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The Battle of Corvarious City

It has been 2 months now since the Night Lord army led by Toman Draak landed on Draxia. In that time Imperial forces have gathered to fight the forces of Chaos off the planet, but, Draak has gained reinforcements as well. Now, as the Chaos forces mass on the outskirts of Corvarious City the forces loyal to the Emperor have decided to strike back and stop the army of Draak from embedding itself in the city.

A Short History of the Draxian Conflict So Far

Chapter 1 Draxia is a munitions world just this side of the Gothimos sector. They built the weapons and provided the ammo for millions of men in the Imperial Guard. Little over a year ago a small riot broke out in a factory for siege shells. The leader of this riot was shouting about the abysmal working conditions as he had seen the 4th worker drop dead from exhaustion that week. Other workers began shouting along with him, and soon local Arbities had to arrive on scene. After two hours and 16 dead (including the inciter: Jorus Jocasta) the riot ended. Word of this spread through other factorums and soon the workers did the unheard of, they went on strike. Governor Learnon called in the Draxian PDF to find the workers at home and take them to their jobs, and if they refused then execute them. The Arbities were stationed to watch the streets and keep them clear for the PDF to do their work. After a couple hours most men went back to work, with only twenty percent refusing resulting in a small death toll. The Governor believed everything was fine and his plan was a success. He found out he was wrong at sundown. The attacks began at Corvarious City. The Draxian PDF took to the streets shelling all Imperial Government buildings. When the Arbities responded they were met by lines of infantry waiting for them and gunned down. Fifteen minutes later the same happened in three more cities. The workers along with seven PDF infantry Companies and five PDF tank Companies had declared war. They were being led by Captain Horatio Jocasta, brother to Jorus Jocasta. When his men were taking the workers to their jobs he was telling them his plans.

The planet Draxia was thrust into a conflict its Governor could not control. As more of his citizens became loyal to Jocasta he could only see his defeat, and worse he thought if his tithe to the Lords of Terra were not delivered. A quick and deadly resolution was needed. Meeting with the leader of his loyal PDF, the newly appointed General Kirchenbaum, they devised a plan. The rebel forces were using Corvarious City as their headquarters. One factorum that was still in his control made Virus bombs. It was there plan to bomb Corvarious City with these, and retake the city. Tech-adepts worked tirelessly for seven days to prepare

shells with the virus core to be fires from Basilisk cannons, while Kirchenbaum began to move his men into position to take the city. Chapter 2 Then on the night of the eight day the Basilisk cannons fired. Along with the deadly contagion shells Griffon Mortars and Bombards were fired into the city, so as no man had cover or shelter. After an hour Kirchenbaums men had exhausted their supply and the shelling ceased. He ordered his men to move in. The plan failed. When Kirchenbaums forces entered the ruined city resistance awaited them. Men that were not living yet not dead poured through the streets devouring any assailants they could grab. Ogryn workers that had fought with Jocasta rampaged through the streets, almost unrecognizable they had mutated so much. Then the biggest surprise to Kirchenbaum and Governor Learnon; Jocasta stepped upon the top of a rubble heap with his command staff his body mutated and grizzled, his men wearing their workers breathing masks, and they waved a banner. The rest of his soldiers followed, wearing their breathing masks and slaughtered all Kirchenbaums men. Before the morning light dawned Governor Learnon received a vox message. The voice on the other end was familiar, yet bestial. All your plans will fail your Highness. We have a new power and new God on our side. Your Emperor is not here. The atrocity you had planned has backfired and created a whole new atrocity. That is what will shall be known as The Draxian Atrocity, and we now come for you. The voice was Captain Jocasta. Governor Learner had no other option now. He sent a message to the High Lords of Terra requesting aid. The message was intercepted by a former Imperial Space Marine Fortress Monastery of the Emperors Hammers. Now the home to The Night Lords 13th Company and their Lord Toman Draaks allies the Fraternitatis Haeresis. Chapter 3 The Death Guard Daemon Prince of Nurgle, Lord Golgothan, was the one to tell Toman Draak to head that direction as Grandfather Nurgle had instructed. Lord Golgothan was correct, and this planet was perfect for Draaks plans as well; a planet that makes ammunition. When the Chaos forces arrived in system no Imperials had arrived to help. This was going to be easy. Toman Draak sent an envoy down to the planet consisting of Brother Sargent Seghar and his Third Claw. All twenty Astartes went to the planet in a Dreadclaw. Their landing was a bit of a surprise for Jocasta and his men. Third Claw marched through the streets of Corvarious City with no response. The Draxian Atrocity didnt know how to react at first thinking that Imperial Space Marines had arrived to fight them but quickly noticing the ritually broken Aquinas on their power armour. When Seghar arrived at the center of the city he found Members of the Atrocity waiting there in formation, Jocasta and his standard bearer at the front. Although it was obvious to the Astartes Legionary Seghar still asked a simple

question, Who is in command here? A member of the Atrocity stepped forward and shouted, Captain Jocasta leads us. Before any could blink a bolter shell exploded the head of the man who spoke. As Seghar re-magnetized his ancient weapon to his leg he said again, Who is in command here? Captain Jocasta took a knee and said You my Lord. Seghar looked around as all the Atrocity present did the same and spoke No, we all serve Toman Draak. With that the rebellion was over. Now it was a war. A war that lasted less than an hour. As Night Lords, Death Guard, Knights of Blood, and other Chaos Space Marines Loyal to Toman Draak descended on the planet Draxia. The planet and all its plunder was now in the hands of Chaos. Chapter 4 Imperial aid was not slow to respond. Although too late to save the Governor as he had hoped, the High Lords of Terra did not want to lose this munitions planet. Especially with the battles escalating in the nearby Gothimos Sector. The first loyal Imperial forces to answer the call were members of the Space Wolves. Believing they could attack quickly and gain ground for other Imperial forces they performed a drop assault. This attack was answered by Toman Draak himself leading his Night Lords 13th Company along with Lord Golgothan and a force of the Draxian Atrocity. The Imperial and Chaos forces struck each other viciously, and at the end of the day both sides had lost too much to continue and both withdrew. The Space Wolves not being able to create a safe landing position for the approaching Imperial reinforcements, while the Chaos side was not able to fortify this position. Although this attack was enough to disrupt Draaks forces enough to allow for another attempted drop by the Imperials. This was the first battle of the Temple of Our Golden Father. Two Days later more ships arrived in system. One was a ship with members of the World Eaters Chaos Legion. They were following the massed imperial fleet that was inbound to Draxia. These World Eaters arrived on planet and offered to fight with Draak, as long as the skulls of the Marines Optimi inbound were theirs. Toman Draak agreed. Chapter 5 The Imperial ships that arrived had a full company of Marines Optimi, a Black Templar Crusading force, and regiments of Imperial Guard from Catachan. When they arrived in system the Space Wolves apprised them of the situation and a plan was devised. The new arrivals would all hit as one force, striking the same location the Space Wolves attacked. The open

terrain would be a great beach head for the landing parties, and the control of the Temple would be a great sign and morale booster. Meanwhile, Toman Draak and his allies knew that these combined arms now in system would probably strike as one force (Imperials are so predictable thanks to Guilliman writing a book on their tactics). If more forces were to arrive, Draak didnt want to lose too much of his men this early. The third ship in system was not loyal to either side on this planet, it was a Tau ship. A message went out to this Tau ship. Draak offered safe passage through this system from his side, and continued when this war is over for a price. Men and arms. The Tau Ethereal agreed, as they needed this shipping lane for trade to other xenos worlds in the Gothimos System. Before the week was over the sky ignited as drop ships and drop pods entered the atmosphere and the Second Battle of the Temple of Our Golden Father commenced. Much like the first it ended in a stalemate. Neither side gaining the ground they were looking to achieve. At the end of the battle both sides withdrew looking to save what they had left. Skirmishes began breaking out on the planets surface after this. Chapter 6 The next big battle that would shape the war was actually fairly small in comparison to the scope of the others. While The Night Lord forces were returning to Corvarious City the Space Wolves sent another force to the planet, this time the target was the city itself. What little Atrocity troops remained was quickly killed by the Sons of Russ, and they began to set fire to the ruins. The Night Lords arrived and took back their base, but as the Space Wolves were retreating Dark Angel Terminators teleported to the field. The Night Lords were not prepared for this assault and were forced out. Now the next big battle draws near. Imperial Forces see their opportunity to take and hold Corvarious City and are massing forces as the Chaos side has regrouped and moves to take back what is theirs.

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