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YOUNG PEOPLE JOINT MEETING May 19, 2012 Venue: New Day Capstone Ministry-Manila

Churches Attended: New Day Capstone Ministry-Manila King Theophany Golden Ministry The Risen Lord Tabernacle Hillstone Ministry th 8 day Love Christian Fellowship The Final Voice of the God Church Lighthouse Christian Fellowship-Marikina Mountain Heights Tabernacle Total Attendees: 34 Moderator: Bro Joven Bataller

2013 NATIONAL YOUTH CAMP PLANNING *Recap from last meetings (May 12, 2012) agenda: Sis Che Salo I. CHILDRENS COMMITTEE Should we abolish this committee? No, but it will be in cooperation with the Music committee Should we impose an age limit on who can join the activities? No, its up to the kids respective pastors if they will be allowed to join or not. YPs assigned to the kids are responsible for assisting them during meal time and bedtime. The Music committee is designated to teach them songs that they will perform in the Camp. The children who will be joining the camp are allowed to join all the activities of the Youth. II. UNITY vs. DENOMINATIONALISM We are NOT forming an organization here, but we are creating unity. However, there is a thin line between the two, and if its not addressed properly, we might create confusion within the body. Points raised to avoid denominationalism: a. YP as a member of the church, not a separate entity All YP LEADERS should present the ideas to the elders and pastors Decisions must always be ratified by the Pastors! (during Ministers Meeting) Page 1 of 5


b. Preservation of the Sovereignty of the local churches No National Committee, since it will create hierarchy in the body. So instead, the NCR will be the host in the Youth Camp. No Committee Head, but allowing spokesperson(s) in the meeting of the Youth Leaders. The Core Committee is purely composed of the Youth Leaders of every church. They will be the reviewers of the initial plan made by the committees, and then be brought up to their respective Pastors. The Youth Leaders will still stay on their committees. c. Empowering the Young People by fulfilling the desires There shall be no limit on the number of members per committee, even on the main members. There are no main members in the committees. It will be in the heart of the Youth if he/she will be active in participating in the meetings and execution of plans.

III. PROGRAM COMMITTEE PLANS *These are all initial plans, and are always subject to change depending on the Pastors ideas and comments. Phase 3: Campaign Period *The Phase 3 or Campaign Period would be subdivided into two (2) parts: a. Phase 3A Initial Phase *In this phase, the YP Manila would conduct visitation to the four (4) regions. The aim is to share the following desires: i. For the young People to come together and do exploits together for the ministry. ii. To encourage Young People from different churches to conduct fellowships to have an avenue in strengthening one another. iii. To conduct campaign for the upcoming November 2012 Bicol Youth Camp and 2013 National Youth Camp. b. Phase 3B Confirmation Phase *In this phase, we shall conduct visitation to strengthen the four (4) regions. This would be a way for them to confirm their participation in the 2011 Bicol Youth Camp. Northern Luzon (Churches: Tarlac, Urdaneta, Dagupan, Nueva Ecija, and Bataan) JULY 7 or 14: Tarlac Youth Joint Fellowship Invite the different churches in attending the fellowship. Coordinate w/ Ptr. Billy Magno c/o Infocom. Page 2 of 5


Financial Assistance for the event. A meeting would be held after the fellowship. This would be the time slot for the imparting of desire.

JULY 21 or 28: Bataan Church Visitation Conduct a visitation to Bataan Church together with the Youth Leaders or Representatives from North Luzon. Coordinate w/ Ptr. Bob Bebber c/o Infocom. A meeting would be held after the fellowship. National Capital Region (Churches: Metro Manila Churches, Bulacan, Cavite and Tagaytay) JUNE 16: Youth Leaders Meeting for the 2nd Quarter Youth Joint Fellowship Host will be HSBC, LCF Marikina, MHT and 8th Day Love. Host will present a concrete plan during the meeting. Financial Plan to be discussed during the meeting. JUNE 23: 2nd Quarter YP Fellowship Target, all Churches to participate. Active invitation to all. Southern Luzon (Churches: Bicol and Calbayog.) JULY 7 or 14: Bicol Youth Joint Fellowship Invite the different churches in attending the fellowship. Venue and Programs would be decided by Bicol Brethrens. Financial Assistance for the event. A meeting would be held after the fellowship. This would be the time slot for the imparting of desire. Visayas Region (Churches: Bacolod, Atipulu-an, Ilo-ilo, Capiz and Cebu) AUGUST 4, 11 and 18: Visayas Youth Joint Fellowship Invite the different churches in attending the fellowship. Venue and Programs would be decided by Visayas Brethrens. Financial Assistance for the event. Coordination with the following Pastors: Ptr. Villamor (Bacolod), Ptr. Algara (Atipulu-an), Ptr. Estrada (Ilo-ilo), Ptr. Domeng (Capiz) and Ptr. Frank (Cebu). A meeting would be held after the fellowship. This would be the time slot for the imparting of desire.

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Mindanao Region (Churches: Davao, Butuan, Gen. San, Piso and other Churches) MAY 16-19, 2012: Davao Convention Desire Sharing c/o Bro. Renan. Target is to instill desires to the YP and have a contact person. AUGUST 4, 11 and 18: Mindanao Joint Fellowship Planning and Venue depending on Bro. Renans report. Mechanics of Visitation DELEGATES The YP would sponsor the financial of three (3) delegates as follows: Should be composed of PREACHER, EMCEE / MUSICIAN and INFOCOM / LOGISTICS SPONSORED BY FINANCE: 3 Persons, + 1 Pastor (Note: at least one of them can interpret the dialects) ADD-ONS are NON-SPONSORED The PROGRAM COMMITTEE to Intervene in the Allocation of Delegates in every area. Key Person should be represented by Diff. Churches DESIRE TO IMPART GATHERING OF YP = attachment to each other RESPONSIBILITY = taking responsibility by forming a Committee or Group to take assignments where you can contribute your talents. Note: SEMINARS SHOULD BE DONE BY PROGRAM COMMITTEE regarding on how we can impart to the Other churches. YOUTH CAMP PROPER A. PROGRAM FLOW THEME: ???? ACTIVITIES: SERVICE Preachings Praise and Worship TEAM BUILDING Physical Activities Games e.g AMAZING RACE, BIBLE/MESSAGE GENIUS, SPORTS, etc *Note: Mini Olympics, one of the possible fund raising Page 4 of 5


B. ACTIVITY PROPOSAL Day zero Evening:

Arrival and Registration

Day 1: PREACHING (Formal Service), Night 1 Worship Concert / Devotion Day 2: Physical and Outdoor Activities Night 2: Bon Fire Day 3: (Noontime) CAPPING / FORMAL SERVICE

CONSULTANTS / ADVISERS NYC2013 Ptr. Joy Monteclar BICOL Ptr. Iceal Estrada VISAYAS Ptr Peter Bustamante- NCR Ptr. Rey Vinluan NCR (Video / Camera) Ptr. Billy Magno Northern Luzon c/o Bro. Renan MINDANAO IV. OTHER CONCERNS Fund-raising Ideas (c/o FinCom) T-Shirt printing CDs Mini-Olympics On Committee Meetings: -Have other committee members join the meeting On handling new-comers during the camp: -Assign one Pastor to handle and have a separate slot for Bible study and Message sharing for them.
Prepared by Sis Cha Salo, NDCM-Mla InfoCom

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