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Course Description This course is design to further enhance the pupils scientific skills through a discussion of topics that

provide them with basic knowledge presented in ascending order as it relates to their own range of experiences. It also considers the pupils as an integral part of this exciting discipline and integrates health and environment which based on the conviction that learning occurs best in a healthy mind and a learned person should know practices and habits that to him is healthy. The focus of this environment is based on the realization that civilization has been reach in a point in history when many activities of people are causing deterioration of environment, thus environmental protection should be started in early life and content are arranged in the logical pattern of organization to enrich and provide the learner with useful guide to learning the target concepts and skills.

Specific Objectives

1. To develop functional understanding and application which contains the specific knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for active learning and the development of the pupils full potentials. 2. To strengthen basic thinking that could enhance the pupils knowledge on how science could be applied to their daily needs. 3. To acquire attitudes and practices related to the growth, sense organs, animals and plant parts, matter and energy, light and sound, force and motion, earth and weather, the sun and earth and values which are well-developed and are relevant to the needs of the community.

Scope and Sequence


The Human Body 1. The Skeletal System 2. The Muscular System 3. The Digestive System


Living Things 1. The World of Animals 2. The World of Plants


Matter and Energy 1. Learning about Matter 2. Learning about Energy


Man and the Solar System 1. The Earths Changing Crust 2. Weather Changes 3. Earth and Beyond

CONTENT MATTER Properties and Structure - Properties used to group and store materials

OBJECTIVES safely stores properly-labeled materials based on their properties segregates materials which may be used/changed to make new products. identifies unused, spare, unwanted, leftover, trash materials at home, in school and in the community. communicates the importance or benefits of proper handling of waste materials.

STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES Discussion(group discussion) Think, pair, and share Writing a reflection Inquiry method

VALUES Materials in our daily lives should be handled with care to avoid accidents.



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Forming Mixtures and Solutions

Differentiate mixtures from solutions Describe how mixtures and solutions formed Discuss ways of separating the components of mixtures

Discussion(group discussion) Think, pair, and share Writing a reflection Inquiry method

*Changes that Materials Undergo - Changes that are useful - Changes that are harmful

describes changes in materials when they are bent, pressed, hammered and cut explain how these changes are useful or harmful. conducts investigation to show changes in properties of materials when

If one knows how to separate mixture, materials we use in our daily life will be easily depleted because we wont be able to reuse materials that have been already used. Take precautions in mixing materials Without water

Science link Worktext pp.302313 Power point presentation/LCDlaptop Internet web

Science link Worktext pp.302313 Power point

exposed to certain conditions such as temperature changes or when mixed with other materials.

no living things can survive because it is one of the basic needs Follow safety rules

presentation/LCDlaptop Internet web

Living Things and Their Environment Parts and Functions Humans -*Major organs of the body -*Caring for the major organs -*Diseases that affect the body

infers the functions of the major organs based on experiences, readings, and other references communicates clearly that the major organs work together to make the body function properly collects, records, and organizes data on the causes and treatment of diseases of the major organs

Discussion(group discussion) Think, pair, and share Writing a reflection Inquiry method

Practice healthful habits to maintain proper functioning of the major internal organs of the body

Science link Worktext pp.302313 Power point presentation/LCDlaptop Internet web

The Skeletal System Structure and Functions of the Skeletal Diseases or disorders of

Describes the structures and functions of skeletal, muscular, digestive system. Describe the common

Discussion(group discussion) Think, pair, and share

If we have no human system such us

Science link Worktext pp.302313

the skeletal system The Muscular System Structure and Functions of the muscular Diseases or disorders of the muscular system The Digestive System Structure and Functions of the digestive Diseases or disorders of the digestive system

ailments or disorders of skeletal, muscular, and digestive system. Practice or discuss on ways to keep your human system healthy.

Writing a reflection Inquiry method

muscles, bones, digesting organs we would not be able to move, speak, or eat. We wont be able to do any task. We should thank God for giving us this gift and be responsible in taking care of it.

Power point presentation/LCDlaptop Internet web

*Animals - Terrestrial - Aquatic

describes the different places where animals live compares manner of movement of animals that live in water with those that live on land infers how structures help animals adapt and survive in their particular environment constructs a table on proper ways of caring for animals

Discussion(group discussion) Think, pair, and share Writing a reflection Inquiry method

Science link Worktext pp.302313 Power point presentation/LCDlaptop Internet web

*Plants - Terrestrial plants - Aquatic plants

describes the different places where terrestrial and aquatic plants grow identifies the specialized structures of terrestrial and aquatic plants conducts simple investigation on the growth of plants given varying environmental conditions: light, water, temperature, and soil type communicates proper ways of caring for plants

Discussion(group discussion) Think, pair, and share Writing a reflection Inquiry method

Science link Worktext pp.302313 Power point presentation/LCDlaptop Internet web

Life Cycles -Humans, Animals(sexual and asexual reproduction) and Plants(pollination, asexual, seed germination)

compares traits of offspring with those of their parents infers which traits may have been inherited from parents describes the effect of the environment on certain traits

Discussion(group discussion) Think, pair, and share Writing a reflection Inquiry method

Respect each existence of living things for each one is unique. Display concern for all existing things by taking care of them.

Science link Worktext pp.302313 Power point presentation/LCDlaptop Internet web

*Interactions Beneficial interactions Harmful interactions

determines the factors / environmental conditions needed by living things to survive. describes beneficial interactions between living things and their environment describes harmful interactions between living things.

Discussion(group discussion) Think, pair, and share Writing a reflection Inquiry method

Science link Worktext pp.302313 Power point presentation/LCDlaptop Internet web

FORCE and MOTION and ENERGY Energy Potential and Kinetic Heat energy Name two types of energy Differentiate potential from kinetic Discuss factors affecting friction Describe what is heat energy Differentiate heat from temp. demonstrates how heat is transferred by conduction, convection and radiation(e.g., using a convection box, demonstrate how heat transfers through gases)
Discussion(group discussion) Think, pair, and share Writing a reflection Inquiry method

Discussion(group discussion) Think, pair, and share Writing a reflection Inquiry method

We must be careful in using energy, it can cause harm in the surroundings and even harm you. We must conserve energy; doing so, will benefit not only ourselves but also our country and environment.

Science link Worktext pp.302313 Power point presentation/LCDlaptop Internet web

*Effect of Force on Objects What force can do Measuring force Applications of force

infers that objects move due to the force exerted on them infers that objects can be compressed, stretched, twisted and bent due to the force exerted on them. uses appropriate measuring tools and express measurements using correct standard units presents the result of the investigations in different ways (e.g., use of information technology tools) investigates how the mass and shape of the object and the strength of the force acting on it affect its movement.

Discussion(group discussion) Think, pair, and share Writing a reflection Inquiry method

Science link Worktext pp.302313 Power point presentation/LCDlaptop Internet web

*Magnetic Force

explores the strength of the magnet at different locations/distances around it investigates how magnets interact with

Discussion(group discussion) Think, pair, and share Writing a reflection Inquiry method

Science link Worktext pp.302313 Power point presentation/LCDlaptop Internet web

other magnets

*Light, Heat, and Sound -Properties of light and Sound

traces the direction of light, heat, and sound from the source through a material shows that a shadow is formed when light is completely or partially blocked by an object infers that sounds travel through materials and in all directions observes formation of colors by allowing light to pass through a prism infers that echo is an evidence that sound can be reflected compares reflection of light on different surfaces (plane/curved mirrors, smooth/rough surface, still/disturbed water, shiny/dull surface describes the behavior of light when it strikes an object (e.g. reflected, refracted, transmitted, absorbed)

Discussion(group discussion) Think, pair, and share Writing a reflection Inquiry method

Science link Worktext pp.302313 Power point presentation/LCDlaptop Internet web

EARTH and SPACE Discovering the Earths soil *Top Soil Types of soil according to size of particles, and ability to hold water (sand, silt and clay)

Identify the earth structure Discuss how soil is formed Identify the different layers of soil Name the kinds of soil Discuss the importance of soil compares and contrasts the characteristics of the different types of soil using a chart

Discussion(group discussion) Think, pair, and share Writing a reflection Inquiry method

We should control from cutting and burning tress and all other plants because these are helpful organisms to prevent soil erosion.

Science link Worktext pp.302313 Power point presentation/LCDlaptop Internet web

*Water in the Environment Sources of water (spring, lakes, seas, rivers, streams, waterfalls and dams) Importance of water Wise use of water

- identifies sources of water. communicates how water sources are used for human activities. infers the importance of water to daily Activities

Discussion(group discussion) Think, pair, and share Writing a reflection Inquiry method

Science link Worktext pp.302313 Power point presentation/LCDlaptop Internet web

Weather What makes up the weather Instruments to measure the weather components Weather Chart Safety precautions

identifies the components that make up weather. describes the different types of clouds. uses a thermometer to measure the air temperature. uses a wind scale to estimate wind strength. uses a rain gauge to measure rainfall. identifies trends in a simple weather chart. applies knowledge of the weather condition in making decisions for the day.

Discussion(group discussion) Think, pair, and share Writing a reflection Inquiry method

Before doing any activities outside, we should always look at the clouds to to determine whether it will be a good or bad day. We should be aware of the weather so that we can prepare for it.

Science link Worktext pp.302313 Power point presentation/LCDlaptop Internet web

Inferring the Earths Movement Describing the Moons Movement around the Earth The Sun Importance of the Sun Harmful effects of overexposure to the Sun Safety precautions

Discussion(group discussion) Think, pair, and share Writing a reflection Inquiry method

finds out the importance of the Sun on the activities of people and animals. investigates the importance of the Sun on plant growth and development. infers that the Sun is the main source ofheat and light on earth.

Science link Worktext pp.302313 Power point presentation/LCDlaptop Internet web

infers that the position of shadows changes with the movement of the Sun. demonstrates how to use a compass in determining North, South, East, and West.

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