Day of Pentecost (1891)

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Day of Pentecost (1891)

John 14:23-31 When first after Christ's Ascension the day of Pentecost was fully come, there were the disciples of the Lord all together with one another, and indeed, as we know from Acts 1:14 could be found, "in prayer and supplication." The day of Pentecost is fulfilled among us once again and we are all together with one another and plan to be in prayer and supplication. And what prayer do we properly bring first of all before God's throne today? The Pentecost prayer: O Holy Spirit, come among us! 1. Enter, O Spirit of the Lord! a. the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Lord, is God Himself, the Spirit of the Father and the Son, with both of equal nature.1 But should the Spirit of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, want to stay with us? Stay with unbelievers and sinners? Must we not rather speak like Peter once: "Go away from me, I am a sinful man"? No, b. as surely as the Father and the Son, who keep the Word of Jesus, will come and make their dwelling place with us, we also may ask for the contemplation of the Holy Spirit, Whom the Lord has promised us, and we may be certain of the answer to our Pentecost prayer.2 Truly, great is the glory that is shown to us there; that is to say home to more than angels. And great is the salvation that is given to us by it; because we pray further: 2. Enter, O Spirit of wisdom and knowledge! a. We know nothing by nature about God our salvation and about spiritual things. Even the disciples of Jesus needed to learn about Him, and how hard it was that they apprehend His instruction. But if they already had had Him, the Great Prophet, as a teacher Himself, they still very much needed the instruction and enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. Not as if Jesus' teaching would have been insufficient; the Holy Spirit should teach them nothing new, but He should bring to their remembrance the things that the Lord had said to them, and for the most part they still had not understood, not caught, not kept. So it is with us Christians, that we for years, perhaps from childhood up, have been students of the Lord; what would soon become of us if we were left to ourselves?3 b. But blessed are we, our prayer will be heard, for the Savior has indeed promised us the Spirit of wisdom and knowledge that shall teach us everything, as He always brings the old comforting, sound doctrine again in our minds and our
John 14:26a. John 14:23-24, 26a. 3 John 14:25-26.
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hearts and allows it to work strongly there. Oh, that we do not seal the entrance among us, like the unbelieving world, who does not hold to Jesus' Word, that is also God's Word.4 We still know and hear that the Holy Spirit only teaches us through Christ's Word and doctrine, makes us wise, will fill us with salutary knowledge. And when we feel our insufficiency, then we continue to sigh: 3. Come, O Spirit of grace and prayer! a. the Holy Spirit is a Spirit of grace. His preaching is Gospel. He does not demand that we should perform what is necessary for our salvation. He indeed evermore reminds us of the things that the Savior has said to us; and He said: Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; I do not give to you as the world gives, they give in order to take; let not your hearts be troubled and fear not, I am your Prince of Peace5, b. the Holy Spirit is a Spirit of prayer. He reminds us of the things that our King and Lord sits at the right hand of the Father, reigns over all that call on Him. Everything that the Father has is His, and in His Name we should ask the Father for everything that serves for our salvation. Thus the Holy Spirit always shall direct our eyes and hearts upward to the hills from whence cometh our help.6 Although we are still surrounded by enemies, as Pentecost Christians we also pray: 4. Come, O Spirit of power and strength! a. our faith is the victory that has overcome the world; the Holy Spirit also works and strengthens our faith through the Word of the Lord and the constant reminder of it.7 Thus He can make the weak into strong heroes who courageously overcome the world inside and outside themselves and celebrate one victory after another, b. But the devil? Even he cannot frighten the faithful that have Christ's Spirit. The enemy, who could not harm Christ once in that hour of darkness, as he advanced to him in humility, that "one little word can fell", that the Holy Spirit has given to Christians in the heart and in their mouth8, But we not only follow Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit in struggle and victory, but also in the new obedience, because we finally ask: 5. Come, O Spirit of sanctification and the fear of God! a. Although initially the Holy Spirit places obedience before our eyes for our comfort, and only those who take comfort in the love and obedience of Jesus in faith have learned who can also start to be converted to Him in love and obedience. Only those who have found his Savior in the Crucified One can also willingly take up
John 14:24. John 14:27. 6 John 14:28. 7 John 14:29. 8 John 14:30.
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their cross as their example.9 Therefore, so it should be with our salvation, we must get to know the working of the Holy Spirit, Who glorifies Jesus in His Savior splendor, b. But if this now happens, then also the new obedience is absent, then the Holy Spirit also shows us God as the Spirit of holiness and fear that we may walk in His presence in the love of God. Pentecost Christians properly adorn the festival, yes, their whole lives with spiritual Pentecost flowers10, the sprigs of godliness, until they "go away from here."11 Therefore, Come, holy Fire, comfort true... Through life and death, to you, our Lord, ascend. Alleluia, alleluia!12 A.G.

John 14:31.

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Pfingstmaien, sprigs of birch flowers adorning altars and homes during the season.
ibid. LSB 497:3.

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