Job Satisfaction

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job satisfaction

Product profile 3 Literature review Data analysis and 4. interpretation Findings 5. Suggestions Conclusion 1. Chapter Particulars Page No Introduction Objectives 1. Scope of the study Problem statement Research methodology Limitations of the study 2. Industry profile Company profile 6. bibliography and references annexure 3. INTRODUCTION Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job. It is a relatively recent term since in previous centuries the jobs available to a particular person were often predetermined by the occupation of the persons parent. There are a variety of factors that can influence a persons level of job satisfaction. Some of these factors include the level of pay and benefits, the perceived fairness of the promotion system within a company, the quality of the working conditions, leadership and social relationships, the job itself (the variety of tasks involved, the interest and challenge the job generates, and clarity of the job description/ requirements) TITLE OF THE PROJECT: A study on Level of JOB SATISFACTION amongst quality dept employees with special reference to GO GO INTERNATIONAL Pvt. Ltd., HASSAN. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: The objective of the study is classified into primary and secondary objectives as they are follows, Primary objective The primary objective of this study is to study the job satisfaction level of employees and to suggest measures, which might be help the organization in improving the job satisfaction level among the employees. 4. Secondary objectives To understand the level of employee SATISFACTION and factors which make the employees desirable in yhe Indian textile industry with respect to company policies, working conditions and other factors. To find out the satisfaction level regarding the compensation plans, transparency and leadership. To analyze employee loyalty towards company and to understand the commitment of management towards employees, in terms of trust empowerment etc. To evaluate the alternative preferences of employees. To analyse the performance of GO GO INTERNATIONAL PVT. LTD employees. To study the areas of improvement & give suggestions for future improvement of GO GO INTERNATIONAL PVT. LTD. 5. SCOPE OF THE STUDY: The development of any of the organization is mainly depending on the satisfaction level of the employees so that they can perform well in the organization. The company can analyze the level of employee satisfaction in their organization. The company can improve the working conditions, environment and other policies to satisfy the employees based on the results of my survey. They can implement my valuable suggestions to overcome many problems faced by the organization. I can understand how actually an organization works and can get more insight on the concept of job satisfaction. It provides me a great opportunity to relate theoretical concepts learnt in my course to the actual happenings in the organization. I can get an opportunity to provide suggestions. In this connection a survey was conducted on behalf of KMF Limited to identify the level of satisfaction in terms of strongly agree to strongly disagree on various job related factors. If an

employee is not satisfied with the job there are chances for absenteeism, lob turnover, lower productivity. committing of mistakes, diverting energy for different types of conflicts keeping this thing in view all organizations are trying to identify the areas where satisfaction to be improved to get out of the above dangers Job Satisfaction is considered as a key issue by the entrepreneur where efforts are taken and programs are initiated. So every organization is giving higher priority to keep their employees with satisfaction by providing several facilities which improves satisfaction and which reduces dissatisfaction. It is said that satisfied employee is a productive employee, any kind of grievance relating to organizational or personal to a greater extent influence on the job. 6. PROBLEM STATEMENT: The selected Topic was A STUDY ON LEVEL OF JOB SATISFACTION

7. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY There are 3 types, they are: 1. Explorative 2. Descriptive 3. Experimental Descriptive methodology is used in the present study. Data Sources: 1. Primary Data: The Primary data was collected from the respondents by administering a structured questionnaire and also through observations, interviews & discussion with Management team. 2. Secondary Data: Apart from Primary data, the secondary data is being collected through Text books, records of GO GO International Pvt. Limited, Journals from Library, Academic Reports, and Internet , used for this study. Sampling design: Sample Population: There are total 1039 employees working in the organization. Sample Size: Out of the total population, the sample taken among respondents from the quality department is 40. Sampling Area: The research was conducted at Quality Department of GO GO International Pvt. Limited Hassan. Sample Method: The research was made by the survey in accordance to the convenience of the employees. So the sample type is convenience sampling. 8. TOOLS USED FOR ANALYSIS Instrument: A structured Questionnaire is used, and the type of questionnaire is target questions. Method: The research was conducted by using contact methods through Questionnaire, Interview and Observation. The information was collected from the employees of quality department only. TECHNIQUES FOR DATA ANALYSIS The data is analyzed with Simple analysis technique. The data tool is percentage method. Percentage method is used in making comparison between two or more criteria. This method is used to describe relationship. Percentage of Respondents = No. of Respondents/ Total no of Respondents X 100 9. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY: The study is conducted only in HASSAN branch of Go Go international pvt. Ltd. Due to the limitation of the time the research could not be made more detailed. Due to confidentiality of some information accurate response was not revealed by some of the respondents. Some of the replies of the respondents may be biased. Respondents had marked the answers in questionnaires which may be socially incorrect irrespective of their actual feeling 30. REVIEW OF LETERATURE Introduction to Human Resource Management: Modern organizational setting is characterized by constant changes relating to environment factors and human resources. As regards environmental factors, we find changes in the operating organizational structure, the networking procedures, customs or norms and the economic, political and social patterns in which organizations exist. Moreover, there is constant change in human resources. New individuals are being employed with their new ideas and expectations while the existing workforce is constantly changing vis--vis ideas, attitudes and values.

Although the changes may provide solution to some problems, it may create several new ones. There is an urgent need to understand these problems, anticipate them and to find solutions to them. The responsibility to find out solutions to these problems lies with every manager who has to be prepared to deal with different changes effectively through educational and developmental programs. Obviously, every manager is responsible for management of human resources of course with the advice and help of personnel department. Management of human resources is the essence of being a manager who has to get things done through others. Specifically, his task relates to leading, mobilizing and directing the efforts of people without which he can be a technician but not a manager. Thus, every manager has to develop and maintain his competence in managing human resources which have assumed utmost significance in modern organizations.The term Job Satisfaction is of almost significance from the standpoint of employee morale. It refers to employees general attitude towards his work.Lock defines work Satisfaction as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones work or work experience. The extent that a persons work fulfils his dominant need and is consistent with his expectations and values, the work will be satisfying.The job satisfaction factors which can have influence on attitudes, these can be considered as motives. The relationship between man and work has always attracted the philosophers, scientists and novelists. A major part of mans life is spent work. Work is a social reality and social expectation to which men seem to confirm. It not only provides status to the individual but also binds him, to the society.

31. Job satisfaction is a persons attitude towards the job. Positive attitude towards the job are equivalent to job satisfaction where as negative attitude towards the job is equivalent to job dissatisfaction. Job satisfaction has been define variously from time to time. The term job satisfaction refers to an individuals general attitude towards his or her job, while a person who is dissatisfied with his or her works holds negative attitude about the job Definition: Human resource management is a management functions that helps managers recruit, select train and develop members for an organization. It focuses on the people in organizations According to Michael J . Jucius defined as the field of management which has to do with planning, organizing, directing and controlling the functions of procuring ,developing .maintaining and utilizing the labour force . , such that the 1. Objectives of the company is established are attained economically and effectively , 2. Objectives of all levels of personnel are served to the highest possible degree, and 3. Objectives of society are dually considered and served. HRM can be defined as managing (planning, organizing ,directing and controlling )the function s of employing ,developing and compensating human resource resulting in the creation and development of human relations with a view to contribute proportionately due to them) to the organizational ,individual and social goals. Human Resource Management function concerned with hiring, motivating and maintaining people in an organization. It focuses on people in organizations. Human Resource views people as an important source or asset to be used for the benefit of organizations, employees and the society. It is emerging as a distinct philosophy of management aiming at policies that promote mutuality mutual goals, mutual respects, mutual rewards and mutual responsibilities. The belief is that policies of mutuality will elicit commitment which in turn will yield both better economic performance and greater human resource development. 32. Components of human resource are skills knowledge value Creative ability. Human resource management: While managing the human resources one has to perform tasks like a.

Employing the people b. Developing the resources c. Utilizing the resources and compensating their services in tune with the job and organizational requirements Human resource refers to the knowledge skills abilities talents aptitude, values and beliefs of an organizations workforce. Knowledge skills, creative abilities and talents play an important role in deciding the efficiency and effectiveness of an organizations workforce. Human resource development improves the utilization value of an organization. The difference in the level of performance of two organizations also depends on utilization value of human resources. SOURCES OF JOB SATISFACTION Several job elements contribute to job satisfaction. The most important among them are wage structure, nature of work, promotion chances, quality of supervision, work group, working conditions. Wages Wages play a significant role in influencing job satisfaction. This is because of two reasons. First, money is an important instrument in fulfilling ones needs and two employees often see pay as a reflection of management concern for them. Employees want pay system, which. Is simple, fair and in line with their expectation.

33. Nature of work Most employees have intellectual challenges on job. They tend to prefer being, given opportunities to their skills and abilities and being offered a variety of tasks, freedom and feedback on how well they are doing. These characteristics make jobs mentally challenging. Jobs that have little challenges create boredom. Promotions Promotional opportunities affect job satisfaction considerably. The desire for promotion is generally strong among employees as it involves change in job content, pay responsibility, independence status and like. Supervision There is a positive relationship between the quality of supervision and job satisfaction. Supervisors who establish a supportive personal relationship with subordinates and take as personal interest in them contribute to their employees satisfaction. Work group The work group does serve as a source of satisfaction to individual, employees. It does so primarily by providing group members with pportunities for interaction with each other. The work group is even stronger source of satisfaction when members have similar attitudes and values. Working conditions Work conditions that are comparative with an employees physical comfort and that facilitate doing a good job contribute to good job. 34. Evolution of Human Resource Management: Human Resource, a relatively new term emerged during the 1970s.Many people continue to refer to the discipline by its older, more traditional titles, such as personnel management or personal administration. The trend is changing. The term nowadays used in industry circle is Human Resource management. Coming to the evolution of HRM as a subject, it may be stated that concern for the welfare of workers in the management of business enterprises has been in existence since ages. Kutilyas Arthashastra states that there existed a sound base for systematic management of resources during as early as the 4th century BC. These processes took momentum only when government took active measures during resent past by various rules and regulations under Industrial Dispute Act and related Acts. However the employees will have various reasons to deviate from this. When the growth of the industry is disturbed due to irregularity of the employees, government showed interest in the operation of public and private sector enterprises and provided systematic procedures for regulating employer employee relationships. Importance of Human Resource Management: The importance of HRM can be discussed under three standard points: 1. Social significance: management of personnel enhances their dignity by satisfying their social needs. This is done by: Providing suitable and most productive employment , which brings sthem psychological satisfaction Making maximum utilization of the resources in an effective manner and paying the employees a reasonable

compensation in proportion to the contribution made by him 2. Professional significance: by providing healthy working environment it promotes teamwork in the employees. This is done by Marinating the dignity of the employees as a human being. Providing maximum opportunities for personal department.

35. 3. Significance for individual enterprise : It can help the organization in accomplishing its goals by Creating right attitude among employees through effective motivation. Securing willing communication operation for achieving goals fulfilling their own social and other psychological needs like love, affection, esteem etc. Scope of HRM The scope of HRM is indeed vast. All major activities in the working life of a worker from time of his or her entry into an organization until he or she leaves come under the purview of HRM. Specifically,the activities included are HR planning , job analysis and design , recruitment and selection, orientation and placement , training and development , performance appraisal and job evaluation , employee remuneration , motivation communication , welfare, safety and health, industrial relations and the like. For the sake of convenience all these functions into seven sections as shown in the figure 36. Nature of HRM Prospects Employee of HRM Hiring Human Resource Manageme Employee Industrial nt and Relations Executive Remunerati on Employee Employee Maintenan Motivatio ce n Figure representing the scope for HRM 37. HRM Functions: HRM is the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees, and attending to their labour relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns. People or Personal aspects Human Resource Management must perform certain functions. These functions have been stated while outlining the scope of HRM. Conducting job analysis Planning labour needs and recruiting job candidates Selecting job candidates Orienting and training new employees Managing wages and salaries (Compensating) Providing incentives and benefits Appraising employees Communicating (Interviewing, counselling, & Disciplining) Training and developing Building employee commitment Union management Assessment Development of HRM in India: In 50s, people were recruited to do and die In 60s, concept of managing people In 70s, realised that productivity depended on people Employees started demanding over and above their salaries Personnel department renamed as Human resources Management theories were introduced Concepts of participative management, Kaizen, Total quality management, empowerment, etc, 38. In Indian context, emotions, feelings, empathetic perceptions, and affective components influence people Hierarchy, status, authority, responsibility, and accountability are structural concepts Subordinates expect that the superior should have integrity, higher performance skill, commitment, guidance and leadership qualities, support and patronising tendencies, accessibility, wider vision, sense of empowerment, and credibility Boss expects commitment to job, integrity, competence, reliability, initiative, loyalty to the organisation, self-discipline, accountability and job involvement A good HRM environment ensures balanced interaction between the two set of expectations and harmony HRM strategies in India have to focus on better individual-organisation interface and greater emphasis on organisational effectiveness than on personal success Determinants of Job Satisfaction: According to Abraham. A there are two types of variables that determine the work Satisfaction of an individual, they are 1. Organizational variables and 2. Personal variables

39. 1. Organizational Variables: a) Occupational level: The higher the level of the work, the greater the Satisfaction of the individuals this is because higher level of work carry greater prestige and self control. People at higher level work find most of their needs satisfied than when they are in lower level ones. b) Work content The extent to which work provides the individual with interesting tasks, opportunities for learning, and the chance to accept responsibility will increase work satisfaction. 40. THEORIES OF JOB SATISFACTION HERZBERGS TWO FACTORS THEORY Two factors theory also known as the motivator hygiene theory, addresses both motivation and satisfaction and is based on Maslows hierarchy of needs. The factor theory is classified as belonging to the subgroup of content theories; theories that attempt to identify the needs that must be met for the individual to be satisfied on the job. Locke(1976) evaluated Maslow needs hierarchy and Herzbergs theory uses the team motivators to include satisfying experiences. Because of this, Herzbergs theory is an excellent example of the conceptual and definitional overlap between the processes of motivation and atisfaction. Herzberg, satisfaction and dissatisfaction are based on two different sets of needs. Motivators originate within the individual; hygiene needs stem from the environment. To factor theory is based to some extend on maslows need hierarchy. Maslows sociological, safety and social needs are assumed to be provided by society, securing them would lead to a feeling of mentality not having hem would lead to be a feeling of dissatisfaction MASLOWS NEED HEIRARCHY THEORY Maslow separated the five needs into higher and lower orders. Psychological and safety needs were described as lower order and social, esteem and self actualization as higher- order needs are satisfied internally(within the person) whereas lower order needs are predominantly satisfied externally (by such things as pay, union contracts and tenure) in fact, the natural conclusion to be drawn from Maslows classification is that in times of economic plenty, almost all permanently employed workers have their lower- order needs substantially met. 41. Maslows need theory has received wide recognition, particularly among practicing managers. This can be attributed to the theories intuitive logic and ease of understanding. HYGIENE FACTORS MOTIVATORS Company policy and administration Achievement Supervision Recognition Salary Work itself Interpersonal relations Responsibility Working conditions Advancement Satisfaction and dissatisfaction are not opposite processes, they involve two separate sets of factors. According to Herzberg, fulfilling hygiene needs leads only to a temporary absence of dissatisfaction, and employee demands for salary increase or will decrease accordingly. organizations can increase employee motivation by designing jobs that provide opportunities for personal challenge, responsibility advancement and growth. Herzberg initiated two concepts by which these new job designs could be accomplished. Job enlargement - In which employees are given more of the same kinds of activities within which they can apply existing skills. Job environment means that employee are afforded opportunities to increase their repertoire of skills and are given the chance to more vertically to other jobs within the organization. 42. THEORY X AND THEORY Y Douglas McGregor proposed two distinct views of human beings: one basically negative, labelled theory X and the other basically positive, labelled theory Y. after viewing the way in which managers dealt with employees McGregor concluded that a managers view of the nature of human being is based on a certain grouping of

assumptions he or she tends to mould his or her behaviour toward subordinates according to these assumptions. ERG THEORY Clayton of yale university has reworked Maslows need hierarchy to all it more closely with the empirical research. His revised need hierarchy is labelled ERG theory. Alderfer argues that there are three group of core needs existence, relatedness, and growth hence, the label: ERG theory. The existence group is concerned with providing our basic material existence requirements. They include the items that Maslow considered to be psychological and safety needs. The second group of needs are those of relatedness yhe desire we have for maintaining important interpersonal relationships. These social and status desires require interaction with others if they are to be satisfied, and they align with Maslows social need and the external component of Maslow esteem classification. finally Alderfer isolates growth needs an intrinsic desire for personal development. These include the intrinsic and extrinsic component form Maslows esteem category and the characteristics included under self actualization. besides substituting three needs for five, how does Alderfers ERG theory differ from Maslows. in contrast to the hierarchy of needs theory the ERG theory demonstrates that: 1. more than one need may be operative at the same time, and 2. if the gratification of higher level is stifled, the desire to satisfy a lower level needs increase.

43. MCCLELLANDS THEORY OF NEEDS David Mcclelland and his associates developed it. Theory focuses on three needs: achievement, power and affiliation. Those are defined as follows Need for achievement The drive to excel, to achieve in relation to set of standards to strive to succeed. Need for power The need to make others behave in. a way that they would not have behaved otherwise. Need for affiliation The desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships. Some people have compelling drive to succeed. Theyre striving for personal achievement rather than rewards of success per se. They have a desire to do something better or more efficiently than it has been done before. This drive is the achievement need. From research McClelland found that high achievers differentiate themselves from others by their desire to do things better. They seeks where they can attain personal responsibility for finding solutions to problems, where they can receive rapid feedback on their performance so they can tell easily whether they are improving or not, and where they can set moderately challenging goals. High achievers are not gamblers; they dislike succeeding by chance. They prefer the challenge of working at a problem and accepting the personal responsibility for success or failure rather than leaving the outcome to chance or the actions of others. Importantly, they avoid what they perceive to be very easy or very difficult tasks. They want to overcome obstacles, but they want to feel that their success or failure is due to their own actions. This means they like tasks of intermediate difficulty. High achievers perform best when they perceive their probability of success as being 0.5 that is where they esteem that they have a 50-50 chance of success. They dislike gambling with high odds because they get no achievement satisfaction. The need for power is the desire have impact, to be influential and to control others. Individual high in enjoy being in charge, strive for influence over others, prefer to be placed into competitive and status oriented situations, and tend to be more concerned with prestige and gaining influence over others than with effective performance. 44. The third need isolated by McClelland is affiliation. This need has received the least attention from researchers. Affiliation can be likened to Dade Carnegies goals the desire to be liked and accepted by others. Individuals with a high affiliation motive strive for friendship, prefer cooperative situations rather than competitive ones, and desire relationship involving a

high degree of mutual understandings. REINFORCEMENT THEORY A counterpoint to goal setting theory is reinforcement theory. The former is a cognitive approach, proposing that individuals purposes direct his or her action. In reinforcement theory, we have a behaviourist approach, which argues that reinforcement conditions behaviour. The two are clearly ay odds philosophically. Reinforcement theories see behaviour as being environmentally caused. You need not be concerned, they would argue, with internal cognitive events; what controls behaviour are reinforces any consequence that when immediately following a response, increases the probability that the behaviour will be repeated. EQUITY THEORY Evidence indicates that the referent chosen is an important variable in equity. They are four referent comparisons that an employee can use; 1.self inside: an employees experience in a different position inside his or her current organization. 2. self outside: an employees experiences in situation or position outside his or her current organization. 3. other- side: another individual or group of individuals inside the employees organization. 4. other- inside: another individuals or group of individuals outside the employees organization. Employees might compare themselves to friends, neighbors, co- workers, colleagues in other organizations, or past jobs they themselves have had. The referent an employee chooses, will be influenced by the information the employee holds about referents as well as by the attractiveness of the referent. This has led to focusing on four moderating variables- gender,

45. length of tenure, level in the organization, and amount of education or professionalism. Research shows that both men and women prefer same sex comparisions. The research also demonstrates that women are typically paid less than same work. So a female that uses another female as a referent tends to result in a lower comparative standard. This leads us to conclude that employees in jobs that are not sex segregated which make more cross sex comparisons than those in jobs that are either made or female dominated. This also suggests that if women are tolerant of lower pay, it may be due to the comparative standard they use. Based on equity theory, when employees perceive an inequity, they can be predicted to make one of six choices. 1. change their inputs( for example dont exert as much of power) 2. change their outcomes( for examples individuals paid on piece- rate basis can increase their pay by producing a higher quantity of units of lower quality) 3. distort perceptions of others(for example Mikes performance isnt as desirable as I previously thought it was) 4. distort perceptions of self ( for example I used to think I worked at a moderate pasce but no I realize that I work a lot harder than everyone else.) 5. choose a different referent ( I may not make as much as my brother in law, bit I am doing a lot better than my dad did when he was my age). 6. leave the field( for example quit the job). EXPECTANCY THEORY Expectancy theory argues that the strength of tendency to act in a certain way depends on the strength of an expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual. In more practical terms, expectancy theory says that an employee will be motivated to exert a high level of effort when he or she believes that effort will lead to a good performance appraisal; that a good appraisal will lead to organizational reward like a bonus, a salary increase, or a promotion ; and that the rewards will satisfy the employees personal goals. The theory therefore, focuses on three relationships. 46. 1. effort performance relationship. The probability perceived by the individual that exerting a given amount of effort will lead to performance. 2. performance- reward relationship the degree to which the individual believes that performing at a particular level will lead to the attainment of a desired outcome. 3. rewards- personal goals relationship. The degree to which

organizational rewards satisfy an individuals personal goals or needs and the attractiveness of those potential rewards for the individual. Expectancy theory helps explain why a lot of workers arent motivated on their jobs and merely do the minimum necessary to get by.

47. CHAPTER -4 48. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Table No 1 The graph showing Satisfaction level with salary Satisfaction level with salary in the Satisfied Average Not organization satisfied %age 70 15 15 70 60 50 40 %age 30 20 10 0 Satisfied Average Not satisfied Interpretation The table shows the satisfaction level with the salary received by an employee within the organization. From the data collected it can be analyzed that 70.00% are satisfied 15.00% are averagely satisfied & 15.00% are not satisfied respectively towards salary received from the organization. 49. Table No- 2 The graph showing Satisfaction level with benefits received from organization Satisfaction level with benefits Satisfied Average Not received from the organization satisfied %age 60 20 20 60 50 40 30 %age 20 10 0 Satisfied Average Not satisfied Interpretation This table shows the satisfaction with benefits received by an employee within the organization. From the data collected it can be analyzed that 60.00% of employees are 50. satisfied, 20.00% are averagely satisfied and 20.00% are not satisfied respectively in case of benefits received from the organization. Table No- 3 Satisfaction level with workload in the organization Satisfaction level with workload in the Satisfied Average Not organization satisfied %age 40 25 35 40 35 30 25 20 % age 15 10 5 0 Satisfied Average Not satisfied Interpretation This table shows the satisfaction level with workload of an employee within the organization. From the data collected it can be analyzed that 40.00%are satisfied, 25.00% are average and 35.00% are not satisfied respectively towards workload in the organization. 51. Table No- 4 The graph representing Satisfaction level with working hours in the organization Satisfaction level with working hours Satisfied Average Not in the organization satisfied %age 50 25 25 50 40 30 %age 20 10 0 Satisfied Average Not satisfied Interpretation This table shows the satisfaction level with working hours within the organization. From the data collected it can be analyzed that 50.00%are satisfied, 25.00% are average and 25.00% are not satisfied respectively towards working hours within the organization. 52. Table No- 5 The graph showing Satisfaction level with career opportunity for advancement within the organization Satisfaction level with career Satisfied Average Not opportunity for advancement in the satisfied organization %age 40 20 10 40 35 30 25 20 %age 15 10 5 0 Satisfied Average Not satisfied Interpretation This table shows the satisfaction level of career opportunity for advancement within the organization. From the data collected it can be analyzed that 40.00%are satisfied 20.00% are average and 10.00% are not satisfied respectively towards opportunity for advancement within the organization. 53. Table No- 6 The graph showing Satisfaction level with communication level with supervisors Satisfaction level with communication Satisfied Average Not level with supervisors satisfied %age 60 30 10 60 50 40 30 %age 20 10 0 Satisfied Average Not satisfied Interpretation This table shows the satisfaction level with communication with supervisor within

the organization. From the data collected it can be analyzed that 60.00%are satisfied, 30.00% are average and 10.00% are not satisfied respectively towards communication level supervisors within the organization

54. Table No- 7 The graph showing Satisfaction level with the relation with peers Satisfaction level with the relation Satisfied Average Not with peers satisfied %age 70 10 20 70 60 50 40 30 %age 20 10 0 Satisfied Average Not satisfied Interpretation This table shows the satisfaction level with the relation with peers within the organization. From the data collected it can be analyzed that 70.00%are satisfied, 10.00% are average and 20.00% are not satisfied respectively towards with the relation with peers within the organization 55. Table No- 8 The graph showing Satisfaction level with recreation provided in the organization Satisfaction level with recreation Satisfied Average Not provided in the organization satisfied %age 60 30 10 60 50 40 30 %age 20 10 0 Satisfied Average Not satisfied Interpretation This table shows the satisfaction level with recreation provided in the organization within the organization. From the data collected it can be analyzed that 60.00%are satisfied, 30.00% are average and 10.00% are not satisfied respectively towards with recreation provided in the organization. 56. Table No- 9 The graph showing Satisfaction level with culture practiced in the organization Satisfaction level with culture Satisfied Average Not practiced in the organization satisfied %age 80 20 0 80 70 60 50 40 %age 30 20 10 0 Satisfied Average Not satisfied Interpretation This table shows the satisfaction level with culture practiced within the organization. From the data collected it can be analyzed that 80.00%are satisfied, 20.00% are average and 0% are not satisfied respectively towards with culture practiced in the organization. 57. Table No- 10 The graph showing Satisfaction level with physical environment of the organization Satisfaction level with physical Satisfied Average Not environment in the organization satisfied %age 70 25 5 70 60 50 40 30 %age 20 10 0 Satisfied Average Not satisfied Interpretation This table shows the satisfaction level with physical environment within the organization. From the data collected it can be analyzed that 70.00%are satisfied, 25.00% are average and 5.00% are not satisfied respectively towards physical environment of the organization. 58. Table No- 11 The graph showing Satisfaction level with the incentives provided by the organization Satisfaction level with the incentives Satisfied Average Not provided in the organization satisfied %age 50 30 20 50 40 30 %age 20 10 0 Satisfied Average Not satisfied Interpretation This table shows the satisfaction level with the incentives provided by the organization. From the data collected it can be analyzed that 50.00%are satisfied, 30.00% are average and 20.00% are not satisfied respectively towards the incentives provided by the organization. 59. Table No- 12 The graph showing Satisfaction level with the training provided by the organization Satisfaction level with the training Satisfied Average Not provided satisfied %age 80 10 10 80 70 60 50 40 %age 30 20 10 0 Satisfied Average Not satisfied Interpretation This table shows the satisfaction level with the training provided by the organization. From the data

collected it can be analyzed that 80.00%are satisfied, 10.00% are average and 10.00% are not satisfied respectively towards the training provided by the organization.

60. Table No- 13 The graph showing Satisfaction level with the innovative practices/technology, employed in the organization Satisfaction level with innovative Satisfied Average Not practices/ technology satisfied %age 40 35 25 40 35 30 25 20 %age 15 10 5 0 Satisfied Average Not satisfied Interpretation This table shows the satisfaction level with the innovative practices/technology, employed within the organization. From the data collected it can be analyzed that 40.00%are satisfied, 35.00% are average and 25.00% are not satisfied respectively towards the innovative practices/technology, employed in the organization. 61. Table No- 14 The graph showing Satisfaction level with the recognition and rewards by management in the organization Satisfaction level with the recognition Satisfied Average Not and rewards satisfied %age 80 20 0 80 70 60 50 40 %age 30 20 10 0 Satisfied Average Not satisfied Interpretation This table shows the satisfaction level with recognition and rewards by management i within the organization. From the data collected it can be analyzed that 80.00%are satisfied, 20.00% are average and 0% are not satisfied respectively towards recognition and rewards by management in the organization. 62. Table No- 15 The graph showing Satisfaction level with the job security in the organization Satisfaction level with the job security Satisfied Average Not satisfied %age 90 10 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 %age 30 20 10 0 Satisfied Average Not satisfied Interpretation This table shows the satisfaction level with the job security within the organization. From the data collected it can be analyzed that 90.00%are satisfied, 10.00% are average and 0% are not satisfied respectively towards the job security in the organization. 63. Table No- 16 the graph representing that whether they are happy with the selection procedure use to hire employees? Satisfaction level with selection Satisfied Average Not procedure use to hire employees satisfied %age 70 10 20 70 60 50 40 30 %age 20 10 0 Satisfied Average Not satisfied Interpretation This table shows that satisfaction level with selection procedure use to hire employees within the organization. From the data collected it can be analyzed that 70.00%are satisfied, 10.00% are average and 20.00%are not satisfied respectively towards the selection procedure use to hire employees in the organization. 64. Table No- 17 The graph showing Satisfaction level with the opportunity to utilize skills, talents & opportunity to learn in the organization Satisfaction level with the opportunity Satisfied Average Not to utilize skills, talents and satisfied opportunity to learn %age 50 12.5 37.5 50 40 30 %age 20 10 0 Satisfied Average Not satisfied Interpretation This table shows the satisfaction level with the opportunity to utilize skills, talents & opportunity to learn within the organization. From the data collected it can be analyzed that 50.00%are satisfied, 12.5% are average and 37.5% are not satisfied respectively towards the opportunity to utilize skills, talents & opportunity to learn in the organization. 65. CHAPTER - 5 66. FINDINGS The success of every organization depends on the employee is satisfied the most; the performance will be up to the satisfactory level. Here most of the employees are having satisfaction of their work. Job can be always performed to a satisfactory level, if all the

adequate information is available to the employees. Here most of the employees are satisfied with the channel of the communication & information low with team work & cooperation, any difficult work can be done with ease. But there is little ambiguity present in the employees about the communication to the superiors/ supervisors in the work place. Authority and delegation are the decentralised process which gives equal responsibility to each and every employee. In the organization most of the employees are satisfied with their work load in organization & they are clear about their roles & responsibilities, also the every department having their own superiors for better guidance. Training gives the employees more skills to the work effectiveness & efficiency. In the organization many of the employees i.e 40% felt that knowledge about the technical practices is much more needed. The financial package paid to an employee for the service he has rendered remuneration if considered to be more by an employee may always lead to more productivity. So in short we can link remuneration with job satisfaction. So in the organization the dissatisfaction level is less than 35% with the employees, so it leads to effectiveness of the organization. The training is one of the factor which is related to the satisfaction of the employees. Here the most of the employees i.e 80% of the employees, are very much satisfied about the training programmes which is given by the organization. Benefits are the one of the factor, which will leads to the productivity of the employee. in this organization, the employees are also considerably satisfied with the benefit package.

67. Recreational facilities rejuvenate the employees working capacity and helps in productivity. In the organization this recreation is good but not up to very much satisfied level. Highest number of respondents think that better growth prospects is the most important factor exiting of the job. Most of the respondents also felt that need for increased responsibility is the most influential factor for quitting a job. The highest number of respondents perceives their job related aspects at par with the other colleague in the company. 68. CHAPTER 6 69. SUGGESTIONS After conducting a study on job satisfaction among the employees at Go Go International ltd. I have identified some facts based on questionnaire & interview. This may help the company to increase the satisfaction level of the employees. Job satisfaction is an important criterion in textile industry. It is a very important determinant of the rate the turnover for any given organization. Job satisfaction by itself is a largely effected by the attitude of employees towards monetary and non monetary rewards. The study conducted to investigate the interdependence of these variables has led to findings and conclusions as presented in the preceding chapters. Based on those findings the following suggestions have been made. In order to keep employees satisfied and retain them organizations should adopt the following practices. Training programmes should be conducted for both personal as well as technical development. Management should recognize talents and encourage them to grow in the organization Use scientific methods to align jobs this will improve the satisfaction level in case of work load Reduce working hours at least by 30 min to 1hour to motivate the employees To provide more currier opportunity promotional policy should be restructured Follow more open door communication policy Organize trips, family meet and fun games at work Use modern machines, sanitation etc to improve the physical environment Give more attention for performance linked pay structure Adopt modern technology which is highly competitive

Performance based rewards and recognitions Organization can try and increase the level of workers participation in decision making.

70. More attention should be given for overall development of employees welfare facilities Organization can motivate individual through proper counselling and guidance Organization may consider for arranging transportation facilities Majority of the employees feel that wage & salary provided to them may have to be considered for hike. So the company may consider of increasing it. Individual attention to employees regarding health matters may be considered on priority basis Better communication may yield some more results Supervisors may be considered for management training Make senior management more friendly with subordinates Provide transport facilities so that the feel good and they reach office at right time. Improve quality of canteen Improve working conditions Try to give timely incentives to employees to motivate financially 71. CHAPTER -7 72. CONCLUSION Job satisfaction is a positive approach about ones job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. Job satisfaction represents an attitude rather than behaviour. They believe that satisfied employees are more productive than dissatisfied has been a basic tenet. A person with a high level of job satisfaction holds positive feelings about the job. When people speak of the employee attitudes more often than not they mean job satisfaction. It is very tough job for HR department to ensure job satisfaction among staff. Employees will not be just happy with pay cheque, a good position and prestige. They also want a constant feeling of well being, demand better work & family life balance, and look to the organization for fulfilling even their community needs. These highlighted expectations result in dissatisfaction, and finds true job happiness remains an unfulfilled dream all the job hopping not withstand. Thus the overall job satisfaction of employees at Go Go International Ltd is very high. The employees at Go Go International Ltd have a very good high regard and respect towards the companys image and future of the organization. From the previous chapter data we can conclude that most of the employees were satisfied with the under shown areas, Salary Benefits Workload Culture practices of the company Incentives Job security Leaves and opportunity to utilise skills & learn new skills 73. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES Essentials of human resource management P. Subba Rao Human resource management Ashwathappa Marketing research Naresh K Malhotra Organizational theory and practice V S P Rao www. 74. ANNEXURE QUESTIONNAIRE Dear sir/madam, I, Divya m s, a student of 2nd year MBA, at H.R.I.H.E., Hassan, in connection with my project, request you to kindly spare some time to fill up these questions. it is only academic purpose the answer will be kept confidential. 1. Name 2. Age 3. Gender M / F 4. Contact No 5. Marital status Married / Single Please rate the following questions on the scale of 1To3 1. Satisfied 2. Average 3. Not satisfied 6. How much are you satisfied with the salary you receive? 1 2 3 7. How much are you satisfied with the benefits you receive 1 2 3 8. How much are you satisfied with your work load within the Organization 1 2 3 9. How much are you satisfied with your working hours within the

organization? 1 2 3 10. How much are you satisfied with your opportunity for advancement within the organization? 1 2 3

75. 11. How much are you satisfied with the communication level with your superior? 1 2 3 12. How much are you satisfied with the relation with your peers? 1 2 3 13. How much are you satisfied with the recreation level provided to you by the organization? 1 2 3 14. How much are you satisfied with the culture of the organization? 1 2 3 15. How much are you satisfied with the physical environment of the organization? 1 2 3 16. How much are you satisfied with the incentives provided to you by the organization? 1 2 3 17. How much are you satisfied with the training providing to you with the organization? 1 2 3 18. How much are you satisfied with the innovative practices/ technology employed by the organization? 1 2 3 19. How much are you satisfied with the recognition by the management? 1 2 3 20. How much are you satisfied with the job security? 1 2 3 76. 21. How much are you satisfied with the company policies? 1 2 3 22. How much are you satisfied with the amount of paid vacation time/leave offered? 1 2 3 23. How much are you satisfied with the opportunity to utilize your skills and talents and opportunity to learn new skills? 1 2 3

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