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The Vesper agent was told not to listen through the solid oak door.

But the voices were loud. And what she heard made her knees shake. It was horrible. She had followed the Vespers blindly for her whole life. She trusted them. What she heard had made her want to cry, but she couldn't. She knew what that would mean. They would realise she was here. She never knew how important she was. Who she was. Why she was asked to join the Vespers. She had heard rumours of those Vesper agents who were only used by Vesper 1. Her father... They never told her. And now she found out, her father was dead. Vesper 1 had been betrayed by the rest of the Council of Six. It clicked in the space of a minute. Her father had used her to get what he wanted. Loyalty. If he could threaten his daughter, he could do anything. It created fear in the Vesper agency. She now hated her father, but she didn't forgive the rest of the Council of Six.. Who were behind the solid oak door. And an idea formed in her head. She was no longer an orphan. She was no longer the unknown daughter of Vesper 1. Vesper 1 was dead. She would be the new Vesper 1. Because she had the power. She had found out what the 39 Clues were ages ago, but she never had a reason to tell anyone. The old Vesper 1 ("Father" felt too wrong: she hated him now) had never even thought of asking her, but she was a master pickpocket, she had learnt it when she was a child, when she thought she was an orphan! The Vespers had never been led by a female before. Now they would. They would bow down at her feet. With her leading the Vespers, they would rule the world! A new age was coming, and it began in the room behind the solid oak door... And then the celebrated death of Amy and Dan Cahill. For the Vespers would rule the world with people thinking they were the heroes now. Her father never knew how evil she really was. The twisted Damien Vesper never found out what went on his twisted daughter's mind, and he never would. He was dead. And Harriet Crone would rule the world. She wouldn't keep the surname Vesper. Or maybe she would. She had lots of time to think after she became Vesper 1. "Yes," purred the most evil man in the world. "You will. You always had a habit of thinking out loud. "How are you still alive?" asked Harriet. "You know I took the master serum," replied Damien Vesper. "It may have been while Gideon Cahill was still alive, but I can still handle a sword in the back." "How unoriginal," mused Harriet. She knew what Damien wanted to hear. "Agreed. You may hate me, but we could do a lot more damage together than seperately. We could rule the Council of Six forever and make sure they are loyal to us. Your plans are brilliant, but only I can make them work." Vesper raised his arm to shake. "What do you say, Crone?" "It looks like we work on the same wavelength, Vesper." Harriet Crone smiled for the first time in years. "I know what you want, and that's exactly what I want too. We are not, and never will be, father and daughter. We are Vesper and Crone: Vesper 1." "Agreed. We are partners; no more, no less. The two most evil people on the world, working together to rule the Vespers through a new age. The age of the 39 Clues controlled by the Vespers." And Vesper's hand glowed. The power of the master serum was getting stronger again. Harriet took his hand and absorbed some of the power. Then Vesper and Crone walked into the solid oak door together.

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