Business Applications of Matrices Project

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Return the rubric with the project. FINAL PROJECT DELIVERY: Staple all parts together with a cover page. The cover page must include the title of your project (make it relate to the word problem you create), your name, date, class (Algebra 2), and period. They should be in this order:

Cover page Word problem, matrices, and product matrix with work. You may use the form attached or do it
on other paper if you want to be creative. Please refer to the directions below.

Answered questions. Use the question sheet attached to answer the questions. Rubric
DIRECTIONS: Write a business word problem that uses matrix multiplication. Make your problem similar to Question 46 on page 188. The requirements are as follows:

A minimum of four items that are being sold. A different cost for each item (no cost can be 0.) There are at least 6 stores in the chain. All items must be sold at all stores. Each store should
sell a different total of each item.

Write a row matrix for the cost of the items. This is the cost matrix. Label the matrix correctly.
Example: I1 $# I2 I3 I4 $# $# $#

Write another matrix for the total of each item sold at each store. This is the sales matrix.
Label the matrix correctly. o The rows will be the items. o The columns will be the stores. I1 Example: I2 I3 I4 A # # # # B # # # # C # # # # D # # # # E # # # # F # # # #

Find the product matrix. Label the matrix correctly. SHOW ALL WORK. Neatly answer the questions attached.


Cover Page Word Problem

3 pts
N/A Word problem format that contains all required information

2 pts
N/A Word problem weak but contains all required information. Matrices are in the correct format, contain all data but are not labeled correctly OR matrices are in the correct format, are labeled correctly but contain minor errors in the data OR matrices are complete but not in the format required. Product is set up correctly, all work is shown but contains minor flaws or minor parts are missing, and the final product matrix is correct.

1 pts
Included per instructions Contains all required information but not in word problem format.

0 pts
Missing or incomplete. Missing or incomplete.


Cost and Sales Matrices

Matrices are in the correct format as per the directions, labeled correctly, and contain all data in the correct location.

Matrices are not labeled but contain all the data in the correct location OR matrices contain major data errors.

Missing or incomplete.

Product Matrix with Work

Product is set up correctly, all work is shown and correct, and the final product matrix is correct.

Product is set up correctly, all work is shown but contains major flaws or major parts are missing, and the final product matrix is incorrect. Questions are answered correctly OR student could justify their answer.

Missing or incomplete.

Questions (grade is per question) This is worth a total of 6 points.



Questions are not answered OR answer is not clear or incorrect.




NAME: _____________________________________________ DATE: ____________ PER: ____ MATRIX PROJECT do both sides WORD PROBLEM (include all required information as per the directions):

1. Write the row matrix, with correct labels, for the cost of the items being sold.

2. Write the matrix, with correct labels, for the total of each item sold at each store. Let the rows be the items and the stores be the columns.

3. Find the product matrix. SHOW ALL WORK.

NAME: _____________________________________________ DATE: ____________ PER: ____ MATRIX PROJECT QUESTIONS answer both sides 1. What does the product matrix represent?

2. Inventory is the number of items available for sale. Customers are not happy when the item they came to purchase is not available. How can the matrix be useful in keeping track of inventory?

3. How many were sold of each item? SHOW ALL WORK. How did you find this information? Do NOT describe the math in this question as this was shown in your work.

4. Gross revenue is the amount taken in at the time of a sale. This is before expenses such as overhead and the cost of purchasing the items from the supplier or manufacturer. How can the matrix be useful in keeping track of gross sales?

5. What are the total gross sales per store? SHOW ALL WORK. How did you find this information? Do NOT describe the math in this question as this was shown in your work.

6. What are the total gross sales per item? SHOW ALL WORK. How did you find this information? Do NOT describe the math in this question as this was shown in your work.

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