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Hugh Yang Mr.

Garfinkel The Ideal Education

4/13/12 UH I

Education is a system that has been constantly growing with evolution. As we evolve and progress to discover the depths of nature and the universe, we develop different types of thinking. We the new thoughts and ideas, we record and pass the knowledge down to the next generation. As a older generation, it is our intrinsic behavior to realize the important of education in order to maintain the life as a higher being. Using our ability to communicate, we form and spread different ideas, allowing the younger generations to stimulate more thought and form a more profound idea. But what is an ideal education? At this very moment of writing this essay, my words and thoughts are influenced and build from 13 years of education. As I write this essay, I laugh. Was my education ideal or correct? I believe that an ideal education is formed within the child. The child should be given the opportunity to form his or her own ideas without the influence from the older generations. Education shouldnt be restricted. Those who teach and pass down their knowledge are mostly bias towards their own ideas. In order for this to work, shouldnt one teacher teach the world? Education is a broad concept, and an ideal education is nearly an unspeakable one. An ideal education should be a free form of education where the child discovers for themselves. It is their responsibility to pursue their field of interest. According to Emersons article on education, he believes that education should be up to the child. Their future should not be controlled by society or school. Waking up early in the morning should be their interest, not their duty. Everyone has the ability to climb to the top of the social class, but their level of wealth and fame depends solely on their determination. Without determination, everything of the

mind is forced, therefore not nature. The ideal education is a education from within. Its ingredients are nothing more than determination, commitment, and passion. Education with a system means corruption. Waiting for Superman is a documentary that portrays the corruption of education that is critically impacting the older generations. The system of education that is presently being enforced creates advantages, and also disadvantages. By schooling children and hiring teachers to teach creates a problem of inequality. Not every teacher is the same, they have their own ideas, and their own way of teaching. There are good and bad teachers. And a good teacher can teacher up to 150% of the required curriculum while a bad teacher can only teach up to 50%. This creates a difference between a good school and a bad school. A good school will produce good students, whereas a bad school will produce bad students. A bad school are usually the local neighborhood schools where parents have nowhere else to put their children. With a bad education, a troubled student can never become a good student. He or she will be behind of those in a good school. This system is nothing but a failure, leaving students hopeless while other progress. It is false in my opinion that all people are create equal. There is no true equality, and education is one of the primary examples of unequal education, where money can buy a good and proper education. For those who are not properly educated, superman failed to arrive at their door. The only way is for everyone to be superman, within them. Everyone possess the spirit of success and strength of superman. In the end, when will this ideal form of education ever come true? In this country, this planet, this universe, it wont. We have already sunken into the deep sea of the system, and there is no way out but to continue diving and progressing with it. Although I do not agree with this form of education, is does however create some positive outcomes for the people. The education system will continue to dive deep down, and it will create a path that hopefully benefits the

world, not just a majority. However, my argument will continue to swim up from the sea, until sunlight is shown. Education cannot be led, it can be shown, but not told. It can be learned, but not taught. That, is the ideal education, the sunlight on top of the ocean floor.

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