Smallville Season 1 Ep 1 To 4

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Colegio San Patricio

2nd Year Secondary School Global Studies SMALLVILLE Season 1 Episode 1 and 2


Smallville tells the story of a teenage Clark Kent in the days before he was Superman. Smallville is the town where he came from, where very strange things started to happen with his arrival in a spaceship in the middle of a meteorite storm of green rocks. Every episode Clark must deal with a variety of individuals who were affected by the meteorite rocks and thus were given supernatural powers which turn them into evil villains. On the other hand, Clark is learning to use his supernatural powers keeping them secret and try to live a normal teenage life with friends and school.
Review: 1. Watch episode 1 and describe the main characters of this series:

Clark Kent Chloe

Lana Lane

Lionel Luthor

Lex Luthor



2. Make questions to these answers:

Colegio San Patricio

2nd Year Secondary School Global Studies SMALLVILLE Season 1 Episode 1 and 2


a. October 1989 b. 25,001 c. Crows d. Kansas e. He said: Hey, kid, help me please! f. Kent farm g. 45,001 h. 20,000 i. The meteor capital of the world________________________________________

3. Who said this, when and why? a. We dont have that luxury. We are leaders. You have a destiny youll never get anywhere with your eyes closed. b. To see a little face, thats all Ive ever wanted. c. Kids just dont fall out of the sky, Martha. He must have parents. d. Well if he does, they are definitely not from Kansas. e. We didnt find him, he found us. f. I can be careful. g. I cant believe you betted against your friend! h. Your vehement denial has clearly been understood. i. What is this? A sort of team suicidal pact?. j. Come on! Dont die on me!. k. So much bad luck came out of it , that only good can be left. l. Dear Clark, drive safely. Always in your debt, the maniac in the Porsche. m. I would give anything to be normal!. n. Your real parents werent exactly from around here. o. He thinks that the apple doesnt fall far from the tree. p. Have you ever felt like your life was supposed to be something different? q. Its all my fault!.

Colegio San Patricio

2nd Year Secondary School Global Studies SMALLVILLE Season 1 Episode 1 and 2


4. Why are these key words relevant to the story? a. Football trials b. Scarecrow/hometown tradition c. Freshman / S (symbol) d. English paper e. Payback time f. Bridge/river g. Necklace/ meteor h. Gift /Lex i. Accident/ 2 minutes j. Coma/ 12 k. The wall of the weird l. Home coming dance/ Jeremy m. Lex / cornfield / Clark n. Telescope 5. Who represent these ideas and why? Loneliness



Dirty money




Colegio San Patricio

2nd Year Secondary School Global Studies SMALLVILLE Season 1 Episode 1 and 2






6. Listen to the song and fill in the gaps. Why was this song chosen as the main soundtrack of the series? Remy Zero: Save Me
I feel my ______ have broken in your hands I feel the words unspoken inside And they ______ you under... And I would give you anything you ____, but no. You ______ all I wanted And all my ______ are falling down... Crawlin' around, and around... Somebody _____ me! Let your warm ______ break right through Somebody ______ me! I don't _____ how you do it Just stay! Stay, c'mon, I've been waiting for you I see the world has folded in your _______ I feel the waves ______ down inside And they pull me _______... And I would give you _______ you want, but no You were all I wanted... And all my dreams are _______ down Crawlin' around, and around... Somebody ________ me! Let your warm hands _____ right through Somebody _______ me! I don't care how you do it... Just stay... Stay, c'mon, I've been waiting for you And all my dreams are on the _______ Crawlin' around, and around... Somebody ______ me! Let your warm hands break _____ through me Somebody ______ me! I don't care how you do it Just stay... with me... I made this whole world _______ for you Just stay! Just stay, c'mon... I'm still waiting for you

Colegio San Patricio

2nd Year Secondary School Global Studies SMALLVILLE Season 1 Episode 1 and 2


Return of Real Heroes

by Phil Ware

The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many. (Mark 10:45) Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13) How can words describe the honor and character of men and women who run into a burning skyscraper while thousands run away from it? How can hearts appropriately value the sacrifice of hundreds of good men and women who died trying to help others? We have a word. Its been on the shelf a long time. That word is HERO. These people are heroes! Real heroes! Despite all the heartache and horror of the previous two weeks, we can give thanks for the return of real heroes to our world experience. For decades weve been afflicted with debates about whether sports personalities, music superstars, and movie celebrities are supposed to be role models. Weve viewed them as near gods and goddesses. Weve poured obscene amounts of money in their direction. Weve let them be spokespeople for all sorts of causes despite their obvious ignorance or bias. Weve let them hijack the morals and values of our culture. Why? Because we made them our heroes. Please dont get me wrong; many of these folks are wonderful people. Its not them that is at fault as much as it is circumstance and our own tilted perspective. Longing for someone to respect and admire, we appointed celebrities and sports personalities to be our heroes by default not because they did something valiant or noble or sacrificial, but because we enjoyed what they did to entertain us. Over the last two weeks, weve repeatedly heard the declaration that our world has changed. Im not really all that sure THE WORLD has changed. Our world has always been a hostile and dangerous place. Our history is littered with brutality, conflict, violence, and war. On the other hand, I am sure OUR PERCEPTION of that world has changed.

We have real

Colegio San Patricio

2nd Year Secondary School Global Studies SMALLVILLE Season 1 Episode 1 and 2


In the more distant past, what ransomed families, villages, nations, and cultures from obliteration was the heroes now. voluntary sacrifice of their heroes. In that sense, our world has changed. We have real heroes now. Not just pretend heroes who win a game on a last second shot, surpass a world record with a spectacular performance, or eclipse some cherished mark for hits, homers, or games played. We have real heroes now. Not just pretend heroes who can shake, gyrate, and prance. We have real heroes now. Not just pretend heroes who can croon, wail, rap, or scream. As much as I may enjoy most of these things, I wont be tempted to call those who do them heroes. Theyre talented. Theyre personalities. Theyre celebrities. Theyre not heroes. Ive seen real heroes. So have you! They worked for hours digging through tons of dangerous rubble. Theyve worked till their hands bled and their bodies gave out. Theyve stood over broken and bloodied patients doing what they could to heal; and when healing wouldnt happen, they did all they could comfort. Theyve waded through lunar-like landscapes of debris and breathed down dusty soot to reach the terrified and broken. Theyve propped up the wobbling and injured. Theyve carried the dead. Theyve run up hundreds of stairs, crowded with the fearful, trying to find the dying. Theyve even wrestled down their own plane to avert a worse tragedy. Theyve given up their lives to save others. I dont know about you, but I will not cheapen their sacrifice or deface their legacy by settling for the imitation glitter of cinematic pretenders or the overblown ego of adults playing childrens games. Yes, I will still go to the movies, buy CDs, and watch sports these are great entertainment. However, I will remember that these are only players, pretenders, and entertainers. (To their credit, they have repeatedly reminded us of this fact!) I now know where to look for heroes. While I hate the horror and the cost that came with their re-birth on September 11, I thank the LORD for the return of real heroes. I will not forget their birthday or the awful cost of their sacrifice. I thank you God for the return of real heroes and ask you to please bless their families and their friends in this time of great loss. Please help them know that I will not forget their loss and that I will always value their loved one who gave the gift of life to save so many unknown friends. 7. Read this article and choose one of the topics below to write an article of your own. They will be stuck on the walls of your classroom for everybody to see, so give your best. In order to give it a newspaper layout you can surf this site and print a newspaper-like article: Write between 100 and 120 words. a. Have all heroes died today? b. Everybody can be a hero, the power is inside you.

Colegio San Patricio

2nd Year Secondary School Global Studies SMALLVILLE Season 1 Episode 1 and 2


c. My . Is my hero/ heroine. ENJOY YOURSELF!! ;)

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