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Sequel to The Trinity, So Called The Central Doctrine of Christianity Is NOT As



The Trinity is claimed to be the central doctrine of Christianity but is no where

mentioned in the Bible. Search as you may, NOWHERE will you find the word
‘Trinity’ in the Bible. Now if it were the central doctrine as it is billed it is
unimaginable that it would NOT even be mentioned in the Bible.

"The doctrine of the Trinity was NOT a teaching of the original Christians, who
were either with Jesus himself or taught directly by the surviving apostles. This
explains why it is not found in the Bible. If it was a fundamental, core doctrine
of such great
importance, it would have been clearly and unmistakably stated in scripture. The
fact that the vast majority of professed Christians and church doctrine today
maintain a belief in the Trinity does not prove it is correct. Rather, it suggests
that corruption of
Christian doctrinal truths is widespread and deep."[source - -- Is Jesus God
Almighty? Is the Trinity Scriptural? By Gordon Coulson]

Let’s face reality, if Almighty God (YHWH) was a Trinity, Jesus (Yeshua) Christ
would also be “the same as Almighty God (YHWH)” But, since Almighty God (YHWH) is
NOT a Trinity – it makes it even more important to convey the reality that he
would still be like his Father, Almighty God (YHWH), in many ways. Who so? Since
he is second only to his Father, Almighty God (YHWH), in the entire universe makes
him divine also. In fact, as the Bible shows at Hebrews 1:3, “who being the
effulgence of his glory, and the very image of his substance, and upholding all
things by the word of his power, when he had made purification of sins, sat down
on the right hand of the Majesty on high;”(American Standard Version; ASV); and
Hebrews 10:12, “But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for
ever, sat down on the right hand of God;” (ASV); and Acts 7:55,” But he, being
full of the Holy Spirit, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of
God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,” (ASV). In these scriptures,
Jesus (Yeshua) Christ is shown clearly as a distinct spirit being sitting/standing
at the right hand of his Father, Almighty God (YHWH), clearly showing him in the
second highest position in the universe and only subordinate to his Father,
Almighty God (YHWH).

The Trinity doctrine is a conspiracy, a plot, to lower the position of Almighty

God (YHWH), an illegal plot/act inspired by none other than Satan the Devil. As
Deuteronomy 4:35 states, “Thou, wast allowed to see, that thou mightest know,
that, Yahweh, he, is God, there is, none other than, he alone.” (Rotherham Bible
of 1902; RB). Remember what Jesus (Yeshua) Christ said at Matthew 15:9, “But in
vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”
(Authorized King James Bible; AV).

One book review of Sir Anthony Buzzard’s book, 'The Doctrine of the Trinity:
Christianitys Self-Inflicted Wound' said, <<<”The authors of this book challenge
the traditional trinitarian viewpoint, and demonstrate that while Jesus is
confessed in scripture as Messiah, Son of God, he is not God Almighty himself.
They claim that later Christological teachings beginning in the second century
perverted the biblical doctrine of God and Christ by modifying the terms of the
biblical presentation of the Father and Son. From this developed the foundation of
the unscriptural creed that is challenged in this book. Some good material is
presented concerning the translation of certain scriptures, such as Romans 9:5,
Titus 2:13. The authors: Sir Anthony Buzzard, teaches at the Atlanta Bible
College. Charles F. Hunting is a retired pastor and college business manager.”>>>.
Chapter One: The God of the Jews
Chapter Two: Jesus and the God of the Jews
Chapter Three: Did Jesus' Followers Think He Was God?
Chapter Four: Paul and the Trinity
Chapter Five: From the Hebrew Word of the Bible to the Twentieth Century Via Greek
Chapter Six: The Trinity and Politics
Chapter Seven: The Nature of Preexistence in the New Testament
Chapter Eight: John, Preexistence and the Trinity
Chapter Nine: The Holy Spirit: A Third Person or God in Action?
Chapter Ten: The Challenge of Facing Trinitarianism Today
Chapter Eleven: The Conflict Over the Trinity in Church History and the Current
Chapter Twelve: Have We Bartered for Another God?
Chapter Thirteen: An Appeal to Return to the Biblical Christ
Chapter Fourteen: Epilogue: Beleiving the Words of Jesus
Details on Sir Anthony Buzzard a Knight of the British Empire:
Anthony Buzzard was born in Surrey, England and educated at Oxford University and
later at Bethany Theological Seminary, Chicago. He holds Master's degrees in
languages and theology. He came to the USA with his wife and daughters in 1981 and
has taught Bible at Atlanta Bible College (formerly Oregon, IL Bible College)
since then. Anthony has traveled widely, including visits to Malawi for purposes
of evangelism. He has written two books, The Doctrine of the Trinity:
Christianity's Self-Inflicted Wound and Our Fathers Who Aren't in Heaven: The
Forgotten Christianity of Jesus the Jew, and many booklets and articles, some of
which have been published in international theological journals. In 1996 he was a
nominee for the Templeton Prize for progress in religion. He is co-editor of A
Journal from the Radical Reformation, published by Atlanta Bible College/Church of
God General Conference.[source – Restoration Fellowship, Anthony Buzzard was born
in Surrey, England and educated at Oxford University and later at Bethany
Theological Seminary, Chicago. He holds Master's degrees in languages and
theology. He came to the USA with his wife and daughters in 1981 and has taught
Bible at Atlanta Bible College (formerly Oregon, IL Bible College) since then.
Anthony has traveled widely, including visits to Malawi for purposes of
evangelism. He has written two books, The Doctrine of the Trinity: Christianity's
Self-Inflicted Wound and Our Fathers Who Aren't in Heaven: The Forgotten
Christianity of Jesus the Jew, and many booklets and articles, some of which have
been published in international theological journals. In 1996 he was a nominee for
the Templeton Prize for progress in religion. He is co-editor of A Journal from
the Radical Reformation, published by Atlanta Bible College/Church of God General
Conference.[source – Restoration Fellowship, on 11/13/2007]


The Shema is the unitarian creed of Israel and of course of Jesus himself in Mark
12:29. Why then do Christians not recite the creed of Jesus as their basic creed?
Simply because the Church has taught them a Trinitarian creed which Jesus would
not have reocgnized. Christians would be well advised to return to the creed which
Jesus said was the most important command of all. I have written extensively on
this issue in my Doctrine of the Trinity: Christianity's Self Inflicted Wound
available at 800 347 4261 Anthony Buzzard[source – Christianity is Jewish - Shema,
1400 B.C., on
"This important new work is a detailed biblical investigation of the relationship
of Jesus to the One God of Israel. The authors challenge the notion that biblical
monotheism is legitimately represented by a Trinitarian view of God and
demonstrate that within the bounds of the canon of Scripture Jesus is confessed as
Messiah, Son of God, but not God Himself. Later Christological developments
beginning in the second century, and under the influence of pagan Gnosticism,
misrepresented the biblical doctrine of God and Christ by altering the terms of
the biblical presentation of the Father and the Son. This fateful development laid
the foundation of a revised, unscriptural creed which needs to be challenged. This
book provides a definitive presentation of a Christology rooted in the Hebrew
Bible and the New Testament. The authors present a sharply-argued appeal for an
understanding of God and Jesus in the context of Christianity's original,
Apostolic, unitary monotheism. " [source – book review of The Doctrine of the
Trinity: Christianity's Self-Inflicted Wound by Anthony Buzzard and Charles
Hunting, by, on
of Christ, back at the very beginning of civilization, there were trinities of
gods in ancient Babylonia and Assyria. It was common in the ancient world to group
pagan gods in threes or triads. Egypt, Greece, and Rome were noted for following
trinitarian practices in the centuries before, during, and after Christ. After the
death of the apostles, these pagan beliefs slowly became a part of Christianity.
According to the Encylopedia Americana, “Fourth century Trinitarianism was a
deviation from early Christian teaching.”[source - ![source - N S B Notes:
on 11/13/2007]

The doctrine of the Trinity was NOT a teaching of the original Christians, who
were either with Jesus himself or taught directly by the surviving apostles. This
explains why it is not found in the Bible. If it was a fundamental, core doctrine
of such great
importance, it would have been clearly and unmistakably stated in scripture. The
fact that the vast majority of professed Christians and church doctrine today
maintain a belief in the Trinity does not prove it is correct. Rather, it suggests
that corruption of
Christian doctrinal truths is widespread and deep." [source -- Is Jesus God
Almighty? Is the Trinity Scriptural? By Gordon Coulson]

“TRINITY DOCTRINE, A ROMAN CATHOLIC CREATION: The Trinity Doctrine was officially
adopted by the Roman Catholic Church nearly 300 years after Christ! The apostles
had completed the writing of the Christian Greek Scriptures 250 years before the
Catholic Church approved of the Trinity Doctrine. The Catholic Encylopedia will
verify that fact.

It was a gradual process that took many years and much debate but in the year 325
C.E. the Creed of the Council of Nicaea was approved and the teaching of the
Trinity became formalized in the church. Arius, a priest in Alexandria denied the
dogma from the church that Jesus was God incarnate. He claimed it to be false
doctrine and contrary to Holy Scriptures. The Emperor Constantine (Constine)
convoked a church council at Nicaea in 325 to organize the Catholic Church against
the teaching of Arius.

The Council of Constantinople also approved the teaching of the Trinity in 381
C.E. Previous to this in the year 200 C.E. Tertullian quoted the old Roman Creed
which was completely devoid of any reference to the Trinity. The New Simplified
Bible features the true monotheistic God, one God, not three in one!”[source - N S
B Notes: TRINITY, on
"It was Constantine - who by official edict brought Christianity to believe in the
formal division of the Godhead into two – God the Father - and - God the Son... It
remained the task of a later generation to bring Christianity to believe in the
Triune God."[source - The Doctrine of the Trinity - Christianity’s Self-Inflicted
Wound 1994, by
Anthony F. Buzzard Charles F. Hunting]

In order to make the previously despised cult of the Early Christians acceptable
to Constantine, emperor of Rome - the new (pagan) Church Fathers had to remove
from its teachings certain doctrines which they knew were objectionable to
Constantine. To accomplish this, certain "correctors" were
appointed, whose task it was to rewrite the Gospels."
[source -Apollonius the Nazarene Part 1:, The Historical Apollonius Versus
the Mythical Jesus By: Dr. R. W. Bernard, Ph.D.][note, more will be said on this
in the historical account of the Trinity]

"Learned men, so called Correctores were, following the church meeting at Nicea
325 AD, selected by the church authorities to scrutinize the sacred texts and
rewrite them in order to correct their meaning in accordance with the views which
the church had just sanctioned." [source - Prof. Eberhard Nestle `Introduction to
the Textual Criticism of the Greek Testament,' Einfhrung in die Textkritik des
griechischen Testaments: Eberhard Nestle]

"The day was to come when the Nicene party won out completely and then the
emperors decreed that one who denied the Trinity should be put to death."[source -
The Church of our Fathers - 1950, pg. 46]

(Strong’s Bible Dictionary: Theos: God, a god, magistrate, deity, godly or God-
like) (Family relationship, son with father) (Logos en pros Theos; Jesus Christ
the Word was with {pros} God) Transliteration: In the beginning was Jesus Christ
the Son of God, and Jesus Christ the Son of God was with God, and Jesus Christ the
Son of God was like his Father, God. Another way to state this: “The Word was in
the beginning, and the Word was with God, and the Word was like God. This is a
family relationship, son with father. “Logos en pros Theos.” Jesus Christ the Word
(Logos) was with (pros) God. And Jesus Christ was like, his Father, God (Theo's).
(1 Corinthians 11:3; 15:27, 28) (John 1:18) (Philippians 2:6) (Acts 7:55) (Hebrews
10:12) GREEK: “kai theos en ho logos.” ENGLISH: and God-like was the Word. [source
- (Strong’s Bible Dictionary]

" . . . The modern doctrine of the Trinity is not found in any document or relic
belonging to the Church of the first three centuries. . . so far as any remains or
any record of them are preserved, coming down from early times, are, as regards
this doctrine an absolute blank. They testify, so far as they testify at all, to
the supremacy of the father, the only true God; and to the inferior and derived
nature of the Son. There is nowhere among these remains a coequal trinity. . . but
no un-divided three, -- coequal, infinite, self-existent, and eternal. This was a
conception to which the age had not arrived. It was of later origin." [source -
The Church of the First Three Centuries (1865 Alvan Lamson)]

"Christianity derived from Judaism and Judaism was strictly Unitarian (believing
in one God). The road which led from Jerusalem to Nicea was scarcely a straight
one. Fourth century trinitarianism did not reflect accurately early Christian
teaching regarding the nature of God; it was, on the contrary, a deviation from
this teaching." [source - The Encyclopedia Americana (1956)]

"The formulation 'one God in three persons' was not solidly established, certainly
not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to
the end of the 4th century." [source - The New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967)]

"The trinity of God is defined by the church as the belief that in God are three
persons who subsist in one nature. The belief as so defined was reached only in
the 4th and 5th centuries AD and hence is not explicitly and formally a biblical
belief." [source - Dictionary of The Bible (1995 John L. Mckenzie)]

". . . scholars generally agree that there is no doctrine of the trinity as such
in either the Old Testament or the New Testament." [source - The HarperCollins
Encyclopedia of Catholicism (1995)]

The Rise of Christianity (W.H.C. Frend 1985)

"we find Christianity tending to absorb Greek philosophical values, until by the
end of the third century the line between the beliefs of educated Christian and
educated pagan in the east would often be hard to draw." [source - The Rise of
Christianity (W.H.C. Frend 1985)]

"The truth of Jesus Christ the Son of God was deliberately forged into the
doctrine of God the Son. Seeds of Jesus Christ as God were planted and sprouted
during the lifetime of Paul, continued growing during Timothy's lifetime and
flourished shortly thereafter, reaching full bloom for all future creeds by 325
AD" [source - Forgers of the Word (1983 Victor Paul Wierwille)]

"It was Constantine who by official edict brought Christianity to believe in the
formal division of the Godhead into two – God the Father and God the Son. It
remained the task of a later generation to bring Christianity to believe in the
Triune God."


"What I discovered in most of the versions of the Bible produced by trinitarians

which I studied - is irrefutable proof of intentional mistranslation of words
which refer to... God. This statement is not intended as an antagonistic
denunciation of those translators. It is simply a statement of fact, and it is a
fact that no scholar on earth can refute. In the versions of the holy scriptures
which they produce, I learned that Christian trinitarians routinely and purposely
mistranslate Greek pronouns, so as to promote the doctrine of the holy
Trinity."[source - The Influence of Trinitarian Doctrine on Translations of the
Bible by John David Clark, Sr.]

Details of the constructs used for John 1:1:

Let's look at the 10 possible constructs of John 1:1 that do NOT violate any rule
of Koine Greek grammar with the exception of the fact is that THEOS (=God) is a
count noun, not a mass noun or an adjective. As a count noun it MUST BE countable,
i.e. either definite or indefinite (i.e. either "a god" or "the God") for two of
the constructs:

<1> "and a god was the Logos." [example of Bible using, Das Evangelium nach
Johannes, by Jurgen Becker Harwood, 1979]

<2> "the nature of the Word was the same as the nature of God" [example of Bible
using, Schonfield, 1976]

<3> "The Word dwelt with God, and what God was, the word was." [example of Bible
using, The New English Bible, NEB, 1961-present standard Bible agreed to by most
denominations in the United Kingdom]

<4> "And the word was a god" [example of Bible using, The New Testament in An
Improved Version, Upon the Basis of Achbishop Newcome's New Translation: With a
Corrected Text.]

<5> "and the Word was divine" [example of Bible using, The Bible: An American
Translation, by J.M.P. Smith and E.J. Goodspeed. }

<6> "and the Word was God" [example of Bible using, American Standard Version,
ASV] [note, this construct violates the count noun rule of Koine Greek]

<7> "He was the same as God" example of Bible using, Today's English Version.]

<8> "the Logos was divine" [example of Bible using, The New Testament: A New
Translation, by James Moffat]

<9> "r war bei Gott und in allem Gott gleich"[He was with God and in all like God]
[example of Bible using, Haenchen (tr. By R. Funk), 1982]

<10> "Gott (von Art) war der Logos" [God (of Kind/kind) was the Logos/logos]
[example of Bible using, Die Bibel in heutigem Deutsch, 1980]

As we can see, here are ten different constructs possible without violating any
rule of Koine Greek grammar except the count Noun rule. So, now, let's look at
what follows in context in general format at John 1:2:

"The Word, then, was with God at the beginning," (The New English Bible, NEB)

"The same was in the beginning with God." (American Standard Version, ASB)

"The same was in the beginning with God." (Authorized King James Bible; AV)

"He was in the beginning with God." (Revised Standard Version; RSV)

"He was in the beginning with God." (The Confraternity Edition of the New
Testament - Catholic)

As is easily seen, John 1:2 is substantially the same in all translations.

However, in context it does not harmonize with some of the constructs used which
do not violate any rule of Koine Greek grammar with the exception of the count
Noun rule to be explained later.

However clearly some of the ten (10) or more basic constructs agree in context
with John 1:2 and some do NOT. Let's look at the point where some do not agree or
harmonize with the context of John 1:2:

John 1:2 plainly says that the Word, or Logos, who is Jesus (Yeshua) was with God
in the beginning which would be impossible if Jesus (Yeshua) was Almighty God
(YHWH) himself. This rules out constructs 6, 7, and 10, represented below, as
impossible as they do NOT harmonize with context.

<6> "and the Word was God" [example of Bible using, American Standard Version,
ASV] [note, this construct violates the count noun rule of Koine Greek]

<7> "He was the same as God" example of Bible using, Today's English Version.]
<10> "Gott (von Art) war der Logos" [God (of Kind/kind) was the Logos/logos]
[example of Bible using, Die Bibel in heutigem Deutsch, 1980]

And two of these constructs do violate the count Noun rule of Koine Greek; to wit,
constructs 6 and 7.[source - Commentary on Constructs Used to Translate John 1-1,
by Iris the Preacher – 2002]



Now do most mainstream religions through the ages have anything in common be they
so called Christian or pagan? Absolutely, history shows that one mainstream
religion evolved into another one while maintaining many of the beliefs of the one
before it, but simply changing the name of the God(s). No where is this more self
evident than with respect to the doctrine of the Trinity. In has been with us
since at least the time of ancient Sumeria as shown by The historian H. W. F.
Saggs explains that the Babylonian triad consisted of three gods of roughly equal
rank. Their "inter-relationship is of the essence of their natures." Is this
positive proof that the Christian trinity descended from the ancient Sumerian,
Assyrian, and Babylonian triads? (*1). No. However, Hislop furthers the
comparison: "In the unity of that One, Only God of the Babylonians there were
three persons, and to symbolize that doctrine of the trinity they employed...the
equilateral triangle, just as it is well known the Romish Church does at this
day." (*2).

Yes, the concept of a trinity has been a prevailing belief for a very, very long
time perhaps longer than most Christians would imagine. While worshipping
innumerable minor deities, triads of gods appeared in all the ancient cultures of
Sumer, Babylonia, Egypt, India, Greece and finally Rome. The "mysteries" of the
first universal civilization, Babylonia, were transported down in time. The names
of the gods changed. The details of ancient incomprehensible religions changed,
but the essential ideas were the same. The Sumerians worshipped Anu (the Father),
Enlil (the god of earth) and Enki (the lord of wisdom). The Egyptians worshipped
Amun who was really three gods in one: Re was his face; Ptah his body and Amun his
hidden identity "combined as three embodiments or aspects of one supreme and
triune deity." (*4 - page 201).

Now with respect the next evolution of mainstream religion, the Egyptian, Egypt's
history is nearly as old as Sumeria's. In his Egyptian Myths, George Hart shows
how Egypt also believed in a "transcendental, above creation, and preexisting"
one, the god Amun. Amun was really three gods in one. Re was his face; Ptah his
body; and Amun his hidden identity (*3). The well-known historian Will Durant
concurs: "In later days Ra [sic], Amon [sic], and Ptah were combined as three
embodiments or aspects of one supreme and triune deity." (*4). A hymn to Amun
written in the 14th century BC distinguishes the Egyptian trinity: "All Gods are
three: Amun, Re, Ptah: they have no equal. His name is hidden as Amun, he is Re
before [men], and his body is Ptah." (*5). Certainly is not this positive
indicator that the Christian trinity descended from the ancient Egyptian triads?
However, Durant submits that "from Egypt came the idea of a divine trinity..."
(*6). Laing agrees when he says that "it is probable that the worship of the
Egyptian triad Isis, Serapis, and the child Horus helped to familiarize the
ancients with the idea of a triune God and was not without influence in the
formulation of the doctrine of the trinity as set forth in the Nicene and
Athanasian creeds." (*7). And The Encyclopedia of Religions goes even farther when
it states that as Christianity "came in contact with the triune gods of Egypt and
the Near East, it developed a trinity of its own." (* .
The next evolution or more correctly one concurrent with the Egyptian but
originating also from the early Sumeria was the Babylonian. A very important
evolution of spread originated from the Babylonian trinity that ultimately spread
to Rome by way of the Etrusans. The Etruscans were a group that all indicators
indicate as having originated in Babylon. As they slowly passed through Greece and
went on to Rome, they brought with them their trinity of Tinia, Uni, and Menerva
(*9). This trinity was a "new idea to the Romans," and yet it became so "typical
of Rome [that] it was imitated in the capitolia of Italy. . . (*7 - page 26)" Even
the names of the Roman trinity: Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva, reflect the ancestry.
Is this positive proof that the Christian trinity descended from the Etruscan and
Roman triads? No, but an extremely significant indicator of this fact. However,
Dr. Gordon Laing convincingly devotes his entire book Survivals of the Roman Gods
to the comparison of Roman Paganism and the Roman Catholic Church. (*7). Pelikan
adds to Laing's work when he states that the early church fathers used and cited
the Roman Sibylline Oracles so much that these were called "Sibyllists" by the 2nd
century critic Celsus. (*10). There was even a medieval hymn, "Dies irae" which
prophesied the coming of the day of wrath on the "dual authority of David and the
Sibyl." (*10 - page 64-65).

Now let's consider the ancient Grecian world; And in order to fully understand it,
we need to digress to gaining an understanding of the origins of the word Trinity
and the two types that existed in the ancient world and evolved into the Trinity
of mainstream so called Christian religions. First, the word trinity comes from
the kemetic language. It consist actually of two words: hemt (three) and neter
(which carries the concepts of gods). Therefore, Trinity defines a concept of
three gods.

Ths pantheon of Gods is composed of two categories of Gods. We have the creator
and self-created Gods on one side and the creator gods that are non autogenic on
the other. The creator Gods that are self-created are those who form the first
group of trinities. The gods that are not self-created then form the second group
of trinities. The Gods of the second trinity exist only in the context of a group
of Gods composed of a God-father, a Goddess-mother, and a God-son. They are
somehow considered very close to the human nature. The original second group of
trinities came from a story known as the holy drama, and is composed by a God-
father called Wsr (Osiris) and a goddess-mother Aishat (Isthar or Isis) and the
God-son Heru (Horus). It is the second group of trinities that taught humanity the
concept of a family, giving a man and woman the idea of a spiritual union with the
goal of procreation. We should observe that the importance of the trinities is
such that they became a serious problem for the monotheistic religions that are
stubbornly talking about the creation of the world by one single god while they
are still maintaining the concept of a trinity.

The ancient Trinities of the Greek's were composed of the God-son Perseus, born
from Zeus and Danae; Hercules born from Zeus and Alcmene; Apollo born from Zeus
and Leto; Dionysos born from Zeus and Semele; Minos born from Zeus and Europe;
Aesculapius born from Apollo and Coronis. (*11-A).

It if from an evolutionary merging of ancient Greek trinities and Roman trinities

that in themselves partially evolved from the Greek, but with a precedence being
taken by the Etruscans' of their trinity of Tinia, Uni, and Menerva. (*9). This
trinity as previously mentioned, became the ancient Roman Trinity of Jupiter,
Juno, and Minerva, which was campaigned by the mainstream religions of the empire
of that era. Even the names of the gods in this Trinity reflect from whence it
came. (*7). This one is of extreme importance to us of the modern era as it
evolved into the Trinity of the mainstream so called Christian religions of today.
This Trinity consisted of Jesus born from Yahweh and Mary. However, this new
concept of trinities that is presented by the new Christian authorities only comes
to add on the contradictions that were undermining the psychological stability of
the human of the modern society. The Trinity of the modern time that the religions
want us to accept is composed of a God-father, a God-son and a mother that is
purely human and considered virgin. (*11).

However since the mother, the Virgin Mary, she is a human, she cannot be
classified as a Goddess, and that will not complete the concept of trinity. In
this evolution, the religious authorities had to use a little creativity to
overcome this; the concept of personalizing the power or force of the supreme God
(YHWH), Yahweh. To do this, something new had to enter the equation. What was

Whereas, the Gods of the first trinities stayed really far away from the
philosophical and political arguments of the society, but the leaders used that
fact to kind of drown them in the collective memory of the society. The world has
been created in stages. The Gods of the first trinity are recognized by the fact
that the first two of them have created the four elements (fire, air, water and
matter) and the third God has used them to fashion and create everything that
exists. The gods of the first trinity do not intervene in our daily lives, but
they guarantee the harmony of the universe. They some-how occupy a very important
place in the spiritual essence of anything that exists. By recognizing their
exist-ence, we are illuminating the universal conscious on the makers of this
world that we are trying to redefine. (*11).

At this point, we need to pause and regress a little. One may ask, How do we know
these trinities are not just misrepresentations of the real threeness of God?
(After all there were "flood stories" in every culture too reminiscent of the
Genesis account.) Assyrian clay tablets now available have most strikingly
confirmed the narrative of Scripture which give us revealing insight into our
questions (*12). Where did the idea of a three-in-one God originate? After the
flood, Nimrod a descendent of Noah's son Ham settled in Asia: "And Cush begat
Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before
the LORD and the beginning of his kingdom was Babel out of that land went forth
Asshur [mar., "he went out into Assyria"] and builded Nineveh" (Genesis 10:8-11).
"Mighty hunter" was the title given to the great conquering warrior-monarchs of
the time. In rebellion of God's command to disburse and people the earth, Nimrod
built the Tower of Babel, became very powerful and was even worshipped. We now
know the ancient Babylonians worshipped the first person in the Godhead, the Great
Invisible, also the Spirit of God incarnate in the human mother and also the
Divine Son. Nimrod was this "Son," the first king of Babel, Babylon. And so in
this the first notion of a triune God was born. (*7).

In the immediate centuries before the advent of Jesus Christ, we see Plato even in
his deeply philosophical mode proposing a trinity of sorts. ("The Supreme Reality
appears in the trinitarian form of the Good, the Intelligence, and the World-
Soul"). Through all cultures, this perversion of the truth about God was handed
down. (*7).

One God (YHWH), One culture, however, escaped this corruption of truth. From the
line of Shem, Noah's other son, Abraham was called out of "Ur of the Chaldees"
(Genesis 11:31; 12:1,2), the ancient Babylonian empire. His descendants were given
the revelation of God by Moses from Mount Sinai. "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God
is one LORD" (Deuteronomy 6:4). No Hebrew scripture supports the idea of a trinity
god. Some verses have been pressed into use by Trinitarians, but without success.
For example, in the creation account, Genesis says, "God [elohim, plural.] created
the heavens and the earth" (1:1). However, the plural does not have to do with
number; it is "plentitude of might" (Pentateuch & Haftorahs, The Soncino Press).
In any case, the verb "created" is singular, and would not indicate two gods, let
alone three. Even the New Catholic Encyclopedia admits that the doctrine of the
Trinity is not taught in the Old Testament (Vol. XIV, 306). And the world renown
"International Standard Bible Encyclopedia" says, under the article on the Trinity
in it, "The term 'Trinity' is NOT a biblical term....In point of fact, the
doctrine of the Trinity is a purely revealed doctrine...As the doctrine of the
Trinity is indiscoverable by reason, so it is incapable of proof from reason."

While he walked the earth, Jesus clearly acknowledged, "My Father is greater than
I" (*15) and that it was his Father who sent him, "He that receiveth you receiveth
me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me" (*16). He consistently
acknowledged God as the source of power for his miracles and finally implored his
Father, "yet not my will but thine be done." (*17) he be the one sent and also the
Sender and why would he pray to himself that not his will but His other will be
done? It seems the Trinitarians only answer, "It's a mystery"?

If the trinity is supposed to be an unexplainable "mystery," why do the apostles

always talk about revealing mysteries to Christians? "I would not have you
ignorant of this mystery [about Jewish blindness] (*1 the revelation of the
mystery (*19) the mystery hidden God hath revealed (*20 1 Corinthians 2:7) Behold
I show you a mystery (*21) "having made known the mystery of his will" (*22) "to
make known the mystery of Christ" (*23) "make known what is the riches of the
glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of
glory" (*24), etc. So how did the Christian Church accept a mystery of a trinity?
This will be shown in the next part.


To understand how the Trinity wormed its way into so called Christianity we need
to know the political and social climate of the first three centuries after the
passing of Jesus (Yeshua) and his apostles, and why true faith deteriorated into
compromise; and then total acceptance by the mainstream so called Christian
groups, not withstanding its violation of the Word of God, the Holy Bible. Now
let's look at that period and try an insert ourselves mentally into it.

In the early church the apostles needed to refute another rising belief system
gnosticism. It considered matter to be evil and sought salvation through
knowledge. Gnosticism also focused on the "mysteries" meant only for the
intellectuals to understand. Christ, the gnostics said, entered Jesus at baptism
and left just before he died on the cross. The Apostle John particularly addressed
this budding heresy: "Many false prophets, have gone forth into the world, You
gain knowledge of the inspired expression from God by this: Every inspired
expression that confesses Jesus Christ as having come in the flesh originates with
God, but every inspired expression that does not confess Jesus does not originate
with God. Furthermore, this is the anti-christ's [inspired expression] which you
have heard was coming, and now it is already in the world." (*25). Jesus' humanity
was repulsive to gnostics. After the Apostles died, Christians responded to
gnosticism by claiming not only did Jesus Christ come in the flesh as the Son of

By the third and fourth centuries, Christians were weary of Pagan persecution. The
temptation was to compromise. Besides, the Pagan emperor Constantine needed
Christians to salvage his shaky empire. Constantine embraced; howbeit only on his
deathbed. However, he saw Christianity as a tool he could use to firm up his shaky
empire. To this opportunity for political intrigue, and happy blend of politics
and people was the chief triumvirate of Roman gods Jupiter, Juno and Minerva.
Jupiter was the principal deity of Roman mythology and Juno was the next highest
divinity. Minerva, the "offspring of the brain of Jupiter" was regarded as the
"personification of divine thought, the plan of the material universe of which
Jupiter was the creator and Juno the representative" (26). Many Pagan ideas, in
fact, were incorporated into Christianity. "Christianity did not destroy paganism;
it adopted it" (*26).

Roman Emperor Constantine needed to make his subjects feel secure if he were to
maintain control of the empire; he wanted to rule a unified empire, be it pagan
and/or Christian. But first he would have to find a way to end the dispute over
the divinity of Jesus-was he a man or God? So he ordered his Christian bishops to
meet at Nicaea in 325 A.D. to settle the matter once and for all. To do this, "he
made himself the head of the church, and thus the problems of the church became
his responsibilities. As a whole the Western Empire with its Roman influence, with
some exceptions, had accepted Tertullian and his new theory of the Trinity in the
early part of the previous century, but in the East the church adhered more
closely to the older formula of baptism in the name of Jesus, or Jesus the Christ.
Especially was this true with the Armenians, who specified that baptism "into the
death of Christ" was that which alone was essential (*28) .

Now let's see how Constantine got the Trinity. As previously shown, The Roman
Empire at this time was being torn apart by religious differences between pagans,
mostly Sun God worshippers, and Christianity. Constantine the Emporer was a
worshipper of the Unconquered Sun, but he was a very pragmatic individual and saw
the need to bring religious unity to his empire. The central doctrine of the
pagans was the dogma of a Trinity that they had received from earlier pagans in
Babylon (Chaldea). In this, the pagan Emperor, Constantine, saw a possibility for
unifying his empire if he could only lead the majority of the Christians to accept
a Trinity or a Duality. He knew however that he had to make them think it was
their own idea. To this end, he, the Roman emperor Constantine summoned all
bishops to Nicaea, about 300, but even though it was the emperor's direction, only
a fraction actually attended.

This council went on for a very long time and the emperor worked behind the scene
to get support for a Trinity or a Duality. This effort was not completely
successful, but finally he got a majority and declared under imperial degree
that this hence forth would be the central doctrinal pillar of the Christian
church, which by this time was apostate. Even with this declaration by the emperor
himself not all bishops signed the creed. (*29).

So is was the political product of an apostate church, an apostate church that

allowed a pagan Roman Emporer, Constantine, to tell it which dogma to accept at
the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D., and then have it rammed down their throats as
blessed dogma by another Roman Emporer, Theodosius, at the Council of
Constantinople in 381 A.D. This in direct violation of God's (YHWH's) word found
in the Bible " Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of
the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is
the enemy of God." (James 4:4 AV), " If ye were of the world, the world would love
his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the
world, therefore the world hateth you." (John 15:19 AV).
Their solution was to create a creed making it illegal for anyone to believe Jesus
was not the same as God by inventing the notion of a Trinity. This intellectual
tower remained in full force for well over a thousand years, until the
Reformation. (*29).

Contrary to popular belief, it was not Constantine's fourth century Council of

Nicea in A.D. 325 that formalized the "Doctrine of the Trinity." The Athanasian
Creed in the fifth century finally included the three, "the godhead of the Father,
of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost...the glory equal, the majesty co-eternal So
likewise the Father is God, the Son is God and the Holy Ghost is God; and yet they
are not three Gods, but one God." Furthermore, this creed added that belief in the
trinity "is necessary to everlasting salvation." Strong belief led to action.
"Probably more Christians were slaughtered by Christians in these two years
([A.D.]342-3) than by all the persecutions of Christians by pagans in the history
of Rome." (*30).

The fact is Christianity never conquered paganism--paganism conquered

Christianity.”[source - DISCOURSE ON MAINSTREAM RELIGION, by Iris the Preacher
2003][can be read at,]>>>.

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Your Friend in Christ Iris89

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