Useful List of Words

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Physical Attributes Shape/Size chubby fat lanky muscular of average height of average size of medium height paunchy plump short skinny slim stout tall thin well-built Personality
(a) Adjectives

shape of face broad heartshaped oval round square thin cheeks dimpled fat pale rosy sunken nose aquiline

big crooked flaring nostrils flat hooked mouth big lips pouting mouth thick lips thin lips toothless smile rosebud lips yellow teeth chin cleft chin

double chin pointed chin square jaw skin/ complexion dark fair freckles petal-soft pimples pockmarks scarred smooth soft well-tanned wrinkled

hands broad huge long, skinny fingers narrow rough palms soft tiny arms/legs fat flabby long muscular skinny

Aged agile ambitious amusing athletic bent boring boyish brave broadshouldered caring chubby Movement

clumsy cruel delicate dependable Dull elderly fair fearful feeble frail firm friendly generous gentle

girlish graceful hardworking helpful hunched ill-mannered irresponsible jovial kind lazy lean muscular

Nosey overweight patient playful plump polite powerful quiet rude selfish skinny slim

slender shapely snobbish sociable stingy timid trustworthy understanding unfriendly young youthful well-built weak

Choosing apt verbs for actions

To replace said

Loudly/Angry Fierce bellowed growled grumbled ranted raved roared screamed screeched snapped snarled thundered yelled Slowly drawled

Happy chattered chirped Amused chortled giggled joked prattled Scared croaked sputtered stammered stuttered Boastful bragged crowed

Softly mouthed mumbled murmured whispered Pleading begged beseeched pleaded whined In haste/Too excited babbled blurted

exclaimed gushed jabbered sputtered Repetition echoed mimicked repeated Insulting jeered sneered sniggered mimicked

To replace walked or ran

In haste/ Too excited barged burst charged dashed dived flew hurried jumped leapt rushed scrambled shot skidded

Slow crawled inched Happy/Childish/ Graceful danced flitted floated glided hopped sauntered skated skipped strolled twirled waltzed

Boastful pranced strutted swaggered Sad/Tired/Hurt crawled dragged drooped hobbled limped plodded shuffled staggered tottered trudged

Fearful/sneaky crept edged prowled slid slipped sneaked tiptoed Angry/stern marched stamped stomped stormed

2 DESCRIBING PLACES AND SCENES Other than for your descriptive composition, you may also include description of places or scenes in your narrative composition. When describing places, you must convey to the reader the feeling of actually being at the scene. Ask yourself these questions: 1. What would one see, hear, smell, touch or taste at this scene? You have to include descriptions involving as many of the five senses as possible. For example, in describing seaside trip, you could include;

Blue sea sight Crashing of waves sound Fishy smell of seaweed smell Salt water in your mouth taste Roughness of sand under your feet touch 2. What emotions would one feel at this time? (a) Your description will gain depth if you mention your emotional reaction to what you see, hear, smell, touch or taste at this scene. (b) As mentioned before, you should not just list descriptive details. Choose the details that convey the message of how you feel about the place or the situation. You should have some sort of theme in mine. For example, if you are describing a seaside scene, your theme could be:

The beauty and solitude of the place make me feel at peace


The pollution and crowds spoil the spot and I feel harassed, disappointed and disgusted

3. What words would you convey my feelings exactly? A good writer will have a wide vocabulary from which he can select the words that convey the exact nuance of meaning. When you are reading novels or articles, take note of interesting and useful words. Some Useful Phrases for Describing Scenes Here are some examples of phrases used for describing scenes. You can use them in your own essays where relevant. Sea scene Sand: soft, silky, coarse, burning, white, golden, shimmering Coconut palms: dancing, waving, rustling as if to welcome us The water: blue, green, grey (storm approaching), foam-specked, crystal-clear, shimmering in the sun The waves: Gentle waves rushed to the shore; Gigantic waves crashed on the rocks Far out in the sea/on the horizona fishing boat, a kelong , an ocean liner Coupleswalking hand in hand, splashing in the shallows/frolicking on the waters edge A cool/warm/gentle breeze caresses my skin. The beach : crowded, deserted, golden, jam-packed, lonely, muddy, polluted, pebbly, sandy, sheltered, unspoilt Sky The sun rosea ball of fire/in a pool of liquid gold/crimson and gold The sky was streaked with red, orange and gold. The clouds blushed a shade of deep pink. The sky seems ablaze with red and gold. Fluffy white clouds drifted across the blue sky. Ominous black clouds hung overhead. It was a grey afternoon with dull clouds threatening rain. Rainstorm The dark clouds that had been gathering all day gave way to pouring sheets of rain.

A flash of lighting streaked across the sky, followed by a roll of thunder. The distant rumble of thunder The soft patter of raindrops The torrential rain thundered on our zinc roof. The rain poured from the heavens. Sheets of rain /A curtain of rain The storm raged The wind was thrashing in the treetops/howled overhead A high wind swept across the plain. Late that night, the rain finally abated. Traffic A motorbike/racing car whizzed by/roared past A lorry/An old bus rumbled by in a cloud of dust/petrol fumes The traffic piled up Long rows/A seaof cars, motorcycles and lorries/traffic We crawled along the road/We inched forward, bit by bit, slow-moving, at a standstill, bumper-to-bumper, honk, roar, screech, overtake, accelerate, park, pass, exhaust fumes Impatient drivers pressed on their hornscursingwaving their fists Red, sweaty faces Food Delicious, appetizing, mouth watering, tasty, scrumptious, disgusting, burnt, dry, fatty, oily, Filling, fresh, healthy, nourishing, piping hot, sizzling, steaming, well-cooked, chewy, creamy, Crisp, crunchy, lumpy, mushy, soggy, smooth, spongy, squashy, tender, tough, bitter, plain, salty, sour, spicy, sugary, sweet, syrupy, sticky adventure Amazing, action-packed, dangerous, exciting, fascinating, scary, strange, terrifying, thrilling, incredible. Scenery Breathtaking, glorious, incredible, magnificent, marvelous, spectacular, wonderful Weather Sunny, delightful, fair, misty, stormy, rainy, damp, fabulous, glorious, gorgeous, blazing, scorching, magnificent, marvelous, superb, wonderful

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