Draft Invitation

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Dear colleagues, dear friends, With great pleasure I announce you that the 2nd Congress in the Danube-Carpathian

Region Controversies in neurosurgery opens its gates for the second edition in the period of the 29th May 1st June 2012 at Cluj-Napoca, Romania. In 2011 we had the opportunity to organize this congress for the first time, hoping in developing a fruitful collaboration with the neurosurgical units in this geographical area. Our initiative was rewarded with the presence of 24 invited speakers from Europe, and with the participation of more than 150 neurosurgeons. The topics discussed offered us the chance of an interactive and educative dialogue, but also the possibility of making new friendship. All of us present at the first edition promised to continue and develop this initiative and to change it into a tradition in the spirit of mutual customs binding our nations for centuries. As also promised its second edition will be hosted at Cluj-Napoca as well, thus our city is honored to become for the second time the gravitation center and the center of the European neurosurgery for at least a few days. This year we propose ourselves to deepen and renew the existing collaboration, but also to be open to new contacts, thus enriching each others professional and personal life as well. The congress will be proceeded by the long tradition German Romanian Course, starting with the 28th of May. The proposed topics of the 2nd Congress Neurosurgical controversies in the DanubeCarpathian Region are as they follow: Tumors around the sella : Transcranial or transsphenoidal approach? Cranio-vertebral junction lesions: with or without fusion? Arterio-venous malformations: Surgery, Radiosurgery or embolization? Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: conservative vs. surgery whats new in brain and spinal cord protection and recovery?

Nevertheless this occasion gives me the opportunity to address you the invitation to join us as official invited speaker of this congress. Taking into consideration the delay of this invitation, I would be grateful if you could answer it on a short notice. As this events primary goal is to identify the common points in the field of diagnosis, treatment and research, but especially to identify together the weakness, the existing controversies and maybe to find keys for the future, we kindly ask you to support our attempts by announcing your colleagues about this opportunity. I am looking forward to your answer. Yours sincerely, Ioan Stefan Florian Congress President

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