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CIM 334/September 1994

A Chronology of U.S. Marine Corps Humanitarian Assistance and Peace Operations

Adam B. Siegel

Center for Naval Analyses

4401 Ford Avenue P.O. Box 16268 Alexandria, VA 22302-0268

Copyright CNA Corporation/Scanned October 2003 Approved for distribution: September 1994

MarvinA. Pokrant, Director Fleet Tactics and Capabilities Program Policy, Strategy, and Forces Division

This document represents the best opinion of CNA at the time of issue. It does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Department of the Navy.



For copies of this document, call the CNA Document Control and Distribution Section (703) 824-2130

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D e f i n i t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Humanitarian assistance operations . . . . . . . . . . . . Peace o p e r a t i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How these definitions relate to the chronology . . . . . . Types o f operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Location of U.S. Marine Corps responses. . . . . . . . . . Operations in 1994 to date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Is the historical record relevant? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sources a n d limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other service/national involvement . . . . . . . . . . . . Problems with quantification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chronology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R e f e r e n c e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . List o f tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Distribution list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 3 13 14 15 18 19 21 23 25 26 27 59 69 73 75


Since the end of the Cold War, many pundits have commented on the "new" role for the U.S. military. Large disaster relief operations from Mississippi to Somalia and rapid growth in the number of UN military operations seem to prove the validity of these arguments. Lost amongst the rhetoric, however, is a simple fact: these humanitarian assistance and peace operations are not new to the U.S. military. Designed and trained to operate amidst the chaos and mayhem of warfare, armed forces can also provide governments a means for succor amidst natural or other disasters. Since the formation of organized militaries in ancient societies, military forces have assisted civilians following natural (or man-made) catastrophesfor example, a Roman legion marched to the rescue of Pompeii's survivors. Similarly, despite the seeming novelty of recent events, the U.S. military has a long tradition of providing humanitarian assistance, both within the United States and abroad. This tradition, however, has been poorly documented to date. This information memorandum fills part of that gap by providing a chronology of U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) humanitarian assistance and peace operations (HA/POs). The chronology documents 154 cases of Marine Corps HA/POs from 1811 through 1993. This chronology is limited, as discussed below, by the source material and criteria for selection. This information memorandum is part of a Center for Naval Analyses study on the Marines in humanitarian assistance operations. The study is examining the Marine requirements in the areas of doctrine, organization, training, and equipment to prepare for and conduct HA/POs. These requirements are being identified through a variety of methods including (1) examining past HA/POs, (2) running humanitarian assistance seminar games, and (3) through examination of how other services and other nations approach HA/POs.

The material in this information memorandum supports the study effort in several ways. First, the chronology presents a list of operations from which to choose case studies. Second, the analysis and chronology support the choice of case studies and scenarios by ensuring that the selected case studies and scenarios are representative of past operations and trends in the history of USMC HA/POs. Third, this chronology and analysis should provide one window for understanding what isand is notnew for the USMC in conducting HA/ POs.

To catalogue a type of operation, we need a common definitional basis. This chronology deals with two categorieshumanitarian assistance and peace operationsabout which there is much definitional confusion and even controversy. In essence, many people use these terms without a common understanding of their meanings. The discussion below does not provide a set of over-arching definitions, but instead provides an indication of the level of controversy surrounding these definitions. This section also clarifies the criteria for including Marine Corps activities in the chronology.

Humanitarian assistance operations

What, after all, does one mean by humanitarian assistance operations? One could ascribe humanitarian goals to almost any military operation, from domestic flood relief to the coalition assault against Iraq in 1991 (which had as one of its motivating principles a mission to relieve Kuwaitis from their suffering under Iraqi occupation). In essence, all operations have a layer of humanitarian assistance sometimes that is the dominant feature of the military's activities and, sometimes, humanitarian assistance is clearly subordinate. Motivation might provide a basis for a definition: if an operation aims to help people, it is humanitarian in nature. This would not work for all cases because reasonable individuals could easily disagree on the true motivations behind a specific operation. This problem makes motivation a poor basis for defining what is or is not humanitarian in nature. The issue of motivation can raise many other problems. For example, how does one consider humanitarian actions that occur within the context of other operations that are not motivated by humanitarian purposes? Such actions range from incidental medical care for

wounded civilians on the battlefield to the rescue of shipwrecked mariners to the diversion of units for disaster relief amidst an ongoing war. In determining what falls under the rubric of humanitarian assistance operations, are (or when are) these civil affairs issues separate and distinct from the operation for which they are a part? Or, are these issues simply the humanitarian "layer" discussed above? As part of this, we should attempt to differentiate as well between humanitarian assistance operations and activities. For example, many U.S. Navy ships deploy with charitable goods aboard as part of the "Hand Clasp" program (often amphibious ships with Marines involved in the loading and off-loading of the supplies), sailors and Marines typically do charitable work during port calls, and most U.S. military bases have some form of charitable activity ongoing with the local community (the Marine Corps' Toys for Tots program is a prominent example of such community service activities). These activitiesmorally admirable as they may bedo not fall within the rubric of humanitarian assistance operations.

Joint Staff definition

While academic literature does not seem to provide a ready-made answer, neither do official Department of Defense definitions. Until 1994, no formally published Department of Defense dictionary had contained a definition for "humanitarian" or "humanitarian assistance." Ajoint working group moved to fill this gap in early 1993 with an "approved" definition, which reads as follows: Programs conducted to relieve or reduce the results of natural or man-made disasters or other endemic conditions such as human pain, disease, hunger, or privation that might present a serious threat to life or that can result in great damage to or loss of property. Humanitarian assistance provided by U.S. forces is limited in scope and duration. The assistance provided is designed to supplement or complement the efforts of the host nation civil authorities

or agencies that may have the primary responsibility for providing humanitarian assistance.1 This Joint Pub 1 definition seems overly restrictive as, for example, it focuses on limitations "in scope and duration," an aspect that has little relevance to the question of what is or is not humanitarian. Does this limitation imply that Operation Provide Promise, the airlift into Bosnia, is not a humanitarian assistance operation because it has lasted over two years (begun in July 1992), with no end in sight? Similarly, the military might not supplement, but rather have the primary responsibility in certain situations. We can, however, take another cut at the JCS Pub 1 definition if we focus on the first sentence. In this case, humanitarian assistance operations involve the use of military forces to alleviate human distress originating from (1) natural disasters (such as storms or earthquakes), (2) disasters incidental to human activity (such as urban firefighting or cleaning up an oil spill), and (3) disasters resulting from purposeful human activity (such as riots or warfare). If we conceptualize humanitarian operations along the lines of this trilogy, it seems that the likelihood of a military unit involved in humanitarian assistance having to employ combat capabilities differs greatly between the first two categories and the third. While military forces require some combat capabilities in the first two categories (such as force security in almost all operations and to help police patrol the streets against looters following a natural disaster), when military forces deploy in response to purposefully destructive activities, in general, the possibility for actual combat operations seems to rise greatly. Table 1 lists the 154 cases included in the chronology for 1811 through 1993 and indicates which of the three categories each operation falls This definition first got wide distribution in the JCS J-7 CD-ROM Joint Electronic Library, 1 April 1993 (Joint Military Terminology Group Memorandum (JMTGM)# 002-1369-93 modifying Joint Chiefs of Staff Pub. 1-02, Department of Defense: Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, Washington, DC, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1 Dec 1989. The 23 March 1994 Joint Pub 1-02 included this definition.

into. In the listed operations, the first and third categories dominate, with 77 and 58 cases, respectively. The first category is generally vise of Marine Corps forces to contain a natural disaster (such as through fire-fighting), to minimize the damage following one (e.g., medical care), or to help reconstruction. The third category principally involves two very traditional Marine Corps activities (police support and the protection of non-combatants, especially Americans) and one of seemingly growing prominencerelief assistance to non-combatants amidst or following conflict. The second category, responses to inadvertent human activity, includes 19 cases, the majority of which are fire-fighting activities in urban areas. The support for oil clean-up following the Exxon Valdez spill falls into this category as does, less definitively, the transportation of eight whooping cranes from one research facility to another.

Title 10 definition
The legal definition for "humanitarian and other assistance" in title 10 of the U.S. Code confuses the issue further. This section focuses on "humanitarian and civic assistance" (H/CA) and transportation of nongovernmental relief supplies. Section 401, Chapter 20, Title 10 of the U.S. Code defines H/CA in four categories: 1. Medical, dental, and veterinary care provided in rural areas of a country 2. Construction of rudimentary surface transportation systems 3. Well drilling and construction of basic sanitation facilities 4. Rudimentary construction and repair of public facilities.

2. Serious problems exist with any quantitative analysis of material such as that in the chronology. Even totaling the number of cases creates a potentially misleading impression. Some of these problems are discussed in the section on sources and limitations.

Table 1. Date

List of operations and categorization by cause of response Location Boston, MA Washington, DC Falkland Islands Type of activity Police Support Police Support Evacuation Natural Incidental Purposeful X

12 Mar 1824 1831 Fall 1831/

Jan 1832
19 July 1835 Sept 1851 11 Sept 1853 16 June 1858 17-20 6ct 1859 7 July 1866 New York City Pennsylvania China Washington, DC Harpers Ferry, VA Maine Fire Fighting Police Support Police Support Police Support Police Support Police Support, Disaster Relief X X

April 1867 28 Mar 1870

New York New York

30 May 1873

Boston, MA

Table 1. Date

List of operations and categorization by cause of response (continued) Location Arctic Bering Sea Type of activity Rescue Environmental Law Enforcement D isaster (Tida I Wave) Relief Fire Fighting


Incidental Purposeful

Apr 1884

27 Aug 1893

South Carolina

mJan 1901 2

4 Mar 1895


Hl il
Alaska California

Fire Fighting

18 Apr 1906

Disaster (Earthquake) Relief

5 Sept 1913 12 Oct 1920

Mexico Dominican Republic Fire Fighting

28 Jan 1922

Washington, DC

Disaster (Rescue) Relief

11 June 1927

Washington, DC

Police Support

31 Mar 1931


Disaster (Earthquake) Relief Police Support Fire Fighting

2 May 1946 Mar 1948


China Haiti

13-19 Oct 1954

Disaster (Flood) Relief

Table 1. Date

List of operations and categorization by cause of response (continued) Location No rth Carol i na Type of activity Fire Fighting Natural Incidental Purposeful

23-30 April

20 Sept 1955 California Fire Fighting X

1955 Cal^^^^

12 July 1958 6 Dec 1958 14 June 1959 5 Nov 1959 29 Feb 1960

California North Carolina North Carolina California Morocco

Fire Fighting Fire Fighting Fire Fighting Fire Fighting Disaster (Earthquake) Relief X X

23 Sept I960


Disaster Disaster (Hurricane) Relief Relief Aid Disaster (Earthquake) Relief

20 Jan 1961 20 May 1961

Congo Turkey

1-17 Nov 1961

British Honduras

Disaster (Hurricane) Relief

Table 1. List of operations and categorization by cause of response (continued) Date 20 Nov 1962 Guam Location_____Type of activity (Typhoon) Relief Natural Incidental Purpowful

20 Oct 1963


Summer 1964


Medical Aid

14-50 Sept 1964 Vietnam




Dominican Republic


1 Nov 1966


Fire Fighting
(Flood) Relief X

25-27 Feb 1969 California

21-25 Oct 1970 South Vietnam

Disaster (Typhoon) Relief

22Jul 1974 12 Apr 1975

Cyprus Cambodia Evacuation


Table 1. Date

List of operations and categorization by cause of response (continued) Location

June/July 1976 Aug-Sept 1977

Lebanon Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

Type of activity Evacuation


Incidental Purposeful

Police Support

24 June 1982
Sept 1982


Peace Support


29 May 1983 18 Apr 1989

Louisiana Alaska

Disaster (Flood) Relief Environmental Clean-up

Oct 1989


Disaster (Earthquake) Relief Disaster (Earthquake) Relief

18 July 1990 2 Jan 1991 May 1991


Philippines Somalia Bangladesh Guantanamo Bay California Iceland

Evacuation Disaster Relief Police Support Police Support Search and Rescue X

Nov 91-May 93 May 1992 July 1992

Aug 92-Feb 93


Relief Aid


Table 1. List of operations and categorization by cause of response (continued)

Date Location Type of activity Natural Incidental Purposeful

Aug-Sept 1992


Disaster (Typhoon) Relief

Dec 92-May 93 Aug 1993 22 Sept 1993

Somal ia

Relief Aid



This restrictive definition resulted from a Congressional desire to limit U.S. military activity in South America under the rubric of "humanitarian assistance" during the early years of the Reagan administration. Interestingly, although Marine Corps forces do conduct such H/CA activities in conjunction with overseas training and deployments, not a single one of the operations listed in this chronology fits within this legal definition .The follow-on section of Chapter 20 of Title 10, Section 402, discusses use of military transportation assets to carry non-governmental relief supplies. Some of the operations in the chronology fall into this category. In general, however, neither part of the Title 10 definition of humanitarian assistance seems to adequately cover what USMC forces have done in the past or what they might have to do in the future. In part, this results from a differing conception. This chronology, in a broad sense, emphasizes why the operation was conductedwhat caused the military actions. The Title 10 definition, on the other hand, seems to focus on what happened, rather than why. Again, even with this differing approach, the Tide 10 definition seems an overly restrictive definition for what constitutes a humanitarian assistance operation.


Peace operations
Official U.S. and academic definitions for peace operations are in even more flux and open to more interpretations than humanitarian assistance operations. A new, all-encompassing definition is "Peace Support Operations," under which would fall, in addition to humanitarian assistance, peacekeeping and peace enforcement, which are defined as follows:

Peacekeeping1. Operations... at the request of the parties to a dispute to help supervise a cease-fire agreement and/or separate the parties. Peace enforcement: Military intervention to forcefully restore peace between belligerents, who may be engaged in combat. The definition for "Peace-building" is also relevant: Post-conflict diplomatic and military action to identify and support structures which will tend to strengthen and solidify peace in order to avoid a relapse into conflict. The Marine Corps has not conducted many classical "blue-helmet" peacekeeping operations in the past. On the other hand, many of the so-called "banana wars" resemble operations that could occur under peace enforcement missions sanctioned by the United Nations. (These earlier operations are not listed in this chronology because they did not have such international sanctions and were more clearly tied to direct U.S. interests (e.g., commercial) than operations like those in Somalia.) Peace-building operations also do not seem to be a new kind of operation; looking to the past, the Reconstruction Era following the American Civil War provides a prominent example of a similar activity. The USMC presence in China at the end of World War II provides another example. Nevertheless, operations like Provide Comfortthe deliberate deployment of U.S. military forces for relief operations and/or to protect an endangered population amidst an on-going or potential conflictmight represent a new phenomena. 3. Definitions drawn from Joint Pub 3-07.3, Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (JTTP) far Peacekeeping Operations (Proposed Final), June 1993,


How these definitions relate to the chronology

In general, this chronology attempts to apply these unclear definitions as consistently as possible. In some ways, the listed cases stretch definitions so that the chronology covers the spectrum of Marine Corps operations. For example, the chronology relies on a somewhat broader definition of peace operations. Thus, in addition to UN peace operations, this document's working definition includes operations conducted by military forces to maintain or restore civil order, whether domestic or foreign. The chronology therefore includes many instances of USMC forces committed to reinforce police operations (such as breaking up illegal distilleries in the nineteenth century) or otherwise help enforce laws (such as combatting mutinies on civilian ships). Similarly, although perhaps not precisely /rajnaratarian, the chronology (and the typology of operations) also includes operations conducted to enforce international or domestic environmental laws, to clean up after environmental disasters (such as the clean-up following the Exxon Valdez spill), and to support environmental activities (like the transport of endangered species).


Types of operations
The operations briefly documented in this chronology cover a wide range of activities, both in terms of the causes of the operations (i.e., natural or man-made as discussed above) and in terms of the demands placed on the Marines involved. Table 2 represents one attempt to break this spectrum of operations into more meaningful conceptual groupings. In essence, this typology falls into six broad groupings: 1. Humanitarian intervention and military peacemaking/enforcement/keeping 2. Movements of people 3. Natural disaster relief 4. Nation-building activities 5. Policing functions 6. Other activities.


Table 2.

A typology of U.S. Marine Corps humanitarian assistance and peace operations

Humanitarian interventions/military peacemaking, enforcement, keeping (foreign operations) Intervention to protect international humanitarian relief operations Cases include: Operation Restore Hope (Somalia, 1992-3); Operation Provide Comfort I, II (N. Iraq, 1991-3); Operation Provide Promise (Bosnia, 1992-3) Intervention to end conflict/to enforce cease-fires (rather than observe) Cases include: Dominican Republic, 1965 Peacekeeping/cease fire observation Cases include: Support to UN in Palestine/Israel, 1947-9; Lebanon, 1982-4 Movement of people (principally foreign operations) Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations Cases range from: - Operations at the outbreak of major conflict (Korea) or amidst major conflict (Vietnam, 1975) - Evacuating U.S./otrier threatened foreign citizens in times of crisis/internal conflict (intermittent-core mission: examples: Cyprus, July 1974; Lebanon, June 1982; Eastern Exit, Somalia, 1991) - Evacuating from Natural Disasters (Fiery Vigil, Philippines, 1991; Philippines 1972,1974) (Can also occur in domestic disasters.) Population movement (support of treaties/otherwise) Cases include: Korea, 1953 (movement of Koreans from islands above 38th Parallel to South Korea); Vietnam Jan-Feb 1995 (300,000 people from North to South Vietnam under the Geneva Accords); Lebanon, Sept 1982 (12,000 Palestinians from Beirut) Refugee assistance Cases include: S. Vietnamese since 1975; Cubans (Mariel boatlift), 1980 Quarantine Cases include: Protection of Staten Island yellow fever isolation area, 1858; guarding of Sandy Hook, NY, immigrant camp during a cholera outbreak, 1892; Operation GTMO (Haitian refugees, 1991-3; 1993-4) ______________Disaster relief; both domestic and foreign______________ Typhoons, hurricanes, tropical storms, flooding from major storms Foreign cases include: Tampico Flood Relief, Mexico, 1955,1966; Ceylon, 1958; Haiti, I960; Philippines, post-Hurricane Joan, 1970; Tunisia, 1973; Bangladesh (Operation Sea Angel), 1991


Table 2.

A typology of U.S. Marine Corps humanitarian assistance and peace operations (continued) Domestic cases include: Mississippi, post-Hurricane Camille, 1969; Louisiana, 1983; South Carolina, post-Hurricane Hugo, 1989; Florida, Louisiana, Hawaii, and Guam, 1992; Mississippi River, 1993 Earthquakes and volcanos: Foreign cases include: Algeria, post-earthquake, 1980; Philippines, post-earthquake, 1990 and post-volcano, 1991; Italy, volcano, 1992 Domestic cases include: Alaska, post-Earthquake (Operation Helping Hand), 1964; California, post-Earthquake, 1906 and 1989 Fire fighting (both urban and rural) Cases include: North Carolina, 1955; Tunisia, Aug 1993; California, Sept. 1970, Nov 1993 Famine relief: Cases include: Somalia (Provide Relief), 1992-3) Drought relief: Cases include: Chuuk Islands, Micronesia, 1992

__________Nation-building (involves the following types of activities)__________ Training police Training military Providing medical care Goodwill (painting school-houses/etc, on port calls) Building infrastructure (U.S. Army in Central/South America, mainly reservists) ____________Police functions (principally a domestic response)____________ Cases include: Guarding Mail Delivery (U.S., 1920s); Operation Garden Plot (L.A., 1992) Other activities Search and rescue Environmental enforcement and clean-up (domestic and foreign activity) Cases include: Bering Sea, 1891 (patrols against seal poaching); Alaska Oil Spill clean-up, 1989


Table 3 breaks down the 154 operations in the chronology by operation type and chronological period. Most dominant in the chronology is the third grouping, "disaster relief," with 87 cases. Police functions comes next with 35. The first, second, and sixth groupings have 5,19, and 8 examples, respectively. Due to the definitions used for the chronology, the fourth grouping has no unique cases.

Table 3. Summary by type of operation Type of operation

1 . Humanitarian intervention; peace operations 2. Population movements 3. Natural disaster relief 4. Nation-building 5. Policing functions 6. Other Totals

To 1897 1897-1945 1946-1989 1990-1993 Totals

2 9 27 2 40 2 9 4 0

1 11
58 3 4 77

4 11 1

5 19 87 35 8 154

2 22


Several important points deserve emphasis. First, these types are by no means exclusive. An operation might require a Marine unit to engage in activities across this entire spectrum at the same time. For example, looking to the operations in Somalia in Operation Restore Hope, Marine forces engaged in activities in all six categories even though category 1 dominated (it was the purpose of the operation). Second, it seems that Marine Corps forces have long engaged in operations across this entire spectrum of operations. Only the first grouping does not clearly have USMC precedents before World War II. Even this, however, could be misleading as a number of operations (such as the international coalition sent into China during the Boxer Rebellion, 1900) might logically fall within this conceptual and analytical grouping.

Location of U.S. Marine Corps responses

The 154 examples of Marine Corps HA/POs do not only cover the spectrum of operations but also span the globe, with both domestic


and foreign operations. Table 4 breaks the information in table 3 down in terms of domestic and foreign operations. The items in the chronology are about evenly split between domestic (78) and foreign (76) operations. Not surprisingly, this breakdown indicates that the majority of pre-Spanish American War actions occurred inside the United States. These actions were mainly police support operations. Since the end of World War II, however, the vast majority of operations have fallen into the third grouping (disaster relief)69 of 99 total casesand these have been split almost evenly between domestic (34) and foreign (35) actions.

Table 4.

Summary by type and location (domestic /foreign) To 1897 Dom/For 1897-1945 Dom/Fbr

Type of Operation 1. Humanitarian intervention; peace operations 2. Population movements 3. Natural disaster relief 5. Policing activities 6. Other Totals: domestic/foreign Grand total

1946-1989 1989-1993 Dom/For Dom/For

0/1 1/10 0/4 0/4 6/5 1/0 1/1 8/14 22

Totals Dom/For
0/5 2/17 41/46 32/3 3/5

1/1 3/6
24/3 0/2 28/12 40

0/2 4/5 4/0 8/7 15

3/0 2/2



Operations in 1994 to date

Operations in 1994 appear to continue the trend of recentyears of an increase in the rate of USMC involvement in HA/POs. As of early August 1994, the USMC has been involved in at least seven different HA/POs (see table 5). Of these seven, four have been in the continental United States and three have been overseas (one in the Caribbean and the other two in Africa). The operations fall into category 1 (peace operationsSomalia), category 2 (population movement Haitian migrants and Rwandan evacuation), and category 3 (disaster reliefthe four domestic cases). Although USMC forces have been involved in seven explicit HA/POs to date in 1994, other operations similar to HA/POs continue (such


as operations related to events in the Former Yugoslavia and Operation Southern Watch (the no-fly zone over southern Iraq)). Marines have deployed or otherwise been alerted for a number of peace operations including deployments off Haiti (with a potential operation in the near future under UN sanction).

Table 5.

USMC HA/POs in 1994 (as of early August 1994) Location California

Date January 1994

Disaster (Earthquake) Relief Peace operation

FebruaryMarch 1994


March 1994

New Jersey

Disaster (explosion) relief

April 1994



June 1994


Police Support

July 1994


Disaster (flood) relief

August 1994



Remarks Marines provided Korean linguists and some equipment to aid disaster relief efforts following the 17 January Los Angeles earthquake. Two USMC expeditionary units conducted the final withdrawal of U.S. forces from Somalia. A Marine FAST platoon remained in Somalia to protect U.S. diplomatic personnel. The 11th MEU remained off the coast into April to conduct an evacuation, if required. In June, another MEU moved off the coast as the situation grew tense again. Following an underground pipeline explosion in Edison, New Jersey, 36 Marines from the 6th Motor Transportation Battalion's Emergency Action Platoon assisted local authorities at the disaster scene. USMC KC-130s and CH-53Es moved 330 Marines from the 11th MEU from USS Peleliuto Burundi to support the evacuation of Americans from Rwanda. JTF 160 formed to handle the housing and processing of Haitians picked up at sea by U.S. Coast Guard cutters and U.S. Navy ships. CG 2d FSSG commanded the JTF, which included over 1,000 Marines plus other service personnel. In midAugust, an outflow of Cuban refugees added Cubans to the camps at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Amidst major flooding, Marines from Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany, Georgia, aided disaster relief efforts. This included rescuing over 1,700 people stranded by the floods and providing support to the Georgia National Guard and local agencies. With numerous fires stressing fire-fighting assets, two I MEF battalions and Army units deployed to Washington State to aid fire-fighting efforts.


Is the historical record relevant?

With the historical record in mind, the six-part typology can provide a useful tool for understanding at least one dimension of the changes in USMC HA/POs. Across the five categories with examples in the chronology, operations in 2 (population movements), 3 (disaster relief), and 5 (police activities) have, for a long time, been traditional missions. While changes in force levels, deployments, and events might affect the number of missions the military conducts in these types of operations, nothing indicates that missions such as non-combatant evacuations, disaster relief, or support to police authorities will disappear from the list of military missions. The first groupinghumanitarian intervention and various "peace" missionshas flowered in recent years, with four major operations in the past several years (and others looming from Haiti to Bosnia to Rwanda). A reasonable prognostication suggests that this type of operation, in conjunction with or under the auspices of the United Nations, will continue its growth in terms of number of missions. The only other area in which it seems sensible to predict a growth in military involvement concerns environmental enforcement and clean-up, which is included in the catch-all "other operations" category. With growing environmental awareness and increasing numbers of international treaties, the national leadership might task the military more often in this arena. The fourth grouping, not covered in the chronology and not a focus of this study, has been part of the military's mission at least since the Spanish-American War and the subsequent training of indigenous militaries in the lands acquired from Spain. Growth in this field seems most likely either in conjunction with a growth in humanitarian interventions and other peace operations (grouping 1) or as a tool to avoid direct U.S. military involvement in a conflict or near-conflict situation (such as has occurred with various training missions in Central and South America over the past 20 years).



Sources and limitations

The information below derives principally from various Marine Corps Historical Center (MCHC) chronologies (both published [1 through 5] and unpublished [6,7]) and studies [8 through 15]. Also valuable are general histories of the USMC [16 through 20]. This study also builds on earlier CNA work [21], which relied on [22 through 26]. Other sources include journal articles (most commonly in the Marine Corps Gazette} and a few books. These are cited with the appropriate operation. This chronology, without doubt, does not comprehensively list all USMC operations. It seems self-evident that many appropriate situations are not included. In part, inconsistencies and gaps in source material have probably led to an understatement of actual activity. Several long periods with few or no cases indicate that the consulted source material does not comprehensively document all relevant U.S. Marine Corps activity. A comprehensive examination of the Secretary of the Navy's annual reports and of Marine Corps Command Chronologies (which date from the 1960s) might lead to a longer list of operations. Marine biographies might provide another fruitful source of information. (See entry for March 1948 for an example of information from such a source [27].) The haphazard nature and sheer volume of these sources, however, makes this a difficult path to follow. As indicated in several footnotes, command chronologies, ship logs, and annual reports seem sensible sources for further information on particular operations. Additional research might, therefore, uncover other instances of USMC involvement in humanitarian operations and certainly would uncover more detail. For example, the chronology only has a few examples of United States Marine Corps Reserve (USMCR) actions. There are likely far more than reflected here, but USMCR activities are not well-documented in the sources used in this research.


In addition, as with any attempt to provide a historical record, the researcher's bias (whether conscious or not) and/or purpose colors the record. For example, this chronology includes many, but clearly not all non-combatant evacuation operations (NEOs). As seen in the chronology, such NEOs are a long-standing Marine Corps specialty, with the first as early as December 1831/January 1832 when Marines from the sloop Lexington went ashore in the Falkland Islands to protect American lives and property. NEOs resulting from natural disasters or from enforcement of international peace treaties are included. On the other hand, this memorandum does not comprehensively document NEOs resulting from military threats, even though these are clearly humanitarian assistance operations of the third category (responding to purposeful human action). Not included at all are the numerous contingency deployments of USMC (and other U.S. military) units for potential evacuation operations that did not, in the end, get executed.4 This exclusion results from several analytical imperatives. This document has two major purposes: To demonstrate the range of HA/POs which have involved Marine Corps forces To suggest relevant case studies for further research. In terms of the first objective, by including some NEOs, the chronology documents that the national command authority has called on the Marine Corps to conduct these missions. Unlike many other HA/ POs, however, the Marine Corps has long studied and exercised NEOs. Thus, in terms of the second objective, the potential "rate on return" for NEO case studies seems less than that for other HA/POs. Therefore, because the overall study seeks to help the Marine Corps identify potential ways to improve capabilities for HA/POs, areas such as NEOs, which the Marine Corps has long studied and exercised, do not seem logical candidates for examination in this research effort.

4. For some discussions of NEOs, see [9,28, and 29].


Also, unlike most other HA/POs, it seems clear that mostNEOs (protecting the lives of American citizens) are primary, rather than secondary, missions for the armed services. Although the chronology includes many exemplary NEOs, the listing does not include any of the hundreds of deployments ashore or off-the-coast to protect American citizens and property amidst internal disorders or international conflicts. (See [28] for numerous examples since World War n.) The chronology does not include interdiction efforts (such as antislave trading patrols or drug interdiction5) and antipiracy operations. Table 6 provides a few early examples of USMC support of maritime interception operations (MIO), which continue to be a USMC mission occasionally to this day (for example, the MIOs against Iraqi shipping from August 1990 to the present and, from September 1993, in the embargo against Haiti).

Table 6. Some early USMC maritime interception activities3

Date Activity

5 Apr 1820 21 Dec 1821 30 Nov 1845

Marines participated in the capture of five slave schooners by the U.S. corvette Cyane off the west coast of Africa Marines participated in the U.S. brig Enterprises capture of a pirate schooner at Cape Antonio, Cuba Marines participated in the capture of the slave bark Ponsby the U.S. sloop Yarktownoff Kahenda, Africa

a. For these and other 19th century examples, see [1].

Other service/national involvement

This document focuses on activities and operations that involved U .S. Marine Corps forces. As such, it clearly understates other service and other nation's activities and contributions. Reference [31] provides a similar listing of U.S. Air Force operations. Reference [32] contains some information on U.S. Army operations while [33] provides infor5. For a brief discussion of the Marine Corps' involvement in the "war on drugs," see [30].


nation on Army involvement in domestic police operations. See [34] for an excellent history of U.S. Army medicine in disaster relief. See [21] for some information on U.S. Navy operations. This study does not document activities by other U.S. government agencies or similar operations by the armed services of other nations.

Problems with quantification

Due to a wide variety of problems, readers should avoid using this chronology for detailed quantitative analysis. First, problems in source material, as discussed above, and the subjective decisionmaking nature of many decisions as to which cases to include suggest that this is not a comprehensive listing. For example, in terms of the typology of operations, category 2 (movement of people) is understated as the chronology does include all NEOs (for example, none of the myriad of evacuations in China from the Boxer Rebellion through the evacuation of the Tachen Islands is included6). Second, and perhaps more important, attempting to use a list of operations quantitatively implies some degree of equivalency between operations. This is simply not true of the chronological listing in this paper. With a count of 154 actions, large-scale operations with a long duration, which involved thousands of Marines and a national debate over involvement (such as Operation Restore Hope), are "counted" in the same manner as smaller, less controversial operations (such the 1989 airlift of eight whooping cranes). Clearly, quantitative or statistical analysis of units that represent such disparate cases quickly becomes not only meaningless but also misleading. Thus, this chronology and any quantitative analysis of it (such as done above) should be used for illustrative purposes as to the range and type of USMC HA/P operations rather than for a detailed statistical analysis of past USMC activity.

6. See [35] for a discussion of USN and USMC activity in China for the years 1925-1928.


January 1811; New Orleans, LA; Police Support
A detachment of Marines from New Orleans deployed against "Negro insurgents." [1, p. 47; 10, vol. 1, chap. 17, p. 10]

12 March 1824; Boston, MA; Police Support

Marines from the Boston Navy Yard subdued a riot at the Massachusetts State Prison in Boston, Massachusetts. [1, p. 66; 16, p. 61-4]

12 February 1825; St. Thomas, Virgin Islands; Fire Fighting

Marines and seamen from USS Grampus (schooner) went ashore to help fight a fire on St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. [1, p. 66; 10, v. II, Chap. 3, p. 28-9]

1831; Washington, DC; Police Support

In 1831 Presidentjackson ordered the Headquarters battalion to riot duty in Washington when he feared a mob might attack some public buildings. [20, p. 68]

Summer 1831; Southampton County, Virginia; Police Support

Following Nat Turner's revolt, in which 55 whites were killed, soldiers from Fortress Monroe and Marines from USS Warren and USS Natchez in Hampton Roads marched to put down the revolt. [19, p. 197]

Fall 1831, Winter 1832; Falkland Islands; Evacuation

In late 1831, the sloop-of-war Lexington landed Marines to secure release of diree American whalers and their crews. Early in 1831, Lexington evacuated 38 Americans. [9, p. 76; 18, p. 35]


31 March 1833; Washington, DC; Police Support

In 1833, when the U.S. Treasury in Washington was set afire by an arsonist, men from the barracks at Eighth and Eye Streets helped to quell the flames and guard the funds. [18, p. 36; 39]

19 July 1835; New York City; Fire Fighting

Marines from the Brooklyn barracks aided fire fighting and protected property during a major fire in New York City. [16, p. 68]

6 June 1851; Johanna Island; Police Activities

Marines from the U.S. sloop-of-war Dak put down a mutiny on the bark Paulina in Johanna Island Harbor (which is now Anjoan of the Comora Islands in the Indian Ocean). [1, p. 77; 9, p. 11]

September 1851; Pennsylvania; Police Support

Marines from the Philadelphia Navy Yard assisted authorities in Christiana, PA, in apprehending people who committed murders during a riot in the town.[l, p. 77; 36, p. 40]

5 February 1852; Nicaragua; Fire Fighting

Marines and seamen from the U.S. sloop Albany assisted in fighting a fire in San Juan del Norte, Nicaragua. [1, p. 77; 9, p. 120]

11 September 1853; China; Police Support

Marines from the U.S. steamer Mississippi put down a mutiny on a Siamese vessel in the Canton River, 60 miles above Hong Kong. [1, p. 78; 9, p. 150]

1 June 1857; Washington, DC; Police Support

Two companies of Marines restored order during rioting by "PlugUglies" at election sites in Washington, B.C. [1, p. 80; 17, p. 187; 20, pp. 85-6]


16 June 1858; Washington, DC; Police Support The Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) ordered 20 Marines to help restore order at the Washington, DC, jail. [1, p. 80; 39] 2 September 1858; New York City; Police Support Marines from the New York Navy Yard Marine Barracks and from the steamer Safnne occupied government buildings (yellow fever isolation area) on Staten Island and protected them against mobs seeking to burn them. [1, p. 80; 17, p. 188] 17-20 October 1859; Harper's Ferry, Virginia; Police Support First Lieutenant Israel Greene and 56 Marines deployed from Washington, DC, to Harper's Ferry after John Brown had seized the Federal arsenal there. Under orders from the War Department's representative, Brevet Colonel Robert E. Lee, the Marines recaptured the arsenal. [37; 38] 30 April 1866; Caribbean; Police Support In the Caribbean, the Marine guard from the sloop USS St. Marys boarded the Panama mail steamer USS Golden City, at the request of her captain, to quell a riot. [1, p. 91; 40, 23 January 52] 7 July 1866; Maine; Police Support, Disaster Relief Two companies of Marines from the Portsmouth Navy Yard, New Hampshire, arrived in Portland, ME, to aid in restoring order after a fire. [1, p. 91; 16, p. 195] 9 August 1866; China; Fire Fighting One officer and 46 enlisted Marines and seamen from the steamer USS Wachtisett landed at Shanghai, China, to assist in fighting a fire. [1, p. 91; 9, p. 29]


April 1867; New York; Police Support Four companies of Marines from the Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York, assisted revenue officers in raids on illegal "Irishtown" distilleries in Brooklyn. [1, p. 91; 11, p. 82] March 1868; New York; Police Support Marines from the Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York, seized and destroyed a number of illicit distilleries in "Irishtown," adjoining the Navy Yard. [1, p. 92; 17, p. 247] 28 March 1870; New York; Police Support 129 Marines from the Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York, and the USS Vermont assisted revenue authorities in seizing and destroying several illicit distilleries in "Irishtown," Brooklyn. [1, p. 92; 11, p. 82] 11 October 1870; Philadelphia, PA; Police Support Marines from the Philadelphia Navy Yard helped quell disturbances in Philadelphia when "negroes" cast their first votes under the 15th Amendment. [1, p. 93; 40,1 Jun 53] 2 November 1870; New York; Police Support Brooklyn Navy Yard Marines (245) assisted revenue agents in raids on illegal distilleries in "Irishtown," Brooklyn. [1, p. 93; 11, p. 83] 14 January 1871; New York; Police Support Marines from Brooklyn Navy Yard occupied 14 legitimate distilleries to protect workmen from attack by workers from illegal distilleries. [1, p. 93; 16, p. 200] 14 July 1871; New York; Police Support Marines from Brooklyn Navy Yard were called out to break up street fighting during raids on illegal distilleries in "Irishtown," Brooklyn.

[1, p. 93; 16, p. 201]


September 1871; New York; Police Support

Marines from the Brooklyn Navy Yard boarded the tugboat USS Catalpa to assist revenue agents in the seizure of vessels carrying contraband whiskey in New York harbor. [1, p. 93; 16, p. 202]

17 October 1871; New York; Police Support

Marines from the Brooklyn Navy Yard established a guard over seized illegal distilleries in "Irishtown," Brooklyn. [1, p. 93; 16, p. 202]

10 November 1872; Boston, MA; Police Support

Marines from the Boston Navy Yard aided in restoring order after a fire in Boston. [1, p. 93; 11, p. 87]

30 May 1873; Boston, MA; Police Support

68 Marines from the Boston Navy Yard plus 15 Marines from USS Ohio and. 21 Marines from USS Powhatan aided in restoring order after a fire in Boston. [1, p. 93; 16, p. 212]

25 June 1873; Peru; Fire Fighting

22 Marines from USS St. Mary assisted in putting out a fire aboard the Italian merchant ship Delaidein the harbor of Callao, Peru. [1, p. 94; 11, p. 88]

21 July 1877; Maryland and Pennsylvania; Police Support

A Marine battalion from the Washington Navy Yard moved to Baltimore, MD, and then to Philadelphia, PA, to protect railroad property during labor rioting. [1, p. 94; 16, p. 216]

26 July 1877; U.S. East Coast; Police Support

A battalion of Marines organized from Marines at Norfolk, VA, and from several Atlantic Squadron ships assumed guard of the Washington, DC, Arsenal and later guarded railroad property in Baltimore, MD, and in western Virginia. [1, p. 95; 16, pp. 224-231]


April 1884; Arctic; Rescue

USS Alerts Marine detachment took part in the relief expedition searching for members of the Greeley Expedition west of Greenland.

[1, p. 95; 17, p. 225]

8 February 1890; Japan; Fire Fighting

Marines and seamen from the steam bark USS Omaha landed at Hodogaya, Japan, to assist local authorities in fighting a fire near Kan-

agawa. [1, p. 95; 9, p. 104-5]

2 July 1891; Bering Sea; Environmental Law Enforcement

Five officers and 113 enlisted Marines served aboard ships (Pacific Coast Steamship Company vessel Al-ki, USS Thetis, USS Mohican, USS Alert, and the USS Marion) in the Bering Sea to prevent seal poaching by various nationalities (mainly British). [1, p. 97; 9, pp. 14-5]

14 September 1892; New York; Police Support

A Marine battalion from various east coast Marine barracks, and the receiving ships USS Vermont, USS Atlanta, and USS Minnesota, guarded the Sandy Hook, NY, immigrant camp during an outbreak of cholera among the immigrants. [1, p. 97; 16, p. 299]

27 August 1893; South Carolina; Disaster (Tidal Wave) Relief

The Marine Detachment from Marine Barracks, Port Royal, South Carolina, assisted in preserving life and property after a tidal wave. [1, p. 98; 11, p. 105]

July 1894; California; Police Support

Marine detachments from Mare Island Navy Yard, USS Independence, USS Charleston, USS Monterey, and USS Thetis assisted Army troops in

guarding the mail during railroad strikes in California. [1, p. 98; 16, pp. 308-310]


4 March 1895; Trinidad; Fire Fighting

Marines and seamen from USS Cincinnati, USS New York, USS Columbia, USS Raleigh, USS Minneapolis, and USS Montgomery landed at Port au Spain, Trinidad, to assist local authorities in fighting a fire. [1,

p. 98; 9, p. 156]

2 October 1898; South Carolina; Disaster (Storm) Relief

Marines assisted in saving and protecting government property at Port Royal, SC, during a severe tropical storm. [1, p. 101; 16, p. 354]

2 January 1901; Alaska; Fire Fighting

Marines at Sitka, Alaska, helped fight a fire that threatened the city.7

12 March 1904; Korea; Non-combatant Evacuation

USS Cincinnatis Marine detachment aided the evacuation of Americans from Chemulpo and Seoul, Korea, with the start of the RussoJapanese War. [1, p. 109; 11, p. 140]

18 April 1906; California; Disaster (Earthquake) Relief

A Marine detachment from Yerba Buena Island and a detachment from Mare Island aided civilian authorities after an earthquake and fire in San Francisco, CA. [1, p. 110; 17, p. 309; 63; 64; 65; 66; 67; and 68]

17 January 1907; Jamaica; Disaster (Earthquake) Relief

Marines and seamen from U.S. ships landed at Kingston, Jamaica, to assist local authorities in rescue work following a severe earthquake. [1, p. 110; 40, 5 Dec 52, p. 7; 41]

7. Letter to Mr. Ralph A. Miller by LtCol. H.W. Edwards on the history of the USMC in Alaska [40, May 1953, AO3E-gjb, 10 Jun 1953].


5 September 1913; Mexico; Non-Combatant Evacuation

USS Buffalo Marines aided the evacuation of U.S. nationals from Ciaris, Mexico, during local unrest. [1, p. 114; 9, p. 115]

22 July 1919; Washington, DC; Police Support

Two companies of Marines from Quantico, YA., assisted civil authorities and other military organizations in restoring and maintaining order in Washington, DC, after severe race riots. [1, p. 121; 40,26 May 53, p. 7]

12 October 1920; Dominican Republic; Fire Fighting

Marines from the 4th Marine Regiment helped fight a severe fire in the center of the Santiago, Dominican Republic, business district [1, p. 122; 40, !Aug53, p. 5]

7 November 1921; Continental United States; Police Support

Following a series of postal robberies, President Harding directed the Secretary of the Navy to deploy Marines to protect registered mail deliveries. Some 2,300 Marines participated in mail patrols, which ended on 15 March 1922. [42]

28 January 1922; Washington, DC; Disaster (Rescue) Relief

Marines assisted in rescue work after the roof of the Knickerbocker Theater in Washington, DC, collapsed following a major snowfall. [1, p. 122; 40, 2 Dec52, p. 10]

20 October 1926; Continental United States; Police Support

President Calvin Coolidge approved the use of 2,500 Marines to guard the U.S. mails. [1, p. 125; 12, p. 112; 42, pp. 51-2]

11 June 1927; Washington, DC; Police Support

Marines from the Washington Navy Yard assisted crowd control in the welcome of Charles A. Lindbergh after his transatlantic flight. [I,p.l26;40,1 May 53, p. 5]


September 1930; Dominican Republic; Disaster (Hurricane) Relief

A hurricane in the Dominican Republican killed about 3,000 people. Marine Corps planes flew in emergency relief while Governor Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., of Puerto Rico sent government vessels with food, serums, doctors, and nurses.

31 March 1931; Nicaragua; Disaster (Earthquake) Relief

Following a severe earthquake in Managua, Nicaragua, Marines conducted search and rescue operations in the heavily damaged city, furnished guards to prevent looting in the city, and set up first aid stations, food centers, and tents for the homeless. U.S. Army engineers, U.S. Navy ships, and transport aircraft also participated in the earthquake relief operations.9

20-29 August 1939; China; Disaster (Flood) Relief

Flood covered the city of Tientsin in late August 1939. In addition to helping to protect the U.S. facilities, the 170 Marines in the city provided assistance to endangered Americans and other foreigners. The Marine commander turned over excess food supplies to local relief agencies. The Japanese blockade of the area limited outside relief efforts. Any incoming supplies not on U.S. Navy or Royal Navy ships required Japanese permission.10

8. [43, p. 346] New York Times, 5,6,9, Sept, 16 November 1930. 9. [1, p. 128; 40, 12Jan53, pp. 17-8; 44; 45] "Managua Earthquake File," Reference Branch, MCHC, Navy Yard, Washington, DC. 10. [20, p. 230] HQ, 1st Marine Brigade, Fleet Marine Force, Marine Barracks, Quantico, Virginia, 4 October 1939, 028/204, Maj. JT Selden, USMC, Package of Tientsin Flood Diary; HQ Marine Det. Tientsin, "Record of Events during the Tientsin Flood of 1939," n.d.; both in the Country file "China 1939: Primary Documents," Reference Branch, MCHC


2 May 1946; California; Police Support

Marine volunteers, commanded by Major Albert Arsenault, assisted civilian police in combating rioting prisoners on Alcatraz Island, California.11

November 1946-47; China; Relief Aid

Marine Corps forces in Tsingtao supported United Nations Refugee and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) relief supply distribution. The Marine commanders hoped that distributions in Communist controlled areas would lead to reduced attacks on Marine Corps forces. This did not occur. [14, pp. 15-6]

March 1948; China; Fire Fighting

Marines aided Chinese authorities to fight a fire and treated more than 700 injured after a warehouse exploded in Tsingtao. The explosion killed more than 100 Chinese and damaged or destroyed more than 100 homes. [27, p. 267]

14-19 August 1953; Greece; Disaster (Earthquake) Relief

The Sixth Fleet's Amphibious Task Unit, with Battalion Landing Team (BLT) 2/6 (Reinf.) embarked, assisted in relief operations following earthquakes in the Ionian Islands. CA-139 Salem (the Sixth Fleet flagship), CVA-38 Franklin D. Roosevelt, the destroyer Gyatt, and ships from Transport Division (TRANSDIV) 23 aided the relief efforts. In addition to U.S. and Greek ships, British and Israeli ships aided the relief effort. The relief operations forced the cancellation of exercise Tyrrhenian Weld. 11. [2, p. 134] Reference Branch, MCHC, Subject File; Alcatraz ("Marines' Guards Open Major Battle to Subdue Convicts on Alcatraz Isle") 12. U.S. Navy Operational Archives Disaster/Catastrophe Relief folder; Op-09B92 coverage; CINCNELM Annual Report FY 54 p. 5. See also, Globe, 12 November 1953, p. 3; Commander Transport Division TwentyThree, "Commander Transport Division TWENTY-THREE NELM Diary No. 4," FB/23/A4-3 (Nl:has) Serial: 576, 8 September 1953, pp. 2-3; Globe, 12 Nov 1953, p. 3.


13-19 October 1954; Haiti; Disaster (Flood) Relief

From 13 to 19 October 1954, CVLr48 Saipan operated off the southern coast of Haiti, extending humanitarian aid to victims of Hurricane Hazel (code-named: Operation SANTE). Hazel hit the southwest area of Haiti on 12 October, leveling towns and killing 98 people. Helicopters from HMR-261 delivered food, medicine, clothing, and other supplies.13

4-9 April 55; North Carolina; Fire Fighting

989 Marines from Co. B, 2d Shore Party Battalion, Camp Lejeune, aided fire fighting efforts in North Carolina. [6]

23-30 April 1955; North Carolina; Fire Fighting

Detachments from 1st and 2d Battalions, 6th Marines, and 1st Battalion, 2d Marines helped fight North Carolina forest fires. [6]

17 August 1955; North Carolina; Disaster (Flood) Relief

A detachment from the 2d Amphibious Tractor Battalion assisted evacuations amidst flooding of the Pamlico River in North Carolina. [6]

20 September 1955; California; Fire Fighting

Some 600 Marines from the 2d Infantry Training Regiment at Camp Pendleton, helped battle fires in the Los Padres National Forest near Santa Barbara, California. [3, p. 32: Scout, 20 September 1955, p. 1]

2-13 October 1955; Mexico; Disaster (Flood) Relief

Helicopters of Marine Air Group (MAG) 26, Marine Transport Squadrons (VMRs) 153 and 252 of MAG 35, and certain specialists of the 2d Marine Air Wing (MAW) aided in rescue work at Tampico, Mexico, when flood waters inundated the city. Elements of MAG-35

13. U.S. Navy Operational Archives Disaster/Catastrophe Relief folder; Op-09B92 coverage; QNCLANTFLT Annual Report FY 55, p. 26f.


assisted in relief efforts as well. During these operations, the helicopters rescued 5,439 persons and delivered 183,017 pounds of food and medical supplies.14

25-27 December 1955; California; Disaster (Flood) Relief

VMRs 152 and 352 from El Toro flew food, clothing, and medical supplies to flood-stricken areas of northern California. [3, p. 33: Right Jacket, 30 December 1955, pp. 1,3]

30 October-1 November 1956; Egypt and Israel; Noncombatant Evacuation

The Marines afloat (the 1st Provisional Marine Force, with BLT 3/2 (reinf) as the major unit) in the Mediterranean helped evacuate 1,500 people from Alexandria, Egypt, and UN observers from Gaza, Egypt, and Haifa, Israel, with the opening of the Israeli Suez campaign. [48]

17-27 March 1957; Philippines; Search and Rescue

With the crash of a C-47 carrying President Ramon Magsaysay and 24 others, two helicopters from Marine Helicopter Transport Squadron (Light)-16 supported search operations and provided support to Philippine authorities in removing the bodies after discovery of the plane.15

16 October 1957; Spain; Disaster (Flood) Relief

Starting on 16 October 1957, USS Lake Champlain (CVS-39) with Marine Helicopter Squadron 262 embarked, aided in locating, feeding, and rescuing victims of a severe flood in the area of Valencia, Spain. Additional ships involved included USS Washtenaw County 14. [3, p. 32; 25: 6; 21, p. 2; 46, pp. 108-9] Windsock, 14 October 1955, pp. 1,8; Globe, 28 October 1955, p. 3; U.S. Navy Operational Archives Disaster/Catastrophe Relief folder; Op-09B92 coverage; CINCLANTFLT Annual Report FY 56, p. 26. 15. HQ USMC point paper, "Philippines, 17-21 Mar 1957," AO3E:jhm, 29 May 1958, in MCHC reference branch file "Operations"


(LST) and Thuban (AKA) with embarked Marines from the Mediterranean Amphibious Ready Group (MARG). [3; 21; ANAFJournal, 2 Nov57,p.6] January 1958; Ceylon; Disaster (Flood) Relief Navy and Marine Corps helicopters (20 from HMR-162) operating off CVS-37 Princeton engaged in rescue work in Ceylon from 2 to 7 January 1958 following major flooding. Three Royal Air Force helicopters also operated off Princeton, which embarked them in Singapore. The torrential rains of 28 December 1957 had left over 300,000 people homeless and in need of food and medicine. Two destroyers (Eversole and Shelton) from the 7th Fleet and the tender Duxbury Bay from the Middle East Force aided the relief operations.16

28 April 1958; Morocco; Disaster (Earthquake) Relief

A detachment from VMR-252 aided earthquake victims at Port Lyautey, Morocco. [6] 12 July 1958; California; Fire Fighting Some 1,500 1st Marine Division and Marine Corps Base Marines from Camp Pendleton, CA, joined Forest Service personnel in fighting brush fires in the Cleveland National Forest of California. [3, p. 37; Windsock, 4Jul 1958, p. 1] 2 December 1958; California; Fire Fighting About 650 Camp Pendleton Marines of the 2d Infantry Training Regiment assisted fire department and forestry service personnel in fighting a forest fire in the Malibu area of California. [3, p. 39: Scout, 11 Dec. 1958, p. 1] 16. U.S. Navy Archives Disaster/Catastrophe Relief folder: ships involved: CARDIV15; DESRON 5; USS Princeton (CVS-37), Southeriand, Henderson CINCPACFLT Annual Report FY 1958; Naval Accomplishments Quarterly, Jan-Mar 1958; Wing Commander John Dowling, RAF, RAF Helicopters: The First Twenty Years, London, Ministry of Defence, Air Historical Branch (RAF), 1992, p. 86.


6 December 1958; North Carolina; Fire Fighting 64 Marines of the 3d Battalion, 8di Marines, joined state forestry service personnel and civilian volunteers in fighting a 3,000-acre forest fire near Pungo Lake, NC. [3, p. 39: Globe, 18 December 1958, p. 3] 1 January 1959; California; Fire Fighting Marines from the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines and the 1st Force Service Regiment at Camp Pendleton assisted civilian fire fighters in putting out forest fires in the Topanga Canyon area about 10 miles north of Santa Monica, CA. [3, p. 39: Scout, 8 January 1959, p. 1] 14 June 1959; North Carolina; Fire Fighting Over 100 Marines from the 2d and 6th Marines, joined by North Carolina Forestry personnel, battled a fire which burned over 700 acres of Camp Lejeune's forests. [3, p. 41: Globe, 18 June 1959, p. 1] 14-20 August 1959; Taiwan; Disaster (Flood) Relief During a major flood in central Taiwan, LPH-6 Thetis Bay provided assistance from 14 to 20 August 1959. Helicopters from Marine Helicopter Squadron (HMR(L)) 261 flew 897 mercy missions from the ship, airlifting 1.6 million pounds of relief supplies and 855 refugees.

5 November 1959; California; Fire Fighting About 200 Marines from the 5th Marines joined Camp Pendleton firemen, forest service personnel, and civilian volunteers in combating a forest fire in the Roblan Canyon of the Cleveland National Forest in California. [3, p. 42: Scout, 12 November 1959, p. 1] 20 November 1959; California; Fire Fighting About 300 Marines from the 1st Infantry Training Regiment and the 7th and 5th Marines at Camp Pendleton, CA, assisted fire department and forestry service personnel in fighting forest fires in the Las Pulgas and Aliso Canyon areas of California. [3, p. 42: Scout, 25 November 1959, p. 1]


29 February 1960; Morocco; Disaster (Earthquake) Relief Marines from Marine Barracks, U.S. Naval Activities, Port Lyautey, Morocco, aided in rescue and relief operations following an earthquake at Agadir. The emergency phase of the disaster relief opera1 *7 dons ended by 5 March. 26 June-15 July 1960; Chile; Disaster (Earthquake) Relief Late May and early June earthquakes injured and killed many Chileans and damaged thousands of buildings. From 26 June through 15 July 1960, USS Catamount (LSD) and an embarked boat group conducted flood-relief operations in the area of Valparaiso, Chile. [21, p. 4; See also, 47.] 23 September 1960; Connecticut; Disaster (Hurricane) Relief Marines Reservists from 3d Truck Company (USMCR) aided hurricane recovery operations in New Haven, CT. [6] November-December 1960; Haiti; Disaster (Flood) Relief Flooding of Lake Miragoane washed out a bridge linking a portion of southwest Haiti with the remainder of the country. Marine Assault Construction Battalion personnel constructed a new bridge and 6.5 miles of improved road in 29 days. [4, 21] 20 January 1961; Congo; Relief Aid Elements of the SOLANT AMITY task force in East African waters assisted in famine relief work at Matadi, Congo. Sub-Unit No. 1, HMR(L)-264 unloaded foodstuffs from USS Hermitage (LSD-34). [3, p. 48; Globe, 9 Feb 1961, p. 2; 16 Feb 1961, pp. 6-7]

17. [3, p. 44] Windsock, 25 March 1960, p. 8; 29 Apr 1960, p. 1; U.S. Navy Archives Disaster/Catastrophe Relief folder; Naval Accomplishments Quarterly, Briefing Items; Briefers Dispatch File: Morocco Disaster.


20 January 1961; California; Fire Fighting

About 400 Marines from the 1st MARDIV, Camp Pendleton, CA, assisted civilian firefighters in battling brush fires in southern Orange County, CA. [3, p. 48: Scout, 27 January 1961, p. 1]

20 May 1961; Turkey; Disaster (Earthquake) Relief

Elements of HMR-262 and the 3d Battalion, 6th Marines, serving with the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean, assisted in relief work following an earthquake atMarmaris, Turkey. [3, p. 51: Globe, 22Jun 1961, p. 3]

12 September 1961; Texas and Louisiana; Disaster (Hurricane) Relief

About 400 Marines from the 2d MARDIV and MAG-26 assisted in rescue operations in Texas and Louisiana following hurricane Carla. The Navy organized Task Force 135 on 12 September to proceed to the Texas coast. The ships included CVA-38 Shangri-La, CVS-36 Antietam, two destroyers, an attack transport (with embarked Marines), and two fleet tugs. [3, p. 52: 21, p. 4; 49; Globe, 14 September 1961, p.

2; 21 Sep 61, p. 3]

1-17 November 1961; British Honduras; Disaster (Hurricane) Relief

A detachment of 18 officers and 33 men from HMR-264 (MAG-26) from MCAF, New River, aided Hurricane Hattie victims in British Honduras. They operated eight HUS-1 helicopters off the aircraft carrier Antietam. The Navy task force included five ships and helicopters from Training Squadron (HTS) 8 and HMR-264. The helicopters carried over 57 tons of supplies and transported personnel in areas hit by the hurricane. [3, p. 53; 4; 21; Globe, 23 November 1961, p. 7; 30 November. 1961, p. 6.]

8 March 1962; North Carolina; Disaster (Hurricane) Relief

Helicopters from HMM-263 assisted in rescue and relief operations in the Outer Banks, NC, area following a serious storm. [3, p. 55: Globe, 15 March 1962, p. 1]


4 April 1962; North Carolina; Fire Fighting

About 400 Marines from the 2d MARDIV assisted civilian firefighters in combating forest fires near Jacksonville, NC. [3, p. 55: Globe, 12 April 1962, p. 1]

1 October 1962; Tennessee; Police Support

On 1 October 1962, 74 helicopters from MAG-26 deployed to NAS Memphis, Tennessee, to support federal efforts to enforce civil rights laws after disturbances broke out after the first black, James Meredith, attempted to enroll at the University of Tennessee. The helicopters began redeployment on 8 October. [13, p. 34]

20 November 1962; Guam; Disaster (Typhoon) Relief

About 400 Marines from the 3d Battalion, 4th Marines flew from Hawaii to Guam to provide security and salvage assistance following a typhoon. [3, p 58: Globe, 23 November 62, p. 5; Scout, 23 November 62, p. 5]

8 May 1963; Haiti; Evacuation

Forces from the Caribbean Amphibious Ready Group evacuated 2,279 civilians from Haiti amidst a worsening domestic situation and deteriorating US-Haitian relations.

20 October 1963; Haiti; Disaster (Hurricane) Relief

HMM-162 (MAG-26) from New River arrived in Port au Prince on board LPH-6 Thetis Bay to deliver food and supplies to areas of Haiti's southern peninsula hit by Hurricane Flora. U.S. Navy and Marine Corps units spent nearly two weeks conducting relief operations. (Cuba refused a U.S. offer of aid.) Helicopters carried about 250 tons of relief supplies into Haiti and landing craft delivered another 125 tons in an across-the-beach operation. Ships participating were CVS39 Lake Champlain, APD-60 Liddle, AKA-61 Muliphen, and LPH-6 Thetis Bay. Navy and Marine Corps cargo aircraft delivered supplies from East Coast stations. [3, p. 63; Globe, 31 Oct 63, p. 3; 21, p. 4]


March 1964; Alaska; Disaster (Earthquake) Relief, Police Support On 28 March 1964, a devastating earthquake hit Alaska. Amidst a major relief operation, Marines from the Naval Station aided the police in maintaining order on Kodiak island. [21, p. 5; 50] Summer 1964; Peru; Medical Aid Two helicopters from VMO-1 participated in the rescue of 11 sick, injured, or wounded Peruvian engineers from the Amazon Basin jungle near Iquitos, northern Peru. [3, p. 70, see entry for 11 Dec: Globe, 17 December 1964] August-September 1964; Haiti, Dom. Rep.; Disaster (Hurricane) Relief On 29 August 1964, LPH-4 Boxer and two LSDs with embarked Marines arrived off the coast of Hispaniola to give medical aid and helicopter evacuation services to people in areas of Haiti and the Dominican Republic badly damaged by Hurricane Cleo. [5,21] 14-30 September 1964; Vietnam; Disaster (Typhoon) Relief Marine forces in Vietnam conducted relief operations following Typhoons Violet (14 Sept) and Tilda (21-23 Sept). Amongst other activities, HMM-162 helicopters conducted emergency evacuations of storm victims following Violet (15 Sept). [8, pp. 159-161] 10-23 November 1964; Vietnam; Disaster (Typhoon) Relief Following Typhoons Iris (4-9 Nov) and Kate (16 Nov), USMC forces conducted relief operations in the Da Nang area in Vietnam. On 11 November, for example, HMM-365 helicopters lifted 1,136 flood victims to safety. Additional damage from Kate led to the deployment of the Seventh Fleet's Special Landing Force (SLF) to the area for six days (17-23 Nov) to aid in relief operations. HMM-162, operating from USS Princeton, delivered more than 900 tons of supplies and conducted over 1,000 missions in the largest relief mission to date in Vietnam. [8, p. 162; 3, p. 69; Marine Corps Gazette, January 1965, p. 5]


27-30 April 1965; Dominican Republic; Evacuation Amidst a deteriorating political situation and escalating conflict in the Dominican Republic, Marines from BLT 3/6 went ashore on 28 April 1965 to start the fifteen-month U.S. presence in the country. Between 27 and 30 April, U.S. forces evacuated about 2,400 people. 14-16 October 1966; Mexico; Disaster (Hurricane) Relief Ajoint task force of Marine, Army, Navy and Air Force personnel airlifted food and supplies to Tampico, Mexico, to victims of Hurricane Inez in Operation Bold Face. [4, p. 13: Strike,v. V, no. 7, Oct. 1966, p. 1] 1 November 1966; California; Fire Fighting Four Marines from Camp Pendleton, CA, died while fighting a brush fire in the Piedro de Lumbre Canyon area. [4, p. 13: Scout, 4 Nov. 1966, p. 1] 5 April 1968; Washington, D.C.; Police Support When riots broke out in Washington, D.C., following the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., two companies of Schools Demonstration Troops from Quantico, VA, and a composite company from the Marine Barracks, Washington, assisted in riot control. The Marines remained until 12 April. [4, p. 25] 25-27 February 1969; California; Disaster (Flood) Relief Approximately 1500 Marines participated in disaster relief operations amidst extensive flooding and snow storms in southern California. These operations included helicopter evacuations, helicopter placement of "junked cars" in a creek for erosion control, other flood control activities, and an LVTP-5 and LVTR-1 on standby for evacuation duty. In total, 3rd MAW helicopters flew over 500 sorties and evacuated over 1500 people from Silverado and Modjeska Canyons.18 18. HQUSMC point paper, "Disaster Relief Operations," A03H15-dnw, 3 Mar 1969, in MCHC reference branch file "Natural Disasters"


12-22 June 1970; Peru; Disaster (Earthquake) Relief

On 9 June 1970, following a major earthquake in Peru, USS Guam left Panama for Peru. On 12 June, 11 days of relief flights by 16 HMM365 helicopters began. During over 800 flights, the helicopters transported medical teams into remote areas, brought back victims for medical care, and delivered more than 55 tons of emergency relief items. [6; 21, pp. 5-6; 51]

September 1970; California; Fire Fighting

Several hundred U.S. Navy and Marine Corps personnel supported local fire fighting operations amidst a series of brush fires in San Diego County. Code-name: "Tempest Rapid." [6,21]

14-23 September 70; Philippines; Disaster (Typhoon) Relief

Marines and equipment from 3d Marine Division set up water purification units to aid victims of Typhoon Georgia in Quezon City, PI. [6]

21-25 October 1970; South Vietnam; Disaster (Hurricane) Relief

Following Hurricane Joan in October 1970, HMM-164 and a detachment from BLT 2/9 (embarked on LPH-3 Okinawa, LSD-36 Anchorage, and LPD-6 Duluth) conducted relief operations in the Philippines. CH-46 helicopters from HMM-164 flew 70 relief sorties and delivered over 65 tons of supplies in five days of operations. USN and USMC medical teams treated over 1,000 patients following the hurricane. [6; 21, p. 6]

October 1970; South Vietnam; Disaster (Typhoon) Relief

Following the ravages of Typhoon Kate with floods that inundated some 140 square miles of Vietnam south of Da Nang, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing helicopters performed rescue and relief operations for over 9,000 South Vietnamese. Initial rescue operations began on 29 October 1970 when MAG-16 evacuated some 900 people. [6,21]


9 February 1971; California; Disaster (Earthquake) Relief

A detachment from 3d MAW assisted Newhall, California earthquake victims by delivering food and supplies. Another CH-46 transported California state scientists on surveys of the San Andreas fault. [6]

July 1972; Philippines; Disaster (Typhoon) Relief

Following Typhoon Rita in July 1972, U.S. military forces provided a wide range of aid to the 500,000 victims in the Philippines. For example, HMM-165 evacuated over 2,000 Filipinos threatened by flooding, including 150 women and children rescued from a flooded island in the Ango River who were brought aboard USS Tripoli. USMC helicopters flew in 350 tons of relief supplies, and flew in disaster relief teams and evacuated victims. Tripoli remained on scene from 22 July until relieved by New Orleans on 5 August. [21]

March 1973; Tunisia; Disaster (Flood) Relief

On 28 March, the American Embassy in Tunisia requested military flood relief assistance. By first light 29 March (about 13 hours after the request), one aircraft carrier (Forrestal) was in position to provide helicopter assistance. One destroyer (DDG) and two LPDs also supported the helicopter operations. USN and USMC helicopters flew about 40 sorties, rescuing or relocating 729 persons, moving 27 tons of cargo, lifting 17 doctors to evacuation centers, lifting an emergency appendectomy to the CVA, and evacuating one village's sheep herd (227 sheep). During the relief mission, U.S. personnel temporarily based at Tunis airport coordinated the rescue efforts flown by U.S. and other nations' (Tunisia, Italy, France, and Libya) helicopters. [21]

December 1973; Tunisia; Disaster (Flood) Relief

From 14 through 17 December 1973, USMC helicopters from USS Iwojima conducted refugee rescue, equipment deliveries, and other flood-associated missions in Tunisia. [21]


22-24 July 1974; Cyprus; Evacuation

Following the coup in Cyprus and amidst Greek-Turkish fighting, U.S. and British forces evacuated foreigners from the island. On 22 July, BLT 1/8 and HMM-162 (the 34th MAU) conducted a NEO from Dhekelia, Cyprus, to USS Coronado. On 24 July, British helicopters carried evacuees to USS "flrentonJJSN vessels received a total of 752 evacuees, 498 American.

August 1974; Philippines; Disaster (Flood) Relief

Following major flooding in the Philippines, helicopters from HMM164 (off LPH-10 Tripoli and AFS-7 SanJose), as well as USN helicopters, flew 244 sorties over six days of operations (18-24 August 1974). The helicopters flew both rescue missions and food-delivery flights. USAF support included flying supplies from Manila to Clark Air Force Base.


12 April 1975; Cambodia; Evacuation

Following a request from the U.S. Ambassador on 10 April, USN, USMC, and USAF forces evacuated 287 people from Phnom Penh in Operation Eagle Pull. [52]

29-30 April 1975; South Vietnam; Evacuation

As North Vietnamese forces overran South Vietnam, U.S. military forces conducted Operation Frequent Wind. The operation ended with about 7,000 evacuees just four hours before South Vietnam's unconditional surrender. [52]

June/July 1976; Lebanon; Evacuations

The afloat USMC forces supported two NEOs from Lebanon amidst the civil war there. On 20 June 1976, LSD-32 Spiegel Grove evacuated 276 people (110 U.S.) and on 27 July LSD-11 Coronado evacuated 300 people.19


11 August-2 September 1977; Guantanamo Bay; Police Support

On 10 August 1977, an unseaworthy sailboat carrying 101 Haitian refugees arrived in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. On 2 September, 20 USMC personnel accompanied each airplane load of 20 refugees returned to Raid (total of 94) .20

26-27 March 1979; Peoria, Illinois; Disaster (Flood) Relief

Fifteen Marines from the Instructor and Inspector (I&I) staff of Company C, 6th Engineer Support Battalion aided damage estimates amidst spring floods.21 September 1979; Caribbean and Florida; Disaster (Hurricane)

On 1 September 1979, a KC-130 and six CH-53Es from MCAS Cherry Point, with one Coast Guard C-130, evacuated approximately 900 USN personnel, dependents and contractors from Andros Island, in the Bahamas, with the approach of Hurricane David. That same day, an all-service Disaster Assistance Survey Team (DAST) began deployment to Dominica and the Dominican Republic. USMC involvement included two UH-1N Hueys and six CH-53E Super Stallions for reconnaissance and logistical support, a communications detachment, and refueling equipment to support the DAST. In Jamaica, LSD-37 Partland off-loaded units from the 2d Bridge Company (-) to aid in flood relief there. In Florida, Truck Company (-) Reinforced from the 6th Motorized Transport Battalion, Fourth FSSG, provided assistance to the Seminole County Civil Defense Group. This included I&I staff 19. MCHC Archives account 127-80-0028, "HQUSMC Command Center Collection of Serious Incident Reports (SIRs) and Watch Officer Logs," Box 1, File 17, "Fluid Drive-Lebanon, 1976" 20. MCHC Archives account 127-80-0028, "HQUSMC Command Center Collection of Serious Incident Reports (SIRs) and Watch Officer Logs," Box 5, File 1, "Haitians at GTMO." The other seven refugees were granted entry into the United States. 21. MCHC reference branch file "Operations-Humanitarian AssL-Emergency"


assistance in running the disaster control center and evacuation of at least 60 civilians via 13 5-ton trucks.

May 1980; East Coast; Police Support

On 7 May, 434 Marines arrived in Key West from Camp Lejeune to relieve National Guard troops engaged in 'Operation Alien Assist,' aid to Cuban refugees of the Mariel boatiift. The Mariel boatlift lasted into September 1980. [53, p. 337]

12 October 1980; Algeria; Disaster (Earthquake) Relief

On 12 October 1980, USMC helicopters operating from Sixth Fleet amphibious ships, including USS Guadalcanal, began providing assistance following an earthquake in Al Asnam, Algeria. The ships took up positions 20-25 miles offshore to render helicopter support to the disaster-relief efforts. [21]

24-25 June 1982; Lebanon; Evacuation

Several weeks after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, LPD-13 Nashville and LSD-34 Hermitage, with their embarked Marines, evacuated nearly 600 people from the port town of Juniyah, near Beirut.

24 August-8 September 1982; Lebanon; Evacuation

On 24 August 1982, the first of 800 Marines went ashore in Beirut as part of a joint US-French-Italian peacekeeping force. These forces aided the evacuation of 12,000 Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) fighters and supporters.

29 September 1982-26 February 1984; Lebanon; Peace Support

Following the 16 September Phalangist Christian force massacre of Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatilla refugee camps, a Multi-National 22. MCHC Archives Account #127-80-0028, "HQ USMC Command Center Collection of Serious Incident Reports (SIRs) and Watch Officer Logs," box #1, file folder #18, "Hurricane David"; HQ USMC MFR 3 Sept 1979 in MCHC reference branch file "Operations-Humanitarian Asst. Emergency."


Peacekeeping Force (MNF) went ashore in Beirut to provide a neutral party to assist peacemaking efforts. Over the duration of the deployment, the situation of the MNF deteriorated as the force became identified as participants, rather than neutrals, in the ongoing Lebanese civil war.

21-24 February 1983; Lebanon; Disaster (Snow Storm) Relief

U.S. Marines in Lebanon provided relief in Quartaba, Lebanon, during a blizzard. The Marines did snow removal, distributed food and heating fuel, and gave medical assistance. USMC helicopters flew into Syrian-held territory in Lebanon's central mountains to rescue four Lebanese men suffering from frostbite and exposure. Syrian, Israeli, Lebanese and the multinational forces cooperated in the operation. [7; 15, pp. 53-4]

29 May 1983; Louisiana; Disaster (Flood) Relief

At the request of the Governor of Louisiana, on 29 May 1983 the Marine Corps provided assault amphibian vehicles (AAVs) to assist in flood-control efforts as the rising Mississippi River threatened the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola. [21]

10 September 1988; Wyoming; Fire Fighting

President Reagan ordered Marines from Camp Pendleton to Yellowstone National Park to aid firefighters. About 1200 Marines in "MAGTF 5" joined 6,500 Army and civilian firefighters. [5, 1989, p. 21]

18 April 1989; Alaska; Environmental Clean-up

A detachment of Marines deployed with USSJuntau when it left San Diego for Prince William Sound to support clean-up operations following the Exxon Valdez disaster. On 31 May, Clevelandvnth MAGTF 89-2 on board, relieved/uweau. MAGTF 89-2 included 11 officers and 46 enlisted Marines. USMC CH-46 helicopters provided air transportation to cleanup workers and conducted medevacs and SAR missions. [5,1990, p. 11; 7,1989; 69; 70; 71]


September-October 1989; South Carolina; Disaster (Hurricane) Relief

Following Hurricane Hugo (21 September 1989), Marines from Camp Lejeune, with Navy medical corpsmen, assisted in the Charleston, South Carolina, area through 10 October. At the height of operations, over 850 Marines and sailors were involved, with 8 CH-53s, 2 KC-130s, and other equipment used. Over 10 U.S. Navy ships provided relief support throughout the affected areas in the Caribbean. Other involved Marines came from 2d FSSG, Marine Wing Support Squadron (MWSS) 273, and HMM 362 (providing assistance with road clearing, power supply and transmission line hook-up, and water purification). [7, p. 19; 21]

October 1989; California; Disaster (Earthquake) Relief

Following the 17 October 1989 earthquake in the San Francisco area, a variety of Naval forces provided relief services, with a total of 24 U.S. Navy and Military Sealift Command (MSC) ships rendering assistance. Marines from BLT 3/1, 15th MEU, MAG 42, HMM-166, and others provided disaster relief support ranging from crowd control in the port area, rescue efforts at the collapsed overpass, flying damage inspection tours, and general clean up. [21; 5, p. 11; 7,1989, p. 21]

8 November 1989; United States; Environmental Assistance

A KC-130 from Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 452 airlifted eight whooping cranes from Andrews Air Force Base to Baraboo, Wisconsin, home of the International Crane Foundation. [7,1989, p. 22]

25 May 1990-9 January 1991; Liberia; Evacuation

In response to the deteriorating situation in Liberia, an amphibious task force deployed off the coast of Monrovia, the capital, in early June 1990. Marines went ashore on 5 August to help protect the Embassy. From 5 August to 9 January, USN and USMC forces evacuated over 2000 people from Liberia in Operation Sharp Edge. [72, 73, 74]


18 July 1990; Philippines; Disaster (Earthquake) Relief

On 16 July 1990, an earthquake measuring 7.7 on the Richter scale occurred in central Luzon. U.S. Navy and Marine Corps assistance included a Navy Medical Contingency team and a Marine Combat Service Support Team (CSST) transported to Cabanatuan City (about 75 miles north of Manila, close to the epicenter) on the day of the earthquake. Approximately 200 Marines assigned to MAGTF 4-90 helped in search missions and in providing emergency relief. [7,

1990, p. 10; 21; 54]

2-11 January 1991; Somalia; Evacuation

In Operation Eastern Exit, LPH-10 Guam and LPD-14 Trenton deployed south from Operation Desert Shield with forces from the FOURTH Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB) on board. On 5 January, two HMH-461 CH-53Es transported 60 Marines and SEALs 466 n.mi. to the U.S. Embassy compound in Mogadishu, Somalia, to protect the compound amidst the disintegration of the Barre regime. That night, ten USMC CH-46s completed the evacuation of the compound. In total, USMC helicopters evacuated 281 people from 30 countries from the Embassy to the ships. [55]

April-October 1991; Northern Iraq; Disaster Relief

Marine forces, the first deployment from the 24th MEU, participated in Operation "Provide Comfort," the multi-national relief effort for Kurds in northern Iraq. Operations began on 7 April 1991 and involved over 7,000 U.S. personnel. Various follow-on operations continue to this date. [See, for example, 75; 76; 77; 78; 79; 80; 81; and 82]

May 1991; Bangladesh; Disaster Relief

Following a devastating 29-30 April 1991 cyclone, the Amphibious Group Three task force carrying FIFTH MEB elements returning from Operation Desert Storm provided the major U.S. contribution to relief operations in Bangladesh. The Hid Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) provided the command element Operation Sea Angel began on 10 May and involved over 7,000 U.S. servicemen. [For


information on Sea Angel, see: 83; 84,85,86,87,88, and 89. For background information, see: 90; and the other chapters in 84.]

June 1991; Philippines; Disaster Relief

Following the 12 June eruption of Mount Pinatubo and a 16 June Typhoon, Marines assisted in relief operations (including evacuation of Americans) in the Philippines. [91; 92; 93; 94]

22 November 1991-May 1993; Guantanamo Bay; Police Support

USMC forces assumed primary responsibility for emergency humanitarian assistance to Haitian refugees at Naval Base Guantanamo. The commanding general, 2nd FSSG (BG G.H. Walls, Jr., USMC) was the CJTF. With U.S. Navy and Coast Guard assistance, Haitians began to flow into Guantanamo Bay and were housed in a tent city. On 16 December 1991, 300 Marines from the 8th Regiment deployed from Camp Lejeune to Guantanamo to join 400 other military personnel. At peak, the temporary camps at Guantanamo held over 15,000 Haitians. On 31 January 1992, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision which permitted the involuntary repatriation of migrants back to Haiti; at peak, this involved the movement of approximately 2,000 per week via USCG cutters. [See, for example, 56; 57.]

13 April 1992; Italy; Disaster Relief

Marines from 24th MEU assisted Italian efforts to save the Sicilian town of Zafferana Etnea from an advancing lava flow. Two CH-53E from HMM-266, from USS Inchon, carried over 200,000 pounds of concrete slabs to the perimeter to alter the lava's course.

May 1992; California; Police Support

On 1 May 1992, elements of I MEF (SPMAGTF Los Angeles) began deploying as part of JTF (LA) in Operation "Garden Plot" to help restore order after the LA riots. On 9 May, SPMAGTF (LA) began redeployment back to Camp Pendleton. [58]


May-June 1992; Micronesia; Disaster Relief

HI MEF deployed 72 Marines for drought relief in Micronesia as part of Operation "Water Pitcher." The Marines, Seabees, and assault craft operators delivered water, repaired rain gutters, and distilled water.

[95; 96]

17, 24 July 1992; Iceland; Rescue at Sea

In two separate incidents, a KC-130 from VMGR-252, deployed in Iceland for training, refueled H-60s of the 56th Air Rescue Squadron that were evacuating three seriously ill Lithuanian seamen from fishing trawlers hundred of miles from Iceland.23

July 1992 (continuing); Bosnia; Relief Aid

The U.S. government began relief flights with the U.S. Air Force air craft into Sarajevo, Bosnia. Marine forces, initially from the 26th MEU(SOC) provided SAR assets in the Adriatic Sea. On 3 September, machine-guns fired on USMC helicopters engaged in a search and rescue mission following the crash of an Italian Air Force aircraft.

August 1992-February 1993; Somalia; Relief Aid

In late August 1992, the Operation "Provide Relief Joint Task Force (JTF) under the command of Brigadier General Libutti (USMC) arrived in Mombassa, Kenya. In September, the CJCS positioned Marines (the llth MEU(SOC) aboard PHIBRON ONE; flagship LHA-1 Tarawa) off the coast of Mogadishu in Sept. 1992 to provide assistance to the 500 man Pakistani contingent, if it became necessary. In February 1993, Provide Relief became part of Operation Restore Hope.

23. LCpl. Daniel Hottle, USMC, "Routine training becomes rescue mission," Sun Journal, New Bern, NC, 9 August 1992.


August-September 1992; Florida, Louisiana; Disaster (Hurricane) Relief

Following Hurricane Andrew, Marines participated in relief operations in Florida and Louisiana. Hurricane Andrew hit Florida on 26 August 1992 Reserve Marines from 4th ANGLICO, 6th Motor Transport Battalion and 4th Assault Amphibian Battalion provided some of the first military assistance to the area. On C-Day, 28 August 92, II MEF began deploying to Florida elements of SPMAGTF Dade County, the USMC component of JTF Miami. The Marines constructed and maintained two 2,500 man tent compounds (Harris Field in Homestead, Florida, and Krome Ave., Florida City) and establish a self-supporting 20-bed clinical facility for triage and immediate medical care and to provide security and protect government property. At peak, these tent cities housed over 2,000 civilians.

August-September 1992; Guam; Disaster (Typhoon) Relief

On 28 August 92, Typhoon Omar hit the north end of Guam. That day, CINCPAC established JTF Marianas to support disaster relief. The next day, 1st MEB Marines departed from Hickam AFB, Hawaii, to assist the JTF. The Marines off-loaded MV Lummus equipment to aid in the relief operations. High priority equipment off-loaded included generators, reverse osmosis water purification units (ROWPUs), water trailers, and field light sets. Initial relief efforts concentrated on power restoration and water services. Navy/Marine engineers constructed a tent city, repaired schools and aided in the general clean-up of Guam. The operation ended on 19 September.

12 September-6 October 1992; Hawaii; Disaster Relief

Hurricane Iniki hit Kauai on 12 September and damaged an estimated 30 percent of the island's housing with some areas reported in the 90 percent range. That day, CINCPAC formed JTF Hawaii to command relief operations. Marines from the 1st MEB prepared generators, bulldozers, forklifts, trucks, ROWPUs, MREs, and Marines for deployment. USS Belleau Wood transported Marine and Army heavy equipment from Oahu to Kauai, provided command and control


capability and medical augmentation to the relief effort. dNCPAC ended the JTF on 6 October. [59]

December 1992-4 May 1993; Somalia; Relief Aid

The Tripoli (LPH-lO)-led amphibious task force (with LSD-47 Rushmoreand UPD-WJuneau), with the 15th MEU aboard, was the firstU.S. military presence on station off Mogadishu on 2 December 92. The Marines landed on 9 December 1992 to initiate Operation Restore Hope. On 4 May 1993, Restore Hope officially ended as UNOSOMII began. [See, for example, 97; 98; 99; 100; 101; 102; 103]

January 1993; California; Search and Rescue

Amidst torrential flooding, which inundated Camp Pendleton, Marines from the 1st Force Reconnaissance Company, with Camp Pendleton Fire Department Personnel, helped local rescue efforts from 16 through ISJanuary.

August 1993; Tunisia; Fire Fighting

Marines from BLT 3/8 and MSSG 26 involved in an amphibious exercise put out a fire in the Tunisian countryside. [22,182301Z August 93]

2-3 August 1993; Nebraska; Disaster Relief

Marines from the I&I staff of the Engineering Maintenance Company (-) from Omaha, Nebraska, assisted the evacuation of 20 civilians. SMCR Marines, on their active duty training, cleared trees and other debris from roads in areas affected by a tornado 30 miles south of Omaha.

22-24 September 1993; Alabama; Search and Rescue

In the early morning of 22 September 1993, Amtrak's "Sunset Limited" derailed over a remote bayou near Mobile, Alabama. Twelve Marines from the 3rd Force Reconnaissance Company, MARRESFOR, Mobile, AL, arrived on the scene about four hours after the crash and conducted search operations. [60]


November 1993; California; Fire Fighting

HMH-466 CH-53Es from MCAS Tustin carried 1,320 gallon water buckets in assisting firefighting efforts. Approximately 100 other Marines with six bulldozers aided firefighdng and rescue efforts. [See, for example, 61 and 62.]


[ 1 ] Col William M. Miller, USMC, and Maj. John H. Johnston, USMC, A Chronology of the United States Marine Corps, 1775-1934: Volume I, History and Museums Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C., 1965 [2] Carolyn A. Tyson, A Chronology of the United States Marine Corps, 1935-1946: Volume II, History and Museums Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C., 1965 [3] Ralph W. Donnelly, Gabrielle M. Neufeld, and Carolyn A. Tyson, A Chronology of the United States Marine Corps, 1947-1964: Volume III, History and Museums Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C., 1971 Gabrielle M. Neufeld, A Chronology of the United States Marine Corps, 1965-1969 Volume IV, History and Museums Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C., 1971


[5] Ann Ferrante, "Chronology," published annually in Fortitudine. [6] "Brief Chronology of USMC Humanitarian Assistance Missions," (undated, prepared in 1993), in the file "operationsHumanitarian Assistance. Emergency," Reference Section, USMC Historical Center, Bldg. 58, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC

[7] Ann Ferrante, "Chronology of the United States Marine Corps," prepared annually since 1983, unpublished [8] Capt. Robert H. Whitlow, USMCR, U.S. Marines in Vietnam: The Advisory & Combat Assistance Era, 1954-1964, History and Museums Division, HQ, USMC, Washington, DC, 1977



Capt. Harry A, Ellsworth, USMC, One Hundred Eighty Landings of United States Marines, 1800-1934, Washington, Historical Section, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, 1934 (hereafter Ellsworth) Maj. Edwin N. McClellan, History of the United States Marine Corps, 2 vols, Washington, Historical Section, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps


[11] John W. Leonard and Fred F. Chitty, The Story of the United States Marines, 1740-1919, Washington, DC, Historical Division, U.S. Marine Corps, 1919 [12] Kenneth W. Condit and Edwin T. Turnbladh, Hold High the Torch, A History of the 4th Marines, Washington, DC, Historical Branch, G-3 Division, HQUSMC, 1960 [13] LtCol. William R. Fails, USMC, Marines and Helicopters, 19621973, Washington, DC, History and Museums Division, HQ USMC, 1978

[14] Henry I. Shaw, Jr., The United States Marines in North China, 19451949, Washington, DC, Historical Branch, HQUSMC, revised 1962 [15] Benis M. Frank, U.S. Marines in Lebanon, 1982-1984, History and Museums Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C., 1987

[16] Maj. Richard S. Collum, History of the United States Marine Corps, New York, L.R. Hammersly Co., 1903 [17] [18] LtCol. Clyde H. Metcalf, USMC, A History of the United States Marine Corps, New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1939 Robert Debs Heinl, Jr., Soldiers of the Sea: The United States Marine Corps, 1775-1962, Annapolis, MD, USNI, 1962

[19] J. Robert Moskin, The U.S. Marine Corps Story, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1977


[20] Allan R. Millett, Semper Fidelis: The History of the United States Marine Corps, Revised edition, New York, Free Press, 1991 [21] Center for Naval Analyses (CNA) Information Manual 132, A Sampling of U.S. Naval Humanitarian Operations, by Adam B. Siegel, November 1990 [22] CHINFO (Navy Chief of Information) Navy News Service messages [23] David M. Cooney, LCdr., USN, A Chronology of the U.S. Navy, New York, NY, Franklin Watts Inc., 1965

[24] Barbara A. Gilmore, Chronology of U.S. Naval Events, Operational Archives, U.S. Navy Historical Center, Building 57, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC, 1974-1980 [25] [26] United States Naval Aviation, 1910-1980, NAVAIR 00-80P-1, 1981 USNI Proceedings, Annual Chronology of Naval Events in the May "Naval Review" issues for 1962-1990

[27] Allan R. Millett, In Many a Strife: General Gerald C. Thomas and the U.S. Marine Corps, 1917-1956, Annapolis, MD, 1993 [28] CNA Research Memorandum 90-246, The Use of Naval Forces in thePost-WarEra: U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps Crisis Response Activity, 1946-1990, by Adam B. Siegel, February 1991 [29] Milton Offutt, The Protection of Citizens Abroad by the Armed Forces of the United States, Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, v. 46, n. 4, Baltimore, MD, 1928 [30] Daniel W. Fitz-Simons, "The Marine Corps' Response to the War on Drugs," Marine Corps Gazette, September 1992, pages 35-36 [31] Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, The United States Air Force and U.S. National Security: A Historical Perspective, 19471990, SAF/OSX, 1991


[32] US Army Concepts Analysis Agency Study Report CAA-SR-914, Force Employment Study (FES), by LTC Clifton Headen, Jr., and Maj. Kern C.B. Wilson, USA, February 1991 [33] Robert W. Coakley, The Role of Federal Military Forces in Domestic Disorders, 1789-1878, Washington, DC, Center of Military History, US Army, 1988.

[34] Gaines M. Foster, The Demands of Humanity: Army Medical Disaster Relief, Washington, DC, Center of Military History, US Army, 1983 [35] Bernard D. Cole, Gunboats and Marines: The United States Navy in China, 1925-1928, Newark, University of Delaware Press, 1983

[36] W.V. Hensel, The Christiana Riot and the Treason Trials of 1851: A Historical Sketch, Lancaster, PA, 1911 [37] Bernard C. Nalty, "At All times ready...;" The Marines at Harper's Ferry, Marine Corps Historical Reference Series No. 10, Historical Branch, G-3 Division, HQ, USMC, Washington, DC, May 1959 [38] A. Eric Bubeck, "Colonel Lee and the Marines at Harper's Ferry" Marine Corps Gazette, v. 33, n 12, December 1949 [39] HA. Ellsworth, "Callender of Important Events," Marine Corps Gazette, v. 19, n. 4, Nov. 1935

[40] Logsheet of Historical Marine Corps Dates, Archives, Historical Branch, G-3 Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps (Located in the reference branch files at the Marine Corps Historical Center, Washington Navy Yard) [41] Francis A. Coghlan, "The United States Navy and the Jamaica Earthquake," Prologue, vol. 8, no. 3, Fall 1976, pp. 163-173 [42] George Corney, "Crime and Postal History," Marine Corps Gazette, October 1993, pp. 50-51


[43] [44]

Merle Curti, American Philanthropy Abroad, Second Edition, New Brunswick, NJ, 1988 John Creigh Hendrickson, "'El Terremoto:' Marines in the Managua Earthquake of 1931," Leatherneck, April 1987, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 22-30

[45] LtCol. Clinton A. Phillips, USMC(Ret), "Earthquake in Managua," Marine Carps Gazette, February 1990, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 61-67 [46] [47] Admiral Cato D. Glover, On the Crest of the Wave, New York, Vantage Press, 1974 Capt. Timothy A. Fuhrman, USAF, "Humanitarian Airlift: US Response to Natural Calamity, 1960-1974," Student Research Report, Air Command and Staff College, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL, May 1981

[48] Thomas A. Bryson, "Mission of Mercy," USNI Proceedings, Supplement 1985, pp. 89-96 [49] Mattie E. Treadwell, "Hurricane Carla, 3-14 September 1961," Denton, Texas, Office of Civil Defense, Department of Defense, 1962 [50] [51] [52] Mattie E. Treadwell, Operation Helping Hand: The Armed Forces React to Earthquake Disaster, Alaska, 1964 BGen. William J. Weinstein, USMCR, "Navy Marine Team Aids Peru Quake Victims," Navy Magazine, July-August 1970 Center for Naval Analyses Study 1098, US Marine Corps Participation in the Emergency Evacuations ofPhnom Penh and Saigon, Operations Eagle Pull and Frequent Wind, by UW Patrick, June 1977

[53] Alex Larzelere, Castro's PloyAmerica's Dilemma: The 1980 Cuban Boatlift, Washington, DC, 1988


[54] [55]

Capt. Vaughn A. Ary, USMC, "A Disaster Relief Force-inReadiness," Marine Corps Gazette, October 1990, pp. 67-70 CNA Research Memorandum 91-211, The Non-combatant Evacuation Operation (NEO)from Mogadishu, Somalia, January 1991, by Adam B. Siegel, November 1991 Cdr. Donald S. Herip and LCdr. Douglas D. Slaten, USN, "Preventive Medicine at the Haitian Refugee Camps," Navy Medicine, March-April 1992, pp. 3-7 USACOM Special Historical Study, Operation GTMO: 1 October 1991-1 July 1993 (U), by Capt. William R. McClintock and Capt. Alexander G. Monroe, USNR, Headquarters, U.S. Atlantic Command, Secret, March 1994 LtCol. Peter A. Dotto, "Marines in Los Angeles," Marine Corps Gazette, October 1992, pp. 54-8 Major R. Scott Moore, "Special Purpose Task Force Deploys to Kauai," Marine Corps Gazette, February 1993, pp. 30-37



[58] [59]

[60] Sgt. Brandon Haught, "Amtrak Disaster," Continental Marine, November 1993, pp. 12-17 [61] SSgt. Scot Jenkins, USMC, "Twentynine Palms Dispatches Team to Help California Fire Fighters," Marines, December 1993, p. 28

[62] Gary A. Warner, "Marines kept from firefights," Orange County Register, 6 Nov 93, p. 1 (Early Bird, 9 Nov 93, p. 1)

San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, 1906

[63] Maj. Floyd J. Davis, USA, "Soldiers Amidst the Rubble: The United States Army and the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906," MA Thesis, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 1980



James J. Hudson, "The California National Guard in the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire of 1906," California History Quarterly, vol. 55, no. 2,1976, pp. 137-149 "Marines in the San Francisco Fire and Earthquake," Marine Corps Gazette, November 1936


[66] John E. Pond, "The United States Navy and the San Francisco Fire," USNIProceedings, September 1952, pp. 982-993 [67] William Strobridge, "Soldiers in the Streets," Pacific History, vol. 22, no. 1,1978, pp. 3-8 [68] Gordon Thomas and Max M. Wilts, The San Francisco Earthquake, New York, 1971

Exxon Vdldez Oil Spill Cleanup, 1989

[69] William S. Hanable, Military Support for the Exxon Valdez Oil Spitt, Office of History, Headquarters Alaskan Air Command, 1990 [70] Janet McDonnell, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Response to the Exxon Valdez Oil Spitt, 1992 [71] Supervisor of Salvage (SUPSALV), U.S. Navy, Exxon Valdez Oil Spitt Response, U.S. Navy Sea Systems Command T0800-ADRPT-010/SUPSALV 0910-LP-352-3100, undated

Operation Sharp Edge, Liberia, 25 May 1990-9 January 1991

[72] LtCol. T.W. Parker, USMC, "Operation Sharp Edge," USNI Proceedings, May 1991, pp. 102-106

[73] Lt.Col. Glen R. Sachtleben, USMC, "Operation SHARP EDGE: The Corps' MEU(SOC) Program in Action," Marine Corps Gazette, November 1991, pp. 77-86 [74] CNA Information Memorandum 168, Operation SHARP EDGE: The Role of Naval Forces in Evacuation Operations (U), by Desmond P. Wilson, Secret/NOFORN, June 1991


Operation Provide Comfort, N. Iraq, April 1991 on

[75] Lt.Col. R.J. Brown, USMCR, With Combined Task Force Provide Comfort: U.S. Marine Corps Humanitarian Relief Operations in Northern Iraq, forthcoming Marine Corps Historical Center monograph [76] LtCol. John P. Cavanaugh, USA, Operation Provide Comfort: A Model for Future NATO Operations, School of Advanced Military Studies, USA Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 28 May 1992 [77] Frederick C. Cuny, Humanitarian Intervention: The Political and Military Lessons of Operation Provide Comfort, Intertect draft lessons learned study for the Agency for International Development, May 1992 [78] John T. Fishel, Liberation, Occupation, and Rescue: War Termination and Desert Storm, Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College, 31 August 1992 [79] Donald G. Goff, Building Coalitions for Humanitarian Operations: Operation Provide Comfort, Carlisle Barracks, PA, U.S. Army War College, 1992 [80] LCdr. Dana C. Cover, MC, USNR, "Offering a Helping Hand in Iraq," USNIProceedings, May 1992, pp. 106-109 [81] Col. James L.Jones, USMC, "Operation Provide Comfort: Humanitarian and Security Assistance in Northern Iraq," Marine Corps Gazette, November 1991, pp. 98-109 Lt.Col. Gordon W. Rudd, USA, Operation Provide Comfort, Ph.D. dissertation, Duke University, March 1994


Operation Sea Angel, Bangladesh, May 1991

[83] LtCol. Gary W. Anderson, USMC, "Operation Sea Angel; A Retrospective on the 1991 Humanitarian Relief Operation in Bangladesh," Strategy and Campaign Department Report 1-92, Naval War College Center for Naval Warfare Studies, 15 January 1992



M. Mokammel Haque, "Operation Sea Angel," in Hameeda Hossain,, editors, From Crisis to Development: Coping with Disasters in Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1992, pp. 93-98 David R. Klubes, "Bangladesh Relief Effort," Navy Medicine, July-August 1991, pp. 9-13 Paul A McCarthy, Operation Sea Angel: A Case Study, MR-374-A, Santa Monica, CA, Arroyo Center, RAND Corporation, 1994 Col. Donald R. Selvage, "Operation SEA ANGEL: Bangladesh Disaster Relief," Marine Corps Gazette, November 1991, pp. 8797 LtGen H.C. Stackpole m, USMC, "Angels from the Sea," USNI Proceedings, May 1992, pp. 110-116 Captain Shafiq-ur-Rahman, Bangladesh Navy, "Disaster in Bangladesh: A Multinational Relief Effort," Naval War College Review, Winter 1993, pp. 59-72 Prof. A.K.M. Kafiluddin, Disaster Preparedness for Bangladesh floods and Other Natural Calamities, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1991

[85] [86] [87]

[88] [89]


Operation Fiery Vigil, Philippines, June-July 1992

[91] Anne M. Bazzell, Joint Task Force-Fiery Vigil, 8 June-1 July 1991, 834th Airlift Division, Hickam AFB, Hawaii, 1 April 1992 [92] Col. Kenneth B. Faulhaber, USAF, "Clark Air Base Versus Mount Pinatubo," Air ForceJournal of Logistics, pp. 10-2 [93] [94] LCdr. Kevin M. Mukri, USN, "Fiery Vigil Out From the Ash," USNI Proceedings, May 1992, pp. 117-8 Matthew T. Robinson, "Operation FIERY VIGIL: Philippine Relief Effort," Marine Corps Gazette, November 1991, pp. 110-1

Operation Water Pitcher, Micronesia, May-June 1992

[95] LCpl. Jeff Evans, USMC, "Until Marines and Sailors Arrived," Marines, January 1993, pp. 14-16


[96] JOG John Johnson, USN, "Operation Water Pitcher," AsiaPacific Defense Forum, vol. 17, no. 2,1993, pp. 35-38

Operation Restore Hope, Somalia, December 1993-4 May 1994

Many disparate efforts are documenting Operation Restore Hope, from Center for Naval Analyses studies to work in the military history offices. The following are some of the CNA publications on Restore Hope. [97] Research Memorandum 93-96, Crisis Action Planning for Operation Restore Hope (U), by David J. Zvijac and Paul W. Mayberry, Secret, Nov 1993 Research Memorandum 93-114, Operation Restore Hope Joint Task Force (U), by Katherine A.W. McGrady, Mar 1994 Research Memorandum 93-126, Logistics in Operation Restore Hope (U), by Antonjareb, Secret, Jan 1994

[98] [99]

[100] Research Memorandum 93-140, Military Relations with Humanitarian Relief Organizations: Observations from Restore Hope, by Jonathan T. Dworken, Oct 1993 [101] Research Memorandum 93-120, Rules of Engagement (ROE) for Humanitarian Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict: Lessons From Restore Hope, by Jonathan T. Dworken, Oct 1993 Other articles and studies that have appeared include: [102] Maj. John F. Antal and Capt. Robert L. Dunaway, "Peacemaking in Somalia," Marine Corps Gazette, February 1993, pp. 38-43 [103] "Operation Restore HopeA Logistical Challenge," An interview with MGen. Waldo D. Freeman, USA, Deputy Commander CINCCENT; Patrecia S. Hollis, interviewer, Field Artillery, June 1993, pp. 5-8


AAV ANGLICO AFS AKA APD BLT CINCPAC CJCS CJTF CNA CSST CVL CVS DAST DDG FSSG HA/PO H/CA HMM Assault Amphibian Vehicle Air and Naval Gunfire Liaison Company Combat Stores Ship Cargo Ship, Attack High-Speed Transport Battalion Landing Team or Battalion Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Commander, Joint Task Force Center for Naval Analyses Combat Service Support Team Aircraft Carrier, Small Aircraft Carrier, Support (antisubmarine warfare) Disaster Assessment Survey Team Guided-missile Destroyer Force Service Support Group Humanitarian Assistance and Peace Operation Humanitarian and Civic Assistance Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron



Marine Helicopter Squadron Marine Helicopter Squadron (light) Helicopter Training Squadron (USN) Instructor and Inspector Joint Chiefc of Staff Joint Task Force Amphibious Transport Dock Amphibious Assault Ship (helicopter) Landing Ship, Dock Landing Ship, Tank Marine Air Group Marine Air-Ground Task Force Marine Division Mediterranean Amphibious Ready Group

MARRESFOR Marine Reserve Force MAU MAW MCAF MCAS MCHC MEB MEF Marine Amphibious Unit Marine Air Wing Marine Corps Air Facility Marine Corps Air Station Marine Corps Historical Center Marine Expeditionary Brigade Marine Expeditionary Force



Marine Expeditionary Unit Maritime Interception Operation Multi-National Force Meal Ready-to-Eat Military Sealift Command Motor Vessel Marine Wing Support Squadron Naval Air Station Non-combatant Evacuation Operation Palestinian Liberation Organization Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit Search and Rescue Special Landing Force Selected Marine Corps Reserve Special Purpose MAGTF Transport Division (USN unit) United Nations Refugee and Rehabilitation Administration United States Army United States Air Force United States Coast Guard United States Navy United States Marine Corps



United States Marine Corps Reserve MarineAerial Refueler Transport Squadron Marine Observation Squadron USMC Transport Squadron


List of tables
Table 1. Table 2. TableS. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. List of operations and categorization by cause ofresponse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A typology of U.S. Marine Corps humanitarian assistance and peace operations . . . . . . . . . . . Summary by type of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary by type and location (domestic / f o r e i g n ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . USMC HA/POs in 1994 (as of early August 1994) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Some early USMC maritime interception activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 18 19 20 25



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Related CNA studies

The following are a number of related Center for Naval Analyses studies that might also be of interest. Information Memorandum 229.10, Answering the 9-1-1 Call: U.S. Military and Naval Crisis Response Activity, 1977-1991, by Thomas P.M. Barnett and LCdr. Linda D. Lancaster, USN, Revised August 1992 Information Memorandum 132, A Sampling of U.S. Naval Humanitarian Operations, by Adam B. Siegel, November 1990 Research Memorandum 94-74, Case Studies in USMC Requirements in Humanitarian and Peace Operations, by Adam B. Siegel, forthcoming Research Memorandum 93-237, When America Shoots: A decade of U.S. combat intervention, by Paul Olkhovsky, January 1994 Research Memorandum 93-140, Military Relations With Humanitarian Relief Organizations: Observations from Restore Hope, by Jonathan T. Dworken, October 1993 Research Memorandum 93-120, Rules of Engagement (ROE) for Humanitarian Intervention and Low-Intensity Conflict: Lessons from Restore Hope, by Jonathan T. Dworken, October 1993 Research Memorandum 93-114, TheJoint Task Force in Operation Restore Hope, by Katherine A.W. McGrady, March 1994 Research Memorandum 93-40, Blue Hulls: Multinational Naval Cooperation and the United Nations, by Jeffrey I. Sands, July 1993 Research Memorandum 90-246, The Use of Naval Forces in thePost-War Era: U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps Crisis Response Activity, 19461990, by Adam B. Siegel, February 1991 Occasional Paper 116.10, Who Will Do What With What: Defining U.S. Navy and Marine Corps Roles, Functions, and Missions, by Adam B. Siegel, May 1993
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