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BUS302-Section 1 Summer 2012 Marketing Management University of San Francisco Kalmanovitz Hall 367 M & W 6:00 PM 10:15 PM,

M, and Friday June 8th & 15th Professor: Office Location: Office Hours: E-Mail: Phone: Michelle Millar Malloy Hall 205 W 3:30 - 5:00, or by appointment 415-422-2498

Prerequisites Junior standing and C or better in the prerequisites: ECON 101, ECON 102, BUS 201, BUS 202. Students are not officially added or dropped from a course section until the drop or add slip is processed by the Registrar. Students not on the roster will definitely not be allowed to continue in the class, or allocated a course grade. Course Description The course is an introduction to the language and issues of marketing with an emphasis on learning to develop responsive marketing strategies that meet customer needs. The course focuses on basic marketing concepts, the role of marketing in the organization, and the role of marketing in society. Topics include market segmentation, product development, promotion, distribution, and pricing. Other topics that will be incorporated into the course are sustainability, marketing research, international/global marketing with relevance to cultural diversity, ethics, and the impact of technology on marketing. Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, you should reasonably expect to: Analyze the role of marketing within the firm and society. Explain the four basic variables in the marketing mix: product, promotion, price, and place. Develop a basic marketing plan utilizing marketing tools such a SWOT analysis, segmentation, and positioning. Be aware of the role of ethics and sustainability to marketing managers. Exercise analytical, communication, and presentation skills (through use of technological aids, such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and the Internet) the basic tools of marketing. Required Textbook Grewal, D., & Levy, M. (2011). M: Marketing (2nd edition). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin. ISBN: 0077386434


You Can Expect from Me: Respect for you and what you hope to gain from this class. A hospitable learning environment. An open mind for suggestions about how the course progresses.

Prompt return of emails Monday through Friday. Emails will not be responded to on Saturdays and Sundays. Weekly offices hours and I will be there! If for some reason I cant, Ill reschedule.

My Expectations of You: Have fun! You are all here to learn but who says learning cant be fun? Arrive to class on time. Classes will begin promptly at 4:35pm. I will ask those that arrive late to leave the class. Complete all individual assignments/exams by yourself, i.e. work on your own, and use your own words. Evidence of students working together on individual assignments/exams, or plagiarizing someone elses work will result in an F for the class, and possible suspension from the University. Read all assigned readings prior to the day they are due in class. Be prepared for, listen, and participate in, class. Laptops, cell phones, and any other communication devices may not be used in class. If caught texting, tweeting, Facebooking, or talking on any of those devices, you will be asked to leave the class. Turn in your assignments on time. Absolutely NO late assignments will be accepted no exceptions. All deadlines are posted at the beginning of the term and can be viewed at any time on Blackboard. Deadlines may only be changed or revised by me. Complete the exams during the assigned exam time. NO make-up exams will be given no exceptions. In addition, final exams will be given on the final exam date only. Check Blackboard daily for updates, announcements, and additional course readings. Turn in your syllabus contract by the due date. Failure to do so will result in one drop in your letter grade. Student Assessment: Group information Guest speaker summary Marketing Plan Sections (4) Oral Marketing Presentation Final Written Marketing Plan Participation Exam 1 Exam 2 Total 378 357 336 315 420 points 377 356 335 A B+ B C+ 10 points 20 points 60 points (15 for each section) 30 points 60 points 40 points 100 points 100 points 420 points 294 314 252 293 < 252 C D F

Assignments (All written assignments will be submitted in Blackboard by the specified time on the day the assignment is due. No late assignments will be accepted no exceptions). Inevitably, someone in your group will submit the incorrect document, will submit the assignment via the incorrect format, or will try to turn it in late. To be fair to your group mates, I will give each group 1 free pass for incorrect submission of any type as long as you let me know within 1 hour of the original due date of the affected assignment: Group Information This is the easiest 10 points you will receive assuming the assignment is turned in on time! Id like to know the name of your group, the product or service you have chosen to market, and your mission statement. Semester-Long Marketing Plan Project

An effective way to help you learn about the principles of marketing is the actual creation of a marketing plan for a product or service. This project is designed to accomplish such a task. The class will be divided into groups (four students per group), each group will decide on a fictional consumer product or service they wish to bring to market, or identify an existing product or service your group feels needs help. You should focus on identifying a target market (consumer or business) whose needs are not currently being met, not being met satisfactorily or even recognized. You also should think about competitive offerings, and how your offering will be communicated and delivered. The solution must be actionable and realistic. During the course of the semester each of the elements of the marketing plan, coordinating with the text chapters will be due for review. Each section should be submitted by one member of your group in the assignment box on Blackboard by the appropriate due date. See the syllabus schedule below for when the specific information is due to me. I will review each submission and suggest areas for improvement, or, if acceptable, allow the students to proceed to the next phase in development. Part Part Part Part 1: 2: 3: 4: Situation Analysis (Analyze the market environment) Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning Marketing Strategy (4 Ps) Executive Summary

At the end of the semester, each group will present their entire marketing plan to the class. Your final marketing plan is to be submitted using any exhibits and spreadsheet reports you wish to use, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins on all sides of the paper, using 12 point Times New Roman font. The final written report is worth 60 points. There is no limit as to the number of pages to be submitted; completeness of your marketing plan is what is important for your overall grade. There are sample-marketing plans on Blackboard. Class time will be available for you to work on group projects. Exams In addition to the semester long marketing plan project, we will have 2 exams (see schedule). Exams will cover material from the textbook, lectures, and any videos/DVDs shown, and will consist of multiple choice and short answer/essay questions. Participation/Attendance/Presentations Students will be graded on participation in class, and within your groups. Each student has the opportunity to earn 40 points by the end of the semester. Those points will be awarded to each of you by you and your group-mates. At first glance, this may seem like an easy task, for why not just agree to give each other all of the points, regardless of how much or little someone participates? For obvious reasons, that would be an unfair approach to you and your classmates! Each group will need to reach a consensus about the number of points each member of the group receives. The points should be based on how much you contributed to the group discussions, participation in the group AND in class, and overall involvement in the marketing project. Sounds easier said than done, but my idea of how many points I receive may be very different than my group-mates idea of how many points I receive. My recommendation to you is to have on-going discussions about participation to make sure

that everyone is contributing fairly. If not, there may be some awkward discussions at the end of the semester! If I see fit, I may override your groups decision about the number of points awarded to you or your group mates. Although attendance is not graded, without attending class, you cannot participate. Attendance is mandatory during group project presentations, and during guest speaker presentations. If you are absent during your fellow classmates or guest speaker presentations, your overall class letter grade will drop by one no exceptions. Your oral presentation will be graded in two parts, content and delivery worth a total of 30 points. Content includes whether your presentation was logical, creative, complete, and, detailed. Were your recommendations specific? Is the plan feasibly possible? How well did you sell the idea to the class? Delivery includes whether your presentation was interesting, lively, special, upbeat, and clear. Were your visual aids readable from the back of the class? Were your voice tone, eye contact, posture, and appearance good? Were handouts, posters, PowerPoint presentations, transparencies, and/or short team-made videos used to make your oral presentation interesting and informative? At the end of each marketing plan presentation, the class may ask the presenting team questions. Helpful criticism, praise, and compliments should be given, as appropriate. Everyone needs to attend class and to participate on these class presentation days. Each presentation is graded for its own worth and, while it is not possible to avoid comparisons among projects, or comparisons with established levels of excellence in past projects, individual teams are encouraged to cooperate with, rather than compete with, the other teams. Presentation order will be determined by random drawing; however, prior to the drawing, any groups wishing to present on the first day may volunteer to do so. If there are more than two groups wishing to present on the first day, the two will also be selected by random drawing. Academic Integrity: As a Jesuit institution committed to cura personalis- the care and education of the whole personUSF has an obligation to embody and foster the values of honesty and integrity. USF upholds the standards of honesty and integrity from all members of the academic community. All students are expected to know and adhere to the Universitys Honor Code. You can find the full text of the code online at Student Disability Services If you are a student with a disability or disabling condition, or if you think you may have a disability, please contact USF Student Disability Services (SDS) at 415 422-2613 within the first week of class, or immediately upon onset of disability, to speak with a disability specialist. If you are determined eligible for reasonable accommodations, please provide me with your SDS Verified Individualized Services and Accommodations (VISA) form, and we will discus your needs for this course. For more information, please visit: or call (415) 422-2613. The Learning & Writing Center The Learning & Writing Center offers assistance to all USF students in their academic pursuits. Services are free and include tutoring, writing assistance, individual appointments, group workshops and more. For more information, please visit:

Career Services Center The primary mission of the Career Services Center (CSC) is to assist USF students and alumni in developing, evaluating and effectively implementing their career plans. To fulfill this mission, the Career Services Center provides career counseling, job search preparation and recruiting activities. For more information, please visit:


Date Week 1 May 21 Monday May 23 Wednesday Week 2 May 28 Monday May 30 Wednesday Week 3 June 4 - Monday June 6 Wednesday June 8 - Friday June 10 Sunday Week 4 June 11 Monday June 13 Wednesday Subject Readings Assignment Due

Introduction Analyzing the Marketing Environment

Chs. 1, 2 Ch 4 Syllabus Contract - 6 PM

No class No class Group Name, Product, Mission Statement - 11:55 PM

Michael Pace - GM W Hotel Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning Product & Price Ch. 8 Chs. 10, 13

Part 1 of Marketing Plan due - 11:55 PM Speaker summary due 11:55 PM

Part 2 of Marketing Plan due - 11:55 PM

Consumer Behavior Mid-Term # 1 (1st half of class) Ethics (2nd half of class)

Ch. 5 Chs. 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 13 Ch. 3 Ch. 15, 17 Part 3 of Marketing Plan due - 11:55 PM

June 15 - Friday Week 5 June 18 Monday June 20 Wednesday Week 6 June 25Monday June 27 Wednesday

Retailing, Advertising

Integrated Marketing Communications Global Marketing Business to Business Marketing

Ch. 16 Ch. 7 Ch. 6 Part 4 of Marketing Plan due - 11:55 PM

Marketing Plan Presentations Mid-Term # 2 Chs. 3, 6, 7, 15, 16, 17

Final Plan Due - 6PM Final Exam

SYLLABUS & COURSE AGREEMENT BUS 302, Section 1 Marketing Management

I, _________________________________________ (print your name) have read and understand the syllabus and the information it contains. I plan to follow and fulfill the requirements listed in the syllabus for Marketing Management, BUS 302, Section 001, in the Summer Semester of 2012. I further understand that it is my responsibility to adhere to the requirements of this course in order to earn a passing grade. I understand that my grade is my responsibility, and that the requirements of the course have been outlined in advance of my agreeing to take the course. I further understand the expectations regarding academic integrity, and hereby agree to conduct myself in an appropriate manner, which does not violate the Student Academic Misconduct Policy. I acknowledge that any violations of the Student Academic Misconduct Policy will result in severe sanctions, up to and including expulsion from the University.

Signature: _____________________________________

Date: ___________

Return to Dr. Millar no later than 6PM, Wednesday, May 23, 2012.

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