Iffco Rehan

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Analysis of Financial Statement Judeging the Financial Position of IFFCO

Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of

Master of Business Administration

Programme : 2006 - 08


Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow

Under the Supervision of by:Ms. Sandhaya Singh Rehan Akhtar MBA Department, S.R.M.S.C.E.T. , Bareilly

Submitted Name :

Roll No. : 4037

Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering & Technology, Bareilly

Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering & Technology,

Faculty of Management Science

Bareilly (U.P.)

Faculty of Management Science

This is to certify that Mr. Rehan Akhter, a student of MBA-IInd Semester has completed her Research Report titiled Analysis of Financial Statement Judeging the Financial Position of IFFCO assigned by MBA

Department and under my Supervision. It is further certified that He has personally prepared this report that is the result of his personal

survey/observation. It is of the standard expected of MBA student and hence recommended for evaluation.


( Mr. Sandhya Singh )

Above statement is endorsed.

( Prof. S.P. Gupta ) Director General

A comprehensive practical study of management is a supplement to the theoretical classroom knowledge. It helps to understand the subject more precisely. This report tries to outline idea of professional world & helps in understanding the pragmatic aspect of management function. Own observations are significant towards the contribution in learning the subject. The report is therefore designed as a reference of organization functioning rather than copy down instrument. The purpose of vocational training is to make management student familiar with day to day functioning of business. The present report is an effort in this direction

. My humble endeavor & motive in presenting the project report is to impart a balanced introduction & knowledge of HRD, which is an important integral part of personal management. It is hoped that this project will serve as a supportive document to research worker as efforts has been tired to make this report an informative, stimulating & self-explanatory.

The extensive endeavor, bliss and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any task would not be complete without the expression of gratitude to the people who made it possible. I take this opportunity to acknowledge all those whose guidance and encouragement has helped me in winding up this project. I am really grateful to my guide Mr. (Asstt. Manager P&A Department) for guiding and providing me with necessary help throughout the project. Without his critical and timely suggestion, this project would never have been possible. I would like to thank him for assigning me the project and for their help and cooperation. Besides this I would like to thank Mr. (Sr. Manager Training) & Mr. .. (Asstt. Manager Training) who gave me the opportunity to do summer training in his Organization.

I wish to express my special thanks and Regards to Dr Dr & Other Faculty & Staff faculty of RBMI who was my guide my in charge of summer training, S.R.M.S BAREILLY, who had me the necessary tips and supervision to carry out my summer training project and to prepare the report. Unfortunately, the list of expression of thank, no matter how extensive I is incomplete and inadequate Last but not the least, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who had directly or indirectly responsible for the successful completion of the project.



Introduction. Scope of Study. Objective of Study. Methodology.

Company Profile and Current Financial Position of IFFCO.

Comparison of Financial Statement of IFFCO.

Analysis of Previous years Profit & Loss Statement.

Finding & Suggestion.

Limitation of Study.


INTRODUCTION OF THE TOPIC Analysis of financial statement for judging the financial position of IFFCO The analysis of financial statement allows comparison between one enterprise to another. The analysis lets to the measure of performance of organization and to Know its financial position in the market with the help of financial statements one can come to know the essentials in both profit and non profit organization. Analysis of financial statement and judging the financial position are contradictory to each other which go assesses the financial position manager company through the working out of the return of capital , debt-equity ratio, cost of capital each sources etc, and comparison of the capital structure with that of similar companies. Financial statements are indicate of two significant factors profitability and financial soundness Analysis and Interpretation are complantary to each other .

Interpretation requires analysis , while analysis useless without interpretation analysis means methodical classification of data given in financial statement and Interpretation explaining the meaning and significant of the data so simplified . Financial analysis is also done according to the financing of the organization .In this research project report I will study the method of financial analysis with the analysis of financial statement and interpret the financial position of IFFCO.

Objective of the study To find out the financial position of the IFFCO To find out the annual turnover of the IFFCO. To analysis the factor that influence that financial statement of IFFCO. To compare the current financial position to the previous financial position. To analyze the profitability of IFFCO.

Indian farmer fertilizer cooperative limited IFFCO was established on 3rd November, as a Multiunit Cooperative Organization with board objectives of augmenting fertilizer production ensuring fertilizer availability at farmer, door step, strengthening cooperation fertilizer distribution system & education, training & guiding the farmer for improving productivity & rural economy. From its very inception, IFFCO has been performing exceedingly well. In fact, IFFCOs name has assumed the hallmark of success. Over the years, it has grown in stature strength, & become the light beacon for other, in just three decades; it has out to be an institution with immense contribution in National Progress.

It is the federation of more than 35,000 societies, most of them being village cooperatives spread all over in sixteen states & three union territories. IFFCO presently own four most modern plants at Kalol & Kandla in Gujarat & Phulpr & Aonla in U. P. & Paradeep in Udisa having a total annual production capacity of 4.7 million tones of fertilizer material. IFFCOs all the plant has been achieving the annual capacity utilization in the range of 112120%s.

OBJECTIVE OF COMPANY During last 35 years of existence, IFFCO has taken a remarkable step forward has established itself as Asias largest fertilizer company. The board objectives of setting up this venture are as follows: 1) 2) The main trust of IFFCOs activity is an increasing agricultural Some of the innovative endeavors of IFFCO in the pursuit of its productivity through balanced fertilization. commitment to serve the farming community are village and district adoption programs, intensive fertilizer promotion campaigns and reclamation of problematic lands. 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) It aims to promote the activities for enriching the life of rural To create a healthy social atmosphere by establishing some health To create scientific awareness among the farmers. To ensure availability of fertilizers at the farmers doorstep. Other side of IFFCO is provided relief to rural masses at time of masses playing a role of catalyst by village adoption. care centers in clusters of villages.

contingencies and to help them in the treatment of wasteland. IFFCO has grown steadily since its inception today. It has emerged not only as the largest fertilizer producing organization in India but also Asias largest fertilizer co-operative.














RESEARCH METHODLOGY DEFINATION All progress in born of inquiry, doubt is better then confidence. It leads to enquiry and enquiry leads to invention. Hudson Maxim It was the contexts of which the significance of research can well be understood .increased amount of research make progress possible. Research inoculates scientific & inductive thinking about organization. Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. But also conceder the logic behind the method we use in our context of our research study and explain why we are using a particular method of technique and why we are not using other methods so that research result are capable of being evaluated either by the researcher or by others.


The organization structure of IFFCO is such as to provide a high degree of collaboration among the managerial personal. This help in attaining staff effectiveness. The structures consist of both line & staff managers but there is clear demarcation in their authorities & responsibility. Through the structure provides unlimited power to the manager yet most of the manager believes in benevolent leadership. This is the main reason behind the new record made by IFFCO. The Head Office of IFFCO is situated at New Delhi. It has cooperative staff that plays a link pin role between cooperatives office operating units of Kalol, Kandla, Phulpur & Aonla units. There are five zones. Each zone has its own headquarter of each zone is as follows; Zone North zone East zone West zone North Central zone South zone Headquarter Chandigarh Kolkata Bhopal Lucknow Bangalore

Each headquarter has certain no. of neighboring states under it & the functioning of those states is controlled by the particular headquarter; each state has a State Office under each zone. Under each state office there is Area Office & under each Area office there are Service sectors. The organization Structure of IFFCO consists of Board of Director. The government of India nominates two member of the board. The member of cooperatives societies nominates rest of the members. A chairman is the functional Head of his organization since he has an elected member. There is also a vice chairman elected by the member of the Board of director. Once of the members of Board of directors is the Managing Director. The MD is the Executive Head since he is an appointed member. The MD is responsible for carrying out all the function of the organization. The MD controls the function of the following; Development) Director Marketing Director Finance Executive Director (Personal & Administration) Executive Director (Technical) Executive Director (Technical service Deptt. / Planning &


The representative General Body (RGB), which is the general body, forms the supreme body that guides the various activities of IFFCO. The RGB consists of: 1. Members of the board of Directors. One delegate from each of the members societies holding share of the value of the Rs. 100 thousand and above; such delegate shall be as per the

2. Provisions of the multi-state Cooperative Society Act / rules as amend from time to time.

3. Delegates to be elected from amongst the representatives of membersSocieties (other than members holding shares of the value of Rs. 100 thousand and above) in each state/ union territory at the rate of one delegate foe every 200.


The flagship of IFFCO, Aonla Unit is located

in the Genetic of Uttar

Prudish in Bareilly district about 28 km Southwest on Bareilly Aonla road. Aonla Unit, Ammonia Urea complex, is comprised of two phases; Aonla I and Aonla II. The total capacity of Aonla Unit including both phases is 5011600 MTPA for ammonia and 8644600 MTPA for Urea having two streams of ammonia and four streams of Urea. The natural gas from HBJ pipeline being supplied from Bombay High is the feedstock for the plants. Aonla I was commissioned in May 1998 and Aonla II in Dec.1996. Both Aonla I and Aonla II units are achieving average annual capacity utilization of 116%. IFFCO Aonla unit is one of the most efficient and quality wise as well as environment oriented unit so that M/s KPMG Peat Mar wick, a quality registrar has certified it as ISO:9002 unit and M/s BVQL London has accredited it as ISO:14001 unit.


There are mainly four plants in the unit namely:1. Ammonia Plant 2. Urea Plant 3. Product Handling Plant 4. Steam and Power Generation Plant


There are two stream of Ammonia Plants having the capacity to produce 2x1520 MTDP of liquid ammonia. The technology is based on holder topsoil, Denmark process with Natural gas and Naphtha as main raw material.


There are four streams of urea plant having the capacity to produce 4x1310 MTDP of urea fertilizer. The technology is based on snamprogetti, Italy of ammonia striping process.


Product handling plant is composed of Urea storage known as Silo and packing and transport activities. Two Silo of 45,000 and 30,000 MT capacity have been provided to Urea product to ensure continuous urea production even if it is not taken off due to non availability of rail wagons or seasonal demand fluctuations.


To meet the continuous power supply needs of the main plants; capacity power plant and stem generation facilities have been provided. In this plant, two gas turbines each having the capacity of 18 MW along with heat recovery steam generation unites have been provided to cater to the plant needs of power and steam. Additionally, HRU unit of Ammonia II add to the steam supply of the complex.

VISION 2010 In order to maintain the sustained pace of remarkable growth being achieved under the MISSION 2005, the society is in the Process of formulating another growth plan VISION 2010. Profitable business a part from investments in the fertilizer sector. In its foray in to other sectors, the society strengthening cooperative infrastructure and the fertilizer pricing policy environment in the country continues to be uncertain. In order to sustain growth and ensure adequate return the member shareholders on the investment, IFFCO is exploring opportunities for diversification into other areas of cooperative system with overall emphasis on strengthening Rural India. Accordingly, the following main objectives have been kept in view while formulating him VISION 2010. Attaining an annual turnover of Rs. 15000 corer by 2010; Installation of Ammonia and urea plants including acquisition Backward integration to meet feed-stock requirements such as Generation of power; Exploration / Distribution of hydrocarbons; Production and marketing of micro-nutrients, seeds, bioValue addition to Agro-product and marketing; Manufacture of Petrochemicals; Banking and financial services;

of fertilizer units; phosphoric acid etc.;

fertilizer, pesticides etc.;

Information Technology IT enables services. QUALITY POLICY ISO 9001-2000

IFFCO Aonla Unit is committed to achieve satisfaction of its co-operative society, farming community and customer by manufacturing and supplying specified quality product, by pursuing:

Improvement of enhancing / maintaining productivity and growth. Creating safe and healthy working condition and eco-friendly environment. Co-operation and team sprite. Development of Human Resources. Continual improvement of effectiveness of its quality management system.

ENVIRONMENT POLICY Aonla Unit is committed for continual improvement and protection of environment by setting and renewing its objects and targets through environmental management system focusing at:

Compliance of legislation related to stack emissions, efficient discharge, and ambient air and water quality.

Conservation of water resources.

Emergency preparedness for safety of plant and concerned


Effluent and waste minimization.

Development of all round awareness and competence on

environmental issues.


KALOL: Seven awards for all performance from FAI. Two awards for industrial safety from GOI. Awards technical innovation from FAI. Two Rajya Bhasha shields for promoting Hindi. Awards for safety from National safety council, Chicago.

PHULPUR: Aonla: Four awards for productivity from NPC. Six national safety awards for GOI. Two awards for overall performance from FAI. Two awards for technical innovation from FAI. Three national energy conservation awards. There awards for west environment protection from FAI.

Awards for west implemented project (II nd prize) from GOI. Awards for conservation of energy from GOI.

KANDLA: Ten safety awards from National Council, Bombay GOI. Twenty one-safety awards from Gujarat Safety Council, Baroda. Nineteen awards for safety from National safety council, USA. Five awards for overall performance from FAI. Rajya Sabha awards for promoting Hindi.

Best productivity awards from NPC.


Aonla Project Mechanical completion achieved within 36 months

from zero date. Commissioning of Ammonia plant within 36 days from the process

feed cut-into primary reformer. Commencement of commercial production in just 42 month from zero

date in spite of in delay in supply of natural gas by M/s GAIL and CO2 compressors by M/s BHEL. Implementation of Aonla project has been taken as model for future

projects by Govt. of India. IFFCO has bagged two prestigious National Awards one for best

project implementation (second prize) by Ministry of programmed Implementation, Govt. of India and other for technical film new horizonsAonla project (second prize) by FAI. ASCI, Hyderabad has adopted implementation of Aonla project as a

model case study for there general management level courses.

The consumption of energy per tone of urea produced at Aonla has

been record lowest in Indian fertilizer industry. The project by implemented with a saving of Rs. 30 crores from the

original estimate of Rs. 696 crores. Doordarshan, Lucknow and Delhi in its National Network presented

the story of the Aonla project highlighting project completion and its others social activities. Development of 50 meter inside green belt around the factory to kept

the environ mend cleans. National Energy Conservation Awards -1995(first prize) in the

fertilizer sector by ministry of power, Govt. of India. Certificate of Merit from NPC for performance in the year1993-1994.

Financial statements
The financial statements are often an important source of information or financial decision. So I examine financial statements in this research report. My emphasis is not on preparing financial statements which is the job of accountants-but on understanding the kind of information find in these statements. I will pay special attention to difference between accounting value and economic value and the difference between accounting income and cash flow. Financial statement serve important function they provide information how the firm has performed in the past and what is its current financial position. They are a convenient device for stakeholder to set performance norms and impose restriction on the management of the firm.
They provide convenient templates for financial forecasting and

planning. In my research report the financial statement, show how major topics in financial management may be keyed to these statements, briefly touches on taxation, and explain how you can cull cash flow information for financial statements

Balance sheet of IFFCO 31 march, 2005

Profit & loss account of IFFCO 31march, 2005

Cash flow statements of IFFCO 31 march,2005

All India Share of IFFCO

All India Share of IFFCO
2004-05 (Quantity in '000 Tonnes)

2003-04 2002-03 2001-02 2000-01 N ALL INDIA Prodn. Cap. Util. IFFCO Prodn. Cap. Util. Share P2O5 ALL INDIA Prodn. Cap. Util. IFFCO Prodn. Cap. Util. Share TOTAL ALL INDIA 72% 66% 938.4 103% 101% 23.5% 15330.0 22.9% 115% 24.4% 832.7 74.7% 949.2 75.9% 793.3 77.8% 664.2 92.6% 87.0% 86.6 % 2070.8 101% 98% 18.3% 3996.8 3630.8 3907.4 3835.2 3734.2 18.6% 102.0 19.6% 1977.4 2060.2 88.3% 1911.6 92% 1879.3 11333.2







10633.9 10507.6 10689.5 10942.8 10873.2 10477.3 98.2% 1807.5 99.2% 1843.6


8592.3 93.2%

8768.8 98.5% 1012.0

7944.3 91.0% 1006.7 116.6% 12.7%



98% 100.0% 109.0% 115.0% 112.0% 106.9% 117.2% 17.9% 17.1% 16.6% 17.6% 14.8% 11.9% 11.5%

3404 90.5% 708.8

3181.2 95.0% 500


2559 87.1%

2593.5 90.7%

2562.6 90.9% 377.214 122.0% 14.7%

478 350.427 360.634

109% 118.0% 126.0% 162.0% 154.5% 113.4% 116.7% 20.7% 17.7% 21.1% 16.3% 15.6% 13.7% 13.9%

Prodn. IFFCO Prodn. 3009.2

14264.7 14415.0 14524.7 14676.9 14277.2 13658.5 2810.1 3009.4 2704.9 2543.5 2516.3

13141 11151.3 11362.3 1369.9 1372.6

10506.9 1383.9

2343.6 1974.5













Analysis of the financial Performance of IFFCO The financial analysis depend primarily on these statements to diagnose financial performance. It appears that there are principal reasons
As long as accounting biases remain more or lessthe same over time, meaningful inferences can be drawn by examining trends in raw data and financial ratios.

Since similar biases characterize various firms in the same industry,

inter firm comparisons are useful. Experience seems to suggests that financial ,work, if one is aware of accounting biases and make adjustments for the same. If properly analysed and interpreted , financial statement can provide valuable insights in to firm, s performance. Analysis of financial statements is interest of llenders ,investors ,security analysis ,manager and other . financial statement analysis may be done for variety of purpose, which may range frome simple analysis of the short term liquidity position of the firm to comprehensive assessment of the strengths and weeks of the firms in various areas .it is helpful in assessings corporate predicting bankruptcy, and assessing market risk. This resurch project report discusses how information can be extracted from financial statements for analuysing financial performance.


Analysis of total sales of fertilisers In 2002-03 The total sales of fertilizers are 60.11(Lack MT) In 2003-04 The total sales of fertilizers are 60.54(Lack MT).The sales are increases 0.43(Lack MT) for the analysis of previous year 200203. In2004-05 The total sales of fertilizers are 64.64(Lack MT).The sales are increases 4.1(Lack MT) for the analysis of previous year 2003-04. In 2005-06 The total sales of fertilizers are 81.95(Lack MT).The sales are increases 17.31(Lack MT) for the analysis of previous year 200405. In 2006-07 The total sales of fertilizers are 86.10(Lack MT).The sales are increases 4.15(Lack MT) for the analysis of previous year 200506.

Analysis of Sales Performance

In 2002-03 The sales performance of complex is 23.39(lakh MT). The sales performance of urea is 36.72(lakh MT). In 2003-04 The sales performance of complex is 23.52(lakh MT). The sales performance is increase 0.13(lakh MT) for analysis of previous year 2002-03. The sales performance of urea is 37.02 (lakh MT). The sales performance is increase 0.30(lakh MT) for analysis of previous year 2002-03. In 2004-05 The sales performance of complex is 27.94(lakh MT). The sales performance is increase 4.42(lakh MT) for analysis of previous year 2003-04. The sales performance of urea is 36.70 (lakh MT). The sales performance is decrease 0.32(lakh MT) for analysis of previous year 2003-04. In 2005-06 The sales performance of complex is 31.82(lakh MT). The sales performance is increase 3.88(lakh MT) for analysis of previous year 2004-05. The sales performance of urea is 50.13 (lakh MT). The sales performance is increase 13.43(lakh MT) for analysis of previous year 2004-05.

Analysis of profit before tax (PBT) In 2002-03 The profit before tax is 807.09(Rs.crore) In 2003-04 The profit before tax is 512.7(Rs.crore) In 2004-05 The profit before tax is 470.92(Rs.crore) In 2005-06 The profit before tax is 481.90(Rs.crore) In 2006-07 The profit before tax is 251.25(Rs.crore)

Analysis of Profit after tax

In 2002-03 The Profit after tax is 557.21 (Rs.Crore) In 2003-04 The Profit after tax is 329.67 (Rs.Crore) In 2004-05 The Profit after tax is 319.64(Rs.Crore) In 2005-06 The Profit after tax is 341.35 (Rs.Crore) In 2006-07 The Profit after tax is 175.02 (Rs.Crore)

Analysis of net worth of IFFCO

In 2002-03 The networthr of IFFCO is 3274(Rs. Crore ) In 2003-04 The networth of IFFCO is 3110(Rs. Crore ) In 2004-05 The net worth of IFFCO is 3301(Rs. Crore ) In 2005-06 The net worth of IFFCO is 3555(Rs. Crore ) In 2006-07 The networth of IFFCO is 3642(Rs. Crore )

Analysis of turn over of IFFCO

In 2002-03 The turn over of IFFCO is 6275(Rs. Crore ) In 2003-04 The turn over of IFFCO is 5090(Rs. Crore ) In 2004-05 The turn over of IFFCO is 7397(Rs. Crore ) In 2005-06 The turn over of IFFCO is 9943(Rs. Crore ) In 2006-07 The turn over of IFFCO is 10330(Rs. Crore )


After serving the organization, I observed that the performance appraisal system at IFFCO, used the self appraisal form for employees of grades I and below. Almost the of the employees were satisfied by the appraisal system existing in the organization.

Immediate boss was their authorized and the time interval for appraisal process was annually. Only 63% of the employees told that they were properly communicated before appraisal, which is a negative factor for them, that should be improve. 80% of their interrelated task becomes easy due to performance appraisal system.

50% employees interpreted that the appraising result were not discussed with them due to which there is hindrance created in improving themselves.

Problem regarding this system was that transparency should be maintained. And 80% of the employees were satisfied by the appraisal system and also by the appraisal method, which was applied on them.


1. Now a days performance appraisals purpose is development of individuals to improve performance on the job and provide emotional security. So, a better method may be adopted. 2. The techniques being used are mutual goat setting critical incidents and are less quantitative in nature. Superior stimulates employee to analyze himself and get down objectives in line with job recruitment, with help and council of the superior. So they have to shift towards a better system i.e. towards performance management. 3. Negative factor should bed communicated to the employees related to their performance. 4. The appraisal results should be advised to improve his level of efficiency. 5. Remarks should not be given on the relationship between the employee and his superior that is biasness should not be there. 6. Accounting to the work performed by the employees remarks should be given that means transparency should be there.


Limitations faced while conducting survey were as follows: People were a little bit hesitates in filling the questionnaire. Sometime respondent were found to be in active. They did not take it seriously. It was difficult for me to take proper sampling. Close supervision to check the correctness of responses was not possible due to limited access to plant & working staff. Certain confidential matter were not disclose which might have made the findings a little of the mark & increase the error variances.


Dr.S.P Gupta

Financial Management

M.Y Khan

financial Management

Prasanna Chandra

financial Management

Annual Report of IFFCO


Service rule of IFFCO

Analysis of sales during KHARIF seasons In 2002 : The sales during KHARIF seasons of complex is 9.45(lakh MT). The sales during KHARIF seasons of urea is 17.71(lakh MT). The sales during KHARIF seasons of total is 27.16(lakh MT).

In 2003: The sales during KHARIF seasons of complex is 8.37 (lakh MT).Sales is

decrease 1.08(lackMT) for the analysis of previous 2002. The sales during KHARIF seasons of urea is 17.65(lakh MT).Sales is decrease 0.06(lackMT) for the analysis of previous 2002. The sales during KHARIF seasons of total is 26.02(lakh MT).Sales is decrease 1.14(lackMT) for the analysis of previous year2002. In 2004 : sales during KHARIF seasons of complex is

8.68(lakh MT).Sales is increase 0.31(lackMT) for the analysis of previous year2003

The sales during KHARIF seasons of urea is 17.12(lakh MT).Sales is

increase 0.53(lackMT) for the analysis of previous year2003

The sales during KHARIF seasons of total is 25.80(lakh MT).Sales is

decrease0.22 (lackMT) for the analysis of previous year2003 In 2005 : The sales during KHARIF seasons of complex is

10.84(lakh MT).Sales is increase 2.16 lackMT) for the analysis of previous year2004
The sales during KHARIF seasons of urea is 20.36(lakh MT).Sales is

increase 3.24 lackMT) for the analysis of previous year2004

The sales during KHARIF seasons of total is 31.20(lakh MT).Sales is

increase5.4 (lackMT) for the analysis of previous year2004 In 2006 : sales during KHARIF seasons of complex is 15.10(lakh MT).Sales is

increase4.26 (lackMT) for the analysis of previous year2005

The sales during KHARIF seasons of urea is 23.34(lakh MT).Sales is

increase2.98 (lackMT) for the analysis of previous year 2005

The sales during KHARIF seasons of total is 38.44(lakh MT).Sales is

increase7.24 (lackMT) for the analysis of previous year 2005

Analysis of sales during Rabi seasons

In 2002-03: The sales during Rabi season of complex is 13.92(lakh MT) The sales during Rabi season of Urea is 19.02(lakh MT) The sales during Rabi season of Total is 32.95(lakh MT)

In 2003-04: The sales during Rabi season of complex are 13.92 (lakh MT) .sales

increases 1.22 (lakh MT) for the analysis of previous year 2002-03.
The sales during Rabi season of UREA are 19.37 (lakh MT) .sales

increases .35 (lakh MT) for the analysis of previous year 2002-03.
The sales during Rabi season of total are 34.52 (lakh MT) .sales increases

1.57 (lakh MT) for the analysis of previous year 2002-03. In 2004-05: The sales during Rabi season of complex are 19.26 (lakh MT) .sales

increases 4.12 (lakh MT) for the analysis of previous year 2003-04.
The sales during Rabi season of UREA are 19.58 (lakh MT) .sales increases

0.21 (lakh MT) for the analysis of previous year 2003-04.

The sales during Rabi season of total are 38.84 (lakh MT) .sales increases

4.32 (lakh MT) for the analysis of previous year 2003-04. In 2005-06 : The sales during Rabi season of complex are 20.98 (lakh MT) .sales

increases 1.72 (lakh MT) for the analysis of previous year 2004-05.
The sales during Rabi season of UREA are 29.76 (lakh MT) .sales increases

10.18 (lakh MT) for the analysis of previous year 2004-05.

The sales during Rabi season of total are 50.75 (lakh MT) .sales increases

11.91 (lakh MT) for the analysis of previous year 2004-05. In 2006-07: The

sales during Rabi season of complex are 18.59 (lakh MT) .sales

increases 2.39 (lakh MT) for the analysis of previous year 2005-06.
The sales during Rabi season of UREA are 29.07 (lakh MT) .sales increases

0.69 (lakh MT) for the analysis of previous year 2005-06.

The sales during Rabi season of total are 47.66 (lakh MT) .sales decreases

3.09 (lakh MT) for the analysis of previous year 2005-06.

COMMUNICATION ON PROGRESS ON GLOBAL COMPACT PRINCIPLES FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2005-06 The Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) is a national level multi-unit cooperative society engaged in manufacturing and marketing of chemical fertilisers. The Society was registered in 1967 and presently having a membership of over 37,424 cooperatives as shareholders. IFFCO is presently operating four factories located at Aonla and Phulpur in Uttar Pradesh, Kalol and Kandla in Gujarat and Paradeep in Orissa. IFFCO produced over 6.4 million tonnes of fertilizers in 2005-06 and contributed about 18.4% to the total Nitrogen and 23.4% to the total P2O5 produced in India. IFFCO markets its fertlisers through Cooperative Agencies and Member Cooperative Societies. IFFCO supports Global Compact Principles of United Nation and believes in philosophy of trusty ship and strives for sustainable development. It always emphasizes on the need to protect the environment, human rights, health and safety of its employees, strengthening the cooperative structure in India, improving the living standard of farmers who are the backbones of Indian economy etc. A detailed report on progress of various Community Development initiatives taken by IFFCO is included in its Annual Report which is posted on its website www.iffco.nic.in. The brief report on various activities undertaken by IFFCO showing its commitment towards Global Compact Principles, as per the suggested proforma, are as under: I. HUMAN RIGHTS Principle 1: Business should support and respect the protection of international human rights within their sphere of influence; and Principle 2: make sure they are not complicit in human right abuses. 1 COMMITMENT Towards making the cooperative societies economically and democratically strong for professionalized services to the farming community to ensure an empowered rural India. Towards farmers for their welfare, prosperity and growth. Towards social responsibilities for a strong social fabric. Towards fostering cooperative movement in the country. Towards abolition of child labour. Towards indiscrimination on the basis of gender in employment. Towards providing employment opportunity to weaker sections. SYSTEMS Cooperative Development Programmes through marketing Field Officers. Rural and Agricultural Development Programmes through marketing Field Officers. Cooperative and Rural Development Trust (CORDET) promoted by IFFCO. Services through IFFCO Kisan Sewa Trust promoted by IFFCO; Services through IFFCO Foundation a Trust promoted by IFFCO; Services through Indian Farm Forestry Development Cooperative Ltd. (IFFDC) a Cooperative Society promoted by IFFCO. Ban on recruitment of child labor and policy towards employment

opportunity to weaker sections. ACTIONS IFFCO adopts villages with an objective of bringing about over all economic development and improvement in living standards of rural community through integrated rural development with particular emphasis on agricultural development. 2 To make Cooperative societies economically viable, IFFCO adopt them and provide infrastructure and financial support, for their revival, through sale of IFFCO fertilizers. In order to strengthen Cooperative societies, IFFCO appoints some of them as Franchisees for storage and handling of fertilizers which includes warehousing, transportation and rake handling; Organize programs viz; Farmers Meeting, Crop Seminars, Field Demonstration, Sale Point Personnel Training, Agricultural and Social Campaigns, Demonstrations etc. to educate farmers and cooperative societies to enhance crop productivity through balanced use of nutrients; Organize community based programs viz; Women Training, Medical / Veterinary check up, etc. for farming community; IFFCO promoted Indian Farm Forestry Development Cooperative Ltd. (IFFDC) with the prime objective of development of wasteland and to enhance the socioeconomic status of the rural poor. IFFDC helps in formation of Self Help Groups (SHGs) in villages for unity, fulfilling need of loan, saving and improvement in livelihood assets. Emphasis is laid on formation of women SHGs. Promoted a Charitable Trust known as IFFCO KISAN SEWA TRUST to provide relief and rehabilitation to victims in the event of natural calamities. Promoted a Trust IFFCO Foundation with an objective to promote cooperative development. The Cooperative Rural Development Trust (CORDET) promoted by IFFCO provides practical training to farmers to improve their skills in agricultural production, horticulture, dairy, poultry, professional leadership at village level, management of cooperatives and several other activities. PERFORMANCE DURING 2005-06 Social and community development programmes were organized and infrastructure were provided in around 405 adopted villages. Conducted various social and promotional programmes as under: 3 5910 field programmes 105 health checkup camps 124 veterinary checkup camp 1116 sale point personnel training programmes 157 crop seminars 1401 agricultural campaigns Distributed 8257 critical input package (CIP) kits to farmers. Analyzed 1,19,054 soil samples in different states.

IFFCO KISAN SEWA TRUST organized Mega Health Check-up camps and Eye Check-up Camps for the farmers of Rajasthan. The trust distributed woolen pullovers to the earthquake affected people in J & K. It also extended financial assistance for construction of water pipelines, Gaushalas and Adhar Sankaul the home for orphans, widows and old persons under rehabilitation programme for the earthquake affected people of Gujarat. The trust also supported the rehabilitation and welfare activities for the Tsunami affected people by constructing community centres in the states of Kerala & Andhra Pradesh and for bore wells with water storage facilities in the state of Pondicherry. Warehousing of IFFCO fertilizer were awarded to 345 cooperative societies while 317 cooperative societies were awarded transportation work and 51 cooperative societies were awarded rake handling & transportation of fertilizers to increase their income. Under the project Western India Rainfed Farming (WIRF), being implemented in 78 villages of India, IFFDC has so far formed 939 Self Help Groups (SHGs). Under the Watershed Management Plan, IFFDC constructed 50 Earthen Dams and 93 Anicuts (stop Dam) in addition to 240 kilometres of Stone Bunds and Earthen Bunds to store the water. IFFDC undertook Poverty Elimination Project in Jhalawar and Baran District of Rajasthan. CORDET organized 237 training programmes to benefit 34004 farmers from various states and analyzed 89,610 soil samples free of charge. 4 IFFCO Foundation had undertaken several research and development activities for economic up-liftment of weak cooperative societies. II. LABOUR Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour; Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. COMMITMENT Towards institutionalizing the core values and creating a culture of team building, empowerment and innovation which would help in incremental growth of employees and enable achievement of strategic objectives. Towards fostering a culture of trust, openness and mutual concern to make working a stimulating and challenging experience for stakeholders. Towards ban on child labour. Towards indiscrimination on gender basis. Towards upliftment of weaker section. Towards Health and Safety of employees. Towards upgradation of knowledge & skills of employees. SYSTEMS Ban on employment of child labour.

No discrimination on gender basis. Policy on employment opportunity to weaker section. Programs for Human Resource Development. Recognized Employee Union in all the operating plant, Head Office and Marketing Division. 5 ACTION Computerised Human Resource Management System implemented across the organisation provides better management control, manpower planning, succession planning, employees welfare and transparency etc. Upgrading the skills of manpower through training and development programmes with a view to improve the productivity of employees and to enable them to shoulder more responsibilities. Constructive dialogue between management and union to take care the interest of employees. PERFORMANCE DURING 2005-06 No child labour employed. More than 204 in-house programmes on agriculture, marketing, general management, finance, technical, information technology, cooperatives management, material management, workers development etc. have been conducted for employees spread over 749 training days. Out of total employee strength of 6573 as on 28th February, 2006, 491 employees belong to Schedule Caste, 37 belong to Schedule Tribe, 488 belong to other Backward Classes. Out of total employee strength of 6573 as on 28th February, 2006, 165 employees are women out of which 103 are in key positions. They are placed in engineering, chartered accountancy, medical etc. fields depending upon their qualification and work experience. Women employees are also associated with recruitment committees. Kalol unit received Rotating Shield (Winner Award) with certificate for the Lowest Disability Injury Index (DIL) from Gujarat Safety Council. Got National Safety Award for Aonla unit as Runner-up based on largest Accident Free Year. 6 III. ENVIRONMENT Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges; Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. COMMITMENT Towards maintaining the global ecology & environmental health. Towards environment and forestry development to enrich the quality of human life. Towards making the plants energy efficient which in turn reduces the green

house gases (GHG) emission to the atmosphere. Towards acquirement, assimilation and adoption of reliable, efficient and cost effective technologies for a greener environment. SYSTEMS ISO 14001 certification. Tree plantation and green belt development Treatment of effluent/sewage water Rain water harvesting Implementation of various schemes to reduce energy consumption for production of Ammonia & Urea. Reduction of CO2 Emission ACTION A systematically designed green belt has been developed all around the operating plant complexes and on vacant land inside the factory premises and townships to keep the environment clean and natural. Effluent treatment plants had been installed. 7 Sewage treatment plants had been installed to treat domestic sewage and use treated water for horticultural purpose. Installed eco-friendly vermi-culture system for treatment of solid waste of township. Rainwater recharging pond/well has been installed for rain harvesting to increase the water table of ground water. Reduction in CO2 emission through following schemes: - Various measures is being implemented in Ammonia & Urea plants at Kalol, Aonla and Phulpur units to reduce consumption of Natural Gas/Naphtha. - Fuel and Feed switch from Naphta to LNG at Phulpur unit - Carbon Di-oxide recovery from flue gases at Aonla and Phulpur units. IFFCO promoted Indian Farm Forestry Development Cooperative Ltd. (IFFDC) with the prime objective of development of wasteland and to enhance the socioeconomic status of the rural poor. IFFDC has transformed wasteland into forests in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. PERFORMANCE DURING 2005-06 The four operating plants of IFFCO (Kalol, Phulpur, Kandla & Aonla) have been awarded ISO 1400 certification for their Environmental Management System in addition Township of Kalol, Aonla and Phulpur units, CORDET and Hospital at Phulpur unit have acquired ISO14001 certification for their Environmental Management System. The Energy Efficiency Improvement Schemes at Ammonia plant located at Aonla, Phulpur & Kalol have been completed and commissioned except S50 converter at Aonla which is expected to be commissioned by April, 2007. Switchover from Naphtha to Natural Gas at Phulpur plant is commissioned. Carbon Di-Oxide recovery plant is expected to be commissioned by January, 2007.

8 All the above three scheme would reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions in the atmosphere by around 1 million ton CO2 per annum which will be traded under Clean Development Mechanism of Kyoto Protocol of United Nations. Phulpur Unit was awarded the prestigious Rajiv Ratna National Award 2005 for Excellence in Indian Industries Best Pollution Control Gold Award and prestigious National Energy Conservation Award 2005 Certificate of Merit in the Ferti Greenbelt development in and around the factory and township premises are as under: Kalol Unit: 28.5 acres area is covered under greenbelt which is 30.5% of the total area. Phulpur Unit: 294 acres is covered under greenbelt which is 33.45% of the total area. Aonla Unit: 440 acres is covered under greenbelt which is 29% of the total area. Kandla Unit: 13.65 acres is covered under greenbelt which is 7.845% of the total area. In addition, Kalol unit planted around 20000 plants in vicinity of the factory, township and distributed around 6000 plants in adjoining villages, Phulpur unit planted 5750 trees for maintaining eco-balance not only within the premises but also all around the plant. IFFDC have transformed around 65,000 acre wasteland area into forests. The Primary Farm Forestry Development Cooperative Societies (PFFCS), promoted by IFFDC are managing the total tree inventory of around 7.45 million trees. I V. ANTI - CORRUPTION Principle 10: Business should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery. 9 10 COMMITMENT Towards transparency, accountability and integrity in principle and practice. Towards fostering a culture of trust, openness and mutual concern. SYSTEMS Full fledged Vigilance department in each factory and marketing division directly reporting to Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) a Director ranked officer. ACTION Vigilance division headed by Chief Vigilance Officer of Director rank ensures the transparency in various functions viz; procurement, contracts, discipline etc. and directly report to the Chief Executive of the Company. PERFORMANCE The procurement files are reviewed/audited and examined on random basis. All employees are required to submit return annually on the immovable properties in their possession.

RESEARCH METHODLOGY DEFINATION All progress in born of inquiry, doubt is better then confidence. It leads to enquiry and enquiry leads to invention. Hudson Maxim It was the contexts of which the significance of research can well be understood .increased amount of research make progress possible. Research inoculates scientific & inductive thinking about organization. Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. But also conceder the logic behind the method we use in our context of our research study and explain why we are using a particular method of technique and why we are not using other methods so that research result are capable of being evaluated either by the researcher or by others

. Data CollectionThe data I have collected is secondary in the nature .I have used various soures of data collectoon .the sources are : Company annul report Published information of finance Company circulation booklet Company webside Books management of financial institution and services

Research Methodology
In order to provide conclusion with regard to the topic of the study, it was necessary to adopt a suitable mode of study. The survey method adopted for research analysis. The methodology used for the survey conducted can be numbered as follows: Data Collection Contact Method Area of Study Period of Study Sample Size Sampling Technique Statistical Analysis

Contact MethodThe contact method was used to personal interviewing. This is a very versatile method where the interviewer was able to ask more dichotomous questions and record additional information and observation about the respondents. Under this intercept interviews as well as arranged interviews were taken.

Area of StudyArea of study confined to only Bareilly City only and it mainly include the area of Civil lines, Rampur Grden, Baraa Bazaar, Rajendra Nagar, Beharipur. The sample respondents are the people from different middle class family of Bareilly City. I have taken Ayub Khan Chauraha as centre from I cover the area of 3 km in each direction.

Geographic representation of the respondents of Bareilly City

Area Service Businessman Student Housewife Selfemployed Total East 6 6 1 1 1 West 5 1 0 1 1 North 9 4 1 0 2 South 8 1 1 0 1 Total 28 12 3 2 5





Classification of the Respondents based on their income

Area <10,000
10,000 20,000 20,000 40,000

East 2 4 5 4

West 3 3 1 1

North 5 5 2 4

South 3 1 2 6

Total 12 13 10 15







Classification of the Respondents based on their age group

Area 18-25 25-35 35-45 East 1 3 5 West 2 4 1 North 2 4 4 South 3 3 3 Total 8 14 13

45 above







Classification of the Respondents based on their gender

Area East West North South Total












Period of the StudyThe study is conducted from 12th March. 2008 to 20 March 2008 in these areas. The process was a time consuming because a large number of questionnaire had to be administered, which required the researcher attention.

Sampling TechniqueDisproportionate stratified random sampling techniques was used for the primary data collection from the people of middle class family of Bareilly City. Some self-selection was also done to ensure fair representation of data. hence intensive care was taken for sampling.

Statistical AnalysisThe statistical techniques are used for analyzing and interpreting the collected data are weighted average method, and percentage method.

Data Collectin
The data I have collected is secondary in the nature .I have used various soures of data collectoon .the sources are : Company annul report Published information of finance Company circulation booklet Company webside Books management of financial institution and services IFFCO Diary-a presetation of IFFCO`s success

Nothing concrete can be achieved without an optimal combination of inspiration and perspiration. No work can be accomplished without taking the guidance of the import. It is only the critiques for the ingenious intellectual that helps transform product.

I am really grateful to my guide Ms. Sandhya Singh (Faculty, M.B.A. Department) for guiding and providing me with necessary help throughout the project. Without his critical and timely suggestion, this project would never have been possible. I would like to thank him for assigning me the project and for their help and cooperation. Besides this I would like to thank Mr. Ratan Singh (Sr. Manager) who gave me the opportunity to do research in his Organization. I wish to express my special thanks and Regards to Dr. S.P.Gupta (Director General) & Other Faculty & Staff faculty of S.R.M.S BAREILLY. Unfortunately, the list of expression of thank, no matter how extensive I is incomplete and inadequate Last but not the least, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who had directly or indirectly responsible for the successful completion of the project.


Table Of Contents
Certificate Preface Acknowledgement Chapter 1: Introduction Objective and Scope
Scope of the study

Research Methodology Chapter 2: Company profile

Company Objective Organization Structure Vision 2010 Achievement Awards

Chapter 4: Challenges and Opportunities

Introduction Challenges faced by the Retail Organization Opportunities for Global Players

Chapter 5: Research Methodology

Research Problem

Research Design

Chapter 6: Data Collection Chapter 7: Analysis of the Information Chapter 8: Interpretation

Research in Supply Chain Management Exibits

Chapter 9: Findings Supply Chain of Subhiksha Subhikshas Marketing Strategy Managerial Aspects of Store Brands

Chapter 10: Conclusion Chapter 11: Annexure


Chapter 12: Bibliography

IFFCO franchisees
In order to further improve the economically viability of cooperatives societies, IFFCO has been developing some of the adopted societies as IFFCO franchisee by giving them the business of rake handling , transportation and warehousing of IFFCO fertilizers besides providing them guidance to undertake educational and promotional activities . 299 cooperatives societies has taken up the activity of warehousing and 218 societies have taken undertaken transportation of fertilizers from warehouses of their go downs and 66 societies undertook fertilizer transportation work from warehousing to other societies. 50 societies are undertaking the rake handling job.


As far as Indian farmer is concerned, IFFCO's NPK/DAP is not just a source of crucial nutrients N, P, K for the crops, but is an integral part of his/her quest for nurturing mother earth. The bountiful crop that results from this care is an enough reason for the graceful bags of IFFCO NPK/DAP bags to be an integral part of the farmers family.

The two grades of NPK produced by IFFCO, 10:26:26 and 12:32:16, indicating the content of N, P, K proportion, is tailor made to supply the exact composition required for replenishment of the soil. The Indian farmer's confidence and trust stems from the fact that IFFCO's NPK/DAP are merely a part of a complete package of services, ably supported by a dedicated team of qualified personnel. More importantly, they are aware, IFFCO is a cooperative society owned by farmers cooperatives.

Diammonium Phosphate It is the most popular phosphatic fertilizer because of its high analysis and good physical properties. The composition of pure salt of DAP is N-21.19% and P205 -53.76%.Fertilizer grade DAP is 18:46:0.

NPK Complex Grades NPK complex fertilizers produced at Kandla are DAP based grades. At present two grades Grade I - 10:26:26 and Grade II - 12:32:16 are produced. Granular NPK complexes are free flowing and do not pose any problem during handling and storage. However, exposure of material for long period to very high humidity may cause caking. Therefore, NPK complexes are bagged in quality tested HDPE bags to prevent ingress of moisture.

IFFCO's Urea
IFFCO's Urea is not merely a source of 46% of nutrient nitrogen for crops, but it is an integral part of millions of farmers in India. A bag of IFFCO's urea is a constant source of confidence and is a trusted companion for Indian farmer. When farmers buy IFFCO's urea, they know that what they get is not just a product but a complete package of services, ably supported by a dedicated team of qualified personnel. More importantly, they are aware t

About Urea
Urea is the most important nitrogenous fertilizer in the country because of its high N content (46%N). Besides its use in the crops, it is used as a cattle feed supplement to replace a part of protein requirements. It has also numerous industrial uses notably for production of plastics. hat it is their own urea, produced and supplied by a cooperative society owned by themselves.

A biofertiliser unit was established at Cooperative Rural Development Trust, Phulpur (Uttar Pradesh) in 1996 - 97 and other at Kalol (Gujarat) in 2003-04 with an annual capacity of 75 MT and 165 MT respectively of different cultures such as Rhizobium, Azotobacter, PSM, Azospirillium and Acetobacter

Phosphate Solubilising Micro Organism - Several soil bacteria and fungi possess the ability to bring insoluble phosphates into soluble forms by secreting organic acids. They can be applied to and recommended for all crops

Rhizobium - It is the most important nitrogen fixing organism. It live symbiotically in the root nodules of leguminous plants and supply nitrogen to the plant through nitrogen fixation. Besides, supplying nitrogen to the crop, nitrogen fixed by legume - Rhizobia association would also leave residual nitrogen for the succeeding crops. The beneficiary crops are Groundnut, Soybean, Red-gram, Green-gram, Black-gram, Lentil, Cow pea, Bengal-gram and Fodder legumes.

Azotobacter - It is non symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria recommended for non leguminous crops like Paddy, Wheat, Millets, Cotton, Tomato, Cabbage, Mustard, Safflower and Sunflower. The Azotobacter performs well if the soil organic matter content is high.

Acetobacter - It is a symbiotic bacteria capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen by living within the sugar plant. They are found in all parts of plant body. It is suitable for sugarcane cultivation

Azospirillium - It is an associative microaerophilic nitrogen fixer is commonly found in association with the roots of cereals and forage grasses. The beneficiary crop includes Sugarcane, Vegetables, and Maize, Pearl millet, Rice, Wheat, Fodders and Oil seeds.


CORDET - PHULPUR & KALOL (Annual Capacity 75 MT & 165 MT) (Qty in MT)

STRAIN 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 Rhizobium 5.07 3.81 5.50 5.39 7.37 Azotobacter 45.72 55.37 56.22 56.73 120.20 PSM 51.80 72.07 71.17 71.24 172.77 Azospirillium 0.01 0.37 0.34 3.14 8.36 Aectobacter 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.43 Total 102.60 131.62 133.23 136.50 339.13 Production Capacity 136.80 175.49 177.64 182.00 141.30 Utilisation (%) CORDET- KALOL commissioned w.e.f. 16.02.2004 with annual capacity of 165 MT.

Ammonium Phosphate Sulphate (20-20-0-13)

i) Moisture, per cent by weight, maximum ii) Total Nitrogen, per cent by weight, minimum iii) Ammoniacal Nitrogen, per cent by weight, minimum iv) Nitrogen in the form of urea, per cent by weight, maximum v) Neutral Ammonium Citrate soluble Phosphates(as P205), per cent by weight, minimum vi) Water soluble phosphates (as P2O5), per cent by weight, minimum vii) Particle size 1.0 20.0 18.0 2.0 20.0

17.0 Not less than 90 per cent of the material shall pass through 4 mm IS sieve and shall be retained on 1 mm IS sieve. Not more than 5 per cent shall be below 1 mm IS sieve. 13.0

viii) Sulphur (as S), per cent by weight minimum

Ratings assigned by different Rating Agencies to the Society
















CRISIL has, assigned a GVC Level 2 rating to IFFCO. This rating indicates that the capability of the Society with respect to wealth creation for all its stakeholders, while adopting sound corporate governance practices, is High.













CRISIL has assigned a P1+ (pronounced P One Plus) rating to IFFCOs Rs.100 Crore Commercial Paper Programme.This rating indicates that the degree of safety with regard to timely payment of interest and principal on the instrument is Very Strong.












CRISIL has assigned the rating on IFFCOs Long Term Borrowing Programme to AA/Stable.The rating indicates high degree of safety with regard to timely payment of interest and principal on the instrument.

















FITCH Ratings has assigned a National Short Term Rating of F1+(Ind)to IFFCOs Rs. 100 crore Commercial Paper Programme.










FITCH Ratings assigned National Long - Term Rating of AA+(ind) to the Long Term Debt Programme of IFFCO. The outlook on the Long Term Rating is Stable.


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