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No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Introduction Background Objective Materials and Methods Apparatus Procedures Results and Discussion Data / Analysis Results Questions / Discussions Conclusion Recommendations





INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND The penetration of a bituminous material may be defined as the distance in tenths of a millimeter that a standard needle vertically penetrates a sample of the material under known conditions of loading, time, and temperature. The penetration test is used for evaluating the consistency of a bituminous material. The grade of semisolid and solid bituminous material is usually designated by the penetration. OBJECTIVE Penetration test is an empirical test used to measure the consistency (hardness) of asphalt cement. SCOPE This method describes a procedure for determining the penetration of semi-solid and solid bituminous materials.

MATERIALS AND METHODS APPARATUS 1. Penetration apparatus - consist of needle assembly total loads of 100g, an apparatus capable of indicating the depth of penetration to the nearest 0.1 mm, and an automated timing device accurate to within 0.1 sec. 2. Sample container - made of metal or glass with flat bottom. 3. Transfer dish for container - a cylinder with flat bottom and a minimum inside diameter of 90 mm. 4. Water bath - having capacity of at least 10 liters and capable of maintaining a temperature varying not more than 0.1 C from the temperature of the test. 5. Thermometer - conform to the requirements prescribed in ASTM or IP Standard Thermometers.

(a) Penetration Apparatus

(b) Needle Penetration

PROCEDURE First of all, the sample is heated with care and stirred as soon as possible to prevent local over-heating, until it has become sufficiently fluid to pour. Avoid incorporating bubbles into the sample. Then, the sample is poured into the sample container to a depth such that, when cooled to the temperature f test, the depth of the sample is at least 10 mm greater than the depth to which the needle is expected to penetrate. Each container is loosely covered as a protection against dust and allowed to cool in the atmosphere at a temperature between 15C and 30C for 1 to 1 hour. The needle holder and guide are examined to establish the absence of water and other extraneous matter. A penetration needle is then cleaned with toluene or other suitable solvent, dried with a clean cloth and inserted in the penetrometer. Later, the needle is positioned by slowly lowering it until its tip just makes contact with the surface of the sample. The reading of the penetrometer dial is noted or the pointer is brought to zero. After that, the needle holder is quickly released for the specified period of time and adjusted the instrument to measure the distance penetrated in tenths of a millimeter. At least three determinations are made at points on the surface of the sample not less than 10 mm from the side of the container and not less than 10 mm apart. The needle is cleaned before the test is repeated. Lastly, the average of three penetrations is recorded to the nearest whole number whose value does not differ by more than the amounts in the following table: Penetration Maximum difference between highest and lowest determination 0 to 49 2 50 to 149 4 150 to 249 6 250 and above 8

If the differences are exceeded, the test is repeated using the second sample. If the appropriate tolerance is again exceeded, all results are ignored and the test is repeated completely.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION DATA COLLECTION Table T2-1: Test No. Penetration Penetration Test 1 9.8 mm 2 8.1 mm 9.18 9.2 3 8.5 mm PEN 4 9.0 mm 5 10.5 mm 80-100

Penetration (mm) RESULTS

The result from the penetration test shows that the asphalt cement has an average penetration of 9.18 mm. Hence, the asphalt cement tested is graded as 80-100 PEN. QUESTIONS / DISCUSSION: 1. Briefly explain the unit used to express the asphalt cement penetration. The depth of penetration is measured in units of 0.1 mm and reported in penetration units (e.g., if the needle penetrates 8 mm, the asphalt penetration number is 80). Penetration grading is based on the penetration test. 2. What does an 80-100 PEN asphalt cement means? Bitumen 80/100 is high quality penetration grade asphalt derived from crude petroleum reefing. It is dark in colour and possesses waterproofing and adhesive properties. It is substantially non-volatile and softens gradually when heated. Bitumen 80/100 is used as a binder of mineral aggregates in asphalt concrete and hot laid plant mix for highways, airports, parking areas, driveways and curbs. 3. Which one is softer, 50 PEN or 100 PEN asphalt cements? Which one is more suitable to be used in hot climate area? Why? 100 PEN asphalt cements will be softer. The pen value is an expression of the depth to which a standard needle will penetrate the surface of the binder at a specified temperature (the higher the value, the softer the binder). Lower pen values give harder wearing. Hence, for hot climatic condition with a mean annual air temperature of 24 C or greater, the use of a 40/50 or 60/70 PEN asphalt is recommended. 50 PEN asphalt cements will be more suitable for hot climate area.

CONCLUSION From the penetration tests, the asphalt cement tested is 80-100 PEN asphalt cement.

RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Avoid parallax error the eyes of the observer must be directly perpendicular to the scale on the penetrometer when the readings are taken. 2. Few readings are taken for every point of penetration to average out the readings to obtain a more accurate result. 3. Avoid incorporating bubbles into the sample. 4. The needle holder and guide are examined to establish the absence of water and other extraneous matter. 5. A penetration needle is cleaned with toluene or other suitable solvent, dried with a clean cloth and inserted in the penetrometer. 6. Avoid zero error - The reading of the penetrometer dial is noted or the pointer is brought to zero. 7. At least three determinations are made at points on the surface of the sample not less than 10 mm from the side of the container and not less than 10 mm apart. 8. The needle is cleaned before the test is repeated.

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