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!!! Class Set !!!

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Europe After the Roman Empire

Historical Situation: After the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 A. D. Europe broke apart into many competing groups. The barbarian tribes that had invaded Rome were not united so they each formed their own country. These countries and groups competed for control of Europe for hundreds of years in a period called The Middle Ages. One of the few things linking these groups was their language and religion. Most continued to follow the Roman Christian Church and Latin remained the language of most groups. Your Task: As the leaders of your country (by birth of course, you didnt earn anything) it is your duty to decide how you will get the people in your lands (people who were long loyal to the Roman Empire!) to support you. You will do this by creating unifying symbols such as a flag and creating a few key laws. 1. Design a flag for your country. a. Try to think of images that would inspire the people. b. Each little detail of the flag should mean something including the colors (think of the American flag, everything means something.) c. Make your flag. d. Write a paragraph explaining what each part of your flag means. 2. Design a set of basic laws for your country. a. You must have at least 5 laws. b. You want them to help the people feel safe but you have to be careful about making them mad. c. You can make laws about anything but remember that guaranteeing safety is the main point of any law. 3. Write one paragraph explaining why your country is the best and why people should come and join you. --------------------------------------------------------------

Plague Journal Entry

Directions: Write a journal entry from the perspective of a LORD living during the time of the plague. Be sure to incorporate academic vocabulary from last weeks lesson and this unit including the words: Europe, feudalism, peasant, plague, and manor.
In the first paragraph: Describe how the plague came to Europe and how people became infected with the plague. In the second paragraph: Describe what plague doctors are and the things that people use to try and treat the disease. In the third paragraph: Explain how and why the peasants on your manor have been demanding more rights because of the effects of the plague.

!!! Class Set !!!

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Castle Builder
Situation: Castles played a huge role in medieval society. They served as the primary means of defense and a sign of power and wealth. Each castle was uniquely designed with its own looks defenses.


Your Task: Design a castle with the best defenses possible. You need to design it so that the people inside could survive a long siege. You will turn in two pictures of your castle. One will be an overhead view like a blue print and the second will be a drawing of the castle if you were looking at the front of it. Instructions 1. Overhead picture (not colored) a. Sketch your castle as if you were looking down on it from above. b. Label all the rooms and key parts. i. If dont label it it isnt there! ii. Think about what youd need in it to survive. c. Include the area around your castle. i. Moat? ii. Trees? iii. Rocks? iv. Walls? 2. Front-view Picture a. Must show the castle entrance. 3. Write a 1 paragraph description of your castles defenses. a. Include where it is located. b. Explain any unique defenses or traps. c. Explain anything that isnt shown clearly in your pictures. 4. Write a 1 paragraph explanation of how an attack by an army of 1000 knights and 100 archers would be stopped by your defenses. The Competition 1. Trade papers with another group. 2. Write a 1 paragraph explanation of how you would conquer their castle. Include any weaknesses you see in their design.

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