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Ardrossan WW2 Garden of Remembrance Memorial Project

Welcome, my name is Danny Mathieson and I have undertaken this project in memory of three brothers, my
Father’s Uncles, who lost their lives in the service of their country.

Having researched the circumstances of their deaths and having found it fairly time consuming, I decided to
look into the circumstances surrounding the fate, or at least the whereabouts, of any burial or
commemoration other than Glasgow Street, of all 93 names on the memorial, in the hope that it might assist
others who have family or friends on the Memorial.

On completion of this research I had found burials and / or commemorations in 17 countries, Bangladesh,
Belgium, Burma ( now Myanmar ), England, France, Germany, Holland, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Malta,
Pakistan, Scotland, Tunisia, USA and Wales.

Approximately half of the research was carried out examining microfilm copies of the Ardrossan &
Saltcoats Herald in the Local History Department of the Library in Princes Street, Ardrossan ( since
relocated to Irvine ) and the other half spent online examining the information available at the
Commonwealth War Graves Commission website.

While carrying out the research it became evident that other’s from the town had given their lives but were
not acknowledged on the memorial and it would be an impossible task to determine how many but I have
come across a couple of dozen at least while putting this project together. What criteria was used by the
Local Council / Ministry of Defence / War Office etc to determine their inclusion or exclusion I could not

Collating data from these two sources, I have produced a table that will give the reader the information at a
glance, and hopefully save them a bit of time. The table comprises the following headings:

1. Name of Soldier, Sailor, Airman

2. Are they on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website ?

3. Which service they were in ?

4. Date of Death / Age ?

5. Where they are commemorated or buried other than the Memorial in Glasgow Street, Ardrossan.

6. Was there an Obituary in the A & S Herald and the date of the issue it appeared ?

7. Was there an Acknowledgement in the A & S Herald and the date of the issue it appeared ?

8. Was there a Photograph in the A & S Herald and the date of the issue it appeared ?

9. Was there an Article or Feature in the A & S Herald and the date of issue it appeared ?

Anyone with a relative or friend with a “ yes “ in the second column should go to the Commonwealth War
Graves Commission website at and they will be able to download a Certificate ( free of charge )
showing the deceased’s details along with a picture of the Cemetery or Memorial. Details are also available
on the location of the Cemeteries / Memorials and directions on how to get there. Anyone with a date in
columns 6,7,8 or 9 should pay a visit to the North Ayrshire Council Local History Department at The Vennel,
Irvine, examine the relevant Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald microfilm for the year containing the information
and print a copy of the Obituary, Acknowledgement, Photograph or Article ( currently 30p for an A4 copy ).
There were instances where subsequently there were Annual Memorials in the Herald, sometimes one or two
and sometimes as many as double figures, I have not included them in this research but it is now possible to
find them quickly utilising an index provided by North Ayrshire Local History Department at their website,
Ayrshire Roots. However, this will only tell you if the Memorial exists and the date of its insertion, you
would still have to go to Irvine, check the microfilm and get your print.

The Unveiling Ceremony.

Ardrossan’s Memorial to those who gave their lives for their country during WW2 is located within the
Garden of Remembrance at Glasgow Street, Ardrossan. The Unveiling Ceremony took place on Sunday
1/6/1947 and the honour of unveiling it was given to my Great Grandfather, William McCubbin, due to the
fact that he had three sons named on the Memorial. My three Great Uncles were David, James and John
McCubbin and all three were in the Merchant Navy, as their Father had been prior to the War. My own
Father also served in the Navy within the Fleet Air Arm during WW2.

This is a verbatim record of how the article appeared in the Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald issue dated
Friday 6/6/1947.

Bailie Manuel presided over the large gathering which assembled last last Sunday afternoon at the Garden of
Reemembrance in Glasgow Street for the unveiling and dedication of a memorial plaque for those who fell
in the Second World War. The service was most impressive.

The praise was led by the combined choirs of the Churches in the town, accompanied by Kilmarnock Burgh
Military Band, under the conductorship of Mr John W. Mathieson1. Paraphrases “ O God of Bethel “ and “
How Bright These Glorious Spirits Shine, “ and Psalm, “ The Lord’s My Shepherd “ were sung. The Rev.
J.S. Clark, M.A., offered prayer, and Scripture was read by Rev. J.W. Synon, M.A.
No relation to the Author

Bailie Manuel, Chairman, Paid public tribute to the various organisations in the town who combined to raise
the Ardrossan Welcome Home and Commemoration Fund which enabled them to give each returning ex-
service man or woman a sum of over £6 and a like amount to the relatives of those who had made the
supreme sacrifice. Ninety three of their lads did not return. The total of the fund ( £8224 ) was almost wholly
disbursed. Some of it had been used to pay for the plaque. A little balance remaining would be handed over
to the Town Council to make the Garden of Remembrance an even nicer place than it was at present. They
could be proud in Ardrossan of the men they had raised. The whole community had been with the committee
in their work, and he thanked the committee for the devoted service it had rendered. He hoped they would be
able to regard the Garden of Remembrance as hallowed ground in the coming years.

The Roll of the Fallen was read by Rev Angus MacDonald, M.A. “ The Last Post “ and “ Reveille “ were
played by a bugler from the Royal Scots Fusiliers. “ The Flowers O’ the Forest “ was played by the Burgh of
Ardrossan Pipe Band.

Provost Cunningham said: - It is unnecessary for me to dwell at length on the purpose for which we are
gathered here today, and no mere words will alleviate the sense of loss which is felt by those whose dear
ones will not return.

“ They died that we might live,

Their name will live forever. “

We are again remembering them with pride during this service of dedication and may their relatives find
peace in visiting this now sacred place. The committee deserve commendation for their choice of a
memorial, and here may I pay tribute to a gentleman, a former member of Ardrossan Town Council, the late
ex-Bailie, Gilbert Lewis, who first conceived the idea of a Garden in Glasgow Street. In a Garden one finds
peace, contentment, rest, and a constant reminder of the promise of life. Although this Garden of
Remembrance is situated in one of our busiest thoroughfares, it is surprising to find, on entering it and
sitting down, the calm and quiet atmosphere within its walled boundaries. Here one is close to nature in all
its beautiful simplicity, and gradually the feeling of a Higher Presence beside one renews, strengthens and
gives one courage to face the trials and troubles of life. I close with these beautiful lines of the poet: -

“ The kiss of the sun for Pardon,

The song of the birds for Mirth,
One is nearer God’s heart in a Garden,
Than anywhere else on Earth. “

The unveiling of the memorial was performed by Mr Wm. McCubbin of Ardrossan, who had three sons ( the
largest number from one family in the town ) killed in the recent war. Mr McCubbin had about 47 years
service at sea and served for over four years in the first World War.

The plaque, which is of polished grey granite faces the central gate-way to the Garden, and contains the
names of the 932 men of the town who made the supreme sacrifice. The words: “ Garden of Remembrance “
are fixed in black relief along the top, and underneath: “ In grateful memory of those who gave their lives in
the World War. “

The plaque was draped in the Union Jack and Mr McCubbin feelingly uncovered the memorial. The prayer
of dedication was then offered by Rev D.A. Galbraith, B.D.

The chairman, Bailie Manuel, handed over the custody of the memorial to Provost Cunningham on behalf of
the Town Council. The task of the Welcome Home Fund Committee, he said, had now been accomplished,
and recognising that this had been an all-community effort – the Town Council representing it – the Council
would see that the memorial and its surroundings would be kept in good condition.


The following is an article from the Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald dated 27/3/1942 relating to the fate of 8
Ardrossan and Saltcoats men whose tanker was torpedoed by a German Submarine off the coast of Bermuda
during WW2, one of whom was my Great Uncle, David McCubbin.

As I have stated in another part of the document there were others from the town who gave their lives but for one reason or other are not listed.

Seven Local Men Missing

Torpedoed Tanker – Survivor’s Story

12 Days in open lifeboat

After having been adrift for 12 days in the Atlantic in an open lifeboat, from which he and eight companions
were finally rescued by an American seaplane, Mr William McMillan, 13 Hill Street, Ardrossan, has just
returned home, apparently little the worse for his ordeal.

Mr McMillan was one of eight Ardrossan and Saltcoats members of the crew of a tanker which was twice
torpedoed and then shelled by a submarine, and the other seven are missing. The missing Ardrossan and
Saltcoats men are: -

Patrick Shields, 18 Old Raise Road, Saltcoats,

David McCubbin, 53 Kilmahew Street, Ardrossan,

Roderick Brown, 49 Princes Street, Ardrossan,

Francis McQuade, 174 Glasgow Street, Ardrossan,

William Brown, 14 Busbie Drive, Ardrossan,

William Docherty, 7 Stanley Road, Saltcoats,

Alex McMillan, 20 Parkend Road, Saltcoats.

Out of a total crew of 50, only the nine men picked up by the seaplane are known to have been saved. No
news has been heard of the remaining 41.

Torpedoed Twice

The ship was torpedoed twice. Though very heavy seas were running, the Nazi submarine surfaced and
began to shell heavily the already desperately damaged tanker. The wireless installation was carried away
and one of the vessel’s four lifeboats was destroyed.

“ In the confusion caused by the shelling and heavy seas, “ Mr McMillan stated, “ only six of us were able to
get into one lifeboat. Forty one of the crew including the remaining seven Ardrossan and Saltcoats members,
got into the other two lifeboats and three others launched a raft, but all of us got clear of the doomed vessel
before the mountainous seas finally engulfed her. We were able to drag the three men on the raft – one of
whom was the third officer – into our lifeboat. “

Boats separated by Storm

“ The officers, of course knew the exact location where the tanker had sunk and, as the destruction of the
wireless had prevented any SOS being sent out, it was decided to lay a course for Bermuda, the nearest
landfall. For 15 hours the boats kept together until the storm increased in violence to such an extent that sea
– anchors had to be dropped. When the visibility improved, all trace of the other two lifeboats had
disappeared. “

“ Gales and high seas continued without interruption for eleven days, “ said Mr McMillan. “ During the
whole of that time we remained soaked to the skin as a result of seas constantly breaking over the boat. Had
it not been for the fact that the water was not particularly cold, I don’t suppose any of us could have
survived. As it was, we were all suffering from exhaustion and saltwater burns. Luckily, until the twelfth
day, when a rationing scheme was unanimously adopted, we did not suffer from any real shortage either of
food or water. Whenever the wind was favourable we pushed on sail in the hope of reaching Bermuda, but
currents carried us off our course and we had frequently to drop the sea anchor. “

Rescued by Seaplane

“ Then, on the twelfth day, the wind fell away entirely and further sailing became impossible. With food
running low, we cursed what we thought was our wretched luck. Actually, it proved our salvation. Suddenly,
in the far distance, we saw a huge seaplane sweep out of her course and head towards us. Had the high seas
of the previous eleven days been running, she could never have spotted us as she had done. “

“ She circled round us three times and we imagined she was taking our bearings so that she could radio some
vessel to come to our rescue. Instead to our almost incredulous amazement and delight we saw she was
letting down her floats and the pilot made a perfect landing not a hundred yards away. “

“ Weak as we were, we soon had the oars out and drew the lifeboat alongside the seaplane, which took the
whole nine of us on board. “

100 Miles from Land

Subsequently, Mr McMillan explained, they learned that they had been even luckier than they had at first
imagined. They were still 100 miles from Bermuda and the seaplane, which had been flying for ten hours,
was slightly of her regular patrol course, and was heading direct for Bermuda when the tiny speck tossing in
the waves, which proved to be the lifeboat, was seen and the pilot swooped so dramatically to the rescue.

Mr McMillan and the other rescued men were taken to the King Edward V11 Memorial Hospital, in
Hamilton, Bermuda, from which he and three others were discharged two days later, the remainder being
detained for further treatment. From Bermuda he made his way to Halifax, Nova Scotia, recrossing the
Atlantic as a passenger.

(1) Name (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) A (9)
CWGC Service Date of Commemorated A &SH A &SH &SH A &SH
Death / or Buried Obituary Ack’ment Photograph Feature
Age elsewhere
William D Adam Not Not Found Not Found Not Found 29.6.1945 Not Found 29.6.1945 29.6.1945
William C Not Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
Adams Found
Charles Aitken Not Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
James Austin Not Not Found Not Found Not Found 12.6.1942 Not Found Not Found Not Found
George Yes Gordon 3.11.1944 Imphal War 24.11.1944 Not Found 24.11.1944 24.11.1944
Ballantyne Highlanders aged 27 Cemetery, India
Robert Barclay Yes Devon 12th 24.3.1945 Reichswald War 13.4.1945 Not Found 13.4.1945 13.4.1945
Airborne Bn aged 20 Cemetery, Germany
Ralph AW Barr Yes Cameronian 25.5.1944 Taukkyan War 16.6.1944 16.6.1944 Not Found Not Found
Scottish aged 24 Cemetery, Burma
Patrick Bartley Yes Merchant 22.10.1941 Tower Hill Memorial Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
Navy aged 23 London
William Bell Yes Royal Air 24.10.1942 Blonville sur mer Not Found Not Found 26.3.1943 26.3.1943
Force aged 24 Churchyard, France
William Bell Yes Cameron 7.3.1944 Cassino War 21.4.1944 Not Found 21.4.1944 21.4.1944
Highlanders aged 26 Cemetery, Italy
Francis Brady Yes Royal Air 17.11.1943 Ramleh War 10.12.1943 Not Found 10.12.1943 10.12.1943
Force aged 21 Cemetery, Israel
Roderick Brown Yes Merchant 31.1.1942 Tower Hill Not Found Not Found Not Found 27.3.1942

Navy aged 53 Memorial, London
William Brown Yes Merchant 31.1.1942 Tower Hill Not Found Not Found Not Found 27.3.1942
Navy aged 20 Memorial, London
Harold Yes Royal Navy 18.3.1945 Ardrossan Cemetery 23.3.1945 23.3.1945 Not Found Not Found
Busbridge aged 36
Richard Calder Yes Scots 9.8.1944 Bayeux War 25.8.1944 1.9.1944 Not Found 18.8.1944
Guards aged 27 Cemetery, France
Charles Yes Royal Navy 14.10.1939 Portsmouth Naval 20.10.1939 20.10.1939 20.10.1939 20.10.1939
Campbell aged 19 Memorial
George Cook Yes Royal 5.5.1943 Rangoon Memorial, 21.5.1943 Not Found 21.5.1943 21.5.1943
Artillery aged 23 Burma
Sidney K Yes Royal Navy 14.6.1942 Chatham Naval 19.2.1943 Not Found Not Found Not Found
Coleman aged 27 Memorial, Kent
James Cranston Yes Royal Scots 21.6.1943 Kirkee War 9 & 16.7.43 Not Found 13.8.1943 13.8.1943
Fusiliers aged 32 Cemetery, India
David Crawford Yes Merchant 9.3.1945 Ardrossan Cemetery 23.3.1945 Not Found Not Found Not Found
Navy aged 21
John Cumming Yes Royal Air 30.7.1943 Runnymede Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
Force aged 30 Memorial, Surrey
James Yes Merchant 24.2.1941 Liverpool Naval 28.3.1941 4.4.1941 28.3.1941 7.3.1941
Cunningham Navy aged 23 Memorial
John M Dodds Yes Merchant 8.5.1941 Tower Hill 5.12.1941 12.12.1941 12.12.1941 12.12.1941
Navy aged 52 Memorial, London
John B Duncan Yes Royal Navy 14.6.1942 Lee on Solent Not Found Not Found 26.6.1942 26.6.1942
aged 21 Memorial,

John Dunlop Not Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
Richard E Yes Royal Navy 24.11.1941 Portsmouth Naval Not Found Not Found Not Found 19.12.1941
Eastabrook Memorial
John E Evans Yes Merchant 21.10.1939 North Somercotes Not Found 10.11.1939 3.11.1939 3.11.1939
Navy aged 42 Cemetery,
Archibald J Not Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found 31.7.1942
Fleming Found
William Yes Royal Army 2.7.1943 Tehran War 9.7.1943 16.7.1943 9.7.1943 9.7.1943
Gillespie Service aged 28 Cemetery, Iran
Thomas Graham Yes Royal Navy 3.8.1944 Portsmouth Naval 11 & 25.8.1944 18.8.1944 18.8.1944
aged 28 Memorial 18.8.1944
James Dodds Yes Merchant 3.12.1942 Tower Hill Not Found Not Found 16.7.1943 16.7.1943
Navy aged 28 Memorial, London
John Harvey Yes Royal Navy 17.9.1939 Plymouth Naval Not Found 29.9.1939 22.9.1939 22.9.1939
aged 23 Memorial
Alexander Yes Scots 26.10.1943 Minturno War 19.11.1943 19.11.1943 19.11.1943 19.11.1943
Henderson Guards aged 30 Cemetery, Italy
William N Yes Scots 4.10.1942 Ardrossan Cemetery 9.10.1942 Not Found 9.10.1942 9.10.1942
Hughes Guards aged 22
Hugh Johnstone Yes Royal Navy 23.2.1942 Plymouth Naval Not Found Not Found Not Found 24.4.1942
aged 23 Memorial

Thomas Yes Cameron 23.6.1944 La Delivrande War Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
Johnstone Highlanders aged 20 Cemetery, France
Karl M Not Not Found Not Found Not Found 3.1.1941 Not Found Not Found Not Found
Jorgenson Found
Robert Kyle Not Merchant 17.2.1945 Ardrossan Cemetery 23.2.1945 2.3.1945 Not Found Not Found
Found Navy aged 37
William Logue Yes Royal Army 25.4.1942 Pembroke Military 8.5.1942 22.5.1942 15.5.1942 15.5.1942
Medical aged 21 Cemetery, Malta
James Long Not Not Found Not Found Not Found 19.3.1943 Not Found Not Found Not Found
John Lynn Yes Merchant 12.11.1940 Tower Hill Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
Navy aged 27 Memorial, London
Stephen Yes Royal Air 6.9.1944 Ardrossan Cemetery Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
McAteer Force aged 34
William Yes Merchant 24.2.1941 Liverpool Naval 28.3.1941 Not Found 28.3.1941 7.3.1941
McAuliffe Navy aged 23 Memorial
Patrick McCann Yes Merchant 19.12.1940 Tower Hill Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
Navy aged 17 Memorial, London
David Yes Royal Air 23.6.1944 Maynamati War 7.7.1944 14.7.1944 Not Found Not Found
McCartney Force aged 21 Cemetery,
Peter McCreadie Yes Merchant 22.10.1942 Tower Hill 29.1.1943 5.2.1943 Not Found Not Found
Navy aged 38 Memorial, London
David Yes Merchant 31.1.1942 Tower Hill Not Found Not Found Not Found 27.3.1942

McCubbin Navy aged 40 Memorial, London
James Not Merchant Not Found Not Found 27.9.1940 Not Found Not Found Not Found
McCubbin Found Navy
John McCubbin Not Merchant Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
Found Navy
Joseph Yes Royal Scots 24.2.1945 Jonkerbos War 9.3.1945 Not Found 9.3.1945 9.3.1945
McCulloch Fusiliers aged 26 Cemetery, Holland
David McGinn Not Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
William McGinn Yes Royal Navy 9.3.1942 Lowestoft Naval Not Found Not Found Not Found 20.3.1942
aged 24 Memorial
Joseph Not Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
McIlhatton Found
John McKay Not Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
Robert McKay Not Not Found Not Found Not Found 21.11.1941 Not Found Not Found Not Found
Robert McKay Yes Royal Naval 20.5.1942 Lee on Solent 29.5.1942 Not Found 29.5.1942 29.5.1942
Volunteer Memorial,
Reserve Hampshire
Robert Yes Yes 15.10.1944 Forli War Cemetery, Not Found Not Found 16.3.1945 10.11.1944
McKech(an)(nie) aged 25 Italy
William Yes Black 29.7.1944 Florence War 25.8.1944 Not Found 1.9.1944 1.9.1944
McLaughlan Watch aged 29 Cemetery, Italy
William Yes Royal Navy 1.3.1944 Largs Cemetery 10.3.1944 17.3.1944 17.3.1944 17.3.1944

McLellan aged 25
William H Not Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
McMillan Found
Neil McNicol Yes Royal Air 16.3.1945 Durnbach War Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
Force aged 21 Cemetery, Germany
John McPolin Yes Royal Air 16.10.1944 Karachi War 27.10.1944 3.11.1944 27.10.1944 27.10.1944
Force aged 22 Cemetery, Pakistan
Francis Yes Merchant 31.1.1942 Tower Hill Not Found Not Found Not Found 27.3.1942
McQuade Navy aged 27 Memorial, London
Gordon Yes Royal Air 4.2.1943 Montfoort General Not Found Not Found 10.9.1943 10.9.1943
MacTavish Force aged 21 Cemetery, Holland
Albert Malcolm Yes Merchant 22.2.1942 Tower Hill Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
Navy aged 18 Memorial, London
Robert Malcolm Yes Merchant 11.6.1941 Cathays Cemetery, Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
Navy aged 55 Cardiff, Wales
Charles Martin Yes Royal Air 8.12.1941 Runnymede 12.6.1942 Not Found 19.12.1941 19.12.1941
Force aged 20 Memorial, Surrey
John G Mellor Yes Royal Air 28.8.1942 Overijse Tombeek Not Found Not Found 27.11.1942 27.11.1942
Force aged 20 Churchyard,
Peter Monaghan Yes Highland 21.1.1945 Sittard War 9.2.1945 Not Found 9.2.1945 9.2.1945
Light aged 27 Cemetery, Holland

There are two Gordon MacTavish records on the CWGC and two referred to in the A & SH index. I have assumed the son to be the one on the Memorial as he was the first
to give his life ( although he is referred to as Claud Gordon on the CWGC, he is stated as Gordon in the A & SH index ). Gordon the Father died on 16.11.1947 aged 58 and
( continued from previous page ) is buried in Ardrossan Cemetery, he died on Service with the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve while attached to HMS Vernon. There is an
Obituary dated 21/11/1947 and an Acknowledgement dated 28/11/1947 for the Father.

Archibald Yes Merchant 24.2.1941 Liverpool Naval Not Found 4.4.1941 28.3.1941 7.3.1941
Morgan Navy aged 23 Memorial
Samuel Yes Royal Air 30.3.1944 Ardrossan Cemetery 7.4.1944 7.4.1944 7.4.1944 7.4.1944
Morrison Force aged 24
John Morton Yes Merchant 10.9.1941 Tower Hill Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
Navy aged 46 Memorial, London
Robert S Yes Royal Navy 3.11.1940 Portsmouth Naval 22.11.1940 Not Found 6.12.1940 6.12.1940
Murchie aged 41 Memorial
Patrick Murray Yes Royal Scots 11.7.1943 Syracuse War 6.8.1943 Not Found 6.8.1943 30.7.1943
Fusiliers aged 26 Cemetery, Sicily & 6.8.1940
William Norris Yes Royal Navy 18.2.1940 Portsmouth Naval Not Found 1.3.1940 23.2.1940 23.2.1940
aged 20 Memorial
Harry Northcote Yes Merchant 31.3.1942 Tower Hill 6& 19.3.1943 Not Found Not Found
Navy aged 33 Memorial, London 19.3.1943
David Norwood Yes Merchant 19.12.1941 Tower Hill Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
Navy aged 44 Memorial, London
Joseph Otty Yes Royal 11.4.1943 Medjez El Bab 16.6.1944 Not Found Not Found Not Found
Artillery aged 27 Memorial, Tunisia
Alexander M Yes Merchant 19.12.1940 Tower Hill Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
Phillips Navy aged 35 Memorial, London
Mark Ramsay Yes Merchant 14.12.1942 Tower Hill 12.2.1943 Not Found Not Found 19.2.1943
Navy aged 51 Memorial, London
Richard Reid Not Not Found Not Found Not Found 26.6.1942 Not Found Not Found Not Found
John Shearer Not Not Found Not Found Not Found 4.10.1940 Not Found 15.8.1941 15.8.1941
Robert W Yes Royal Air 4.8.1941 Pensacola 15.8.1941 22.8.1941 15.8.1941 15.8.1941
Shearer Force aged 20 ( Barrancas ),
Cemetery, Florida,

Matthew Sim Not Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
James Stewart Yes Merchant 14.12.1942 Tower Hill 22.1.1943 Not Found 22.1.1943 22.1.1943
Navy aged 27 Memorial, London
James Summers Yes Merchant 15.11.1942 Liverpool Naval Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
Navy aged 19 Memorial
Alexander Not Not Found Not Found Not Found 23.11.1945 Not Found 23.11.1945 23.11.1945
Thomson Found
William J Yes Argyll & 18.4.1945 Argenta Gap War 4.5.1945 4.5.1945 4.5.1945 4.5.1945
Tomelty Sutherland aged 24 Cemetery, Italy
Joseph Townsley Yes Merchant 19.12.1941 Tower Hill Not Found Not Found Not Found Not Found
Navy aged 19 Memorial, London
Kenneth S Yes Scots 6.7.1944 Foiano Della Chiana 28.7.1944 Not Found Not Found Not Found
Watson Guards aged 32 War Cemetery, Italy
John Yes Gordon 14.4.1943 Madras War 23/30.4.1943 30.4.1943 Not Found Not Found
Weatherston(e) Highlanders aged 33 Cemetery, India
Cornelius Welsh Yes Merchant 11.7.1943 Tower Hill 6.8.1943 13.8.1943 3.9.1943 3.9.1943
Navy aged 18 Memorial, London
John B Yuille Yes Royal Navy 22.7.1941 Chatham Naval 28.11.1941 Not Found 28.11.1941 28.11.1941
aged 26 Memorial, Kent

They shall grow not old,

As we that are left grow old,

Age shall not weary them,

Nor the years condemn,

At the going down of the sun

And in the morning,

We shall remember them.


Although it is clear what happened to David McCubbin as you have just read ( died on
31.1.1942 aged 40 ( MV San Arcadio and commemorated at Tower Hill- London ), it is not so
clear as to the fate of his brothers James and John. James died on 24.9.1940 aged 43 at
Glenafton Sanitorium, New Cumnock of TB, thought to have been brought on by an accident
at sea on Navy Service. He is thought to be buried in Ardrossan Cemetery although there is
no headstone. It was said that John was buried in Gibralter following injuries received during

his War Service also in the Navy however The Gibralter Cemeteries / Memorials online lists
do not substantiate this.

Anyone with relations or friends on the memorial requiring assistance to find out more need
only email me at and I will be only too glad to help at no
cost to themselves.


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