporary drain -10 Personality. - Alchemy Room (Top Floor): ~ Alchemy Sorter script attached to "Boney", (skull on counter top) ~ Neat and compact set of Alchemy Containers packed into two Wall-Shelves set into the wall. ~ Book: "The Alchemists Reference". Complete listing of ingred ients locations and potion combinations. Can be added to the players inventory. ~ Book: "Alchemical Experimentation by Seryne Relas", A heavy tome that when activated will Temporarily increase the Plays Alchemy Skill by +1 0. Must be used within the Alchemy room. - Top Floor Balcony: ~ Fantastic view of the Heartlands and the Imperial City.

*BASEMENT MAIN FEATURES:* The Hall and each room has Ceiling Lights made from Welkynd Stone Clusters, which the player can turn on/off at will.

- Hall: ~ Interior WaterFountains in the hallway which the player can turn off and on at will. - Magus Room: ~ Spell Making and Enchanting Equipment (Crystal-Balls instead of the usual Altars). - Servant's Quarters: ~ Middle class furnished quarters. - Kitchen: ~ Amply supplied Fruit & Vegetable Barrels, Wine rack and Cold Meat Storage. Resupplies can be taken from the Back-Garden [b]SECOND BASEMENT AREA FEATURES:-[/b] The Hall and each room has ceiling Lights made from Welkynd Stone clusters, whic h the player can turn on/off at will. - Hall: ~ Interior Statue water fountain in the hallway which the player can turn off a nd on at will.<br - Guest Quarters: ~ High Class Furniture and new Glass Cabinets to store personal items. - Guest Bathroom: ~ Large Spacious bathroom, and a little extra for the artistic types. - Vault: ~ Plenty of shelves and cabinets to display your most valuable items. Securely held behind an enchanted lockable gate. - War Room: ~ A room dedicated to the planning of your war-effort against the hordes of Obl ivion.

******************************************************************************** ** 4. Version History ******************************************************************************** ** 1.5 ~ Continuation of Main Quest:- 'Path of Ascensyon'. 2nd in the Series. An epi c quest which furthers the battles between the Saviour of Tamriel and the Necrom antic forces of The Great Mistress Hloran. The Saviour of Tamriel must track down the location of Tel Onyx, to stop further innocent bloodshed, and put an end to the necromantic threat posed by The Great Mistress Hhloran. So new Dialogue, enemies, rewards etc etc ~ Chemie (cat), Cat-Bed added to all levels of main house. Player can dictate which level Chemie will prowl.

~ Chemie lost or otherwise in the wrong place at the wrong time? An Ayleid has been added to the Alchemy room that will return Chemie to her cat-basket there. ~ A set of Soul-Gems shelves were added to the Main Basement - Magus Room. ~ Sylvian-Li and Myrisi'l Romance Quest continued. New Quests added for each o f them, and once completed will allow the player to dedicate what outfits each sister will wear. The Romance between the player and the sisters are also conti nued throughout v1.5 ~ Chief Custodian El'Eluril added as part of Elysium Quest: Path of Ascensyon. This starts the beginings of a romance for Female Player Characters. 1.4 ~ Added Quest: Shadows Over Elysium. The First of a series. So new Dialogue, enemies, rewards etc etc ~ Lots of polish to existing content. ~ Added Natural Lighting, in all above-ground rooms. (Player can pick between fixed or natural light .esp) ~ Dimmed the ambient light in the basement areas. Now the fixed lights have a more noticable effect when turned on. ~ Add 2nd basement Area. Four new rooms - Guest Suite, Bathroom, War Room and Vault. ~ Added Script to Armour/Swords in display cabinets; so they will no longer fal l down. ~ New Ownership of house recorded ~ Locakable Magus and Vault Doors added. ~ Add Blank Audio files to Dialogue. 7 seconds to read text now. ~ MainRoom-Lower: Candle Lamp added to desk ~ Seperate Catsounds into their own BeldaElysium Folder. ~ Add an extra seat to Bath; and improved bath script. ~ Added Deers and Wild Horses outside Elysium grounds. ~ Affection/Respect Tokens the player can earn from the Sisters and Boney respe ctively. ~ Until the Player has completed the Quest arch the Sister have been made Essen tial, i.e. 'unkillable'.


A quick update to fix some spelling errors that had got into v1.3

Adjusted Boney's Script to ignore certain types of vampire dust when sor ting. There are three types, and one type is a Quest object.

(Check 5. Technical for slight spoiler details).

1.3 Many brand new features to this version, and much much more tweaking/pol ish. ~ Added two "experienced adventurers" to act as servants, all part of h ouse story". (Myrisi'l and Sylvian-Lir: Sisters). They have plenty of Dialogue, the beginnings of a romance element, (more in vers ion 1.4) and a packed work routine each to carry out during the day/night. The reasons the Servants were not made "Essential", that is "Unkillable", is to allow players to dispose of them, should the player REALLY NOT Want Servants in their houses. However, for those players who did want servants I also wanted t hem to have the ability to resurrect their servants should they die accidentally . Hence, I introduced the Soul Gem method. ~ Added "Chemie", Alchemy black cat. Who can bring you luck, fortify y our Magicka, and is plain comforting to have around. ~ "Communicate with Boney" CrystalBall added to MainRooms - Lower ~ Add dialogue/back story to Alchemy sorter "Boney" scripts, both up an d down stairs. ~ New Wall-Cabinet add to MainRooms - Lower. Including named Ayleid Ca sks Individually named to store arrows; also spare general purpose casks and two separately operated green spotlights. ~ Garden Fountain; with fountain lights and water-flow which can be act ivated by the PC ~ Separated MainRooms - Lower&Central rooms. Now they have separate LO ADING screen. This was a really tough decision to make: especially after I had spent hours and hours getting them to look right joined together in the first pl ace, (I really liked it how it made the house few very spacey), But with the ro oms full of Player clutter it was causing some slow-down. So it was decided sep arate them. ~ Archery Targets added to 'Backgarden' - in Belda grounds. (also used by Servant Myrisi'l) ~ Added Large "clutter chest" inside front door. ~ Added banners/paintings and other decorations to all floors. ~ Replaced some statues in house to add more variety. ~ Removed Mermaid statue from basement fountain. ~ Creeping-Ivy decoration on outside house-walls improved. ~ Tweaked outside and inside path-finding. ~ Renamed 'Top' to 'Central' scroll. ~ Reduced number of Display cases in Drinks room and in MainRooms - Cen tral.

~ Redesigned the Flower arrangement box in the front garden. (Balancing Lag&Design). ~ Tweaked lights in Magus room (off centered). ~ Tweak fire flames in kitchen Stove (more variety of flames sizes). ~ Added new flower pots around the house. ~ General polish of existing content. ~ Added new items to servants room. Giving it more a lived-in feeling. 1.2 The main purpose of this update is to improve stability and help out those who have been experiencing difficulties. There has been some minor decor/furniture changes, nothing overly extravagant. ~ Thoroughly cleaned the mod of any unintentional references that had crept in. This greatly increases stability and reduces any possible conflicts with other Mods. ~ Included in zip file all Meshes and Textures required for Glowing Windows at Night. (see: Technical) ~ More spellchecking ~ Added some new plants, candle-lights, seats and banners to the rooms. ~ Reduced the amount of display cases on the desk in the drinks room. ~ Replaced some of the Daedric statues to give more variety. ~ Changed the bathroom chair to a stool. To help player avoid clicking on it while in the bath (and in the middle of the bath script). ~ A few other miscellaneous changes. 1.1 ~ Added "In Character Scrolls" to each room. ~ Minor tweaks, spellchecking. ~ Initial Release


******************************************************************************** ** 5. Technical ******************************************************************************** ** NOTE: This section does contain some spoilers.

v1.4 Natural Lighting and Fixed Lighting choice. Why give you the choice? Cos I'm really nice like that. But also because Natural Lighting uses the weather system from Oblivion and if y ou use another 3rd party MOD which alters the Weather/Environment you MAY see so me amusing effects inside the manor. For example you might come home to find it s raining or snowing in the bedroom. However, this is purely cosmetic if it doe

s happen and should not have any other bad effect on the game. RESTING/WAITING or Exiting and reenterign the room should stop this strangeness.

v1.31 Tweaked Boneys and Crystal-Ball Sorting scripts so they no-longer sort a specifi c vampire dust: "MS40 Vampire Dusk" a.k.a. "Ashes of Hindaril", which is requi red for a Quest. Everything else was correcting spelling errors. New to v1.3 ### Chemie Cat textures/meshes/Sound FX ### (see v1.2 for house window meshes) The Textures / Meshes new to this update are for the Alchemy Cat "Chemie" . They are direct copies taken from the Mod: OBLIVION CATS v0.2b By Tegeal (see cr edits). #### Servants Leveling ### Both servants Do Not Level. They start off at a power level roughly 25-35 and will stay like that for the en tire game. So to begin with they will be much more powerful than the Player. T hey are suppose to be mentors/advisers afterall. Then eventually the Player wil l surpass them in skill.

#### BASIC Servants Dialogue ### * Blank Audio file have been added that will stop the text dialogue skipping to o fast to read comfortably. Now you will have 7 seconds to read the text. You can of course click through the dialogue if it is going too slow. Dialogue Conditions:* * Servants Services: * About Your Sister: * Friendship: 12 * Silver Ring / Book: alogue option: plus: Disposition =>20 You must have the RING or the BOOK to get the Di Disposition =>30 Disposition =>55 Redwort Flowers or Strawberries: Ingredients =>

Disposition =>75 Quest MQ03 =>50 (Main Quest, At this stage or later:- I found Martin among the survivors of Kvat ch. He was surprised to learn that Emperor Uriel Septim was his father, but has agreed to return to Weynon Priory with me to speak to Jauffre.) If you have the RING / BOOK and a great disposit ion BUT not completed atleast this part of the main quest; the Companion will t ell you its "too soon".

* * * * * * *

About Yourself: Birthplace: Early Years: Career: Life and Love: The Future: Morrowind Mission:

Disposition Disposition Disposition Disposition Disposition Disposition Disposition

=>50 =>55 =>60 =>65 =>70 =>50 =>40

* Companion's Gift to PC: Disposition =>75 Quest MQ05 =>36 (Main Quest, At this stage or later:- Baurus has learned that the enemy is a sec ret cult of Mehrunes Dagon worshippers known as the Mythic Dawn. He will continu e to track down agents in the Imperial City. I should talk to Tar-Meena at the A rcane University, an expert in daedric cults. She may be able to tell me more ab out how to find the Mythic Dawn.) The whole purpose of these Quest-Stage settings is to give pacing to the 'friendship/romance': so the player cannot get all the dialogue option all at o ne time. Simply to try to make it more realistic. * Sister Critically Injured & Sister Dead: If the companion has 'died' (critically wounded), but has not been buried (which the player has to chose Dialogue option: NO -Ashes to Ashes) then it will run t he critically injured Dialogue. Upon the sister being buried the Player received a "Death Token" which is a ques t item WHICH SHOULD NOT BE REMOVED: It tells the Mod that the Companion is Dead & Buried (permanently) and will run the "Sister is Dead dialogue options". This "Death Token" is a QUEST ITEM so cannot be removed from the players invento ry 'normally', (There are some mod tools which do allow this). The alive sister also gets a "Death Token" added to her inventory. This is chec ked for by one of her packages to tell her that her sister is dead and buried an d she should pray at her gravestone sometime during the day. SO DONT PICKPOCKET IT FROM HER. It wont hurt the game, just not allow her to grieve. * Damage Kvatch Armour: Player must have the armour in his inventory (located in servants wardro be) Disposition =>30 StageQuest =>45 (Main Quest, At this stage or later:- I have found Martin among the survivors in side the Chapel of Akatosh. He was surprised to learn that Emperor Uriel Septim was his father, but he will not leave until the way is safe for everyone to esca pe.) Again this is for TIMING PURPOSES: This proves that the Player has seen Akatosh' s Chapel which Sylvian-Lir referred to as being destroyed.

########### Version 1.2

* The Textures and meshes included in this file are for the Glowing windows on the outside of the Manor House. They are direct copies taken from the original creators of Illumination Within (see credits). IF YOU ALREADY HAVE ILLUMINATION WITHIN (OR WITHOUT) V1.0 BY SLAP (and ModMan) INSTALLED THERE IS NO NEED TO INSTALL THESES MESHES/TEXTURES, AS THEY WILL ALREADY EXISTING IN THE CORRECT FOLDERS. * If you have not already, it is recommended that you update to Oblivion Patch 1.1, if you are experiencing problems. Some players have claimed that this stopped problems they were having. * There are no known conflicts with this Mod. The Mod does not effect any quest items or there locations. * For best results use HDR lighting. * I tried to keep the objects in the house that give bonuses at a low level. Something which is helpful, but not over powering.

******************************************************************************** ** 6. CREDITS ******************************************************************************** ** Boney Sez: "I heartily recommend these products or services". Belda Elysium would not be the same were it not for the hard work of the followi ng mod makers. --------------------------------------The excellent outside window lighting from: The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion "Illumination Within" | V1.0 By: Slap & ModMan --------------------------------------My Alchemy Sorter script was based on the one from: Mod: ArmoryLab.esp Version: 1.0 Author: Tom Superga --------------------------------------An excellent reference guide, very very helpful: The Alchemists Reference Author: JSLSlim ---------------------------------------A great modder's resource. The superb Books from TES Morrowind was put together by:

Author: MrDarkSim -----------------------------------------The marvellous cat meshes/textures are from: OBLIVION CATS v0.2b By Tegeal These cats are adorably. Without which Chemie would not be possible. ------------------------------------------The gorgeous Scarlet and Silver Robes are from: Vermillion and Silverthorn Robes v 1 by KafeiDotour -----------------------------------------Big thanks to Smoke for his scripting suggestions to keep those pesky Armour and Weapon Display Cabinets in place and tidy. ------------------------------------------The cool Dragon Coin Quest Icon was used from: Va_BetterGold (his full mod adds better, shinier gold coins to the game) by Chris (VagabondAngel) ------------------------------------------The amazing Shadowlord Armour meshes/textures: By: Cryo - For the original Oblivion Indoril Armour. By: Aorawn - For the new textures. Huge thanks. Great for the Ascensyon look. ------------------------------------------BeldaElysium has been developed for over two years now, and it is getting increa singly difficult to keep track of all the credits. I do make every effort to co ntact everyone I have borrowed from for permission, when it is not freely given in their work's Read_Me. However, If you see any items/scripts/icons/textures/w hatever featured and you are not credited here, please email me and I will gladl y add you to the credits. ******************************************************************************** ** 7. Lights, Elysium, Action! ******************************************************************************** ** NOTE: This section was added with v1.3, BEFORE Natural-Lighting was an esp opti on in v1.4. As such you may not fine it neccessary. Playing Belda Elysium with shades on? Bright and airy rooms too much for your D

ark Brotherhood/Vampire? Fear not: You too can live in perpetual Darkness. AVStoryteller will show you how. NOTE: Make sure you have NO objects of values inside Belda Elysium as the chang es you make, may delete them. I m not 100% sure, but why take the risk? Make a Saved game with your Character OUTSIDE THE MANOR. First load up the TES Construction Set, (what do you mean you do not have it foo lish mortal? Download it immediate, lest face my wrath: Ahem... New V1.3 (v1.31) is split into 3 separate Interiors and 1 exterior. But it is the interiors we re interested in are we not? Start TES Construction set. Click the folder symbol (top left) to open all mods you have installed. Click in the boxes : Oblivion.esm (master file0 and in Belda Elysium.esp. whil e BE is selected click on the button SET AS ACTIVE FILE to make Belda Elysium th e active file. This means that whenever you click the save button you are only a ffect the Belda Elysium mod. (For the love of god man , don t set Oblivion.esm as the Active file as you ll save over the main game with your alteration!!) Right for those still with me and not scared off by that, click OK and it will l oad up all the many files in oblivion and in Belda Elysium, BE for short. It will show the window called CELL VIEW, OBJECT WINDOWS, and grey RENDER WIN DOWS (where you will eventually see stuff). Concentrate on the CELL VIEW window, it should say INTERIORS in the drop down bo x, if it does not then please select it. At the top of the list will Abandoned Mine . Scroll down the list until you reach : BeldaHome00BorromFloor , BeldaHome00Bo ttomMiddleFloor , BeldaHome01MiddleFloor , and BeldaHom02TopFloor and BeldaHome03Baseme ntFG . These are the 4 levels of the Manor. You can Ignore: BeldaHome00BottomMiddleFloo r , that was used in v1.2 when both MainRooms floors were still connected together . Double click on BeldaHome00BorromFloor , you will see a status bar at the bottom l oading up some 300+ objects. The RENDER WINDOW will still be grey as it is not centred on any objects, so the CELL VIEW list to the right headed EditorID it wi ll say at the top 1BeldaElysiumUCChair01F, (I individually name EVERYTHING to ma ke bug testing easier), double click it and it will center you on the familiar b usiness desk in the MainRoom -Lowers. You can use the Mouse Button to scroll in and out. Press and hold the middle-bu tton to move your view left or right. To spin your press and hold the SHIFT key while moving the mouse...If you have No object in the RENDER VIEW window select ed this will rotate the camera around itself...IF you have an object selected th is will rotate the camera around the object. Play about a bit. NOTE: Remember CTRL-Z is your friend, if you move anything you did not mean too, using Undo. (Or if you re completely lost, close down TES Construction set and when it prompts you to Save, say NO, and any alterations you made will vanish).

Changing the brightness: This simple. Look at the CELL VIEW window again, choose BeldaHOME00BottmFloor , rig ht click this and select EDIT. It will bring up a window called CELL, and BeldaHOME00BottmFloor will already be selected. You will see three tabs : Common data, Lighting, and Interior data. Click on Lighting . Concentrate on the AMBIENT lighting. It is presently showings three values for R(ed), G(reen) and B(lue). The colours go from 0 to 255. From here on its personal taste. If you want to make it half as bright, for exa mple, set these three values to 100. The RENDER WINDOW will give you a close, b ut not exact impression of what the new brightness of the room will look like. I ts a case of trial and error. You will have to save the changes, close TES Cons truction set, load Oblivion, load your saved game, move your character to ente r the house, and look around to see if you like it. This Process may take sever al (thousand) attempts before you are perfectly happy with the results...Welcome to my world. Any way, So you ve changed the values to 100, then click OK on the CELL Window. Then click the SAVE ICON (its the disk symbol) button in the top left hand corne r of the program. Congratulations , you have changed the lighting in that room. Moving on, you want to load up the next floor in the manor from the CELL VIEW wi ndow, in this case it would be (skipping old BeldaHome01BottomMiddleFloor) BeldaH ome01MiddleFloor . Double click on it. You will see the load counter on the lower status bar again. Once it has finished you need to centre the window again so d ouble- click on any item in the EditorID on the right , i.e. the top item is 1Be ldaElysiumDrinkWine6TamikaBest . Same as before, right click the floor name in the CELL VIEW window and select ED IT. Then click on the Lighting Tab, and make the changes to Ambient that you wa nt. NOTE: Save often, as TES Construction Set can crash on occasion, (usually after you have put blood, sweat and tears into your lovely creation and haven t saved i n ages...not that I m bitter). Moving on swiftly. You have made the changes to all 4 floors. SAVE. Then go to FILE > Exit. Now to check if it looks the way you want it to. So load up your saved game in Oblivion and enter the house and see how it looks. Repeat as necessary inorder to get it just right. Congratulations your a now a modder!!! Don t panic! Any queries email me:

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