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I avail this opportunity to express with immense sincerity, my thanks to Axis Institute of Planning and Management for giving me the opportunity to work upon this project. It has been a very informative part of my academics. This project would not have seen the light of the day without the immense support of my guide Assist.Prof. Mr.Vipin Mishra for showing her keen interest, constant guidance and encouragement throughout, in the completion of this project without which it would have not been possible to fulfill the requirements of the project assigned to me. As a management student I have tried to cover all the aspect of Analyzing the Gap b/w the Management Perception and Consumer with reference to Services offered in Retail Banking

Axis Colleges/AIPM/Analyzing the Gap b/w in Retail Banking/2010-2012/Shalini Sahu

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Axis Colleges/AIPM/Analyzing the Gap b/w in Retail Banking/2010-2012/Shalini Sahu

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No 1. Preface 2. Abstract 3. Executive Summary. 4. Industry Profile 5. Banking system 6. Retail Banking Product and Services 7. Company Profile 8. Research Methodology 9. Objective of the Study 10. Scope of the Study 11. Limitation 12. Findings 13. Conclusion and Recommendations 14. Bibliography


Axis Colleges/AIPM/Analyzing the Gap b/w in Retail Banking/2010-2012/Shalini Sahu

Retail Banking has always been an integral part of the Banking activities the world over, but it is only in the recent past that it has gathered special momentum. Though internationally this revolution started in 80s with the advent of credit cards followed by other products of retail financial services, yet, as far as India is concerned, the year 1995 marks the starting point of Retail Banking Revolution with Foreign Banks and new generation Private Banks taking the lead. Till 90s only foreign Banks were the main players in Retail Banking activities. The paradigm shift in the Indian Banking Sector brought out by deregulation, liberalization and globalization of the Indian economy and characterized by intense competition and wafer thin margins has compelled banks to shift focus from Corporate Banking to Retail Banking and look upon retail banking as a solution to some of their immediate concerns. Only a few years ago the Retail Banking was scorned by many specialists as too voluminous, transaction heavy and unprofitable business. Consumer and personal loans were considered unproductive and were thus discouraged. But things have changed now. Retail Banking has regained bankers interest not least because it is the activity where many major banks are making most of their money but also because of the more recurrent nature of its earnings. Many European banks that had ventured into wholesale and investment banking activities in a big way had to pay a heavy price in the recent times. The economic downturn and gloomy capital market environment has made investment banking lose mush of its shine making many banks to shift their focus back to Retail Banking. We therefore choose to do our project on Retail banking within the Banking Industry, which has seen tremendous changes in the past years, promising great scope in the years to come.


Axis Colleges/AIPM/Analyzing the Gap b/w in Retail Banking/2010-2012/Shalini Sahu

Axis Colleges/AIPM/Analyzing the Gap b/w in Retail Banking/2010-2012/Shalini Sahu

The Banking Regulation Act 1949 defines banking as accepting the purpose of lending or investment, of deposits of money from the public, repayable on demand or otherwise and withdrawal by cheque, draft, and order otherwise. The essential function of a bank is to provide services related to the storing of value and the extending credit. The evolution of banking dates back to the earliest writing, and continues in the present where a bank is a financial institution that provides banking and other financial services. Currently the term bank is generally understood an institution that holds a banking license. Banking licenses are granted by financial supervision authorities and provide rights to conduct the most fundamental banking services such as accepting deposits and making loans. There are also financial institutions that provide certain banking services without meeting the legal definition of a bank, a so called non-bank. Banks are a subset of the financial services industry.


Axis Colleges/AIPM/Analyzing the Gap b/w in Retail Banking/2010-2012/Shalini Sahu

The report Analyzing the Gap between Management Perception and Customer Perception With Respect To the Services Offered In Retail Banking aims to assimilate data about the various aspects of Retail banking services, to analyze the perceptions of the management and the customers regarding the services offered in Retail banking and to find out whether any gaps do exist between the services offered and the customer expectations. We have taken 6 Banks which represent the Nationalized, Private and Multinational Banks of the Banking Industry in India SBI Corporation Bank HDFC Bank ICICI Bank Citibank Standard Chartered Bank

The criteria for selecting these banks were their deposit base. We have limited our Service Category to the core services in Retail Banking and a few specialized services. The report is a mixture of Secondary and Primary data, with Questionnaires being our major instrument to collect primary data. Major topics we have attempted to cover in this project are to: Explore the services and products offered by the banks to individual customers. Understand the perception of the management with respect to services offered by banks. Understand the perception of the customers with respect to services offered by banks. Analyze whether there is a gap between the customer and management perceptions about the services offered by the banks. Conclude and enumerate the recommendations that might help to reduce the gaps that exist and foster the relationship of the customer more with the bank.


Axis Colleges/AIPM/Analyzing the Gap b/w in Retail Banking/2010-2012/Shalini Sahu

The new game requires new strategies with an accent on innovation for organizational transformation and to achieve world-class competitiveness through improved efficiency and reduced operational cost. An organization-centric agenda, policy, program accelerating interventions need to strengthen core competencies of Indian banks; while exploring seeding options for future growth. Thrust on innovation is important particularly in the present context of consolidation and convergence both within and across segments of the financial system.


Axis Colleges/AIPM/Analyzing the Gap b/w in Retail Banking/2010-2012/Shalini Sahu

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