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PART 1 1. Which of the following is not a part of the four stages of labor and delivery? A. Onset of labor through complete dilatation of the cervix B. Cervical dilatation through the delivery of the placenta C. Placenta delivery through complete stabilization of the mother D. Birth through the delivery of the placenta

C. allows infusion of medicine into vein D. allows ventilation into esophagus during periods of obstruction

Answers: B

2. Which of the following can indicate left sided heart failure in infant? A. fever B. low appetite C. increase respiratory rate D. Crying 3. Which of the following is not part of the triad in cystic fibrosis? A. pancreatic enzyme deficiency B. fever C. high concentration of sweat electrolytes D. COPD 4. At what age do children become aware of their own sex? A. 1 year B. 6 months C. 18 months D. 2 years 5. What is the purpose of a tympanostomy tube? A. Allows ventilation into the middle ear for children with chronic ear infections B. allows excretion of waste from lower intestine C ( CHILDREN BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF MALE AND FEMALE AT THE AGE OF 18 MOS.) B ( TRIAD OF CYSTIC FIBROSIS IS COPD, PANCREATIC ENZYME DEFFICIENCY & HIGH CONCENTRATION SWEAT ELCTROLYTES) C ( SHORTNESS OF BREATH AND PERSPIRATION CAN INDICATE LEFT SIDED HEART FAILURE)


6. Which of the following foods is not high in iron? A. meat B. black beans C. sea food D. green leafy vegetables 7. What is another name for the neoplastic disorder of the bone marrow in which there is an overproduction of white blood cells? A. bone density deficiency B. leukemia C. cystic fibrosis D. arthritis 8. What is the appropriate depth of chest compression of a child? A. 2 - 3 inches B. 0.5 - 1 inch C. 1 - 1.5 inches D. 3 4 inches 9. Which of the following is not a risk factor for ectopic pregnancy? A. advanced maternal age B. high protein diet C. prior ectopic pregnancy D. in vitro fertilization 10. Which is the most common cancer among females? A. brain B. pancreas C. lung D. breast

PART 2 1. After an operation which microorganisms would likely cause septicemia? A. E. Coli B. H. Pylori C. Streptococcus D. Staphylococcus 2. Which of the following is not a characteristics of vit. C deficiency? A. brittle bones B. headache C. loose teeth D. tiny peripheral hemorrhages 3. Which of the following is not a typical side effects of epinephrine? A. tremors B. fatigue C. nervousness D. elevated heart rate 4. Which foods should be avoided for 24 hours before an EEG? A. whole grains B. vegetables C. stimulants D. dairy products 5. Why do doctors recommend bed rest for patients with pneumonia? A. It produces an instantaneous cure B. It reduces the need for oxygen C. It keeps the patient warm D. It gives the patient peace of mind A ( E. Coli can be a major danger in an operation)

B ( brittle bones, loose teeth, gum problems & small hemorrhages are all characteristics of Vit. C deficiency)

B ( epinephrine has a stimulating effect in the body)

C ( stimulants can affect the performance of EEG)

6. What is the single best way to inhibit the spread of microorganisms? A. washing your hands B. destroying old clothes C. sanitizing all equipments D. reusing latex gloves 7. What is the leading cause of death after myocardial infarction? A. toxic shock B. lung collapse C. arrhythmia D. embolism 8. What is the primary risk factor for COPD? A. lack of exercise B. family history C. cigarette smoking D. fatty diet 9. What is the approximate ratio of attempted suicides to successful suicide attempts? A. 2 to 1 B. 10 to 1 C. 4 to 1 D. 20 to 1 10. What is the best approach to an anti-social personality? A. ignoring the patient B. allowing the patient to do whatever he or she likes C. forbidding the patient do whatever he or she likes D. setting limits on behaviors

C ( the great majority of suicide attempts are unsuccessful)

D ( individuals with anti-social personality disorder need firm boundaries on their behavior)

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