Eedited Final Report - Roli Srivastava

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A Project Report


Evaluation of Performance Appraisal System


YKK India, Pvt. Ltd.Bawal (Rewari), Haryana Submitted in the Partial fulfillment of Master Degree in Human Resource Development

Session 2010-2012 Submitted by Roli Srivastava IIIrd Semester Under the expert Guidance of Mr. Neeraj Tripathi (Senior HR Manager)

Department of HRD VBS Purvanchal University Jaunpur


I hereby declare that the report entitled Performance Appraisal is a record of an original work done by me under the guidance of Mr. Neeraj Tripathi (HR- YKK India Pvt. Ltd., Bawal), has been submitted in the partial fulfillment of Master in Human Resource Development, V.B.S. Purvanchal Uninersity Jaunpur (U.P.),and this report has not performed the basis for the award of any Degree or diploma/ associateship/fellowship. Any resemblance to this report shall be a coincidence.

[Roli Srivastava] MHRD, IIIrd Semester

This project work shall not complete unless I do not extend my gratitude to those who directly or indirectly has been a source of inspiration in the completion of this work. At the outset I acknowledge my deep sense of gratitude to my project guide, Mr. Neeraj Tripathi, HR head of YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari, Haryana) for his valuable guidance, suggestions and constant encouragement in shaping this report. I also want to express my deep thanks to Dr. Avinash Parthedikar, Head of Department-HRD, for giving her precious time and valuable advices. I also acknowledge the moral help and support of my teachers of my department Dr. Sangeeta Sahu, Dr. Rashikesh Gupta (Training and Placement Head) and Mr. Neeraj Jaiswal for their continuous help in developing this research work. Last but not the least, this report would be incomplete without extending my special thanks to all my family members and friends.

To excel in any field practical training is an integral part to imply theoretical studies to a practical approach. It make as the individuals to the actual practical condition, which could have been impossible to be taught in classroom. A trainee learns dealing with the client and management-working environment along with today market, which is changing at incredible pace. In addition, technological changes, which we are witnessing, have shifted the old hectic and weirs ways of doing businesses. These technological developments have brought revolutionary change in the market and in the mindset of the people, which are positive, encouraging for as section of society, and adverse for others. The HR Professionals make up the strategies to cope up with challenges, and all these depends upon their HRD professional knowledge, skill, personal attitudes and values. This summer training report on the Evaluation on Performance Appraisal in YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari), is the first step in finding out the merits of employees in a work group. Performance Appraisal is the systematic evaluation of individual with respect to his performance on the job and his potential for development. Keeping this view, I have made an attempt to conduct study on performance appraisal system in YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Chapter I deals with the introductory part of the study based on evaluation of effectiveness of the study. This includes Importance of the study, objective of the study, methodology of the study etc. Chapter II deals with the conceptual framework of performance appraisal and includes the concepts, performance appraisal importance, appraisal methods, objectives, implementation etc. Chapter III gives us an idea of YKK, what policies it runs, give an idea of industrial relations etc. Chapter IV describes about the HR practices running in the organization. Chapter V deals with performance appraisal system in the organization. Chapter VI deals with the analysis of data and its interpretation by pie diagrams. Chapter VII deals with summary and conclusion of the study as well as suggestion.


Bibliography Annexure



INTRODUCTION OF THE STUDY 1.1. Introduction of the study:

Simply put, it is the observation and evaluation of employees work behavior and accomplishments for the purpose of making decisions about the staff member. These decisions may include wage, salary, and benefit determinations; promotion, demotion, transfer, or termination actions; and coaching and counseling, training, or career development options. There are three basic functions of an effective performance appraisal: To provide adequate feedback to staff members on their performance. To serve as an opportunity to communicate face-to-face modifications or changes to existing performance objectives. To provide data to administrators so they can evaluate a staff member and judge future job assignments and compensation. The notion of performance appraisal has become an almost universally accepted fact of life in most organizations. It often serves as the basis for other human resource systems, such as salary management, career development, and selection processes. Because of all of these uses for the performance appraisal process, it is increasingly important that leaders more than ever need to improve their managerial and supervisory skills in such areas as creating individual performance standards, getting employee commitment to performance standards, and conducting interim and end-of-year performance appraisal meetings. This study is to help leaders not only to improve their ability in managing their employees performance, but also to provide staff members with coaching tools that will target their performance deficits. As the first step in any performance review process is to identify the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are required in a specific position, this provides administrators with unique job descriptions for most support staff and teaching positions. This is not only beneficial for the administrator, but it is enormously important to the employee, as specific performance outcomes are outlined and presented. Clear, stated behaviors and outcomes for workplace performance must be outlined and discussed if the

administrator and the support staff member can possibly have success in this process. Both parties must have the same mental picture of their performance expectations.

Self-appraisal forms are also presented for the job-specific responsibilities, as well as selfappraisal forms for more general, interpersonal skill areas that affect how employees interact with colleagues, parents, administrators, and others. After comparing the staff members expected performance with his or her actual performance, the school administrator can select relevant coaching tools from the book that the staff member can immediately use to help close the performance gap. These coaching tools provide background information on each performance area, individual development plan forms, and a suggested reading list. The information presented in each area is not designed to be overwhelming, but rather to be practical and ready to use by an employee who needs help in closing a performance gap. The book also provides school leaders with clear directions on how to conduct initial, interim, and formative coaching and summative performance appraisal meetings, as well as presents templates that immediately provide the employee with beneficial feedback and direction for improvement.

1.2. Its important

Performance appraisal Program is an essential part of the organization. To quote Dale Yoder Performance Assessment includes all formal procedures use to evaluate personalities and contributions and potentials of group members in a working organization. It is continuous process to secure information necessary for making correct and objectives decisions on employees. The basic purpose of performance Assessment is to facilitate orderly determination of an employees worth to the organization of which he is a part: However, affair determination of the worth of an employee can take place only by appraising numerous factors some of which are highly objective, as far instance attendance, while others are highly subjective, as for instance personality. The objective factor can be assessed accurately on the basis of records maintained by the objective factor precisely. Keeping the above view, the trainee has made an attempt to conduct a study of Performance Assessment Program at YKK India Pvt. Ltd, Bawal (Rewari), Haryana.

1.3. Scope of the Study

Virtually, all companies have some formal or informal means of appraising their employees performance. Performance assessment may be defined as evaluating an employees current or past performance relative to his or her performance standards. The assessment process therefore involves: Setting work standard. Assessing the employees actual performance relative to these standards. Providing feedback to the employee with the aim of motivating that person to eliminate Performance Deficiencies or to continue to perform above par. The Performance Assessment Program grant help to the organization to set the work standards and after assessing the employees actual performance relative to these standards provide them incentives, increased pay scales and promotions. The organization can take the decision about Training and development Programs and also rectify the problems, which are the great hurdles in organizational success. So we can say that Performance Assessment Program plays a very important role in the YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari, Haryana).

1.4. Research problem of the study

The researcher visited YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari, Hayana) and found PEP (Performance Excellence Plan) under which the performance appraisal process was being implemented but some problems were observed in this existing plan. The researcher has selected four dimensions first dimension is superior-subordinate relation, second dimension is awareness about performance appraisal system, third dimension is related with superior and subordinate own thinking about appraisal system and fourth dimension is related with area of improvement. First dimension includes six items, second, third and fourth dimension includes three items individually. For the purpose of finding the problems in present appraisal system, total 80 questionnaires were distributed 68 questionnaire were received out of which only 50 were found suitable to conduct research work.

1.5. Objective of performance appraisal

Data relating to performance assessment of employees are recorded, stored, and used for several purposes. The main purposes of employee assessment are: To effect promotion based on competence and performance.





of probationary



t h e i r c o m p l e t i n g t h e probationary period satisfactorily. To assess the training and development needs of employees. To decide upon a pay rise where (as in the unorganized sector) regular pay scales have not been fixed. To let the employees know where they stand insofar as their p e r f o r m a n c e i s concerned and to assist them with constructive criticism and guidance for the purpose of their development. To improve communication. Performance appraisal provides a for mat for dialogue between the superior and the subordinate, and improves understanding of personal goals and concerns. This can also have the effect of increasing the trust between the rater and the rate. F i n a l l y, P e r f o r m a n c e a p p r a i s a l c a n b e u s e d t o d e t e r m i n e w h e t h e r H R p r o g r a m such as selection, training, and transfers have been effective or not. Broadly, performance appraisal serves four objectives Developmental uses, Administrative uses/decisions, Organizational maintenance/ objectives, and Documentation purposes

1.6. Methodology
In order to conduct a systematic inquiry one has to adopt certain methods and techniques. Such methods indicate the trainee the way of carrying out of her report. The study is designed to conduct an inquiry on Performance Assessment Program at YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari, Haryana), Hariyana. In this study the following procedure in have been adopted:

1.6.1. Population : The population for the present study are executives of YKK India Pvt. Ltd.
Bawal (Rewari, Haryana), Hariyana, consisting of executive levels including male and female were around 200.

1.6.2. Sample : Since performance assessment exercise was in the process so trainee had an
opportunity to gather the data at that time from all executives. Total 80 questionnaire

were distributed 68 questionnaire were received out of which only 50 were found suitable to conduct project.

1.6.3. Primary Data: For collecting data the trainee has used the organizations structured
format of Performance Appraisal Questionnaire, which has been called Performance Excellence Plan (PEP). Questionnaire: The questionnaire has the questions related to the importance of
performance appraisal in employees of YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari, Haryana). Questionnaire is based on four dimensions, first dimension is superior-subordinate relation, second dimension is awareness about performance appraisal system, third dimension is related with superior and subordinate own thinking about appraisal system and fourth dimension is related with area of improvement.

1.6.4. Secondary data: For the purpose of secondary data collection several official records
have been referred and information collected relating to this problem relating to this problem from HR department and other departments. The data collected from primary and secondary sources were analyzed at the end of the process. The conclusion and suggestions have been made and presented in the form of report at the end of analysis. Percentage calculations were made to ascribe meaning to the data. The data has been interpreted in the form of pie diagram.

1.7. Limitations
During the course of the study, the following limitations were faced. a) Office hours were so tight, so that employees were not free to give proper time for discussion. b) Time allotted to the trainee was too short to collect the data. Since other functions like PF, ESI and other HR back office operations were also looked after by the trainee. In spite of these limitations, I tried to make the study more scientific and reliable. The management and executives were helpful and extended their co-operation to me in data collection and making understand some problems relating to the topic.

1.8. Plan of the study

The project report on Evaluation Of Performance Appraisal System at YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari, Haryana), has been divided into five chapters. Chapter I deals with the introductory part of the study based on evaluation of effectiveness of the study. This includes Importance of the study, objective of the study, methodology of the study etc. Chapter II deals with the conceptual framework of performance appraisal and includes the concepts, performance appraisal importance, appraisal methods, objectives, implementation etc. Chapter III gives us an idea of YKK, what policies it runs, give an idea of industrial relations etc. Chapter IV describes about the HR practices running in the organization. Chapter V deals with performance appraisal system in the organization. Chapter VI deals with the analysis of data and its interpretation by pie diagrams. Chapter VII deals with summary and conclusion of the study as well as suggestion.




2.3.1. 2.3.2.





CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK 2.1. Performance Appraisal: Concept

A performance appraisal is a process of evaluating an employees performance of a job in terms of its requirement. It refers to all the formal procedures used in working organizations to evaluate the personalities and contributions of group members. Employees appraisal techniques are said to have been used for the first time during the First World War, when, at the instance of WALTER DILL SCOT, the US Army adopted, The Man - to Man rating system for evaluating military personnel. Once an employee has been selected, trained and motivated, he is then appraised for his performance. Performance Appraisal is a step where the management find out effective it has been at hiring and placing employees. Heyel observes, It is process of evaluating the performance and qualifications of employees in terms of the requirement of job for which he s employed, for purpose of administration including placement, selection for promotions, providing financial rewards and other actions which required differential treatment among the ember of a group as distinguished from actions affecting all members equally. According to Flippo, Performance Appraisal is systematic periodic and impartial rating of an employees excellence in matter of pertaining to his present job and his potential for a better job. Performance appraisal system provides an instrument for measuring both an individuals performance and his relationships to the goals and the structure of the organization. An appraisal system should consist of all the formal processes used to identify, encourage, evaluate and record contribution of employees. The trend now a days is in the direction of attempting to measure what the man does rather than what he is, to measure what is the output rather than what is the input.

2.2. Objective of Performance Appraisal:

Its main objectives are Facilitate two way communication between superior and subordinate

Classify mission, goal, responsibilities, and expectations of work to subordinate. Develop employees skill for current positions as well as for further assignments or positions. Recognize quality performance and identify performance issues. Needed to evaluate effectiveness of new structure and program. Basis for decision making for training, promotions, pay increase, lay off, retrenchment, etc. To provide development feedback leading to performance improvement. Needed to validate selection measure. To create and maintain satisfactory level of performance. To guide the job change with the help of continuous ranking. To facilitate fair equitable compensation based on performance. To ensure organizational effectiveness through improvements in employees performance and suggesting changes in employees behavior.

2.3. Methods of Performance Appraisal:

With the evaluation and development of appraisal system, a number of method or techniques have been developed. The methods are divided into two categories: METHODS OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL

Traditional Method

Modern Method

Ranking Method Rating Skill Method Checklist Method Field review Method Critical Incident Technique Essay Appraisal Paired Comparison Technique

Appraisal by management by objective (MBO) Assessment centre method Human asset accounting method Behaviorally anchored rating scales

2.3.1. Traditional Method: Ranking Method: The oldest and simplest method of performance appraisal is to
compare one employee to all other employees and place him in a simple rank order. In this way ordering is done from best to worst of all individuals comprising the group. Rating Scale method: As a name implies this method provides some kind of scale for
measuring absolute difference between individuals. The scales used are generally of two types: i. Discrete: Where two or more categories are provided, representing discrete amount of ability or degrees of the characteristics, the rater can tick mark the category which he feels best describe the person being rated. Like: Good, Average and Poor. ii. Continuous: In this rate can tick at any point along its length as shown below:




Exceptionally Good Checklist Method: Sometimes the method used for performance appraisal is a list
consisting of a number of statements about the worker and his behavior. Each statement on this list is assigned a value depending upon its importance. Both statement and their values are derived from preliminary research in which the pooled judgment of the person familiar with the job is used. In rating a person, the rater is asked to place a plus(+) sign, minus(-) sign or a question mark (?) in front of each statement. The worker final rating is taken as a average of scale values of all statement that his superior has checked with plus (+) sign. Field Review method: Under this method, a trainer, employee from the personnel
department interviews line superiors to evaluate their respective subordinates. The appraiser is fully equipped with definite test questions, fully memorize in advance, which he puts to the supervisor. The supervisor is required to give his opinion of the progress of his subordinate, the level of performance of each subordinate, his weaknesses, good points, outstanding ability, promotability etc. The questions are asked and answered verbally.The overall rating is obtained largely using a three way categorization, as, outstanding, satisfactory, and unsatisfactory. It leaves the supervisor of the need for filling out appraisal form. Critical incident Technique: It attempts to measure workers performance in terms of

certain event or episode that occur in the performance of employees job. These events are known as critical incidents. The basis of this method is the principle that there are certain significant acts in each employees behavior and performance which make all the difference between the success and failure of the job. The supervisor keeps a written record of the events that can be easily recalled and used in course of periodical of formal appraisal. The collected incidence is then ranked in order of frequency and its importance. Essay Appraisal: Under this method the supervisor makes a free form, open ended
appraisal of an employee in his own words and puts down his impressions about the employee. Paired Comparison Technique: By this technique each employee is compared every
trait with the other entire person in pairs one at a time. With this technique, judgment is easier and simpler than with the ordinary ranking method. The number of times each individual is compared with another is tallied on a piece of paper. These numbers yield the rank order of entire group.

2.3.2. Modern Methods: Appraisal by management by objectives: A popular development

oriented techniques of performance appraisal of managers nowadays is management by objectives. The first original work on MBO can be fond in Peter Druckers the book The Practice Of Management published in 1954. In 1965 George Odiorne made a major contribution in MBO. MBO is a process whereby the superior and subordinates managers of an organization jointly identify its common goals, define each individuals major area of responsibility in terms of result expected of him, and use these measures of guides for operating the unit assessing the contribution of its members. Assessment Centers: This method of appraising was first applied in 1930 in Jerman
Army. Under this method many evaluators joint together to judge employee performance in several situations with the used variety of criteria. It is used mostly to help select employees for the first level supervisory position. Assessments are made to determine employee potential for purpose of promotion. It is not a technique of performance assessment by itself; in fact it is system of organization where various experts do assessments of several individuals various techniques. 360 Degree Performance Appraisal System: The appraisal may be any person who
has thorough knowledge about the job done by contents to be appraised Standards of contents and who observes the employee while performing a job. The appraiser should be capable of determining what is more important and what is relatively less important. He should assess the performance without bias. The appraiser are superiors, peers, subordinates, employees themselves users of service and consultancy. Performance appraisal by all these parties is called 360 degree appraisal. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS): This method combine element of the
traditional rating scales and critical incident method. Using BARS , job behaviors from critical incidents effective and ineffective behavior are described more objectively. The method employs individuals who are familiar with a particular job to identify its measure component. They can rank and validate specific behaviors shown by employees. Human Resource Accounting: Human resource accounting deals with the cost of
contribution of human resource to the organization. Cost of employee includes manpower planning, recruitment, selection, induction, placement, training, and development, wages and benefits etc. Employee contribution is the money value of employee service, which can be measured by lever productivity or value added by human resources.

2.4. Evaluation Process

The evaluation process: there are some steps in evaluation process Establishing Performance Standard- Performance standards is the expected levels of performance or the benchmark, based on which performance assessment has done. At the time of designing a job and formulating a job description, performance standard are usually developed for position. These standards must be clear and objective to understand. Communicate Performance Expectation too Employees- Performance standard should be communicated and explained to the employees and evaluators so they come to know what is expected and what should be done. To make communication effective feedback is necessary from the sub-ordinate to the manager. Measurement of Actual Performance- To determine what actual performance is, it is necessary to acquire information about it. We should be concerned with hoe we measure

and what we measure. Four source of information are frequently used to measure actual performance, statistical reports, oral reports and written reports. Compare Actual Performance with Standards- Actual performance is compared with the predetermined performance standards such comparison will reveal the deviations which may be positive or negative. Discuss The Appraisal with the Employees- At this stage the results of appraisals are discussed periodically with the employees, where good points and difficulties are indicates and discussed so that performance is improved. Corrective actions- The final step is the ignition of corrective action can be of two types. One is immediate and deals predominantly with symptoms and another is basic in which corrective actions gets to the source of deviation and seeks to adjust the differences permanently.

2.5. Who Should Appraise?

Several options of appraiser can be there in the organization as follows-

2.5.1. Immediate Supervisor- Getting supervisors assessment is relatively easy and also
makes a great deal of sense. The supervisors should be and usually is in the best position to observe and evaluate his or her subordinates performance and is responsible for that persons performance.

2.5.2. Peer- The assessment of employee by his or her peer can be effective in predicting future
management success.

2.5.3. Rating Committees- Many employers use rating committees to evaluate employees.
These committees are usually composed of the employees immediate supervisors and three or four other supervisors.

2.5.4. Self Rating- Employees self rating or performance are also some times . The basic
problem with is that employees usually rate themselves higher than supervisors or peer rate them.

2.5.5. Subordinates- More firms today let subordinates anonymously evaluate their superiors
performance, a process is called UPWARD FEEDBACK. When conducted throughout the firm, the process helps top managers diagnose management style, identify problems

and take corrective actions with individual managers as required, such subordinate ratings are specially valuable when used for developmental rather than evaluate purpose.

2.5.6. 360 Degree Feedback- In this process performance information is collected all around an
employee, from his or her supervisor, subordinate and peers and internal or external customer. The feedback is generally used for training and development rather for pay increment.



3.1. History YKK India Private Limited was incorporated in September, 1995 after the parent company, YKK Corporation of Japan, received permission from the Govt. of India to set up a wholly-owned subsidiary for the manufacture of Metallic and non-Metallic Zippers. The Factory, which is located in HSIDC Investate Bawal (District Rewari, Haryana, Haryana), started production in March 1997 of a range of popular zippers such as No. 3 & 5 Polyester Coil, No. 3 & 5 Vislon and No. 3 & 5 Metal zippers. Subsequently the range has been expanded with the addition of No. 2 & 3 Invisible Coil zippers. Metal zippers are produced in Aluminium, Golden Brass, Antique Brass and Antique Silver finishes. YKK India follows the same Product and Quality specification as YKK Japan. The products of YKK India are Anti-Nickel (Nickel free) and Kensin (Needle detector compatible) by default, except when Nickel-plated slider itself is specified by the Buyer. With completion of the Third phase expansion in 2005, the production capacities of most of the items in the range have been doubled. Fourth phase expansion has been successfully commissioned in March 2009. YKK India caters to the large `and spread out Indian market of Garment, Footwear and Luggage Exporters, as well as manufacturers of Domestic Brands and Tailors through its network of 5 Branches and about 40 Dealers in located in 24 cities across India. Company Profile (See ANNEXURE - I) 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. Locations (See ANNEXURE -II) Training location (See ANNEXURE-III) Work activities

3.4.1. Products

Metallic & Non-Metallic Slide Fasteners Zipper & Slider Hook & Loop Plastic Parts Snap & Button 3.4.2. Production facilities Fully integrated manufacturing Tape Weaving Dyeing Die-Casting & Slider Assembly Plating & Enameling Chain Making Zipper Assembly 3.4.3. Production Control

Computerized IBM AS-400 based integrated production control system Custom-Made for YKK factories worldwide 3.5. YKK Management Principles YKK Seeks Corporate Value Of Higher Significance. Since its establishment in 1934, the YKK Group has advocated the "Cycle of Goodness, the Group's philosophy conceived by YKK's founder Tadao Yoshida who said, "No one prospers unless he renders benefit to others."

The cycle, in other words the circulation of benefits, begins with innovative ideas and inventions that create value, which in turn leads to business expansion and then greater benefits for society. Through this cycle, companies prosper while contributing to the enrichment of all people. On August 1, 1994, Yoshida Kogyo K.K. became YKK Corporation under a new management structure and Principle: "YKK Seeks Corporate

Value of Higher Significance". This Principle, an expression of the management's aspirations, complements the YKK spirit embodied in the "Cycle of Goodness". To contribute to improved living standards and the prosperity of all people in the everchanging global economy, YKK will seek corporate value of higher significance by pursuing innovative quality in relation to customers, employees, society, products, technology, management and fairness.


Ykk Cycle Of Goodness At YKK, we believe that everything we do has an effect on everyone we work with, whether they're customers or co-workers. It was with this in mind that our founder, Tadao Yoshida, developed the Cycle of Goodness. This is a philosophy of mutual benefit which, as expressed in Tadahiro Yoshida's management principle, leads to everyone being treated with complete respect, in the belief that no one prospers unless they help to bring prosperity to others. It is a way of doing business that extends far beyond the conventional barriers of commerce.





4.4.1. 4.4.2.




4.1. Adopting A HRD Philosophy: An Overview YKK strongly believes that HUMAN RESOURCE is its most valuable asset. The success or failure of an organization is largely dependent on the efforts of its human resources at any given point of time. YKK therefore committed to the Human Resource Development aspect of our employees. Some of their beliefs are: Quality of manpower is important rather than quantity. A committed employee with appropriate skill is a most valuable resource. Every employee, irrespective of the type of job he is doing, or the organization level he occupies, is extremely important to the company. Promotion of basic human values and service orientation is precedent to creation of goods and services by application of skills. Competitive remuneration package suitably designed for employee need constitutes strong employee motivation. Providing job challenge with adequate autonomy to achieve results that create high sense of job satisfaction. Recruitment of employee is a two way process. The employer is in search for an appropriate match and the prospective employee is equally concerned to identify an appropriate workplace. Periodic review of performance and employee potential provide objective data to assess employee advancement. While individual merits and brilliance is desirable, the company recognizes team effort as the major prime over towards organization excellence. Promote an open culture where the employee is free to give his views and opinions towards organization growth and achievement. HRD is concerned with execution of HRD policies. HRD policies are the course of action HR uses to help the company achieve its objectives. HRD policies are observed as a guide to the management towards the workforce so as to maintain amicable & harmonious industrial relations within an organization.


Recruitment: The word Recruitment means discovering the source from where the potential employees can be selected. The objective of the companys recruitment policy is to: Plan the manpower requirement in conjunction with the company goals and objectives. Hire matching people (right person for right job) for organizational growth. Ensure optimum utilization of present manpower, if needed, then only additional hands to be hired. Procedure Identification of the manpower requirement from respective department (before the month of March of every year) or emergency requirement as & when required by the HOD. Compilation of manpower requirement. The compiled manpower requisitions are sending for approval to MD/Technical Advisor Recruitment of personnel is done by the following ways : Internal Recruitment o Data bank o References o Transfers External staffing o Placement agencies o Advertisements in leading newspapers/Media. o Campus recruitment The short listed candidates are called for interview either by call letters or through Consultants or telephonically. Interview of short listed candidates is conducted by the panel of HRD, Q.A. Dept and the concerned department and final approval is taken from MD/Technical Advisor for suitable candidate. Letter of intent is sent to selected candidates.

Appointment letter is given within one week of the joining Personal files are maintained for the particular employees. It contains information regarding: Bio Data of an employee Application form Copy of appointment letter duly signed by the employee as a mark of acceptance. Testimonials Photographs (Five copies) Declarations (that the employee shall abide by the rules & regulations) Medical fitness certificate from company prescribed doctor. Two reference addresses with phone number from other than relation of the Employee. On joining of an employee his name & address, fathers name, date of appointment, nature of work is enrolled in the adult register. Every employee is allotted a card no. to avoid the confusion of two persons with same name, by the personnel department. Employee master form: is filled up containing information about the employee. Employee card no Employee name, fathers name, address & department Designation Date of joining Qualification Salary package as applicable


Orientation / Induction Programme: To make new joinee familiar with the companys rules & regulations, processes and company culture. Orientation of the new joinee in different departments as per the orientation program and afterwards placement in the allotted department.


Training & Development: Training and development is a subsystem of an organization. It ensures that randomness is reduced and learning or behavioral change takes place in structured format.

4.4.1. Training Purpose: To develop the employee knowledge & skills, attitude for the optimum utilization of the resources in order to meet organizational goals and strategies with the help of changed behavior. Procedure: Training needs for the employees are identified by the HRD with other department heads twice in year i.e. in the month of January and July. Training Calendar: Based on the above identification of the training needs, a consolidated training calendar is formulated by HRD twice in a year. The training calendar contains the prospective dates of the training and the names of the internal faculty. All participants will record their individual attendance in attendance sheet at the beginning of every training program. Evaluation: The participants at the end of each program will provide quality of the content and delivery, duration and the topics covered. The above feedback is used to improve future program. Training effectiveness evaluation: Effectiveness of the technical training programs is measured by taking pre & post training test, at the beginning & end of the knowledge based training program. Training effectiveness index (TEI) is calculated on the basis of the test score of the participants. Grading Systems: If MAX. Marks for test Then, MARKS above90 75-89 60-74 60 GRADE A+ A B+ B = 100

For the above distribution of marks, a frequency chart is made for all the participants according to the given format. GRADE NO. OF PARTICIPANTS A+ A B+ B

If no. of participants are 100, to calculate TEI: Excellent V. Good Good Fair A+ A B+ B Above 90percentage 75-89percentage 60-74percentage 50-64percentage

For participants labeled with B grade, training is to be repeated and the same procedure for TEI is to be applied again. After three months participants are again called and are required to give the test i.e. a second round post training test is taken. Training effectiveness index is calculated again for this second round post training test. If the range of marks (max. Marks scored - min. Marks scored)is decreasing from the first round post training test to second round post training test, it means training effectiveness is showing positive trend.

4.4.2. Training Budget: Purpose: To overview the complete expenditure occurring on the training and development activities To find out the actual implementations of training and developmental activities. Procedure: Every year HRD department identifies the training needs with the kind consideration of all departmental heads. On the basis of that identified needs HRD department prepares the training calendar twice in a year and the training Programme are conducted on that basis. Training calendar includes in-house training programmes, training programmes by outside sources and also the sponsorship training programmes. Training budget has been prepared for the conduction of the training and development activities. Evaluation: On the basis of conducted training programmes during a year HRD department analyze the expenditure occurred against the actual training budget and according to that report has been prepared. 4.5. Employee Competency

4.5.1. Purpose: To help the employee in career planning. To make every employee aware of knowledge, skills and attitudes. To make each and every employee competent in their respective areas.

4.5.2. Procedure: HRD department sent the prepared competency chart twice a year to all departmental heads and they make their comments on that competency chart and returned it to HRD Department in the given stipulated time. 4.5.3. Evaluation: HRD department analyze the entire competency charts properly. 4.6. Late Coming Employee coming late by 5 minutes will be given special gate pass once in a month. Employees coming late by 10 minutes will have to submit an hour gate pass. Employees coming late by 15 minutes will have to submit 1 hr. gate pass and more than 15 minutes will have to submit 2 hrs gate pass or balance gate pass or day leave.

For late comers the security staff maintains a register at the gate. The time of arrival of late comers is recorded at the gate & its information is given to the HRD department, from where the register is sent to MD / Technical Advisor. 4.7. Outdoor Duty As per the requirement of company, company can depute any employee for outdoor duty. Before proceeding for the outdoor duty, employee will have to fill up the outdoor duty slip & get it approved by his HOD & submit the same at the security office. The security people will keep a record & send the same to the HRD department for further action. Further if imp rest is required for outgoing employee, he will have to fill the imprest slip & get it sanctioned from the HOD & can collect the money from the accounts department & by settling the account within 24 hrs of joining the duties in the company premises. No outdoor duty commences from home without prior permission. In such cases the employees have to get prior approval. The rest of the procedure is the same as mentioned above. 4.8. Leave Policy Employees of the company are entitled for the following leaves: S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. TYPE OF LEAVES Privilege / Earned Casual Sick Compensatory ENTITLEMENT 16 7 7 Against rest day / extra work

Leave can be calculated as under: Earned Leave Casual Leave Working days/18.75 Working days/43

Sick Leave For CL & SL only 0.25 day & below 0.25 day 0.75 day 0.75 day 1 .0 day PL below 0.5 PL above 0.5

Working days/43

o day day 1 day 0 Day 1 day

Total leave amount will be calculated for the payment as: Total Leave amount = Basic salary * Total leaves 26 Assistant Managers, Dy. Managers, Managers & Sr. Managers for extra working or working on Sundays/Holidays are entitled for the compensatory leaves. AGM and above will not be entitled for any compensatory leave except any special case. Below 4 hrs. Working per day No compensatory leave

Working for 4 hrs & above but less than day compensatory leave 8 hrs. Working for more than8 hrs. Full day compensatory leave

The compensatory leaves shall be availed within 6 months of the earning. Compensatory leave can be extended by HOD. The employees not claiming compensatory leaves will be entitled for conveyance reimbursement allowance for extra day working from residence to factory and vice-versa on holidays only. Leaves will be calculated at the end of each

quarter. Deduction if any will be made after calculation of leaves of each quarter instead of calculating monthly. This rule is only for staff category of employees. Staff can avail leave in advance for one quarter. 4.8.1. Control on leaves: An employee who wants to avail any leave has to fill the Leave application form available in the time office and has to deposit the same after getting it recommended by HOD. Leave application form contains the following details: a) Name of the employee b) Designation of an employee c) Department of an employee d) Card no. e) Leave required from date to date f) No. of days g) Sign of an employee & present address h) Signature of the HOD (Recommendation) The leave application forms are serialized as per the card no. of the employee and are posted into the computer. 4.9. Leave With Wages Policy As per the company policy, only earned leave and casual leave encashment is permissible. Unutilized sick leave cannot be encased. At the end of every financial year, the HRD department calculates the amount of leave with wages payable to each employee using the data compiled in the LWW register. It is noted that any fraction is rounded off upwards and any excess leave taken is deducted first from the CL and then from the EL. As a convention in the company, leave taken is first adjusted against sick leave and then against the casual leave and finally against the earned leave.

4.10. Loan Policy Employees of the company can avail this facility only in case of emergencies. Loan is given to employees on 25th of every month. Amount of loan taken by an employee is deducted from the employees monthly salary in installments. 4.10.1. Fixation of installments: No. of installment is fixed by the approving authority for loan at the time of sanctioning the loan. 4.10.2. Loan sanctioning authority: M D / Technical Advisor / Sr. VP (Finance) is the sanctioning authority for loan to an employee. 4.10.3. Procedure of loan sanction: These are the following procedure: The employee who is in need of loan has to fill the prescribed format. The completed application form is sent to the HRD department for filling in the previous advance particulars (if any). After this is the application is given to the HOD who then recommends the loan. The application approved by the HOD is sent back to the HRD department before 20th of every month for approval by AVP (HRD). After 20th these forms are sent to MD / Technical Advisor / Sr. VP for final approval. Once the final approval is obtained, HRD department enters the sanctioned amount (with the particulars of installments) in the loan register maintained in the department and sent to accounts department for transferring the amount into the bank. The application for loan contains the following details: a) b) c) d) Name of the employee Amount needed Last advance taken on & date Sign of the employee.

4.10.4. Housing loan for staff: Permanent staff members who have completed 5 years of confirmed service. The employees are entitled for the loan as per the given structure: Supervisor Sr. Supervisor to Dy. Manager Manager to Sr. Manager A.G.M. and above 75,000.00 1, 00,000.00 1, 50,000.00 2, 00,000.00

4.10.5. General rules: The loan will be sanctioned after receipt of agreement to sell in case of purchase of land, submission of title deed where the property is already in the name of the employee/spouse/children either jointly or severally. This loan will be granted once in the entire service period of the employee. The loan will attract as per present applicable interest at reducing balance method. The annual prerequisites payable, viz. Bonus/LTA/LWW will be adjusted against the loan. After sanctioning of loan applications by the HOD the loan applications will routed through the concerned committee constituted for this purpose for the final decision. Committee consists of: Technical Advisor Sr. Vice President (Finance) Associate Vice President (HRD) The installment will be fixed in such a manner that after adjustment of annual dues, the entire loan will be re-paid within a period of three years. The loan availed earlier will have to be repaid before availing loan under this scheme. Only three cases will be sanctioned in each month on first come first serve basis. The company may suspend this facility in case of any financial constraints.

4.10.6. General loan for staff: The employee who has completed two years of confirmed service. Maximum limit 3 months basic salary Deduction 12 equal installments

4.10.7. Emergency loan for workers: Minimum one year confirmed of service required: 1 to 3 years of service 3 to 5 years of service 5 years & above Deduction: 3 month basic 4 month basic 6 month basic

If 3 month or 4 month basic - 800 p.m. If 6 month basic - 1200 p.m.

Maximum 30 employees can take loan in a month. 4.10.8. Housing loan for workers: Minimum three years service: Photocopy of registry of plot in his name or his wife name Limit as per the mentioned in the wage agreement/settlement

4.11. Conveyance allowance policy The company facilitates its employees by providing conveyance allowance every month. The allowance structure differs with regard to the mode of transportation by an employee. 4.11.1. Reimbursement structure: Those who bring their own conveyance for the official work are entitled for the conveyance reimbursements as per the given structure: Rs. 6.75 per k.m for employees using there own four-wheelers. Rs. 2.80 per k.m for employees using there own scooters/motorcycle. 4.11.2. Reimbursement form: The conveyance reimbursement form contains the following details. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Details of visit From ------ to Vehicle no Total km conv. Used Purpose of visit Sign of the employee Sign of the HOD

4.11.3. Procedure: The employee has to fill a conveyance reimbursement form and has to get it signed by HOD. In this conveyance reimbursement form the security person notes initial reading of the vehicle before the employee leaves and after returning to the company the final reading of the vehicle is again noted. This filled form is send to the D.G.M. (Administration) from where it is send to the accounts department for payment. 4.12. House Rent Allowance

4.12.1. Entitlement for HRA: All the employees (probationers & permanent) who are on company payroll are entitled for HRA (Against the respective designations). 4.12.2. HRA structure: (ANNEXURE-XIII). The amount of HRA is paid along with the salary, on 10th of every month. Note: For the entitlement of HRA day present is required in particular month & HRA is implemented to those employees who have got their leaves sanctioned. HRA is not entitled to the absentee. 4.13. Medical Reimbursement Employees earning over Rs. 10000/- per month (Basic+ HRA +Education+ Conveyance + Attendance) are entitled for medical reimbursement as per the company rules. Employees covered under the ESI act are not entitled for medical reimbursement. 4.13.1. Medical reimbursement for the staff: i. ii. iii. Sr. V.P. to Sr. Mgr. = 10percentage of the basic Mgr to Driver/Guard = 8percentage of the basic Workers = 6percentage of the basic

The employees who are not covered under ESI are covered under med claim policy. Medical reimbursement will be calculated on the basic salary of an employee in every month. Employee can get three months medical reimbursement in advance. 4.13.2. Procedure for claim: On production of a bill from a qualified doctor or a chemist of medicines to the HRD department the department checks and verifies (AVP, HRD) the same against his entitlement in the medical ledger maintained and then this reimbursement form is send to the accounts department.

4.14. Shoe/ Uniform Allowance Entitlement for the allowance: Employees working in the shop floor up to the level of supervisor/foreman are entitled to get the allowance in cash. Amount entitlement: i. ii. Workers are given a shoe payment per annum in the month of March. Sr. Foreman to Assistant Supervisor of GDC, PDC, Alloy, Shell Core, and Electrical are paid shoe allowance 200/- twice a year in the month of Jan. & July.


Employees below the level of supervisors are paid shoe allowance 200/- a year in the month of Jan. & July.

4.14.1. Uniform: Uniform will be provided to the employees every year. Uniform includes: Two shirts & two pants in a year. Jersy / jacket once in two year alternatively. Two jackets will be provided to Assistant Manager and above every year.

4.15. Increment / Promotion Annual increment will be admissible on the performance basis. The performance appraisal forms have to send to the HODs in every January & July by the HRD department. The rate of increment will be decided by the management on the basis of rating given in the performance appraisal form. Promotion will be depended upon performance appraisal and decided by management. 4.16. Disciplinary Action on Sleeping In Duty Timings HR Department will take necessary action against those employees who found sleeping in duty time, as per given below. 4.16.1. For Staff Employees: The staff employees will be marked full absent of that day along with 25percentage deduction of incentive for the month and warning letter will also be issued to them. 4.16.2. For Workmen: The workmen will be marked half absent of that day & warning letter will be issued to them. 4.16.3. For Trainees: The trainees will be marked full absent of that day along with 25percentage deduction of incentive for the month. 4.16.4. For Contractor workers: The contractor workers will be marked full absent of that day along with 25percentage deduction of incentive for the month.

4.17. First Aid 4.17.1. Facilities of Dispensary: Company provides free first aid & medical consultancy services to its employees with a dispensary general medicines available within its premises. 4.17.2. Caretaker: The dispensary is under the charge of qualified doctors & compounder. 4.17.3. Facilities Provided: The facilities are readily available during the working hours of the factory. 4.17.4. Visit of the Doctors: Two doctors visit the factory on alternative days for one hour in between 2:00pm 3:00pm 4.17.5. First Aid: In case of minor accidents first aid is provided by the compounder. In case of major accident patients are taken to the private clinics/ E.S.I. dispensary. Company ambulance is available 24 hrs in the company premises in case of any emergency. 4.18. Canteen: Canteen facility is provided for the permanent / trainee/authorized contract workers As a welfare measure, the company provides two cups tea per day to its employees. Lunch is provided to the employees on subsidized rate of Rs 4/- and snacks on 1.75 /-

During the night shift tea, matthi & biscuits are provided to all employees including the contract workers by the company.

During the extra time hours (O.T.) extra tea coupons are provided

4.19. Statutory Bonus Scheme Company employees are covered under the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965. Accounting year for Bonus is April to March. To get bonus 30 working days is required in an accounting year. Bonus will be paid on 22nd May of every year. 4.19.1. Bonus Calculation: Bonus will calculate on earned Basic + VDA (variable dearness allowance) = 3500.00 per month @ 20percentage i.e. the maximum amount will be Rs. 8,400.00 per year. If Basic< 3500.00 and LWW amount paid to employee, the same amount will add for bonus calculation. If Basic> 3500.00 in the middle of financial year and LWW amount paid to employee The amount of LWW will add on proportionate for bonus calculation as per below formula:


Balance loan will be deducted from bonus for staff category or as per instructions of seniors. On leaving of service bonus will be paid at the time of full & final of accounts. If employee joins on 1st February he will not entitled for bonus if hasnt completed 30 working days in above said two months. This period will not carry over for next year. 4.20. Super ANNUATION Scheme Superannuation scheme has launched in welfare of the employee through LIC. Superannuation will be paid quarterly in advance. All managers after completing six month service & above or employees who were continued in this scheme will entitled/continued.

To get Superannuation benefits/pension minimum five years service is required. Superannuation premium will pay latest by 15th of every quarter. Superannuation premium will sent @ 10percentage of Basic. On leaving of service before Five years from Superannuation scheme amount will be claimed by company from LIC. If employee joins on or before 15th in the month then this month will included for eligibility and joins on or after 16th in the month then this month will excluded for eligibility. 4.21. Insurance Scheme Some of the Insurance policies adopted by the company are as under: a) Group Insurance b) Employee Deposit Link Insurance (EDLI) c) Group Gratuity 4.21.1. Group Insurance: All permanent employees are covered under this policy as mentioned under: i. ii. iii. Managerial Staff Supervisory Staff Others Rs. 50,000.00 Rs. 30,000.00 Rs. 20,000.00

4.21.2. Employee Deposit Link Insurance (EDLI): All employees who are covered under Provident Fund scheme are entitled for this scheme after death. Present rate of EDLI is Rs. 62,000.00 (As amended by the PF Act time to time). 4.22. Group Gratuity: Gratuity is paid under the Gratuity Act, 1972 on completion of the 5 years of continuous service or as prescribed under the act. The Superannuation age is 58 years. Calculation of Gratuity = Last Basic * 15 days of per year 26 4.23. Diwali Gifts Another type of motivation is in the form of festival gifts such as Diwali, Holi, Lohri, New Year etc. (ANNEXURE - XIV)


TYPE OF GIFTS/ITEMS Gifts such as Fans, Mixes, Blankets, Sweets etc. Gifts such as Colors, Sweets etc. Items such as peanuts & Revri etc. Gifts such as Dairies, Calendars & sweets

4.24. Marriage Gifts Employees are getting the benefits of marriage shoguns of their respective relations as following: OCCASION Self Marriage of Employee Daughters Marriage Amount Rs. 501.00 Sons Marriage Brothers Marriage GIFTS Amount Rs. 1001.00 Amount Rs. 6100.00 Amount Rs. 501.00 Amount Rs. 501.00 Amount Rs. 201.00

4.25. Long Service Awards To retain the employees for the long association with the company it has formulated the Long service award scheme as written under: Period of years Completion of 15 yrs service Completion of 10 yrs service Gifts/Items (Awards) One Gold Chain Music system

Completion of 7 yrs

Golden wrist watch

4.26. Suggestion Scheme This has been implemented: To increase the effectiveness of the organization by the implementation of new and innovating ideas To increase the employee participation in solution of various work related problems and to develop a feeling of worthiness among employees In this regard separate Suggestion scheme has been drafted for the fulfillment of this purpose. 4.27. Attendance Award 4.27.1. Workers: To minimize the rate of Absenteeism, management has introduced Attendance award as mentioned under: The eligibility for the attendance award is the complete full month attendance with sanctioned ONE leave. The amount for the attendance award is Rs. 175 per month and the attendance award payment paid quarterly. 4.28. Incentive Scheme To minimize the rate of Absenteeism, management has introduced incentive deduction policy for trainee and contractor workers as mentioned under: Full month incentive will be paid to those trainee and contractor workers who remain on authorized leave for two days in the month. If above said category of workers remain on leave/absent due to accident in company premises no incentive will be deducted. If above said category of workers remain on leave/absent maximum for 7 days once in six months then full incentive will be paid after the recommendation of HOD and approval of the Head of HR Department. If above said category of workers remain on leave/absent once maximum for 7 days and once maximum for 3 days in total span of six months then

50percentage incentive will be paid after the recommendation of HOD and approval of the Head of HR Department. In any extreme emergency, if above said category of workers remain on

leave/absent more than two days incentive will be paid as a special case after the recommendation of the Head of The Department and approval of the Head of HR Department. 4.29. Earned And Casual Leave Policy All Staff members will be eligible for 16 Earned Leaves and 7 Casual Leaves in a financial year. These leaves will be calculated on the basis of actual working days worked by an employee. One Earned Leave will be credited to the account of the employee after 18.75 working days and one Casual Leave would be credited to the account of employee after 43 working days. If any employee could not avail his Earned Leaves and Casual Leaves during financial year, the balance leaves will be carried forward to succeeding financial year. The carry forward facility will be available for a period of three years which would be carried forward as credit to the account of employee upto 60 days. The Leaves would also be linked to encashment of LTA. The LTA would be paid to the employee on his actual proceeding of leaves. LTA would be given on submission of bills after completion of journey and should justify travel undertaken while claiming LTA. The minimum leaves taken for availing LTA would be 5 days. After the third financial year, the accumulated leaves to the credit of employee would be encashed to him. At the time of termination/resignation from services, the unveiled leaves would be encashed to the employee.



5.1.Introduction- As far as Performance Appraisal Exercise of YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari, Haryana) is concerned; it plays a very crucial role for the sake of annual increments, T&D Programs, Welfare and the Promotions of the employees of YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari, Haryana). This exercise usually conducted once in a year in the month of (MayJune) at YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari, Haryana). For assessing the performance of the HR department uses the method of simple rating scale and makes the structured format and this format is called PEP (Performance Excellence Plan). First of all this plan is circulated to the entire departments employees and they bounded to submit it till the designated time period to their respective immediate Superior/HODs. The PEP(Performance Excellence Plan) of YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari, Haryana), is basically based on 6 rating scale and the rating scale is given below. 5.2.Rating Scale. 5.2.1. Poor- The individual not only failed to meet the job requirement but also performed much below expectation. 5.2.2. Below average- The individual failed to meet expected level or performance however has shown the potential for improvement. 5.2.3. Average- The individual has been a mediocre performer who has by and large met most of the job requirements. However, need further improvement to meet expected level of performance. 5.2.4. Above Average- The individual met the expected level of performance and has taken initiatives at times, still has potential to improve. 5.2.5. Good- The individual consistently met the expected level of performance and sometime exceeded them. He/she demonstrate initiatives and efforts to better existing performance. 5.2.6. Excellence- The individual exceeded the expected level of performance and has consistently performed over and above the expectation. Performance Excellence Plan is divided into four parts and these sections are: Section 1 learning from previous year.

Section 2 Assessment of KRAs (Key Result Area) Section 3 Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment. Section 4 Employees feedback.

Section 1- Learning in Previous year: This section is to be filled by the employees. In this section employees learning and improvements from previous year is checked. It is shown by the information given by the information given by the employees themselves; related with the learning in previous year. Afterwards what kind of improvements is there in performance due to learning is also checked. And then the immediate supervisors give the give the suitable rating to both Personal as well as Professional factors of the employees. Section 2- Assessment of Key Result Area: The section-2 is divided into three parts. The first based on employees 3 key result areas and the second part is based on the Result Achieved in Key result areas by the employees. In this section, the employees mention their key result areas. In the second part they specify that how much they get success or how much they achieve results in their designated the key result areas, at last in third part the immediate superior just access the key result areas in which the employees are providing their srevices. After the overall measurement the immediate superior give the suitable performance reting to each areas one by one. Section 3- Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment: The section three is based upon quatitative and qualitative assessment. This section basically divided into skill areas of employees. i. ii. Behavioural skill area. Professional skill area.

The Behavioural skill area is categorized into 5 dimensions, which are: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Interpersonal relation Communication Regularity and punctuality Desire to learn Resource conciousness

And the professional skill area is also categorized into 5 dimensions, which are: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Knowledge of work Output Problem solving and decision-making Delegation of work Planning

The immediate supervisors give the suitable ratings on the behavioural skill areas as well as professional skill areas of the employees. At last they put the average rating on the above areas. Section 4- Employee Feedback: The section 4 is mainly consists of three parts. In the first part the employees give their valuable feedback regarding three positive features of YKK, India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari, Haryana) and in second part, the employees tell about three important areas where the improvement is necessary. And in the last part they got and open ended opprtunity to give their precious suggestion to make YKK, India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari, Haryana) a better workplace. Once all the basic process of Performance Excellence Plan (PEP) has been completed then the Departmental heads give their average rating to an individual. At last the immediate supervisors and the HODs considered on the average rating of an individual, which based on two level assessments, and after some calculation they finally take the decision for the annual increments and the promotions of the employees.




The researcher visited YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari, Hayana) and found PEP (Performance Excellence Plan) under which the performance appraisal process was being implemented but some problems were observed in this existing plan. The researcher has selected four dimensions first dimension is superior-subordinate relation, second dimension is awareness about performance appraisal system, third dimension is related with superior and subordinate own thinking about appraisal system and fourth dimension is related with area of improvement. First dimension includes six items, second, third and fourth dimension includes three items individually. For the purpose of finding the problems in present appraisal system, total 80 questionnaire were distributed 68 questionnaire were received out of which only 50 were found suitable to conduct research work.

6.2. Employees Responses

The individual response on Induction in percentage in YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal, (Rewari, Haryana) are as follows: Scale= A- Highly Agree, B.- Agree, C- Neutral, D- Disagree, E- Highly Disagree

6.3. Data Analysis & Interpretation:6.3.1. Focus on the area of improvement. This statement is related to know whether the present appraisal system focus on the area that should be improved. Table 5.3.1. Percentagewise response on area of improvement. OPINION OF RESPONDENDS A B C D E HIGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE HIGHLY DISAGREE RESPONSE IN PERCENTAGE 21.38 34.52 12.00 18.67 13.43

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

Figure 5.3.1. Response on employee felt welcome

Focus on the area of improvement

13.43% 21.38% A (21.38 %) B (34.52 %) C (12 %) D (18.67 %) 12% 34.52% E (13.43 %)


SOURCE : collected by the researcher.

Here 21.38 percentage of the employees are highly agreed, 34.52 percentage employees are agreed whereas 13.43 percentage of the employees are highly disagreed and 12 percentage of the employees are neutral in their response whereas 18.67 percentage of the employees are disagreed.

6.3.2. Performance appraisal necessary for recognition and encouragement: This statement has been added in the questionnaire to know the employees view about the performance appraisal whether it is a mean of recognition and encouragement. Table 6.3.2.: Percentagewise response on necessity of performance appraisal for recognition and encouragement. OPINION OF RESPONDENDS A B C D E HIGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE HIGHLY DISAGREE RESPONSE IN PERCENTAGE 49.18 32.47 6.01 23.33 19.01

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

Figure 6.3.2.: Responses on necessity of performance appraisal for recognition and encouragement.

Performance appraisal necessary for recognition and encouragement

19.01% 23.33% 49.18% A (49.18 %) B (32.47 %) C (6.01 %) D (23.33 %) 6.01% 32.47% E (19.01 %)

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

According to the chart, it is clearly shown that 49.18 percentages of employees are highly agreed, 32.47 percentage of employees are agreed, 6 percentage of the employees are

neutral.And 23.33 percentage of the employees are disagreed and 19.02 percentage of the employees are highly disagreed with this statement. 6.3.3. Performance appraisal and transparency: This statement is asked to the employees to check the transparency standard in the performance appraisal system in YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari, Haryana). Table 6.3.3.: Percentagewise response on performance appraisal and transparency. OPINION OF RESPONDENDS A B C D E HIGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE HIGHLY DISAGREE RESPONSE IN PERCENTAGE 15.83 19.73 34.72 17 12.72

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

Figure 6.3.3.: Responses on performance appraisal and transparency.

Performance appraisal and transparency.

12.72% 17% 19.73% 15.83% A (15.83%) B (19.73%) C (34.72%) D (17%) E (12.72%) 34.72%

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

It was very surprising to get 34.72 percentage of employees are neutral about this statement while 15.83 percentage of employees are highly disagreed, 19.73 percentage of the employees

are agreed,17 percentage of the employees are disagreed and 12.72 percentage of the employees are highly disagreed. 6.3.4. Superiors collaborative approach in goal setting: through this statement, the researcher tried to know the level of subordinates participation in establishing the goal along with their superior. Table 6.3.4.: Percentagewise response on superiors collaborative approach in goal setting.. OPINION OF RESPONDENDS A B C D E HIGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE HIGHLY DISAGREE RESPONSE IN PERCENTAGE (percentage) 14.72 19.23 8.43 21.81 32.79

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

Figure 6.3.4.: Responses on superiors collaborative approach in goal setting.

Superiors collaborative approach in goal setting.

A (14.72 %) B (19.23 %) C (8.43 %) D (21.81 %) E (32.79 %)

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

The data tells that 32.79 percentage of the employees are highly agreed and only 14.74 percentage of the employees are highly agreed with this statement, while 8.43 percentage of the

employees are neutral in their responses, 21.81 percentage of the employees are disagreed and 19.23 are agreed the this. 6.3.5. Basis of reward: the attempt has been made by the researcher to find out the basis of reward, whether it is given on seniority basis or performance basis by asking this question. Table 6.3.5.: Percentagewise response on basis of reward.. OPINION OF RESPONDENDS A B C D E HIGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE HIGHLY DISAGREE RESPONSE IN PERCENTAGE 25.19 34.24 6.29 18.81 15.47

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

Figure 6.3.5.: Responses on basis of reward.

Basis of reward
15.47% 18.81% 25.19% A (25.19 %) B (34.24 %) C (6.29 %) 6.29% 34.24% D (18.81 %) E (15.47 %)

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

In YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari, Haryana), majority of the employees think that get their rewards on the basis of their performance because 34.24 percentage of employees are agreed and

as well as 25.19 percentage of the employees are highly agreed with this. Only 6.29 percentage of the employees are neutral, while 18.81 percentage of the employees are disagreed and 15.47 percentage of the employees are disagreed with this statement. 6.3.6. Superiors effort to find out subordinates area of improvement: This statement has been given in the questionnaire to know whether superiors try to identify the week point of subordinates performance for the improvement. Table 6.3.6.: Percentagewise response on superiors effort to find out subordinates area of improvement. OPINION OF RESPONDENDS A B C D E HIGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE HIGHLY DISAGREE RESPONSE IN PERCENTAGE (percentage) 13.26 17.43 7.54 37.41 24.36

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

Figure 6.3.6.: Responses on superiors effort to find out subordinates area of improvement.

Superiors effort to find out subordinates area of improvement.

24% 13% 18% 8% 37% A (13.26 %) B (17.43 %) C (7.54 %) D (37.41 %) E (24.36 %)

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

Data clearly indicates that only 13.26 percentage of the employees are highly agreed that their superior do this job while 17.43 percentage of the employees are agreed and 7.54 percentage of the employees are neutral and same place 32.41 percentage of the employees are disagreed and 24.36 percentage of the employees are highly disagreed with the fact that their superior help them to improve their performance. 6.3.7. Appraisal and personal relation with superior: Personal relation of the subordinate with his superior also affects the result of appraisal. To get the view of employees about this fact in their present appraisal system, this has been asked. Table 6.3.7.: Percentagewise response on appraisal and personal relation with superior. OPINION OF RESPONDENDS A B C D E HIGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE HIGHLY DISAGREE RESPONSE IN PERCENTAGE (percentage) 11.43 14.92 5.72 27.37 40.54

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

Figure 6.3.7.: Responses on Appraisal and personal relation with superior.

Appraisal and personal relation with superior.

A (11.43 %) B (14.92 %) C (5.72 %) D (27.37 %) E (40.54 %)

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

In YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari, Haryana), a measure sign of biasness in present appraisal system is identified because 40.54 percentage of the employees maintains that the relation with superior affects the appraisal and 27.37 percentage of the employees are disagreed, 5.72 percentage of the employees are neutral whereas 11.43 percentage of the employees are highly agreed and 14.94 percentage of the employees are agreed. 6.3.8. I get full opportunity to express my views, opinions and problems during discussion with superior: By the help of this question the researcher tries to know whether the employees of YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari, Haryana), get the opportunity of expressing their view and ideas with their superiors. Table 6.3.8.: Percentagewise response on appraisal and personal relation with superior. OPINION OF RESPONDENDS A B C D E HIGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE HIGHLY DISAGREE RESPONSE IN PERCENTAGE 11.67 15.83 8.47 29.33 34.70

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

Figure 6.3.8.: Responses on Appraisal and personal relation with superior.

Opportunity to express views, opinions and problems

A (11.67 %) B (15.43 %) C (8.47 %) D (29.33 %) E (34.70 %)

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

According to above chart, 34.70 percentage of the employees are highly disagreed, 29.33 percentage of the employees are disagreed, and 8.47 percentage of the employees are neutral while 11.67 percentage of the employees are highly agreed and 15.83 percentage of the employees are agreed with the fact that they get this chance of expression. 6.3.9. Opportunity of self-review and reflection: Through this statement, the vision will be clear about the present appraisal system, whether this system provide the opportunity of self-review and reflection to the employees. Table 6.3.9.: Percentagewise response on opportunity of self-review and reflection. OPINION OF RESPONDENDS A B C D E HIGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE HIGHLY DISAGREE RESPONSE IN PERCENTAGE 16.26 11.34 6.72 29.43 37.24

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

Figure 6.3.9.: Responses on opportunity of self-review and reflection.

Opportunity of self-reviw and reflection

A (16.26 %) B (11.34 %) C (6.72 % D (29.43 %) E (37.24 %)

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

As per the collected data, 37.24 percentage of the employees are highly disagreed, 29.43 percentage of the employees are agreed and 6.72 percentage of the employees are neutral about this statement whereas 16.26 percentage of the employees are highly agreed and 11.34 percentage of the employees are agreed with this.

6.3.10. Performance improvement and appraisal system: This question shows the extent to which employees performance is depend upon the appraisal result. Table 6.3.10.: Percentagewise response on performance improvement and appraisal system.. OPINION OF RESPONDENDS A B C D E HIGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE HIGHLY DISAGREE RESPONSE IN PERCENTAGE 31.34 30.18 7.37 12.26 8.27

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

Figure 6.3.10.: Responses on performance improvement and appraisal system..

Performance improvement and appraisal system.

A (41.34 %) B (30.18 %) C (7.37 %) D (12.26 %) E (8.27 %)

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

There are 41.34 percentage of the employees who are highly agreed with the fact that they improve their performance according to the appraisal result, 38.18 percentage of the employees are agreed and 7.37 percentage of the employees are neutral about this while 12.26 percentage of the employees are disagreed and 8.27 percentage of the employees are highly disagreed with this. 6.3.11. Superiors review and feedback: The hidden meaning of the statement is that whether the superior regularly review subordinates performance and give them immediate feedback. Table 6.3.11.: Percentagewise response on Superiors review and feedback. OPINION OF RESPONDENDS A B C D E HIGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE HIGHLY DISAGREE RESPONSE IN PERCENTAGE 14.08 12.02 8.2 28.17 37.52

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

Figure 6.3.11.: Responses on Superiors review and feedback.

Superiors review and feedback.

A (14.08 %) B (12.02 %) C (8.2 %) D (28.17 %) E (37.52 %)

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

The views of the employees are very clear as 37.52 percentage of the employees are highly disagreed, 28.17 percentage of the employees are disagreed and 8.2 percentage of the employees are , where as 14.08 percentage of the employees are highly agreed and 12.02 percentage of the employees are agreed with this statement. 6.3.12. Performance appraisal importance in performance improvement: This question involves the importance of the appraisal for the improvement in the employees performance. Table 6.3.12.: Percentagewise response on importance of Performance Appraisal in performance improvement. OPINION OF RESPONDENDS A B C D HIGLY AGREE AGREE NEUTRAL DISAGREE RESPONSE IN PERCENTAGE 41.71 25.09 64.43 14.85



SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

Figure 6.3.12.: Responses on performance appraisal importance in performance improvement.

Performance appraisal importance in performance improvement.

A (41.71 %) B (25.09 %) C (64.43 %) D (14.85 %) E (11.92 %)

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

The above chart shows that 41.71 percentage of the employees are highly agreed, 25.09 percentage of the employees are agreed and 6.43 percentage of the employees are neutral, somewhere there are also some of the employees who do not think it is much important for performance improvement as 14.85 percentage are disagreed and 11.92 percentage of the employees are highly disagreed. 6.3.13. Comfort level with superior: subordinates must feel comfortable while discussing any problem with their superior and how much comfortable they feel, its major responsibity is on the superiors behavior. Therefore, the researcher has made an attempt to know what the employees think of their in this regard. Table 6.3.13.: Percentagewise response on comfort level with superior. OPINION OF RESPONDENDS A B HIGLY AGREE AGREE RESPONSE IN PERCENTAGE 13.08 12.61



7.68 27.21 39.42

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

Figure 6.3.13.: Responses on comfort level with superior.

Comfort level with superior.

A (13.08 %) B (12.61 %) C (7.68 %) D (27.21 %) E (39.42 %)

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

The data shows,39.42 percentage of the employees do not find themselves comfortable with their superior because they are highly disagreed with this fact,27.21 percentage of the employees are disagreed 27.21percentage of the employees are agreed and 7.68 percentage of the employees are neutral. Same where 13.08 percentage of the employees are highly agreed as well as 12.61 percentage of the employees are agreed. 6.3.14. Superiors spent time to know the subordinates; problem. This question involves the concern of the superiors about their subordinates problem and performance. It will reveal how much the superiors are interested to find out subordinates problem through the response of the subordinate. Table 6.3.14.: Percentagewise response on superiors spent time to know the subordinates; problem. OPINION OF RESPONDENDS A HIGLY AGREE RESPONSE IN PERCENTAGE 10.52



8.38 6.17 33.17 42.76

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

Figure 6.3.14.: Responses on superiors spent time to know the subordinates; problem.

Superiors spent time to know the subordinates; problem.

A (10.52 %) B (8.38 %) C (6.17 %) D (33.17 %) E (42.76 %)

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

Now the vision is clear, 42.76 percentage of the employees are highly disagreed,33.17 percentage of the employees are disagreed and 6.17 percentage of the employees are neutral while 8.38percentage of the employees are agreed and 10.52 percentage are highly agreed with this. 6.3.15. Satisfaction with appraisal system: This is concluding statement which will show an overall view about the existing appraisal system. It will reveal the fact that how much employees considers this system fair and suitable and how much do not like this. Table 6.3.15.: Percentagewise response on satisfaction with appraisal system.





12.09 17.82 24.26 36.47

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

Figure 6.3.15.: Responses on satisfaction with appraisal system.

Satisfaction with appraisal system.

A (9.36 %) B (12.09 %) C (17.82 %) D (24.26 %) E (36.47 %)

SOURCE: Collected by the researcher

Now the very important analysis is here as, 36.47percentage are highly disagree and 24.26percentage of the employees are disagreed with above statement and they are not satisfied. Only 9.36percentage of the employees are highly agreed and 12.09percentage of the employees are agreed and satisfied with existing appraisal system, whereas 17.82percentage of the employees are neutral.

S.NO. 7.1. 7.2. 7.3.



Chapter - VII 7.1.Summary The researcher conducted a study on Performance Appraisal System at YKK Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari). The report on Evaluation of Performance Appraisal System in YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari) is submitted towards partial fulfillment of the degree of MHRD from the department of HRD, V.B.S. Purvanchal University Jaunpur. The main aim of the study is to have a practical exposure of HR function carried out in organization. In this study the researcher collected data and information on Performance Appraisal System in YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari) and further analysed it and give suggestions for its improvements. The methodology for project included, observation and personal interview. The researcher interacted with the personnel from HRD Department and other departments too.Information on the topic was collected from book, internet, and report from the organization, journals and magazines. Performance appraisal is the process of obtaining analyzing and recording about the relative worth of an employee. A performance appraisal system provides an instrument for measuring both an individuals performance and his relationship to the goals and structure of the firm. The performance appraisal system focuses on performance at present and future potential of the employee. The aim is not merely to decide about promotion, increase in salary, but also to develop a rational basis for managing performance and preparing them for future challenges. With the help of performance appraisal program, management comes to know about its strong area as well as weak points of the organization. YKK India Pvt.Ltd. Bawal is situated in Rewari (Haryana). It is one of the biggest Japanies organizations in India. It gives employment to a large number of employees. In the organization various Human Resource Management are selection, promotion and transfer etc. there is an department to look after these HR functions. The Performance Appraisal process at YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari) plays a crucial role to identify the weak point of its personnels competencies for future challenges and help in recommending them for training and development program, welfare and annual increament of employees. The performance is assessed by the supervisors through the plan know as Performance Excellence Plan (PEP) with the help of HR department. This plan is based on simple rating scale techniques of performance assessment. It consists of rating from one to six given on

various dimensions of an employees Key Result Areas, behavior and professional Skills. This process is conducted in once in a year. On the basis of the average rating the annual increment of the employee is decided. For this study 100 questionnaires were distributed but only 68 questionnaires were received out of which only 50 questionnaire were found suitable to conduct research and rest questionnaire were not completed. The interpretation of data shows that almost 50percentage employees want their superiors to spent more time with them to improve their (sub-ordinate) performance.20percentage of employees favored the need of fair appraisal process, as there should be no biasness in the process of performance appraisal. 35percentage of employees maintain that there is less scope for employees to discover their potential. As the same 40percentage of the employees suggested to improve organizations appraisal system so that it may convey management plans and goals more effectively. 7.2.Conclusion All this was the summary of whole research process and the conclusion is that YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari,Haryana) needs to improve its performance appraisal system as most of the employees are not satisfied with present appraisal system. They must follow some improvement instruments like-clarity in the process of performance appraisal so that they may trust the whole process and superiors must be collaborative and flexible in their attitude while interacting the subordinate so that the they may feel comfortable as superiorsubordinate relation is found very poor during the research work. 7.3. Suggestions After reaching to the conclusion given in the previous chapter there are some recommendations in the form of suggestions which can be helpful in organization effectiveness. The suggestions are: 1. The Performance Excellence Plan should be more descriptive through the personal observation the researcher observed that the system should be wider covering other points which has relevance in a particular job design. 2. The Performance Excellence Plan should be more transparent. There should be more involvement of the employees in every important decision related with performance assessment.

3. Appraisal should be conducted Twice in a Year as I found that most of the employees feel the need of performance appraisal should be followed twice in a year by personal counseling which can be more helpful for assessing employees performance. 4. To make performance assessment program more effective in the organization should make some effort for removing the feeling of Biasness from the superior while assessing the subordinates. This can be done through establishing effective communication system conducting sessions with subordinate. 5. The assessment Process should be Online as the most of the employees are equipped with computer and internet. It also saves the employees valuable time as well as paper work and the completed within short period. 6. More T&D programs should be conducted covering all the employees who are going to be assisted and all immediate superiors should be given a detailed on the system. 7. Instant reward/special allowances to the higher performer should be given as it can helpful to motivate the employees. 8. HRD department should be more conscious about Training Need Identification during appraisal. It will be helpful to both organization and employees too and by this right employee will be chosen for training. 9. The appraisal data should be shown to the employees so that it may be used as input for the recognition and encouragement of related employees. It may also be helpful in taking corrective actions by the particular employee on his poor performance. 10. Periodic orientation programs should be conducted as they are helpful in explaining goal, objectives and other important t information related to performance appraisal system. 11. Knowledge criteria of concerned employee should also be involved in performance appraisal system. 12. Performance appraisal system should be designed in such a way that it may give full opportunity of self reflection and self review to employees. 13. Superior should give the time to their subordinate so that they may consult their problems with superior. Superiors must regularly review subordinates performance and should give them immediate feedback in YKK India Pvt. Ltd. Bawal (Rewari,Haryana). 14. As researcher find out that subordinate do not get the opportunity to express their thoughts, view and problems while the process of performance appraisal. Superior must

be flexible in their behavior so that subordinate can give new ideas and can improve their performance. 15. The process of appraisal system should be very clear to every appraise so that they may trust the result of appraisal and may improve the whole performance and a trust worthy atmosphere can be prevailed.

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ANNEXURE - I Questionnaire Myself Roli Srivastava, MHRD student of VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur. I need to conduct a survey regarding summer internship project for completion of the degree.. My survey topic is Performance Appraisal. Therefore the following statements are related to that topic. Kindly co-operate me by filling it honestly (you need to rate the question). Full name of the Executive: Designation and level: Department: Gender: Age: ResponseA-Highly Agree B-Agree C-Neutral D-Disagree E-Highly Disagree

S.N 1.

Statements Your present appraisal system focuses on the area that should be improved.





Performance appraisal necessary for recognition and encouragement. 49.18 15.83 32.47 19.73 6.01 34.72 23.33 17 19.01 12.72


The present performance appraisal system is transparent


Superior set the performance goal along with the subordinate. 14.72 19.23 8.43 21.81 32.79


Rewards are given on the basis of performance not on the basis of superiority. 25.19 34.24 6.29 18.81 15.47 My Superiors make effort to find out subordinates area of improvement. 13.26 17.43 7.54 37.41 24.36



Appraisals are not done only on the basis of my performance not on my personal relation with the appraiser. 11.43 14.92 5.72 27.37 40.54


I get full opportunity to express my views, opinions and problems during discussion with superior. 11.67 15.83 8.47 29.33 34.70


I get full opportunity of self-review and reflection in my present appraisal system. 16.26 11.34 6.72 29.43 37.24


I try to improve my performance on the basis of appraisal result. 41.34 30.18 7.37 12.26 8.27 Superiors review the subordinates performance and provide the feedback regularly. 14.08 importance in performance 41.71 25.09 64.43 14.85 11.92 12.02 8.2 28.17 37.52



Performance improvement.



I feel comfortable while discussing any difference of opinion about my performance rating with the appraiser 13.08 12.61 7.68 27.21 39.42


My superior spent enough time to know the subordinates problems. 10.52 9.36 8.38 12.09 6.17 17.82 33.17 24.26 42.76 36.47


I am satisfied with the current appraisal system.



January 1, 1934


11,992,400,500yen *As of April 1, 2010


Tadahiro Yoshida

Headquarters Address

1,Kanda Izumi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 1018642,Japan


+81-3-3864-2000 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 3-38642000 end_of_the_skype_highlighting +81-

YKK Corporation Kurobe

Location Toyama




938-8601,Japan Tel: +81-765-54-8000 begin of the skype highlighting +81-765-54-000 end highlighting of the skype

Number Companies



71 countries / regions Japan Overseas Total 22 companies 92 companies 114 companies

Number of Employees (Consolidated Basis)

Japan Overseas Total

18,000 21,000 39,000

*As of December 31, 2009

Sales (Consolidated Basis)


249,300 million yen

Building materials 301,900 million yen Others Total *Fiscal year 2009 5,200 million yen 556,400 million yen

Board of Directors

(As of Jun 29, 2010)


Tadahiro Yoshida

Representative Director and vice chairman

Takeshi Kawasaki


Masayuki Wataru Tetsuo Hideo Junichi Masanori Yukio Keinosuke Ono

Sarumaru Otani Yazawa Yoshizaki Takahashi Honda Yanagida

Corporate Auditor

Yoshio Yukio Satoshi Hiroshi Akiyama

Osawa Gotoh Kawai


HEAD OFFICE GURGAON YKK INDIA PVT. LTD. Global Business Park 3rd Floor, Tower-A Mehrauli-Gurgaon Road Gurgaon 122002(Haryana),India Telephone : 0124-3924800 Fax :0124-3924898 ~ 99 E-mail :

REGIONAL OFFICE BANGALORE CASA BRIGITTA, Second Floor, No. 10. Brunton Road, BANGALORE - 560 025 (India) Tel : 91-80-41794500 (EPABX PILOT Number) Fax : 91-80-41123024/41123025 E-mail : ANNEXURE-IV TRAINING LOCATION NAME YKK India Private Limited OWNERSHIP 100percentage subsidiary of YKK Corporation, Japan

FACTORY LOCATION Bawal, Rewari District, Haryana LAND AREA 36 Acres (147,102.33 SQ Metres) FACTORY AREA ( Phase1,2,3 & 4) : 59,520 SQ Metres Dust-Free, Temperature & Humidity Controlled PRODUCTION STARTED March 1997 ADDRESS Plot No. 699, Bawal Ind. Estate, Dist. Rewari, Haryana.


STAFF Designation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. SR. V.P./V.P./A.V.P. G.M./D.G.M. A.G.M./Sr. Mgr. Manager Foreman to Dy. Manager Asstt. clerk to Supervisor Basic upto 1400-2000/Basic upto 2001-3000/Basic upto 3001 above Allowance 60percentage of Basic 55percentage of Basic 50percentage of Basic 45percentage of Basic 35percentage of basic 30percentage of basic 20percentage of basic 25percentage of basic 30percentage of basic

WORKERS Basic 1. 2. 3. Basic upto 1400-2000/Basic upto 2001-3000/Basic upto 3001 above Allowance 20percentage of Basic 25percentage of Basic 30percentage of Basic

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