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Dralt VILLAGE OF NAPLES VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING, VILLAGE ANNEX October 19, 2011 PRESENT: Mayor Braun; Trustees Frappier, Williams, Nichols-Scott and Donadio; Attorney Miller; DPW Supervisor Schwartz; Fire Chief Elwell; Shirley Piccarreto; Bob Trischler; Emily McFaul. 7:25 PM Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CAL ‘Trustee Frappier Present Trustee Nichols-Scott Present Trustee Williams Present Trustee Donadio Present Mayor Braun Present MINUTES: A motion was made by Trustee Williams to approve the minutes of the September 21 regular meeting and hydrofracking moratorium hearing, The motion was seconded by Trustee Frappier and carried with a vote of 5 ayes and 0 nays. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: Fire Contract: South Bristol Town Supervisor Dan Marshall expressed concer that the Town Board for South Bristol was on track to develop a budget within the newly instituted NYS 2% tax cap but was surprised to learn that the fire protection district is not subject to the cap. They have voted to have the ability to override the cap if needed. His concer is that they need to know what the fire budget will be sooner and have the ability to get involved in some sort of negotiations. Supervisor Marshall made suggestions as to how the formula for distributing the cost of fire protection might be reevaluated, Mayor Braun asked about fees for false alarms. There was a discussion that South Bristol’s law does not allow for the fees to be turned over to the fire department. Supervisor Marshall agreed that they should be and will look into it further. Fire Chief Elwell noted that his operating budget is 9% lower than last year. The budget was inflated due to a mandate from the County through their radio project. In order to meet the deadline to upgrade by 2018, we need to put $25,000 away annually. He added that Naples Fire Department charged .26/81000 of assessed valuation for fire protection, which is the lowest in the county. South Bristol pays Cheshire .43/$1000 to cover Bristol Harbor along with us, Richmond .83/$1000 to cover the northwest comer of their township and Bristol 1.46/$1000 for 1.5 miles of dead-end road, Naples also provides them with a piece of staffed, operational apparatus $0 that their residents living within 5 miles of that station may realize a 10% discount on their homeowner insurance. Supervisor Marshall noted that the federal government mandated the radio project, The county is only allowed to purchase and maintain one radio system. They have chosen a 700mhz system. Chief Elwell noted that the current main system is a low-band uhf and 2/3 of the county has gone to 400uhf. DPW Supervisor Schwartz said that the 700mhz system is the most expensive type available. There was a discussion that the Village DPW will only need one base station since radios are no longer used. There was a discussion about whether grant funds will be sought. Supervisor ‘Marshall asked for consideration for next year. There was a discussion that the budget process begins in February. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS ZONING: Report: Trustee Donadio referred to the monthly report. MINI0-19-11 reg. 1 Drali Comprehensive Plan: Mayor Braun reported that the Comprehensive Plan is due to be reviewed. After the November 1 Planning Board meeting, CEO O’Heam will discuss the update process. Planning Board Alternate: Mayor Braun read a letter from John Hall expressing interest in serving ‘as an Alternate for the Planning Board. He noted that Mr. Hall has an impressive resume. A motion ‘was made by Trustee Nichols-Scott to appoint Mr. Hall as an Alternate on the Planning Board. The motion was seconded by Trustee Frappier and carried with a vote of 5 ayes and 0 nays. Mobil Food Vendor Regulation: Attomey Miller reviewed a draft of an ordinance similar to ‘Canandaigua’s. Victor has one that calls for permits to be issued by their ZBA and leaves it up to the ZBA to determine the conditions. Trustee Nichols-Scott noted that the draft addresses the sale of meat. Shirley Piccarreto asked why pie sales aren’t regulated. Trustee Nichols-Scott said that all food should be included if it is to be regulated. There was a discussion that a permit and proof of DOH. certification may be a good idea. Mayor Braun asked about having a hearing prior to the November meeting. Attorney Miller said he would like to talk to Board members further, update the draft to cover more and discuss it again next month. Once the draft is satisfactory, then schedule a hearing. It ‘was agreed to proceed with his suggestion. PUBLIC SAFETY: Report: Trustee Nichols-Scott noted that the monthly report has been distributed, copy attached. Crossing Guards: Trustee Nichols-Scott reported that the Guards have been at their posts as scheduled. Surplus Equipment: Chief Elwell reported that two bids were received. They were for $1500 and $2600. He said that the equipment is worth a minimum of $5000. There are 19,000 original miles, it is in good shape and includes a pump and generator. He suggested advertising and setting a price. Mayor Braun noted that it would need to be sold for more than the high bid. A motion was made by Trustee Nichols-Scott to reject the two bids received for the surplus truck. Trustee Frappier seconded the motion and added to give the Fire Chief time to pursue another outlet. The motion was carried with a vote of 5 ayes and 0 nays. Clerk Hicks will notify the bidders. Supervisor Schwartz reported that he met with Brian Jacobs from Chatfield Engineers regarding water use. The plants are operating to their standard. The problem is that we have to filter twice as much water as we bill. Supervisor Schwartz doesn’t believe itis all water loss, He suggested auditing the system to see if we are capturing all water services and ensuring that they are accurate, They have done this for the winery and found some margin of error but not enough to justify the expense of replacing meters. They will continue to look for leaks to allow us to wean off the well. Additional improvements to the springs are also planned. Trustee Nichols-Scott asked whether the Village charges Rose Ridge Cemetery for water. Supervisor Schwartz said that we do not and this is ‘one of the things to be addressed when auditing the system. Also, we no longer charge a surcharge for water users outside the Village. There was a discussion that this was done by a past Board decision. Water Pressure: Supervisor Schwartz reported that Mrs. Martin’s pressure issues have been resolved. A pump was installed and the pressure went from 30lbs to 60lIbs. MIN10-19-11 reg 2 Dralt Rt. 245 Water Line: Supervisor Schwartz spoke with Jack Stover who installed the service to his mother’s house on Rt. 245. He advised that in addition to the curb stop on Main Street there is another curb stop at the house, There was a discussion that due to this information, the Village should pay the ‘$650 repair bill from Dave Voss and should at some point increase the line size for fire flow. Water Project: The new chemical feed system has been installed and the rep provided training today. ‘That was the last item to be done for the water project. Leaves: Leaf pickup will start soon. They plan to have one more brush pickup and change over to leaves afterward. Residents may bring brush to the barn. Blodgett Transmission Line/Springs: A large leak in the transmission line was repaired. There was allot of clearing that had to be done. The “No Trespassing” signs have been installed, Streets: A gate was installed on Rt. 245 to limit access to the Village property along the creek. Neighbors have keys. They did grader patch and hand raked where needed. They hope to do more ‘weather permitting, Mayor Braun noted that Tobey St. looks great. Supervisor Schwartz said that he ‘would like to partner with Hazlitt to seek grants to do paving and drainage work on the streets around their facility. He added that the micro paving should last 5-6 years and won’t need milling to resurface. Invoices - Rt. 245 Water Line & NYCOM Conference: A motion was made by Trustee Frappier to approve payment of the $650 invoice from Voss Construction to repair the Rt. 245 water line and payment of the cost for a hotel for two nights in Syracuse for Supervisor Schwartz to attend a NYCOM conference. The motion was seconded by Trustee Nichols-Scott and carried with a vote of 5 ayes and Onays. Trees: Mayor Braun reported that some of the pines on Ontario Street didn’t make it and are being replaced by the supplier free of charge. YOUTH: Program Sponsorship: Trustee Williams reviewed two program sponsorship requests, attached. A motion was made by Trustee Frappier to approve Village sponsorship and insurance coverage for both requests. The motion was seconded by Trustee Donadio and carried with a vote of 5 ayes and 0 nays. INSURANCE NYMIR: Trustee Williams reported that he contacted NYMIR (NY Municipal Insurance Reciprocal) and he received literature back from them yesterday. They said they would like to revisit Naples’ coverage in March due to the Village budget cycle and policy renewal date. Mayor Braun asked if he would report next month on the information they sent and Trustee Williams agreed. ATTORNEY: No concerns. CLERK: Health Insurance: Clerk Hicks reviewed that Excellus is discontinuing one of the two health plans offered by the Village of Naples and asked if the Board had considered how they would like to proceed. There was a discussion that high-deductible plans are now the standard being offered to employees and the change should be made sooner rather than later. A motion was made by Trustee Frappier to offer the existing high-deductible plan to all employees and make the change with the MIN10-19-11 reg 3

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