CH 9 Microorganisms TC

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CLASSIFICATION OF MICROORGANISMS a. b. c. d. e. Microorganisms Viruses Bacteria Fungi Protozoa Algae Characteristics smallest size unicellular, four basic shapes(rod like, commashaped, spiral-shaped, spherical), binary fission, nutrition (photosynthetic, saprophytic, parasitic) unicellular or multicellular, asexually and sexual, nutrition (saprophytic,parasitic) unicellular, unicellular or multicellular, contain chlorophyll and cellulose cell walls, carry out photosynthesis, sexual and asexual Size 20nm-400nm 0.1- 10m 10- 100m 2-1000m 10- 10000m


FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE GROWTH OF MICROORGANISM a. Nutrients b. Light c. Water d. Temperatures e. pH USEFUL MICROORGANISMS a. Food digestion b. Decaying process c. Medicine d. Agriculture e. Industry HARMFUL MICROORGANISM a. Microorganisms that cause disease are called pathogens. b. Examples of diseases caused by pathogens: Tooth decay SARS and etc. c. Pathogens reproduce rapidly, can slow down the normal growth and metabolic activities of body cells and tissues. d. Pathogens produce toxins that can kill cells. Microorganisms and diseases Pathogens Viruses Disease Common cold Dengue fever hepatitis Aids Fungal Protozoa Tinea Ringworm Malaria Dysentery Symptoms Sore throat,runny nose, watery eyes Fever,headache, runny nose Fever,headache,nausea muscle ache Diarrhoea,loss of appetite, weight loss White spots, change the skin colour Scaly,round,itchy patches Fever,headache,nausea Diarrhoea Transmission Air Vector(Aedes) Contaminated food,water Physical contact Physical contact Physical contact Vector(anopheles Contaminated food and water



SES 1511 Kelantan 2007

*The bolded and italic letter is the answer



Cholera Gonorrhoea Syphilis Tuberculosis

Diarrhoea,thirsty,dry lips Severe cramps,fever, vomiting Sore on the mouth,rash, fever Racking cough,sputum contains blood,fever,weight loss

Contaminated food and water Physical contact Physical contact Air

Methods of transmission of human diseases Physical contact- Examples:Gonorrhoea, syphilis, ringworm, athletes foot, hepatitis B, AIDS. Air- Common cold, tuberculosis Contaminated water- cholera, hepatitis A Contaminated food- cholera, hepatitis A Vector- animals that carry pathogens from person to person.Examples of vectors are mosquitoes and houseflies. (Cholera, malaria, dengue fever) 5. WAYS TO PREVENT INFECTION CAUSED BY MICROORGANISMS: a. Control of vectors i. Mosquito - related to its life cycle and habits. - draining swamps, covering the surfaces of ponds with oil, use Abate, rear larvaeeating fish. ii. Housefly - keeping our surroundings clean - disposing garbage in plastic bags - close rubbish bins - hygienic disposal of faeces - keeping food covered - spraying insecticide b. Various methods of sterilization i. Autoclave- high temperature(121C) and pressure. ii. Boiling- 100C(cannot kill a spores) iii. Heat- expose to strong heat iv. Disinfectant- chemical that kill microorganisms. Used to clean surgical apparatus, sickroom, drains, kitchen utensils.Examples: bleaching powder, formaline v. Antiseptic- Chemical used to kill microorganisms on skin or wound.Examples: alcohol, acriflavin, iodine vi. Chemical- chemical can kill microorganisms. vii. Radiation- exposure to ionizing radiations such as gamma rays and ultraviolet light viii. Ultraviolet light- used to kill microorganisms in the air in hospitals and operating theatre. ix. Gamma ray- Used to sterilize injection needles, syringes and dressing. c. Immunity - The immune system is the bodys main defence against pathogens. - It recognizes, attacks, destroys and remembers each type of pathogen that enters the body. - There are two types of immunity: Active immunity (body produces antibodies) and Passive immunity(body received antibodies) i. Natural Active Immunity - Develops naturally after a person is infected with a pathogen. - Very effective and may last for life. - Examples: recovery from diseases such as chicken pox and mumps. ii. Artificial active immunity - acquired through immunization.

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- Involves the use of vaccine that contains weakened pathogen. - Examples: injection of vaccine. iii. Natural passive immunity. - acquired by the transfer of maternal antibodies to her offspring via the placenta or breast milk. - Examples: Breast-feeding. An infant receives from the mother because antibodies are present in the mothers milk. iv. Artificial passive immunity - Induced by injection of serum taken from an individual already immuned to a particular antigen. - Examples: Antiserum is injected to give immediate protection or to give rapid help in treating a disease. Importance of Immunity Helps to prevent the spread of diseases. Vaccination is used to fight infection and prevent epidemic outbreaks of disease or deaths. 6. HOW DISEASES CAUSED BY MICROORGANISMS ARE TREATED a. Modern cures - Use of synthetic medicines, antiserum, antibiotics and surgery. - Antibiotics: chemical compound obtained from microorganisms or synthesized. Use to destroy or inhibit the growth of microorganisms. Can be taken orally in pill or liquid or injected. Common antibiotics include penicillin, aureomysin, streptomysin and tetracyclines. - Viral diseases cannot be cured by using antibiotics. - Malaria can be cured by using drugs such as quinine, paludrine and chloroquinine. b. Traditional cures - Made from leaves, stems, roots, barks and flowers of plants or body parts of animals. - Examples: Tongkat Ali root. Danger of using drugs without medical advise and through unauthorized prescription. Can produce side effects. Can cause allergies Can lead to the development of resistant strains of microorganisms.

SES 1511 Kelantan 2007

*The bolded and italic letter is the answer


Nutrie nt


The diagram shows a type of bacteria

What is the name of the bacteria? A B Spirillum Bacillus C D Coccus Vibrio

2. Which of the following statement is true about virus? A B C D Virus are saprophyte Virus can be crystallized Virus contains cytoplasm Virus can reproduce outside a living cell


The Diagram shows a type of microorganism.

Which of the following is a characteristic of this microorganism? A B C D 4. It is a parasite It has cellulose cell wall It does not have chlorophyll It reproduces by binary fission

The Diagram shows an information about the type of microorganisms . P : Yeast Q : Euglena R : Salmonella

S : Amoeba
Which of the above microorganisms are classified as protozoa? A B C D Q and R P and S Q and S P and R

SES 1511 Kelantan 2007

*The bolded and italic letter is the answer


Diseases Virus Fungi Bacteria Protozoa Common cold Syphilis Hepatitis Tuberculosis 5. Which of the following shows the microorganisms in descending order of size from the largest to the smallest? A B C D 6. Bacteria, fungi, viruses Fungi, bacteria, viruses Viruses, fungi, bacteria Viruses, bacteria, fungi

Which of the following microorganisms can build their own food? A B C D Mucor Spirogyra Paramecium Plasmodium


Which of the following is a bacillus bacteria? A B C D


Which of the following is a pathogen ? A B C D Yeast Spirogyra Plasmodium Bacteriophage


Which of the following pairs is correct about the microorganisms and disease related? A B C D


The diagram shows a type of microorganisms.

Which of the following is related to the microorganisms? A B C D All are parasites Contain chlorophyll Reproduce inside living host cells Obtain food from dead organics materials

SES 1511 Kelantan 2007

*The bolded and italic letter is the answer



The diagram shows a type of microorganisms.

Name the microorganisms. A B C D 12. Plasmodium Bacteriophage Vibrio cholerae Tubercle bacillus

Which of the following is the symptom of Hepatitis A and B? A B C D Fever Runny nose Watery eyes Weight loss

13. Which of the following is sex transmitted disease? A B C D Malaria Dysentery Gonorrhea Tuberculosis

14. Why do we always wash our hands after handling microorganisms? A B C D 15. The microorganisms are dead We want to kill the microorganisms The microorganisms can turn harmful We want to get rid of the microorganisms from our hand

What is the use of microorganisms in food digestion? A B C D As vaccination Produce antibiotics Break down cellulose into simple sugar Release enzymes to break down dead organisms


Which of the following can affect the growth of microorganisms? A B C D Oxygen Nutrient Size of container Method of sterilisation

SES 1511 Kelantan 2007

*The bolded and italic letter is the answer



The diagram shows a life cycle of a mosquito.


Which of the following is the most suitable method to control mosquitoes in stage P? A B C D 18. Use abate Sleep in a net Use insecticide Covering ponds with oil

Which of the following disease spread by mosquitoes? A B C D Cholera Malaria Ringworm Hepatitis A


Which of the following microorganisms can be spread through water? A C


Which of the following disease can be transmitted by air? A B C D AIDS Tinea Cholera Tuberculosis

SES 1511 Kelantan 2007

*The bolded and italic letter is the answer



The following information shows the symptom of a disease. Attack reproductive organ Scar tissue formation Burning sensation while urinating What is the disease? A B C D AIDS Hepatitis B Gonorrhea Tuberculosis


Which of the following is a harmful microorganisms? A B C D Decomposer Plasmodium Transgenic bacteria Nitrogen fixing bacteria


Which of the following immunity is acquired by vaccination? A B C D Natural active immunity Artificial active immunity Natural passive immunity Artificial passive immunity


Which of the following is the optimum pH for bacterial growth? A B C D pH 2 pH 5 pH 7 pH 12


The diagram shows four nutrient agar which are kept under different temperatures and intensity.
P 7C Dark Q 20C Sunlight R 35C Dark S 37C Sunlight

Which nutrient agar will have most bacteria colonies after three days? A B C D P Q R S

SES 1511 Kelantan 2007

*The bolded and italic letter is the answer



Which of the following diseases can be cured by using antibiotics? A B C D Cholerae Hepatitis A Dengue fever Common cold


Which of the following pair is correct about disease and the method of transmission? A B C D Disease Hepatitis Tuberculosis Gonorrhea Ringworm Method of transmission Vector Water Air Contact


What is usually used to sterile human skin before an injection? A B C D Chemicals Antiseptics Disinfectant Distilled water


Which of the following can be used to sterile operating instruments in hospitals? A B C D Heat Chemical Disinfectant Ultraviolet light


What is the most suitable method to kill microorganisms and their spores? A B C D Boiling Heat in water Use antiseptic Heat in autoclave


A mosquito is a vector. Which of the following is correct about the vector? A B C D Cause diseases Microorganisms serves as host Can be infected by microorganisms Transmits pathogen from one person to another

SES 1511 Kelantan 2007

Petri dish *The bolded and italic letter is the answer Temperature (0C) pH P


14 Q 25 12 R 37 32. The table below shows the temperature and pH of some bacteria culture in a 7 petri dish. Which petri dish has the most bacteria colonies after two days? S 40 3 A B C D 33. The diagram shows a way to transfer pathogen. Vector Faeces Food

Which of the following pathogen can be transfer this way? A B C D Plasmodium Vibrio cholerae Tubercle bacillus Human Immunodeficiency virus

34. The table below shows four test tubes U, V, W and X which are filled with glucose solution and yeast, and placed under different conditions. Test tube Temperature (C) J 30 K 30 L 40 M 40 pH value 4 7 4 7

Which of the following test tubes will produce the most gas bubbles? A B 35. J K C D L M

Which of the following reacts with yeast to produce carbon dioxide in a dough? A B Water Sugar C D Flou r Oil


Four paper discs are soaked in different antibiotic solutions and placed on a nutrient agar which contains bacteria culture. After two days, the results are shown in the diagram below. Antibiotic in which paper disc is the least effective in killing? A B C D

SES 1511 Kelantan 2007

*The bolded and italic letter is the answer



Which of the following is a traditional treatment? A B C D Herbal Surgical Antiserum Antibiotics


Which of the following method is the most suitable to provide immediate protection against a disease? A B C D Vaccination Taking drugs Inject antiserum Exposed to ultra violet rays


The information shows the ways to prevent infection of certain disease. Wash hand before eating Drink boiled water Always cover food Which of the following diseases can be prevented through the above ways? A B C D Tuberculosis and dengue Malaria and gonorrhea Hepatitis and syphilis Cholera and dysentery


Which of the following graph is correct to show an artificial active immunity? A

Antibody concentration in blood

Antibody concentration in blood

Time (days)

Time (days)

Antibody concentration in blood

Antibody concentration in blood

Time (days)

Time (days)

SES 1511 Kelantan 2007

*The bolded and italic letter is the answer


1. Diagram 1 shows an experiment to study the effect of the amount of yeast on the dough.

7 Ruler 6 5 4 3 2 Dough 1

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

20 ml yeast

10 ml yeast

The results of the experiment are recorded in table 1. 10 ml yeast 2.6 TABLE 1 a) Based on the above experiment, complete table 1. b) Write down one inference based on the results of this experiment? The dough rises because yeast produces carbon dioxide [1 mark] 20 ml yeast 5.4 ..


[1 mark] c) State the variables in this experiment i. manipulated variable: ... ii. iii. d) responding variable: . constant variable: .. [3 mark] State the conclusion from the experiment. . [1 mark] 2. Diagram 2 shows the result of an experiment to study the effect of humidity on microorganisms growth Growth of mucor Moist bread After 2 days

Dry bread After 2 days

No change

DIAGRAM 2 a) State the hypothesis of the experiment? ... ... [1 mark] b) What is the observation from the experiment? ... [1 mark] b) State the inference from the experiment? ... ... [1 mark] c) State the variables in this experiment i) ii) iii) manipulated variable: responding variable: . constant variable: .. ead [3 mark]


Table 1 shows the result of an experiment to study the effect of temperature on the number of microbes in river water. The pH value of the river water was kept constant at 7 and the number of bacteria colonies were measured after 30 minutes at different temperatures. .Temperature 10 20 30 40 50 60 Number of bacteria colonies Beginning of experiment 10 10 10 10 10 10 TABLE 1 After 30 minutes 12 14 20 15 10 5


Plot a graph of the number of bacteria colonies against the temperature.

Number of bacteria colonies












Temperature (C)


State the hypothesis of the experiment? .. .. [1 mark]


What is the relationship between the number of bacteria colonies and temperature? . [1 mark]


State the inference from the experiment? Bac..teriaarenot activeatlowtempera tureandwilldieat high tem..perature. [1 mark]

e) i)

State the variables in this experiment T em p er at ur e v a manipulated variable:

lue . ii) responding variable: Number o f bacteria colonies. iii)constant variable: p H v alu e .. 4. [3 mark]

Diagram 3 shows the experiment to study the factors that affect growth of microorganisms
Sterile cotton

5 cm


5 cm nutrient 3 broth + 0.5 cm culture bacteria + 3 3 cm 1.0 M Hydrochloric acid

broth + 0.5 cm culture bacteria + 3 3 cm 1.0M Sodium hydroxide solution

5 cm 3 nutrient broth + 0.5 cm 3 culture bacteria + 3 3 cm distilled water

DIAGRAM 3 Test tubes P,Q and R are kept at room temperatures. After 48 hours, the content of each test tube was observed and recorded as shown in the table below. Test tube P Q R Observation Clear Clear Cloudy

SES 1511 Kelantan 2007

*The bolded and italic letter is the answer



State one inference based on the observation in test tube R. Bacteriagrowandreproducerapidly i n neutral medium. . . [1 mark ]


State the hypothesis of the experiment. Bacteriado notgrow in al kaline or acidic condition. .

. [1 mark ] (c) Which test tube has the highest growth rate of microorganisms? . [1 mark ] (d) State one way to keep the constant variable. Keep at roomtemperatu re. [1 mark ] SECTION B
1. Diagram 4 shows five different microorganisms. T es tt ub e R

a) Identify the class of microorganisms J :Algae. M :Protozoa. K:Bacteria . Fungi L:Virus. b) N: . .

[1 mark ]

Which of these microorganisms can make their own food? Algae / J . Name a disease which is caused by microorganism K

[1 mark ] .


D en gu e / /H e pa tit is A o r B // Co m m on c o ld . [1 mark ]

SES 1511 Kelantan 2007

*The bolded and italic letter is the answer



Which microorganism is inactive outside its living host cells? V iru s / L .

[1 mark ] [1 mark ] [1 mark ]


i) State one industrial use of microorganism N. For making bread / production of alcoholic drink . ii) How do the organisms N reproduce?

Bybudd ing. 2. The graph shows the level of immunity of a man.

Antibody concentration in blood

Level of immunity

First injection

Second injection




Time (days)


What type of immunity does the graph show? Artificialpassiveimmunity .

[1 mark ]


Why is this immunity required? To giveimmediateprotectiona gainstcertain disease .

[1 mark ]


What is the substance use in the injection? Antiser um. Why is the second injection needed?

[1 mark ]


Togive enough antibodiesfor protection .

[1 mark ]

SES 1511 Kelantan 2007

*The bolded and italic letter is the answer



Match the immunity and action correctly. 1. Natural Active Immunity 3. Artificial l Active Immunity No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Action Give vaccination From mother to the baby through placenta Acquired after recovering from infection Injection of prepared antibodies Injection of weakened and mild pathogen Gained by newborn infant SECTION C 2. Natural Passive Immunity 4. Artificial Passive Immunity Immunity 3 2 1 4 3 2 [7 mark ]


Study the following statement . Nutrient can affect the growth of bacteria You are given nutrient broth, plain broth and cultured bacteria. a. Suggest a hypothesis to investigate the above statement. (1 mark) b. Describe an experiment to test your hypothesis in (a) based on the following criteria: Aim of the experiment Identification of variables List of apparatus and materials Procedure Tabulation of data (1 mark) (1 mark) (2 marks) (4 marks) (1 mark)

ANSWER Hypothesis : Bacteria need nutrients for growth. Aim : To study the affect of nutrient on the growth of bacteria

Variables Manipulated variable : The presence of nutrient Responded variable : The growth of bacteria Constant variable : Type of bacteria // number of bacteria colonies List of apparatus and materials: Sterile syringe, cellophane tape, glass spreader, 2 steriled petri dishes containing nutrient agar, Bacillus subtilis culture

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Procedure : Label the base of each of the 2 steriled petri dishes containing nutrient agar and plain agar. 3 By using steriled syringe, transfer 1 cm of Bacillus subtilis culture into each petri dish. Put the lids back immediately on the petri dishes. Tape the lids with cellophane tape. Incubate the two petri dishes upside down in a dark cupboard. Examine the petri dishes for bacterial growth after two days. Record the result in table. Tabulation of data: The Presence of nutrient Nutrient agar Plain agar Number of bacteria colonies


a) Give four usage of microorganisms and one example for each usage. (4 marks) b) Diagram shows four microorganisms that caused disease.

Virus for Hepatitis B

Bacteria for Cholerae


Protozoa for Malaria

Fungi for Ringworm

Study the microorganisms above and develop a concept of a pathogen. Your answer should be based on the following aspects: Identify two common characteristics of a radio wave. Develop an initial concept of pathogen Give one example of a pathogen and give a reason for your choice Give one example of non-pathogen and give a reason for your choice Develop the actual concept. (6marks)

SES 1511 Kelantan 2007

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1. Food digestion

2. Decaying process Bacteria and fungi break down the waste materials 3. Medicine Fungi such as penicillin produces antibiotics ANSWER4. Agriculture a) Nitrogen fixing bacteria are able to fix nitrogen to nitrates 5. Industry Bacteria are used in the production of yogurt.

b) i)

Common characteristics Attack the human body / destroy the human tissues Cause diseases Initial concept Microorganisms that attack the human body and cause diseases are pathogen Other example : Bacteria cause Gonorrhea - destroy human tissue Non-example Algae - Do not cause disease to human Actual concept Pathogens are microorganisms that attack the human body and cause diseases




SES 1511 Kelantan 2007

*The bolded and italic letter is the answer


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