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AND RE AIN AND RETAIN IT FOR AND RETAIN IT FOR FUTURE REFERENCE N I QuickTrim Burn & CleanseTM14 Day Diet System Manual QuickTrim Cleanse Diet Manual Table of Contents Table of Contents Precautions - Important Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Precautions Important Information Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Exercise a. When to Exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 a. When to Exercise b. Exercise Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 c. Exercise Schedules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 d. Rate or Pace d. Rate or Pace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 e. Optional Weight Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Dietary Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 a. Dietary Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 a. Dietary Information b. Calculating Your Diet b. Calculating Your Diet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 c. Food Choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 d. Low-Fat Food Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 e. Sodium Intake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Sodium Intake f. Fluid Intake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 17 f. Day 14: Your Target Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Dietary Supplements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Supplements 18 Helpful Hints and Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Questions and Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

When To Exercise There are two ideal times of the day for performing your aerobic exercise; in the morning before your first meal and in the evening after your final meal. Aerobic exercise first thing in the morning is best because the stomach is normally empty and glycogen can be depleted quickly. Exercising at night after your final meal can also be effective. The body burns calories that might otherwise be stored as fat. Although it's best to exercise at these times, aerobic activity will produce great results whenever you can fit it into your schedule. A helpful tip: try to exercise at the same time every day. Make it as much a part of your normal routine as brushing your teeth. Don't think of exercise as something extra you have to do. It's something you do. Remember, your mental attitude is important to your success. Exercise Methods You can use a stationary bike, a stairclimber, a treadmill, a jogging machine or other equipment in your aerobic exercise but equipment isn't necessary. You can accomplish your goal by taking aerobics classes, jogging, riding a bicycle or walking briskly. Many people haven't exercised since they were kids. For these individuals, beginning slowly with brisk walking is highly recommended. This may be your only form of exercise for the entire program or you may add something a bit more strenuous as the program progresses and you become more physically fit. Remember that exercise is more easily accomplished when planned ahead of time and made a part of your daily routine. An example exercise schedule is included to help you devise your own simple plan.

Exercise Schedules Exercise Schedules On the following pages you will find a suggested exercise schedule for a non-athletic On the following pages you will find suggested exercise schedule for non-athletic person, followed by one for an athletic person. Person: Exercise Schedule Non-Athletic Person: Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Start Time Typ of Exercise pe Type Total Time of Exercise

8:00am Walking 20 minutes minutes Walking 20 minutes 9:00pm Walking minutes 8:00am Walking 30 minutes Walking minutes 30 minutes minutes Walking 9:00pm Walking Walking 30 minutes 8:00am Walking minutes 9:00pm Walking minutes 30 minutes Walking Walking minutes 30 minutes 8:00am Walking Walking minutes 30 minutes 9:00pm Walking Walking minutes 30 minutes 8:00am Walking Walking 30 minutes minutes 9:00pm Walking 8:00am Walking 40 minutes minutes Walking 9:00pm Walking 40 minutes minutes Walking 8:00am Walking 40 minutes minutes Walking minutes Walking 40 minutes 9:00pm Walking minutes Walking 40 minutes 8:00am Walking minutes 20 minutes 9:00pm Biking/Jog 20 minutes Biking/Jog minutes 8:00am minutes 9:00pm Biking 30 minutes minutes 8:00am Walking Walking 40 minutes 9:00pm Biking 30 minutes minutes Biking 8:00am Walk/Jog 20 minutes minutes Walk/Jog Walk/Jog 20 minutes minutes 9:00pm Walk/Jog 30 minutes minutes 8:00am Biking minutes 30 minutes 9:00pm Biking minutes Walk/Jog 30 minutes Walk/Jog 8:00am 9:00pm Walk/Jog 30 minutes minutes Walk/Jog Target Day! Only Exercise Session Is Required Target Day! Only 1 Exercise Session Is Required a x 8:00am Walk/Jog minutes Walk/Jog 30 minutes

Exercise Schedule Athletic Person: Person: Day 1 Start Time Type Typ of Exercise pe Total Time of Exercise

minutes 8:00am Stationary Bike 30 minutes Bike minutes 9:00pm Stationary Bike 30 minutes Stationary Bike 30 minutes Bike minutes 2 8:00am Stationary Bike 30 minutes Stairclimber minutes 9:00pm Stairclimber 3 8:00am Stationary Bike 40 minutes minutes Bike minutes 40 minutes Stationary Bike 9:00pm Stationary Bike 4 8:00am Stationary Bike 40 minutes Bike minutes 9:00pm Stationary Bike/Stairclimber 40 minutes Stationary Bike/Stairclimber minutes 5 8:00am Treadmill 30 minutes Treadmill minutes Stationary Bike minutes 9:00pm Stationary Bike 40 minutes Bike 40 minutes 6 8:00am Stationary Bike minutes Stationary Bike minutes 40 minutes 9:00pm Stationary Bike Bike/Treadmill Stationary Bike/Treadmill 40 minutes minutes 7 8:00am 9:00pm Stationary Bike/Treadmill 40 minutes minutes Stationary Bike/Treadmill 8 8:00am Stationary Bike 40 minutes minutes Bike 9:00pm Stationary Bike minutes 40 minutes Stationary Bike 9 8:00am Treadmill 40 minutes minutes Treadmill Treadmill minutes 40 minutes 9:00pm Treadmill minutes Bike/Stairclimber 40 minutes 10 8:00am Stationary Bike/Stairclimber 40 minutes Stairclimber minutes 9:00pm Stairclimber minutes 11 8:00am Stationary Bike 40 minutes Treadmill minutes 9:00pm Treadmill 40 minutes 12 8:00am Stationary Bike/Treadmill minutes Bike/Treadmill 40 minutes 9:00pm Stationary Bike/Stairclimber Stationary 40 minutes minutes Bike/Stairclimber 40 minutes 13 8:00am Stationary Bike/Stairclimber minutes Stationary minutes 9:00pm Stationary Bike 40 minutes Target Day! Only 14 Target Day! Only One Exercise Session Is Require a Exercise Session Is Require x 8:00am 30 minutes Stationary Bike minutes

Exercise Pace Aerobic exercise for an athletic person should be performed at pace which makes it Aerobic exercise for an athletic person should be performed at a pace which makes it normal slightly difficult to carry on a normal conversation.

Optional Weight Training Optional Weight Training You can include light weight training or a body sculpting class to your aerobic add new workout. This will help give you greater muscle tone and shape plus add a new workout. This will help give you greater muscle tone and shape dimension to your overall appearance. Remember, this part of the exercise program dimension to your overall appearance. Remember, this part of the exercise program optional. is optional. If you decide to add weight training, these general rules should be followed: Approximately Approximately one hour of light weight training every other day during Days 1-13 1-13 circuit type program is recommended, where all body parts are worked A circuit type program is recommended, where all body parts are worked during a single session. Always stretch 5-10 minutes before you begin exercise. minutes exercise. During exercise, if you begin to feel faint or dizzy or experience any unfamiliar pain, exercising may continue unfamiliar pain, stop exercising and rest. You may be able to continue in a few minutes or you may have to stop for the day. may minutes DIETARY GUIDELINES DIETARY GUIDELINES Dietary Information Dietary Information diet This restricted, low fat, low calorie diet is an essential part of the QuickTrim Burn & QuickTrim Cleanse CleanseTM 14 Day Diet System. Day Diet System. We've designed the QuickTrim diet to be easy to understand. The information you learn We've QuickTrim can be beneficial to you in the future. beneficial Before we begin explaining the food choices, quantities and cooking suggestions, there are certain terms you should understand. We want you to be aware of calories, however, terms We this program is based upon the measure of proteins and carbohydrates, not calories. m measure metabolizes First, you should understand how your body processes or metabolizes food. body's Metabolism- This is your body's way of processing food. Metabolized nutrients can m be used as energy or as building material for muscle, bones and other living tissue. material muscle, person's metabolism resulting improved Diet and exercise can speed up a person's metabolism resulting in improved tone and quality of muscle tissue. Metabolism is how your body deals with the food you Metabolism eat.

Let's . For simplicity, we've divided food into two groups: Let's review the food choices. For simplicity, we've divided food into two groups: protein and carbohydrates. r protein and carbohydrates. Protein - This is the major source of building material for everything from blood and This is the major source of building material for everything from blood and muscle to skin, hair, nails and internal organs. Protein helps control metabolism and muscle to skin, hair, nails and internal organs. Protein helps control metabolism and also extremely regulates water balance. It also is extremely useful in maintaining muscle tone and maintaining muscle muscle mass in dieting individuals. muscle mass in dieting individuals. gram of protein 1 gram of protein = 4 calories. calories. Carbohydrates - These are sugars, starches, fruits and fibers and are the main source main Carbohydrates starches, muscle of energy for all muscle and body functions. Carbohydrates or "carbs" are converted simple Wh Whatever by the body to a simple sugar called glucose. Whatever glucose is not used as energy is converted to glycogen and stored in the muscles and liver. Glucose may also be muscles liver. converted to fat and stored th throughout throughout the body for later use. These glycogen stores can be consumed through sh short-term carb depletion and exercise. Once glycogen is depleted, hort-term depleted, body fat is used for energy resulting in weight loss. 1 gram of carbs = 4 calories. CAUTION: You should never substantially deplete carbohydrates for longer than drates for longer CAUTION: should substantially deplete carbohydr one week at a time. The method outlined in this program should be followed carefully. this program followed Throughout your 14 days there are some foods you should avoid. some Sugars - We recommend that these be excluded during this program. Although these Sugars We recommend that these be excluded during this program. Although these ug carbohydrates are a normal part of any healthy diet, they are high in calories and normal require little effort by the body for absorption. These foods do little to stimulate the absorption. metabolism and may be stored as fat. metabolism may stored wheat Wheat Products - Breads, cereals and pastas made from wheat are also good sources Wheat Products a made of carbohydrates but are not a part of this program as they are normally high in normally sodium. sodium. Fats - Known as lipids, these are the most densely caloric source of energy in the Known as lipids, these are the most densely caloric source of energy in the diet. 1 gram of fat = 9 calories Fats are difficult to digest and are mostly stored throughout the body rather than used mostly immediately as energy. The foods recommended in this diet are typically low in fat. immediately Dairy Pro ucts - Many dairy products are high in fat and almost all are very high in airy rod Dairy Products sodium. Sodium causes water retention under the skin and could cause you to appear sodium. slightly bloated. We recommend you avoid all dairy products during your 14-day We program. program. 8

Calculating Your Diet Your Quick Trim diet is based on the amount of protein and carbohydrates you consume in any given day. There are four small meals planned. Each one should be approximately three hours apart. These small, frequent meals help keep your metabolism moving and burning calories rather than storing them as fat. How to Calculate Your Diet: Estimate your ideal body weight. It should be realistic. This weight will be your goal and your guide throughout the 14 days. IMPORTANT REMINDER: It is recommended that caloric intake not fall below 800 calories per day. We have set a minimum weight of 145 lbs. to calculate the absolute minimum diet which represents approximately 800 calories. Even if your ideal body weight is less than 145 lbs., you should use this weight as your guide. Consuming fewer than 800 calories is neither smart nor acceptable. Protein Calculate your total protein for the day. You should consume one gram of protein for every pound of ideal body weight. For example: If your ideal body weight is 145 lbs. or less, your total protein for the day would be 145 grams. 145 lbs. = 145 grams of protein This works out to be approximately 36 grams of protein for each of your four meals. It is acceptable to consume slightly less as long as you stay at the minimum of 800 calories, but be careful not to consume more. Carbohydrates Your daily carbohydrate intake is determined first by whether a day is "Low Carb" or "High Carb". On Low Carb days you should consume 1/4 of your Ideal Body Weight in grams of carbohydrates. For example: If your ideal body weight is 145 lbs. or less, your total carbohydrate intake on Low Carb day should be between 36 and 37 grams.

_ . 145 lbs. . 4 = 36.25g of carbohydrates

On High Carb days, your intake is 1/2 your ideal body weight, in this case (145 lb. or less) that would be approximately 72 grams per High Carb day.

_ . 145 lbs. . 2 = 72.5 grams of carbohydrates

We have divided carbohydrates into three categories: starchy carbs (oatmeal, potatoes, into three categories: starchy (oatmeal, yams & rice), fibrous carbs (broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, zucchini, yams rice), fi fibrous carbs (broccoli, cucumbers, tomatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, asparagus, cabbage, celery, collards, cucumbers, eggplant, radishes and turnips) and Fruits. Carbohydrates Fibrous: Carbohydrates - Starchy and Fibrous: meals Starchy carbs should be eaten only on High Carb days and only in the first two meals of the day. Your fibrous carbs will be your main source of carbohydrates as they are of the day. Your fibrous carbs will be your main source of carbohydrates as they are high in fiber and low in calories. IMPORTANT: On High Carb days it is much better to eat higher levels of carbs IMPORTANT: much better to eat higher levels of carbs early in the day, decreasing as the day goes on. This will help you consume those early in the day, decreasing as the day goes on. This will help you consume those carbs in your daily activities and you won't "take them to bed with you", where they activities you won't you", may be stored as fat. may Remember, you will eat only fibrous carbs or fruits on your Low Carb days. Your Remember, your protein requirement remains the same throughout the 14 days. However, egg whites protein requirement remains the same throughout the 14 days. However, egg whites excluded from your and canned tuna, which are high in sodium, should be excluded from your choices in the final three days. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 High Carb High Carb Low Carb Low Carb High Carb High Carb Low Carb Day 8 Day Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Low Carb Low Carb Low Carb Low Carb Sample Sample for target weight of 145 lbs. or less: DAY 1 High Carb Day DAY Carb Day Portion Size Protein Carbs Fat Calories 6 egg whites 18 72 oatmeal 1/3 cup 5 20 2 118 oatmeal Noon 6 oz. canned tuna 42 3 195 med 1 sm - med potato 20 80 36 4 3 pm chicken breast 6 oz. 185 asparagus 20 spears 20 80 6 pm flounder fillets 8 oz. 48 2 186 green beans 1 1/4 cup 13 52 _______________ _____________________________________________ 9 am Total 144 73 73 11 968 Day 12 Low Carb Day 13 Day 14 Low Carb Low Carb


Sample for target weight of 145 lbs. or less: Sample DAY 3 Low Carb Day Portion Size Protein Carbs Fat Carbs Fat Calories Portion Calories 6 egg whites 18 72 tomato tomat 1 cup to 10 40 6 246 Noon chicken breast 8 oz. 48 Noon 10 40 green beans 1 cup pm 42 3 195 3 pm tuna 6 oz. cucumbers 2 cups 10 40 cucumbers 6 pm chicken breast 6 oz. 36 185 pm 4 6 24 broccoli 1 cup _________________________________________ __________________ 9 am Total Total Food Choices* Food Choices* A. PROTEINS I PROTEINS Chicken Breast Egg Substitute** Egg Whites** Wh Whites** Fresh Fish (Fluke, Flounder, Sole, Cod or Haddock) Tuna (canned in water)** Turkey Breast **Only for days 1 - 11 B. STARCHY CARBS*** Oatmeal Oatmeal Potato Rice Yam Yam ***Only for first two meals of high-carb days C. FIBROUS CARBS Asparagus Bell Pepper Broccoli Cabbage Cauliflower Celery 11 144 36 13 1/2 842

Collards Cucumbers Cucumbers Lettuce Lettuce Eggplant Green Beans Green Beans Radishes Radishes Tomato Tomato Zucchini D. FRUITS- They can be used on days 1-8. You can replace one serving of starchy or fibrous D. FRUITScan be used on days 1-8. You can replace serving of starchy or fibrous carbs per day with 1 serving of fruit for the first eight days only. *Refer to the "Low-Fat Food Preparation" section below for types and amounts to use.

Apple Blueberry Blackberry Cherries Grapes Orange Plum Raspberry Strawberry

High Carb Day apple cup cup 7 cherries cup orange 1 plum cup cup

Low Ca Day Carb Day_ arb apple cup cup 4 cherries cup orange plum cup cup

Low-Fat Food Preparation Low-Fat Food Preparation Protein Whites: Egg Whites: 1 large egg white = 3 g protein protein large egg white To prepare eggs: Boil eggs, separate, and discard yolks or make an "egg white" omelet (separating (separating cooking) from the yolk from the white before cooking) using a light cooking spray Substitute: must Egg Substitute: (Liquid type in carton - must be Fat Free or Zero Fat only) 1/2 cup (liquid) = approx. 10 g protein. To prepare egg substitute: In frying pan, make an omelet or scrambled eggs using light cooking spray. In a frying pan, make an omelet or scrambled eggs using a light cooking spray.


sodium, Because egg substitutes are high in sodium, they should be eaten only during the first 11 days of the program. program. Chicken Breast/Turkey Breast: (boneless, skinless, and trimmed of fat) Breast: (boneless, skinless, and trimmed of fat) 1 oz. raw = 6 g protein 1 medium chicken breast (4 oz.) = approx. 24 g protein medium chicken To prepare chicken: To prepare chicken: 1. Boil or poach in water. This method draws out some of the fats still remaining in Boil or poach in water. This method draws out some of the fats still remaining in meat. the meat. 2. Bake in non-stick pan and top with herbs and spices. 3. Grill Gril l 4. Steaming Steaming Tuna: (in can or pouch) 1 oz = 6 g protein Tuna: (in can or pouch) oz protein Can be mixed with a small amount of vinegar, black pepper, lemon or chopped mixed small f vineg lemon vegetables. vegetables. Tuna should not be eaten during the final three days of the program. Fresh Fish: Fresh Fish: (cold water white fish, such as fluke, flounder, sole, cod or haddock are best) best) 1 oz = 6 g protein. When purchasing fish, ask to have the correct weight portions packaged for you. To prepare fish: Broiling; baking and steaming are the best methods. fish: Broiling; baking and steaming are the best methods. Starchy Carbs Oatmeal: 1/3 cup (uncooked) = approx. 20 g carbs Oatmeal: To flavor your oatmeal you may use artificial sweetener and/or cinnamon. To flavor your oatmeal you may use artificial sweetener and/or cinnamon. You may also use a serving of fruit or 2 tbsp of honey. Oatmeal is eaten only during the high-carb days (Days during the high-carb days (Days 1,2,5 & 6) 6) Potato: (regular baking type) Potato: small-medium potato (approx. 4 long 3" wide) approx. 20 carbs 1 small-medium potato (approx. 4 long & 3" wide) = approx. 20 g carbs

1 oz. = 5 g carbs


To prepare potato: a) Potatoes can be baked, boiled or cooked in a microwave. b) Do not use butter, margarine or sour cream. Potatoes are eaten only during high-carb days (Days 1,2,5 & 6) Yam: (Boiled or baked) 1 small-medium yam (approx. 4" long & 3" wide) = approx. 20 g carbs. To prepare yam: Use the same directions for preparing potatoes. Yams are eaten only during high-carb days (Days 1,2,5 & 6) Rice: (white or brown) 1/2 cup (cooked) = approx. 22 g of carbs To prepare rice: a) Rice should be boiled. b) Do not add any type of sauce or butter. You may use a small amount of chopped tomato, vegetables, herbs or spices Rice is eaten only during high-carb days (Days 1,2,5 & 6) Fibrous Carbs Asparagus: 1 cup or 10 spears (cooked) = approx. 10 g carbs Bell Peppers: 1 cup (raw or cooked) = approx. 6 g carbs Broccoli: 1 cup (cooked and chopped) = 6 g carbs Cabbage: (Green, Red or Savory) 1 cup (raw, shredded) = 4 g carbs Cauliflower: 1 cup (cooked and chopped ) = approx. 6 g carbs


Celery: 2 large stalks (raw) = approx. 4 g of carbs Collards: 1 cup (cooked and chopped ) = approx. 5 g carbs Cucumbers: 1 cup (raw, sliced) = approx. 3 g carbs Eggplant: 1 cup (raw, diced) = approx. 5 g carbs Green Beans: 1 cup (cooked and chopped) = approx. 10 g carbs
Lettuce: (all kinds) use as much as you want

Radishes: 10 radishes (raw) = approx. 2 g carbs Tomato: 1 cup (raw, chopped ) = approx. 10 g carbs Zucchini: 1 cup (cooked and sliced) = approx. 7 g carbs To prepare vegetables: a) All fibrous carbs may be eaten raw, boiled, steamed or cooked in a microwave b) Vegetables should be cooked firm to ensure that their nutritional value (vitamins and minerals) remain intact.
Apple Blueberry Blackberry Cherries Grapes Orange Plum Raspberry Strawberry

High Carb Day Low Carb Day apple apple cup cup cup cup 7 cherries 4 cherries cup cup orange orange 1 plum plum cup cup cup cup

You can replace one serving of starchy or fibrous carbs per day with one serving of fruit for the first eight days only.


Food Value Chart Protein g Protein: Chicken Breast (med.-4 oz) Egg Substitute (1 cup) Egg Whites (1 egg) Fresh Fish (6 oz.) Tuna (6 oz) 24 20 3 36 42 Protein g Starchy Carbs: Oatmeal (1/3 cup uncooked) Potato (small-medium) Rice (1/2 cup cooked) Yam (small-medium) Fibrous Carbs: Asparagus (10 spears) Bell Peppers (1 cup) Broccoli (1 cup) Cabbage (1 cup) Cauliflower (1 cup) Celery (2 stalks) Collards (1 cup) Cucumbers (1 cup) Eggplant (1 cup) Green Beans (1 cup) Radishes (10) Tomato (1 cup) Zucchini (1 cup) Exercise: Non-athletic person: 8 am: Walking/30 min 9 pm: Walking/30 min 10 6 6 4 6 3 5 3 5 10 2 10 7 40 24 24 16 24 12 20 12 20 40 8 40 28 5 20 20 22 20 2 118 80 88 80 Carb g 3 123 80 12 53 195 Fat g Calories Carb g Fat g Calories

1 3


Athletic person: 8 am: Stationary bike/40 min 9 pm: Stationary bike/40 min Water: Try to drink at least 1 gallon of water throughout the day. The minimum amount you should drink is 12- 8 oz. (96 oz.) glasses of water per day. Sodium Intake Sodium is the element responsible for retaining water. We've developed a simple plan to reduce your sodium to improve the results of your 14 day program. Week 1: Your sodium intake should remain low throughout the first seven days. You may add small amounts of sodium to your diet with table salt or from fat-free, low-calorie sauces. Remember, these products should be used in small amounts and only during the first seven days. Week 2: Restrict all sodium so that the body may flush out excess fluid from under the skin. Trace amounts of sodium occur in some of the recommended foods, so it is important to avoid any table salt or other products that may add sodium to your diet. Fluid Intake The amount of water you drink will play a key role in your success. The human body is a marvel of engineering and will automatically compensate for high or low levels of water. If you drink plenty of water, the body will learn to expect it and, therefore, eliminate it regularly. If the body is conditioned not to expect water, it will retain it. The body can be triggered into further water removal from under the skin by means of water-loading and short-term reduction. Here is a simple plan for accomplishing water reduction during this program. Fluid Intake Schedule: Days 1-10: Drink one gallon of water per day (96 oz. minimum). We recommend using a 1.5 liter bottle or gallon jug in order to keep track of how much you drink. Days 11-13: Drink one cup of water (approx. 6 oz.) with each of your four meals. Do


Late Eating Late night eating should be avoided. Food should not be eaten any later than two bedtime. primary hours before bedtime. This can be a primary reason for diet failures. Late night eating could adversely affect your final results. Eating in a Restaurant Eating in Restaurant Restaurant eating presents special challenge to someone on diet. By ordering Restaurant eating presents a special challenge to someone on a diet. By ordering a meal and specifying how you would like it cooked, you can still enjoy the experience. meal For breakfast many restaurants have egg white or egg substitute omelets on their many omelets menus. menus. At lunch or dinner order baked or broiled fish, chicken or turkey cooked with no oil and steamed vegetables. As an alternative, on high carb day, meal early in no oil and steamed vegetables. As an alternative, on a high carb day, a meal early in the day can even include a baked potato, rice or yam and a chicken breast cooked the day can even include baked potato, rice or yam and chicken breast cooked without added fat or oil. QUESTIONS QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS The following is a list of questions most frequently asked about the QuickTrim Burn QuickTrim Burn simple solutions. & CleanseTM 14 Day Diet System and their simple solutions. Q. What is the difference between protein and carbohydrates? A. manual A. Pages 8-15 of the manual clearly state the difference between protein and their carbohydrates as well as their nutritional values. Protein and carbohydrates may never may be substituted for one another. Q. How and when do I take the different dietary supplements?
A. A. Page 18 of the man provides directions for the QuickTrim nutritional manual nual s m supplements. supplements.

Q. How often must I exercise? A. Pages 3-7 A. Pages 3-7 of the manual will tell you everything you need to know about the manual exercise portion of the program and how to choose one that is best for you. Although the exercise guidelines for maximum results are clearly defined, aerobic exercise once maximum day for 30 to 60 minutes is the established minimum. a day for 30 to 60 minutes is the established minimum.


Q. How much protein and/or carbohydrates are in the suggested foods? A. The "Low-Fat Food Preparation" section in the manual (pages 12-16) will provide manual 12-16) provide "Low-Fat Preparation" you with what you need to know about protein and carbohydrate values of specific protein may Fruits simple foods so that you may easily calculate your own portions. Fruits are just a simple substitution for carbs for the first eight days. Q. What if I don't like one or two of the suggested foods in the diet? A. There are many protein and carbohydrate choices in the diet (page 11-12 of There the manual). the manual). You may replace any of the protein and carb may the carbohydrate choices for another on the list. Keep mind Keep in mind that egg whites and canned tuna are high in sodium and should be omitted tuna high omitted after day 11. Also, you can substitute starchy carbs for other starchy carbs and fibrous carbs d for other fibrous carbs. Fruits can be substituted for either carb type for the first eight days. carbs. Fruits uted r Remember that the foods suggested in the QuickTrim diet are some of the choices Remember that the foods suggested in the QuickTrim diet are some of the choices to help you achieve rapid results. Using alternatives for these foods could greatly diminish diminish your chances for success. Q: What can I do to make the suggested foods taste better? important A: It is important to note that the more sauces and flavorings you add to your food, more sauces the more difficult and confusing it is to properly calculate and monitor your daily the more difficult and confusing it is to properly calculate and monitor your daily intake. Sauces and dressings are typically high in sugar and sodium and some are some high in fat. Therefore, it is important to limit them during the first week and eliminate high in fat. Therefore, it is important to limit them during the first week and eliminate them on the second week while on this program. them on the second week while on this program. There are ways to make meals more enjoyable. You may use any of the There are ways to make meals more enjoyable. You may use any of the following spices to flavor your foods: Basil, Cayenne Pepper, Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Cumin, Curry Powder, Mustard Basil, Cayenne Pepper, Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Cumin, Curry Powder, Mustard Powder, Oregano, Paprika, Parsley, Rosemary, Garlic, Sage, Tarragon and Thyme. Powder, Oregano, Paprika, Parsley, Rosemary, Garlic, Sage, Tarragon and Thyme. Chili Powder and other spices containing salt should be avoided during the final 3 Chili Powder and other spices containing salt should be avoided during the final system. days of the system. the tomato mustard moderation Use fat free tomato sauces or mustard in moderation during the first week of the first i program. Chopped onion or garlic may be used for added flavor throughout the program. may system. system. Lemon and vinegar, as well as artificial sweeteners can be used in moderation during Lemon and vinegar, as well as artificial sweeteners can be used in moderation during the entire program. the entire program.


Q: Do I have to eat four meals? A: Your QuickTrim diet is based on the amount of the protein and carbohydrates consumed in a given day by way of four small meals eaten approximately three to four hours apart. Small frequent meals can help the metabolism to remain more active. This method, along with proper exercise can help speed metabolism, improve tone and quality of the muscle while depleting of fat stores. This diet plan is vital to the overall success of the QuickTrim Burn & CleanseTM 14 Day Diet System. Only as an absolute last resort should three meals be eaten instead of four. If that is the case, remember that your total daily food intake should remain the same.
Q. In the Burn & Cleanse manual, it states to only eat egg whites and egg substitutes for day 1 through 11; however there are no other breakfast options for days 12, 13, & 14. What can I eat for protein? A. You can eat any of the other protein choices listed in the manual during the last three days of the Burn & Cleanse system. The fact of the matter is that your body doesnt know any difference in the source of protein. Protein is protein. It cant tell if its coming from egg whites or chicken breast. This is more an issue for how weve been raised. If eating protein from one of the other sources doesnt appeal to you, you can substitute a high quality protein shake for that portion of your meal instead. Just make sure you account for any carbohydrates that may also be in the shake and do not use any product that has more than 3-5 grams of fat!

Q. Im a vegetarian. Are there any protein sources that are acceptable for me to use? A. The goal of this diet is to be high in protein but low in carbohydrates so the sources of protein should follow the same philosophy. You may use soy protein powders or any other proteins that are acceptable sources for vegetarians as long as the carbohydrates are low. Some of the protein sources that you could use are low fat or non fat cottage cheese, protein powders, soy burgers or other soy foods, spirulina and tofu. You must, of course, take the carbohydrates into consideration when devising your meal planner with these choices. Using these protein sources may lessen your results slightly but you can still achieve good results using them.


Q: Will the weight loss be permanent? A: Weight loss can never be considered permanent, since it is a continuous Weight loss can never be permanent, it is continuous process of maintaining proper diet and exercise. The following tips may be process of maintaining proper diet and exercise. helpful in maintaining a desired weight. maintaining of f Eat smaller more frequent meals (4-5) instead of fewer larger meals (2-3) Limit fat intake to 20% or less of total caloric intake fat of total caloric intake Maintain a consistent aerobic exercise regimen Maintain consistent aerobic exercise regimen Use resistance training minimum of times per week Use resistance training a minimum of 3 times per week Limit sugar intake and avoid drinks with hidden calories Allow yourself a cheat day every now and then to make it easier to follow a ry Allow yourself cheat day every now and then to make it easier to follow healthier diet throughout the year You can continue to follow the instructions and tips in this manual for exercise this manual exercise follow the instructions and dietary intakes after you complete your QuickTrim system. QuickTrim system. complete Enjoy your special day, you deserve it!


The following products can be used after you complete your QuickTrim Burn & after CleanseTM 14 Day Diet System to maintain or continue on your way to your dream maintain body: QuickTrim Extreme BurnTM! - The most powerful and advanced fat loss m most T formula available! Formulated using research proven ingredients, formula available! Formulated using research proven ingredients, Extreme BurnTM! rapidly attacks fat. Extreme Burn gives attacks fat. Extreme BurnTM! gives you all these scientifically documented compounds a in one single, easy to use product. Whether youre looking to lose a lot or just shape up and tone, Extreme BurnTM! is the solution to success! e soluti QuickTrim Fast CleanseTM- 48 Hour Super Diet Detox- This natural, cutting edge Sup uper This natural, cutting edge cleansing and detox system is specifically designed to remove toxic build up and cleansing and specifically ll impurities. This supercharged formula will leave you feeling healthier, more slender healthier, impurities. and rejuvenated in just 48 hours! QuickTrim CelluslimTM Body Sculpting Gel- This scientifically formulated gel This scientifically formulated gel fi stimulating attacks cellulite by stimulating the breakdown of excess fat stored in the cells. This amazing breakthrough tackles problem areas via different metabolic pathways. With amazing breakthrough tackles problem areas via three different metabolic pathways. With continued use, your skin will become significantly firmer, smoother and more attractive. continued use, your skin will become significantly firmer, smoother and more attractive. fi Dont let unsightly cellulite prevent you from showing off your body! cellulite






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