Sugar Makes You Stupid Omega 3 Will Smarten You Up

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TIougI we muy noL Iuve IuIIy come Lo Lerms wILI IL, In LIeory we know LIuL

IIgI-IrucLose corn syrup (HCS) Is un udversury oI IeuILI. oLs oI work Ius

been done IookIng uL LIe eIIecL oI IrucLose on weIgIL, IIver IuncLIon, dIubeLes
rIsk, und even LIe growLI oI cuncer ceIIs. BuL noL mucI Ius Iooked uL LIe roIe
oI IrucLose In bruIn IuncLIon, unLII now. ReseurcIers Iuve jusL reporLed LIuL
umong LIe IIsL oI bodIIy IIIs LIuL IrucLose conLrIbuLes Lo, IL muy uIso muke you
dumb. uckIIy, euLIng u dIeL rIcI In LIe IeuILIy omegu- IuLLy ucIds seems Lo
counLerucL LIIs pIenomenon.
n LIe new sLudy, UCA reseurcIers Iud ruLs spend u Iew duys IeurnIng Lo
nuvIguLe u muze. TIen some oI LIe ruLs uLe dIeLs rIcI In omegu- IuLLy ucIds or
deIIcIenL In LIem; some ruLs uIso drunk u IrucLose soIuLIon In LIe pIuce oI LIeIr
reguIur drInkIng wuLer. AILer sIx weeks on LIeIr respecLIve dIeLs, LIe Leum puL
LIe ruLs buck In LIe muze Lo see Iow weII LIey recuIIed IL.
TIe ruLs wIo Iud euLen omegu--deIIcIenL dIeLs were sIower uL compIeLIng LIe
muze LIun LIe ones wIo uLe dIeLs rIcI In omegu-s. TIose wIo drunk LIe
IrucLose soIuLIon InsLeud oI wuLer were LIe worsL-oII oI uII wIen IL cume Lo
LIeIr cognILIve cupubIIILIes.
TIe ruLs uIso Iud ImporLunL dIIIerences In Iow LIeIr bodIes - und bruIns -
were meLuboIIzIng sugur und IuncLIonIng overuII. TIe ruLs wIo Iud euLen dIeLs
wILIouL omegu-s Iud IIgIer LrIgIycerIde IeveIs us weII us IIgIer gIucose und
FORBESWOMAN | 5/16/2012 @ 11:40AM | 43,439 views
Sugur Mukes You SLupId, BuL
Omegu-s WIII SmurLen You
Buck Up
Alice G. Walton
Follow on Forbes
IeII InLo wrILIng ubouL IeuILI sIorLIy uILer grud
scIooI, wIere reuIIzed dIdn'L wunL Lo work In u
Iub Ior LIe resL oI my IIIe! My ureus oI InLeresL ure
LIe bruIn und beIuvIor, us weII us wIuL InIIuences
LIe decIsIons we muke ubouL our IeuILI, und Iow
LIe medIu IeIps und IInders peopIe's undersLundIng
oI IeuILI Issues. As un undergruduuLe, sLudIed
EngIIsI ILeruLure und BIopsycIoIogy uL Vussur
CoIIege, und goL my PID In BIopsycIoIogy uL
CUNY's GruduuLe CenLer In New York CILy, wIere
grew up und IIve now. My duy job Is us AssocIuLe
EdILor wILI LIe IeuILI websILe, My work Ius
uppeured In severuI oLIer pubIIcuLIons, und 'm
purLIcuIurIy excILed Lo joIn LIe orbes IeuILI Leum.
JoIn me on TwILLer uIIcewuILon or emuII me uL !
SLeve Jobs' Cuncer TreuLmenL RegreLs 131,083 views
EuL, Smoke, MedILuLe: WIy Your BruIn Cures How
You Cope 104,350 views
PeneLruLIng PosLures: TIe ScIence oI Yogu
Sugur Mukes You SLupId, BuL Omegu-s WIII
SmurLen You Buck Up 43,409 views
WIere Does SeII-ConIIdence Come rom?
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Alice G. Walton, Contributor
I cover health, medicine, psychology, and neuroscience.
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Page 1 oI 5 Sugar Makes You Stupid, But Omega-3s Will Smarten You Back Up - Forbes
InsuIIn IeveIs. n IucL LIe ruLs seemed Lo enLer u sLuLe oI InsuIIn resIsLunce (u
precursor Lo dIubeLes), buL LIIs Loo wus reversed by LIe uddILIon oI omegu-s.
PerIups mosL InLeresLIng wus LIe IucL LIuL LIe bruIns oI ruLs wILIouL omegu-s
sIowed u decreuse In synupLIc ucLIvILy, LIe meuns by wIIcI bruIn ceIIs LuIk
Lo one unoLIer und wIIcI Is crILIcuI In IeurnIng und memory. TIe DHA-
deprIved unImuIs were sIower, suId sLudy uuLIor ernundo Gomez-PInIIIu,
und LIeIr bruIns sIowed u decIIne In synupLIc ucLIvILy. TIeIr bruIn ceIIs Iud
LroubIe sIgnuIIng eucI oLIer, dIsrupLIng LIe ruLs` ubIIILy Lo LIInk cIeurIy und
recuII LIe rouLe LIey`d Ieurned sIx weeks eurIIer.
nsuIIn InIIuences noL onIy bIood sugur, buL IL uIso uIIecLs LIe wuys In wIIcI
bruIn ceIIs IuncLIon. So beIng In u sLuLe oI InsuIIn-resIsLunce mIgIL be wIuL`s
beIInd LIe probIems In bruIn IuncLIon. Gomez-PInIIIu suggesLs LIuL IrucLose
mIgIL someIow bIock InsuIIn`s eIIecL on bruIn ceIIs, und specIIIcuIIy Iow IL
sIgnuIs neurons Lo sLore und reIeuse LIe sugur LIuL Is needed Ior LIe bruIn Lo
IuncLIon eIIIcIenLIy - und Ior us Lo LIInk crIspIy und cIeurIy.
TIe sLudy uIso poInLs Lo LIe IucL LIuL meLuboIIc syndrome, wIIcI Is pIuguIng
so muny AmerIcuns LIese duys, cun uIso udverseIy uIIecL our cognILIve
TIe ImporLunL LIIng Lo remember Is LIuL noL uII IrucLose Is creuLed equuI.
We`re noL LuIkIng ubouL nuLuruIIy occurrIng IrucLose In IruILs, wIIcI uIso
conLuIn ImporLunL unLIoxIdunLs, expIuIned Gomez-PInIIIu. We`re more
concerned ubouL LIe IrucLose In IIgI-IrucLose corn syrup, wIIcI Is udded Lo
munuIucLured Iood producLs us u sweeLener und preservuLIve.
uckIIy, omegu-s seem Lo counLerucL LIe eIIecL oI IrucLose In purL, uILIougI
IL`s probubIy u good Ideu Lo cuL down on IIgIIy processed, IIgI-IrucLose Ioods
In LIe IIrsL pIuce. And sInce our bodIes ure noL very good producers oI DHA
und EPA, LukIng In LIe IeuILIy IuLLy ucIds LIrougI dIeL or suppIemenLs muy
uIso be wIse. TIe besL sources oI DHAJEPA ure coId-wuLer IIsI IIke Lunu und
suImon, und Ior LIe vegeLurIuns ouL LIere, LIese Iorms muy uIso be Iound In
seuweed und uIgue (In smuII umounLs), or In concenLruLed seuweedJuIgue
suppIemenLs. Gomez recommends consumIng ubouL one grum oI DHA every
TIe boLLom IIne Is LIuL omegu-s muy proLecL our bruIns - noL jusL now, buL
In LIe yeurs Lo come. Our IIndIngs suggesL LIuL consumIng DHA reguIurIy
proLecLs LIe bruIn uguInsL IrucLose`s IurmIuI eIIecLs, suId Gomez-PInIIIu. L`s
IIke suvIng money In LIe bunk. You wunL Lo buIId u reserve Ior your bruIn Lo
Lup wIen IL requIres exLru IueI Lo IIgIL oII IuLure dIseuses.
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Page 2 oI 5 Sugar Makes You Stupid, But Omega-3s Will Smarten You Back Up - Forbes
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Hey, AIIce. `m u bIg Iun oI omegu-s (und Luke IIsI oII duIIy) buL IL`s worLI noLIng LIuL
Ior IeuILIy uduILs LIe evIdence oI LIeIr evIdence Is IuIrIy cIrcumsLunLIuI - und Iere` were
LuIkIng ubouL mIce. More oILen LIun noL, resuILs In mIce do noL LrunsIuLe InLo Iumun
beIngs. AIso, jusL Lo reILeruLe wIuL you uIreudy suId: LIe documenLed beneIILs oI omegu-s
ure Irom DHA und EPA, Iound In IIsI, uIgue, und oLIer murIne sources. Muny Ioods
bousLIng omegu-s conLuIn pIunL sources; LIe evIdence Is noL us good LIere Ior beneIILs Ior
eILIer LIe IeurL or bruIn.
MuLLIew, LIe evIdence oI omegu-s provIdIng subsLunLIuI beneIILs Ior LIe IeurL
und bruIn Is growIng every duy. WIy do you LIInk compunIes IIke BAS ure
scoopIng up munuIucLurers oI omegu-s?
BoLI good poInLs, MuLL. L`s purLIcuIurIy Lrue LIuL LIe omegu-s oILen geL
Iumped LogeLIer. PIunL sources IIke wuInuLs und IIuxseeds ure IIgI In omegu-s,
buL IL`s uIpIu-IInoIenIc ucId (AA) LIey`re IIgI In, noL DHA or EPA, wIIcI ure
LIe reuIIy good ones. Our bodIes cun converL AA InLo LIe oLIer Lwo, buL noL
LerrIbIy eIIecLIveIy, wIIcI Is wIy mosL docLors seem Lo recommend euLIng u IILLIe
IIsI or suppIemenLIng.
TIe LypIcuI umerIcun dIeL Is overIouded wILI omegu 6 HUA, LIey compeLe wILI
und domInuLe omegu InLuke, you need Lo correcL LIe ruLIo Lo
8oJzo or LIereubouLs Ior 's Lo be eIIecLIve.TIe IucL LIuL AmerIcuns sLIII deny
LIuL sImpIe sugurs ure uL LIe rooL oI mosL uII IeuILI Issues Irom dIubeLes Lo
uIzIeImers Lo M.S. In IIgIL oI LIe evIdence Is usLoundIng.
You cun keep your sugurs, keep LIem beIow 1ogJduy !
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Page 3 oI 5 Sugar Makes You Stupid, But Omega-3s Will Smarten You Back Up - Forbes
wonder wIy wIen peopIe go on Iow curb dIeLs und A LIeIr IeuILI Issues
vunIsI mosL noLubIy dysIIpIdemIu und InsuIIn resIsLunce peopIe und even some
scIence Lypes dIsregurd IL, ILs preLLy cIeur Irom wIuLever vIewpoInL you preIer.
Enjoy Iree sumpIes oI LIe newesL brunds und IuLesL producLs, seurcI onIIne Ior OIIIcIuI
SumpIes you do noL need CC.
WIuL Is LIIs juck-ussery, orbes? ReuIIy, you reporL LIIs us some sorL oI scIence-IucL?
Iove Iow some poInLy-Ieuded Iub ruL (geL IL, jusL IIke u gym ruL, IoI) does ONE sLudy on
some mIce und suddenIy HCS Is LIe devII Ior Iumuns.
eL`s ORGET LIuL LIese reseurcIers Iuve no reuI IIIe skIIIs, und LIus musL come up wILI
rudIcuI, new IIndIngs LIuL ure supposed Lo usLonIsI undJor scure us - uII so LIey cun
keep LIeIr essenLIuIIy worLIIess jobs.
eL`s ORGET LIuL LIese reseurcIers (und yes, LIeIr unIversILIes; IeL`s noL IIe Lo ourseIves)
ure Iunded by so muny dIIIerenL corporuLe InLeresLs, LIuL LIey ure busIcuIIy beIng puId Lo
be u mouLIpIece Ior wIuLever cuuse Is puyIng LIeIr bIIIs LIIs monLI.
I you reud LIIs urLIcIe, LIe sImpIe soIuLIon Is Lo udd Omegu- suppIemenLs Lo HCS
producs Lo counLer-ucL LIe eIIecLs oI LIe sugur. SomeLIIng LIuL Gomez-PInIIIu Is so upL
Lo dIIIerenLIuLe beLween HCS und nuLuruIIy occurIng sources oI IrucLose. BuL OH NO,
LIuL`s noL LIe poIILIcuIJcorporuLe SANT oI LIIs sLudy, now Is IL? TIIs Is jusL unoLIer Ium-
drum busI LIe bIggesL pInuLLu uL LIe purLy reseurcI sLudy.
WeII, IeL me poInL ouL LIe bIgger pInuLLu.
eL me end by uskIng you LIIs: I we eIImInuLe HCS Irom our kIds` drInks, does LIuL
meun LIey wIII geL oII LIeIr buLLs und go pIuy ouLsIde? Does IL meun LIuL our scIooI
sysLems wIII sLurL encourugIng more pIysIcuI ucLIvILy, und ucLuuIIy TEACH our kIds Lo
Iuve beLLer dIeLs und IIIesLyIes? Does IL meun purenLs wIII sLurL LukIng InLeresL In LIeIr
cIIIdrens` dIeLs, und become more ucLIve In IeIpIng LIeIr kIds become more pIysIcuIIy IIL?
Hmm.. yeuI.. reuIIy LIInk LIuL guLLIng HCS Irom our socIeLy Is goIng Lo soIve LIe
probIem oI us AmerIcun`s geLLIng IuLLer und dumber. TIIs comIng Irom u 6IL, 18oIb, under
1o% body IuL person wIo drInks cuns oI sodu u duy ( work ouL). L`s noL LIe HCS
LIuL`s LIe probIem Iere, IoIks.
Sounds u OT IIke u junkIe IuvIng IIs IIx LIreuLened.
SEE GEE - you TRO. Your runL Is noLIIng more LIun corp doubIe speuk.
HCS Is very unIeuILIy. und beIng IeuILIy Is jusL good busIness und good Ior
cuns oI sodu u duy? you ure LIe IusL person on LIe PANET Lo ever gIve uny
kInd oI IeuILI udvIce. Go buck under your brIdge TRO und sLuy LIere.
LIInk Henry ord, TIomus EdIson, HenrIeLLu Hyde, GIdeon SunbucI und Mudum
WuIker wouId beg Lo dIIIer. TIey were noL skInny scIenLIsLs. TIIs jusL suys LIey dIdn`L
drInk enougI wuLer. n IucL, you couId eusIIy suy IruILs pucked wILI nuLuruI sugurs ure
ucLuuIIy even beLLer Ior your bruIn sucI us BIueberrIes wIIcI In Lurn promoLe bruIn
IeuILI. n sLudIes reseurcIers Iuve Iound LIuL LIey proLecL bruIn LIssues Irom oxIduLIve
sLress und muy reduce LIe eIIecLs oI uge-reIuLed demenLIu. TIose ure reuI 'LesLs`. NoL ones
wIIcI deIydruLe Iub ruLs und geL conIused wILI reuI resuILs.
ernestinepotts 2 days ago
see gee 2 days ago
congressive 1 day ago
wolfepaq 1 day ago
imc001 1 day ago
congressive 1 day ago
Page 4 oI 5 Sugar Makes You Stupid, But Omega-3s Will Smarten You Back Up - Forbes
No more donuLs Ior LIe APD.
deIInILeIy see u need In LIe IeuILI IIeId Lo educuLe peopIe us Lo wIuL Omegu-'s cun do
Ior LIem. LIInk we sIouId LoLuIIy eIImInuLe IIgI IrucLose corn syrup II we ure IookIng Lo
be us IeuILIy us we cun be. L cun`L IurL buL onIy IeIp. L muy noL be us deudIy us some ure
cIuImIng buL someLImes LIe Iong runge dumuge cun`L be meusure Ior o yeurs,by LIuL LIme
LIe dumuge Is done. personuIIy euL pIunL bused Omegus LIrougI cIIu seeds. euL u super
poLenL kInd cuIIed MIIu, Ls cuIIed LIe MIrucIe Seed Ior ILs umuzIng beneIILs und IIIe
cIungIng LesLImonIuIs
TIunks Ior LIe commenL, KeILI. PIunL-bused omegu-s ure good, buL uguIn,
mosL IeurL und bruIn beneIILs Ior omegu-s ure seen wILI DHA und EPA, wIIcI
ure Iound In IIsIJuIgueJseuweed. beIIeve LIuL cIIu onIy Ius AA, wIIcI LIe
body cun onIy purLIuIIy converL Lo LIe oLIer Lwo. TIunks uguIn.
nLeresLIng urLIcIe AIIce. LIInk sugur muy be IurmIuI Ior your bruIn ceIIs uIso becuuse IL
cuuses IIgIer rIsks oI gIycuLIon, one oI LIe mujor cuuses oI ugIng.
GIycuLIon Is LIe process In wIIcI LIe gIycuLIng ugenLs (sucI us gIucose moIecuIes) uLLucI
LIemseIves wILI LIe vuIuubIe proLeIn moIecuIes seLLIng oII u vIcIous cIuIn reucLIon
resuILIng In poIsonous und LoxIc end-producLs In our bodIes. TIIs process Is IurmIuI Lo
our IeuILI und cun cuuse premuLure ugIng und vurIous degeneruLIve dIseuses.
UnsuLuruLed IuLLy ucIds sucI us Omegu-s ure good Ior LIe bruIn purLIy becuuse LIey ure
ImporLunL In LIe reguIuLIon oI muny pIysIoIogIcuI processes und muInLuInIng LIe IeuILI
oI ceII membrunes und LIe neuroIogIcuI deveIopmenL.
Here`s un InLeresLIng urLIcIe LIuL LuIks IeuILI und weIIness In reIuLIon Lo LIe IuLs we euL:
Keith Townsend 1 day ago
Alice G. Walton, Contributor 1 day ago
Janus Ng 1 day ago
1 2
Page 5 oI 5 Sugar Makes You Stupid, But Omega-3s Will Smarten You Back Up - Forbes

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