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Alamat : Jalan Gajah Mada Nomor 109 Singaraja Telepon/Fax : (0362)22441/25790 Website : FINAL EXAMINATION OF ODD SEMESTER 2010 / 2011 SUBJECT TIME ALLOTMENT :ESP : 60 MINUTES GRADE / SEMESTER : 8th /1

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. Write down your identity on the answer sheet. 2. There are 30 test items, each consists of 4 options. 3. Choose the best answer by crossing ( X ) a, b, c, or d on the answer sheet. 4. Put ( X ) if the answer is considered wrong then put ( X ) on the other option. 5. You have 60 minutes to finish the test. 6. Check and read the test items, before you answer them. 7. You are not allowed to use any calculator, mobile phone, mathematical table, or other calculating devices. 8. Check your answer sheet before you submit it. Read the text below for questions number 1 4. POINTS OF GROWTH IN PLANTS Plant growth varies. Different species of plants grow differently. Some species grow into short plants with soft stems which live for only a few weeks or a few months while some other species grow tall and large, have wooden trunks, and live for years. What part of plants controls their growth? How do plants become longer? Observe the stem of a plant in Figure 1. On the stem you see two types of buds. At the tip there is a terminal bud, which is also known as an apical meristem. It determines the increase of plant length. Along the stem there are lateral buds, which are also known as side buds, or axillary buds. They can finally grow into branches, leaves, or flowers. Buds are the start of new growth and the points where they appear are nodes of growth. Some plant species have stems that keep becoming larger. In fact, some large stems like those found in banyan trees, teak trees, and some other trees are even 1 to 2 meters in diameter. Stem enlargement is determined by the presence of cambium; it is located between the xylem and phloem and its function is forming new xylem and phloem . See Picture 2. In Picture 1 you can see that the diameter of the lower part of the stem is larger than its upper part. It is because the quantity of xylem and phloem increases in the same direction. It means that new xylem and phloem are continuously being produced. They are produced by the cambium.

Picture 1 1)

Picture 2

Different species of plants grow differently. The underlined word means 1

a. b. c. d. 2)

the process of increasing in size or volume. a group of organism whose members share similar natures. straight line which passes through the center of a circle. it has the same meaing as a point.

What is the function of the cambium? a. Cambium makes the stem grow larger. b. Cambium makes the plant grow differently. c. Cambium makes the xylem and the phloem increase in the same direction. d. Cambium makes the color of leaves green. In Picture 1 you can see that the diameter of the lower part of the stem is larger than its upper part. Diameter is a. the process of increasing in size or volume b. a group of organism whose members share similar natures c. straight line which passes through the center of a circle d. the same meaing as a point Growth is a. the process of increasing in size or volume b. a group of organism whose members share similar natures c. straight line which passes through the center of a circle d. the same meaing as a point



Fill in the blank with the right number 5 10. Green plants need nutrients in the form of minerals. These __________ (5) are absorbed by the green plants from the soil, and then transported up to their __________ (6). The mineral intake by plants __________ (7) on the mineral type. Most plants __________ (8) nitrogen from the soil in the form of ions. Certain plants can take free nitrogen from the air. Coffee plants also take nitrogen directly from the air through their leaves. 5) 6) 7) 8) a. depends b. leaves a. depends b. leaves a. depends b. leaves a. depends b. leaves c. take d. minerals c. take d. minerals c. take d. minerals c. take d. minerals

9) The body of a vascular plant is organized into three general kinds of organs, except a. Roots Leaves b. Stems Flowers 10) The function of roots is to make the plant stand up on the a. air c. ground b. water d. length

Read the text below for questions number 11 14. 2

THE FUNCTION OF BONES Human skeleton has five major functions. First, the skeleton system gives a shape and support for the body, like a house structure. Second, the skeleton system protects internal softer organs, such heart, and lungs. Besides, the hard skull protects the brain. Third, skeleton is the structure to which major muscles of our body attach, and the muscles move the bones. Fourth, some bones have red bone marrows that produce red blood cells, or erythrocyte. Bone marrows are soft tissues in the core of bones. Fifth, skeleton is the main unit to save minerals, that is, calcium and phosphor which are used in the body. Calcium and phosphor make the bone hard. 11) There are major functions of human skeleton. a. 3 b. 4 12) A frame of bone is called a. skeleton b. bones 13) Is the bone a living or dead material? a. The bone is dead material b. The bone is not dead material 14) What do you need to make the bone tough? a. Phosphor and mineral b. Erythrocyte and mineral Fill in the blank with the right number 15 20. JOINT Remember what you do after you get up in the morning? You open your mouth and yawn, stretch out your _____ (15), eat your breakfast, and brush your teeth. Can these movements be done without bending parts of your body? You can do all these movements because your skeleton has joints. Joint is a place where two or more bones _____ (16). Joints are divided into two groups, they are, movable joint and _____ (17) joint. Unmovable joint cannot move at all or can produce very _____ (18) movements, for example, bones in your skull. Movable joint enables your body to _____ (19) various movements. The kinds of movable joint are ball-and-socket joint, rotary joint, hinge joint, gliding joint, and saddle joint. Ball-and-socket joint is the connecting of one bone that has a round end like a ball. Of all joints, ball-and-socket joint can produce the freest movements. The example of ball-and-socket joint is the joint that connects hipbone and _____ (20). 15) a. arms b. unmovable 16) a. arms b. unmovable 17) a. arms b. unmovable 18) a. arms b. unmovable 19) a. ball b. produce c. slight d. connect c. slight d. connect c. slight d. connect c. slight d. connect c. breastbone d. joints 20) a. ball b. produce 3 c. 5 d. 6 c. muscles d. lungs c. The bone is living material d. The bone is not living material c. Mineral and calcium d. Calcium and phosphor

c. breastbone Read the text below for questions number 11 14.

d. joints

Did you ever forget to have your breakfast? When everybody in your class was silent and your stomach sounded "kruyuuuuk" inside, what was going on? You were hungry! In such a condition you felt weak and your stomach gave a warning. The stomach is one of the digestive organs that we have. There are many of them, and they work together to digest food. The food that we eat is converted into little molecules so that they can be absorbed by our intestines. Human and animal digestive systems have many things in common although they have differences in terms of structure, size, and shape. These differences are due to the different types of food that they eat. These systems digest the food into smaller particles called molecules. The food contains protein and fat. Protein can be found in dairy products such as: meat, milk, eggs, cheese, as well as fish. It can also be found in plant seeds. The main function of protein is as structural and functional components. Structural means that protein is needed to build the human body and to repair or replace the damaged cells. Functionally protein is the enzyme that catalyzes the biochemical reactions in cells. There are two sources of fat: animal and plant. Animal fat can be found in animal meat, butter, milk, fish, egg, and fish oil, whereas plant fat can be found in coconuts, nuts, avocado, etc. Fat functions as energy resource and supply. Fat is stored under skin tissues. 21) What is the text mainly about? a. Digestive systems b. Organ system 22) In what way do our digestive systems differ? a. Color, structure, and size b. Food, drink, and color c. Tissue system d. Chemical system c. Shape, habit, and construction d. Structure, size, and shape

23) Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned about the functions of proteins? a. To build the human body b. To produce fat as energy resource and supply c. To repair or replace the damaged cells d. To catalyze the biochemical processes in cells a. b. 24) Where is fat kept as energy resource and supply? Stomach c. Cells d. Read the text below for questions number 25 27. Air goes in and out of the lungs through a process called breathing. In human being, this process involves muscle contraction in two parts, the ribs and the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a large sheet-like muscle in the base of the thorax and separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. Breathing in or sucking in the air or inspiration, takes place when the intercostals muscles contract. This contraction pulls up the ribs and increases the volume of the thoracic cavity. This increase of volume makes the air pressure inside the thoracic cavity get lower than the air pressure outside your body. This difference in pressure brings air to the chest cavity. Meanwhile, the intercostals muscles stretch the lungs and make them suck in air. Skin tissues Bones

During expiration, the rib muscles relax and the ribs are pulled down and press the 4

thoracic cavity. This results in the decreasing volume of the chest cavity and the increasing air pressure in the thoracic cavity, which is now higher than the air pressure outside the body. This pressure difference pushes the air in the lungs out. The breathing in and out of the air as a result of the contraction and relaxation of the rib muscles is called thoracic respiration. 25) What happens to the muscles of the diaphragm and the ribs when you are breathing? a. They breathe c. They press b. They relax d. They contract 26) What does the diaphragm look like according to the text? a. It looks like a large sheet c. It looks like a large air b. It looks like a small sheet d. It looks like a small air 27) What does them in the second paragraph refer to? a. The muscles b. The lungs Read the text below for questions number 28 32. c. The air d. The body

The Secret of Deep Breathing

Take a deep breath. As adults, we take more than an incredible 20.000 breaths each day without thinking about it. But did you know that deep, controlled breathing is the secret for relieving stress, soothing anxiety and opening the door to healing meditation? Slow, deep breathing has an amazing power to calm the body and induce a sense of inner peace. This centuries-old technique can do wonders for your mental, emotional and physical health. As a powerful stress management tool, deep breathing helps control blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attack. It also extremely helpful in making the kind of lifestyle changes necessary to maintain good health-losing weight and stopping smoking among them. Its easy to learn. First, get in a comfortable position, either lying on your back with your knees bent or sitting upright with your back straight and relaxed. Begin by focusing on how you breathe. Take slow, deep breaths through the nose. Your chest should inhale and contract completely as you exhale. Try to visualize the breathing process to keep your mind clear of distractions. Another way to do this is to repeat a mantra, a simple word or sound such as Ah or Om each time you exhale. Continue the process for at least 10 minutes and build up to 20 minutes per session, twice a day. Youll be amazed at how much better you feel and how much better you are able to cope with stress. Good Luck!

28) How do people normally breath? 5

a. b.

Deeply Incredibly

c. d.

Controllably Unconsciously

29) The following is the use of deep, controlled breathing, except a. opening the door to healing meditation b. making people to be adults c. soothing anxiety d. relieving stress 30) How should people breath to calm the body and induce a sense of inner peace? a. Calmly c. Emotionally b. Healthily d. Slowly and deeply 31) The good position when you take deep breathing is a. lying on your back with knees bent b. sitting upright with the legs reach your back c. by sleeping comfortably and concentrating d. lying on your back with straight and relaxed back 32) The mantra is repeated whenever you a. induce the air into your nose b. inhale the air into your mouth c. concentrate in doing the meditation d. exhale the air out of your body through your mouth Complete the sentences that follow with an appropriate word for no 33 37.

In human beings, digestion can be grouped into two kinds. These are physical and chemical digestions. The physical digestion is the course by which food is 33) mechanically involving the physical 34) , whereas, the chemical digestion is the 35) in which chemical substances called 36) are involved. During digestion, both physical and chemical mechanisms can 37) at the same time.

33) a. enzymes b. processed 34) a. organs b. faster 35) a. enzymes b. happen 36) a. organs b. mechanism 37) a. molecules b. happen

c. molecules d. several c. react d. mechanism c. mechanism d. several c. molecules d. enzymes c. several d. react

Match the words in column A with the words in column B for questions no 28 and 29. 6

A 1. stretch 2. suck in

B A. mendorong keluar B. mengkerut C. menghisap D. meregang c. C d. D c. C d. D

38) Stretch means a. A b. B 39) Suck in means a. A b. B

a. b.

40) Rearrange the following sentences into a good paragraph. 1. Consequently, the air pressure in the thoraxes cavity is higher than that outside our body. 2. It is the difference of the air pressure in the thoraxes cavity and the air pressure outside our body that causes us to breathe in and to breathe out. 3. This pressure difference pushes the air in the lungs out 4. When we breathe out, the rib muscles relax and the ribs are pulled down to press the thoracic cavity 1234 3214 2143 4132


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