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INTRODUCTION: Many of the organisations today face a dynamic and changing environment .because of some kind of pressure. This pressure creates a situation for organisation like change or die. If an organisation will able to adopt such kind of changes he will die in the form of its business or we can say that it will lose his business in the his industrial area and also it effect on the reputation of the business. Such types of pressure change the nature of the business and also work force of the business. For example if product is change in the market, thereafter organisation will have to adopt new technology for making such kind of new product with different shape also. Therefore organisation will also bear cost of adoption of new technology and also installation charges. Also technology is changing job and organisation. Sophisticated technology is also making organisation more responsive. Competition is changing. The global economy means that competitors are as likely to come from across the ocean as from across town. Heightened competition also means that established organisations need to defend themselves against both traditional competitors who develop new products and services and small, entrepreneurial firms with innovative offerings. Successful organisations will be the ones that can change in response to the competition. They will be fast on their feet, capable of developing new products runs, short product rapidly and getting them to market quickly. They will rely on short productions runs, short product cycles, and an ongoing stream of new products. In other words, they will be flexible. They will require an equally flexible and responsive works force that can adapt to rapidly and even radically changing conditions. Take a look at social trends during the past generation. They suggest, changes that organisation have to adjust for. For instance, there has been a clear trend in marriage and divorce during the past two decades. Young people are delaying marriage, and half of all marriage are ending in divorce. One obvious result of this social trend is an increasing number of single households and demand for housing by singles. If you are in the house building business, this is an important factor in determining the size and design of homes. Similarly the expansion of single households has increased demand for single portion quantities of frozen meals, which is highly relevant to organisations like conAgras healthy choice division or Pillsburys green giant. MEANING OF PRESSURE TO CHANGE: In very simple words pressure to change means some kind of internal and external forces which affect most to the organisation and hence it become necessary for the organisation to adopt it, without acceptance of these new forces an organisation is not able to success. In the real world, many of the advance companies are very well know about in future what kind of forces will taking place and hence he become example for those firm who are not able to adopt those forces or pressure.



Following are some of the factor which affect to organisation to change in the organisation....those factor include (1) Nature of works force (2) Technology (3) Economic shocks (4) Competition (5) Globalization (6) World politics

We will discuss all above factors in detail in following way. (1) NATURE OF WORK FORCE: Nature of works force affect to organisation most. It make many kind of changes in the organisation, those changes include (a) Change the working style of the organisation, (b) Change in employees behaviour (c) Change in organisation goal, (d) Change the organisational environment, (e) Change in product design etc.

The details of all the above sub-point are as under:

(a) Change the working style of the organisation: We can say that the now a day many of the organisation make change in its organisation day to day. If we take example of order pressure. If any organisation get more and more order to produce a product then what happen?. We know it very well. More than two or three order change organisation because of pressure of completion of order on due date. Therefore an organisation have to worked under pressure and all the worker of the organisation will have to worked overtime and all the worker of the organisation will go in to depression and also they feel that we are not getting good reward behind our work hence efficiency of the employee will decrease.

(b) Change in employees behaviour: Due to under pressure in the organisation, behaviour of the employees and worker will change. We can say that due to work burden they feel angry and also affect it on his personal life. Employees are the main resource for the organisation for its success. Therefore it is necessary for the organisation to make change or adopt change as per his ability to change the organisation.

(c) Change in the organisational goal: Some time it may be happened that due to pressure, organisation have to change his future goal or objective. If any organisation will not adjust him with new changes he will lose his business. For instant, due to change in taxation policy of the government, profit of the organisation will change because of increase or decrease of taxation rate.

(d) Change in organisational environment: Some kind of pressure affect directly on organisations environment. Like due to change in legal rules and regulation of govt. It is require for organisation to change his environment.

(e) Change in product design: The choice of the product is depend on the market because there are many products are available in the market. Which product i should buy? Is the main question of the consumer? Because he consider all the factors regarding the selection of product. he consider prise of the product, product design, quality and quantity , packaging etc. Therefore with change in consumers, choice an organisation will have to change or make pressure on organisation to adjust him with new product.


Now a day with rapid development of science new era of technology has taken place in the world. This change in technology also affect on production business. For example, before 100 year ago, an organisation has to work on typing machine or we can say on the worker basis. But after development of science many generation of computer are available in the market hence this technological change create wide effect in the industry. We have to answer following question regarding technology (a) How many kind of technology are available in the market? (b) The rate of changing technology? (c) Rate of Forth coming technology? With the change in technology it means it is one kind of benefit for the organisation and one kind of expenses for the organisation. If an organisation adopt new technology he will bear an

expenses for purchase it and after it new technology is more better than old hence it make more and more profit. With the new technological changes an employees and worker of the organisation will have to adjust himself with new technology it means it create pressure on the mind of staff of the organisation. Hence every time of changing in the technology an employee have to change. Also with change in the technology the level of operation will change it create pressure on worker to operate it and after that the responsibility of the manager will increase in the form of supervision, training etc. and this task become complex for the manager and it become pressure for him. After new technology adoption an organisation have to think about new space for installation of technology and it services. these all the factor become pressure for the organisation.


In this factor we discuss following factor which is mostly affect to organisation for making new kind of changes in his organisation. Those factor include (a) Security market crashes (b) Interest rate fluctuation (c) Foreign currency fluctuation

The detail of above point are as given below: (a) Security market crashes: Some of the organisation are listed in the security market and he bear the risk of market crashes in the form of price of his security. It make pressure for organisation to increase profit of the organisation so that may be it will directly effect on security market. Sometime due to recession in the market it may be happened that the price of the security may be toward the decreasing trend. For the organisation it become pressure or we can say one kind of fear that what happen after that in the market.

(b) Interest rate fluctuation: Every organisation does have surplus amount in his business in the form of reserve. He may use this amount in the form of investment in secured or unsecured investment. The selection of secured or unsecured investment is depend on the organisation that what kind of risk they prefer. If an investment is unsecured than he feel that we may making lose in our income in the form of interest on investment.

(c) Foreign currency fluctuation: If an organisation is operating in international level he may fear the risk of currency fluctuation. If a currency of particular country is fluctuating hence it may be happened that the organisation must be convert those currency in to Indian currency in the new current market price.

(4) COMPETITION: Now a day market is become large in the way of number of product and number of competitors. Competition affects more in the organisation and make pressure on the organisation to change as per new environment and also we can say after competition take place in the market it will create wonder effect for the organisation because if there is no competition in the market there is no any kind of improvement in the organisation. Because no one can make effort to research behind product innovation and also for organisation. Competition may be in the form of (a) Perfect competition (b) Monopoly competition (c) Oligopoly competition

Above all types of competition are creating wide effect in the organisation. Some time it creates pressure in organisation to adopt such kind of changes.

(5) GLOBALIZATION: Organisations face global competition on an unprecedented scale. Globalisation means that the main players in the worlds economy are now international or Multinational Corporation. Their emergence creates pressure on domestic exist for most products, but in order to compete effectively in them, firms often must transform their cultures, structure, and operations. Historically, the primary forces at work in globalisation have include The economic recoveries of Germany and Japan after their defeat in world war 2 . The emergence of new industrial countries, such as Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Spain. The dramatic shift from planned economics to market economics that has occurred in Eastern Europe, Russia and other republics of the former soviet union, and to a certain extent in the peoples republic of China The emergence of new power blocks of international traders, stemming from the economic unification of Europe that is underway and the yen block of Japan and its pacific rim trading partners.

(6) WORLDS POLITICS: World politics affect more to the organisation. There is no permanent party in the world. In India after every five year the government or political party are changed hence after every new government they make his own rules and regulation for every sector. Therefore after every five year it is require for organisation to follow that new changes or follow that particular rules and regulation which is made by new government or new political party. Hence if any organisations are not able to follow that rules and regulation it will directly become pressure for the organisation. Organisation can not adjust with new rules and regulation which is made by new government. If any organisation want to success in his business, it necessary for organisation to adopt such kind of pressure.

From the above point it can be said that it is necessary for the organisation to adopt or to manage such kind of pressure and forces which came from outside of the business. If one man is able to update himself day to day and hence he become successful person. In the same way organisation must able to update his business with new kind of changes so that new change is not becomes pressure for the organisation.

In other words we can conclude that we have seen that many people faces such kind of problem in his or her life, in the same way an organisation should handle such pressure in his business so that it can able to create a wide affect in the industrial area or we can say in the whole country.

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