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Firstly, we would like to thank God Almighty for His presence and blessings so we could
finish this scientific working paper on time. We also thank many people who helped us on this
project with honour:
The Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, which has given us this opportunity to make this
scientific project.
Thanks to Otty Ratna Wahjuni, drg., M.Kes. , our instructor and guide, who helped us
with the discussion and her guidance to enrich our knowledge and paradigm.
Our colleagues who also contribute in ideas, etc. Role of each member:
1. Firman Fath R. as a Group Leader and literature research on chapter introduction
2. Fajaria Hidayati A. as Literature research of immunity, collagen, angiopaty
3. Aga Satria Nurrachman as Literature research of Periodontitis, pulp, abses
4. Yora Wardati as Literature research on mechanism of periodentitis on diabetes mellitus
5. Nadia Karunia R. as Editor, Literature research on chapter summary
6. Hana Hanifah as Literature research of diabetes mellitus, hyperglicemy, gingiva, glucose
7. Diesta Dhania Pertiwi as Literature research on solution
8. Febtrias Mandrabuti P. as Literature research on plaque, periodental ligament, infection
9. Ayesha Apriliana as editor, Literature research on chapter summary
10. Raisa as Literature research on diabetes mellitus
11. Oky Laksa Indra Kencana as Literature research on cardiovascular system and chapter
12. Indira Laras Putri as Literature research on periodentitis
13. Zahrina Sandra Diyfa as Literature research on streptococcus mutan
14. Endo Rizqon Mannait as Literature Research on mechanism of perodentitis


1. Chapter 1 Introduction
1. 1. Background ...............1
1. 2. Objective.. .....................................................................1
1. 3. Problem. ............................................................1
1. 4. Hypothesis.................................................................2
1. 5. Benefits .................................................................2
2. Chapter 2 Glossary
2. 1. Glucose
2.1.1 Structure. ................................................................3
2.1.2 Commercial. ....................................................................4
2.2 Cardiovascular system ..........................................................................5
2.3. Diabetes Mellitus.. .................................................................10
2.3.1 The Impact Of Diabetes ...............................................................11
2.3.2 What causes diabetes ...................................................................11
2.3.3 The different types of diabetes.....................................................13
2.3.4 Diabetes Symptoms .....................................................................16
2.3.5 How is diabetes? diagnosed ......................................................... 17
2.3.6 The oral glucose tolerance test.....................................................17
2.3.7 Why is blood sugar checked at home?.....................................


2.3.8 Hemoglobin A1c (A1c)21

2.3.9 The Chronic Complications Of Diabetes 25
2.4.Hyperglycemia .... 29
2.5. Angiopathy.. 34
2.5.1 Classification.... 34

2.5.2 Diabetic Angiopathy.... 35

2.6. Immunity. 36
2.6.1 Passive immunity. 37
2.6.2 Active immunity... 39

2.7. Collagen41
2.7.1 Molecular Structure. 41
2.7.2 Fibriliar Structure. .43
2.7.3 Types and associated disorders .44
2.7.5 Use of Collagen..45
2.8. Strepptococcus Mutans........................................................................ .48
2.9. Plaque.. .49
2.10. Calculus..53
2.11. Peridontitis .53
2.11.1 Abscess...55
2.11.2 Pulp. .55
2.11.3 Gingiva .56
3. Chapter 3 Mapping....58
4. Chapter 4 Discussion
4. 1. Local factor and systemic factor of mobile tooth .................................. 59
4. 2. Local factor. ............................................................... 59
4.2.1 Periodonitis.. ................................................................. 59
4.3. Sytemic Factor . 63
4.3.1.Diabetes melllitus.. 63
4.4 Mechanism of periodontitis in diabetes mellitus. 65
4.5 Solutions to minimize the oral effect of Diabetes Mellitus......67
5.CHAPTER 5 Summary.. 74
5.1 Conclusion. 74
5.2 Suggestion. 74



Keywords: Mobile tooth, Diabetes Mellitus, Painful for chewing

Many factor can cause mobile tooth. Start from caries, clash traumatic, osteoporosis, and
et cetera. Diabetes mellitus can also cause mobile tooth and painful for chewing. If somebody
suffer diabetes mellitus usually they tooth mobile easily. The purpose of our disscusion is to find
out relationship between mobile tooth and diabetes mellitus. The result of research show that
diabetes mellitus group have tooth mobility degree average in beggining examination and the
end is different very significant (p<0,05), 95% CI : 5,41-8,04, with decreasing tooth mobility
degree 51,45%. In non DM group tooth mobility degree average in beggining examination and
the end is different very significant (p<0,05), 95% CI- 5,95--3,40 with increasing tooth mobilty
degree 44,19%. From this study can be concluded that mobile tooth can be influences by
diabetes mellitus.


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