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Informatica interview questions and answers Q. Ho to handle changing source file counts in a mapping? Q. What is mapping optimization?

? wat are the techniques for that? Q. How to obtain performance data for individual transformations? Q. Can a port in expression transf be given the name DISTINCT? Answer-1: Yes, it can be used. Port name is just a name and informatica do not v alidate the port name as long as it is unique among all the ports in one particu lar expression. Q. What is the difference between Informatica7.1 & informatica 8.1? Answer-1: 1)powercenter connect for SAP NetWeaver BW Option 2)SQL Transformation is added 3)Service Oriented Architecture 4)Grid concept is additional feature 5 ) Random file name can genaratation in target 1/5

Informatica interview questions and answers 6) Command line programms: Infacmd and infasetup new commands were added. 7) Jav a Transformation is added feature 8)concurrent cache creation and faster index b uilding are additional feature in lookup transformation Answer-2: caches or auto matic u dont need to allocate at transformation level, push down optimization te chniques,some new java transformations,changes in parameter file and intigration services rather than powercentre server Q. Task is running successfully but data is not loaded, Why? Answer-1: Either your SQL Override is not reading any records, or your update st regy is not using the correct condition or check the task SQL Override and check the properties and make sure "Enable Test Load" is turned off. Q. What is galaxy repository? Q. What is mean by grouping of condition column in lookup transformation? Answer-1: grouping of condition colum means- the columns which we have included in lookup conditions, the lookup source should data should be grouped on that co lumn. this is mandatory for flatfiles, otherwise the session will fail Q. In reporting we add some new objects,how we get the count of the newly added objects to the report? 2/5

Informatica interview questions and answers What is mapping parameter and mapping variable? how do you set that in a mapping ? Answer-1: A mapping parameter represents a constant value that you can define before running a session. A mapping parameter retains the same value throughout the entire session. Unlike a mapping parameter, a mapping variable represents a value that can change through the session. The PowerCenter Server saves the valu e of a mapping variable to the repository at the end of each successful session run and uses that value the next time you run the session. Answer-2: mapping par ameter represents a constant value ,u decleare these values at a file and store at a location ,the path will be declared at session properties and the parameter name is declered at designer->parameters&variables ---naming convention is $$----.when u run the session then it will take the values from the file variables ---declearing as same above but for parmeter we wil declear it as parameter n 4 variable we decler it as variable ---functionality if u declare it as last updat ed date for first run it will take as intial value which u declare and it wil sa ve that date and for next it wil date that previous run value Q. How can u generate sequence of values in which target has more than 2billion of records.(but with sequence generator u can generate upto 2 biliion only)? Answer-1: by using unconnected lookup transformation u can check condtion ie cou nter >0 it will be allways true, or you can use oracle sequence or stored proced ure Answer-2: generate a sequance values through sequesnce generator and connet it to the target get the max value of it every time from unconnected lookup and set this value(maxvalue) to mapping variable so that the last max value will be stored in repository. Once the sequance generator is reached its max value say 2 billion , set the property reset to 1 so 3/5

Informatica interview questions and answers that sequence generator will start again to produce sequance numbers . and in ex peression write the logic like new_seq=max(mapping_variable+sequence_generator ( value) then it is like 2million+1...2......(seq_gen) every time sequance generat or will reset to 1 after reaching its max value Q. How can u connect client to ur informatica sever iff server is located at dif ferent place( not local to the client) Answer-1: Through IP Address What is upstream and downstream transformation? Ans wer-1: Say a Transformation1 accepts input from transformation 2 and passes the output to a transformation 3 , then transformation 2 is called an upstream trans formation. transformation 3 is called a downstream transformation. Q. What are testing in a mapping level please give brif eplanation? Answer-1: Verify Mapping is Available Verify parameters are defined properly wit h proper datatypes Verify whether the shorcut to source table is used as source in the mapping from replica connection Verify whether WHERE clause in the SQ has used properly to implement delta condition Verify whether the primary key is se lected properly in the target table Verify whether versioning is maintained Veri fy Source name used in the mapping Verify Target name used in the mapping Change s made to the existing mapping(if applicable) 4/5

Informatica interview questions and answers Verify whether the new fields handled for NULL values(if it is a NOT NULL column in the Target table) Verify whether lookup is added to the mapping(if applicabl e) Verify whether the Lookup override used is proper Vefify whether the conditio n for Insert/Update is used in UPDATE STATERGY transformation Verify Whether the Filter condition used is proper 5/5

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