May 2012 Bulletin

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Where Traditional Judaism Embraces Jewish And Interfaith Families

May 2012


Iyyar / Sivan 5772

As April came to a close, the Jewish People celebrated Israels 64th birthday. Through six+ decades, Israel has demonstrated time and time again that peace is the highest priority. We have given land for the promise of peace, only to see the promise broken. We have treated Palestinians in Israeli hospitals, and we have distributed food and basic essentials to the poor, taking care to keep the assistance out of the hands of Hamas. We are proud that Israel leads the world in medical treatment and technology, agricultural advances, computer science, and archaeological discoveries, all of which Israel shares with humanity. We can only wonder why the world allows terrorists to take aim in a passionate effort to destroy Israel, a source of light and learning for the nations of the world. That light energizes the lives of Jewish people throughout the world. The non-Jewish community often does not understand the central role Israel plays in our minds and souls. Rabbi Harold Kushner explains that [Israel] has no analogue in the Christian world. It cannot be compared to the Catholics feelings toward the Vatican, or the Lutherans to Germany. It is different from the emotional attachment of Italian-Americans to Italy or Irish-Americans to Ireland. The ancestors of most American Jews came from Europe, not Israel [Our] attachment is emotional, not nostalgic or theological. It cuts across all religious and social borders. Israel symbolizes for us the idea that we are a People, not only a belief system A theology can exist in the pages of a book. It can be adhered to by individuals wherever they may live, and those individuals may choose to gather in a [worship setting] from time to time to affirm their solidarity. But a People is not an abstraction; a People has to live somewhere. Marriage as a legal concept can be confined to the pages of the law codes, but when [two individuals] get married, they have to find a home and furnish it. Israel is our Peoples Home. When conveying the centrality of Israel to children, I contrast it with the Hebrew name for Egypt, Mitzrayim, which comes from the root word meaning narrow. As we learned in the Passover story, Mitzrayim was ruled by a narrow-minded Pharaoh. Todays Mitzrayim is the fundamentalist Islamic nations where women are stripped of their dignity and live within untenable restrictions. Mitzrayim is Darfur, where the Pharoahs of military might narrow the hopes of the Sudanese by means of genocide and starvation. Mitzrayim is Iran with its narrow focus on creating a nuclear threat aimed at Israel. Ironically, Mitzrayim today is Egypt, where civil unrest is fueled by extremists who destroy both Christian and Jewish centers. Israel is important to us as American Jews because it is the one place where being Jewish is normal, not exceptional. Israel is important to the world because it is lor goyim, a source of light and hope for the nations of the earth. In the classical literature of midrash (Braysheet Raba 6.5), Rabbi Yonatan taught, God gave three special gifts to the world: Torah, the luminaries of heaven, and the rain that brings growth to the world. Rabbi Azarya added, in the name of Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish: The pursuit of peace. Rabbi Joshua ben Nehemya added: The promise of redemption. Rabbi Tanhuma added: Dont forget the greatest gift of all: Israel! Next month, 30 members of our congregation will be journeying together through Israel. Now is the perfect time to go. Airfare notwithstanding, the prices in Israel are low and the sense of confidence among the Israelis is uplifting. Israel needs us to go and share our spiritual hug with Israelis; we need Israel to give us inspiring spiritual hugs of support as well. Please contact Lisa Fishman or me if you might consider joining the 2012 CBA trip for the tour of a lifetime in Israel. Its not too late!
Rabbi Rick Sherwin





The Road to Fulfillment

A sense of fulfillment is what many of us seek through our lives. Self-fulfillment is the act or fact of fulfilling one's ambitions, desires, etc., through one's own efforts. Each of us has a different set of ends we would like to reach and, for the most part, a different path to get there. We, at Beth Am, want to provide one venue for your journey to fulfillment. Part of the responsibilities that go along with the title of Congregational President is to listen to people when they tell you what they want to see changed. These suggestions come so that the person telling me can continue to work to achieve their fulfillment. Often times, however, what one individual deems an improvement another person deems a detractor. Trying to create an atmosphere where everyone is perfectly content with all aspects of what is going on is not possible. I have learned over the years to adapt my level of fulfillment to the circumstances and surroundings that I have to share with the rest of the people. I would love to get in the 10-items-or-less lane and have no one in front of me have 11 items not going to happen. I always get in the slowest toll payment lane on the highway (not every place has Sunpass) because someone has to look for change. I sure would like my doctor to see me at the time of my appointment (wouldnt we all!) Some things will always annoy me, but when I learn to handle those minor annoyances without making a big deal over them, I add to my own self fulfillment. For every person that wants a solemn atmosphere, there is someone that wants a cheerful one; for every person that wants less included in the service there are those that want more; and my favorite its too cold in here followed up by its too hot in here (same room, same temperature, just feet apart from each other). My point is that we must learn to accept what we consider little nuisances that go on around us because they lead to someone elses fulfillment. Yes there are limits and when those boundaries are overstepped something needs to be said. When I get the same issue brought up to me many times over by many different people, I work on a correction. But I promise, at Beth Am we will help you attain a high level of fulfillment by providing the atmosphere you need to pursue it. People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost. H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
-Steve Leibowitz, President


THE OYS & JOYS OF SEX Dor Shalom the Jewish Educational Social Network for adults 40 and over invites Congregation Beth Am couples and singles to the sixth session in its Eat, Pray, Learn series. This session, facilitated by Rabbi Rick, will take place Tuesday evening, May 22nd. To Register for the May 22 Chavurah

Go to <> Click on "programs" Click on "Dor Shalom"

Select Chavurah with Rabbi Rick Sherwin The location of the event will be emailed separately after the registration period ends.

There is no cost (though donations are always appreciated). Light refreshments will be served.


Beginning Shabbat morning June 1st. our service time shifts from 10 am to 9:30 am. Our very popular Shabbat morning service is participatory, featuring congregation singing, discussion of the weekly Torah portion and its applicability to the world today, and lay involvement on every level. The warm, welcoming family-friendly service includes a brief interlude wherein members of the congregation and guests are invited to meet each other. We celebrate all life cycle events as a congregational family: Bar/Bat Mitzva, wedding aufrufs, baby-namings, birthdays and anniversaries, and any celebration of life imaginable.

Everyone was very enthusiastic at our initial information meeting for the June 11-22, 2012 Pilgrimage to Israel. A number of families have already signed up, with the conviction that we are going no matter what! Pre-teens and teenagers and adults willing to learn a Torah reading will have the opportunity to read their Torah portion at the Wall, and everyone on the tour will receive an Aliya. We plan to visit historical sites and technological centers, climb, swim, shop, and ride camels and jeeps!

Please contact Rabbi Rick if you are even considering the POSSIBILITY of joining the group, fulfilling one of the highest mitzvot in Jewish Tradition TMIKHAT YISRAEL, Supporting our Peoples Home. As the 60 travelers who joined us in 2007 and 2009 will attest, it is the experience of a lifetime.



For seven weeks - from the second evening of Passover until the evening preceding Shavuot we commemorate the measure of barley (known as the Omer) that our ancestors brought to the Temple in Jerusalem as a thanksgiving offering for the Spring harvest. We assign a number to each new day during this 49-day period, offering brakha as we remind ourselves to count each day and to make each day count. The period of counting is called Sfira, and it creates a bridge between Passover and Shavuot. The exodus meant that we were physically free from slavery in Egypt; revelation at Sinai (the theme of Shavuot) enabled us to be

spiritually free to study Torah and to enhance our lives with depth and meaning. The message of Sfira is that
physical freedom without spiritual freedom is incomplete.


Shavuot occurs on the sixth day of the Hebrew month of Sivan. The name Shavuot (Weeks) reflects the fact that there are precisely seven weeks a week of weeks between the first day of Passover and Shavuot. Shavuot is just as holy and just as important as Passover. It is the Festival of Torah, which celebrates the completion of the freedom that our ancestors were granted on Passover: true freedom comes when one is able to study Torah, to use ones intelligence to create a better world. Accordingly, the Torah reading for Shavuot is the Theophany at Sinai, the giving of the Ten Commandments to the Israelites gathered in the desert. Unlike Passover, there are no major rituals to concretize the observance and celebration of Shavuot. There are to minhagim (customs) associated with the holiday: (1) to eat cheese blintzes or other dairy foods celebrating Israel as the Land of Milk & Honey and (2) to wear bright colors on the holiday in celebration of summers arrival. It is a Yom Tov, a major holiday alongside Sukkot and Passover, and it should be observed as such. It should be a day marked by attendance at worship services and gathering together with friends to study in the evening or through the day. This year, Shavuot begins Saturday evening, May 26th, following the 7:30 p.m. Shabbat afternoon service. Yizkor, the service of appreciation for the members of our family and friends, will be recited at the 10 a.m. Festival Morning Service on Sunday, May 27th.


In Shirat ha-Yam the Song of the Sea Moshe says, This is my God, and to God I will raise my praise. Our Rabbis comment on this verse: When we fulfill a ritual mitzva we should try to enhance it with beauty. We thus wear a beautiful tallit with pride, lift a special Kiddush cup on Shabbat, and kindle candles in statuesque candlesticks. Perhaps more significantly, social mitzvot should be beautified as well. Consider this when one is giving tzdaka to a person in need. Embellishing the mitzva does not necessarily mean giving more; it might mean doing it with a smile, with grace, with warmth, perhaps with an offer of a helping hand. Our attitude to the performance of a mitzva says a great deal about how we see ourselves as reflections of Gods Image. The same is true in the performance of other mitzvot, as in visiting the sick, and comforting the mourner. We should do fulfill these religious responsibilities with as much warmth and consideration as possible, to bring a smile to their face as we try to uplift the human spirit and pay even higher respect to God.




Debbie & Mark Davids for ordering, cooking, arranging and serving the incredibly delicious Seder meal for the intimate gathering of 170 people! Steve Leibowitz for making sure that the sound system worked perfectly! Greg Alman and his family for pitching in to take care of setting the Social Hall and serving the dinner! Joanne & Jacque for taking reservations and making sure that lists were kept up to date!

Please direct all correspondence to:

P.O. Box 915756 Longwood, FL 32791-5756 We're located at: 3899 Sand Lake Road Longwood, FL 32779

ASSIGNING BAR/BAT MITZVA DATES We are now assigning dates for the 2014-2015 Bar/Bat Mitzva list. We plan early so as to give our longstanding members first access to open dates. If your child was born in 2001-2002, and you have not arranged for a date to be reserved, please contact Amy Dorman <> so that your child will not be inadvertently overlooked. Assignments are made on the basis of ones 13th Hebrew birthday, with flexibility for summer birthdays and special circumstances.

Elissa Sherwin for collecting, selecting, and wrapping an age-appropriate Afikoman gift for every child in attendance!

eBay at CBA
The good news is the great response from you the CBA members who cleaned out your closets and garages. The great news is that your donations allowed me to sell them on EBay and return $4,500 to CBA for operating funds. We need you to keep cleaning out your houses, so that I can keep the cash rolling in. I can sell almost everything on EBay except books and clothing. Those items that do not sell are saved and sold at our annual garage sale. Please call me at 321-246-0717 and I will arrange to pick up your items at your convenience. Thank you for your support. Herb Weissman

A plaque on the Memorial Board in our Sanctuary is a fitting way to remember family members whom we recall with warmth and affection. To honor the memory of a loved one with a plaque, please submit your request (accompanied by payment of $360) to our office. The form is available in our office or on the secure Payments Page of our website, where you can also make payment.

CBA Sisterhood - Affiliated with Womens League for Conservative Judaism

We were unable to tour the SafeHouse of Seminole County due to some construction delays at the house. We have now rescheduled the tour for Tuesday, May 22nd at 4:30 pm. I did deliver the items that had been given to me in advance and we received a wonderful thank you letter from Jeanne Gold, CEO (and CBA member!) that is reprinted in this bulletin. (see page 8) If you would like to make a donation of needed items or a Starting Over Kit or a monetary donation, please go to their website for ideas, Please RSVP to me ( or 407 862 2374) if you would like to go on the tour on the 22nd. Thank you to Betsy Batwin and Monica Sinnet for the wonderful program on massage and acupuncture that they presented in April. Just the stress relieve we needed as the tax deadline approached! It is nearly summer vacation time and the 20112012 program year for CBA Sisterhood is drawing to a close. Our thoughts turn to planning for the next year. Now is the time to join/rejoin sisterhood, share your thoughts and ideas for the coming year and volunteer to be part of the leadership team for 2012-2013. If you would like more information or would like to volunteer, please let me know.


The next meeting of the CBA Book & Movie Club will be held on Thursday May 17, 2012 at Panera Bread on Forest City Road (across from Costco & next to Wal-Mart). The book of the month Not Me is the first novel written by Michael Lavigne. It is a curious mix of a both funny and serious presentation by the storys narrator, Michael Rosenheim who is a Jewish comedian. His father, Heshel Rosenheim, is a supposed Holocaust survivor. While visiting his father, who is dying with Alzheimers disease, Michael soon discovers that his father is not who he thought he was. The twist of the plot is revealed rather early in the story, yet it remained a page turner right up until the end. The characters development in both current time and in the flashbacks made me feel that I was witnessing the action all along. This intriguing novel asks questions that can't easily be answered: Can sixty years of good deeds atone for a past in which a person commits the worst crimes imaginable? Can people truly change who they are, and if they do, does it matter anymore who they were? We look forward to seeing you there. If you want further information, please feel free to contact me.

Cathy Swerdlow President, CBA Sisterhood 321.663.3448

Norma Greenberg 407-788-2285



May 2012

Congregation Beth Am

Iyyar / Sivan 5772



2 5 pm Religious School (Winter Springs)

3 4:15 pm Religious School (Longwood)


7:46 5 8 pm Kabbalat Shabbat

9 am Mitzva Class 10 am Archarei-Kdoshim Bar Mitzva RYAN MACKLER Sunset: 8:04


6 9:30 am Religious School 10 am
Keruv Commission



8 5 pm Religious School (Winter Springs)

9 4:15 pm Religious School (Longwood)


11 7:50 8 pm Kabbalat Shabbat

12 9 am Mitzva Class 10 am Emor

7 pm Israel Trip Meeting 13 9:30 am Religious School 11 am Adult Bnai Mitzva Mothers Day 14 OFFICE CLOSED 15 5 pm Religious School (Winter Springs) 16 4:15 pm Religious School (Longwood) 17

Lag BOmer Sunset: 8:08 18 7:54 8 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 19 Closing Mitzva Session 10 am Bhar/Bhukotai

7 pm Book & Movie Club (Panera Bread) 7:30 pm Sports Shooting Club

Sunset: 8:12 25 7:58 7 pm Family Service 26 10 am B Midbar 7:30 pm EREV SHAVUOT SERVICE

20 9:30 am Closing Session Religious School 10 am Board Meeting





4:30 pm Sisterhood Tour of Seminole Co. SafeHouse Rosh Chodesh

Jerusalem Day 27 10 am

Sunset: 8:16 30 31






Catering By Artisans
(Your CBA Caterer)

As a Congregational Family, we extend our heartfelt condolences to
Anne Lev as she remembers her mother PEARL BARRON Sandra Pearlman as she remembers her mother IRENE KRISTEL Sharon Bartfield & Sara Kaprow as they remember their grandmother RHODA LEVY

Celebrating a simha at Beth Am?

If you want...

delicious food an impressive presentation personal, caring attention every last detail taken care of unbeatable pricing catering profits to benefit Beth Am Then...

Catering By Artisans is your only choice! For information, contact: Sheri Rosenberg 321.356.1529

Support Beth Am AND celebrate your special occasion with custom invitations and announcements. We carry a full line from Regency, Encore and Checkerboard. You can also order a tallit for yourself or for your child's Bat/Bar Mitzva. Contact Debbie Davids at 407.869.0238.

CBA Office Hours Shabbat, Sunday & Mondayclosed Tuesday thru Friday 10:00 am3:00 pm Wednesdays during School until 6:00 pm

If we have inadvertently omitted a birthday, anniversary or yahrtzeit or published incorrect personal information about you in this Bulletin, we apologize. Please let us know so that we can correct our records.


Share the news with members who don't have e-mail Share your compassion with recently bereaved members Share your time with members who are home alone Share your time with members who are in nursing homes Share your time with members who are in a hospital Join the Care Team for additional information, please contact Debbie Zelkowitz (407.862.7471)
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Visit Us On The Web go to


The art committee, with board approval, has secured many pieces of fine art to aid in the beautification of our Synagogue. We are in need of funds to purchase frames for the pictures and perhaps to acquire additional pieces if needed. The art will hang in the social hall, inside the temple foyer and in the halls leading to the bathrooms and the social hall. The museum quality glass has already been donated. Please open you wallets and pockets and help us finish the project. Any amount, no matter how small, will be gladly accepted and you may dedicate your donation. It will be acknowledged in our monthly bulletin. Thank you, in advance, for your donation. The Congregation Beth Am Art Committee.

The Doors to the Sanctuary

Someone asked me about the doors to the Sanctuary. They wanted to know why we dont just paint them. There are many reasons why we are seeking to change the doors. The doors are the entrance to that place inside Beth Am that where our spiritual journey begins. Inside those doors there have been renovations made such as a larger Bima, wider steps, newer carpet, better PA system and more. Outside those doors we have a new multi-purpose wing, new doors to the Rabbis Study and Admin office, tiles in the hall, remodeled bathrooms and so much more. Here are just a few of the reasons for new doors: The age and weight of the doors The design and location of the glass in the doors The hardware inside and out including the closers The soundproofing (or lack thereof) The Fire rating These doors have served their purpose over the years. They no longer fit into the aura of Beth Am. They have had many coats of different colors of paint, different closers, different hardware and different configurations. It is time for different doors. If you would like to help replace those doors, please contact Erica Karlinsky, via e-mail at Steve Leibowitz, President (CBA)

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2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 7 8 8 8 9 David Losen, father of Francine Gelfand Estelle Vivian Fox, mother of Diane Brown Bernard Levin, father of Rhonda Des Islets David Bloom, father of Norma Greenberg Nettie Beyerle, grandmother of Debra Davids Samuel Bresnick, father of Simmie Golub Harry Schwartz, father of Alisa Zinovoy Diana Levin, mother of Rhonda Des Islets Irving Fineberg, father of Nancy Mendel Leon Sobel, uncle of Joan Mayer Sheldon Sharfman, father of Marc Sharfman Harold Lev, father of Tobe Lev Isaac Leichner, grandfather of Rose Lazoritz Sol Shapiro, grandfather of Michael Abrams Leonard Francis, husband of Carol Francis 15 Ethel Palmer, mother of Joan Mayer 15 George Buxbaum, father of Bennett Buxbaum 15 Harry Lack, father of Ilona Sheplan & Minna Alstein 15 Leon Sheplan, father of Ed Sheplan 17 Chana Poliak, mother of Alberto Poliak 17 Cyril Farb, father of Stuart Farb 18 Albert Karasik, father of Hillel Karasik 18 Seymour Olicker, father of Jacqueline Levine 19 Harry Bear, father of Becky Goldstein 19 Rose Silver, mother of Larry Silver 19 Uphee Porter, mother of Shelley Weissman 20 Nathan Berman, husband of Pearl Berman & father of Robert Berman 21 Abraham Lipkind, father of Harry Lipkind 21 Dorothy Golub, mother of Jeffery Golub 22 Irving Gordon, father of Ira Gordon 24 Dr. Robert Firtell, mother of SuzAnne Kaltbaum 24 Edna Friedman, aunt of Larrie Greene 24 Rhonda T. Rice, sister of Stefanie Maguire 25 Stanley Beerman, father of Shari Pudles 28 Charles Dorfman, father of Roberta Bernstein

10 Doris Meaney, cousin of Rose Lazoritz 10 Isadore Lifshitz, grandfather of Cheryl Allen 11 Annette Rosenthal, mother of Betsy Batwin 11 John Selach, father of Roxanne Baron 11 Mary Lifshitz, grandmother of Cheryl Allen 12 Harold Shankman, grandfather of Stacy Gotlib 13 Albert Haney, grandfather of Kristina Tollefson 14 Irma Rubin, mother of Richard Rubin 14 Louis Wilkins, grandfather Linda Zlatkiss 14 Sarah Poiley, mother of Jeffrey Poiley 14 Sarah Solomon, grandmother of Tamara Weinstein

8 11 15 15 18 18 19 22 23 24 Sheri & Bob Rosenberg Heather & Bill Weiss Marlene & Norm Levin Shelley Ortman & Jordan Goldberg Sheri & Michael Berren Melissa & Seth Harac Lynn & Ed Rose Sima & Jerry Feldberg Leslie & Curt Intro Fern & Josh Loory 25 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 Simmie & Jeff Golub Debbie & Mark Davids Andrea & Sean-Paul Lewis Harriet & Richard Gair Lisa & Jason Shenkman Sharon & Mike Bartfield Lisa & Larry Herwitz Norma & Hank Greenberg Brandee & Justin Foxworthy

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Greg Alman Eli and Evan Alman Bernice and Joe Davids Debbie and Mark Davids Norma and Hank Greenberg Tana and Brianna Harris Steve Leibowitz Harry Lipkind Barry Nager Leia Neft Marcia Rosen Sheri Rosenberg
Our Seder team of volunteers, who provided our Seder celebration with delicious food and warm memories of the occasion. Yyasher KohkhemYour strength gives strength to the entire congregation.

Nancy Kucaba
for her help in preparing the monthly bulletin for mailing

1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 9 Ron Bobele Marc Sharfman Dana Bial Jody Blattner Chuck Silverman Roberta Bernstein Ryan Mackler Chase Ward-Spaulding Carlos Escobar Joseph Padawer Cheryl Allen Debbie Forrest Elijah Goldberg Wendy Bowman Jessica Swerdlow 10 10 11 12 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 Marie Agranovsky Jack Leavitt Elaine Silver David Pudles Scott Des Islets Emily Escobar Noah Goldberg Anne Botwinik Roxanne Baron Ian Berren Allie Blattner Carol Francis Jerry Feldberg Leah Golub Alana Halperin 19 20 20 21 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 25 25 26 26 Alan Jacobs Keith Greenberg Rebecca Haffee Kathie Green Katherine Alpert Ilona Sheplan Pearl Berman Alan Brown Samantha Kuperberg Ruth Newman Lucy Estrin Michele Bourne Marsha Stein Hailey Citrenbaum Joshua Kane 26 26 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 30 31 31 Caleb Oxborough Marjorie Schlesinger Andrew Greenberg Elizabeth Agranovsky Jake Fishman Lloyd Lavin Sophie Werk Harriet Gair Sandi Groberg Benjamin Cain Arlene Applebaum Karen Lipkind

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There is no finer way to memorialize a loved one or honor someone than by dedicating a portion of our facility. Join the five members who have already sponsored three classrooms, the library and the playground. The following tax deductible sponsorship opportunities are available:

Campus* $100,000 Education Center* $50,000 Social Hall $36,000 Rabbis Study $25,000 Technology Center $10,000 Classroom $10,000 New Sanctuary Doors $10,000 New Interior Entrance Doors to Education Center $10,000 * Includes lifetime membership Your sponsorship will be acknowledged as follows: Campus Appropriate signage on the exterior of the Synagogue building. Education Center Appropriate signage on the exterior entrance to the Education Center. Social Hall Appropriate signage near its entrance doors. Individual Rooms A plaque will be placed at the entrance to the room. Doors A plaque will be placed near the doors.
Each of the above sponsorships also fulfills the unpaid balance, if any, of your Building Fund commitment. To make a lasting tribute to someone who has played an important part in your life, please contact our office.

Make Your Investment Now!

At Congregation Beth Am, we believe that contributions you make to the synagogue are an investment. You get back much more than you put in. By making your investment in Beth Am, you enjoy the benefits available only to Members In Good Standing:

seating at High Holy Days services, preferred tuition for your children in our Religious School, celebration and observance of life-cycle events and more.

To be considered a Member In Good Standing, you must be current with your investment in Beth Am, including the Annual Financial Commitment ("Dues") and annual commitment for the Building Fund. For example, a Member In Good Standing one who is eligible to attend all High Holy Days services (including Kol Nidre and the Yom Kippur Yizkor service) is a member who:

has no unpaid financial balances from 2011 and prior and has paid at least 75% of the annual financial commitments by August 1, 2012.

We encourage you to pay your annual investment in its entirety now or, if this is not financially convenient, make arrangements with our office for monthly payments.

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ONEG/KIDDUSH SPONSORS Dilly Clarke, in celebration of Jacob becoming a Bar Mitzva Jaimie & Brandon Dunnick, in celebration of baby naming Claire Veonne Dunnick The Goldstone Family, enhancing the Kiddush Luncheon marking the one-year-pre-anniversary of Max becoming a Bar Mitzva "DOR-TO-DOR" (GENERATION-TO-GENERATION) CAMPAIGN TO FUND SCHOOL ADDITION Warren & Renee Moss, in celebration of their 65th wedding anniversary RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Joe & Bernice Davids, in memory of mother Tillie Kornick Matthew Gillio, in honor of the Kaprow Family Phyllis Ginsberg & Family, in celebration of Nana Ruths 90th Birthday Hank & Norma Greenberg, in memory of Pearl Barron & Irene Kristel Andrew & Marilyn Klein, Just because GENERAL FUND Rabbi Kassel Abelson, With thanks to Beth Am for providing Florida warmth during a Minnesota winter Howard & Betsy Batwin, in memory of father George Batwin, in memory of father Jim Rosenthal, in memory of Irene Kristel & in honor of Phil & Francine Gelfand opening their home for Sisterhood Kosher wine tasting Pam Bellet & Alan Zemel, in memory of Harold Levin & Irene Kristel Vera Berenson, in memory of father-in-law Samuel Berenson Luci Belnick & Jeff Cohen, Just because Kail & Faith Brotman, in memory of father Sidney Heller Rick & Donna Gardner, in memory of mother Mildred Gardner Irving Granoff, in memory of mother Rose Granoff Barry Laboda, in memory of Pearl Barron Yerach & Rivka Lazarovitz, Thanks Rabbi Rick Warren & Renee Moss, Yahrzeits Neal & Bernadette Silverstein, in memory of father Isaac Silverstein Sherwin & Barbara Sokolov, in memory of father Meyer Sokolov Elly Soski, in memory of brother Bernard Grunberg Judy & Ron Suberman, in memory of grandmother Anna Behn Lillian Tobias, in memory of sister Selma Pensky Joanne Weiss, in memory of Eve Gordon & Irene Kristel Herb Weissman, in celebration of Shelleys Bat Mitzva Jerrod & Linda Zlatkiss, in memory of mother Sylvia Zlatkiss and brother Lawrence Zlatkiss ART FUND CBA Sisterhood, in honor of the Sisterhood Shabbat Mary Lavin, in memory of her mother Sylvia Feldman Rose Lazoritz, Just because Marilyn Lustig, Just because Herb Weissman, in honor of Shelley Weissmans Bat Mitzva Jack Williams, Just because TREE OF LIFE Morris & Sheila Rashy, in celebration of Joan Rosenman, Jean Dolen, Rita Tepfer & Bernice Landis becoming BNai Mitzva Kinneret Fran Dolin Ray Farkas Renee Radu Sam Goldberg Beth Riehl Gella Gordon Sandy Ruth Bea Kellogg Vivian Rovins Marcia Klein Ruth Schreiber Alice Libby Rita Tearsmith Rosaly Lowenstein Ruth Teeman Doris Mazer Barry Tillis Marilyn Miller Barbara Zappa
Our tradition teaches us the importance of tzdaka. What a wonderful and lasting way to commemorate a birthday, anniversary, yahrzeit, recovery from illness or hardship, Bat or Bar Mitzva, wedding, new baby or other occasion! Or give just because..! We maintain various funds, donations to which are used to support our many activities and to make Beth Am the Synagogue we want it to be. Please show that you care make a contribution to the fund of your choice. All contributions are tax deductible.

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Let Your Print Message Reach More Than 500 Households!

Place Your Ad for the 5773 Congregation Beth Am Provider Directory/Bulletin/Website ALL ADS ARE IN COLOR IF SUMITTED IN THAT FORMAT All ads are placed on Congregation Beth Am Supporters Web Page AD SIZE (nominal) Business Card (3-1/2" X 2") Quarter Page (3-3/4 x 5) Half Page (4-1/2" X 3-3/4") Full Page (4-1/2" X 7-1/2")

___ $90 N/A ___$150 ___$275

___$150 ___$360 ___$650 ___$1,170

___$225 N/A ___$750 ___$1,300

The Directory is an annual production. The Bulletin is mailed monthly. Applications for Ads in the 2012 Beth Am Provider Directory, Bulletin and Website are now available at the CBA office, on-line (, by use of this page or we will e-mail you one (or many) if you send us the request to AS A BONUS you will get your Ad placed on the CBA Web Sites Supporters Page with a link to YOUR web site or YOUR e-mail address for a full year with either a Directory or Bulletin Ad (or both). For best quality, please submit your ad in JPEG or PDF format. E-mail your ad request to us at Payments can be made by cash, check or credit card through the Synagogue Office (407.862.3505) or by credit card through our Web Site Payments page (visit and click on the Payments button).

Name _____________________________________________________________ Business Name _____________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________ Telephone ______________________ Cell Phone __________________________________ E-mail _________________________ Web Site Address ____________________________
Please remit ad and full payment to: Congregation Beth Am PO Box 915756 Longwood, Florida 32791-5756 Attention: Provider Directory 2012/Bulletin/Website

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We encourage you to support our advertisers who support us with their ads in the Bulletin, Membership Directory and on our web site

Promote your business with a Bulletin ad

For information, contact Joanne at the office 407.862.3505

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Custom Painting By
Richard Rubin 407.869.4779
Celebrating 33 Years in Business!
Free Estimates Excellent Local References Interior Exterior Commercial Residential Exterior Pressure Cleaning

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P.O. Box 915756 Longwood, FL 32791-5756

Vol. 37, No. 5




Estate Planning Wills and Trusts Probate and Trust Administration GWEN D. BLOOM Attorney At Law
1180 Spring Centre South Blvd. Suite 310 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Tel: 407-682-3390 Fax: 407-682-3185 The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. Admitted to Practice in Florida (1991) Admitted in Massachusetts (1981) Member: Central Florida Estate Planning Council, Florida Bar Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section and Orange County Bar

Transfer Tax Planning Business Law Real Property Transactions

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