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Proposed Program of Work

Mission Statement: To develop future leaders and improve educational and career opportunities for students in business education programs and to help students build self-esteem, experience leadership, and experience community service Our vision is to become Arizonas largest and best college business association

Vision Statement:

Focus Areas: State Website Social Media Email Updates Marketing Community Service Sponsorships CMAP Program Newsletter Community College Expansion/Recruitment

Overreaching Goals for 2012-2013

Increase local chapter membership in AZ PBL to 150 members ( year 1997-98 levels) Increase the number of AZ PBL chapters from 5 to 7 by helping and connecting with members at U of A, Yavapai, Phoenix College, and other chapters Allow for greater communication between the state and local chapters, and between local chapters. Become more involved with FBLA chapters Increase networking between the above groups, and interstate via social networking and other mediums Attain more sponsorships and internship opportunities for our members Increase members personal growth as business leaders Give more back to our community Have more state officer accountability

Focus Area #1-Website

Purpose: Communicate PBL events and activites; engage PBL and FBLA students in interactive ways; build a strong FBLA-PBL community; develop an interest in AZ PBL Goals: Increase and drive traffic to the state website for updates on all PBL activities Strategy: Update website every other Monday of every month by 11:59pm by posting officer team video updates, as well as all relevant information relating to upcoming events and updating necessary logistical items Within 1-month before the date of a conference, post all relevant conference information under the website page conference info.

Within 2-months before the date of a community service/social event, announce that the event is happening as well as a way to sign-up for the event. 1-month before, announce all information related to attending the event Make all relevant website updates to the website by August officer meeting Post the Arizona Bylaws by the May officer meeting using a link to a PDF file on Wordpress Post approved AZ PBL Budget by July officer meeting Institute a quarterly (every 3 months) Officer Team report on the first Monday of every 3rd month detailing the goals and progress of the officer team for the past quarter. This will be finalized at the last officer meeting before posting. The first one will be posted by June 1st, 2012. Post links to all available PBL state chapters in the United States by August officer meeting Post links to all PBL local chapters and meeting times at each school by September officer meeting Get PBL link posted to the FBLA website by June officer meeting

Focus Area #2-Social Media

Purpose: To engage FBLA-PBL students and provide information relevant to them; to drive internet traffic to the state website; to develop an interest in potential members Goals: To increase the number of Facebook likes by 70%; from 177 (April 1st number) to 300 Increase Twitter followers by 30% from 193 to 250 Short-term: Take baseline data on Youtube channel information and derive a goal later in the year; Increase subscribers after goal has been determined Strategy: Simultaneously update Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube accounts on the 1st and 15th of every month (along with the website updates) Like and Follow as many state PBL and FBLA Facebook and Twitter pages as possible by August officer meeting (have them reciprocate) Within 1 month before a conference and within 2 months before a community service/social event, post all relevant information to Facebook and Twitter, along with a link to the state website for further details. These posts should be given continually (approximately at least 3/week) until the date of the event. For all social events/conferences/community service events, create a facebook event within 1 month in advance and invite as many PBL and FBLA members as possible. No more than 1 week after the conclusion of a social/conference/community service event, post all relevant pictures to Facebook, the state website, and Flickr Continue to do outreach to any potential contacts that we have at the PBL or FBLA level

Focus Area #3-Email

Purpose: To communicate and promote PBL and its activities and promote interest in PBL; to drive traffic to our website Goals: Increase emails sent to members by 100% over last years numbers Increase emails sent to FBLA to 1/month Strategy: Send out bi-weekly emails on every other Monday of every month with a written version of the video update, along with the links to our Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and state website Communicate monthly with FBLA members about community service events, along with links to our website and social media outlets. Updates will be sent to Ryan Hamilton (FBLA state director) by the last day of each month. Update the PBL member list every first of the month, and develop FBLA contact list for future PBL members/advisers

Focus Area #4-Marketing

Purpose: To promote PBL in Arizona and increase membership Goals: Increase officer visits to FBLA chapters to 6-12 chapters by the end of the school year Visit 20 FBLA chapters by the end of the current officer teams term Have each state officer visit each state chapter by the end of the officer teamss term Strategy: Create new recruitment materials by the August officer meeting for distribution via email to respective chapters in AZ. These marketing materials will include: Powerpoint presentations, small flyers, business cards, etc. Visit and contact local FBLA chapters for school visits; during which time we will get interested FBLAers to sign up for contact info. 6-12 of such trips to be held by May 31st and a report made to the officer team at the June officer meetings Visit all PBL Chapters at least once Partner and coordinate with other organizations (e.g. DECA, March of Dimes,) to promote PBL Contact and talk to every chapter president for admission to the recruitment committee by the last day of the NLC Develop a state theme for next year by the June officer meeting To establish a recruitment committee for the purposes of developing and interacting with local chapters and increasing membership Make Facebook group for committee members

Focus Area #5-Community Service

Purpose: To give back to our community; to publicize PBL Goals: To increase our community service events to 4 projects next year (2/semester).

To increase FBLA-PBL community service to 2 events/year, one occurring each semester before the 4th month in that semester To increase PBL community service to 2 events/year, one occurring before the 1st day of the 3rd month in that semester Strategy: Create and plan the first two community service events for fall 2012 by the August officer meeting with state updates occurring as necessary and with the help of the officer team Contact PBL members about the 1st community service event within 2 months before the event Contact FBLA-PBL about the 2nd community service event within 2 months before the event Contact additional organizations for more involvement within the project Establish a continuous community service committee to assist in the running and planning of community service events Make Facebook group for committee members

Focus Area #6-Sponsorships

Purpose: To edify our members through additional funds, and internship opportunities; to partner with other organizations that help spread the same goals as PBL Goals: To officially partner (or attain event/general sponsorship from)1 new organization this year To bring at least 2 different companies to each PBL conference to set up booths, serve as judges, give workshops, be guest speakers, and talk to members Strategy: Make a list of potential businesses with which we could partner/could sponsor PBL by the July officer meeting Contact potential sponsors and partners by August officer meeting ( this will be an ongoing process) Have booths finalized no less than 2 weeks before a conference date Establish a continuous sponsorship committee which will help in attaining sponsors Make Facebook group for committee members

Focus Area #7-CMAP Program

Purpose: To edify our members and chapters; to gain national recognition of Arizona PBL Goals: Have 10% of total AZ membership graduate from the director level of CMAP by next years National Leadership Conference Strategy: Develop a final curriculum for the CMAP program by the July officer meeting Send email with sign-up information for the CMAP program (and information about sign-up) and updates with email and Youtube updates. There will be a heavy push throughout the beginning of Fall 2012 Develop a method for state officer management of CMAP goals by July officer meeting Ensure every chapter is registered with the national office through their advisers/local chapter president by August officer meeting Have all five members of the officer team participate in CMAP director level as a guiding coalition to our members

Spotlight students monthly on the state newsletter who are progressing through the CMAP program throughout the year

Focus Area #8-Newsletter

Purpose: To inform members about local chapter events Goals: To institute a newsletter that is posted by the 1st day of each month which outlines what local chapters are currently doing Strategy: Contact local chapters monthly to gather information on local chapter events, and to build relationships between the chapters Complete newsletter and submit via email, Facebook, etc. to all local chapter members and advisers by the above date Complete final draft of the newsletter by the last day of the month @11:59pm before it is due to be posted. First issue will be on the first day of September

Focus Area #9-PBL Chapter Recruitment

Purpose: To expand PBL into neighboring schools to help students attain a great college experience Goals: To expand PBL into 2 new schools next year Strategy: To get contact information for and to contact the following colleges for advisers and students during the Summer months and throughout the year: Estrella Mountain Community College Mesa Community College University of Arizona Yavapai Community College Arizona Western College Phoenix College Pima Community College Gateway Community College ASU West ASU Downtown ASU Polytech Coconino Community College Grand Canyon University Cochise Community College

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