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Lagrangian Mechanics

Noethers Theorem

Beyond Noethers Theorem

Noethers Theorem: The Symmetries of Space and Time

Allan S Johnson
University of Ottawa

June 15, 2011

Introduction Table of Contents

Lagrangian Mechanics

Noethers Theorem

Beyond Noethers Theorem

Table of Contents

Principle of Least Action Lagrangians and the Euler-Lagrange Equation Conservation of Energy Conservation of Momentum Gauge Theory and General Relativity

Introduction Noethers Theorem

Lagrangian Mechanics

Noethers Theorem

Beyond Noethers Theorem

Noethers Theorem

If a system has a continuous symmetry property, then there are corresponding quantities whose values are conserved in time OR To every dierentiable symmetry generated by local actions, there corresponds a conserved current.

Introduction Noethers Theorem

Lagrangian Mechanics

Noethers Theorem

Beyond Noethers Theorem

What Do We Mean By Symmetric?

Time L =0 t

Space (Translation) L(r , r ) = L(r +r , r )

Space (Rotation) L(r , r ) = L(r +r , r + ) r

Introduction Principle of Least Action

Lagrangian Mechanics

Noethers Theorem

Beyond Noethers Theorem

Principle of Least Action

The principle of least (stationary) action states: f (r (t), r (t)) s.t.


f (r , r )dt = S

Where S is the action, and is an extrema, and has units of E*t.

Introduction Principle of Least Action

Lagrangian Mechanics

Noethers Theorem

Beyond Noethers Theorem

Hamiltons Principle

Specic case of the principle of least action.


L(r , r )dt = S(r )


S(r ) =0 r (t) Where L = T ( ) U(r ) r


Lagrangian Mechanics

Noethers Theorem

Beyond Noethers Theorem

The Euler-Lagrange Equation

The Euler-Lagrange Equation

(t1) = (t2) = 0
t2 t2

S =

L(r + , r + ) L(r , r )dt =

t1 t2

L L + dt r r

S =

L d L L )dt + [ ]|t2 r dt r r t1

L d L =0 r dt r

Introduction Conservation of Energy

Lagrangian Mechanics

Noethers Theorem

Beyond Noethers Theorem

Noethers Theorem - Conservation of Energy

L =0 t dL L L = r+ r dt r r L d L = r dt r

Introduction Conservation of Energy

Lagrangian Mechanics

Noethers Theorem

Beyond Noethers Theorem

dL d L L =r + r dt dt r r dL d L ( ) = 0 r dt dt r d L (L r ) = 0 dt r

Introduction Conservation of Energy

Lagrangian Mechanics

Noethers Theorem

Beyond Noethers Theorem

L 1 = (U(r ) + mr 2 ) r r 2 L = mr r L 2T = r r

Introduction Conservation of Energy

Lagrangian Mechanics

Noethers Theorem

Beyond Noethers Theorem

d L (L r ) = 0 dt r d (L 2T ) = 0 dt d (U T + 2T ) = 0 dt dE =0 dt

Introduction Conservation of Momentum

Lagrangian Mechanics

Noethers Theorem

Beyond Noethers Theorem

Noethers Theorem - Conservation of Momentum

L(r , r ) = L(r + r , r ) L =

L ri = 0 ri

L =0 ri

Introduction Conservation of Momentum

Lagrangian Mechanics

Noethers Theorem

Beyond Noethers Theorem

d L =0 dt r L = constant r L 1 = (U(r ) + mr 2 ) r r 2 L = mr r L = mr = p = constant r

Introduction Gauge Theory

Lagrangian Mechanics

Noethers Theorem

Beyond Noethers Theorem

Noethers Theorem - Beyond Classical Mechanics

In physics, a gauge theory is a type of eld theory in which the Lagrangian is invariant under a continuous group of local transformations - Wikipedia Quantum Electrodynamics - Phase Symmetry gives Conservation of Charge Standard Model - 3 symmetries enforced, gives force carriers through quantization Lattice Gauge Theory - Quantized Space Ward-Takahashi identity is the Quantum analogue of Noethers Theorem

Introduction Relativistic Mechanics

Lagrangian Mechanics

Noethers Theorem

Beyond Noethers Theorem

Noethers Theorem - Beyond Classical Mechanics

Noethers Theorem was originally developed for General Relativity, and has the strongest impact there: Symmetric time transform NOT possible in relativistic mechanics - no local conservation of energy Energy transferred to and from gravitational elds Gauge dependent Mass-Momentum pseudotensor required instead Only global Mass-Momentum


Lagrangian Mechanics

Noethers Theorem

Beyond Noethers Theorem

Thank You!

Check out the following talks for more on Lagrangians and Variational Calculus An Introduction to the Calculus of Variations and the Brachistochrone Problem by Alexandra Terrana An Introduction to the Calculus of Variations by Alexandre Vincart-Emard

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