GEOLOGY 11 THU First Long Exam December 14

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GEOLOGY 11 THU First Long Exam

December 14, 2010

Read the instructions carefully. Write all answers in your bluebook. Dont write anything on the questionnaire. Misspelled answers will not be considered. Take a deep breath. This is it! Enjoy!

I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the BEST answer (20 pts).
1) The following are all branches of physical geology EXCEPT a) petrology b) geomorphology c) geochemistry

d) geochronology

2) The branch of geology that deals with the study of volcanoes, lava and magma. a) volcanology b) seismology c) mineralogy d) geophysics 3 & 4) Uniformitarianism states that the earth undergoes (2)__ modification by more or less the same geologic processes operating at __(3)__ rates. a) varying b) abrupt c) continuous d) similar 5) The DISK-SHAPED ring of comets and planetesimals lying just beyond Neptune. a) Oort cloud b) Asteroid belt c) Kuiper belt d) Klinton cloud 6) The term planetary differentiation refers to the process by which a) the earth originated b) the planets of our solar system condensed and accreted c) lithospheric plates move around on the underlying asthenosphere in the terrestrial planets. d) the Earth separated into concentric layers or zones that differ in composition 7) Which evidence is used to support the Big Bang Theory? a) The planets revolve around the sun. c) There are other galaxies other than the Milky Way. b) Galaxies are moving away from one another. d) The flash from the Big Bang was recorded on tape. 8) The basic unit of the silicate group of minerals is composed of a) 4 Si atoms and 1 O atom c) 2 Si atoms and 1 O atom b) 4 O atoms and 1 Si atom d) 2 O atoms and 1 Si atom 9) Glass is NOT a mineral because a) it is not produced by organisms b) it does not have an ordered internal structure

c) it has impurities d) it is made up of SiO2

10) The property of a mineral that is the external expression of a mineral reflecting its internal arrangement. a) color b) streak c) crystal form d) luster 11) What ordinary material can scratch gypsum but not calcite? a) copper coin b) steel knife c) streak plate

d) fingernail

12) The following minerals belong to the silicate group of minerals EXCEPT a) calcite b) biotite c) feldspar d) quartz 13) The non-silicate group to which the mineral hematite belong to a) sulfates b) oxides c) halides d) sulfides 14) Igneous rocks may be formed from these materials EXCEPT a) molten rocks trapped beneath the earths surface b) fragmented deposits of volcanic eruptions c) chemically disintegrated rocks at the earths surface d) cooling lava flows 15) Which of the following can initiate melting / produce magma? a) an increase in pressure c) removal of volatiles b) a decrease in pressure d) a decrease in temperature 16) The following are examples of EXTRUSIVE igneous rocks EXCEPT a) komatiite b) granite c) rhyolite d) andesite 17) If a piece of basalt is melted in a laboratory and slowly cooled, which of the following would be the FIRST mineral to crystallize? a) olivine and sodium plagioclase c) olivine and calcium plagioclase b) potassium feldspar and quartz d) potassium feldspar and biotite mica 18) Which of the following extrusive features indicate submarine volcanism? a) aa lava b) pillow basalt c) plateau basalt d) pahoehoe lava 19) Nue Ardente is another term for a) pyroclastic flow b) lahar

c) lava flow

d) fissure eruption

20) The source of magma or volcanism for the volcanic chains of Hawaii a) Mid Atlantic Ridge b) Pacific Ring of Fire c) Hotspots d) convective upwelling

II. Fill in the blanks / Identification. (10pts).

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Diamond and graphite are __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ of the mineral carbon. Other term for framework silicates: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __. Molten rock material with suspended solids and dissolved gases: __ __ __ __ __. Igneous rock texture to denote that the minerals are very fine-grained: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __. A rock is said to have a __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ texture when it contains tiny holes left by gases. The calmest of all volcanic eruption type. Very explosive eruption, happens when lava interacts with surface waters. The plutonic equivalent of basalt. What do you call an igneous rock that is intermediate and coarse-grained? Formed when broken pieces of lava and glass are extruded VIOLENTLY during volcanic eruptions.

III. Matching Type. Match column A with column B. Write the letter and the complete statement or word. (10pts) A B
1) Phaneritic 2) Cinder cone 3) Georges Cuvier 4) Nebular Hypothesis 5) Inosilicates 6) Pahoehoe 7) Felsic magma 8) Phyllosilicates 9) Big Bang Theory 10) East Pacific Rise a) Georges Lemaitre b) biotite mica c) oceanic ridge d) high silica content e) slow cooling f) pyroclastic rocks g) Kant and Laplace h) Penzias and Wilson i) guyot j) chain silicates k) Catastrophism l) ropy lava m) olivine

IV. Modified True or False. Write True if the statement is true. If it is false, change the underlined word to make the statement correct. (10 pts)
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) As the silica content of the magma increases, the viscosity of the magma decreases. Andesite is an intermediate PLUTONIC igneous rock. Addition of volatiles lowers the melting point of rocks. Aluminum is the most abundant element in the earths crust. A volcanic mountain with a flat summit is called a guyot. Petroleum is considered to be a mineral. The silicon-oxygen parallelogram is the building block of all silicate minerals. Quartz exhibits two cleavage directions. Dikes are small shallow intrusions that show concordance with the rock that they intruded.

10) I have nothing to worry about when the volcano in my neighbourhood is at alert level 5.

V. Enumeration (15 pts)

1-2) Give two types of chemical bonding and per type, give an example of a mineral that exhibits it. 3-4) Give two examples of plutonic (INTRUSIVE) bodies and define each. 5-6) Give two mechanisms or processes involved in magmatic differentiation. 7-9) Enumerate the three types of volcanoes and give an example of each. 10-12) Give three properties of a mineral and describe each. 13-15) Enumerate three active volcanoes in the Philippines.

VI. Drawing. Make your drawings big and easy to read. Allot one page per drawing. Pick ONLY two items to draw. (15 pts)
1) Draw the complete rock cycle. Label all materials and processes. (7.5 pts) 2) Draw the Earth and label the layers and the discontinuities/boundaries. Include the corresponding compositions. (7.5 pts) 3) Draw the Bowens Reaction Series. Indicate the relative temperatures, the corresponding minerals and types of magma/rocks (7.5 pts)

VII. Essay. Answer briefly. Maximum of three sentences. (20 pts)

1) Differentiate EXTRUSIVE rocks from INTRUSIVE rocks (2.5 pts) 2) What is the Mohs Scale of Hardness and how is it used? Enumerate the minerals involved in increasing hardness. (5 pts) 3) Discuss two effects or hazards associated with volcanic eruptions. ( 2.5 pts) 4) Differentiate the following: asteroid, meteor, comet. (2.5 pts) 5) Why is mineral color not a good diagnostic property when identifying a mineral? (2.5 pts) 6)According to the Nebular Hypothesis, discuss the formation of the solar system. Include the groupings of the planets into terrestrial and jovian. (5 pts)

BONUS (5 pts)
1) Who is the author of the book A Short History of Nearly Everything, our reading assignment? (1 pt) 2) What is the title of the latest Narnia movie? (1 pt) 3) Why is Pluto not a planet anymore? (1 pt) 4) What is the mineral named after an island in the Philippines? (1 pt) 5) What is the best thing you like about Christmas? (1 pt)

T h a ts A l l !

But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons. Galatians 4:4-5 ~*~*~*~*~*~ H a v e a m e a n i n g f u l C h r i s t m a s! klut 2010

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