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Grade 12-Module 4 Achievements The final frontier HHH

Unit 11 Less. 1 & 2

Word abhorrent


Meaning Word \ intrepid adj. mission / \ Orbit n. v.

Meaning / \ / / /

awe-inspiring adj. Concept n. detriment execute frontier Universe n. v. n. n.

/revere v. \ revolve around ph. v. / ( Sentient ) adj.

Fill in the spaces with words from the list : { awe-inspiring \ abhorrent \ intrepid \ mission \ orbit \ concept \ revered } 1234567Racism of any kind is .. to me. An .. person is someone who acts in a brave way. It is very difficult to define the . of beauty. Nelson Mandela is for his brave fight against apartheid. The higher we climbed, the more the scenery became. Russia sent a .. to study the space . On this mission the Shuttle will the Earth at a height of several hundred miles.

Fill in the spaces with words from the list : { detriment \ executed \ revolves \ frontier \ universe \ sentient } 123456Early astronomers thought that our planet was the centre of the ... The whole play was with great precision. The conversation . around childcare problems. Are you sure that I can follow this diet without to my health? A being is capable of experiencing things through its senses. They lived in a town close to the ..

Grade 12-Module 4 Achievements The final frontier HHH

Set Book Questions Unit 11 Lesson 1&2 A big reason people are looking hard for the outer space is that scientists are basically philosophical Universalists: what works here works elsewhere.

1-Why are scientists desperate to know more about space?

a)to understand the world around us b)provide people with knowledge about space c)Provide chances for more scientific advances d)enhance communication field e)To know the reason behind climate changes .

2-What risks might an astronaut face in his work field?

a)Shortage of air b) health problems ( such as : thin bones ) c)being exposed to different temperatures d)Unexpected fault in the shuttle or explosion

3-What is the importance of the space station (ISS) ?

a)conducting experiments b)contacting the crew on the shuttle c)sending and receiving data to the crew on the shuttle d)Monitoring space and shuttles

4- Being an astronaut is not an easy task .Explain .

a)It needs a lot of study b)It costs a fortune c) being away from family and friends

5-Mention some of the Pros and Cons of being an astronaut ?

Pros : understanding the world. -providing people with knowledge of our world - enhancing communication field Cons : It needs a lot of study and training -It costs a fortune -being away from family

6- Why is the space station important? It includes experiments that are not possible on earth. 7- What is the importance of space exploration?
a- It helps us progress on earth. b- Exploring Mars and other planets helps discover interesting information about our planet.

Grade 12-Module 4 Achievements The final frontier HHH

Unit 11 Less. 3

Word Approximately Dispatch Obscure

Meaning adv. v. v.

Word Perceivable adj. Scrutinize v.

Meaning /

/ \

Fill in the spaces with words from the list : { approximately \ dispatched \ obscure \ perceivable \ scrutinizes }

1- Two loads of woolen cloth were to the factory on December 12th. 2- He . the men's faces closely, trying to work out who was lying. 3- The job will take three weeks. 4- One wall of the stadium is now almost completely .... by another tall building. 5- The relationship between success and effort is by the students. Set Book Questions Unit 11 Lesson 3 Venus is the brightest object in the sky with the exception of the Sun and the Moon 1-Its impossible to live on Venus because . a) Its the hottest planet in the solar system b) Its covered with clouds of carbon dioxide c) There is no sunlight for 243 days 2-What is meant by a probe? It is a small spacecraft that documents information and transmits it back to Earth. 3- What similarities and differences can be found between the earth and Venus? Similarities Differences a-They are comparable in size. a- Venus is devoid of oceans. b-They are approximately the same age. b-Venus has very heavy atmosphere. c- A Venusian day is equal to 243 Earth days. d- Venusian year is equivalent to 225 Earth days. e- Venus has an extremely high surface temperature

Grade 12-Module 4 Achievements The final frontier HHH

4-What is your argument against people who claim that Venus is earths sister ? a)It is the hottest planet in the solar system b)It is the brightest planet in the solar system c)It is covered with carbon dioxide clouds d)Its atmosphere is heavier than earth e)There are no oceans on its surface . 5- Why has Venus been given the epithets " the morning star "and" the evening star "? Because it is only perceivable from the Earth three hours before sunrise and three hours after sunset. 6- Why is it very difficult for scientists to study Venus from the earth? Because it is obscured by clouds. 7- Who were the first to visit Venus? They were the Americans by Mariner 2 in 1962. 1.Earth is conducive to humans habitation because of . a. Its suitable temperature b. Its gravity c. The availability of water d. The existence of living creatures ( plants / animals )

Grade 12-Module 4 Achievements The final frontier HHH

Unit 11 Less. 4 & 5

Word astronomical adj. conducive adj. exceptionally adv. habitation n. natural satellites n. opportunity n.


Word roughly adv.

Meaning / / \ .....

/ Solar System n. superb adj. wane on board v. adj.

Fill in the spaces with words from the list : { astronomical \ roughly \ conducive \ Solar System \ exceptionally \ superb } 1- Ahmad Ajab scored a goal at the end of the first half. 2- The police dealt with the protesters .. . 3- The . is the sun and the group of planets which move around it . 4- Mr. Moustafa is an talented dancer. 5- The calmness in our home is to reading. 6- The telescope is one of the most important devices .

{ habitation \ wanes \ natural satellites \ on board \ opportunity } 1- They arrived at Kuwait airport a plane chartered by the Egyptian government. 2- The moon wanes when it gradually appears less and less round, after the full moon . 3- I used to enjoy going to the theatre, but I don't get much . now. 4- A .is an object that orbits a planet. It is usually called a moon . 5- A recent survey found that 20 % of dwellings are unfit for human ..

Grade 12-Module 4 Achievements The final frontier HHH

Set Book Questions Unit 11 Lesson 4 & 5 1-Earth is conducive to humans habitation because of . a) Its suitable temperature b) Its gravity d) The existence of living creatures ( plants / animals ) c) The availability of water

2- Why has Mars held people's fascination for a long time? Because it is the only other planet with potential to sustain life but its atmosphere lacks oxygen and is not conducive to human habitation. 3- How long does Mars year last? It lasts 687 days. 4- Name the natural satellites of Mars? a- Phobos b- Deimos 5- Islamic civilization has played a major role in astronomical science. Explain a- Engage in hundreds of hours of space- walks. b- The 1971 Apollo 15 mission to the moon took with it the first surah of the Holy Quran. 6- The continual involvement of Muslims in Space is evident in Kuwait. How? a- The Kuwait Scientific Centre hosted the 2005 World Space Week. b- In 2006, children visiting Kuwait Scientific Center were given the opportunity to make contact with the International Space Station. Another experience was repeated on Mon. July 14, 2008.

Grade 12-Module 4 Achievements The final frontier HHH

Unit 11 Less. 4 , 5 & 6

Grammar The passive with Modal Verbs ( can\ could \ shall\should \will \would\may\might\must\ought to\have to\has to\ had to ) +


have been + PP

Ex : People were moved from their homes so that work on the dam could be started . Ex : People living along the river should not have been forced out of their homes . Modal verbs 1.can Active People can transport goods hundreds of kilometers inside China. The workers could start the work on the dam after moving people from their houses. The government had to move people from their homes. The government must give the people compensation The government should not have forced people out their homes The government might have saved some of the historical sites. The owner may have moved whole buildings to other places Passive Goods can be transported hundreds of kilometers inside China. The work on the dam could be started after moving people from their houses. People had to be moved from their homes.


3.have to

People must be given compensation.



People should not have been forced out of their homes. Some of the historical sites might have been saved. Whole buildings may have been moved to other places.

6.may 7.might

Change the passive sentences into active and vise versa :

1- Astronauts should be rewarded by the government. 2- Each astronaut has to wear a space suit.

Grade 12-Module 4 Achievements The final frontier HHH

3- Space shuttle can transport equipment into space. 4- Scientists might have cured diseases if they hadnt spent their time working on space technology . 5- Experiments can be carried out on board the international Space Station . 6- This report from the meeting can be typed up next week . 7- The news from Kuwait has to be delivered today . 8- We will conquer the enemy. 9- You have to tell the manager . 10- People have given Venus 'the morning star ' and ' the evening star'. 11- The Russians have sent spacecraft and probes to Venus. 12- I can type up this report from the meeting next week. 13- We have to deliver the news from Kuwait today.

Grade 12-Module 4 Achievements The final frontier HHH Giving Choices ( either .or \ neithernor)

When making comparisons, either goes with or and neither with nor: Ex : I want to buy either a new desktop computer or a laptop, but I have neither the cash nor the credit I need. Either often gets misplaced in a sentence: Ex : He either wanted to buy a car or a motorbike ( Wrong ) Ex : He wanted to buy either a car or a motorbike. In this example, both things are wanted, so either comes after the verb. But if the action is different in regard to the things compared, the either has to come before the verb: He wanted either to buy a car or hire a motorbike . Here two different actions are being compared, so the either has to precede both actions.
both and So not either either or neither/nor

I like both cats and dogs. Jane likes cats. So do I. Jane doesn't like cats. I don't like cats either. Jane either has a cat or a dog. Jane doesn't like cats. Neither do I./Nor do I.

neither nor I like neither cats nor dogs.

Both and Subjects connected by 'both and' take the a plural conjugation. Examples: Both Alice and Janice attended USC. Both Jim and Peter are attending the conference in New York this weekend. Either or Either or' is used in sentences in a positive sense meaning "one or the other, this or that, he or she, etc." Verb conjugation depends on the subject (singular or plural) closest to the conjugated verb. Examples:

Grade 12-Module 4 Achievements The final frontier HHH

Either Peter or the girls need to attend the course. (second subject plural) Either Peter or the girl needs to attend the course. (second subject plural) Neither nor 'Neither nor' is used in sentences in a negative sense meaning "not this one nor the other, not this nor that, not he nor she, etc.". Verb conjugation depends on the subject (singular or plural) closest to the conjugated verb.

Choose which expression is correct.

1. Both Tom and Peter _____ in a suburb of Chicago. a- live b- lives c- living 2. Either he or they _____ going to take care of the problem. a- is b- are c- be d- are lived

d- being

3. Neither my aunts nor my grandmother _____ to come to the celebration. a- want b-wants c- wanting d- is wanted 4. Both my father and my brother _____ to finish the project. a- intend b- intends c- intending

d- is intended

5. Neither Sally nor the other children _____ in the tooth fairy. a- believes b- believe c- believing d- is believing 6. Either I or Jack _____ investigated the situation already. a- has b- have c- having 7. Both the students and the teacher _____ in evolution. a- believing b-believes c- believe

d- are having

d- is believing

8. Either the uncle or the aunt _____ the boy a birthday card every year. a- is sending b- send c- sends c- sending 9. Neither Jennifer nor Katherine _____ able to attend the party last week. a- is b- are c- were d- was 10. Either the participants or the sponsors _____ going to make a donation now. a- is b- are c- were d- was

Grade 12-Module 4 Achievements The final frontier HHH

Choose the proper response:

1. He doesn't like ( either \ neither \ nor ) one of those bands. 2. I hate that song, and my sister hates it (neither \ too \ either ). 3. Neither my brother ( nor \ neither \ or ) my mother knows about this. 4. He didn't come to the party, and his brother didn't come (neither \ nor \ either ) 5. He ( neither \ too \ either ) has a cat or a dog. I can't remember. 7. Neither my brother(nor his friends are\nor his friends is\or his friends is) ready to go. 8. He was not angry, (nor \ neither \ either) did he insult me. 9. I'm not a big fan of that writer, and (too \ either \ neither) is my father.

Join the following sentences using the words in brackets :

1- I thought the TV programme about space was dramatic. I thought the TV programme about space was fascinating. (both ..and ) .. .. 2- I am not curious about space travel . I am not curious about deep-sea diving . ( neither ..nor ) .. .. 3- You can watch TV. You can read a book . You cant do both. (either ..or ) .. .. 4- There were three crew members on the international space station. They werent wearing spacesuits. ( none ) .. ..

Correct the verbs between brackets :

1. That morning , I went to the market as soon as I ( finish . my breakfast . 2. Please ( meet ) me at the museum this afternoon. 3. I can't talk to you now because I ( do ). my homework. 4. I ( look). for my key when the door suddenly burst open. 5. I hope I ( go) to university next year , when I have finished my schooling.

Grade 12-Module 4 Achievements The final frontier HHH

Unit 11 Less. 7 & 8

Word abnormal alert data dual durable

adj. v. n. adj. adj.

Meaning monitor

Word v. v. n.


/ revolutionize spin-off

take for granted exp. / specifically adv. trainers n.

economical adj. emission n.

Global Positioning System GPS

Fill in the spaces with words from the list : { abnormal 12345\ alert \ data \ monitor \ revolutionized \ Spin-offs }

Parents should be . to sudden changes in children's behaviour. Newton's discoveries . physics. The research has had in the development of medical equipment. What a strange behavior ! He seems to be .. . Now the . is/are being transferred from magnetic tape to hard disk.

{ dual \ take for granted \ specifically \ durable \ economical \ trainers \ emissions } 1234567The new factory sends out carbon dioxide This room has a . purpose , serving as both a study and a dining room. The prophets sayings must be . . These jeans are designed .. for kids. This T-shirt is long lasting , it is made of .. materials. What's the most way of diminishing the amount of petrol used in our cars. I bought a type of light comfortable . that are suitable for playing sport.

Grade 12-Module 4 Achievements The final frontier HHH

Set Book Questions Unit 11 Lesson 7 & 8 1- There are a lot of examples of the effect of space technology on human lives on the Earth. Mention two. a- Aircraft technology. b- Wireless technology. 2- How has space technology affect aircraft technology? a- It has made aircraft lighter, faster and more economical. b- It has made aeroplane engines quieter and has lowered fuel consumption and emissions. 3- The wireless technology was first developed to solve the communication problems between the Earth and space. Where is it also used? It is now used in medicine to monitor heart activity. 4- There are a lot of benefits we could get from space technology? Mention some. a- Satellite television. b- Weather forecasting. c- GPS systems. d- Mobile phones. e- Air-conditioning units. 5- Space technology advances enabled people to revolutionise their life on Earth. Explain. a)Through using aircraft technology b ) developing wireless communications 6- How did Space technology assist flight industry? a)aircrafts are lighter and faster b)aircrafts are more economic c)aeroplane engines are quieter d)lowered fuel consumption and emission 7- Wireless technology have been developed to achieve many benefits. Give examples. a)Accessing data collected from space ships . b) Monitoring heart activity. c)Alerting medical staff of abnormal heart activities . 8- Space technology is working towards human benefits. How do people use Space technology in their daily life? a) Through satellite television b )weather forecasting b) GPS system Set Book Questions Unit 11 Lesson 9 1-Why do astronauts wear a space suit? a)it keeps them alive b)it supplies them with air and food c) it has a cooling system d)it has a waste disposal e)It has communication tools 2-What activities do astronauts do in the free time in space? a)taking pictures of earth b)contacting their families on earth c)relaxing d)working out

Grade 12-Module 4 Achievements The final frontier HHH

Important expressions and abbreviations. 1- ISS 2- DASS 3- Space shuttle 4- Space mission 5- Space walk 6- Space race 7- Space suit 8- Space station 9- Space age 10-Space exploration = International Space Station. = the Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences. = = = = = = = = Language Functions What would you say in the following situations: 1. Someone asks you about your preparations for the university. 2. I have a surprise for you. 3. Your teacher is explaining something you don't get. 4. Youre asked about a teacher you respect most. 5. What do you think of the manager's decision concerning increasing the duration of the working hours. 6. I'm planning to camp in the desert. 7. Our classmate Ahmed has bought a new Jaguar.

Complete the missing parts of the following dialogue:

Fay: Hi Jerry! Welcome back from summer vacation. Did you have a good time in the UAE? Mona: .. How about you? Did you go anywhere? Fay: Yes, as a matter of fact I did. I spent a week in Cairo. Mona: Ah, Cairo - such a wonderful city! ... ? Fay: Yes, of course. It is an amazing city. Mona: What do you like best about Cairo? Fay: Mona: .. Fay: Thats a good idea. Soon , well arrange another visit to Cairo together.

Grade 12-Module 4 Achievements The final frontier HHH

Translate into Arabic:
Space travel provides unique health challenges. Astronauts must protect themselves from X-rays and other radiation, keep clean while in space, and exercise their bodies to combat the effects of weightlessness. In some ways, astronauts face the same health concerns that people on Earth do but at an accelerated rate; other health concerns are unique to travel through space.

Translate into Arabic:

Hygiene is as important in space as it is on Earth. If astronauts do not clean their bodies regularly, they become susceptible to germs. It would be difficult to take a shower in space because of the lack of gravity. Astronauts take a sponge bath every day, using one washcloth for washing and one for rinsing, and wash their hair with rinseless shampoo.

Translate into English:

.1 -
................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................

.2 -
................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................ .3 - ................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................

Grade 12-Module 4 Achievements The final frontier HHH

Read then answer the question below: From our small world we have gazed upon the cosmic ocean for thousands of years. Ancient astronomers observed points of light that appeared to move among the stars. They called these objects "planets," meaning wanderers, and named them after Roman deitiesJupiter, king of the gods; Mars, the god of war; Mercury, messenger of the gods; Venus, the goddes of love and beauty, and Saturn, father of Jupiter and god of agriculture. The stargazers also observed comets with sparkling tails, and meteors or shooting stars apparently falling from the sky. The four planets closest to the sunMercury, Venus, Earth, and Marsare called the terrestrial planets because they have solid rocky surfaces. The four large planets beyond the orbit of MarsJupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptuneare called gas giants. Tiny, distant, Pluto has a solid but icier surface than the terrestrial planets. Nearly every planetand some of the moonshas an atmosphere. Earth's atmosphere is primarily nitrogen and oxygen. Venus has a thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide, with traces of poisonous gases such as sulfur dioxide. Marss carbon dioxide atmosphere is extremely thin. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are primarily hydrogen and helium. When Pluto is near the sun, it has a thin atmosphere, but when Pluto travels to the outer regions of its orbit, the atmosphere freezes and collapses to the planet's surface. In that way, Pluto acts like a comet. In four sentences of your own write down why it is difficult to live on other planets:

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