Dspace Training Doc : Organized by - Webinito Networks

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Organized By Webinito Networks

Rajat Gupta Webinito Networks 329, Sunrise Mall, Nr. Swaminarayan Temple, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380015 Email: info@webinito.com

Table of Contents

WEBINITO HOLDS COMPLETE DISTRIBUTION & PUBLICATION RIGHTS TO THIS DOCUMENT. UNAUTHORISED DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF WEBINITO IS ILLEGAL. PLEASE REPORT TO LEGAL@WEBINITO.COM IF YOU HAVE FOUND THIS COPY BY MISTAKE. THIS DOCUMENT IS TO BE DISTRIBUTED ONLY INSIDE HCL. ..3 Introduction......................................................................................................................4 How to Login...................................................................................................................6 ..........................................................................................................................................7 How to Create Users (Registration Process)...................................................................7 How to Create User (by Admin)......................................................................................8 How to Edit User (by Admin)..........................................................................................8 How to Delete User (by Admin)......................................................................................8 How to create a Community (without Community Admins)..........................................8 How to create a Community (with Community Admins)...............................................9 How to Edit a Community ..............................................................................................9 How to Delete a Community ..........................................................................................9 How to Create a Collection..............................................................................................9 How to add Item to a Collection....................................................................................10 How to add Item to a Collection (simple process)........................................................10 How to add Item to a Collection (with more than 1 title).............................................10 How to add Item to a Collection (with more than 1 file)..............................................11 How to Edit an Item.......................................................................................................11 How to Delete an Item...................................................................................................11 How to Create a Group..................................................................................................11 How to Add Submitters to a Collection.........................................................................12 How to make items publicly readable...........................................................................12 How to make items publicly non-readable....................................................................12 How to add Submitters to a Collection during the Collection creation process...........13 How to make items follow an Accept / Reject Step......................................................13 How to make items follow an Accept / Reject Step......................................................15 How to make items follow an Accept / Reject Step & Edit Metadata..........................16

Contact Information
Development Center 329, Sunrise Mall, Nr. Swaminarayan Temple, Vastrapur Ahmedabad 380015 Registered Address 4, Samarth Bunglows, Nr. Prahladnagar Garden, Prahladnagar, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380051 Email info@webinito.com Phone : 079 40065685 Skype : rajat.webinito


The Architecture of DSpace consists of 3 main elements which are a. Communities b. Collections c. Items Following are the different Terms used widely in Dspace: a. Digital Repository A platform to store, search and retrieve documents is called Digital Repository b. Submission Process of submitting an item to a collection is called submission c. Search Simple search box provided by dspace to put simple text for searching is called Search d. Advanced Search Search provided along with the facility to filter search into Title, keyword, author etc using a combination of filters such as AND, OR, NOT is called Advanced Search e. Administer This is an area available to the Super- Admin which gives complete control over the Dspace Administration. f. E-People Users created in a DSpace repository are called Epeople g. Groups Users clubbed together in a single entity is called a group. Groups are used to manage and assign a role in a very easy manner. h. Workflow When a item is submitted, collection administrations have the facility to create a process with the help of which an item submitted goes to various stages of approval after which it is finally submitted to the archive. This process in DSpace is called workflow. i. Submitter A User who is given the right to submit to a particular collection is a Submitter j. Metadata Characteristics of a File submitted such as Title, Author, Description which a user is asked to fill while uploading / submitting an item in Dspace k. Item Files along with their metadata is called Item l. Bitstream A file which is uploaded is stored in DSpace and is called as a bitstream m. Bundle Bundle is a File combined with its metadata n. Top Level Community Categorization Element which helps in segregating a Repository into different parts. o. Sub-Community Categorization Element which helps in segregating a Repository further. p. Collection Categorization Element that helps a DSpace Administrator to categorize items. Only items can be submitted to a Collection.

q. Handle Dspace gives unique Handle id to each item submitted. This helps the items to be easily searchable in Google or any other search engine

Following are the different types of users you will find in DSpace: a. Anonymous User User that is not authenticated / logged in. This kind of user does not have any rights. Anonymous user will be able to see all community, collection. Anonymous User can access only those items that are publicy available. b. Registered User User that register themselves for the first time are registered user. By default, they do not have any role. The administrator decides what role is to be given to each user. c. Administrator User created at the time of Installation. This user can also be called a Super Admin since this user has a complete control over the entire DSpace Repository d. Community Administrator This is a user created by Super-Admin who can control over a particular Community e. Sub-Community Administrator This is a user created by either a Super-Admin or a Community Administrator and having complete control over a particular Sub-Community f. Collection Administrator This is a user created by Community / Sub-Community Administrator and having complete control over the Collection g. Collection Submitter This is a user created by Collection Administrator who can Submit to a Collection Rules of Thumb 1. Communities are Top Level Classification (Categorization) Elements 2. Collections are created inside Communities 3. Communities can have n-number of Collections 4. Sub-Communities are created inside Communities 5. A Community can have 1 or more than 1 Sub-community and 1 or more than 1 Collection at the same time 6. Collection can also be created inside Sub-Communities 7. Sub-Communities can be created inside Sub-Communities 8. Items are only created inside Collections 9. Items cannot be created inside Communities or Sub-Communities 10. Anonymous user can never submit an item to a collection 11. Only Authorized users can submit item to a collection

12. Users registered in DSpace do not have any feature by default and they can only browse Dspace just like anonymous user. 13. When a user is made an administrator to one collection/community, s/he can make changes to only that collection / community 14. It is compulsory to fill the Title field for any Community, Collection or Item All the Communities and Collections are managed by groups. Whenever you create a Community, by default a group is created of Administrators for that Community. Similarly, when a Collection is created, by default a group is created of Administrators for the Collection. A Group is also created for Submitters of the Collection. So, in total, 3 groups are created by default when we create a Community and Collection where 1 group is created for Administrator of a Community and 2 groups are created for a collection, 1 for a Submitter and another for Administrator of that Collection.

How to Login
1. Click on the URL for DSpace. For eg.

2. Click on My DSpace on the left hand side bar.

3. You will be redirected to a page which is shown below. Put your Email address and password and Click Log In.

4. You will be redirected to your PROFILE PAGE which is shown below.

How to Create Users (Registration Process)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Consider yourself as an Anonymous user who is not logged in Click on Mydspace on the left hand side Click on New User? Register here Add Email address to the field and click on Register DSpace will send a mail to this email address with a link. Click on this link 6. You will be redirected to a page which will ask for Username, password and confirmation of password along with First name, last name and phone number 7. Click on Save 8. User is created in DSpace

How to Create User (by Admin)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Log in as Administrator Click on Administer on the left hand side bar Click on E-people Click on Add E-people Fill the form of new user you want to add such as First Name, Last Name, Password, phone number etc. 6. Click on Save 7. Verify if the user is created by clicking on Epeople again and clicking on Edit to see the users name in the list of Epeople

How to Edit User (by Admin)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Log in as Administrator Click on Administer on the left hand side bar Click on E-people Click on Select E-people Select a user whom you want to Edit Click on Edit Make changes to the form that is opened Click on Save Verify if the changes have been made to the user

How to Delete User (by Admin)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Log in as Administrator Click on Administer on the left hand side bar Click on E-people Click on Select E-people Select a user whom you want to Edit Click on Delete Click on Confirm to Delete Verify if the user is deleted

How to create a Community (without Community Admins)

5. Log in as Administrator

6. Click on Communities and Collections on the left hand side 7. Click on Create a Top Level Community 8. Put a Title to the Community. Title is very important. 9. Click on Save 10. Verify if the community is created

How to create a Community (with Community Admins)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Log in as Administrator Click on Communities and Collections on the left hand side Click on Create a Top Level Community Put a Title to the Community. Title is very important. Click on Create for Community Administrators Click on Save Verify if the community is created

How to Edit a Community

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Log in as Administrator Click on Communities and Collections on the left hand side Click on Community you want to Edit Click on Edit on the right hand side bar Make necessary changes to the form of the community Click on Update Verify the changes

How to Delete a Community

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Log in as Administrator Click on Communities and Collections on the left hand side Click on Community you want to Delete Click on Edit on the right hand side bar Click on the Delete this Community Button Click on Delete button Verify the changes

How to Create a Collection

1. Log in as Community Administrator 2. Click on Communities and Collections on the left hand side 3. Click on the Community under which you have to create a Collection

4. 5. 6. 7.

Click on Create Collection which is on the right hand side bar Put a Title to the Collection. Title is very important. Click on Save Verify if the Collection is created

How to add Item to a Collection

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Log in as Community Administrator Click on the Community which you Administer Click on the Collection which you Administer Click on Submit Item to the Collection Fill the form for Submit an item which is by default a 7 step process. Do remember to fill the Title of the item 6. Click on Save 7. Verify if the item is created

How to add Item to a Collection (simple process)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Log in as Community Administrator Click on the Community which you Administer Click on the Collection which you Administer Click on Submit Item to the Collection Fill the form for Submit an item which is by default a 7 step process. Do remember to fill the Title of the item 6. Click on Save 7. Verify if the item is created

How to add Item to a Collection (with more than 1 title)

1. Log in as Community Administrator 2. Click on the Community which you Administer 3. Click on the Collection which you Administer 4. Click on Submit Item to the Collection 5. Check the field The item has more than one title, e.g. a translated title 6. Fill the form for Submit an item which is by default a 7 step process. Do remember to fill the Title of the item. You can add more than 1 titles to this item. 7. Click on Save 8. Verify if the item is created

How to add Item to a Collection (with more than 1 file)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Log in as Community Administrator Click on the Community which you Administer Click on the Collection which you Administer Click on Submit Item to the Collection Check the field The item consists of more than one file Fill the form for Submit an item which is by default a 7 step process. Do remember to fill the Title of the item. Remember to add more than 1 file to this item. 7. Click on Save 8. Verify if the item is created

How to Edit an Item

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Log in as Community Administrator Click on the Community which you Administer Click on the Collection which you Administer Click on Item that you want to Edit Click on the Edit button which is in the first box in the box that says: Please use this identifier .. 6. Make changes to the item such as adding / deleting / modifying metadata / adding more files 7. Click on Update 8. Verify if the editing is complete

How to Delete an Item

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Log in as Community Administrator Click on the Community which you Administer Click on the Collection which you Administer Click on Item that you want to Delete Click on the Edit button which is in the first box in the box that says: Please use this identifier .. 6. Click on the button Delete / Expunge 7. Click on Delete 8. Verify if the deletion process is complete

How to Create a Group

1. Log in as Administrator 2. Click on Administer on the left hand side bar

3. Click on Groups 4. Click on Create New Group 5. Edit the Name of the Group to something logical such as a Editors or Professors or Students for 1st Year of Engineering or Admin_Com_Inst. Of Tech 6. Add users to this group by clicking on Add user button on the left hand side and selecting users from the pop up box 7. Click on Save 8. Verify if the group is created by going to the Groups and looking at the list of groups

How to Add Submitters to a Collection

1. Log in as Administrator 2. Click on the Collection to which you want to add Submitters. Remember that you need to be Administrator for that Collection in order to add any submitter to it. 3. Click on Edit Collection which appears on the right hand side bar 4. Click on Edit Submitters Button 5. You will reach Edit Group page of Submitters. Always maintain a standard to rename the default Submitter group name which could be (COLLECTION_56_SUBMIT) to something more appropriate which is (Submit_Col_Dept. of Medicine) [Submit (Role) _ Col (Categorization) _ Dept. of Medine (Name of the Collection)] 6. Click on Select Epeople to add users to this group 7. Click on Select Group to add already created groups to this group. 8. Click on Update Group 9. Verfiy if the submitters (users) have got the rights to submit to the specified collection

How to make items publicly readable

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Log in as Administrator Click on Create a Collection Check on the first check box Fill the remaining form as usual to create a collection Submit an item to this collection Confirm if the item is publicly readable Note here that single items cannot be made publicly readable. A whole collection can be given rights to make its items publicly readable or not.

How to make items publicly non-readable

1. Log in as Administrator

2. Click on Create a Collection 3. Check on the first check box 4. In the third step, you will be asked to include Users or groups who have a permission to read. Select appropriate users / groups. 5. Update the Collection 6. Submit an item to this collection 7. Confirm if the item is publicly non readable 8. Logout as Admin 9. Sign in as a user that has the authority to read the document 10. Click on the document and verify

How to add Submitters to a Collection during the Collection creation process

1. Log in as Administrator 2. Click on Create a Collection 3. Check on the second check box which allows you to add Submitters during the collection creation process 4. In the third step, you will be asked to add Submitters in terms of Users / Groups. Only these users will have the authority to Submit to this collection. 5. Fill the remaining form as usual to create a collection 6. Submit an item to this collection through an assigned users 7. Confirm the steps

How to make items follow an Accept / Reject Step

1. 2. 3. 4. Log in as Administrator Click on Create a Collection Check on the third check box In the fourth step, you will be asked to include Users or groups who will Accept or Reject an item submitted to this collection. Add User / Groups accordingly. 5. Update the Collection 6. Submit an item to this collection 7. Confirm if the item is there in DSpace. You will not find that item unless the user / group whom you have assigned to Accept / Reject has performed the task 8. Logout as Admin 9. Login as a user who is assigned the job as per step 4 10. You will see on your profile page, a Title which says Tasks in Pool. Under this title, you will find a table with different tasks

available for you to perform. Click on the button Perform this task which is created as per Step 6

11. You will be taken to the item which is added as per Step 6 where you have to click on Accept this task.

12. You will be taken to an option page which asks you to perform one of the actions such as Accept, Reject, Do Later, Return task to pool.

13. Clicking on any of the option. 14. Logout of this user. 15. Go to DSpace and search if the document is now there in the repository.

How to make items follow an Accept / Reject Step

1. 2. 3. 4. Log in as Administrator Click on Create a Collection Check on the third check box In the fourth step, you will be asked to include Users or groups who will Accept or Reject an item submitted to this collection. Add User / Groups accordingly. 5. Update the Collection 6. Submit an item to this collection 7. Confirm if the item is there in DSpace. You will not find that item unless the user / group whom you have assigned to Accept / Reject has performed the task 8. Logout as Admin 9. Login as a user who is assigned the job as per step 4 10. You will see on your profile page, a Title which says Tasks in Pool. Under this title, you will find a table with different tasks available for you to perform. Click on the button Perform this task which is created as per Step 6

11. You will be taken to the item which is added as per Step 6 where you have to click on Accept this task.

12. You will be taken to an option page which asks you to perform one of the actions such as Accept, Reject, Do Later, Return task to pool.

How to make items follow an Accept / Reject Step & Edit Metadata
1. 2. 3. 4. Log in as Administrator Click on Create a Collection Check on the Fifth check box In the fourth step, you will be asked to include Users or groups who can Edit metadata for an item submitted to this collection. Add User / Groups accordingly. Once an item is submitted through this process, it cannot be rejected. The assigned user will be able to edit the metadata and commit the item to archive

5. Update the Collection 6. Submit an item to this collection 7. Confirm if the item is there in DSpace. You will not find that item unless the user / group whom you have assigned to Accept / Reject has performed the task 8. Logout as Admin 9. Login as a user who is assigned the job as per step 4 10. You will see on your profile page, a Title which says Tasks in Pool. Under this title, you will find a table with different tasks

available for you to perform. Click on the button Perform this task which is created as per Step 6

11. You will be taken to the item which is added as per Step 6 where you have to click on Accept this task.


13. You will be taken to an option page which asks you to perform one of the actions such as Commit to Archive, Edit Metadata, Do Later, Return task to pool.

14. Clicking on any of the option. 15. Logout of this user. 16. Go to DSpace and search if the document is now there in the repository.

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