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Speech processing

The process in which computer can communicate or even conversate with human being. In this field of AI, computer can listen and talk to the people just like human i.e. computer not only listen to us but can answer to us as well 1. Speech recognition The process in which computer can understand and recognize the normal human voice. For this acoustic sensory devices are used. These may be in the form of micro-phone. Sound will be converted into electrical signal. These signals will be converted into series of binary digits or in machine language, which called digitizing the sound wave and this conversion is done by Analog-to-Digital convertor. Then the computer compares these patterns with the patterns hold in the memory. If the new pattern matches with the stored patterns, then the computer recognizes the speech.

Micro Phone

Analog-to-Digital Convertor


To Computer

Speech recognition is designed mainly into two different ways a. Word by word speech recognition In this speech is indentified in individual words. The system here are capable of recognizing only a small vocabulary of single words or possibly simple phrases. So to give command or data to computer there should a space between the words, they should not be continuous. b. Connected or continuous speech recognition In this continuous flow of words recognized easily. we can speak to computer in complete sentence and our input will be recognized and understood by the computer.

Advantages Easy to access:- since many people might not be able to use computer efficiently and people can speak fastly than they can type. Therefore speech recognition may help to reduce the problem. Speed:- It is estimated that the average person can speak twice as fast as professional typist ca type. Manual freedom:- Since Communication with the computer, typing occupies our hands in using keyboard but in some cases computer might be useful to people whose hands are occupied e.g. pilot of military aircraft.

Remote Access:- speech recognition has made it possible that many of the computers will be accessed remotely by telephone. Uses or Applications:1. 2. 3. 4. Clinical & Medical records Entertainment & Education Office Automation Security Control

2. Speech Generation The process in which computer produce human like voice Computer analyze sound waves of a human voice and store these words in the digital pattern from then produce them as necessary. In some computer when the speech is being recognized, the linguistic rules with these patterns of words and words parts are stored. These rules enable the computer to combine digitizing words into sentences. These digitized patterns are converted into electrical signals by analog-to-digital convertor. The electrical signals are amplified and fed to a small speaker which vibrate and produce human like voice There are two techniques used for speech generation, 1. Word-for-word speech generation system Here computer speaks the same words as these are listened by computer. If a sentence is spoken by human then computer will sense the digits of every word and when it generate, it will again convert these digits which were stored. 2. Words with rules In this technique of speech generation rules are also considered along with the words that how the construction of statements actually is ???. Here the words as well as construction rules are stored and speech is generated accordingly. At first rules and words are saved in the computer. Computer then combine words and make sentence ad generate it. ADVANTGES SAME AS SPEECH RECOGNITION. Problems 1. It requires a large amount of vocabulary to produce a small no of words. 2. It require a complete grammar of the language because scientist dont understand the rules or grammar that govern the way human speak. 3. Some speech generation system take long time to generate speech which can waste user time.

Computer Vision
The process I which the computer is enabled to see and understand what it sees It is the use of computer system to analyze and evaluate visual information. People generally use their eyes as their first mean of sensing their environment and see more than they hear, feel, smell or taste. The main aim of computer vision research is to give computer the same powerful facility for understanding their surroundings. AI technique allow the computer to examine a picture or a scene of real life to indentify particular objects, feature or patterns. The computer vision process consist of the following steps or stages, 1. 2. 3. 4. Image Acquisition Image Processing Image Analysis Image Comprehension

The computer vision process consist of the following steps 1. Image acquisition For image acquisition a computer system need an eye. In most computer vision systems that eye is a camera. The camera translates a scene or image into electrical signals. These signals can be translated into binary numbers which computer can work. The output of the camera is an analog signal. The analog signal then converted to binary numbers using analog-to-digital (ADC) because digital computer cant deal with analog signals. 2. Image processing The next stage of the computer vision is the image processing. Image processing is the process of enhancing and refining a graphic image. It involves some initial manipulation of the binary data. It helps to improve the quality of the image to analyze and comprehend it more efficiently. Image processing improve signal to noise ratio. The signal is the information representing objects in the image. Noise is any interference flow or any unwanted signal that obscures the objects. Once the image is cleaned up then it is ready for analysis. 3. Image analysis Image analysis exposes the scene to determine what is there. A computer program begin looking through the numbers that represent the visual information to identify specific features and characteristics. Image analysis program looks for edge and boundaries. An

edge is formed between an object and its background or between two specific objects. The computer produce a simple line drawing all of the objects in the scene . Image analysis also looks for texture and shading between line which are useful in the future processing to help in identifying the scene.

4. Image comprehension The final step in the computer vision process is the understanding, by identifying specific objects and their relationship. The previous steps of image processing and analysis were done with algorithms. Now symbolic processing will be used to understand the scene. Understanding what is in the scene requires templates matching. The computer is preprogrammed with pre-stored binary images or templates that represent specific objects. Using search program and pattern matching technique, the computer looks through the binary information obtained from the scene and compare it to the various templates. When a match occurs, an object is indentified. Thus computer understand what is being viewed.

Applications are

Controlling processes, e.g., an industrial robot; Navigation, e.g., by an autonomous vehicle or mobile robot; Detecting events, e.g., for visual surveillance or people counting; Organizing information, e.g., for indexing databases of images and image sequences; Modeling objects or environments, e.g., medical image analysis or topographical modeling; Interaction, e.g., as the input to a device for computer- human interaction, and Automatic inspection, e.g., in manufacturing applications

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