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ISLAMIC EDUCATION SEMINARY Question List Name : Lidya Velesia (0902271)

1. Topic Question

: Conflict of Culture Tradition Vs. Islamic Syariah :

Usaha kebudayaan harus menuju ke arah kemajuan adab, budaya dan persatuan, dengan tidak menolak bahan-bahan baru dari kebudayaan asing yang dapat memperkembangkan atau memperkaya kebudayaan bangsa sendiri, serta mempertinggi derajat kemanusiaan bangsa Indonesia. Statement above is about the Basic Constitutional No. 32 about the Indonesian culture. In your opinion, what should youth people do in balancing Islamic syariah with culture tradition in our society to avoid intolerance and misunderstood keeping antique things such as tumpengan, mersih keris?

2. Topic Question

: Muslim Tolerance Today :

What is tolerance in your opinion? What is your opinion about the intermarriage in view of Islam with tolerance view and accordance with syariah?

3. Topic Question

: Gender and Feminism in Islam :

Explain briefly about all the development of Feminisms of Feminisms period, and correlate it with the influence of several women in Islam syariah?

4. Topic : The Effect of Daarut Tauhid Foundation to The Islam Development in Gegerkalong Bandung Question :

Al-quran Surah Al-Hajj: 77 direct Daarut Tauhid Foundation to build and develop more their tabligh. What is the meaning of this Surah correlated to development of Daarut Tauhid Foundation?

5. Topic Question

: Respect of Muslim Youth to Learn History of Islam :

Explain detail what do you know about sirah nabawiyyah of Nabi Muhammad SAW?

6. Topic Question

: Syariah Law As An Ethical Dimension In Islamic Banking :

Islamic law besides prohibiting the payment and collection of interests regardless of the purpose for which loans are made and the rates at which interests are charged, also prohibits activities dealing with liquor, pork, gambling, pornography and anything which Islamic law deems Haram (unlawful) Based on this statement, write ayat Al-Quran which have correlation? Write another ayat Al-Quran to support your explanation?

7. Topic : Genetic Engineering; Between Improving Human Welfare and Competing God's Creation Question :

Who is the first animal cloning in the world? What actually rise up after the first animal cloning published? Is there any Islamic controversy for this clone? Explain! 8. Topic Question: Based on the hadist, what activity that involved to jihad? What is your opinion about the terrorism activity that include to jihad abusing? : Terrorism

9. Topic Question:

: Food Blood Consumption in View of Islam

In islamic prespective, what is the blood that allowed to be eat? State the ayat AlQuran that states that?

10. Topic Question:

: Pluralism

What is pluralism in your opinion? Is that any difference between pluralist and pluralism?

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