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Application for TUM students

for the TUMexchange Programme

1. Personal Data Family name Date of birth

Given name

Place of birth



Citizen of

2. Address Street Phone

Postcode, City


Telephone contact in case of emergency


3. TUMexchange region you are applying for

You can apply for three universities but only in one TUMexchange region. If you have chosen North American universities as your 1st and 2nd preferences, you have the option of selecting a university from another TUMexchange region as your 3rd preference (with the exception of Australia/New Zealand).

1. North America USA Canada 3. Latin America Mexico 4. Japan Japan Chile 5. Russia Russia Argentina 6. Africa and Israel Morocco degree degree non-degree non-degree

2. Australia / New Zealand Australia New Zealand



South Africa


7. Southeast Asia (LAOTSE) China Singapore India South Korea Indonesia Taiwan Malaysia Thailand Philippines

4. Partner universities you are applying for (in order of preference) 1.

TUM Formular Nr. 0000-0, Stand: Mai 2009

2. 3. Length of stay 1 Semester Self-organised internship Yes from to

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Desired period of study 2 Semester from to

Course of study at partner university No

5. Studies at TUM Subject


Registration number

Bachelor or DVP-grade (if not completed, please indicate your grade point average)

Final degree

Prospective date

6. Language skills Languages, level, acquired where?

7. Financing of stay abroad Do you plan to apply for a student loan or scholarship (e.g. AuslandsBAFG, DAAD, other scholarship)? No Yes, please specify:

8. Extracurricular activities, special interests, hobbies Which community or extracurricular activities do you engage in and why are they important to you?

9. Education
TUM Formular Nr. 0000-0, Stand: Mai 2009


Secondary school diploma School City Grade


Previous university attended (apart from TUM) Name

City / Country



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10. Work experience 10.1 Internships / apprenticeship / other


Career plans

11. Previous foreign travel, residence abroad, crosscultural experience Please specify

12. Additional applications Have you applied or do you plan to apply for another exchange programme (Erasmus, AE3, etc.) ? No Yes, please specify

TUM Formular Nr. 0000-0, Stand: Mai 2009



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Application check list (Please have your documents arranged in the following order)
3-page application form 2 letters of recommendation on TUMexchange form in sealed envelope. TUM transcript in English from your department (This document should include a list of all the courses you have completed at TUM including ETCS credits.) copies of relevant test scores (TOEFL, GRE, IELTS, DAAD Sprachzeugnis) If TOEFL or IELTS tests are required they can be submitted until March 5th; for Australia / New Zealand until September 1st. motivation letter for each university you are applying for (In this statement you should introduce yourself and highlight what you wish to accomplish during your stay at a particular institution. In addition, evaluate critically your personal contribution to the programme.) curriculum vitae copy of Abitur grades in German, needed only for USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.

Application deadlines
TUMexchange North America, degree: last Friday in October TUMexchange North America, non-degree: second Friday in November TUMexchange Japan and Russia: last Friday in November TUMexchange Souteast Asia (LAOTSE): second Friday in November TUMexchange Latin America, Africa and Israel: second Friday in December

How to assemble
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Fill in the form and print it. Dont forget to sign the document. Make a copy of page 4 and page 1 together to get a DIN A3 copy of both pages. Then copy page 2 and 3 on the back of the rst copy. Finally you should have one signed DIN A3 copy with pages 1 and 2 on the front and pages 3 and 4 on the back. This should serve as a folder for the other documents. Submit 5 sorted sets of your documents (one original, 4 copies). Be sure to include in your set of original documents one printed copy of your on-line application.

TUM Formular Nr. 0000-0, Stand: Mai 2009

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